Overview ¶
Package mediaconnect provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for AWS MediaConnect.
API for AWS Elemental MediaConnect
Index ¶
- Constants
- func NewDefaultEndpointResolver() *internalendpoints.Resolver
- func WithAPIOptions(optFns ...func(*middleware.Stack) error) func(*Options)
- func WithEndpointResolver(v EndpointResolver) func(*Options)deprecated
- func WithEndpointResolverV2(v EndpointResolverV2) func(*Options)
- func WithSigV4SigningName(name string) func(*Options)
- func WithSigV4SigningRegion(region string) func(*Options)
- type AddBridgeOutputsInput
- type AddBridgeOutputsOutput
- type AddBridgeSourcesInput
- type AddBridgeSourcesOutput
- type AddFlowMediaStreamsInput
- type AddFlowMediaStreamsOutput
- type AddFlowOutputsInput
- type AddFlowOutputsOutput
- type AddFlowSourcesInput
- type AddFlowSourcesOutput
- type AddFlowVpcInterfacesInput
- type AddFlowVpcInterfacesOutput
- type AuthResolverParameters
- type AuthSchemeResolver
- type Client
- func (c *Client) AddBridgeOutputs(ctx context.Context, params *AddBridgeOutputsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*AddBridgeOutputsOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) AddBridgeSources(ctx context.Context, params *AddBridgeSourcesInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*AddBridgeSourcesOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) AddFlowMediaStreams(ctx context.Context, params *AddFlowMediaStreamsInput, ...) (*AddFlowMediaStreamsOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) AddFlowOutputs(ctx context.Context, params *AddFlowOutputsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*AddFlowOutputsOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) AddFlowSources(ctx context.Context, params *AddFlowSourcesInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*AddFlowSourcesOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) AddFlowVpcInterfaces(ctx context.Context, params *AddFlowVpcInterfacesInput, ...) (*AddFlowVpcInterfacesOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateBridge(ctx context.Context, params *CreateBridgeInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*CreateBridgeOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateFlow(ctx context.Context, params *CreateFlowInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*CreateFlowOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateGateway(ctx context.Context, params *CreateGatewayInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*CreateGatewayOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteBridge(ctx context.Context, params *DeleteBridgeInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DeleteBridgeOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteFlow(ctx context.Context, params *DeleteFlowInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DeleteFlowOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteGateway(ctx context.Context, params *DeleteGatewayInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DeleteGatewayOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) DeregisterGatewayInstance(ctx context.Context, params *DeregisterGatewayInstanceInput, ...) (*DeregisterGatewayInstanceOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBridge(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeBridgeInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DescribeBridgeOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeFlow(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeFlowInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DescribeFlowOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeFlowSourceMetadata(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeFlowSourceMetadataInput, ...) (*DescribeFlowSourceMetadataOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeFlowSourceThumbnail(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeFlowSourceThumbnailInput, ...) (*DescribeFlowSourceThumbnailOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeGateway(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeGatewayInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DescribeGatewayOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeGatewayInstance(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeGatewayInstanceInput, ...) (*DescribeGatewayInstanceOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeOffering(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeOfferingInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DescribeOfferingOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeReservation(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeReservationInput, ...) (*DescribeReservationOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) GrantFlowEntitlements(ctx context.Context, params *GrantFlowEntitlementsInput, ...) (*GrantFlowEntitlementsOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) ListBridges(ctx context.Context, params *ListBridgesInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListBridgesOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) ListEntitlements(ctx context.Context, params *ListEntitlementsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListEntitlementsOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) ListFlows(ctx context.Context, params *ListFlowsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListFlowsOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) ListGatewayInstances(ctx context.Context, params *ListGatewayInstancesInput, ...) (*ListGatewayInstancesOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) ListGateways(ctx context.Context, params *ListGatewaysInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListGatewaysOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) ListOfferings(ctx context.Context, params *ListOfferingsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListOfferingsOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) ListReservations(ctx context.Context, params *ListReservationsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListReservationsOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) ListTagsForResource(ctx context.Context, params *ListTagsForResourceInput, ...) (*ListTagsForResourceOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) Options() Options
- func (c *Client) PurchaseOffering(ctx context.Context, params *PurchaseOfferingInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*PurchaseOfferingOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveBridgeOutput(ctx context.Context, params *RemoveBridgeOutputInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*RemoveBridgeOutputOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveBridgeSource(ctx context.Context, params *RemoveBridgeSourceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*RemoveBridgeSourceOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveFlowMediaStream(ctx context.Context, params *RemoveFlowMediaStreamInput, ...) (*RemoveFlowMediaStreamOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveFlowOutput(ctx context.Context, params *RemoveFlowOutputInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*RemoveFlowOutputOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveFlowSource(ctx context.Context, params *RemoveFlowSourceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*RemoveFlowSourceOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveFlowVpcInterface(ctx context.Context, params *RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceInput, ...) (*RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) RevokeFlowEntitlement(ctx context.Context, params *RevokeFlowEntitlementInput, ...) (*RevokeFlowEntitlementOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) StartFlow(ctx context.Context, params *StartFlowInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*StartFlowOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) StopFlow(ctx context.Context, params *StopFlowInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*StopFlowOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) TagResource(ctx context.Context, params *TagResourceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*TagResourceOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) UntagResource(ctx context.Context, params *UntagResourceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UntagResourceOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateBridge(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateBridgeInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateBridgeOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateBridgeOutput(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateBridgeOutputInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateBridgeOutputOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateBridgeSource(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateBridgeSourceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateBridgeSourceOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateBridgeState(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateBridgeStateInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateBridgeStateOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateFlow(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateFlowInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateFlowOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateFlowEntitlement(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateFlowEntitlementInput, ...) (*UpdateFlowEntitlementOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateFlowMediaStream(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateFlowMediaStreamInput, ...) (*UpdateFlowMediaStreamOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateFlowOutput(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateFlowOutputInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateFlowOutputOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateFlowSource(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateFlowSourceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateFlowSourceOutput, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateGatewayInstance(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateGatewayInstanceInput, ...) (*UpdateGatewayInstanceOutput, error)
- type CreateBridgeInput
- type CreateBridgeOutput
- type CreateFlowInput
- type CreateFlowOutput
- type CreateGatewayInput
- type CreateGatewayOutput
- type DeleteBridgeInput
- type DeleteBridgeOutput
- type DeleteFlowInput
- type DeleteFlowOutput
- type DeleteGatewayInput
- type DeleteGatewayOutput
- type DeregisterGatewayInstanceInput
- type DeregisterGatewayInstanceOutput
- type DescribeBridgeInput
- type DescribeBridgeOutput
- type DescribeFlowAPIClient
- type DescribeFlowInput
- type DescribeFlowOutput
- type DescribeFlowSourceMetadataInput
- type DescribeFlowSourceMetadataOutput
- type DescribeFlowSourceThumbnailInput
- type DescribeFlowSourceThumbnailOutput
- type DescribeGatewayInput
- type DescribeGatewayInstanceInput
- type DescribeGatewayInstanceOutput
- type DescribeGatewayOutput
- type DescribeOfferingInput
- type DescribeOfferingOutput
- type DescribeReservationInput
- type DescribeReservationOutput
- type EndpointParameters
- type EndpointResolver
- type EndpointResolverFunc
- type EndpointResolverOptions
- type EndpointResolverV2
- type FlowActiveWaiter
- type FlowActiveWaiterOptions
- type FlowDeletedWaiter
- type FlowDeletedWaiterOptions
- type FlowStandbyWaiter
- type FlowStandbyWaiterOptions
- type GrantFlowEntitlementsInput
- type GrantFlowEntitlementsOutput
- type HTTPClient
- type HTTPSignerV4
- type ListBridgesAPIClient
- type ListBridgesInput
- type ListBridgesOutput
- type ListBridgesPaginator
- type ListBridgesPaginatorOptions
- type ListEntitlementsAPIClient
- type ListEntitlementsInput
- type ListEntitlementsOutput
- type ListEntitlementsPaginator
- type ListEntitlementsPaginatorOptions
- type ListFlowsAPIClient
- type ListFlowsInput
- type ListFlowsOutput
- type ListFlowsPaginator
- type ListFlowsPaginatorOptions
- type ListGatewayInstancesAPIClient
- type ListGatewayInstancesInput
- type ListGatewayInstancesOutput
- type ListGatewayInstancesPaginator
- type ListGatewayInstancesPaginatorOptions
- type ListGatewaysAPIClient
- type ListGatewaysInput
- type ListGatewaysOutput
- type ListGatewaysPaginator
- type ListGatewaysPaginatorOptions
- type ListOfferingsAPIClient
- type ListOfferingsInput
- type ListOfferingsOutput
- type ListOfferingsPaginator
- type ListOfferingsPaginatorOptions
- type ListReservationsAPIClient
- type ListReservationsInput
- type ListReservationsOutput
- type ListReservationsPaginator
- type ListReservationsPaginatorOptions
- type ListTagsForResourceInput
- type ListTagsForResourceOutput
- type Options
- type PurchaseOfferingInput
- type PurchaseOfferingOutput
- type RemoveBridgeOutputInput
- type RemoveBridgeOutputOutput
- type RemoveBridgeSourceInput
- type RemoveBridgeSourceOutput
- type RemoveFlowMediaStreamInput
- type RemoveFlowMediaStreamOutput
- type RemoveFlowOutputInput
- type RemoveFlowOutputOutput
- type RemoveFlowSourceInput
- type RemoveFlowSourceOutput
- type RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceInput
- type RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceOutput
- type ResolveEndpoint
- type RevokeFlowEntitlementInput
- type RevokeFlowEntitlementOutput
- type StartFlowInput
- type StartFlowOutput
- type StopFlowInput
- type StopFlowOutput
- type TagResourceInput
- type TagResourceOutput
- type UntagResourceInput
- type UntagResourceOutput
- type UpdateBridgeInput
- type UpdateBridgeOutput
- type UpdateBridgeOutputInput
- type UpdateBridgeOutputOutput
- type UpdateBridgeSourceInput
- type UpdateBridgeSourceOutput
- type UpdateBridgeStateInput
- type UpdateBridgeStateOutput
- type UpdateFlowEntitlementInput
- type UpdateFlowEntitlementOutput
- type UpdateFlowInput
- type UpdateFlowMediaStreamInput
- type UpdateFlowMediaStreamOutput
- type UpdateFlowOutput
- type UpdateFlowOutputInput
- type UpdateFlowOutputOutput
- type UpdateFlowSourceInput
- type UpdateFlowSourceOutput
- type UpdateGatewayInstanceInput
- type UpdateGatewayInstanceOutput
Constants ¶
const ServiceAPIVersion = "2018-11-14"
const ServiceID = "MediaConnect"
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func NewDefaultEndpointResolver ¶
func NewDefaultEndpointResolver() *internalendpoints.Resolver
NewDefaultEndpointResolver constructs a new service endpoint resolver
func WithAPIOptions ¶ added in v1.0.0
func WithAPIOptions(optFns ...func(*middleware.Stack) error) func(*Options)
WithAPIOptions returns a functional option for setting the Client's APIOptions option.
func WithEndpointResolver
func WithEndpointResolver(v EndpointResolver) func(*Options)
Deprecated: EndpointResolver and WithEndpointResolver. Providing a value for this field will likely prevent you from using any endpoint-related service features released after the introduction of EndpointResolverV2 and BaseEndpoint.
To migrate an EndpointResolver implementation that uses a custom endpoint, set the client option BaseEndpoint instead.
func WithEndpointResolverV2 ¶ added in v1.20.0
func WithEndpointResolverV2(v EndpointResolverV2) func(*Options)
WithEndpointResolverV2 returns a functional option for setting the Client's EndpointResolverV2 option.
func WithSigV4SigningName ¶ added in v1.23.2
WithSigV4SigningName applies an override to the authentication workflow to use the given signing name for SigV4-authenticated operations.
This is an advanced setting. The value here is FINAL, taking precedence over the resolved signing name from both auth scheme resolution and endpoint resolution.
func WithSigV4SigningRegion ¶ added in v1.23.2
WithSigV4SigningRegion applies an override to the authentication workflow to use the given signing region for SigV4-authenticated operations.
This is an advanced setting. The value here is FINAL, taking precedence over the resolved signing region from both auth scheme resolution and endpoint resolution.
Types ¶
type AddBridgeOutputsInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type AddBridgeOutputsInput struct { // The ARN of the bridge that you want to update. // // This member is required. BridgeArn *string // The outputs that you want to add to this bridge. // // This member is required. Outputs []types.AddBridgeOutputRequest // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A request to add outputs to the specified bridge.
type AddBridgeOutputsOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type AddBridgeOutputsOutput struct { // The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the bridge. BridgeArn *string // The outputs that you added to this bridge. Outputs []types.BridgeOutput // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type AddBridgeSourcesInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type AddBridgeSourcesInput struct { // The ARN of the bridge that you want to update. // // This member is required. BridgeArn *string // The sources that you want to add to this bridge. // // This member is required. Sources []types.AddBridgeSourceRequest // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A request to add sources to the specified bridge.
type AddBridgeSourcesOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type AddBridgeSourcesOutput struct { // The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the bridge. BridgeArn *string // The sources that you added to this bridge. Sources []types.BridgeSource // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type AddFlowMediaStreamsInput ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AddFlowMediaStreamsInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // The media streams that you want to add to the flow. // // This member is required. MediaStreams []types.AddMediaStreamRequest // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A request to add media streams to the flow.
type AddFlowMediaStreamsOutput ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AddFlowMediaStreamsOutput struct { // The ARN of the flow that you added media streams to. FlowArn *string // The media streams that you added to the flow. MediaStreams []types.MediaStream // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type AddFlowOutputsInput ¶
type AddFlowOutputsInput struct { // The flow that you want to add outputs to. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // A list of outputs that you want to add. // // This member is required. Outputs []types.AddOutputRequest // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A request to add outputs to the specified flow.
type AddFlowOutputsOutput ¶
type AddFlowOutputsOutput struct { // The ARN of the flow that these outputs were added to. FlowArn *string // The details of the newly added outputs. Outputs []types.Output // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type AddFlowSourcesInput ¶
type AddFlowSourcesInput struct { // The flow that you want to mutate. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // A list of sources that you want to add. // // This member is required. Sources []types.SetSourceRequest // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A request to add sources to the flow.
type AddFlowSourcesOutput ¶
type AddFlowSourcesOutput struct { // The ARN of the flow that these sources were added to. FlowArn *string // The details of the newly added sources. Sources []types.Source // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type AddFlowVpcInterfacesInput ¶
type AddFlowVpcInterfacesInput struct { // The flow that you want to mutate. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // A list of VPC interfaces that you want to add. // // This member is required. VpcInterfaces []types.VpcInterfaceRequest // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A request to add VPC interfaces to the flow.
type AddFlowVpcInterfacesOutput ¶
type AddFlowVpcInterfacesOutput struct { // The ARN of the flow that these VPC interfaces were added to. FlowArn *string // The details of the newly added VPC interfaces. VpcInterfaces []types.VpcInterface // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type AuthResolverParameters ¶ added in v1.23.2
type AuthResolverParameters struct { // The name of the operation being invoked. Operation string // The region in which the operation is being invoked. Region string }
AuthResolverParameters contains the set of inputs necessary for auth scheme resolution.
type AuthSchemeResolver ¶ added in v1.23.2
type AuthSchemeResolver interface {
ResolveAuthSchemes(context.Context, *AuthResolverParameters) ([]*smithyauth.Option, error)
AuthSchemeResolver returns a set of possible authentication options for an operation.
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client provides the API client to make operations call for AWS MediaConnect.
func New ¶
New returns an initialized Client based on the functional options. Provide additional functional options to further configure the behavior of the client, such as changing the client's endpoint or adding custom middleware behavior.
func NewFromConfig ¶
NewFromConfig returns a new client from the provided config.
func (*Client) AddBridgeOutputs ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) AddBridgeOutputs(ctx context.Context, params *AddBridgeOutputsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*AddBridgeOutputsOutput, error)
Adds outputs to an existing bridge.
func (*Client) AddBridgeSources ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) AddBridgeSources(ctx context.Context, params *AddBridgeSourcesInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*AddBridgeSourcesOutput, error)
Adds sources to an existing bridge.
func (*Client) AddFlowMediaStreams ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *Client) AddFlowMediaStreams(ctx context.Context, params *AddFlowMediaStreamsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*AddFlowMediaStreamsOutput, error)
Adds media streams to an existing flow. After you add a media stream to a flow, you can associate it with a source and/or an output that uses the ST 2110 JPEG XS or CDI protocol.
func (*Client) AddFlowOutputs ¶
func (c *Client) AddFlowOutputs(ctx context.Context, params *AddFlowOutputsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*AddFlowOutputsOutput, error)
Adds outputs to an existing flow. You can create up to 50 outputs per flow.
func (*Client) AddFlowSources ¶
func (c *Client) AddFlowSources(ctx context.Context, params *AddFlowSourcesInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*AddFlowSourcesOutput, error)
Adds Sources to flow
func (*Client) AddFlowVpcInterfaces ¶
func (c *Client) AddFlowVpcInterfaces(ctx context.Context, params *AddFlowVpcInterfacesInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*AddFlowVpcInterfacesOutput, error)
Adds VPC interfaces to flow
func (*Client) CreateBridge ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) CreateBridge(ctx context.Context, params *CreateBridgeInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*CreateBridgeOutput, error)
Creates a new bridge. The request must include one source.
func (*Client) CreateFlow ¶
func (c *Client) CreateFlow(ctx context.Context, params *CreateFlowInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*CreateFlowOutput, error)
Creates a new flow. The request must include one source. The request optionally can include outputs (up to 50) and entitlements (up to 50).
func (*Client) CreateGateway ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) CreateGateway(ctx context.Context, params *CreateGatewayInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*CreateGatewayOutput, error)
Creates a new gateway. The request must include at least one network (up to 4).
func (*Client) DeleteBridge ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) DeleteBridge(ctx context.Context, params *DeleteBridgeInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DeleteBridgeOutput, error)
Deletes a bridge. Before you can delete a bridge, you must stop the bridge.
func (*Client) DeleteFlow ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteFlow(ctx context.Context, params *DeleteFlowInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DeleteFlowOutput, error)
Deletes a flow. Before you can delete a flow, you must stop the flow.
func (*Client) DeleteGateway ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) DeleteGateway(ctx context.Context, params *DeleteGatewayInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DeleteGatewayOutput, error)
Deletes a gateway. Before you can delete a gateway, you must deregister its instances and delete its bridges.
func (*Client) DeregisterGatewayInstance ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) DeregisterGatewayInstance(ctx context.Context, params *DeregisterGatewayInstanceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DeregisterGatewayInstanceOutput, error)
Deregisters an instance. Before you deregister an instance, all bridges running on the instance must be stopped. If you want to deregister an instance without stopping the bridges, you must use the --force option.
func (*Client) DescribeBridge ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) DescribeBridge(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeBridgeInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DescribeBridgeOutput, error)
Displays the details of a bridge.
func (*Client) DescribeFlow ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeFlow(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeFlowInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DescribeFlowOutput, error)
Displays the details of a flow. The response includes the flow ARN, name, and Availability Zone, as well as details about the source, outputs, and entitlements.
func (*Client) DescribeFlowSourceMetadata ¶ added in v1.25.0
func (c *Client) DescribeFlowSourceMetadata(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeFlowSourceMetadataInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DescribeFlowSourceMetadataOutput, error)
Displays details of the flow's source stream. The response contains information about the contents of the stream and its programs.
func (*Client) DescribeFlowSourceThumbnail ¶ added in v1.33.0
func (c *Client) DescribeFlowSourceThumbnail(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeFlowSourceThumbnailInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DescribeFlowSourceThumbnailOutput, error)
Displays the thumbnail details of a flow's source stream.
func (*Client) DescribeGateway ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) DescribeGateway(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeGatewayInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DescribeGatewayOutput, error)
Displays the details of a gateway. The response includes the gateway ARN, name, and CIDR blocks, as well as details about the networks.
func (*Client) DescribeGatewayInstance ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) DescribeGatewayInstance(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeGatewayInstanceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DescribeGatewayInstanceOutput, error)
Displays the details of an instance.
func (*Client) DescribeOffering ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (c *Client) DescribeOffering(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeOfferingInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DescribeOfferingOutput, error)
Displays the details of an offering. The response includes the offering description, duration, outbound bandwidth, price, and Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
func (*Client) DescribeReservation ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (c *Client) DescribeReservation(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeReservationInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DescribeReservationOutput, error)
Displays the details of a reservation. The response includes the reservation name, state, start date and time, and the details of the offering that make up the rest of the reservation (such as price, duration, and outbound bandwidth).
func (*Client) GrantFlowEntitlements ¶
func (c *Client) GrantFlowEntitlements(ctx context.Context, params *GrantFlowEntitlementsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*GrantFlowEntitlementsOutput, error)
Grants entitlements to an existing flow.
func (*Client) ListBridges ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) ListBridges(ctx context.Context, params *ListBridgesInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListBridgesOutput, error)
Displays a list of bridges that are associated with this account and an optionally specified Arn. This request returns a paginated result.
func (*Client) ListEntitlements ¶
func (c *Client) ListEntitlements(ctx context.Context, params *ListEntitlementsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListEntitlementsOutput, error)
Displays a list of all entitlements that have been granted to this account. This request returns 20 results per page.
func (*Client) ListFlows ¶
func (c *Client) ListFlows(ctx context.Context, params *ListFlowsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListFlowsOutput, error)
Displays a list of flows that are associated with this account. This request returns a paginated result.
func (*Client) ListGatewayInstances ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) ListGatewayInstances(ctx context.Context, params *ListGatewayInstancesInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListGatewayInstancesOutput, error)
Displays a list of instances associated with the AWS account. This request returns a paginated result. You can use the filterArn property to display only the instances associated with the selected Gateway Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
func (*Client) ListGateways ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) ListGateways(ctx context.Context, params *ListGatewaysInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListGatewaysOutput, error)
Displays a list of gateways that are associated with this account. This request returns a paginated result.
func (*Client) ListOfferings ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (c *Client) ListOfferings(ctx context.Context, params *ListOfferingsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListOfferingsOutput, error)
Displays a list of all offerings that are available to this account in the current AWS Region. If you have an active reservation (which means you've purchased an offering that has already started and hasn't expired yet), your account isn't eligible for other offerings.
func (*Client) ListReservations ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (c *Client) ListReservations(ctx context.Context, params *ListReservationsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListReservationsOutput, error)
Displays a list of all reservations that have been purchased by this account in the current AWS Region. This list includes all reservations in all states (such as active and expired).
func (*Client) ListTagsForResource ¶
func (c *Client) ListTagsForResource(ctx context.Context, params *ListTagsForResourceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListTagsForResourceOutput, error)
List all tags on an AWS Elemental MediaConnect resource
func (*Client) Options ¶ added in v1.24.0
Options returns a copy of the client configuration.
Callers SHOULD NOT perform mutations on any inner structures within client config. Config overrides should instead be made on a per-operation basis through functional options.
func (*Client) PurchaseOffering ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (c *Client) PurchaseOffering(ctx context.Context, params *PurchaseOfferingInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*PurchaseOfferingOutput, error)
Submits a request to purchase an offering. If you already have an active reservation, you can't purchase another offering.
func (*Client) RemoveBridgeOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) RemoveBridgeOutput(ctx context.Context, params *RemoveBridgeOutputInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*RemoveBridgeOutputOutput, error)
Removes an output from a bridge.
func (*Client) RemoveBridgeSource ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) RemoveBridgeSource(ctx context.Context, params *RemoveBridgeSourceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*RemoveBridgeSourceOutput, error)
Removes a source from a bridge.
func (*Client) RemoveFlowMediaStream ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *Client) RemoveFlowMediaStream(ctx context.Context, params *RemoveFlowMediaStreamInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*RemoveFlowMediaStreamOutput, error)
Removes a media stream from a flow. This action is only available if the media stream is not associated with a source or output.
func (*Client) RemoveFlowOutput ¶
func (c *Client) RemoveFlowOutput(ctx context.Context, params *RemoveFlowOutputInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*RemoveFlowOutputOutput, error)
Removes an output from an existing flow. This request can be made only on an output that does not have an entitlement associated with it. If the output has an entitlement, you must revoke the entitlement instead. When an entitlement is revoked from a flow, the service automatically removes the associated output.
func (*Client) RemoveFlowSource ¶
func (c *Client) RemoveFlowSource(ctx context.Context, params *RemoveFlowSourceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*RemoveFlowSourceOutput, error)
Removes a source from an existing flow. This request can be made only if there is more than one source on the flow.
func (*Client) RemoveFlowVpcInterface ¶
func (c *Client) RemoveFlowVpcInterface(ctx context.Context, params *RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceOutput, error)
Removes a VPC Interface from an existing flow. This request can be made only on a VPC interface that does not have a Source or Output associated with it. If the VPC interface is referenced by a Source or Output, you must first delete or update the Source or Output to no longer reference the VPC interface.
func (*Client) RevokeFlowEntitlement ¶
func (c *Client) RevokeFlowEntitlement(ctx context.Context, params *RevokeFlowEntitlementInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*RevokeFlowEntitlementOutput, error)
Revokes an entitlement from a flow. Once an entitlement is revoked, the content becomes unavailable to the subscriber and the associated output is removed.
func (*Client) StartFlow ¶
func (c *Client) StartFlow(ctx context.Context, params *StartFlowInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*StartFlowOutput, error)
Starts a flow.
func (*Client) StopFlow ¶
func (c *Client) StopFlow(ctx context.Context, params *StopFlowInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*StopFlowOutput, error)
Stops a flow.
func (*Client) TagResource ¶
func (c *Client) TagResource(ctx context.Context, params *TagResourceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*TagResourceOutput, error)
Associates the specified tags to a resource with the specified resourceArn. If existing tags on a resource are not specified in the request parameters, they are not changed. When a resource is deleted, the tags associated with that resource are deleted as well.
func (*Client) UntagResource ¶
func (c *Client) UntagResource(ctx context.Context, params *UntagResourceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UntagResourceOutput, error)
Deletes specified tags from a resource.
func (*Client) UpdateBridge ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) UpdateBridge(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateBridgeInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateBridgeOutput, error)
Updates the bridge
func (*Client) UpdateBridgeOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) UpdateBridgeOutput(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateBridgeOutputInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateBridgeOutputOutput, error)
Updates an existing bridge output.
func (*Client) UpdateBridgeSource ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) UpdateBridgeSource(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateBridgeSourceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateBridgeSourceOutput, error)
Updates an existing bridge source.
func (*Client) UpdateBridgeState ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) UpdateBridgeState(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateBridgeStateInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateBridgeStateOutput, error)
Updates the bridge state
func (*Client) UpdateFlow ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateFlow(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateFlowInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateFlowOutput, error)
Updates flow
func (*Client) UpdateFlowEntitlement ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateFlowEntitlement(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateFlowEntitlementInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateFlowEntitlementOutput, error)
You can change an entitlement's description, subscribers, and encryption. If you change the subscribers, the service will remove the outputs that are are used by the subscribers that are removed.
func (*Client) UpdateFlowMediaStream ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *Client) UpdateFlowMediaStream(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateFlowMediaStreamInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateFlowMediaStreamOutput, error)
Updates an existing media stream.
func (*Client) UpdateFlowOutput ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateFlowOutput(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateFlowOutputInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateFlowOutputOutput, error)
Updates an existing flow output.
func (*Client) UpdateFlowSource ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateFlowSource(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateFlowSourceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateFlowSourceOutput, error)
Updates the source of a flow.
func (*Client) UpdateGatewayInstance ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (c *Client) UpdateGatewayInstance(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateGatewayInstanceInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UpdateGatewayInstanceOutput, error)
Updates the configuration of an existing Gateway Instance.
type CreateBridgeInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type CreateBridgeInput struct { // The name of the bridge. This name can not be modified after the bridge is // created. // // This member is required. Name *string // The bridge placement Amazon Resource Number (ARN). // // This member is required. PlacementArn *string // The sources that you want to add to this bridge. // // This member is required. Sources []types.AddBridgeSourceRequest // Create a bridge with the egress bridge type. An egress bridge is a // cloud-to-ground bridge. The content comes from an existing MediaConnect flow and // is delivered to your premises. EgressGatewayBridge *types.AddEgressGatewayBridgeRequest // Create a bridge with the ingress bridge type. An ingress bridge is a // ground-to-cloud bridge. The content originates at your premises and is delivered // to the cloud. IngressGatewayBridge *types.AddIngressGatewayBridgeRequest // The outputs that you want to add to this bridge. Outputs []types.AddBridgeOutputRequest // The settings for source failover. SourceFailoverConfig *types.FailoverConfig // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Creates a new bridge. The request must include one source.
type CreateBridgeOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type CreateBridgeOutput struct { // A Bridge is the connection between your datacenter's Instances and the AWS // cloud. A bridge can be used to send video from the AWS cloud to your datacenter // or from your datacenter to the AWS cloud. Bridge *types.Bridge // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type CreateFlowInput ¶
type CreateFlowInput struct { // The name of the flow. // // This member is required. Name *string // The Availability Zone that you want to create the flow in. These options are // limited to the Availability Zones within the current AWS Region. AvailabilityZone *string // The entitlements that you want to grant on a flow. Entitlements []types.GrantEntitlementRequest // Create maintenance setting for a flow Maintenance *types.AddMaintenance // The media streams that you want to add to the flow. You can associate these // media streams with sources and outputs on the flow. MediaStreams []types.AddMediaStreamRequest // The outputs that you want to add to this flow. Outputs []types.AddOutputRequest // The settings for the source of the flow. Source *types.SetSourceRequest // The settings for source failover. SourceFailoverConfig *types.FailoverConfig // The settings for source monitoring. SourceMonitoringConfig *types.MonitoringConfig Sources []types.SetSourceRequest // The VPC interfaces you want on the flow. VpcInterfaces []types.VpcInterfaceRequest // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Creates a new flow. The request must include one source. The request optionally can include outputs (up to 50) and entitlements (up to 50).
type CreateFlowOutput ¶
type CreateFlowOutput struct { // The settings for a flow, including its source, outputs, and entitlements. Flow *types.Flow // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type CreateGatewayInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type CreateGatewayInput struct { // The range of IP addresses that are allowed to contribute content or initiate // output requests for flows communicating with this gateway. These IP addresses // should be in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block; for // example, // // This member is required. EgressCidrBlocks []string // The name of the gateway. This name can not be modified after the gateway is // created. // // This member is required. Name *string // The list of networks that you want to add. // // This member is required. Networks []types.GatewayNetwork // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Creates a new gateway. The request must include at least one network (up to 4).
type CreateGatewayOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type CreateGatewayOutput struct { // The settings for a gateway, including its networks. Gateway *types.Gateway // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DeleteBridgeInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type DeleteBridgeInput struct { // The ARN of the bridge that you want to delete. // // This member is required. BridgeArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DeleteBridgeOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type DeleteBridgeOutput struct { // The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the deleted bridge. BridgeArn *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DeleteFlowInput ¶
type DeleteFlowInput struct { // The ARN of the flow that you want to delete. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DeleteFlowOutput ¶
type DeleteFlowOutput struct { // The ARN of the flow that was deleted. FlowArn *string // The status of the flow when the DeleteFlow process begins. Status types.Status // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DeleteGatewayInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type DeleteGatewayInput struct { // The ARN of the gateway that you want to delete. // // This member is required. GatewayArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DeleteGatewayOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type DeleteGatewayOutput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway that was deleted. GatewayArn *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DeregisterGatewayInstanceInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type DeregisterGatewayInstanceInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway that contains the instance that // you want to deregister. // // This member is required. GatewayInstanceArn *string // Force the deregistration of an instance. Force will deregister an instance, // even if there are bridges running on it. Force *bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DeregisterGatewayInstanceOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type DeregisterGatewayInstanceOutput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance. GatewayInstanceArn *string // The status of the instance. InstanceState types.InstanceState // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeBridgeInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type DescribeBridgeInput struct { // The ARN of the bridge that you want to describe. // // This member is required. BridgeArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeBridgeOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type DescribeBridgeOutput struct { // A Bridge is the connection between your datacenter's Instances and the AWS // cloud. A bridge can be used to send video from the AWS cloud to your datacenter // or from your datacenter to the AWS cloud. Bridge *types.Bridge // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeFlowAPIClient ¶ added in v1.3.0
type DescribeFlowAPIClient interface {
DescribeFlow(context.Context, *DescribeFlowInput, ...func(*Options)) (*DescribeFlowOutput, error)
DescribeFlowAPIClient is a client that implements the DescribeFlow operation.
type DescribeFlowInput ¶
type DescribeFlowInput struct { // The ARN of the flow that you want to describe. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeFlowOutput ¶
type DescribeFlowOutput struct { // The settings for a flow, including its source, outputs, and entitlements. Flow *types.Flow // Messages that provide the state of the flow. Messages *types.Messages // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeFlowSourceMetadataInput ¶ added in v1.25.0
type DescribeFlowSourceMetadataInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeFlowSourceMetadataOutput ¶ added in v1.25.0
type DescribeFlowSourceMetadataOutput struct { // The ARN of the flow that DescribeFlowSourceMetadata was performed on. FlowArn *string // Provides a status code and message regarding issues found with the flow source // metadata. Messages []types.MessageDetail // The timestamp of the most recent change in metadata for this flow’s source. Timestamp *time.Time // The metadata of the transport stream in the current flow's source. TransportMediaInfo *types.TransportMediaInfo // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeFlowSourceThumbnailInput ¶ added in v1.33.0
type DescribeFlowSourceThumbnailInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeFlowSourceThumbnailOutput ¶ added in v1.33.0
type DescribeFlowSourceThumbnailOutput struct { // The details of the thumbnail, including thumbnail base64 string, timecode and // the time when thumbnail was generated. ThumbnailDetails *types.ThumbnailDetails // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeGatewayInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type DescribeGatewayInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway that you want to describe. // // This member is required. GatewayArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeGatewayInstanceInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type DescribeGatewayInstanceInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway instance that you want to // describe. // // This member is required. GatewayInstanceArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeGatewayInstanceOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type DescribeGatewayInstanceOutput struct { // The settings for an instance in a gateway. GatewayInstance *types.GatewayInstance // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeGatewayOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type DescribeGatewayOutput struct { // The settings for a gateway, including its networks. Gateway *types.Gateway // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeOfferingInput ¶ added in v0.29.0
type DescribeOfferingInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the offering. // // This member is required. OfferingArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeOfferingOutput ¶ added in v0.29.0
type DescribeOfferingOutput struct { // A savings plan that reserves a certain amount of outbound bandwidth usage at a // discounted rate each month over a period of time. Offering *types.Offering // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeReservationInput ¶ added in v0.29.0
type DescribeReservationInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the reservation. // // This member is required. ReservationArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DescribeReservationOutput ¶ added in v0.29.0
type DescribeReservationOutput struct { // A pricing agreement for a discounted rate for a specific outbound bandwidth // that your MediaConnect account will use each month over a specific time period. // The discounted rate in the reservation applies to outbound bandwidth for all // flows from your account until your account reaches the amount of bandwidth in // your reservation. If you use more outbound bandwidth than the agreed upon amount // in a single month, the overage is charged at the on-demand rate. Reservation *types.Reservation // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type EndpointParameters ¶ added in v1.20.0
type EndpointParameters struct { // The AWS region used to dispatch the request. // // Parameter is // required. // // AWS::Region Region *string // When true, use the dual-stack endpoint. If the configured endpoint does not // support dual-stack, dispatching the request MAY return an error. // // Defaults to // false if no value is provided. // // AWS::UseDualStack UseDualStack *bool // When true, send this request to the FIPS-compliant regional endpoint. If the // configured endpoint does not have a FIPS compliant endpoint, dispatching the // request will return an error. // // Defaults to false if no value is // provided. // // AWS::UseFIPS UseFIPS *bool // Override the endpoint used to send this request // // Parameter is // required. // // SDK::Endpoint Endpoint *string }
EndpointParameters provides the parameters that influence how endpoints are resolved.
func (EndpointParameters) ValidateRequired ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (p EndpointParameters) ValidateRequired() error
ValidateRequired validates required parameters are set.
func (EndpointParameters) WithDefaults ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (p EndpointParameters) WithDefaults() EndpointParameters
WithDefaults returns a shallow copy of EndpointParameterswith default values applied to members where applicable.
type EndpointResolver ¶
type EndpointResolver interface {
ResolveEndpoint(region string, options EndpointResolverOptions) (aws.Endpoint, error)
EndpointResolver interface for resolving service endpoints.
func EndpointResolverFromURL ¶ added in v1.1.0
func EndpointResolverFromURL(url string, optFns ...func(*aws.Endpoint)) EndpointResolver
EndpointResolverFromURL returns an EndpointResolver configured using the provided endpoint url. By default, the resolved endpoint resolver uses the client region as signing region, and the endpoint source is set to EndpointSourceCustom.You can provide functional options to configure endpoint values for the resolved endpoint.
type EndpointResolverFunc ¶
type EndpointResolverFunc func(region string, options EndpointResolverOptions) (aws.Endpoint, error)
EndpointResolverFunc is a helper utility that wraps a function so it satisfies the EndpointResolver interface. This is useful when you want to add additional endpoint resolving logic, or stub out specific endpoints with custom values.
func (EndpointResolverFunc) ResolveEndpoint ¶
func (fn EndpointResolverFunc) ResolveEndpoint(region string, options EndpointResolverOptions) (endpoint aws.Endpoint, err error)
type EndpointResolverOptions ¶ added in v0.29.0
type EndpointResolverOptions = internalendpoints.Options
EndpointResolverOptions is the service endpoint resolver options
type EndpointResolverV2 ¶ added in v1.20.0
type EndpointResolverV2 interface { // ResolveEndpoint attempts to resolve the endpoint with the provided options, // returning the endpoint if found. Otherwise an error is returned. ResolveEndpoint(ctx context.Context, params EndpointParameters) ( smithyendpoints.Endpoint, error, ) }
EndpointResolverV2 provides the interface for resolving service endpoints.
func NewDefaultEndpointResolverV2 ¶ added in v1.20.0
func NewDefaultEndpointResolverV2() EndpointResolverV2
type FlowActiveWaiter ¶ added in v1.3.0
type FlowActiveWaiter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FlowActiveWaiter defines the waiters for FlowActive
func NewFlowActiveWaiter ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewFlowActiveWaiter(client DescribeFlowAPIClient, optFns ...func(*FlowActiveWaiterOptions)) *FlowActiveWaiter
NewFlowActiveWaiter constructs a FlowActiveWaiter.
func (*FlowActiveWaiter) Wait ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (w *FlowActiveWaiter) Wait(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeFlowInput, maxWaitDur time.Duration, optFns ...func(*FlowActiveWaiterOptions)) error
Wait calls the waiter function for FlowActive waiter. The maxWaitDur is the maximum wait duration the waiter will wait. The maxWaitDur is required and must be greater than zero.
func (*FlowActiveWaiter) WaitForOutput ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (w *FlowActiveWaiter) WaitForOutput(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeFlowInput, maxWaitDur time.Duration, optFns ...func(*FlowActiveWaiterOptions)) (*DescribeFlowOutput, error)
WaitForOutput calls the waiter function for FlowActive waiter and returns the output of the successful operation. The maxWaitDur is the maximum wait duration the waiter will wait. The maxWaitDur is required and must be greater than zero.
type FlowActiveWaiterOptions ¶ added in v1.3.0
type FlowActiveWaiterOptions struct { // Set of options to modify how an operation is invoked. These apply to all // operations invoked for this client. Use functional options on operation call to // modify this list for per operation behavior. // // Passing options here is functionally equivalent to passing values to this // config's ClientOptions field that extend the inner client's APIOptions directly. APIOptions []func(*middleware.Stack) error // Functional options to be passed to all operations invoked by this client. // // Function values that modify the inner APIOptions are applied after the waiter // config's own APIOptions modifiers. ClientOptions []func(*Options) // MinDelay is the minimum amount of time to delay between retries. If unset, // FlowActiveWaiter will use default minimum delay of 3 seconds. Note that MinDelay // must resolve to a value lesser than or equal to the MaxDelay. MinDelay time.Duration // MaxDelay is the maximum amount of time to delay between retries. If unset or // set to zero, FlowActiveWaiter will use default max delay of 120 seconds. Note // that MaxDelay must resolve to value greater than or equal to the MinDelay. MaxDelay time.Duration // LogWaitAttempts is used to enable logging for waiter retry attempts LogWaitAttempts bool // Retryable is function that can be used to override the service defined // waiter-behavior based on operation output, or returned error. This function is // used by the waiter to decide if a state is retryable or a terminal state. // // By default service-modeled logic will populate this option. This option can // thus be used to define a custom waiter state with fall-back to service-modeled // waiter state mutators.The function returns an error in case of a failure state. // In case of retry state, this function returns a bool value of true and nil // error, while in case of success it returns a bool value of false and nil error. Retryable func(context.Context, *DescribeFlowInput, *DescribeFlowOutput, error) (bool, error) }
FlowActiveWaiterOptions are waiter options for FlowActiveWaiter
type FlowDeletedWaiter ¶ added in v1.3.0
type FlowDeletedWaiter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FlowDeletedWaiter defines the waiters for FlowDeleted
func NewFlowDeletedWaiter ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewFlowDeletedWaiter(client DescribeFlowAPIClient, optFns ...func(*FlowDeletedWaiterOptions)) *FlowDeletedWaiter
NewFlowDeletedWaiter constructs a FlowDeletedWaiter.
func (*FlowDeletedWaiter) Wait ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (w *FlowDeletedWaiter) Wait(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeFlowInput, maxWaitDur time.Duration, optFns ...func(*FlowDeletedWaiterOptions)) error
Wait calls the waiter function for FlowDeleted waiter. The maxWaitDur is the maximum wait duration the waiter will wait. The maxWaitDur is required and must be greater than zero.
func (*FlowDeletedWaiter) WaitForOutput ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (w *FlowDeletedWaiter) WaitForOutput(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeFlowInput, maxWaitDur time.Duration, optFns ...func(*FlowDeletedWaiterOptions)) (*DescribeFlowOutput, error)
WaitForOutput calls the waiter function for FlowDeleted waiter and returns the output of the successful operation. The maxWaitDur is the maximum wait duration the waiter will wait. The maxWaitDur is required and must be greater than zero.
type FlowDeletedWaiterOptions ¶ added in v1.3.0
type FlowDeletedWaiterOptions struct { // Set of options to modify how an operation is invoked. These apply to all // operations invoked for this client. Use functional options on operation call to // modify this list for per operation behavior. // // Passing options here is functionally equivalent to passing values to this // config's ClientOptions field that extend the inner client's APIOptions directly. APIOptions []func(*middleware.Stack) error // Functional options to be passed to all operations invoked by this client. // // Function values that modify the inner APIOptions are applied after the waiter // config's own APIOptions modifiers. ClientOptions []func(*Options) // MinDelay is the minimum amount of time to delay between retries. If unset, // FlowDeletedWaiter will use default minimum delay of 3 seconds. Note that // MinDelay must resolve to a value lesser than or equal to the MaxDelay. MinDelay time.Duration // MaxDelay is the maximum amount of time to delay between retries. If unset or // set to zero, FlowDeletedWaiter will use default max delay of 120 seconds. Note // that MaxDelay must resolve to value greater than or equal to the MinDelay. MaxDelay time.Duration // LogWaitAttempts is used to enable logging for waiter retry attempts LogWaitAttempts bool // Retryable is function that can be used to override the service defined // waiter-behavior based on operation output, or returned error. This function is // used by the waiter to decide if a state is retryable or a terminal state. // // By default service-modeled logic will populate this option. This option can // thus be used to define a custom waiter state with fall-back to service-modeled // waiter state mutators.The function returns an error in case of a failure state. // In case of retry state, this function returns a bool value of true and nil // error, while in case of success it returns a bool value of false and nil error. Retryable func(context.Context, *DescribeFlowInput, *DescribeFlowOutput, error) (bool, error) }
FlowDeletedWaiterOptions are waiter options for FlowDeletedWaiter
type FlowStandbyWaiter ¶ added in v1.3.0
type FlowStandbyWaiter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FlowStandbyWaiter defines the waiters for FlowStandby
func NewFlowStandbyWaiter ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewFlowStandbyWaiter(client DescribeFlowAPIClient, optFns ...func(*FlowStandbyWaiterOptions)) *FlowStandbyWaiter
NewFlowStandbyWaiter constructs a FlowStandbyWaiter.
func (*FlowStandbyWaiter) Wait ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (w *FlowStandbyWaiter) Wait(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeFlowInput, maxWaitDur time.Duration, optFns ...func(*FlowStandbyWaiterOptions)) error
Wait calls the waiter function for FlowStandby waiter. The maxWaitDur is the maximum wait duration the waiter will wait. The maxWaitDur is required and must be greater than zero.
func (*FlowStandbyWaiter) WaitForOutput ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (w *FlowStandbyWaiter) WaitForOutput(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeFlowInput, maxWaitDur time.Duration, optFns ...func(*FlowStandbyWaiterOptions)) (*DescribeFlowOutput, error)
WaitForOutput calls the waiter function for FlowStandby waiter and returns the output of the successful operation. The maxWaitDur is the maximum wait duration the waiter will wait. The maxWaitDur is required and must be greater than zero.
type FlowStandbyWaiterOptions ¶ added in v1.3.0
type FlowStandbyWaiterOptions struct { // Set of options to modify how an operation is invoked. These apply to all // operations invoked for this client. Use functional options on operation call to // modify this list for per operation behavior. // // Passing options here is functionally equivalent to passing values to this // config's ClientOptions field that extend the inner client's APIOptions directly. APIOptions []func(*middleware.Stack) error // Functional options to be passed to all operations invoked by this client. // // Function values that modify the inner APIOptions are applied after the waiter // config's own APIOptions modifiers. ClientOptions []func(*Options) // MinDelay is the minimum amount of time to delay between retries. If unset, // FlowStandbyWaiter will use default minimum delay of 3 seconds. Note that // MinDelay must resolve to a value lesser than or equal to the MaxDelay. MinDelay time.Duration // MaxDelay is the maximum amount of time to delay between retries. If unset or // set to zero, FlowStandbyWaiter will use default max delay of 120 seconds. Note // that MaxDelay must resolve to value greater than or equal to the MinDelay. MaxDelay time.Duration // LogWaitAttempts is used to enable logging for waiter retry attempts LogWaitAttempts bool // Retryable is function that can be used to override the service defined // waiter-behavior based on operation output, or returned error. This function is // used by the waiter to decide if a state is retryable or a terminal state. // // By default service-modeled logic will populate this option. This option can // thus be used to define a custom waiter state with fall-back to service-modeled // waiter state mutators.The function returns an error in case of a failure state. // In case of retry state, this function returns a bool value of true and nil // error, while in case of success it returns a bool value of false and nil error. Retryable func(context.Context, *DescribeFlowInput, *DescribeFlowOutput, error) (bool, error) }
FlowStandbyWaiterOptions are waiter options for FlowStandbyWaiter
type GrantFlowEntitlementsInput ¶
type GrantFlowEntitlementsInput struct { // The list of entitlements that you want to grant. // // This member is required. Entitlements []types.GrantEntitlementRequest // The flow that you want to grant entitlements on. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A request to grant entitlements on a flow.
type GrantFlowEntitlementsOutput ¶
type GrantFlowEntitlementsOutput struct { // The entitlements that were just granted. Entitlements []types.Entitlement // The ARN of the flow that these entitlements were granted to. FlowArn *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type HTTPSignerV4 ¶
type ListBridgesAPIClient ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ListBridgesAPIClient interface {
ListBridges(context.Context, *ListBridgesInput, ...func(*Options)) (*ListBridgesOutput, error)
ListBridgesAPIClient is a client that implements the ListBridges operation.
type ListBridgesInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ListBridgesInput struct { // Filter the list results to display only the bridges associated with the // selected Amazon Resource Name (ARN). FilterArn *string // The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you // submit a ListBridges request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items match // your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The service // also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch of // results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. If // MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination // with a maximum of 10 results per page. MaxResults *int32 // The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For // example, you submit a ListBridges request with MaxResults set at 5. The service // returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To see the // next batch of results, you can submit the ListBridges request a second time and // specify the NextToken value. NextToken *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListBridgesOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ListBridgesOutput struct { // A list of bridge summaries. Bridges []types.ListedBridge // The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For // example, you submit a ListBridges request with MaxResults set at 5. The service // returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To see the // next batch of results, you can submit the ListBridges request a second time and // specify the NextToken value. NextToken *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListBridgesPaginator ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ListBridgesPaginator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListBridgesPaginator is a paginator for ListBridges
func NewListBridgesPaginator ¶ added in v1.19.0
func NewListBridgesPaginator(client ListBridgesAPIClient, params *ListBridgesInput, optFns ...func(*ListBridgesPaginatorOptions)) *ListBridgesPaginator
NewListBridgesPaginator returns a new ListBridgesPaginator
func (*ListBridgesPaginator) HasMorePages ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (p *ListBridgesPaginator) HasMorePages() bool
HasMorePages returns a boolean indicating whether more pages are available
func (*ListBridgesPaginator) NextPage ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (p *ListBridgesPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListBridgesOutput, error)
NextPage retrieves the next ListBridges page.
type ListBridgesPaginatorOptions ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ListBridgesPaginatorOptions struct { // The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you // submit a ListBridges request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items match // your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The service // also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch of // results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. If // MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination // with a maximum of 10 results per page. Limit int32 // Set to true if pagination should stop if the service returns a pagination token // that matches the most recent token provided to the service. StopOnDuplicateToken bool }
ListBridgesPaginatorOptions is the paginator options for ListBridges
type ListEntitlementsAPIClient ¶ added in v0.30.0
type ListEntitlementsAPIClient interface {
ListEntitlements(context.Context, *ListEntitlementsInput, ...func(*Options)) (*ListEntitlementsOutput, error)
ListEntitlementsAPIClient is a client that implements the ListEntitlements operation.
type ListEntitlementsInput ¶
type ListEntitlementsInput struct { // The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you // submit a ListEntitlements request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items // match your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The // service also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch // of results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. // If MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination // with a maximum of 20 results per page. MaxResults *int32 // The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For // example, you submit a ListEntitlements request with MaxResults set at 5. The // service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To // see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListEntitlements request a // second time and specify the NextToken value. NextToken *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListEntitlementsOutput ¶
type ListEntitlementsOutput struct { // A list of entitlements that have been granted to you from other AWS accounts. Entitlements []types.ListedEntitlement // The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For // example, you submit a ListEntitlements request with MaxResults set at 5. The // service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To // see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListEntitlements request a // second time and specify the NextToken value. NextToken *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListEntitlementsPaginator ¶ added in v0.30.0
type ListEntitlementsPaginator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListEntitlementsPaginator is a paginator for ListEntitlements
func NewListEntitlementsPaginator ¶ added in v0.30.0
func NewListEntitlementsPaginator(client ListEntitlementsAPIClient, params *ListEntitlementsInput, optFns ...func(*ListEntitlementsPaginatorOptions)) *ListEntitlementsPaginator
NewListEntitlementsPaginator returns a new ListEntitlementsPaginator
func (*ListEntitlementsPaginator) HasMorePages ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (p *ListEntitlementsPaginator) HasMorePages() bool
HasMorePages returns a boolean indicating whether more pages are available
func (*ListEntitlementsPaginator) NextPage ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (p *ListEntitlementsPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListEntitlementsOutput, error)
NextPage retrieves the next ListEntitlements page.
type ListEntitlementsPaginatorOptions ¶ added in v0.30.0
type ListEntitlementsPaginatorOptions struct { // The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you // submit a ListEntitlements request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items // match your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The // service also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch // of results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. // If MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination // with a maximum of 20 results per page. Limit int32 // Set to true if pagination should stop if the service returns a pagination token // that matches the most recent token provided to the service. StopOnDuplicateToken bool }
ListEntitlementsPaginatorOptions is the paginator options for ListEntitlements
type ListFlowsAPIClient ¶ added in v0.30.0
type ListFlowsAPIClient interface {
ListFlows(context.Context, *ListFlowsInput, ...func(*Options)) (*ListFlowsOutput, error)
ListFlowsAPIClient is a client that implements the ListFlows operation.
type ListFlowsInput ¶
type ListFlowsInput struct { // The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you // submit a ListFlows request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items match // your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The service // also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch of // results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. If // MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination // with a maximum of 10 results per page. MaxResults *int32 // The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For // example, you submit a ListFlows request with MaxResults set at 5. The service // returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To see the // next batch of results, you can submit the ListFlows request a second time and // specify the NextToken value. NextToken *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListFlowsOutput ¶
type ListFlowsOutput struct { // A list of flow summaries. Flows []types.ListedFlow // The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For // example, you submit a ListFlows request with MaxResults set at 5. The service // returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To see the // next batch of results, you can submit the ListFlows request a second time and // specify the NextToken value. NextToken *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListFlowsPaginator ¶ added in v0.30.0
type ListFlowsPaginator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListFlowsPaginator is a paginator for ListFlows
func NewListFlowsPaginator ¶ added in v0.30.0
func NewListFlowsPaginator(client ListFlowsAPIClient, params *ListFlowsInput, optFns ...func(*ListFlowsPaginatorOptions)) *ListFlowsPaginator
NewListFlowsPaginator returns a new ListFlowsPaginator
func (*ListFlowsPaginator) HasMorePages ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (p *ListFlowsPaginator) HasMorePages() bool
HasMorePages returns a boolean indicating whether more pages are available
func (*ListFlowsPaginator) NextPage ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (p *ListFlowsPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListFlowsOutput, error)
NextPage retrieves the next ListFlows page.
type ListFlowsPaginatorOptions ¶ added in v0.30.0
type ListFlowsPaginatorOptions struct { // The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you // submit a ListFlows request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items match // your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The service // also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch of // results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. If // MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination // with a maximum of 10 results per page. Limit int32 // Set to true if pagination should stop if the service returns a pagination token // that matches the most recent token provided to the service. StopOnDuplicateToken bool }
ListFlowsPaginatorOptions is the paginator options for ListFlows
type ListGatewayInstancesAPIClient ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ListGatewayInstancesAPIClient interface {
ListGatewayInstances(context.Context, *ListGatewayInstancesInput, ...func(*Options)) (*ListGatewayInstancesOutput, error)
ListGatewayInstancesAPIClient is a client that implements the ListGatewayInstances operation.
type ListGatewayInstancesInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ListGatewayInstancesInput struct { // Filter the list results to display only the instances associated with the // selected Gateway Amazon Resource Name (ARN). FilterArn *string // The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you // submit a ListInstances request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items match // your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The service // also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch of // results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. If // MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination // with a maximum of 10 results per page. MaxResults *int32 // The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For // example, you submit a ListInstances request with MaxResults set at 5. The // service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To // see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListInstances request a second // time and specify the NextToken value. NextToken *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListGatewayInstancesOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ListGatewayInstancesOutput struct { // A list of instance summaries. Instances []types.ListedGatewayInstance // The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For // example, you submit a ListInstances request with MaxResults set at 5. The // service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To // see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListInstances request a second // time and specify the NextToken value. NextToken *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListGatewayInstancesPaginator ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ListGatewayInstancesPaginator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListGatewayInstancesPaginator is a paginator for ListGatewayInstances
func NewListGatewayInstancesPaginator ¶ added in v1.19.0
func NewListGatewayInstancesPaginator(client ListGatewayInstancesAPIClient, params *ListGatewayInstancesInput, optFns ...func(*ListGatewayInstancesPaginatorOptions)) *ListGatewayInstancesPaginator
NewListGatewayInstancesPaginator returns a new ListGatewayInstancesPaginator
func (*ListGatewayInstancesPaginator) HasMorePages ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (p *ListGatewayInstancesPaginator) HasMorePages() bool
HasMorePages returns a boolean indicating whether more pages are available
func (*ListGatewayInstancesPaginator) NextPage ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (p *ListGatewayInstancesPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListGatewayInstancesOutput, error)
NextPage retrieves the next ListGatewayInstances page.
type ListGatewayInstancesPaginatorOptions ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ListGatewayInstancesPaginatorOptions struct { // The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you // submit a ListInstances request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items match // your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The service // also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch of // results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. If // MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination // with a maximum of 10 results per page. Limit int32 // Set to true if pagination should stop if the service returns a pagination token // that matches the most recent token provided to the service. StopOnDuplicateToken bool }
ListGatewayInstancesPaginatorOptions is the paginator options for ListGatewayInstances
type ListGatewaysAPIClient ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ListGatewaysAPIClient interface {
ListGateways(context.Context, *ListGatewaysInput, ...func(*Options)) (*ListGatewaysOutput, error)
ListGatewaysAPIClient is a client that implements the ListGateways operation.
type ListGatewaysInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ListGatewaysInput struct { // The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you // submit a ListGateways request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items match // your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The service // also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch of // results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. If // MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination // with a maximum of 10 results per page. MaxResults *int32 // The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For // example, you submit a ListGateways request with MaxResults set at 5. The service // returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To see the // next batch of results, you can submit the ListGateways request a second time and // specify the NextToken value. NextToken *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListGatewaysOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ListGatewaysOutput struct { // A list of gateway summaries. Gateways []types.ListedGateway // The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For // example, you submit a ListGateways request with MaxResults set at 5. The service // returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To see the // next batch of results, you can submit the ListGateways request a second time and // specify the NextToken value. NextToken *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListGatewaysPaginator ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ListGatewaysPaginator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListGatewaysPaginator is a paginator for ListGateways
func NewListGatewaysPaginator ¶ added in v1.19.0
func NewListGatewaysPaginator(client ListGatewaysAPIClient, params *ListGatewaysInput, optFns ...func(*ListGatewaysPaginatorOptions)) *ListGatewaysPaginator
NewListGatewaysPaginator returns a new ListGatewaysPaginator
func (*ListGatewaysPaginator) HasMorePages ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (p *ListGatewaysPaginator) HasMorePages() bool
HasMorePages returns a boolean indicating whether more pages are available
func (*ListGatewaysPaginator) NextPage ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (p *ListGatewaysPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListGatewaysOutput, error)
NextPage retrieves the next ListGateways page.
type ListGatewaysPaginatorOptions ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ListGatewaysPaginatorOptions struct { // The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you // submit a ListGateways request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items match // your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The service // also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch of // results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. If // MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination // with a maximum of 10 results per page. Limit int32 // Set to true if pagination should stop if the service returns a pagination token // that matches the most recent token provided to the service. StopOnDuplicateToken bool }
ListGatewaysPaginatorOptions is the paginator options for ListGateways
type ListOfferingsAPIClient ¶ added in v0.30.0
type ListOfferingsAPIClient interface {
ListOfferings(context.Context, *ListOfferingsInput, ...func(*Options)) (*ListOfferingsOutput, error)
ListOfferingsAPIClient is a client that implements the ListOfferings operation.
type ListOfferingsInput ¶ added in v0.29.0
type ListOfferingsInput struct { // The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you // submit a ListOfferings request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items match // your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The service // also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch of // results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. If // MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination // with a maximum of 10 results per page. MaxResults *int32 // The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For // example, you submit a ListOfferings request with MaxResults set at 5. The // service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To // see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListOfferings request a second // time and specify the NextToken value. NextToken *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListOfferingsOutput ¶ added in v0.29.0
type ListOfferingsOutput struct { // The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For // example, you submit a ListOfferings request with MaxResults set at 5. The // service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To // see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListOfferings request a second // time and specify the NextToken value. NextToken *string // A list of offerings that are available to this account in the current AWS // Region. Offerings []types.Offering // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListOfferingsPaginator ¶ added in v0.30.0
type ListOfferingsPaginator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListOfferingsPaginator is a paginator for ListOfferings
func NewListOfferingsPaginator ¶ added in v0.30.0
func NewListOfferingsPaginator(client ListOfferingsAPIClient, params *ListOfferingsInput, optFns ...func(*ListOfferingsPaginatorOptions)) *ListOfferingsPaginator
NewListOfferingsPaginator returns a new ListOfferingsPaginator
func (*ListOfferingsPaginator) HasMorePages ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (p *ListOfferingsPaginator) HasMorePages() bool
HasMorePages returns a boolean indicating whether more pages are available
func (*ListOfferingsPaginator) NextPage ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (p *ListOfferingsPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListOfferingsOutput, error)
NextPage retrieves the next ListOfferings page.
type ListOfferingsPaginatorOptions ¶ added in v0.30.0
type ListOfferingsPaginatorOptions struct { // The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you // submit a ListOfferings request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items match // your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The service // also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch of // results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. If // MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination // with a maximum of 10 results per page. Limit int32 // Set to true if pagination should stop if the service returns a pagination token // that matches the most recent token provided to the service. StopOnDuplicateToken bool }
ListOfferingsPaginatorOptions is the paginator options for ListOfferings
type ListReservationsAPIClient ¶ added in v0.30.0
type ListReservationsAPIClient interface {
ListReservations(context.Context, *ListReservationsInput, ...func(*Options)) (*ListReservationsOutput, error)
ListReservationsAPIClient is a client that implements the ListReservations operation.
type ListReservationsInput ¶ added in v0.29.0
type ListReservationsInput struct { // The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you // submit a ListReservations request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items // match your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The // service also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch // of results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. // If MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination // with a maximum of 10 results per page. MaxResults *int32 // The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For // example, you submit a ListReservations request with MaxResults set at 5. The // service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To // see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListOfferings request a second // time and specify the NextToken value. NextToken *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListReservationsOutput ¶ added in v0.29.0
type ListReservationsOutput struct { // The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For // example, you submit a ListReservations request with MaxResults set at 5. The // service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To // see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListReservations request a // second time and specify the NextToken value. NextToken *string // A list of all reservations that have been purchased by this account in the // current AWS Region. Reservations []types.Reservation // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListReservationsPaginator ¶ added in v0.30.0
type ListReservationsPaginator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListReservationsPaginator is a paginator for ListReservations
func NewListReservationsPaginator ¶ added in v0.30.0
func NewListReservationsPaginator(client ListReservationsAPIClient, params *ListReservationsInput, optFns ...func(*ListReservationsPaginatorOptions)) *ListReservationsPaginator
NewListReservationsPaginator returns a new ListReservationsPaginator
func (*ListReservationsPaginator) HasMorePages ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (p *ListReservationsPaginator) HasMorePages() bool
HasMorePages returns a boolean indicating whether more pages are available
func (*ListReservationsPaginator) NextPage ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (p *ListReservationsPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListReservationsOutput, error)
NextPage retrieves the next ListReservations page.
type ListReservationsPaginatorOptions ¶ added in v0.30.0
type ListReservationsPaginatorOptions struct { // The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you // submit a ListReservations request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items // match your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The // service also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch // of results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. // If MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination // with a maximum of 10 results per page. Limit int32 // Set to true if pagination should stop if the service returns a pagination token // that matches the most recent token provided to the service. StopOnDuplicateToken bool }
ListReservationsPaginatorOptions is the paginator options for ListReservations
type ListTagsForResourceInput ¶
type ListTagsForResourceInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the AWS Elemental MediaConnect // resource for which to list the tags. // // This member is required. ResourceArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListTagsForResourceOutput ¶
type ListTagsForResourceOutput struct { // A map from tag keys to values. Tag keys can have a maximum character length of // 128 characters, and tag values can have a maximum length of 256 characters. Tags map[string]string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Options ¶
type Options struct { // Set of options to modify how an operation is invoked. These apply to all // operations invoked for this client. Use functional options on operation call to // modify this list for per operation behavior. APIOptions []func(*middleware.Stack) error // The optional application specific identifier appended to the User-Agent header. AppID string // This endpoint will be given as input to an EndpointResolverV2. It is used for // providing a custom base endpoint that is subject to modifications by the // processing EndpointResolverV2. BaseEndpoint *string // Configures the events that will be sent to the configured logger. ClientLogMode aws.ClientLogMode // The credentials object to use when signing requests. Credentials aws.CredentialsProvider // The configuration DefaultsMode that the SDK should use when constructing the // clients initial default settings. DefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode // The endpoint options to be used when attempting to resolve an endpoint. EndpointOptions EndpointResolverOptions // The service endpoint resolver. // // Deprecated: Deprecated: EndpointResolver and WithEndpointResolver. Providing a // value for this field will likely prevent you from using any endpoint-related // service features released after the introduction of EndpointResolverV2 and // BaseEndpoint. // // To migrate an EndpointResolver implementation that uses a custom endpoint, set // the client option BaseEndpoint instead. EndpointResolver EndpointResolver // Resolves the endpoint used for a particular service operation. This should be // used over the deprecated EndpointResolver. EndpointResolverV2 EndpointResolverV2 // Signature Version 4 (SigV4) Signer HTTPSignerV4 HTTPSignerV4 // The logger writer interface to write logging messages to. Logger logging.Logger // The client meter provider. MeterProvider metrics.MeterProvider // The region to send requests to. (Required) Region string // RetryMaxAttempts specifies the maximum number attempts an API client will call // an operation that fails with a retryable error. A value of 0 is ignored, and // will not be used to configure the API client created default retryer, or modify // per operation call's retry max attempts. // // If specified in an operation call's functional options with a value that is // different than the constructed client's Options, the Client's Retryer will be // wrapped to use the operation's specific RetryMaxAttempts value. RetryMaxAttempts int // RetryMode specifies the retry mode the API client will be created with, if // Retryer option is not also specified. // // When creating a new API Clients this member will only be used if the Retryer // Options member is nil. This value will be ignored if Retryer is not nil. // // Currently does not support per operation call overrides, may in the future. RetryMode aws.RetryMode // Retryer guides how HTTP requests should be retried in case of recoverable // failures. When nil the API client will use a default retryer. The kind of // default retry created by the API client can be changed with the RetryMode // option. Retryer aws.Retryer // The RuntimeEnvironment configuration, only populated if the DefaultsMode is set // to DefaultsModeAuto and is initialized using config.LoadDefaultConfig . You // should not populate this structure programmatically, or rely on the values here // within your applications. RuntimeEnvironment aws.RuntimeEnvironment // The client tracer provider. TracerProvider tracing.TracerProvider // The HTTP client to invoke API calls with. Defaults to client's default HTTP // implementation if nil. HTTPClient HTTPClient // The auth scheme resolver which determines how to authenticate for each // operation. AuthSchemeResolver AuthSchemeResolver // The list of auth schemes supported by the client. AuthSchemes []smithyhttp.AuthScheme // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (Options) GetIdentityResolver ¶ added in v1.23.2
func (o Options) GetIdentityResolver(schemeID string) smithyauth.IdentityResolver
type PurchaseOfferingInput ¶ added in v0.29.0
type PurchaseOfferingInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the offering. // // This member is required. OfferingArn *string // The name that you want to use for the reservation. // // This member is required. ReservationName *string // The date and time that you want the reservation to begin, in Coordinated // Universal Time (UTC). You can specify any date and time between 12:00am on the // first day of the current month to the current time on today's date, inclusive. // Specify the start in a 24-hour notation. Use the following format: // YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SSZ, where T and Z are literal characters. For example, to // specify 11:30pm on March 5, 2020, enter 2020-03-05T23:30:00Z. // // This member is required. Start *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A request to purchase a offering.
type PurchaseOfferingOutput ¶ added in v0.29.0
type PurchaseOfferingOutput struct { // A pricing agreement for a discounted rate for a specific outbound bandwidth // that your MediaConnect account will use each month over a specific time period. // The discounted rate in the reservation applies to outbound bandwidth for all // flows from your account until your account reaches the amount of bandwidth in // your reservation. If you use more outbound bandwidth than the agreed upon amount // in a single month, the overage is charged at the on-demand rate. Reservation *types.Reservation // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RemoveBridgeOutputInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type RemoveBridgeOutputOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type RemoveBridgeOutputOutput struct { BridgeArn *string OutputName *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RemoveBridgeSourceInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type RemoveBridgeSourceOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type RemoveBridgeSourceOutput struct { BridgeArn *string SourceName *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RemoveFlowMediaStreamInput ¶ added in v1.5.0
type RemoveFlowMediaStreamOutput ¶ added in v1.5.0
type RemoveFlowMediaStreamOutput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow. FlowArn *string // The name of the media stream that was removed. MediaStreamName *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RemoveFlowOutputInput ¶
type RemoveFlowOutputOutput ¶
type RemoveFlowOutputOutput struct { // The ARN of the flow that is associated with the output you removed. FlowArn *string // The ARN of the output that was removed. OutputArn *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RemoveFlowSourceInput ¶
type RemoveFlowSourceOutput ¶
type RemoveFlowSourceOutput struct { // The ARN of the flow that is associated with the source you removed. FlowArn *string // The ARN of the source that was removed. SourceArn *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceInput ¶
type RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceInput struct { // The flow that you want to remove a VPC interface from. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // The name of the VPC interface that you want to remove. // // This member is required. VpcInterfaceName *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceOutput ¶
type RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceOutput struct { // The ARN of the flow that is associated with the VPC interface you removed. FlowArn *string // IDs of network interfaces associated with the removed VPC interface that Media // Connect was unable to remove. NonDeletedNetworkInterfaceIds []string // The name of the VPC interface that was removed. VpcInterfaceName *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ResolveEndpoint ¶
type ResolveEndpoint struct { Resolver EndpointResolver Options EndpointResolverOptions }
func (*ResolveEndpoint) HandleSerialize ¶
func (m *ResolveEndpoint) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, )
func (*ResolveEndpoint) ID ¶
func (*ResolveEndpoint) ID() string
type RevokeFlowEntitlementOutput ¶
type RevokeFlowEntitlementOutput struct { // The ARN of the entitlement that was revoked. EntitlementArn *string // The ARN of the flow that the entitlement was revoked from. FlowArn *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type StartFlowInput ¶
type StartFlowInput struct { // The ARN of the flow that you want to start. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type StartFlowOutput ¶
type StartFlowOutput struct { // The ARN of the flow that you started. FlowArn *string // The status of the flow when the StartFlow process begins. Status types.Status // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type StopFlowInput ¶
type StopFlowInput struct { // The ARN of the flow that you want to stop. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type StopFlowOutput ¶
type StopFlowOutput struct { // The ARN of the flow that you stopped. FlowArn *string // The status of the flow when the StopFlow process begins. Status types.Status // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type TagResourceInput ¶
type TagResourceInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the AWS Elemental MediaConnect // resource to which to add tags. // // This member is required. ResourceArn *string // A map from tag keys to values. Tag keys can have a maximum character length of // 128 characters, and tag values can have a maximum length of 256 characters. // // This member is required. Tags map[string]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The tags to add to the resource. A tag is an array of key-value pairs. Tag keys can have a maximum character length of 128 characters, and tag values can have a maximum length of 256 characters.
type TagResourceOutput ¶
type TagResourceOutput struct { // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UntagResourceInput ¶
type UntagResourceInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the AWS Elemental MediaConnect // resource from which to delete tags. // // This member is required. ResourceArn *string // The keys of the tags to be removed. // // This member is required. TagKeys []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UntagResourceOutput ¶
type UntagResourceOutput struct { // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UpdateBridgeInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type UpdateBridgeInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the bridge that you want to update. // // This member is required. BridgeArn *string EgressGatewayBridge *types.UpdateEgressGatewayBridgeRequest IngressGatewayBridge *types.UpdateIngressGatewayBridgeRequest // The settings for source failover. SourceFailoverConfig *types.UpdateFailoverConfig // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A request to update the bridge.
type UpdateBridgeOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type UpdateBridgeOutput struct { // A Bridge is the connection between your datacenter's Instances and the AWS // cloud. A bridge can be used to send video from the AWS cloud to your datacenter // or from your datacenter to the AWS cloud. Bridge *types.Bridge // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UpdateBridgeOutputInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type UpdateBridgeOutputInput struct { // The ARN of the bridge that you want to update. // // This member is required. BridgeArn *string // The name of the bridge output that you want to update. // // This member is required. OutputName *string // Update an existing network output. NetworkOutput *types.UpdateBridgeNetworkOutputRequest // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The fields that you want to update in the bridge output.
type UpdateBridgeOutputOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type UpdateBridgeOutputOutput struct { // The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the bridge. BridgeArn *string // The output that you updated. Output *types.BridgeOutput // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UpdateBridgeSourceInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type UpdateBridgeSourceInput struct { // The ARN of the bridge that you want to update. // // This member is required. BridgeArn *string // The name of the source that you want to update. // // This member is required. SourceName *string // Update the flow source of the bridge. FlowSource *types.UpdateBridgeFlowSourceRequest // Update the network source of the bridge. NetworkSource *types.UpdateBridgeNetworkSourceRequest // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The fields that you want to update in the bridge source.
type UpdateBridgeSourceOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type UpdateBridgeSourceOutput struct { // The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the bridge. BridgeArn *string // The bridge's source. Source *types.BridgeSource // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UpdateBridgeStateInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type UpdateBridgeStateInput struct { // The ARN of the bridge that you want to update. // // This member is required. BridgeArn *string // This member is required. DesiredState types.DesiredState // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A request to update the bridge state.
type UpdateBridgeStateOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type UpdateBridgeStateOutput struct { // The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the bridge. BridgeArn *string // The state of the bridge. ACTIVE or STANDBY. DesiredState types.DesiredState // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UpdateFlowEntitlementInput ¶
type UpdateFlowEntitlementInput struct { // The ARN of the entitlement that you want to update. // // This member is required. EntitlementArn *string // The flow that is associated with the entitlement that you want to update. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // A description of the entitlement. This description appears only on the AWS // Elemental MediaConnect console and will not be seen by the subscriber or end // user. Description *string // The type of encryption that will be used on the output associated with this // entitlement. Allowable encryption types: static-key, speke. Encryption *types.UpdateEncryption // An indication of whether you want to enable the entitlement to allow access, or // disable it to stop streaming content to the subscriber’s flow temporarily. If // you don’t specify the entitlementStatus field in your request, MediaConnect // leaves the value unchanged. EntitlementStatus types.EntitlementStatus // The AWS account IDs that you want to share your content with. The receiving // accounts (subscribers) will be allowed to create their own flow using your // content as the source. Subscribers []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The entitlement fields that you want to update.
type UpdateFlowEntitlementOutput ¶
type UpdateFlowEntitlementOutput struct { // The new configuration of the entitlement that you updated. Entitlement *types.Entitlement // The ARN of the flow that this entitlement was granted on. FlowArn *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UpdateFlowInput ¶
type UpdateFlowInput struct { // The flow that you want to update. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // Update maintenance setting for a flow Maintenance *types.UpdateMaintenance // The settings for source failover. SourceFailoverConfig *types.UpdateFailoverConfig // The settings for source monitoring. SourceMonitoringConfig *types.MonitoringConfig // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A request to update flow.
type UpdateFlowMediaStreamInput ¶ added in v1.5.0
type UpdateFlowMediaStreamInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // The name of the media stream that you want to update. // // This member is required. MediaStreamName *string // The attributes that you want to assign to the media stream. Attributes *types.MediaStreamAttributesRequest // The sample rate (in Hz) for the stream. If the media stream type is video or // ancillary data, set this value to 90000. If the media stream type is audio, set // this value to either 48000 or 96000. ClockRate *int32 // Description Description *string // The type of media stream. MediaStreamType types.MediaStreamType // The resolution of the video. VideoFormat *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The fields that you want to update in the media stream.
type UpdateFlowMediaStreamOutput ¶ added in v1.5.0
type UpdateFlowMediaStreamOutput struct { // The ARN of the flow that is associated with the media stream that you updated. FlowArn *string // The media stream that you updated. MediaStream *types.MediaStream // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UpdateFlowOutput ¶
type UpdateFlowOutput struct { // The settings for a flow, including its source, outputs, and entitlements. Flow *types.Flow // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UpdateFlowOutputInput ¶
type UpdateFlowOutputInput struct { // The flow that is associated with the output that you want to update. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // The ARN of the output that you want to update. // // This member is required. OutputArn *string // The range of IP addresses that should be allowed to initiate output requests to // this flow. These IP addresses should be in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain // Routing (CIDR) block; for example, CidrAllowList []string // A description of the output. This description appears only on the AWS Elemental // MediaConnect console and will not be seen by the end user. Description *string // The IP address where you want to send the output. Destination *string // The type of key used for the encryption. If no keyType is provided, the service // will use the default setting (static-key). Allowable encryption types: // static-key. Encryption *types.UpdateEncryption // The maximum latency in milliseconds. This parameter applies only to RIST-based, // Zixi-based, and Fujitsu-based streams. MaxLatency *int32 // The media streams that are associated with the output, and the parameters for // those associations. MediaStreamOutputConfigurations []types.MediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest // The minimum latency in milliseconds for SRT-based streams. In streams that use // the SRT protocol, this value that you set on your MediaConnect source or output // represents the minimal potential latency of that connection. The latency of the // stream is set to the highest number between the sender’s minimum latency and the // receiver’s minimum latency. MinLatency *int32 // An indication of whether the output should transmit data or not. If you don't // specify the outputStatus field in your request, MediaConnect leaves the value // unchanged. OutputStatus types.OutputStatus // The port to use when content is distributed to this output. Port *int32 // The protocol to use for the output. Protocol types.Protocol // The remote ID for the Zixi-pull stream. RemoteId *string // The port that the flow uses to send outbound requests to initiate connection // with the sender. SenderControlPort *int32 // The IP address that the flow communicates with to initiate connection with the // sender. SenderIpAddress *string // The smoothing latency in milliseconds for RIST, RTP, and RTP-FEC streams. SmoothingLatency *int32 // The stream ID that you want to use for this transport. This parameter applies // only to Zixi and SRT caller-based streams. StreamId *string // The name of the VPC interface attachment to use for this output. VpcInterfaceAttachment *types.VpcInterfaceAttachment // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The fields that you want to update in the output.
type UpdateFlowOutputOutput ¶
type UpdateFlowOutputOutput struct { // The ARN of the flow that is associated with the updated output. FlowArn *string // The new settings of the output that you updated. Output *types.Output // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UpdateFlowSourceInput ¶
type UpdateFlowSourceInput struct { // The flow that is associated with the source that you want to update. // // This member is required. FlowArn *string // The ARN of the source that you want to update. // // This member is required. SourceArn *string // The type of encryption used on the content ingested from this source. Allowable // encryption types: static-key. Decryption *types.UpdateEncryption // A description for the source. This value is not used or seen outside of the // current AWS Elemental MediaConnect account. Description *string // The ARN of the entitlement that allows you to subscribe to this flow. The // entitlement is set by the flow originator, and the ARN is generated as part of // the originator's flow. EntitlementArn *string // The source configuration for cloud flows receiving a stream from a bridge. GatewayBridgeSource *types.UpdateGatewayBridgeSourceRequest // The port that the flow will be listening on for incoming content. IngestPort *int32 // The smoothing max bitrate (in bps) for RIST, RTP, and RTP-FEC streams. MaxBitrate *int32 // The maximum latency in milliseconds. This parameter applies only to RIST-based, // Zixi-based, and Fujitsu-based streams. MaxLatency *int32 // The size of the buffer (in milliseconds) to use to sync incoming source data. MaxSyncBuffer *int32 // The media streams that are associated with the source, and the parameters for // those associations. MediaStreamSourceConfigurations []types.MediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest // The minimum latency in milliseconds for SRT-based streams. In streams that use // the SRT protocol, this value that you set on your MediaConnect source or output // represents the minimal potential latency of that connection. The latency of the // stream is set to the highest number between the sender’s minimum latency and the // receiver’s minimum latency. MinLatency *int32 // The protocol that is used by the source. Protocol types.Protocol // The port that the flow uses to send outbound requests to initiate connection // with the sender. SenderControlPort *int32 // The IP address that the flow communicates with to initiate connection with the // sender. SenderIpAddress *string // Source IP or domain name for SRT-caller protocol. SourceListenerAddress *string // Source port for SRT-caller protocol. SourceListenerPort *int32 // The stream ID that you want to use for this transport. This parameter applies // only to Zixi and SRT caller-based streams. StreamId *string // The name of the VPC interface to use for this source. VpcInterfaceName *string // The range of IP addresses that should be allowed to contribute content to your // source. These IP addresses should be in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain // Routing (CIDR) block; for example, WhitelistCidr *string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A request to update the source of a flow.
type UpdateFlowSourceOutput ¶
type UpdateFlowSourceOutput struct { // The ARN of the flow that you want to update. FlowArn *string // The settings for the source of the flow. Source *types.Source // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UpdateGatewayInstanceInput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type UpdateGatewayInstanceInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance that you want to update. // // This member is required. GatewayInstanceArn *string // The availability of the instance to host new bridges. The bridgePlacement // property can be LOCKED or AVAILABLE. If it is LOCKED, no new bridges can be // deployed to this instance. If it is AVAILABLE, new bridges can be added to this // instance. BridgePlacement types.BridgePlacement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A request to update gateway instance state.
type UpdateGatewayInstanceOutput ¶ added in v1.19.0
type UpdateGatewayInstanceOutput struct { // The availability of the instance to host new bridges. The bridgePlacement // property can be LOCKED or AVAILABLE. If it is LOCKED, no new bridges can be // deployed to this instance. If it is AVAILABLE, new bridges can be added to this // instance. BridgePlacement types.BridgePlacement // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance. GatewayInstanceArn *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Source Files
- api_client.go
- api_op_AddBridgeOutputs.go
- api_op_AddBridgeSources.go
- api_op_AddFlowMediaStreams.go
- api_op_AddFlowOutputs.go
- api_op_AddFlowSources.go
- api_op_AddFlowVpcInterfaces.go
- api_op_CreateBridge.go
- api_op_CreateFlow.go
- api_op_CreateGateway.go
- api_op_DeleteBridge.go
- api_op_DeleteFlow.go
- api_op_DeleteGateway.go
- api_op_DeregisterGatewayInstance.go
- api_op_DescribeBridge.go
- api_op_DescribeFlow.go
- api_op_DescribeFlowSourceMetadata.go
- api_op_DescribeFlowSourceThumbnail.go
- api_op_DescribeGateway.go
- api_op_DescribeGatewayInstance.go
- api_op_DescribeOffering.go
- api_op_DescribeReservation.go
- api_op_GrantFlowEntitlements.go
- api_op_ListBridges.go
- api_op_ListEntitlements.go
- api_op_ListFlows.go
- api_op_ListGatewayInstances.go
- api_op_ListGateways.go
- api_op_ListOfferings.go
- api_op_ListReservations.go
- api_op_ListTagsForResource.go
- api_op_PurchaseOffering.go
- api_op_RemoveBridgeOutput.go
- api_op_RemoveBridgeSource.go
- api_op_RemoveFlowMediaStream.go
- api_op_RemoveFlowOutput.go
- api_op_RemoveFlowSource.go
- api_op_RemoveFlowVpcInterface.go
- api_op_RevokeFlowEntitlement.go
- api_op_StartFlow.go
- api_op_StopFlow.go
- api_op_TagResource.go
- api_op_UntagResource.go
- api_op_UpdateBridge.go
- api_op_UpdateBridgeOutput.go
- api_op_UpdateBridgeSource.go
- api_op_UpdateBridgeState.go
- api_op_UpdateFlow.go
- api_op_UpdateFlowEntitlement.go
- api_op_UpdateFlowMediaStream.go
- api_op_UpdateFlowOutput.go
- api_op_UpdateFlowSource.go
- api_op_UpdateGatewayInstance.go
- auth.go
- deserializers.go
- doc.go
- endpoints.go
- go_module_metadata.go
- options.go
- serializers.go
- validators.go