Path | Synopsis |
The uuid package generates and inspects UUIDs.
The uuid package generates and inspects UUIDs. |
Package bcrypt implements Provos and Mazières's bcrypt adaptive hashing algorithm.
Package bcrypt implements Provos and Mazières's bcrypt adaptive hashing algorithm. |
Package goquery implements features similar to jQuery, including the chainable syntax, to manipulate and query an HTML document.
Package goquery implements features similar to jQuery, including the chainable syntax, to manipulate and query an HTML document. |
The cascadia package is an implementation of CSS selectors.
The cascadia package is an implementation of CSS selectors. |
Package raymond provides handlebars evaluation
Package raymond provides handlebars evaluation |
Package ast provides structures to represent a handlebars Abstract Syntax Tree, and a Visitor interface to visit that tree.
Package ast provides structures to represent a handlebars Abstract Syntax Tree, and a Visitor interface to visit that tree. |
Package handlebars contains all the tests that come from handlebars.js project.
Package handlebars contains all the tests that come from handlebars.js project. |
Package lexer provides a handlebars tokenizer.
Package lexer provides a handlebars tokenizer. |
Package parser provides a handlebars syntax analyser.
Package parser provides a handlebars syntax analyser. |
Package jwt is a Go implementation of JSON Web Tokens: See for more info.
Package jwt is a Go implementation of JSON Web Tokens: See for more info. |
A useful example app.
A useful example app. |
Package imaging provides basic image manipulation functions (resize, rotate, flip, crop, etc.).
Package imaging provides basic image manipulation functions (resize, rotate, flip, crop, etc.). |
Package context stores values shared during a request lifetime.
Package context stores values shared during a request lifetime. |
Package gorilla/css/scanner generates tokens for a CSS3 input.
Package gorilla/css/scanner generates tokens for a CSS3 input. |
Package gorilla/mux implements a request router and dispatcher.
Package gorilla/mux implements a request router and dispatcher. |
Package email is designed to provide an "email interface for humans." Designed to be robust and flexible, the email package aims to make sending email easy without getting in the way.
Package email is designed to provide an "email interface for humans." Designed to be robust and flexible, the email package aims to make sending email easy without getting in the way. |
Package alice provides a convenient way to chain http handlers.
Package alice provides a convenient way to chain http handlers. |
Package pretty provides pretty-printing for Go values.
Package pretty provides pretty-printing for Go values. |
Package text provides rudimentary functions for manipulating text in paragraphs.
Package text provides rudimentary functions for manipulating text in paragraphs. |
Package colwriter provides a write filter that formats input lines in multiple columns.
Package colwriter provides a write filter that formats input lines in multiple columns. |
Command mc prints in multiple columns.
Command mc prints in multiple columns. |
Package bluemonday provides a way of describing a whitelist of HTML elements and attributes as a policy, and for that policy to be applied to untrusted strings from users that may contain markup.
Package bluemonday provides a way of describing a whitelist of HTML elements and attributes as a policy, and for that policy to be applied to untrusted strings from users that may contain markup. |
The mapstructure package exposes functionality to convert an abitrary map[string]interface{} into a native Go structure.
The mapstructure package exposes functionality to convert an abitrary map[string]interface{} into a native Go structure. |
Package i18n supports string translations with variable substitution and CLDR pluralization.
Package i18n supports string translations with variable substitution and CLDR pluralization. |
Package bundle manages translations for multiple languages.
Package bundle manages translations for multiple languages. |
Package language defines languages that implement CLDR pluralization.
Package language defines languages that implement CLDR pluralization. |
Package translation defines the interface for a translation.
Package translation defines the interface for a translation. |
Package cors is net/http handler to handle CORS related requests as defined by You can configure it by passing an option struct to cors.New: c := cors.New(cors.Options{ AllowedOrigins: []string{""}, AllowedMethods: []string{"GET", "POST", "DELETE"}, AllowCredentials: true, }) Then insert the handler in the chain: handler = c.Handler(handler) See Options documentation for more options.
Package cors is net/http handler to handle CORS related requests as defined by You can configure it by passing an option struct to cors.New: c := cors.New(cors.Options{ AllowedOrigins: []string{""}, AllowedMethods: []string{"GET", "POST", "DELETE"}, AllowCredentials: true, }) Then insert the handler in the chain: handler = c.Handler(handler) See Options documentation for more options. |
Blackfriday markdown processor.
Blackfriday markdown processor. |
Package cobra is a commander providing a simple interface to create powerful modern CLI interfaces.
Package cobra is a commander providing a simple interface to create powerful modern CLI interfaces. |
package fsync keeps two files or directories in sync.
package fsync keeps two files or directories in sync. |
pflag is a drop-in replacement for Go's flag package, implementing POSIX/GNU-style --flags.
pflag is a drop-in replacement for Go's flag package, implementing POSIX/GNU-style --flags. |
Package render is a package that provides functionality for easily rendering JSON, XML, and HTML templates.
Package render is a package that provides functionality for easily rendering JSON, XML, and HTML templates. |
Package context wraps access to libsass.
Package context wraps access to libsass. |
libs is a direct mapping to libsass C API.
libs is a direct mapping to libsass C API. |
Package backend provides the K/V store interface for crypt backends.
Package backend provides the K/V store interface for crypt backends. |
Package secconf implements secconf encoding as specified in the following format: base64(gpg(gzip(data)))
Package secconf implements secconf encoding as specified in the following format: base64(gpg(gzip(data))) |
Package blowfish implements Bruce Schneier's Blowfish encryption algorithm.
Package blowfish implements Bruce Schneier's Blowfish encryption algorithm. |
Package cast5 implements CAST5, as defined in RFC 2144.
Package cast5 implements CAST5, as defined in RFC 2144. |
Package openpgp implements high level operations on OpenPGP messages.
Package openpgp implements high level operations on OpenPGP messages. |
Package armor implements OpenPGP ASCII Armor, see RFC 4880.
Package armor implements OpenPGP ASCII Armor, see RFC 4880. |
Package clearsign generates and processes OpenPGP, clear-signed data.
Package clearsign generates and processes OpenPGP, clear-signed data. |
Package elgamal implements ElGamal encryption, suitable for OpenPGP, as specified in "A Public-Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, v.
Package elgamal implements ElGamal encryption, suitable for OpenPGP, as specified in "A Public-Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, v. |
Package errors contains common error types for the OpenPGP packages.
Package errors contains common error types for the OpenPGP packages. |
Package packet implements parsing and serialization of OpenPGP packets, as specified in RFC 4880.
Package packet implements parsing and serialization of OpenPGP packets, as specified in RFC 4880. |
Package s2k implements the various OpenPGP string-to-key transforms as specified in RFC 4800 section 3.7.1.
Package s2k implements the various OpenPGP string-to-key transforms as specified in RFC 4800 section 3.7.1. |
Package bmp implements a BMP image decoder and encoder.
Package bmp implements a BMP image decoder and encoder. |
Package tiff implements a TIFF image decoder and encoder.
Package tiff implements a TIFF image decoder and encoder. |
Package lzw implements the Lempel-Ziv-Welch compressed data format, described in T. A. Welch, “A Technique for High-Performance Data Compression”, Computer, 17(6) (June 1984), pp 8-19.
Package lzw implements the Lempel-Ziv-Welch compressed data format, described in T. A. Welch, “A Technique for High-Performance Data Compression”, Computer, 17(6) (June 1984), pp 8-19. |
Package html implements an HTML5-compliant tokenizer and parser.
Package html implements an HTML5-compliant tokenizer and parser. |
Package atom provides integer codes (also known as atoms) for a fixed set of frequently occurring HTML strings: tag names and attribute keys such as "p" and "id".
Package atom provides integer codes (also known as atoms) for a fixed set of frequently occurring HTML strings: tag names and attribute keys such as "p" and "id". |
Package charset provides common text encodings for HTML documents.
Package charset provides common text encodings for HTML documents. |
Package transform provides reader and writer wrappers that transform the bytes passing through as well as various transformations.
Package transform provides reader and writer wrappers that transform the bytes passing through as well as various transformations. |
Package norm contains types and functions for normalizing Unicode strings.
Package norm contains types and functions for normalizing Unicode strings. |
Package mgo offers a rich MongoDB driver for Go.
Package mgo offers a rich MongoDB driver for Go. |
Package bson is an implementation of the BSON specification for Go: It was created as part of the mgo MongoDB driver for Go, but is standalone and may be used on its own without the driver.
Package bson is an implementation of the BSON specification for Go: It was created as part of the mgo MongoDB driver for Go, but is standalone and may be used on its own without the driver. |
Pacakage scram implements a SCRAM-{SHA-1,etc} client per RFC5802.
Pacakage scram implements a SCRAM-{SHA-1,etc} client per RFC5802. |
The txn package implements support for multi-document transactions.
The txn package implements support for multi-document transactions. |
Package yaml implements YAML support for the Go language.
Package yaml implements YAML support for the Go language. |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.