Authenticate: authenticates using your Azure portal subscription key and endpoint to authorize a client.
Detect faces in two images: detects faces from input images using the recognition model 01 for the purpose of extracting facial features.
Find a similar face: using a query image, it finds a similar face in a list of detected faces from other very similar face images.
Verify: compares one face with another to check if they are from the same person.
PersonGroupOperations: creates a person group from similar-faced images, then uses a group image for identifying who in the image is from an established person group.
Snapshot: takes a snapshot of an existing person group in one region and copies it to another region.
Delete: deletes a person group from a specific region.
Your favorite IDE or text editor, such as Visual Studio Code
Go 1.12+
Install Face SDK in console: go get
This sample can be run in its entirety from any text editor in the command line or from an IDE.
Another way to use this sample is to view the GoQuickstart.go file and find all of the above samples.
There are 3 different Authenticate sections. The 1st is use by Detect Face and Find Similar, the 2nd one is special for a Person Group, and the 3rd is special for a Person Group Person.
The Snapshot needs a person group ID to be executed, so it uses the one created from the Person Group Operations sample.
The Delete Person Group uses a person group ID, so it uses the one used in the Snapshot. For testing, it's helpful to delete the person group you create each time you run the samples, because your Azure account for Face will not accept a new person group with the same name to be created.