Pricey is a pet project to explain crawling concepts with a "real" usecase. It was born after discussing Black Friday with a group of friends.
It's backed by the cool library colly.
Pricey is not ambitious. It must be useful for monitoring prices on e-commerces on the web.
go build .
$ ./pricey --help
Usage of ./pricey:
-currency string
the currency (US$ (US), R$ (BR)...
-interval duration
the time interval for crawling (default 5s)
-pattern string
the corresponding css rule <required>
-target int
the desired price <required>
-url string
the url to be crawled <required>
There's a known limitation while the currency format. The target argument expects an int, so if you have a value like $1,499.00, simply pass 149900. You know, floats and money :P
The cli interface is kind of geeky, asking a few params. This could be improved via configuration and defaults.
I try to implement only the minimal to be useful. If you want to leave a contribution, PRs are welcome. Try to be organized, even though the project doesn't have a guideline yet.
Be nice and help people! :P