This folder contains the Go source code of a GUI app (using templates)
that uses the Lambda functions in
../../setup/lambda to implement a simple chat app.
Version Info
The Go source was developed on Go v1.8 using the AWS SDK for Go v1.8.21.
Configuring the App
You can modify the following entries in conf.json:
Region - Defines the default region, currently us-west-2.
Timezone - Defines the default time zone, currently UTC.
MaxMessages - Defines the number of most recent messages to download, currently
RefreshSeconds - Defines the interval, in seconds, between refreshing the list
of posts, currently 30.
Debug - Defines whether to emit information about what's going on in the code,
currently false.
Command Line Options
You can use the following options from the command line,
overriding those set in conf.json.
Changes Region to REGION
Changes Timezone to TIMEZONE (not implemented)
Changes MaxMessages to MAXMSGS
Changes RefreshSeconds to REFRESH (not implemented)
Enables debugging
Displays help and quits
Running the App
Use the following command.
go run main.go [OPTION+]
Present a list of posts and forms for:
Logging in.
Resetting your password.
If you log in, register, or reset your password,
you can:
Post a message.
Log out.
Delete your account.
If you log out or delete your account,
you are taken back to step 1.