
v1.204.0-devpreview Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 19, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 11 Imported by: 0


Amazon EKS Construct Library

**This module is available for backwards compatibility purposes only (details). It will no longer be released with the CDK starting March 1st, 2020. See [issue

5544]( for upgrade instructions.**

This construct library allows you to define Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) clusters programmatically. This library also supports programmatically defining Kubernetes resource manifests within EKS clusters.

This example defines an Amazon EKS cluster with the following configuration:

  • 2x m5.large instances (this instance type suits most common use-cases, and is good value for money)
  • Dedicated VPC with default configuration (see ec2.Vpc)
  • A Kubernetes pod with a container based on the paulbouwer/hello-kubernetes image.
cluster := eks.NewCluster(this, jsii.String("hello-eks"))

cluster.AddResource(jsii.String("mypod"), map[string]interface{}{
	"apiVersion": jsii.String("v1"),
	"kind": jsii.String("Pod"),
	"metadata": map[string]*string{
		"name": jsii.String("mypod"),
	"spec": map[string][]map[string]interface{}{
		"containers": []map[string]interface{}{
				"name": jsii.String("hello"),
				"image": jsii.String("paulbouwer/hello-kubernetes:1.5"),
				"ports": []map[string]*f64{
						"containerPort": jsii.Number(8080),

Here is a complete sample.


By default, eks.Cluster is created with x2 m5.large instances.

eks.NewCluster(this, jsii.String("cluster-two-m5-large"))

The quantity and instance type for the default capacity can be specified through the defaultCapacity and defaultCapacityInstance props:

eks.NewCluster(this, jsii.String("cluster"), &ClusterProps{
	DefaultCapacity: jsii.Number(10),
	DefaultCapacityInstance: ec2.NewInstanceType(jsii.String("m2.xlarge")),

To disable the default capacity, simply set defaultCapacity to 0:

eks.NewCluster(this, jsii.String("cluster-with-no-capacity"), &ClusterProps{
	DefaultCapacity: jsii.Number(0),

The cluster.defaultCapacity property will reference the AutoScalingGroup resource for the default capacity. It will be undefined if defaultCapacity is set to 0:

cluster := eks.NewCluster(this, jsii.String("my-cluster"))
cluster.DefaultCapacity.scaleOnCpuUtilization(jsii.String("up"), &CpuUtilizationScalingProps{
	TargetUtilizationPercent: jsii.Number(80),

You can add customized capacity through cluster.addCapacity() or cluster.addAutoScalingGroup():

var cluster cluster

cluster.AddCapacity(jsii.String("frontend-nodes"), &CapacityOptions{
	InstanceType: ec2.NewInstanceType(jsii.String("t2.medium")),
	DesiredCapacity: jsii.Number(3),
	VpcSubnets: &SubnetSelection{
		SubnetType: ec2.SubnetType_PUBLIC,
Spot Capacity

If spotPrice is specified, the capacity will be purchased from spot instances:

var cluster cluster

cluster.AddCapacity(jsii.String("spot"), &CapacityOptions{
	SpotPrice: jsii.String("0.1094"),
	InstanceType: ec2.NewInstanceType(jsii.String("t3.large")),
	MaxCapacity: jsii.Number(10),

Spot instance nodes will be labeled with lifecycle=Ec2Spot and tainted with PreferNoSchedule.

The Spot Termination Handler DaemonSet will be installed on these nodes. The termination handler leverages EC2 Spot Instance Termination Notices to gracefully stop all pods running on spot nodes that are about to be terminated.


When adding capacity, you can specify options for /etc/eks/ which is responsible for associating the node to the EKS cluster. For example, you can use kubeletExtraArgs to add custom node labels or taints.

// up to ten spot instances
var cluster cluster

cluster.AddCapacity(jsii.String("spot"), &CapacityOptions{
	InstanceType: ec2.NewInstanceType(jsii.String("t3.large")),
	DesiredCapacity: jsii.Number(2),
	BootstrapOptions: &BootstrapOptions{
		KubeletExtraArgs: jsii.String("--node-labels foo=bar,goo=far"),
		AwsApiRetryAttempts: jsii.Number(5),

To disable bootstrapping altogether (i.e. to fully customize user-data), set bootstrapEnabled to false when you add the capacity.

Masters Role

The Amazon EKS construct library allows you to specify an IAM role that will be granted system:masters privileges on your cluster.

Without specifying a mastersRole, you will not be able to interact manually with the cluster.

The following example defines an IAM role that can be assumed by all users in the account and shows how to use the mastersRole property to map this role to the Kubernetes system:masters group:

// first define the role
clusterAdmin := iam.NewRole(this, jsii.String("AdminRole"), &RoleProps{
	AssumedBy: iam.NewAccountRootPrincipal(),

// now define the cluster and map role to "masters" RBAC group
// now define the cluster and map role to "masters" RBAC group
eks.NewCluster(this, jsii.String("Cluster"), &ClusterProps{
	MastersRole: clusterAdmin,

When you cdk deploy this CDK app, you will notice that an output will be printed with the update-kubeconfig command.

Something like this:

eks-integ-defaults.ClusterConfigCommand43AAE40F = aws eks update-kubeconfig --name cluster-ba7c166b-c4f3-421c-bf8a-6812e4036a33 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::112233445566:role/eks-integ-defaults-Role1ABCC5F0-1EFK2W5ZJD98Y

Copy & paste the "aws eks update-kubeconfig ..." command to your shell in order to connect to your EKS cluster with the "masters" role.

Now, given AWS CLI is configured to use AWS credentials for a user that is trusted by the masters role, you should be able to interact with your cluster through kubectl (the above example will trust all users in the account).

For example:

$ aws eks update-kubeconfig --name cluster-ba7c166b-c4f3-421c-bf8a-6812e4036a33 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::112233445566:role/eks-integ-defaults-Role1ABCC5F0-1EFK2W5ZJD98Y
Added new context arn:aws:eks:eu-west-2:112233445566:cluster/cluster-ba7c166b-c4f3-421c-bf8a-6812e4036a33 to /Users/boom/.kube/config

$ kubectl get nodes # list all nodes
NAME                                         STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION    Ready    <none>   21m   v1.13.7-eks-c57ff8   Ready    <none>   21m   v1.13.7-eks-c57ff8

$ kubectl get all -n kube-system
NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/aws-node-fpmwv             1/1     Running   0          21m
pod/aws-node-m9htf             1/1     Running   0          21m
pod/coredns-5cb4fb54c7-q222j   1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/coredns-5cb4fb54c7-v9nxx   1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/kube-proxy-d4jrh           1/1     Running   0          21m
pod/kube-proxy-q7hh7           1/1     Running   0          21m

NAME               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)         AGE
service/kube-dns   ClusterIP   <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP   23m

daemonset.apps/aws-node     2         2         2       2            2           <none>          23m
daemonset.apps/kube-proxy   2         2         2       2            2           <none>          23m

NAME                      READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/coredns   2/2     2            2           23m

NAME                                 DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/coredns-5cb4fb54c7   2         2         2       23m

For your convenience, an AWS CloudFormation output will automatically be included in your template and will be printed when running cdk deploy.

NOTE: if the cluster is configured with kubectlEnabled: false, it will be created with the role/user that created the AWS CloudFormation stack. See Kubectl Support for details.

Kubernetes Resources

The KubernetesResource construct or cluster.addResource method can be used to apply Kubernetes resource manifests to this cluster.

The following examples will deploy the paulbouwer/hello-kubernetes service on the cluster:

var cluster cluster
appLabel := map[string]*string{
	"app": jsii.String("hello-kubernetes"),

deployment := map[string]interface{}{
	"apiVersion": jsii.String("apps/v1"),
	"kind": jsii.String("Deployment"),
	"metadata": map[string]*string{
		"name": jsii.String("hello-kubernetes"),
	"spec": map[string]interface{}{
		"replicas": jsii.Number(3),
		"selector": map[string]map[string]*string{
			"matchLabels": appLabel,
		"template": map[string]map[string]map[string]*string{
			"metadata": map[string]map[string]*string{
				"labels": appLabel,
			"spec": map[string][]map[string]interface{}{
				"containers": []map[string]interface{}{
						"name": jsii.String("hello-kubernetes"),
						"image": jsii.String("paulbouwer/hello-kubernetes:1.5"),
						"ports": []map[string]*f64{
								"containerPort": jsii.Number(8080),

service := map[string]interface{}{
	"apiVersion": jsii.String("v1"),
	"kind": jsii.String("Service"),
	"metadata": map[string]*string{
		"name": jsii.String("hello-kubernetes"),
	"spec": map[string]interface{}{
		"type": jsii.String("LoadBalancer"),
		"ports": []map[string]*f64{
				"port": jsii.Number(80),
				"targetPort": jsii.Number(8080),
		"selector": appLabel,
// option 1: use a construct
// option 1: use a construct
eks.NewKubernetesResource(this, jsii.String("hello-kub"), &KubernetesResourceProps{
	Cluster: Cluster,
	Manifest: []interface{}{

// or, option2: use `addResource`
cluster.AddResource(jsii.String("hello-kub"), service, deployment)

Since Kubernetes resources are implemented as CloudFormation resources in the CDK. This means that if the resource is deleted from your code (or the stack is deleted), the next cdk deploy will issue a kubectl delete command and the Kubernetes resources will be deleted.

AWS IAM Mapping

As described in the Amazon EKS User Guide, you can map AWS IAM users and roles to Kubernetes Role-based access control (RBAC).

The Amazon EKS construct manages the aws-auth ConfigMap Kubernetes resource on your behalf and exposes an API through the cluster.awsAuth for mapping users, roles and accounts.

Furthermore, when auto-scaling capacity is added to the cluster (through cluster.addCapacity or cluster.addAutoScalingGroup), the IAM instance role of the auto-scaling group will be automatically mapped to RBAC so nodes can connect to the cluster. No manual mapping is required any longer.

NOTE: cluster.awsAuth will throw an error if your cluster is created with kubectlEnabled: false.

For example, let's say you want to grant an IAM user administrative privileges on your cluster:

var cluster cluster

adminUser := iam.NewUser(this, jsii.String("Admin"))
cluster.awsAuth.AddUserMapping(adminUser, &Mapping{
	Groups: []*string{

A convenience method for mapping a role to the system:masters group is also available:

var cluster cluster
var role role

Node ssh Access

If you want to be able to SSH into your worker nodes, you must already have an SSH key in the region you're connecting to and pass it, and you must be able to connect to the hosts (meaning they must have a public IP and you should be allowed to connect to them on port 22):

asg := cluster.AddCapacity(jsii.String("Nodes"), &CapacityOptions{
	InstanceType: ec2.NewInstanceType(jsii.String("t2.medium")),
	VpcSubnets: &SubnetSelection{
		SubnetType: ec2.SubnetType_PUBLIC,
	KeyName: jsii.String("my-key-name"),

// Replace with desired IP
asg.connections.AllowFrom(ec2.Peer_Ipv4(jsii.String("")), ec2.Port_Tcp(jsii.Number(22)))

If you want to SSH into nodes in a private subnet, you should set up a bastion host in a public subnet. That setup is recommended, but is unfortunately beyond the scope of this documentation.

kubectl Support

When you create an Amazon EKS cluster, the IAM entity user or role, such as a federated user that creates the cluster, is automatically granted system:masters permissions in the cluster's RBAC configuration.

In order to allow programmatically defining Kubernetes resources in your AWS CDK app and provisioning them through AWS CloudFormation, we will need to assume this "masters" role every time we want to issue kubectl operations against your cluster.

At the moment, the AWS::EKS::Cluster AWS CloudFormation resource does not support this behavior, so in order to support "programmatic kubectl", such as applying manifests and mapping IAM roles from within your CDK application, the Amazon EKS construct library uses a custom resource for provisioning the cluster. This custom resource is executed with an IAM role that we can then use to issue kubectl commands.

The default behavior of this library is to use this custom resource in order to retain programmatic control over the cluster. In other words: to allow you to define Kubernetes resources in your CDK code instead of having to manage your Kubernetes applications through a separate system.

One of the implications of this design is that, by default, the user who provisioned the AWS CloudFormation stack (executed cdk deploy) will not have administrative privileges on the EKS cluster.

  1. Additional resources will be synthesized into your template (the AWS Lambda function, the role and policy).
  2. As described in Interacting with Your Cluster, if you wish to be able to manually interact with your cluster, you will need to map an IAM role or user to the system:masters group. This can be either done by specifying a mastersRole when the cluster is defined, calling cluster.awsAuth.addMastersRole or explicitly mapping an IAM role or IAM user to the relevant Kubernetes RBAC groups using cluster.addRoleMapping and/or cluster.addUserMapping.

If you wish to disable the programmatic kubectl behavior and use the standard AWS::EKS::Cluster resource, you can specify kubectlEnabled: false when you define the cluster:

eks.NewCluster(this, jsii.String("cluster"), &ClusterProps{
	KubectlEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),

Take care: a change in this property will cause the cluster to be destroyed and a new cluster to be created.

When kubectl is disabled, you should be aware of the following:

  1. When you log-in to your cluster, you don't need to specify --role-arn as long as you are using the same user that created the cluster.
  2. As described in the Amazon EKS User Guide, you will need to manually edit the aws-auth ConfigMap when you add capacity in order to map the IAM instance role to RBAC to allow nodes to join the cluster.
  3. Any eks.Cluster APIs that depend on programmatic kubectl support will fail with an error: cluster.addResource, cluster.addChart, cluster.awsAuth, props.mastersRole.
Helm Charts

The HelmChart construct or cluster.addChart method can be used to add Kubernetes resources to this cluster using Helm.

The following example will install the NGINX Ingress Controller to you cluster using Helm.

var cluster cluster

// option 1: use a construct
// option 1: use a construct
eks.NewHelmChart(this, jsii.String("NginxIngress"), &HelmChartProps{
	Cluster: Cluster,
	Chart: jsii.String("nginx-ingress"),
	Repository: jsii.String(""),
	Namespace: jsii.String("kube-system"),

// or, option2: use `addChart`
cluster.AddChart(jsii.String("NginxIngress"), &HelmChartOptions{
	Chart: jsii.String("nginx-ingress"),
	Repository: jsii.String(""),
	Namespace: jsii.String("kube-system"),

Helm charts will be installed and updated using helm upgrade --install. This means that if the chart is added to CDK with the same release name, it will try to update the chart in the cluster. The chart will exists as CloudFormation resource.

Helm charts are implemented as CloudFormation resources in CDK. This means that if the chart is deleted from your code (or the stack is deleted), the next cdk deploy will issue a helm uninstall command and the Helm chart will be deleted.

When there is no release defined, the chart will be installed with a unique name allocated based on the construct path.

  • AutoScaling (combine EC2 and Kubernetes scaling)




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func AwsAuth_IsConstruct

func AwsAuth_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Return whether the given object is a Construct. Experimental.


func CfnAddon_CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME() *string

func CfnAddon_IsCfnElement

func CfnAddon_IsCfnElement(x interface{}) *bool

Returns `true` if a construct is a stack element (i.e. part of the synthesized cloudformation template).

Uses duck-typing instead of `instanceof` to allow stack elements from different versions of this library to be included in the same stack.

Returns: The construct as a stack element or undefined if it is not a stack element. Experimental.

func CfnAddon_IsCfnResource

func CfnAddon_IsCfnResource(construct constructs.IConstruct) *bool

Check whether the given construct is a CfnResource. Experimental.

func CfnAddon_IsConstruct

func CfnAddon_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Return whether the given object is a Construct. Experimental.


func CfnCluster_CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME() *string

func CfnCluster_IsCfnElement

func CfnCluster_IsCfnElement(x interface{}) *bool

Returns `true` if a construct is a stack element (i.e. part of the synthesized cloudformation template).

Uses duck-typing instead of `instanceof` to allow stack elements from different versions of this library to be included in the same stack.

Returns: The construct as a stack element or undefined if it is not a stack element. Experimental.

func CfnCluster_IsCfnResource

func CfnCluster_IsCfnResource(construct constructs.IConstruct) *bool

Check whether the given construct is a CfnResource. Experimental.

func CfnCluster_IsConstruct

func CfnCluster_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Return whether the given object is a Construct. Experimental.

func CfnFargateProfile_CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME

func CfnFargateProfile_CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME() *string

func CfnFargateProfile_IsCfnElement

func CfnFargateProfile_IsCfnElement(x interface{}) *bool

Returns `true` if a construct is a stack element (i.e. part of the synthesized cloudformation template).

Uses duck-typing instead of `instanceof` to allow stack elements from different versions of this library to be included in the same stack.

Returns: The construct as a stack element or undefined if it is not a stack element. Experimental.

func CfnFargateProfile_IsCfnResource

func CfnFargateProfile_IsCfnResource(construct constructs.IConstruct) *bool

Check whether the given construct is a CfnResource. Experimental.

func CfnFargateProfile_IsConstruct

func CfnFargateProfile_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Return whether the given object is a Construct. Experimental.

func CfnIdentityProviderConfig_CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME

func CfnIdentityProviderConfig_CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME() *string

func CfnIdentityProviderConfig_IsCfnElement

func CfnIdentityProviderConfig_IsCfnElement(x interface{}) *bool

Returns `true` if a construct is a stack element (i.e. part of the synthesized cloudformation template).

Uses duck-typing instead of `instanceof` to allow stack elements from different versions of this library to be included in the same stack.

Returns: The construct as a stack element or undefined if it is not a stack element. Experimental.

func CfnIdentityProviderConfig_IsCfnResource

func CfnIdentityProviderConfig_IsCfnResource(construct constructs.IConstruct) *bool

Check whether the given construct is a CfnResource. Experimental.

func CfnIdentityProviderConfig_IsConstruct

func CfnIdentityProviderConfig_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Return whether the given object is a Construct. Experimental.


func CfnNodegroup_CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME() *string

func CfnNodegroup_IsCfnElement

func CfnNodegroup_IsCfnElement(x interface{}) *bool

Returns `true` if a construct is a stack element (i.e. part of the synthesized cloudformation template).

Uses duck-typing instead of `instanceof` to allow stack elements from different versions of this library to be included in the same stack.

Returns: The construct as a stack element or undefined if it is not a stack element. Experimental.

func CfnNodegroup_IsCfnResource

func CfnNodegroup_IsCfnResource(construct constructs.IConstruct) *bool

Check whether the given construct is a CfnResource. Experimental.

func CfnNodegroup_IsConstruct

func CfnNodegroup_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Return whether the given object is a Construct. Experimental.

func Cluster_IsConstruct

func Cluster_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Return whether the given object is a Construct. Experimental.

func Cluster_IsResource

func Cluster_IsResource(construct awscdk.IConstruct) *bool

Check whether the given construct is a Resource. Experimental.

func HelmChart_IsConstruct

func HelmChart_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Return whether the given object is a Construct. Experimental.

func HelmChart_RESOURCE_TYPE

func HelmChart_RESOURCE_TYPE() *string

func KubernetesResource_IsConstruct

func KubernetesResource_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Return whether the given object is a Construct. Experimental.

func KubernetesResource_RESOURCE_TYPE

func KubernetesResource_RESOURCE_TYPE() *string

func NewAwsAuth_Override

func NewAwsAuth_Override(a AwsAuth, scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *AwsAuthProps)


func NewCfnAddon_Override

func NewCfnAddon_Override(c CfnAddon, scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *CfnAddonProps)

Create a new `AWS::EKS::Addon`.

func NewCfnCluster_Override

func NewCfnCluster_Override(c CfnCluster, scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *CfnClusterProps)

Create a new `AWS::EKS::Cluster`.

func NewCfnFargateProfile_Override

func NewCfnFargateProfile_Override(c CfnFargateProfile, scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *CfnFargateProfileProps)

Create a new `AWS::EKS::FargateProfile`.

func NewCfnIdentityProviderConfig_Override

func NewCfnIdentityProviderConfig_Override(c CfnIdentityProviderConfig, scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *CfnIdentityProviderConfigProps)

Create a new `AWS::EKS::IdentityProviderConfig`.

func NewCfnNodegroup_Override

func NewCfnNodegroup_Override(c CfnNodegroup, scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *CfnNodegroupProps)

Create a new `AWS::EKS::Nodegroup`.

func NewCluster_Override

func NewCluster_Override(c Cluster, scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *ClusterProps)

Initiates an EKS Cluster with the supplied arguments. Experimental.

func NewEksOptimizedImage_Override

func NewEksOptimizedImage_Override(e EksOptimizedImage, props *EksOptimizedImageProps)

Constructs a new instance of the EcsOptimizedAmi class. Experimental.

func NewHelmChart_Override

func NewHelmChart_Override(h HelmChart, scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *HelmChartProps)


func NewKubernetesResource_Override

func NewKubernetesResource_Override(k KubernetesResource, scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *KubernetesResourceProps)



type AutoScalingGroupOptions

type AutoScalingGroupOptions struct {
	// Configures the EC2 user-data script for instances in this autoscaling group to bootstrap the node (invoke `/etc/eks/`) and associate it with the EKS cluster.
	// If you wish to provide a custom user data script, set this to `false` and
	// manually invoke `autoscalingGroup.addUserData()`.
	// Experimental.
	BootstrapEnabled *bool `field:"optional" json:"bootstrapEnabled" yaml:"bootstrapEnabled"`
	// Allows options for node bootstrapping through EC2 user data.
	// Experimental.
	BootstrapOptions *BootstrapOptions `field:"optional" json:"bootstrapOptions" yaml:"bootstrapOptions"`
	// Will automatically update the aws-auth ConfigMap to map the IAM instance role to RBAC.
	// This cannot be explicitly set to `true` if the cluster has kubectl disabled.
	// Experimental.
	MapRole *bool `field:"optional" json:"mapRole" yaml:"mapRole"`

Options for adding an AutoScalingGroup as capacity.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

autoScalingGroupOptions := &AutoScalingGroupOptions{
	BootstrapEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),
	BootstrapOptions: &BootstrapOptions{
		AdditionalArgs: jsii.String("additionalArgs"),
		AwsApiRetryAttempts: jsii.Number(123),
		DockerConfigJson: jsii.String("dockerConfigJson"),
		EnableDockerBridge: jsii.Boolean(false),
		KubeletExtraArgs: jsii.String("kubeletExtraArgs"),
		UseMaxPods: jsii.Boolean(false),
	MapRole: jsii.Boolean(false),


type AwsAuth

type AwsAuth interface {
	// The construct tree node associated with this construct.
	// Experimental.
	Node() awscdk.ConstructNode
	// Additional AWS account to add to the aws-auth configmap.
	// Experimental.
	AddAccount(accountId *string)
	// Adds the specified IAM role to the `system:masters` RBAC group, which means that anyone that can assume it will be able to administer this Kubernetes system.
	// Experimental.
	AddMastersRole(role awsiam.IRole, username *string)
	// Adds a mapping between an IAM role to a Kubernetes user and groups.
	// Experimental.
	AddRoleMapping(role awsiam.IRole, mapping *Mapping)
	// Adds a mapping between an IAM user to a Kubernetes user and groups.
	// Experimental.
	AddUserMapping(user awsiam.IUser, mapping *Mapping)
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	OnSynthesize(session constructs.ISynthesisSession)
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	OnValidate() *[]*string
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	Synthesize(session awscdk.ISynthesisSession)
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	Validate() *[]*string

Manages mapping between IAM users and roles to Kubernetes RBAC configuration.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

var cluster cluster

awsAuth := awscdk.Aws_eks_legacy.NewAwsAuth(this, jsii.String("MyAwsAuth"), &AwsAuthProps{
	Cluster: cluster,



func NewAwsAuth

func NewAwsAuth(scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *AwsAuthProps) AwsAuth


type AwsAuthProps

type AwsAuthProps struct {
	// The EKS cluster to apply this configuration to.
	// [disable-awslint:ref-via-interface].
	// Experimental.
	Cluster Cluster `field:"required" json:"cluster" yaml:"cluster"`


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

var cluster cluster

awsAuthProps := &AwsAuthProps{
	Cluster: cluster,


type BootstrapOptions

type BootstrapOptions struct {
	// Additional command line arguments to pass to the `/etc/eks/` command.
	// See:
	// Experimental.
	AdditionalArgs *string `field:"optional" json:"additionalArgs" yaml:"additionalArgs"`
	// Number of retry attempts for AWS API call (DescribeCluster).
	// Experimental.
	AwsApiRetryAttempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"awsApiRetryAttempts" yaml:"awsApiRetryAttempts"`
	// The contents of the `/etc/docker/daemon.json` file. Useful if you want a custom config differing from the default one in the EKS AMI.
	// Experimental.
	DockerConfigJson *string `field:"optional" json:"dockerConfigJson" yaml:"dockerConfigJson"`
	// Restores the docker default bridge network.
	// Experimental.
	EnableDockerBridge *bool `field:"optional" json:"enableDockerBridge" yaml:"enableDockerBridge"`
	// Extra arguments to add to the kubelet. Useful for adding labels or taints.
	// For example, `--node-labels foo=bar,goo=far`.
	// Experimental.
	KubeletExtraArgs *string `field:"optional" json:"kubeletExtraArgs" yaml:"kubeletExtraArgs"`
	// Sets `--max-pods` for the kubelet based on the capacity of the EC2 instance.
	// Experimental.
	UseMaxPods *bool `field:"optional" json:"useMaxPods" yaml:"useMaxPods"`


// up to ten spot instances
var cluster cluster

cluster.AddCapacity(jsii.String("spot"), &CapacityOptions{
	InstanceType: ec2.NewInstanceType(jsii.String("t3.large")),
	DesiredCapacity: jsii.Number(2),
	BootstrapOptions: &BootstrapOptions{
		KubeletExtraArgs: jsii.String("--node-labels foo=bar,goo=far"),
		AwsApiRetryAttempts: jsii.Number(5),


type CapacityOptions

type CapacityOptions struct {
	// Whether the instances can initiate connections to anywhere by default.
	// Experimental.
	AllowAllOutbound *bool `field:"optional" json:"allowAllOutbound" yaml:"allowAllOutbound"`
	// Whether instances in the Auto Scaling Group should have public IP addresses associated with them.
	// Experimental.
	AssociatePublicIpAddress *bool `field:"optional" json:"associatePublicIpAddress" yaml:"associatePublicIpAddress"`
	// The name of the Auto Scaling group.
	// This name must be unique per Region per account.
	// Experimental.
	AutoScalingGroupName *string `field:"optional" json:"autoScalingGroupName" yaml:"autoScalingGroupName"`
	// Specifies how block devices are exposed to the instance. You can specify virtual devices and EBS volumes.
	// Each instance that is launched has an associated root device volume,
	// either an Amazon EBS volume or an instance store volume.
	// You can use block device mappings to specify additional EBS volumes or
	// instance store volumes to attach to an instance when it is launched.
	// See:
	// Experimental.
	BlockDevices *[]*awsautoscaling.BlockDevice `field:"optional" json:"blockDevices" yaml:"blockDevices"`
	// Default scaling cooldown for this AutoScalingGroup.
	// Experimental.
	Cooldown awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"cooldown" yaml:"cooldown"`
	// Initial amount of instances in the fleet.
	// If this is set to a number, every deployment will reset the amount of
	// instances to this number. It is recommended to leave this value blank.
	// See:
	// Experimental.
	DesiredCapacity *float64 `field:"optional" json:"desiredCapacity" yaml:"desiredCapacity"`
	// Enable monitoring for group metrics, these metrics describe the group rather than any of its instances.
	// To report all group metrics use `GroupMetrics.all()`
	// Group metrics are reported in a granularity of 1 minute at no additional charge.
	// Experimental.
	GroupMetrics *[]awsautoscaling.GroupMetrics `field:"optional" json:"groupMetrics" yaml:"groupMetrics"`
	// Configuration for health checks.
	// Experimental.
	HealthCheck awsautoscaling.HealthCheck `field:"optional" json:"healthCheck" yaml:"healthCheck"`
	// If the ASG has scheduled actions, don't reset unchanged group sizes.
	// Only used if the ASG has scheduled actions (which may scale your ASG up
	// or down regardless of cdk deployments). If true, the size of the group
	// will only be reset if it has been changed in the CDK app. If false, the
	// sizes will always be changed back to what they were in the CDK app
	// on deployment.
	// Experimental.
	IgnoreUnmodifiedSizeProperties *bool `field:"optional" json:"ignoreUnmodifiedSizeProperties" yaml:"ignoreUnmodifiedSizeProperties"`
	// Controls whether instances in this group are launched with detailed or basic monitoring.
	// When detailed monitoring is enabled, Amazon CloudWatch generates metrics every minute and your account
	// is charged a fee. When you disable detailed monitoring, CloudWatch generates metrics every 5 minutes.
	// See:
	// Experimental.
	InstanceMonitoring awsautoscaling.Monitoring `field:"optional" json:"instanceMonitoring" yaml:"instanceMonitoring"`
	// Name of SSH keypair to grant access to instances.
	// Experimental.
	KeyName *string `field:"optional" json:"keyName" yaml:"keyName"`
	// Maximum number of instances in the fleet.
	// Experimental.
	MaxCapacity *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxCapacity" yaml:"maxCapacity"`
	// The maximum amount of time that an instance can be in service.
	// The maximum duration applies
	// to all current and future instances in the group. As an instance approaches its maximum duration,
	// it is terminated and replaced, and cannot be used again.
	// You must specify a value of at least 604,800 seconds (7 days). To clear a previously set value,
	// leave this property undefined.
	// See:
	// Experimental.
	MaxInstanceLifetime awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"maxInstanceLifetime" yaml:"maxInstanceLifetime"`
	// Minimum number of instances in the fleet.
	// Experimental.
	MinCapacity *float64 `field:"optional" json:"minCapacity" yaml:"minCapacity"`
	// Whether newly-launched instances are protected from termination by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling when scaling in.
	// By default, Auto Scaling can terminate an instance at any time after launch
	// when scaling in an Auto Scaling Group, subject to the group's termination
	// policy. However, you may wish to protect newly-launched instances from
	// being scaled in if they are going to run critical applications that should
	// not be prematurely terminated.
	// This flag must be enabled if the Auto Scaling Group will be associated with
	// an ECS Capacity Provider with managed termination protection.
	// Experimental.
	NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn *bool `field:"optional" json:"newInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn" yaml:"newInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn"`
	// Configure autoscaling group to send notifications about fleet changes to an SNS topic(s).
	// See:
	// Experimental.
	Notifications *[]*awsautoscaling.NotificationConfiguration `field:"optional" json:"notifications" yaml:"notifications"`
	// SNS topic to send notifications about fleet changes.
	// Deprecated: use `notifications`.
	NotificationsTopic awssns.ITopic `field:"optional" json:"notificationsTopic" yaml:"notificationsTopic"`
	// Configuration for replacing updates.
	// Only used if updateType == UpdateType.ReplacingUpdate. Specifies how
	// many instances must signal success for the update to succeed.
	// Deprecated: Use `signals` instead.
	ReplacingUpdateMinSuccessfulInstancesPercent *float64 `field:"optional" json:"replacingUpdateMinSuccessfulInstancesPercent" yaml:"replacingUpdateMinSuccessfulInstancesPercent"`
	// How many ResourceSignal calls CloudFormation expects before the resource is considered created.
	// Deprecated: Use `signals` instead.
	ResourceSignalCount *float64 `field:"optional" json:"resourceSignalCount" yaml:"resourceSignalCount"`
	// The length of time to wait for the resourceSignalCount.
	// The maximum value is 43200 (12 hours).
	// Deprecated: Use `signals` instead.
	ResourceSignalTimeout awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"resourceSignalTimeout" yaml:"resourceSignalTimeout"`
	// Configuration for rolling updates.
	// Only used if updateType == UpdateType.RollingUpdate.
	// Deprecated: Use `updatePolicy` instead.
	RollingUpdateConfiguration *awsautoscaling.RollingUpdateConfiguration `field:"optional" json:"rollingUpdateConfiguration" yaml:"rollingUpdateConfiguration"`
	// Configure waiting for signals during deployment.
	// Use this to pause the CloudFormation deployment to wait for the instances
	// in the AutoScalingGroup to report successful startup during
	// creation and updates. The UserData script needs to invoke `cfn-signal`
	// with a success or failure code after it is done setting up the instance.
	// Without waiting for signals, the CloudFormation deployment will proceed as
	// soon as the AutoScalingGroup has been created or updated but before the
	// instances in the group have been started.
	// For example, to have instances wait for an Elastic Load Balancing health check before
	// they signal success, add a health-check verification by using the
	// cfn-init helper script. For an example, see the verify_instance_health
	// command in the Auto Scaling rolling updates sample template:
	// Experimental.
	Signals awsautoscaling.Signals `field:"optional" json:"signals" yaml:"signals"`
	// The maximum hourly price (in USD) to be paid for any Spot Instance launched to fulfill the request.
	// Spot Instances are
	// launched when the price you specify exceeds the current Spot market price.
	// Experimental.
	SpotPrice *string `field:"optional" json:"spotPrice" yaml:"spotPrice"`
	// A policy or a list of policies that are used to select the instances to terminate.
	// The policies are executed in the order that you list them.
	// See:
	// Experimental.
	TerminationPolicies *[]awsautoscaling.TerminationPolicy `field:"optional" json:"terminationPolicies" yaml:"terminationPolicies"`
	// What to do when an AutoScalingGroup's instance configuration is changed.
	// This is applied when any of the settings on the ASG are changed that
	// affect how the instances should be created (VPC, instance type, startup
	// scripts, etc.). It indicates how the existing instances should be
	// replaced with new instances matching the new config. By default, nothing
	// is done and only new instances are launched with the new config.
	// Experimental.
	UpdatePolicy awsautoscaling.UpdatePolicy `field:"optional" json:"updatePolicy" yaml:"updatePolicy"`
	// What to do when an AutoScalingGroup's instance configuration is changed.
	// This is applied when any of the settings on the ASG are changed that
	// affect how the instances should be created (VPC, instance type, startup
	// scripts, etc.). It indicates how the existing instances should be
	// replaced with new instances matching the new config. By default, nothing
	// is done and only new instances are launched with the new config.
	// Deprecated: Use `updatePolicy` instead.
	UpdateType awsautoscaling.UpdateType `field:"optional" json:"updateType" yaml:"updateType"`
	// Where to place instances within the VPC.
	// Experimental.
	VpcSubnets *awsec2.SubnetSelection `field:"optional" json:"vpcSubnets" yaml:"vpcSubnets"`
	// Instance type of the instances to start.
	// Experimental.
	InstanceType awsec2.InstanceType `field:"required" json:"instanceType" yaml:"instanceType"`
	// Configures the EC2 user-data script for instances in this autoscaling group to bootstrap the node (invoke `/etc/eks/`) and associate it with the EKS cluster.
	// If you wish to provide a custom user data script, set this to `false` and
	// manually invoke `autoscalingGroup.addUserData()`.
	// Experimental.
	BootstrapEnabled *bool `field:"optional" json:"bootstrapEnabled" yaml:"bootstrapEnabled"`
	// EKS node bootstrapping options.
	// Experimental.
	BootstrapOptions *BootstrapOptions `field:"optional" json:"bootstrapOptions" yaml:"bootstrapOptions"`
	// Will automatically update the aws-auth ConfigMap to map the IAM instance role to RBAC.
	// This cannot be explicitly set to `true` if the cluster has kubectl disabled.
	// Experimental.
	MapRole *bool `field:"optional" json:"mapRole" yaml:"mapRole"`

Options for adding worker nodes.


var cluster cluster

cluster.AddCapacity(jsii.String("frontend-nodes"), &CapacityOptions{
	InstanceType: ec2.NewInstanceType(jsii.String("t2.medium")),
	DesiredCapacity: jsii.Number(3),
	VpcSubnets: &SubnetSelection{
		SubnetType: ec2.SubnetType_PUBLIC,


type CfnAddon

type CfnAddon interface {
	// The name of the add-on.
	AddonName() *string
	SetAddonName(val *string)
	// The version of the add-on.
	AddonVersion() *string
	SetAddonVersion(val *string)
	// The ARN of the add-on, such as `arn:aws:eks:us-west-2:111122223333:addon/1-19/vpc-cni/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx` .
	AttrArn() *string
	// Options for this resource, such as condition, update policy etc.
	// Experimental.
	CfnOptions() awscdk.ICfnResourceOptions
	CfnProperties() *map[string]interface{}
	// AWS resource type.
	// Experimental.
	CfnResourceType() *string
	// The name of the cluster.
	ClusterName() *string
	SetClusterName(val *string)
	// The configuration values that you provided.
	ConfigurationValues() *string
	SetConfigurationValues(val *string)
	// Returns: the stack trace of the point where this Resource was created from, sourced
	// from the +metadata+ entry typed +aws:cdk:logicalId+, and with the bottom-most
	// node +internal+ entries filtered.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// The logical ID for this CloudFormation stack element.
	// The logical ID of the element
	// is calculated from the path of the resource node in the construct tree.
	// To override this value, use `overrideLogicalId(newLogicalId)`.
	// Returns: the logical ID as a stringified token. This value will only get
	// resolved during synthesis.
	// Experimental.
	LogicalId() *string
	// The construct tree node associated with this construct.
	// Experimental.
	Node() awscdk.ConstructNode
	// Specifying this option preserves the add-on software on your cluster but Amazon EKS stops managing any settings for the add-on.
	// If an IAM account is associated with the add-on, it isn't removed.
	PreserveOnDelete() interface{}
	SetPreserveOnDelete(val interface{})
	// Return a string that will be resolved to a CloudFormation `{ Ref }` for this element.
	// If, by any chance, the intrinsic reference of a resource is not a string, you could
	// coerce it to an IResolvable through `Lazy.any({ produce: resource.ref })`.
	// Experimental.
	Ref() *string
	// How to resolve field value conflicts for an Amazon EKS add-on.
	// Conflicts are handled based on the value you choose:
	// - *None* – If the self-managed version of the add-on is installed on your cluster, Amazon EKS doesn't change the value. Creation of the add-on might fail.
	// - *Overwrite* – If the self-managed version of the add-on is installed on your cluster and the Amazon EKS default value is different than the existing value, Amazon EKS changes the value to the Amazon EKS default value.
	// - *Preserve* – Not supported. You can set this value when updating an add-on though. For more information, see [UpdateAddon]( .
	// If you don't currently have the self-managed version of the add-on installed on your cluster, the Amazon EKS add-on is installed. Amazon EKS sets all values to default values, regardless of the option that you specify.
	ResolveConflicts() *string
	SetResolveConflicts(val *string)
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an existing IAM role to bind to the add-on's service account.
	// The role must be assigned the IAM permissions required by the add-on. If you don't specify an existing IAM role, then the add-on uses the permissions assigned to the node IAM role. For more information, see [Amazon EKS node IAM role]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	// > To specify an existing IAM role, you must have an IAM OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider created for your cluster. For more information, see [Enabling IAM roles for service accounts on your cluster]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	ServiceAccountRoleArn() *string
	SetServiceAccountRoleArn(val *string)
	// The stack in which this element is defined.
	// CfnElements must be defined within a stack scope (directly or indirectly).
	// Experimental.
	Stack() awscdk.Stack
	// The metadata that you apply to the add-on to assist with categorization and organization.
	// Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. Add-on tags do not propagate to any other resources associated with the cluster.
	Tags() awscdk.TagManager
	// Return properties modified after initiation.
	// Resources that expose mutable properties should override this function to
	// collect and return the properties object for this resource.
	// Experimental.
	UpdatedProperites() *map[string]interface{}
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride(path, undefined)`.
	// Experimental.
	AddDeletionOverride(path *string)
	// Indicates that this resource depends on another resource and cannot be provisioned unless the other resource has been successfully provisioned.
	// This can be used for resources across stacks (or nested stack) boundaries
	// and the dependency will automatically be transferred to the relevant scope.
	// Experimental.
	AddDependsOn(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Add a value to the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	// Experimental.
	AddMetadata(key *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override to the synthesized CloudFormation resource.
	// To add a
	// property override, either use `addPropertyOverride` or prefix `path` with
	// "Properties." (i.e. `Properties.TopicName`).
	// If the override is nested, separate each nested level using a dot (.) in the path parameter.
	// If there is an array as part of the nesting, specify the index in the path.
	// To include a literal `.` in the property name, prefix with a `\`. In most
	// programming languages you will need to write this as `"\\."` because the
	// `\` itself will need to be escaped.
	// For example,
	// “`typescript
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.0.Projection.NonKeyAttributes', ['myattribute']);
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.1.ProjectionType', 'INCLUDE');
	// “`
	// would add the overrides
	// “`json
	// "Properties": {
	//    "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [
	//      {
	//        "Projection": {
	//          "NonKeyAttributes": [ "myattribute" ]
	//          ...
	//        }
	//        ...
	//      },
	//      {
	//        "ProjectionType": "INCLUDE"
	//        ...
	//      },
	//    ]
	//    ...
	// }
	// “`
	// The `value` argument to `addOverride` will not be processed or translated
	// in any way. Pass raw JSON values in here with the correct capitalization
	// for CloudFormation. If you pass CDK classes or structs, they will be
	// rendered with lowercased key names, and CloudFormation will reject the
	// template.
	// Experimental.
	AddOverride(path *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override that deletes the value of a property from the resource definition.
	// Experimental.
	AddPropertyDeletionOverride(propertyPath *string)
	// Adds an override to a resource property.
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride("Properties.<...>", value)`.
	// Experimental.
	AddPropertyOverride(propertyPath *string, value interface{})
	// Sets the deletion policy of the resource based on the removal policy specified.
	// The Removal Policy controls what happens to this resource when it stops
	// being managed by CloudFormation, either because you've removed it from the
	// CDK application or because you've made a change that requires the resource
	// to be replaced.
	// The resource can be deleted (`RemovalPolicy.DESTROY`), or left in your AWS
	// account for data recovery and cleanup later (`RemovalPolicy.RETAIN`).
	// Experimental.
	ApplyRemovalPolicy(policy awscdk.RemovalPolicy, options *awscdk.RemovalPolicyOptions)
	// Returns a token for an runtime attribute of this resource.
	// Ideally, use generated attribute accessors (e.g. `resource.arn`), but this can be used for future compatibility
	// in case there is no generated attribute.
	// Experimental.
	GetAtt(attributeName *string) awscdk.Reference
	// Retrieve a value value from the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	// Experimental.
	GetMetadata(key *string) interface{}
	// Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
	Inspect(inspector awscdk.TreeInspector)
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	OnSynthesize(session constructs.ISynthesisSession)
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	OnValidate() *[]*string
	// Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
	// Experimental.
	OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string)
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	RenderProperties(props *map[string]interface{}) *map[string]interface{}
	// Can be overridden by subclasses to determine if this resource will be rendered into the cloudformation template.
	// Returns: `true` if the resource should be included or `false` is the resource
	// should be omitted.
	// Experimental.
	ShouldSynthesize() *bool
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	Synthesize(session awscdk.ISynthesisSession)
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	// Returns: a string representation of this resource.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	Validate() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	ValidateProperties(_properties interface{})

A CloudFormation `AWS::EKS::Addon`.

Creates an Amazon EKS add-on.

Amazon EKS add-ons help to automate the provisioning and lifecycle management of common operational software for Amazon EKS clusters. For more information, see [Amazon EKS add-ons]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnAddon := awscdk.Aws_eks_legacy.NewCfnAddon(this, jsii.String("MyCfnAddon"), &CfnAddonProps{
	AddonName: jsii.String("addonName"),
	ClusterName: jsii.String("clusterName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	AddonVersion: jsii.String("addonVersion"),
	ConfigurationValues: jsii.String("configurationValues"),
	PreserveOnDelete: jsii.Boolean(false),
	ResolveConflicts: jsii.String("resolveConflicts"),
	ServiceAccountRoleArn: jsii.String("serviceAccountRoleArn"),
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),

func NewCfnAddon

func NewCfnAddon(scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *CfnAddonProps) CfnAddon

Create a new `AWS::EKS::Addon`.

type CfnAddonProps

type CfnAddonProps struct {
	// The name of the add-on.
	AddonName *string `field:"required" json:"addonName" yaml:"addonName"`
	// The name of the cluster.
	ClusterName *string `field:"required" json:"clusterName" yaml:"clusterName"`
	// The version of the add-on.
	AddonVersion *string `field:"optional" json:"addonVersion" yaml:"addonVersion"`
	// The configuration values that you provided.
	ConfigurationValues *string `field:"optional" json:"configurationValues" yaml:"configurationValues"`
	// Specifying this option preserves the add-on software on your cluster but Amazon EKS stops managing any settings for the add-on.
	// If an IAM account is associated with the add-on, it isn't removed.
	PreserveOnDelete interface{} `field:"optional" json:"preserveOnDelete" yaml:"preserveOnDelete"`
	// How to resolve field value conflicts for an Amazon EKS add-on.
	// Conflicts are handled based on the value you choose:
	// - *None* – If the self-managed version of the add-on is installed on your cluster, Amazon EKS doesn't change the value. Creation of the add-on might fail.
	// - *Overwrite* – If the self-managed version of the add-on is installed on your cluster and the Amazon EKS default value is different than the existing value, Amazon EKS changes the value to the Amazon EKS default value.
	// - *Preserve* – Not supported. You can set this value when updating an add-on though. For more information, see [UpdateAddon]( .
	// If you don't currently have the self-managed version of the add-on installed on your cluster, the Amazon EKS add-on is installed. Amazon EKS sets all values to default values, regardless of the option that you specify.
	ResolveConflicts *string `field:"optional" json:"resolveConflicts" yaml:"resolveConflicts"`
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an existing IAM role to bind to the add-on's service account.
	// The role must be assigned the IAM permissions required by the add-on. If you don't specify an existing IAM role, then the add-on uses the permissions assigned to the node IAM role. For more information, see [Amazon EKS node IAM role]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	// > To specify an existing IAM role, you must have an IAM OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider created for your cluster. For more information, see [Enabling IAM roles for service accounts on your cluster]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	ServiceAccountRoleArn *string `field:"optional" json:"serviceAccountRoleArn" yaml:"serviceAccountRoleArn"`
	// The metadata that you apply to the add-on to assist with categorization and organization.
	// Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. Add-on tags do not propagate to any other resources associated with the cluster.
	Tags *[]*awscdk.CfnTag `field:"optional" json:"tags" yaml:"tags"`

Properties for defining a `CfnAddon`.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnAddonProps := &CfnAddonProps{
	AddonName: jsii.String("addonName"),
	ClusterName: jsii.String("clusterName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	AddonVersion: jsii.String("addonVersion"),
	ConfigurationValues: jsii.String("configurationValues"),
	PreserveOnDelete: jsii.Boolean(false),
	ResolveConflicts: jsii.String("resolveConflicts"),
	ServiceAccountRoleArn: jsii.String("serviceAccountRoleArn"),
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),

type CfnCluster

type CfnCluster interface {
	// The ARN of the cluster, such as `arn:aws:eks:us-west-2:666666666666:cluster/prod` .
	AttrArn() *string
	// The `certificate-authority-data` for your cluster.
	AttrCertificateAuthorityData() *string
	// The cluster security group that was created by Amazon EKS for the cluster.
	// Managed node groups use this security group for control plane to data plane communication.
	// This parameter is only returned by Amazon EKS clusters that support managed node groups. For more information, see [Managed node groups]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	AttrClusterSecurityGroupId() *string
	// Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or alias of the customer master key (CMK).
	AttrEncryptionConfigKeyArn() *string
	// The endpoint for your Kubernetes API server, such as `` .
	AttrEndpoint() *string
	// The ID of your local Amazon EKS cluster on an AWS Outpost.
	// This property isn't available for an Amazon EKS cluster on the AWS cloud.
	AttrId() *string
	// The CIDR block that Kubernetes Service IP addresses are assigned from if you created a `1.21` or later cluster with version `>1.10.1` or later of the Amazon VPC CNI add-on and specified `ipv6` for *ipFamily* when you created the cluster. Kubernetes assigns Service addresses from the unique local address range ( `fc00::/7` ) because you can't specify a custom `IPv6` CIDR block when you create the cluster.
	AttrKubernetesNetworkConfigServiceIpv6Cidr() *string
	// The issuer URL for the OIDC identity provider.
	AttrOpenIdConnectIssuerUrl() *string
	// Options for this resource, such as condition, update policy etc.
	// Experimental.
	CfnOptions() awscdk.ICfnResourceOptions
	CfnProperties() *map[string]interface{}
	// AWS resource type.
	// Experimental.
	CfnResourceType() *string
	// Returns: the stack trace of the point where this Resource was created from, sourced
	// from the +metadata+ entry typed +aws:cdk:logicalId+, and with the bottom-most
	// node +internal+ entries filtered.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// The encryption configuration for the cluster.
	EncryptionConfig() interface{}
	SetEncryptionConfig(val interface{})
	// The Kubernetes network configuration for the cluster.
	KubernetesNetworkConfig() interface{}
	SetKubernetesNetworkConfig(val interface{})
	// The logging configuration for your cluster.
	Logging() interface{}
	SetLogging(val interface{})
	// The logical ID for this CloudFormation stack element.
	// The logical ID of the element
	// is calculated from the path of the resource node in the construct tree.
	// To override this value, use `overrideLogicalId(newLogicalId)`.
	// Returns: the logical ID as a stringified token. This value will only get
	// resolved during synthesis.
	// Experimental.
	LogicalId() *string
	// The unique name to give to your cluster.
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	// The construct tree node associated with this construct.
	// Experimental.
	Node() awscdk.ConstructNode
	// An object representing the configuration of your local Amazon EKS cluster on an AWS Outpost.
	// This object isn't available for clusters on the AWS cloud.
	OutpostConfig() interface{}
	SetOutpostConfig(val interface{})
	// Return a string that will be resolved to a CloudFormation `{ Ref }` for this element.
	// If, by any chance, the intrinsic reference of a resource is not a string, you could
	// coerce it to an IResolvable through `Lazy.any({ produce: resource.ref })`.
	// Experimental.
	Ref() *string
	// The VPC configuration that's used by the cluster control plane.
	// Amazon EKS VPC resources have specific requirements to work properly with Kubernetes. For more information, see [Cluster VPC Considerations]( and [Cluster Security Group Considerations]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* . You must specify at least two subnets. You can specify up to five security groups, but we recommend that you use a dedicated security group for your cluster control plane.
	// > Updates require replacement of the `SecurityGroupIds` and `SubnetIds` sub-properties.
	ResourcesVpcConfig() interface{}
	SetResourcesVpcConfig(val interface{})
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that provides permissions for the Kubernetes control plane to make calls to AWS API operations on your behalf.
	// For more information, see [Amazon EKS Service IAM Role]( in the **Amazon EKS User Guide** .
	RoleArn() *string
	SetRoleArn(val *string)
	// The stack in which this element is defined.
	// CfnElements must be defined within a stack scope (directly or indirectly).
	// Experimental.
	Stack() awscdk.Stack
	// The metadata that you apply to the cluster to assist with categorization and organization.
	// Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. Cluster tags don't propagate to any other resources associated with the cluster.
	// > You must have the `eks:TagResource` and `eks:UntagResource` permissions for your [IAM principal]( to manage the AWS CloudFormation stack. If you don't have these permissions, there might be unexpected behavior with stack-level tags propagating to the resource during resource creation and update.
	Tags() awscdk.TagManager
	// Return properties modified after initiation.
	// Resources that expose mutable properties should override this function to
	// collect and return the properties object for this resource.
	// Experimental.
	UpdatedProperites() *map[string]interface{}
	// The desired Kubernetes version for your cluster.
	// If you don't specify a value here, the default version available in Amazon EKS is used.
	// > The default version might not be the latest version available.
	Version() *string
	SetVersion(val *string)
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride(path, undefined)`.
	// Experimental.
	AddDeletionOverride(path *string)
	// Indicates that this resource depends on another resource and cannot be provisioned unless the other resource has been successfully provisioned.
	// This can be used for resources across stacks (or nested stack) boundaries
	// and the dependency will automatically be transferred to the relevant scope.
	// Experimental.
	AddDependsOn(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Add a value to the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	// Experimental.
	AddMetadata(key *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override to the synthesized CloudFormation resource.
	// To add a
	// property override, either use `addPropertyOverride` or prefix `path` with
	// "Properties." (i.e. `Properties.TopicName`).
	// If the override is nested, separate each nested level using a dot (.) in the path parameter.
	// If there is an array as part of the nesting, specify the index in the path.
	// To include a literal `.` in the property name, prefix with a `\`. In most
	// programming languages you will need to write this as `"\\."` because the
	// `\` itself will need to be escaped.
	// For example,
	// “`typescript
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.0.Projection.NonKeyAttributes', ['myattribute']);
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.1.ProjectionType', 'INCLUDE');
	// “`
	// would add the overrides
	// “`json
	// "Properties": {
	//    "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [
	//      {
	//        "Projection": {
	//          "NonKeyAttributes": [ "myattribute" ]
	//          ...
	//        }
	//        ...
	//      },
	//      {
	//        "ProjectionType": "INCLUDE"
	//        ...
	//      },
	//    ]
	//    ...
	// }
	// “`
	// The `value` argument to `addOverride` will not be processed or translated
	// in any way. Pass raw JSON values in here with the correct capitalization
	// for CloudFormation. If you pass CDK classes or structs, they will be
	// rendered with lowercased key names, and CloudFormation will reject the
	// template.
	// Experimental.
	AddOverride(path *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override that deletes the value of a property from the resource definition.
	// Experimental.
	AddPropertyDeletionOverride(propertyPath *string)
	// Adds an override to a resource property.
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride("Properties.<...>", value)`.
	// Experimental.
	AddPropertyOverride(propertyPath *string, value interface{})
	// Sets the deletion policy of the resource based on the removal policy specified.
	// The Removal Policy controls what happens to this resource when it stops
	// being managed by CloudFormation, either because you've removed it from the
	// CDK application or because you've made a change that requires the resource
	// to be replaced.
	// The resource can be deleted (`RemovalPolicy.DESTROY`), or left in your AWS
	// account for data recovery and cleanup later (`RemovalPolicy.RETAIN`).
	// Experimental.
	ApplyRemovalPolicy(policy awscdk.RemovalPolicy, options *awscdk.RemovalPolicyOptions)
	// Returns a token for an runtime attribute of this resource.
	// Ideally, use generated attribute accessors (e.g. `resource.arn`), but this can be used for future compatibility
	// in case there is no generated attribute.
	// Experimental.
	GetAtt(attributeName *string) awscdk.Reference
	// Retrieve a value value from the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	// Experimental.
	GetMetadata(key *string) interface{}
	// Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
	Inspect(inspector awscdk.TreeInspector)
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	OnSynthesize(session constructs.ISynthesisSession)
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	OnValidate() *[]*string
	// Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
	// Experimental.
	OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string)
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	RenderProperties(props *map[string]interface{}) *map[string]interface{}
	// Can be overridden by subclasses to determine if this resource will be rendered into the cloudformation template.
	// Returns: `true` if the resource should be included or `false` is the resource
	// should be omitted.
	// Experimental.
	ShouldSynthesize() *bool
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	Synthesize(session awscdk.ISynthesisSession)
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	// Returns: a string representation of this resource.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	Validate() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	ValidateProperties(_properties interface{})

A CloudFormation `AWS::EKS::Cluster`.

Creates an Amazon EKS control plane.

The Amazon EKS control plane consists of control plane instances that run the Kubernetes software, such as `etcd` and the API server. The control plane runs in an account managed by AWS , and the Kubernetes API is exposed by the Amazon EKS API server endpoint. Each Amazon EKS cluster control plane is single tenant and unique. It runs on its own set of Amazon EC2 instances.

The cluster control plane is provisioned across multiple Availability Zones and fronted by an Elastic Load Balancing Network Load Balancer. Amazon EKS also provisions elastic network interfaces in your VPC subnets to provide connectivity from the control plane instances to the nodes (for example, to support `kubectl exec` , `logs` , and `proxy` data flows).

Amazon EKS nodes run in your AWS account and connect to your cluster's control plane over the Kubernetes API server endpoint and a certificate file that is created for your cluster.

In most cases, it takes several minutes to create a cluster. After you create an Amazon EKS cluster, you must configure your Kubernetes tooling to communicate with the API server and launch nodes into your cluster. For more information, see [Managing Cluster Authentication]( and [Launching Amazon EKS nodes]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnCluster := awscdk.Aws_eks_legacy.NewCfnCluster(this, jsii.String("MyCfnCluster"), &CfnClusterProps{
	ResourcesVpcConfig: &ResourcesVpcConfigProperty{
		SubnetIds: []*string{

		// the properties below are optional
		EndpointPrivateAccess: jsii.Boolean(false),
		EndpointPublicAccess: jsii.Boolean(false),
		PublicAccessCidrs: []*string{
		SecurityGroupIds: []*string{
	RoleArn: jsii.String("roleArn"),

	// the properties below are optional
	EncryptionConfig: []interface{}{
			Provider: &ProviderProperty{
				KeyArn: jsii.String("keyArn"),
			Resources: []*string{
	KubernetesNetworkConfig: &KubernetesNetworkConfigProperty{
		IpFamily: jsii.String("ipFamily"),
		ServiceIpv4Cidr: jsii.String("serviceIpv4Cidr"),
		ServiceIpv6Cidr: jsii.String("serviceIpv6Cidr"),
	Logging: &LoggingProperty{
		ClusterLogging: &ClusterLoggingProperty{
			EnabledTypes: []interface{}{
					Type: jsii.String("type"),
	Name: jsii.String("name"),
	OutpostConfig: &OutpostConfigProperty{
		ControlPlaneInstanceType: jsii.String("controlPlaneInstanceType"),
		OutpostArns: []*string{

		// the properties below are optional
		ControlPlanePlacement: &ControlPlanePlacementProperty{
			GroupName: jsii.String("groupName"),
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),
	Version: jsii.String("version"),

func NewCfnCluster

func NewCfnCluster(scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *CfnClusterProps) CfnCluster

Create a new `AWS::EKS::Cluster`.

type CfnClusterProps

type CfnClusterProps struct {
	// The VPC configuration that's used by the cluster control plane.
	// Amazon EKS VPC resources have specific requirements to work properly with Kubernetes. For more information, see [Cluster VPC Considerations]( and [Cluster Security Group Considerations]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* . You must specify at least two subnets. You can specify up to five security groups, but we recommend that you use a dedicated security group for your cluster control plane.
	// > Updates require replacement of the `SecurityGroupIds` and `SubnetIds` sub-properties.
	ResourcesVpcConfig interface{} `field:"required" json:"resourcesVpcConfig" yaml:"resourcesVpcConfig"`
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that provides permissions for the Kubernetes control plane to make calls to AWS API operations on your behalf.
	// For more information, see [Amazon EKS Service IAM Role]( in the **Amazon EKS User Guide** .
	RoleArn *string `field:"required" json:"roleArn" yaml:"roleArn"`
	// The encryption configuration for the cluster.
	EncryptionConfig interface{} `field:"optional" json:"encryptionConfig" yaml:"encryptionConfig"`
	// The Kubernetes network configuration for the cluster.
	KubernetesNetworkConfig interface{} `field:"optional" json:"kubernetesNetworkConfig" yaml:"kubernetesNetworkConfig"`
	// The logging configuration for your cluster.
	Logging interface{} `field:"optional" json:"logging" yaml:"logging"`
	// The unique name to give to your cluster.
	Name *string `field:"optional" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// An object representing the configuration of your local Amazon EKS cluster on an AWS Outpost.
	// This object isn't available for clusters on the AWS cloud.
	OutpostConfig interface{} `field:"optional" json:"outpostConfig" yaml:"outpostConfig"`
	// The metadata that you apply to the cluster to assist with categorization and organization.
	// Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. Cluster tags don't propagate to any other resources associated with the cluster.
	// > You must have the `eks:TagResource` and `eks:UntagResource` permissions for your [IAM principal]( to manage the AWS CloudFormation stack. If you don't have these permissions, there might be unexpected behavior with stack-level tags propagating to the resource during resource creation and update.
	Tags *[]*awscdk.CfnTag `field:"optional" json:"tags" yaml:"tags"`
	// The desired Kubernetes version for your cluster.
	// If you don't specify a value here, the default version available in Amazon EKS is used.
	// > The default version might not be the latest version available.
	Version *string `field:"optional" json:"version" yaml:"version"`

Properties for defining a `CfnCluster`.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnClusterProps := &CfnClusterProps{
	ResourcesVpcConfig: &ResourcesVpcConfigProperty{
		SubnetIds: []*string{

		// the properties below are optional
		EndpointPrivateAccess: jsii.Boolean(false),
		EndpointPublicAccess: jsii.Boolean(false),
		PublicAccessCidrs: []*string{
		SecurityGroupIds: []*string{
	RoleArn: jsii.String("roleArn"),

	// the properties below are optional
	EncryptionConfig: []interface{}{
			Provider: &ProviderProperty{
				KeyArn: jsii.String("keyArn"),
			Resources: []*string{
	KubernetesNetworkConfig: &KubernetesNetworkConfigProperty{
		IpFamily: jsii.String("ipFamily"),
		ServiceIpv4Cidr: jsii.String("serviceIpv4Cidr"),
		ServiceIpv6Cidr: jsii.String("serviceIpv6Cidr"),
	Logging: &LoggingProperty{
		ClusterLogging: &ClusterLoggingProperty{
			EnabledTypes: []interface{}{
					Type: jsii.String("type"),
	Name: jsii.String("name"),
	OutpostConfig: &OutpostConfigProperty{
		ControlPlaneInstanceType: jsii.String("controlPlaneInstanceType"),
		OutpostArns: []*string{

		// the properties below are optional
		ControlPlanePlacement: &ControlPlanePlacementProperty{
			GroupName: jsii.String("groupName"),
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),
	Version: jsii.String("version"),

type CfnCluster_ClusterLoggingProperty

type CfnCluster_ClusterLoggingProperty struct {
	// The enabled control plane logs for your cluster. All log types are disabled if the array is empty.
	// > When updating a resource, you must include this `EnabledTypes` property if the previous CloudFormation template of the resource had it.
	EnabledTypes interface{} `field:"optional" json:"enabledTypes" yaml:"enabledTypes"`

The cluster control plane logging configuration for your cluster.

> When updating a resource, you must include this `ClusterLogging` property if the previous CloudFormation template of the resource had it.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

clusterLoggingProperty := &ClusterLoggingProperty{
	EnabledTypes: []interface{}{
			Type: jsii.String("type"),

type CfnCluster_ControlPlanePlacementProperty

type CfnCluster_ControlPlanePlacementProperty struct {
	// The name of the placement group for the Kubernetes control plane instances.
	GroupName *string `field:"optional" json:"groupName" yaml:"groupName"`

The placement configuration for all the control plane instances of your local Amazon EKS cluster on an AWS Outpost.

For more information, see [Capacity considerations]( in the Amazon EKS User Guide.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

controlPlanePlacementProperty := &ControlPlanePlacementProperty{
	GroupName: jsii.String("groupName"),

type CfnCluster_EncryptionConfigProperty

type CfnCluster_EncryptionConfigProperty struct {
	// The encryption provider for the cluster.
	Provider interface{} `field:"optional" json:"provider" yaml:"provider"`
	// Specifies the resources to be encrypted.
	// The only supported value is "secrets".
	Resources *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"resources" yaml:"resources"`

The encryption configuration for the cluster.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

encryptionConfigProperty := &EncryptionConfigProperty{
	Provider: &ProviderProperty{
		KeyArn: jsii.String("keyArn"),
	Resources: []*string{

type CfnCluster_KubernetesNetworkConfigProperty

type CfnCluster_KubernetesNetworkConfigProperty struct {
	// Specify which IP family is used to assign Kubernetes pod and service IP addresses.
	// If you don't specify a value, `ipv4` is used by default. You can only specify an IP family when you create a cluster and can't change this value once the cluster is created. If you specify `ipv6` , the VPC and subnets that you specify for cluster creation must have both `IPv4` and `IPv6` CIDR blocks assigned to them. You can't specify `ipv6` for clusters in China Regions.
	// You can only specify `ipv6` for `1.21` and later clusters that use version `1.10.1` or later of the Amazon VPC CNI add-on. If you specify `ipv6` , then ensure that your VPC meets the requirements listed in the considerations listed in [Assigning IPv6 addresses to pods and services]( in the Amazon EKS User Guide. Kubernetes assigns services `IPv6` addresses from the unique local address range `(fc00::/7)` . You can't specify a custom `IPv6` CIDR block. Pod addresses are assigned from the subnet's `IPv6` CIDR.
	IpFamily *string `field:"optional" json:"ipFamily" yaml:"ipFamily"`
	// Don't specify a value if you select `ipv6` for *ipFamily* .
	// The CIDR block to assign Kubernetes service IP addresses from. If you don't specify a block, Kubernetes assigns addresses from either the `` or `` CIDR blocks. We recommend that you specify a block that does not overlap with resources in other networks that are peered or connected to your VPC. The block must meet the following requirements:
	// - Within one of the following private IP address blocks: `` , `` , or `` .
	// - Doesn't overlap with any CIDR block assigned to the VPC that you selected for VPC.
	// - Between /24 and /12.
	// > You can only specify a custom CIDR block when you create a cluster and can't change this value once the cluster is created.
	ServiceIpv4Cidr *string `field:"optional" json:"serviceIpv4Cidr" yaml:"serviceIpv4Cidr"`
	// The CIDR block that Kubernetes pod and service IP addresses are assigned from if you created a 1.21 or later cluster with version 1.10.1 or later of the Amazon VPC CNI add-on and specified `ipv6` for *ipFamily* when you created the cluster. Kubernetes assigns service addresses from the unique local address range ( `fc00::/7` ) because you can't specify a custom IPv6 CIDR block when you create the cluster.
	ServiceIpv6Cidr *string `field:"optional" json:"serviceIpv6Cidr" yaml:"serviceIpv6Cidr"`

The Kubernetes network configuration for the cluster.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

kubernetesNetworkConfigProperty := &KubernetesNetworkConfigProperty{
	IpFamily: jsii.String("ipFamily"),
	ServiceIpv4Cidr: jsii.String("serviceIpv4Cidr"),
	ServiceIpv6Cidr: jsii.String("serviceIpv6Cidr"),

type CfnCluster_LoggingProperty

type CfnCluster_LoggingProperty struct {
	// The cluster control plane logging configuration for your cluster.
	ClusterLogging interface{} `field:"optional" json:"clusterLogging" yaml:"clusterLogging"`

Enable or disable exporting the Kubernetes control plane logs for your cluster to CloudWatch Logs.

By default, cluster control plane logs aren't exported to CloudWatch Logs. For more information, see [Amazon EKS Cluster control plane logs]( in the **Amazon EKS User Guide** .

> When updating a resource, you must include this `Logging` property if the previous CloudFormation template of the resource had it. > CloudWatch Logs ingestion, archive storage, and data scanning rates apply to exported control plane logs. For more information, see [CloudWatch Pricing]( .


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

loggingProperty := &LoggingProperty{
	ClusterLogging: &ClusterLoggingProperty{
		EnabledTypes: []interface{}{
				Type: jsii.String("type"),

type CfnCluster_LoggingTypeConfigProperty

type CfnCluster_LoggingTypeConfigProperty struct {
	// The name of the log type.
	Type *string `field:"optional" json:"type" yaml:"type"`

The enabled logging type.

For a list of the valid logging types, see the [`types` property of `LogSetup`]( in the *Amazon EKS API Reference* .


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

loggingTypeConfigProperty := &LoggingTypeConfigProperty{
	Type: jsii.String("type"),

type CfnCluster_OutpostConfigProperty

type CfnCluster_OutpostConfigProperty struct {
	// The Amazon EC2 instance type that you want to use for your local Amazon EKS cluster on Outposts.
	// Choose an instance type based on the number of nodes that your cluster will have. For more information, see [Capacity considerations]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	// The instance type that you specify is used for all Kubernetes control plane instances. The instance type can't be changed after cluster creation. The control plane is not automatically scaled by Amazon EKS.
	ControlPlaneInstanceType *string `field:"required" json:"controlPlaneInstanceType" yaml:"controlPlaneInstanceType"`
	// The ARN of the Outpost that you want to use for your local Amazon EKS cluster on Outposts.
	// Only a single Outpost ARN is supported.
	OutpostArns *[]*string `field:"required" json:"outpostArns" yaml:"outpostArns"`
	// An object representing the placement configuration for all the control plane instances of your local Amazon EKS cluster on an AWS Outpost.
	// For more information, see [Capacity considerations]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	ControlPlanePlacement interface{} `field:"optional" json:"controlPlanePlacement" yaml:"controlPlanePlacement"`

The configuration of your local Amazon EKS cluster on an AWS Outpost.

Before creating a cluster on an Outpost, review [Creating a local cluster on an Outpost]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* . This API isn't available for Amazon EKS clusters on the AWS cloud.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

outpostConfigProperty := &OutpostConfigProperty{
	ControlPlaneInstanceType: jsii.String("controlPlaneInstanceType"),
	OutpostArns: []*string{

	// the properties below are optional
	ControlPlanePlacement: &ControlPlanePlacementProperty{
		GroupName: jsii.String("groupName"),

type CfnCluster_ProviderProperty

type CfnCluster_ProviderProperty struct {
	// Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or alias of the KMS key.
	// The KMS key must be symmetric and created in the same AWS Region as the cluster. If the KMS key was created in a different account, the [IAM principal]( must have access to the KMS key. For more information, see [Allowing users in other accounts to use a KMS key]( in the *AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide* .
	KeyArn *string `field:"optional" json:"keyArn" yaml:"keyArn"`

Identifies the AWS Key Management Service ( AWS KMS ) key used to encrypt the secrets.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

providerProperty := &ProviderProperty{
	KeyArn: jsii.String("keyArn"),

type CfnCluster_ResourcesVpcConfigProperty

type CfnCluster_ResourcesVpcConfigProperty struct {
	// Specify subnets for your Amazon EKS nodes.
	// Amazon EKS creates cross-account elastic network interfaces in these subnets to allow communication between your nodes and the Kubernetes control plane.
	SubnetIds *[]*string `field:"required" json:"subnetIds" yaml:"subnetIds"`
	// Set this value to `true` to enable private access for your cluster's Kubernetes API server endpoint.
	// If you enable private access, Kubernetes API requests from within your cluster's VPC use the private VPC endpoint. The default value for this parameter is `false` , which disables private access for your Kubernetes API server. If you disable private access and you have nodes or AWS Fargate pods in the cluster, then ensure that `publicAccessCidrs` includes the necessary CIDR blocks for communication with the nodes or Fargate pods. For more information, see [Amazon EKS cluster endpoint access control]( in the **Amazon EKS User Guide** .
	EndpointPrivateAccess interface{} `field:"optional" json:"endpointPrivateAccess" yaml:"endpointPrivateAccess"`
	// Set this value to `false` to disable public access to your cluster's Kubernetes API server endpoint.
	// If you disable public access, your cluster's Kubernetes API server can only receive requests from within the cluster VPC. The default value for this parameter is `true` , which enables public access for your Kubernetes API server. For more information, see [Amazon EKS cluster endpoint access control]( in the **Amazon EKS User Guide** .
	EndpointPublicAccess interface{} `field:"optional" json:"endpointPublicAccess" yaml:"endpointPublicAccess"`
	// The CIDR blocks that are allowed access to your cluster's public Kubernetes API server endpoint.
	// Communication to the endpoint from addresses outside of the CIDR blocks that you specify is denied. The default value is `` . If you've disabled private endpoint access and you have nodes or AWS Fargate pods in the cluster, then ensure that you specify the necessary CIDR blocks. For more information, see [Amazon EKS cluster endpoint access control]( in the **Amazon EKS User Guide** .
	PublicAccessCidrs *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"publicAccessCidrs" yaml:"publicAccessCidrs"`
	// Specify one or more security groups for the cross-account elastic network interfaces that Amazon EKS creates to use that allow communication between your nodes and the Kubernetes control plane.
	// If you don't specify any security groups, then familiarize yourself with the difference between Amazon EKS defaults for clusters deployed with Kubernetes. For more information, see [Amazon EKS security group considerations]( in the **Amazon EKS User Guide** .
	SecurityGroupIds *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"securityGroupIds" yaml:"securityGroupIds"`

An object representing the VPC configuration to use for an Amazon EKS cluster.

> When updating a resource, you must include these properties if the previous CloudFormation template of the resource had them: > > - `EndpointPublicAccess` > - `EndpointPrivateAccess` > - `PublicAccessCidrs`.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

resourcesVpcConfigProperty := &ResourcesVpcConfigProperty{
	SubnetIds: []*string{

	// the properties below are optional
	EndpointPrivateAccess: jsii.Boolean(false),
	EndpointPublicAccess: jsii.Boolean(false),
	PublicAccessCidrs: []*string{
	SecurityGroupIds: []*string{

type CfnFargateProfile

type CfnFargateProfile interface {
	// The ARN of the cluster, such as `arn:aws:eks:us-west-2:666666666666:fargateprofile/myCluster/myFargateProfile/1cb1a11a-1dc1-1d11-cf11-1111f11fa111` .
	AttrArn() *string
	// Options for this resource, such as condition, update policy etc.
	// Experimental.
	CfnOptions() awscdk.ICfnResourceOptions
	CfnProperties() *map[string]interface{}
	// AWS resource type.
	// Experimental.
	CfnResourceType() *string
	// The name of the Amazon EKS cluster to apply the Fargate profile to.
	ClusterName() *string
	SetClusterName(val *string)
	// Returns: the stack trace of the point where this Resource was created from, sourced
	// from the +metadata+ entry typed +aws:cdk:logicalId+, and with the bottom-most
	// node +internal+ entries filtered.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// The name of the Fargate profile.
	FargateProfileName() *string
	SetFargateProfileName(val *string)
	// The logical ID for this CloudFormation stack element.
	// The logical ID of the element
	// is calculated from the path of the resource node in the construct tree.
	// To override this value, use `overrideLogicalId(newLogicalId)`.
	// Returns: the logical ID as a stringified token. This value will only get
	// resolved during synthesis.
	// Experimental.
	LogicalId() *string
	// The construct tree node associated with this construct.
	// Experimental.
	Node() awscdk.ConstructNode
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the pod execution role to use for pods that match the selectors in the Fargate profile.
	// The pod execution role allows Fargate infrastructure to register with your cluster as a node, and it provides read access to Amazon ECR image repositories. For more information, see [Pod Execution Role]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	PodExecutionRoleArn() *string
	SetPodExecutionRoleArn(val *string)
	// Return a string that will be resolved to a CloudFormation `{ Ref }` for this element.
	// If, by any chance, the intrinsic reference of a resource is not a string, you could
	// coerce it to an IResolvable through `Lazy.any({ produce: resource.ref })`.
	// Experimental.
	Ref() *string
	// The selectors to match for pods to use this Fargate profile.
	// Each selector must have an associated namespace. Optionally, you can also specify labels for a namespace. You may specify up to five selectors in a Fargate profile.
	Selectors() interface{}
	SetSelectors(val interface{})
	// The stack in which this element is defined.
	// CfnElements must be defined within a stack scope (directly or indirectly).
	// Experimental.
	Stack() awscdk.Stack
	// The IDs of subnets to launch your pods into.
	// At this time, pods running on Fargate are not assigned public IP addresses, so only private subnets (with no direct route to an Internet Gateway) are accepted for this parameter.
	Subnets() *[]*string
	SetSubnets(val *[]*string)
	// The metadata to apply to the Fargate profile to assist with categorization and organization.
	// Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You define both. Fargate profile tags do not propagate to any other resources associated with the Fargate profile, such as the pods that are scheduled with it.
	Tags() awscdk.TagManager
	// Return properties modified after initiation.
	// Resources that expose mutable properties should override this function to
	// collect and return the properties object for this resource.
	// Experimental.
	UpdatedProperites() *map[string]interface{}
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride(path, undefined)`.
	// Experimental.
	AddDeletionOverride(path *string)
	// Indicates that this resource depends on another resource and cannot be provisioned unless the other resource has been successfully provisioned.
	// This can be used for resources across stacks (or nested stack) boundaries
	// and the dependency will automatically be transferred to the relevant scope.
	// Experimental.
	AddDependsOn(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Add a value to the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	// Experimental.
	AddMetadata(key *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override to the synthesized CloudFormation resource.
	// To add a
	// property override, either use `addPropertyOverride` or prefix `path` with
	// "Properties." (i.e. `Properties.TopicName`).
	// If the override is nested, separate each nested level using a dot (.) in the path parameter.
	// If there is an array as part of the nesting, specify the index in the path.
	// To include a literal `.` in the property name, prefix with a `\`. In most
	// programming languages you will need to write this as `"\\."` because the
	// `\` itself will need to be escaped.
	// For example,
	// “`typescript
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.0.Projection.NonKeyAttributes', ['myattribute']);
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.1.ProjectionType', 'INCLUDE');
	// “`
	// would add the overrides
	// “`json
	// "Properties": {
	//    "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [
	//      {
	//        "Projection": {
	//          "NonKeyAttributes": [ "myattribute" ]
	//          ...
	//        }
	//        ...
	//      },
	//      {
	//        "ProjectionType": "INCLUDE"
	//        ...
	//      },
	//    ]
	//    ...
	// }
	// “`
	// The `value` argument to `addOverride` will not be processed or translated
	// in any way. Pass raw JSON values in here with the correct capitalization
	// for CloudFormation. If you pass CDK classes or structs, they will be
	// rendered with lowercased key names, and CloudFormation will reject the
	// template.
	// Experimental.
	AddOverride(path *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override that deletes the value of a property from the resource definition.
	// Experimental.
	AddPropertyDeletionOverride(propertyPath *string)
	// Adds an override to a resource property.
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride("Properties.<...>", value)`.
	// Experimental.
	AddPropertyOverride(propertyPath *string, value interface{})
	// Sets the deletion policy of the resource based on the removal policy specified.
	// The Removal Policy controls what happens to this resource when it stops
	// being managed by CloudFormation, either because you've removed it from the
	// CDK application or because you've made a change that requires the resource
	// to be replaced.
	// The resource can be deleted (`RemovalPolicy.DESTROY`), or left in your AWS
	// account for data recovery and cleanup later (`RemovalPolicy.RETAIN`).
	// Experimental.
	ApplyRemovalPolicy(policy awscdk.RemovalPolicy, options *awscdk.RemovalPolicyOptions)
	// Returns a token for an runtime attribute of this resource.
	// Ideally, use generated attribute accessors (e.g. `resource.arn`), but this can be used for future compatibility
	// in case there is no generated attribute.
	// Experimental.
	GetAtt(attributeName *string) awscdk.Reference
	// Retrieve a value value from the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	// Experimental.
	GetMetadata(key *string) interface{}
	// Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
	Inspect(inspector awscdk.TreeInspector)
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	OnSynthesize(session constructs.ISynthesisSession)
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	OnValidate() *[]*string
	// Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
	// Experimental.
	OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string)
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	RenderProperties(props *map[string]interface{}) *map[string]interface{}
	// Can be overridden by subclasses to determine if this resource will be rendered into the cloudformation template.
	// Returns: `true` if the resource should be included or `false` is the resource
	// should be omitted.
	// Experimental.
	ShouldSynthesize() *bool
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	Synthesize(session awscdk.ISynthesisSession)
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	// Returns: a string representation of this resource.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	Validate() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	ValidateProperties(_properties interface{})

A CloudFormation `AWS::EKS::FargateProfile`.

Creates an AWS Fargate profile for your Amazon EKS cluster. You must have at least one Fargate profile in a cluster to be able to run pods on Fargate.

The Fargate profile allows an administrator to declare which pods run on Fargate and specify which pods run on which Fargate profile. This declaration is done through the profile’s selectors. Each profile can have up to five selectors that contain a namespace and labels. A namespace is required for every selector. The label field consists of multiple optional key-value pairs. Pods that match the selectors are scheduled on Fargate. If a to-be-scheduled pod matches any of the selectors in the Fargate profile, then that pod is run on Fargate.

When you create a Fargate profile, you must specify a pod execution role to use with the pods that are scheduled with the profile. This role is added to the cluster's Kubernetes [Role Based Access Control]( (RBAC) for authorization so that the `kubelet` that is running on the Fargate infrastructure can register with your Amazon EKS cluster so that it can appear in your cluster as a node. The pod execution role also provides IAM permissions to the Fargate infrastructure to allow read access to Amazon ECR image repositories. For more information, see [Pod Execution Role]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .

Fargate profiles are immutable. However, you can create a new updated profile to replace an existing profile and then delete the original after the updated profile has finished creating.

If any Fargate profiles in a cluster are in the `DELETING` status, you must wait for that Fargate profile to finish deleting before you can create any other profiles in that cluster.

For more information, see [AWS Fargate Profile]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnFargateProfile := awscdk.Aws_eks_legacy.NewCfnFargateProfile(this, jsii.String("MyCfnFargateProfile"), &CfnFargateProfileProps{
	ClusterName: jsii.String("clusterName"),
	PodExecutionRoleArn: jsii.String("podExecutionRoleArn"),
	Selectors: []interface{}{
			Namespace: jsii.String("namespace"),

			// the properties below are optional
			Labels: []interface{}{
					Key: jsii.String("key"),
					Value: jsii.String("value"),

	// the properties below are optional
	FargateProfileName: jsii.String("fargateProfileName"),
	Subnets: []*string{
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),

func NewCfnFargateProfile

func NewCfnFargateProfile(scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *CfnFargateProfileProps) CfnFargateProfile

Create a new `AWS::EKS::FargateProfile`.

type CfnFargateProfileProps

type CfnFargateProfileProps struct {
	// The name of the Amazon EKS cluster to apply the Fargate profile to.
	ClusterName *string `field:"required" json:"clusterName" yaml:"clusterName"`
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the pod execution role to use for pods that match the selectors in the Fargate profile.
	// The pod execution role allows Fargate infrastructure to register with your cluster as a node, and it provides read access to Amazon ECR image repositories. For more information, see [Pod Execution Role]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	PodExecutionRoleArn *string `field:"required" json:"podExecutionRoleArn" yaml:"podExecutionRoleArn"`
	// The selectors to match for pods to use this Fargate profile.
	// Each selector must have an associated namespace. Optionally, you can also specify labels for a namespace. You may specify up to five selectors in a Fargate profile.
	Selectors interface{} `field:"required" json:"selectors" yaml:"selectors"`
	// The name of the Fargate profile.
	FargateProfileName *string `field:"optional" json:"fargateProfileName" yaml:"fargateProfileName"`
	// The IDs of subnets to launch your pods into.
	// At this time, pods running on Fargate are not assigned public IP addresses, so only private subnets (with no direct route to an Internet Gateway) are accepted for this parameter.
	Subnets *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"subnets" yaml:"subnets"`
	// The metadata to apply to the Fargate profile to assist with categorization and organization.
	// Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You define both. Fargate profile tags do not propagate to any other resources associated with the Fargate profile, such as the pods that are scheduled with it.
	Tags *[]*awscdk.CfnTag `field:"optional" json:"tags" yaml:"tags"`

Properties for defining a `CfnFargateProfile`.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnFargateProfileProps := &CfnFargateProfileProps{
	ClusterName: jsii.String("clusterName"),
	PodExecutionRoleArn: jsii.String("podExecutionRoleArn"),
	Selectors: []interface{}{
			Namespace: jsii.String("namespace"),

			// the properties below are optional
			Labels: []interface{}{
					Key: jsii.String("key"),
					Value: jsii.String("value"),

	// the properties below are optional
	FargateProfileName: jsii.String("fargateProfileName"),
	Subnets: []*string{
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),

type CfnFargateProfile_LabelProperty

type CfnFargateProfile_LabelProperty struct {
	// Enter a key.
	Key *string `field:"required" json:"key" yaml:"key"`
	// Enter a value.
	Value *string `field:"required" json:"value" yaml:"value"`

A key-value pair.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

labelProperty := &LabelProperty{
	Key: jsii.String("key"),
	Value: jsii.String("value"),

type CfnFargateProfile_SelectorProperty

type CfnFargateProfile_SelectorProperty struct {
	// The Kubernetes namespace that the selector should match.
	Namespace *string `field:"required" json:"namespace" yaml:"namespace"`
	// The Kubernetes labels that the selector should match.
	// A pod must contain all of the labels that are specified in the selector for it to be considered a match.
	Labels interface{} `field:"optional" json:"labels" yaml:"labels"`

An object representing an AWS Fargate profile selector.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

selectorProperty := &SelectorProperty{
	Namespace: jsii.String("namespace"),

	// the properties below are optional
	Labels: []interface{}{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),

type CfnIdentityProviderConfig

type CfnIdentityProviderConfig interface {
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the identity provider config.
	AttrIdentityProviderConfigArn() *string
	// Options for this resource, such as condition, update policy etc.
	// Experimental.
	CfnOptions() awscdk.ICfnResourceOptions
	CfnProperties() *map[string]interface{}
	// AWS resource type.
	// Experimental.
	CfnResourceType() *string
	// The cluster that the configuration is associated to.
	ClusterName() *string
	SetClusterName(val *string)
	// Returns: the stack trace of the point where this Resource was created from, sourced
	// from the +metadata+ entry typed +aws:cdk:logicalId+, and with the bottom-most
	// node +internal+ entries filtered.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// The name of the configuration.
	IdentityProviderConfigName() *string
	SetIdentityProviderConfigName(val *string)
	// The logical ID for this CloudFormation stack element.
	// The logical ID of the element
	// is calculated from the path of the resource node in the construct tree.
	// To override this value, use `overrideLogicalId(newLogicalId)`.
	// Returns: the logical ID as a stringified token. This value will only get
	// resolved during synthesis.
	// Experimental.
	LogicalId() *string
	// The construct tree node associated with this construct.
	// Experimental.
	Node() awscdk.ConstructNode
	// An object representing an OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider configuration.
	Oidc() interface{}
	SetOidc(val interface{})
	// Return a string that will be resolved to a CloudFormation `{ Ref }` for this element.
	// If, by any chance, the intrinsic reference of a resource is not a string, you could
	// coerce it to an IResolvable through `Lazy.any({ produce: resource.ref })`.
	// Experimental.
	Ref() *string
	// The stack in which this element is defined.
	// CfnElements must be defined within a stack scope (directly or indirectly).
	// Experimental.
	Stack() awscdk.Stack
	// The metadata to apply to the provider configuration to assist with categorization and organization.
	// Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You define both.
	Tags() awscdk.TagManager
	// The type of the identity provider configuration.
	// The only type available is `oidc` .
	Type() *string
	SetType(val *string)
	// Return properties modified after initiation.
	// Resources that expose mutable properties should override this function to
	// collect and return the properties object for this resource.
	// Experimental.
	UpdatedProperites() *map[string]interface{}
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride(path, undefined)`.
	// Experimental.
	AddDeletionOverride(path *string)
	// Indicates that this resource depends on another resource and cannot be provisioned unless the other resource has been successfully provisioned.
	// This can be used for resources across stacks (or nested stack) boundaries
	// and the dependency will automatically be transferred to the relevant scope.
	// Experimental.
	AddDependsOn(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Add a value to the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	// Experimental.
	AddMetadata(key *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override to the synthesized CloudFormation resource.
	// To add a
	// property override, either use `addPropertyOverride` or prefix `path` with
	// "Properties." (i.e. `Properties.TopicName`).
	// If the override is nested, separate each nested level using a dot (.) in the path parameter.
	// If there is an array as part of the nesting, specify the index in the path.
	// To include a literal `.` in the property name, prefix with a `\`. In most
	// programming languages you will need to write this as `"\\."` because the
	// `\` itself will need to be escaped.
	// For example,
	// “`typescript
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.0.Projection.NonKeyAttributes', ['myattribute']);
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.1.ProjectionType', 'INCLUDE');
	// “`
	// would add the overrides
	// “`json
	// "Properties": {
	//    "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [
	//      {
	//        "Projection": {
	//          "NonKeyAttributes": [ "myattribute" ]
	//          ...
	//        }
	//        ...
	//      },
	//      {
	//        "ProjectionType": "INCLUDE"
	//        ...
	//      },
	//    ]
	//    ...
	// }
	// “`
	// The `value` argument to `addOverride` will not be processed or translated
	// in any way. Pass raw JSON values in here with the correct capitalization
	// for CloudFormation. If you pass CDK classes or structs, they will be
	// rendered with lowercased key names, and CloudFormation will reject the
	// template.
	// Experimental.
	AddOverride(path *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override that deletes the value of a property from the resource definition.
	// Experimental.
	AddPropertyDeletionOverride(propertyPath *string)
	// Adds an override to a resource property.
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride("Properties.<...>", value)`.
	// Experimental.
	AddPropertyOverride(propertyPath *string, value interface{})
	// Sets the deletion policy of the resource based on the removal policy specified.
	// The Removal Policy controls what happens to this resource when it stops
	// being managed by CloudFormation, either because you've removed it from the
	// CDK application or because you've made a change that requires the resource
	// to be replaced.
	// The resource can be deleted (`RemovalPolicy.DESTROY`), or left in your AWS
	// account for data recovery and cleanup later (`RemovalPolicy.RETAIN`).
	// Experimental.
	ApplyRemovalPolicy(policy awscdk.RemovalPolicy, options *awscdk.RemovalPolicyOptions)
	// Returns a token for an runtime attribute of this resource.
	// Ideally, use generated attribute accessors (e.g. `resource.arn`), but this can be used for future compatibility
	// in case there is no generated attribute.
	// Experimental.
	GetAtt(attributeName *string) awscdk.Reference
	// Retrieve a value value from the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	// Experimental.
	GetMetadata(key *string) interface{}
	// Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
	Inspect(inspector awscdk.TreeInspector)
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	OnSynthesize(session constructs.ISynthesisSession)
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	OnValidate() *[]*string
	// Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
	// Experimental.
	OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string)
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	RenderProperties(props *map[string]interface{}) *map[string]interface{}
	// Can be overridden by subclasses to determine if this resource will be rendered into the cloudformation template.
	// Returns: `true` if the resource should be included or `false` is the resource
	// should be omitted.
	// Experimental.
	ShouldSynthesize() *bool
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	Synthesize(session awscdk.ISynthesisSession)
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	// Returns: a string representation of this resource.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	Validate() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	ValidateProperties(_properties interface{})

A CloudFormation `AWS::EKS::IdentityProviderConfig`.

Associate an identity provider configuration to a cluster.

If you want to authenticate identities using an identity provider, you can create an identity provider configuration and associate it to your cluster. After configuring authentication to your cluster you can create Kubernetes `roles` and `clusterroles` to assign permissions to the roles, and then bind the roles to the identities using Kubernetes `rolebindings` and `clusterrolebindings` . For more information see [Using RBAC Authorization]( in the Kubernetes documentation.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnIdentityProviderConfig := awscdk.Aws_eks_legacy.NewCfnIdentityProviderConfig(this, jsii.String("MyCfnIdentityProviderConfig"), &CfnIdentityProviderConfigProps{
	ClusterName: jsii.String("clusterName"),
	Type: jsii.String("type"),

	// the properties below are optional
	IdentityProviderConfigName: jsii.String("identityProviderConfigName"),
	Oidc: &OidcIdentityProviderConfigProperty{
		ClientId: jsii.String("clientId"),
		IssuerUrl: jsii.String("issuerUrl"),

		// the properties below are optional
		GroupsClaim: jsii.String("groupsClaim"),
		GroupsPrefix: jsii.String("groupsPrefix"),
		RequiredClaims: []interface{}{
				Key: jsii.String("key"),
				Value: jsii.String("value"),
		UsernameClaim: jsii.String("usernameClaim"),
		UsernamePrefix: jsii.String("usernamePrefix"),
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),

func NewCfnIdentityProviderConfig

func NewCfnIdentityProviderConfig(scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *CfnIdentityProviderConfigProps) CfnIdentityProviderConfig

Create a new `AWS::EKS::IdentityProviderConfig`.

type CfnIdentityProviderConfigProps

type CfnIdentityProviderConfigProps struct {
	// The cluster that the configuration is associated to.
	ClusterName *string `field:"required" json:"clusterName" yaml:"clusterName"`
	// The type of the identity provider configuration.
	// The only type available is `oidc` .
	Type *string `field:"required" json:"type" yaml:"type"`
	// The name of the configuration.
	IdentityProviderConfigName *string `field:"optional" json:"identityProviderConfigName" yaml:"identityProviderConfigName"`
	// An object representing an OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider configuration.
	Oidc interface{} `field:"optional" json:"oidc" yaml:"oidc"`
	// The metadata to apply to the provider configuration to assist with categorization and organization.
	// Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You define both.
	Tags *[]*awscdk.CfnTag `field:"optional" json:"tags" yaml:"tags"`

Properties for defining a `CfnIdentityProviderConfig`.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnIdentityProviderConfigProps := &CfnIdentityProviderConfigProps{
	ClusterName: jsii.String("clusterName"),
	Type: jsii.String("type"),

	// the properties below are optional
	IdentityProviderConfigName: jsii.String("identityProviderConfigName"),
	Oidc: &OidcIdentityProviderConfigProperty{
		ClientId: jsii.String("clientId"),
		IssuerUrl: jsii.String("issuerUrl"),

		// the properties below are optional
		GroupsClaim: jsii.String("groupsClaim"),
		GroupsPrefix: jsii.String("groupsPrefix"),
		RequiredClaims: []interface{}{
				Key: jsii.String("key"),
				Value: jsii.String("value"),
		UsernameClaim: jsii.String("usernameClaim"),
		UsernamePrefix: jsii.String("usernamePrefix"),
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),

type CfnIdentityProviderConfig_OidcIdentityProviderConfigProperty

type CfnIdentityProviderConfig_OidcIdentityProviderConfigProperty struct {
	// This is also known as *audience* .
	// The ID of the client application that makes authentication requests to the OIDC identity provider.
	ClientId *string `field:"required" json:"clientId" yaml:"clientId"`
	// The URL of the OIDC identity provider that allows the API server to discover public signing keys for verifying tokens.
	IssuerUrl *string `field:"required" json:"issuerUrl" yaml:"issuerUrl"`
	// The JSON web token (JWT) claim that the provider uses to return your groups.
	GroupsClaim *string `field:"optional" json:"groupsClaim" yaml:"groupsClaim"`
	// The prefix that is prepended to group claims to prevent clashes with existing names (such as `system:` groups).
	// For example, the value `oidc:` creates group names like `oidc:engineering` and `oidc:infra` . The prefix can't contain `system:`
	GroupsPrefix *string `field:"optional" json:"groupsPrefix" yaml:"groupsPrefix"`
	// The key-value pairs that describe required claims in the identity token.
	// If set, each claim is verified to be present in the token with a matching value.
	RequiredClaims interface{} `field:"optional" json:"requiredClaims" yaml:"requiredClaims"`
	// The JSON Web token (JWT) claim that is used as the username.
	UsernameClaim *string `field:"optional" json:"usernameClaim" yaml:"usernameClaim"`
	// The prefix that is prepended to username claims to prevent clashes with existing names.
	// The prefix can't contain `system:`.
	UsernamePrefix *string `field:"optional" json:"usernamePrefix" yaml:"usernamePrefix"`

An object representing the configuration for an OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

oidcIdentityProviderConfigProperty := &OidcIdentityProviderConfigProperty{
	ClientId: jsii.String("clientId"),
	IssuerUrl: jsii.String("issuerUrl"),

	// the properties below are optional
	GroupsClaim: jsii.String("groupsClaim"),
	GroupsPrefix: jsii.String("groupsPrefix"),
	RequiredClaims: []interface{}{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),
	UsernameClaim: jsii.String("usernameClaim"),
	UsernamePrefix: jsii.String("usernamePrefix"),

type CfnIdentityProviderConfig_RequiredClaimProperty

type CfnIdentityProviderConfig_RequiredClaimProperty struct {
	// The key to match from the token.
	Key *string `field:"required" json:"key" yaml:"key"`
	// The value for the key from the token.
	Value *string `field:"required" json:"value" yaml:"value"`

A key-value pair that describes a required claim in the identity token.

If set, each claim is verified to be present in the token with a matching value.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

requiredClaimProperty := &RequiredClaimProperty{
	Key: jsii.String("key"),
	Value: jsii.String("value"),

type CfnNodegroup

type CfnNodegroup interface {
	// The AMI type for your node group.
	// If you specify `launchTemplate` , and your launch template uses a custom AMI, then don't specify `amiType` , or the node group deployment will fail. If your launch template uses a Windows custom AMI, then add `eks:kube-proxy-windows` to your Windows nodes `rolearn` in the `aws-auth` `ConfigMap` . For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see [Launch template support]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	AmiType() *string
	SetAmiType(val *string)
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the managed node group.
	AttrArn() *string
	// The name of the cluster that the managed node group resides in.
	AttrClusterName() *string
	AttrId() *string
	// The name associated with an Amazon EKS managed node group.
	AttrNodegroupName() *string
	// The capacity type of your managed node group.
	CapacityType() *string
	SetCapacityType(val *string)
	// Options for this resource, such as condition, update policy etc.
	// Experimental.
	CfnOptions() awscdk.ICfnResourceOptions
	CfnProperties() *map[string]interface{}
	// AWS resource type.
	// Experimental.
	CfnResourceType() *string
	// The name of the cluster to create the node group in.
	ClusterName() *string
	SetClusterName(val *string)
	// Returns: the stack trace of the point where this Resource was created from, sourced
	// from the +metadata+ entry typed +aws:cdk:logicalId+, and with the bottom-most
	// node +internal+ entries filtered.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// The root device disk size (in GiB) for your node group instances.
	// The default disk size is 20 GiB for Linux and Bottlerocket. The default disk size is 50 GiB for Windows. If you specify `launchTemplate` , then don't specify `diskSize` , or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see [Launch template support]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	DiskSize() *float64
	SetDiskSize(val *float64)
	// Force the update if the existing node group's pods are unable to be drained due to a pod disruption budget issue.
	// If an update fails because pods could not be drained, you can force the update after it fails to terminate the old node whether or not any pods are running on the node.
	ForceUpdateEnabled() interface{}
	SetForceUpdateEnabled(val interface{})
	// Specify the instance types for a node group.
	// If you specify a GPU instance type, make sure to also specify an applicable GPU AMI type with the `amiType` parameter. If you specify `launchTemplate` , then you can specify zero or one instance type in your launch template *or* you can specify 0-20 instance types for `instanceTypes` . If however, you specify an instance type in your launch template *and* specify any `instanceTypes` , the node group deployment will fail. If you don't specify an instance type in a launch template or for `instanceTypes` , then `t3.medium` is used, by default. If you specify `Spot` for `capacityType` , then we recommend specifying multiple values for `instanceTypes` . For more information, see [Managed node group capacity types]( and [Launch template support]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	InstanceTypes() *[]*string
	SetInstanceTypes(val *[]*string)
	// The Kubernetes labels applied to the nodes in the node group.
	// > Only labels that are applied with the Amazon EKS API are shown here. There may be other Kubernetes labels applied to the nodes in this group.
	Labels() interface{}
	SetLabels(val interface{})
	// An object representing a node group's launch template specification.
	// If specified, then do not specify `instanceTypes` , `diskSize` , or `remoteAccess` and make sure that the launch template meets the requirements in `launchTemplateSpecification` .
	LaunchTemplate() interface{}
	SetLaunchTemplate(val interface{})
	// The logical ID for this CloudFormation stack element.
	// The logical ID of the element
	// is calculated from the path of the resource node in the construct tree.
	// To override this value, use `overrideLogicalId(newLogicalId)`.
	// Returns: the logical ID as a stringified token. This value will only get
	// resolved during synthesis.
	// Experimental.
	LogicalId() *string
	// The construct tree node associated with this construct.
	// Experimental.
	Node() awscdk.ConstructNode
	// The unique name to give your node group.
	NodegroupName() *string
	SetNodegroupName(val *string)
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to associate with your node group.
	// The Amazon EKS worker node `kubelet` daemon makes calls to AWS APIs on your behalf. Nodes receive permissions for these API calls through an IAM instance profile and associated policies. Before you can launch nodes and register them into a cluster, you must create an IAM role for those nodes to use when they are launched. For more information, see [Amazon EKS node IAM role]( in the **Amazon EKS User Guide** . If you specify `launchTemplate` , then don't specify [`IamInstanceProfile`]( in your launch template, or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see [Launch template support]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	NodeRole() *string
	SetNodeRole(val *string)
	// Return a string that will be resolved to a CloudFormation `{ Ref }` for this element.
	// If, by any chance, the intrinsic reference of a resource is not a string, you could
	// coerce it to an IResolvable through `Lazy.any({ produce: resource.ref })`.
	// Experimental.
	Ref() *string
	// The AMI version of the Amazon EKS optimized AMI to use with your node group (for example, `1.14.7- *YYYYMMDD*` ). By default, the latest available AMI version for the node group's current Kubernetes version is used. For more information, see [Amazon EKS optimized Linux AMI Versions]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	// > Changing this value triggers an update of the node group if one is available. You can't update other properties at the same time as updating `Release Version` .
	ReleaseVersion() *string
	SetReleaseVersion(val *string)
	// The remote access configuration to use with your node group.
	// For Linux, the protocol is SSH. For Windows, the protocol is RDP. If you specify `launchTemplate` , then don't specify `remoteAccess` , or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see [Launch template support]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	RemoteAccess() interface{}
	SetRemoteAccess(val interface{})
	// The scaling configuration details for the Auto Scaling group that is created for your node group.
	ScalingConfig() interface{}
	SetScalingConfig(val interface{})
	// The stack in which this element is defined.
	// CfnElements must be defined within a stack scope (directly or indirectly).
	// Experimental.
	Stack() awscdk.Stack
	// The subnets to use for the Auto Scaling group that is created for your node group.
	// If you specify `launchTemplate` , then don't specify [`SubnetId`]( in your launch template, or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see [Launch template support]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	Subnets() *[]*string
	SetSubnets(val *[]*string)
	// The metadata applied to the node group to assist with categorization and organization.
	// Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You define both. Node group tags do not propagate to any other resources associated with the node group, such as the Amazon EC2 instances or subnets.
	Tags() awscdk.TagManager
	// The Kubernetes taints to be applied to the nodes in the node group when they are created.
	// Effect is one of `No_Schedule` , `Prefer_No_Schedule` , or `No_Execute` . Kubernetes taints can be used together with tolerations to control how workloads are scheduled to your nodes. For more information, see [Node taints on managed node groups]( .
	Taints() interface{}
	SetTaints(val interface{})
	// The node group update configuration.
	UpdateConfig() interface{}
	SetUpdateConfig(val interface{})
	// Return properties modified after initiation.
	// Resources that expose mutable properties should override this function to
	// collect and return the properties object for this resource.
	// Experimental.
	UpdatedProperites() *map[string]interface{}
	// The Kubernetes version to use for your managed nodes.
	// By default, the Kubernetes version of the cluster is used, and this is the only accepted specified value. If you specify `launchTemplate` , and your launch template uses a custom AMI, then don't specify `version` , or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see [Launch template support]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	// > You can't update other properties at the same time as updating `Version` .
	Version() *string
	SetVersion(val *string)
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride(path, undefined)`.
	// Experimental.
	AddDeletionOverride(path *string)
	// Indicates that this resource depends on another resource and cannot be provisioned unless the other resource has been successfully provisioned.
	// This can be used for resources across stacks (or nested stack) boundaries
	// and the dependency will automatically be transferred to the relevant scope.
	// Experimental.
	AddDependsOn(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Add a value to the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	// Experimental.
	AddMetadata(key *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override to the synthesized CloudFormation resource.
	// To add a
	// property override, either use `addPropertyOverride` or prefix `path` with
	// "Properties." (i.e. `Properties.TopicName`).
	// If the override is nested, separate each nested level using a dot (.) in the path parameter.
	// If there is an array as part of the nesting, specify the index in the path.
	// To include a literal `.` in the property name, prefix with a `\`. In most
	// programming languages you will need to write this as `"\\."` because the
	// `\` itself will need to be escaped.
	// For example,
	// “`typescript
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.0.Projection.NonKeyAttributes', ['myattribute']);
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.1.ProjectionType', 'INCLUDE');
	// “`
	// would add the overrides
	// “`json
	// "Properties": {
	//    "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [
	//      {
	//        "Projection": {
	//          "NonKeyAttributes": [ "myattribute" ]
	//          ...
	//        }
	//        ...
	//      },
	//      {
	//        "ProjectionType": "INCLUDE"
	//        ...
	//      },
	//    ]
	//    ...
	// }
	// “`
	// The `value` argument to `addOverride` will not be processed or translated
	// in any way. Pass raw JSON values in here with the correct capitalization
	// for CloudFormation. If you pass CDK classes or structs, they will be
	// rendered with lowercased key names, and CloudFormation will reject the
	// template.
	// Experimental.
	AddOverride(path *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override that deletes the value of a property from the resource definition.
	// Experimental.
	AddPropertyDeletionOverride(propertyPath *string)
	// Adds an override to a resource property.
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride("Properties.<...>", value)`.
	// Experimental.
	AddPropertyOverride(propertyPath *string, value interface{})
	// Sets the deletion policy of the resource based on the removal policy specified.
	// The Removal Policy controls what happens to this resource when it stops
	// being managed by CloudFormation, either because you've removed it from the
	// CDK application or because you've made a change that requires the resource
	// to be replaced.
	// The resource can be deleted (`RemovalPolicy.DESTROY`), or left in your AWS
	// account for data recovery and cleanup later (`RemovalPolicy.RETAIN`).
	// Experimental.
	ApplyRemovalPolicy(policy awscdk.RemovalPolicy, options *awscdk.RemovalPolicyOptions)
	// Returns a token for an runtime attribute of this resource.
	// Ideally, use generated attribute accessors (e.g. `resource.arn`), but this can be used for future compatibility
	// in case there is no generated attribute.
	// Experimental.
	GetAtt(attributeName *string) awscdk.Reference
	// Retrieve a value value from the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	// Experimental.
	GetMetadata(key *string) interface{}
	// Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
	Inspect(inspector awscdk.TreeInspector)
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	OnSynthesize(session constructs.ISynthesisSession)
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	OnValidate() *[]*string
	// Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
	// Experimental.
	OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string)
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	RenderProperties(props *map[string]interface{}) *map[string]interface{}
	// Can be overridden by subclasses to determine if this resource will be rendered into the cloudformation template.
	// Returns: `true` if the resource should be included or `false` is the resource
	// should be omitted.
	// Experimental.
	ShouldSynthesize() *bool
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	Synthesize(session awscdk.ISynthesisSession)
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	// Returns: a string representation of this resource.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	Validate() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	ValidateProperties(_properties interface{})

A CloudFormation `AWS::EKS::Nodegroup`.

Creates a managed node group for an Amazon EKS cluster. You can only create a node group for your cluster that is equal to the current Kubernetes version for the cluster. All node groups are created with the latest AMI release version for the respective minor Kubernetes version of the cluster, unless you deploy a custom AMI using a launch template. For more information about using launch templates, see [Launch template support]( .

An Amazon EKS managed node group is an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group and associated Amazon EC2 instances that are managed by AWS for an Amazon EKS cluster. For more information, see [Managed node groups]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .

> Windows AMI types are only supported for commercial Regions that support Windows Amazon EKS.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnNodegroup := awscdk.Aws_eks_legacy.NewCfnNodegroup(this, jsii.String("MyCfnNodegroup"), &CfnNodegroupProps{
	ClusterName: jsii.String("clusterName"),
	NodeRole: jsii.String("nodeRole"),
	Subnets: []*string{

	// the properties below are optional
	AmiType: jsii.String("amiType"),
	CapacityType: jsii.String("capacityType"),
	DiskSize: jsii.Number(123),
	ForceUpdateEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),
	InstanceTypes: []*string{
	Labels: map[string]*string{
		"labelsKey": jsii.String("labels"),
	LaunchTemplate: &LaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty{
		Id: jsii.String("id"),
		Name: jsii.String("name"),
		Version: jsii.String("version"),
	NodegroupName: jsii.String("nodegroupName"),
	ReleaseVersion: jsii.String("releaseVersion"),
	RemoteAccess: &RemoteAccessProperty{
		Ec2SshKey: jsii.String("ec2SshKey"),

		// the properties below are optional
		SourceSecurityGroups: []*string{
	ScalingConfig: &ScalingConfigProperty{
		DesiredSize: jsii.Number(123),
		MaxSize: jsii.Number(123),
		MinSize: jsii.Number(123),
	Tags: map[string]*string{
		"tagsKey": jsii.String("tags"),
	Taints: []interface{}{
			Effect: jsii.String("effect"),
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),
	UpdateConfig: &UpdateConfigProperty{
		MaxUnavailable: jsii.Number(123),
		MaxUnavailablePercentage: jsii.Number(123),
	Version: jsii.String("version"),

func NewCfnNodegroup

func NewCfnNodegroup(scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *CfnNodegroupProps) CfnNodegroup

Create a new `AWS::EKS::Nodegroup`.

type CfnNodegroupProps

type CfnNodegroupProps struct {
	// The name of the cluster to create the node group in.
	ClusterName *string `field:"required" json:"clusterName" yaml:"clusterName"`
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to associate with your node group.
	// The Amazon EKS worker node `kubelet` daemon makes calls to AWS APIs on your behalf. Nodes receive permissions for these API calls through an IAM instance profile and associated policies. Before you can launch nodes and register them into a cluster, you must create an IAM role for those nodes to use when they are launched. For more information, see [Amazon EKS node IAM role]( in the **Amazon EKS User Guide** . If you specify `launchTemplate` , then don't specify [`IamInstanceProfile`]( in your launch template, or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see [Launch template support]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	NodeRole *string `field:"required" json:"nodeRole" yaml:"nodeRole"`
	// The subnets to use for the Auto Scaling group that is created for your node group.
	// If you specify `launchTemplate` , then don't specify [`SubnetId`]( in your launch template, or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see [Launch template support]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	Subnets *[]*string `field:"required" json:"subnets" yaml:"subnets"`
	// The AMI type for your node group.
	// If you specify `launchTemplate` , and your launch template uses a custom AMI, then don't specify `amiType` , or the node group deployment will fail. If your launch template uses a Windows custom AMI, then add `eks:kube-proxy-windows` to your Windows nodes `rolearn` in the `aws-auth` `ConfigMap` . For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see [Launch template support]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	AmiType *string `field:"optional" json:"amiType" yaml:"amiType"`
	// The capacity type of your managed node group.
	CapacityType *string `field:"optional" json:"capacityType" yaml:"capacityType"`
	// The root device disk size (in GiB) for your node group instances.
	// The default disk size is 20 GiB for Linux and Bottlerocket. The default disk size is 50 GiB for Windows. If you specify `launchTemplate` , then don't specify `diskSize` , or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see [Launch template support]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	DiskSize *float64 `field:"optional" json:"diskSize" yaml:"diskSize"`
	// Force the update if the existing node group's pods are unable to be drained due to a pod disruption budget issue.
	// If an update fails because pods could not be drained, you can force the update after it fails to terminate the old node whether or not any pods are running on the node.
	ForceUpdateEnabled interface{} `field:"optional" json:"forceUpdateEnabled" yaml:"forceUpdateEnabled"`
	// Specify the instance types for a node group.
	// If you specify a GPU instance type, make sure to also specify an applicable GPU AMI type with the `amiType` parameter. If you specify `launchTemplate` , then you can specify zero or one instance type in your launch template *or* you can specify 0-20 instance types for `instanceTypes` . If however, you specify an instance type in your launch template *and* specify any `instanceTypes` , the node group deployment will fail. If you don't specify an instance type in a launch template or for `instanceTypes` , then `t3.medium` is used, by default. If you specify `Spot` for `capacityType` , then we recommend specifying multiple values for `instanceTypes` . For more information, see [Managed node group capacity types]( and [Launch template support]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	InstanceTypes *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"instanceTypes" yaml:"instanceTypes"`
	// The Kubernetes labels applied to the nodes in the node group.
	// > Only labels that are applied with the Amazon EKS API are shown here. There may be other Kubernetes labels applied to the nodes in this group.
	Labels interface{} `field:"optional" json:"labels" yaml:"labels"`
	// An object representing a node group's launch template specification.
	// If specified, then do not specify `instanceTypes` , `diskSize` , or `remoteAccess` and make sure that the launch template meets the requirements in `launchTemplateSpecification` .
	LaunchTemplate interface{} `field:"optional" json:"launchTemplate" yaml:"launchTemplate"`
	// The unique name to give your node group.
	NodegroupName *string `field:"optional" json:"nodegroupName" yaml:"nodegroupName"`
	// The AMI version of the Amazon EKS optimized AMI to use with your node group (for example, `1.14.7- *YYYYMMDD*` ). By default, the latest available AMI version for the node group's current Kubernetes version is used. For more information, see [Amazon EKS optimized Linux AMI Versions]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	// > Changing this value triggers an update of the node group if one is available. You can't update other properties at the same time as updating `Release Version` .
	ReleaseVersion *string `field:"optional" json:"releaseVersion" yaml:"releaseVersion"`
	// The remote access configuration to use with your node group.
	// For Linux, the protocol is SSH. For Windows, the protocol is RDP. If you specify `launchTemplate` , then don't specify `remoteAccess` , or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see [Launch template support]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	RemoteAccess interface{} `field:"optional" json:"remoteAccess" yaml:"remoteAccess"`
	// The scaling configuration details for the Auto Scaling group that is created for your node group.
	ScalingConfig interface{} `field:"optional" json:"scalingConfig" yaml:"scalingConfig"`
	// The metadata applied to the node group to assist with categorization and organization.
	// Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You define both. Node group tags do not propagate to any other resources associated with the node group, such as the Amazon EC2 instances or subnets.
	Tags *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"tags" yaml:"tags"`
	// The Kubernetes taints to be applied to the nodes in the node group when they are created.
	// Effect is one of `No_Schedule` , `Prefer_No_Schedule` , or `No_Execute` . Kubernetes taints can be used together with tolerations to control how workloads are scheduled to your nodes. For more information, see [Node taints on managed node groups]( .
	Taints interface{} `field:"optional" json:"taints" yaml:"taints"`
	// The node group update configuration.
	UpdateConfig interface{} `field:"optional" json:"updateConfig" yaml:"updateConfig"`
	// The Kubernetes version to use for your managed nodes.
	// By default, the Kubernetes version of the cluster is used, and this is the only accepted specified value. If you specify `launchTemplate` , and your launch template uses a custom AMI, then don't specify `version` , or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see [Launch template support]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	// > You can't update other properties at the same time as updating `Version` .
	Version *string `field:"optional" json:"version" yaml:"version"`

Properties for defining a `CfnNodegroup`.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnNodegroupProps := &CfnNodegroupProps{
	ClusterName: jsii.String("clusterName"),
	NodeRole: jsii.String("nodeRole"),
	Subnets: []*string{

	// the properties below are optional
	AmiType: jsii.String("amiType"),
	CapacityType: jsii.String("capacityType"),
	DiskSize: jsii.Number(123),
	ForceUpdateEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),
	InstanceTypes: []*string{
	Labels: map[string]*string{
		"labelsKey": jsii.String("labels"),
	LaunchTemplate: &LaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty{
		Id: jsii.String("id"),
		Name: jsii.String("name"),
		Version: jsii.String("version"),
	NodegroupName: jsii.String("nodegroupName"),
	ReleaseVersion: jsii.String("releaseVersion"),
	RemoteAccess: &RemoteAccessProperty{
		Ec2SshKey: jsii.String("ec2SshKey"),

		// the properties below are optional
		SourceSecurityGroups: []*string{
	ScalingConfig: &ScalingConfigProperty{
		DesiredSize: jsii.Number(123),
		MaxSize: jsii.Number(123),
		MinSize: jsii.Number(123),
	Tags: map[string]*string{
		"tagsKey": jsii.String("tags"),
	Taints: []interface{}{
			Effect: jsii.String("effect"),
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),
	UpdateConfig: &UpdateConfigProperty{
		MaxUnavailable: jsii.Number(123),
		MaxUnavailablePercentage: jsii.Number(123),
	Version: jsii.String("version"),

type CfnNodegroup_LaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty

type CfnNodegroup_LaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty struct {
	// The ID of the launch template.
	// You must specify either the launch template ID or the launch template name in the request, but not both.
	Id *string `field:"optional" json:"id" yaml:"id"`
	// The name of the launch template.
	// You must specify either the launch template name or the launch template ID in the request, but not both.
	Name *string `field:"optional" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// The version number of the launch template to use.
	// If no version is specified, then the template's default version is used.
	Version *string `field:"optional" json:"version" yaml:"version"`

An object representing a node group launch template specification.

The launch template can't include [`SubnetId`]( , [`IamInstanceProfile`]( , [`RequestSpotInstances`]( , [`HibernationOptions`]( , or [`TerminateInstances`]( , or the node group deployment or update will fail. For more information about launch templates, see [`CreateLaunchTemplate`]( in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see [Launch template support]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .

You must specify either the launch template ID or the launch template name in the request, but not both.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

launchTemplateSpecificationProperty := &LaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty{
	Id: jsii.String("id"),
	Name: jsii.String("name"),
	Version: jsii.String("version"),

type CfnNodegroup_RemoteAccessProperty

type CfnNodegroup_RemoteAccessProperty struct {
	// The Amazon EC2 SSH key name that provides access for SSH communication with the nodes in the managed node group.
	// For more information, see [Amazon EC2 key pairs and Linux instances]( in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances* . For Windows, an Amazon EC2 SSH key is used to obtain the RDP password. For more information, see [Amazon EC2 key pairs and Windows instances]( in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Windows Instances* .
	Ec2SshKey *string `field:"required" json:"ec2SshKey" yaml:"ec2SshKey"`
	// The security group IDs that are allowed SSH access (port 22) to the nodes.
	// For Windows, the port is 3389. If you specify an Amazon EC2 SSH key but don't specify a source security group when you create a managed node group, then the port on the nodes is opened to the internet ( `` ). For more information, see [Security Groups for Your VPC]( in the *Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide* .
	SourceSecurityGroups *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"sourceSecurityGroups" yaml:"sourceSecurityGroups"`

An object representing the remote access configuration for the managed node group.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

remoteAccessProperty := &RemoteAccessProperty{
	Ec2SshKey: jsii.String("ec2SshKey"),

	// the properties below are optional
	SourceSecurityGroups: []*string{

type CfnNodegroup_ScalingConfigProperty

type CfnNodegroup_ScalingConfigProperty struct {
	// The current number of nodes that the managed node group should maintain.
	// > If you use Cluster Autoscaler, you shouldn't change the desiredSize value directly, as this can cause the Cluster Autoscaler to suddenly scale up or scale down.
	// Whenever this parameter changes, the number of worker nodes in the node group is updated to the specified size. If this parameter is given a value that is smaller than the current number of running worker nodes, the necessary number of worker nodes are terminated to match the given value. When using CloudFormation, no action occurs if you remove this parameter from your CFN template.
	// This parameter can be different from minSize in some cases, such as when starting with extra hosts for testing. This parameter can also be different when you want to start with an estimated number of needed hosts, but let Cluster Autoscaler reduce the number if there are too many. When Cluster Autoscaler is used, the desiredSize parameter is altered by Cluster Autoscaler (but can be out-of-date for short periods of time). Cluster Autoscaler doesn't scale a managed node group lower than minSize or higher than maxSize.
	DesiredSize *float64 `field:"optional" json:"desiredSize" yaml:"desiredSize"`
	// The maximum number of nodes that the managed node group can scale out to.
	// For information about the maximum number that you can specify, see [Amazon EKS service quotas]( in the *Amazon EKS User Guide* .
	MaxSize *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxSize" yaml:"maxSize"`
	// The minimum number of nodes that the managed node group can scale in to.
	MinSize *float64 `field:"optional" json:"minSize" yaml:"minSize"`

An object representing the scaling configuration details for the Auto Scaling group that is associated with your node group.

When creating a node group, you must specify all or none of the properties. When updating a node group, you can specify any or none of the properties.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

scalingConfigProperty := &ScalingConfigProperty{
	DesiredSize: jsii.Number(123),
	MaxSize: jsii.Number(123),
	MinSize: jsii.Number(123),

type CfnNodegroup_TaintProperty

type CfnNodegroup_TaintProperty struct {
	// The effect of the taint.
	Effect *string `field:"optional" json:"effect" yaml:"effect"`
	// The key of the taint.
	Key *string `field:"optional" json:"key" yaml:"key"`
	// The value of the taint.
	Value *string `field:"optional" json:"value" yaml:"value"`

A property that allows a node to repel a set of pods.

For more information, see [Node taints on managed node groups]( .


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

taintProperty := &TaintProperty{
	Effect: jsii.String("effect"),
	Key: jsii.String("key"),
	Value: jsii.String("value"),

type CfnNodegroup_UpdateConfigProperty

type CfnNodegroup_UpdateConfigProperty struct {
	// The maximum number of nodes unavailable at once during a version update.
	// Nodes will be updated in parallel. This value or `maxUnavailablePercentage` is required to have a value.The maximum number is 100.
	MaxUnavailable *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxUnavailable" yaml:"maxUnavailable"`
	// The maximum percentage of nodes unavailable during a version update.
	// This percentage of nodes will be updated in parallel, up to 100 nodes at once. This value or `maxUnavailable` is required to have a value.
	MaxUnavailablePercentage *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxUnavailablePercentage" yaml:"maxUnavailablePercentage"`

The update configuration for the node group.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

updateConfigProperty := &UpdateConfigProperty{
	MaxUnavailable: jsii.Number(123),
	MaxUnavailablePercentage: jsii.Number(123),

type Cluster

type Cluster interface {
	// Lazily creates the AwsAuth resource, which manages AWS authentication mapping.
	// Experimental.
	AwsAuth() AwsAuth
	// The AWS generated ARN for the Cluster resource.
	// For example, `arn:aws:eks:us-west-2:666666666666:cluster/prod`.
	// Experimental.
	ClusterArn() *string
	// The certificate-authority-data for your cluster.
	// Experimental.
	ClusterCertificateAuthorityData() *string
	// The endpoint URL for the Cluster.
	// This is the URL inside the kubeconfig file to use with kubectl
	// For example, ``
	// Experimental.
	ClusterEndpoint() *string
	// The Name of the created EKS Cluster.
	// Experimental.
	ClusterName() *string
	// Manages connection rules (Security Group Rules) for the cluster.
	// Experimental.
	Connections() awsec2.Connections
	// The auto scaling group that hosts the default capacity for this cluster.
	// This will be `undefined` if the default capacity is set to 0.
	// Experimental.
	DefaultCapacity() awsautoscaling.AutoScalingGroup
	// The environment this resource belongs to.
	// For resources that are created and managed by the CDK
	// (generally, those created by creating new class instances like Role, Bucket, etc.),
	// this is always the same as the environment of the stack they belong to;
	// however, for imported resources
	// (those obtained from static methods like fromRoleArn, fromBucketName, etc.),
	// that might be different than the stack they were imported into.
	// Experimental.
	Env() *awscdk.ResourceEnvironment
	// Indicates if `kubectl` related operations can be performed on this cluster.
	// Experimental.
	KubectlEnabled() *bool
	// The construct tree node associated with this construct.
	// Experimental.
	Node() awscdk.ConstructNode
	// Returns a string-encoded token that resolves to the physical name that should be passed to the CloudFormation resource.
	// This value will resolve to one of the following:
	// - a concrete value (e.g. `"my-awesome-bucket"`)
	// - `undefined`, when a name should be generated by CloudFormation
	// - a concrete name generated automatically during synthesis, in
	//    cross-environment scenarios.
	// Experimental.
	PhysicalName() *string
	// IAM role assumed by the EKS Control Plane.
	// Experimental.
	Role() awsiam.IRole
	// The stack in which this resource is defined.
	// Experimental.
	Stack() awscdk.Stack
	// The VPC in which this Cluster was created.
	// Experimental.
	Vpc() awsec2.IVpc
	// Add compute capacity to this EKS cluster in the form of an AutoScalingGroup.
	// The AutoScalingGroup must be running an EKS-optimized AMI containing the
	// /etc/eks/ script. This method will configure Security Groups,
	// add the right policies to the instance role, apply the right tags, and add
	// the required user data to the instance's launch configuration.
	// Spot instances will be labeled `lifecycle=Ec2Spot` and tainted with `PreferNoSchedule`.
	// If kubectl is enabled, the
	// [spot interrupt handler](
	// daemon will be installed on all spot instances to handle
	// [EC2 Spot Instance Termination Notices](
	// Prefer to use `addCapacity` if possible.
	// See:
	// Experimental.
	AddAutoScalingGroup(autoScalingGroup awsautoscaling.AutoScalingGroup, options *AutoScalingGroupOptions)
	// Add nodes to this EKS cluster.
	// The nodes will automatically be configured with the right VPC and AMI
	// for the instance type and Kubernetes version.
	// Spot instances will be labeled `lifecycle=Ec2Spot` and tainted with `PreferNoSchedule`.
	// If kubectl is enabled, the
	// [spot interrupt handler](
	// daemon will be installed on all spot instances to handle
	// [EC2 Spot Instance Termination Notices](
	// Experimental.
	AddCapacity(id *string, options *CapacityOptions) awsautoscaling.AutoScalingGroup
	// Defines a Helm chart in this cluster.
	// Returns: a `HelmChart` object.
	// Experimental.
	AddChart(id *string, options *HelmChartOptions) HelmChart
	// Defines a Kubernetes resource in this cluster.
	// The manifest will be applied/deleted using kubectl as needed.
	// Returns: a `KubernetesResource` object.
	// Experimental.
	AddResource(id *string, manifest ...interface{}) KubernetesResource
	// Apply the given removal policy to this resource.
	// The Removal Policy controls what happens to this resource when it stops
	// being managed by CloudFormation, either because you've removed it from the
	// CDK application or because you've made a change that requires the resource
	// to be replaced.
	// The resource can be deleted (`RemovalPolicy.DESTROY`), or left in your AWS
	// account for data recovery and cleanup later (`RemovalPolicy.RETAIN`).
	// Experimental.
	ApplyRemovalPolicy(policy awscdk.RemovalPolicy)
	// Experimental.
	GeneratePhysicalName() *string
	// Returns an environment-sensitive token that should be used for the resource's "ARN" attribute (e.g. `bucket.bucketArn`).
	// Normally, this token will resolve to `arnAttr`, but if the resource is
	// referenced across environments, `arnComponents` will be used to synthesize
	// a concrete ARN with the resource's physical name. Make sure to reference
	// `this.physicalName` in `arnComponents`.
	// Experimental.
	GetResourceArnAttribute(arnAttr *string, arnComponents *awscdk.ArnComponents) *string
	// Returns an environment-sensitive token that should be used for the resource's "name" attribute (e.g. `bucket.bucketName`).
	// Normally, this token will resolve to `nameAttr`, but if the resource is
	// referenced across environments, it will be resolved to `this.physicalName`,
	// which will be a concrete name.
	// Experimental.
	GetResourceNameAttribute(nameAttr *string) *string
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	OnSynthesize(session constructs.ISynthesisSession)
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	OnValidate() *[]*string
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	Synthesize(session awscdk.ISynthesisSession)
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	Validate() *[]*string

A Cluster represents a managed Kubernetes Service (EKS).

This is a fully managed cluster of API Servers (control-plane) The user is still required to create the worker nodes.


var cluster cluster

// option 1: use a construct
// option 1: use a construct
eks.NewHelmChart(this, jsii.String("NginxIngress"), &HelmChartProps{
	Cluster: Cluster,
	Chart: jsii.String("nginx-ingress"),
	Repository: jsii.String(""),
	Namespace: jsii.String("kube-system"),

// or, option2: use `addChart`
cluster.AddChart(jsii.String("NginxIngress"), &HelmChartOptions{
	Chart: jsii.String("nginx-ingress"),
	Repository: jsii.String(""),
	Namespace: jsii.String("kube-system"),


func NewCluster

func NewCluster(scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *ClusterProps) Cluster

Initiates an EKS Cluster with the supplied arguments. Experimental.

type ClusterAttributes

type ClusterAttributes struct {
	// The unique ARN assigned to the service by AWS in the form of arn:aws:eks:.
	// Experimental.
	ClusterArn *string `field:"required" json:"clusterArn" yaml:"clusterArn"`
	// The certificate-authority-data for your cluster.
	// Experimental.
	ClusterCertificateAuthorityData *string `field:"required" json:"clusterCertificateAuthorityData" yaml:"clusterCertificateAuthorityData"`
	// The API Server endpoint URL.
	// Experimental.
	ClusterEndpoint *string `field:"required" json:"clusterEndpoint" yaml:"clusterEndpoint"`
	// The physical name of the Cluster.
	// Experimental.
	ClusterName *string `field:"required" json:"clusterName" yaml:"clusterName"`
	// The security groups associated with this cluster.
	// Experimental.
	SecurityGroups *[]awsec2.ISecurityGroup `field:"required" json:"securityGroups" yaml:"securityGroups"`
	// The VPC in which this Cluster was created.
	// Experimental.
	Vpc awsec2.IVpc `field:"required" json:"vpc" yaml:"vpc"`


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""
import ""

var securityGroup securityGroup
var vpc vpc

clusterAttributes := &ClusterAttributes{
	ClusterArn: jsii.String("clusterArn"),
	ClusterCertificateAuthorityData: jsii.String("clusterCertificateAuthorityData"),
	ClusterEndpoint: jsii.String("clusterEndpoint"),
	ClusterName: jsii.String("clusterName"),
	SecurityGroups: []iSecurityGroup{
	Vpc: vpc,


type ClusterProps

type ClusterProps struct {
	// Name for the cluster.
	// Experimental.
	ClusterName *string `field:"optional" json:"clusterName" yaml:"clusterName"`
	// Number of instances to allocate as an initial capacity for this cluster.
	// Instance type can be configured through `defaultCapacityInstanceType`,
	// which defaults to `m5.large`.
	// Use `cluster.addCapacity` to add additional customized capacity. Set this
	// to `0` is you wish to avoid the initial capacity allocation.
	// Experimental.
	DefaultCapacity *float64 `field:"optional" json:"defaultCapacity" yaml:"defaultCapacity"`
	// The instance type to use for the default capacity.
	// This will only be taken
	// into account if `defaultCapacity` is > 0.
	// Experimental.
	DefaultCapacityInstance awsec2.InstanceType `field:"optional" json:"defaultCapacityInstance" yaml:"defaultCapacityInstance"`
	// Allows defining `kubectrl`-related resources on this cluster.
	// If this is disabled, it will not be possible to use the following
	// capabilities:
	// - `addResource`
	// - `addRoleMapping`
	// - `addUserMapping`
	// - `addMastersRole` and `props.mastersRole`
	// If this is disabled, the cluster can only be managed by issuing `kubectl`
	// commands from a session that uses the IAM role/user that created the
	// account.
	// _NOTE_: changing this value will destoy the cluster. This is because a
	// managable cluster must be created using an AWS CloudFormation custom
	// resource which executes with an IAM role owned by the CDK app.
	// Experimental.
	KubectlEnabled *bool `field:"optional" json:"kubectlEnabled" yaml:"kubectlEnabled"`
	// An IAM role that will be added to the `system:masters` Kubernetes RBAC group.
	// See:
	// Experimental.
	MastersRole awsiam.IRole `field:"optional" json:"mastersRole" yaml:"mastersRole"`
	// Determines whether a CloudFormation output with the name of the cluster will be synthesized.
	// Experimental.
	OutputClusterName *bool `field:"optional" json:"outputClusterName" yaml:"outputClusterName"`
	// Determines whether a CloudFormation output with the `aws eks update-kubeconfig` command will be synthesized.
	// This command will include
	// the cluster name and, if applicable, the ARN of the masters IAM role.
	// Experimental.
	OutputConfigCommand *bool `field:"optional" json:"outputConfigCommand" yaml:"outputConfigCommand"`
	// Determines whether a CloudFormation output with the ARN of the "masters" IAM role will be synthesized (if `mastersRole` is specified).
	// Experimental.
	OutputMastersRoleArn *bool `field:"optional" json:"outputMastersRoleArn" yaml:"outputMastersRoleArn"`
	// Role that provides permissions for the Kubernetes control plane to make calls to AWS API operations on your behalf.
	// Experimental.
	Role awsiam.IRole `field:"optional" json:"role" yaml:"role"`
	// Security Group to use for Control Plane ENIs.
	// Experimental.
	SecurityGroup awsec2.ISecurityGroup `field:"optional" json:"securityGroup" yaml:"securityGroup"`
	// The Kubernetes version to run in the cluster.
	// Experimental.
	Version *string `field:"optional" json:"version" yaml:"version"`
	// The VPC in which to create the Cluster.
	// Experimental.
	Vpc awsec2.IVpc `field:"optional" json:"vpc" yaml:"vpc"`
	// Where to place EKS Control Plane ENIs.
	// If you want to create public load balancers, this must include public subnets.
	// For example, to only select private subnets, supply the following:
	// “`ts
	// const vpcSubnets = [
	//    { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT }
	// ]
	// “`.
	// Experimental.
	VpcSubnets *[]*awsec2.SubnetSelection `field:"optional" json:"vpcSubnets" yaml:"vpcSubnets"`

Properties to instantiate the Cluster.


eks.NewCluster(this, jsii.String("cluster"), &ClusterProps{
	DefaultCapacity: jsii.Number(10),
	DefaultCapacityInstance: ec2.NewInstanceType(jsii.String("m2.xlarge")),


type EksOptimizedImage

type EksOptimizedImage interface {
	// Return the correct image.
	// Experimental.
	GetImage(scope awscdk.Construct) *awsec2.MachineImageConfig

Construct an Amazon Linux 2 image from the latest EKS Optimized AMI published in SSM.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

eksOptimizedImage := awscdk.Aws_eks_legacy.NewEksOptimizedImage(&EksOptimizedImageProps{
	KubernetesVersion: jsii.String("kubernetesVersion"),
	NodeType: awscdk.*Aws_eks_legacy.NodeType_STANDARD,


func NewEksOptimizedImage

func NewEksOptimizedImage(props *EksOptimizedImageProps) EksOptimizedImage

Constructs a new instance of the EcsOptimizedAmi class. Experimental.

type EksOptimizedImageProps

type EksOptimizedImageProps struct {
	// The Kubernetes version to use.
	// Experimental.
	KubernetesVersion *string `field:"optional" json:"kubernetesVersion" yaml:"kubernetesVersion"`
	// What instance type to retrieve the image for (standard or GPU-optimized).
	// Experimental.
	NodeType NodeType `field:"optional" json:"nodeType" yaml:"nodeType"`

Properties for EksOptimizedImage.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

eksOptimizedImageProps := &EksOptimizedImageProps{
	KubernetesVersion: jsii.String("kubernetesVersion"),
	NodeType: awscdk.Aws_eks_legacy.NodeType_STANDARD,


type HelmChart

type HelmChart interface {
	// The construct tree node associated with this construct.
	// Experimental.
	Node() awscdk.ConstructNode
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	OnSynthesize(session constructs.ISynthesisSession)
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	OnValidate() *[]*string
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	Synthesize(session awscdk.ISynthesisSession)
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	Validate() *[]*string

Represents a helm chart within the Kubernetes system.

Applies/deletes the resources using `kubectl` in sync with the resource.


var cluster cluster

// option 1: use a construct
// option 1: use a construct
eks.NewHelmChart(this, jsii.String("NginxIngress"), &HelmChartProps{
	Cluster: Cluster,
	Chart: jsii.String("nginx-ingress"),
	Repository: jsii.String(""),
	Namespace: jsii.String("kube-system"),

// or, option2: use `addChart`
cluster.AddChart(jsii.String("NginxIngress"), &HelmChartOptions{
	Chart: jsii.String("nginx-ingress"),
	Repository: jsii.String(""),
	Namespace: jsii.String("kube-system"),


func NewHelmChart

func NewHelmChart(scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *HelmChartProps) HelmChart


type HelmChartOptions

type HelmChartOptions struct {
	// The name of the chart.
	// Experimental.
	Chart *string `field:"required" json:"chart" yaml:"chart"`
	// The Kubernetes namespace scope of the requests.
	// Experimental.
	Namespace *string `field:"optional" json:"namespace" yaml:"namespace"`
	// The name of the release.
	// Experimental.
	Release *string `field:"optional" json:"release" yaml:"release"`
	// The repository which contains the chart.
	// For example:
	// Experimental.
	Repository *string `field:"optional" json:"repository" yaml:"repository"`
	// The values to be used by the chart.
	// Experimental.
	Values *map[string]interface{} `field:"optional" json:"values" yaml:"values"`
	// The chart version to install.
	// Experimental.
	Version *string `field:"optional" json:"version" yaml:"version"`

Helm Chart options.


var cluster cluster

// option 1: use a construct
// option 1: use a construct
eks.NewHelmChart(this, jsii.String("NginxIngress"), &HelmChartProps{
	Cluster: Cluster,
	Chart: jsii.String("nginx-ingress"),
	Repository: jsii.String(""),
	Namespace: jsii.String("kube-system"),

// or, option2: use `addChart`
cluster.AddChart(jsii.String("NginxIngress"), &HelmChartOptions{
	Chart: jsii.String("nginx-ingress"),
	Repository: jsii.String(""),
	Namespace: jsii.String("kube-system"),


type HelmChartProps

type HelmChartProps struct {
	// The name of the chart.
	// Experimental.
	Chart *string `field:"required" json:"chart" yaml:"chart"`
	// The Kubernetes namespace scope of the requests.
	// Experimental.
	Namespace *string `field:"optional" json:"namespace" yaml:"namespace"`
	// The name of the release.
	// Experimental.
	Release *string `field:"optional" json:"release" yaml:"release"`
	// The repository which contains the chart.
	// For example:
	// Experimental.
	Repository *string `field:"optional" json:"repository" yaml:"repository"`
	// The values to be used by the chart.
	// Experimental.
	Values *map[string]interface{} `field:"optional" json:"values" yaml:"values"`
	// The chart version to install.
	// Experimental.
	Version *string `field:"optional" json:"version" yaml:"version"`
	// The EKS cluster to apply this configuration to.
	// [disable-awslint:ref-via-interface].
	// Experimental.
	Cluster Cluster `field:"required" json:"cluster" yaml:"cluster"`

Helm Chart properties.


var cluster cluster

// option 1: use a construct
// option 1: use a construct
eks.NewHelmChart(this, jsii.String("NginxIngress"), &HelmChartProps{
	Cluster: Cluster,
	Chart: jsii.String("nginx-ingress"),
	Repository: jsii.String(""),
	Namespace: jsii.String("kube-system"),

// or, option2: use `addChart`
cluster.AddChart(jsii.String("NginxIngress"), &HelmChartOptions{
	Chart: jsii.String("nginx-ingress"),
	Repository: jsii.String(""),
	Namespace: jsii.String("kube-system"),


type ICluster

type ICluster interface {
	// The unique ARN assigned to the service by AWS in the form of arn:aws:eks:.
	// Experimental.
	ClusterArn() *string
	// The certificate-authority-data for your cluster.
	// Experimental.
	ClusterCertificateAuthorityData() *string
	// The API Server endpoint URL.
	// Experimental.
	ClusterEndpoint() *string
	// The physical name of the Cluster.
	// Experimental.
	ClusterName() *string
	// The VPC in which this Cluster was created.
	// Experimental.
	Vpc() awsec2.IVpc

An EKS cluster. Experimental.

func Cluster_FromClusterAttributes

func Cluster_FromClusterAttributes(scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, attrs *ClusterAttributes) ICluster

Import an existing cluster. Experimental.

type KubernetesResource

type KubernetesResource interface {
	// The construct tree node associated with this construct.
	// Experimental.
	Node() awscdk.ConstructNode
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	OnSynthesize(session constructs.ISynthesisSession)
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	OnValidate() *[]*string
	// Perform final modifications before synthesis.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
	// constructs have been prepared.
	// This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
	// understand the implications.
	// Experimental.
	// Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
	// This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
	// as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
	// Experimental.
	Synthesize(session awscdk.ISynthesisSession)
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string
	// Validate the current construct.
	// This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
	// validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
	// Returns: An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
	// Experimental.
	Validate() *[]*string

Represents a resource within the Kubernetes system.

Alternatively, you can use `cluster.addResource(resource[, resource, ...])` to define resources on this cluster.

Applies/deletes the resources using `kubectl` in sync with the resource.


var cluster cluster
appLabel := map[string]*string{
	"app": jsii.String("hello-kubernetes"),

deployment := map[string]interface{}{
	"apiVersion": jsii.String("apps/v1"),
	"kind": jsii.String("Deployment"),
	"metadata": map[string]*string{
		"name": jsii.String("hello-kubernetes"),
	"spec": map[string]interface{}{
		"replicas": jsii.Number(3),
		"selector": map[string]map[string]*string{
			"matchLabels": appLabel,
		"template": map[string]map[string]map[string]*string{
			"metadata": map[string]map[string]*string{
				"labels": appLabel,
			"spec": map[string][]map[string]interface{}{
				"containers": []map[string]interface{}{
						"name": jsii.String("hello-kubernetes"),
						"image": jsii.String("paulbouwer/hello-kubernetes:1.5"),
						"ports": []map[string]*f64{
								"containerPort": jsii.Number(8080),

service := map[string]interface{}{
	"apiVersion": jsii.String("v1"),
	"kind": jsii.String("Service"),
	"metadata": map[string]*string{
		"name": jsii.String("hello-kubernetes"),
	"spec": map[string]interface{}{
		"type": jsii.String("LoadBalancer"),
		"ports": []map[string]*f64{
				"port": jsii.Number(80),
				"targetPort": jsii.Number(8080),
		"selector": appLabel,
// option 1: use a construct
// option 1: use a construct
eks.NewKubernetesResource(this, jsii.String("hello-kub"), &KubernetesResourceProps{
	Cluster: Cluster,
	Manifest: []interface{}{

// or, option2: use `addResource`
cluster.AddResource(jsii.String("hello-kub"), service, deployment)


func NewKubernetesResource

func NewKubernetesResource(scope awscdk.Construct, id *string, props *KubernetesResourceProps) KubernetesResource


type KubernetesResourceProps

type KubernetesResourceProps struct {
	// The EKS cluster to apply this configuration to.
	// [disable-awslint:ref-via-interface].
	// Experimental.
	Cluster Cluster `field:"required" json:"cluster" yaml:"cluster"`
	// The resource manifest.
	// Consists of any number of child resources.
	// When the resource is created/updated, this manifest will be applied to the
	// cluster through `kubectl apply` and when the resource or the stack is
	// deleted, the manifest will be deleted through `kubectl delete`.
	// “`
	// const manifest = {
	//    apiVersion: 'v1',
	//    kind: 'Pod',
	//    metadata: { name: 'mypod' },
	//    spec: {
	//      containers: [ { name: 'hello', image: 'paulbouwer/hello-kubernetes:1.5', ports: [ { containerPort: 8080 } ] } ]
	//    }
	// }
	// “`.
	// Experimental.
	Manifest *[]interface{} `field:"required" json:"manifest" yaml:"manifest"`


var cluster cluster
appLabel := map[string]*string{
	"app": jsii.String("hello-kubernetes"),

deployment := map[string]interface{}{
	"apiVersion": jsii.String("apps/v1"),
	"kind": jsii.String("Deployment"),
	"metadata": map[string]*string{
		"name": jsii.String("hello-kubernetes"),
	"spec": map[string]interface{}{
		"replicas": jsii.Number(3),
		"selector": map[string]map[string]*string{
			"matchLabels": appLabel,
		"template": map[string]map[string]map[string]*string{
			"metadata": map[string]map[string]*string{
				"labels": appLabel,
			"spec": map[string][]map[string]interface{}{
				"containers": []map[string]interface{}{
						"name": jsii.String("hello-kubernetes"),
						"image": jsii.String("paulbouwer/hello-kubernetes:1.5"),
						"ports": []map[string]*f64{
								"containerPort": jsii.Number(8080),

service := map[string]interface{}{
	"apiVersion": jsii.String("v1"),
	"kind": jsii.String("Service"),
	"metadata": map[string]*string{
		"name": jsii.String("hello-kubernetes"),
	"spec": map[string]interface{}{
		"type": jsii.String("LoadBalancer"),
		"ports": []map[string]*f64{
				"port": jsii.Number(80),
				"targetPort": jsii.Number(8080),
		"selector": appLabel,
// option 1: use a construct
// option 1: use a construct
eks.NewKubernetesResource(this, jsii.String("hello-kub"), &KubernetesResourceProps{
	Cluster: Cluster,
	Manifest: []interface{}{

// or, option2: use `addResource`
cluster.AddResource(jsii.String("hello-kub"), service, deployment)


type Mapping

type Mapping struct {
	// A list of groups within Kubernetes to which the role is mapped.
	// See:
	// Experimental.
	Groups *[]*string `field:"required" json:"groups" yaml:"groups"`
	// The user name within Kubernetes to map to the IAM role.
	// Experimental.
	Username *string `field:"optional" json:"username" yaml:"username"`


var cluster cluster

adminUser := iam.NewUser(this, jsii.String("Admin"))
cluster.awsAuth.AddUserMapping(adminUser, &Mapping{
	Groups: []*string{


type NodeType

type NodeType string

Whether the worker nodes should support GPU or just standard instances. Experimental.

const (
	// Standard instances.
	// Experimental.
	NodeType_STANDARD NodeType = "STANDARD"
	// GPU instances.
	// Experimental.
	NodeType_GPU NodeType = "GPU"

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