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Published: Aug 30, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 7 Imported by: 0


AWS::Kendra Construct Library

This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project.

import kendra ""

There are no official hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. Here are some suggestions on how to proceed:

There are no hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. However, you can still use the automatically generated L1 constructs, and use this service exactly as you would using CloudFormation directly.

For more information on the resources and properties available for this service, see the CloudFormation documentation for AWS::Kendra.

(Read the CDK Contributing Guide and submit an RFC if you are interested in contributing to this construct library.)




This section is empty.


This section is empty.



func CfnDataSource_CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME() *string

func CfnDataSource_IsCfnElement

func CfnDataSource_IsCfnElement(x interface{}) *bool

Returns `true` if a construct is a stack element (i.e. part of the synthesized cloudformation template).

Uses duck-typing instead of `instanceof` to allow stack elements from different versions of this library to be included in the same stack.

Returns: The construct as a stack element or undefined if it is not a stack element.

func CfnDataSource_IsCfnResource

func CfnDataSource_IsCfnResource(x interface{}) *bool

Check whether the given object is a CfnResource.

func CfnDataSource_IsConstruct

func CfnDataSource_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Checks if `x` is a construct.

Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` instances, even when the construct library is symlinked.

Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as `instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using this type-testing method instead.

Returns: true if `x` is an object created from a class which extends `Construct`.


func CfnFaq_CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME() *string

func CfnFaq_IsCfnElement

func CfnFaq_IsCfnElement(x interface{}) *bool

Returns `true` if a construct is a stack element (i.e. part of the synthesized cloudformation template).

Uses duck-typing instead of `instanceof` to allow stack elements from different versions of this library to be included in the same stack.

Returns: The construct as a stack element or undefined if it is not a stack element.

func CfnFaq_IsCfnResource

func CfnFaq_IsCfnResource(x interface{}) *bool

Check whether the given object is a CfnResource.

func CfnFaq_IsConstruct

func CfnFaq_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Checks if `x` is a construct.

Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` instances, even when the construct library is symlinked.

Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as `instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using this type-testing method instead.

Returns: true if `x` is an object created from a class which extends `Construct`.


func CfnIndex_CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME() *string

func CfnIndex_IsCfnElement

func CfnIndex_IsCfnElement(x interface{}) *bool

Returns `true` if a construct is a stack element (i.e. part of the synthesized cloudformation template).

Uses duck-typing instead of `instanceof` to allow stack elements from different versions of this library to be included in the same stack.

Returns: The construct as a stack element or undefined if it is not a stack element.

func CfnIndex_IsCfnResource

func CfnIndex_IsCfnResource(x interface{}) *bool

Check whether the given object is a CfnResource.

func CfnIndex_IsConstruct

func CfnIndex_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Checks if `x` is a construct.

Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` instances, even when the construct library is symlinked.

Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as `instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using this type-testing method instead.

Returns: true if `x` is an object created from a class which extends `Construct`.

func NewCfnDataSource_Override

func NewCfnDataSource_Override(c CfnDataSource, scope constructs.Construct, id *string, props *CfnDataSourceProps)

func NewCfnFaq_Override

func NewCfnFaq_Override(c CfnFaq, scope constructs.Construct, id *string, props *CfnFaqProps)

func NewCfnIndex_Override

func NewCfnIndex_Override(c CfnIndex, scope constructs.Construct, id *string, props *CfnIndexProps)


type CfnDataSource

type CfnDataSource interface {
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source. For example:.
	// `arn:aws:kendra:us-west-2:111122223333:index/335c3741-41df-46a6-b5d3-61f85b787884/data-source/b8cae438-6787-4091-8897-684a652bbb0a`.
	AttrArn() *string
	// The identifier for the data source. For example:.
	// `b8cae438-6787-4091-8897-684a652bbb0a` .
	AttrId() *string
	// Options for this resource, such as condition, update policy etc.
	CfnOptions() awscdk.ICfnResourceOptions
	CfnProperties() *map[string]interface{}
	// AWS resource type.
	CfnResourceType() *string
	// Returns: the stack trace of the point where this Resource was created from, sourced
	// from the +metadata+ entry typed +aws:cdk:logicalId+, and with the bottom-most
	// node +internal+ entries filtered.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Configuration information for altering document metadata and content during the document ingestion process.
	CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration() interface{}
	SetCustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration(val interface{})
	// Configuration information for an Amazon Kendra data source.
	DataSourceConfiguration() interface{}
	SetDataSourceConfiguration(val interface{})
	// A description for the data source connector.
	Description() *string
	SetDescription(val *string)
	// The identifier of the index you want to use with the data source connector.
	IndexId() *string
	SetIndexId(val *string)
	// The code for a language.
	LanguageCode() *string
	SetLanguageCode(val *string)
	// The logical ID for this CloudFormation stack element.
	// The logical ID of the element
	// is calculated from the path of the resource node in the construct tree.
	// To override this value, use `overrideLogicalId(newLogicalId)`.
	// Returns: the logical ID as a stringified token. This value will only get
	// resolved during synthesis.
	LogicalId() *string
	// The name of the data source.
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	// The tree node.
	Node() constructs.Node
	// Return a string that will be resolved to a CloudFormation `{ Ref }` for this element.
	// If, by any chance, the intrinsic reference of a resource is not a string, you could
	// coerce it to an IResolvable through `Lazy.any({ produce: resource.ref })`.
	Ref() *string
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role with permission to access the data source.
	RoleArn() *string
	SetRoleArn(val *string)
	// Sets the frequency that Amazon Kendra checks the documents in your data source and updates the index.
	Schedule() *string
	SetSchedule(val *string)
	// The stack in which this element is defined.
	// CfnElements must be defined within a stack scope (directly or indirectly).
	Stack() awscdk.Stack
	// Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource.
	Tags() awscdk.TagManager
	// An array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource.
	TagsRaw() *[]*awscdk.CfnTag
	SetTagsRaw(val *[]*awscdk.CfnTag)
	// The type of the data source.
	Type() *string
	SetType(val *string)
	// Deprecated.
	// Deprecated: use `updatedProperties`
	// Return properties modified after initiation
	// Resources that expose mutable properties should override this function to
	// collect and return the properties object for this resource.
	UpdatedProperites() *map[string]interface{}
	// Return properties modified after initiation.
	// Resources that expose mutable properties should override this function to
	// collect and return the properties object for this resource.
	UpdatedProperties() *map[string]interface{}
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride(path, undefined)`.
	AddDeletionOverride(path *string)
	// Indicates that this resource depends on another resource and cannot be provisioned unless the other resource has been successfully provisioned.
	// This can be used for resources across stacks (or nested stack) boundaries
	// and the dependency will automatically be transferred to the relevant scope.
	AddDependency(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Indicates that this resource depends on another resource and cannot be provisioned unless the other resource has been successfully provisioned.
	// Deprecated: use addDependency.
	AddDependsOn(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Add a value to the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	AddMetadata(key *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override to the synthesized CloudFormation resource.
	// To add a
	// property override, either use `addPropertyOverride` or prefix `path` with
	// "Properties." (i.e. `Properties.TopicName`).
	// If the override is nested, separate each nested level using a dot (.) in the path parameter.
	// If there is an array as part of the nesting, specify the index in the path.
	// To include a literal `.` in the property name, prefix with a `\`. In most
	// programming languages you will need to write this as `"\\."` because the
	// `\` itself will need to be escaped.
	// For example,
	// “`typescript
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.0.Projection.NonKeyAttributes', ['myattribute']);
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.1.ProjectionType', 'INCLUDE');
	// “`
	// would add the overrides
	// “`json
	// "Properties": {
	//   "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [
	//     {
	//       "Projection": {
	//         "NonKeyAttributes": [ "myattribute" ]
	//         ...
	//       }
	//       ...
	//     },
	//     {
	//       "ProjectionType": "INCLUDE"
	//       ...
	//     },
	//   ]
	//   ...
	// }
	// “`
	// The `value` argument to `addOverride` will not be processed or translated
	// in any way. Pass raw JSON values in here with the correct capitalization
	// for CloudFormation. If you pass CDK classes or structs, they will be
	// rendered with lowercased key names, and CloudFormation will reject the
	// template.
	AddOverride(path *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override that deletes the value of a property from the resource definition.
	AddPropertyDeletionOverride(propertyPath *string)
	// Adds an override to a resource property.
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride("Properties.<...>", value)`.
	AddPropertyOverride(propertyPath *string, value interface{})
	// Sets the deletion policy of the resource based on the removal policy specified.
	// The Removal Policy controls what happens to this resource when it stops
	// being managed by CloudFormation, either because you've removed it from the
	// CDK application or because you've made a change that requires the resource
	// to be replaced.
	// The resource can be deleted (`RemovalPolicy.DESTROY`), or left in your AWS
	// account for data recovery and cleanup later (`RemovalPolicy.RETAIN`). In some
	// cases, a snapshot can be taken of the resource prior to deletion
	// (`RemovalPolicy.SNAPSHOT`). A list of resources that support this policy
	// can be found in the following link:.
	// See:
	ApplyRemovalPolicy(policy awscdk.RemovalPolicy, options *awscdk.RemovalPolicyOptions)
	// Returns a token for an runtime attribute of this resource.
	// Ideally, use generated attribute accessors (e.g. `resource.arn`), but this can be used for future compatibility
	// in case there is no generated attribute.
	GetAtt(attributeName *string, typeHint awscdk.ResolutionTypeHint) awscdk.Reference
	// Retrieve a value value from the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	GetMetadata(key *string) interface{}
	// Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
	Inspect(inspector awscdk.TreeInspector)
	// Retrieves an array of resources this resource depends on.
	// This assembles dependencies on resources across stacks (including nested stacks)
	// automatically.
	ObtainDependencies() *[]interface{}
	// Get a shallow copy of dependencies between this resource and other resources in the same stack.
	ObtainResourceDependencies() *[]awscdk.CfnResource
	// Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
	OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string)
	// Indicates that this resource no longer depends on another resource.
	// This can be used for resources across stacks (including nested stacks)
	// and the dependency will automatically be removed from the relevant scope.
	RemoveDependency(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	RenderProperties(props *map[string]interface{}) *map[string]interface{}
	// Replaces one dependency with another.
	ReplaceDependency(target awscdk.CfnResource, newTarget awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Can be overridden by subclasses to determine if this resource will be rendered into the cloudformation template.
	// Returns: `true` if the resource should be included or `false` is the resource
	// should be omitted.
	ShouldSynthesize() *bool
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	// Returns: a string representation of this resource.
	ToString() *string
	ValidateProperties(_properties interface{})

Creates a data source connector that you want to use with an Amazon Kendra index.

You specify a name, data source connector type and description for your data source. You also specify configuration information for the data source connector.

> `CreateDataSource` does *not* support connectors which [require a `TemplateConfiguration` object]( for connecting to Amazon Kendra .


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnDataSource := awscdk.Aws_kendra.NewCfnDataSource(this, jsii.String("MyCfnDataSource"), &CfnDataSourceProps{
	IndexId: jsii.String("indexId"),
	Name: jsii.String("name"),
	Type: jsii.String("type"),

	// the properties below are optional
	CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration: &CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfigurationProperty{
		InlineConfigurations: []interface{}{
				Condition: &DocumentAttributeConditionProperty{
					ConditionDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("conditionDocumentAttributeKey"),
					Operator: jsii.String("operator"),

					// the properties below are optional
					ConditionOnValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
						DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
						LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
						StringListValue: []*string{
						StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),
				DocumentContentDeletion: jsii.Boolean(false),
				Target: &DocumentAttributeTargetProperty{
					TargetDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("targetDocumentAttributeKey"),

					// the properties below are optional
					TargetDocumentAttributeValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
						DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
						LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
						StringListValue: []*string{
						StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),
					TargetDocumentAttributeValueDeletion: jsii.Boolean(false),
		PostExtractionHookConfiguration: &HookConfigurationProperty{
			LambdaArn: jsii.String("lambdaArn"),
			S3Bucket: jsii.String("s3Bucket"),

			// the properties below are optional
			InvocationCondition: &DocumentAttributeConditionProperty{
				ConditionDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("conditionDocumentAttributeKey"),
				Operator: jsii.String("operator"),

				// the properties below are optional
				ConditionOnValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
					DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
					LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
					StringListValue: []*string{
					StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),
		PreExtractionHookConfiguration: &HookConfigurationProperty{
			LambdaArn: jsii.String("lambdaArn"),
			S3Bucket: jsii.String("s3Bucket"),

			// the properties below are optional
			InvocationCondition: &DocumentAttributeConditionProperty{
				ConditionDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("conditionDocumentAttributeKey"),
				Operator: jsii.String("operator"),

				// the properties below are optional
				ConditionOnValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
					DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
					LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
					StringListValue: []*string{
					StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),
		RoleArn: jsii.String("roleArn"),
	DataSourceConfiguration: &DataSourceConfigurationProperty{
		ConfluenceConfiguration: &ConfluenceConfigurationProperty{
			SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
			ServerUrl: jsii.String("serverUrl"),
			Version: jsii.String("version"),

			// the properties below are optional
			AttachmentConfiguration: &ConfluenceAttachmentConfigurationProperty{
				AttachmentFieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
				CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
			BlogConfiguration: &ConfluenceBlogConfigurationProperty{
				BlogFieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
			InclusionPatterns: []*string{
			PageConfiguration: &ConfluencePageConfigurationProperty{
				PageFieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			SpaceConfiguration: &ConfluenceSpaceConfigurationProperty{
				CrawlArchivedSpaces: jsii.Boolean(false),
				CrawlPersonalSpaces: jsii.Boolean(false),
				ExcludeSpaces: []*string{
				IncludeSpaces: []*string{
				SpaceFieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			VpcConfiguration: &DataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty{
				SecurityGroupIds: []*string{
				SubnetIds: []*string{
		DatabaseConfiguration: &DatabaseConfigurationProperty{
			ColumnConfiguration: &ColumnConfigurationProperty{
				ChangeDetectingColumns: []*string{
				DocumentDataColumnName: jsii.String("documentDataColumnName"),
				DocumentIdColumnName: jsii.String("documentIdColumnName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DocumentTitleColumnName: jsii.String("documentTitleColumnName"),
				FieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			ConnectionConfiguration: &ConnectionConfigurationProperty{
				DatabaseHost: jsii.String("databaseHost"),
				DatabaseName: jsii.String("databaseName"),
				DatabasePort: jsii.Number(123),
				SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
				TableName: jsii.String("tableName"),
			DatabaseEngineType: jsii.String("databaseEngineType"),

			// the properties below are optional
			AclConfiguration: &AclConfigurationProperty{
				AllowedGroupsColumnName: jsii.String("allowedGroupsColumnName"),
			SqlConfiguration: &SqlConfigurationProperty{
				QueryIdentifiersEnclosingOption: jsii.String("queryIdentifiersEnclosingOption"),
			VpcConfiguration: &DataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty{
				SecurityGroupIds: []*string{
				SubnetIds: []*string{
		GoogleDriveConfiguration: &GoogleDriveConfigurationProperty{
			SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),

			// the properties below are optional
			ExcludeMimeTypes: []*string{
			ExcludeSharedDrives: []*string{
			ExcludeUserAccounts: []*string{
			ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			InclusionPatterns: []*string{
		OneDriveConfiguration: &OneDriveConfigurationProperty{
			OneDriveUsers: &OneDriveUsersProperty{
				OneDriveUserList: []*string{
				OneDriveUserS3Path: &S3PathProperty{
					Bucket: jsii.String("bucket"),
					Key: jsii.String("key"),
			SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
			TenantDomain: jsii.String("tenantDomain"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DisableLocalGroups: jsii.Boolean(false),
			ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			InclusionPatterns: []*string{
		S3Configuration: &S3DataSourceConfigurationProperty{
			BucketName: jsii.String("bucketName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			AccessControlListConfiguration: &AccessControlListConfigurationProperty{
				KeyPath: jsii.String("keyPath"),
			DocumentsMetadataConfiguration: &DocumentsMetadataConfigurationProperty{
				S3Prefix: jsii.String("s3Prefix"),
			ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
			InclusionPatterns: []*string{
			InclusionPrefixes: []*string{
		SalesforceConfiguration: &SalesforceConfigurationProperty{
			SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
			ServerUrl: jsii.String("serverUrl"),

			// the properties below are optional
			ChatterFeedConfiguration: &SalesforceChatterFeedConfigurationProperty{
				DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
				FieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
				IncludeFilterTypes: []*string{
			CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
			ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
			IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
			KnowledgeArticleConfiguration: &SalesforceKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty{
				IncludedStates: []*string{

				// the properties below are optional
				CustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurations: []interface{}{
						DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),
						Name: jsii.String("name"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
						FieldMappings: []interface{}{
								DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
								IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

								// the properties below are optional
								DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
				StandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration: &SalesforceStandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurationProperty{
					DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
					FieldMappings: []interface{}{
							DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
							IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

							// the properties below are optional
							DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			StandardObjectAttachmentConfiguration: &SalesforceStandardObjectAttachmentConfigurationProperty{
				DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
				FieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			StandardObjectConfigurations: []interface{}{
					DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),
					Name: jsii.String("name"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
					FieldMappings: []interface{}{
							DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
							IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

							// the properties below are optional
							DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		ServiceNowConfiguration: &ServiceNowConfigurationProperty{
			HostUrl: jsii.String("hostUrl"),
			SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
			ServiceNowBuildVersion: jsii.String("serviceNowBuildVersion"),

			// the properties below are optional
			AuthenticationType: jsii.String("authenticationType"),
			KnowledgeArticleConfiguration: &ServiceNowKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty{
				DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
				DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
				ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
				FieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
				FilterQuery: jsii.String("filterQuery"),
				IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
			ServiceCatalogConfiguration: &ServiceNowServiceCatalogConfigurationProperty{
				DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
				DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
				ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
				FieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
				IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
		SharePointConfiguration: &SharePointConfigurationProperty{
			SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
			SharePointVersion: jsii.String("sharePointVersion"),
			Urls: []*string{

			// the properties below are optional
			CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
			DisableLocalGroups: jsii.Boolean(false),
			DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
			ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			InclusionPatterns: []*string{
			SslCertificateS3Path: &S3PathProperty{
				Bucket: jsii.String("bucket"),
				Key: jsii.String("key"),
			UseChangeLog: jsii.Boolean(false),
			VpcConfiguration: &DataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty{
				SecurityGroupIds: []*string{
				SubnetIds: []*string{
		TemplateConfiguration: &TemplateConfigurationProperty{
			Template: jsii.String("template"),
		WebCrawlerConfiguration: &WebCrawlerConfigurationProperty{
			Urls: &WebCrawlerUrlsProperty{
				SeedUrlConfiguration: &WebCrawlerSeedUrlConfigurationProperty{
					SeedUrls: []*string{

					// the properties below are optional
					WebCrawlerMode: jsii.String("webCrawlerMode"),
				SiteMapsConfiguration: &WebCrawlerSiteMapsConfigurationProperty{
					SiteMaps: []*string{

			// the properties below are optional
			AuthenticationConfiguration: &WebCrawlerAuthenticationConfigurationProperty{
				BasicAuthentication: []interface{}{
						Credentials: jsii.String("credentials"),
						Host: jsii.String("host"),
						Port: jsii.Number(123),
			CrawlDepth: jsii.Number(123),
			MaxContentSizePerPageInMegaBytes: jsii.Number(123),
			MaxLinksPerPage: jsii.Number(123),
			MaxUrlsPerMinuteCrawlRate: jsii.Number(123),
			ProxyConfiguration: &ProxyConfigurationProperty{
				Host: jsii.String("host"),
				Port: jsii.Number(123),

				// the properties below are optional
				Credentials: jsii.String("credentials"),
			UrlExclusionPatterns: []*string{
			UrlInclusionPatterns: []*string{
		WorkDocsConfiguration: &WorkDocsConfigurationProperty{
			OrganizationId: jsii.String("organizationId"),

			// the properties below are optional
			CrawlComments: jsii.Boolean(false),
			ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			InclusionPatterns: []*string{
			UseChangeLog: jsii.Boolean(false),
	Description: jsii.String("description"),
	LanguageCode: jsii.String("languageCode"),
	RoleArn: jsii.String("roleArn"),
	Schedule: jsii.String("schedule"),
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),


func NewCfnDataSource

func NewCfnDataSource(scope constructs.Construct, id *string, props *CfnDataSourceProps) CfnDataSource

type CfnDataSourceProps

type CfnDataSourceProps struct {
	// The identifier of the index you want to use with the data source connector.
	// See:
	IndexId *string `field:"required" json:"indexId" yaml:"indexId"`
	// The name of the data source.
	// See:
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// The type of the data source.
	// See:
	Type *string `field:"required" json:"type" yaml:"type"`
	// Configuration information for altering document metadata and content during the document ingestion process.
	// See:
	CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"customDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration" yaml:"customDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration"`
	// Configuration information for an Amazon Kendra data source.
	// The contents of the configuration depend on the type of data source. You can only specify one type of data source in the configuration.
	// You can't specify the `Configuration` parameter when the `Type` parameter is set to `CUSTOM` .
	// The `Configuration` parameter is required for all other data sources.
	// See:
	DataSourceConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"dataSourceConfiguration" yaml:"dataSourceConfiguration"`
	// A description for the data source connector.
	// See:
	Description *string `field:"optional" json:"description" yaml:"description"`
	// The code for a language.
	// This shows a supported language for all documents in the data source. English is supported by default. For more information on supported languages, including their codes, see [Adding documents in languages other than English]( .
	// See:
	LanguageCode *string `field:"optional" json:"languageCode" yaml:"languageCode"`
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role with permission to access the data source.
	// You can't specify the `RoleArn` parameter when the `Type` parameter is set to `CUSTOM` .
	// The `RoleArn` parameter is required for all other data sources.
	// See:
	RoleArn *string `field:"optional" json:"roleArn" yaml:"roleArn"`
	// Sets the frequency that Amazon Kendra checks the documents in your data source and updates the index.
	// If you don't set a schedule, Amazon Kendra doesn't periodically update the index.
	// See:
	Schedule *string `field:"optional" json:"schedule" yaml:"schedule"`
	// An array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource.
	// For more information, see [Tag]( .
	// See:
	Tags *[]*awscdk.CfnTag `field:"optional" json:"tags" yaml:"tags"`

Properties for defining a `CfnDataSource`.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnDataSourceProps := &CfnDataSourceProps{
	IndexId: jsii.String("indexId"),
	Name: jsii.String("name"),
	Type: jsii.String("type"),

	// the properties below are optional
	CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration: &CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfigurationProperty{
		InlineConfigurations: []interface{}{
				Condition: &DocumentAttributeConditionProperty{
					ConditionDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("conditionDocumentAttributeKey"),
					Operator: jsii.String("operator"),

					// the properties below are optional
					ConditionOnValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
						DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
						LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
						StringListValue: []*string{
						StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),
				DocumentContentDeletion: jsii.Boolean(false),
				Target: &DocumentAttributeTargetProperty{
					TargetDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("targetDocumentAttributeKey"),

					// the properties below are optional
					TargetDocumentAttributeValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
						DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
						LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
						StringListValue: []*string{
						StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),
					TargetDocumentAttributeValueDeletion: jsii.Boolean(false),
		PostExtractionHookConfiguration: &HookConfigurationProperty{
			LambdaArn: jsii.String("lambdaArn"),
			S3Bucket: jsii.String("s3Bucket"),

			// the properties below are optional
			InvocationCondition: &DocumentAttributeConditionProperty{
				ConditionDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("conditionDocumentAttributeKey"),
				Operator: jsii.String("operator"),

				// the properties below are optional
				ConditionOnValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
					DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
					LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
					StringListValue: []*string{
					StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),
		PreExtractionHookConfiguration: &HookConfigurationProperty{
			LambdaArn: jsii.String("lambdaArn"),
			S3Bucket: jsii.String("s3Bucket"),

			// the properties below are optional
			InvocationCondition: &DocumentAttributeConditionProperty{
				ConditionDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("conditionDocumentAttributeKey"),
				Operator: jsii.String("operator"),

				// the properties below are optional
				ConditionOnValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
					DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
					LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
					StringListValue: []*string{
					StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),
		RoleArn: jsii.String("roleArn"),
	DataSourceConfiguration: &DataSourceConfigurationProperty{
		ConfluenceConfiguration: &ConfluenceConfigurationProperty{
			SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
			ServerUrl: jsii.String("serverUrl"),
			Version: jsii.String("version"),

			// the properties below are optional
			AttachmentConfiguration: &ConfluenceAttachmentConfigurationProperty{
				AttachmentFieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
				CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
			BlogConfiguration: &ConfluenceBlogConfigurationProperty{
				BlogFieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
			InclusionPatterns: []*string{
			PageConfiguration: &ConfluencePageConfigurationProperty{
				PageFieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			SpaceConfiguration: &ConfluenceSpaceConfigurationProperty{
				CrawlArchivedSpaces: jsii.Boolean(false),
				CrawlPersonalSpaces: jsii.Boolean(false),
				ExcludeSpaces: []*string{
				IncludeSpaces: []*string{
				SpaceFieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			VpcConfiguration: &DataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty{
				SecurityGroupIds: []*string{
				SubnetIds: []*string{
		DatabaseConfiguration: &DatabaseConfigurationProperty{
			ColumnConfiguration: &ColumnConfigurationProperty{
				ChangeDetectingColumns: []*string{
				DocumentDataColumnName: jsii.String("documentDataColumnName"),
				DocumentIdColumnName: jsii.String("documentIdColumnName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DocumentTitleColumnName: jsii.String("documentTitleColumnName"),
				FieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			ConnectionConfiguration: &ConnectionConfigurationProperty{
				DatabaseHost: jsii.String("databaseHost"),
				DatabaseName: jsii.String("databaseName"),
				DatabasePort: jsii.Number(123),
				SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
				TableName: jsii.String("tableName"),
			DatabaseEngineType: jsii.String("databaseEngineType"),

			// the properties below are optional
			AclConfiguration: &AclConfigurationProperty{
				AllowedGroupsColumnName: jsii.String("allowedGroupsColumnName"),
			SqlConfiguration: &SqlConfigurationProperty{
				QueryIdentifiersEnclosingOption: jsii.String("queryIdentifiersEnclosingOption"),
			VpcConfiguration: &DataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty{
				SecurityGroupIds: []*string{
				SubnetIds: []*string{
		GoogleDriveConfiguration: &GoogleDriveConfigurationProperty{
			SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),

			// the properties below are optional
			ExcludeMimeTypes: []*string{
			ExcludeSharedDrives: []*string{
			ExcludeUserAccounts: []*string{
			ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			InclusionPatterns: []*string{
		OneDriveConfiguration: &OneDriveConfigurationProperty{
			OneDriveUsers: &OneDriveUsersProperty{
				OneDriveUserList: []*string{
				OneDriveUserS3Path: &S3PathProperty{
					Bucket: jsii.String("bucket"),
					Key: jsii.String("key"),
			SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
			TenantDomain: jsii.String("tenantDomain"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DisableLocalGroups: jsii.Boolean(false),
			ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			InclusionPatterns: []*string{
		S3Configuration: &S3DataSourceConfigurationProperty{
			BucketName: jsii.String("bucketName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			AccessControlListConfiguration: &AccessControlListConfigurationProperty{
				KeyPath: jsii.String("keyPath"),
			DocumentsMetadataConfiguration: &DocumentsMetadataConfigurationProperty{
				S3Prefix: jsii.String("s3Prefix"),
			ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
			InclusionPatterns: []*string{
			InclusionPrefixes: []*string{
		SalesforceConfiguration: &SalesforceConfigurationProperty{
			SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
			ServerUrl: jsii.String("serverUrl"),

			// the properties below are optional
			ChatterFeedConfiguration: &SalesforceChatterFeedConfigurationProperty{
				DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
				FieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
				IncludeFilterTypes: []*string{
			CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
			ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
			IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
			KnowledgeArticleConfiguration: &SalesforceKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty{
				IncludedStates: []*string{

				// the properties below are optional
				CustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurations: []interface{}{
						DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),
						Name: jsii.String("name"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
						FieldMappings: []interface{}{
								DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
								IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

								// the properties below are optional
								DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
				StandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration: &SalesforceStandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurationProperty{
					DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
					FieldMappings: []interface{}{
							DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
							IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

							// the properties below are optional
							DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			StandardObjectAttachmentConfiguration: &SalesforceStandardObjectAttachmentConfigurationProperty{
				DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
				FieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			StandardObjectConfigurations: []interface{}{
					DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),
					Name: jsii.String("name"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
					FieldMappings: []interface{}{
							DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
							IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

							// the properties below are optional
							DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		ServiceNowConfiguration: &ServiceNowConfigurationProperty{
			HostUrl: jsii.String("hostUrl"),
			SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
			ServiceNowBuildVersion: jsii.String("serviceNowBuildVersion"),

			// the properties below are optional
			AuthenticationType: jsii.String("authenticationType"),
			KnowledgeArticleConfiguration: &ServiceNowKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty{
				DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
				DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
				ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
				FieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
				FilterQuery: jsii.String("filterQuery"),
				IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
			ServiceCatalogConfiguration: &ServiceNowServiceCatalogConfigurationProperty{
				DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
				DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
				ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
				FieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
				IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
		SharePointConfiguration: &SharePointConfigurationProperty{
			SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
			SharePointVersion: jsii.String("sharePointVersion"),
			Urls: []*string{

			// the properties below are optional
			CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
			DisableLocalGroups: jsii.Boolean(false),
			DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
			ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			InclusionPatterns: []*string{
			SslCertificateS3Path: &S3PathProperty{
				Bucket: jsii.String("bucket"),
				Key: jsii.String("key"),
			UseChangeLog: jsii.Boolean(false),
			VpcConfiguration: &DataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty{
				SecurityGroupIds: []*string{
				SubnetIds: []*string{
		TemplateConfiguration: &TemplateConfigurationProperty{
			Template: jsii.String("template"),
		WebCrawlerConfiguration: &WebCrawlerConfigurationProperty{
			Urls: &WebCrawlerUrlsProperty{
				SeedUrlConfiguration: &WebCrawlerSeedUrlConfigurationProperty{
					SeedUrls: []*string{

					// the properties below are optional
					WebCrawlerMode: jsii.String("webCrawlerMode"),
				SiteMapsConfiguration: &WebCrawlerSiteMapsConfigurationProperty{
					SiteMaps: []*string{

			// the properties below are optional
			AuthenticationConfiguration: &WebCrawlerAuthenticationConfigurationProperty{
				BasicAuthentication: []interface{}{
						Credentials: jsii.String("credentials"),
						Host: jsii.String("host"),
						Port: jsii.Number(123),
			CrawlDepth: jsii.Number(123),
			MaxContentSizePerPageInMegaBytes: jsii.Number(123),
			MaxLinksPerPage: jsii.Number(123),
			MaxUrlsPerMinuteCrawlRate: jsii.Number(123),
			ProxyConfiguration: &ProxyConfigurationProperty{
				Host: jsii.String("host"),
				Port: jsii.Number(123),

				// the properties below are optional
				Credentials: jsii.String("credentials"),
			UrlExclusionPatterns: []*string{
			UrlInclusionPatterns: []*string{
		WorkDocsConfiguration: &WorkDocsConfigurationProperty{
			OrganizationId: jsii.String("organizationId"),

			// the properties below are optional
			CrawlComments: jsii.Boolean(false),
			ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			InclusionPatterns: []*string{
			UseChangeLog: jsii.Boolean(false),
	Description: jsii.String("description"),
	LanguageCode: jsii.String("languageCode"),
	RoleArn: jsii.String("roleArn"),
	Schedule: jsii.String("schedule"),
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),


type CfnDataSource_AccessControlListConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_AccessControlListConfigurationProperty struct {
	// Path to the AWS S3 bucket that contains the access control list files.
	// See:
	KeyPath *string `field:"optional" json:"keyPath" yaml:"keyPath"`

Specifies access control list files for the documents in a data source.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

accessControlListConfigurationProperty := &AccessControlListConfigurationProperty{
	KeyPath: jsii.String("keyPath"),


type CfnDataSource_AclConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_AclConfigurationProperty struct {
	// A list of groups, separated by semi-colons, that filters a query response based on user context.
	// The document is only returned to users that are in one of the groups specified in the `UserContext` field of the [Query]( operation.
	// See:
	AllowedGroupsColumnName *string `field:"required" json:"allowedGroupsColumnName" yaml:"allowedGroupsColumnName"`

Provides information about the column that should be used for filtering the query response by groups.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

aclConfigurationProperty := &AclConfigurationProperty{
	AllowedGroupsColumnName: jsii.String("allowedGroupsColumnName"),


type CfnDataSource_ColumnConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_ColumnConfigurationProperty struct {
	// One to five columns that indicate when a document in the database has changed.
	// See:
	ChangeDetectingColumns *[]*string `field:"required" json:"changeDetectingColumns" yaml:"changeDetectingColumns"`
	// The column that contains the contents of the document.
	// See:
	DocumentDataColumnName *string `field:"required" json:"documentDataColumnName" yaml:"documentDataColumnName"`
	// The column that provides the document's identifier.
	// See:
	DocumentIdColumnName *string `field:"required" json:"documentIdColumnName" yaml:"documentIdColumnName"`
	// The column that contains the title of the document.
	// See:
	DocumentTitleColumnName *string `field:"optional" json:"documentTitleColumnName" yaml:"documentTitleColumnName"`
	// An array of objects that map database column names to the corresponding fields in an index.
	// You must first create the fields in the index using the [UpdateIndex]( operation.
	// See:
	FieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"fieldMappings" yaml:"fieldMappings"`

Provides information about how Amazon Kendra should use the columns of a database in an index.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

columnConfigurationProperty := &ColumnConfigurationProperty{
	ChangeDetectingColumns: []*string{
	DocumentDataColumnName: jsii.String("documentDataColumnName"),
	DocumentIdColumnName: jsii.String("documentIdColumnName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	DocumentTitleColumnName: jsii.String("documentTitleColumnName"),
	FieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),


type CfnDataSource_ConfluenceAttachmentConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_ConfluenceAttachmentConfigurationProperty struct {
	// Maps attributes or field names of Confluence attachments to Amazon Kendra index field names.
	// To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to Confluence fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The Confluence data source field names must exist in your Confluence custom metadata.
	// If you specify the `AttachentFieldMappings` parameter, you must specify at least one field mapping.
	// See:
	AttachmentFieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"attachmentFieldMappings" yaml:"attachmentFieldMappings"`
	// `TRUE` to index attachments of pages and blogs in Confluence.
	// See:
	CrawlAttachments interface{} `field:"optional" json:"crawlAttachments" yaml:"crawlAttachments"`

Configuration of attachment settings for the Confluence data source.

Attachment settings are optional, if you don't specify settings attachments, Amazon Kendra won't index them.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

confluenceAttachmentConfigurationProperty := &ConfluenceAttachmentConfigurationProperty{
	AttachmentFieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),


type CfnDataSource_ConfluenceAttachmentToIndexFieldMappingProperty

type CfnDataSource_ConfluenceAttachmentToIndexFieldMappingProperty struct {
	// The name of the field in the data source.
	// You must first create the index field using the `UpdateIndex` API.
	// See:
	DataSourceFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"dataSourceFieldName" yaml:"dataSourceFieldName"`
	// The name of the index field to map to the Confluence data source field.
	// The index field type must match the Confluence field type.
	// See:
	IndexFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"indexFieldName" yaml:"indexFieldName"`
	// The format for date fields in the data source.
	// If the field specified in `DataSourceFieldName` is a date field you must specify the date format. If the field is not a date field, an exception is thrown.
	// See:
	DateFieldFormat *string `field:"optional" json:"dateFieldFormat" yaml:"dateFieldFormat"`

Maps attributes or field names of Confluence attachments to Amazon Kendra index field names.

To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to Confluence fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The Confuence data source field names must exist in your Confluence custom metadata.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

confluenceAttachmentToIndexFieldMappingProperty := &ConfluenceAttachmentToIndexFieldMappingProperty{
	DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
	IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),


type CfnDataSource_ConfluenceBlogConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_ConfluenceBlogConfigurationProperty struct {
	// Maps attributes or field names of Confluence blogs to Amazon Kendra index field names.
	// To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to Confluence fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The Confluence data source field names must exist in your Confluence custom metadata.
	// If you specify the `BlogFieldMappings` parameter, you must specify at least one field mapping.
	// See:
	BlogFieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"blogFieldMappings" yaml:"blogFieldMappings"`

Configuration of blog settings for the Confluence data source.

Blogs are always indexed unless filtered from the index by the `ExclusionPatterns` or `InclusionPatterns` fields in the `ConfluenceConfiguration` object.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

confluenceBlogConfigurationProperty := &ConfluenceBlogConfigurationProperty{
	BlogFieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),


type CfnDataSource_ConfluenceBlogToIndexFieldMappingProperty

type CfnDataSource_ConfluenceBlogToIndexFieldMappingProperty struct {
	// The name of the field in the data source.
	// See:
	DataSourceFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"dataSourceFieldName" yaml:"dataSourceFieldName"`
	// The name of the index field to map to the Confluence data source field.
	// The index field type must match the Confluence field type.
	// See:
	IndexFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"indexFieldName" yaml:"indexFieldName"`
	// The format for date fields in the data source.
	// If the field specified in `DataSourceFieldName` is a date field you must specify the date format. If the field is not a date field, an exception is thrown.
	// See:
	DateFieldFormat *string `field:"optional" json:"dateFieldFormat" yaml:"dateFieldFormat"`

Maps attributes or field names of Confluence blog to Amazon Kendra index field names.

To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to Confluence fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The Confluence data source field names must exist in your Confluence custom metadata.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

confluenceBlogToIndexFieldMappingProperty := &ConfluenceBlogToIndexFieldMappingProperty{
	DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
	IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),


type CfnDataSource_ConfluenceConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_ConfluenceConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the user name and password required to connect to the Confluence instance.
	// If you use Confluence Cloud, you use a generated API token as the password.
	// You can also provide authentication credentials in the form of a personal access token. For more information, see [Using a Confluence data source]( .
	// See:
	SecretArn *string `field:"required" json:"secretArn" yaml:"secretArn"`
	// The URL of your Confluence instance.
	// Use the full URL of the server. For example, ** . You can also use an IP address, for example, ** .
	// See:
	ServerUrl *string `field:"required" json:"serverUrl" yaml:"serverUrl"`
	// The version or the type of Confluence installation to connect to.
	// See:
	Version *string `field:"required" json:"version" yaml:"version"`
	// Configuration information for indexing attachments to Confluence blogs and pages.
	// See:
	AttachmentConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"attachmentConfiguration" yaml:"attachmentConfiguration"`
	// Configuration information for indexing Confluence blogs.
	// See:
	BlogConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"blogConfiguration" yaml:"blogConfiguration"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns to exclude certain blog posts, pages, spaces, or attachments in your Confluence.
	// Content that matches the patterns are excluded from the index. Content that doesn't match the patterns is included in the index. If content matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the content isn't included in the index.
	// See:
	ExclusionPatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"exclusionPatterns" yaml:"exclusionPatterns"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns to include certain blog posts, pages, spaces, or attachments in your Confluence.
	// Content that matches the patterns are included in the index. Content that doesn't match the patterns is excluded from the index. If content matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the content isn't included in the index.
	// See:
	InclusionPatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"inclusionPatterns" yaml:"inclusionPatterns"`
	// Configuration information for indexing Confluence pages.
	// See:
	PageConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"pageConfiguration" yaml:"pageConfiguration"`
	// Configuration information for indexing Confluence spaces.
	// See:
	SpaceConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"spaceConfiguration" yaml:"spaceConfiguration"`
	// Configuration information for an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud to connect to your Confluence.
	// For more information, see [Configuring a VPC]( .
	// See:
	VpcConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"vpcConfiguration" yaml:"vpcConfiguration"`

Provides the configuration information to connect to Confluence as your data source.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

confluenceConfigurationProperty := &ConfluenceConfigurationProperty{
	SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
	ServerUrl: jsii.String("serverUrl"),
	Version: jsii.String("version"),

	// the properties below are optional
	AttachmentConfiguration: &ConfluenceAttachmentConfigurationProperty{
		AttachmentFieldMappings: []interface{}{
				DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
				IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
	BlogConfiguration: &ConfluenceBlogConfigurationProperty{
		BlogFieldMappings: []interface{}{
				DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
				IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
	InclusionPatterns: []*string{
	PageConfiguration: &ConfluencePageConfigurationProperty{
		PageFieldMappings: []interface{}{
				DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
				IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	SpaceConfiguration: &ConfluenceSpaceConfigurationProperty{
		CrawlArchivedSpaces: jsii.Boolean(false),
		CrawlPersonalSpaces: jsii.Boolean(false),
		ExcludeSpaces: []*string{
		IncludeSpaces: []*string{
		SpaceFieldMappings: []interface{}{
				DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
				IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	VpcConfiguration: &DataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty{
		SecurityGroupIds: []*string{
		SubnetIds: []*string{


type CfnDataSource_ConfluencePageConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_ConfluencePageConfigurationProperty struct {
	// Maps attributes or field names of Confluence pages to Amazon Kendra index field names.
	// To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to Confluence fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The Confluence data source field names must exist in your Confluence custom metadata.
	// If you specify the `PageFieldMappings` parameter, you must specify at least one field mapping.
	// See:
	PageFieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"pageFieldMappings" yaml:"pageFieldMappings"`

Configuration of the page settings for the Confluence data source.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

confluencePageConfigurationProperty := &ConfluencePageConfigurationProperty{
	PageFieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),


type CfnDataSource_ConfluencePageToIndexFieldMappingProperty

type CfnDataSource_ConfluencePageToIndexFieldMappingProperty struct {
	// The name of the field in the data source.
	// See:
	DataSourceFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"dataSourceFieldName" yaml:"dataSourceFieldName"`
	// The name of the index field to map to the Confluence data source field.
	// The index field type must match the Confluence field type.
	// See:
	IndexFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"indexFieldName" yaml:"indexFieldName"`
	// The format for date fields in the data source.
	// If the field specified in `DataSourceFieldName` is a date field you must specify the date format. If the field is not a date field, an exception is thrown.
	// See:
	DateFieldFormat *string `field:"optional" json:"dateFieldFormat" yaml:"dateFieldFormat"`

Maps attributes or field names of Confluence pages to Amazon Kendra index field names.

To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to Confluence fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The Confluence data source field names must exist in your Confluence custom metadata.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

confluencePageToIndexFieldMappingProperty := &ConfluencePageToIndexFieldMappingProperty{
	DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
	IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),


type CfnDataSource_ConfluenceSpaceConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_ConfluenceSpaceConfigurationProperty struct {
	// `TRUE` to index archived spaces.
	// See:
	CrawlArchivedSpaces interface{} `field:"optional" json:"crawlArchivedSpaces" yaml:"crawlArchivedSpaces"`
	// `TRUE` to index personal spaces.
	// You can add restrictions to items in personal spaces. If personal spaces are indexed, queries without user context information may return restricted items from a personal space in their results. For more information, see [Filtering on user context]( .
	// See:
	CrawlPersonalSpaces interface{} `field:"optional" json:"crawlPersonalSpaces" yaml:"crawlPersonalSpaces"`
	// A list of space keys of Confluence spaces.
	// If you include a key, the blogs, documents, and attachments in the space are not indexed. If a space is in both the `ExcludeSpaces` and the `IncludeSpaces` list, the space is excluded.
	// See:
	ExcludeSpaces *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"excludeSpaces" yaml:"excludeSpaces"`
	// A list of space keys for Confluence spaces.
	// If you include a key, the blogs, documents, and attachments in the space are indexed. Spaces that aren't in the list aren't indexed. A space in the list must exist. Otherwise, Amazon Kendra logs an error when the data source is synchronized. If a space is in both the `IncludeSpaces` and the `ExcludeSpaces` list, the space is excluded.
	// See:
	IncludeSpaces *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"includeSpaces" yaml:"includeSpaces"`
	// Maps attributes or field names of Confluence spaces to Amazon Kendra index field names.
	// To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to Confluence fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The Confluence data source field names must exist in your Confluence custom metadata.
	// If you specify the `SpaceFieldMappings` parameter, you must specify at least one field mapping.
	// See:
	SpaceFieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"spaceFieldMappings" yaml:"spaceFieldMappings"`

Configuration information for indexing Confluence spaces.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

confluenceSpaceConfigurationProperty := &ConfluenceSpaceConfigurationProperty{
	CrawlArchivedSpaces: jsii.Boolean(false),
	CrawlPersonalSpaces: jsii.Boolean(false),
	ExcludeSpaces: []*string{
	IncludeSpaces: []*string{
	SpaceFieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),


type CfnDataSource_ConfluenceSpaceToIndexFieldMappingProperty

type CfnDataSource_ConfluenceSpaceToIndexFieldMappingProperty struct {
	// The name of the field in the data source.
	// See:
	DataSourceFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"dataSourceFieldName" yaml:"dataSourceFieldName"`
	// The name of the index field to map to the Confluence data source field.
	// The index field type must match the Confluence field type.
	// See:
	IndexFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"indexFieldName" yaml:"indexFieldName"`
	// The format for date fields in the data source.
	// If the field specified in `DataSourceFieldName` is a date field you must specify the date format. If the field is not a date field, an exception is thrown.
	// See:
	DateFieldFormat *string `field:"optional" json:"dateFieldFormat" yaml:"dateFieldFormat"`

Maps attributes or field names of Confluence spaces to Amazon Kendra index field names.

To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to Confluence fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The Confluence data source field names must exist in your Confluence custom metadata.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

confluenceSpaceToIndexFieldMappingProperty := &ConfluenceSpaceToIndexFieldMappingProperty{
	DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
	IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),


type CfnDataSource_ConnectionConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_ConnectionConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The name of the host for the database.
	// Can be either a string (host.subdomain.domain.tld) or an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
	// See:
	DatabaseHost *string `field:"required" json:"databaseHost" yaml:"databaseHost"`
	// The name of the database containing the document data.
	// See:
	DatabaseName *string `field:"required" json:"databaseName" yaml:"databaseName"`
	// The port that the database uses for connections.
	// See:
	DatabasePort *float64 `field:"required" json:"databasePort" yaml:"databasePort"`
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Secrets Manager secret that stores the credentials.
	// The credentials should be a user-password pair. For more information, see [Using a Database Data Source]( . For more information about AWS Secrets Manager , see [What Is AWS Secrets Manager]( in the *AWS Secrets Manager* user guide.
	// See:
	SecretArn *string `field:"required" json:"secretArn" yaml:"secretArn"`
	// The name of the table that contains the document data.
	// See:
	TableName *string `field:"required" json:"tableName" yaml:"tableName"`

Provides the configuration information that's required to connect to a database.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

connectionConfigurationProperty := &ConnectionConfigurationProperty{
	DatabaseHost: jsii.String("databaseHost"),
	DatabaseName: jsii.String("databaseName"),
	DatabasePort: jsii.Number(123),
	SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
	TableName: jsii.String("tableName"),


type CfnDataSource_CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfigurationProperty added in v2.13.0

type CfnDataSource_CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfigurationProperty struct {
	// Configuration information to alter document attributes or metadata fields and content when ingesting documents into Amazon Kendra.
	// See:
	InlineConfigurations interface{} `field:"optional" json:"inlineConfigurations" yaml:"inlineConfigurations"`
	// Configuration information for invoking a Lambda function in AWS Lambda on the structured documents with their metadata and text extracted.
	// You can use a Lambda function to apply advanced logic for creating, modifying, or deleting document metadata and content. For more information, see [Advanced data manipulation]( .
	// See:
	PostExtractionHookConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"postExtractionHookConfiguration" yaml:"postExtractionHookConfiguration"`
	// Configuration information for invoking a Lambda function in AWS Lambda on the original or raw documents before extracting their metadata and text.
	// You can use a Lambda function to apply advanced logic for creating, modifying, or deleting document metadata and content. For more information, see [Advanced data manipulation]( .
	// See:
	PreExtractionHookConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"preExtractionHookConfiguration" yaml:"preExtractionHookConfiguration"`
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role with permission to run `PreExtractionHookConfiguration` and `PostExtractionHookConfiguration` for altering document metadata and content during the document ingestion process.
	// For more information, see [an IAM roles for Amazon Kendra]( .
	// See:
	RoleArn *string `field:"optional" json:"roleArn" yaml:"roleArn"`

Provides the configuration information for altering document metadata and content during the document ingestion process.

For more information, see [Customizing document metadata during the ingestion process]( .


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

customDocumentEnrichmentConfigurationProperty := &CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfigurationProperty{
	InlineConfigurations: []interface{}{
			Condition: &DocumentAttributeConditionProperty{
				ConditionDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("conditionDocumentAttributeKey"),
				Operator: jsii.String("operator"),

				// the properties below are optional
				ConditionOnValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
					DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
					LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
					StringListValue: []*string{
					StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),
			DocumentContentDeletion: jsii.Boolean(false),
			Target: &DocumentAttributeTargetProperty{
				TargetDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("targetDocumentAttributeKey"),

				// the properties below are optional
				TargetDocumentAttributeValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
					DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
					LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
					StringListValue: []*string{
					StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),
				TargetDocumentAttributeValueDeletion: jsii.Boolean(false),
	PostExtractionHookConfiguration: &HookConfigurationProperty{
		LambdaArn: jsii.String("lambdaArn"),
		S3Bucket: jsii.String("s3Bucket"),

		// the properties below are optional
		InvocationCondition: &DocumentAttributeConditionProperty{
			ConditionDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("conditionDocumentAttributeKey"),
			Operator: jsii.String("operator"),

			// the properties below are optional
			ConditionOnValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
				DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
				LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
				StringListValue: []*string{
				StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),
	PreExtractionHookConfiguration: &HookConfigurationProperty{
		LambdaArn: jsii.String("lambdaArn"),
		S3Bucket: jsii.String("s3Bucket"),

		// the properties below are optional
		InvocationCondition: &DocumentAttributeConditionProperty{
			ConditionDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("conditionDocumentAttributeKey"),
			Operator: jsii.String("operator"),

			// the properties below are optional
			ConditionOnValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
				DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
				LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
				StringListValue: []*string{
				StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),
	RoleArn: jsii.String("roleArn"),


type CfnDataSource_DataSourceConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_DataSourceConfigurationProperty struct {
	// Provides the configuration information to connect to Confluence as your data source.
	// See:
	ConfluenceConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"confluenceConfiguration" yaml:"confluenceConfiguration"`
	// Provides the configuration information to connect to a database as your data source.
	// See:
	DatabaseConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"databaseConfiguration" yaml:"databaseConfiguration"`
	// Provides the configuration information to connect to Google Drive as your data source.
	// See:
	GoogleDriveConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"googleDriveConfiguration" yaml:"googleDriveConfiguration"`
	// Provides the configuration information to connect to Microsoft OneDrive as your data source.
	// See:
	OneDriveConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"oneDriveConfiguration" yaml:"oneDriveConfiguration"`
	// Provides the configuration information to connect to an Amazon S3 bucket as your data source.
	// > Amazon Kendra now supports an upgraded Amazon S3 connector.
	// >
	// > You must now use the [TemplateConfiguration]( object instead of the `S3DataSourceConfiguration` object to configure your connector.
	// >
	// > Connectors configured using the older console and API architecture will continue to function as configured. However, you won't be able to edit or update them. If you want to edit or update your connector configuration, you must create a new connector.
	// >
	// > We recommended migrating your connector workflow to the upgraded version. Support for connectors configured using the older architecture is scheduled to end by June 2024.
	// See:
	S3Configuration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"s3Configuration" yaml:"s3Configuration"`
	// Provides the configuration information to connect to Salesforce as your data source.
	// See:
	SalesforceConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"salesforceConfiguration" yaml:"salesforceConfiguration"`
	// Provides the configuration information to connect to ServiceNow as your data source.
	// See:
	ServiceNowConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"serviceNowConfiguration" yaml:"serviceNowConfiguration"`
	// Provides the configuration information to connect to Microsoft SharePoint as your data source.
	// See:
	SharePointConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"sharePointConfiguration" yaml:"sharePointConfiguration"`
	// See:
	TemplateConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"templateConfiguration" yaml:"templateConfiguration"`
	// Provides the configuration information required for Amazon Kendra Web Crawler.
	// See:
	WebCrawlerConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"webCrawlerConfiguration" yaml:"webCrawlerConfiguration"`
	// Provides the configuration information to connect to Amazon WorkDocs as your data source.
	// See:
	WorkDocsConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"workDocsConfiguration" yaml:"workDocsConfiguration"`

Provides the configuration information for an Amazon Kendra data source.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

dataSourceConfigurationProperty := &DataSourceConfigurationProperty{
	ConfluenceConfiguration: &ConfluenceConfigurationProperty{
		SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
		ServerUrl: jsii.String("serverUrl"),
		Version: jsii.String("version"),

		// the properties below are optional
		AttachmentConfiguration: &ConfluenceAttachmentConfigurationProperty{
			AttachmentFieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
		BlogConfiguration: &ConfluenceBlogConfigurationProperty{
			BlogFieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
		InclusionPatterns: []*string{
		PageConfiguration: &ConfluencePageConfigurationProperty{
			PageFieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		SpaceConfiguration: &ConfluenceSpaceConfigurationProperty{
			CrawlArchivedSpaces: jsii.Boolean(false),
			CrawlPersonalSpaces: jsii.Boolean(false),
			ExcludeSpaces: []*string{
			IncludeSpaces: []*string{
			SpaceFieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		VpcConfiguration: &DataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty{
			SecurityGroupIds: []*string{
			SubnetIds: []*string{
	DatabaseConfiguration: &DatabaseConfigurationProperty{
		ColumnConfiguration: &ColumnConfigurationProperty{
			ChangeDetectingColumns: []*string{
			DocumentDataColumnName: jsii.String("documentDataColumnName"),
			DocumentIdColumnName: jsii.String("documentIdColumnName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DocumentTitleColumnName: jsii.String("documentTitleColumnName"),
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		ConnectionConfiguration: &ConnectionConfigurationProperty{
			DatabaseHost: jsii.String("databaseHost"),
			DatabaseName: jsii.String("databaseName"),
			DatabasePort: jsii.Number(123),
			SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
			TableName: jsii.String("tableName"),
		DatabaseEngineType: jsii.String("databaseEngineType"),

		// the properties below are optional
		AclConfiguration: &AclConfigurationProperty{
			AllowedGroupsColumnName: jsii.String("allowedGroupsColumnName"),
		SqlConfiguration: &SqlConfigurationProperty{
			QueryIdentifiersEnclosingOption: jsii.String("queryIdentifiersEnclosingOption"),
		VpcConfiguration: &DataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty{
			SecurityGroupIds: []*string{
			SubnetIds: []*string{
	GoogleDriveConfiguration: &GoogleDriveConfigurationProperty{
		SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),

		// the properties below are optional
		ExcludeMimeTypes: []*string{
		ExcludeSharedDrives: []*string{
		ExcludeUserAccounts: []*string{
		ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
		FieldMappings: []interface{}{
				DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
				IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		InclusionPatterns: []*string{
	OneDriveConfiguration: &OneDriveConfigurationProperty{
		OneDriveUsers: &OneDriveUsersProperty{
			OneDriveUserList: []*string{
			OneDriveUserS3Path: &S3PathProperty{
				Bucket: jsii.String("bucket"),
				Key: jsii.String("key"),
		SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
		TenantDomain: jsii.String("tenantDomain"),

		// the properties below are optional
		DisableLocalGroups: jsii.Boolean(false),
		ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
		FieldMappings: []interface{}{
				DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
				IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		InclusionPatterns: []*string{
	S3Configuration: &S3DataSourceConfigurationProperty{
		BucketName: jsii.String("bucketName"),

		// the properties below are optional
		AccessControlListConfiguration: &AccessControlListConfigurationProperty{
			KeyPath: jsii.String("keyPath"),
		DocumentsMetadataConfiguration: &DocumentsMetadataConfigurationProperty{
			S3Prefix: jsii.String("s3Prefix"),
		ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
		InclusionPatterns: []*string{
		InclusionPrefixes: []*string{
	SalesforceConfiguration: &SalesforceConfigurationProperty{
		SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
		ServerUrl: jsii.String("serverUrl"),

		// the properties below are optional
		ChatterFeedConfiguration: &SalesforceChatterFeedConfigurationProperty{
			DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			IncludeFilterTypes: []*string{
		CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
		ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
		IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
		KnowledgeArticleConfiguration: &SalesforceKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty{
			IncludedStates: []*string{

			// the properties below are optional
			CustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurations: []interface{}{
					DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),
					Name: jsii.String("name"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
					FieldMappings: []interface{}{
							DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
							IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

							// the properties below are optional
							DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			StandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration: &SalesforceStandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurationProperty{
				DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
				FieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		StandardObjectAttachmentConfiguration: &SalesforceStandardObjectAttachmentConfigurationProperty{
			DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		StandardObjectConfigurations: []interface{}{
				DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),
				Name: jsii.String("name"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
				FieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	ServiceNowConfiguration: &ServiceNowConfigurationProperty{
		HostUrl: jsii.String("hostUrl"),
		SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
		ServiceNowBuildVersion: jsii.String("serviceNowBuildVersion"),

		// the properties below are optional
		AuthenticationType: jsii.String("authenticationType"),
		KnowledgeArticleConfiguration: &ServiceNowKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty{
			DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
			DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
			ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			FilterQuery: jsii.String("filterQuery"),
			IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
		ServiceCatalogConfiguration: &ServiceNowServiceCatalogConfigurationProperty{
			DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
			DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
			ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
			IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
	SharePointConfiguration: &SharePointConfigurationProperty{
		SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
		SharePointVersion: jsii.String("sharePointVersion"),
		Urls: []*string{

		// the properties below are optional
		CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
		DisableLocalGroups: jsii.Boolean(false),
		DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
		ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
		FieldMappings: []interface{}{
				DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
				IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		InclusionPatterns: []*string{
		SslCertificateS3Path: &S3PathProperty{
			Bucket: jsii.String("bucket"),
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
		UseChangeLog: jsii.Boolean(false),
		VpcConfiguration: &DataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty{
			SecurityGroupIds: []*string{
			SubnetIds: []*string{
	TemplateConfiguration: &TemplateConfigurationProperty{
		Template: jsii.String("template"),
	WebCrawlerConfiguration: &WebCrawlerConfigurationProperty{
		Urls: &WebCrawlerUrlsProperty{
			SeedUrlConfiguration: &WebCrawlerSeedUrlConfigurationProperty{
				SeedUrls: []*string{

				// the properties below are optional
				WebCrawlerMode: jsii.String("webCrawlerMode"),
			SiteMapsConfiguration: &WebCrawlerSiteMapsConfigurationProperty{
				SiteMaps: []*string{

		// the properties below are optional
		AuthenticationConfiguration: &WebCrawlerAuthenticationConfigurationProperty{
			BasicAuthentication: []interface{}{
					Credentials: jsii.String("credentials"),
					Host: jsii.String("host"),
					Port: jsii.Number(123),
		CrawlDepth: jsii.Number(123),
		MaxContentSizePerPageInMegaBytes: jsii.Number(123),
		MaxLinksPerPage: jsii.Number(123),
		MaxUrlsPerMinuteCrawlRate: jsii.Number(123),
		ProxyConfiguration: &ProxyConfigurationProperty{
			Host: jsii.String("host"),
			Port: jsii.Number(123),

			// the properties below are optional
			Credentials: jsii.String("credentials"),
		UrlExclusionPatterns: []*string{
		UrlInclusionPatterns: []*string{
	WorkDocsConfiguration: &WorkDocsConfigurationProperty{
		OrganizationId: jsii.String("organizationId"),

		// the properties below are optional
		CrawlComments: jsii.Boolean(false),
		ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
		FieldMappings: []interface{}{
				DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
				IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		InclusionPatterns: []*string{
		UseChangeLog: jsii.Boolean(false),


type CfnDataSource_DataSourceToIndexFieldMappingProperty

type CfnDataSource_DataSourceToIndexFieldMappingProperty struct {
	// The name of the field in the data source.
	// You must first create the index field using the `UpdateIndex` API.
	// See:
	DataSourceFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"dataSourceFieldName" yaml:"dataSourceFieldName"`
	// The name of the index field to map to the data source field.
	// The index field type must match the data source field type.
	// See:
	IndexFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"indexFieldName" yaml:"indexFieldName"`
	// The format for date fields in the data source.
	// If the field specified in `DataSourceFieldName` is a date field, you must specify the date format. If the field is not a date field, an exception is thrown.
	// See:
	DateFieldFormat *string `field:"optional" json:"dateFieldFormat" yaml:"dateFieldFormat"`

Maps a column or attribute in the data source to an index field.

You must first create the fields in the index using the [UpdateIndex]( operation.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

dataSourceToIndexFieldMappingProperty := &DataSourceToIndexFieldMappingProperty{
	DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
	IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),


type CfnDataSource_DataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_DataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty struct {
	// A list of identifiers of security groups within your Amazon VPC.
	// The security groups should enable Amazon Kendra to connect to the data source.
	// See:
	SecurityGroupIds *[]*string `field:"required" json:"securityGroupIds" yaml:"securityGroupIds"`
	// A list of identifiers for subnets within your Amazon VPC.
	// The subnets should be able to connect to each other in the VPC, and they should have outgoing access to the Internet through a NAT device.
	// See:
	SubnetIds *[]*string `field:"required" json:"subnetIds" yaml:"subnetIds"`

Provides the configuration information to connect to an Amazon VPC.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

dataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty := &DataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty{
	SecurityGroupIds: []*string{
	SubnetIds: []*string{


type CfnDataSource_DatabaseConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_DatabaseConfigurationProperty struct {
	// Information about where the index should get the document information from the database.
	// See:
	ColumnConfiguration interface{} `field:"required" json:"columnConfiguration" yaml:"columnConfiguration"`
	// Configuration information that's required to connect to a database.
	// See:
	ConnectionConfiguration interface{} `field:"required" json:"connectionConfiguration" yaml:"connectionConfiguration"`
	// The type of database engine that runs the database.
	// See:
	DatabaseEngineType *string `field:"required" json:"databaseEngineType" yaml:"databaseEngineType"`
	// Information about the database column that provides information for user context filtering.
	// See:
	AclConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"aclConfiguration" yaml:"aclConfiguration"`
	// Provides information about how Amazon Kendra uses quote marks around SQL identifiers when querying a database data source.
	// See:
	SqlConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"sqlConfiguration" yaml:"sqlConfiguration"`
	// Provides information for connecting to an Amazon VPC.
	// See:
	VpcConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"vpcConfiguration" yaml:"vpcConfiguration"`

Provides the configuration information to an [Amazon Kendra supported database]( .


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

databaseConfigurationProperty := &DatabaseConfigurationProperty{
	ColumnConfiguration: &ColumnConfigurationProperty{
		ChangeDetectingColumns: []*string{
		DocumentDataColumnName: jsii.String("documentDataColumnName"),
		DocumentIdColumnName: jsii.String("documentIdColumnName"),

		// the properties below are optional
		DocumentTitleColumnName: jsii.String("documentTitleColumnName"),
		FieldMappings: []interface{}{
				DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
				IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	ConnectionConfiguration: &ConnectionConfigurationProperty{
		DatabaseHost: jsii.String("databaseHost"),
		DatabaseName: jsii.String("databaseName"),
		DatabasePort: jsii.Number(123),
		SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
		TableName: jsii.String("tableName"),
	DatabaseEngineType: jsii.String("databaseEngineType"),

	// the properties below are optional
	AclConfiguration: &AclConfigurationProperty{
		AllowedGroupsColumnName: jsii.String("allowedGroupsColumnName"),
	SqlConfiguration: &SqlConfigurationProperty{
		QueryIdentifiersEnclosingOption: jsii.String("queryIdentifiersEnclosingOption"),
	VpcConfiguration: &DataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty{
		SecurityGroupIds: []*string{
		SubnetIds: []*string{


type CfnDataSource_DocumentAttributeConditionProperty added in v2.13.0

type CfnDataSource_DocumentAttributeConditionProperty struct {
	// The identifier of the document attribute used for the condition.
	// For example, 'Source_URI' could be an identifier for the attribute or metadata field that contains source URIs associated with the documents.
	// Amazon Kendra currently does not support `_document_body` as an attribute key used for the condition.
	// See:
	ConditionDocumentAttributeKey *string `field:"required" json:"conditionDocumentAttributeKey" yaml:"conditionDocumentAttributeKey"`
	// The condition operator.
	// For example, you can use 'Contains' to partially match a string.
	// See:
	Operator *string `field:"required" json:"operator" yaml:"operator"`
	// The value used by the operator.
	// For example, you can specify the value 'financial' for strings in the 'Source_URI' field that partially match or contain this value.
	// See:
	ConditionOnValue interface{} `field:"optional" json:"conditionOnValue" yaml:"conditionOnValue"`

The condition used for the target document attribute or metadata field when ingesting documents into Amazon Kendra.

You use this with [DocumentAttributeTarget to apply the condition]( .

For example, you can create the 'Department' target field and have it prefill department names associated with the documents based on information in the 'Source_URI' field. Set the condition that if the 'Source_URI' field contains 'financial' in its URI value, then prefill the target field 'Department' with the target value 'Finance' for the document.

Amazon Kendra cannot create a target field if it has not already been created as an index field. After you create your index field, you can create a document metadata field using `DocumentAttributeTarget` . Amazon Kendra then will map your newly created metadata field to your index field.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

documentAttributeConditionProperty := &DocumentAttributeConditionProperty{
	ConditionDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("conditionDocumentAttributeKey"),
	Operator: jsii.String("operator"),

	// the properties below are optional
	ConditionOnValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
		DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
		LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
		StringListValue: []*string{
		StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),


type CfnDataSource_DocumentAttributeTargetProperty added in v2.13.0

type CfnDataSource_DocumentAttributeTargetProperty struct {
	// The identifier of the target document attribute or metadata field.
	// For example, 'Department' could be an identifier for the target attribute or metadata field that includes the department names associated with the documents.
	// See:
	TargetDocumentAttributeKey *string `field:"required" json:"targetDocumentAttributeKey" yaml:"targetDocumentAttributeKey"`
	// The target value you want to create for the target attribute.
	// For example, 'Finance' could be the target value for the target attribute key 'Department'.
	// See:
	TargetDocumentAttributeValue interface{} `field:"optional" json:"targetDocumentAttributeValue" yaml:"targetDocumentAttributeValue"`
	// `TRUE` to delete the existing target value for your specified target attribute key.
	// You cannot create a target value and set this to `TRUE` . To create a target value ( `TargetDocumentAttributeValue` ), set this to `FALSE` .
	// See:
	TargetDocumentAttributeValueDeletion interface{} `field:"optional" json:"targetDocumentAttributeValueDeletion" yaml:"targetDocumentAttributeValueDeletion"`

The target document attribute or metadata field you want to alter when ingesting documents into Amazon Kendra.

For example, you can delete customer identification numbers associated with the documents, stored in the document metadata field called 'Customer_ID'. You set the target key as 'Customer_ID' and the deletion flag to `TRUE` . This removes all customer ID values in the field 'Customer_ID'. This would scrub personally identifiable information from each document's metadata.

Amazon Kendra cannot create a target field if it has not already been created as an index field. After you create your index field, you can create a document metadata field using `DocumentAttributeTarget` . Amazon Kendra then will map your newly created metadata field to your index field.

You can also use this with [DocumentAttributeCondition]( .


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

documentAttributeTargetProperty := &DocumentAttributeTargetProperty{
	TargetDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("targetDocumentAttributeKey"),

	// the properties below are optional
	TargetDocumentAttributeValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
		DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
		LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
		StringListValue: []*string{
		StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),
	TargetDocumentAttributeValueDeletion: jsii.Boolean(false),


type CfnDataSource_DocumentAttributeValueProperty added in v2.13.0

type CfnDataSource_DocumentAttributeValueProperty struct {
	// A date expressed as an ISO 8601 string.
	// It is important for the time zone to be included in the ISO 8601 date-time format. For example, 2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00 is the ISO 8601 date-time format for March 25th 2012 at 12:30PM (plus 10 seconds) in Central European Time.
	// See:
	DateValue *string `field:"optional" json:"dateValue" yaml:"dateValue"`
	// A long integer value.
	// See:
	LongValue *float64 `field:"optional" json:"longValue" yaml:"longValue"`
	// A list of strings.
	// The default maximum length or number of strings is 10.
	// See:
	StringListValue *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"stringListValue" yaml:"stringListValue"`
	// A string, such as "department".
	// See:
	StringValue *string `field:"optional" json:"stringValue" yaml:"stringValue"`

The value of a document attribute.

You can only provide one value for a document attribute.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

documentAttributeValueProperty := &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
	DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
	LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
	StringListValue: []*string{
	StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),


type CfnDataSource_DocumentsMetadataConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_DocumentsMetadataConfigurationProperty struct {
	// A prefix used to filter metadata configuration files in the AWS S3 bucket.
	// The S3 bucket might contain multiple metadata files. Use `S3Prefix` to include only the desired metadata files.
	// See:
	S3Prefix *string `field:"optional" json:"s3Prefix" yaml:"s3Prefix"`

Document metadata files that contain information such as the document access control information, source URI, document author, and custom attributes.

Each metadata file contains metadata about a single document.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

documentsMetadataConfigurationProperty := &DocumentsMetadataConfigurationProperty{
	S3Prefix: jsii.String("s3Prefix"),


type CfnDataSource_GoogleDriveConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_GoogleDriveConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the credentials required to connect to Google Drive.
	// For more information, see [Using a Google Workspace Drive data source]( .
	// See:
	SecretArn *string `field:"required" json:"secretArn" yaml:"secretArn"`
	// A list of MIME types to exclude from the index. All documents matching the specified MIME type are excluded.
	// For a list of MIME types, see [Using a Google Workspace Drive data source]( .
	// See:
	ExcludeMimeTypes *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"excludeMimeTypes" yaml:"excludeMimeTypes"`
	// A list of identifiers or shared drives to exclude from the index.
	// All files and folders stored on the shared drive are excluded.
	// See:
	ExcludeSharedDrives *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"excludeSharedDrives" yaml:"excludeSharedDrives"`
	// A list of email addresses of the users.
	// Documents owned by these users are excluded from the index. Documents shared with excluded users are indexed unless they are excluded in another way.
	// See:
	ExcludeUserAccounts *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"excludeUserAccounts" yaml:"excludeUserAccounts"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns to exclude certain items in your Google Drive, including shared drives and users' My Drives.
	// Items that match the patterns are excluded from the index. Items that don't match the patterns are included in the index. If an item matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the item isn't included in the index.
	// See:
	ExclusionPatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"exclusionPatterns" yaml:"exclusionPatterns"`
	// Maps Google Drive data source attributes or field names to Amazon Kendra index field names.
	// To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to Google Drive fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The Google Drive data source field names must exist in your Google Drive custom metadata.
	// See:
	FieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"fieldMappings" yaml:"fieldMappings"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns to include certain items in your Google Drive, including shared drives and users' My Drives.
	// Items that match the patterns are included in the index. Items that don't match the patterns are excluded from the index. If an item matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the item isn't included in the index.
	// See:
	InclusionPatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"inclusionPatterns" yaml:"inclusionPatterns"`

Provides the configuration information to connect to Google Drive as your data source.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

googleDriveConfigurationProperty := &GoogleDriveConfigurationProperty{
	SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),

	// the properties below are optional
	ExcludeMimeTypes: []*string{
	ExcludeSharedDrives: []*string{
	ExcludeUserAccounts: []*string{
	ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
	FieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	InclusionPatterns: []*string{


type CfnDataSource_HookConfigurationProperty added in v2.13.0

type CfnDataSource_HookConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role with permission to run a Lambda function during ingestion.
	// For more information, see [an IAM roles for Amazon Kendra]( .
	// See:
	LambdaArn *string `field:"required" json:"lambdaArn" yaml:"lambdaArn"`
	// Stores the original, raw documents or the structured, parsed documents before and after altering them.
	// For more information, see [Data contracts for Lambda functions]( .
	// See:
	S3Bucket *string `field:"required" json:"s3Bucket" yaml:"s3Bucket"`
	// The condition used for when a Lambda function should be invoked.
	// For example, you can specify a condition that if there are empty date-time values, then Amazon Kendra should invoke a function that inserts the current date-time.
	// See:
	InvocationCondition interface{} `field:"optional" json:"invocationCondition" yaml:"invocationCondition"`

Provides the configuration information for invoking a Lambda function in AWS Lambda to alter document metadata and content when ingesting documents into Amazon Kendra.

You can configure your Lambda function using [PreExtractionHookConfiguration]( if you want to apply advanced alterations on the original or raw documents. If you want to apply advanced alterations on the Amazon Kendra structured documents, you must configure your Lambda function using [PostExtractionHookConfiguration]( . You can only invoke one Lambda function. However, this function can invoke other functions it requires.

For more information, see [Customizing document metadata during the ingestion process]( .


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

hookConfigurationProperty := &HookConfigurationProperty{
	LambdaArn: jsii.String("lambdaArn"),
	S3Bucket: jsii.String("s3Bucket"),

	// the properties below are optional
	InvocationCondition: &DocumentAttributeConditionProperty{
		ConditionDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("conditionDocumentAttributeKey"),
		Operator: jsii.String("operator"),

		// the properties below are optional
		ConditionOnValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
			DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
			LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
			StringListValue: []*string{
			StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),


type CfnDataSource_InlineCustomDocumentEnrichmentConfigurationProperty added in v2.13.0

type CfnDataSource_InlineCustomDocumentEnrichmentConfigurationProperty struct {
	// Configuration of the condition used for the target document attribute or metadata field when ingesting documents into Amazon Kendra.
	// See:
	Condition interface{} `field:"optional" json:"condition" yaml:"condition"`
	// `TRUE` to delete content if the condition used for the target attribute is met.
	// See:
	DocumentContentDeletion interface{} `field:"optional" json:"documentContentDeletion" yaml:"documentContentDeletion"`
	// Configuration of the target document attribute or metadata field when ingesting documents into Amazon Kendra.
	// You can also include a value.
	// See:
	Target interface{} `field:"optional" json:"target" yaml:"target"`

Provides the configuration information for applying basic logic to alter document metadata and content when ingesting documents into Amazon Kendra.

To apply advanced logic, to go beyond what you can do with basic logic, see [HookConfiguration]( .

For more information, see [Customizing document metadata during the ingestion process]( .


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

inlineCustomDocumentEnrichmentConfigurationProperty := &InlineCustomDocumentEnrichmentConfigurationProperty{
	Condition: &DocumentAttributeConditionProperty{
		ConditionDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("conditionDocumentAttributeKey"),
		Operator: jsii.String("operator"),

		// the properties below are optional
		ConditionOnValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
			DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
			LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
			StringListValue: []*string{
			StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),
	DocumentContentDeletion: jsii.Boolean(false),
	Target: &DocumentAttributeTargetProperty{
		TargetDocumentAttributeKey: jsii.String("targetDocumentAttributeKey"),

		// the properties below are optional
		TargetDocumentAttributeValue: &DocumentAttributeValueProperty{
			DateValue: jsii.String("dateValue"),
			LongValue: jsii.Number(123),
			StringListValue: []*string{
			StringValue: jsii.String("stringValue"),
		TargetDocumentAttributeValueDeletion: jsii.Boolean(false),


type CfnDataSource_OneDriveConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_OneDriveConfigurationProperty struct {
	// A list of user accounts whose documents should be indexed.
	// See:
	OneDriveUsers interface{} `field:"required" json:"oneDriveUsers" yaml:"oneDriveUsers"`
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the user name and password to connect to OneDrive.
	// The user name should be the application ID for the OneDrive application, and the password is the application key for the OneDrive application.
	// See:
	SecretArn *string `field:"required" json:"secretArn" yaml:"secretArn"`
	// The Azure Active Directory domain of the organization.
	// See:
	TenantDomain *string `field:"required" json:"tenantDomain" yaml:"tenantDomain"`
	// `TRUE` to disable local groups information.
	// See:
	DisableLocalGroups interface{} `field:"optional" json:"disableLocalGroups" yaml:"disableLocalGroups"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns to exclude certain documents in your OneDrive.
	// Documents that match the patterns are excluded from the index. Documents that don't match the patterns are included in the index. If a document matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the document isn't included in the index.
	// The pattern is applied to the file name.
	// See:
	ExclusionPatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"exclusionPatterns" yaml:"exclusionPatterns"`
	// A list of `DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping` objects that map OneDrive data source attributes or field names to Amazon Kendra index field names.
	// To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to OneDrive fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The OneDrive data source field names must exist in your OneDrive custom metadata.
	// See:
	FieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"fieldMappings" yaml:"fieldMappings"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns to include certain documents in your OneDrive.
	// Documents that match the patterns are included in the index. Documents that don't match the patterns are excluded from the index. If a document matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the document isn't included in the index.
	// The pattern is applied to the file name.
	// See:
	InclusionPatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"inclusionPatterns" yaml:"inclusionPatterns"`

Provides the configuration information to connect to OneDrive as your data source.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

oneDriveConfigurationProperty := &OneDriveConfigurationProperty{
	OneDriveUsers: &OneDriveUsersProperty{
		OneDriveUserList: []*string{
		OneDriveUserS3Path: &S3PathProperty{
			Bucket: jsii.String("bucket"),
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
	SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
	TenantDomain: jsii.String("tenantDomain"),

	// the properties below are optional
	DisableLocalGroups: jsii.Boolean(false),
	ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
	FieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	InclusionPatterns: []*string{


type CfnDataSource_OneDriveUsersProperty

type CfnDataSource_OneDriveUsersProperty struct {
	// A list of users whose documents should be indexed.
	// Specify the user names in email format, for example, `username@tenantdomain` . If you need to index the documents of more than 10 users, use the `OneDriveUserS3Path` field to specify the location of a file containing a list of users.
	// See:
	OneDriveUserList *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"oneDriveUserList" yaml:"oneDriveUserList"`
	// The S3 bucket location of a file containing a list of users whose documents should be indexed.
	// See:
	OneDriveUserS3Path interface{} `field:"optional" json:"oneDriveUserS3Path" yaml:"oneDriveUserS3Path"`

User accounts whose documents should be indexed.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

oneDriveUsersProperty := &OneDriveUsersProperty{
	OneDriveUserList: []*string{
	OneDriveUserS3Path: &S3PathProperty{
		Bucket: jsii.String("bucket"),
		Key: jsii.String("key"),


type CfnDataSource_ProxyConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_ProxyConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The name of the website host you want to connect to via a web proxy server.
	// For example, the host name of is "".
	// See:
	Host *string `field:"required" json:"host" yaml:"host"`
	// The port number of the website host you want to connect to via a web proxy server.
	// For example, the port for is 443, the standard port for HTTPS.
	// See:
	Port *float64 `field:"required" json:"port" yaml:"port"`
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Secrets Manager secret.
	// You create a secret to store your credentials in [AWS Secrets Manager](
	// The credentials are optional. You use a secret if web proxy credentials are required to connect to a website host. Amazon Kendra currently support basic authentication to connect to a web proxy server. The secret stores your credentials.
	// See:
	Credentials *string `field:"optional" json:"credentials" yaml:"credentials"`

Provides the configuration information for a web proxy to connect to website hosts.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

proxyConfigurationProperty := &ProxyConfigurationProperty{
	Host: jsii.String("host"),
	Port: jsii.Number(123),

	// the properties below are optional
	Credentials: jsii.String("credentials"),


type CfnDataSource_S3DataSourceConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_S3DataSourceConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The name of the bucket that contains the documents.
	// See:
	BucketName *string `field:"required" json:"bucketName" yaml:"bucketName"`
	// Provides the path to the S3 bucket that contains the user context filtering files for the data source.
	// For the format of the file, see [Access control for S3 data sources]( .
	// See:
	AccessControlListConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"accessControlListConfiguration" yaml:"accessControlListConfiguration"`
	// Specifies document metadata files that contain information such as the document access control information, source URI, document author, and custom attributes.
	// Each metadata file contains metadata about a single document.
	// See:
	DocumentsMetadataConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"documentsMetadataConfiguration" yaml:"documentsMetadataConfiguration"`
	// A list of glob patterns (patterns that can expand a wildcard pattern into a list of path names that match the given pattern) for certain file names and file types to exclude from your index.
	// If a document matches both an inclusion and exclusion prefix or pattern, the exclusion prefix takes precendence and the document is not indexed. Examples of glob patterns include:
	// - * /myapp/config/** —All files inside config directory.
	// - *** /*.png* —All .png files in all directories.
	// - *** /*.{png, ico, md}* —All .png, .ico or .md files in all directories.
	// - * /myapp/src/** /*.ts* —All .ts files inside src directory (and all its subdirectories).
	// - *** /!(*.module).ts* —All .ts files but not .module.ts
	// - **.png , *.jpg* —All PNG and JPEG image files in a directory (files with the extensions .png and .jpg).
	// - **internal** —All files in a directory that contain 'internal' in the file name, such as 'internal', 'internal_only', 'company_internal'.
	// - *** /*internal** —All internal-related files in a directory and its subdirectories.
	// For more examples, see [Use of Exclude and Include Filters]( in the AWS CLI Command Reference.
	// See:
	ExclusionPatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"exclusionPatterns" yaml:"exclusionPatterns"`
	// A list of glob patterns (patterns that can expand a wildcard pattern into a list of path names that match the given pattern) for certain file names and file types to include in your index.
	// If a document matches both an inclusion and exclusion prefix or pattern, the exclusion prefix takes precendence and the document is not indexed. Examples of glob patterns include:
	// - * /myapp/config/** —All files inside config directory.
	// - *** /*.png* —All .png files in all directories.
	// - *** /*.{png, ico, md}* —All .png, .ico or .md files in all directories.
	// - * /myapp/src/** /*.ts* —All .ts files inside src directory (and all its subdirectories).
	// - *** /!(*.module).ts* —All .ts files but not .module.ts
	// - **.png , *.jpg* —All PNG and JPEG image files in a directory (files with the extensions .png and .jpg).
	// - **internal** —All files in a directory that contain 'internal' in the file name, such as 'internal', 'internal_only', 'company_internal'.
	// - *** /*internal** —All internal-related files in a directory and its subdirectories.
	// For more examples, see [Use of Exclude and Include Filters]( in the AWS CLI Command Reference.
	// See:
	InclusionPatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"inclusionPatterns" yaml:"inclusionPatterns"`
	// A list of S3 prefixes for the documents that should be included in the index.
	// See:
	InclusionPrefixes *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"inclusionPrefixes" yaml:"inclusionPrefixes"`

Provides the configuration information to connect to an Amazon S3 bucket.

> Amazon Kendra now supports an upgraded Amazon S3 connector. > > You must now use the [TemplateConfiguration]( object instead of the `S3DataSourceConfiguration` object to configure your connector. > > Connectors configured using the older console and API architecture will continue to function as configured. However, you won't be able to edit or update them. If you want to edit or update your connector configuration, you must create a new connector. > > We recommended migrating your connector workflow to the upgraded version. Support for connectors configured using the older architecture is scheduled to end by June 2024.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

s3DataSourceConfigurationProperty := &S3DataSourceConfigurationProperty{
	BucketName: jsii.String("bucketName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	AccessControlListConfiguration: &AccessControlListConfigurationProperty{
		KeyPath: jsii.String("keyPath"),
	DocumentsMetadataConfiguration: &DocumentsMetadataConfigurationProperty{
		S3Prefix: jsii.String("s3Prefix"),
	ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
	InclusionPatterns: []*string{
	InclusionPrefixes: []*string{


type CfnDataSource_S3PathProperty

type CfnDataSource_S3PathProperty struct {
	// The name of the S3 bucket that contains the file.
	// See:
	Bucket *string `field:"required" json:"bucket" yaml:"bucket"`
	// The name of the file.
	// See:
	Key *string `field:"required" json:"key" yaml:"key"`

Information required to find a specific file in an Amazon S3 bucket.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

s3PathProperty := &S3PathProperty{
	Bucket: jsii.String("bucket"),
	Key: jsii.String("key"),


type CfnDataSource_SalesforceChatterFeedConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_SalesforceChatterFeedConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The name of the column in the Salesforce FeedItem table that contains the content to index.
	// Typically this is the `Body` column.
	// See:
	DocumentDataFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"documentDataFieldName" yaml:"documentDataFieldName"`
	// The name of the column in the Salesforce FeedItem table that contains the title of the document.
	// This is typically the `Title` column.
	// See:
	DocumentTitleFieldName *string `field:"optional" json:"documentTitleFieldName" yaml:"documentTitleFieldName"`
	// Maps fields from a Salesforce chatter feed into Amazon Kendra index fields.
	// See:
	FieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"fieldMappings" yaml:"fieldMappings"`
	// Filters the documents in the feed based on status of the user.
	// When you specify `ACTIVE_USERS` only documents from users who have an active account are indexed. When you specify `STANDARD_USER` only documents for Salesforce standard users are documented. You can specify both.
	// See:
	IncludeFilterTypes *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"includeFilterTypes" yaml:"includeFilterTypes"`

The configuration information for syncing a Salesforce chatter feed.

The contents of the object comes from the Salesforce FeedItem table.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

salesforceChatterFeedConfigurationProperty := &SalesforceChatterFeedConfigurationProperty{
	DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
	FieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	IncludeFilterTypes: []*string{


type CfnDataSource_SalesforceConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_SalesforceConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the key/value pairs required to connect to your Salesforce instance.
	// The secret must contain a JSON structure with the following keys:
	// - authenticationUrl - The OAUTH endpoint that Amazon Kendra connects to get an OAUTH token.
	// - consumerKey - The application public key generated when you created your Salesforce application.
	// - consumerSecret - The application private key generated when you created your Salesforce application.
	// - password - The password associated with the user logging in to the Salesforce instance.
	// - securityToken - The token associated with the user logging in to the Salesforce instance.
	// - username - The user name of the user logging in to the Salesforce instance.
	// See:
	SecretArn *string `field:"required" json:"secretArn" yaml:"secretArn"`
	// The instance URL for the Salesforce site that you want to index.
	// See:
	ServerUrl *string `field:"required" json:"serverUrl" yaml:"serverUrl"`
	// Configuration information for Salesforce chatter feeds.
	// See:
	ChatterFeedConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"chatterFeedConfiguration" yaml:"chatterFeedConfiguration"`
	// Indicates whether Amazon Kendra should index attachments to Salesforce objects.
	// See:
	CrawlAttachments interface{} `field:"optional" json:"crawlAttachments" yaml:"crawlAttachments"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns to exclude certain documents in your Salesforce.
	// Documents that match the patterns are excluded from the index. Documents that don't match the patterns are included in the index. If a document matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the document isn't included in the index.
	// The pattern is applied to the name of the attached file.
	// See:
	ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"excludeAttachmentFilePatterns" yaml:"excludeAttachmentFilePatterns"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns to include certain documents in your Salesforce.
	// Documents that match the patterns are included in the index. Documents that don't match the patterns are excluded from the index. If a document matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the document isn't included in the index.
	// The pattern is applied to the name of the attached file.
	// See:
	IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"includeAttachmentFilePatterns" yaml:"includeAttachmentFilePatterns"`
	// Configuration information for the knowledge article types that Amazon Kendra indexes.
	// Amazon Kendra indexes standard knowledge articles and the standard fields of knowledge articles, or the custom fields of custom knowledge articles, but not both.
	// See:
	KnowledgeArticleConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"knowledgeArticleConfiguration" yaml:"knowledgeArticleConfiguration"`
	// Configuration information for processing attachments to Salesforce standard objects.
	// See:
	StandardObjectAttachmentConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"standardObjectAttachmentConfiguration" yaml:"standardObjectAttachmentConfiguration"`
	// Configuration of the Salesforce standard objects that Amazon Kendra indexes.
	// See:
	StandardObjectConfigurations interface{} `field:"optional" json:"standardObjectConfigurations" yaml:"standardObjectConfigurations"`

Provides the configuration information to connect to Salesforce as your data source.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

salesforceConfigurationProperty := &SalesforceConfigurationProperty{
	SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
	ServerUrl: jsii.String("serverUrl"),

	// the properties below are optional
	ChatterFeedConfiguration: &SalesforceChatterFeedConfigurationProperty{
		DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

		// the properties below are optional
		DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
		FieldMappings: []interface{}{
				DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
				IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		IncludeFilterTypes: []*string{
	CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
	ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
	IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
	KnowledgeArticleConfiguration: &SalesforceKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty{
		IncludedStates: []*string{

		// the properties below are optional
		CustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurations: []interface{}{
				DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),
				Name: jsii.String("name"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
				FieldMappings: []interface{}{
						DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
						IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		StandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration: &SalesforceStandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurationProperty{
			DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	StandardObjectAttachmentConfiguration: &SalesforceStandardObjectAttachmentConfigurationProperty{
		DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
		FieldMappings: []interface{}{
				DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
				IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	StandardObjectConfigurations: []interface{}{
			DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),
			Name: jsii.String("name"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),


type CfnDataSource_SalesforceCustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_SalesforceCustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The name of the field in the custom knowledge article that contains the document data to index.
	// See:
	DocumentDataFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"documentDataFieldName" yaml:"documentDataFieldName"`
	// The name of the configuration.
	// See:
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// The name of the field in the custom knowledge article that contains the document title.
	// See:
	DocumentTitleFieldName *string `field:"optional" json:"documentTitleFieldName" yaml:"documentTitleFieldName"`
	// Maps attributes or field names of the custom knowledge article to Amazon Kendra index field names.
	// To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to Salesforce fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The Salesforce data source field names must exist in your Salesforce custom metadata.
	// See:
	FieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"fieldMappings" yaml:"fieldMappings"`

Provides the configuration information for indexing Salesforce custom articles.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

salesforceCustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurationProperty := &SalesforceCustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurationProperty{
	DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),
	Name: jsii.String("name"),

	// the properties below are optional
	DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
	FieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),


type CfnDataSource_SalesforceKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_SalesforceKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty struct {
	// Specifies the document states that should be included when Amazon Kendra indexes knowledge articles.
	// You must specify at least one state.
	// See:
	IncludedStates *[]*string `field:"required" json:"includedStates" yaml:"includedStates"`
	// Configuration information for custom Salesforce knowledge articles.
	// See:
	CustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurations interface{} `field:"optional" json:"customKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurations" yaml:"customKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurations"`
	// Configuration information for standard Salesforce knowledge articles.
	// See:
	StandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"standardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration" yaml:"standardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration"`

Provides the configuration information for the knowledge article types that Amazon Kendra indexes.

Amazon Kendra indexes standard knowledge articles and the standard fields of knowledge articles, or the custom fields of custom knowledge articles, but not both.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

salesforceKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty := &SalesforceKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty{
	IncludedStates: []*string{

	// the properties below are optional
	CustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurations: []interface{}{
			DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),
			Name: jsii.String("name"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
			FieldMappings: []interface{}{
					DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
					IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	StandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration: &SalesforceStandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurationProperty{
		DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

		// the properties below are optional
		DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
		FieldMappings: []interface{}{
				DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
				IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),


type CfnDataSource_SalesforceStandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_SalesforceStandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The name of the field that contains the document data to index.
	// See:
	DocumentDataFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"documentDataFieldName" yaml:"documentDataFieldName"`
	// The name of the field that contains the document title.
	// See:
	DocumentTitleFieldName *string `field:"optional" json:"documentTitleFieldName" yaml:"documentTitleFieldName"`
	// Maps attributes or field names of the knowledge article to Amazon Kendra index field names.
	// To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to Salesforce fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The Salesforce data source field names must exist in your Salesforce custom metadata.
	// See:
	FieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"fieldMappings" yaml:"fieldMappings"`

Provides the configuration information for standard Salesforce knowledge articles.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

salesforceStandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurationProperty := &SalesforceStandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurationProperty{
	DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
	FieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),


type CfnDataSource_SalesforceStandardObjectAttachmentConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_SalesforceStandardObjectAttachmentConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The name of the field used for the document title.
	// See:
	DocumentTitleFieldName *string `field:"optional" json:"documentTitleFieldName" yaml:"documentTitleFieldName"`
	// One or more objects that map fields in attachments to Amazon Kendra index fields.
	// See:
	FieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"fieldMappings" yaml:"fieldMappings"`

Provides the configuration information for processing attachments to Salesforce standard objects.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

salesforceStandardObjectAttachmentConfigurationProperty := &SalesforceStandardObjectAttachmentConfigurationProperty{
	DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
	FieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),


type CfnDataSource_SalesforceStandardObjectConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_SalesforceStandardObjectConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The name of the field in the standard object table that contains the document contents.
	// See:
	DocumentDataFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"documentDataFieldName" yaml:"documentDataFieldName"`
	// The name of the standard object.
	// See:
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// The name of the field in the standard object table that contains the document title.
	// See:
	DocumentTitleFieldName *string `field:"optional" json:"documentTitleFieldName" yaml:"documentTitleFieldName"`
	// Maps attributes or field names of the standard object to Amazon Kendra index field names.
	// To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to Salesforce fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The Salesforce data source field names must exist in your Salesforce custom metadata.
	// See:
	FieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"fieldMappings" yaml:"fieldMappings"`

Specifies configuration information for indexing a single standard object.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

salesforceStandardObjectConfigurationProperty := &SalesforceStandardObjectConfigurationProperty{
	DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),
	Name: jsii.String("name"),

	// the properties below are optional
	DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
	FieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),


type CfnDataSource_ServiceNowConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_ServiceNowConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The ServiceNow instance that the data source connects to.
	// The host endpoint should look like the following: *{instance}*
	// See:
	HostUrl *string `field:"required" json:"hostUrl" yaml:"hostUrl"`
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the user name and password required to connect to the ServiceNow instance.
	// You can also provide OAuth authentication credentials of user name, password, client ID, and client secret. For more information, see [Using a ServiceNow data source]( .
	// See:
	SecretArn *string `field:"required" json:"secretArn" yaml:"secretArn"`
	// The identifier of the release that the ServiceNow host is running.
	// If the host is not running the `LONDON` release, use `OTHERS` .
	// See:
	ServiceNowBuildVersion *string `field:"required" json:"serviceNowBuildVersion" yaml:"serviceNowBuildVersion"`
	// The type of authentication used to connect to the ServiceNow instance.
	// If you choose `HTTP_BASIC` , Amazon Kendra is authenticated using the user name and password provided in the AWS Secrets Manager secret in the `SecretArn` field. If you choose `OAUTH2` , Amazon Kendra is authenticated using the credentials of client ID, client secret, user name and password.
	// When you use `OAUTH2` authentication, you must generate a token and a client secret using the ServiceNow console. For more information, see [Using a ServiceNow data source]( .
	// See:
	AuthenticationType *string `field:"optional" json:"authenticationType" yaml:"authenticationType"`
	// Configuration information for crawling knowledge articles in the ServiceNow site.
	// See:
	KnowledgeArticleConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"knowledgeArticleConfiguration" yaml:"knowledgeArticleConfiguration"`
	// Configuration information for crawling service catalogs in the ServiceNow site.
	// See:
	ServiceCatalogConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"serviceCatalogConfiguration" yaml:"serviceCatalogConfiguration"`

Provides the configuration information to connect to ServiceNow as your data source.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

serviceNowConfigurationProperty := &ServiceNowConfigurationProperty{
	HostUrl: jsii.String("hostUrl"),
	SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
	ServiceNowBuildVersion: jsii.String("serviceNowBuildVersion"),

	// the properties below are optional
	AuthenticationType: jsii.String("authenticationType"),
	KnowledgeArticleConfiguration: &ServiceNowKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty{
		DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

		// the properties below are optional
		CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
		DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
		ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
		FieldMappings: []interface{}{
				DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
				IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		FilterQuery: jsii.String("filterQuery"),
		IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
	ServiceCatalogConfiguration: &ServiceNowServiceCatalogConfigurationProperty{
		DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

		// the properties below are optional
		CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
		DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
		ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
		FieldMappings: []interface{}{
				DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
				IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
		IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{


type CfnDataSource_ServiceNowKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_ServiceNowKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The name of the ServiceNow field that is mapped to the index document contents field in the Amazon Kendra index.
	// See:
	DocumentDataFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"documentDataFieldName" yaml:"documentDataFieldName"`
	// `TRUE` to index attachments to knowledge articles.
	// See:
	CrawlAttachments interface{} `field:"optional" json:"crawlAttachments" yaml:"crawlAttachments"`
	// The name of the ServiceNow field that is mapped to the index document title field.
	// See:
	DocumentTitleFieldName *string `field:"optional" json:"documentTitleFieldName" yaml:"documentTitleFieldName"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns applied to exclude certain knowledge article attachments.
	// Attachments that match the patterns are excluded from the index. Items that don't match the patterns are included in the index. If an item matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the item isn't included in the index.
	// See:
	ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"excludeAttachmentFilePatterns" yaml:"excludeAttachmentFilePatterns"`
	// Maps attributes or field names of knoweldge articles to Amazon Kendra index field names.
	// To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to ServiceNow fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The ServiceNow data source field names must exist in your ServiceNow custom metadata.
	// See:
	FieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"fieldMappings" yaml:"fieldMappings"`
	// A query that selects the knowledge articles to index.
	// The query can return articles from multiple knowledge bases, and the knowledge bases can be public or private.
	// The query string must be one generated by the ServiceNow console. For more information, see [Specifying documents to index with a query]( .
	// See:
	FilterQuery *string `field:"optional" json:"filterQuery" yaml:"filterQuery"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns applied to include knowledge article attachments.
	// Attachments that match the patterns are included in the index. Items that don't match the patterns are excluded from the index. If an item matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the item isn't included in the index.
	// See:
	IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"includeAttachmentFilePatterns" yaml:"includeAttachmentFilePatterns"`

Provides the configuration information for crawling knowledge articles in the ServiceNow site.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

serviceNowKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty := &ServiceNowKnowledgeArticleConfigurationProperty{
	DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
	DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
	ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
	FieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	FilterQuery: jsii.String("filterQuery"),
	IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{


type CfnDataSource_ServiceNowServiceCatalogConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_ServiceNowServiceCatalogConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The name of the ServiceNow field that is mapped to the index document contents field in the Amazon Kendra index.
	// See:
	DocumentDataFieldName *string `field:"required" json:"documentDataFieldName" yaml:"documentDataFieldName"`
	// `TRUE` to index attachments to service catalog items.
	// See:
	CrawlAttachments interface{} `field:"optional" json:"crawlAttachments" yaml:"crawlAttachments"`
	// The name of the ServiceNow field that is mapped to the index document title field.
	// See:
	DocumentTitleFieldName *string `field:"optional" json:"documentTitleFieldName" yaml:"documentTitleFieldName"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns to exclude certain attachments of catalogs in your ServiceNow.
	// Item that match the patterns are excluded from the index. Items that don't match the patterns are included in the index. If an item matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the item isn't included in the index.
	// The regex is applied to the file name of the attachment.
	// See:
	ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"excludeAttachmentFilePatterns" yaml:"excludeAttachmentFilePatterns"`
	// Maps attributes or field names of catalogs to Amazon Kendra index field names.
	// To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to ServiceNow fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The ServiceNow data source field names must exist in your ServiceNow custom metadata.
	// See:
	FieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"fieldMappings" yaml:"fieldMappings"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns to include certain attachments of catalogs in your ServiceNow.
	// Item that match the patterns are included in the index. Items that don't match the patterns are excluded from the index. If an item matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the item isn't included in the index.
	// The regex is applied to the file name of the attachment.
	// See:
	IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"includeAttachmentFilePatterns" yaml:"includeAttachmentFilePatterns"`

Provides the configuration information for crawling service catalog items in the ServiceNow site.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

serviceNowServiceCatalogConfigurationProperty := &ServiceNowServiceCatalogConfigurationProperty{
	DocumentDataFieldName: jsii.String("documentDataFieldName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
	DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
	ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{
	FieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns: []*string{


type CfnDataSource_SharePointConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_SharePointConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the user name and password required to connect to the SharePoint instance.
	// For more information, see [Microsoft SharePoint]( .
	// See:
	SecretArn *string `field:"required" json:"secretArn" yaml:"secretArn"`
	// The version of Microsoft SharePoint that you use.
	// See:
	SharePointVersion *string `field:"required" json:"sharePointVersion" yaml:"sharePointVersion"`
	// The Microsoft SharePoint site URLs for the documents you want to index.
	// See:
	Urls *[]*string `field:"required" json:"urls" yaml:"urls"`
	// `TRUE` to index document attachments.
	// See:
	CrawlAttachments interface{} `field:"optional" json:"crawlAttachments" yaml:"crawlAttachments"`
	// `TRUE` to disable local groups information.
	// See:
	DisableLocalGroups interface{} `field:"optional" json:"disableLocalGroups" yaml:"disableLocalGroups"`
	// The Microsoft SharePoint attribute field that contains the title of the document.
	// See:
	DocumentTitleFieldName *string `field:"optional" json:"documentTitleFieldName" yaml:"documentTitleFieldName"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns.
	// Documents that match the patterns are excluded from the index. Documents that don't match the patterns are included in the index. If a document matches both an exclusion pattern and an inclusion pattern, the document is not included in the index.
	// The regex is applied to the display URL of the SharePoint document.
	// See:
	ExclusionPatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"exclusionPatterns" yaml:"exclusionPatterns"`
	// A list of `DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping` objects that map Microsoft SharePoint attributes or fields to Amazon Kendra index fields.
	// You must first create the index fields using the [UpdateIndex]( operation before you map SharePoint attributes. For more information, see [Mapping Data Source Fields]( .
	// See:
	FieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"fieldMappings" yaml:"fieldMappings"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns to include certain documents in your SharePoint.
	// Documents that match the patterns are included in the index. Documents that don't match the patterns are excluded from the index. If a document matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the document isn't included in the index.
	// The regex applies to the display URL of the SharePoint document.
	// See:
	InclusionPatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"inclusionPatterns" yaml:"inclusionPatterns"`
	// Information required to find a specific file in an Amazon S3 bucket.
	// See:
	SslCertificateS3Path interface{} `field:"optional" json:"sslCertificateS3Path" yaml:"sslCertificateS3Path"`
	// `TRUE` to use the SharePoint change log to determine which documents require updating in the index.
	// Depending on the change log's size, it may take longer for Amazon Kendra to use the change log than to scan all of your documents in SharePoint.
	// See:
	UseChangeLog interface{} `field:"optional" json:"useChangeLog" yaml:"useChangeLog"`
	// Provides information for connecting to an Amazon VPC.
	// See:
	VpcConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"vpcConfiguration" yaml:"vpcConfiguration"`

Provides the configuration information to connect to Microsoft SharePoint as your data source.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

sharePointConfigurationProperty := &SharePointConfigurationProperty{
	SecretArn: jsii.String("secretArn"),
	SharePointVersion: jsii.String("sharePointVersion"),
	Urls: []*string{

	// the properties below are optional
	CrawlAttachments: jsii.Boolean(false),
	DisableLocalGroups: jsii.Boolean(false),
	DocumentTitleFieldName: jsii.String("documentTitleFieldName"),
	ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
	FieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	InclusionPatterns: []*string{
	SslCertificateS3Path: &S3PathProperty{
		Bucket: jsii.String("bucket"),
		Key: jsii.String("key"),
	UseChangeLog: jsii.Boolean(false),
	VpcConfiguration: &DataSourceVpcConfigurationProperty{
		SecurityGroupIds: []*string{
		SubnetIds: []*string{


type CfnDataSource_SqlConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_SqlConfigurationProperty struct {
	// Determines whether Amazon Kendra encloses SQL identifiers for tables and column names in double quotes (") when making a database query.
	// You can set the value to `DOUBLE_QUOTES` or `NONE` .
	// By default, Amazon Kendra passes SQL identifiers the way that they are entered into the data source configuration. It does not change the case of identifiers or enclose them in quotes.
	// PostgreSQL internally converts uppercase characters to lower case characters in identifiers unless they are quoted. Choosing this option encloses identifiers in quotes so that PostgreSQL does not convert the character's case.
	// For MySQL databases, you must enable the ansi_quotes option when you set this field to `DOUBLE_QUOTES` .
	// See:
	QueryIdentifiersEnclosingOption *string `field:"optional" json:"queryIdentifiersEnclosingOption" yaml:"queryIdentifiersEnclosingOption"`

Provides information that configures Amazon Kendra to use a SQL database.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

sqlConfigurationProperty := &SqlConfigurationProperty{
	QueryIdentifiersEnclosingOption: jsii.String("queryIdentifiersEnclosingOption"),


type CfnDataSource_TemplateConfigurationProperty added in v2.93.0

type CfnDataSource_TemplateConfigurationProperty struct {
	// See:
	Template *string `field:"required" json:"template" yaml:"template"`


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

templateConfigurationProperty := &TemplateConfigurationProperty{
	Template: jsii.String("template"),


type CfnDataSource_WebCrawlerAuthenticationConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_WebCrawlerAuthenticationConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The list of configuration information that's required to connect to and crawl a website host using basic authentication credentials.
	// The list includes the name and port number of the website host.
	// See:
	BasicAuthentication interface{} `field:"optional" json:"basicAuthentication" yaml:"basicAuthentication"`

Provides the configuration information to connect to websites that require user authentication.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

webCrawlerAuthenticationConfigurationProperty := &WebCrawlerAuthenticationConfigurationProperty{
	BasicAuthentication: []interface{}{
			Credentials: jsii.String("credentials"),
			Host: jsii.String("host"),
			Port: jsii.Number(123),


type CfnDataSource_WebCrawlerBasicAuthenticationProperty

type CfnDataSource_WebCrawlerBasicAuthenticationProperty struct {
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Secrets Manager secret.
	// You create a secret to store your credentials in [AWS Secrets Manager](
	// You use a secret if basic authentication credentials are required to connect to a website. The secret stores your credentials of user name and password.
	// See:
	Credentials *string `field:"required" json:"credentials" yaml:"credentials"`
	// The name of the website host you want to connect to using authentication credentials.
	// For example, the host name of is "".
	// See:
	Host *string `field:"required" json:"host" yaml:"host"`
	// The port number of the website host you want to connect to using authentication credentials.
	// For example, the port for is 443, the standard port for HTTPS.
	// See:
	Port *float64 `field:"required" json:"port" yaml:"port"`

Provides the configuration information to connect to websites that require basic user authentication.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

webCrawlerBasicAuthenticationProperty := &WebCrawlerBasicAuthenticationProperty{
	Credentials: jsii.String("credentials"),
	Host: jsii.String("host"),
	Port: jsii.Number(123),


type CfnDataSource_WebCrawlerConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_WebCrawlerConfigurationProperty struct {
	// Specifies the seed or starting point URLs of the websites or the sitemap URLs of the websites you want to crawl.
	// You can include website subdomains. You can list up to 100 seed URLs and up to three sitemap URLs.
	// You can only crawl websites that use the secure communication protocol, Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). If you receive an error when crawling a website, it could be that the website is blocked from crawling.
	// *When selecting websites to index, you must adhere to the [Amazon Acceptable Use Policy]( and all other Amazon terms. Remember that you must only use Amazon Kendra Web Crawler to index your own webpages, or webpages that you have authorization to index.*
	// See:
	Urls interface{} `field:"required" json:"urls" yaml:"urls"`
	// Configuration information required to connect to websites using authentication.
	// You can connect to websites using basic authentication of user name and password. You use a secret in [AWS Secrets Manager]( to store your authentication credentials.
	// You must provide the website host name and port number. For example, the host name of is "" and the port is 443, the standard port for HTTPS.
	// See:
	AuthenticationConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"authenticationConfiguration" yaml:"authenticationConfiguration"`
	// The 'depth' or number of levels from the seed level to crawl.
	// For example, the seed URL page is depth 1 and any hyperlinks on this page that are also crawled are depth 2.
	// See:
	CrawlDepth *float64 `field:"optional" json:"crawlDepth" yaml:"crawlDepth"`
	// The maximum size (in MB) of a web page or attachment to crawl.
	// Files larger than this size (in MB) are skipped/not crawled.
	// The default maximum size of a web page or attachment is set to 50 MB.
	// See:
	MaxContentSizePerPageInMegaBytes *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxContentSizePerPageInMegaBytes" yaml:"maxContentSizePerPageInMegaBytes"`
	// The maximum number of URLs on a web page to include when crawling a website.
	// This number is per web page.
	// As a website’s web pages are crawled, any URLs the web pages link to are also crawled. URLs on a web page are crawled in order of appearance.
	// The default maximum links per page is 100.
	// See:
	MaxLinksPerPage *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxLinksPerPage" yaml:"maxLinksPerPage"`
	// The maximum number of URLs crawled per website host per minute.
	// A minimum of one URL is required.
	// The default maximum number of URLs crawled per website host per minute is 300.
	// See:
	MaxUrlsPerMinuteCrawlRate *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxUrlsPerMinuteCrawlRate" yaml:"maxUrlsPerMinuteCrawlRate"`
	// Configuration information required to connect to your internal websites via a web proxy.
	// You must provide the website host name and port number. For example, the host name of is "" and the port is 443, the standard port for HTTPS.
	// Web proxy credentials are optional and you can use them to connect to a web proxy server that requires basic authentication. To store web proxy credentials, you use a secret in [AWS Secrets Manager]( .
	// See:
	ProxyConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"proxyConfiguration" yaml:"proxyConfiguration"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns to exclude certain URLs to crawl.
	// URLs that match the patterns are excluded from the index. URLs that don't match the patterns are included in the index. If a URL matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the URL file isn't included in the index.
	// See:
	UrlExclusionPatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"urlExclusionPatterns" yaml:"urlExclusionPatterns"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns to include certain URLs to crawl.
	// URLs that match the patterns are included in the index. URLs that don't match the patterns are excluded from the index. If a URL matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the URL file isn't included in the index.
	// See:
	UrlInclusionPatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"urlInclusionPatterns" yaml:"urlInclusionPatterns"`

Provides the configuration information required for Amazon Kendra Web Crawler.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

webCrawlerConfigurationProperty := &WebCrawlerConfigurationProperty{
	Urls: &WebCrawlerUrlsProperty{
		SeedUrlConfiguration: &WebCrawlerSeedUrlConfigurationProperty{
			SeedUrls: []*string{

			// the properties below are optional
			WebCrawlerMode: jsii.String("webCrawlerMode"),
		SiteMapsConfiguration: &WebCrawlerSiteMapsConfigurationProperty{
			SiteMaps: []*string{

	// the properties below are optional
	AuthenticationConfiguration: &WebCrawlerAuthenticationConfigurationProperty{
		BasicAuthentication: []interface{}{
				Credentials: jsii.String("credentials"),
				Host: jsii.String("host"),
				Port: jsii.Number(123),
	CrawlDepth: jsii.Number(123),
	MaxContentSizePerPageInMegaBytes: jsii.Number(123),
	MaxLinksPerPage: jsii.Number(123),
	MaxUrlsPerMinuteCrawlRate: jsii.Number(123),
	ProxyConfiguration: &ProxyConfigurationProperty{
		Host: jsii.String("host"),
		Port: jsii.Number(123),

		// the properties below are optional
		Credentials: jsii.String("credentials"),
	UrlExclusionPatterns: []*string{
	UrlInclusionPatterns: []*string{


type CfnDataSource_WebCrawlerSeedUrlConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_WebCrawlerSeedUrlConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The list of seed or starting point URLs of the websites you want to crawl.
	// The list can include a maximum of 100 seed URLs.
	// See:
	SeedUrls *[]*string `field:"required" json:"seedUrls" yaml:"seedUrls"`
	// You can choose one of the following modes:.
	// - `HOST_ONLY` —crawl only the website host names. For example, if the seed URL is "", then only URLs with host name "" are crawled.
	// - `SUBDOMAINS` —crawl the website host names with subdomains. For example, if the seed URL is "", then "" and "" are also crawled.
	// - `EVERYTHING` —crawl the website host names with subdomains and other domains that the web pages link to.
	// The default mode is set to `HOST_ONLY` .
	// See:
	WebCrawlerMode *string `field:"optional" json:"webCrawlerMode" yaml:"webCrawlerMode"`

Provides the configuration information of the seed or starting point URLs to crawl.

*When selecting websites to index, you must adhere to the [Amazon Acceptable Use Policy]( and all other Amazon terms. Remember that you must only use the Amazon Kendra web crawler to index your own webpages, or webpages that you have authorization to index.*


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

webCrawlerSeedUrlConfigurationProperty := &WebCrawlerSeedUrlConfigurationProperty{
	SeedUrls: []*string{

	// the properties below are optional
	WebCrawlerMode: jsii.String("webCrawlerMode"),


type CfnDataSource_WebCrawlerSiteMapsConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_WebCrawlerSiteMapsConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The list of sitemap URLs of the websites you want to crawl.
	// The list can include a maximum of three sitemap URLs.
	// See:
	SiteMaps *[]*string `field:"required" json:"siteMaps" yaml:"siteMaps"`

Provides the configuration information of the sitemap URLs to crawl.

*When selecting websites to index, you must adhere to the [Amazon Acceptable Use Policy]( and all other Amazon terms. Remember that you must only use the Amazon Kendra web crawler to index your own webpages, or webpages that you have authorization to index.*


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

webCrawlerSiteMapsConfigurationProperty := &WebCrawlerSiteMapsConfigurationProperty{
	SiteMaps: []*string{


type CfnDataSource_WebCrawlerUrlsProperty

type CfnDataSource_WebCrawlerUrlsProperty struct {
	// Configuration of the seed or starting point URLs of the websites you want to crawl.
	// You can choose to crawl only the website host names, or the website host names with subdomains, or the website host names with subdomains and other domains that the web pages link to.
	// You can list up to 100 seed URLs.
	// See:
	SeedUrlConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"seedUrlConfiguration" yaml:"seedUrlConfiguration"`
	// Configuration of the sitemap URLs of the websites you want to crawl.
	// Only URLs belonging to the same website host names are crawled. You can list up to three sitemap URLs.
	// See:
	SiteMapsConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"siteMapsConfiguration" yaml:"siteMapsConfiguration"`

Specifies the seed or starting point URLs of the websites or the sitemap URLs of the websites you want to crawl.

You can include website subdomains. You can list up to 100 seed URLs and up to three sitemap URLs.

You can only crawl websites that use the secure communication protocol, Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). If you receive an error when crawling a website, it could be that the website is blocked from crawling.

*When selecting websites to index, you must adhere to the [Amazon Acceptable Use Policy]( and all other Amazon terms. Remember that you must only use the Amazon Kendra web crawler to index your own webpages, or webpages that you have authorization to index.*


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

webCrawlerUrlsProperty := &WebCrawlerUrlsProperty{
	SeedUrlConfiguration: &WebCrawlerSeedUrlConfigurationProperty{
		SeedUrls: []*string{

		// the properties below are optional
		WebCrawlerMode: jsii.String("webCrawlerMode"),
	SiteMapsConfiguration: &WebCrawlerSiteMapsConfigurationProperty{
		SiteMaps: []*string{


type CfnDataSource_WorkDocsConfigurationProperty

type CfnDataSource_WorkDocsConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The identifier of the directory corresponding to your Amazon WorkDocs site repository.
	// You can find the organization ID in the [AWS Directory Service]( by going to *Active Directory* , then *Directories* . Your Amazon WorkDocs site directory has an ID, which is the organization ID. You can also set up a new Amazon WorkDocs directory in the AWS Directory Service console and enable a Amazon WorkDocs site for the directory in the Amazon WorkDocs console.
	// See:
	OrganizationId *string `field:"required" json:"organizationId" yaml:"organizationId"`
	// `TRUE` to include comments on documents in your index.
	// Including comments in your index means each comment is a document that can be searched on.
	// The default is set to `FALSE` .
	// See:
	CrawlComments interface{} `field:"optional" json:"crawlComments" yaml:"crawlComments"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns to exclude certain files in your Amazon WorkDocs site repository.
	// Files that match the patterns are excluded from the index. Files that don’t match the patterns are included in the index. If a file matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the file isn't included in the index.
	// See:
	ExclusionPatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"exclusionPatterns" yaml:"exclusionPatterns"`
	// A list of `DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping` objects that map Amazon WorkDocs data source attributes or field names to Amazon Kendra index field names.
	// To create custom fields, use the `UpdateIndex` API before you map to Amazon WorkDocs fields. For more information, see [Mapping data source fields]( . The Amazon WorkDocs data source field names must exist in your Amazon WorkDocs custom metadata.
	// See:
	FieldMappings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"fieldMappings" yaml:"fieldMappings"`
	// A list of regular expression patterns to include certain files in your Amazon WorkDocs site repository.
	// Files that match the patterns are included in the index. Files that don't match the patterns are excluded from the index. If a file matches both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedence and the file isn't included in the index.
	// See:
	InclusionPatterns *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"inclusionPatterns" yaml:"inclusionPatterns"`
	// `TRUE` to use the Amazon WorkDocs change log to determine which documents require updating in the index.
	// Depending on the change log's size, it may take longer for Amazon Kendra to use the change log than to scan all of your documents in Amazon WorkDocs.
	// See:
	UseChangeLog interface{} `field:"optional" json:"useChangeLog" yaml:"useChangeLog"`

Provides the configuration information to connect to Amazon WorkDocs as your data source.

Amazon WorkDocs connector is available in Oregon, North Virginia, Sydney, Singapore and Ireland regions.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

workDocsConfigurationProperty := &WorkDocsConfigurationProperty{
	OrganizationId: jsii.String("organizationId"),

	// the properties below are optional
	CrawlComments: jsii.Boolean(false),
	ExclusionPatterns: []*string{
	FieldMappings: []interface{}{
			DataSourceFieldName: jsii.String("dataSourceFieldName"),
			IndexFieldName: jsii.String("indexFieldName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			DateFieldFormat: jsii.String("dateFieldFormat"),
	InclusionPatterns: []*string{
	UseChangeLog: jsii.Boolean(false),


type CfnFaq

type CfnFaq interface {
	// `arn:aws:kendra:us-west-2:111122223333:index/335c3741-41df-46a6-b5d3-61f85b787884/faq/f61995a6-cd5c-4e99-9cfc-58816d8bfaa7`.
	AttrArn() *string
	// The identifier for the FAQ. For example:.
	// `f61995a6-cd5c-4e99-9cfc-58816d8bfaa7`.
	AttrId() *string
	// Options for this resource, such as condition, update policy etc.
	CfnOptions() awscdk.ICfnResourceOptions
	CfnProperties() *map[string]interface{}
	// AWS resource type.
	CfnResourceType() *string
	// Returns: the stack trace of the point where this Resource was created from, sourced
	// from the +metadata+ entry typed +aws:cdk:logicalId+, and with the bottom-most
	// node +internal+ entries filtered.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// A description for the FAQ.
	Description() *string
	SetDescription(val *string)
	// The format of the input file.
	FileFormat() *string
	SetFileFormat(val *string)
	// The identifier of the index that contains the FAQ.
	IndexId() *string
	SetIndexId(val *string)
	// The code for a language.
	LanguageCode() *string
	SetLanguageCode(val *string)
	// The logical ID for this CloudFormation stack element.
	// The logical ID of the element
	// is calculated from the path of the resource node in the construct tree.
	// To override this value, use `overrideLogicalId(newLogicalId)`.
	// Returns: the logical ID as a stringified token. This value will only get
	// resolved during synthesis.
	LogicalId() *string
	// The name that you assigned the FAQ when you created or updated the FAQ.
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	// The tree node.
	Node() constructs.Node
	// Return a string that will be resolved to a CloudFormation `{ Ref }` for this element.
	// If, by any chance, the intrinsic reference of a resource is not a string, you could
	// coerce it to an IResolvable through `Lazy.any({ produce: resource.ref })`.
	Ref() *string
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role with permission to access the S3 bucket that contains the FAQ.
	RoleArn() *string
	SetRoleArn(val *string)
	// The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location of the FAQ input data.
	S3Path() interface{}
	SetS3Path(val interface{})
	// The stack in which this element is defined.
	// CfnElements must be defined within a stack scope (directly or indirectly).
	Stack() awscdk.Stack
	// Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource.
	Tags() awscdk.TagManager
	// An array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource.
	TagsRaw() *[]*awscdk.CfnTag
	SetTagsRaw(val *[]*awscdk.CfnTag)
	// Deprecated.
	// Deprecated: use `updatedProperties`
	// Return properties modified after initiation
	// Resources that expose mutable properties should override this function to
	// collect and return the properties object for this resource.
	UpdatedProperites() *map[string]interface{}
	// Return properties modified after initiation.
	// Resources that expose mutable properties should override this function to
	// collect and return the properties object for this resource.
	UpdatedProperties() *map[string]interface{}
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride(path, undefined)`.
	AddDeletionOverride(path *string)
	// Indicates that this resource depends on another resource and cannot be provisioned unless the other resource has been successfully provisioned.
	// This can be used for resources across stacks (or nested stack) boundaries
	// and the dependency will automatically be transferred to the relevant scope.
	AddDependency(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Indicates that this resource depends on another resource and cannot be provisioned unless the other resource has been successfully provisioned.
	// Deprecated: use addDependency.
	AddDependsOn(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Add a value to the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	AddMetadata(key *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override to the synthesized CloudFormation resource.
	// To add a
	// property override, either use `addPropertyOverride` or prefix `path` with
	// "Properties." (i.e. `Properties.TopicName`).
	// If the override is nested, separate each nested level using a dot (.) in the path parameter.
	// If there is an array as part of the nesting, specify the index in the path.
	// To include a literal `.` in the property name, prefix with a `\`. In most
	// programming languages you will need to write this as `"\\."` because the
	// `\` itself will need to be escaped.
	// For example,
	// “`typescript
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.0.Projection.NonKeyAttributes', ['myattribute']);
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.1.ProjectionType', 'INCLUDE');
	// “`
	// would add the overrides
	// “`json
	// "Properties": {
	//   "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [
	//     {
	//       "Projection": {
	//         "NonKeyAttributes": [ "myattribute" ]
	//         ...
	//       }
	//       ...
	//     },
	//     {
	//       "ProjectionType": "INCLUDE"
	//       ...
	//     },
	//   ]
	//   ...
	// }
	// “`
	// The `value` argument to `addOverride` will not be processed or translated
	// in any way. Pass raw JSON values in here with the correct capitalization
	// for CloudFormation. If you pass CDK classes or structs, they will be
	// rendered with lowercased key names, and CloudFormation will reject the
	// template.
	AddOverride(path *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override that deletes the value of a property from the resource definition.
	AddPropertyDeletionOverride(propertyPath *string)
	// Adds an override to a resource property.
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride("Properties.<...>", value)`.
	AddPropertyOverride(propertyPath *string, value interface{})
	// Sets the deletion policy of the resource based on the removal policy specified.
	// The Removal Policy controls what happens to this resource when it stops
	// being managed by CloudFormation, either because you've removed it from the
	// CDK application or because you've made a change that requires the resource
	// to be replaced.
	// The resource can be deleted (`RemovalPolicy.DESTROY`), or left in your AWS
	// account for data recovery and cleanup later (`RemovalPolicy.RETAIN`). In some
	// cases, a snapshot can be taken of the resource prior to deletion
	// (`RemovalPolicy.SNAPSHOT`). A list of resources that support this policy
	// can be found in the following link:.
	// See:
	ApplyRemovalPolicy(policy awscdk.RemovalPolicy, options *awscdk.RemovalPolicyOptions)
	// Returns a token for an runtime attribute of this resource.
	// Ideally, use generated attribute accessors (e.g. `resource.arn`), but this can be used for future compatibility
	// in case there is no generated attribute.
	GetAtt(attributeName *string, typeHint awscdk.ResolutionTypeHint) awscdk.Reference
	// Retrieve a value value from the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	GetMetadata(key *string) interface{}
	// Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
	Inspect(inspector awscdk.TreeInspector)
	// Retrieves an array of resources this resource depends on.
	// This assembles dependencies on resources across stacks (including nested stacks)
	// automatically.
	ObtainDependencies() *[]interface{}
	// Get a shallow copy of dependencies between this resource and other resources in the same stack.
	ObtainResourceDependencies() *[]awscdk.CfnResource
	// Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
	OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string)
	// Indicates that this resource no longer depends on another resource.
	// This can be used for resources across stacks (including nested stacks)
	// and the dependency will automatically be removed from the relevant scope.
	RemoveDependency(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	RenderProperties(props *map[string]interface{}) *map[string]interface{}
	// Replaces one dependency with another.
	ReplaceDependency(target awscdk.CfnResource, newTarget awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Can be overridden by subclasses to determine if this resource will be rendered into the cloudformation template.
	// Returns: `true` if the resource should be included or `false` is the resource
	// should be omitted.
	ShouldSynthesize() *bool
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	// Returns: a string representation of this resource.
	ToString() *string
	ValidateProperties(_properties interface{})

Creates an new set of frequently asked question (FAQ) questions and answers.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnFaq := awscdk.Aws_kendra.NewCfnFaq(this, jsii.String("MyCfnFaq"), &CfnFaqProps{
	IndexId: jsii.String("indexId"),
	Name: jsii.String("name"),
	RoleArn: jsii.String("roleArn"),
	S3Path: &S3PathProperty{
		Bucket: jsii.String("bucket"),
		Key: jsii.String("key"),

	// the properties below are optional
	Description: jsii.String("description"),
	FileFormat: jsii.String("fileFormat"),
	LanguageCode: jsii.String("languageCode"),
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),


func NewCfnFaq

func NewCfnFaq(scope constructs.Construct, id *string, props *CfnFaqProps) CfnFaq

type CfnFaqProps

type CfnFaqProps struct {
	// The identifier of the index that contains the FAQ.
	// See:
	IndexId *string `field:"required" json:"indexId" yaml:"indexId"`
	// The name that you assigned the FAQ when you created or updated the FAQ.
	// See:
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role with permission to access the S3 bucket that contains the FAQ.
	// See:
	RoleArn *string `field:"required" json:"roleArn" yaml:"roleArn"`
	// The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location of the FAQ input data.
	// See:
	S3Path interface{} `field:"required" json:"s3Path" yaml:"s3Path"`
	// A description for the FAQ.
	// See:
	Description *string `field:"optional" json:"description" yaml:"description"`
	// The format of the input file.
	// You can choose between a basic CSV format, a CSV format that includes customs attributes in a header, and a JSON format that includes custom attributes.
	// The format must match the format of the file stored in the S3 bucket identified in the S3Path parameter.
	// Valid values are:
	// - `CSV`
	// - `JSON`.
	// See:
	FileFormat *string `field:"optional" json:"fileFormat" yaml:"fileFormat"`
	// The code for a language.
	// This shows a supported language for the FAQ document as part of the summary information for FAQs. English is supported by default. For more information on supported languages, including their codes, see [Adding documents in languages other than English]( .
	// See:
	LanguageCode *string `field:"optional" json:"languageCode" yaml:"languageCode"`
	// An array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource.
	// For more information, see [Tag]( .
	// See:
	Tags *[]*awscdk.CfnTag `field:"optional" json:"tags" yaml:"tags"`

Properties for defining a `CfnFaq`.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnFaqProps := &CfnFaqProps{
	IndexId: jsii.String("indexId"),
	Name: jsii.String("name"),
	RoleArn: jsii.String("roleArn"),
	S3Path: &S3PathProperty{
		Bucket: jsii.String("bucket"),
		Key: jsii.String("key"),

	// the properties below are optional
	Description: jsii.String("description"),
	FileFormat: jsii.String("fileFormat"),
	LanguageCode: jsii.String("languageCode"),
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),


type CfnFaq_S3PathProperty

type CfnFaq_S3PathProperty struct {
	// The name of the S3 bucket that contains the file.
	// See:
	Bucket *string `field:"required" json:"bucket" yaml:"bucket"`
	// The name of the file.
	// See:
	Key *string `field:"required" json:"key" yaml:"key"`

Information required to find a specific file in an Amazon S3 bucket.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

s3PathProperty := &S3PathProperty{
	Bucket: jsii.String("bucket"),
	Key: jsii.String("key"),


type CfnIndex

type CfnIndex interface {
	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the index.
	// For example: `arn:aws:kendra:us-west-2:111122223333:index/0123456789abcdef` .
	AttrArn() *string
	// The identifier for the index.
	// For example: `f4aeaa10-8056-4b2c-a343-522ca0f41234` .
	AttrId() *string
	// Specifies additional capacity units configured for your Enterprise Edition index.
	CapacityUnits() interface{}
	SetCapacityUnits(val interface{})
	// Options for this resource, such as condition, update policy etc.
	CfnOptions() awscdk.ICfnResourceOptions
	CfnProperties() *map[string]interface{}
	// AWS resource type.
	CfnResourceType() *string
	// Returns: the stack trace of the point where this Resource was created from, sourced
	// from the +metadata+ entry typed +aws:cdk:logicalId+, and with the bottom-most
	// node +internal+ entries filtered.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// A description for the index.
	Description() *string
	SetDescription(val *string)
	// Specifies the properties of an index field.
	DocumentMetadataConfigurations() interface{}
	SetDocumentMetadataConfigurations(val interface{})
	// Indicates whether the index is a Enterprise Edition index or a Developer Edition index.
	Edition() *string
	SetEdition(val *string)
	// The logical ID for this CloudFormation stack element.
	// The logical ID of the element
	// is calculated from the path of the resource node in the construct tree.
	// To override this value, use `overrideLogicalId(newLogicalId)`.
	// Returns: the logical ID as a stringified token. This value will only get
	// resolved during synthesis.
	LogicalId() *string
	// The name of the index.
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	// The tree node.
	Node() constructs.Node
	// Return a string that will be resolved to a CloudFormation `{ Ref }` for this element.
	// If, by any chance, the intrinsic reference of a resource is not a string, you could
	// coerce it to an IResolvable through `Lazy.any({ produce: resource.ref })`.
	Ref() *string
	// An IAM role that gives Amazon Kendra permissions to access your Amazon CloudWatch logs and metrics.
	RoleArn() *string
	SetRoleArn(val *string)
	// The identifier of the AWS KMS customer managed key (CMK) to use to encrypt data indexed by Amazon Kendra.
	ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration() interface{}
	SetServerSideEncryptionConfiguration(val interface{})
	// The stack in which this element is defined.
	// CfnElements must be defined within a stack scope (directly or indirectly).
	Stack() awscdk.Stack
	// Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource.
	Tags() awscdk.TagManager
	// An array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource.
	TagsRaw() *[]*awscdk.CfnTag
	SetTagsRaw(val *[]*awscdk.CfnTag)
	// Deprecated.
	// Deprecated: use `updatedProperties`
	// Return properties modified after initiation
	// Resources that expose mutable properties should override this function to
	// collect and return the properties object for this resource.
	UpdatedProperites() *map[string]interface{}
	// Return properties modified after initiation.
	// Resources that expose mutable properties should override this function to
	// collect and return the properties object for this resource.
	UpdatedProperties() *map[string]interface{}
	// The user context policy.
	UserContextPolicy() *string
	SetUserContextPolicy(val *string)
	// Defines the type of user token used for the index.
	UserTokenConfigurations() interface{}
	SetUserTokenConfigurations(val interface{})
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride(path, undefined)`.
	AddDeletionOverride(path *string)
	// Indicates that this resource depends on another resource and cannot be provisioned unless the other resource has been successfully provisioned.
	// This can be used for resources across stacks (or nested stack) boundaries
	// and the dependency will automatically be transferred to the relevant scope.
	AddDependency(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Indicates that this resource depends on another resource and cannot be provisioned unless the other resource has been successfully provisioned.
	// Deprecated: use addDependency.
	AddDependsOn(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Add a value to the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	AddMetadata(key *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override to the synthesized CloudFormation resource.
	// To add a
	// property override, either use `addPropertyOverride` or prefix `path` with
	// "Properties." (i.e. `Properties.TopicName`).
	// If the override is nested, separate each nested level using a dot (.) in the path parameter.
	// If there is an array as part of the nesting, specify the index in the path.
	// To include a literal `.` in the property name, prefix with a `\`. In most
	// programming languages you will need to write this as `"\\."` because the
	// `\` itself will need to be escaped.
	// For example,
	// “`typescript
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.0.Projection.NonKeyAttributes', ['myattribute']);
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.1.ProjectionType', 'INCLUDE');
	// “`
	// would add the overrides
	// “`json
	// "Properties": {
	//   "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [
	//     {
	//       "Projection": {
	//         "NonKeyAttributes": [ "myattribute" ]
	//         ...
	//       }
	//       ...
	//     },
	//     {
	//       "ProjectionType": "INCLUDE"
	//       ...
	//     },
	//   ]
	//   ...
	// }
	// “`
	// The `value` argument to `addOverride` will not be processed or translated
	// in any way. Pass raw JSON values in here with the correct capitalization
	// for CloudFormation. If you pass CDK classes or structs, they will be
	// rendered with lowercased key names, and CloudFormation will reject the
	// template.
	AddOverride(path *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override that deletes the value of a property from the resource definition.
	AddPropertyDeletionOverride(propertyPath *string)
	// Adds an override to a resource property.
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride("Properties.<...>", value)`.
	AddPropertyOverride(propertyPath *string, value interface{})
	// Sets the deletion policy of the resource based on the removal policy specified.
	// The Removal Policy controls what happens to this resource when it stops
	// being managed by CloudFormation, either because you've removed it from the
	// CDK application or because you've made a change that requires the resource
	// to be replaced.
	// The resource can be deleted (`RemovalPolicy.DESTROY`), or left in your AWS
	// account for data recovery and cleanup later (`RemovalPolicy.RETAIN`). In some
	// cases, a snapshot can be taken of the resource prior to deletion
	// (`RemovalPolicy.SNAPSHOT`). A list of resources that support this policy
	// can be found in the following link:.
	// See:
	ApplyRemovalPolicy(policy awscdk.RemovalPolicy, options *awscdk.RemovalPolicyOptions)
	// Returns a token for an runtime attribute of this resource.
	// Ideally, use generated attribute accessors (e.g. `resource.arn`), but this can be used for future compatibility
	// in case there is no generated attribute.
	GetAtt(attributeName *string, typeHint awscdk.ResolutionTypeHint) awscdk.Reference
	// Retrieve a value value from the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	GetMetadata(key *string) interface{}
	// Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
	Inspect(inspector awscdk.TreeInspector)
	// Retrieves an array of resources this resource depends on.
	// This assembles dependencies on resources across stacks (including nested stacks)
	// automatically.
	ObtainDependencies() *[]interface{}
	// Get a shallow copy of dependencies between this resource and other resources in the same stack.
	ObtainResourceDependencies() *[]awscdk.CfnResource
	// Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
	OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string)
	// Indicates that this resource no longer depends on another resource.
	// This can be used for resources across stacks (including nested stacks)
	// and the dependency will automatically be removed from the relevant scope.
	RemoveDependency(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	RenderProperties(props *map[string]interface{}) *map[string]interface{}
	// Replaces one dependency with another.
	ReplaceDependency(target awscdk.CfnResource, newTarget awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Can be overridden by subclasses to determine if this resource will be rendered into the cloudformation template.
	// Returns: `true` if the resource should be included or `false` is the resource
	// should be omitted.
	ShouldSynthesize() *bool
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	// Returns: a string representation of this resource.
	ToString() *string
	ValidateProperties(_properties interface{})

Creates an Amazon Kendra index.

Once the index is active you can add documents to your index using the [BatchPutDocument]( operation or using one of the supported data sources.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnIndex := awscdk.Aws_kendra.NewCfnIndex(this, jsii.String("MyCfnIndex"), &CfnIndexProps{
	Edition: jsii.String("edition"),
	Name: jsii.String("name"),
	RoleArn: jsii.String("roleArn"),

	// the properties below are optional
	CapacityUnits: &CapacityUnitsConfigurationProperty{
		QueryCapacityUnits: jsii.Number(123),
		StorageCapacityUnits: jsii.Number(123),
	Description: jsii.String("description"),
	DocumentMetadataConfigurations: []interface{}{
			Name: jsii.String("name"),
			Type: jsii.String("type"),

			// the properties below are optional
			Relevance: &RelevanceProperty{
				Duration: jsii.String("duration"),
				Freshness: jsii.Boolean(false),
				Importance: jsii.Number(123),
				RankOrder: jsii.String("rankOrder"),
				ValueImportanceItems: []interface{}{
						Key: jsii.String("key"),
						Value: jsii.Number(123),
			Search: &SearchProperty{
				Displayable: jsii.Boolean(false),
				Facetable: jsii.Boolean(false),
				Searchable: jsii.Boolean(false),
				Sortable: jsii.Boolean(false),
	ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: &ServerSideEncryptionConfigurationProperty{
		KmsKeyId: jsii.String("kmsKeyId"),
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),
	UserContextPolicy: jsii.String("userContextPolicy"),
	UserTokenConfigurations: []interface{}{
			JsonTokenTypeConfiguration: &JsonTokenTypeConfigurationProperty{
				GroupAttributeField: jsii.String("groupAttributeField"),
				UserNameAttributeField: jsii.String("userNameAttributeField"),
			JwtTokenTypeConfiguration: &JwtTokenTypeConfigurationProperty{
				KeyLocation: jsii.String("keyLocation"),

				// the properties below are optional
				ClaimRegex: jsii.String("claimRegex"),
				GroupAttributeField: jsii.String("groupAttributeField"),
				Issuer: jsii.String("issuer"),
				SecretManagerArn: jsii.String("secretManagerArn"),
				Url: jsii.String("url"),
				UserNameAttributeField: jsii.String("userNameAttributeField"),


func NewCfnIndex

func NewCfnIndex(scope constructs.Construct, id *string, props *CfnIndexProps) CfnIndex

type CfnIndexProps

type CfnIndexProps struct {
	// Indicates whether the index is a Enterprise Edition index or a Developer Edition index.
	// See:
	Edition *string `field:"required" json:"edition" yaml:"edition"`
	// The name of the index.
	// See:
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// An IAM role that gives Amazon Kendra permissions to access your Amazon CloudWatch logs and metrics.
	// This is also the role used when you use the [BatchPutDocument]( operation to index documents from an Amazon S3 bucket.
	// See:
	RoleArn *string `field:"required" json:"roleArn" yaml:"roleArn"`
	// Specifies additional capacity units configured for your Enterprise Edition index.
	// You can add and remove capacity units to fit your usage requirements.
	// See:
	CapacityUnits interface{} `field:"optional" json:"capacityUnits" yaml:"capacityUnits"`
	// A description for the index.
	// See:
	Description *string `field:"optional" json:"description" yaml:"description"`
	// Specifies the properties of an index field.
	// You can add either a custom or a built-in field. You can add and remove built-in fields at any time. When a built-in field is removed it's configuration reverts to the default for the field. Custom fields can't be removed from an index after they are added.
	// See:
	DocumentMetadataConfigurations interface{} `field:"optional" json:"documentMetadataConfigurations" yaml:"documentMetadataConfigurations"`
	// The identifier of the AWS KMS customer managed key (CMK) to use to encrypt data indexed by Amazon Kendra.
	// Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric CMKs.
	// See:
	ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"serverSideEncryptionConfiguration" yaml:"serverSideEncryptionConfiguration"`
	// An array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource.
	// For more information, see [Tag]( .
	// See:
	Tags *[]*awscdk.CfnTag `field:"optional" json:"tags" yaml:"tags"`
	// The user context policy.
	// - All indexed content is searchable and displayable for all users. If you want to filter search results on user context, you can use the attribute filters of `_user_id` and `_group_ids` or you can provide user and group information in `UserContext` .
	// - Enables token-based user access control to filter search results on user context. All documents with no access control and all documents accessible to the user will be searchable and displayable.
	// See:
	UserContextPolicy *string `field:"optional" json:"userContextPolicy" yaml:"userContextPolicy"`
	// Defines the type of user token used for the index.
	// See:
	UserTokenConfigurations interface{} `field:"optional" json:"userTokenConfigurations" yaml:"userTokenConfigurations"`

Properties for defining a `CfnIndex`.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnIndexProps := &CfnIndexProps{
	Edition: jsii.String("edition"),
	Name: jsii.String("name"),
	RoleArn: jsii.String("roleArn"),

	// the properties below are optional
	CapacityUnits: &CapacityUnitsConfigurationProperty{
		QueryCapacityUnits: jsii.Number(123),
		StorageCapacityUnits: jsii.Number(123),
	Description: jsii.String("description"),
	DocumentMetadataConfigurations: []interface{}{
			Name: jsii.String("name"),
			Type: jsii.String("type"),

			// the properties below are optional
			Relevance: &RelevanceProperty{
				Duration: jsii.String("duration"),
				Freshness: jsii.Boolean(false),
				Importance: jsii.Number(123),
				RankOrder: jsii.String("rankOrder"),
				ValueImportanceItems: []interface{}{
						Key: jsii.String("key"),
						Value: jsii.Number(123),
			Search: &SearchProperty{
				Displayable: jsii.Boolean(false),
				Facetable: jsii.Boolean(false),
				Searchable: jsii.Boolean(false),
				Sortable: jsii.Boolean(false),
	ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: &ServerSideEncryptionConfigurationProperty{
		KmsKeyId: jsii.String("kmsKeyId"),
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),
	UserContextPolicy: jsii.String("userContextPolicy"),
	UserTokenConfigurations: []interface{}{
			JsonTokenTypeConfiguration: &JsonTokenTypeConfigurationProperty{
				GroupAttributeField: jsii.String("groupAttributeField"),
				UserNameAttributeField: jsii.String("userNameAttributeField"),
			JwtTokenTypeConfiguration: &JwtTokenTypeConfigurationProperty{
				KeyLocation: jsii.String("keyLocation"),

				// the properties below are optional
				ClaimRegex: jsii.String("claimRegex"),
				GroupAttributeField: jsii.String("groupAttributeField"),
				Issuer: jsii.String("issuer"),
				SecretManagerArn: jsii.String("secretManagerArn"),
				Url: jsii.String("url"),
				UserNameAttributeField: jsii.String("userNameAttributeField"),


type CfnIndex_CapacityUnitsConfigurationProperty

type CfnIndex_CapacityUnitsConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The amount of extra query capacity for an index and [GetQuerySuggestions]( capacity.
	// A single extra capacity unit for an index provides 0.1 queries per second or approximately 8,000 queries per day. You can add up to 100 extra capacity units.
	// `GetQuerySuggestions` capacity is five times the provisioned query capacity for an index, or the base capacity of 2.5 calls per second, whichever is higher. For example, the base capacity for an index is 0.1 queries per second, and `GetQuerySuggestions` capacity has a base of 2.5 calls per second. If you add another 0.1 queries per second to total 0.2 queries per second for an index, the `GetQuerySuggestions` capacity is 2.5 calls per second (higher than five times 0.2 queries per second).
	// See:
	QueryCapacityUnits *float64 `field:"required" json:"queryCapacityUnits" yaml:"queryCapacityUnits"`
	// The amount of extra storage capacity for an index.
	// A single capacity unit provides 30 GB of storage space or 100,000 documents, whichever is reached first. You can add up to 100 extra capacity units.
	// See:
	StorageCapacityUnits *float64 `field:"required" json:"storageCapacityUnits" yaml:"storageCapacityUnits"`

Specifies additional capacity units configured for your Enterprise Edition index.

You can add and remove capacity units to fit your usage requirements.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

capacityUnitsConfigurationProperty := &CapacityUnitsConfigurationProperty{
	QueryCapacityUnits: jsii.Number(123),
	StorageCapacityUnits: jsii.Number(123),


type CfnIndex_DocumentMetadataConfigurationProperty

type CfnIndex_DocumentMetadataConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The name of the index field.
	// See:
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// The data type of the index field.
	// See:
	Type *string `field:"required" json:"type" yaml:"type"`
	// Provides tuning parameters to determine how the field affects the search results.
	// See:
	Relevance interface{} `field:"optional" json:"relevance" yaml:"relevance"`
	// Provides information about how the field is used during a search.
	// See:
	Search interface{} `field:"optional" json:"search" yaml:"search"`

Specifies the properties, such as relevance tuning and searchability, of an index field.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

documentMetadataConfigurationProperty := &DocumentMetadataConfigurationProperty{
	Name: jsii.String("name"),
	Type: jsii.String("type"),

	// the properties below are optional
	Relevance: &RelevanceProperty{
		Duration: jsii.String("duration"),
		Freshness: jsii.Boolean(false),
		Importance: jsii.Number(123),
		RankOrder: jsii.String("rankOrder"),
		ValueImportanceItems: []interface{}{
				Key: jsii.String("key"),
				Value: jsii.Number(123),
	Search: &SearchProperty{
		Displayable: jsii.Boolean(false),
		Facetable: jsii.Boolean(false),
		Searchable: jsii.Boolean(false),
		Sortable: jsii.Boolean(false),


type CfnIndex_JsonTokenTypeConfigurationProperty

type CfnIndex_JsonTokenTypeConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The group attribute field.
	// See:
	GroupAttributeField *string `field:"required" json:"groupAttributeField" yaml:"groupAttributeField"`
	// The user name attribute field.
	// See:
	UserNameAttributeField *string `field:"required" json:"userNameAttributeField" yaml:"userNameAttributeField"`

Provides the configuration information for the JSON token type.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

jsonTokenTypeConfigurationProperty := &JsonTokenTypeConfigurationProperty{
	GroupAttributeField: jsii.String("groupAttributeField"),
	UserNameAttributeField: jsii.String("userNameAttributeField"),


type CfnIndex_JwtTokenTypeConfigurationProperty

type CfnIndex_JwtTokenTypeConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The location of the key.
	// See:
	KeyLocation *string `field:"required" json:"keyLocation" yaml:"keyLocation"`
	// The regular expression that identifies the claim.
	// See:
	ClaimRegex *string `field:"optional" json:"claimRegex" yaml:"claimRegex"`
	// The group attribute field.
	// See:
	GroupAttributeField *string `field:"optional" json:"groupAttributeField" yaml:"groupAttributeField"`
	// The issuer of the token.
	// See:
	Issuer *string `field:"optional" json:"issuer" yaml:"issuer"`
	// The Amazon Resource Name (arn) of the secret.
	// See:
	SecretManagerArn *string `field:"optional" json:"secretManagerArn" yaml:"secretManagerArn"`
	// The signing key URL.
	// See:
	Url *string `field:"optional" json:"url" yaml:"url"`
	// The user name attribute field.
	// See:
	UserNameAttributeField *string `field:"optional" json:"userNameAttributeField" yaml:"userNameAttributeField"`

Provides the configuration information for the JWT token type.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

jwtTokenTypeConfigurationProperty := &JwtTokenTypeConfigurationProperty{
	KeyLocation: jsii.String("keyLocation"),

	// the properties below are optional
	ClaimRegex: jsii.String("claimRegex"),
	GroupAttributeField: jsii.String("groupAttributeField"),
	Issuer: jsii.String("issuer"),
	SecretManagerArn: jsii.String("secretManagerArn"),
	Url: jsii.String("url"),
	UserNameAttributeField: jsii.String("userNameAttributeField"),


type CfnIndex_RelevanceProperty

type CfnIndex_RelevanceProperty struct {
	// Specifies the time period that the boost applies to.
	// For example, to make the boost apply to documents with the field value within the last month, you would use "2628000s". Once the field value is beyond the specified range, the effect of the boost drops off. The higher the importance, the faster the effect drops off. If you don't specify a value, the default is 3 months. The value of the field is a numeric string followed by the character "s", for example "86400s" for one day, or "604800s" for one week.
	// Only applies to `DATE` fields.
	// See:
	Duration *string `field:"optional" json:"duration" yaml:"duration"`
	// Indicates that this field determines how "fresh" a document is.
	// For example, if document 1 was created on November 5, and document 2 was created on October 31, document 1 is "fresher" than document 2. Only applies to `DATE` fields.
	// See:
	Freshness interface{} `field:"optional" json:"freshness" yaml:"freshness"`
	// The relative importance of the field in the search.
	// Larger numbers provide more of a boost than smaller numbers.
	// See:
	Importance *float64 `field:"optional" json:"importance" yaml:"importance"`
	// Determines how values should be interpreted.
	// When the `RankOrder` field is `ASCENDING` , higher numbers are better. For example, a document with a rating score of 10 is higher ranking than a document with a rating score of 1.
	// When the `RankOrder` field is `DESCENDING` , lower numbers are better. For example, in a task tracking application, a priority 1 task is more important than a priority 5 task.
	// Only applies to `LONG` fields.
	// See:
	RankOrder *string `field:"optional" json:"rankOrder" yaml:"rankOrder"`
	// An array of key-value pairs for different boosts when they appear in the search result list.
	// For example, if you want to boost query terms that match the "department" field in the result, query terms that match this field are boosted in the result. You can add entries from the department field to boost documents with those values higher.
	// For example, you can add entries to the map with names of departments. If you add "HR", 5 and "Legal",3 those departments are given special attention when they appear in the metadata of a document.
	// See:
	ValueImportanceItems interface{} `field:"optional" json:"valueImportanceItems" yaml:"valueImportanceItems"`

Provides information for tuning the relevance of a field in a search.

When a query includes terms that match the field, the results are given a boost in the response based on these tuning parameters.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

relevanceProperty := &RelevanceProperty{
	Duration: jsii.String("duration"),
	Freshness: jsii.Boolean(false),
	Importance: jsii.Number(123),
	RankOrder: jsii.String("rankOrder"),
	ValueImportanceItems: []interface{}{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.Number(123),


type CfnIndex_SearchProperty

type CfnIndex_SearchProperty struct {
	// Determines whether the field is returned in the query response.
	// The default is `true` .
	// See:
	Displayable interface{} `field:"optional" json:"displayable" yaml:"displayable"`
	// Indicates that the field can be used to create search facets, a count of results for each value in the field.
	// The default is `false` .
	// See:
	Facetable interface{} `field:"optional" json:"facetable" yaml:"facetable"`
	// Determines whether the field is used in the search.
	// If the `Searchable` field is `true` , you can use relevance tuning to manually tune how Amazon Kendra weights the field in the search. The default is `true` for string fields and `false` for number and date fields.
	// See:
	Searchable interface{} `field:"optional" json:"searchable" yaml:"searchable"`
	// Determines whether the field can be used to sort the results of a query.
	// The default is `false` .
	// See:
	Sortable interface{} `field:"optional" json:"sortable" yaml:"sortable"`

Provides information about how a custom index field is used during a search.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

searchProperty := &SearchProperty{
	Displayable: jsii.Boolean(false),
	Facetable: jsii.Boolean(false),
	Searchable: jsii.Boolean(false),
	Sortable: jsii.Boolean(false),


type CfnIndex_ServerSideEncryptionConfigurationProperty

type CfnIndex_ServerSideEncryptionConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The identifier of the AWS KMS key .
	// Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric keys.
	// See:
	KmsKeyId *string `field:"optional" json:"kmsKeyId" yaml:"kmsKeyId"`

Provides the identifier of the AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) used to encrypt data indexed by Amazon Kendra.

We suggest that you use a CMK from your account to help secure your index. Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric CMKs.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

serverSideEncryptionConfigurationProperty := &ServerSideEncryptionConfigurationProperty{
	KmsKeyId: jsii.String("kmsKeyId"),


type CfnIndex_UserTokenConfigurationProperty

type CfnIndex_UserTokenConfigurationProperty struct {
	// Information about the JSON token type configuration.
	// See:
	JsonTokenTypeConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"jsonTokenTypeConfiguration" yaml:"jsonTokenTypeConfiguration"`
	// Information about the JWT token type configuration.
	// See:
	JwtTokenTypeConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"jwtTokenTypeConfiguration" yaml:"jwtTokenTypeConfiguration"`

Provides the configuration information for a token.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

userTokenConfigurationProperty := &UserTokenConfigurationProperty{
	JsonTokenTypeConfiguration: &JsonTokenTypeConfigurationProperty{
		GroupAttributeField: jsii.String("groupAttributeField"),
		UserNameAttributeField: jsii.String("userNameAttributeField"),
	JwtTokenTypeConfiguration: &JwtTokenTypeConfigurationProperty{
		KeyLocation: jsii.String("keyLocation"),

		// the properties below are optional
		ClaimRegex: jsii.String("claimRegex"),
		GroupAttributeField: jsii.String("groupAttributeField"),
		Issuer: jsii.String("issuer"),
		SecretManagerArn: jsii.String("secretManagerArn"),
		Url: jsii.String("url"),
		UserNameAttributeField: jsii.String("userNameAttributeField"),


type CfnIndex_ValueImportanceItemProperty

type CfnIndex_ValueImportanceItemProperty struct {
	// The document metadata value used for the search boost.
	// See:
	Key *string `field:"optional" json:"key" yaml:"key"`
	// The boost value for a document when the key is part of the metadata of a document.
	// See:
	Value *float64 `field:"optional" json:"value" yaml:"value"`

Specifies a key-value pair of the search boost value for a document when the key is part of the metadata of a document.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

valueImportanceItemProperty := &ValueImportanceItemProperty{
	Key: jsii.String("key"),
	Value: jsii.Number(123),


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