
package module
v2.0.0-alpha.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 22, 2021 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 14 Imported by: 0


Amazon Lambda Python Library

The APIs of higher level constructs in this module are experimental and under active development. They are subject to non-backward compatible changes or removal in any future version. These are not subject to the Semantic Versioning model and breaking changes will be announced in the release notes. This means that while you may use them, you may need to update your source code when upgrading to a newer version of this package.

This library provides constructs for Python Lambda functions.

To use this module, you will need to have Docker installed.

Python Function

Define a PythonFunction:

import * as lambda from "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda";
import { PythonFunction } from "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda-python";

new PythonFunction(this, 'MyFunction', {
  entry: '/path/to/my/function', // required
  index: '', // optional, defaults to ''
  handler: 'my_exported_func', // optional, defaults to 'handler'
  runtime: lambda.Runtime.PYTHON_3_6, // optional, defaults to lambda.Runtime.PYTHON_3_7

All other properties of lambda.Function are supported, see also the AWS Lambda construct library.

Module Dependencies

If requirements.txt or Pipfile exists at the entry path, the construct will handle installing all required modules in a Lambda compatible Docker container according to the runtime and with the Docker platform based on the target architecture of the Lambda function.

Python bundles are only recreated and published when a file in a source directory has changed. Therefore (and as a general best-practice), it is highly recommended to commit a lockfile with a list of all transitive dependencies and their exact versions. This will ensure that when any dependency version is updated, the bundle asset is recreated and uploaded.

To that end, we recommend using pipenv or poetry which has lockfile support.

Lambda with a requirements.txt

├── # exports a function named 'handler'
├── requirements.txt # has to be present at the entry path

Lambda with a Pipfile

├── # exports a function named 'handler'
├── Pipfile # has to be present at the entry path
├── Pipfile.lock # your lock file

Lambda with a poetry.lock

├── # exports a function named 'handler'
├── pyproject.toml # has to be present at the entry path
├── poetry.lock # your poetry lock file

Lambda Layer Support

You may create a python-based lambda layer with PythonLayerVersion. If PythonLayerVersion detects a requirements.txt or Pipfile or poetry.lock with the associated pyproject.toml at the entry path, then PythonLayerVersion will include the dependencies inline with your code in the layer.

new lambda.PythonFunction(this, 'MyFunction', {
  entry: '/path/to/my/function',
  layers: [
    new lambda.PythonLayerVersion(this, 'MyLayer', {
      entry: '/path/to/my/layer', // point this to your library's directory



The CDK Construct Library for AWS Lambda in Python



This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func NewPythonFunction_Override

func NewPythonFunction_Override(p PythonFunction, scope constructs.Construct, id *string, props *PythonFunctionProps)


func NewPythonLayerVersion_Override

func NewPythonLayerVersion_Override(p PythonLayerVersion, scope constructs.Construct, id *string, props *PythonLayerVersionProps)


func PythonFunction_ClassifyVersionProperty

func PythonFunction_ClassifyVersionProperty(propertyName *string, locked *bool)

Record whether specific properties in the `AWS::Lambda::Function` resource should also be associated to the Version resource.

See 'currentVersion' section in the module README for more details. Experimental.

func PythonFunction_FromFunctionArn

func PythonFunction_FromFunctionArn(scope constructs.Construct, id *string, functionArn *string) awslambda.IFunction

Import a lambda function into the CDK using its ARN. Experimental.

func PythonFunction_FromFunctionAttributes

func PythonFunction_FromFunctionAttributes(scope constructs.Construct, id *string, attrs *awslambda.FunctionAttributes) awslambda.IFunction

Creates a Lambda function object which represents a function not defined within this stack. Experimental.

func PythonFunction_IsConstruct

func PythonFunction_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Checks if `x` is a construct.

Returns: true if `x` is an object created from a class which extends `Construct`. Deprecated: use `x instanceof Construct` instead

func PythonFunction_IsResource

func PythonFunction_IsResource(construct constructs.IConstruct) *bool

Check whether the given construct is a Resource. Experimental.

func PythonFunction_MetricAll

func PythonFunction_MetricAll(metricName *string, props *awscloudwatch.MetricOptions) awscloudwatch.Metric

Return the given named metric for this Lambda. Experimental.

func PythonFunction_MetricAllConcurrentExecutions

func PythonFunction_MetricAllConcurrentExecutions(props *awscloudwatch.MetricOptions) awscloudwatch.Metric

Metric for the number of concurrent executions across all Lambdas. Experimental.

func PythonFunction_MetricAllDuration

func PythonFunction_MetricAllDuration(props *awscloudwatch.MetricOptions) awscloudwatch.Metric

Metric for the Duration executing all Lambdas. Experimental.

func PythonFunction_MetricAllErrors

func PythonFunction_MetricAllErrors(props *awscloudwatch.MetricOptions) awscloudwatch.Metric

Metric for the number of Errors executing all Lambdas. Experimental.

func PythonFunction_MetricAllInvocations

func PythonFunction_MetricAllInvocations(props *awscloudwatch.MetricOptions) awscloudwatch.Metric

Metric for the number of invocations of all Lambdas. Experimental.

func PythonFunction_MetricAllThrottles

func PythonFunction_MetricAllThrottles(props *awscloudwatch.MetricOptions) awscloudwatch.Metric

Metric for the number of throttled invocations of all Lambdas. Experimental.

func PythonFunction_MetricAllUnreservedConcurrentExecutions

func PythonFunction_MetricAllUnreservedConcurrentExecutions(props *awscloudwatch.MetricOptions) awscloudwatch.Metric

Metric for the number of unreserved concurrent executions across all Lambdas. Experimental.

func PythonLayerVersion_FromLayerVersionArn

func PythonLayerVersion_FromLayerVersionArn(scope constructs.Construct, id *string, layerVersionArn *string) awslambda.ILayerVersion

Imports a layer version by ARN.

Assumes it is compatible with all Lambda runtimes. Experimental.

func PythonLayerVersion_FromLayerVersionAttributes

func PythonLayerVersion_FromLayerVersionAttributes(scope constructs.Construct, id *string, attrs *awslambda.LayerVersionAttributes) awslambda.ILayerVersion

Imports a Layer that has been defined externally. Experimental.

func PythonLayerVersion_IsConstruct

func PythonLayerVersion_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Checks if `x` is a construct.

Returns: true if `x` is an object created from a class which extends `Construct`. Deprecated: use `x instanceof Construct` instead

func PythonLayerVersion_IsResource

func PythonLayerVersion_IsResource(construct constructs.IConstruct) *bool

Check whether the given construct is a Resource. Experimental.


type PythonFunction

type PythonFunction interface {
	CanCreatePermissions() *bool
	Connections() awsec2.Connections
	CurrentVersion() awslambda.Version
	DeadLetterQueue() awssqs.IQueue
	Env() *awscdk.ResourceEnvironment
	FunctionArn() *string
	FunctionName() *string
	GrantPrincipal() awsiam.IPrincipal
	IsBoundToVpc() *bool
	LatestVersion() awslambda.IVersion
	LogGroup() awslogs.ILogGroup
	Node() constructs.Node
	PermissionsNode() constructs.Node
	PhysicalName() *string
	Role() awsiam.IRole
	Runtime() awslambda.Runtime
	Stack() awscdk.Stack
	AddEnvironment(key *string, value *string, options *awslambda.EnvironmentOptions) awslambda.Function
	AddEventSource(source awslambda.IEventSource)
	AddEventSourceMapping(id *string, options *awslambda.EventSourceMappingOptions) awslambda.EventSourceMapping
	AddLayers(layers ...awslambda.ILayerVersion)
	AddPermission(id *string, permission *awslambda.Permission)
	AddToRolePolicy(statement awsiam.PolicyStatement)
	ApplyRemovalPolicy(policy awscdk.RemovalPolicy)
	ConfigureAsyncInvoke(options *awslambda.EventInvokeConfigOptions)
	GeneratePhysicalName() *string
	GetResourceArnAttribute(arnAttr *string, arnComponents *awscdk.ArnComponents) *string
	GetResourceNameAttribute(nameAttr *string) *string
	GrantInvoke(grantee awsiam.IGrantable) awsiam.Grant
	Metric(metricName *string, props *awscloudwatch.MetricOptions) awscloudwatch.Metric
	MetricDuration(props *awscloudwatch.MetricOptions) awscloudwatch.Metric
	MetricErrors(props *awscloudwatch.MetricOptions) awscloudwatch.Metric
	MetricInvocations(props *awscloudwatch.MetricOptions) awscloudwatch.Metric
	MetricThrottles(props *awscloudwatch.MetricOptions) awscloudwatch.Metric
	ToString() *string

A Python Lambda function. Experimental.

func NewPythonFunction

func NewPythonFunction(scope constructs.Construct, id *string, props *PythonFunctionProps) PythonFunction


type PythonFunctionProps

type PythonFunctionProps struct {
	// The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing.
	// Minimum: 60 seconds
	// Maximum: 6 hours
	// Experimental.
	MaxEventAge awscdk.Duration `json:"maxEventAge"`
	// The destination for failed invocations.
	// Experimental.
	OnFailure awslambda.IDestination `json:"onFailure"`
	// The destination for successful invocations.
	// Experimental.
	OnSuccess awslambda.IDestination `json:"onSuccess"`
	// The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
	// Minimum: 0
	// Maximum: 2
	// Experimental.
	RetryAttempts *float64 `json:"retryAttempts"`
	// Whether to allow the Lambda to send all network traffic.
	// If set to false, you must individually add traffic rules to allow the
	// Lambda to connect to network targets.
	// Experimental.
	AllowAllOutbound *bool `json:"allowAllOutbound"`
	// Lambda Functions in a public subnet can NOT access the internet.
	// Use this property to acknowledge this limitation and still place the function in a public subnet.
	// See:
	// Experimental.
	AllowPublicSubnet *bool `json:"allowPublicSubnet"`
	// The system architectures compatible with this lambda function.
	// Experimental.
	Architecture awslambda.Architecture `json:"architecture"`
	// Code signing config associated with this function.
	// Experimental.
	CodeSigningConfig awslambda.ICodeSigningConfig `json:"codeSigningConfig"`
	// Options for the `lambda.Version` resource automatically created by the `fn.currentVersion` method.
	// Experimental.
	CurrentVersionOptions *awslambda.VersionOptions `json:"currentVersionOptions"`
	// The SQS queue to use if DLQ is enabled.
	// Experimental.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `json:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// Enabled DLQ.
	// If `deadLetterQueue` is undefined,
	// an SQS queue with default options will be defined for your Function.
	// Experimental.
	DeadLetterQueueEnabled *bool `json:"deadLetterQueueEnabled"`
	// A description of the function.
	// Experimental.
	Description *string `json:"description"`
	// Key-value pairs that Lambda caches and makes available for your Lambda functions.
	// Use environment variables to apply configuration changes, such
	// as test and production environment configurations, without changing your
	// Lambda function source code.
	// Experimental.
	Environment *map[string]*string `json:"environment"`
	// The AWS KMS key that's used to encrypt your function's environment variables.
	// Experimental.
	EnvironmentEncryption awskms.IKey `json:"environmentEncryption"`
	// Event sources for this function.
	// You can also add event sources using `addEventSource`.
	// Experimental.
	Events *[]awslambda.IEventSource `json:"events"`
	// The filesystem configuration for the lambda function.
	// Experimental.
	Filesystem awslambda.FileSystem `json:"filesystem"`
	// A name for the function.
	// Experimental.
	FunctionName *string `json:"functionName"`
	// Initial policy statements to add to the created Lambda Role.
	// You can call `addToRolePolicy` to the created lambda to add statements post creation.
	// Experimental.
	InitialPolicy *[]awsiam.PolicyStatement `json:"initialPolicy"`
	// Specify the version of CloudWatch Lambda insights to use for monitoring.
	// See:
	// Experimental.
	InsightsVersion awslambda.LambdaInsightsVersion `json:"insightsVersion"`
	// A list of layers to add to the function's execution environment.
	// You can configure your Lambda function to pull in
	// additional code during initialization in the form of layers. Layers are packages of libraries or other dependencies
	// that can be used by multiple functions.
	// Experimental.
	Layers *[]awslambda.ILayerVersion `json:"layers"`
	// The number of days log events are kept in CloudWatch Logs.
	// When updating
	// this property, unsetting it doesn't remove the log retention policy. To
	// remove the retention policy, set the value to `INFINITE`.
	// Experimental.
	LogRetention awslogs.RetentionDays `json:"logRetention"`
	// When log retention is specified, a custom resource attempts to create the CloudWatch log group.
	// These options control the retry policy when interacting with CloudWatch APIs.
	// Experimental.
	LogRetentionRetryOptions *awslambda.LogRetentionRetryOptions `json:"logRetentionRetryOptions"`
	// The IAM role for the Lambda function associated with the custom resource that sets the retention policy.
	// Experimental.
	LogRetentionRole awsiam.IRole `json:"logRetentionRole"`
	// The amount of memory, in MB, that is allocated to your Lambda function.
	// Lambda uses this value to proportionally allocate the amount of CPU
	// power. For more information, see Resource Model in the AWS Lambda
	// Developer Guide.
	// Experimental.
	MemorySize *float64 `json:"memorySize"`
	// Enable profiling.
	// See:
	// Experimental.
	Profiling *bool `json:"profiling"`
	// Profiling Group.
	// See:
	// Experimental.
	ProfilingGroup awscodeguruprofiler.IProfilingGroup `json:"profilingGroup"`
	// The maximum of concurrent executions you want to reserve for the function.
	// See:
	// Experimental.
	ReservedConcurrentExecutions *float64 `json:"reservedConcurrentExecutions"`
	// Lambda execution role.
	// This is the role that will be assumed by the function upon execution.
	// It controls the permissions that the function will have. The Role must
	// be assumable by the '' service principal.
	// The default Role automatically has permissions granted for Lambda execution. If you
	// provide a Role, you must add the relevant AWS managed policies yourself.
	// The relevant managed policies are "service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole" and
	// "service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole".
	// Experimental.
	Role awsiam.IRole `json:"role"`
	// The list of security groups to associate with the Lambda's network interfaces.
	// Only used if 'vpc' is supplied.
	// Experimental.
	SecurityGroups *[]awsec2.ISecurityGroup `json:"securityGroups"`
	// The function execution time (in seconds) after which Lambda terminates the function.
	// Because the execution time affects cost, set this value
	// based on the function's expected execution time.
	// Experimental.
	Timeout awscdk.Duration `json:"timeout"`
	// Enable AWS X-Ray Tracing for Lambda Function.
	// Experimental.
	Tracing awslambda.Tracing `json:"tracing"`
	// VPC network to place Lambda network interfaces.
	// Specify this if the Lambda function needs to access resources in a VPC.
	// Experimental.
	Vpc awsec2.IVpc `json:"vpc"`
	// Where to place the network interfaces within the VPC.
	// Only used if 'vpc' is supplied. Note: internet access for Lambdas
	// requires a NAT gateway, so picking Public subnets is not allowed.
	// Experimental.
	VpcSubnets *awsec2.SubnetSelection `json:"vpcSubnets"`
	// The path to the root directory of the function.
	// Experimental.
	Entry *string `json:"entry"`
	// Specify a custom hash for this asset.
	// If `assetHashType` is set it must
	// be set to `AssetHashType.CUSTOM`. For consistency, this custom hash will
	// be SHA256 hashed and encoded as hex. The resulting hash will be the asset
	// hash.
	// NOTE: the hash is used in order to identify a specific revision of the asset, and
	// used for optimizing and caching deployment activities related to this asset such as
	// packaging, uploading to Amazon S3, etc. If you chose to customize the hash, you will
	// need to make sure it is updated every time the asset changes, or otherwise it is
	// possible that some deployments will not be invalidated.
	// Experimental.
	AssetHash *string `json:"assetHash"`
	// Determines how asset hash is calculated. Assets will get rebuild and uploaded only if their hash has changed.
	// If asset hash is set to `SOURCE` (default), then only changes to the source
	// directory will cause the asset to rebuild. This means, for example, that in
	// order to pick up a new dependency version, a change must be made to the
	// source tree. Ideally, this can be implemented by including a dependency
	// lockfile in your source tree or using fixed dependencies.
	// If the asset hash is set to `OUTPUT`, the hash is calculated after
	// bundling. This means that any change in the output will cause the asset to
	// be invalidated and uploaded. Bear in mind that `pip` adds timestamps to
	// dependencies it installs, which implies that in this mode Python bundles
	// will _always_ get rebuild and uploaded. Normally this is an anti-pattern
	// since build
	// Experimental.
	AssetHashType awscdk.AssetHashType `json:"assetHashType"`
	// The name of the exported handler in the index file.
	// Experimental.
	Handler *string `json:"handler"`
	// The path (relative to entry) to the index file containing the exported handler.
	// Experimental.
	Index *string `json:"index"`
	// The runtime environment.
	// Only runtimes of the Python family are
	// supported.
	// Experimental.
	Runtime awslambda.Runtime `json:"runtime"`

Properties for a PythonFunction. Experimental.

type PythonLayerVersion

type PythonLayerVersion interface {
	CompatibleRuntimes() *[]awslambda.Runtime
	Env() *awscdk.ResourceEnvironment
	LayerVersionArn() *string
	Node() constructs.Node
	PhysicalName() *string
	Stack() awscdk.Stack
	AddPermission(id *string, permission *awslambda.LayerVersionPermission)
	ApplyRemovalPolicy(policy awscdk.RemovalPolicy)
	GeneratePhysicalName() *string
	GetResourceArnAttribute(arnAttr *string, arnComponents *awscdk.ArnComponents) *string
	GetResourceNameAttribute(nameAttr *string) *string
	ToString() *string

A lambda layer version. Experimental.

func NewPythonLayerVersion

func NewPythonLayerVersion(scope constructs.Construct, id *string, props *PythonLayerVersionProps) PythonLayerVersion


type PythonLayerVersionProps

type PythonLayerVersionProps struct {
	// The description the this Lambda Layer.
	// Experimental.
	Description *string `json:"description"`
	// The name of the layer.
	// Experimental.
	LayerVersionName *string `json:"layerVersionName"`
	// The SPDX licence identifier or URL to the license file for this layer.
	// Experimental.
	License *string `json:"license"`
	// Whether to retain this version of the layer when a new version is added or when the stack is deleted.
	// Experimental.
	RemovalPolicy awscdk.RemovalPolicy `json:"removalPolicy"`
	// The path to the root directory of the lambda layer.
	// Experimental.
	Entry *string `json:"entry"`
	// The system architectures compatible with this layer.
	// Experimental.
	CompatibleArchitectures *[]awslambda.Architecture `json:"compatibleArchitectures"`
	// The runtimes compatible with the python layer.
	// Experimental.
	CompatibleRuntimes *[]awslambda.Runtime `json:"compatibleRuntimes"`

Properties for PythonLayerVersion. Experimental.


Path Synopsis
Package jsii contains the functionaility needed for jsii packages to initialize their dependencies and themselves.
Package jsii contains the functionaility needed for jsii packages to initialize their dependencies and themselves.

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