Service wrapper to automatically trigger events on successful completion of client requests.
Table of Contents
General Info
EventsPush tool generates a wrapper over actual micro-service by implementing its methods. On successful completion of each request to service it triggers an event including the input and output data of request, which later can be used to send emails, sms, create calender events, run background jobs, etc.
Earlier while implementing services if it demanded to trigger events to channels in background, extra code to push events to channel with data was needed to be written which was a redundant task.
Also to handle such large number of events a central events type source was to be maintained, and to use data in background it needed to know what data was sent, due to this, the whole process became error prone.
To avoid such situations and save time of developer, EventsPush was developed to handle events and push them automatically.
Getting Started
These instructions with get you started with the tool on your local machines for development.
compiler in $PATH
- Clone repo to your local environment.
You can get repo directly into your GOPATH using go get
- Install crud-gen into $GOPATH using
go install .
inside the repo.
For given protocol buffer, to generate events wrapper service run cmd
protoc -I {includes} --events_out=:{output_folder_path} {input_path}/file.proto
For a given protocol buffer with Items service and CreateItem method:
// CreateItem creates new item.
rpc CreateItem (CreateItemRequest) returns (Item) {
option (eventspush.event) = {
push: true
Events Wrapper service will look like
const (
EVENT_Items_CreateItem pushglobal.NotificationEvent = ""
// Events wrapper for Items service
type EventsItemsServer struct {
eventsCli events.EventValidatorsClient
func (s *EventsItemsServer) CreateItem(ctx context.Context, eventsvar *CreateItemRequest) (*Item, error) {
reqEventData, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(eventsvar)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res, err := s.ItemsClient.CreateItem(ctx, eventsvar)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resEventData, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
event := events.Event{
Type: string(EVENT_Items_CreateItem),
Request: reqEventData,
Response: resEventData,
RaisedOn: ptypes.TimestampNow(),
RaisedBy: userinfo.FromContext(ctx).Id,
_, pushErr := s.eventsCli.Push(ctx, &event)
if pushErr != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
Available Options
EventsPush retrives information from proto-rpcs to know for which successful rpc requests events needs to triggered. Like on creation of an appointment, a mail should be sent hence an event must be triggered, while on getting information about appointment from system should not trigger event.
To specify if on an rpc call we must trigger event or not, we add a method option eventspush.event
in proto corresponding to proto rpc.
rpc RPCName(RPCInput) returns (RPCOutput) {
option (eventspush.event) = {
push: true
Skip this option if triggering of event is not needed.