
v2.159.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 19, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 23 Imported by: 12


Event Targets for Amazon EventBridge

This library contains integration classes to send Amazon EventBridge to any number of supported AWS Services. Instances of these classes should be passed to the rule.addTarget() method.

Currently supported are:

See the README of the aws-cdk-lib/aws-events library for more information on EventBridge.

Event retry policy and using dead-letter queues

The Codebuild, CodePipeline, Lambda, Kinesis Data Streams, StepFunctions, LogGroup, SQSQueue, SNSTopic and ECSTask targets support attaching a dead letter queue and setting retry policies. See the lambda example. Use escape hatches for the other target types.

Invoke a Lambda function

Use the LambdaFunction target to invoke a lambda function.

The code snippet below creates an event rule with a Lambda function as a target triggered for every events from aws.ec2 source. You can optionally attach a dead letter queue.

import ""

fn := lambda.NewFunction(this, jsii.String("MyFunc"), &FunctionProps{
	Runtime: lambda.Runtime_NODEJS_LATEST(),
	Handler: jsii.String("index.handler"),
	Code: lambda.Code_FromInline(jsii.String("exports.handler = handler.toString()")),

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("rule"), &RuleProps{
	EventPattern: &EventPattern{
		Source: []*string{

queue := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("Queue"))

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewLambdaFunction(fn, &LambdaFunctionProps{
	DeadLetterQueue: queue,
	 // Optional: add a dead letter queue
	MaxEventAge: awscdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(2)),
	 // Optional: set the maxEventAge retry policy
	RetryAttempts: jsii.Number(2),

Log an event into a LogGroup

Use the LogGroup target to log your events in a CloudWatch LogGroup.

For example, the following code snippet creates an event rule with a CloudWatch LogGroup as a target. Every events sent from the aws.ec2 source will be sent to the CloudWatch LogGroup.

import logs ""

logGroup := logs.NewLogGroup(this, jsii.String("MyLogGroup"), &LogGroupProps{
	LogGroupName: jsii.String("MyLogGroup"),

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("rule"), &RuleProps{
	EventPattern: &EventPattern{
		Source: []*string{


A rule target input can also be specified to modify the event that is sent to the log group. Unlike other event targets, CloudWatchLogs requires a specific input template format.

import logs ""
var logGroup logGroup
var rule rule

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewCloudWatchLogGroup(logGroup, &LogGroupProps{
	LogEvent: targets.LogGroupTargetInput_FromObject(&LogGroupTargetInputOptions{
		Timestamp: events.EventField_FromPath(jsii.String("$.time")),
		Message: events.EventField_*FromPath(jsii.String("$.detail-type")),

If you want to use static values to overwrite the message make sure that you provide a string value.

import logs ""
var logGroup logGroup
var rule rule

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewCloudWatchLogGroup(logGroup, &LogGroupProps{
	LogEvent: targets.LogGroupTargetInput_FromObject(&LogGroupTargetInputOptions{
		Message: jSON.stringify(map[string]*string{
			"CustomField": jsii.String("CustomValue"),

The cloudwatch log event target will create an AWS custom resource internally which will default to set installLatestAwsSdk to true. This may be problematic for CN partition deployment. To workaround this issue, set installLatestAwsSdk to false.

import logs ""
var logGroup logGroup
var rule rule

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewCloudWatchLogGroup(logGroup, &LogGroupProps{
	InstallLatestAwsSdk: jsii.Boolean(false),

Start a CodeBuild build

Use the CodeBuildProject target to trigger a CodeBuild project.

The code snippet below creates a CodeCommit repository that triggers a CodeBuild project on commit to the master branch. You can optionally attach a dead letter queue.

import ""
import codecommit ""

repo := codecommit.NewRepository(this, jsii.String("MyRepo"), &RepositoryProps{
	RepositoryName: jsii.String("aws-cdk-codebuild-events"),

project := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String("MyProject"), &ProjectProps{
	Source: codebuild.Source_CodeCommit(&CodeCommitSourceProps{
		Repository: repo,

deadLetterQueue := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("DeadLetterQueue"))

// trigger a build when a commit is pushed to the repo
onCommitRule := repo.onCommit(jsii.String("OnCommit"), &OnCommitOptions{
	Target: targets.NewCodeBuildProject(project, &CodeBuildProjectProps{
		DeadLetterQueue: deadLetterQueue,
	Branches: []*string{

Start a CodePipeline pipeline

Use the CodePipeline target to trigger a CodePipeline pipeline.

The code snippet below creates a CodePipeline pipeline that is triggered every hour

import codepipeline ""

pipeline := codepipeline.NewPipeline(this, jsii.String("Pipeline"))

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Expression(jsii.String("rate(1 hour)")),


Start a StepFunctions state machine

Use the SfnStateMachine target to trigger a State Machine.

The code snippet below creates a Simple StateMachine that is triggered every minute with a dummy object as input. You can optionally attach a dead letter queue to the target.

import ""
import ""

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(awscdk.Duration_Minutes(jsii.Number(1))),

dlq := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("DeadLetterQueue"))

role := iam.NewRole(this, jsii.String("Role"), &RoleProps{
	AssumedBy: iam.NewServicePrincipal(jsii.String("")),
stateMachine := sfn.NewStateMachine(this, jsii.String("SM"), &StateMachineProps{
	Definition: sfn.NewWait(this, jsii.String("Hello"), &WaitProps{
		Time: sfn.WaitTime_Duration(awscdk.Duration_Seconds(jsii.Number(10))),

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewSfnStateMachine(stateMachine, &SfnStateMachineProps{
	Input: events.RuleTargetInput_FromObject(map[string]*string{
		"SomeParam": jsii.String("SomeValue"),
	DeadLetterQueue: dlq,
	Role: role,

Queue a Batch job

Use the BatchJob target to queue a Batch job.

The code snippet below creates a Simple JobQueue that is triggered every hour with a dummy object as input. You can optionally attach a dead letter queue to the target.

import ec2 ""
import ecs ""
import ""
import ""

var vpc vpc

computeEnvironment := batch.NewFargateComputeEnvironment(this, jsii.String("ComputeEnv"), &FargateComputeEnvironmentProps{
	Vpc: Vpc,

jobQueue := batch.NewJobQueue(this, jsii.String("JobQueue"), &JobQueueProps{
	Priority: jsii.Number(1),
	ComputeEnvironments: []orderedComputeEnvironment{
			ComputeEnvironment: *ComputeEnvironment,
			Order: jsii.Number(1),

jobDefinition := batch.NewEcsJobDefinition(this, jsii.String("MyJob"), &EcsJobDefinitionProps{
	Container: batch.NewEcsEc2ContainerDefinition(this, jsii.String("Container"), &EcsEc2ContainerDefinitionProps{
		Image: ecs.ContainerImage_FromRegistry(jsii.String("test-repo")),
		Memory: cdk.Size_Mebibytes(jsii.Number(2048)),
		Cpu: jsii.Number(256),

queue := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("Queue"))

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(awscdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(1))),

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewBatchJob(jobQueue.JobQueueArn, jobQueue, jobDefinition.JobDefinitionArn, jobDefinition, &BatchJobProps{
	DeadLetterQueue: queue,
	Event: events.RuleTargetInput_FromObject(map[string]*string{
		"SomeParam": jsii.String("SomeValue"),
	RetryAttempts: jsii.Number(2),
	MaxEventAge: awscdk.Duration_*Hours(jsii.Number(2)),

Invoke an API Gateway REST API

Use the ApiGateway target to trigger a REST API.

The code snippet below creates a Api Gateway REST API that is invoked every hour.

import api ""
import ""

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(awscdk.Duration_Minutes(jsii.Number(1))),

fn := lambda.NewFunction(this, jsii.String("MyFunc"), &FunctionProps{
	Handler: jsii.String("index.handler"),
	Runtime: lambda.Runtime_NODEJS_LATEST(),
	Code: lambda.Code_FromInline(jsii.String("exports.handler = e => {}")),

restApi := api.NewLambdaRestApi(this, jsii.String("MyRestAPI"), &LambdaRestApiProps{
	Handler: fn,

dlq := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("DeadLetterQueue"))

targets.NewApiGateway(restApi, &ApiGatewayProps{
	Path: jsii.String("/*/test"),
	Method: jsii.String("GET"),
	Stage: jsii.String("prod"),
	PathParameterValues: []*string{
	HeaderParameters: map[string]*string{
		"Header1": jsii.String("header1"),
	QueryStringParameters: map[string]*string{
		"QueryParam1": jsii.String("query-param-1"),
	DeadLetterQueue: dlq,

Invoke an API Destination

Use the targets.ApiDestination target to trigger an external API. You need to create an events.Connection and events.ApiDestination as well.

The code snippet below creates an external destination that is invoked every hour.

connection := events.NewConnection(this, jsii.String("Connection"), &ConnectionProps{
	Authorization: events.Authorization_ApiKey(jsii.String("x-api-key"), awscdk.SecretValue_SecretsManager(jsii.String("ApiSecretName"))),
	Description: jsii.String("Connection with API Key x-api-key"),

destination := events.NewApiDestination(this, jsii.String("Destination"), &ApiDestinationProps{
	Connection: Connection,
	Endpoint: jsii.String(""),
	Description: jsii.String("Calling with API key x-api-key"),

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(awscdk.Duration_Minutes(jsii.Number(1))),
	Targets: []iRuleTarget{

You can also import an existing connection and destination to create additional rules:

connection := events.Connection_FromEventBusArn(this, jsii.String("Connection"), jsii.String("arn:aws:events:us-east-1:123456789012:event-bus/EventBusName"), jsii.String("arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:SecretName-f3gDy9"))

apiDestinationArn := "arn:aws:events:us-east-1:123456789012:api-destination/DestinationName"
destination := events.ApiDestination_FromApiDestinationAttributes(this, jsii.String("Destination"), &ApiDestinationAttributes{
	ApiDestinationArn: jsii.String(ApiDestinationArn),
	Connection: Connection,

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("OtherRule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(awscdk.Duration_Minutes(jsii.Number(10))),
	Targets: []iRuleTarget{

Invoke an AppSync GraphQL API

Use the AppSync target to trigger an AppSync GraphQL API. You need to create an AppSync.GraphqlApi configured with AWS_IAM authorization mode.

The code snippet below creates an AppSync GraphQL API target that is invoked every hour, calling the publish mutation.

import ""

api := appsync.NewGraphqlApi(this, jsii.String("api"), &GraphqlApiProps{
	Name: jsii.String("api"),
	Definition: appsync.Definition_FromFile(jsii.String("schema.graphql")),
	AuthorizationConfig: &AuthorizationConfig{
		DefaultAuthorization: &AuthorizationMode{
			AuthorizationType: appsync.AuthorizationType_IAM,

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(cdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(1))),

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewAppSync(api, &AppSyncGraphQLApiProps{
	GraphQLOperation: jsii.String("mutation Publish($message: String!){ publish(message: $message) { message } }"),
	Variables: events.RuleTargetInput_FromObject(map[string]*string{
		"message": jsii.String("hello world"),

You can pass an existing role with the proper permissions to be used for the target when the rule is triggered. The code snippet below uses an existing role and grants permissions to use the publish Mutation on the GraphQL API.

import ""
import ""

api := appsync.GraphqlApi_FromGraphqlApiAttributes(this, jsii.String("ImportedAPI"), &GraphqlApiAttributes{
	GraphqlApiId: jsii.String("<api-id>"),
	GraphqlApiArn: jsii.String("<api-arn>"),
	GraphQLEndpointArn: jsii.String("<api-endpoint-arn>"),
	Visibility: appsync.Visibility_GLOBAL,
	Modes: []authorizationType{

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(cdk.Duration_Minutes(jsii.Number(1))),
role := iam.NewRole(this, jsii.String("Role"), &RoleProps{
	AssumedBy: iam.NewServicePrincipal(jsii.String("")),

// allow EventBridge to use the `publish` mutation
api.GrantMutation(role, jsii.String("publish"))

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewAppSync(api, &AppSyncGraphQLApiProps{
	GraphQLOperation: jsii.String("mutation Publish($message: String!){ publish(message: $message) { message } }"),
	Variables: events.RuleTargetInput_FromObject(map[string]*string{
		"message": jsii.String("hello world"),
	EventRole: role,

Put an event on an EventBridge bus

Use the EventBus target to route event to a different EventBus.

The code snippet below creates the scheduled event rule that route events to an imported event bus.

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Expression(jsii.String("rate(1 minute)")),

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewEventBus(events.EventBus_FromEventBusArn(this, jsii.String("External"), jsii.String("arn:aws:events:eu-west-1:999999999999:event-bus/test-bus"))))

Run an ECS Task

Use the EcsTask target to run an ECS Task.

The code snippet below creates a scheduled event rule that will run the task described in taskDefinition every hour.

Tagging Tasks

By default, ECS tasks run from EventBridge targets will not have tags applied to them. You can set the propagateTags field to propagate the tags set on the task definition to the task initialized by the event trigger.

If you want to set tags independent of those applied to the TaskDefinition, you can use the tags array. Both of these fields can be used together or separately to set tags on the triggered task.

import ecs ""

var cluster iCluster
var taskDefinition taskDefinition

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(cdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(1))),

	Cluster: cluster,
	TaskDefinition: taskDefinition,
	PropagateTags: ecs.PropagatedTagSource_TASK_DEFINITION,
	Tags: []tag{
			Key: jsii.String("my-tag"),
			Value: jsii.String("my-tag-value"),
Launch type for ECS Task

By default, if isEc2Compatible for the taskDefinition is true, the EC2 type is used as the launch type for the task, otherwise the FARGATE type. If you want to override the default launch type, you can set the launchType property.

import ecs ""

var cluster iCluster
var taskDefinition taskDefinition

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(cdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(1))),

	Cluster: Cluster,
	TaskDefinition: TaskDefinition,
	LaunchType: ecs.LaunchType_FARGATE,
Assign public IP addresses to tasks

You can set the assignPublicIp flag to assign public IP addresses to tasks. If you want to detach the public IP address from the task, you have to set the flag false. You can specify the flag true only when the launch type is set to FARGATE.

import ecs ""
import ec2 ""

var cluster iCluster
var taskDefinition taskDefinition

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(cdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(1))),

	Cluster: Cluster,
	TaskDefinition: TaskDefinition,
	AssignPublicIp: jsii.Boolean(true),
	SubnetSelection: &SubnetSelection{
		SubnetType: ec2.SubnetType_PUBLIC,
Enable Amazon ECS Exec for ECS Task

If you use Amazon ECS Exec, you can run commands in or get a shell to a container running on an Amazon EC2 instance or on AWS Fargate.

import ecs ""

var cluster iCluster
var taskDefinition taskDefinition

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(cdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(1))),

	Cluster: Cluster,
	TaskDefinition: TaskDefinition,
	TaskCount: jsii.Number(1),
	ContainerOverrides: []containerOverride{
			ContainerName: jsii.String("TheContainer"),
			Command: []*string{
	EnableExecuteCommand: jsii.Boolean(true),

Schedule a Redshift query (serverless or cluster)

Use the RedshiftQuery target to schedule an Amazon Redshift Query.

The code snippet below creates the scheduled event rule that route events to an Amazon Redshift Query

import redshiftserverless ""

var workgroup cfnWorkgroup

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(cdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(1))),

dlq := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("DeadLetterQueue"))

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewRedshiftQuery(workgroup.AttrWorkgroupWorkgroupArn, &RedshiftQueryProps{
	Database: jsii.String("dev"),
	DeadLetterQueue: dlq,
	Sql: []*string{
		jsii.String("SELECT * FROM foo"),
		jsii.String("SELECT * FROM baz"),




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func LogGroupTargetInput_FromObject added in v2.29.0

func LogGroupTargetInput_FromObject(options *LogGroupTargetInputOptions) awsevents.RuleTargetInput

Pass a JSON object to the the log group event target.

May contain strings returned by `EventField.from()` to substitute in parts of the matched event.

func NewApiDestination_Override added in v2.13.0

func NewApiDestination_Override(a ApiDestination, apiDestination awsevents.IApiDestination, props *ApiDestinationProps)

func NewApiGateway_Override

func NewApiGateway_Override(a ApiGateway, restApi awsapigateway.IRestApi, props *ApiGatewayProps)

func NewAppSync_Override added in v2.142.0

func NewAppSync_Override(a AppSync, appsyncApi awsappsync.IGraphqlApi, props *AppSyncGraphQLApiProps)

func NewAwsApi_Override

func NewAwsApi_Override(a AwsApi, props *AwsApiProps)

func NewBatchJob_Override

func NewBatchJob_Override(b BatchJob, jobQueueArn *string, jobQueueScope constructs.IConstruct, jobDefinitionArn *string, jobDefinitionScope constructs.IConstruct, props *BatchJobProps)

func NewCloudWatchLogGroup_Override

func NewCloudWatchLogGroup_Override(c CloudWatchLogGroup, logGroup awslogs.ILogGroup, props *LogGroupProps)

func NewCodeBuildProject_Override

func NewCodeBuildProject_Override(c CodeBuildProject, project awscodebuild.IProject, props *CodeBuildProjectProps)

func NewCodePipeline_Override

func NewCodePipeline_Override(c CodePipeline, pipeline awscodepipeline.IPipeline, options *CodePipelineTargetOptions)

func NewEcsTask_Override

func NewEcsTask_Override(e EcsTask, props *EcsTaskProps)

func NewEventBus_Override

func NewEventBus_Override(e EventBus, eventBus awsevents.IEventBus, props *EventBusProps)

func NewKinesisFirehoseStreamV2_Override added in v2.143.0

func NewKinesisFirehoseStreamV2_Override(k KinesisFirehoseStreamV2, stream IDeliveryStream, props *KinesisFirehoseStreamProps)

func NewKinesisFirehoseStream_Override deprecated

func NewKinesisFirehoseStream_Override(k KinesisFirehoseStream, stream awskinesisfirehose.CfnDeliveryStream, props *KinesisFirehoseStreamProps)

Deprecated: Use KinesisFirehoseStreamV2.

func NewKinesisStream_Override

func NewKinesisStream_Override(k KinesisStream, stream awskinesis.IStream, props *KinesisStreamProps)

func NewLambdaFunction_Override

func NewLambdaFunction_Override(l LambdaFunction, handler awslambda.IFunction, props *LambdaFunctionProps)

func NewLogGroupTargetInput_Override added in v2.29.0

func NewLogGroupTargetInput_Override(l LogGroupTargetInput)

func NewRedshiftQuery_Override added in v2.156.0

func NewRedshiftQuery_Override(r RedshiftQuery, clusterArn *string, props *RedshiftQueryProps)

func NewSfnStateMachine_Override

func NewSfnStateMachine_Override(s SfnStateMachine, machine awsstepfunctions.IStateMachine, props *SfnStateMachineProps)

func NewSnsTopic_Override

func NewSnsTopic_Override(s SnsTopic, topic awssns.ITopic, props *SnsTopicProps)

func NewSqsQueue_Override

func NewSqsQueue_Override(s SqsQueue, queue awssqs.IQueue, props *SqsQueueProps)


type ApiDestination added in v2.13.0

type ApiDestination interface {
	// Returns a RuleTarget that can be used to trigger API destinations from an EventBridge event.
	Bind(_rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Use an API Destination rule target.


connection := events.NewConnection(this, jsii.String("Connection"), &ConnectionProps{
	Authorization: events.Authorization_ApiKey(jsii.String("x-api-key"), awscdk.SecretValue_SecretsManager(jsii.String("ApiSecretName"))),
	Description: jsii.String("Connection with API Key x-api-key"),

destination := events.NewApiDestination(this, jsii.String("Destination"), &ApiDestinationProps{
	Connection: Connection,
	Endpoint: jsii.String(""),
	Description: jsii.String("Calling with API key x-api-key"),

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(awscdk.Duration_Minutes(jsii.Number(1))),
	Targets: []iRuleTarget{

func NewApiDestination added in v2.13.0

func NewApiDestination(apiDestination awsevents.IApiDestination, props *ApiDestinationProps) ApiDestination

type ApiDestinationProps added in v2.13.0

type ApiDestinationProps struct {
	// The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue. Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](
	// The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
	// depending on the retry policy of the target.
	// If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
	// Default: - no dead-letter queue.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing.
	// Minimum value of 60.
	// Maximum value of 86400.
	// Default: Duration.hours(24)
	MaxEventAge awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"maxEventAge" yaml:"maxEventAge"`
	// The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
	// Minimum value of 0.
	// Maximum value of 185.
	// Default: 185.
	RetryAttempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"retryAttempts" yaml:"retryAttempts"`
	// The event to send.
	// Default: - the entire EventBridge event.
	Event awsevents.RuleTargetInput `field:"optional" json:"event" yaml:"event"`
	// The role to assume before invoking the target.
	// Default: - a new role will be created.
	EventRole awsiam.IRole `field:"optional" json:"eventRole" yaml:"eventRole"`
	// Additional headers sent to the API Destination.
	// These are merged with headers specified on the Connection, with
	// the headers on the Connection taking precedence.
	// You can only specify secret values on the Connection.
	// Default: - none.
	HeaderParameters *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"headerParameters" yaml:"headerParameters"`
	// Path parameters to insert in place of path wildcards (`*`).
	// If the API destination has a wilcard in the path, these path parts
	// will be inserted in that place.
	// Default: - none.
	PathParameterValues *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"pathParameterValues" yaml:"pathParameterValues"`
	// Additional query string parameters sent to the API Destination.
	// These are merged with headers specified on the Connection, with
	// the headers on the Connection taking precedence.
	// You can only specify secret values on the Connection.
	// Default: - none.
	QueryStringParameters *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"queryStringParameters" yaml:"queryStringParameters"`

Customize the EventBridge Api Destinations Target.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import cdk ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""

var queue queue
var role role
var ruleTargetInput ruleTargetInput

apiDestinationProps := &ApiDestinationProps{
	DeadLetterQueue: queue,
	Event: ruleTargetInput,
	EventRole: role,
	HeaderParameters: map[string]*string{
		"headerParametersKey": jsii.String("headerParameters"),
	MaxEventAge: cdk.Duration_Minutes(jsii.Number(30)),
	PathParameterValues: []*string{
	QueryStringParameters: map[string]*string{
		"queryStringParametersKey": jsii.String("queryStringParameters"),
	RetryAttempts: jsii.Number(123),

type ApiGateway

type ApiGateway interface {
	// Returns the target IRestApi.
	IRestApi() awsapigateway.IRestApi
	// Deprecated: Use the `iRestApi` getter instead.
	RestApi() awsapigateway.RestApi
	// Returns a RuleTarget that can be used to trigger this API Gateway REST APIs as a result from an EventBridge event.
	// See:
	Bind(rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Use an API Gateway REST APIs as a target for Amazon EventBridge rules.


import api ""
import ""

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(awscdk.Duration_Minutes(jsii.Number(1))),

fn := lambda.NewFunction(this, jsii.String("MyFunc"), &FunctionProps{
	Handler: jsii.String("index.handler"),
	Runtime: lambda.Runtime_NODEJS_LATEST(),
	Code: lambda.Code_FromInline(jsii.String("exports.handler = e => {}")),

restApi := api.NewLambdaRestApi(this, jsii.String("MyRestAPI"), &LambdaRestApiProps{
	Handler: fn,

dlq := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("DeadLetterQueue"))

targets.NewApiGateway(restApi, &ApiGatewayProps{
	Path: jsii.String("/*/test"),
	Method: jsii.String("GET"),
	Stage: jsii.String("prod"),
	PathParameterValues: []*string{
	HeaderParameters: map[string]*string{
		"Header1": jsii.String("header1"),
	QueryStringParameters: map[string]*string{
		"QueryParam1": jsii.String("query-param-1"),
	DeadLetterQueue: dlq,

func NewApiGateway

func NewApiGateway(restApi awsapigateway.IRestApi, props *ApiGatewayProps) ApiGateway

type ApiGatewayProps

type ApiGatewayProps struct {
	// The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue. Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](
	// The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
	// depending on the retry policy of the target.
	// If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
	// Default: - no dead-letter queue.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing.
	// Minimum value of 60.
	// Maximum value of 86400.
	// Default: Duration.hours(24)
	MaxEventAge awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"maxEventAge" yaml:"maxEventAge"`
	// The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
	// Minimum value of 0.
	// Maximum value of 185.
	// Default: 185.
	RetryAttempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"retryAttempts" yaml:"retryAttempts"`
	// The role to assume before invoking the target (i.e., the pipeline) when the given rule is triggered.
	// Default: - a new role will be created.
	EventRole awsiam.IRole `field:"optional" json:"eventRole" yaml:"eventRole"`
	// The headers to be set when requesting API.
	// Default: no header parameters.
	HeaderParameters *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"headerParameters" yaml:"headerParameters"`
	// The method for api resource invoked by the rule.
	// Default: '*' that treated as ANY.
	Method *string `field:"optional" json:"method" yaml:"method"`
	// The api resource invoked by the rule.
	// We can use wildcards('*') to specify the path. In that case,
	// an equal number of real values must be specified for pathParameterValues.
	// Default: '/'.
	Path *string `field:"optional" json:"path" yaml:"path"`
	// The path parameter values to be used to populate to wildcards("*") of requesting api path.
	// Default: no path parameters.
	PathParameterValues *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"pathParameterValues" yaml:"pathParameterValues"`
	// This will be the post request body send to the API.
	// Default: the entire EventBridge event.
	PostBody awsevents.RuleTargetInput `field:"optional" json:"postBody" yaml:"postBody"`
	// The query parameters to be set when requesting API.
	// Default: no querystring parameters.
	QueryStringParameters *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"queryStringParameters" yaml:"queryStringParameters"`
	// The deploy stage of api gateway invoked by the rule.
	// Default: the value of deploymentStage.stageName of target api gateway.
	Stage *string `field:"optional" json:"stage" yaml:"stage"`

Customize the API Gateway Event Target.


import api ""
import ""

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(awscdk.Duration_Minutes(jsii.Number(1))),

fn := lambda.NewFunction(this, jsii.String("MyFunc"), &FunctionProps{
	Handler: jsii.String("index.handler"),
	Runtime: lambda.Runtime_NODEJS_LATEST(),
	Code: lambda.Code_FromInline(jsii.String("exports.handler = e => {}")),

restApi := api.NewLambdaRestApi(this, jsii.String("MyRestAPI"), &LambdaRestApiProps{
	Handler: fn,

dlq := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("DeadLetterQueue"))

targets.NewApiGateway(restApi, &ApiGatewayProps{
	Path: jsii.String("/*/test"),
	Method: jsii.String("GET"),
	Stage: jsii.String("prod"),
	PathParameterValues: []*string{
	HeaderParameters: map[string]*string{
		"Header1": jsii.String("header1"),
	QueryStringParameters: map[string]*string{
		"QueryParam1": jsii.String("query-param-1"),
	DeadLetterQueue: dlq,

type AppSync added in v2.142.0

type AppSync interface {
	// Returns a RuleTarget that can be used to trigger this AppSync GraphQL API as a result from an EventBridge event.
	Bind(rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Use an AppSync GraphQL API as a target for Amazon EventBridge rules.


import ""

api := appsync.NewGraphqlApi(this, jsii.String("api"), &GraphqlApiProps{
	Name: jsii.String("api"),
	Definition: appsync.Definition_FromFile(jsii.String("schema.graphql")),
	AuthorizationConfig: &AuthorizationConfig{
		DefaultAuthorization: &AuthorizationMode{
			AuthorizationType: appsync.AuthorizationType_IAM,

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(cdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(1))),

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewAppSync(api, &AppSyncGraphQLApiProps{
	GraphQLOperation: jsii.String("mutation Publish($message: String!){ publish(message: $message) { message } }"),
	Variables: events.RuleTargetInput_FromObject(map[string]*string{
		"message": jsii.String("hello world"),

func NewAppSync added in v2.142.0

func NewAppSync(appsyncApi awsappsync.IGraphqlApi, props *AppSyncGraphQLApiProps) AppSync

type AppSyncGraphQLApiProps added in v2.142.0

type AppSyncGraphQLApiProps struct {
	// The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue. Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](
	// The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
	// depending on the retry policy of the target.
	// If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
	// Default: - no dead-letter queue.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing.
	// Minimum value of 60.
	// Maximum value of 86400.
	// Default: Duration.hours(24)
	MaxEventAge awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"maxEventAge" yaml:"maxEventAge"`
	// The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
	// Minimum value of 0.
	// Maximum value of 185.
	// Default: 185.
	RetryAttempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"retryAttempts" yaml:"retryAttempts"`
	// The GraphQL operation;
	// that is, the query, mutation, or subscription
	// to be parsed and executed by the GraphQL service.
	GraphQLOperation *string `field:"required" json:"graphQLOperation" yaml:"graphQLOperation"`
	// The role to assume before invoking the target (i.e., the pipeline) when the given rule is triggered.
	// Default: - a new role with permissions to access mutations will be created.
	EventRole awsiam.IRole `field:"optional" json:"eventRole" yaml:"eventRole"`
	// The variables that are include in the GraphQL operation.
	// Default: - The entire event is used.
	Variables awsevents.RuleTargetInput `field:"optional" json:"variables" yaml:"variables"`

Customize the AppSync GraphQL API target.


import ""

api := appsync.NewGraphqlApi(this, jsii.String("api"), &GraphqlApiProps{
	Name: jsii.String("api"),
	Definition: appsync.Definition_FromFile(jsii.String("schema.graphql")),
	AuthorizationConfig: &AuthorizationConfig{
		DefaultAuthorization: &AuthorizationMode{
			AuthorizationType: appsync.AuthorizationType_IAM,

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(cdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(1))),

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewAppSync(api, &AppSyncGraphQLApiProps{
	GraphQLOperation: jsii.String("mutation Publish($message: String!){ publish(message: $message) { message } }"),
	Variables: events.RuleTargetInput_FromObject(map[string]*string{
		"message": jsii.String("hello world"),

type AwsApi

type AwsApi interface {
	// Returns a RuleTarget that can be used to trigger this AwsApi as a result from an EventBridge event.
	Bind(rule awsevents.IRule, id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Use an AWS Lambda function that makes API calls as an event rule target.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""
import ""

var parameters interface{}
var policyStatement policyStatement

awsApi := awscdk.Aws_events_targets.NewAwsApi(&AwsApiProps{
	Action: jsii.String("action"),
	Service: jsii.String("service"),

	// the properties below are optional
	ApiVersion: jsii.String("apiVersion"),
	CatchErrorPattern: jsii.String("catchErrorPattern"),
	Parameters: parameters,
	PolicyStatement: policyStatement,

func NewAwsApi

func NewAwsApi(props *AwsApiProps) AwsApi

type AwsApiInput

type AwsApiInput struct {
	// The service action to call.
	// See:
	Action *string `field:"required" json:"action" yaml:"action"`
	// The service to call.
	// See:
	Service *string `field:"required" json:"service" yaml:"service"`
	// API version to use for the service.
	// Deprecated: the handler code was migrated to AWS SDK for JavaScript v3, which does not support this feature anymore.
	ApiVersion *string `field:"optional" json:"apiVersion" yaml:"apiVersion"`
	// The regex pattern to use to catch API errors.
	// The `code` property of the
	// `Error` object will be tested against this pattern. If there is a match an
	// error will not be thrown.
	// Default: - do not catch errors.
	CatchErrorPattern *string `field:"optional" json:"catchErrorPattern" yaml:"catchErrorPattern"`
	// The parameters for the service action.
	// See:
	// Default: - no parameters.
	Parameters interface{} `field:"optional" json:"parameters" yaml:"parameters"`

Rule target input for an AwsApi target.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

var parameters interface{}

awsApiInput := &AwsApiInput{
	Action: jsii.String("action"),
	Service: jsii.String("service"),

	// the properties below are optional
	ApiVersion: jsii.String("apiVersion"),
	CatchErrorPattern: jsii.String("catchErrorPattern"),
	Parameters: parameters,

type AwsApiProps

type AwsApiProps struct {
	// The service action to call.
	// See:
	Action *string `field:"required" json:"action" yaml:"action"`
	// The service to call.
	// See:
	Service *string `field:"required" json:"service" yaml:"service"`
	// API version to use for the service.
	// Deprecated: the handler code was migrated to AWS SDK for JavaScript v3, which does not support this feature anymore.
	ApiVersion *string `field:"optional" json:"apiVersion" yaml:"apiVersion"`
	// The regex pattern to use to catch API errors.
	// The `code` property of the
	// `Error` object will be tested against this pattern. If there is a match an
	// error will not be thrown.
	// Default: - do not catch errors.
	CatchErrorPattern *string `field:"optional" json:"catchErrorPattern" yaml:"catchErrorPattern"`
	// The parameters for the service action.
	// See:
	// Default: - no parameters.
	Parameters interface{} `field:"optional" json:"parameters" yaml:"parameters"`
	// The IAM policy statement to allow the API call.
	// Use only if
	// resource restriction is needed.
	// Default: - extract the permission from the API call.
	PolicyStatement awsiam.PolicyStatement `field:"optional" json:"policyStatement" yaml:"policyStatement"`

Properties for an AwsApi target.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""
import ""

var parameters interface{}
var policyStatement policyStatement

awsApiProps := &AwsApiProps{
	Action: jsii.String("action"),
	Service: jsii.String("service"),

	// the properties below are optional
	ApiVersion: jsii.String("apiVersion"),
	CatchErrorPattern: jsii.String("catchErrorPattern"),
	Parameters: parameters,
	PolicyStatement: policyStatement,

type BatchJob

type BatchJob interface {
	// Returns a RuleTarget that can be used to trigger queue this batch job as a result from an EventBridge event.
	Bind(rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Use an AWS Batch Job / Queue as an event rule target.

Most likely the code will look something like this: `new BatchJob(jobQueue.jobQueueArn, jobQueue, jobDefinition.jobDefinitionArn, jobDefinition)`

In the future this API will be improved to be fully typed.


import ec2 ""
import ecs ""
import ""
import ""

var vpc vpc

computeEnvironment := batch.NewFargateComputeEnvironment(this, jsii.String("ComputeEnv"), &FargateComputeEnvironmentProps{
	Vpc: Vpc,

jobQueue := batch.NewJobQueue(this, jsii.String("JobQueue"), &JobQueueProps{
	Priority: jsii.Number(1),
	ComputeEnvironments: []orderedComputeEnvironment{
			ComputeEnvironment: *ComputeEnvironment,
			Order: jsii.Number(1),

jobDefinition := batch.NewEcsJobDefinition(this, jsii.String("MyJob"), &EcsJobDefinitionProps{
	Container: batch.NewEcsEc2ContainerDefinition(this, jsii.String("Container"), &EcsEc2ContainerDefinitionProps{
		Image: ecs.ContainerImage_FromRegistry(jsii.String("test-repo")),
		Memory: cdk.Size_Mebibytes(jsii.Number(2048)),
		Cpu: jsii.Number(256),

queue := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("Queue"))

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(awscdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(1))),

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewBatchJob(jobQueue.JobQueueArn, jobQueue, jobDefinition.JobDefinitionArn, jobDefinition, &BatchJobProps{
	DeadLetterQueue: queue,
	Event: events.RuleTargetInput_FromObject(map[string]*string{
		"SomeParam": jsii.String("SomeValue"),
	RetryAttempts: jsii.Number(2),
	MaxEventAge: awscdk.Duration_*Hours(jsii.Number(2)),

func NewBatchJob

func NewBatchJob(jobQueueArn *string, jobQueueScope constructs.IConstruct, jobDefinitionArn *string, jobDefinitionScope constructs.IConstruct, props *BatchJobProps) BatchJob

type BatchJobProps

type BatchJobProps struct {
	// The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue. Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](
	// The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
	// depending on the retry policy of the target.
	// If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
	// Default: - no dead-letter queue.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing.
	// Minimum value of 60.
	// Maximum value of 86400.
	// Default: Duration.hours(24)
	MaxEventAge awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"maxEventAge" yaml:"maxEventAge"`
	// The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
	// Minimum value of 0.
	// Maximum value of 185.
	// Default: 185.
	RetryAttempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"retryAttempts" yaml:"retryAttempts"`
	// The number of times to attempt to retry, if the job fails.
	// Valid values are 1–10.
	// Default: no retryStrategy is set.
	Attempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"attempts" yaml:"attempts"`
	// The event to send to the Lambda.
	// This will be the payload sent to the Lambda Function.
	// Default: the entire EventBridge event.
	Event awsevents.RuleTargetInput `field:"optional" json:"event" yaml:"event"`
	// The name of the submitted job.
	// Default: - Automatically generated.
	JobName *string `field:"optional" json:"jobName" yaml:"jobName"`
	// The size of the array, if this is an array batch job.
	// Valid values are integers between 2 and 10,000.
	// Default: no arrayProperties are set.
	Size *float64 `field:"optional" json:"size" yaml:"size"`

Customize the Batch Job Event Target.


import ec2 ""
import ecs ""
import ""
import ""

var vpc vpc

computeEnvironment := batch.NewFargateComputeEnvironment(this, jsii.String("ComputeEnv"), &FargateComputeEnvironmentProps{
	Vpc: Vpc,

jobQueue := batch.NewJobQueue(this, jsii.String("JobQueue"), &JobQueueProps{
	Priority: jsii.Number(1),
	ComputeEnvironments: []orderedComputeEnvironment{
			ComputeEnvironment: *ComputeEnvironment,
			Order: jsii.Number(1),

jobDefinition := batch.NewEcsJobDefinition(this, jsii.String("MyJob"), &EcsJobDefinitionProps{
	Container: batch.NewEcsEc2ContainerDefinition(this, jsii.String("Container"), &EcsEc2ContainerDefinitionProps{
		Image: ecs.ContainerImage_FromRegistry(jsii.String("test-repo")),
		Memory: cdk.Size_Mebibytes(jsii.Number(2048)),
		Cpu: jsii.Number(256),

queue := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("Queue"))

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(awscdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(1))),

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewBatchJob(jobQueue.JobQueueArn, jobQueue, jobDefinition.JobDefinitionArn, jobDefinition, &BatchJobProps{
	DeadLetterQueue: queue,
	Event: events.RuleTargetInput_FromObject(map[string]*string{
		"SomeParam": jsii.String("SomeValue"),
	RetryAttempts: jsii.Number(2),
	MaxEventAge: awscdk.Duration_*Hours(jsii.Number(2)),

type CloudWatchLogGroup

type CloudWatchLogGroup interface {
	// Returns a RuleTarget that can be used to log an event into a CloudWatch LogGroup.
	Bind(_rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Use an AWS CloudWatch LogGroup as an event rule target.


import logs ""
var logGroup logGroup
var rule rule

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewCloudWatchLogGroup(logGroup, &LogGroupProps{
	LogEvent: targets.LogGroupTargetInput_FromObject(&LogGroupTargetInputOptions{
		Message: jSON.stringify(map[string]*string{
			"CustomField": jsii.String("CustomValue"),

func NewCloudWatchLogGroup

func NewCloudWatchLogGroup(logGroup awslogs.ILogGroup, props *LogGroupProps) CloudWatchLogGroup

type CodeBuildProject

type CodeBuildProject interface {
	// Allows using build projects as event rule targets.
	Bind(_rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Start a CodeBuild build when an Amazon EventBridge rule is triggered.


import sns ""
import ""

var repo repository
var project pipelineProject
var myTopic topic

// starts a CodeBuild project when a commit is pushed to the "main" branch of the repo
repo.onCommit(jsii.String("CommitToMain"), &OnCommitOptions{
	Target: targets.NewCodeBuildProject(project),
	Branches: []*string{

// publishes a message to an Amazon SNS topic when a comment is made on a pull request
rule := repo.onCommentOnPullRequest(jsii.String("CommentOnPullRequest"), &OnEventOptions{
	Target: targets.NewSnsTopic(myTopic),

func NewCodeBuildProject

func NewCodeBuildProject(project awscodebuild.IProject, props *CodeBuildProjectProps) CodeBuildProject

type CodeBuildProjectProps

type CodeBuildProjectProps struct {
	// The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue. Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](
	// The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
	// depending on the retry policy of the target.
	// If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
	// Default: - no dead-letter queue.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing.
	// Minimum value of 60.
	// Maximum value of 86400.
	// Default: Duration.hours(24)
	MaxEventAge awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"maxEventAge" yaml:"maxEventAge"`
	// The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
	// Minimum value of 0.
	// Maximum value of 185.
	// Default: 185.
	RetryAttempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"retryAttempts" yaml:"retryAttempts"`
	// The event to send to CodeBuild.
	// This will be the payload for the StartBuild API.
	// Default: - the entire EventBridge event.
	Event awsevents.RuleTargetInput `field:"optional" json:"event" yaml:"event"`
	// The role to assume before invoking the target (i.e., the codebuild) when the given rule is triggered.
	// Default: - a new role will be created.
	EventRole awsiam.IRole `field:"optional" json:"eventRole" yaml:"eventRole"`

Customize the CodeBuild Event Target.


import ""
import codecommit ""

repo := codecommit.NewRepository(this, jsii.String("MyRepo"), &RepositoryProps{
	RepositoryName: jsii.String("aws-cdk-codebuild-events"),

project := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String("MyProject"), &ProjectProps{
	Source: codebuild.Source_CodeCommit(&CodeCommitSourceProps{
		Repository: repo,

deadLetterQueue := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("DeadLetterQueue"))

// trigger a build when a commit is pushed to the repo
onCommitRule := repo.onCommit(jsii.String("OnCommit"), &OnCommitOptions{
	Target: targets.NewCodeBuildProject(project, &CodeBuildProjectProps{
		DeadLetterQueue: deadLetterQueue,
	Branches: []*string{

type CodePipeline

type CodePipeline interface {
	// Returns the rule target specification.
	// NOTE: Do not use the various `inputXxx` options. They can be set in a call to `addTarget`.
	Bind(_rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Allows the pipeline to be used as an EventBridge rule target.


// A pipeline being used as a target for a CloudWatch event rule.
import targets ""
import ""

var pipeline pipeline

// kick off the pipeline every day
rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Daily"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(awscdk.Duration_Days(jsii.Number(1))),

func NewCodePipeline

func NewCodePipeline(pipeline awscodepipeline.IPipeline, options *CodePipelineTargetOptions) CodePipeline

type CodePipelineTargetOptions

type CodePipelineTargetOptions struct {
	// The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue. Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](
	// The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
	// depending on the retry policy of the target.
	// If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
	// Default: - no dead-letter queue.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing.
	// Minimum value of 60.
	// Maximum value of 86400.
	// Default: Duration.hours(24)
	MaxEventAge awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"maxEventAge" yaml:"maxEventAge"`
	// The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
	// Minimum value of 0.
	// Maximum value of 185.
	// Default: 185.
	RetryAttempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"retryAttempts" yaml:"retryAttempts"`
	// The role to assume before invoking the target (i.e., the pipeline) when the given rule is triggered.
	// Default: - a new role will be created.
	EventRole awsiam.IRole `field:"optional" json:"eventRole" yaml:"eventRole"`

Customization options when creating a `CodePipeline` event target.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import cdk ""
import ""
import ""
import ""

var queue queue
var role role

codePipelineTargetOptions := &CodePipelineTargetOptions{
	DeadLetterQueue: queue,
	EventRole: role,
	MaxEventAge: cdk.Duration_Minutes(jsii.Number(30)),
	RetryAttempts: jsii.Number(123),

type ContainerOverride

type ContainerOverride struct {
	// Name of the container inside the task definition.
	ContainerName *string `field:"required" json:"containerName" yaml:"containerName"`
	// Command to run inside the container.
	// Default: Default command.
	Command *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"command" yaml:"command"`
	// The number of cpu units reserved for the container.
	// Default: The default value from the task definition.
	Cpu *float64 `field:"optional" json:"cpu" yaml:"cpu"`
	// Variables to set in the container's environment.
	Environment *[]*TaskEnvironmentVariable `field:"optional" json:"environment" yaml:"environment"`
	// Hard memory limit on the container.
	// Default: The default value from the task definition.
	MemoryLimit *float64 `field:"optional" json:"memoryLimit" yaml:"memoryLimit"`
	// Soft memory limit on the container.
	// Default: The default value from the task definition.
	MemoryReservation *float64 `field:"optional" json:"memoryReservation" yaml:"memoryReservation"`


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

containerOverride := &ContainerOverride{
	ContainerName: jsii.String("containerName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	Command: []*string{
	Cpu: jsii.Number(123),
	Environment: []taskEnvironmentVariable{
			Name: jsii.String("name"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),
	MemoryLimit: jsii.Number(123),
	MemoryReservation: jsii.Number(123),

type EcsTask

type EcsTask interface {
	// The security groups associated with the task.
	// Only applicable with awsvpc network mode.
	// Default: - A new security group is created.
	SecurityGroups() *[]awsec2.ISecurityGroup
	// Allows using tasks as target of EventBridge events.
	Bind(_rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Start a task on an ECS cluster.


import ecs ""
import ec2 ""

var cluster iCluster
var taskDefinition taskDefinition

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(cdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(1))),

	Cluster: Cluster,
	TaskDefinition: TaskDefinition,
	AssignPublicIp: jsii.Boolean(true),
	SubnetSelection: &SubnetSelection{
		SubnetType: ec2.SubnetType_PUBLIC,

func NewEcsTask

func NewEcsTask(props *EcsTaskProps) EcsTask

type EcsTaskProps

type EcsTaskProps struct {
	// The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue. Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](
	// The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
	// depending on the retry policy of the target.
	// If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
	// Default: - no dead-letter queue.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing.
	// Minimum value of 60.
	// Maximum value of 86400.
	// Default: Duration.hours(24)
	MaxEventAge awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"maxEventAge" yaml:"maxEventAge"`
	// The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
	// Minimum value of 0.
	// Maximum value of 185.
	// Default: 185.
	RetryAttempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"retryAttempts" yaml:"retryAttempts"`
	// Cluster where service will be deployed.
	Cluster awsecs.ICluster `field:"required" json:"cluster" yaml:"cluster"`
	// Task Definition of the task that should be started.
	TaskDefinition awsecs.ITaskDefinition `field:"required" json:"taskDefinition" yaml:"taskDefinition"`
	// Specifies whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP address.
	// You can specify true only when LaunchType is set to FARGATE.
	// Default: - true if the subnet type is PUBLIC, otherwise false.
	AssignPublicIp *bool `field:"optional" json:"assignPublicIp" yaml:"assignPublicIp"`
	// Container setting overrides.
	// Key is the name of the container to override, value is the
	// values you want to override.
	ContainerOverrides *[]*ContainerOverride `field:"optional" json:"containerOverrides" yaml:"containerOverrides"`
	// Whether or not to enable the execute command functionality for the containers in this task.
	// If true, this enables execute command functionality on all containers in the task.
	// Default: - false.
	EnableExecuteCommand *bool `field:"optional" json:"enableExecuteCommand" yaml:"enableExecuteCommand"`
	// Specifies the launch type on which your task is running.
	// The launch type that you specify here
	// must match one of the launch type (compatibilities) of the target task.
	// Default: - 'EC2' if `isEc2Compatible` for the `taskDefinition` is true, otherwise 'FARGATE'.
	LaunchType awsecs.LaunchType `field:"optional" json:"launchType" yaml:"launchType"`
	// The platform version on which to run your task.
	// Unless you have specific compatibility requirements, you don't need to specify this.
	// See:
	// Default: - ECS will set the Fargate platform version to 'LATEST'.
	PlatformVersion awsecs.FargatePlatformVersion `field:"optional" json:"platformVersion" yaml:"platformVersion"`
	// Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the task definition to the task.
	// If no value is specified, the tags are not propagated.
	// Default: - Tags will not be propagated.
	PropagateTags awsecs.PropagatedTagSource `field:"optional" json:"propagateTags" yaml:"propagateTags"`
	// Existing IAM role to run the ECS task.
	// Default: A new IAM role is created.
	Role awsiam.IRole `field:"optional" json:"role" yaml:"role"`
	// Existing security groups to use for the task's ENIs.
	// (Only applicable in case the TaskDefinition is configured for AwsVpc networking).
	// Default: A new security group is created.
	SecurityGroups *[]awsec2.ISecurityGroup `field:"optional" json:"securityGroups" yaml:"securityGroups"`
	// In what subnets to place the task's ENIs.
	// (Only applicable in case the TaskDefinition is configured for AwsVpc networking).
	// Default: Private subnets.
	SubnetSelection *awsec2.SubnetSelection `field:"optional" json:"subnetSelection" yaml:"subnetSelection"`
	// The metadata that you apply to the task to help you categorize and organize them.
	// Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define.
	// Default: - No additional tags are applied to the task.
	Tags *[]*Tag `field:"optional" json:"tags" yaml:"tags"`
	// How many tasks should be started when this event is triggered.
	// Default: 1.
	TaskCount *float64 `field:"optional" json:"taskCount" yaml:"taskCount"`

Properties to define an ECS Event Task.


import ecs ""
import ec2 ""

var cluster iCluster
var taskDefinition taskDefinition

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(cdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(1))),

	Cluster: Cluster,
	TaskDefinition: TaskDefinition,
	AssignPublicIp: jsii.Boolean(true),
	SubnetSelection: &SubnetSelection{
		SubnetType: ec2.SubnetType_PUBLIC,

type EventBus

type EventBus interface {
	// Returns the rule target specification.
	// NOTE: Do not use the various `inputXxx` options. They can be set in a call to `addTarget`.
	Bind(rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Notify an existing Event Bus of an event.


rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Expression(jsii.String("rate(1 minute)")),

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewEventBus(events.EventBus_FromEventBusArn(this, jsii.String("External"), jsii.String("arn:aws:events:eu-west-1:999999999999:event-bus/test-bus"))))

func NewEventBus

func NewEventBus(eventBus awsevents.IEventBus, props *EventBusProps) EventBus

type EventBusProps

type EventBusProps struct {
	// The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue. Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](
	// The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
	// depending on the retry policy of the target.
	// If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
	// Default: - no dead-letter queue.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// Role to be used to publish the event.
	// Default: a new role is created.
	Role awsiam.IRole `field:"optional" json:"role" yaml:"role"`

Configuration properties of an Event Bus event.

Cannot extend TargetBaseProps. Retry policy is not supported for Event bus targets.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""
import ""
import ""

var queue queue
var role role

eventBusProps := &EventBusProps{
	DeadLetterQueue: queue,
	Role: role,

type IDeliveryStream added in v2.143.0

type IDeliveryStream interface {
	// The ARN of the delivery stream.
	DeliveryStreamArn() *string
	// The name of the delivery stream.
	DeliveryStreamName() *string

Represents a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.

type KinesisFirehoseStream deprecated

type KinesisFirehoseStream interface {
	// Returns a RuleTarget that can be used to trigger this Firehose Stream as a result from a Event Bridge event.
	// Deprecated: Use KinesisFirehoseStreamV2.
	Bind(_rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Customize the Firehose Stream Event Target.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""
import ""
import ""

var cfnDeliveryStream cfnDeliveryStream
var ruleTargetInput ruleTargetInput

kinesisFirehoseStream := awscdk.Aws_events_targets.NewKinesisFirehoseStream(cfnDeliveryStream, &KinesisFirehoseStreamProps{
	Message: ruleTargetInput,

Deprecated: Use KinesisFirehoseStreamV2.

func NewKinesisFirehoseStream deprecated

Deprecated: Use KinesisFirehoseStreamV2.

type KinesisFirehoseStreamProps

type KinesisFirehoseStreamProps struct {
	// The message to send to the stream.
	// Must be a valid JSON text passed to the target stream.
	// Default: - the entire Event Bridge event.
	Message awsevents.RuleTargetInput `field:"optional" json:"message" yaml:"message"`

Customize the Firehose Stream Event Target.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""
import ""

var ruleTargetInput ruleTargetInput

kinesisFirehoseStreamProps := &KinesisFirehoseStreamProps{
	Message: ruleTargetInput,

type KinesisFirehoseStreamV2 added in v2.143.0

type KinesisFirehoseStreamV2 interface {
	// Returns a RuleTarget that can be used to trigger this Firehose Stream as a result from a Event Bridge event.
	Bind(_rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Customize the Firehose Stream Event Target V2 to support L2 Kinesis Delivery Stream instead of L1 Cfn Kinesis Delivery Stream.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""
import ""

var deliveryStream iDeliveryStream
var ruleTargetInput ruleTargetInput

kinesisFirehoseStreamV2 := awscdk.Aws_events_targets.NewKinesisFirehoseStreamV2(deliveryStream, &KinesisFirehoseStreamProps{
	Message: ruleTargetInput,

func NewKinesisFirehoseStreamV2 added in v2.143.0

func NewKinesisFirehoseStreamV2(stream IDeliveryStream, props *KinesisFirehoseStreamProps) KinesisFirehoseStreamV2

type KinesisStream

type KinesisStream interface {
	// Returns a RuleTarget that can be used to trigger this Kinesis Stream as a result from a CloudWatch event.
	Bind(_rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Use a Kinesis Stream as a target for AWS CloudWatch event rules.


// put to a Kinesis stream every time code is committed
// to a CodeCommit repository
repository.onCommit(jsii.String("onCommit"), &OnCommitOptions{
	Target: targets.NewKinesisStream(stream),

func NewKinesisStream

func NewKinesisStream(stream awskinesis.IStream, props *KinesisStreamProps) KinesisStream

type KinesisStreamProps

type KinesisStreamProps struct {
	// The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue. Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](
	// The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
	// depending on the retry policy of the target.
	// If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
	// Default: - no dead-letter queue.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing.
	// Minimum value of 60.
	// Maximum value of 86400.
	// Default: Duration.hours(24)
	MaxEventAge awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"maxEventAge" yaml:"maxEventAge"`
	// The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
	// Minimum value of 0.
	// Maximum value of 185.
	// Default: 185.
	RetryAttempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"retryAttempts" yaml:"retryAttempts"`
	// The message to send to the stream.
	// Must be a valid JSON text passed to the target stream.
	// Default: - the entire CloudWatch event.
	Message awsevents.RuleTargetInput `field:"optional" json:"message" yaml:"message"`
	// Partition Key Path for records sent to this stream.
	// Default: - eventId as the partition key.
	PartitionKeyPath *string `field:"optional" json:"partitionKeyPath" yaml:"partitionKeyPath"`

Customize the Kinesis Stream Event Target.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import cdk ""
import ""
import ""
import ""

var queue queue
var ruleTargetInput ruleTargetInput

kinesisStreamProps := &KinesisStreamProps{
	DeadLetterQueue: queue,
	MaxEventAge: cdk.Duration_Minutes(jsii.Number(30)),
	Message: ruleTargetInput,
	PartitionKeyPath: jsii.String("partitionKeyPath"),
	RetryAttempts: jsii.Number(123),

type LambdaFunction

type LambdaFunction interface {
	// Returns a RuleTarget that can be used to trigger this Lambda as a result from an EventBridge event.
	Bind(rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Use an AWS Lambda function as an event rule target.


import ""

fn := lambda.NewFunction(this, jsii.String("MyFunc"), &FunctionProps{
	Runtime: lambda.Runtime_NODEJS_LATEST(),
	Handler: jsii.String("index.handler"),
	Code: lambda.Code_FromInline(jsii.String("exports.handler = handler.toString()")),

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("rule"), &RuleProps{
	EventPattern: &EventPattern{
		Source: []*string{

queue := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("Queue"))

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewLambdaFunction(fn, &LambdaFunctionProps{
	DeadLetterQueue: queue,
	 // Optional: add a dead letter queue
	MaxEventAge: awscdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(2)),
	 // Optional: set the maxEventAge retry policy
	RetryAttempts: jsii.Number(2),

func NewLambdaFunction

func NewLambdaFunction(handler awslambda.IFunction, props *LambdaFunctionProps) LambdaFunction

type LambdaFunctionProps

type LambdaFunctionProps struct {
	// The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue. Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](
	// The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
	// depending on the retry policy of the target.
	// If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
	// Default: - no dead-letter queue.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing.
	// Minimum value of 60.
	// Maximum value of 86400.
	// Default: Duration.hours(24)
	MaxEventAge awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"maxEventAge" yaml:"maxEventAge"`
	// The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
	// Minimum value of 0.
	// Maximum value of 185.
	// Default: 185.
	RetryAttempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"retryAttempts" yaml:"retryAttempts"`
	// The event to send to the Lambda.
	// This will be the payload sent to the Lambda Function.
	// Default: the entire EventBridge event.
	Event awsevents.RuleTargetInput `field:"optional" json:"event" yaml:"event"`

Customize the Lambda Event Target.


import ""

fn := lambda.NewFunction(this, jsii.String("MyFunc"), &FunctionProps{
	Runtime: lambda.Runtime_NODEJS_LATEST(),
	Handler: jsii.String("index.handler"),
	Code: lambda.Code_FromInline(jsii.String("exports.handler = handler.toString()")),

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("rule"), &RuleProps{
	EventPattern: &EventPattern{
		Source: []*string{

queue := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("Queue"))

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewLambdaFunction(fn, &LambdaFunctionProps{
	DeadLetterQueue: queue,
	 // Optional: add a dead letter queue
	MaxEventAge: awscdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(2)),
	 // Optional: set the maxEventAge retry policy
	RetryAttempts: jsii.Number(2),

type LogGroupProps

type LogGroupProps struct {
	// The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue. Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](
	// The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
	// depending on the retry policy of the target.
	// If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
	// Default: - no dead-letter queue.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing.
	// Minimum value of 60.
	// Maximum value of 86400.
	// Default: Duration.hours(24)
	MaxEventAge awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"maxEventAge" yaml:"maxEventAge"`
	// The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
	// Minimum value of 0.
	// Maximum value of 185.
	// Default: 185.
	RetryAttempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"retryAttempts" yaml:"retryAttempts"`
	// The event to send to the CloudWatch LogGroup.
	// This will be the event logged into the CloudWatch LogGroup.
	// Default: - the entire EventBridge event.
	// Deprecated: use logEvent instead.
	Event awsevents.RuleTargetInput `field:"optional" json:"event" yaml:"event"`
	// Whether the custom resource created wll default to install latest AWS SDK.
	// Default: - install latest AWS SDK.
	InstallLatestAwsSdk *bool `field:"optional" json:"installLatestAwsSdk" yaml:"installLatestAwsSdk"`
	// The event to send to the CloudWatch LogGroup.
	// This will be the event logged into the CloudWatch LogGroup.
	// Default: - the entire EventBridge event.
	LogEvent LogGroupTargetInput `field:"optional" json:"logEvent" yaml:"logEvent"`

Customize the CloudWatch LogGroup Event Target.


import logs ""
var logGroup logGroup
var rule rule

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewCloudWatchLogGroup(logGroup, &LogGroupProps{
	LogEvent: targets.LogGroupTargetInput_FromObject(&LogGroupTargetInputOptions{
		Message: jSON.stringify(map[string]*string{
			"CustomField": jsii.String("CustomValue"),

type LogGroupTargetInput added in v2.29.0

type LogGroupTargetInput interface {
	// Return the input properties for this input object.
	Bind(rule awsevents.IRule) *awsevents.RuleTargetInputProperties

The input to send to the CloudWatch LogGroup target.


import logs ""
var logGroup logGroup
var rule rule

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewCloudWatchLogGroup(logGroup, &LogGroupProps{
	LogEvent: targets.LogGroupTargetInput_FromObject(&LogGroupTargetInputOptions{
		Timestamp: events.EventField_FromPath(jsii.String("$.time")),
		Message: events.EventField_*FromPath(jsii.String("$.detail-type")),

type LogGroupTargetInputOptions added in v2.29.0

type LogGroupTargetInputOptions struct {
	// The value provided here will be used in the Log "message" field.
	// This field must be a string. If an object is passed (e.g. JSON data)
	// it will not throw an error, but the message that makes it to
	// CloudWatch logs will be incorrect. This is a likely scenario if
	// doing something like: EventField.fromPath('$.detail') since in most cases
	// the `detail` field contains JSON data.
	// Default: EventField.detailType
	Message interface{} `field:"optional" json:"message" yaml:"message"`
	// The timestamp that will appear in the CloudWatch Logs record.
	// Default: EventField.time
	Timestamp interface{} `field:"optional" json:"timestamp" yaml:"timestamp"`

Options used when creating a target input template.


import logs ""
var logGroup logGroup
var rule rule

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewCloudWatchLogGroup(logGroup, &LogGroupProps{
	LogEvent: targets.LogGroupTargetInput_FromObject(&LogGroupTargetInputOptions{
		Timestamp: events.EventField_FromPath(jsii.String("$.time")),
		Message: events.EventField_*FromPath(jsii.String("$.detail-type")),

type RedshiftQuery added in v2.156.0

type RedshiftQuery interface {
	// Returns the rule target specification.
	// NOTE: Do not use the various `inputXxx` options. They can be set in a call to `addTarget`.
	Bind(rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Schedule an Amazon Redshift Query to be run, using the Redshift Data API.

If you would like Amazon Redshift to identify the Event Bridge rule, and present it in the Amazon Redshift console, append a `QS2-` prefix to both `statementName` and `ruleName`.


import redshiftserverless ""

var workgroup cfnWorkgroup

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(cdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(1))),

dlq := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("DeadLetterQueue"))

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewRedshiftQuery(workgroup.AttrWorkgroupWorkgroupArn, &RedshiftQueryProps{
	Database: jsii.String("dev"),
	DeadLetterQueue: dlq,
	Sql: []*string{
		jsii.String("SELECT * FROM foo"),
		jsii.String("SELECT * FROM baz"),

func NewRedshiftQuery added in v2.156.0

func NewRedshiftQuery(clusterArn *string, props *RedshiftQueryProps) RedshiftQuery

type RedshiftQueryProps added in v2.156.0

type RedshiftQueryProps struct {
	// The Amazon Redshift database to run the query against.
	Database *string `field:"required" json:"database" yaml:"database"`
	// The SQL queries to be executed.
	// Each query is run sequentially within a single transaction; the next query in the array will only execute after the previous one has successfully completed.
	// - When multiple sql queries are included, this will use the `batchExecuteStatement` API. Therefore, if any statement fails, the entire transaction is rolled back.
	// - If a single SQL statement is to be executed, this will use the `executeStatement` API.
	// Default: - No SQL query is specified.
	Sql *[]*string `field:"required" json:"sql" yaml:"sql"`
	// The Amazon Redshift database user to run the query as.
	// This is required when authenticating via temporary credentials.
	// Default: - No Database user is specified.
	DbUser *string `field:"optional" json:"dbUser" yaml:"dbUser"`
	// The queue to be used as dead letter queue.
	// Default: - No dead letter queue is specified.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// The input to the state machine execution.
	// Default: - the entire EventBridge event.
	Input awsevents.RuleTargetInput `field:"optional" json:"input" yaml:"input"`
	// The IAM role to be used to execute the SQL statement.
	// Default: - a new role will be created.
	Role awsiam.IRole `field:"optional" json:"role" yaml:"role"`
	// The secret containing the password for the database user.
	// This is required when authenticating via Secrets Manager.
	// If the full secret ARN is not specified, this will instead use the secret name.
	// Default: - No secret is specified.
	Secret awssecretsmanager.ISecret `field:"optional" json:"secret" yaml:"secret"`
	// Should an event be sent back to Event Bridge when the SQL statement is executed.
	// Default: false.
	SendEventBridgeEvent *bool `field:"optional" json:"sendEventBridgeEvent" yaml:"sendEventBridgeEvent"`
	// The name of the SQL statement.
	// You can name the SQL statement for identitfication purposes. If you would like Amazon Redshift to identify the Event Bridge rule, and present it in the Amazon Redshift console, append a `QS2-` prefix to the statement name.
	// Default: - No statement name is specified.
	StatementName *string `field:"optional" json:"statementName" yaml:"statementName"`

Configuration properties of an Amazon Redshift Query event.


import redshiftserverless ""

var workgroup cfnWorkgroup

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(cdk.Duration_Hours(jsii.Number(1))),

dlq := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("DeadLetterQueue"))

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewRedshiftQuery(workgroup.AttrWorkgroupWorkgroupArn, &RedshiftQueryProps{
	Database: jsii.String("dev"),
	DeadLetterQueue: dlq,
	Sql: []*string{
		jsii.String("SELECT * FROM foo"),
		jsii.String("SELECT * FROM baz"),

type SfnStateMachine

type SfnStateMachine interface {
	Machine() awsstepfunctions.IStateMachine
	// Returns a properties that are used in an Rule to trigger this State Machine.
	// See:
	Bind(_rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Use a StepFunctions state machine as a target for Amazon EventBridge rules.


import ""
import ""

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(awscdk.Duration_Minutes(jsii.Number(1))),

dlq := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("DeadLetterQueue"))

role := iam.NewRole(this, jsii.String("Role"), &RoleProps{
	AssumedBy: iam.NewServicePrincipal(jsii.String("")),
stateMachine := sfn.NewStateMachine(this, jsii.String("SM"), &StateMachineProps{
	Definition: sfn.NewWait(this, jsii.String("Hello"), &WaitProps{
		Time: sfn.WaitTime_Duration(awscdk.Duration_Seconds(jsii.Number(10))),

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewSfnStateMachine(stateMachine, &SfnStateMachineProps{
	Input: events.RuleTargetInput_FromObject(map[string]*string{
		"SomeParam": jsii.String("SomeValue"),
	DeadLetterQueue: dlq,
	Role: role,

type SfnStateMachineProps

type SfnStateMachineProps struct {
	// The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue. Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](
	// The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
	// depending on the retry policy of the target.
	// If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
	// Default: - no dead-letter queue.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing.
	// Minimum value of 60.
	// Maximum value of 86400.
	// Default: Duration.hours(24)
	MaxEventAge awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"maxEventAge" yaml:"maxEventAge"`
	// The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
	// Minimum value of 0.
	// Maximum value of 185.
	// Default: 185.
	RetryAttempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"retryAttempts" yaml:"retryAttempts"`
	// The input to the state machine execution.
	// Default: the entire EventBridge event.
	Input awsevents.RuleTargetInput `field:"optional" json:"input" yaml:"input"`
	// The IAM role to be assumed to execute the State Machine.
	// Default: - a new role will be created.
	Role awsiam.IRole `field:"optional" json:"role" yaml:"role"`

Customize the Step Functions State Machine target.


import ""
import ""

rule := events.NewRule(this, jsii.String("Rule"), &RuleProps{
	Schedule: events.Schedule_Rate(awscdk.Duration_Minutes(jsii.Number(1))),

dlq := sqs.NewQueue(this, jsii.String("DeadLetterQueue"))

role := iam.NewRole(this, jsii.String("Role"), &RoleProps{
	AssumedBy: iam.NewServicePrincipal(jsii.String("")),
stateMachine := sfn.NewStateMachine(this, jsii.String("SM"), &StateMachineProps{
	Definition: sfn.NewWait(this, jsii.String("Hello"), &WaitProps{
		Time: sfn.WaitTime_Duration(awscdk.Duration_Seconds(jsii.Number(10))),

rule.AddTarget(targets.NewSfnStateMachine(stateMachine, &SfnStateMachineProps{
	Input: events.RuleTargetInput_FromObject(map[string]*string{
		"SomeParam": jsii.String("SomeValue"),
	DeadLetterQueue: dlq,
	Role: role,

type SnsTopic

type SnsTopic interface {
	Topic() awssns.ITopic
	// Returns a RuleTarget that can be used to trigger this SNS topic as a result from an EventBridge event.
	// See:
	Bind(_rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Use an SNS topic as a target for Amazon EventBridge rules.

If the topic is imported the required permissions to publish to that topic need to be set manually.


// publish to an SNS topic every time code is committed
// to a CodeCommit repository
repository.onCommit(jsii.String("onCommit"), &OnCommitOptions{
	Target: targets.NewSnsTopic(topic),

func NewSnsTopic

func NewSnsTopic(topic awssns.ITopic, props *SnsTopicProps) SnsTopic

type SnsTopicProps

type SnsTopicProps struct {
	// The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue. Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](
	// The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
	// depending on the retry policy of the target.
	// If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
	// Default: - no dead-letter queue.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing.
	// Minimum value of 60.
	// Maximum value of 86400.
	// Default: Duration.hours(24)
	MaxEventAge awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"maxEventAge" yaml:"maxEventAge"`
	// The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
	// Minimum value of 0.
	// Maximum value of 185.
	// Default: 185.
	RetryAttempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"retryAttempts" yaml:"retryAttempts"`
	// The message to send to the topic.
	// Default: the entire EventBridge event.
	Message awsevents.RuleTargetInput `field:"optional" json:"message" yaml:"message"`

Customize the SNS Topic Event Target.


var onCommitRule rule
var topic topic

onCommitRule.AddTarget(targets.NewSnsTopic(topic, &SnsTopicProps{
	Message: events.RuleTargetInput_FromText(
	fmt.Sprintf("A commit was pushed to the repository %v on branch %v", codecommit.ReferenceEvent_RepositoryName(), codecommit.ReferenceEvent_ReferenceName())),

type SqsQueue

type SqsQueue interface {
	Queue() awssqs.IQueue
	// Returns a RuleTarget that can be used to trigger this SQS queue as a result from an EventBridge event.
	// See:
	Bind(rule awsevents.IRule, _id *string) *awsevents.RuleTargetConfig

Use an SQS Queue as a target for Amazon EventBridge rules.


// publish to an SQS queue every time code is committed
// to a CodeCommit repository
repository.onCommit(jsii.String("onCommit"), &OnCommitOptions{
	Target: targets.NewSqsQueue(queue),

func NewSqsQueue

func NewSqsQueue(queue awssqs.IQueue, props *SqsQueueProps) SqsQueue

type SqsQueueProps

type SqsQueueProps struct {
	// The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue. Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](
	// The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
	// depending on the retry policy of the target.
	// If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
	// Default: - no dead-letter queue.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing.
	// Minimum value of 60.
	// Maximum value of 86400.
	// Default: Duration.hours(24)
	MaxEventAge awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"maxEventAge" yaml:"maxEventAge"`
	// The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
	// Minimum value of 0.
	// Maximum value of 185.
	// Default: 185.
	RetryAttempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"retryAttempts" yaml:"retryAttempts"`
	// The message to send to the queue.
	// Must be a valid JSON text passed to the target queue.
	// Default: the entire EventBridge event.
	Message awsevents.RuleTargetInput `field:"optional" json:"message" yaml:"message"`
	// Message Group ID for messages sent to this queue.
	// Required for FIFO queues, leave empty for regular queues.
	// Default: - no message group ID (regular queue).
	MessageGroupId *string `field:"optional" json:"messageGroupId" yaml:"messageGroupId"`

Customize the SQS Queue Event Target.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import cdk ""
import ""
import ""
import ""

var queue queue
var ruleTargetInput ruleTargetInput

sqsQueueProps := &SqsQueueProps{
	DeadLetterQueue: queue,
	MaxEventAge: cdk.Duration_Minutes(jsii.Number(30)),
	Message: ruleTargetInput,
	MessageGroupId: jsii.String("messageGroupId"),
	RetryAttempts: jsii.Number(123),

type Tag added in v2.76.0

type Tag struct {
	// Key is the name of the tag.
	Key *string `field:"required" json:"key" yaml:"key"`
	// Value is the metadata contents of the tag.
	Value *string `field:"required" json:"value" yaml:"value"`

Metadata that you apply to a resource to help categorize and organize the resource.

Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

tag := &Tag{
	Key: jsii.String("key"),
	Value: jsii.String("value"),

type TargetBaseProps

type TargetBaseProps struct {
	// The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue. Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](
	// The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
	// depending on the retry policy of the target.
	// If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
	// Default: - no dead-letter queue.
	DeadLetterQueue awssqs.IQueue `field:"optional" json:"deadLetterQueue" yaml:"deadLetterQueue"`
	// The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing.
	// Minimum value of 60.
	// Maximum value of 86400.
	// Default: Duration.hours(24)
	MaxEventAge awscdk.Duration `field:"optional" json:"maxEventAge" yaml:"maxEventAge"`
	// The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
	// Minimum value of 0.
	// Maximum value of 185.
	// Default: 185.
	RetryAttempts *float64 `field:"optional" json:"retryAttempts" yaml:"retryAttempts"`

The generic properties for an RuleTarget.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import cdk ""
import ""
import ""

var queue queue

targetBaseProps := &TargetBaseProps{
	DeadLetterQueue: queue,
	MaxEventAge: cdk.Duration_Minutes(jsii.Number(30)),
	RetryAttempts: jsii.Number(123),

type TaskEnvironmentVariable

type TaskEnvironmentVariable struct {
	// Name for the environment variable.
	// Exactly one of `name` and `namePath` must be specified.
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// Value of the environment variable.
	// Exactly one of `value` and `valuePath` must be specified.
	Value *string `field:"required" json:"value" yaml:"value"`

An environment variable to be set in the container run as a task.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

taskEnvironmentVariable := &TaskEnvironmentVariable{
	Name: jsii.String("name"),
	Value: jsii.String("value"),


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