Index ¶
- type AccessDeniedException
- type AccountDetails
- type Action
- type ActionLocalIpDetails
- type ActionLocalPortDetails
- type ActionRemoteIpDetails
- type ActionRemotePortDetails
- type ActionTarget
- type Adjustment
- type AdminAccount
- type AdminStatus
- type AssociatedStandard
- type AutoEnableStandards
- type AvailabilityZone
- type AwsApiCallAction
- type AwsApiCallActionDomainDetails
- type AwsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings
- type AwsApiGatewayCanarySettings
- type AwsApiGatewayEndpointConfiguration
- type AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings
- type AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails
- type AwsApiGatewayStageDetails
- type AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails
- type AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings
- type AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails
- type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupAvailabilityZonesListDetails
- type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails
- type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateSpecification
- type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyDetails
- type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyInstancesDistributionDetails
- type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyLaunchTemplateDetails
- type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateSpecification
- type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyLaunchTemplateOverridesListDetails
- type AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails
- type AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails
- type AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails
- type AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationInstanceMonitoringDetails
- type AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationMetadataOptions
- type AwsBackupBackupPlanAdvancedBackupSettingsDetails
- type AwsBackupBackupPlanBackupPlanDetails
- type AwsBackupBackupPlanDetails
- type AwsBackupBackupPlanLifecycleDetails
- type AwsBackupBackupPlanRuleCopyActionsDetails
- type AwsBackupBackupPlanRuleDetails
- type AwsBackupBackupVaultDetails
- type AwsBackupBackupVaultNotificationsDetails
- type AwsBackupRecoveryPointCalculatedLifecycleDetails
- type AwsBackupRecoveryPointCreatedByDetails
- type AwsBackupRecoveryPointDetails
- type AwsBackupRecoveryPointLifecycleDetails
- type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails
- type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption
- type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateExtendedKeyUsage
- type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateKeyUsage
- type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateOptions
- type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary
- type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord
- type AwsCloudFormationStackDetails
- type AwsCloudFormationStackDriftInformationDetails
- type AwsCloudFormationStackOutputsDetails
- type AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehavior
- type AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehaviors
- type AwsCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior
- type AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails
- type AwsCloudFrontDistributionLogging
- type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginCustomOriginConfig
- type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroup
- type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailover
- type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailoverStatusCodes
- type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroups
- type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem
- type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginS3OriginConfig
- type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginSslProtocols
- type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOrigins
- type AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate
- type AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails
- type AwsCloudWatchAlarmDetails
- type AwsCloudWatchAlarmDimensionsDetails
- type AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails
- type AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails
- type AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment
- type AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails
- type AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentRegistryCredential
- type AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails
- type AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigDetails
- type AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails
- type AwsCodeBuildProjectSource
- type AwsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig
- type AwsCorsConfiguration
- type AwsDynamoDbTableAttributeDefinition
- type AwsDynamoDbTableBillingModeSummary
- type AwsDynamoDbTableDetails
- type AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex
- type AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema
- type AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex
- type AwsDynamoDbTableProjection
- type AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput
- type AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughputOverride
- type AwsDynamoDbTableReplica
- type AwsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex
- type AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary
- type AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription
- type AwsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification
- type AwsEc2EipDetails
- type AwsEc2InstanceDetails
- type AwsEc2InstanceMetadataOptions
- type AwsEc2InstanceNetworkInterfacesDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataBlockDeviceMappingSetDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataBlockDeviceMappingSetEbsDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCapacityReservationSpecificationCapacityReservationTargetDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCapacityReservationSpecificationDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCpuOptionsDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCreditSpecificationDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataElasticGpuSpecificationSetDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataElasticInferenceAcceleratorSetDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataEnclaveOptionsDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataHibernationOptionsDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataIamInstanceProfileDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceMarketOptionsDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceMarketOptionsSpotOptionsDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsAcceleratorCountDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsMemoryGiBPerVCpuDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsMemoryMiBDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsNetworkInterfaceCountDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsTotalLocalStorageGBDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsVCpuCountDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataLicenseSetDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataMaintenanceOptionsDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataMetadataOptionsDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataMonitoringDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetIpv4PrefixesDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetIpv6AddressesDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetIpv6PrefixesDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetPrivateIpAddressesDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataPlacementDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataPrivateDnsNameOptionsDetails
- type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDetails
- type AwsEc2NetworkAclAssociation
- type AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails
- type AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry
- type AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment
- type AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails
- type AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceIpV6AddressDetail
- type AwsEc2NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressDetail
- type AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroup
- type AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails
- type AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission
- type AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpRange
- type AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpv6Range
- type AwsEc2SecurityGroupPrefixListId
- type AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair
- type AwsEc2SubnetDetails
- type AwsEc2TransitGatewayDetails
- type AwsEc2VolumeAttachment
- type AwsEc2VolumeDetails
- type AwsEc2VpcDetails
- type AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails
- type AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceServiceTypeDetails
- type AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionDetails
- type AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionStatusDetails
- type AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionVpcInfoDetails
- type AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails
- type AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsDetails
- type AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails
- type AwsEc2VpnConnectionRoutesDetails
- type AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails
- type AwsEcrContainerImageDetails
- type AwsEcrRepositoryDetails
- type AwsEcrRepositoryImageScanningConfigurationDetails
- type AwsEcrRepositoryLifecyclePolicyDetails
- type AwsEcsClusterClusterSettingsDetails
- type AwsEcsClusterConfigurationDetails
- type AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails
- type AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails
- type AwsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails
- type AwsEcsClusterDetails
- type AwsEcsContainerDetails
- type AwsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails
- type AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDeploymentCircuitBreakerDetails
- type AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails
- type AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails
- type AwsEcsServiceDetails
- type AwsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails
- type AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails
- type AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationDetails
- type AwsEcsServicePlacementConstraintsDetails
- type AwsEcsServicePlacementStrategiesDetails
- type AwsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersCapabilitiesDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationSecretOptionsDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsRepositoryCredentialsDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionInferenceAcceleratorsDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraintsDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationProxyConfigurationPropertiesDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationAuthorizationConfigDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesHostDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskVolumeDetails
- type AwsEcsTaskVolumeHostDetails
- type AwsEfsAccessPointDetails
- type AwsEfsAccessPointPosixUserDetails
- type AwsEfsAccessPointRootDirectoryCreationInfoDetails
- type AwsEfsAccessPointRootDirectoryDetails
- type AwsEksClusterDetails
- type AwsEksClusterLoggingClusterLoggingDetails
- type AwsEksClusterLoggingDetails
- type AwsEksClusterResourcesVpcConfigDetails
- type AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails
- type AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentEnvironmentLink
- type AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting
- type AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier
- type AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails
- type AwsElasticsearchDomainDomainEndpointOptions
- type AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails
- type AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails
- type AwsElasticsearchDomainEncryptionAtRestOptions
- type AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions
- type AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig
- type AwsElasticsearchDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptions
- type AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions
- type AwsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions
- type AwsElbAppCookieStickinessPolicy
- type AwsElbLbCookieStickinessPolicy
- type AwsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog
- type AwsElbLoadBalancerAdditionalAttribute
- type AwsElbLoadBalancerAttributes
- type AwsElbLoadBalancerBackendServerDescription
- type AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionDraining
- type AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionSettings
- type AwsElbLoadBalancerCrossZoneLoadBalancing
- type AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails
- type AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck
- type AwsElbLoadBalancerInstance
- type AwsElbLoadBalancerListener
- type AwsElbLoadBalancerListenerDescription
- type AwsElbLoadBalancerPolicies
- type AwsElbLoadBalancerSourceSecurityGroup
- type AwsElbv2LoadBalancerAttribute
- type AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails
- type AwsIamAccessKeyDetails
- type AwsIamAccessKeySessionContext
- type AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextAttributes
- type AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer
- type AwsIamAccessKeyStatus
- type AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy
- type AwsIamGroupDetails
- type AwsIamGroupPolicy
- type AwsIamInstanceProfile
- type AwsIamInstanceProfileRole
- type AwsIamPermissionsBoundary
- type AwsIamPolicyDetails
- type AwsIamPolicyVersion
- type AwsIamRoleDetails
- type AwsIamRolePolicy
- type AwsIamUserDetails
- type AwsIamUserPolicy
- type AwsKinesisStreamDetails
- type AwsKinesisStreamStreamEncryptionDetails
- type AwsKmsKeyDetails
- type AwsLambdaFunctionCode
- type AwsLambdaFunctionDeadLetterConfig
- type AwsLambdaFunctionDetails
- type AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironment
- type AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError
- type AwsLambdaFunctionLayer
- type AwsLambdaFunctionTracingConfig
- type AwsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig
- type AwsLambdaLayerVersionDetails
- type AwsMountPoint
- type AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallDetails
- type AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallPolicyDetails
- type AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallSubnetMappingsDetails
- type AwsNetworkFirewallRuleGroupDetails
- type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainAdvancedSecurityOptionsDetails
- type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails
- type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails
- type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails
- type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails
- type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainEncryptionAtRestOptionsDetails
- type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption
- type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails
- type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainMasterUserOptionsDetails
- type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptionsDetails
- type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails
- type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainVpcOptionsDetails
- type AwsRdsDbClusterAssociatedRole
- type AwsRdsDbClusterDetails
- type AwsRdsDbClusterMember
- type AwsRdsDbClusterOptionGroupMembership
- type AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails
- type AwsRdsDbDomainMembership
- type AwsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole
- type AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails
- type AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint
- type AwsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup
- type AwsRdsDbOptionGroupMembership
- type AwsRdsDbParameterGroup
- type AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues
- type AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature
- type AwsRdsDbSecurityGroupDetails
- type AwsRdsDbSecurityGroupEc2SecurityGroup
- type AwsRdsDbSecurityGroupIpRange
- type AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails
- type AwsRdsDbStatusInfo
- type AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup
- type AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet
- type AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnetAvailabilityZone
- type AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails
- type AwsRdsPendingCloudWatchLogsExports
- type AwsRedshiftClusterClusterNode
- type AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup
- type AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus
- type AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSecurityGroup
- type AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus
- type AwsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow
- type AwsRedshiftClusterDetails
- type AwsRedshiftClusterElasticIpStatus
- type AwsRedshiftClusterEndpoint
- type AwsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus
- type AwsRedshiftClusterIamRole
- type AwsRedshiftClusterLoggingStatus
- type AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues
- type AwsRedshiftClusterResizeInfo
- type AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus
- type AwsRedshiftClusterVpcSecurityGroup
- type AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails
- type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationDetails
- type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadDetails
- type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails
- type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterDetails
- type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails
- type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails
- type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsTagDetails
- type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateTagDetails
- type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesNoncurrentVersionTransitionsDetails
- type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails
- type AwsS3BucketBucketVersioningConfiguration
- type AwsS3BucketDetails
- type AwsS3BucketLoggingConfiguration
- type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfiguration
- type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail
- type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationFilter
- type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilter
- type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRule
- type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRuleName
- type AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionByDefault
- type AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionConfiguration
- type AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionRule
- type AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration
- type AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRedirectTo
- type AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRule
- type AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleCondition
- type AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect
- type AwsS3ObjectDetails
- type AwsSageMakerNotebookInstanceDetails
- type AwsSageMakerNotebookInstanceMetadataServiceConfigurationDetails
- type AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails
- type AwsSecretsManagerSecretRotationRules
- type AwsSecurityFinding
- type AwsSecurityFindingFilters
- type AwsSecurityFindingIdentifier
- type AwsSnsTopicDetails
- type AwsSnsTopicSubscription
- type AwsSqsQueueDetails
- type AwsSsmComplianceSummary
- type AwsSsmPatch
- type AwsSsmPatchComplianceDetails
- type AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails
- type AwsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate
- type AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails
- type AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate
- type AwsWafRegionalRuleDetails
- type AwsWafRegionalRuleGroupDetails
- type AwsWafRegionalRuleGroupRulesActionDetails
- type AwsWafRegionalRuleGroupRulesDetails
- type AwsWafRegionalRulePredicateListDetails
- type AwsWafRegionalWebAclDetails
- type AwsWafRegionalWebAclRulesListActionDetails
- type AwsWafRegionalWebAclRulesListDetails
- type AwsWafRegionalWebAclRulesListOverrideActionDetails
- type AwsWafRuleDetails
- type AwsWafRuleGroupDetails
- type AwsWafRuleGroupRulesActionDetails
- type AwsWafRuleGroupRulesDetails
- type AwsWafRulePredicateListDetails
- type AwsWafWebAclDetails
- type AwsWafWebAclRule
- type AwsWafv2ActionAllowDetails
- type AwsWafv2ActionBlockDetails
- type AwsWafv2CustomHttpHeader
- type AwsWafv2CustomRequestHandlingDetails
- type AwsWafv2CustomResponseDetails
- type AwsWafv2RuleGroupDetails
- type AwsWafv2RulesActionCaptchaDetails
- type AwsWafv2RulesActionCountDetails
- type AwsWafv2RulesActionDetails
- type AwsWafv2RulesDetails
- type AwsWafv2VisibilityConfigDetails
- type AwsWafv2WebAclActionDetails
- type AwsWafv2WebAclCaptchaConfigDetails
- type AwsWafv2WebAclCaptchaConfigImmunityTimePropertyDetails
- type AwsWafv2WebAclDetails
- type AwsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails
- type BatchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding
- type BooleanFilter
- type Cell
- type CidrBlockAssociation
- type City
- type ClassificationResult
- type ClassificationStatus
- type Compliance
- type ComplianceStatus
- type ContainerDetails
- type ControlStatus
- type Country
- type CustomDataIdentifiersDetections
- type CustomDataIdentifiersResult
- type Cvss
- type DataClassificationDetails
- type DateFilter
- type DateRange
- type DateRangeUnit
- type DnsRequestAction
- type FilePaths
- type FindingAggregator
- type FindingProviderFields
- type FindingProviderSeverity
- type FirewallPolicyDetails
- type FirewallPolicyStatefulRuleGroupReferencesDetails
- type FirewallPolicyStatelessCustomActionsDetails
- type FirewallPolicyStatelessRuleGroupReferencesDetails
- type GeoLocation
- type IcmpTypeCode
- type ImportFindingsError
- type Insight
- type InsightResultValue
- type InsightResults
- type IntegrationType
- type InternalException
- type InvalidAccessException
- type InvalidInputException
- type Invitation
- type IpFilter
- type IpOrganizationDetails
- type Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation
- type KeywordFilter
- type LimitExceededException
- type LoadBalancerState
- type Malware
- type MalwareState
- type MalwareType
- type MapFilter
- type MapFilterComparison
- type Member
- type Network
- type NetworkConnectionAction
- type NetworkDirection
- type NetworkHeader
- type NetworkPathComponent
- type NetworkPathComponentDetails
- type Note
- type NoteUpdate
- type NumberFilter
- type Occurrences
- type Page
- type Partition
- type PatchSummary
- type PortProbeAction
- type PortProbeDetail
- type PortRange
- type PortRangeFromTo
- type ProcessDetails
- type Product
- type Range
- type Recommendation
- type Record
- type RecordState
- type RelatedFinding
- type Remediation
- type Resource
- type ResourceConflictException
- type ResourceDetails
- type ResourceNotFoundException
- type Result
- type RuleGroupDetails
- type RuleGroupSource
- type RuleGroupSourceCustomActionsDetails
- type RuleGroupSourceListDetails
- type RuleGroupSourceStatefulRulesDetails
- type RuleGroupSourceStatefulRulesHeaderDetails
- type RuleGroupSourceStatefulRulesOptionsDetails
- type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleDefinition
- type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributes
- type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesDestinationPorts
- type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesDestinations
- type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesSourcePorts
- type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesSources
- type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesTcpFlags
- type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRulesAndCustomActionsDetails
- type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRulesDetails
- type RuleGroupVariables
- type RuleGroupVariablesIpSetsDetails
- type RuleGroupVariablesPortSetsDetails
- type SensitiveDataDetections
- type SensitiveDataResult
- type Severity
- type SeverityLabel
- type SeverityRating
- type SeverityUpdate
- type SoftwarePackage
- type SortCriterion
- type SortOrder
- type Standard
- type StandardsControl
- type StandardsManagedBy
- type StandardsStatus
- type StandardsStatusReason
- type StandardsSubscription
- type StandardsSubscriptionRequest
- type StatelessCustomActionDefinition
- type StatelessCustomPublishMetricAction
- type StatelessCustomPublishMetricActionDimension
- type StatusReason
- type StatusReasonCode
- type StringFilter
- type StringFilterComparison
- type Threat
- type ThreatIntelIndicator
- type ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory
- type ThreatIntelIndicatorType
- type VerificationState
- type VolumeMount
- type VpcInfoCidrBlockSetDetails
- type VpcInfoIpv6CidrBlockSetDetails
- type VpcInfoPeeringOptionsDetails
- type Vulnerability
- type VulnerabilityFixAvailable
- type VulnerabilityVendor
- type WafAction
- type WafExcludedRule
- type WafOverrideAction
- type Workflow
- type WorkflowState
- type WorkflowStatus
- type WorkflowUpdate
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccessDeniedException ¶
type AccessDeniedException struct { Message *string ErrorCodeOverride *string Code *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
You don't have permission to perform the action specified in the request.
func (*AccessDeniedException) Error ¶
func (e *AccessDeniedException) Error() string
func (*AccessDeniedException) ErrorCode ¶
func (e *AccessDeniedException) ErrorCode() string
func (*AccessDeniedException) ErrorFault ¶
func (e *AccessDeniedException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault
func (*AccessDeniedException) ErrorMessage ¶
func (e *AccessDeniedException) ErrorMessage() string
type AccountDetails ¶
type AccountDetails struct { // The ID of an Amazon Web Services account. // // This member is required. AccountId *string // The email of an Amazon Web Services account. Email *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The details of an Amazon Web Services account.
type Action ¶ added in v1.2.0
type Action struct { // The type of action that was detected. The possible action types are: // // * // NETWORK_CONNECTION // // * AWS_API_CALL // // * DNS_REQUEST // // * PORT_PROBE ActionType *string // Included if ActionType is AWS_API_CALL. Provides details about the API call that // was detected. AwsApiCallAction *AwsApiCallAction // Included if ActionType is DNS_REQUEST. Provides details about the DNS request // that was detected. DnsRequestAction *DnsRequestAction // Included if ActionType is NETWORK_CONNECTION. Provides details about the network // connection that was detected. NetworkConnectionAction *NetworkConnectionAction // Included if ActionType is PORT_PROBE. Provides details about the port probe that // was detected. PortProbeAction *PortProbeAction // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about one of the following actions that affects or that was taken on a resource:
* A remote IP address issued an Amazon Web Services API call
* A DNS request was received
* A remote IP address attempted to connect to an EC2 instance
* A remote IP address attempted a port probe on an EC2 instance
type ActionLocalIpDetails ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ActionLocalIpDetails struct { // The IP address. IpAddressV4 *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the IP address where the scanned port is located.
type ActionLocalPortDetails ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ActionLocalPortDetails struct { // The number of the port. Port int32 // The port name of the local connection. PortName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
For NetworkConnectionAction and PortProbeDetails, LocalPortDetails provides information about the local port that was involved in the action.
type ActionRemoteIpDetails ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ActionRemoteIpDetails struct { // The city where the remote IP address is located. City *City // The country where the remote IP address is located. Country *Country // The coordinates of the location of the remote IP address. GeoLocation *GeoLocation // The IP address. IpAddressV4 *string // The internet service provider (ISP) organization associated with the remote IP // address. Organization *IpOrganizationDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
For AwsApiAction, NetworkConnectionAction, and PortProbeAction, RemoteIpDetails provides information about the remote IP address that was involved in the action.
type ActionRemotePortDetails ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ActionRemotePortDetails struct { // The number of the port. Port int32 // The port name of the remote connection. PortName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the remote port that was involved in an attempted network connection.
type ActionTarget ¶
type ActionTarget struct { // The ARN for the target action. // // This member is required. ActionTargetArn *string // The description of the target action. // // This member is required. Description *string // The name of the action target. // // This member is required. Name *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An ActionTarget object.
type Adjustment ¶ added in v1.10.0
type Adjustment struct { // The metric to adjust. Metric *string // The reason for the adjustment. Reason *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An adjustment to the CVSS metric.
type AdminAccount ¶ added in v0.31.0
type AdminAccount struct { // The Amazon Web Services account identifier of the Security Hub administrator // account. AccountId *string // The current status of the Security Hub administrator account. Indicates whether // the account is currently enabled as a Security Hub administrator. Status AdminStatus // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a Security Hub administrator account designated by an organization management account.
type AdminStatus ¶ added in v0.31.0
type AdminStatus string
const ( AdminStatusEnabled AdminStatus = "ENABLED" AdminStatusDisableInProgress AdminStatus = "DISABLE_IN_PROGRESS" )
Enum values for AdminStatus
func (AdminStatus) Values ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (AdminStatus) Values() []AdminStatus
Values returns all known values for AdminStatus. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type AssociatedStandard ¶ added in v1.28.0
type AssociatedStandard struct { // The unique identifier of a standard in which a control is enabled. This field // consists of the resource portion of the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) returned for // a standard in the DescribeStandards // ( // API response. StandardsId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an enabled security standard in which a security control is enabled.
type AutoEnableStandards ¶ added in v1.21.0
type AutoEnableStandards string
const ( AutoEnableStandardsNone AutoEnableStandards = "NONE" AutoEnableStandardsDefault AutoEnableStandards = "DEFAULT" )
Enum values for AutoEnableStandards
func (AutoEnableStandards) Values ¶ added in v1.21.0
func (AutoEnableStandards) Values() []AutoEnableStandards
Values returns all known values for AutoEnableStandards. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type AvailabilityZone ¶
type AvailabilityZone struct { // The ID of the subnet. You can specify one subnet per Availability Zone. SubnetId *string // The name of the Availability Zone. ZoneName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an Availability Zone.
type AwsApiCallAction ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AwsApiCallAction struct { // Identifies the resources that were affected by the API call. AffectedResources map[string]string // The name of the API method that was issued. Api *string // Indicates whether the API call originated from a remote IP address (remoteip) or // from a DNS domain (domain). CallerType *string // Provided if CallerType is domain. Provides information about the DNS domain that // the API call originated from. DomainDetails *AwsApiCallActionDomainDetails // An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the API call was first // observed. FirstSeen *string // An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the API call was most // recently observed. LastSeen *string // Provided if CallerType is remoteIp. Provides information about the remote IP // address that the API call originated from. RemoteIpDetails *ActionRemoteIpDetails // The name of the Amazon Web Services service that the API method belongs to. ServiceName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provided if ActionType is AWS_API_CALL. It provides details about the API call that was detected.
type AwsApiCallActionDomainDetails ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AwsApiCallActionDomainDetails struct { // The name of the DNS domain that issued the API call. Domain *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provided if CallerType is domain. It provides information about the DNS domain that issued the API call.
type AwsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings struct { // The ARN of the CloudWatch Logs log group that receives the access logs. DestinationArn *string // A single-line format of the access logs of data, as specified by selected // $context variables. The format must include at least $context.requestId. Format *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about settings for logging access for the stage.
type AwsApiGatewayCanarySettings ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsApiGatewayCanarySettings struct { // The deployment identifier for the canary deployment. DeploymentId *string // The percentage of traffic that is diverted to a canary deployment. PercentTraffic float64 // Stage variables that are overridden in the canary release deployment. The // variables include new stage variables that are introduced in the canary. Each // variable is represented as a string-to-string map between the stage variable // name and the variable value. StageVariableOverrides map[string]string // Indicates whether the canary deployment uses the stage cache. UseStageCache bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about settings for canary deployment in the stage.
type AwsApiGatewayEndpointConfiguration ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsApiGatewayEndpointConfiguration struct { // A list of endpoint types for the REST API. For an edge-optimized API, the // endpoint type is EDGE. For a Regional API, the endpoint type is REGIONAL. For a // private API, the endpoint type is PRIVATE. Types []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about the endpoints for the API.
type AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings struct { // Indicates whether the cached responses are encrypted. CacheDataEncrypted bool // Specifies the time to live (TTL), in seconds, for cached responses. The higher // the TTL, the longer the response is cached. CacheTtlInSeconds int32 // Indicates whether responses are cached and returned for requests. For responses // to be cached, a cache cluster must be enabled on the stage. CachingEnabled bool // Indicates whether data trace logging is enabled for the method. Data trace // logging affects the log entries that are pushed to CloudWatch Logs. DataTraceEnabled bool // The HTTP method. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to apply method // settings to multiple methods. HttpMethod *string // The logging level for this method. The logging level affects the log entries // that are pushed to CloudWatch Logs. If the logging level is ERROR, then the logs // only include error-level entries. If the logging level is INFO, then the logs // include both ERROR events and extra informational events. Valid values: OFF | // ERROR | INFO LoggingLevel *string // Indicates whether CloudWatch metrics are enabled for the method. MetricsEnabled bool // Indicates whether authorization is required for a cache invalidation request. RequireAuthorizationForCacheControl bool // The resource path for this method. Forward slashes (/) are encoded as ~1 . The // initial slash must include a forward slash. For example, the path value // /resource/subresource must be encoded as /~1resource~1subresource. To specify // the root path, use only a slash (/). You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard // to apply method settings to multiple methods. ResourcePath *string // The throttling burst limit for the method. ThrottlingBurstLimit int32 // The throttling rate limit for the method. ThrottlingRateLimit float64 // values: FAIL_WITH_403 | SUCCEED_WITH_RESPONSE_HEADER | // SUCCEED_WITHOUT_RESPONSE_HEADER UnauthorizedCacheControlHeaderStrategy *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Defines settings for a method for the stage.
type AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails struct { // The source of the API key for metering requests according to a usage plan. // HEADER indicates whether to read the API key from the X-API-Key header of a // request. AUTHORIZER indicates whether to read the API key from the // UsageIdentifierKey from a custom authorizer. ApiKeySource *string // The list of binary media types supported by the REST API. BinaryMediaTypes []string // Indicates when the API was created. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC // 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreatedDate *string // A description of the REST API. Description *string // The endpoint configuration of the REST API. EndpointConfiguration *AwsApiGatewayEndpointConfiguration // The identifier of the REST API. Id *string // The minimum size in bytes of a payload before compression is enabled. If null, // then compression is disabled. If 0, then all payloads are compressed. MinimumCompressionSize int32 // The name of the REST API. Name *string // The version identifier for the REST API. Version *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about a REST API in version 1 of Amazon API Gateway.
type AwsApiGatewayStageDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsApiGatewayStageDetails struct { // Settings for logging access for the stage. AccessLogSettings *AwsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings // Indicates whether a cache cluster is enabled for the stage. CacheClusterEnabled bool // If a cache cluster is enabled, the size of the cache cluster. CacheClusterSize *string // If a cache cluster is enabled, the status of the cache cluster. CacheClusterStatus *string // Information about settings for canary deployment in the stage. CanarySettings *AwsApiGatewayCanarySettings // The identifier of the client certificate for the stage. ClientCertificateId *string // Indicates when the stage was created. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC // 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreatedDate *string // The identifier of the deployment that the stage points to. DeploymentId *string // A description of the stage. Description *string // The version of the API documentation that is associated with the stage. DocumentationVersion *string // Indicates when the stage was most recently updated. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LastUpdatedDate *string // Defines the method settings for the stage. MethodSettings []AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings // The name of the stage. StageName *string // Indicates whether active tracing with X-Ray is enabled for the stage. TracingEnabled bool // A map that defines the stage variables for the stage. Variable names can have // alphanumeric and underscore characters. Variable values can contain the // following characters: // // * Uppercase and lowercase letters // // * Numbers // // * Special // characters -._~:/?#&=, Variables map[string]string // The ARN of the web ACL associated with the stage. WebAclArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about a version 1 Amazon API Gateway stage.
type AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails struct { // The URI of the API. Uses the format The stage name // is typically appended to the URI to form a complete path to a deployed API // stage. ApiEndpoint *string // The identifier of the API. ApiId *string // An API key selection expression. Supported only for WebSocket APIs. ApiKeySelectionExpression *string // A cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration. Supported only for HTTP // APIs. CorsConfiguration *AwsCorsConfiguration // Indicates when the API was created. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC // 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreatedDate *string // A description of the API. Description *string // The name of the API. Name *string // The API protocol for the API. Valid values: WEBSOCKET | HTTP ProtocolType *string // The route selection expression for the API. For HTTP APIs, must be // ${request.method} ${request.path}. This is the default value for HTTP APIs. For // WebSocket APIs, there is no default value. RouteSelectionExpression *string // The version identifier for the API. Version *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about a version 2 API in Amazon API Gateway.
type AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings struct { // Indicates whether data trace logging is enabled. Data trace logging affects the // log entries that are pushed to CloudWatch Logs. Supported only for WebSocket // APIs. DataTraceEnabled bool // Indicates whether detailed metrics are enabled. DetailedMetricsEnabled bool // The logging level. The logging level affects the log entries that are pushed to // CloudWatch Logs. Supported only for WebSocket APIs. If the logging level is // ERROR, then the logs only include error-level entries. If the logging level is // INFO, then the logs include both ERROR events and extra informational events. // Valid values: OFF | ERROR | INFO LoggingLevel *string // The throttling burst limit. ThrottlingBurstLimit int32 // The throttling rate limit. ThrottlingRateLimit float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains route settings for a stage.
type AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails struct { // Information about settings for logging access for the stage. AccessLogSettings *AwsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings // Indicates whether the stage is managed by API Gateway. ApiGatewayManaged bool // Indicates whether updates to an API automatically trigger a new deployment. AutoDeploy bool // The identifier of a client certificate for a stage. Supported only for WebSocket // API calls. ClientCertificateId *string // Indicates when the stage was created. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC // 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreatedDate *string // Default route settings for the stage. DefaultRouteSettings *AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings // The identifier of the deployment that the stage is associated with. DeploymentId *string // The description of the stage. Description *string // The status of the last deployment of a stage. Supported only if the stage has // automatic deployment enabled. LastDeploymentStatusMessage *string // Indicates when the stage was most recently updated. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LastUpdatedDate *string // The route settings for the stage. RouteSettings *AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings // The name of the stage. StageName *string // A map that defines the stage variables for the stage. Variable names can have // alphanumeric and underscore characters. Variable values can contain the // following characters: // // * Uppercase and lowercase letters // // * Numbers // // * Special // characters -._~:/?#&=, StageVariables map[string]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about a version 2 stage for Amazon API Gateway.
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupAvailabilityZonesListDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupAvailabilityZonesListDetails struct { // The name of the Availability Zone. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An Availability Zone for the automatic scaling group.
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails ¶
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails struct { // The list of Availability Zones for the automatic scaling group. AvailabilityZones []AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupAvailabilityZonesListDetails // Indicates whether capacity rebalancing is enabled. CapacityRebalance bool // Indicates when the auto scaling group was created. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreatedTime *string // The amount of time, in seconds, that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling waits before it // checks the health status of an EC2 instance that has come into service. HealthCheckGracePeriod int32 // The service to use for the health checks. Valid values are EC2 or ELB. HealthCheckType *string // The name of the launch configuration. LaunchConfigurationName *string // The launch template to use. LaunchTemplate *AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateSpecification // The list of load balancers associated with the group. LoadBalancerNames []string // The mixed instances policy for the automatic scaling group. MixedInstancesPolicy *AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about an auto scaling group.
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateSpecification ¶ added in v1.20.0
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateSpecification struct { // The identifier of the launch template. You must specify either LaunchTemplateId // or LaunchTemplateName. LaunchTemplateId *string // The name of the launch template. You must specify either LaunchTemplateId or // LaunchTemplateName. LaunchTemplateName *string // Identifies the version of the launch template. You can specify a version // identifier, or use the values $Latest or $Default. Version *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about the launch template to use.
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyDetails struct { // The instances distribution. The instances distribution specifies the // distribution of On-Demand Instances and Spot Instances, the maximum price to pay // for Spot Instances, and how the Auto Scaling group allocates instance types to // fulfill On-Demand and Spot capacity. InstancesDistribution *AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyInstancesDistributionDetails // The launch template to use and the instance types (overrides) to use to // provision EC2 instances to fulfill On-Demand and Spot capacities. LaunchTemplate *AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyLaunchTemplateDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The mixed instances policy for the automatic scaling group.
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyInstancesDistributionDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyInstancesDistributionDetails struct { // How to allocate instance types to fulfill On-Demand capacity. The valid value is // prioritized. OnDemandAllocationStrategy *string // The minimum amount of the Auto Scaling group's capacity that must be fulfilled // by On-Demand Instances. OnDemandBaseCapacity int32 // The percentage of On-Demand Instances and Spot Instances for additional capacity // beyond OnDemandBaseCapacity. OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity int32 // How to allocate instances across Spot Instance pools. Valid values are as // follows: // // * lowest-price // // * capacity-optimized // // * capacity-optimized-prioritized SpotAllocationStrategy *string // The number of Spot Instance pools across which to allocate your Spot Instances. SpotInstancePools int32 // The maximum price per unit hour that you are willing to pay for a Spot Instance. SpotMaxPrice *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the instances distribution.
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyLaunchTemplateDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyLaunchTemplateDetails struct { // The launch template to use for a mixed instances policy. LaunchTemplateSpecification *AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateSpecification // Property values to use to override the values in the launch template. Overrides []AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyLaunchTemplateOverridesListDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes a launch template and overrides for a mixed instances policy.
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateSpecification ¶ added in v1.14.0
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateSpecification struct { // The identifier of the launch template. You must specify either LaunchTemplateId // or LaunchTemplateName. LaunchTemplateId *string // The name of the launch template. You must specify either LaunchTemplateId or // LaunchTemplateName. LaunchTemplateName *string // Identifies the version of the launch template. You can specify a version // identifier, or use the values $Latest or $Default. Version *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about the launch template to use for a mixed instances policy.
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyLaunchTemplateOverridesListDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyLaunchTemplateOverridesListDetails struct { // The instance type. For example, m3.xlarge. InstanceType *string // The number of capacity units provided by the specified instance type in terms of // virtual CPUs, memory, storage, throughput, or other relative performance // characteristic. WeightedCapacity *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Property values to use to override the values in the launch template.
type AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails struct { // The device name that is exposed to the EC2 instance. For example, /dev/sdh or // xvdh. DeviceName *string // Parameters that are used to automatically set up Amazon EBS volumes when an // instance is launched. Ebs *AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails // Whether to suppress the device that is included in the block device mapping of // the Amazon Machine Image (AMI). If NoDevice is true, then you cannot specify // Ebs.> NoDevice bool // The name of the virtual device (for example, ephemeral0). You can provide either // VirtualName or Ebs, but not both. VirtualName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A block device for the instance.
type AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails struct { // Whether to delete the volume when the instance is terminated. DeleteOnTermination bool // Whether to encrypt the volume. Encrypted bool // The number of input/output (I/O) operations per second (IOPS) to provision for // the volume. Only supported for gp3 or io1 volumes. Required for io1 volumes. Not // used with standard, gp2, st1, or sc1 volumes. Iops int32 // The snapshot ID of the volume to use. You must specify either VolumeSize or // SnapshotId. SnapshotId *string // The volume size, in GiBs. The following are the supported volumes sizes for each // volume type: // // * gp2 and gp3: 1-16,384 // // * io1: 4-16,384 // // * st1 and sc1: // 125-16,384 // // * standard: 1-1,024 // // You must specify either SnapshotId or // VolumeSize. If you specify both SnapshotId and VolumeSize, the volume size must // be equal or greater than the size of the snapshot. VolumeSize int32 // The volume type. Valid values are as follows: // // * gp2 // // * gp3 // // * io1 // // * sc1 // // * // st1 // // * standard VolumeType *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Parameters that are used to automatically set up EBS volumes when an instance is launched.
type AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails struct { // For Auto Scaling groups that run in a VPC, specifies whether to assign a public // IP address to the group's instances. AssociatePublicIpAddress bool // Specifies the block devices for the instance. BlockDeviceMappings []AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails // The identifier of a ClassicLink-enabled VPC that EC2-Classic instances are // linked to. ClassicLinkVpcId *string // The identifiers of one or more security groups for the VPC that is specified in // ClassicLinkVPCId. ClassicLinkVpcSecurityGroups []string // The creation date and time for the launch configuration. Uses the date-time // format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreatedTime *string // Whether the launch configuration is optimized for Amazon EBS I/O. EbsOptimized bool // The name or the ARN of the instance profile associated with the IAM role for the // instance. The instance profile contains the IAM role. IamInstanceProfile *string // The identifier of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that is used to launch EC2 // instances. ImageId *string // Indicates the type of monitoring for instances in the group. InstanceMonitoring *AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationInstanceMonitoringDetails // The instance type for the instances. InstanceType *string // The identifier of the kernel associated with the AMI. KernelId *string // The name of the key pair. KeyName *string // The name of the launch configuration. LaunchConfigurationName *string // The metadata options for the instances. MetadataOptions *AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationMetadataOptions // The tenancy of the instance. An instance with dedicated tenancy runs on // isolated, single-tenant hardware and can only be launched into a VPC. PlacementTenancy *string // The identifier of the RAM disk associated with the AMI. RamdiskId *string // The security groups to assign to the instances in the Auto Scaling group. SecurityGroups []string // The maximum hourly price to be paid for any Spot Instance that is launched to // fulfill the request. SpotPrice *string // The user data to make available to the launched EC2 instances. Must be // base64-encoded text. UserData *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about a launch configuration.
type AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationInstanceMonitoringDetails ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationInstanceMonitoringDetails struct { // If set to true, then instances in the group launch with detailed monitoring. If // set to false, then instances in the group launch with basic monitoring. Enabled bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the type of monitoring for instances in the group.
type AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationMetadataOptions ¶ added in v1.14.0
type AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationMetadataOptions struct { // Enables or disables the HTTP metadata endpoint on your instances. By default, // the metadata endpoint is enabled. HttpEndpoint *string // The HTTP PUT response hop limit for instance metadata requests. The larger the // number, the further instance metadata requests can travel. HttpPutResponseHopLimit int32 // Indicates whether token usage is required or optional for metadata requests. By // default, token usage is optional. HttpTokens *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The metadata options for the instances.
type AwsBackupBackupPlanAdvancedBackupSettingsDetails ¶ added in v1.23.0
type AwsBackupBackupPlanAdvancedBackupSettingsDetails struct { // Specifies the backup option for a selected resource. This option is only // available for Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) backup jobs. Valid values // are as follows: // // * Set to WindowsVSS: enabled to enable the WindowsVSS backup // option and create a Windows VSS backup. // // * Set to WindowsVSS: disabled to create // a regular backup. The WindowsVSS option is not enabled by default. BackupOptions map[string]string // The name of a resource type. The only supported resource type is Amazon EC2 // instances with Windows VSS. The only valid value is EC2. ResourceType *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides a list of backup options for each resource type.
type AwsBackupBackupPlanBackupPlanDetails ¶ added in v1.23.0
type AwsBackupBackupPlanBackupPlanDetails struct { // A list of backup options for each resource type. AdvancedBackupSettings []AwsBackupBackupPlanAdvancedBackupSettingsDetails // The display name of a backup plan. BackupPlanName *string // An array of BackupRule objects, each of which specifies a scheduled task that is // used to back up a selection of resources. BackupPlanRule []AwsBackupBackupPlanRuleDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about an Backup backup plan and an array of BackupRule objects, each of which specifies a backup rule.
type AwsBackupBackupPlanDetails ¶ added in v1.23.0
type AwsBackupBackupPlanDetails struct { // Uniquely identifies the backup plan to be associated with the selection of // resources. BackupPlan *AwsBackupBackupPlanBackupPlanDetails // An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the backup plan. BackupPlanArn *string // A unique ID for the backup plan. BackupPlanId *string // Unique, randomly generated, Unicode, UTF-8 encoded strings. Version IDs cannot // be edited. VersionId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about an Backup backup plan and an array of BackupRule objects, each of which specifies a backup rule.
type AwsBackupBackupPlanLifecycleDetails ¶ added in v1.23.0
type AwsBackupBackupPlanLifecycleDetails struct { // Specifies the number of days after creation that a recovery point is deleted. // Must be greater than 90 days plus MoveToColdStorageAfterDays. DeleteAfterDays int64 // Specifies the number of days after creation that a recovery point is moved to // cold storage. MoveToColdStorageAfterDays int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides lifecycle details for the backup plan. A lifecycle defines when a backup is transitioned to cold storage and when it expires.
type AwsBackupBackupPlanRuleCopyActionsDetails ¶ added in v1.23.0
type AwsBackupBackupPlanRuleCopyActionsDetails struct { // An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the destination backup // vault for the copied backup. DestinationBackupVaultArn *string // Defines when a protected resource is transitioned to cold storage and when it // expires. Backup transitions and expires backups automatically according to the // lifecycle that you define. If you do not specify a lifecycle, Backup applies the // lifecycle policy of the source backup to the destination backup. Backups // transitioned to cold storage must be stored in cold storage for a minimum of 90 // days. Lifecycle *AwsBackupBackupPlanLifecycleDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An array of CopyAction objects, each of which contains details of the copy operation.
type AwsBackupBackupPlanRuleDetails ¶ added in v1.23.0
type AwsBackupBackupPlanRuleDetails struct { // A value in minutes after a backup job is successfully started before it must be // completed, or it is canceled by Backup. CompletionWindowMinutes int64 // An array of CopyAction objects, each of which contains details of the copy // operation. CopyActions []AwsBackupBackupPlanRuleCopyActionsDetails // Specifies whether Backup creates continuous backups capable of point-in-time // restore (PITR). EnableContinuousBackup bool // Defines when a protected resource is transitioned to cold storage and when it // expires. Backup transitions and expires backups automatically according to the // lifecycle that you define. If you do not specify a lifecycle, Backup applies the // lifecycle policy of the source backup to the destination backup. Backups // transitioned to cold storage must be stored in cold storage for a minimum of 90 // days. Lifecycle *AwsBackupBackupPlanLifecycleDetails // Uniquely identifies a rule that is used to schedule the backup of a selection of // resources. RuleId *string // A display name for a backup rule. Must contain 1 to 50 alphanumeric or '-_.' // characters. RuleName *string // A cron expression in UTC specifying when Backup initiates a backup job. ScheduleExpression *string // A value in minutes after a backup is scheduled before a job will be canceled if // it doesn't start successfully. StartWindowMinutes int64 // The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are // identified by names that are unique to the Amazon Web Services account used to // create them and the Amazon Web Services Region where they are created. They // consist of letters, numbers, and hyphens. TargetBackupVault *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about an array of BackupRule objects, each of which specifies a scheduled task that is used to back up a selection of resources.
type AwsBackupBackupVaultDetails ¶ added in v1.23.0
type AwsBackupBackupVaultDetails struct { // A resource-based policy that is used to manage access permissions on the target // backup vault. AccessPolicy *string // An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup vault. BackupVaultArn *string // The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are // identified by names that are unique to the Amazon Web Services account used to // create them and the Amazon Web Services Region where they are created. They // consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. BackupVaultName *string // The unique ARN associated with the server-side encryption key. You can specify a // key to encrypt your backups from services that support full Backup management. // If you do not specify a key, Backup creates an KMS key for you by default. EncryptionKeyArn *string // The Amazon SNS event notifications for the specified backup vault. Notifications *AwsBackupBackupVaultNotificationsDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about an Backup backup vault. In Backup, a backup vault is a container that stores and organizes your backups.
type AwsBackupBackupVaultNotificationsDetails ¶ added in v1.23.0
type AwsBackupBackupVaultNotificationsDetails struct { // An array of events that indicate the status of jobs to back up resources to the // backup vault. The following events are supported: // // * BACKUP_JOB_STARTED | // BACKUP_JOB_COMPLETED // // * COPY_JOB_STARTED | COPY_JOB_SUCCESSFUL | // COPY_JOB_FAILED // // * RESTORE_JOB_STARTED | RESTORE_JOB_COMPLETED | // RECOVERY_POINT_MODIFIED // // * S3_BACKUP_OBJECT_FAILED | S3_RESTORE_OBJECT_FAILED BackupVaultEvents []string // An ARN that uniquely identifies the Amazon SNS topic for a backup vault’s // events. SnsTopicArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about the Amazon SNS event notifications for the specified backup vault.
type AwsBackupRecoveryPointCalculatedLifecycleDetails ¶ added in v1.23.0
type AwsBackupRecoveryPointCalculatedLifecycleDetails struct { // Specifies the number of days after creation that a recovery point is deleted. // Must be greater than 90 days plus MoveToColdStorageAfterDays. DeleteAt *string // Specifies the number of days after creation that a recovery point is moved to // cold storage. MoveToColdStorageAt *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies how long in days before a recovery point transitions to cold storage or is deleted.
type AwsBackupRecoveryPointCreatedByDetails ¶ added in v1.23.0
type AwsBackupRecoveryPointCreatedByDetails struct { // An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup plan. BackupPlanArn *string // Uniquely identifies a backup plan. BackupPlanId *string // Unique, randomly generated, Unicode, UTF-8 encoded strings that are at most // 1,024 bytes long. Version IDs cannot be edited. BackupPlanVersion *string // Uniquely identifies a rule used to schedule the backup of a selection of // resources. BackupRuleId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about the backup plan and rule that Backup used to initiate the recovery point backup.
type AwsBackupRecoveryPointDetails ¶ added in v1.23.0
type AwsBackupRecoveryPointDetails struct { // The size, in bytes, of a backup. BackupSizeInBytes int64 // An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup vault. BackupVaultArn *string // The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are // identified by names that are unique to the Amazon Web Services account used to // create them and the Amazon Web Services Region where they are created. They // consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. BackupVaultName *string // A CalculatedLifecycle object containing DeleteAt and MoveToColdStorageAt // timestamps. CalculatedLifecycle *AwsBackupRecoveryPointCalculatedLifecycleDetails // The date and time that a job to create a recovery point is completed, in Unix // format and UTC. The value of CompletionDate is accurate to milliseconds. For // example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 // 12:11:30.087 AM. CompletionDate *string // Contains identifying information about the creation of a recovery point, // including the BackupPlanArn, BackupPlanId, BackupPlanVersion, and BackupRuleId // of the backup plan that is used to create it. CreatedBy *AwsBackupRecoveryPointCreatedByDetails // The date and time a recovery point is created, in Unix format and UTC. The value // of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value // 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM. CreationDate *string // The ARN for the server-side encryption key that is used to protect your backups. EncryptionKeyArn *string // Specifies the IAM role ARN used to create the target recovery point IamRoleArn *string // A Boolean value that is returned as TRUE if the specified recovery point is // encrypted, or FALSE if the recovery point is not encrypted. IsEncrypted bool // The date and time that a recovery point was last restored, in Unix format and // UTC. The value of LastRestoreTime is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the // value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM. LastRestoreTime *string // The lifecycle defines when a protected resource is transitioned to cold storage // and when it expires. Backup transitions and expires backups automatically // according to the lifecycle that you define Lifecycle *AwsBackupRecoveryPointLifecycleDetails // An ARN that uniquely identifies a recovery point. RecoveryPointArn *string // An ARN that uniquely identifies a resource. The format of the ARN depends on the // resource type. ResourceArn *string // The type of Amazon Web Services resource saved as a recovery point, such as an // Amazon EBS volume or an Amazon RDS database. ResourceType *string // The ARN for the backup vault where the recovery point was originally copied // from. If the recovery point is restored to the same account, this value will be // null. SourceBackupVaultArn *string // A status code specifying the state of the recovery point. Valid values are as // follows: // // * COMPLETED // // * DELETING // // * EXPIRED // // * PARTIAL Status *string // A message explaining the reason of the recovery point deletion failure. StatusMessage *string // Specifies the storage class of the recovery point. Valid values are as // follows: // // * COLD // // * DELETED // // * WARM StorageClass *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains detailed information about the recovery points stored in an Backup backup vault. A backup, or recovery point, represents the content of a resource at a specified time.
type AwsBackupRecoveryPointLifecycleDetails ¶ added in v1.23.0
type AwsBackupRecoveryPointLifecycleDetails struct { // Specifies the number of days after creation that a recovery point is deleted. // Must be greater than 90 days plus MoveToColdStorageAfterDays. DeleteAfterDays int64 // Specifies the number of days after creation that a recovery point is moved to // cold storage. MoveToColdStorageAfterDays int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains an array of Transition objects specifying how long in days before a recovery point transitions to cold storage or is deleted.
type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails struct { // The ARN of the private certificate authority (CA) that will be used to issue the // certificate. CertificateAuthorityArn *string // Indicates when the certificate was requested. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreatedAt *string // The fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as, that is secured // by the certificate. DomainName *string // Contains information about the initial validation of each domain name that // occurs as a result of the RequestCertificate request. Only provided if the // certificate type is AMAZON_ISSUED. DomainValidationOptions []AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption // Contains a list of Extended Key Usage X.509 v3 extension objects. Each object // specifies a purpose for which the certificate public key can be used and // consists of a name and an object identifier (OID). ExtendedKeyUsages []AwsCertificateManagerCertificateExtendedKeyUsage // For a failed certificate request, the reason for the failure. Valid values: // NO_AVAILABLE_CONTACTS | ADDITIONAL_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED | DOMAIN_NOT_ALLOWED | // INVALID_PUBLIC_DOMAIN | DOMAIN_VALIDATION_DENIED | CAA_ERROR | // PCA_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | PCA_INVALID_ARN | PCA_INVALID_STATE | PCA_REQUEST_FAILED | // PCA_NAME_CONSTRAINTS_VALIDATION | PCA_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND | PCA_INVALID_ARGS | // PCA_INVALID_DURATION | PCA_ACCESS_DENIED | SLR_NOT_FOUND | OTHER FailureReason *string // Indicates when the certificate was imported. Provided if the certificate type is // IMPORTED. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet // Date/Time Format ( The value // cannot contain spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. ImportedAt *string // The list of ARNs for the Amazon Web Services resources that use the certificate. InUseBy []string // Indicates when the certificate was issued. Provided if the certificate type is // AMAZON_ISSUED. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, // Internet Date/Time Format ( The // value cannot contain spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. IssuedAt *string // The name of the certificate authority that issued and signed the certificate. Issuer *string // The algorithm that was used to generate the public-private key pair. Valid // values: RSA_2048 | RSA_1024 | RSA_4096 | EC_prime256v1 | EC_secp384r1 | // EC_secp521r1 KeyAlgorithm *string // A list of key usage X.509 v3 extension objects. KeyUsages []AwsCertificateManagerCertificateKeyUsage // The time after which the certificate becomes invalid. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. NotAfter *string // The time before which the certificate is not valid. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. NotBefore *string // Provides a value that specifies whether to add the certificate to a transparency // log. Options *AwsCertificateManagerCertificateOptions // Whether the certificate is eligible for renewal. Valid values: ELIGIBLE | // INELIGIBLE RenewalEligibility *string // Information about the status of the Certificate Manager managed renewal for the // certificate. Provided only when the certificate type is AMAZON_ISSUED. RenewalSummary *AwsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary // The serial number of the certificate. Serial *string // The algorithm that was used to sign the certificate. SignatureAlgorithm *string // The status of the certificate. Valid values: PENDING_VALIDATION | ISSUED | // INACTIVE | EXPIRED | VALIDATION_TIMED_OUT | REVOKED | FAILED Status *string // The name of the entity that is associated with the public key contained in the // certificate. Subject *string // One or more domain names (subject alternative names) included in the // certificate. This list contains the domain names that are bound to the public // key that is contained in the certificate. The subject alternative names include // the canonical domain name (CN) of the certificate and additional domain names // that can be used to connect to the website. SubjectAlternativeNames []string // The source of the certificate. For certificates that Certificate Manager // provides, Type is AMAZON_ISSUED. For certificates that are imported with // ImportCertificate, Type is IMPORTED. Valid values: IMPORTED | AMAZON_ISSUED | // PRIVATE Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about an Certificate Manager certificate.
type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption struct { // A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the certificate. DomainName *string // The CNAME record that is added to the DNS database for domain validation. ResourceRecord *AwsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord // The domain name that Certificate Manager uses to send domain validation emails. ValidationDomain *string // A list of email addresses that Certificate Manager uses to send domain // validation emails. ValidationEmails []string // The method used to validate the domain name. ValidationMethod *string // The validation status of the domain name. ValidationStatus *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about one of the following:
* The initial validation of each domain name that occurs as a result of the RequestCertificate request
* The validation of each domain name in the certificate, as it pertains to Certificate Manager managed renewal
type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateExtendedKeyUsage ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateExtendedKeyUsage struct { // The name of an extension value. Indicates the purpose for which the certificate // public key can be used. Name *string // An object identifier (OID) for the extension value. The format is numbers // separated by periods. OId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about an extended key usage X.509 v3 extension object.
type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateKeyUsage ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateKeyUsage struct { // The key usage extension name. Name *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about a key usage X.509 v3 extension object.
type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateOptions ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateOptions struct { // Whether to add the certificate to a transparency log. Valid values: DISABLED | // ENABLED CertificateTransparencyLoggingPreference *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains other options for the certificate.
type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary struct { // Information about the validation of each domain name in the certificate, as it // pertains to Certificate Manager managed renewal. Provided only when the // certificate type is AMAZON_ISSUED. DomainValidationOptions []AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption // The status of the Certificate Manager managed renewal of the certificate. Valid // values: PENDING_AUTO_RENEWAL | PENDING_VALIDATION | SUCCESS | FAILED RenewalStatus *string // The reason that a renewal request was unsuccessful. This attribute is used only // when RenewalStatus is FAILED. Valid values: NO_AVAILABLE_CONTACTS | // ADDITIONAL_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED | DOMAIN_NOT_ALLOWED | INVALID_PUBLIC_DOMAIN | // DOMAIN_VALIDATION_DENIED | CAA_ERROR | PCA_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | PCA_INVALID_ARN | // PCA_INVALID_STATE | PCA_REQUEST_FAILED | PCA_NAME_CONSTRAINTS_VALIDATION | // PCA_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND | PCA_INVALID_ARGS | PCA_INVALID_DURATION | // PCA_ACCESS_DENIED | SLR_NOT_FOUND | OTHER RenewalStatusReason *string // Indicates when the renewal summary was last updated. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. UpdatedAt *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about the Certificate Manager managed renewal for an AMAZON_ISSUED certificate.
type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord struct { // The name of the resource. Name *string // The type of resource. Type *string // The value of the resource. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about the CNAME record that is added to the DNS database for domain validation.
type AwsCloudFormationStackDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsCloudFormationStackDetails struct { // The capabilities allowed in the stack. Capabilities []string // The time at which the stack was created. CreationTime *string // A user-defined description associated with the stack. Description *string // Boolean to enable or disable rollback on stack creation failures. DisableRollback bool // Information about whether a stack's actual configuration differs, or has // drifted, from its expected configuration, as defined in the stack template and // any values specified as template parameters. DriftInformation *AwsCloudFormationStackDriftInformationDetails // Whether termination protection is enabled for the stack. EnableTerminationProtection bool // The time the nested stack was last updated. This field will only be returned if // the stack has been updated at least once. LastUpdatedTime *string // The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the Amazon SNS topic to which stack-related // events are published. NotificationArns []string // A list of output structures. Outputs []AwsCloudFormationStackOutputsDetails // The ARN of an IAM role that's associated with the stack. RoleArn *string // Unique identifier of the stack. StackId *string // The name associated with the stack. StackName *string // Current status of the stack. StackStatus *string // Success or failure message associated with the stack status. StackStatusReason *string // The length of time, in minutes, that CloudFormation waits for the nested stack // to reach the CREATE_COMPLETE state. TimeoutInMinutes int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Nests a stack as a resource in a top-level template. Nested stacks are stacks created as resources for another stack.
type AwsCloudFormationStackDriftInformationDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsCloudFormationStackDriftInformationDetails struct { // Status of the stack's actual configuration compared to its expected template // configuration. StackDriftStatus *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the stack's conformity to its expected template configuration.
type AwsCloudFormationStackOutputsDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsCloudFormationStackOutputsDetails struct { // A user-defined description associated with the output. Description *string // The key associated with the output. OutputKey *string // The value associated with the output. OutputValue *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the CloudFormation stack output.
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehavior ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehavior struct { // The protocol that viewers can use to access the files in an origin. You can // specify the following options: // // * allow-all - Viewers can use HTTP or HTTPS. // // * // redirect-to-https - CloudFront responds to HTTP requests with an HTTP status // code of 301 (Moved Permanently) and the HTTPS URL. The viewer then uses the new // URL to resubmit. // // * https-only - CloudFront responds to HTTP request with an // HTTP status code of 403 (Forbidden). ViewerProtocolPolicy *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a cache behavior for the distribution.
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehaviors ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehaviors struct { // The cache behaviors for the distribution. Items []AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehavior // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about caching for the CloudFront distribution.
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior struct { // The protocol that viewers can use to access the files in an origin. You can // specify the following options: // // * allow-all - Viewers can use HTTP or HTTPS. // // * // redirect-to-https - CloudFront responds to HTTP requests with an HTTP status // code of 301 (Moved Permanently) and the HTTPS URL. The viewer then uses the new // URL to resubmit. // // * https-only - CloudFront responds to HTTP request with an // HTTP status code of 403 (Forbidden). ViewerProtocolPolicy *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about the default cache configuration for the CloudFront distribution.
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails ¶
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails struct { // Provides information about the cache configuration for the distribution. CacheBehaviors *AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehaviors // The default cache behavior for the configuration. DefaultCacheBehavior *AwsCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior // The object that CloudFront sends in response to requests from the origin (for // example, index.html) when a viewer requests the root URL for the distribution // ( instead of an object in your distribution // ( DefaultRootObject *string // The domain name corresponding to the distribution. DomainName *string // The entity tag is a hash of the object. ETag *string // Indicates when that the distribution was last modified. Uses the date-time // format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LastModifiedTime *string // A complex type that controls whether access logs are written for the // distribution. Logging *AwsCloudFrontDistributionLogging // Provides information about the origin groups in the distribution. OriginGroups *AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroups // A complex type that contains information about origins for this distribution. Origins *AwsCloudFrontDistributionOrigins // Indicates the current status of the distribution. Status *string // Provides information about the TLS/SSL configuration that the distribution uses // to communicate with viewers. ViewerCertificate *AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate // A unique identifier that specifies the WAF web ACL, if any, to associate with // this distribution. WebAclId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A CloudFront distribution configuration.
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionLogging ¶
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionLogging struct { // The S3 bucket to store the access logs in. Bucket *string // With this field, you can enable or disable the selected distribution. Enabled bool // Specifies whether you want CloudFront to include cookies in access logs. IncludeCookies bool // An optional string that you want CloudFront to use as a prefix to the access log // filenames for this distribution. Prefix *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A complex type that controls whether access logs are written for the CloudFront distribution.
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginCustomOriginConfig ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginCustomOriginConfig struct { // The HTTP port that CloudFront uses to connect to the origin. HttpPort int32 // The HTTPS port that CloudFront uses to connect to the origin. HttpsPort int32 // Specifies how long, in seconds, CloudFront persists its connection to the // origin. OriginKeepaliveTimeout int32 // Specifies the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) that CloudFront uses to connect to the // origin. OriginProtocolPolicy *string // Specifies how long, in seconds, CloudFront waits for a response from the origin. OriginReadTimeout int32 // Specifies the minimum SSL/TLS protocol that CloudFront uses when connecting to // your origin over HTTPS. OriginSslProtocols *AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginSslProtocols // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A custom origin. A custom origin is any origin that is not an Amazon S3 bucket, with one exception. An Amazon S3 bucket that is configured with static website hosting ( is a custom origin.
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroup ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroup struct { // Provides the criteria for an origin group to fail over. FailoverCriteria *AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailover // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an origin group for the CloudFront distribution.
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailover ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailover struct { // Information about the status codes that cause an origin group to fail over. StatusCodes *AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailoverStatusCodes // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about when an origin group fails over.
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailoverStatusCodes ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailoverStatusCodes struct { // The list of status code values that can cause a failover to the next origin. Items []int32 // The number of status codes that can cause a failover. Quantity int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The status codes that cause an origin group to fail over.
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroups ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroups struct { // The list of origin groups. Items []AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroup // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about origin groups that are associated with the CloudFront distribution.
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem ¶
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem struct { // An origin that is not an Amazon S3 bucket, with one exception. If the Amazon S3 // bucket is configured with static website hosting, use this attribute. If the // Amazon S3 bucket is not configured with static website hosting, use the // S3OriginConfig type instead. CustomOriginConfig *AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginCustomOriginConfig // Amazon S3 origins: The DNS name of the S3 bucket from which you want CloudFront // to get objects for this origin. DomainName *string // A unique identifier for the origin or origin group. Id *string // An optional element that causes CloudFront to request your content from a // directory in your Amazon S3 bucket or your custom origin. OriginPath *string // An origin that is an S3 bucket that is not configured with static website // hosting. S3OriginConfig *AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginS3OriginConfig // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A complex type that describes the Amazon S3 bucket, HTTP server (for example, a web server), AWS Elemental MediaStore, or other server from which CloudFront gets your files.
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginS3OriginConfig ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginS3OriginConfig struct { // The CloudFront origin access identity to associate with the origin. OriginAccessIdentity *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an origin that is an Amazon S3 bucket that is not configured with static website hosting.
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginSslProtocols ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginSslProtocols struct { // A list that contains allowed SSL/TLS protocols for this distribution. Items []string // The number of SSL/TLS protocols that you want to allow CloudFront to use when // establishing an HTTPS connection with this origin. Quantity int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A complex type that contains information about the SSL/TLS protocols that CloudFront can use when establishing an HTTPS connection with your origin.
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOrigins ¶
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionOrigins struct { // A complex type that contains origins or origin groups for this distribution. Items []AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A complex type that contains information about origins and origin groups for this CloudFront distribution.
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate struct { // The ARN of the ACM certificate. Used if the certificate is stored in ACM. If you // provide an ACM certificate ARN, you must also provide MinimumCertificateVersion // and SslSupportMethod. AcmCertificateArn *string // The identifier of the certificate. Note that in CloudFront, this attribute is // deprecated. Certificate *string // The source of the certificate identified by Certificate. Note that in // CloudFront, this attribute is deprecated. CertificateSource *string // Whether the distribution uses the CloudFront domain name. If set to false, then // you provide either AcmCertificateArn or IamCertificateId. CloudFrontDefaultCertificate bool // The identifier of the IAM certificate. Used if the certificate is stored in IAM. // If you provide IamCertificateId, then you also must provide // MinimumProtocolVersion and SslSupportMethod. IamCertificateId *string // The security policy that CloudFront uses for HTTPS connections with viewers. If // SslSupportMethod is sni-only, then MinimumProtocolVersion must be TLSv1 or // higher. MinimumProtocolVersion *string // The viewers that the distribution accepts HTTPS connections from. SslSupportMethod *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the TLS/SSL configuration that the CloudFront distribution uses to communicate with viewers.
type AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails struct { // The ARN of the log group that CloudTrail logs are delivered to. CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn *string // The ARN of the role that the CloudWatch Events endpoint assumes when it writes // to the log group. CloudWatchLogsRoleArn *string // Indicates whether the trail has custom event selectors. HasCustomEventSelectors bool // The Region where the trail was created. HomeRegion *string // Indicates whether the trail publishes events from global services such as IAM to // the log files. IncludeGlobalServiceEvents bool // Indicates whether the trail applies only to the current Region or to all // Regions. IsMultiRegionTrail bool // Whether the trail is created for all accounts in an organization in // Organizations, or only for the current Amazon Web Services account. IsOrganizationTrail bool // The KMS key ID to use to encrypt the logs. KmsKeyId *string // Indicates whether CloudTrail log file validation is enabled. LogFileValidationEnabled bool // The name of the trail. Name *string // The name of the S3 bucket where the log files are published. S3BucketName *string // The S3 key prefix. The key prefix is added after the name of the S3 bucket where // the log files are published. S3KeyPrefix *string // The ARN of the SNS topic that is used for notifications of log file delivery. SnsTopicArn *string // The name of the SNS topic that is used for notifications of log file delivery. SnsTopicName *string // The ARN of the trail. TrailArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about a CloudTrail trail.
type AwsCloudWatchAlarmDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsCloudWatchAlarmDetails struct { // Indicates whether actions should be executed during any changes to the alarm // state. ActionsEnabled bool // The list of actions, specified as Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to execute when // this alarm transitions into an ALARM state from any other state. AlarmActions []string // The ARN of the alarm. AlarmArn *string // The time stamp of the last update to the alarm configuration. AlarmConfigurationUpdatedTimestamp *string // The description of the alarm. AlarmDescription *string // The name of the alarm. If you don't specify a name, CloudFront generates a // unique physical ID and uses that ID for the alarm name. AlarmName *string // The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified statistic and // threshold. The specified statistic value is used as the first operand. ComparisonOperator *string // The number of datapoints that must be breaching to trigger the alarm. DatapointsToAlarm int32 // The dimensions for the metric associated with the alarm. Dimensions []AwsCloudWatchAlarmDimensionsDetails // Used only for alarms based on percentiles. If ignore, the alarm state does not // change during periods with too few data points to be statistically significant. // If evaluate or this parameter is not used, the alarm is always evaluated and // possibly changes state no matter how many data points are available. EvaluateLowSampleCountPercentile *string // The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold. EvaluationPeriods int32 // The percentile statistic for the metric associated with the alarm. ExtendedStatistic *string // The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the INSUFFICIENT_DATA // state from any other state. Each action is specified as an ARN. InsufficientDataActions []string // The name of the metric associated with the alarm. This is required for an alarm // based on a metric. For an alarm based on a math expression, you use Metrics // instead and you can't specify MetricName. MetricName *string // The namespace of the metric associated with the alarm. This is required for an // alarm based on a metric. For an alarm based on a math expression, you can't // specify Namespace and you use Metrics instead. Namespace *string // The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the OK state from any // other state. Each action is specified as an ARN. OkActions []string // The period, in seconds, over which the statistic is applied. This is required // for an alarm based on a metric. Period int32 // The statistic for the metric associated with the alarm, other than percentile. // For percentile statistics, use ExtendedStatistic. For an alarm based on a // metric, you must specify either Statistic or ExtendedStatistic but not both. For // an alarm based on a math expression, you can't specify Statistic. Instead, you // use Metrics. Statistic *string // The value to compare with the specified statistic. Threshold float64 // n an alarm based on an anomaly detection model, this is the ID of the // ANOMALY_DETECTION_BAND function used as the threshold for the alarm. ThresholdMetricId *string // Sets how this alarm is to handle missing data points. TreatMissingData *string // The unit of the metric associated with the alarm. Unit *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies an alarm and associates it with the specified metric or metric math expression.
type AwsCloudWatchAlarmDimensionsDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsCloudWatchAlarmDimensionsDetails struct { // The name of a dimension. Name *string // The value of a dimension. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about the dimensions for the metric associated with the alarm.
type AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails struct { // An identifier for the artifact definition. ArtifactIdentifier *string // Indicates whether to disable encryption on the artifact. Only valid when Type is // S3. EncryptionDisabled bool // Only used when Type is S3. The name of the S3 bucket where the artifact is // located. Location *string // Only used when Type is S3. The name of the artifact. Used with NamepaceType and // Path to determine the pattern for storing the artifact. Name *string // Only used when Type is S3. The value to use for the namespace. Used with Name // and Path to determine the pattern for storing the artifact. NamespaceType *string // Whether the name specified in the buildspec file overrides the artifact name. OverrideArtifactName bool // Only used when Type is S3. The type of output artifact to create. Packaging *string // Only used when Type is S3. The path to the artifact. Used with Name and // NamespaceType to determine the pattern for storing the artifact. Path *string // The type of build artifact. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the build artifacts for the CodeBuild project.
type AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails ¶
type AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails struct { // Information about the build artifacts for the CodeBuild project. Artifacts []AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails // The KMS key used to encrypt the build output artifacts. You can specify either // the ARN of the KMS key or, if available, the KMS key alias (using the format // alias/alias-name). EncryptionKey *string // Information about the build environment for this build project. Environment *AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment // Information about logs for the build project. LogsConfig *AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigDetails // The name of the build project. Name *string // Information about the secondary artifacts for the CodeBuild project. SecondaryArtifacts []AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails // The ARN of the IAM role that enables CodeBuild to interact with dependent Amazon // Web Services services on behalf of the Amazon Web Services account. ServiceRole *string // Information about the build input source code for this build project. Source *AwsCodeBuildProjectSource // Information about the VPC configuration that CodeBuild accesses. VpcConfig *AwsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an CodeBuild project.
type AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment ¶
type AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment struct { // The certificate to use with this build project. Certificate *string // A set of environment variables to make available to builds for the build // project. EnvironmentVariables []AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails // The type of credentials CodeBuild uses to pull images in your build. Valid // values: // // * CODEBUILD specifies that CodeBuild uses its own credentials. This // requires that you modify your ECR repository policy to trust the CodeBuild // service principal. // // * SERVICE_ROLE specifies that CodeBuild uses your build // project's service role. // // When you use a cross-account or private registry image, // you must use SERVICE_ROLE credentials. When you use an CodeBuild curated image, // you must use CODEBUILD credentials. ImagePullCredentialsType *string // Whether to allow the Docker daemon to run inside a Docker container. Set to true // if the build project is used to build Docker images. PrivilegedMode bool // The credentials for access to a private registry. RegistryCredential *AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentRegistryCredential // The type of build environment to use for related builds. The environment type // ARM_CONTAINER is available only in Regions US East (N. Virginia), US East // (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific // (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Europe (Frankfurt). The environment type // LINUX_CONTAINER with compute type build.general1.2xlarge is available only in // Regions US East (N. Virginia), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Canada // (Central), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific // (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), // China (Beijing), and China (Ningxia). The environment type LINUX_GPU_CONTAINER // is available only in Regions US East (N. Virginia), US East (N. Virginia), US // West (Oregon), Canada (Central), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe // (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific // (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), China (Beijing), and China (Ningxia). Valid // values: WINDOWS_CONTAINER | LINUX_CONTAINER | LINUX_GPU_CONTAINER | // ARM_CONTAINER Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the build environment for this build project.
type AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails struct { // The name of the environment variable. Name *string // The type of environment variable. Type *string // The value of the environment variable. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an environment variable that is available to builds for the build project.
type AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentRegistryCredential ¶
type AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentRegistryCredential struct { // The ARN or name of credentials created using Secrets Manager. The credential can // use the name of the credentials only if they exist in your current Amazon Web // Services Region. Credential *string // The service that created the credentials to access a private Docker registry. // The valid value, SECRETS_MANAGER, is for Secrets Manager. CredentialProvider *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The credentials for access to a private registry.
type AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails struct { // The group name of the logs in CloudWatch Logs. GroupName *string // The current status of the logs in CloudWatch Logs for a build project. Status *string // The prefix of the stream name of the CloudWatch Logs. StreamName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about CloudWatch Logs for the build project.
type AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigDetails struct { // Information about CloudWatch Logs for the build project. CloudWatchLogs *AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails // Information about logs built to an S3 bucket for a build project. S3Logs *AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about logs for the build project.
type AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails struct { // Whether to disable encryption of the S3 build log output. EncryptionDisabled bool // The ARN of the S3 bucket and the path prefix for S3 logs. Location *string // The current status of the S3 build logs. Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about logs built to an S3 bucket for a build project.
type AwsCodeBuildProjectSource ¶
type AwsCodeBuildProjectSource struct { // Information about the Git clone depth for the build project. GitCloneDepth int32 // Whether to ignore SSL warnings while connecting to the project source code. InsecureSsl bool // Information about the location of the source code to be built. Valid values // include: // // * For source code settings that are specified in the source action of // a pipeline in CodePipeline, location should not be specified. If it is // specified, CodePipeline ignores it. This is because CodePipeline uses the // settings in a pipeline's source action instead of this value. // // * For source code // in an CodeCommit repository, the HTTPS clone URL to the repository that contains // the source code and the build spec file (for example, // ). // // * For // source code in an S3 input bucket, one of the following. // // * The path to the ZIP // file that contains the source code (for example, // bucket-name/path/to/ // // * The path to the folder that contains // the source code (for example, bucket-name/path/to/source-code/folder/). // // * For // source code in a GitHub repository, the HTTPS clone URL to the repository that // contains the source and the build spec file. // // * For source code in a Bitbucket // repository, the HTTPS clone URL to the repository that contains the source and // the build spec file. Location *string // The type of repository that contains the source code to be built. Valid values // are: // // * BITBUCKET - The source code is in a Bitbucket repository. // // * CODECOMMIT // - The source code is in an CodeCommit repository. // // * CODEPIPELINE - The source // code settings are specified in the source action of a pipeline in // CodePipeline. // // * GITHUB - The source code is in a GitHub repository. // // * // GITHUB_ENTERPRISE - The source code is in a GitHub Enterprise repository. // // * // NO_SOURCE - The project does not have input source code. // // * S3 - The source code // is in an S3 input bucket. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the build input source code for this build project.
type AwsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig ¶
type AwsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig struct { // A list of one or more security group IDs in your VPC. SecurityGroupIds []string // A list of one or more subnet IDs in your VPC. Subnets []string // The ID of the VPC. VpcId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the VPC configuration that CodeBuild accesses.
type AwsCorsConfiguration ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsCorsConfiguration struct { // Indicates whether the CORS request includes credentials. AllowCredentials bool // The allowed headers for CORS requests. AllowHeaders []string // The allowed methods for CORS requests. AllowMethods []string // The allowed origins for CORS requests. AllowOrigins []string // The exposed headers for CORS requests. ExposeHeaders []string // The number of seconds for which the browser caches preflight request results. MaxAge int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration for the API. CORS is only supported for HTTP APIs.
type AwsDynamoDbTableAttributeDefinition ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsDynamoDbTableAttributeDefinition struct { // The name of the attribute. AttributeName *string // The type of the attribute. AttributeType *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains a definition of an attribute for the table.
type AwsDynamoDbTableBillingModeSummary ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsDynamoDbTableBillingModeSummary struct { // The method used to charge for read and write throughput and to manage capacity. BillingMode *string // If the billing mode is PAY_PER_REQUEST, indicates when the billing mode was set // to that value. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, // Internet Date/Time Format ( The // value cannot contain spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LastUpdateToPayPerRequestDateTime *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the billing for read/write capacity on the table.
type AwsDynamoDbTableDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsDynamoDbTableDetails struct { // A list of attribute definitions for the table. AttributeDefinitions []AwsDynamoDbTableAttributeDefinition // Information about the billing for read/write capacity on the table. BillingModeSummary *AwsDynamoDbTableBillingModeSummary // Indicates when the table was created. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC // 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreationDateTime *string // List of global secondary indexes for the table. GlobalSecondaryIndexes []AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex // The version of global tables being used. GlobalTableVersion *string // The number of items in the table. ItemCount int32 // The primary key structure for the table. KeySchema []AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema // The ARN of the latest stream for the table. LatestStreamArn *string // The label of the latest stream. The label is not a unique identifier. LatestStreamLabel *string // The list of local secondary indexes for the table. LocalSecondaryIndexes []AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex // Information about the provisioned throughput for the table. ProvisionedThroughput *AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput // The list of replicas of this table. Replicas []AwsDynamoDbTableReplica // Information about the restore for the table. RestoreSummary *AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary // Information about the server-side encryption for the table. SseDescription *AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription // The current DynamoDB Streams configuration for the table. StreamSpecification *AwsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification // The identifier of the table. TableId *string // The name of the table. TableName *string // The total size of the table in bytes. TableSizeBytes int64 // The current status of the table. Valid values are as follows: // // * ACTIVE // // * // ARCHIVED // // * ARCHIVING // // * CREATING // // * DELETING // // * // INACCESSIBLE_ENCRYPTION_CREDENTIALS // // * UPDATING TableStatus *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about a DynamoDB table.
type AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex struct { // Whether the index is currently backfilling. Backfilling bool // The ARN of the index. IndexArn *string // The name of the index. IndexName *string // The total size in bytes of the index. IndexSizeBytes int64 // The current status of the index. // // * ACTIVE // // * CREATING // // * DELETING // // * UPDATING IndexStatus *string // The number of items in the index. ItemCount int32 // The key schema for the index. KeySchema []AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema // Attributes that are copied from the table into an index. Projection *AwsDynamoDbTableProjection // Information about the provisioned throughput settings for the indexes. ProvisionedThroughput *AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information abut a global secondary index for the table.
type AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema struct { // The name of the key schema attribute. AttributeName *string // The type of key used for the key schema attribute. Valid values are HASH or // RANGE. KeyType *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A component of the key schema for the DynamoDB table, a global secondary index, or a local secondary index.
type AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex struct { // The ARN of the index. IndexArn *string // The name of the index. IndexName *string // The complete key schema for the index. KeySchema []AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema // Attributes that are copied from the table into the index. These are in addition // to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically // projected. Projection *AwsDynamoDbTableProjection // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a local secondary index for a DynamoDB table.
type AwsDynamoDbTableProjection ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsDynamoDbTableProjection struct { // The nonkey attributes that are projected into the index. For each attribute, // provide the attribute name. NonKeyAttributes []string // The types of attributes that are projected into the index. Valid values are as // follows: // // * ALL // // * INCLUDE // // * KEYS_ONLY ProjectionType *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
For global and local secondary indexes, identifies the attributes that are copied from the table into the index.
type AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput struct { // Indicates when the provisioned throughput was last decreased. Uses the date-time // format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LastDecreaseDateTime *string // Indicates when the provisioned throughput was last increased. Uses the date-time // format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LastIncreaseDateTime *string // The number of times during the current UTC calendar day that the provisioned // throughput was decreased. NumberOfDecreasesToday int32 // The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second before // DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException. ReadCapacityUnits int32 // The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns a // ThrottlingException. WriteCapacityUnits int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the provisioned throughput for the table or for a global secondary index.
type AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughputOverride ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughputOverride struct { // The read capacity units for the replica. ReadCapacityUnits int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Replica-specific configuration for the provisioned throughput.
type AwsDynamoDbTableReplica ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsDynamoDbTableReplica struct { // List of global secondary indexes for the replica. GlobalSecondaryIndexes []AwsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex // The identifier of the KMS key that will be used for KMS encryption for the // replica. KmsMasterKeyId *string // Replica-specific configuration for the provisioned throughput. ProvisionedThroughputOverride *AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughputOverride // The name of the Region where the replica is located. RegionName *string // The current status of the replica. Valid values are as follows: // // * ACTIVE // // * // CREATING // // * CREATION_FAILED // // * DELETING // // * UPDATING ReplicaStatus *string // Detailed information about the replica status. ReplicaStatusDescription *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a replica of a DynamoDB table.
type AwsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex struct { // The name of the index. IndexName *string // Replica-specific configuration for the provisioned throughput for the index. ProvisionedThroughputOverride *AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughputOverride // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a global secondary index for a DynamoDB table replica.
type AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary struct { // Indicates the point in time that the table was restored to. Uses the date-time // format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. RestoreDateTime *string // Whether a restore is currently in progress. RestoreInProgress bool // The ARN of the source backup from which the table was restored. SourceBackupArn *string // The ARN of the source table for the backup. SourceTableArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the restore for the table.
type AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription struct { // If the key is inaccessible, the date and time when DynamoDB detected that the // key was inaccessible. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC 3339 section // 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. InaccessibleEncryptionDateTime *string // The ARN of the KMS key that is used for the KMS encryption. KmsMasterKeyArn *string // The type of server-side encryption. SseType *string // The status of the server-side encryption. Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the server-side encryption for the table.
type AwsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification struct { // Indicates whether DynamoDB Streams is enabled on the table. StreamEnabled bool // Determines the information that is written to the table. StreamViewType *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The current DynamoDB Streams configuration for the table.
type AwsEc2EipDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsEc2EipDetails struct { // The identifier that Amazon Web Services assigns to represent the allocation of // the Elastic IP address for use with Amazon VPC. AllocationId *string // The identifier that represents the association of the Elastic IP address with an // EC2 instance. AssociationId *string // The domain in which to allocate the address. If the address is for use with EC2 // instances in a VPC, then Domain is vpc. Otherwise, Domain is standard. Domain *string // The identifier of the EC2 instance. InstanceId *string // The name of the location from which the Elastic IP address is advertised. NetworkBorderGroup *string // The identifier of the network interface. NetworkInterfaceId *string // The Amazon Web Services account ID of the owner of the network interface. NetworkInterfaceOwnerId *string // The private IP address that is associated with the Elastic IP address. PrivateIpAddress *string // A public IP address that is associated with the EC2 instance. PublicIp *string // The identifier of an IP address pool. This parameter allows Amazon EC2 to select // an IP address from the address pool. PublicIpv4Pool *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an Elastic IP address.
type AwsEc2InstanceDetails ¶
type AwsEc2InstanceDetails struct { // The IAM profile ARN of the instance. IamInstanceProfileArn *string // The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID of the instance. ImageId *string // The IPv4 addresses associated with the instance. IpV4Addresses []string // The IPv6 addresses associated with the instance. IpV6Addresses []string // The key name associated with the instance. KeyName *string // Indicates when the instance was launched. Uses the date-time format specified in // RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LaunchedAt *string // Details about the metadata options for the Amazon EC2 instance. MetadataOptions *AwsEc2InstanceMetadataOptions // The identifiers of the network interfaces for the EC2 instance. The details for // each network interface are in a corresponding AwsEc2NetworkInterfacesDetails // object. NetworkInterfaces []AwsEc2InstanceNetworkInterfacesDetails // The identifier of the subnet that the instance was launched in. SubnetId *string // The instance type of the instance. Type *string // The virtualization type of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) required to launch the // instance. VirtualizationType *string // The identifier of the VPC that the instance was launched in. VpcId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The details of an Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2InstanceMetadataOptions ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsEc2InstanceMetadataOptions struct { // Enables or disables the HTTP metadata endpoint on the instance. HttpEndpoint *string // Enables or disables the IPv6 endpoint for the instance metadata service. HttpProtocolIpv6 *string // The desired HTTP PUT response hop limit for instance metadata requests. The // larger the number, the further instance metadata requests can travel. HttpPutResponseHopLimit int32 // The state of token usage for your instance metadata requests. HttpTokens *string // Specifies whether to allow access to instance tags from the instance metadata. InstanceMetadataTags *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Metadata options that allow you to configure and secure the Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2InstanceNetworkInterfacesDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEc2InstanceNetworkInterfacesDetails struct { // The identifier of the network interface. The details are in a corresponding // AwsEc2NetworkInterfacesDetails object. NetworkInterfaceId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Identifies a network interface for the Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataBlockDeviceMappingSetDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataBlockDeviceMappingSetDetails struct { // The device name. DeviceName *string // Parameters used to automatically set up Amazon EBS volumes when the instance is // launched. Ebs *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataBlockDeviceMappingSetEbsDetails // Omits the device from the block device mapping when an empty string is // specified. NoDevice *string // The virtual device name (ephemeralN). Instance store volumes are numbered // starting from 0. An instance type with 2 available instance store volumes can // specify mappings for ephemeral0 and ephemeral1. The number of available instance // store volumes depends on the instance type. VirtualName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a block device mapping for an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) launch template.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataBlockDeviceMappingSetEbsDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataBlockDeviceMappingSetEbsDetails struct { // Indicates whether the EBS volume is deleted on instance termination. DeleteOnTermination bool // Indicates whether the EBS volume is encrypted. Encrypted volumes can only be // attached to instances that support Amazon EBS encryption. If you're creating a // volume from a snapshot, you can't specify an encryption value. Encrypted bool // The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS). Iops int32 // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the symmetric Key Management Service (KMS) // customer managed key used for encryption. KmsKeyId *string // The ID of the EBS snapshot. SnapshotId *string // The throughput to provision for a gp3 volume, with a maximum of 1,000 MiB/s. Throughput int32 // The size of the volume, in GiBs. You must specify either a snapshot ID or a // volume size. VolumeSize int32 // The volume type. VolumeType *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Parameters for a block device for an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume in an Amazon EC2 launch template.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCapacityReservationSpecificationCapacityReservationTargetDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCapacityReservationSpecificationCapacityReservationTargetDetails struct { // The ID of the Capacity Reservation in which to run the instance. CapacityReservationId *string // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Capacity Reservation resource group in // which to run the instance. CapacityReservationResourceGroupArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the target Capacity Reservation or Capacity Reservation group in which to run an Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCapacityReservationSpecificationDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCapacityReservationSpecificationDetails struct { // Indicates the instance's Capacity Reservation preferences. If equal to open, the // instance can run in any open Capacity Reservation that has matching attributes // (instance type, platform, Availability Zone). If equal to none, the instance // avoids running in a Capacity Reservation even if one is available. The instance // runs in On-Demand capacity. CapacityReservationPreference *string // Specifies a target Capacity Reservation. CapacityReservationTarget *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCapacityReservationSpecificationCapacityReservationTargetDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies the Capacity Reservation targeting option of an Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCpuOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCpuOptionsDetails struct { // The number of CPU cores for the instance. CoreCount int32 // The number of threads per CPU core. A value of 1 disables multithreading for the // instance, The default value is 2. ThreadsPerCore int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies the CPU options for an Amazon EC2 instance. For more information, see Optimize CPU options ( in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCreditSpecificationDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCreditSpecificationDetails struct { // The credit option for CPU usage of a T instance. CpuCredits *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies the credit option for CPU usage of a T2, T3, or T3a Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataDetails struct { // Information about a block device mapping for an Amazon EC2 launch template. BlockDeviceMappingSet []AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataBlockDeviceMappingSetDetails // Specifies an instance's Capacity Reservation targeting option. You can specify // only one option at a time. CapacityReservationSpecification *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCapacityReservationSpecificationDetails // Specifies the CPU options for an instance. For more information, see Optimize // CPU options // ( // in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. CpuOptions *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCpuOptionsDetails // Specifies the credit option for CPU usage of a T2, T3, or T3a instance. CreditSpecification *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCreditSpecificationDetails // Indicates whether to enable the instance for stop protection. For more // information, see Enable stop protection // ( // in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. DisableApiStop bool // If you set this parameter to true, you can't terminate the instance using the // Amazon EC2 console, CLI, or API. If set to true, you can. DisableApiTermination bool // Indicates whether the instance is optimized for Amazon EBS I/O. EbsOptimized bool // Provides details about Elastic Graphics accelerators to associate with the // instance. ElasticGpuSpecificationSet []AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataElasticGpuSpecificationSetDetails // The Amazon Elastic Inference accelerator for the instance. ElasticInferenceAcceleratorSet []AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataElasticInferenceAcceleratorSetDetails // Indicates whether the Amazon EC2 instance is enabled for Amazon Web Services // Nitro Enclaves. EnclaveOptions *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataEnclaveOptionsDetails // Specifies whether your Amazon EC2 instance is configured for hibernation. HibernationOptions *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataHibernationOptionsDetails // The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM instance profile. IamInstanceProfile *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataIamInstanceProfileDetails // The ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI). ImageId *string // Provides the options for specifying the instance initiated shutdown behavior. InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior *string // Specifies the market (purchasing) option for an instance. InstanceMarketOptions *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceMarketOptionsDetails // The attributes for the instance types. When you specify instance attributes, // Amazon EC2 will identify instance types with these attributes. If you specify // InstanceRequirements, you can't specify InstanceType. InstanceRequirements *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsDetails // The instance type. For more information, see Instance types // ( in the // Amazon EC2 User Guide. If you specify InstanceType, you can't specify // InstanceRequirements. InstanceType *string // The ID of the kernel. KernelId *string // The name of the key pair that allows users to connect to the instance. KeyName *string // Specifies a license configuration for an instance. LicenseSet []AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataLicenseSetDetails // The maintenance options of your instance. MaintenanceOptions *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataMaintenanceOptionsDetails // The metadata options for the instance. For more information, see Instance // metadata and user data // ( // in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. MetadataOptions *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataMetadataOptionsDetails // The monitoring for the instance. Monitoring *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataMonitoringDetails // Specifies the parameters for a network interface that is attached to the // instance. NetworkInterfaceSet []AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetDetails // Specifies the placement of an instance. Placement *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataPlacementDetails // The options for the instance hostname. PrivateDnsNameOptions *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataPrivateDnsNameOptionsDetails // The ID of the RAM disk. RamDiskId *string // One or more security group IDs. SecurityGroupIdSet []string // One or more security group names. For a nondefault VPC, you must use security // group IDs instead. You cannot specify both a security group ID and security name // in the same request. SecurityGroupSet []string // The user data to make available to the instance. UserData *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The information to include in an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) launch template.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataElasticGpuSpecificationSetDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataElasticGpuSpecificationSetDetails struct { // The type of Elastic Graphics accelerator. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about an Elastic Graphics specification for an Amazon EC2 launch template.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataElasticInferenceAcceleratorSetDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataElasticInferenceAcceleratorSetDetails struct { // The number of Elastic Inference accelerators to attach to the instance. Count int32 // The type of Elastic Inference accelerator. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details for an Amazon Elastic Inference accelerator.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataEnclaveOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataEnclaveOptionsDetails struct { // If this parameter is set to true, the instance is enabled for Amazon Web // Services Nitro Enclaves. Enabled bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Indicates whether the instance is enabled for Amazon Web Services Nitro Enclaves.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataHibernationOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataHibernationOptionsDetails struct { // If you set this parameter to true, the instance is enabled for hibernation. Configured bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies whether your Amazon EC2 instance is configured for hibernation.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataIamInstanceProfileDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataIamInstanceProfileDetails struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile. Arn *string // The name of the instance profile. Name *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details for an Identity and Access Management (IAM) instance profile, which is a container for an IAM role for your instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceMarketOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceMarketOptionsDetails struct { // The market type. MarketType *string // The options for Spot Instances. SpotOptions *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceMarketOptionsSpotOptionsDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about the market (purchasing) option for an Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceMarketOptionsSpotOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceMarketOptionsSpotOptionsDetails struct { // Deprecated. BlockDurationMinutes int32 // The behavior when a Spot Instance is interrupted. InstanceInterruptionBehavior *string // The maximum hourly price you're willing to pay for the Spot Instances. MaxPrice *string // The Spot Instance request type. SpotInstanceType *string // The end date of the request, in UTC format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ), for // persistent requests. ValidUntil *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about the market (purchasing) options for Spot Instances.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsAcceleratorCountDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsAcceleratorCountDetails struct { // The maximum number of accelerators. If this parameter isn't specified, there's // no maximum limit. To exclude accelerator-enabled instance types, set Max to 0. Max int32 // The minimum number of accelerators. If this parameter isn't specified, there's // no minimum limit. Min int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The minimum and maximum number of accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, or Amazon Web Services Inferentia chips) on an Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBDetails struct { // The maximum amount of memory, in MiB. If this parameter isn't specified, there's // no maximum limit. Max int32 // The minimum amount of memory, in MiB. If 0 is specified, there's no maximum // limit. Min int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The minimum and maximum amount of memory, in MiB, for the accelerators on an Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsDetails struct { // The maximum baseline bandwidth, in Mbps. If this parameter is omitted, there's // no maximum limit. Max int32 // The minimum baseline bandwidth, in Mbps. If this parameter is omitted, there's // no minimum limit. Min int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The minimum and maximum baseline bandwidth to Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), in Mbps. For more information, see Amazon EBS–optimized instances ( in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsDetails struct { // The minimum and maximum number of accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, or Amazon Web // Services Inferentia chips) on an instance. AcceleratorCount *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsAcceleratorCountDetails // Indicates whether instance types must have accelerators by specific // manufacturers. AcceleratorManufacturers []string // The accelerators that must be on the instance type. AcceleratorNames []string // The minimum and maximum amount of total accelerator memory, in MiB. AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBDetails // The accelerator types that must be on the instance type. AcceleratorTypes []string // Indicates whether bare metal instance types must be included, excluded, or // required. BareMetal *string // The minimum and maximum baseline bandwidth to Amazon EBS, in Mbps. For more // information, see Amazon EBS optimized instances // ( in the // Amazon EC2 User Guide. BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsDetails // Indicates whether burstable performance T instance types are included, excluded, // or required. For more information, Burstable performance instances // ( // in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. BurstablePerformance *string // The CPU manufacturers to include. CpuManufacturers []string // The instance types to exclude. ExcludedInstanceTypes []string // Indicates whether current or previous generation instance types are included. InstanceGenerations []string // Indicates whether instance types with instance store volumes are included, // excluded, or required. For more information, see Amazon EC2 instance store // ( in // the Amazon EC2 User Guide. LocalStorage *string // The type of local storage that is required. LocalStorageTypes []string // The minimum and maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. MemoryGiBPerVCpu *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsMemoryGiBPerVCpuDetails // The minimum and maximum amount of memory, in MiB. MemoryMiB *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsMemoryMiBDetails // The minimum and maximum number of network interfaces. NetworkInterfaceCount *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsNetworkInterfaceCountDetails // The price protection threshold for On-Demand Instances. This is the maximum // you’ll pay for an On-Demand Instance, expressed as a percentage above the least // expensive current generation M, C, or R instance type with your specified // attributes. When Amazon EC2 selects instance types with your attributes, it // excludes instance types priced above your threshold. The parameter accepts an // integer, which Amazon EC2 interprets as a percentage. A high value, such as // 999999, turns off price protection. OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice int32 // Indicates whether instance types must support hibernation for On-Demand // Instances. RequireHibernateSupport bool // The price protection threshold for Spot Instances. This is the maximum you’ll // pay for a Spot Instance, expressed as a percentage above the least expensive // current generation M, C, or R instance type with your specified attributes. When // Amazon EC2 selects instance types with your attributes, it excludes instance // types priced above your threshold. The parameter accepts an integer, which // Amazon EC2 interprets as a percentage. A high value, such as 999999, turns off // price protection. SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice int32 // The minimum and maximum amount of total local storage, in GB. TotalLocalStorageGB *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsTotalLocalStorageGBDetails // The minimum and maximum number of vCPUs. VCpuCount *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsVCpuCountDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The attributes for the Amazon EC2 instance types.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsMemoryGiBPerVCpuDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsMemoryGiBPerVCpuDetails struct { // The maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. If this parameter is omitted, // there's no maximum limit. Max float64 // The minimum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. If this parameter is omitted, // there's no maximum limit. Min float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The minimum and maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsMemoryMiBDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsMemoryMiBDetails struct { // The maximum amount of memory, in MiB. Max int32 // The minimum amount of memory, in MiB. Min int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The minimum and maximum amount of memory, in MiB, for an Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsNetworkInterfaceCountDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsNetworkInterfaceCountDetails struct { // The maximum number of network interfaces. Max int32 // The minimum number of network interfaces. Min int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The minimum and maximum number of network interfaces to be attached to an Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsTotalLocalStorageGBDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsTotalLocalStorageGBDetails struct { // The maximum amount of total local storage, in GB. Max float64 // The minimum amount of total local storage, in GB. Min float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The minimum and maximum amount of total local storage, in GB, that an Amazon EC2 instance uses.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsVCpuCountDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataInstanceRequirementsVCpuCountDetails struct { // The maximum number of vCPUs. Max int32 // The minimum number of vCPUs. Min int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The minimum and maximum number of vCPUs for an Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataLicenseSetDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataLicenseSetDetails struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration. LicenseConfigurationArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about the license configuration for an Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataMaintenanceOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataMaintenanceOptionsDetails struct { // Disables the automatic recovery behavior of your instance or sets it to default. AutoRecovery *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The maintenance options of an Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataMetadataOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataMetadataOptionsDetails struct { // Enables or disables the HTTP metadata endpoint on your instances. If the // parameter is not specified, the default state is enabled, and you won’t be able // to access your instance metadata. HttpEndpoint *string // Enables or disables the IPv6 endpoint for the instance metadata service. HttpProtocolIpv6 *string // The desired HTTP PUT response hop limit for instance metadata requests. The // larger the number, the further instance metadata requests can travel. HttpPutResponseHopLimit int32 // The state of token usage for your instance metadata requests. HttpTokens *string // When set to enabled, this parameter allows access to instance tags from the // instance metadata. When set to disabled, it turns off access to instance tags // from the instance metadata. For more information, see Work with instance tags in // instance metadata // ( // in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. InstanceMetadataTags *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies the metadata options for an Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataMonitoringDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataMonitoringDetails struct { // Enables detailed monitoring when true is specified. Otherwise, basic monitoring // is enabled. For more information about detailed monitoring, see Enable or turn // off detailed monitoring for your instances // ( // in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. Enabled bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The monitoring for an Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetDetails struct { // Indicates whether to associate a Carrier IP address with eth0 for a new network // interface. You use this option when you launch an instance in a Wavelength Zone // and want to associate a Carrier IP address with the network interface. For more // information, see Carrier IP address // ( // in the Wavelength Developer Guide. AssociateCarrierIpAddress bool // Associates a public IPv4 address with eth0 for a new network interface. AssociatePublicIpAddress bool // Indicates whether the network interface is deleted when the instance is // terminated. DeleteOnTermination bool // A description for the network interface. Description *string // The device index for the network interface attachment. DeviceIndex int32 // The IDs of one or more security groups. Groups []string // The type of network interface. InterfaceType *string // The number of IPv4 prefixes to be automatically assigned to the network // interface. You cannot use this option if you use the Ipv4Prefixes option. Ipv4PrefixCount int32 // One or more IPv4 prefixes to be assigned to the network interface. You cannot // use this option if you use the Ipv4PrefixCount option. Ipv4Prefixes []AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetIpv4PrefixesDetails // The number of IPv6 addresses to assign to a network interface. Amazon EC2 // automatically selects the IPv6 addresses from the subnet range. You can't use // this option if you use Ipv6Addresses. Ipv6AddressCount int32 // One or more specific IPv6 addresses from the IPv6 CIDR block range of your // subnet. You can't use this option if you use Ipv6AddressCount. Ipv6Addresses []AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetIpv6AddressesDetails // The number of IPv6 prefixes to be automatically assigned to the network // interface. You cannot use this option if you use the Ipv6Prefix option. Ipv6PrefixCount int32 // One or more IPv6 prefixes to be assigned to the network interface. You cannot // use this option if you use the Ipv6PrefixCount option. Ipv6Prefixes []AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetIpv6PrefixesDetails // The index of the network card. Some instance types support multiple network // cards. The primary network interface must be assigned to network card index 0. // The default is network card index 0. NetworkCardIndex int32 // The ID of the network interface. NetworkInterfaceId *string // The primary private IPv4 address of the network interface. PrivateIpAddress *string // One or more private IPv4 addresses. PrivateIpAddresses []AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetPrivateIpAddressesDetails // The number of secondary private IPv4 addresses to assign to a network interface. SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount int32 // The ID of the subnet for the network interface. SubnetId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
One or more network interfaces to attach to an Amazon EC2 instance. If you specify a network interface, you must specify security groups and subnets as part of the network interface.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetIpv4PrefixesDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetIpv4PrefixesDetails struct { // The IPv4 prefix. For more information, see Assigning prefixes to Amazon EC2 // network interfaces // ( in the // Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. Ipv4Prefix *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details on one or more IPv4 prefixes for a network interface.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetIpv6AddressesDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetIpv6AddressesDetails struct { // One or more specific IPv6 addresses from the IPv6 CIDR block range of your // subnet. Ipv6Address *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies an IPv6 address in an Amazon EC2 launch template.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetIpv6PrefixesDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetIpv6PrefixesDetails struct { // The IPv6 prefix. Ipv6Prefix *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details on one or more IPv6 prefixes to be assigned to the network interface.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetPrivateIpAddressesDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataNetworkInterfaceSetPrivateIpAddressesDetails struct { // Indicates whether the private IPv4 address is the primary private IPv4 address. // Only one IPv4 address can be designated as primary. Primary bool // The private IPv4 address. PrivateIpAddress *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
One or more private IPv4 addresses.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataPlacementDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataPlacementDetails struct { // The affinity setting for an instance on an EC2 Dedicated Host. Affinity *string // The Availability Zone for the instance. AvailabilityZone *string // The name of the placement group for the instance. GroupName *string // The ID of the Dedicated Host for the instance. HostId *string // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the host resource group in which to launch the // instances. HostResourceGroupArn *string // The number of the partition the instance should launch in. PartitionNumber int32 // Reserved for future use. SpreadDomain *string // The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC). An instance // with a tenancy of dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware. Tenancy *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about the placement of an Amazon EC2 instance.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataPrivateDnsNameOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataPrivateDnsNameOptionsDetails struct { // Indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostnames with DNS AAAA // records. EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord bool // Indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostnames with DNS A // records. EnableResourceNameDnsARecord bool // The type of hostname for EC2 instances. HostnameType *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes the options for Amazon EC2 instance hostnames.
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDetails struct { // The default version of the launch template. DefaultVersionNumber int64 // An ID for the launch template. Id *string // The latest version of the launch template. LatestVersionNumber int64 // The information to include in the launch template. LaunchTemplateData *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataDetails // A name for the launch template. LaunchTemplateName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies the properties for creating an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) launch template.
type AwsEc2NetworkAclAssociation ¶ added in v1.4.0
type AwsEc2NetworkAclAssociation struct { // The identifier of the association between the network ACL and the subnet. NetworkAclAssociationId *string // The identifier of the network ACL. NetworkAclId *string // The identifier of the subnet that is associated with the network ACL. SubnetId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An association between the network ACL and a subnet.
type AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails ¶ added in v1.4.0
type AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails struct { // Associations between the network ACL and subnets. Associations []AwsEc2NetworkAclAssociation // The set of rules in the network ACL. Entries []AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry // Whether this is the default network ACL for the VPC. IsDefault bool // The identifier of the network ACL. NetworkAclId *string // The identifier of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the network ACL. OwnerId *string // The identifier of the VPC for the network ACL. VpcId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains details about an Amazon EC2 network access control list (ACL).
type AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry ¶ added in v1.4.0
type AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry struct { // The IPV4 network range for which to deny or allow access. CidrBlock *string // Whether the rule is an egress rule. An egress rule is a rule that applies to // traffic that leaves the subnet. Egress bool // The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) type and code for which to deny or // allow access. IcmpTypeCode *IcmpTypeCode // The IPV6 network range for which to deny or allow access. Ipv6CidrBlock *string // For TCP or UDP protocols, the range of ports that the rule applies to. PortRange *PortRangeFromTo // The protocol that the rule applies to. To deny or allow access to all protocols, // use the value -1. Protocol *string // Whether the rule is used to allow access or deny access. RuleAction *string // The rule number. The rules are processed in order by their number. RuleNumber int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A rule for the network ACL. Each rule allows or denies access based on the IP address, traffic direction, port, and protocol.
type AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment ¶
type AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment struct { // Indicates when the attachment initiated. Uses the date-time format specified in // RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. AttachTime *string // The identifier of the network interface attachment AttachmentId *string // Indicates whether the network interface is deleted when the instance is // terminated. DeleteOnTermination bool // The device index of the network interface attachment on the instance. DeviceIndex int32 // The ID of the instance. InstanceId *string // The Amazon Web Services account ID of the owner of the instance. InstanceOwnerId *string // The attachment state. Valid values: attaching | attached | detaching | detached Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the network interface attachment.
type AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails ¶
type AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails struct { // The network interface attachment. Attachment *AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment // The IPv6 addresses associated with the network interface. IpV6Addresses []AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceIpV6AddressDetail // The ID of the network interface. NetworkInterfaceId *string // The private IPv4 addresses associated with the network interface. PrivateIpAddresses []AwsEc2NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressDetail // The public DNS name of the network interface. PublicDnsName *string // The address of the Elastic IP address bound to the network interface. PublicIp *string // Security groups for the network interface. SecurityGroups []AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroup // Indicates whether traffic to or from the instance is validated. SourceDestCheck bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about the network interface
type AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceIpV6AddressDetail ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceIpV6AddressDetail struct { // The IPV6 address. IpV6Address *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about an IPV6 address that is associated with the network interface.
type AwsEc2NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressDetail ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AwsEc2NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressDetail struct { // The private DNS name for the IP address. PrivateDnsName *string // The IP address. PrivateIpAddress *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about a private IPv4 address that is with the network interface.
type AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroup ¶
type AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroup struct { // The ID of the security group. GroupId *string // The name of the security group. GroupName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A security group associated with the network interface.
type AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails ¶
type AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails struct { // The ID of the security group. GroupId *string // The name of the security group. GroupName *string // The inbound rules associated with the security group. IpPermissions []AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission // [VPC only] The outbound rules associated with the security group. IpPermissionsEgress []AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission // The Amazon Web Services account ID of the owner of the security group. OwnerId *string // [VPC only] The ID of the VPC for the security group. VpcId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about an Amazon EC2 security group.
type AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission ¶
type AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission struct { // The start of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP/ICMPv6 // type number. A value of -1 indicates all ICMP/ICMPv6 types. If you specify all // ICMP/ICMPv6 types, you must specify all codes. FromPort int32 // The IP protocol name (tcp, udp, icmp, icmpv6) or number. [VPC only] Use -1 to // specify all protocols. When authorizing security group rules, specifying -1 or a // protocol number other than tcp, udp, icmp, or icmpv6 allows traffic on all // ports, regardless of any port range you specify. For tcp, udp, and icmp, you // must specify a port range. For icmpv6, the port range is optional. If you omit // the port range, traffic for all types and codes is allowed. IpProtocol *string // The IPv4 ranges. IpRanges []AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpRange // The IPv6 ranges. Ipv6Ranges []AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpv6Range // [VPC only] The prefix list IDs for an Amazon Web Services service. With outbound // rules, this is the Amazon Web Services service to access through a VPC endpoint // from instances associated with the security group. PrefixListIds []AwsEc2SecurityGroupPrefixListId // The end of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP/ICMPv6 code. // A value of -1 indicates all ICMP/ICMPv6 codes. If you specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 // types, you must specify all codes. ToPort int32 // The security group and Amazon Web Services account ID pairs. UserIdGroupPairs []AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An IP permission for an EC2 security group.
type AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpRange ¶
type AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpRange struct { // The IPv4 CIDR range. You can specify either a CIDR range or a source security // group, but not both. To specify a single IPv4 address, use the /32 prefix // length. CidrIp *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A range of IPv4 addresses.
type AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpv6Range ¶
type AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpv6Range struct { // The IPv6 CIDR range. You can specify either a CIDR range or a source security // group, but not both. To specify a single IPv6 address, use the /128 prefix // length. CidrIpv6 *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A range of IPv6 addresses.
type AwsEc2SecurityGroupPrefixListId ¶
type AwsEc2SecurityGroupPrefixListId struct { // The ID of the prefix. PrefixListId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A prefix list ID.
type AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair ¶
type AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair struct { // The ID of the security group. GroupId *string // The name of the security group. GroupName *string // The status of a VPC peering connection, if applicable. PeeringStatus *string // The ID of an Amazon Web Services account. For a referenced security group in // another VPC, the account ID of the referenced security group is returned in the // response. If the referenced security group is deleted, this value is not // returned. [EC2-Classic] Required when adding or removing rules that reference a // security group in another VPC. UserId *string // The ID of the VPC for the referenced security group, if applicable. VpcId *string // The ID of the VPC peering connection, if applicable. VpcPeeringConnectionId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A relationship between a security group and a user.
type AwsEc2SubnetDetails ¶ added in v1.4.0
type AwsEc2SubnetDetails struct { // Whether to assign an IPV6 address to a network interface that is created in this // subnet. AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation bool // The Availability Zone for the subnet. AvailabilityZone *string // The identifier of the Availability Zone for the subnet. AvailabilityZoneId *string // The number of available IPV4 addresses in the subnet. Does not include addresses // for stopped instances. AvailableIpAddressCount int32 // The IPV4 CIDR block that is assigned to the subnet. CidrBlock *string // Whether this subnet is the default subnet for the Availability Zone. DefaultForAz bool // The IPV6 CIDR blocks that are associated with the subnet. Ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet []Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation // Whether instances in this subnet receive a public IP address. MapPublicIpOnLaunch bool // The identifier of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the subnet. OwnerId *string // The current state of the subnet. Valid values are available or pending. State *string // The ARN of the subnet. SubnetArn *string // The identifier of the subnet. SubnetId *string // The identifier of the VPC that contains the subnet. VpcId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about a subnet in Amazon EC2.
type AwsEc2TransitGatewayDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsEc2TransitGatewayDetails struct { // A private Autonomous System Number (ASN) for the Amazon side of a BGP session. AmazonSideAsn int32 // The ID of the default association route table. AssociationDefaultRouteTableId *string AutoAcceptSharedAttachments *string // Turn on or turn off automatic association with the default association route // table. DefaultRouteTableAssociation *string // Turn on or turn off automatic propagation of routes to the default propagation // route table. DefaultRouteTablePropagation *string // The description of the transit gateway. Description *string // Turn on or turn off DNS support. DnsSupport *string // The ID of the transit gateway. Id *string // Indicates whether multicast is supported on the transit gateway. MulticastSupport *string // The ID of the default propagation route table. PropagationDefaultRouteTableId *string // The transit gateway Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) blocks. TransitGatewayCidrBlocks []string // Turn on or turn off Equal Cost Multipath Protocol (ECMP) support. VpnEcmpSupport *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an Amazon Web Services Amazon EC2 Transit Gateway that interconnects virtual private clouds (VPCs) and on-premises networks.
type AwsEc2VolumeAttachment ¶
type AwsEc2VolumeAttachment struct { // The datetime when the attachment initiated. AttachTime *string // Whether the EBS volume is deleted when the EC2 instance is terminated. DeleteOnTermination bool // The identifier of the EC2 instance. InstanceId *string // The attachment state of the volume. Valid values are as follows: // // * attaching // // * // attached // // * busy // // * detaching // // * detached Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An attachment to an Amazon EC2 volume.
type AwsEc2VolumeDetails ¶
type AwsEc2VolumeDetails struct { // The volume attachments. Attachments []AwsEc2VolumeAttachment // Indicates when the volume was created. Uses the date-time format specified in // RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreateTime *string // The device name for the volume that is attached to the instance. DeviceName *string // Specifies whether the volume is encrypted. Encrypted bool // The ARN of the KMS key that was used to protect the volume encryption key for // the volume. KmsKeyId *string // The size of the volume, in GiBs. Size int32 // The snapshot from which the volume was created. SnapshotId *string // The volume state. Valid values are as follows: // // * available // // * creating // // * // deleted // // * deleting // // * error // // * in-use Status *string // The ID of the volume. VolumeId *string // Indicates whether the volume was scanned or skipped. VolumeScanStatus *string // The volume type. VolumeType *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about an EC2 volume.
type AwsEc2VpcDetails ¶
type AwsEc2VpcDetails struct { // Information about the IPv4 CIDR blocks associated with the VPC. CidrBlockAssociationSet []CidrBlockAssociation // The identifier of the set of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) options // that are associated with the VPC. If the default options are associated with the // VPC, then this is default. DhcpOptionsId *string // Information about the IPv6 CIDR blocks associated with the VPC. Ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet []Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation // The current state of the VPC. Valid values are available or pending. State *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about an EC2 VPC.
type AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails struct { // Whether requests from other Amazon Web Services accounts to create an endpoint // to the service must first be accepted. AcceptanceRequired bool // The Availability Zones where the service is available. AvailabilityZones []string // The DNS names for the service. BaseEndpointDnsNames []string // The ARNs of the Gateway Load Balancers for the service. GatewayLoadBalancerArns []string // Whether the service manages its VPC endpoints. ManagesVpcEndpoints bool // The ARNs of the Network Load Balancers for the service. NetworkLoadBalancerArns []string // The private DNS name for the service. PrivateDnsName *string // The identifier of the service. ServiceId *string // The name of the service. ServiceName *string // The current state of the service. Valid values are as follows: // // * Available // // * // Deleted // // * Deleting // // * Failed // // * Pending ServiceState *string // The types for the service. ServiceType []AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceServiceTypeDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains details about the service configuration for a VPC endpoint service.
type AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceServiceTypeDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceServiceTypeDetails struct { // The type of service. ServiceType *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The service type information for a VPC endpoint service.
type AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionDetails struct { // Information about the accepter VPC. AccepterVpcInfo *AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionVpcInfoDetails // The time at which an unaccepted VPC peering connection will expire. ExpirationTime *string // Information about the requester VPC. RequesterVpcInfo *AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionVpcInfoDetails // The status of the VPC peering connection. Status *AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionStatusDetails // The ID of the VPC peering connection. VpcPeeringConnectionId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about a VPC peering connection between two VPCs: a requester VPC that you own and an accepter VPC with which to create the connection.
type AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionStatusDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionStatusDetails struct { // The status of the VPC peering connection. Code *string // A message that provides more information about the status, if applicable. Message *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about the status of the VPC peering connection.
type AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionVpcInfoDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionVpcInfoDetails struct { // The IPv4 CIDR block for the VPC. CidrBlock *string // Information about the IPv4 CIDR blocks for the VPC. CidrBlockSet []VpcInfoCidrBlockSetDetails // The IPv6 CIDR block for the VPC. Ipv6CidrBlockSet []VpcInfoIpv6CidrBlockSetDetails // The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the VPC. OwnerId *string // Information about the VPC peering connection options for the accepter or // requester VPC. PeeringOptions *VpcInfoPeeringOptionsDetails // The Amazon Web Services Region in which the VPC is located. Region *string // The ID of the VPC. VpcId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes a VPC in a VPC peering connection.
type AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails struct { // The category of the VPN connection. VPN indicates an Amazon Web Services VPN // connection. VPN-Classic indicates an Amazon Web Services Classic VPN connection. Category *string // The configuration information for the VPN connection's customer gateway, in the // native XML format. CustomerGatewayConfiguration *string // The identifier of the customer gateway that is at your end of the VPN // connection. CustomerGatewayId *string // The VPN connection options. Options *AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsDetails // The static routes that are associated with the VPN connection. Routes []AwsEc2VpnConnectionRoutesDetails // The current state of the VPN connection. Valid values are as follows: // // * // available // // * deleted // // * deleting // // * pending State *string // The identifier of the transit gateway that is associated with the VPN // connection. TransitGatewayId *string // The type of VPN connection. Type *string // Information about the VPN tunnel. VgwTelemetry []AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails // The identifier of the VPN connection. VpnConnectionId *string // The identifier of the virtual private gateway that is at the Amazon Web Services // side of the VPN connection. VpnGatewayId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about an Amazon EC2 VPN connection.
type AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsDetails struct { // Whether the VPN connection uses static routes only. StaticRoutesOnly bool // The VPN tunnel options. TunnelOptions []AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
VPN connection options.
type AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails struct { // The number of seconds after which a Dead Peer Detection (DPD) timeout occurs. DpdTimeoutSeconds int32 // The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) versions that are permitted for the VPN tunnel. IkeVersions []string // The external IP address of the VPN tunnel. OutsideIpAddress *string // The permitted Diffie-Hellman group numbers for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE // negotiations. Phase1DhGroupNumbers []int32 // The permitted encryption algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE // negotiations. Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms []string // The permitted integrity algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE // negotiations. Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms []string // The lifetime for phase 1 of the IKE negotiation, in seconds. Phase1LifetimeSeconds int32 // The permitted Diffie-Hellman group numbers for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE // negotiations. Phase2DhGroupNumbers []int32 // The permitted encryption algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE // negotiations. Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms []string // The permitted integrity algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE // negotiations. Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms []string // The lifetime for phase 2 of the IKE negotiation, in seconds. Phase2LifetimeSeconds int32 // private gateway and the customer gateway. PreSharedKey *string // The percentage of the rekey window, which is determined by // RekeyMarginTimeSeconds during which the rekey time is randomly selected. RekeyFuzzPercentage int32 // The margin time, in seconds, before the phase 2 lifetime expires, during which // the Amazon Web Services side of the VPN connection performs an IKE rekey. RekeyMarginTimeSeconds int32 // The number of packets in an IKE replay window. ReplayWindowSize int32 // The range of inside IPv4 addresses for the tunnel. TunnelInsideCidr *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The VPN tunnel options.
type AwsEc2VpnConnectionRoutesDetails ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsEc2VpnConnectionRoutesDetails struct { // The CIDR block associated with the local subnet of the customer data center. DestinationCidrBlock *string // The current state of the static route. State *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A static routes associated with the VPN connection.
type AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails struct { // The number of accepted routes. AcceptedRouteCount int32 // The ARN of the VPN tunnel endpoint certificate. CertificateArn *string // The date and time of the last change in status. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LastStatusChange *string // The Internet-routable IP address of the virtual private gateway's outside // interface. OutsideIpAddress *string // The status of the VPN tunnel. Valid values are DOWN or UP. Status *string // If an error occurs, a description of the error. StatusMessage *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the VPN tunnel.
type AwsEcrContainerImageDetails ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsEcrContainerImageDetails struct { // The architecture of the image. Valid values are as follows: // // * arm64 // // * i386 // // * // x86_64 Architecture *string // The sha256 digest of the image manifest. ImageDigest *string // The date and time when the image was pushed to the repository. Uses the // date-time format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. ImagePublishedAt *string // The list of tags that are associated with the image. ImageTags []string // The Amazon Web Services account identifier that is associated with the registry // that the image belongs to. RegistryId *string // The name of the repository that the image belongs to. RepositoryName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an Amazon ECR image.
type AwsEcrRepositoryDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsEcrRepositoryDetails struct { // The ARN of the repository. Arn *string // The image scanning configuration for a repository. ImageScanningConfiguration *AwsEcrRepositoryImageScanningConfigurationDetails // The tag mutability setting for the repository. Valid values are IMMUTABLE or // MUTABLE. ImageTagMutability *string // Information about the lifecycle policy for the repository. LifecyclePolicy *AwsEcrRepositoryLifecyclePolicyDetails // The name of the repository. RepositoryName *string // The text of the repository policy. RepositoryPolicyText *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about an Amazon Elastic Container Registry repository.
type AwsEcrRepositoryImageScanningConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsEcrRepositoryImageScanningConfigurationDetails struct { // Whether to scan images after they are pushed to a repository. ScanOnPush bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The image scanning configuration for a repository.
type AwsEcrRepositoryLifecyclePolicyDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsEcrRepositoryLifecyclePolicyDetails struct { // The text of the lifecycle policy. LifecyclePolicyText *string // The Amazon Web Services account identifier that is associated with the registry // that contains the repository. RegistryId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the lifecycle policy for the repository.
type AwsEcsClusterClusterSettingsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsClusterClusterSettingsDetails struct { // The name of the setting. The valid value is containerInsights. Name *string // The value of the setting. Valid values are disabled or enabled. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Indicates whether to enable CloudWatch Container Insights for the ECS cluster.
type AwsEcsClusterConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsClusterConfigurationDetails struct { // Contains the run command configuration for the cluster. ExecuteCommandConfiguration *AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The run command configuration for the cluster.
type AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails struct { // The identifier of the KMS key that is used to encrypt the data between the local // client and the container. KmsKeyId *string // The log configuration for the results of the run command actions. Required if // Logging is NONE. LogConfiguration *AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails // The log setting to use for redirecting logs for run command results. Logging *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains the run command configuration for the cluster.
type AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails struct { // Whether to enable encryption on the CloudWatch logs. CloudWatchEncryptionEnabled bool // The name of the CloudWatch log group to send the logs to. CloudWatchLogGroupName *string // The name of the S3 bucket to send logs to. S3BucketName *string // Whether to encrypt the logs that are sent to the S3 bucket. S3EncryptionEnabled bool // Identifies the folder in the S3 bucket to send the logs to. S3KeyPrefix *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The log configuration for the results of the run command actions.
type AwsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails struct { // The minimum number of tasks to run on the specified capacity provider. Base int32 // The name of the capacity provider. CapacityProvider *string // The relative percentage of the total number of tasks launched that should use // the capacity provider. Weight int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The default capacity provider strategy for the cluster. The default capacity provider strategy is used when services or tasks are run without a specified launch type or capacity provider strategy.
type AwsEcsClusterDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsClusterDetails struct { // The number of services that are running on the cluster in an ACTIVE state. You // can view these services with the Amazon ECS ListServices // ( // API operation. ActiveServicesCount int32 // The short name of one or more capacity providers to associate with the cluster. CapacityProviders []string // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the cluster. ClusterArn *string // A name that you use to identify your cluster. ClusterName *string // The setting to use to create the cluster. Specifically used to configure whether // to enable CloudWatch Container Insights for the cluster. ClusterSettings []AwsEcsClusterClusterSettingsDetails // The run command configuration for the cluster. Configuration *AwsEcsClusterConfigurationDetails // The default capacity provider strategy for the cluster. The default capacity // provider strategy is used when services or tasks are run without a specified // launch type or capacity provider strategy. DefaultCapacityProviderStrategy []AwsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails // The number of container instances registered into the cluster. This includes // container instances in both ACTIVE and DRAINING status. RegisteredContainerInstancesCount int32 // The number of tasks in the cluster that are in the RUNNING state. RunningTasksCount int32 // The status of the cluster. Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about an Amazon ECS cluster.
type AwsEcsContainerDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsEcsContainerDetails struct { // The image used for the container. Image *string // The mount points for data volumes in your container. MountPoints []AwsMountPoint // The name of the container. Name *string // When this parameter is true, the container is given elevated privileges on the // host container instance (similar to the root user). Privileged bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about an Amazon ECS container.
type AwsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AwsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails struct { // The minimum number of tasks to run on the capacity provider. Only one strategy // item can specify a value for Base. The value must be between 0 and 100000. Base int32 // The short name of the capacity provider. CapacityProvider *string // The relative percentage of the total number of tasks that should use the // capacity provider. If no weight is specified, the default value is 0. At least // one capacity provider must have a weight greater than 0. The value can be // between 0 and 1000. Weight int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Strategy item for the capacity provider strategy that the service uses.
type AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDeploymentCircuitBreakerDetails ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDeploymentCircuitBreakerDetails struct { // Whether to enable the deployment circuit breaker logic for the service. Enable bool // Whether to roll back the service if a service deployment fails. If rollback is // enabled, when a service deployment fails, the service is rolled back to the last // deployment that completed successfully. Rollback bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Determines whether a service deployment fails if a service cannot reach a steady state.
type AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails struct { // Determines whether a service deployment fails if a service cannot reach a steady // state. DeploymentCircuitBreaker *AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDeploymentCircuitBreakerDetails // For a service that uses the rolling update (ECS) deployment type, the maximum // number of tasks in a service that are allowed in the RUNNING or PENDING state // during a deployment, and for tasks that use the EC2 launch type, when any // container instances are in the DRAINING state. Provided as a percentage of the // desired number of tasks. The default value is 200%. For a service that uses the // blue/green (CODE_DEPLOY) or EXTERNAL deployment types, and tasks that use the // EC2 launch type, the maximum number of tasks in the service that remain in the // RUNNING state while the container instances are in the DRAINING state. For the // Fargate launch type, the maximum percent value is not used. MaximumPercent int32 // For a service that uses the rolling update (ECS) deployment type, the minimum // number of tasks in a service that must remain in the RUNNING state during a // deployment, and while any container instances are in the DRAINING state if the // service contains tasks using the EC2 launch type. Expressed as a percentage of // the desired number of tasks. The default value is 100%. For a service that uses // the blue/green (CODE_DEPLOY) or EXTERNAL deployment types and tasks that use the // EC2 launch type, the minimum number of the tasks in the service that remain in // the RUNNING state while the container instances are in the DRAINING state. For // the Fargate launch type, the minimum healthy percent value is not used. MinimumHealthyPercent int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Optional deployment parameters for the service.
type AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails struct { // The rolling update (ECS) deployment type replaces the current running version of // the container with the latest version. The blue/green (CODE_DEPLOY) deployment // type uses the blue/green deployment model that is powered by CodeDeploy. This // deployment model a new deployment of a service can be verified before production // traffic is sent to it. The external (EXTERNAL) deployment type allows the use of // any third-party deployment controller for full control over the deployment // process for an Amazon ECS service. Valid values: ECS | CODE_DEPLOY | EXTERNAL Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the deployment controller type that the service uses.
type AwsEcsServiceDetails ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AwsEcsServiceDetails struct { // The capacity provider strategy that the service uses. CapacityProviderStrategy []AwsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails // The ARN of the cluster that hosts the service. Cluster *string // Deployment parameters for the service. Includes the number of tasks that run and // the order in which to start and stop tasks. DeploymentConfiguration *AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails // Contains the deployment controller type that the service uses. DeploymentController *AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails // The number of instantiations of the task definition to run on the service. DesiredCount int32 // Whether to enable Amazon ECS managed tags for the tasks in the service. EnableEcsManagedTags bool // Whether the execute command functionality is enabled for the service. EnableExecuteCommand bool // After a task starts, the amount of time in seconds that the Amazon ECS service // scheduler ignores unhealthy Elastic Load Balancing target health checks. HealthCheckGracePeriodSeconds int32 // The launch type that the service uses. Valid values: EC2 | FARGATE | EXTERNAL LaunchType *string // Information about the load balancers that the service uses. LoadBalancers []AwsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails // The name of the service. Name *string // For tasks that use the awsvpc networking mode, the VPC subnet and security group // configuration. NetworkConfiguration *AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationDetails // The placement constraints for the tasks in the service. PlacementConstraints []AwsEcsServicePlacementConstraintsDetails // Information about how tasks for the service are placed. PlacementStrategies []AwsEcsServicePlacementStrategiesDetails // The platform version on which to run the service. Only specified for tasks that // are hosted on Fargate. If a platform version is not specified, the LATEST // platform version is used by default. PlatformVersion *string // Indicates whether to propagate the tags from the task definition to the task or // from the service to the task. If no value is provided, then tags are not // propagated. Valid values: TASK_DEFINITION | SERVICE PropagateTags *string // The ARN of the IAM role that is associated with the service. The role allows the // Amazon ECS container agent to register container instances with an Elastic Load // Balancing load balancer. Role *string // The scheduling strategy to use for the service. The REPLICA scheduling strategy // places and maintains the desired number of tasks across the cluster. By default, // the service scheduler spreads tasks across Availability Zones. Task placement // strategies and constraints are used to customize task placement decisions. The // DAEMON scheduling strategy deploys exactly one task on each active container // instance that meets all of the task placement constraints that are specified in // the cluster. The service scheduler also evaluates the task placement constraints // for running tasks and stops tasks that do not meet the placement constraints. // Valid values: REPLICA | DAEMON SchedulingStrategy *string // The ARN of the service. ServiceArn *string // The name of the service. The name can contain up to 255 characters. It can use // letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens. ServiceName *string // Information about the service discovery registries to assign to the service. ServiceRegistries []AwsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails // The task definition to use for tasks in the service. TaskDefinition *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about a service within an ECS cluster.
type AwsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AwsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails struct { // The name of the container to associate with the load balancer. ContainerName *string // The port on the container to associate with the load balancer. This port must // correspond to a containerPort in the task definition the tasks in the service // are using. For tasks that use the EC2 launch type, the container instance they // are launched on must allow ingress traffic on the hostPort of the port mapping. ContainerPort int32 // The name of the load balancer to associate with the Amazon ECS service or task // set. Only specified when using a Classic Load Balancer. For an Application Load // Balancer or a Network Load Balancer, the load balancer name is omitted. LoadBalancerName *string // The ARN of the Elastic Load Balancing target group or groups associated with a // service or task set. Only specified when using an Application Load Balancer or a // Network Load Balancer. For a Classic Load Balancer, the target group ARN is // omitted. TargetGroupArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a load balancer that the service uses.
type AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails struct { // Whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP address. The // default value is DISABLED. Valid values: ENABLED | DISABLED AssignPublicIp *string // The IDs of the security groups associated with the task or service. You can // provide up to five security groups. SecurityGroups []string // The IDs of the subnets associated with the task or service. You can provide up // to 16 subnets. Subnets []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
For tasks that use the awsvpc networking mode, the VPC subnet and security group configuration.
type AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationDetails struct { // The VPC subnet and security group configuration. AwsVpcConfiguration *AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
For tasks that use the awsvpc networking mode, the VPC subnet and security group configuration.
type AwsEcsServicePlacementConstraintsDetails ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AwsEcsServicePlacementConstraintsDetails struct { // A cluster query language expression to apply to the constraint. You cannot // specify an expression if the constraint type is distinctInstance. Expression *string // The type of constraint. Use distinctInstance to run each task in a particular // group on a different container instance. Use memberOf to restrict the selection // to a group of valid candidates. Valid values: distinctInstance | memberOf Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A placement constraint for the tasks in the service.
type AwsEcsServicePlacementStrategiesDetails ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AwsEcsServicePlacementStrategiesDetails struct { // The field to apply the placement strategy against. For the spread placement // strategy, valid values are instanceId (or host, which has the same effect), or // any platform or custom attribute that is applied to a container instance, such // as attribute:ecs.availability-zone. For the binpack placement strategy, valid // values are cpu and memory. For the random placement strategy, this attribute is // not used. Field *string // The type of placement strategy. The random placement strategy randomly places // tasks on available candidates. The spread placement strategy spreads placement // across available candidates evenly based on the value of Field. The binpack // strategy places tasks on available candidates that have the least available // amount of the resource that is specified in Field. Valid values: random | spread // | binpack Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A placement strategy that determines how to place the tasks for the service.
type AwsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AwsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails struct { // The container name value to use for the service discovery service. If the task // definition uses the bridge or host network mode, you must specify ContainerName // and ContainerPort. If the task definition uses the awsvpc network mode and a // type SRV DNS record, you must specify either ContainerName and ContainerPort, or // Port , but not both. ContainerName *string // The port value to use for the service discovery service. If the task definition // uses the bridge or host network mode, you must specify ContainerName and // ContainerPort. If the task definition uses the awsvpc network mode and a type // SRV DNS record, you must specify either ContainerName and ContainerPort, or Port // , but not both. ContainerPort int32 // The port value to use for a service discovery service that specifies an SRV // record. This field can be used if both the awsvpcawsvpc network mode and SRV // records are used. Port int32 // The ARN of the service registry. RegistryArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a service discovery registry to assign to the service.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails struct { // The dependency condition of the dependent container. Indicates the required // status of the dependent container before the current container can start. Valid // values are as follows: // // * COMPLETE // // * HEALTHY // // * SUCCESS // // * START Condition *string // The name of the dependent container. ContainerName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A dependency that is defined for container startup and shutdown.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails struct { // The command that is passed to the container. Command []string // The number of CPU units reserved for the container. Cpu int32 // The dependencies that are defined for container startup and shutdown. DependsOn []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails // Whether to disable networking within the container. DisableNetworking bool // A list of DNS search domains that are presented to the container. DnsSearchDomains []string // A list of DNS servers that are presented to the container. DnsServers []string // A key-value map of labels to add to the container. DockerLabels map[string]string // A list of strings to provide custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-level // security systems. DockerSecurityOptions []string // The entry point that is passed to the container. EntryPoint []string // The environment variables to pass to a container. Environment []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails // A list of files containing the environment variables to pass to a container. EnvironmentFiles []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails // Whether the container is essential. All tasks must have at least one essential // container. Essential bool // A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the /etc/hosts file on // the container. ExtraHosts []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails // The FireLens configuration for the container. Specifies and configures a log // router for container logs. FirelensConfiguration *AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails // The container health check command and associated configuration parameters for // the container. HealthCheck *AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails // The hostname to use for the container. Hostname *string // The image used to start the container. Image *string // If set to true, then containerized applications can be deployed that require // stdin or a tty to be allocated. Interactive bool // A list of links for the container in the form container_name:alias . Allows // containers to communicate with each other without the need for port mappings. Links []string // Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container, such as Linux // kernel capabilities. LinuxParameters *AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails // The log configuration specification for the container. LogConfiguration *AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails // The amount (in MiB) of memory to present to the container. If the container // attempts to exceed the memory specified here, the container is shut down. The // total amount of memory reserved for all containers within a task must be lower // than the task memory value, if one is specified. Memory int32 // The soft limit (in MiB) of memory to reserve for the container. MemoryReservation int32 // The mount points for the data volumes in the container. MountPoints []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails // The name of the container. Name *string // The list of port mappings for the container. PortMappings []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails // Whether the container is given elevated privileges on the host container // instance. The elevated privileges are similar to the root user. Privileged bool // Whether to allocate a TTY to the container. PseudoTerminal bool // Whether the container is given read-only access to its root file system. ReadonlyRootFilesystem bool // The private repository authentication credentials to use. RepositoryCredentials *AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsRepositoryCredentialsDetails // The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container. The only supported // resource is a GPU. ResourceRequirements []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails // The secrets to pass to the container. Secrets []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails // The number of seconds to wait before giving up on resolving dependencies for a // container. StartTimeout int32 // The number of seconds to wait before the container is stopped if it doesn't shut // down normally on its own. StopTimeout int32 // A list of namespaced kernel parameters to set in the container. SystemControls []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails // A list of ulimits to set in the container. Ulimits []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails // The user to use inside the container. The value can use one of the following // formats. // // * user // // * user : group // // * uid // // * uid : gid // // * user : gid // // * uid : // group User *string // Data volumes to mount from another container. VolumesFrom []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails // The working directory in which to run commands inside the container. WorkingDirectory *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A container definition that describes a container in the task.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails struct { // The name of the environment variable. Name *string // The value of the environment variable. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An environment variable to pass to the container.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails struct { // The type of environment file. The valid value is s3. Type *string // The ARN of the S3 object that contains the environment variable file. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A file that contain environment variables to pass to a container.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails struct { // The hostname to use in the /etc/hosts entry. Hostname *string // The IP address to use in the /etc/hosts entry. IpAddress *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A hostname and IP address mapping to append to the /etc/hosts file on the container.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails struct { // The options to use to configure the log router. The valid option keys are as // follows: // // * enable-ecs-log-metadata. The value can be true or false. // // * // config-file-type. The value can be s3 or file. // // * config-file-value. The value // is either an S3 ARN or a file path. Options map[string]string // The log router to use. Valid values are fluentbit or fluentd. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The FireLens configuration for the container. The configuration specifies and configures a log router for container logs.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails struct { // The command that the container runs to determine whether it is healthy. Command []string // The time period in seconds between each health check execution. The default // value is 30 seconds. Interval int32 // The number of times to retry a failed health check before the container is // considered unhealthy. The default value is 3. Retries int32 // The optional grace period in seconds that allows containers time to bootstrap // before failed health checks count towards the maximum number of retries. StartPeriod int32 // The time period in seconds to wait for a health check to succeed before it is // considered a failure. The default value is 5. Timeout int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The container health check command and associated configuration parameters for the container.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersCapabilitiesDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersCapabilitiesDetails struct { // The Linux capabilities for the container that are added to the default // configuration provided by Docker. Valid values are as follows: Valid values: // "ALL" | "AUDIT_CONTROL" | "AUDIT_WRITE" | "BLOCK_SUSPEND" | "CHOWN" | // "DAC_OVERRIDE" | "DAC_READ_SEARCH" | "FOWNER" | "FSETID" | "IPC_LOCK" | // "IPC_OWNER" | "KILL" | "LEASE" | "LINUX_IMMUTABLE" | "MAC_ADMIN" | // "MAC_OVERRIDE" | "MKNOD" | "NET_ADMIN" | "NET_BIND_SERVICE" | "NET_BROADCAST" | // "NET_RAW" | "SETFCAP" | "SETGID" | "SETPCAP" | "SETUID" | "SYS_ADMIN" | // "SYS_BOOT" | "SYS_CHROOT" | "SYS_MODULE" | "SYS_NICE" | "SYS_PACCT" | // "SYS_PTRACE" | "SYS_RAWIO" | "SYS_RESOURCE" | "SYS_TIME" | "SYS_TTY_CONFIG" | // "SYSLOG" | "WAKE_ALARM" Add []string // The Linux capabilities for the container that are dropped from the default // configuration provided by Docker. Valid values: "ALL" | "AUDIT_CONTROL" | // "AUDIT_WRITE" | "BLOCK_SUSPEND" | "CHOWN" | "DAC_OVERRIDE" | "DAC_READ_SEARCH" | // "FOWNER" | "FSETID" | "IPC_LOCK" | "IPC_OWNER" | "KILL" | "LEASE" | // "LINUX_IMMUTABLE" | "MAC_ADMIN" | "MAC_OVERRIDE" | "MKNOD" | "NET_ADMIN" | // "NET_BIND_SERVICE" | "NET_BROADCAST" | "NET_RAW" | "SETFCAP" | "SETGID" | // "SETPCAP" | "SETUID" | "SYS_ADMIN" | "SYS_BOOT" | "SYS_CHROOT" | "SYS_MODULE" | // "SYS_NICE" | "SYS_PACCT" | "SYS_PTRACE" | "SYS_RAWIO" | "SYS_RESOURCE" | // "SYS_TIME" | "SYS_TTY_CONFIG" | "SYSLOG" | "WAKE_ALARM" Drop []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The Linux capabilities for the container that are added to or dropped from the default configuration provided by Docker.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails struct { // The Linux capabilities for the container that are added to or dropped from the // default configuration provided by Docker. Capabilities *AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersCapabilitiesDetails // The host devices to expose to the container. Devices []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails // Whether to run an init process inside the container that forwards signals and // reaps processes. InitProcessEnabled bool // The total amount of swap memory (in MiB) that a container can use. MaxSwap int32 SharedMemorySize int32 // Configures the container's memory swappiness behavior. Determines how // aggressively pages are swapped. The higher the value, the more aggressive the // swappiness. The default is 60. Swappiness int32 // The container path, mount options, and size (in MiB) of the tmpfs mount. Tmpfs []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
>Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container, such as Linux kernel capabilities.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails struct { // The path inside the container at which to expose the host device. ContainerPath *string // The path for the device on the host container instance. HostPath *string // The explicit permissions to provide to the container for the device. By default, // the container has permissions for read, write, and mknod for the device. Permissions []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A host device to expose to the container.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails struct { // The absolute file path where the tmpfs volume is to be mounted. ContainerPath *string // The list of tmpfs volume mount options. Valid values: "defaults" | "ro" | "rw" | // "suid" | "nosuid" | "dev" | "nodev" | "exec" | "noexec" | "sync" | "async" | // "dirsync" | "remount" | "mand" | "nomand" | "atime" | "noatime" | "diratime" | // "nodiratime" | "bind" | "rbind" | "unbindable" | "runbindable" | "private" | // "rprivate" | "shared" | "rshared" | "slave" | "rslave" | "relatime" | // "norelatime" | "strictatime" | "nostrictatime" | "mode" | "uid" | "gid" | // "nr_inodes" | "nr_blocks" | "mpol" MountOptions []string // The maximum size (in MiB) of the tmpfs volume. Size int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The container path, mount options, and size (in MiB) of a tmpfs mount.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails struct { // The log driver to use for the container. Valid values on Fargate are as // follows: // // * awsfirelens // // * awslogs // // * splunk // // Valid values on Amazon EC2 are as // follows: // // * awsfirelens // // * awslogs // // * fluentd // // * gelf // // * journald // // * // json-file // // * logentries // // * splunk // // * syslog LogDriver *string // The configuration options to send to the log driver. Requires version 1.19 of // the Docker Remote API or greater on your container instance. Options map[string]string // The secrets to pass to the log configuration. SecretOptions []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationSecretOptionsDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The log configuration specification for the container.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationSecretOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationSecretOptionsDetails struct { // The name of the secret. Name *string // The secret to expose to the container. The value is either the full ARN of the // Secrets Manager secret or the full ARN of the parameter in the Systems Manager // Parameter Store. ValueFrom *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A secret to pass to the log configuration.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails struct { // The path on the container to mount the host volume at. ContainerPath *string // Whether the container has read-only access to the volume. ReadOnly bool // The name of the volume to mount. Must match the name of a volume listed in // VolumeDetails for the task definition. SourceVolume *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A mount point for the data volumes in the container.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails struct { // The port number on the container that is bound to the user-specified or // automatically assigned host port. ContainerPort int32 // The port number on the container instance to reserve for the container. HostPort int32 // The protocol used for the port mapping. The default is tcp. Protocol *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A port mapping for the container.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsRepositoryCredentialsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsRepositoryCredentialsDetails struct { // The ARN of the secret that contains the private repository credentials. CredentialsParameter *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The private repository authentication credentials to use.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails struct { // The type of resource to assign to a container. Valid values are GPU or // InferenceAccelerator. Type *string // The value for the specified resource type. For GPU, the value is the number of // physical GPUs the Amazon ECS container agent reserves for the container. For // InferenceAccelerator, the value should match the DeviceName attribute of an // entry in InferenceAccelerators. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A resource to assign to a container.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails struct { // The name of the secret. Name *string // The secret to expose to the container. The value is either the full ARN of the // Secrets Manager secret or the full ARN of the parameter in the Systems Manager // Parameter Store. ValueFrom *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A secret to pass to the container.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails struct { // The namespaced kernel parameter for which to set a value. Namespace *string // The value of the parameter. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A namespaced kernel parameter to set in the container.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails struct { // The hard limit for the ulimit type. HardLimit int32 // The type of the ulimit. Valid values are as follows: // // * core // // * cpu // // * data // // * // fsize // // * locks // // * memlock // // * msgqueue // // * nice // // * nofile // // * nproc // // * rss // // * // rtprio // // * rttime // // * sigpending // // * stack Name *string // The soft limit for the ulimit type. SoftLimit int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A ulimit to set in the container.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails struct { // Whether the container has read-only access to the volume. ReadOnly bool // The name of another container within the same task definition from which to // mount volumes. SourceContainer *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A data volume to mount from another container.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails struct { // The container definitions that describe the containers that make up the task. ContainerDefinitions []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails // The number of CPU units used by the task.Valid values are as follows: // // * 256 // (.25 vCPU) // // * 512 (.5 vCPU) // // * 1024 (1 vCPU) // // * 2048 (2 vCPU) // // * 4096 (4 vCPU) Cpu *string // The ARN of the task execution role that grants the container agent permission to // make API calls on behalf of the container user. ExecutionRoleArn *string // The name of a family that this task definition is registered to. Family *string // The Elastic Inference accelerators to use for the containers in the task. InferenceAccelerators []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionInferenceAcceleratorsDetails // The inter-process communication (IPC) resource namespace to use for the // containers in the task. Valid values are as follows: // // * host // // * none // // * task IpcMode *string // The amount (in MiB) of memory used by the task. For tasks that are hosted on // Amazon EC2, you can provide a task-level memory value or a container-level // memory value. For tasks that are hosted on Fargate, you must use one of the // specified values // ( // in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide , which determines your // range of supported values for the Cpu and Memory parameters. Memory *string // The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task. Valid values // are as follows: // // * awsvpc // // * bridge // // * host // // * none NetworkMode *string // The process namespace to use for the containers in the task. Valid values are // host or task. PidMode *string // The placement constraint objects to use for tasks. PlacementConstraints []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraintsDetails // The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy. ProxyConfiguration *AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails // The task launch types that the task definition was validated against. RequiresCompatibilities []string // The short name or ARN of the IAM role that grants containers in the task // permission to call Amazon Web Services API operations on your behalf. TaskRoleArn *string // The data volume definitions for the task. Volumes []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about a task definition. A task definition describes the container and volume definitions of an Amazon Elastic Container Service task.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionInferenceAcceleratorsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionInferenceAcceleratorsDetails struct { // The Elastic Inference accelerator device name. DeviceName *string // The Elastic Inference accelerator type to use. DeviceType *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An Elastic Inference accelerator to use for the containers in the task.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraintsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraintsDetails struct { // A cluster query language expression to apply to the constraint. Expression *string // The type of constraint. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A placement constraint object to use for tasks.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails struct { // The name of the container that will serve as the App Mesh proxy. ContainerName *string // The set of network configuration parameters to provide to the Container Network // Interface (CNI) plugin, specified as key-value pairs. ProxyConfigurationProperties []AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationProxyConfigurationPropertiesDetails // The proxy type. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationProxyConfigurationPropertiesDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationProxyConfigurationPropertiesDetails struct { // The name of the property. Name *string // The value of the property. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A network configuration parameter to provide to the Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails struct { // Information about a Docker volume. DockerVolumeConfiguration *AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails // Information about the Amazon Elastic File System file system that is used for // task storage. EfsVolumeConfiguration *AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails // Information about a bind mount host volume. Host *AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesHostDetails // The name of the data volume. Name *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A data volume to mount from another container.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails struct { // Whether to create the Docker volume automatically if it does not already exist. Autoprovision bool // The Docker volume driver to use. Driver *string // A map of Docker driver-specific options that are passed through. DriverOpts map[string]string // Custom metadata to add to the Docker volume. Labels map[string]string // The scope for the Docker volume that determines its lifecycle. Docker volumes // that are scoped to a task are provisioned automatically when the task starts and // destroyed when the task stops. Docker volumes that are shared persist after the // task stops. Valid values are shared or task. Scope *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a Docker volume.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationAuthorizationConfigDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationAuthorizationConfigDetails struct { // The Amazon EFS access point identifier to use. AccessPointId *string // Whether to use the Amazon ECS task IAM role defined in a task definition when // mounting the Amazon EFS file system. Iam *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails struct { // The authorization configuration details for the Amazon EFS file system. AuthorizationConfig *AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationAuthorizationConfigDetails // The Amazon EFS file system identifier to use. FilesystemId *string // The directory within the Amazon EFS file system to mount as the root directory // inside the host. RootDirectory *string // Whether to enable encryption for Amazon EFS data in transit between the Amazon // ECS host and the Amazon EFS server. TransitEncryption *string // The port to use when sending encrypted data between the Amazon ECS host and the // Amazon EFS server. TransitEncryptionPort int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the Amazon Elastic File System file system that is used for task storage.
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesHostDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesHostDetails struct { // The path on the host container instance that is presented to the container. SourcePath *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a bind mount host volume.
type AwsEcsTaskDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsEcsTaskDetails struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that hosts the task. ClusterArn *string // The containers that are associated with the task. Containers []AwsEcsContainerDetails // The Unix timestamp for the time when the task was created. More specifically, // it's for the time when the task entered the PENDING state. CreatedAt *string // The name of the task group that's associated with the task. Group *string // The Unix timestamp for the time when the task started. More specifically, it's // for the time when the task transitioned from the PENDING state to the RUNNING // state. StartedAt *string // The tag specified when a task is started. If an Amazon ECS service started the // task, the startedBy parameter contains the deployment ID of that service. StartedBy *string // The ARN of the task definition that creates the task. TaskDefinitionArn *string // The version counter for the task. Version *string // Details about the data volume that is used in a task definition. Volumes []AwsEcsTaskVolumeDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about a task in a cluster.
type AwsEcsTaskVolumeDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsEcsTaskVolumeDetails struct { // This parameter is specified when you use bind mount host volumes. The contents // of the host parameter determine whether your bind mount host volume persists on // the host container instance and where it's stored. Host *AwsEcsTaskVolumeHostDetails // The name of the volume. Up to 255 letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, // underscores, and hyphens are allowed. This name is referenced in the // sourceVolume parameter of container definition mountPoints. Name *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about a data volume that's used in a task definition.
type AwsEcsTaskVolumeHostDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsEcsTaskVolumeHostDetails struct { // When the host parameter is used, specify a sourcePath to declare the path on the // host container instance that's presented to the container. SourcePath *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details on a container instance bind mount host volume.
type AwsEfsAccessPointDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsEfsAccessPointDetails struct { // The ID of the Amazon EFS access point. AccessPointId *string // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon EFS access point. Arn *string // The opaque string specified in the request to ensure idempotent creation. ClientToken *string // The ID of the Amazon EFS file system that the access point applies to. FileSystemId *string // The full POSIX identity, including the user ID, group ID, and secondary group // IDs on the access point, that is used for all file operations by NFS clients // using the access point. PosixUser *AwsEfsAccessPointPosixUserDetails // The directory on the Amazon EFS file system that the access point exposes as the // root directory to NFS clients using the access point. RootDirectory *AwsEfsAccessPointRootDirectoryDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about an Amazon EFS access point.
type AwsEfsAccessPointPosixUserDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsEfsAccessPointPosixUserDetails struct { // The POSIX group ID used for all file system operations using this access point. Gid *string // Secondary POSIX group IDs used for all file system operations using this access // point. SecondaryGids []string // The POSIX user ID used for all file system operations using this access point. Uid *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details for all file system operations using this Amazon EFS access point.
type AwsEfsAccessPointRootDirectoryCreationInfoDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsEfsAccessPointRootDirectoryCreationInfoDetails struct { // Specifies the POSIX group ID to apply to the root directory. OwnerGid *string // Specifies the POSIX user ID to apply to the root directory. OwnerUid *string // Specifies the POSIX permissions to apply to the root directory, in the format of // an octal number representing the file's mode bits. Permissions *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the settings that Amazon EFS uses to create the root directory when a client connects to an access point.
type AwsEfsAccessPointRootDirectoryDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsEfsAccessPointRootDirectoryDetails struct { // Specifies the POSIX IDs and permissions to apply to the access point's root // directory. CreationInfo *AwsEfsAccessPointRootDirectoryCreationInfoDetails // Specifies the path on the Amazon EFS file system to expose as the root directory // to NFS clients using the access point to access the EFS file system. A path can // have up to four subdirectories. If the specified path does not exist, you are // required to provide CreationInfo. Path *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the directory on the Amazon EFS file system that the access point exposes as the root directory to NFS clients using the access point.
type AwsEksClusterDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsEksClusterDetails struct { // The ARN of the cluster. Arn *string // The certificate authority data for the cluster. CertificateAuthorityData *string // The status of the cluster. Valid values are as follows: // // * ACTIVE // // * CREATING // // * // DELETING // // * FAILED // // * PENDING // // * UPDATING ClusterStatus *string // The endpoint for the Amazon EKS API server. Endpoint *string // The logging configuration for the cluster. Logging *AwsEksClusterLoggingDetails // The name of the cluster. Name *string // The VPC configuration used by the cluster control plane. ResourcesVpcConfig *AwsEksClusterResourcesVpcConfigDetails // The ARN of the IAM role that provides permissions for the Amazon EKS control // plane to make calls to Amazon Web Services API operations on your behalf. RoleArn *string // The Amazon EKS server version for the cluster. Version *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about an Amazon EKS cluster.
type AwsEksClusterLoggingClusterLoggingDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsEksClusterLoggingClusterLoggingDetails struct { // Whether the logging types that are listed in Types are enabled. Enabled bool // A list of logging types. Valid values are as follows: // // * api // // * audit // // * // authenticator // // * controllerManager // // * scheduler Types []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details for a cluster logging configuration.
type AwsEksClusterLoggingDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsEksClusterLoggingDetails struct { // Cluster logging configurations. ClusterLogging []AwsEksClusterLoggingClusterLoggingDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The logging configuration for an Amazon EKS cluster.
type AwsEksClusterResourcesVpcConfigDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsEksClusterResourcesVpcConfigDetails struct { // The security groups that are associated with the cross-account elastic network // interfaces that are used to allow communication between your nodes and the // Amazon EKS control plane. SecurityGroupIds []string // The subnets that are associated with the cluster. SubnetIds []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the VPC configuration used by the cluster control plane.
type AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails ¶ added in v1.4.0
type AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails struct { // The name of the application that is associated with the environment. ApplicationName *string // The URL to the CNAME for this environment. Cname *string // The creation date for this environment. DateCreated *string // The date when this environment was last modified. DateUpdated *string // A description of the environment. Description *string // For load-balanced, autoscaling environments, the URL to the load balancer. For // single-instance environments, the IP address of the instance. EndpointUrl *string // The ARN of the environment. EnvironmentArn *string // The identifier of the environment. EnvironmentId *string // Links to other environments in the same group. EnvironmentLinks []AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentEnvironmentLink // The name of the environment. EnvironmentName *string // The configuration setting for the environment. OptionSettings []AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting // The ARN of the platform version for the environment. PlatformArn *string // The name of the solution stack that is deployed with the environment. SolutionStackName *string // The current operational status of the environment. Valid values are as // follows: // // * Aborting // // * Launching // // * LinkingFrom // // * LinkingTo // // * Ready // // * // Terminated // // * Terminating // // * Updating Status *string // The tier of the environment. Tier *AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier // The application version of the environment. VersionLabel *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains details about an Elastic Beanstalk environment.
type AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentEnvironmentLink ¶ added in v1.4.0
type AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentEnvironmentLink struct { // The name of the linked environment. EnvironmentName *string // The name of the environment link. LinkName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about a link to another environment that is in the same group.
type AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting ¶ added in v1.4.0
type AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting struct { // The type of resource that the configuration option is associated with. Namespace *string // The name of the option. OptionName *string // The name of the resource. ResourceName *string // The value of the configuration setting. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A configuration option setting for the environment.
type AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier ¶ added in v1.4.0
type AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier struct { // The name of the environment tier. Valid values are WebServer or Worker. Name *string // The type of environment tier. Valid values are Standard or SQS/HTTP. Type *string // The version of the environment tier. Version *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about the tier of the environment.
type AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails ¶
type AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails struct { // IAM policy document specifying the access policies for the new Elasticsearch // domain. AccessPolicies *string // Additional options for the domain endpoint. DomainEndpointOptions *AwsElasticsearchDomainDomainEndpointOptions // Unique identifier for an Elasticsearch domain. DomainId *string // Name of an Elasticsearch domain. Domain names are unique across all domains // owned by the same account within an Amazon Web Services Region. Domain names // must start with a lowercase letter and must be between 3 and 28 characters. // Valid characters are a-z (lowercase only), 0-9, and – (hyphen). DomainName *string // Information about an OpenSearch cluster configuration. ElasticsearchClusterConfig *AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails // OpenSearch version. ElasticsearchVersion *string // Details about the configuration for encryption at rest. EncryptionAtRestOptions *AwsElasticsearchDomainEncryptionAtRestOptions // Domain-specific endpoint used to submit index, search, and data upload requests // to an Elasticsearch domain. The endpoint is a service URL. Endpoint *string // The key-value pair that exists if the Elasticsearch domain uses VPC endpoints. Endpoints map[string]string // Configures the CloudWatch Logs to publish for the Elasticsearch domain. LogPublishingOptions *AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions // Details about the configuration for node-to-node encryption. NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions *AwsElasticsearchDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptions // Information about the status of a domain relative to the latest service // software. ServiceSoftwareOptions *AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions // Information that OpenSearch derives based on VPCOptions for the domain. VPCOptions *AwsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an Elasticsearch domain.
type AwsElasticsearchDomainDomainEndpointOptions ¶
type AwsElasticsearchDomainDomainEndpointOptions struct { // Whether to require that all traffic to the domain arrive over HTTPS. EnforceHTTPS bool // The TLS security policy to apply to the HTTPS endpoint of the OpenSearch domain. // Valid values: // // * Policy-Min-TLS-1-0-2019-07, which supports TLSv1.0 and // higher // // * Policy-Min-TLS-1-2-2019-07, which only supports TLSv1.2 TLSSecurityPolicy *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Additional options for the domain endpoint, such as whether to require HTTPS for all traffic.
type AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails struct { // The number of instances to use for the master node. If this attribute is // specified, then DedicatedMasterEnabled must be true. DedicatedMasterCount int32 // Whether to use a dedicated master node for the Elasticsearch domain. A dedicated // master node performs cluster management tasks, but doesn't hold data or respond // to data upload requests. DedicatedMasterEnabled bool // The hardware configuration of the computer that hosts the dedicated master node. // A sample value is m3.medium.elasticsearch. If this attribute is specified, then // DedicatedMasterEnabled must be true. For a list of valid values, see Supported // instance types in Amazon OpenSearch Service // ( // in the Amazon OpenSearch Service Developer Guide. DedicatedMasterType *string // The number of data nodes to use in the Elasticsearch domain. InstanceCount int32 // The instance type for your data nodes. For example, m3.medium.elasticsearch. For // a list of valid values, see Supported instance types in Amazon OpenSearch // Service // ( // in the Amazon OpenSearch Service Developer Guide. InstanceType *string // Configuration options for zone awareness. Provided if ZoneAwarenessEnabled is // true. ZoneAwarenessConfig *AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails // Whether to enable zone awareness for the Elasticsearch domain. When zone // awareness is enabled, OpenSearch allocates the cluster's nodes and replica index // shards across Availability Zones in the same Region. This prevents data loss and // minimizes downtime if a node or data center fails. ZoneAwarenessEnabled bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
details about the configuration of an OpenSearch cluster.
type AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails struct { // he number of Availability Zones that the domain uses. Valid values are 2 and 3. // The default is 2. AvailabilityZoneCount int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Configuration options for zone awareness.
type AwsElasticsearchDomainEncryptionAtRestOptions ¶
type AwsElasticsearchDomainEncryptionAtRestOptions struct { // Whether encryption at rest is enabled. Enabled bool // The KMS key ID. Takes the form 1a2a3a4-1a2a-3a4a-5a6a-1a2a3a4a5a6a. KmsKeyId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about the configuration for encryption at rest.
type AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions struct { // The log configuration. AuditLogs *AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig // Configures the OpenSearch index logs publishing. IndexSlowLogs *AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig // Configures the OpenSearch search slow log publishing. SearchSlowLogs *AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig // contains filtered or unexported fields }
configures the CloudWatch Logs to publish for the Elasticsearch domain.
type AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig struct { // The ARN of the CloudWatch Logs group to publish the logs to. CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn *string // Whether the log publishing is enabled. Enabled bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The log configuration.
type AwsElasticsearchDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptions ¶
type AwsElasticsearchDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptions struct { // Whether node-to-node encryption is enabled. Enabled bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about the configuration for node-to-node encryption.
type AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions struct { // The epoch time when the deployment window closes for required updates. After // this time, Amazon OpenSearch Service schedules the software upgrade // automatically. AutomatedUpdateDate *string // Whether a request to update the domain can be canceled. Cancellable bool // The version of the service software that is currently installed on the domain. CurrentVersion *string // A more detailed description of the service software status. Description *string // The most recent version of the service software. NewVersion *string // Whether a service software update is available for the domain. UpdateAvailable bool // The status of the service software update. Valid values are as follows: // // * // COMPLETED // // * ELIGIBLE // // * IN_PROGRESS // // * NOT_ELIGIBLE // // * PENDING_UPDATE UpdateStatus *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the state of the domain relative to the latest service software.
type AwsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions ¶
type AwsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions struct { // The list of Availability Zones associated with the VPC subnets. AvailabilityZones []string // The list of security group IDs associated with the VPC endpoints for the domain. SecurityGroupIds []string // A list of subnet IDs associated with the VPC endpoints for the domain. SubnetIds []string // ID for the VPC. VPCId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information that OpenSearch derives based on VPCOptions for the domain.
type AwsElbAppCookieStickinessPolicy ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsElbAppCookieStickinessPolicy struct { // The name of the application cookie used for stickiness. CookieName *string // The mnemonic name for the policy being created. The name must be unique within // the set of policies for the load balancer. PolicyName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about a stickiness policy that was created using CreateAppCookieStickinessPolicy.
type AwsElbLbCookieStickinessPolicy ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsElbLbCookieStickinessPolicy struct { // The amount of time, in seconds, after which the cookie is considered stale. If // an expiration period is not specified, the stickiness session lasts for the // duration of the browser session. CookieExpirationPeriod int64 // The name of the policy. The name must be unique within the set of policies for // the load balancer. PolicyName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about a stickiness policy that was created using CreateLBCookieStickinessPolicy.
type AwsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog struct { // The interval in minutes for publishing the access logs. You can publish access // logs either every 5 minutes or every 60 minutes. EmitInterval int32 // Indicates whether access logs are enabled for the load balancer. Enabled bool // The name of the S3 bucket where the access logs are stored. S3BucketName *string // The logical hierarchy that was created for the S3 bucket. If a prefix is not // provided, the log is placed at the root level of the bucket. S3BucketPrefix *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about the access log configuration for the load balancer.
type AwsElbLoadBalancerAdditionalAttribute ¶ added in v1.20.0
type AwsElbLoadBalancerAdditionalAttribute struct { // The name of the attribute. Key *string // The value of the attribute. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about additional attributes for the load balancer.
type AwsElbLoadBalancerAttributes ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsElbLoadBalancerAttributes struct { // Information about the access log configuration for the load balancer. If the // access log is enabled, the load balancer captures detailed information about all // requests. It delivers the information to a specified S3 bucket. AccessLog *AwsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog // Any additional attributes for a load balancer. AdditionalAttributes []AwsElbLoadBalancerAdditionalAttribute // Information about the connection draining configuration for the load balancer. // If connection draining is enabled, the load balancer allows existing requests to // complete before it shifts traffic away from a deregistered or unhealthy // instance. ConnectionDraining *AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionDraining // Connection settings for the load balancer. If an idle timeout is configured, the // load balancer allows connections to remain idle for the specified duration. When // a connection is idle, no data is sent over the connection. ConnectionSettings *AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionSettings // Cross-zone load balancing settings for the load balancer. If cross-zone load // balancing is enabled, the load balancer routes the request traffic evenly across // all instances regardless of the Availability Zones. CrossZoneLoadBalancing *AwsElbLoadBalancerCrossZoneLoadBalancing // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains attributes for the load balancer.
type AwsElbLoadBalancerBackendServerDescription ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsElbLoadBalancerBackendServerDescription struct { // The port on which the EC2 instance is listening. InstancePort int32 // The names of the policies that are enabled for the EC2 instance. PolicyNames []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the configuration of an EC2 instance for the load balancer.
type AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionDraining ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionDraining struct { // Indicates whether connection draining is enabled for the load balancer. Enabled bool // The maximum time, in seconds, to keep the existing connections open before // deregistering the instances. Timeout int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about the connection draining configuration for the load balancer.
type AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionSettings ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionSettings struct { // The time, in seconds, that the connection can be idle (no data is sent over the // connection) before it is closed by the load balancer. IdleTimeout int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains connection settings for the load balancer.
type AwsElbLoadBalancerCrossZoneLoadBalancing ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsElbLoadBalancerCrossZoneLoadBalancing struct { // Indicates whether cross-zone load balancing is enabled for the load balancer. Enabled bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains cross-zone load balancing settings for the load balancer.
type AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails struct { // The list of Availability Zones for the load balancer. AvailabilityZones []string // Information about the configuration of the EC2 instances. BackendServerDescriptions []AwsElbLoadBalancerBackendServerDescription // The name of the Amazon Route 53 hosted zone for the load balancer. CanonicalHostedZoneName *string // The ID of the Amazon Route 53 hosted zone for the load balancer. CanonicalHostedZoneNameID *string // Indicates when the load balancer was created. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreatedTime *string // The DNS name of the load balancer. DnsName *string // Information about the health checks that are conducted on the load balancer. HealthCheck *AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck // List of EC2 instances for the load balancer. Instances []AwsElbLoadBalancerInstance // The policies that are enabled for the load balancer listeners. ListenerDescriptions []AwsElbLoadBalancerListenerDescription // The attributes for a load balancer. LoadBalancerAttributes *AwsElbLoadBalancerAttributes // The name of the load balancer. LoadBalancerName *string // The policies for a load balancer. Policies *AwsElbLoadBalancerPolicies // The type of load balancer. Only provided if the load balancer is in a VPC. If // Scheme is internet-facing, the load balancer has a public DNS name that resolves // to a public IP address. If Scheme is internal, the load balancer has a public // DNS name that resolves to a private IP address. Scheme *string // The security groups for the load balancer. Only provided if the load balancer is // in a VPC. SecurityGroups []string // Information about the security group for the load balancer. This is the security // group that is used for inbound rules. SourceSecurityGroup *AwsElbLoadBalancerSourceSecurityGroup // The list of subnet identifiers for the load balancer. Subnets []string // The identifier of the VPC for the load balancer. VpcId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains details about a Classic Load Balancer.
type AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck struct { // The number of consecutive health check successes required before the instance is // moved to the Healthy state. HealthyThreshold int32 // The approximate interval, in seconds, between health checks of an individual // instance. Interval int32 // The instance that is being checked. The target specifies the protocol and port. // The available protocols are TCP, SSL, HTTP, and HTTPS. The range of valid ports // is 1 through 65535. For the HTTP and HTTPS protocols, the target also specifies // the ping path. For the TCP protocol, the target is specified as TCP: . For the // SSL protocol, the target is specified as SSL. . For the HTTP and HTTPS // protocols, the target is specified as :/ . Target *string // The amount of time, in seconds, during which no response means a failed health // check. Timeout int32 // The number of consecutive health check failures that must occur before the // instance is moved to the Unhealthy state. UnhealthyThreshold int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about the health checks that are conducted on the load balancer.
type AwsElbLoadBalancerInstance ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsElbLoadBalancerInstance struct { // The instance identifier. InstanceId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about an EC2 instance for a load balancer.
type AwsElbLoadBalancerListener ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsElbLoadBalancerListener struct { // The port on which the instance is listening. InstancePort int32 // The protocol to use to route traffic to instances. Valid values: HTTP | HTTPS | // TCP | SSL InstanceProtocol *string // The port on which the load balancer is listening. On EC2-VPC, you can specify // any port from the range 1-65535. On EC2-Classic, you can specify any port from // the following list: 25, 80, 443, 465, 587, 1024-65535. LoadBalancerPort int32 // The load balancer transport protocol to use for routing. Valid values: HTTP | // HTTPS | TCP | SSL Protocol *string // The ARN of the server certificate. SslCertificateId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a load balancer listener.
type AwsElbLoadBalancerListenerDescription ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsElbLoadBalancerListenerDescription struct { // Information about the listener. Listener *AwsElbLoadBalancerListener // The policies enabled for the listener. PolicyNames []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Lists the policies that are enabled for a load balancer listener.
type AwsElbLoadBalancerPolicies ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsElbLoadBalancerPolicies struct { // The stickiness policies that are created using CreateAppCookieStickinessPolicy. AppCookieStickinessPolicies []AwsElbAppCookieStickinessPolicy // The stickiness policies that are created using CreateLBCookieStickinessPolicy. LbCookieStickinessPolicies []AwsElbLbCookieStickinessPolicy // The policies other than the stickiness policies. OtherPolicies []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about the policies for a load balancer.
type AwsElbLoadBalancerSourceSecurityGroup ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsElbLoadBalancerSourceSecurityGroup struct { // The name of the security group. GroupName *string // The owner of the security group. OwnerAlias *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about the security group for the load balancer.
type AwsElbv2LoadBalancerAttribute ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsElbv2LoadBalancerAttribute struct { // The name of the load balancer attribute. Key *string // The value of the load balancer attribute. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A load balancer attribute.
type AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails ¶
type AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails struct { // The Availability Zones for the load balancer. AvailabilityZones []AvailabilityZone // The ID of the Amazon Route 53 hosted zone associated with the load balancer. CanonicalHostedZoneId *string // Indicates when the load balancer was created. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreatedTime *string // The public DNS name of the load balancer. DNSName *string // The type of IP addresses used by the subnets for your load balancer. The // possible values are ipv4 (for IPv4 addresses) and dualstack (for IPv4 and IPv6 // addresses). IpAddressType *string // Attributes of the load balancer. LoadBalancerAttributes []AwsElbv2LoadBalancerAttribute // The nodes of an Internet-facing load balancer have public IP addresses. Scheme *string // The IDs of the security groups for the load balancer. SecurityGroups []string // The state of the load balancer. State *LoadBalancerState // The type of load balancer. Type *string // The ID of the VPC for the load balancer. VpcId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a load balancer.
type AwsIamAccessKeyDetails ¶
type AwsIamAccessKeyDetails struct { // The identifier of the access key. AccessKeyId *string // The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account for the key. AccountId *string // Indicates when the IAM access key was created. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreatedAt *string // The ID of the principal associated with an access key. PrincipalId *string // The name of the principal. PrincipalName *string // The type of principal associated with an access key. PrincipalType *string // Information about the session that the key was used for. SessionContext *AwsIamAccessKeySessionContext // The status of the IAM access key related to a finding. Status AwsIamAccessKeyStatus // The user associated with the IAM access key related to a finding. The UserName // parameter has been replaced with the PrincipalName parameter because access keys // can also be assigned to principals that are not IAM users. // // Deprecated: This filter is deprecated. Instead, use PrincipalName. UserName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
IAM access key details related to a finding.
type AwsIamAccessKeySessionContext ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsIamAccessKeySessionContext struct { // Attributes of the session that the key was used for. Attributes *AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextAttributes // Information about the entity that created the session. SessionIssuer *AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the session that the key was used for.
type AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextAttributes ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextAttributes struct { // Indicates when the session was created. Uses the date-time format specified in // RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreationDate *string // Indicates whether the session used multi-factor authentication (MFA). MfaAuthenticated bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Attributes of the session that the key was used for.
type AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer struct { // The identifier of the Amazon Web Services account that created the session. AccountId *string // The ARN of the session. Arn *string // The principal ID of the principal (user, role, or group) that created the // session. PrincipalId *string // The type of principal (user, role, or group) that created the session. Type *string // The name of the principal that created the session. UserName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the entity that created the session.
type AwsIamAccessKeyStatus ¶
type AwsIamAccessKeyStatus string
const ( AwsIamAccessKeyStatusActive AwsIamAccessKeyStatus = "Active" AwsIamAccessKeyStatusInactive AwsIamAccessKeyStatus = "Inactive" )
Enum values for AwsIamAccessKeyStatus
func (AwsIamAccessKeyStatus) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (AwsIamAccessKeyStatus) Values() []AwsIamAccessKeyStatus
Values returns all known values for AwsIamAccessKeyStatus. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy struct { // The ARN of the policy. PolicyArn *string // The name of the policy. PolicyName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A managed policy that is attached to an IAM principal.
type AwsIamGroupDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsIamGroupDetails struct { // A list of the managed policies that are attached to the IAM group. AttachedManagedPolicies []AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy // Indicates when the IAM group was created. Uses the date-time format specified in // RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreateDate *string // The identifier of the IAM group. GroupId *string // The name of the IAM group. GroupName *string // The list of inline policies that are embedded in the group. GroupPolicyList []AwsIamGroupPolicy // The path to the group. Path *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains details about an IAM group.
type AwsIamGroupPolicy ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsIamGroupPolicy struct { // The name of the policy. PolicyName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A managed policy that is attached to the IAM group.
type AwsIamInstanceProfile ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsIamInstanceProfile struct { // The ARN of the instance profile. Arn *string // Indicates when the instance profile was created. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreateDate *string // The identifier of the instance profile. InstanceProfileId *string // The name of the instance profile. InstanceProfileName *string // The path to the instance profile. Path *string // The roles associated with the instance profile. Roles []AwsIamInstanceProfileRole // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an instance profile.
type AwsIamInstanceProfileRole ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsIamInstanceProfileRole struct { // The ARN of the role. Arn *string // The policy that grants an entity permission to assume the role. AssumeRolePolicyDocument *string // Indicates when the role was created. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC // 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreateDate *string // The path to the role. Path *string // The identifier of the role. RoleId *string // The name of the role. RoleName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a role associated with an instance profile.
type AwsIamPermissionsBoundary ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsIamPermissionsBoundary struct { // The ARN of the policy used to set the permissions boundary. PermissionsBoundaryArn *string // The usage type for the permissions boundary. PermissionsBoundaryType *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the policy used to set the permissions boundary for an IAM principal.
type AwsIamPolicyDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsIamPolicyDetails struct { // The number of users, groups, and roles that the policy is attached to. AttachmentCount int32 // When the policy was created. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC 3339 // section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreateDate *string // The identifier of the default version of the policy. DefaultVersionId *string // A description of the policy. Description *string // Whether the policy can be attached to a user, group, or role. IsAttachable bool // The path to the policy. Path *string // The number of users and roles that use the policy to set the permissions // boundary. PermissionsBoundaryUsageCount int32 // The unique identifier of the policy. PolicyId *string // The name of the policy. PolicyName *string // List of versions of the policy. PolicyVersionList []AwsIamPolicyVersion // When the policy was most recently updated. Uses the date-time format specified // in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. UpdateDate *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents an IAM permissions policy.
type AwsIamPolicyVersion ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsIamPolicyVersion struct { // Indicates when the version was created. Uses the date-time format specified in // RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreateDate *string // Whether the version is the default version. IsDefaultVersion bool // The identifier of the policy version. VersionId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A version of an IAM policy.
type AwsIamRoleDetails ¶
type AwsIamRoleDetails struct { // The trust policy that grants permission to assume the role. AssumeRolePolicyDocument *string // The list of the managed policies that are attached to the role. AttachedManagedPolicies []AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy // Indicates when the role was created. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC // 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreateDate *string // The list of instance profiles that contain this role. InstanceProfileList []AwsIamInstanceProfile // The maximum session duration (in seconds) that you want to set for the specified // role. MaxSessionDuration int32 // The path to the role. Path *string // Information about the policy used to set the permissions boundary for an IAM // principal. PermissionsBoundary *AwsIamPermissionsBoundary // The stable and unique string identifying the role. RoleId *string // The friendly name that identifies the role. RoleName *string // The list of inline policies that are embedded in the role. RolePolicyList []AwsIamRolePolicy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about an IAM role, including all of the role's policies.
type AwsIamRolePolicy ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsIamRolePolicy struct { // The name of the policy. PolicyName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An inline policy that is embedded in the role.
type AwsIamUserDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsIamUserDetails struct { // A list of the managed policies that are attached to the user. AttachedManagedPolicies []AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy // Indicates when the user was created. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC // 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreateDate *string // A list of IAM groups that the user belongs to. GroupList []string // The path to the user. Path *string // The permissions boundary for the user. PermissionsBoundary *AwsIamPermissionsBoundary // The unique identifier for the user. UserId *string // The name of the user. UserName *string // The list of inline policies that are embedded in the user. UserPolicyList []AwsIamUserPolicy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an IAM user.
type AwsIamUserPolicy ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsIamUserPolicy struct { // The name of the policy. PolicyName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an inline policy that is embedded in the user.
type AwsKinesisStreamDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsKinesisStreamDetails struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Kinesis data stream. Arn *string // The name of the Kinesis stream. If you don't specify a name, CloudFront // generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the stream name. Name *string // The number of hours for the data records that are stored in shards to remain // accessible. RetentionPeriodHours int32 // The number of shards that the stream uses. ShardCount int32 // When specified, enables or updates server-side encryption using an KMS key for a // specified stream. Removing this property from your stack template and updating // your stack disables encryption. StreamEncryption *AwsKinesisStreamStreamEncryptionDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about an Amazon Kinesis data stream.
type AwsKinesisStreamStreamEncryptionDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsKinesisStreamStreamEncryptionDetails struct { // The encryption type to use. EncryptionType *string // The globally unique identifier for the customer-managed KMS key to use for // encryption. KeyId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about stream encryption.
type AwsKmsKeyDetails ¶
type AwsKmsKeyDetails struct { // The twelve-digit account ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the KMS // key. AWSAccountId *string // Indicates when the KMS key was created. Uses the date-time format specified in // RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreationDate float64 // A description of the KMS key. Description *string // The globally unique identifier for the KMS key. KeyId *string // The manager of the KMS key. KMS keys in your Amazon Web Services account are // either customer managed or Amazon Web Services managed. KeyManager *string // Whether the key has key rotation enabled. KeyRotationStatus bool // The state of the KMS key. Valid values are as follows: // // * Disabled // // * Enabled // // * // PendingDeletion // // * PendingImport // // * Unavailable KeyState *string // The source of the KMS key material. When this value is AWS_KMS, KMS created the // key material. When this value is EXTERNAL, the key material was imported from // your existing key management infrastructure or the KMS key lacks key material. // When this value is AWS_CLOUDHSM, the key material was created in the CloudHSM // cluster associated with a custom key store. Origin *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains metadata about an KMS key.
type AwsLambdaFunctionCode ¶
type AwsLambdaFunctionCode struct { // An Amazon S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as your function. The // bucket can be in a different Amazon Web Services account. S3Bucket *string // The Amazon S3 key of the deployment package. S3Key *string // For versioned objects, the version of the deployment package object to use. S3ObjectVersion *string // The base64-encoded contents of the deployment package. Amazon Web Services SDK // and Amazon Web Services CLI clients handle the encoding for you. ZipFile *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The code for the Lambda function. You can specify either an object in Amazon S3, or upload a deployment package directly.
type AwsLambdaFunctionDeadLetterConfig ¶
type AwsLambdaFunctionDeadLetterConfig struct { // The ARN of an SQS queue or SNS topic. TargetArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The dead-letter queue for failed asynchronous invocations.
type AwsLambdaFunctionDetails ¶
type AwsLambdaFunctionDetails struct { // The instruction set architecture that the function uses. Valid values are x86_64 // or arm64. Architectures []string // An AwsLambdaFunctionCode object. Code *AwsLambdaFunctionCode // The SHA256 hash of the function's deployment package. CodeSha256 *string // The function's dead letter queue. DeadLetterConfig *AwsLambdaFunctionDeadLetterConfig // The function's environment variables. Environment *AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironment // The name of the function. FunctionName *string // The function that Lambda calls to begin executing your function. Handler *string // The KMS key that is used to encrypt the function's environment variables. This // key is only returned if you've configured a customer managed customer managed // key. KmsKeyArn *string // Indicates when the function was last updated. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LastModified *string // The function's layers. Layers []AwsLambdaFunctionLayer // For Lambda@Edge functions, the ARN of the master function. MasterArn *string // The memory that is allocated to the function. MemorySize int32 // The type of deployment package that's used to deploy the function code to // Lambda. Set to Image for a container image and Zip for a .zip file archive. PackageType *string // The latest updated revision of the function or alias. RevisionId *string // The function's execution role. Role *string // The runtime environment for the Lambda function. Runtime *string // The amount of time that Lambda allows a function to run before stopping it. Timeout int32 // The function's X-Ray tracing configuration. TracingConfig *AwsLambdaFunctionTracingConfig // The version of the Lambda function. Version *string // The function's networking configuration. VpcConfig *AwsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about an Lambda function's configuration.
type AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironment ¶
type AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironment struct { // An AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError object. Error *AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError // Environment variable key-value pairs. Variables map[string]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A function's environment variable settings.
type AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError ¶
type AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError struct { // The error code. ErrorCode *string // The error message. Message *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Error messages for environment variables that could not be applied.
type AwsLambdaFunctionLayer ¶
type AwsLambdaFunctionLayer struct { // The ARN of the function layer. Arn *string // The size of the layer archive in bytes. CodeSize int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An Lambda layer.
type AwsLambdaFunctionTracingConfig ¶
type AwsLambdaFunctionTracingConfig struct { // The tracing mode. Mode *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The function's X-Ray tracing configuration.
type AwsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig ¶
type AwsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig struct { // A list of VPC security groups IDs. SecurityGroupIds []string // A list of VPC subnet IDs. SubnetIds []string // The ID of the VPC. VpcId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The VPC security groups and subnets that are attached to a Lambda function.
type AwsLambdaLayerVersionDetails ¶
type AwsLambdaLayerVersionDetails struct { // The layer's compatible runtimes. Maximum number of five items. Valid values: // nodejs10.x | nodejs12.x | java8 | java11 | python2.7 | python3.6 | python3.7 | // python3.8 | dotnetcore1.0 | dotnetcore2.1 | go1.x | ruby2.5 | provided CompatibleRuntimes []string // Indicates when the version was created. Uses the date-time format specified in // RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreatedDate *string // The version number. Version int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about a Lambda layer version.
type AwsMountPoint ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsMountPoint struct { // The path on the container to mount the host volume at. ContainerPath *string // The name of the volume to mount. Must be a volume name referenced in the name // parameter of task definition volume. SourceVolume *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details for a volume mount point that's used in a container definition.
type AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallDetails struct { // Whether the firewall is protected from deletion. If set to true, then the // firewall cannot be deleted. DeleteProtection bool // A description of the firewall. Description *string // The ARN of the firewall. FirewallArn *string // The identifier of the firewall. FirewallId *string // A descriptive name of the firewall. FirewallName *string // The ARN of the firewall policy. FirewallPolicyArn *string // Whether the firewall is protected from a change to the firewall policy. If set // to true, you cannot associate a different policy with the firewall. FirewallPolicyChangeProtection bool // Whether the firewall is protected from a change to the subnet associations. If // set to true, you cannot map different subnets to the firewall. SubnetChangeProtection bool // The public subnets that Network Firewall uses for the firewall. Each subnet must // belong to a different Availability Zone. SubnetMappings []AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallSubnetMappingsDetails // The identifier of the VPC where the firewall is used. VpcId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about an Network Firewall firewall.
type AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallPolicyDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallPolicyDetails struct { // A description of the firewall policy. Description *string // The firewall policy configuration. FirewallPolicy *FirewallPolicyDetails // The ARN of the firewall policy. FirewallPolicyArn *string // The identifier of the firewall policy. FirewallPolicyId *string // The name of the firewall policy. FirewallPolicyName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about a firewall policy. A firewall policy defines the behavior of a network firewall.
type AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallSubnetMappingsDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallSubnetMappingsDetails struct { // The identifier of the subnet SubnetId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A public subnet that Network Firewall uses for the firewall.
type AwsNetworkFirewallRuleGroupDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type AwsNetworkFirewallRuleGroupDetails struct { // The maximum number of operating resources that this rule group can use. Capacity int32 // A description of the rule group. Description *string // Details about the rule group. RuleGroup *RuleGroupDetails // The ARN of the rule group. RuleGroupArn *string // The identifier of the rule group. RuleGroupId *string // The descriptive name of the rule group. RuleGroupName *string // The type of rule group. A rule group can be stateful or stateless. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about an Network Firewall rule group. Rule groups are used to inspect and control network traffic. Stateless rule groups apply to individual packets. Stateful rule groups apply to packets in the context of their traffic flow. Rule groups are referenced in firewall policies.
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainAdvancedSecurityOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainAdvancedSecurityOptionsDetails struct { // Enables fine-grained access control. Enabled bool // Enables the internal user database. InternalUserDatabaseEnabled bool // Specifies information about the master user of the domain. MasterUserOptions *AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainMasterUserOptionsDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about domain access control options.
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails struct { // The number of instances to use for the master node. If this attribute is // specified, then DedicatedMasterEnabled must be true. DedicatedMasterCount int32 // Whether to use a dedicated master node for the OpenSearch domain. A dedicated // master node performs cluster management tasks, but does not hold data or respond // to data upload requests. DedicatedMasterEnabled bool // The hardware configuration of the computer that hosts the dedicated master node. // If this attribute is specified, then DedicatedMasterEnabled must be true. DedicatedMasterType *string // The number of data nodes to use in the OpenSearch domain. InstanceCount int32 // The instance type for your data nodes. For a list of valid values, see Supported // instance types in Amazon OpenSearch Service // ( // in the Amazon OpenSearch Service Developer Guide. InstanceType *string // The number of UltraWarm instances. WarmCount int32 // Whether UltraWarm is enabled. WarmEnabled bool // The type of UltraWarm instance. WarmType *string // Configuration options for zone awareness. Provided if ZoneAwarenessEnabled is // true. ZoneAwarenessConfig *AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails // Whether to enable zone awareness for the OpenSearch domain. When zone awareness // is enabled, OpenSearch Service allocates the cluster's nodes and replica index // shards across Availability Zones (AZs) in the same Region. This prevents data // loss and minimizes downtime if a node or data center fails. ZoneAwarenessEnabled bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about the configuration of an OpenSearch cluster.
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails struct { // The number of Availability Zones that the domain uses. Valid values are 2 or 3. // The default is 2. AvailabilityZoneCount int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Configuration options for zone awareness.
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails struct { // IAM policy document that specifies the access policies for the OpenSearch // Service domain. AccessPolicies *string // Specifies options for fine-grained access control. AdvancedSecurityOptions *AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainAdvancedSecurityOptionsDetails // The ARN of the OpenSearch Service domain. Arn *string // Details about the configuration of an OpenSearch cluster. ClusterConfig *AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails // The domain endpoint. DomainEndpoint *string // Additional options for the domain endpoint. DomainEndpointOptions *AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails // The domain endpoints. Used if the OpenSearch domain resides in a VPC. This is a // map of key-value pairs. The key is always vpc. The value is the endpoint. DomainEndpoints map[string]string // The name of the endpoint. DomainName *string // Details about the configuration for encryption at rest. EncryptionAtRestOptions *AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainEncryptionAtRestOptionsDetails // The version of the domain engine. EngineVersion *string // The identifier of the domain. Id *string // Configures the CloudWatch Logs to publish for the OpenSearch domain. LogPublishingOptions *AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails // Details about the configuration for node-to-node encryption. NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions *AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptionsDetails // Information about the status of a domain relative to the latest service // software. ServiceSoftwareOptions *AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails // Information that OpenSearch Service derives based on VPCOptions for the domain. VpcOptions *AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainVpcOptionsDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails struct { // The fully qualified URL for the custom endpoint. CustomEndpoint *string // The ARN for the security certificate. The certificate is managed in ACM. CustomEndpointCertificateArn *string // Whether to enable a custom endpoint for the domain. CustomEndpointEnabled bool // Whether to require that all traffic to the domain arrive over HTTPS. EnforceHTTPS bool // The TLS security policy to apply to the HTTPS endpoint of the OpenSearch domain. TLSSecurityPolicy *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about additional options for the domain endpoint.
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainEncryptionAtRestOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainEncryptionAtRestOptionsDetails struct { // Whether encryption at rest is enabled. Enabled bool // The KMS key ID. KmsKeyId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about the configuration for encryption at rest for the OpenSearch domain.
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption struct { // The ARN of the CloudWatch Logs group to publish the logs to. CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn *string // Whether the log publishing is enabled. Enabled bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Configuration details for a log publishing option.
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails struct { // Configures the OpenSearch audit logs publishing. AuditLogs *AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption // Configures the OpenSearch index logs publishing. IndexSlowLogs *AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption // Configures the OpenSearch search slow log publishing. SearchSlowLogs *AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Configures the CloudWatch Logs to publish for the OpenSearch domain.
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainMasterUserOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainMasterUserOptionsDetails struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the master user. MasterUserArn *string // The username for the master user. MasterUserName *string // The password for the master user. MasterUserPassword *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies information about the master user of the domain.
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptionsDetails struct { // Whether node-to-node encryption is enabled. Enabled bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about the configuration for node-to-node encryption.
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails struct { // The epoch time when the deployment window closes for required updates. After // this time, OpenSearch Service schedules the software upgrade automatically. AutomatedUpdateDate *string // Whether a request to update the domain can be canceled. Cancellable bool // The version of the service software that is currently installed on the domain. CurrentVersion *string // A more detailed description of the service software status. Description *string // The most recent version of the service software. NewVersion *string // Whether the service software update is optional. OptionalDeployment bool // Whether a service software update is available for the domain. UpdateAvailable bool // The status of the service software update. Valid values are as follows: // // * // COMPLETED // // * ELIGIBLE // // * IN_PROGRESS // // * NOT_ELIGIBLE // // * PENDING_UPDATE UpdateStatus *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the state of the domain relative to the latest service software.
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainVpcOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainVpcOptionsDetails struct { // The list of security group IDs that are associated with the VPC endpoints for // the domain. SecurityGroupIds []string // A list of subnet IDs that are associated with the VPC endpoints for the domain. SubnetIds []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information that OpenSearch Service derives based on the VPCOptions for the domain.
type AwsRdsDbClusterAssociatedRole ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsDbClusterAssociatedRole struct { // The ARN of the IAM role. RoleArn *string // The status of the association between the IAM role and the DB cluster. Valid // values are as follows: // // * ACTIVE // // * INVALID // // * PENDING Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An IAM role that is associated with the Amazon RDS DB cluster.
type AwsRdsDbClusterDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsDbClusterDetails struct { // The status of the database activity stream. Valid values are as follows: // // * // started // // * starting // // * stopped // // * stopping ActivityStreamStatus *string // For all database engines except Aurora, specifies the allocated storage size in // gibibytes (GiB). AllocatedStorage int32 // A list of the IAM roles that are associated with the DB cluster. AssociatedRoles []AwsRdsDbClusterAssociatedRole // A list of Availability Zones (AZs) where instances in the DB cluster can be // created. AvailabilityZones []string // The number of days for which automated backups are retained. BackupRetentionPeriod int32 // Indicates when the DB cluster was created, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). // Uses the date-time format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time // Format ( The value cannot // contain spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. ClusterCreateTime *string // Whether tags are copied from the DB cluster to snapshots of the DB cluster. CopyTagsToSnapshot bool // Whether the DB cluster is a clone of a DB cluster owned by a different Amazon // Web Services account. CrossAccountClone bool // A list of custom endpoints for the DB cluster. CustomEndpoints []string // The name of the database. DatabaseName *string // The DB cluster identifier that the user assigned to the cluster. This identifier // is the unique key that identifies a DB cluster. DbClusterIdentifier *string // The list of instances that make up the DB cluster. DbClusterMembers []AwsRdsDbClusterMember // The list of option group memberships for this DB cluster. DbClusterOptionGroupMemberships []AwsRdsDbClusterOptionGroupMembership // The name of the DB cluster parameter group for the DB cluster. DbClusterParameterGroup *string // The identifier of the DB cluster. The identifier must be unique within each // Amazon Web Services Region and is immutable. DbClusterResourceId *string // The subnet group that is associated with the DB cluster, including the name, // description, and subnets in the subnet group. DbSubnetGroup *string // Whether the DB cluster has deletion protection enabled. DeletionProtection bool // The Active Directory domain membership records that are associated with the DB // cluster. DomainMemberships []AwsRdsDbDomainMembership // A list of log types that this DB cluster is configured to export to CloudWatch // Logs. EnabledCloudWatchLogsExports []string // The connection endpoint for the primary instance of the DB cluster. Endpoint *string // The name of the database engine to use for this DB cluster. Valid values are as // follows: // // * aurora // // * aurora-mysql // // * aurora-postgresql Engine *string // The database engine mode of the DB cluster.Valid values are as follows: // // * // global // // * multimaster // // * parallelquery // // * provisioned // // * serverless EngineMode *string // The version number of the database engine to use. EngineVersion *string // Specifies the identifier that Amazon Route 53 assigns when you create a hosted // zone. HostedZoneId *string // Whether the HTTP endpoint for an Aurora Serverless DB cluster is enabled. HttpEndpointEnabled bool // Whether the mapping of IAM accounts to database accounts is enabled. IamDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled bool // The ARN of the KMS master key that is used to encrypt the database instances in // the DB cluster. KmsKeyId *string // The name of the master user for the DB cluster. MasterUsername *string // Whether the DB cluster has instances in multiple Availability Zones. MultiAz bool // The port number on which the DB instances in the DB cluster accept connections. Port int32 // The range of time each day when automated backups are created, if automated // backups are enabled. Uses the format HH:MM-HH:MM. For example, 04:52-05:22. PreferredBackupWindow *string // The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur, in Universal // Coordinated Time (UTC). Uses the format :HH:MM-:HH:MM. For the day values, use // mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun. For example, sun:09:32-sun:10:02. PreferredMaintenanceWindow *string // The identifiers of the read replicas that are associated with this DB cluster. ReadReplicaIdentifiers []string // The reader endpoint for the DB cluster. ReaderEndpoint *string // The current status of this DB cluster. Status *string // Whether the DB cluster is encrypted. StorageEncrypted bool // A list of VPC security groups that the DB cluster belongs to. VpcSecurityGroups []AwsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an Amazon RDS DB cluster.
type AwsRdsDbClusterMember ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsDbClusterMember struct { // The status of the DB cluster parameter group for this member of the DB cluster. DbClusterParameterGroupStatus *string // The instance identifier for this member of the DB cluster. DbInstanceIdentifier *string // Whether the cluster member is the primary instance for the DB cluster. IsClusterWriter bool // Specifies the order in which an Aurora replica is promoted to the primary // instance when the existing primary instance fails. PromotionTier int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an instance in the DB cluster.
type AwsRdsDbClusterOptionGroupMembership ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsDbClusterOptionGroupMembership struct { // The name of the DB cluster option group. DbClusterOptionGroupName *string // The status of the DB cluster option group. Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an option group membership for a DB cluster.
type AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails struct { // Specifies the allocated storage size in gibibytes (GiB). AllocatedStorage int32 // A list of Availability Zones where instances in the DB cluster can be created. AvailabilityZones []string // Indicates when the DB cluster was created, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). // Uses the date-time format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time // Format ( The value cannot // contain spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. ClusterCreateTime *string // The DB cluster identifier. DbClusterIdentifier *string // The identifier of the DB cluster snapshot. DbClusterSnapshotIdentifier *string // The name of the database engine that you want to use for this DB instance. Engine *string // The version of the database engine to use. EngineVersion *string // Whether mapping of IAM accounts to database accounts is enabled. IamDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled bool // The ARN of the KMS master key that is used to encrypt the database instances in // the DB cluster. KmsKeyId *string // The license model information for this DB cluster snapshot. LicenseModel *string // The name of the master user for the DB cluster. MasterUsername *string // Specifies the percentage of the estimated data that has been transferred. PercentProgress int32 // The port number on which the DB instances in the DB cluster accept connections. Port int32 // Indicates when the snapshot was taken. Uses the date-time format specified in // RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. SnapshotCreateTime *string // The type of DB cluster snapshot. SnapshotType *string // The status of this DB cluster snapshot. Status *string // Whether the DB cluster is encrypted. StorageEncrypted bool // The VPC ID that is associated with the DB cluster snapshot. VpcId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an Amazon RDS DB cluster snapshot.
type AwsRdsDbDomainMembership ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsDbDomainMembership struct { // The identifier of the Active Directory domain. Domain *string // The fully qualified domain name of the Active Directory domain. Fqdn *string // The name of the IAM role to use when making API calls to the Directory Service. IamRoleName *string // The status of the Active Directory Domain membership for the DB instance. Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an Active Directory domain membership record associated with the DB instance.
type AwsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole ¶
type AwsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole struct { // The name of the feature associated with the IAM role. FeatureName *string // The ARN of the IAM role that is associated with the DB instance. RoleArn *string // Describes the state of the association between the IAM role and the DB instance. // The Status property returns one of the following values: // // * ACTIVE - The IAM // role ARN is associated with the DB instance and can be used to access other // Amazon Web Services services on your behalf. // // * PENDING - The IAM role ARN is // being associated with the DB instance. // // * INVALID - The IAM role ARN is // associated with the DB instance. But the DB instance is unable to assume the IAM // role in order to access other Amazon Web Services services on your behalf. Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An IAM role associated with the DB instance.
type AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails ¶
type AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails struct { // The amount of storage (in gigabytes) to initially allocate for the DB instance. AllocatedStorage int32 // The IAM roles associated with the DB instance. AssociatedRoles []AwsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole // Indicates whether minor version patches are applied automatically. AutoMinorVersionUpgrade bool // The Availability Zone where the DB instance will be created. AvailabilityZone *string // The number of days for which to retain automated backups. BackupRetentionPeriod int32 // The identifier of the CA certificate for this DB instance. CACertificateIdentifier *string // The name of the character set that this DB instance is associated with. CharacterSetName *string // Whether to copy resource tags to snapshots of the DB instance. CopyTagsToSnapshot bool // If the DB instance is a member of a DB cluster, contains the name of the DB // cluster that the DB instance is a member of. DBClusterIdentifier *string // Contains the name of the compute and memory capacity class of the DB instance. DBInstanceClass *string // Contains a user-supplied database identifier. This identifier is the unique key // that identifies a DB instance. DBInstanceIdentifier *string // The meaning of this parameter differs according to the database engine you use. // MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, PostgreSQL Contains the name of the initial database // of this instance that was provided at create time, if one was specified when the // DB instance was created. This same name is returned for the life of the DB // instance. Oracle Contains the Oracle System ID (SID) of the created DB instance. // Not shown when the returned parameters do not apply to an Oracle DB instance. DBName *string // Specifies the port that the DB instance listens on. If the DB instance is part // of a DB cluster, this can be a different port than the DB cluster port. DbInstancePort int32 // The current status of the DB instance. DbInstanceStatus *string // A list of the DB parameter groups to assign to the DB instance. DbParameterGroups []AwsRdsDbParameterGroup // A list of the DB security groups to assign to the DB instance. DbSecurityGroups []string // Information about the subnet group that is associated with the DB instance. DbSubnetGroup *AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup // The Amazon Web Services Region-unique, immutable identifier for the DB instance. // This identifier is found in CloudTrail log entries whenever the KMS key for the // DB instance is accessed. DbiResourceId *string // Indicates whether the DB instance has deletion protection enabled. When deletion // protection is enabled, the database cannot be deleted. DeletionProtection bool // The Active Directory domain membership records associated with the DB instance. DomainMemberships []AwsRdsDbDomainMembership // A list of log types that this DB instance is configured to export to CloudWatch // Logs. EnabledCloudWatchLogsExports []string // Specifies the connection endpoint. Endpoint *AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint // Provides the name of the database engine to use for this DB instance. Engine *string // Indicates the database engine version. EngineVersion *string // The ARN of the CloudWatch Logs log stream that receives the enhanced monitoring // metrics data for the DB instance. EnhancedMonitoringResourceArn *string // True if mapping of IAM accounts to database accounts is enabled, and otherwise // false. IAM database authentication can be enabled for the following database // engines. // // * For MySQL 5.6, minor version 5.6.34 or higher // // * For MySQL 5.7, // minor version 5.7.16 or higher // // * Aurora 5.6 or higher IAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled bool // Indicates when the DB instance was created. Uses the date-time format specified // in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. InstanceCreateTime *string // Specifies the provisioned IOPS (I/O operations per second) for this DB instance. Iops int32 // If StorageEncrypted is true, the KMS key identifier for the encrypted DB // instance. KmsKeyId *string // Specifies the latest time to which a database can be restored with point-in-time // restore. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet // Date/Time Format ( The value // cannot contain spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LatestRestorableTime *string // License model information for this DB instance. LicenseModel *string // Specifies the connection endpoint. ListenerEndpoint *AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint // The master user name of the DB instance. MasterUsername *string // The upper limit to which Amazon RDS can automatically scale the storage of the // DB instance. MaxAllocatedStorage int32 // The interval, in seconds, between points when enhanced monitoring metrics are // collected for the DB instance. MonitoringInterval int32 // The ARN for the IAM role that permits Amazon RDS to send enhanced monitoring // metrics to CloudWatch Logs. MonitoringRoleArn *string // Whether the DB instance is a multiple Availability Zone deployment. MultiAz bool // The list of option group memberships for this DB instance. OptionGroupMemberships []AwsRdsDbOptionGroupMembership // Changes to the DB instance that are currently pending. PendingModifiedValues *AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues // Indicates whether Performance Insights is enabled for the DB instance. PerformanceInsightsEnabled bool // The identifier of the KMS key used to encrypt the Performance Insights data. PerformanceInsightsKmsKeyId *string // The number of days to retain Performance Insights data. PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod int32 // The range of time each day when automated backups are created, if automated // backups are enabled. Uses the format HH:MM-HH:MM. For example, 04:52-05:22. PreferredBackupWindow *string // The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur, in Universal // Coordinated Time (UTC). Uses the format :HH:MM-:HH:MM. For the day values, use // mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun. For example, sun:09:32-sun:10:02. PreferredMaintenanceWindow *string // The number of CPU cores and the number of threads per core for the DB instance // class of the DB instance. ProcessorFeatures []AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature // The order in which to promote an Aurora replica to the primary instance after a // failure of the existing primary instance. PromotionTier int32 // Specifies the accessibility options for the DB instance. A value of true // specifies an Internet-facing instance with a publicly resolvable DNS name, which // resolves to a public IP address. A value of false specifies an internal instance // with a DNS name that resolves to a private IP address. PubliclyAccessible bool // List of identifiers of Aurora DB clusters to which the RDS DB instance is // replicated as a read replica. ReadReplicaDBClusterIdentifiers []string // List of identifiers of the read replicas associated with this DB instance. ReadReplicaDBInstanceIdentifiers []string // If this DB instance is a read replica, contains the identifier of the source DB // instance. ReadReplicaSourceDBInstanceIdentifier *string // For a DB instance with multi-Availability Zone support, the name of the // secondary Availability Zone. SecondaryAvailabilityZone *string // The status of a read replica. If the instance isn't a read replica, this is // empty. StatusInfos []AwsRdsDbStatusInfo // Specifies whether the DB instance is encrypted. StorageEncrypted bool // The storage type for the DB instance. StorageType *string // The ARN from the key store with which the instance is associated for TDE // encryption. TdeCredentialArn *string // The time zone of the DB instance. Timezone *string // A list of VPC security groups that the DB instance belongs to. VpcSecurityGroups []AwsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains the details of an Amazon RDS DB instance.
type AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint ¶
type AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint struct { // Specifies the DNS address of the DB instance. Address *string // Specifies the ID that Amazon Route 53 assigns when you create a hosted zone. HostedZoneId *string // Specifies the port that the database engine is listening on. Port int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies the connection endpoint.
type AwsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup ¶
type AwsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup struct { // The status of the VPC security group. Status *string // The name of the VPC security group. VpcSecurityGroupId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A VPC security groups that the DB instance belongs to.
type AwsRdsDbOptionGroupMembership ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsDbOptionGroupMembership struct { // The name of the option group. OptionGroupName *string // The status of the option group membership. Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An option group membership.
type AwsRdsDbParameterGroup ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsDbParameterGroup struct { // The name of the parameter group. DbParameterGroupName *string // The status of parameter updates. ParameterApplyStatus *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about a parameter group for a DB instance.
type AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues struct { // The new value of the allocated storage for the DB instance. AllocatedStorage int32 // The new backup retention period for the DB instance. BackupRetentionPeriod int32 // The new CA certificate identifier for the DB instance. CaCertificateIdentifier *string // The new DB instance class for the DB instance. DbInstanceClass *string // The new DB instance identifier for the DB instance. DbInstanceIdentifier *string // The name of the new subnet group for the DB instance. DbSubnetGroupName *string // The new engine version for the DB instance. EngineVersion *string // The new provisioned IOPS value for the DB instance. Iops int32 // The new license model value for the DB instance. LicenseModel *string // The new master user password for the DB instance. MasterUserPassword *string // Indicates that a single Availability Zone DB instance is changing to a multiple // Availability Zone deployment. MultiAZ bool // A list of log types that are being enabled or disabled. PendingCloudWatchLogsExports *AwsRdsPendingCloudWatchLogsExports // The new port for the DB instance. Port int32 // Processor features that are being updated. ProcessorFeatures []AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature // The new storage type for the DB instance. StorageType *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Changes to a DB instance that are currently pending.
type AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature struct { // The name of the processor feature. Valid values are coreCount or threadsPerCore. Name *string // The value of the processor feature. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A processor feature.
type AwsRdsDbSecurityGroupDetails ¶ added in v1.20.0
type AwsRdsDbSecurityGroupDetails struct { // The ARN for the DB security group. DbSecurityGroupArn *string // Provides the description of the DB security group. DbSecurityGroupDescription *string // Specifies the name of the DB security group. DbSecurityGroupName *string // Contains a list of EC2 security groups. Ec2SecurityGroups []AwsRdsDbSecurityGroupEc2SecurityGroup // Contains a list of IP ranges. IpRanges []AwsRdsDbSecurityGroupIpRange // Provides the Amazon Web Services ID of the owner of a specific DB security // group. OwnerId *string // Provides VPC ID associated with the DB security group. VpcId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about an Amazon RDS DB security group.
type AwsRdsDbSecurityGroupEc2SecurityGroup ¶ added in v1.20.0
type AwsRdsDbSecurityGroupEc2SecurityGroup struct { // Specifies the ID for the EC2 security group. Ec2SecurityGroupId *string // Specifies the name of the EC2 security group. Ec2SecurityGroupName *string // Provides the Amazon Web Services ID of the owner of the EC2 security group. Ec2SecurityGroupOwnerId *string // Provides the status of the EC2 security group. Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
EC2 security group information for an RDS DB security group.
type AwsRdsDbSecurityGroupIpRange ¶ added in v1.20.0
type AwsRdsDbSecurityGroupIpRange struct { // Specifies the IP range. CidrIp *string // Specifies the status of the IP range. Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
IP range information for an RDS DB security group.
type AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails struct { // The amount of storage (in gigabytes) to be initially allocated for the database // instance. AllocatedStorage int32 // Specifies the name of the Availability Zone in which the DB instance was located // at the time of the DB snapshot. AvailabilityZone *string // A name for the DB instance. DbInstanceIdentifier *string // The name or ARN of the DB snapshot that is used to restore the DB instance. DbSnapshotIdentifier *string // The identifier for the source DB instance. DbiResourceId *string // Whether the DB snapshot is encrypted. Encrypted bool // The name of the database engine to use for this DB instance. Valid values are as // follows: // // * aurora // // * aurora-mysql // // * aurora-postgresql // // * c // // * mariadb // // * // mysql // // * oracle-ee // // * oracle-se // // * oracle-se1 // // * oracle-se2 // // * sqlserver-ee // // * // sqlserver-ex // // * sqlserver-se // // * sqlserver-web Engine *string // The version of the database engine. EngineVersion *string // Whether mapping of IAM accounts to database accounts is enabled. IamDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled bool // Specifies the time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when the DB instance, // from which the snapshot was taken, was created. InstanceCreateTime *string // The provisioned IOPS (I/O operations per second) value of the DB instance at the // time of the snapshot. Iops int32 // If Encrypted is true, the KMS key identifier for the encrypted DB snapshot. KmsKeyId *string // License model information for the restored DB instance. LicenseModel *string // The master user name for the DB snapshot. MasterUsername *string // The option group name for the DB snapshot. OptionGroupName *string // The percentage of the estimated data that has been transferred. PercentProgress int32 // The port that the database engine was listening on at the time of the snapshot. Port int32 // The number of CPU cores and the number of threads per core for the DB instance // class of the DB instance. ProcessorFeatures []AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature // When the snapshot was taken in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). SnapshotCreateTime *string // The type of the DB snapshot. SnapshotType *string // The DB snapshot ARN that the DB snapshot was copied from. SourceDbSnapshotIdentifier *string // The Amazon Web Services Region that the DB snapshot was created in or copied // from. SourceRegion *string // The status of this DB snapshot. Status *string // The storage type associated with the DB snapshot. Valid values are as // follows: // // * gp2 // // * io1 // // * standard StorageType *string // The ARN from the key store with which to associate the instance for TDE // encryption. TdeCredentialArn *string // The time zone of the DB snapshot. Timezone *string // The VPC ID associated with the DB snapshot. VpcId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about an Amazon RDS DB cluster snapshot.
type AwsRdsDbStatusInfo ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsDbStatusInfo struct { // If the read replica is currently in an error state, provides the error details. Message *string // Whether the read replica instance is operating normally. Normal bool // The status of the read replica instance. Status *string // The type of status. For a read replica, the status type is read replication. StatusType *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the status of a read replica.
type AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup struct { // The ARN of the subnet group. DbSubnetGroupArn *string // The description of the subnet group. DbSubnetGroupDescription *string // The name of the subnet group. DbSubnetGroupName *string // The status of the subnet group. SubnetGroupStatus *string // A list of subnets in the subnet group. Subnets []AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet // The VPC ID of the subnet group. VpcId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the subnet group for the database instance.
type AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet struct { // Information about the Availability Zone for a subnet in the subnet group. SubnetAvailabilityZone *AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnetAvailabilityZone // The identifier of a subnet in the subnet group. SubnetIdentifier *string // The status of a subnet in the subnet group. SubnetStatus *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a subnet in a subnet group.
type AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnetAvailabilityZone ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnetAvailabilityZone struct { // The name of the Availability Zone for a subnet in the subnet group. Name *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An Availability Zone for a subnet in a subnet group.
type AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails struct { // The identifier of the account that is associated with the event notification // subscription. CustSubscriptionId *string // The identifier of the event notification subscription. CustomerAwsId *string // Whether the event notification subscription is enabled. Enabled bool // The list of event categories for the event notification subscription. EventCategoriesList []string // The ARN of the event notification subscription. EventSubscriptionArn *string // The ARN of the SNS topic to post the event notifications to. SnsTopicArn *string // A list of source identifiers for the event notification subscription. SourceIdsList []string // The source type for the event notification subscription. SourceType *string // The status of the event notification subscription. Valid values: creating | // modifying | deleting | active | no-permission | topic-not-exist Status *string // The datetime when the event notification subscription was created. Uses the // date-time format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. SubscriptionCreationTime *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about an Amazon RDS event notification subscription. The subscription allows Amazon RDS to post events to an SNS topic.
type AwsRdsPendingCloudWatchLogsExports ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRdsPendingCloudWatchLogsExports struct { // A list of log types that are being disabled. LogTypesToDisable []string // A list of log types that are being enabled. LogTypesToEnable []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Identifies the log types to enable and disable.
type AwsRedshiftClusterClusterNode ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterClusterNode struct { // The role of the node. A node might be a leader node or a compute node. NodeRole *string // The private IP address of the node. PrivateIpAddress *string // The public IP address of the node. PublicIpAddress *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A node in an Amazon Redshift cluster.
type AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup struct { // The list of parameter statuses. ClusterParameterStatusList []AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus // The status of updates to the parameters. ParameterApplyStatus *string // The name of the parameter group. ParameterGroupName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A cluster parameter group that is associated with an Amazon Redshift cluster.
type AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus struct { // The error that prevented the parameter from being applied to the database. ParameterApplyErrorDescription *string // The status of the parameter. Indicates whether the parameter is in sync with the // database, waiting for a cluster reboot, or encountered an error when it was // applied. Valid values: in-sync | pending-reboot | applying | invalid-parameter | // apply-deferred | apply-error | unknown-error ParameterApplyStatus *string // The name of the parameter. ParameterName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The status of a parameter in a cluster parameter group for an Amazon Redshift cluster.
type AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSecurityGroup ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSecurityGroup struct { // The name of the cluster security group. ClusterSecurityGroupName *string // The status of the cluster security group. Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A security group that is associated with the cluster.
type AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus struct { // The destination Region that snapshots are automatically copied to when // cross-Region snapshot copy is enabled. DestinationRegion *string // The number of days that manual snapshots are retained in the destination region // after they are copied from a source region. If the value is -1, then the manual // snapshot is retained indefinitely. Valid values: Either -1 or an integer between // 1 and 3,653 ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod int32 // The number of days to retain automated snapshots in the destination Region after // they are copied from a source Region. RetentionPeriod int32 // The name of the snapshot copy grant. SnapshotCopyGrantName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a cross-Region snapshot copy.
type AwsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow struct { // The end of the time window for which maintenance was deferred. Uses the // date-time format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. DeferMaintenanceEndTime *string // The identifier of the maintenance window. DeferMaintenanceIdentifier *string // The start of the time window for which maintenance was deferred. Uses the // date-time format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. DeferMaintenanceStartTime *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A time windows during which maintenance was deferred for an Amazon Redshift cluster.
type AwsRedshiftClusterDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterDetails struct { // Indicates whether major version upgrades are applied automatically to the // cluster during the maintenance window. AllowVersionUpgrade bool // The number of days that automatic cluster snapshots are retained. AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod int32 // The name of the Availability Zone in which the cluster is located. AvailabilityZone *string // The availability status of the cluster for queries. Possible values are the // following: // // * Available - The cluster is available for queries. // // * Unavailable - // The cluster is not available for queries. // // * Maintenance - The cluster is // intermittently available for queries due to maintenance activities. // // * Modifying // -The cluster is intermittently available for queries due to changes that modify // the cluster. // // * Failed - The cluster failed and is not available for queries. ClusterAvailabilityStatus *string // Indicates when the cluster was created. Uses the date-time format specified in // RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. ClusterCreateTime *string // The unique identifier of the cluster. ClusterIdentifier *string // The nodes in the cluster. ClusterNodes []AwsRedshiftClusterClusterNode // The list of cluster parameter groups that are associated with this cluster. ClusterParameterGroups []AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup // The public key for the cluster. ClusterPublicKey *string // The specific revision number of the database in the cluster. ClusterRevisionNumber *string // A list of cluster security groups that are associated with the cluster. ClusterSecurityGroups []AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSecurityGroup // Information about the destination Region and retention period for the // cross-Region snapshot copy. ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus *AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus // The current status of the cluster. Valid values: available | available, // prep-for-resize | available, resize-cleanup | cancelling-resize | creating | // deleting | final-snapshot | hardware-failure | incompatible-hsm | // incompatible-network | incompatible-parameters | incompatible-restore | // modifying | paused | rebooting | renaming | resizing | rotating-keys | // storage-full | updating-hsm ClusterStatus *string // The name of the subnet group that is associated with the cluster. This parameter // is valid only when the cluster is in a VPC. ClusterSubnetGroupName *string // The version ID of the Amazon Redshift engine that runs on the cluster. ClusterVersion *string // The name of the initial database that was created when the cluster was created. // The same name is returned for the life of the cluster. If an initial database is // not specified, a database named devdev is created by default. DBName *string // List of time windows during which maintenance was deferred. DeferredMaintenanceWindows []AwsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow // Information about the status of the Elastic IP (EIP) address. ElasticIpStatus *AwsRedshiftClusterElasticIpStatus // The number of nodes that you can use the elastic resize method to resize the // cluster to. ElasticResizeNumberOfNodeOptions *string // Indicates whether the data in the cluster is encrypted at rest. Encrypted bool // The connection endpoint. Endpoint *AwsRedshiftClusterEndpoint // Indicates whether to create the cluster with enhanced VPC routing enabled. EnhancedVpcRouting bool // Indicates when the next snapshot is expected to be taken. The cluster must have // a valid snapshot schedule and have backups enabled. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. ExpectedNextSnapshotScheduleTime *string // The status of the next expected snapshot. Valid values: OnTrack | Pending ExpectedNextSnapshotScheduleTimeStatus *string // Information about whether the Amazon Redshift cluster finished applying any // changes to hardware security module (HSM) settings that were specified in a // modify cluster command. HsmStatus *AwsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus // A list of IAM roles that the cluster can use to access other Amazon Web Services // services. IamRoles []AwsRedshiftClusterIamRole // The identifier of the KMS encryption key that is used to encrypt data in the // cluster. KmsKeyId *string // Information about the logging status of the cluster. LoggingStatus *AwsRedshiftClusterLoggingStatus // The name of the maintenance track for the cluster. MaintenanceTrackName *string // The default number of days to retain a manual snapshot. If the value is -1, the // snapshot is retained indefinitely. This setting doesn't change the retention // period of existing snapshots. Valid values: Either -1 or an integer between 1 // and 3,653 ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod int32 // The master user name for the cluster. This name is used to connect to the // database that is specified in as the value of DBName. MasterUsername *string // Indicates the start of the next maintenance window. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. NextMaintenanceWindowStartTime *string // The node type for the nodes in the cluster. NodeType *string // The number of compute nodes in the cluster. NumberOfNodes int32 // A list of cluster operations that are waiting to start. PendingActions []string // A list of changes to the cluster that are currently pending. PendingModifiedValues *AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues // The weekly time range, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), during which system // maintenance can occur. Format: :HH:MM-:HH:MM For the day values, use mon | tue // | wed | thu | fri | sat | sun For example, sun:09:32-sun:10:02 PreferredMaintenanceWindow *string // Whether the cluster can be accessed from a public network. PubliclyAccessible bool // Information about the resize operation for the cluster. ResizeInfo *AwsRedshiftClusterResizeInfo // Information about the status of a cluster restore action. Only applies to a // cluster that was created by restoring a snapshot. RestoreStatus *AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus // A unique identifier for the cluster snapshot schedule. SnapshotScheduleIdentifier *string // The current state of the cluster snapshot schedule. Valid values: MODIFYING | // ACTIVE | FAILED SnapshotScheduleState *string // The identifier of the VPC that the cluster is in, if the cluster is in a VPC. VpcId *string // The list of VPC security groups that the cluster belongs to, if the cluster is // in a VPC. VpcSecurityGroups []AwsRedshiftClusterVpcSecurityGroup // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about an Amazon Redshift cluster.
type AwsRedshiftClusterElasticIpStatus ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterElasticIpStatus struct { // The elastic IP address for the cluster. ElasticIp *string // The status of the elastic IP address. Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The status of the elastic IP (EIP) address for an Amazon Redshift cluster.
type AwsRedshiftClusterEndpoint ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterEndpoint struct { // The DNS address of the cluster. Address *string // The port that the database engine listens on. Port int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The connection endpoint for an Amazon Redshift cluster.
type AwsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus struct { // The name of the HSM client certificate that the Amazon Redshift cluster uses to // retrieve the data encryption keys that are stored in an HSM. HsmClientCertificateIdentifier *string // The name of the HSM configuration that contains the information that the Amazon // Redshift cluster can use to retrieve and store keys in an HSM. HsmConfigurationIdentifier *string // Indicates whether the Amazon Redshift cluster has finished applying any HSM // settings changes specified in a modify cluster command. Type: String Valid // values: active | applying Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about whether an Amazon Redshift cluster finished applying any hardware changes to security module (HSM) settings that were specified in a modify cluster command.
type AwsRedshiftClusterIamRole ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterIamRole struct { // The status of the IAM role's association with the cluster. Valid values: in-sync // | adding | removing ApplyStatus *string // The ARN of the IAM role. IamRoleArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An IAM role that the cluster can use to access other Amazon Web Services services.
type AwsRedshiftClusterLoggingStatus ¶ added in v1.20.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterLoggingStatus struct { // The name of the S3 bucket where the log files are stored. BucketName *string // The message indicating that the logs failed to be delivered. LastFailureMessage *string // The last time when logs failed to be delivered. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LastFailureTime *string // The last time that logs were delivered successfully. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LastSuccessfulDeliveryTime *string // Indicates whether logging is enabled. LoggingEnabled bool // Provides the prefix applied to the log file names. S3KeyPrefix *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the logging status of the cluster.
type AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues struct { // The pending or in-progress change to the automated snapshot retention period. AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod int32 // The pending or in-progress change to the identifier for the cluster. ClusterIdentifier *string // The pending or in-progress change to the cluster type. ClusterType *string // The pending or in-progress change to the service version. ClusterVersion *string // The encryption type for a cluster. EncryptionType *string // Indicates whether to create the cluster with enhanced VPC routing enabled. EnhancedVpcRouting bool // The name of the maintenance track that the cluster changes to during the next // maintenance window. MaintenanceTrackName *string // The pending or in-progress change to the master user password for the cluster. MasterUserPassword *string // The pending or in-progress change to the cluster's node type. NodeType *string // The pending or in-progress change to the number of nodes in the cluster. NumberOfNodes int32 // The pending or in-progress change to whether the cluster can be connected to // from the public network. PubliclyAccessible bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Changes to the Amazon Redshift cluster that are currently pending.
type AwsRedshiftClusterResizeInfo ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterResizeInfo struct { // Indicates whether the resize operation can be canceled. AllowCancelResize bool // The type of resize operation. Valid values: ClassicResize ResizeType *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the resize operation for the cluster.
type AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus struct { // The number of megabytes per second being transferred from the backup storage. // Returns the average rate for a completed backup. This field is only updated when // you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types. CurrentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond float64 // The amount of time an in-progress restore has been running, or the amount of // time it took a completed restore to finish. This field is only updated when you // restore to DC2 and DS2 node types. ElapsedTimeInSeconds int64 // The estimate of the time remaining before the restore is complete. Returns 0 for // a completed restore. This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 // node types. EstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds int64 // The number of megabytes that were transferred from snapshot storage. This field // is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types. ProgressInMegaBytes int64 // The size of the set of snapshot data that was used to restore the cluster. This // field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types. SnapshotSizeInMegaBytes int64 // The status of the restore action. Valid values: starting | restoring | completed // | failed Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the status of a cluster restore action. It only applies if the cluster was created by restoring a snapshot.
type AwsRedshiftClusterVpcSecurityGroup ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsRedshiftClusterVpcSecurityGroup struct { // The status of the VPC security group. Status *string // The identifier of the VPC security group. VpcSecurityGroupId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A VPC security group that the cluster belongs to, if the cluster is in a VPC.
type AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails struct { // Indicates whether to reject calls to update an S3 bucket if the calls include a // public access control list (ACL). BlockPublicAcls bool // Indicates whether to reject calls to update the access policy for an S3 bucket // or access point if the policy allows public access. BlockPublicPolicy bool // Indicates whether Amazon S3 ignores public ACLs that are associated with an S3 // bucket. IgnorePublicAcls bool // Indicates whether to restrict access to an access point or S3 bucket that has a // public policy to only Amazon Web Services service principals and authorized // users within the S3 bucket owner's account. RestrictPublicBuckets bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
provides information about the Amazon S3 Public Access Block configuration for accounts.
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationDetails struct { // The lifecycle rules. Rules []AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The lifecycle configuration for the objects in the S3 bucket.
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadDetails struct { // The number of days after which Amazon S3 cancels an incomplete multipart upload. DaysAfterInitiation int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about what Amazon S3 does when a multipart upload is incomplete.
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails struct { // How Amazon S3 responds when a multipart upload is incomplete. Specifically, // provides a number of days before Amazon S3 cancels the entire upload. AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload *AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadDetails // The date when objects are moved or deleted. Uses the date-time format specified // in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. ExpirationDate *string // The length in days of the lifetime for objects that are subject to the rule. ExpirationInDays int32 // Whether Amazon S3 removes a delete marker that has no noncurrent versions. If // set to true, the delete marker is expired. If set to false, the policy takes no // action. If you provide ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker, you cannot provide // ExpirationInDays or ExpirationDate. ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker bool // Identifies the objects that a rule applies to. Filter *AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterDetails // The unique identifier of the rule. ID *string // The number of days that an object is noncurrent before Amazon S3 can perform the // associated action. NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays int32 // Transition rules that describe when noncurrent objects transition to a specified // storage class. NoncurrentVersionTransitions []AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesNoncurrentVersionTransitionsDetails // A prefix that identifies one or more objects that the rule applies to. Prefix *string // The current status of the rule. Indicates whether the rule is currently being // applied. Status *string // Transition rules that indicate when objects transition to a specified storage // class. Transitions []AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Configuration for a lifecycle rule.
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterDetails struct { // The configuration for the filter. Predicate *AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Identifies the objects that a rule applies to.
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails struct { // The values to use for the filter. Operands []AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails // A prefix filter. Prefix *string // A tag filter. Tag *AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateTagDetails // Whether to use AND or OR to join the operands. Valid values are // LifecycleAndOperator or LifecycleOrOperator. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The configuration for the filter.
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails struct { // Prefix text for matching objects. Prefix *string // A tag that is assigned to matching objects. Tag *AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsTagDetails // The type of filter value. Valid values are LifecyclePrefixPredicate or // LifecycleTagPredicate. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A value to use for the filter.
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsTagDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsTagDetails struct { // The tag key. Key *string // The tag value. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A tag that is assigned to matching objects.
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateTagDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateTagDetails struct { // The tag key. Key *string // The tag value Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A tag filter.
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesNoncurrentVersionTransitionsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesNoncurrentVersionTransitionsDetails struct { // The number of days that an object is noncurrent before Amazon S3 can perform the // associated action. Days int32 // The class of storage to change the object to after the object is noncurrent for // the specified number of days. StorageClass *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A transition rule that describes when noncurrent objects transition to a specified storage class.
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails struct { // A date on which to transition objects to the specified storage class. If you // provide Date, you cannot provide Days. Uses the date-time format specified in // RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. Date *string // The number of days after which to transition the object to the specified storage // class. If you provide Days, you cannot provide Date. Days int32 // The storage class to transition the object to. Valid values are as follows: // // * // DEEP_ARCHIVE // // * GLACIER // // * INTELLIGENT_TIERING // // * ONEZONE_IA // // * STANDARD_IA StorageClass *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A rule for when objects transition to specific storage classes.
type AwsS3BucketBucketVersioningConfiguration ¶ added in v1.14.0
type AwsS3BucketBucketVersioningConfiguration struct { // Specifies whether MFA delete is currently enabled in the S3 bucket versioning // configuration. If the S3 bucket was never configured with MFA delete, then this // attribute is not included. IsMfaDeleteEnabled bool // The versioning status of the S3 bucket. Valid values are Enabled or Suspended. Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes the versioning state of an S3 bucket.
type AwsS3BucketDetails ¶
type AwsS3BucketDetails struct { // The access control list for the S3 bucket. AccessControlList *string // The lifecycle configuration for objects in the S3 bucket. BucketLifecycleConfiguration *AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationDetails // The logging configuration for the S3 bucket. BucketLoggingConfiguration *AwsS3BucketLoggingConfiguration // The notification configuration for the S3 bucket. BucketNotificationConfiguration *AwsS3BucketNotificationConfiguration // The versioning state of an S3 bucket. BucketVersioningConfiguration *AwsS3BucketBucketVersioningConfiguration // The website configuration parameters for the S3 bucket. BucketWebsiteConfiguration *AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration // Indicates when the S3 bucket was created. Uses the date-time format specified in // RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. CreatedAt *string // The Amazon Web Services account identifier of the account that owns the S3 // bucket. OwnerAccountId *string // The canonical user ID of the owner of the S3 bucket. OwnerId *string // The display name of the owner of the S3 bucket. OwnerName *string // Provides information about the Amazon S3 Public Access Block configuration for // the S3 bucket. PublicAccessBlockConfiguration *AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails // The encryption rules that are applied to the S3 bucket. ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration *AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionConfiguration // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The details of an Amazon S3 bucket.
type AwsS3BucketLoggingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsS3BucketLoggingConfiguration struct { // The name of the S3 bucket where log files for the S3 bucket are stored. DestinationBucketName *string // The prefix added to log files for the S3 bucket. LogFilePrefix *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about logging for the S3 bucket
type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfiguration ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfiguration struct { // Configurations for S3 bucket notifications. Configurations []AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The notification configuration for the S3 bucket.
type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail struct { // The ARN of the Lambda function, Amazon SQS queue, or Amazon SNS topic that // generates the notification. Destination *string // The list of events that trigger a notification. Events []string // The filters that determine which S3 buckets generate notifications. Filter *AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationFilter // Indicates the type of notification. Notifications can be generated using Lambda // functions, Amazon SQS queues, or Amazon SNS topics, with corresponding valid // values as follows: // // * LambdaConfiguration // // * QueueConfiguration // // * // TopicConfiguration Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details for an S3 bucket notification configuration.
type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationFilter ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationFilter struct { // Details for an Amazon S3 filter. S3KeyFilter *AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Filtering information for the notifications. The filtering is based on Amazon S3 key names.
type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilter ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilter struct { // The filter rules for the filter. FilterRules []AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRule // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details for an Amazon S3 filter.
type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRule ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRule struct { // Indicates whether the filter is based on the prefix or suffix of the Amazon S3 // key. Name AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRuleName // The filter value. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details for a filter rule.
type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRuleName ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRuleName string
const ( AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRuleNamePrefix AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRuleName = "Prefix" AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRuleNameSuffix AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRuleName = "Suffix" )
Enum values for AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRuleName
func (AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRuleName) Values ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRuleName) Values() []AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRuleName
Values returns all known values for AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRuleName. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionByDefault ¶
type AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionByDefault struct { // KMS key ID to use for the default encryption. KMSMasterKeyID *string // Server-side encryption algorithm to use for the default encryption. Valid values // are aws: kms or AES256. SSEAlgorithm *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies the default server-side encryption to apply to new objects in the bucket.
type AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionConfiguration ¶
type AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionConfiguration struct { // The encryption rules that are applied to the S3 bucket. Rules []AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionRule // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The encryption configuration for the S3 bucket.
type AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionRule ¶
type AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionRule struct { // Specifies the default server-side encryption to apply to new objects in the // bucket. If a PUT object request doesn't specify any server-side encryption, this // default encryption is applied. ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault *AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionByDefault // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An encryption rule to apply to the S3 bucket.
type AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration struct { // The name of the error document for the website. ErrorDocument *string // The name of the index document for the website. IndexDocumentSuffix *string // The redirect behavior for requests to the website. RedirectAllRequestsTo *AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRedirectTo // The rules for applying redirects for requests to the website. RoutingRules []AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRule // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Website parameters for the S3 bucket.
type AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRedirectTo ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRedirectTo struct { // The name of the host to redirect requests to. Hostname *string // The protocol to use when redirecting requests. By default, this field uses the // same protocol as the original request. Valid values are http or https. Protocol *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The redirect behavior for requests to the website.
type AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRule ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRule struct { // Provides the condition that must be met in order to apply the routing rule. Condition *AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleCondition // Provides the rules to redirect the request if the condition in Condition is met. Redirect *AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A rule for redirecting requests to the website.
type AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleCondition ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleCondition struct { // Indicates to redirect the request if the HTTP error code matches this value. HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals *string // Indicates to redirect the request if the key prefix matches this value. KeyPrefixEquals *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The condition that must be met in order to apply the routing rule.
type AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect struct { // The host name to use in the redirect request. Hostname *string // The HTTP redirect code to use in the response. HttpRedirectCode *string // The protocol to use to redirect the request. By default, uses the protocol from // the original request. Protocol *string // The object key prefix to use in the redirect request. Cannot be provided if // ReplaceKeyWith is present. ReplaceKeyPrefixWith *string // The specific object key to use in the redirect request. Cannot be provided if // ReplaceKeyPrefixWith is present. ReplaceKeyWith *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The rules to redirect the request if the condition in Condition is met.
type AwsS3ObjectDetails ¶
type AwsS3ObjectDetails struct { // A standard MIME type describing the format of the object data. ContentType *string // The opaque identifier assigned by a web server to a specific version of a // resource found at a URL. ETag *string // Indicates when the object was last modified. Uses the date-time format specified // in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LastModified *string // The identifier of the KMS symmetric customer managed key that was used for the // object. SSEKMSKeyId *string // If the object is stored using server-side encryption, the value of the // server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in Amazon S3. ServerSideEncryption *string // The version of the object. VersionId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about an Amazon S3 object.
type AwsSageMakerNotebookInstanceDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsSageMakerNotebookInstanceDetails struct { // A list of Amazon Elastic Inference instance types to associate with the notebook // instance. Currently, only one instance type can be associated with a notebook // instance. AcceleratorTypes []string // An array of up to three Git repositories associated with the notebook instance. // These can be either the names of Git repositories stored as resources in your // account, or the URL of Git repositories in CodeCommit // ( or in any // other Git repository. These repositories are cloned at the same level as the // default repository of your notebook instance. For more information, see // Associating Git repositories with SageMaker notebook instances // ( in the // Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide. AdditionalCodeRepositories []string // The Git repository associated with the notebook instance as its default code // repository. This can be either the name of a Git repository stored as a resource // in your account, or the URL of a Git repository in CodeCommit // ( or in any // other Git repository. When you open a notebook instance, it opens in the // directory that contains this repository. For more information, see Associating // Git repositories with SageMaker notebook instances // ( in the // Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide. DefaultCodeRepository *string // Sets whether SageMaker provides internet access to the notebook instance. If you // set this to Disabled, this notebook instance is able to access resources only in // your VPC, and is not be able to connect to SageMaker training and endpoint // services unless you configure a Network Address Translation (NAT) Gateway in // your VPC. DirectInternetAccess *string // If status of the instance is Failed, the reason it failed. FailureReason *string // Information on the IMDS configuration of the notebook instance. InstanceMetadataServiceConfiguration *AwsSageMakerNotebookInstanceMetadataServiceConfigurationDetails // The type of machine learning (ML) compute instance to launch for the notebook // instance. InstanceType *string // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Key Management Service (KMS) key that // SageMaker uses to encrypt data on the storage volume attached to your notebook // instance. The KMS key you provide must be enabled. For information, see Enabling // and disabling keys // ( in // the Key Management Service Developer Guide. KmsKeyId *string // The network interface ID that SageMaker created when the instance was created. NetworkInterfaceId *string // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the notebook instance. NotebookInstanceArn *string // The name of a notebook instance lifecycle configuration. NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName *string // The name of the new notebook instance. NotebookInstanceName *string // The status of the notebook instance. NotebookInstanceStatus *string // The platform identifier of the notebook instance runtime environment. PlatformIdentifier *string // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role associated with the instance. RoleArn *string // Whether root access is enabled or disabled for users of the notebook instance. RootAccess *string // The VPC security group IDs. SecurityGroups []string // The ID of the VPC subnet to which you have a connectivity from your ML compute // instance. SubnetId *string // The URL that you use to connect to the Jupyter notebook that is running in your // notebook instance. Url *string // The size, in GB, of the ML storage volume to attach to the notebook instance. VolumeSizeInGB int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance.
type AwsSageMakerNotebookInstanceMetadataServiceConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsSageMakerNotebookInstanceMetadataServiceConfigurationDetails struct { // Indicates the minimum IMDS version that the notebook instance supports. MinimumInstanceMetadataServiceVersion *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information on the instance metadata service (IMDS) configuration of the notebook instance.
type AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails struct { // Whether the secret is deleted. Deleted bool // The user-provided description of the secret. Description *string // The ARN, Key ID, or alias of the KMS key used to encrypt the SecretString or // SecretBinary values for versions of this secret. KmsKeyId *string // The name of the secret. Name *string // Whether rotation is enabled. RotationEnabled bool // The ARN of the Lambda function that rotates the secret. RotationLambdaArn *string // Whether the rotation occurred within the specified rotation frequency. RotationOccurredWithinFrequency bool // Defines the rotation schedule for the secret. RotationRules *AwsSecretsManagerSecretRotationRules // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about an Secrets Manager secret.
type AwsSecretsManagerSecretRotationRules ¶ added in v0.29.0
type AwsSecretsManagerSecretRotationRules struct { // The number of days after the previous rotation to rotate the secret. AutomaticallyAfterDays int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Defines the rotation schedule for the secret.
type AwsSecurityFinding ¶
type AwsSecurityFinding struct { // The Amazon Web Services account ID that a finding is generated in. // // This member is required. AwsAccountId *string // Indicates when the security-findings provider created the potential security // issue that a finding captured. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC 3339 // section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. // // This member is required. CreatedAt *string // A finding's description. In this release, Description is a required property. // // This member is required. Description *string // The identifier for the solution-specific component (a discrete unit of logic) // that generated a finding. In various security-findings providers' solutions, // this generator can be called a rule, a check, a detector, a plugin, etc. // // This member is required. GeneratorId *string // The security findings provider-specific identifier for a finding. // // This member is required. Id *string // The ARN generated by Security Hub that uniquely identifies a product that // generates findings. This can be the ARN for a third-party product that is // integrated with Security Hub, or the ARN for a custom integration. // // This member is required. ProductArn *string // A set of resource data types that describe the resources that the finding refers // to. // // This member is required. Resources []Resource // The schema version that a finding is formatted for. // // This member is required. SchemaVersion *string // A finding's title. In this release, Title is a required property. // // This member is required. Title *string // Indicates when the security-findings provider last updated the finding record. // Uses the date-time format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time // Format ( The value cannot // contain spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. // // This member is required. UpdatedAt *string // Provides details about an action that affects or that was taken on a resource. Action *Action // The name of the company for the product that generated the finding. Security Hub // populates this attribute automatically for each finding. You cannot update this // attribute with BatchImportFindings or BatchUpdateFindings. The exception to this // is a custom integration. When you use the Security Hub console or API to filter // findings by company name, you use this attribute. CompanyName *string // This data type is exclusive to findings that are generated as the result of a // check run against a specific rule in a supported security standard, such as CIS // Amazon Web Services Foundations. Contains security standard-related finding // details. Compliance *Compliance // A finding's confidence. Confidence is defined as the likelihood that a finding // accurately identifies the behavior or issue that it was intended to identify. // Confidence is scored on a 0-100 basis using a ratio scale, where 0 means zero // percent confidence and 100 means 100 percent confidence. Confidence int32 // The level of importance assigned to the resources associated with the finding. A // score of 0 means that the underlying resources have no criticality, and a score // of 100 is reserved for the most critical resources. Criticality int32 // In a BatchImportFindings request, finding providers use FindingProviderFields to // provide and update their own values for confidence, criticality, related // findings, severity, and types. FindingProviderFields *FindingProviderFields // Indicates when the security-findings provider first observed the potential // security issue that a finding captured. Uses the date-time format specified in // RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. FirstObservedAt *string // Indicates when the security-findings provider most recently observed the // potential security issue that a finding captured. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LastObservedAt *string // A list of malware related to a finding. Malware []Malware // The details of network-related information about a finding. Network *Network // Provides information about a network path that is relevant to a finding. Each // entry under NetworkPath represents a component of that path. NetworkPath []NetworkPathComponent // A user-defined note added to a finding. Note *Note // Provides an overview of the patch compliance status for an instance against a // selected compliance standard. PatchSummary *PatchSummary // The details of process-related information about a finding. Process *ProcessDetails // A data type where security-findings providers can include additional // solution-specific details that aren't part of the defined AwsSecurityFinding // format. Can contain up to 50 key-value pairs. For each key-value pair, the key // can contain up to 128 characters, and the value can contain up to 2048 // characters. ProductFields map[string]string // The name of the product that generated the finding. Security Hub populates this // attribute automatically for each finding. You cannot update this attribute with // BatchImportFindings or BatchUpdateFindings. The exception to this is a custom // integration. When you use the Security Hub console or API to filter findings by // product name, you use this attribute. ProductName *string // The record state of a finding. RecordState RecordState // The Region from which the finding was generated. Security Hub populates this // attribute automatically for each finding. You cannot update it using // BatchImportFindings or BatchUpdateFindings. Region *string // A list of related findings. RelatedFindings []RelatedFinding // A data type that describes the remediation options for a finding. Remediation *Remediation // Indicates whether the finding is a sample finding. Sample bool // A finding's severity. Severity *Severity // A URL that links to a page about the current finding in the security-findings // provider's solution. SourceUrl *string // Threat intelligence details related to a finding. ThreatIntelIndicators []ThreatIntelIndicator // Details about the threat detected in a security finding and the file paths that // were affected by the threat. Threats []Threat // One or more finding types in the format of namespace/category/classifier that // classify a finding. Valid namespace values are: Software and Configuration // Checks | TTPs | Effects | Unusual Behaviors | Sensitive Data Identifications Types []string // A list of name/value string pairs associated with the finding. These are custom, // user-defined fields added to a finding. UserDefinedFields map[string]string // Indicates the veracity of a finding. VerificationState VerificationState // Provides a list of vulnerabilities associated with the findings. Vulnerabilities []Vulnerability // Provides information about the status of the investigation into a finding. Workflow *Workflow // The workflow state of a finding. // // Deprecated: This filter is deprecated. Instead, use SeverityLabel or // FindingProviderFieldsSeverityLabel. WorkflowState WorkflowState // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides a consistent format for Security Hub findings. AwsSecurityFinding format allows you to share findings between Amazon Web Services security services and third-party solutions. A finding is a potential security issue generated either by Amazon Web Services services or by the integrated third-party solutions and standards checks.
type AwsSecurityFindingFilters ¶
type AwsSecurityFindingFilters struct { // The Amazon Web Services account ID that a finding is generated in. AwsAccountId []StringFilter // The name of the findings provider (company) that owns the solution (product) // that generates findings. CompanyName []StringFilter // The unique identifier of a standard in which a control is enabled. This field // consists of the resource portion of the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) returned for // a standard in the DescribeStandards // ( // API response. ComplianceAssociatedStandardsId []StringFilter // The unique identifier of a control across standards. Values for this field // typically consist of an Amazon Web Service and a number, such as APIGateway.5. ComplianceSecurityControlId []StringFilter // Exclusive to findings that are generated as the result of a check run against a // specific rule in a supported standard, such as CIS Amazon Web Services // Foundations. Contains security standard-related finding details. ComplianceStatus []StringFilter // A finding's confidence. Confidence is defined as the likelihood that a finding // accurately identifies the behavior or issue that it was intended to identify. // Confidence is scored on a 0-100 basis using a ratio scale, where 0 means zero // percent confidence and 100 means 100 percent confidence. Confidence []NumberFilter // An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings // provider captured the potential security issue that a finding captured. CreatedAt []DateFilter // The level of importance assigned to the resources associated with the finding. A // score of 0 means that the underlying resources have no criticality, and a score // of 100 is reserved for the most critical resources. Criticality []NumberFilter // A finding's description. Description []StringFilter // The finding provider value for the finding confidence. Confidence is defined as // the likelihood that a finding accurately identifies the behavior or issue that // it was intended to identify. Confidence is scored on a 0-100 basis using a ratio // scale, where 0 means zero percent confidence and 100 means 100 percent // confidence. FindingProviderFieldsConfidence []NumberFilter // The finding provider value for the level of importance assigned to the resources // associated with the findings. A score of 0 means that the underlying resources // have no criticality, and a score of 100 is reserved for the most critical // resources. FindingProviderFieldsCriticality []NumberFilter // The finding identifier of a related finding that is identified by the finding // provider. FindingProviderFieldsRelatedFindingsId []StringFilter // The ARN of the solution that generated a related finding that is identified by // the finding provider. FindingProviderFieldsRelatedFindingsProductArn []StringFilter // The finding provider value for the severity label. FindingProviderFieldsSeverityLabel []StringFilter // The finding provider's original value for the severity. FindingProviderFieldsSeverityOriginal []StringFilter // One or more finding types that the finding provider assigned to the finding. // Uses the format of namespace/category/classifier that classify a finding. Valid // namespace values are: Software and Configuration Checks | TTPs | Effects | // Unusual Behaviors | Sensitive Data Identifications FindingProviderFieldsTypes []StringFilter // An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings // provider first observed the potential security issue that a finding captured. FirstObservedAt []DateFilter // The identifier for the solution-specific component (a discrete unit of logic) // that generated a finding. In various security-findings providers' solutions, // this generator can be called a rule, a check, a detector, a plugin, etc. GeneratorId []StringFilter // The security findings provider-specific identifier for a finding. Id []StringFilter // A keyword for a finding. // // Deprecated: The Keyword property is deprecated. Keyword []KeywordFilter // An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings // provider most recently observed the potential security issue that a finding // captured. LastObservedAt []DateFilter // The name of the malware that was observed. MalwareName []StringFilter // The filesystem path of the malware that was observed. MalwarePath []StringFilter // The state of the malware that was observed. MalwareState []StringFilter // The type of the malware that was observed. MalwareType []StringFilter // The destination domain of network-related information about a finding. NetworkDestinationDomain []StringFilter // The destination IPv4 address of network-related information about a finding. NetworkDestinationIpV4 []IpFilter // The destination IPv6 address of network-related information about a finding. NetworkDestinationIpV6 []IpFilter // The destination port of network-related information about a finding. NetworkDestinationPort []NumberFilter // Indicates the direction of network traffic associated with a finding. NetworkDirection []StringFilter // The protocol of network-related information about a finding. NetworkProtocol []StringFilter // The source domain of network-related information about a finding. NetworkSourceDomain []StringFilter // The source IPv4 address of network-related information about a finding. NetworkSourceIpV4 []IpFilter // The source IPv6 address of network-related information about a finding. NetworkSourceIpV6 []IpFilter // The source media access control (MAC) address of network-related information // about a finding. NetworkSourceMac []StringFilter // The source port of network-related information about a finding. NetworkSourcePort []NumberFilter // The text of a note. NoteText []StringFilter // The timestamp of when the note was updated. NoteUpdatedAt []DateFilter // The principal that created a note. NoteUpdatedBy []StringFilter // The date/time that the process was launched. ProcessLaunchedAt []DateFilter // The name of the process. ProcessName []StringFilter // The parent process ID. ProcessParentPid []NumberFilter // The path to the process executable. ProcessPath []StringFilter // The process ID. ProcessPid []NumberFilter // The date/time that the process was terminated. ProcessTerminatedAt []DateFilter // The ARN generated by Security Hub that uniquely identifies a third-party company // (security findings provider) after this provider's product (solution that // generates findings) is registered with Security Hub. ProductArn []StringFilter // A data type where security-findings providers can include additional // solution-specific details that aren't part of the defined AwsSecurityFinding // format. ProductFields []MapFilter // The name of the solution (product) that generates findings. ProductName []StringFilter // The recommendation of what to do about the issue described in a finding. RecommendationText []StringFilter // The updated record state for the finding. RecordState []StringFilter // The Region from which the finding was generated. Region []StringFilter // The solution-generated identifier for a related finding. RelatedFindingsId []StringFilter // The ARN of the solution that generated a related finding. RelatedFindingsProductArn []StringFilter // The IAM profile ARN of the instance. ResourceAwsEc2InstanceIamInstanceProfileArn []StringFilter // The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID of the instance. ResourceAwsEc2InstanceImageId []StringFilter // The IPv4 addresses associated with the instance. ResourceAwsEc2InstanceIpV4Addresses []IpFilter // The IPv6 addresses associated with the instance. ResourceAwsEc2InstanceIpV6Addresses []IpFilter // The key name associated with the instance. ResourceAwsEc2InstanceKeyName []StringFilter // The date and time the instance was launched. ResourceAwsEc2InstanceLaunchedAt []DateFilter // The identifier of the subnet that the instance was launched in. ResourceAwsEc2InstanceSubnetId []StringFilter // The instance type of the instance. ResourceAwsEc2InstanceType []StringFilter // The identifier of the VPC that the instance was launched in. ResourceAwsEc2InstanceVpcId []StringFilter // The creation date/time of the IAM access key related to a finding. ResourceAwsIamAccessKeyCreatedAt []DateFilter // The name of the principal that is associated with an IAM access key. ResourceAwsIamAccessKeyPrincipalName []StringFilter // The status of the IAM access key related to a finding. ResourceAwsIamAccessKeyStatus []StringFilter // The user associated with the IAM access key related to a finding. // // Deprecated: This filter is deprecated. Instead, use // ResourceAwsIamAccessKeyPrincipalName. ResourceAwsIamAccessKeyUserName []StringFilter // The name of an IAM user. ResourceAwsIamUserUserName []StringFilter // The canonical user ID of the owner of the S3 bucket. ResourceAwsS3BucketOwnerId []StringFilter // The display name of the owner of the S3 bucket. ResourceAwsS3BucketOwnerName []StringFilter // The identifier of the image related to a finding. ResourceContainerImageId []StringFilter // The name of the image related to a finding. ResourceContainerImageName []StringFilter // The date/time that the container was started. ResourceContainerLaunchedAt []DateFilter // The name of the container related to a finding. ResourceContainerName []StringFilter // The details of a resource that doesn't have a specific subfield for the resource // type defined. ResourceDetailsOther []MapFilter // The canonical identifier for the given resource type. ResourceId []StringFilter // The canonical Amazon Web Services partition name that the Region is assigned to. ResourcePartition []StringFilter // The canonical Amazon Web Services external Region name where this resource is // located. ResourceRegion []StringFilter // A list of Amazon Web Services tags associated with a resource at the time the // finding was processed. ResourceTags []MapFilter // Specifies the type of the resource that details are provided for. ResourceType []StringFilter // Indicates whether or not sample findings are included in the filter results. Sample []BooleanFilter // The label of a finding's severity. SeverityLabel []StringFilter // The normalized severity of a finding. // // Deprecated: This filter is deprecated. Instead, use SeverityLabel or // FindingProviderFieldsSeverityLabel. SeverityNormalized []NumberFilter // The native severity as defined by the security-findings provider's solution that // generated the finding. // // Deprecated: This filter is deprecated. Instead, use // FindingProviderSeverityOriginal. SeverityProduct []NumberFilter // A URL that links to a page about the current finding in the security-findings // provider's solution. SourceUrl []StringFilter // The category of a threat intelligence indicator. ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory []StringFilter // The date/time of the last observation of a threat intelligence indicator. ThreatIntelIndicatorLastObservedAt []DateFilter // The source of the threat intelligence. ThreatIntelIndicatorSource []StringFilter // The URL for more details from the source of the threat intelligence. ThreatIntelIndicatorSourceUrl []StringFilter // The type of a threat intelligence indicator. ThreatIntelIndicatorType []StringFilter // The value of a threat intelligence indicator. ThreatIntelIndicatorValue []StringFilter // A finding's title. Title []StringFilter // A finding type in the format of namespace/category/classifier that classifies a // finding. Type []StringFilter // An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings // provider last updated the finding record. UpdatedAt []DateFilter // A list of name/value string pairs associated with the finding. These are custom, // user-defined fields added to a finding. UserDefinedFields []MapFilter // The veracity of a finding. VerificationState []StringFilter // The workflow state of a finding. Note that this field is deprecated. To search // for a finding based on its workflow status, use WorkflowStatus. WorkflowState []StringFilter // The status of the investigation into a finding. Allowed values are the // following. // // * NEW - The initial state of a finding, before it is reviewed. // Security Hub also resets the workflow status from NOTIFIED or RESOLVED to NEW in // the following cases: // // * RecordState changes from ARCHIVED to ACTIVE. // // * // Compliance.Status changes from PASSED to either WARNING, FAILED, or // NOT_AVAILABLE. // // * NOTIFIED - Indicates that the resource owner has been notified // about the security issue. Used when the initial reviewer is not the resource // owner, and needs intervention from the resource owner. If one of the following // occurs, the workflow status is changed automatically from NOTIFIED to NEW: // // * // RecordState changes from ARCHIVED to ACTIVE. // // * Compliance.Status changes from // PASSED to FAILED, WARNING, or NOT_AVAILABLE. // // * SUPPRESSED - Indicates that you // reviewed the finding and do not believe that any action is needed. The workflow // status of a SUPPRESSED finding does not change if RecordState changes from // ARCHIVED to ACTIVE. // // * RESOLVED - The finding was reviewed and remediated and is // now considered resolved. The finding remains RESOLVED unless one of the // following occurs: // // * RecordState changes from ARCHIVED to ACTIVE. // // * // Compliance.Status changes from PASSED to FAILED, WARNING, or NOT_AVAILABLE. // // In // those cases, the workflow status is automatically reset to NEW. For findings // from controls, if Compliance.Status is PASSED, then Security Hub automatically // sets the workflow status to RESOLVED. WorkflowStatus []StringFilter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A collection of attributes that are applied to all active Security Hub-aggregated findings and that result in a subset of findings that are included in this insight. You can filter by up to 10 finding attributes. For each attribute, you can provide up to 20 filter values.
type AwsSecurityFindingIdentifier ¶
type AwsSecurityFindingIdentifier struct { // The identifier of the finding that was specified by the finding provider. // // This member is required. Id *string // The ARN generated by Security Hub that uniquely identifies a product that // generates findings. This can be the ARN for a third-party product that is // integrated with Security Hub, or the ARN for a custom integration. // // This member is required. ProductArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Identifies a finding to update using BatchUpdateFindings.
type AwsSnsTopicDetails ¶
type AwsSnsTopicDetails struct { // Indicates failed message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is // subscribed to a platform application endpoint. ApplicationSuccessFeedbackRoleArn *string // Indicates failed message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is // subscribed to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose endpoint. FirehoseFailureFeedbackRoleArn *string // Indicates successful message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is // subscribed to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose endpoint. FirehoseSuccessFeedbackRoleArn *string // Indicates failed message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is // subscribed to an HTTP endpoint. HttpFailureFeedbackRoleArn *string // Indicates successful message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is // subscribed to an HTTP endpoint. HttpSuccessFeedbackRoleArn *string // The ID of an Amazon Web Services managed key for Amazon SNS or a customer // managed key. KmsMasterKeyId *string // The subscription's owner. Owner *string // Indicates failed message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is // subscribed to an Amazon SQS endpoint. SqsFailureFeedbackRoleArn *string // Indicates successful message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is // subscribed to an Amazon SQS endpoint. SqsSuccessFeedbackRoleArn *string // Subscription is an embedded property that describes the subscription endpoints // of an Amazon SNS topic. Subscription []AwsSnsTopicSubscription // The name of the Amazon SNS topic. TopicName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about an Amazon SNS topic to which notifications can be published.
type AwsSnsTopicSubscription ¶
type AwsSnsTopicSubscription struct { // The subscription's endpoint (format depends on the protocol). Endpoint *string // The subscription's protocol. Protocol *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A wrapper type for the attributes of an Amazon SNS subscription.
type AwsSqsQueueDetails ¶
type AwsSqsQueueDetails struct { // The ARN of the dead-letter queue to which Amazon SQS moves messages after the // value of maxReceiveCount is exceeded. DeadLetterTargetArn *string // The length of time, in seconds, for which Amazon SQS can reuse a data key to // encrypt or decrypt messages before calling KMS again. KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds int32 // The ID of an Amazon Web Services managed key for Amazon SQS or a custom KMS key. KmsMasterKeyId *string // The name of the new queue. QueueName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Data about a queue.
type AwsSsmComplianceSummary ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AwsSsmComplianceSummary struct { // The type of resource for which the compliance was determined. For // AwsSsmPatchCompliance, ComplianceType is Patch. ComplianceType *string // For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of CRITICAL. CompliantCriticalCount int32 // For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of HIGH. CompliantHighCount int32 // For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of // INFORMATIONAL. CompliantInformationalCount int32 // For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of LOW. CompliantLowCount int32 // For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of MEDIUM. CompliantMediumCount int32 // For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of // UNSPECIFIED. CompliantUnspecifiedCount int32 // The type of execution that was used determine compliance. ExecutionType *string // For the patch items that are noncompliant, the number of items that have a // severity of CRITICAL. NonCompliantCriticalCount int32 // For the patches that are noncompliant, the number that have a severity of HIGH. NonCompliantHighCount int32 // For the patches that are noncompliant, the number that have a severity of // INFORMATIONAL. NonCompliantInformationalCount int32 // For the patches that are noncompliant, the number that have a severity of LOW. NonCompliantLowCount int32 // For the patches that are noncompliant, the number that have a severity of // MEDIUM. NonCompliantMediumCount int32 // For the patches that are noncompliant, the number that have a severity of // UNSPECIFIED. NonCompliantUnspecifiedCount int32 // The highest severity for the patches. Valid values are as follows: // // * // CRITICAL // // * HIGH // // * MEDIUM // // * LOW // // * INFORMATIONAL // // * UNSPECIFIED OverallSeverity *string // The identifier of the patch baseline. The patch baseline lists the patches that // are approved for installation. PatchBaselineId *string // The identifier of the patch group for which compliance was determined. A patch // group uses tags to group EC2 instances that should have the same patch // compliance. PatchGroup *string // The current patch compliance status. Valid values are as follows: // // * // COMPLIANT // // * NON_COMPLIANT // // * UNSPECIFIED_DATA Status *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides the details about the compliance status for a patch.
type AwsSsmPatch ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AwsSsmPatch struct { // The compliance status details for the patch. ComplianceSummary *AwsSsmComplianceSummary // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about the compliance for a patch.
type AwsSsmPatchComplianceDetails ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AwsSsmPatchComplianceDetails struct { // Information about the status of a patch. Patch *AwsSsmPatch // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the state of a patch on an instance based on the patch baseline that was used to patch the instance.
type AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails struct { // The predicates to include in the rate-based rule. MatchPredicates []AwsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate // The name of the metrics for the rate-based rule. MetricName *string // The name of the rate-based rule. Name *string // The field that WAF uses to determine whether requests are likely arriving from // single source and are subject to rate monitoring. RateKey *string // The maximum number of requests that have an identical value for the field // specified in RateKey that are allowed within a five-minute period. If the number // of requests exceeds RateLimit and the other predicates specified in the rule are // met, WAF triggers the action for the rule. RateLimit int64 // The unique identifier for the rate-based rule. RuleId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about a rate-based rule for global resources. A rate-based rule provides settings to indicate when to allow, block, or count a request. Rate-based rules include the number of requests that arrive over a specified period of time.
type AwsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate struct { // The unique identifier for the predicate. DataId *string // If set to true, then the rule actions are performed on requests that match the // predicate settings. If set to false, then the rule actions are performed on all // requests except those that match the predicate settings. Negated bool // The type of predicate. Valid values are as follows: // // * ByteMatch // // * GeoMatch // // * // IPMatch // // * RegexMatch // // * SizeConstraint // // * SqlInjectionMatch // // * XssMatch Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A match predicate. A predicate might look for characteristics such as specific IP addresses, geographic locations, or sizes.
type AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails struct { // The predicates to include in the rate-based rule. MatchPredicates []AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate // The name of the metrics for the rate-based rule. MetricName *string // The name of the rate-based rule. Name *string // The field that WAF uses to determine whether requests are likely arriving from // single source and are subject to rate monitoring. RateKey *string // The maximum number of requests that have an identical value for the field // specified in RateKey that are allowed within a five-minute period. If the number // of requests exceeds RateLimit and the other predicates specified in the rule are // met, WAF triggers the action for the rule. RateLimit int64 // The unique identifier for the rate-based rule. RuleId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
contains details about a rate-based rule for Regional resources. A rate-based rule provides settings to indicate when to allow, block, or count a request. Rate-based rules include the number of requests that arrive over a specified period of time.
type AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate struct { // The unique identifier for the predicate. DataId *string // If set to true, then the rule actions are performed on requests that match the // predicate settings. If set to false, then the rule actions are performed on all // requests except those that match the predicate settings. Negated bool // The type of predicate. Valid values are as follows: // // * ByteMatch // // * GeoMatch // // * // IPMatch // // * RegexMatch // // * SizeConstraint // // * SqlInjectionMatch // // * XssMatch Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details for a match predicate. A predicate might look for characteristics such as specific IP addresses, geographic locations, or sizes.
type AwsWafRegionalRuleDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsWafRegionalRuleDetails struct { // A name for the metrics for the rule. MetricName *string // A descriptive name for the rule. Name *string // Specifies the ByteMatchSet, IPSet, SqlInjectionMatchSet, XssMatchSet, // RegexMatchSet, GeoMatchSet, and SizeConstraintSet objects that you want to add // to a rule and, for each object, indicates whether you want to negate the // settings. PredicateList []AwsWafRegionalRulePredicateListDetails // The ID of the rule. RuleId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about an WAF Regional rule. This rule identifies the web requests that you want to allow, block, or count.
type AwsWafRegionalRuleGroupDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsWafRegionalRuleGroupDetails struct { // A name for the metrics for this rule group. MetricName *string // The descriptive name of the rule group. Name *string // The ID of the rule group. RuleGroupId *string // Provides information about the rule statements used to identify the web requests // that you want to allow, block, or count. Rules []AwsWafRegionalRuleGroupRulesDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about an WAF Regional rule group. The rule group is a collection of rules for inspecting and controlling web requests.
type AwsWafRegionalRuleGroupRulesActionDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsWafRegionalRuleGroupRulesActionDetails struct { // Specifies the ByteMatchSet, IPSet, SqlInjectionMatchSet, XssMatchSet, // RegexMatchSet, GeoMatchSet, and SizeConstraintSet objects that you want to add // to a rule and, for each object, indicates whether you want to negate the // settings. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes the action that WAF should take on a web request when it matches the criteria defined in the rule.
type AwsWafRegionalRuleGroupRulesDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsWafRegionalRuleGroupRulesDetails struct { // The action that WAF should take on a web request when it matches the criteria // defined in the rule. Action *AwsWafRegionalRuleGroupRulesActionDetails // If you define more than one rule in a web ACL, WAF evaluates each request // against the rules in order based on the value of Priority. Priority int32 // The ID for a rule. RuleId *string // The type of rule in the rule group. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the rules attached to a rule group
type AwsWafRegionalRulePredicateListDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsWafRegionalRulePredicateListDetails struct { // A unique identifier for a predicate in a rule, such as ByteMatchSetId or // IPSetId. DataId *string // Specifies if you want WAF to allow, block, or count requests based on the // settings in the ByteMatchSet, IPSet, SqlInjectionMatchSet, XssMatchSet, // RegexMatchSet, GeoMatchSet, or SizeConstraintSet. Negated bool // The type of predicate in a rule, such as ByteMatch or IPSet. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about the ByteMatchSet, IPSet, SqlInjectionMatchSet, XssMatchSet, RegexMatchSet, GeoMatchSet, and SizeConstraintSet objects that you want to add to a rule and, for each object, indicates whether you want to negate the settings.
type AwsWafRegionalWebAclDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsWafRegionalWebAclDetails struct { // The action to perform if none of the rules contained in the web ACL match. DefaultAction *string // A name for the metrics for this web ACL. MetricName *string // A descriptive name for the web ACL. Name *string // An array that contains the action for each rule in a web ACL, the priority of // the rule, and the ID of the rule. RulesList []AwsWafRegionalWebAclRulesListDetails // The ID of the web ACL. WebAclId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the web access control list (web ACL). The web ACL contains the rules that identify the requests that you want to allow, block, or count.
type AwsWafRegionalWebAclRulesListActionDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsWafRegionalWebAclRulesListActionDetails struct { // For actions that are associated with a rule, the action that WAF takes when a // web request matches all conditions in a rule. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The action that WAF takes when a web request matches all conditions in the rule, such as allow, block, or count the request.
type AwsWafRegionalWebAclRulesListDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsWafRegionalWebAclRulesListDetails struct { // The action that WAF takes when a web request matches all conditions in the rule, // such as allow, block, or count the request. Action *AwsWafRegionalWebAclRulesListActionDetails // Overrides the rule evaluation result in the rule group. OverrideAction *AwsWafRegionalWebAclRulesListOverrideActionDetails // The order in which WAF evaluates the rules in a web ACL. Priority int32 // The ID of an WAF Regional rule to associate with a web ACL. RuleId *string // For actions that are associated with a rule, the action that WAF takes when a // web request matches all conditions in a rule. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A combination of ByteMatchSet, IPSet, and/or SqlInjectionMatchSet objects that identify the web requests that you want to allow, block, or count.
type AwsWafRegionalWebAclRulesListOverrideActionDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsWafRegionalWebAclRulesListOverrideActionDetails struct { // Overrides the rule evaluation result in the rule group. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about the action to use in the place of the action that results from the rule group evaluation.
type AwsWafRuleDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsWafRuleDetails struct { // The name of the metrics for this rule. MetricName *string // A descriptive name for the rule. Name *string // Specifies the ByteMatchSet, IPSet, SqlInjectionMatchSet, XssMatchSet, // RegexMatchSet, GeoMatchSet, and SizeConstraintSet objects that you want to add // to a rule and, for each object, indicates whether you want to negate the // settings. PredicateList []AwsWafRulePredicateListDetails // The ID of the WAF rule. RuleId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about a WAF rule. This rule specifies the web requests that you want to allow, block, or count.
type AwsWafRuleGroupDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsWafRuleGroupDetails struct { // The name of the metrics for this rule group. MetricName *string // The name of the rule group. Name *string // The ID of the rule group. RuleGroupId *string // Provides information about the rules attached to the rule group. These rules // identify the web requests that you want to allow, block, or count. Rules []AwsWafRuleGroupRulesDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about an WAF rule group. A rule group is a collection of rules for inspecting and controlling web requests.
type AwsWafRuleGroupRulesActionDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsWafRuleGroupRulesActionDetails struct { // The action that WAF should take on a web request when it matches the rule's // statement. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about what action WAF should take on a web request when it matches the criteria defined in the rule.
type AwsWafRuleGroupRulesDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsWafRuleGroupRulesDetails struct { // Provides information about what action WAF should take on a web request when it // matches the criteria defined in the rule. Action *AwsWafRuleGroupRulesActionDetails // If you define more than one rule in a web ACL, WAF evaluates each request // against the rules in order based on the value of Priority. Priority int32 // The rule ID for a rule. RuleId *string // The type of rule. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the rules attached to the rule group. These rules identify the web requests that you want to allow, block, or count.
type AwsWafRulePredicateListDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type AwsWafRulePredicateListDetails struct { // A unique identifier for a predicate in a rule, such as ByteMatchSetId or // IPSetId. DataId *string // Specifies if you want WAF to allow, block, or count requests based on the // settings in the ByteMatchSet, IPSet, SqlInjectionMatchSet, XssMatchSet, // RegexMatchSet, GeoMatchSet, or SizeConstraintSet. Negated bool // The type of predicate in a rule, such as ByteMatch or IPSet. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about the ByteMatchSet, IPSet, SqlInjectionMatchSet, XssMatchSet, RegexMatchSet, GeoMatchSet, and SizeConstraintSet objects that you want to add to a rule and, for each object, indicates whether you want to negate the settings.
type AwsWafWebAclDetails ¶
type AwsWafWebAclDetails struct { // The action to perform if none of the rules contained in the web ACL match. DefaultAction *string // A friendly name or description of the web ACL. You can't change the name of a // web ACL after you create it. Name *string // An array that contains the action for each rule in a web ACL, the priority of // the rule, and the ID of the rule. Rules []AwsWafWebAclRule // A unique identifier for a web ACL. WebAclId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about an WAF web access control list (web ACL).
type AwsWafWebAclRule ¶
type AwsWafWebAclRule struct { // Specifies the action that CloudFront or WAF takes when a web request matches the // conditions in the rule. Action *WafAction // Rules to exclude from a rule group. ExcludedRules []WafExcludedRule // Use the OverrideAction to test your RuleGroup. Any rule in a RuleGroup can // potentially block a request. If you set the OverrideAction to None, the // RuleGroup blocks a request if any individual rule in the RuleGroup matches the // request and is configured to block that request. However, if you first want to // test the RuleGroup, set the OverrideAction to Count. The RuleGroup then // overrides any block action specified by individual rules contained within the // group. Instead of blocking matching requests, those requests are counted. // ActivatedRule|OverrideAction applies only when updating or adding a RuleGroup to // a web ACL. In this case you do not use ActivatedRuleAction. For all other update // requests, ActivatedRuleAction is used instead of ActivatedRuleOverrideAction. OverrideAction *WafOverrideAction // Specifies the order in which the rules in a web ACL are evaluated. Rules with a // lower value for Priority are evaluated before rules with a higher value. The // value must be a unique integer. If you add multiple rules to a web ACL, the // values do not need to be consecutive. Priority int32 // The identifier for a rule. RuleId *string // The rule type. Valid values: REGULAR | RATE_BASED | GROUP The default is // REGULAR. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details for a rule in an WAF web ACL.
type AwsWafv2ActionAllowDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsWafv2ActionAllowDetails struct { // Defines custom handling for the web request. For information about customizing // web requests and responses, see Customizing web requests and responses in WAF // ( // in the WAF Developer Guide.. CustomRequestHandling *AwsWafv2CustomRequestHandlingDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies that WAF should allow the request and optionally defines additional custom handling for the request.
type AwsWafv2ActionBlockDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsWafv2ActionBlockDetails struct { // Defines a custom response for the web request. For information, see Customizing // web requests and responses in WAF // ( // in the WAF Developer Guide.. CustomResponse *AwsWafv2CustomResponseDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies that WAF should block the request and optionally defines additional custom handling for the response to the web request.
type AwsWafv2CustomHttpHeader ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsWafv2CustomHttpHeader struct { // The name of the custom header. Name *string // The value of the custom header. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A custom header for custom request and response handling.
type AwsWafv2CustomRequestHandlingDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsWafv2CustomRequestHandlingDetails struct { // The HTTP headers to insert into the request. InsertHeaders []AwsWafv2CustomHttpHeader // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Custom request handling behavior that inserts custom headers into a web request. WAF uses custom request handling when the rule action doesn't block the request.
type AwsWafv2CustomResponseDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsWafv2CustomResponseDetails struct { // References the response body that you want WAF to return to the web request // client. You can define a custom response for a rule action or a default web ACL // action that is set to block. CustomResponseBodyKey *string // The HTTP status code to return to the client. For a list of status codes that // you can use in your custom responses, see Supported status codes for custom // response // ( // in the WAF Developer Guide. ResponseCode int32 // The HTTP headers to use in the response. ResponseHeaders []AwsWafv2CustomHttpHeader // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A custom response to send to the client. You can define a custom response for rule actions and default web ACL actions that are set to block.
type AwsWafv2RuleGroupDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsWafv2RuleGroupDetails struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the entity. Arn *string // The web ACL capacity units (WCUs) required for this rule group. Capacity int64 // A description of the rule group that helps with identification. Description *string // A unique identifier for the rule group. Id *string // The name of the rule group. You cannot change the name of a rule group after you // create it. Name *string // The Rule statements used to identify the web requests that you want to allow, // block, or count. Each rule includes one top-level statement that WAF uses to // identify matching web requests, and parameters that govern how WAF handles them. Rules []AwsWafv2RulesDetails // Specifies whether the rule group is for an Amazon CloudFront distribution or for // a regional application. A regional application can be an Application Load // Balancer (ALB), an Amazon API Gateway REST API, an AppSync GraphQL API, or an // Amazon Cognito user pool. Scope *string // Defines and enables Amazon CloudWatch metrics and web request sample collection. VisibilityConfig *AwsWafv2VisibilityConfigDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about an WAFv2 rule group.
type AwsWafv2RulesActionCaptchaDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsWafv2RulesActionCaptchaDetails struct { // Defines custom handling for the web request, used when the CAPTCHA inspection // determines that the request's token is valid and unexpired. For more // information, see Customizing web requests and responses in WAF // ( // in the WAF Developer Guide.. CustomRequestHandling *AwsWafv2CustomRequestHandlingDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies that WAF should run a CAPTCHA check against the request.
type AwsWafv2RulesActionCountDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsWafv2RulesActionCountDetails struct { // Defines custom handling for the web request. For more information, see // Customizing web requests and responses in WAF // ( // in the WAF Developer Guide.. CustomRequestHandling *AwsWafv2CustomRequestHandlingDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies that WAF should count the request.
type AwsWafv2RulesActionDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsWafv2RulesActionDetails struct { // Instructs WAF to allow the web request. Allow *AwsWafv2ActionAllowDetails // Instructs WAF to block the web request. Block *AwsWafv2ActionBlockDetails // Instructs WAF to run a CAPTCHA check against the web request. Captcha *AwsWafv2RulesActionCaptchaDetails // Instructs WAF to count the web request and then continue evaluating the request // using the remaining rules in the web ACL. Count *AwsWafv2RulesActionCountDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The action that WAF should take on a web request when it matches a rule's statement. Settings at the web ACL level can override the rule action setting.
type AwsWafv2RulesDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsWafv2RulesDetails struct { // The action that WAF should take on a web request when it matches the rule // statement. Settings at the web ACL level can override the rule action setting. Action *AwsWafv2RulesActionDetails // The name of the rule. Name *string // The action to use in the place of the action that results from the rule group // evaluation. OverrideAction *string // If you define more than one Rule in a WebACL, WAF evaluates each request against // the Rules in order based on the value of Priority. WAF processes rules with // lower priority first. The priorities don't need to be consecutive, but they must // all be different. Priority int32 // Defines and enables Amazon CloudWatch metrics and web request sample collection. VisibilityConfig *AwsWafv2VisibilityConfigDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about rules in a rule group. A rule identifies web requests that you want to allow, block, or count. Each rule includes one top-level Statement that WAF uses to identify matching web requests, and parameters that govern how WAF handles them.
type AwsWafv2VisibilityConfigDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsWafv2VisibilityConfigDetails struct { // A boolean indicating whether the associated resource sends metrics to Amazon // CloudWatch. For the list of available metrics, see WAF metrics and dimensions // ( // in the WAF Developer Guide. CloudWatchMetricsEnabled bool // A name of the Amazon CloudWatch metric. MetricName *string // A boolean indicating whether WAF should store a sampling of the web requests // that match the rules. You can view the sampled requests through the WAF console. SampledRequestsEnabled bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Defines and enables Amazon CloudWatch metrics and web request sample collection.
type AwsWafv2WebAclActionDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsWafv2WebAclActionDetails struct { // Specifies that WAF should allow requests by default. Allow *AwsWafv2ActionAllowDetails // Specifies that WAF should block requests by default. Block *AwsWafv2ActionBlockDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies the action that Amazon CloudFront or WAF takes when a web request matches the conditions in the rule.
type AwsWafv2WebAclCaptchaConfigDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsWafv2WebAclCaptchaConfigDetails struct { // Determines how long a CAPTCHA timestamp in the token remains valid after the // client successfully solves a CAPTCHA puzzle. ImmunityTimeProperty *AwsWafv2WebAclCaptchaConfigImmunityTimePropertyDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies how WAF should handle CAPTCHA evaluations for rules that don't have their own CaptchaConfig settings.
type AwsWafv2WebAclCaptchaConfigImmunityTimePropertyDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsWafv2WebAclCaptchaConfigImmunityTimePropertyDetails struct { // The amount of time, in seconds, that a CAPTCHA or challenge timestamp is // considered valid by WAF. ImmunityTime int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Used for CAPTCHA and challenge token settings. Determines how long a CAPTCHA or challenge timestamp remains valid after WAF updates it for a successful CAPTCHA or challenge response.
type AwsWafv2WebAclDetails ¶ added in v1.26.0
type AwsWafv2WebAclDetails struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the web ACL that you want to associate with // the resource. Arn *string // The web ACL capacity units (WCUs) currently being used by this web ACL. Capacity int64 // Specifies how WAF should handle CAPTCHA evaluations for rules that don't have // their own CaptchaConfig settings. CaptchaConfig *AwsWafv2WebAclCaptchaConfigDetails // The action to perform if none of the Rules contained in the web ACL match. DefaultAction *AwsWafv2WebAclActionDetails // A description of the web ACL that helps with identification. Description *string // A unique identifier for the web ACL. Id *string // Indicates whether this web ACL is managed by Firewall Manager. ManagedbyFirewallManager bool // The name of the web ACL. Name *string // The Rule statements used to identify the web requests that you want to allow, // block, or count. Each rule includes one top-level statement that WAF uses to // identify matching web requests, and parameters that govern how WAF handles them. Rules []AwsWafv2RulesDetails // Defines and enables Amazon CloudWatch metrics and web request sample collection. VisibilityConfig *AwsWafv2VisibilityConfigDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about an WAFv2 web Access Control List (ACL).
type AwsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails ¶ added in v1.11.0
type AwsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails struct { // The identifier of the KMS key that is used for encryption. Provided if Type is // KMS. KeyId *string // The current status of the encryption configuration. Valid values are ACTIVE or // UPDATING. When Status is equal to UPDATING, X-Ray might use both the old and new // encryption. Status *string // The type of encryption. KMS indicates that the encryption uses KMS keys. NONE // indicates the default encryption. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the encryption configuration for X-Ray.
type BatchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding ¶
type BatchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding struct { // The code associated with the error. Possible values are: // // * // ConcurrentUpdateError - Another request attempted to update the finding while // this request was being processed. This error may also occur if you call // BatchUpdateFindings // ( // and BatchImportFindings // ( // at the same time. // // * DuplicatedFindingIdentifier - The request included two or // more findings with the same FindingIdentifier. // // * FindingNotFound - The // FindingIdentifier included in the request did not match an existing finding. // // * // FindingSizeExceeded - The finding size was greater than the permissible value of // 240 KB. // // * InternalFailure - An internal service failure occurred when updating // the finding. // // * InvalidInput - The finding update contained an invalid value // that did not satisfy the Amazon Web Services Security Finding Format // ( // syntax. // // This member is required. ErrorCode *string // The message associated with the error. Possible values are: // // * Concurrent // finding updates detected // // * Finding Identifier is duplicated // // * Finding Not // Found // // * Finding size exceeded 240 KB // // * Internal service failure // // * Invalid // Input // // This member is required. ErrorMessage *string // The identifier of the finding that was not updated. // // This member is required. FindingIdentifier *AwsSecurityFindingIdentifier // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A finding from a BatchUpdateFindings request that Security Hub was unable to update.
type BooleanFilter ¶ added in v1.17.0
type BooleanFilter struct { // The value of the boolean. Value bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Boolean filter for querying findings.
type Cell ¶ added in v1.2.0
type Cell struct { // For a Microsoft Excel workbook, provides the location of the cell, as an // absolute cell reference, that contains the data. For example, Sheet2!C5 for cell // C5 on Sheet2. CellReference *string // The column number of the column that contains the data. For a Microsoft Excel // workbook, the column number corresponds to the alphabetical column identifiers. // For example, a value of 1 for Column corresponds to the A column in the // workbook. Column int64 // The name of the column that contains the data. ColumnName *string // The row number of the row that contains the data. Row int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An occurrence of sensitive data detected in a Microsoft Excel workbook, comma-separated value (CSV) file, or tab-separated value (TSV) file.
type CidrBlockAssociation ¶
type CidrBlockAssociation struct { // The association ID for the IPv4 CIDR block. AssociationId *string // The IPv4 CIDR block. CidrBlock *string // Information about the state of the IPv4 CIDR block. CidrBlockState *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An IPv4 CIDR block association.
type City ¶ added in v1.2.0
type City struct { // The name of the city. CityName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a city.
type ClassificationResult ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ClassificationResult struct { // Indicates whether there are additional occurrences of sensitive data that are // not included in the finding. This occurs when the number of occurrences exceeds // the maximum that can be included. AdditionalOccurrences bool // Provides details about sensitive data that was identified based on // customer-defined configuration. CustomDataIdentifiers *CustomDataIdentifiersResult // The type of content that the finding applies to. MimeType *string // Provides details about sensitive data that was identified based on built-in // configuration. SensitiveData []SensitiveDataResult // The total size in bytes of the affected data. SizeClassified int64 // The current status of the sensitive data detection. Status *ClassificationStatus // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about the sensitive data that was detected on the resource.
type ClassificationStatus ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ClassificationStatus struct { // The code that represents the status of the sensitive data detection. Code *string // A longer description of the current status of the sensitive data detection. Reason *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about the current status of the sensitive data detection.
type Compliance ¶
type Compliance struct { // The enabled security standards in which a security control is currently enabled. AssociatedStandards []AssociatedStandard // For a control, the industry or regulatory framework requirements that are // related to the control. The check for that control is aligned with these // requirements. RelatedRequirements []string // The unique identifier of a control across standards. Values for this field // typically consist of an Amazon Web Service and a number, such as APIGateway.5. SecurityControlId *string // The result of a standards check. The valid values for Status are as follows. // // * // PASSED - Standards check passed for all evaluated resources. // // * WARNING - Some // information is missing or this check is not supported for your configuration. // // * // FAILED - Standards check failed for at least one evaluated resource. // // * // NOT_AVAILABLE - Check could not be performed due to a service outage, API error, // or because the result of the Config evaluation was NOT_APPLICABLE. If the Config // evaluation result was NOT_APPLICABLE, then after 3 days, Security Hub // automatically archives the finding. Status ComplianceStatus // For findings generated from controls, a list of reasons behind the value of // Status. For the list of status reason codes and their meanings, see // Standards-related information in the ASFF // ( // in the Security Hub User Guide. StatusReasons []StatusReason // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains finding details that are specific to control-based findings. Only returned for findings generated from controls.
type ComplianceStatus ¶
type ComplianceStatus string
const ( ComplianceStatusPassed ComplianceStatus = "PASSED" ComplianceStatusWarning ComplianceStatus = "WARNING" ComplianceStatusFailed ComplianceStatus = "FAILED" ComplianceStatusNotAvailable ComplianceStatus = "NOT_AVAILABLE" )
Enum values for ComplianceStatus
func (ComplianceStatus) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (ComplianceStatus) Values() []ComplianceStatus
Values returns all known values for ComplianceStatus. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type ContainerDetails ¶
type ContainerDetails struct { // The runtime of the container. ContainerRuntime *string // The identifier of the container image related to a finding. ImageId *string // The name of the container image related to a finding. ImageName *string // Indicates when the container started. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC // 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LaunchedAt *string // The name of the container related to a finding. Name *string // When this parameter is true, the container is given elevated privileges on the // host container instance (similar to the root user). Privileged bool // Provides information about the mounting of a volume in a container. VolumeMounts []VolumeMount // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Container details related to a finding.
type ControlStatus ¶
type ControlStatus string
const ( ControlStatusEnabled ControlStatus = "ENABLED" ControlStatusDisabled ControlStatus = "DISABLED" )
Enum values for ControlStatus
func (ControlStatus) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (ControlStatus) Values() []ControlStatus
Values returns all known values for ControlStatus. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type Country ¶ added in v1.2.0
type Country struct { // The 2-letter ISO 3166 country code for the country. CountryCode *string // The name of the country. CountryName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a country.
type CustomDataIdentifiersDetections ¶ added in v1.2.0
type CustomDataIdentifiersDetections struct { // The ARN of the custom identifier that was used to detect the sensitive data. Arn *string // The total number of occurrences of sensitive data that were detected. Count int64 // he name of the custom identifier that detected the sensitive data. Name *string // Details about the sensitive data that was detected. Occurrences *Occurrences // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The list of detected instances of sensitive data.
type CustomDataIdentifiersResult ¶ added in v1.2.0
type CustomDataIdentifiersResult struct { // The list of detected instances of sensitive data. Detections []CustomDataIdentifiersDetections // The total number of occurrences of sensitive data. TotalCount int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains an instance of sensitive data that was detected by a customer-defined identifier.
type Cvss ¶
type Cvss struct { // Adjustments to the CVSS metrics. Adjustments []Adjustment // The base CVSS score. BaseScore float64 // The base scoring vector for the CVSS score. BaseVector *string // The origin of the original CVSS score and vector. Source *string // The version of CVSS for the CVSS score. Version *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CVSS scores from the advisory related to the vulnerability.
type DataClassificationDetails ¶ added in v1.2.0
type DataClassificationDetails struct { // The path to the folder or file that contains the sensitive data. DetailedResultsLocation *string // The details about the sensitive data that was detected on the resource. Result *ClassificationResult // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about sensitive data that was detected on a resource.
type DateFilter ¶
type DateFilter struct { // A date range for the date filter. DateRange *DateRange // An end date for the date filter. End *string // A start date for the date filter. Start *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A date filter for querying findings.
type DateRange ¶
type DateRange struct { // A date range unit for the date filter. Unit DateRangeUnit // A date range value for the date filter. Value int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A date range for the date filter.
type DateRangeUnit ¶
type DateRangeUnit string
const (
DateRangeUnitDays DateRangeUnit = "DAYS"
Enum values for DateRangeUnit
func (DateRangeUnit) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (DateRangeUnit) Values() []DateRangeUnit
Values returns all known values for DateRangeUnit. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type DnsRequestAction ¶ added in v1.2.0
type DnsRequestAction struct { // Indicates whether the DNS request was blocked. Blocked bool // The DNS domain that is associated with the DNS request. Domain *string // The protocol that was used for the DNS request. Protocol *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provided if ActionType is DNS_REQUEST. It provides details about the DNS request that was detected.
type FilePaths ¶ added in v1.22.0
type FilePaths struct { // The name of the infected or suspicious file corresponding to the hash. FileName *string // Path to the infected or suspicious file on the resource it was detected on. FilePath *string // The hash value for the infected or suspicious file. Hash *string // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource on which the threat was detected. ResourceId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the file paths that were affected by the threat.
type FindingAggregator ¶ added in v1.12.0
type FindingAggregator struct { // The ARN of the finding aggregator. You use the finding aggregator ARN to // retrieve details for, update, and delete the finding aggregator. FindingAggregatorArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A finding aggregator. A finding aggregator contains the configuration for finding aggregation.
type FindingProviderFields ¶ added in v1.2.0
type FindingProviderFields struct { // A finding's confidence. Confidence is defined as the likelihood that a finding // accurately identifies the behavior or issue that it was intended to identify. // Confidence is scored on a 0-100 basis using a ratio scale, where 0 means zero // percent confidence and 100 means 100 percent confidence. Confidence int32 // The level of importance assigned to the resources associated with the finding. A // score of 0 means that the underlying resources have no criticality, and a score // of 100 is reserved for the most critical resources. Criticality int32 // A list of findings that are related to the current finding. RelatedFindings []RelatedFinding // The severity of a finding. Severity *FindingProviderSeverity // One or more finding types in the format of namespace/category/classifier that // classify a finding. Valid namespace values are: Software and Configuration // Checks | TTPs | Effects | Unusual Behaviors | Sensitive Data Identifications Types []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
In a BatchImportFindings request, finding providers use FindingProviderFields to provide and update values for confidence, criticality, related findings, severity, and types.
type FindingProviderSeverity ¶ added in v1.2.0
type FindingProviderSeverity struct { // The severity label assigned to the finding by the finding provider. Label SeverityLabel // The finding provider's original value for the severity. Original *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The severity assigned to the finding by the finding provider.
type FirewallPolicyDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type FirewallPolicyDetails struct { // The stateful rule groups that are used in the firewall policy. StatefulRuleGroupReferences []FirewallPolicyStatefulRuleGroupReferencesDetails // The custom action definitions that are available to use in the firewall policy's // StatelessDefaultActions setting. StatelessCustomActions []FirewallPolicyStatelessCustomActionsDetails // The actions to take on a packet if it doesn't match any of the stateless rules // in the policy. You must specify a standard action (aws:pass, aws:drop, // aws:forward_to_sfe), and can optionally include a custom action from // StatelessCustomActions. StatelessDefaultActions []string // The actions to take on a fragmented UDP packet if it doesn't match any of the // stateless rules in the policy. You must specify a standard action (aws:pass, // aws:drop, aws:forward_to_sfe), and can optionally include a custom action from // StatelessCustomActions. StatelessFragmentDefaultActions []string // The stateless rule groups that are used in the firewall policy. StatelessRuleGroupReferences []FirewallPolicyStatelessRuleGroupReferencesDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Defines the behavior of the firewall.
type FirewallPolicyStatefulRuleGroupReferencesDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type FirewallPolicyStatefulRuleGroupReferencesDetails struct { // The ARN of the stateful rule group. ResourceArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A stateful rule group that is used by the firewall policy.
type FirewallPolicyStatelessCustomActionsDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type FirewallPolicyStatelessCustomActionsDetails struct { // The definition of the custom action. ActionDefinition *StatelessCustomActionDefinition // The name of the custom action. ActionName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A custom action that can be used for stateless packet handling.
type FirewallPolicyStatelessRuleGroupReferencesDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type FirewallPolicyStatelessRuleGroupReferencesDetails struct { // The order in which to run the stateless rule group. Priority int32 // The ARN of the stateless rule group. ResourceArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A stateless rule group that is used by the firewall policy.
type GeoLocation ¶ added in v1.2.0
type GeoLocation struct { // The latitude of the location. Lat float64 // The longitude of the location. Lon float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides the latitude and longitude coordinates of a location.
type IcmpTypeCode ¶ added in v1.4.0
type IcmpTypeCode struct { // The ICMP code for which to deny or allow access. To deny or allow all codes, use // the value -1. Code int32 // The ICMP type for which to deny or allow access. To deny or allow all types, use // the value -1. Type int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) type and code.
type ImportFindingsError ¶
type ImportFindingsError struct { // The code of the error returned by the BatchImportFindings operation. // // This member is required. ErrorCode *string // The message of the error returned by the BatchImportFindings operation. // // This member is required. ErrorMessage *string // The identifier of the finding that could not be updated. // // This member is required. Id *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The list of the findings that cannot be imported. For each finding, the list provides the error.
type Insight ¶
type Insight struct { // One or more attributes used to filter the findings included in the insight. The // insight only includes findings that match the criteria defined in the filters. // // This member is required. Filters *AwsSecurityFindingFilters // The grouping attribute for the insight's findings. Indicates how to group the // matching findings, and identifies the type of item that the insight applies to. // For example, if an insight is grouped by resource identifier, then the insight // produces a list of resource identifiers. // // This member is required. GroupByAttribute *string // The ARN of a Security Hub insight. // // This member is required. InsightArn *string // The name of a Security Hub insight. // // This member is required. Name *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains information about a Security Hub insight.
type InsightResultValue ¶
type InsightResultValue struct { // The number of findings returned for each GroupByAttributeValue. // // This member is required. Count int32 // The value of the attribute that the findings are grouped by for the insight // whose results are returned by the GetInsightResults operation. // // This member is required. GroupByAttributeValue *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The insight result values returned by the GetInsightResults operation.
type InsightResults ¶
type InsightResults struct { // The attribute that the findings are grouped by for the insight whose results are // returned by the GetInsightResults operation. // // This member is required. GroupByAttribute *string // The ARN of the insight whose results are returned by the GetInsightResults // operation. // // This member is required. InsightArn *string // The list of insight result values returned by the GetInsightResults operation. // // This member is required. ResultValues []InsightResultValue // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The insight results returned by the GetInsightResults operation.
type IntegrationType ¶
type IntegrationType string
const ( IntegrationTypeSendFindingsToSecurityHub IntegrationType = "SEND_FINDINGS_TO_SECURITY_HUB" IntegrationTypeReceiveFindingsFromSecurityHub IntegrationType = "RECEIVE_FINDINGS_FROM_SECURITY_HUB" IntegrationTypeUpdateFindingsInSecurityHub IntegrationType = "UPDATE_FINDINGS_IN_SECURITY_HUB" )
Enum values for IntegrationType
func (IntegrationType) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (IntegrationType) Values() []IntegrationType
Values returns all known values for IntegrationType. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type InternalException ¶
type InternalException struct { Message *string ErrorCodeOverride *string Code *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Internal server error.
func (*InternalException) Error ¶
func (e *InternalException) Error() string
func (*InternalException) ErrorCode ¶
func (e *InternalException) ErrorCode() string
func (*InternalException) ErrorFault ¶
func (e *InternalException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault
func (*InternalException) ErrorMessage ¶
func (e *InternalException) ErrorMessage() string
type InvalidAccessException ¶
type InvalidAccessException struct { Message *string ErrorCodeOverride *string Code *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The account doesn't have permission to perform this action.
func (*InvalidAccessException) Error ¶
func (e *InvalidAccessException) Error() string
func (*InvalidAccessException) ErrorCode ¶
func (e *InvalidAccessException) ErrorCode() string
func (*InvalidAccessException) ErrorFault ¶
func (e *InvalidAccessException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault
func (*InvalidAccessException) ErrorMessage ¶
func (e *InvalidAccessException) ErrorMessage() string
type InvalidInputException ¶
type InvalidInputException struct { Message *string ErrorCodeOverride *string Code *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The request was rejected because you supplied an invalid or out-of-range value for an input parameter.
func (*InvalidInputException) Error ¶
func (e *InvalidInputException) Error() string
func (*InvalidInputException) ErrorCode ¶
func (e *InvalidInputException) ErrorCode() string
func (*InvalidInputException) ErrorFault ¶
func (e *InvalidInputException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault
func (*InvalidInputException) ErrorMessage ¶
func (e *InvalidInputException) ErrorMessage() string
type Invitation ¶
type Invitation struct { // The account ID of the Security Hub administrator account that the invitation was // sent from. AccountId *string // The ID of the invitation sent to the member account. InvitationId *string // The timestamp of when the invitation was sent. InvitedAt *time.Time // The current status of the association between the member and administrator // accounts. MemberStatus *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about an invitation.
type IpFilter ¶
type IpFilter struct { // A finding's CIDR value. Cidr *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The IP filter for querying findings.
type IpOrganizationDetails ¶ added in v1.2.0
type IpOrganizationDetails struct { // The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the internet provider Asn int32 // The name of the organization that registered the ASN. AsnOrg *string // The ISP information for the internet provider. Isp *string // The name of the internet provider. Org *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about an internet provider.
type Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation ¶
type Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation struct { // The association ID for the IPv6 CIDR block. AssociationId *string // Information about the state of the CIDR block. Valid values are as follows: // // * // associating // // * associated // // * disassociating // // * disassociated // // * failed // // * // failing CidrBlockState *string // The IPv6 CIDR block. Ipv6CidrBlock *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An IPV6 CIDR block association.
type KeywordFilter ¶
type KeywordFilter struct { // A value for the keyword. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A keyword filter for querying findings.
type LimitExceededException ¶
type LimitExceededException struct { Message *string ErrorCodeOverride *string Code *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The request was rejected because it attempted to create resources beyond the current Amazon Web Services account or throttling limits. The error code describes the limit exceeded.
func (*LimitExceededException) Error ¶
func (e *LimitExceededException) Error() string
func (*LimitExceededException) ErrorCode ¶
func (e *LimitExceededException) ErrorCode() string
func (*LimitExceededException) ErrorFault ¶
func (e *LimitExceededException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault
func (*LimitExceededException) ErrorMessage ¶
func (e *LimitExceededException) ErrorMessage() string
type LoadBalancerState ¶
type LoadBalancerState struct { // The state code. The initial state of the load balancer is provisioning. After // the load balancer is fully set up and ready to route traffic, its state is // active. If the load balancer could not be set up, its state is failed. Code *string // A description of the state. Reason *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the state of the load balancer.
type Malware ¶
type Malware struct { // The name of the malware that was observed. // // This member is required. Name *string // The file system path of the malware that was observed. Path *string // The state of the malware that was observed. State MalwareState // The type of the malware that was observed. Type MalwareType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A list of malware related to a finding.
type MalwareState ¶
type MalwareState string
const ( MalwareStateObserved MalwareState = "OBSERVED" MalwareStateRemovalFailed MalwareState = "REMOVAL_FAILED" MalwareStateRemoved MalwareState = "REMOVED" )
Enum values for MalwareState
func (MalwareState) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (MalwareState) Values() []MalwareState
Values returns all known values for MalwareState. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type MalwareType ¶
type MalwareType string
const ( MalwareTypeAdware MalwareType = "ADWARE" MalwareTypeBlendedThreat MalwareType = "BLENDED_THREAT" MalwareTypeBotnetAgent MalwareType = "BOTNET_AGENT" MalwareTypeCoinMiner MalwareType = "COIN_MINER" MalwareTypeExploitKit MalwareType = "EXPLOIT_KIT" MalwareTypeKeylogger MalwareType = "KEYLOGGER" MalwareTypeMacro MalwareType = "MACRO" MalwareTypePotentiallyUnwanted MalwareType = "POTENTIALLY_UNWANTED" MalwareTypeSpyware MalwareType = "SPYWARE" MalwareTypeRansomware MalwareType = "RANSOMWARE" MalwareTypeRemoteAccess MalwareType = "REMOTE_ACCESS" MalwareTypeRootkit MalwareType = "ROOTKIT" MalwareTypeTrojan MalwareType = "TROJAN" MalwareTypeVirus MalwareType = "VIRUS" MalwareTypeWorm MalwareType = "WORM" )
Enum values for MalwareType
func (MalwareType) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (MalwareType) Values() []MalwareType
Values returns all known values for MalwareType. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type MapFilter ¶
type MapFilter struct { // The condition to apply to the key value when querying for findings with a map // filter. To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. // For example, for the ResourceTags field, the filter Department EQUALS Security // matches findings that have the value Security for the tag Department. To search // for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, for the // ResourceTags field, the filter Department NOT_EQUALS Finance matches findings // that do not have the value Finance for the tag Department. EQUALS filters on the // same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those // filters. NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding // matches only if it matches all of those filters. You cannot have both an EQUALS // filter and a NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Comparison MapFilterComparison // The key of the map filter. For example, for ResourceTags, Key identifies the // name of the tag. For UserDefinedFields, Key is the name of the field. Key *string // The value for the key in the map filter. Filter values are case sensitive. For // example, one of the values for a tag called Department might be Security. If you // provide security as the filter value, then there is no match. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A map filter for querying findings. Each map filter provides the field to check, the value to look for, and the comparison operator.
type MapFilterComparison ¶
type MapFilterComparison string
const ( MapFilterComparisonEquals MapFilterComparison = "EQUALS" MapFilterComparisonNotEquals MapFilterComparison = "NOT_EQUALS" )
Enum values for MapFilterComparison
func (MapFilterComparison) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (MapFilterComparison) Values() []MapFilterComparison
Values returns all known values for MapFilterComparison. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type Member ¶
type Member struct { // The Amazon Web Services account ID of the member account. AccountId *string // The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Security Hub administrator account // associated with this member account. AdministratorId *string // The email address of the member account. Email *string // A timestamp for the date and time when the invitation was sent to the member // account. InvitedAt *time.Time // This is replaced by AdministratorID. The Amazon Web Services account ID of the // Security Hub administrator account associated with this member account. // // Deprecated: This field is deprecated, use AdministratorId instead. MasterId *string // The status of the relationship between the member account and its administrator // account. The status can have one of the following values: // // * Created - Indicates // that the administrator account added the member account, but has not yet invited // the member account. // // * Invited - Indicates that the administrator account // invited the member account. The member account has not yet responded to the // invitation. // // * Enabled - Indicates that the member account is currently active. // For manually invited member accounts, indicates that the member account accepted // the invitation. // // * Removed - Indicates that the administrator account // disassociated the member account. // // * Resigned - Indicates that the member // account disassociated themselves from the administrator account. // // * Deleted - // Indicates that the administrator account deleted the member account. // // * // AccountSuspended - Indicates that an organization account was suspended from // Amazon Web Services at the same time that the administrator account tried to // enable the organization account as a member account. MemberStatus *string // The timestamp for the date and time when the member account was updated. UpdatedAt *time.Time // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The details about a member account.
type Network ¶
type Network struct { // The destination domain of network-related information about a finding. DestinationDomain *string // The destination IPv4 address of network-related information about a finding. DestinationIpV4 *string // The destination IPv6 address of network-related information about a finding. DestinationIpV6 *string // The destination port of network-related information about a finding. DestinationPort int32 // The direction of network traffic associated with a finding. Direction NetworkDirection // The range of open ports that is present on the network. OpenPortRange *PortRange // The protocol of network-related information about a finding. Protocol *string // The source domain of network-related information about a finding. SourceDomain *string // The source IPv4 address of network-related information about a finding. SourceIpV4 *string // The source IPv6 address of network-related information about a finding. SourceIpV6 *string // The source media access control (MAC) address of network-related information // about a finding. SourceMac *string // The source port of network-related information about a finding. SourcePort int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The details of network-related information about a finding.
type NetworkConnectionAction ¶ added in v1.2.0
type NetworkConnectionAction struct { // Indicates whether the network connection attempt was blocked. Blocked bool // The direction of the network connection request (IN or OUT). ConnectionDirection *string // Information about the port on the EC2 instance. LocalPortDetails *ActionLocalPortDetails // The protocol used to make the network connection request. Protocol *string // Information about the remote IP address that issued the network connection // request. RemoteIpDetails *ActionRemoteIpDetails // Information about the port on the remote IP address. RemotePortDetails *ActionRemotePortDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provided if ActionType is NETWORK_CONNECTION. It provides details about the attempted network connection that was detected.
type NetworkDirection ¶
type NetworkDirection string
const ( NetworkDirectionIn NetworkDirection = "IN" NetworkDirectionOut NetworkDirection = "OUT" )
Enum values for NetworkDirection
func (NetworkDirection) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (NetworkDirection) Values() []NetworkDirection
Values returns all known values for NetworkDirection. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type NetworkHeader ¶
type NetworkHeader struct { // Information about the destination of the component. Destination *NetworkPathComponentDetails // The protocol used for the component. Protocol *string // Information about the origin of the component. Source *NetworkPathComponentDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about a network path component that occurs before or after the current component.
type NetworkPathComponent ¶
type NetworkPathComponent struct { // The identifier of a component in the network path. ComponentId *string // The type of component. ComponentType *string // Information about the component that comes after the current component in the // network path. Egress *NetworkHeader // Information about the component that comes before the current node in the // network path. Ingress *NetworkHeader // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a network path component.
type NetworkPathComponentDetails ¶
type NetworkPathComponentDetails struct { // The IP addresses of the destination. Address []string // A list of port ranges for the destination. PortRanges []PortRange // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the destination of the next component in the network path.
type Note ¶
type Note struct { // The text of a note. // // This member is required. Text *string // The timestamp of when the note was updated. Uses the date-time format specified // in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. // // This member is required. UpdatedAt *string // The principal that created a note. // // This member is required. UpdatedBy *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A user-defined note added to a finding.
type NoteUpdate ¶
type NoteUpdate struct { // The updated note text. // // This member is required. Text *string // The principal that updated the note. // // This member is required. UpdatedBy *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The updated note.
type NumberFilter ¶
type NumberFilter struct { // The equal-to condition to be applied to a single field when querying for // findings. Eq float64 // The greater-than-equal condition to be applied to a single field when querying // for findings. Gte float64 // The less-than-equal condition to be applied to a single field when querying for // findings. Lte float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A number filter for querying findings.
type Occurrences ¶ added in v1.2.0
type Occurrences struct { // Occurrences of sensitive data detected in Microsoft Excel workbooks, // comma-separated value (CSV) files, or tab-separated value (TSV) files. Cells []Cell // Occurrences of sensitive data detected in a non-binary text file or a Microsoft // Word file. Non-binary text files include files such as HTML, XML, JSON, and TXT // files. LineRanges []Range // Occurrences of sensitive data detected in a binary text file. OffsetRanges []Range // Occurrences of sensitive data in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file. Pages []Page // Occurrences of sensitive data in an Apache Avro object container or an Apache // Parquet file. Records []Record // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The detected occurrences of sensitive data.
type Page ¶ added in v1.2.0
type Page struct { // An occurrence of sensitive data detected in a non-binary text file or a // Microsoft Word file. Non-binary text files include files such as HTML, XML, // JSON, and TXT files. LineRange *Range // An occurrence of sensitive data detected in a binary text file. OffsetRange *Range // The page number of the page that contains the sensitive data. PageNumber int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An occurrence of sensitive data in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file.
type Partition ¶
type Partition string
type PatchSummary ¶ added in v0.29.0
type PatchSummary struct { // The identifier of the compliance standard that was used to determine the patch // compliance status. // // This member is required. Id *string // The number of patches from the compliance standard that failed to install. FailedCount int32 // The number of patches from the compliance standard that were installed // successfully. InstalledCount int32 // The number of installed patches that are not part of the compliance standard. InstalledOtherCount int32 // The number of patches that were applied, but that require the instance to be // rebooted in order to be marked as installed. InstalledPendingReboot int32 // The number of patches that are installed but are also on a list of patches that // the customer rejected. InstalledRejectedCount int32 // The number of patches that are part of the compliance standard but are not // installed. The count includes patches that failed to install. MissingCount int32 // The type of patch operation performed. For Patch Manager, the values are SCAN // and INSTALL. Operation *string // Indicates when the operation completed. Uses the date-time format specified in // RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. OperationEndTime *string // Indicates when the operation started. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC // 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. OperationStartTime *string // The reboot option specified for the instance. RebootOption *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides an overview of the patch compliance status for an instance against a selected compliance standard.
type PortProbeAction ¶ added in v1.2.0
type PortProbeAction struct { // Indicates whether the port probe was blocked. Blocked bool // Information about the ports affected by the port probe. PortProbeDetails []PortProbeDetail // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provided if ActionType is PORT_PROBE. It provides details about the attempted port probe that was detected.
type PortProbeDetail ¶ added in v1.2.0
type PortProbeDetail struct { // Provides information about the IP address where the scanned port is located. LocalIpDetails *ActionLocalIpDetails // Provides information about the port that was scanned. LocalPortDetails *ActionLocalPortDetails // Provides information about the remote IP address that performed the scan. RemoteIpDetails *ActionRemoteIpDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A port scan that was part of the port probe. For each scan, PortProbeDetails provides information about the local IP address and port that were scanned, and the remote IP address that the scan originated from.
type PortRange ¶
type PortRange struct { // The first port in the port range. Begin int32 // The last port in the port range. End int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A range of ports.
type PortRangeFromTo ¶ added in v1.4.0
type PortRangeFromTo struct { // The first port in the port range. From int32 // The last port in the port range. To int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A range of ports.
type ProcessDetails ¶
type ProcessDetails struct { // Indicates when the process was launched. Uses the date-time format specified in // RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LaunchedAt *string // The name of the process. Name *string // The parent process ID. ParentPid int32 // The path to the process executable. Path *string // The process ID. Pid int32 // Indicates when the process was terminated. Uses the date-time format specified // in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. TerminatedAt *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The details of process-related information about a finding.
type Product ¶
type Product struct { // The ARN assigned to the product. // // This member is required. ProductArn *string // The URL to the service or product documentation about the integration with // Security Hub, including how to activate the integration. ActivationUrl *string // The categories assigned to the product. Categories []string // The name of the company that provides the product. CompanyName *string // A description of the product. Description *string // The types of integration that the product supports. Available values are the // following. // // * SEND_FINDINGS_TO_SECURITY_HUB - The integration sends findings to // Security Hub. // // * RECEIVE_FINDINGS_FROM_SECURITY_HUB - The integration receives // findings from Security Hub. // // * UPDATE_FINDINGS_IN_SECURITY_HUB - The integration // does not send new findings to Security Hub, but does make updates to the // findings that it receives from Security Hub. IntegrationTypes []IntegrationType // For integrations with Amazon Web Services services, the Amazon Web Services // Console URL from which to activate the service. For integrations with // third-party products, the Amazon Web Services Marketplace URL from which to // subscribe to or purchase the product. MarketplaceUrl *string // The name of the product. ProductName *string // The resource policy associated with the product. ProductSubscriptionResourcePolicy *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains details about a product.
type Range ¶ added in v1.2.0
type Range struct { // The number of lines (for a line range) or characters (for an offset range) from // the beginning of the file to the end of the sensitive data. End int64 // The number of lines (for a line range) or characters (for an offset range) from // the beginning of the file to the end of the sensitive data. Start int64 // In the line where the sensitive data starts, the column within the line where // the sensitive data starts. StartColumn int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Identifies where the sensitive data begins and ends.
type Recommendation ¶
type Recommendation struct { // Describes the recommended steps to take to remediate an issue identified in a // finding. Text *string // A URL to a page or site that contains information about how to remediate a // finding. Url *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A recommendation on how to remediate the issue identified in a finding.
type Record ¶ added in v1.2.0
type Record struct { // The path, as a JSONPath expression, to the field in the record that contains the // data. If the field name is longer than 20 characters, it is truncated. If the // path is longer than 250 characters, it is truncated. JsonPath *string // The record index, starting from 0, for the record that contains the data. RecordIndex int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An occurrence of sensitive data in an Apache Avro object container or an Apache Parquet file.
type RecordState ¶
type RecordState string
const ( RecordStateActive RecordState = "ACTIVE" RecordStateArchived RecordState = "ARCHIVED" )
Enum values for RecordState
func (RecordState) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (RecordState) Values() []RecordState
Values returns all known values for RecordState. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type RelatedFinding ¶
type RelatedFinding struct { // The product-generated identifier for a related finding. // // This member is required. Id *string // The ARN of the product that generated a related finding. // // This member is required. ProductArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about a related finding.
type Remediation ¶
type Remediation struct { // A recommendation on the steps to take to remediate the issue identified by a // finding. Recommendation *Recommendation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about the remediation steps for a finding.
type Resource ¶
type Resource struct { // The canonical identifier for the given resource type. // // This member is required. Id *string // The type of the resource that details are provided for. If possible, set Type to // one of the supported resource types. For example, if the resource is an EC2 // instance, then set Type to AwsEc2Instance. If the resource does not match any of // the provided types, then set Type to Other. // // This member is required. Type *string // Contains information about sensitive data that was detected on the resource. DataClassification *DataClassificationDetails // Additional details about the resource related to a finding. Details *ResourceDetails // The canonical Amazon Web Services partition name that the Region is assigned to. Partition Partition // The canonical Amazon Web Services external Region name where this resource is // located. Region *string // Identifies the role of the resource in the finding. A resource is either the // actor or target of the finding activity, ResourceRole *string // A list of Amazon Web Services tags associated with a resource at the time the // finding was processed. Tags map[string]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A resource related to a finding.
type ResourceConflictException ¶
type ResourceConflictException struct { Message *string ErrorCodeOverride *string Code *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The resource specified in the request conflicts with an existing resource.
func (*ResourceConflictException) Error ¶
func (e *ResourceConflictException) Error() string
func (*ResourceConflictException) ErrorCode ¶
func (e *ResourceConflictException) ErrorCode() string
func (*ResourceConflictException) ErrorFault ¶
func (e *ResourceConflictException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault
func (*ResourceConflictException) ErrorMessage ¶
func (e *ResourceConflictException) ErrorMessage() string
type ResourceDetails ¶
type ResourceDetails struct { // Provides information about a REST API in version 1 of Amazon API Gateway. AwsApiGatewayRestApi *AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails // Provides information about a version 1 Amazon API Gateway stage. AwsApiGatewayStage *AwsApiGatewayStageDetails // Provides information about a version 2 API in Amazon API Gateway. AwsApiGatewayV2Api *AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails // Provides information about a version 2 stage for Amazon API Gateway. AwsApiGatewayV2Stage *AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails // Details for an autoscaling group. AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup *AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails // Provides details about a launch configuration. AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration *AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails // Provides details about an Backup backup plan. AwsBackupBackupPlan *AwsBackupBackupPlanDetails // Provides details about an Backup backup vault. AwsBackupBackupVault *AwsBackupBackupVaultDetails // Provides details about an Backup backup, or recovery point. AwsBackupRecoveryPoint *AwsBackupRecoveryPointDetails // Provides details about an Certificate Manager certificate. AwsCertificateManagerCertificate *AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails // Details about an CloudFormation stack. A stack is a collection of Amazon Web // Services resources that you can manage as a single unit. AwsCloudFormationStack *AwsCloudFormationStackDetails // Details about a CloudFront distribution. AwsCloudFrontDistribution *AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails // Provides details about a CloudTrail trail. AwsCloudTrailTrail *AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails // Details about an Amazon CloudWatch alarm. An alarm allows you to monitor and // receive alerts about your Amazon Web Services resources and applications across // multiple Regions. AwsCloudWatchAlarm *AwsCloudWatchAlarmDetails // Details for an CodeBuild project. AwsCodeBuildProject *AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails // Details about a DynamoDB table. AwsDynamoDbTable *AwsDynamoDbTableDetails // Details about an Elastic IP address. AwsEc2Eip *AwsEc2EipDetails // Details about an EC2 instance related to a finding. AwsEc2Instance *AwsEc2InstanceDetails // Specifies the properties for creating an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon // EC2) launch template. AwsEc2LaunchTemplate *AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDetails // Details about an EC2 network access control list (ACL). AwsEc2NetworkAcl *AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails // Details for an EC2 network interface. AwsEc2NetworkInterface *AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails // Details for an EC2 security group. AwsEc2SecurityGroup *AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails // Details about a subnet in Amazon EC2. AwsEc2Subnet *AwsEc2SubnetDetails // Details about an Amazon EC2 transit gateway that interconnects your virtual // private clouds (VPC) and on-premises networks. AwsEc2TransitGateway *AwsEc2TransitGatewayDetails // Details for an Amazon EC2 volume. AwsEc2Volume *AwsEc2VolumeDetails // Details for an Amazon EC2 VPC. AwsEc2Vpc *AwsEc2VpcDetails // Details about the service configuration for a VPC endpoint service. AwsEc2VpcEndpointService *AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails // Details about an Amazon EC2 VPC peering connection. A VPC peering connection is // a networking connection between two VPCs that enables you to route traffic // between them privately. AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnection *AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionDetails // Details about an Amazon EC2 VPN connection. AwsEc2VpnConnection *AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails // Information about an Amazon ECR image. AwsEcrContainerImage *AwsEcrContainerImageDetails // Information about an Amazon Elastic Container Registry repository. AwsEcrRepository *AwsEcrRepositoryDetails // Details about an Amazon ECS cluster. AwsEcsCluster *AwsEcsClusterDetails // Provides information about a Docker container that's part of a task. AwsEcsContainer *AwsEcsContainerDetails // Details about a service within an ECS cluster. AwsEcsService *AwsEcsServiceDetails // Details about a task in a cluster. AwsEcsTask *AwsEcsTaskDetails // Details about a task definition. A task definition describes the container and // volume definitions of an Amazon Elastic Container Service task. AwsEcsTaskDefinition *AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails // Details about an Amazon EFS access point. An access point is an // application-specific view into an EFS file system that applies an operating // system user and group, and a file system path, to any file system request made // through the access point. AwsEfsAccessPoint *AwsEfsAccessPointDetails // Details about an Amazon EKS cluster. AwsEksCluster *AwsEksClusterDetails // Details about an Elastic Beanstalk environment. AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironment *AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails // Details for an Elasticsearch domain. AwsElasticsearchDomain *AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails // Contains details about a Classic Load Balancer. AwsElbLoadBalancer *AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails // Details about a load balancer. AwsElbv2LoadBalancer *AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails // Details about an IAM access key related to a finding. AwsIamAccessKey *AwsIamAccessKeyDetails // Contains details about an IAM group. AwsIamGroup *AwsIamGroupDetails // Details about an IAM permissions policy. AwsIamPolicy *AwsIamPolicyDetails // Details about an IAM role. AwsIamRole *AwsIamRoleDetails // Details about an IAM user. AwsIamUser *AwsIamUserDetails // Details about an Amazon Kinesis data stream. AwsKinesisStream *AwsKinesisStreamDetails // Details about an KMS key. AwsKmsKey *AwsKmsKeyDetails // Details about a Lambda function. AwsLambdaFunction *AwsLambdaFunctionDetails // Details for a Lambda layer version. AwsLambdaLayerVersion *AwsLambdaLayerVersionDetails // Details about an Network Firewall firewall. AwsNetworkFirewallFirewall *AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallDetails // Details about an Network Firewall firewall policy. AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallPolicy *AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallPolicyDetails // Details about an Network Firewall rule group. AwsNetworkFirewallRuleGroup *AwsNetworkFirewallRuleGroupDetails // Details about an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. AwsOpenSearchServiceDomain *AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails // Details about an Amazon RDS database cluster. AwsRdsDbCluster *AwsRdsDbClusterDetails // Details about an Amazon RDS database cluster snapshot. AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshot *AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails // Details about an Amazon RDS database instance. AwsRdsDbInstance *AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails // Details about an Amazon RDS DB security group. AwsRdsDbSecurityGroup *AwsRdsDbSecurityGroupDetails // Details about an Amazon RDS database snapshot. AwsRdsDbSnapshot *AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails // Details about an RDS event notification subscription. AwsRdsEventSubscription *AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails // Contains details about an Amazon Redshift cluster. AwsRedshiftCluster *AwsRedshiftClusterDetails // Details about the Amazon S3 Public Access Block configuration for an account. AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlock *AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails // Details about an S3 bucket related to a finding. AwsS3Bucket *AwsS3BucketDetails // Details about an S3 object related to a finding. AwsS3Object *AwsS3ObjectDetails // Provides details about an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance. AwsSageMakerNotebookInstance *AwsSageMakerNotebookInstanceDetails // Details about a Secrets Manager secret. AwsSecretsManagerSecret *AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails // Details about an SNS topic. AwsSnsTopic *AwsSnsTopicDetails // Details about an SQS queue. AwsSqsQueue *AwsSqsQueueDetails // Provides information about the state of a patch on an instance based on the // patch baseline that was used to patch the instance. AwsSsmPatchCompliance *AwsSsmPatchComplianceDetails // Details about a rate-based rule for global resources. AwsWafRateBasedRule *AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails // Details about a rate-based rule for Regional resources. AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRule *AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails // Details about an WAF rule for Regional resources. AwsWafRegionalRule *AwsWafRegionalRuleDetails // Details about an WAF rule group for Regional resources. AwsWafRegionalRuleGroup *AwsWafRegionalRuleGroupDetails // Details about an WAF web access control list (web ACL) for Regional resources. AwsWafRegionalWebAcl *AwsWafRegionalWebAclDetails // Details about an WAF rule for global resources. AwsWafRule *AwsWafRuleDetails // Details about an WAF rule group for global resources. AwsWafRuleGroup *AwsWafRuleGroupDetails // Details for an WAF web ACL. AwsWafWebAcl *AwsWafWebAclDetails // Details about an WAFv2 rule group. AwsWafv2RuleGroup *AwsWafv2RuleGroupDetails // Details about an WAFv2 web Access Control List (ACL). AwsWafv2WebAcl *AwsWafv2WebAclDetails // Information about the encryption configuration for X-Ray. AwsXrayEncryptionConfig *AwsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails // Details about a container resource related to a finding. Container *ContainerDetails // Details about a resource that are not available in a type-specific details // object. Use the Other object in the following cases. // // * The type-specific object // does not contain all of the fields that you want to populate. In this case, // first use the type-specific object to populate those fields. Use the Other // object to populate the fields that are missing from the type-specific object. // // * // The resource type does not have a corresponding object. This includes resources // for which the type is Other. Other map[string]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Additional details about a resource related to a finding. To provide the details, use the object that corresponds to the resource type. For example, if the resource type is AwsEc2Instance, then you use the AwsEc2Instance object to provide the details. If the type-specific object does not contain all of the fields you want to populate, then you use the Other object to populate those additional fields. You also use the Other object to populate the details when the selected type does not have a corresponding object.
type ResourceNotFoundException ¶
type ResourceNotFoundException struct { Message *string ErrorCodeOverride *string Code *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The request was rejected because we can't find the specified resource.
func (*ResourceNotFoundException) Error ¶
func (e *ResourceNotFoundException) Error() string
func (*ResourceNotFoundException) ErrorCode ¶
func (e *ResourceNotFoundException) ErrorCode() string
func (*ResourceNotFoundException) ErrorFault ¶
func (e *ResourceNotFoundException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault
func (*ResourceNotFoundException) ErrorMessage ¶
func (e *ResourceNotFoundException) ErrorMessage() string
type Result ¶
type Result struct { // An Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that was not processed. AccountId *string // The reason that the account was not processed. ProcessingResult *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about the account that was not processed.
type RuleGroupDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupDetails struct { // Additional settings to use in the specified rules. RuleVariables *RuleGroupVariables // The rules and actions for the rule group. For stateful rule groups, can contain // RulesString, RulesSourceList, or StatefulRules. For stateless rule groups, // contains StatelessRulesAndCustomActions. RulesSource *RuleGroupSource // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about the rule group.
type RuleGroupSource ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupSource struct { // Stateful inspection criteria for a domain list rule group. A domain list rule // group determines access by specific protocols to specific domains. RulesSourceList *RuleGroupSourceListDetails // Stateful inspection criteria, provided in Suricata compatible intrusion // prevention system (IPS) rules. RulesString *string // Suricata rule specifications. StatefulRules []RuleGroupSourceStatefulRulesDetails // The stateless rules and custom actions used by a stateless rule group. StatelessRulesAndCustomActions *RuleGroupSourceStatelessRulesAndCustomActionsDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The rules and actions for the rule group.
type RuleGroupSourceCustomActionsDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupSourceCustomActionsDetails struct { // The definition of a custom action. ActionDefinition *StatelessCustomActionDefinition // A descriptive name of the custom action. ActionName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A custom action definition. A custom action is an optional, non-standard action to use for stateless packet handling.
type RuleGroupSourceListDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupSourceListDetails struct { // Indicates whether to allow or deny access to the domains listed in Targets. GeneratedRulesType *string // The protocols that you want to inspect. Specify LS_SNI for HTTPS. Specify // HTTP_HOST for HTTP. You can specify either or both. TargetTypes []string // The domains that you want to inspect for in your traffic flows. You can provide // full domain names, or use the '.' prefix as a wildcard. For example, // matches all domains that end with Targets []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Stateful inspection criteria for a domain list rule group.
type RuleGroupSourceStatefulRulesDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupSourceStatefulRulesDetails struct { // Defines what Network Firewall should do with the packets in a traffic flow when // the flow matches the stateful rule criteria. Action *string // The stateful inspection criteria for the rule. Header *RuleGroupSourceStatefulRulesHeaderDetails // Additional options for the rule. RuleOptions []RuleGroupSourceStatefulRulesOptionsDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A Suricata rule specification.
type RuleGroupSourceStatefulRulesHeaderDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupSourceStatefulRulesHeaderDetails struct { // The destination IP address or address range to inspect for, in CIDR notation. To // match with any address, specify ANY. Destination *string // The destination port to inspect for. You can specify an individual port, such as // 1994. You also can specify a port range, such as 1990:1994. To match with any // port, specify ANY. DestinationPort *string // The direction of traffic flow to inspect. If set to ANY, the inspection matches // bidirectional traffic, both from the source to the destination and from the // destination to the source. If set to FORWARD, the inspection only matches // traffic going from the source to the destination. Direction *string // The protocol to inspect for. To inspector for all protocols, use IP. Protocol *string // The source IP address or address range to inspect for, in CIDR notation. To // match with any address, specify ANY. Source *string // The source port to inspect for. You can specify an individual port, such as // 1994. You also can specify a port range, such as 1990:1994. To match with any // port, specify ANY. SourcePort *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The inspection criteria for a stateful rule.
type RuleGroupSourceStatefulRulesOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupSourceStatefulRulesOptionsDetails struct { // A keyword to look for. Keyword *string // A list of settings. Settings []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A rule option for a stateful rule.
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleDefinition ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleDefinition struct { // The actions to take on a packet that matches one of the stateless rule // definition's match attributes. You must specify a standard action (aws:pass, // aws:drop, or aws:forward_to_sfe). You can then add custom actions. Actions []string // The criteria for Network Firewall to use to inspect an individual packet in a // stateless rule inspection. MatchAttributes *RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributes // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The definition of the stateless rule.
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributes ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributes struct { // A list of port ranges to specify the destination ports to inspect for. DestinationPorts []RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesDestinationPorts // The destination IP addresses and address ranges to inspect for, in CIDR // notation. Destinations []RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesDestinations // The protocols to inspect for. Protocols []int32 // A list of port ranges to specify the source ports to inspect for. SourcePorts []RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesSourcePorts // The source IP addresses and address ranges to inspect for, in CIDR notation. Sources []RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesSources // The TCP flags and masks to inspect for. TcpFlags []RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesTcpFlags // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Criteria for the stateless rule.
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesDestinationPorts ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesDestinationPorts struct { // The starting port value for the port range. FromPort int32 // The ending port value for the port range. ToPort int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A port range to specify the destination ports to inspect for.
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesDestinations ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesDestinations struct { // An IP address or a block of IP addresses. AddressDefinition *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A destination IP address or range.
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesSourcePorts ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesSourcePorts struct { // The starting port value for the port range. FromPort int32 // The ending port value for the port range. ToPort int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A port range to specify the source ports to inspect for.
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesSources ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesSources struct { // An IP address or a block of IP addresses. AddressDefinition *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A source IP addresses and address range to inspect for.
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesTcpFlags ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleMatchAttributesTcpFlags struct { // Defines the flags from the Masks setting that must be set in order for the // packet to match. Flags that are listed must be set. Flags that are not listed // must not be set. Flags []string // The set of flags to consider in the inspection. If not specified, then all flags // are inspected. Masks []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A set of TCP flags and masks to inspect for.
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRulesAndCustomActionsDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRulesAndCustomActionsDetails struct { // Custom actions for the rule group. CustomActions []RuleGroupSourceCustomActionsDetails // Stateless rules for the rule group. StatelessRules []RuleGroupSourceStatelessRulesDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Stateless rules and custom actions for a stateless rule group.
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRulesDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupSourceStatelessRulesDetails struct { // Indicates the order in which to run this rule relative to all of the rules in // the stateless rule group. Priority int32 // Provides the definition of the stateless rule. RuleDefinition *RuleGroupSourceStatelessRuleDefinition // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A stateless rule in the rule group.
type RuleGroupVariables ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupVariables struct { // A list of IP addresses and address ranges, in CIDR notation. IpSets *RuleGroupVariablesIpSetsDetails // A list of port ranges. PortSets *RuleGroupVariablesPortSetsDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Additional settings to use in the specified rules.
type RuleGroupVariablesIpSetsDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupVariablesIpSetsDetails struct { // The list of IP addresses and ranges. Definition []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A list of IP addresses and address ranges, in CIDR notation.
type RuleGroupVariablesPortSetsDetails ¶ added in v1.14.0
type RuleGroupVariablesPortSetsDetails struct { // The list of port ranges. Definition []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A list of port ranges.
type SensitiveDataDetections ¶ added in v1.2.0
type SensitiveDataDetections struct { // The total number of occurrences of sensitive data that were detected. Count int64 // Details about the sensitive data that was detected. Occurrences *Occurrences // The type of sensitive data that was detected. For example, the type might // indicate that the data is an email address. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The list of detected instances of sensitive data.
type SensitiveDataResult ¶ added in v1.2.0
type SensitiveDataResult struct { // The category of sensitive data that was detected. For example, the category can // indicate that the sensitive data involved credentials, financial information, or // personal information. Category *string // The list of detected instances of sensitive data. Detections []SensitiveDataDetections // The total number of occurrences of sensitive data. TotalCount int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contains a detected instance of sensitive data that are based on built-in identifiers.
type Severity ¶
type Severity struct { // The severity value of the finding. The allowed values are the following. // // * // INFORMATIONAL - No issue was found. // // * LOW - The issue does not require action // on its own. // // * MEDIUM - The issue must be addressed but not urgently. // // * HIGH - // The issue must be addressed as a priority. // // * CRITICAL - The issue must be // remediated immediately to avoid it escalating. // // If you provide Normalized and do // not provide Label, then Label is set automatically as follows. // // * 0 - // INFORMATIONAL // // * 1–39 - LOW // // * 40–69 - MEDIUM // // * 70–89 - HIGH // // * 90–100 - // CRITICAL Label SeverityLabel // Deprecated. The normalized severity of a finding. This attribute is being // deprecated. Instead of providing Normalized, provide Label. If you provide Label // and do not provide Normalized, then Normalized is set automatically as // follows. // // * INFORMATIONAL - 0 // // * LOW - 1 // // * MEDIUM - 40 // // * HIGH - 70 // // * CRITICAL // - 90 Normalized int32 // The native severity from the finding product that generated the finding. Original *string // Deprecated. This attribute is being deprecated. Instead of providing Product, // provide Original. The native severity as defined by the Amazon Web Services // service or integrated partner product that generated the finding. Product float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The severity of the finding. The finding provider can provide the initial severity. The finding provider can only update the severity if it has not been updated using BatchUpdateFindings. The finding must have either Label or Normalized populated. If only one of these attributes is populated, then Security Hub automatically populates the other one. If neither attribute is populated, then the finding is invalid. Label is the preferred attribute.
type SeverityLabel ¶
type SeverityLabel string
const ( SeverityLabelInformational SeverityLabel = "INFORMATIONAL" SeverityLabelLow SeverityLabel = "LOW" SeverityLabelMedium SeverityLabel = "MEDIUM" SeverityLabelHigh SeverityLabel = "HIGH" SeverityLabelCritical SeverityLabel = "CRITICAL" )
Enum values for SeverityLabel
func (SeverityLabel) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (SeverityLabel) Values() []SeverityLabel
Values returns all known values for SeverityLabel. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type SeverityRating ¶
type SeverityRating string
const ( SeverityRatingLow SeverityRating = "LOW" SeverityRatingMedium SeverityRating = "MEDIUM" SeverityRatingHigh SeverityRating = "HIGH" SeverityRatingCritical SeverityRating = "CRITICAL" )
Enum values for SeverityRating
func (SeverityRating) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (SeverityRating) Values() []SeverityRating
Values returns all known values for SeverityRating. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type SeverityUpdate ¶
type SeverityUpdate struct { // The severity value of the finding. The allowed values are the following. // // * // INFORMATIONAL - No issue was found. // // * LOW - The issue does not require action // on its own. // // * MEDIUM - The issue must be addressed but not urgently. // // * HIGH - // The issue must be addressed as a priority. // // * CRITICAL - The issue must be // remediated immediately to avoid it escalating. Label SeverityLabel // The normalized severity for the finding. This attribute is to be deprecated in // favor of Label. If you provide Normalized and do not provide Label, Label is set // automatically as follows. // // * 0 - INFORMATIONAL // // * 1–39 - LOW // // * 40–69 - // MEDIUM // // * 70–89 - HIGH // // * 90–100 - CRITICAL Normalized int32 // The native severity as defined by the Amazon Web Services service or integrated // partner product that generated the finding. Product float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Updates to the severity information for a finding.
type SoftwarePackage ¶
type SoftwarePackage struct { // The architecture used for the software package. Architecture *string // The epoch of the software package. Epoch *string // The file system path to the package manager inventory file. FilePath *string // The version of the software package in which the vulnerability has been // resolved. FixedInVersion *string // The name of the software package. Name *string // The source of the package. PackageManager *string // The release of the software package. Release *string // Describes the actions a customer can take to resolve the vulnerability in the // software package. Remediation *string // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source layer. SourceLayerArn *string // The source layer hash of the vulnerable package. SourceLayerHash *string // The version of the software package. Version *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a software package.
type SortCriterion ¶
type SortCriterion struct { // The finding attribute used to sort findings. Field *string // The order used to sort findings. SortOrder SortOrder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A collection of finding attributes used to sort findings.
type Standard ¶
type Standard struct { // A description of the standard. Description *string // Whether the standard is enabled by default. When Security Hub is enabled from // the console, if a standard is enabled by default, the check box for that // standard is selected by default. When Security Hub is enabled using the // EnableSecurityHub API operation, the standard is enabled by default unless // EnableDefaultStandards is set to false. EnabledByDefault bool // The name of the standard. Name *string // The ARN of a standard. StandardsArn *string // Provides details about the management of a standard. StandardsManagedBy *StandardsManagedBy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about a specific security standard.
type StandardsControl ¶
type StandardsControl struct { // The identifier of the security standard control. ControlId *string // The current status of the security standard control. Indicates whether the // control is enabled or disabled. Security Hub does not check against disabled // controls. ControlStatus ControlStatus // The date and time that the status of the security standard control was most // recently updated. ControlStatusUpdatedAt *time.Time // The longer description of the security standard control. Provides information // about what the control is checking for. Description *string // The reason provided for the most recent change in status for the control. DisabledReason *string // The list of requirements that are related to this control. RelatedRequirements []string // A link to remediation information for the control in the Security Hub user // documentation. RemediationUrl *string // The severity of findings generated from this security standard control. The // finding severity is based on an assessment of how easy it would be to compromise // Amazon Web Services resources if the issue is detected. SeverityRating SeverityRating // The ARN of the security standard control. StandardsControlArn *string // The title of the security standard control. Title *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details for an individual security standard control.
type StandardsManagedBy ¶ added in v1.25.0
type StandardsManagedBy struct { // An identifier for the company that manages a specific security standard. For // existing standards, the value is equal to Amazon Web Services. Company *string // An identifier for the product that manages a specific security standard. For // existing standards, the value is equal to the Amazon Web Services service that // manages the standard. Product *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about the management of a security standard.
type StandardsStatus ¶
type StandardsStatus string
const ( StandardsStatusPending StandardsStatus = "PENDING" StandardsStatusReady StandardsStatus = "READY" StandardsStatusFailed StandardsStatus = "FAILED" StandardsStatusDeleting StandardsStatus = "DELETING" StandardsStatusIncomplete StandardsStatus = "INCOMPLETE" )
Enum values for StandardsStatus
func (StandardsStatus) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (StandardsStatus) Values() []StandardsStatus
Values returns all known values for StandardsStatus. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type StandardsStatusReason ¶ added in v1.14.0
type StandardsStatusReason struct { // The reason code that represents the reason for the current status of a standard // subscription. // // This member is required. StatusReasonCode StatusReasonCode // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The reason for the current status of a standard subscription.
type StandardsSubscription ¶
type StandardsSubscription struct { // The ARN of a standard. // // This member is required. StandardsArn *string // A key-value pair of input for the standard. // // This member is required. StandardsInput map[string]string // The status of the standard subscription. The status values are as follows: // // * // PENDING - Standard is in the process of being enabled. // // * READY - Standard is // enabled. // // * INCOMPLETE - Standard could not be enabled completely. Some controls // may not be available. // // * DELETING - Standard is in the process of being // disabled. // // * FAILED - Standard could not be disabled. // // This member is required. StandardsStatus StandardsStatus // The ARN of a resource that represents your subscription to a supported standard. // // This member is required. StandardsSubscriptionArn *string // The reason for the current status. StandardsStatusReason *StandardsStatusReason // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A resource that represents your subscription to a supported standard.
type StandardsSubscriptionRequest ¶
type StandardsSubscriptionRequest struct { // The ARN of the standard that you want to enable. To view the list of available // standards and their ARNs, use the DescribeStandards operation. // // This member is required. StandardsArn *string // A key-value pair of input for the standard. StandardsInput map[string]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The standard that you want to enable.
type StatelessCustomActionDefinition ¶ added in v1.14.0
type StatelessCustomActionDefinition struct { // Information about metrics to publish to CloudWatch. PublishMetricAction *StatelessCustomPublishMetricAction // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The definition of a custom action that can be used for stateless packet handling.
type StatelessCustomPublishMetricAction ¶ added in v1.14.0
type StatelessCustomPublishMetricAction struct { // Defines CloudWatch dimension values to publish. Dimensions []StatelessCustomPublishMetricActionDimension // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about metrics to publish to CloudWatch.
type StatelessCustomPublishMetricActionDimension ¶ added in v1.14.0
type StatelessCustomPublishMetricActionDimension struct { // The value to use for the custom metric dimension. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Defines a CloudWatch dimension value to publish.
type StatusReason ¶
type StatusReason struct { // A code that represents a reason for the control status. For the list of status // reason codes and their meanings, see Standards-related information in the ASFF // ( // in the Security Hub User Guide. // // This member is required. ReasonCode *string // The corresponding description for the status reason code. Description *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides additional context for the value of Compliance.Status.
type StatusReasonCode ¶ added in v1.14.0
type StatusReasonCode string
const ( StatusReasonCodeNoAvailableConfigurationRecorder StatusReasonCode = "NO_AVAILABLE_CONFIGURATION_RECORDER" StatusReasonCodeInternalError StatusReasonCode = "INTERNAL_ERROR" )
Enum values for StatusReasonCode
func (StatusReasonCode) Values ¶ added in v1.14.0
func (StatusReasonCode) Values() []StatusReasonCode
Values returns all known values for StatusReasonCode. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type StringFilter ¶
type StringFilter struct { // The condition to apply to a string value when querying for findings. To search // for values that contain the filter criteria value, use one of the following // comparison operators: // // * To search for values that exactly match the filter // value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceType EQUALS // AwsEc2SecurityGroup only matches findings that have a resource type of // AwsEc2SecurityGroup. // // * To search for values that start with the filter value, // use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam matches findings // that have a resource type that starts with AwsIam. Findings with a resource type // of AwsIamPolicy, AwsIamRole, or AwsIamUser would all match. // // EQUALS and PREFIX // filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any // one of those filters. To search for values that do not contain the filter // criteria value, use one of the following comparison operators: // // * To search for // values that do not exactly match the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, // the filter ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy matches findings that have a // resource type other than AwsIamPolicy. // // * To search for values that do not start // with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter // ResourceType PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS AwsIam matches findings that have a resource type // that does not start with AwsIam. Findings with a resource type of AwsIamPolicy, // AwsIamRole, or AwsIamUser would all be excluded from the results. // // NOT_EQUALS // and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding // matches only if it matches all of those filters. For filters on the same field, // you cannot provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS // filter. Combining filters in this way always returns an error, even if the // provided filter values would return valid results. You can combine PREFIX // filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. // Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, then the NOT_EQUALS or // PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters. For example, for the following filter, Security Hub // first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIAM // or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy // and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface. // // * // ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam // // * ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2 // // * ResourceType // NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy // // * ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface Comparison StringFilterComparison // The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the // product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security // hub as the filter text, then there is no match. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A string filter for querying findings.
type StringFilterComparison ¶
type StringFilterComparison string
const ( StringFilterComparisonEquals StringFilterComparison = "EQUALS" StringFilterComparisonPrefix StringFilterComparison = "PREFIX" StringFilterComparisonNotEquals StringFilterComparison = "NOT_EQUALS" StringFilterComparisonPrefixNotEquals StringFilterComparison = "PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS" )
Enum values for StringFilterComparison
func (StringFilterComparison) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (StringFilterComparison) Values() []StringFilterComparison
Values returns all known values for StringFilterComparison. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type Threat ¶ added in v1.22.0
type Threat struct { // Provides information about the file paths that were affected by the threat. FilePaths []FilePaths // This total number of items in which the threat has been detected. ItemCount int32 // The name of the threat. Name *string // The severity of the threat. Severity *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the threat detected in a security finding and the file paths that were affected by the threat.
type ThreatIntelIndicator ¶
type ThreatIntelIndicator struct { // The category of a threat intelligence indicator. Category ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory // Indicates when the most recent instance of a threat intelligence indicator was // observed. Uses the date-time format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet // Date/Time Format ( The value // cannot contain spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. LastObservedAt *string // The source of the threat intelligence indicator. Source *string // The URL to the page or site where you can get more information about the threat // intelligence indicator. SourceUrl *string // The type of threat intelligence indicator. Type ThreatIntelIndicatorType // The value of a threat intelligence indicator. Value *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about the threat intelligence related to a finding.
type ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory ¶
type ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory string
const ( ThreatIntelIndicatorCategoryBackdoor ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory = "BACKDOOR" ThreatIntelIndicatorCategoryCardStealer ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory = "CARD_STEALER" ThreatIntelIndicatorCategoryCommandAndControl ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory = "COMMAND_AND_CONTROL" ThreatIntelIndicatorCategoryDropSite ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory = "DROP_SITE" ThreatIntelIndicatorCategoryExploitSite ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory = "EXPLOIT_SITE" ThreatIntelIndicatorCategoryKeylogger ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory = "KEYLOGGER" )
Enum values for ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory
func (ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory) Values() []ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory
Values returns all known values for ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type ThreatIntelIndicatorType ¶
type ThreatIntelIndicatorType string
const ( ThreatIntelIndicatorTypeDomain ThreatIntelIndicatorType = "DOMAIN" ThreatIntelIndicatorTypeEmailAddress ThreatIntelIndicatorType = "EMAIL_ADDRESS" ThreatIntelIndicatorTypeHashMd5 ThreatIntelIndicatorType = "HASH_MD5" ThreatIntelIndicatorTypeHashSha1 ThreatIntelIndicatorType = "HASH_SHA1" ThreatIntelIndicatorTypeHashSha256 ThreatIntelIndicatorType = "HASH_SHA256" ThreatIntelIndicatorTypeHashSha512 ThreatIntelIndicatorType = "HASH_SHA512" ThreatIntelIndicatorTypeIpv4Address ThreatIntelIndicatorType = "IPV4_ADDRESS" ThreatIntelIndicatorTypeIpv6Address ThreatIntelIndicatorType = "IPV6_ADDRESS" ThreatIntelIndicatorTypeMutex ThreatIntelIndicatorType = "MUTEX" ThreatIntelIndicatorTypeProcess ThreatIntelIndicatorType = "PROCESS" ThreatIntelIndicatorTypeUrl ThreatIntelIndicatorType = "URL" )
Enum values for ThreatIntelIndicatorType
func (ThreatIntelIndicatorType) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (ThreatIntelIndicatorType) Values() []ThreatIntelIndicatorType
Values returns all known values for ThreatIntelIndicatorType. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type VerificationState ¶
type VerificationState string
const ( VerificationStateUnknown VerificationState = "UNKNOWN" VerificationStateTruePositive VerificationState = "TRUE_POSITIVE" VerificationStateFalsePositive VerificationState = "FALSE_POSITIVE" VerificationStateBenignPositive VerificationState = "BENIGN_POSITIVE" )
Enum values for VerificationState
func (VerificationState) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (VerificationState) Values() []VerificationState
Values returns all known values for VerificationState. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type VolumeMount ¶ added in v1.22.0
type VolumeMount struct { // The path in the container at which the volume should be mounted. MountPath *string // The name of the volume. Name *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes the mounting of a volume in a container.
type VpcInfoCidrBlockSetDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type VpcInfoCidrBlockSetDetails struct { // The IPv4 CIDR block for the VPC. CidrBlock *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about the IPv4 CIDR blocks for the VPC.
type VpcInfoIpv6CidrBlockSetDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type VpcInfoIpv6CidrBlockSetDetails struct { // The IPv6 CIDR block for the VPC. Ipv6CidrBlock *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides details about the IPv6 CIDR blocks for the VPC.
type VpcInfoPeeringOptionsDetails ¶ added in v1.22.0
type VpcInfoPeeringOptionsDetails struct { // Indicates whether a local VPC can resolve public DNS hostnames to private IP // addresses when queried from instances in a peer VPC. AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc bool // Indicates whether a local ClassicLink connection can communicate with the peer // VPC over the VPC peering connection. AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc bool // Indicates whether a local VPC can communicate with a ClassicLink connection in // the peer VPC over the VPC peering connection. AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the VPC peering connection options for the accepter or requester VPC.
type Vulnerability ¶
type Vulnerability struct { // The identifier of the vulnerability. // // This member is required. Id *string // CVSS scores from the advisory related to the vulnerability. Cvss []Cvss // Specifies if all vulnerable packages in a finding have a value for // FixedInVersion and Remediation. This field is evaluated for each vulnerability // Id based on the number of vulnerable packages that have a value for both // FixedInVersion and Remediation. Valid values are as follows: // // * YES if all // vulnerable packages have a value for both FixedInVersion and Remediation // // * NO // if no vulnerable packages have a value for FixedInVersion and Remediation // // * // PARTIAL otherwise FixAvailable VulnerabilityFixAvailable // A list of URLs that provide additional information about the vulnerability. ReferenceUrls []string // List of vulnerabilities that are related to this vulnerability. RelatedVulnerabilities []string // Information about the vendor that generates the vulnerability report. Vendor *VulnerabilityVendor // List of software packages that have the vulnerability. VulnerablePackages []SoftwarePackage // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A vulnerability associated with a finding.
type VulnerabilityFixAvailable ¶ added in v1.23.0
type VulnerabilityFixAvailable string
const ( VulnerabilityFixAvailableYes VulnerabilityFixAvailable = "YES" VulnerabilityFixAvailableNo VulnerabilityFixAvailable = "NO" VulnerabilityFixAvailablePartial VulnerabilityFixAvailable = "PARTIAL" )
Enum values for VulnerabilityFixAvailable
func (VulnerabilityFixAvailable) Values ¶ added in v1.23.0
func (VulnerabilityFixAvailable) Values() []VulnerabilityFixAvailable
Values returns all known values for VulnerabilityFixAvailable. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type VulnerabilityVendor ¶
type VulnerabilityVendor struct { // The name of the vendor. // // This member is required. Name *string // The URL of the vulnerability advisory. Url *string // Indicates when the vulnerability advisory was created. Uses the date-time format // specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. VendorCreatedAt *string // The severity that the vendor assigned to the vulnerability. VendorSeverity *string // Indicates when the vulnerability advisory was last updated. Uses the date-time // format specified in RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format // ( The value cannot contain // spaces. For example, 2020-03-22T13:22:13.933Z. VendorUpdatedAt *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A vendor that generates a vulnerability report.
type WafAction ¶
type WafAction struct { // Specifies how you want WAF to respond to requests that match the settings in a // rule. Valid settings include the following: // // * ALLOW - WAF allows requests // // * // BLOCK - WAF blocks requests // // * COUNT - WAF increments a counter of the requests // that match all of the conditions in the rule. WAF then continues to inspect the // web request based on the remaining rules in the web ACL. You can't specify COUNT // for the default action for a web ACL. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about the action that CloudFront or WAF takes when a web request matches the conditions in the rule.
type WafExcludedRule ¶
type WafExcludedRule struct { // The unique identifier for the rule to exclude from the rule group. RuleId *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about a rule to exclude from a rule group.
type WafOverrideAction ¶
type WafOverrideAction struct { // COUNT overrides the action specified by the individual rule within a RuleGroup . // If set to NONE, the rule's action takes place. Type *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about an override action for a rule.
type Workflow ¶
type Workflow struct { // The status of the investigation into the finding. The workflow status is // specific to an individual finding. It does not affect the generation of new // findings. For example, setting the workflow status to SUPPRESSED or RESOLVED // does not prevent a new finding for the same issue. The allowed values are the // following. // // * NEW - The initial state of a finding, before it is reviewed. // Security Hub also resets the workflow status from NOTIFIED or RESOLVED to NEW in // the following cases: // // * RecordState changes from ARCHIVED to ACTIVE. // // * // ComplianceStatus changes from PASSED to either WARNING, FAILED, or // NOT_AVAILABLE. // // * NOTIFIED - Indicates that you notified the resource owner // about the security issue. Used when the initial reviewer is not the resource // owner, and needs intervention from the resource owner. // // * SUPPRESSED - Indicates // that you reviewed the finding and do not believe that any action is needed. The // finding is no longer updated. // // * RESOLVED - The finding was reviewed and // remediated and is now considered resolved. Status WorkflowStatus // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provides information about the status of the investigation into a finding.
type WorkflowState ¶
type WorkflowState string
const ( WorkflowStateNew WorkflowState = "NEW" WorkflowStateAssigned WorkflowState = "ASSIGNED" WorkflowStateInProgress WorkflowState = "IN_PROGRESS" WorkflowStateDeferred WorkflowState = "DEFERRED" WorkflowStateResolved WorkflowState = "RESOLVED" )
Enum values for WorkflowState
func (WorkflowState) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (WorkflowState) Values() []WorkflowState
Values returns all known values for WorkflowState. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type WorkflowStatus ¶
type WorkflowStatus string
const ( WorkflowStatusNew WorkflowStatus = "NEW" WorkflowStatusNotified WorkflowStatus = "NOTIFIED" WorkflowStatusResolved WorkflowStatus = "RESOLVED" WorkflowStatusSuppressed WorkflowStatus = "SUPPRESSED" )
Enum values for WorkflowStatus
func (WorkflowStatus) Values ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (WorkflowStatus) Values() []WorkflowStatus
Values returns all known values for WorkflowStatus. Note that this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
type WorkflowUpdate ¶
type WorkflowUpdate struct { // The status of the investigation into the finding. The workflow status is // specific to an individual finding. It does not affect the generation of new // findings. For example, setting the workflow status to SUPPRESSED or RESOLVED // does not prevent a new finding for the same issue. The allowed values are the // following. // // * NEW - The initial state of a finding, before it is reviewed. // Security Hub also resets WorkFlowStatus from NOTIFIED or RESOLVED to NEW in the // following cases: // // * The record state changes from ARCHIVED to ACTIVE. // // * The // compliance status changes from PASSED to either WARNING, FAILED, or // NOT_AVAILABLE. // // * NOTIFIED - Indicates that you notified the resource owner // about the security issue. Used when the initial reviewer is not the resource // owner, and needs intervention from the resource owner. // // * RESOLVED - The finding // was reviewed and remediated and is now considered resolved. // // * SUPPRESSED - // Indicates that you reviewed the finding and do not believe that any action is // needed. The finding is no longer updated. Status WorkflowStatus // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Used to update information about the investigation into the finding.