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Published: May 17, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 7 Imported by: 0


AWS::ApplicationInsights Construct Library

This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project.

import applicationinsights ""

There are no official hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. Here are some suggestions on how to proceed:

There are no hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. However, you can still use the automatically generated L1 constructs, and use this service exactly as you would using CloudFormation directly.

For more information on the resources and properties available for this service, see the CloudFormation documentation for AWS::ApplicationInsights.

(Read the CDK Contributing Guide and submit an RFC if you are interested in contributing to this construct library.)




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func CfnApplication_CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME

func CfnApplication_CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME() *string

func CfnApplication_IsCfnElement

func CfnApplication_IsCfnElement(x interface{}) *bool

Returns `true` if a construct is a stack element (i.e. part of the synthesized cloudformation template).

Uses duck-typing instead of `instanceof` to allow stack elements from different versions of this library to be included in the same stack.

Returns: The construct as a stack element or undefined if it is not a stack element.

func CfnApplication_IsCfnResource

func CfnApplication_IsCfnResource(x interface{}) *bool

Check whether the given object is a CfnResource.

func CfnApplication_IsConstruct

func CfnApplication_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Checks if `x` is a construct.

Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` instances, even when the construct library is symlinked.

Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as `instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using this type-testing method instead.

Returns: true if `x` is an object created from a class which extends `Construct`.

func NewCfnApplication_Override

func NewCfnApplication_Override(c CfnApplication, scope constructs.Construct, id *string, props *CfnApplicationProps)


type CfnApplication

type CfnApplication interface {
	// If set to true, the managed policies for SSM and CW will be attached to the instance roles if they are missing.
	AttachMissingPermission() interface{}
	SetAttachMissingPermission(val interface{})
	// Returns the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application, such as `arn:aws:applicationinsights:us-east-1:123456789012:application/resource-group/my_resource_group` .
	AttrApplicationArn() *string
	// If set to `true` , the application components will be configured with the monitoring configuration recommended by Application Insights.
	AutoConfigurationEnabled() interface{}
	SetAutoConfigurationEnabled(val interface{})
	// Options for this resource, such as condition, update policy etc.
	CfnOptions() awscdk.ICfnResourceOptions
	CfnProperties() *map[string]interface{}
	// AWS resource type.
	CfnResourceType() *string
	// The monitoring settings of the components.
	ComponentMonitoringSettings() interface{}
	SetComponentMonitoringSettings(val interface{})
	// Returns: the stack trace of the point where this Resource was created from, sourced
	// from the +metadata+ entry typed +aws:cdk:logicalId+, and with the bottom-most
	// node +internal+ entries filtered.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Describes a custom component by grouping similar standalone instances to monitor.
	CustomComponents() interface{}
	SetCustomComponents(val interface{})
	// Indicates whether Application Insights can listen to CloudWatch events for the application resources, such as `instance terminated` , `failed deployment` , and others.
	CweMonitorEnabled() interface{}
	SetCweMonitorEnabled(val interface{})
	// Application Insights can create applications based on a resource group or on an account.
	GroupingType() *string
	SetGroupingType(val *string)
	// The logical ID for this CloudFormation stack element.
	// The logical ID of the element
	// is calculated from the path of the resource node in the construct tree.
	// To override this value, use `overrideLogicalId(newLogicalId)`.
	// Returns: the logical ID as a stringified token. This value will only get
	// resolved during synthesis.
	LogicalId() *string
	// The log pattern sets.
	LogPatternSets() interface{}
	SetLogPatternSets(val interface{})
	// The tree node.
	Node() constructs.Node
	// Indicates whether Application Insights will create OpsItems for any problem that is detected by Application Insights for an application.
	OpsCenterEnabled() interface{}
	SetOpsCenterEnabled(val interface{})
	// The SNS topic provided to Application Insights that is associated with the created OpsItems to receive SNS notifications for opsItem updates.
	OpsItemSnsTopicArn() *string
	SetOpsItemSnsTopicArn(val *string)
	// Return a string that will be resolved to a CloudFormation `{ Ref }` for this element.
	// If, by any chance, the intrinsic reference of a resource is not a string, you could
	// coerce it to an IResolvable through `Lazy.any({ produce: resource.ref })`.
	Ref() *string
	// The name of the resource group used for the application.
	ResourceGroupName() *string
	SetResourceGroupName(val *string)
	// The stack in which this element is defined.
	// CfnElements must be defined within a stack scope (directly or indirectly).
	Stack() awscdk.Stack
	// Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource.
	Tags() awscdk.TagManager
	// An array of `Tags` .
	TagsRaw() *[]*awscdk.CfnTag
	SetTagsRaw(val *[]*awscdk.CfnTag)
	// Deprecated.
	// Deprecated: use `updatedProperties`
	// Return properties modified after initiation
	// Resources that expose mutable properties should override this function to
	// collect and return the properties object for this resource.
	UpdatedProperites() *map[string]interface{}
	// Return properties modified after initiation.
	// Resources that expose mutable properties should override this function to
	// collect and return the properties object for this resource.
	UpdatedProperties() *map[string]interface{}
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride(path, undefined)`.
	AddDeletionOverride(path *string)
	// Indicates that this resource depends on another resource and cannot be provisioned unless the other resource has been successfully provisioned.
	// This can be used for resources across stacks (or nested stack) boundaries
	// and the dependency will automatically be transferred to the relevant scope.
	AddDependency(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Indicates that this resource depends on another resource and cannot be provisioned unless the other resource has been successfully provisioned.
	// Deprecated: use addDependency.
	AddDependsOn(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Add a value to the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	AddMetadata(key *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override to the synthesized CloudFormation resource.
	// To add a
	// property override, either use `addPropertyOverride` or prefix `path` with
	// "Properties." (i.e. `Properties.TopicName`).
	// If the override is nested, separate each nested level using a dot (.) in the path parameter.
	// If there is an array as part of the nesting, specify the index in the path.
	// To include a literal `.` in the property name, prefix with a `\`. In most
	// programming languages you will need to write this as `"\\."` because the
	// `\` itself will need to be escaped.
	// For example,
	// “`typescript
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.0.Projection.NonKeyAttributes', ['myattribute']);
	// cfnResource.addOverride('Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.1.ProjectionType', 'INCLUDE');
	// “`
	// would add the overrides
	// “`json
	// "Properties": {
	//   "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [
	//     {
	//       "Projection": {
	//         "NonKeyAttributes": [ "myattribute" ]
	//         ...
	//       }
	//       ...
	//     },
	//     {
	//       "ProjectionType": "INCLUDE"
	//       ...
	//     },
	//   ]
	//   ...
	// }
	// “`
	// The `value` argument to `addOverride` will not be processed or translated
	// in any way. Pass raw JSON values in here with the correct capitalization
	// for CloudFormation. If you pass CDK classes or structs, they will be
	// rendered with lowercased key names, and CloudFormation will reject the
	// template.
	AddOverride(path *string, value interface{})
	// Adds an override that deletes the value of a property from the resource definition.
	AddPropertyDeletionOverride(propertyPath *string)
	// Adds an override to a resource property.
	// Syntactic sugar for `addOverride("Properties.<...>", value)`.
	AddPropertyOverride(propertyPath *string, value interface{})
	// Sets the deletion policy of the resource based on the removal policy specified.
	// The Removal Policy controls what happens to this resource when it stops
	// being managed by CloudFormation, either because you've removed it from the
	// CDK application or because you've made a change that requires the resource
	// to be replaced.
	// The resource can be deleted (`RemovalPolicy.DESTROY`), or left in your AWS
	// account for data recovery and cleanup later (`RemovalPolicy.RETAIN`). In some
	// cases, a snapshot can be taken of the resource prior to deletion
	// (`RemovalPolicy.SNAPSHOT`). A list of resources that support this policy
	// can be found in the following link:.
	// See:
	ApplyRemovalPolicy(policy awscdk.RemovalPolicy, options *awscdk.RemovalPolicyOptions)
	// Returns a token for an runtime attribute of this resource.
	// Ideally, use generated attribute accessors (e.g. `resource.arn`), but this can be used for future compatibility
	// in case there is no generated attribute.
	GetAtt(attributeName *string, typeHint awscdk.ResolutionTypeHint) awscdk.Reference
	// Retrieve a value value from the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
	// See:
	// Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this
	// metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK
	// node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
	GetMetadata(key *string) interface{}
	// Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
	Inspect(inspector awscdk.TreeInspector)
	// Retrieves an array of resources this resource depends on.
	// This assembles dependencies on resources across stacks (including nested stacks)
	// automatically.
	ObtainDependencies() *[]interface{}
	// Get a shallow copy of dependencies between this resource and other resources in the same stack.
	ObtainResourceDependencies() *[]awscdk.CfnResource
	// Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
	OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string)
	// Indicates that this resource no longer depends on another resource.
	// This can be used for resources across stacks (including nested stacks)
	// and the dependency will automatically be removed from the relevant scope.
	RemoveDependency(target awscdk.CfnResource)
	RenderProperties(props *map[string]interface{}) *map[string]interface{}
	// Replaces one dependency with another.
	ReplaceDependency(target awscdk.CfnResource, newTarget awscdk.CfnResource)
	// Can be overridden by subclasses to determine if this resource will be rendered into the cloudformation template.
	// Returns: `true` if the resource should be included or `false` is the resource
	// should be omitted.
	ShouldSynthesize() *bool
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	// Returns: a string representation of this resource.
	ToString() *string
	ValidateProperties(_properties interface{})

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application` resource adds an application that is created from a resource group.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnApplication := awscdk.Aws_applicationinsights.NewCfnApplication(this, jsii.String("MyCfnApplication"), &CfnApplicationProps{
	ResourceGroupName: jsii.String("resourceGroupName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	AttachMissingPermission: jsii.Boolean(false),
	AutoConfigurationEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),
	ComponentMonitoringSettings: []interface{}{
			ComponentConfigurationMode: jsii.String("componentConfigurationMode"),
			Tier: jsii.String("tier"),

			// the properties below are optional
			ComponentArn: jsii.String("componentArn"),
			ComponentName: jsii.String("componentName"),
			CustomComponentConfiguration: &ComponentConfigurationProperty{
				ConfigurationDetails: &ConfigurationDetailsProperty{
					AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
							AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
					Alarms: []interface{}{
							AlarmName: jsii.String("alarmName"),

							// the properties below are optional
							Severity: jsii.String("severity"),
					HaClusterPrometheusExporter: &HAClusterPrometheusExporterProperty{
						PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
					HanaPrometheusExporter: &HANAPrometheusExporterProperty{
						AgreeToInstallHanadbClient: jsii.Boolean(false),
						HanaPort: jsii.String("hanaPort"),
						HanaSecretName: jsii.String("hanaSecretName"),
						Hanasid: jsii.String("hanasid"),

						// the properties below are optional
						PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
					JmxPrometheusExporter: &JMXPrometheusExporterProperty{
						HostPort: jsii.String("hostPort"),
						Jmxurl: jsii.String("jmxurl"),
						PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
					Logs: []interface{}{
							LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

							// the properties below are optional
							Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
							LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
							LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
							PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
					WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
							EventLevels: []*string{
							EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
							LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

							// the properties below are optional
							PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
				SubComponentTypeConfigurations: []interface{}{
						SubComponentConfigurationDetails: &SubComponentConfigurationDetailsProperty{
							AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
									AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
							Logs: []interface{}{
									LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

									// the properties below are optional
									Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
									LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
									LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
									PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
							WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
									EventLevels: []*string{
									EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
									LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

									// the properties below are optional
									PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
						SubComponentType: jsii.String("subComponentType"),
			DefaultOverwriteComponentConfiguration: &ComponentConfigurationProperty{
				ConfigurationDetails: &ConfigurationDetailsProperty{
					AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
							AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
					Alarms: []interface{}{
							AlarmName: jsii.String("alarmName"),

							// the properties below are optional
							Severity: jsii.String("severity"),
					HaClusterPrometheusExporter: &HAClusterPrometheusExporterProperty{
						PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
					HanaPrometheusExporter: &HANAPrometheusExporterProperty{
						AgreeToInstallHanadbClient: jsii.Boolean(false),
						HanaPort: jsii.String("hanaPort"),
						HanaSecretName: jsii.String("hanaSecretName"),
						Hanasid: jsii.String("hanasid"),

						// the properties below are optional
						PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
					JmxPrometheusExporter: &JMXPrometheusExporterProperty{
						HostPort: jsii.String("hostPort"),
						Jmxurl: jsii.String("jmxurl"),
						PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
					Logs: []interface{}{
							LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

							// the properties below are optional
							Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
							LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
							LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
							PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
					WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
							EventLevels: []*string{
							EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
							LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

							// the properties below are optional
							PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
				SubComponentTypeConfigurations: []interface{}{
						SubComponentConfigurationDetails: &SubComponentConfigurationDetailsProperty{
							AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
									AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
							Logs: []interface{}{
									LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

									// the properties below are optional
									Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
									LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
									LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
									PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
							WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
									EventLevels: []*string{
									EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
									LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

									// the properties below are optional
									PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
						SubComponentType: jsii.String("subComponentType"),
	CustomComponents: []interface{}{
			ComponentName: jsii.String("componentName"),
			ResourceList: []*string{
	CweMonitorEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),
	GroupingType: jsii.String("groupingType"),
	LogPatternSets: []interface{}{
			LogPatterns: []interface{}{
					Pattern: jsii.String("pattern"),
					PatternName: jsii.String("patternName"),
					Rank: jsii.Number(123),
			PatternSetName: jsii.String("patternSetName"),
	OpsCenterEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),
	OpsItemSnsTopicArn: jsii.String("opsItemSnsTopicArn"),
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),


func NewCfnApplication

func NewCfnApplication(scope constructs.Construct, id *string, props *CfnApplicationProps) CfnApplication

type CfnApplicationProps

type CfnApplicationProps struct {
	// The name of the resource group used for the application.
	// See:
	ResourceGroupName *string `field:"required" json:"resourceGroupName" yaml:"resourceGroupName"`
	// If set to true, the managed policies for SSM and CW will be attached to the instance roles if they are missing.
	// See:
	AttachMissingPermission interface{} `field:"optional" json:"attachMissingPermission" yaml:"attachMissingPermission"`
	// If set to `true` , the application components will be configured with the monitoring configuration recommended by Application Insights.
	// See:
	AutoConfigurationEnabled interface{} `field:"optional" json:"autoConfigurationEnabled" yaml:"autoConfigurationEnabled"`
	// The monitoring settings of the components.
	// See:
	ComponentMonitoringSettings interface{} `field:"optional" json:"componentMonitoringSettings" yaml:"componentMonitoringSettings"`
	// Describes a custom component by grouping similar standalone instances to monitor.
	// See:
	CustomComponents interface{} `field:"optional" json:"customComponents" yaml:"customComponents"`
	// Indicates whether Application Insights can listen to CloudWatch events for the application resources, such as `instance terminated` , `failed deployment` , and others.
	// See:
	CweMonitorEnabled interface{} `field:"optional" json:"cweMonitorEnabled" yaml:"cweMonitorEnabled"`
	// Application Insights can create applications based on a resource group or on an account.
	// To create an account-based application using all of the resources in the account, set this parameter to `ACCOUNT_BASED` .
	// See:
	GroupingType *string `field:"optional" json:"groupingType" yaml:"groupingType"`
	// The log pattern sets.
	// See:
	LogPatternSets interface{} `field:"optional" json:"logPatternSets" yaml:"logPatternSets"`
	// Indicates whether Application Insights will create OpsItems for any problem that is detected by Application Insights for an application.
	// See:
	OpsCenterEnabled interface{} `field:"optional" json:"opsCenterEnabled" yaml:"opsCenterEnabled"`
	// The SNS topic provided to Application Insights that is associated with the created OpsItems to receive SNS notifications for opsItem updates.
	// See:
	OpsItemSnsTopicArn *string `field:"optional" json:"opsItemSnsTopicArn" yaml:"opsItemSnsTopicArn"`
	// An array of `Tags` .
	// See:
	Tags *[]*awscdk.CfnTag `field:"optional" json:"tags" yaml:"tags"`

Properties for defining a `CfnApplication`.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

cfnApplicationProps := &CfnApplicationProps{
	ResourceGroupName: jsii.String("resourceGroupName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	AttachMissingPermission: jsii.Boolean(false),
	AutoConfigurationEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),
	ComponentMonitoringSettings: []interface{}{
			ComponentConfigurationMode: jsii.String("componentConfigurationMode"),
			Tier: jsii.String("tier"),

			// the properties below are optional
			ComponentArn: jsii.String("componentArn"),
			ComponentName: jsii.String("componentName"),
			CustomComponentConfiguration: &ComponentConfigurationProperty{
				ConfigurationDetails: &ConfigurationDetailsProperty{
					AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
							AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
					Alarms: []interface{}{
							AlarmName: jsii.String("alarmName"),

							// the properties below are optional
							Severity: jsii.String("severity"),
					HaClusterPrometheusExporter: &HAClusterPrometheusExporterProperty{
						PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
					HanaPrometheusExporter: &HANAPrometheusExporterProperty{
						AgreeToInstallHanadbClient: jsii.Boolean(false),
						HanaPort: jsii.String("hanaPort"),
						HanaSecretName: jsii.String("hanaSecretName"),
						Hanasid: jsii.String("hanasid"),

						// the properties below are optional
						PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
					JmxPrometheusExporter: &JMXPrometheusExporterProperty{
						HostPort: jsii.String("hostPort"),
						Jmxurl: jsii.String("jmxurl"),
						PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
					Logs: []interface{}{
							LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

							// the properties below are optional
							Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
							LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
							LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
							PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
					WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
							EventLevels: []*string{
							EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
							LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

							// the properties below are optional
							PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
				SubComponentTypeConfigurations: []interface{}{
						SubComponentConfigurationDetails: &SubComponentConfigurationDetailsProperty{
							AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
									AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
							Logs: []interface{}{
									LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

									// the properties below are optional
									Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
									LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
									LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
									PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
							WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
									EventLevels: []*string{
									EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
									LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

									// the properties below are optional
									PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
						SubComponentType: jsii.String("subComponentType"),
			DefaultOverwriteComponentConfiguration: &ComponentConfigurationProperty{
				ConfigurationDetails: &ConfigurationDetailsProperty{
					AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
							AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
					Alarms: []interface{}{
							AlarmName: jsii.String("alarmName"),

							// the properties below are optional
							Severity: jsii.String("severity"),
					HaClusterPrometheusExporter: &HAClusterPrometheusExporterProperty{
						PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
					HanaPrometheusExporter: &HANAPrometheusExporterProperty{
						AgreeToInstallHanadbClient: jsii.Boolean(false),
						HanaPort: jsii.String("hanaPort"),
						HanaSecretName: jsii.String("hanaSecretName"),
						Hanasid: jsii.String("hanasid"),

						// the properties below are optional
						PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
					JmxPrometheusExporter: &JMXPrometheusExporterProperty{
						HostPort: jsii.String("hostPort"),
						Jmxurl: jsii.String("jmxurl"),
						PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
					Logs: []interface{}{
							LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

							// the properties below are optional
							Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
							LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
							LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
							PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
					WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
							EventLevels: []*string{
							EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
							LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

							// the properties below are optional
							PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
				SubComponentTypeConfigurations: []interface{}{
						SubComponentConfigurationDetails: &SubComponentConfigurationDetailsProperty{
							AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
									AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
							Logs: []interface{}{
									LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

									// the properties below are optional
									Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
									LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
									LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
									PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
							WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
									EventLevels: []*string{
									EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
									LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

									// the properties below are optional
									PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
						SubComponentType: jsii.String("subComponentType"),
	CustomComponents: []interface{}{
			ComponentName: jsii.String("componentName"),
			ResourceList: []*string{
	CweMonitorEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),
	GroupingType: jsii.String("groupingType"),
	LogPatternSets: []interface{}{
			LogPatterns: []interface{}{
					Pattern: jsii.String("pattern"),
					PatternName: jsii.String("patternName"),
					Rank: jsii.Number(123),
			PatternSetName: jsii.String("patternSetName"),
	OpsCenterEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),
	OpsItemSnsTopicArn: jsii.String("opsItemSnsTopicArn"),
	Tags: []cfnTag{
			Key: jsii.String("key"),
			Value: jsii.String("value"),


type CfnApplication_AlarmMetricProperty

type CfnApplication_AlarmMetricProperty struct {
	// The name of the metric to be monitored for the component.
	// For metrics supported by Application Insights, see [Logs and metrics supported by Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights]( .
	// See:
	AlarmMetricName *string `field:"required" json:"alarmMetricName" yaml:"alarmMetricName"`

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application AlarmMetric` property type defines a metric to monitor for the component.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

alarmMetricProperty := &AlarmMetricProperty{
	AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),


type CfnApplication_AlarmProperty

type CfnApplication_AlarmProperty struct {
	// The name of the CloudWatch alarm to be monitored for the component.
	// See:
	AlarmName *string `field:"required" json:"alarmName" yaml:"alarmName"`
	// Indicates the degree of outage when the alarm goes off.
	// See:
	Severity *string `field:"optional" json:"severity" yaml:"severity"`

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application Alarm` property type defines a CloudWatch alarm to be monitored for the component.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

alarmProperty := &AlarmProperty{
	AlarmName: jsii.String("alarmName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	Severity: jsii.String("severity"),


type CfnApplication_ComponentConfigurationProperty

type CfnApplication_ComponentConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The configuration settings.
	// See:
	ConfigurationDetails interface{} `field:"optional" json:"configurationDetails" yaml:"configurationDetails"`
	// Sub-component configurations of the component.
	// See:
	SubComponentTypeConfigurations interface{} `field:"optional" json:"subComponentTypeConfigurations" yaml:"subComponentTypeConfigurations"`

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application ComponentConfiguration` property type defines the configuration settings of the component.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

componentConfigurationProperty := &ComponentConfigurationProperty{
	ConfigurationDetails: &ConfigurationDetailsProperty{
		AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
				AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
		Alarms: []interface{}{
				AlarmName: jsii.String("alarmName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				Severity: jsii.String("severity"),
		HaClusterPrometheusExporter: &HAClusterPrometheusExporterProperty{
			PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
		HanaPrometheusExporter: &HANAPrometheusExporterProperty{
			AgreeToInstallHanadbClient: jsii.Boolean(false),
			HanaPort: jsii.String("hanaPort"),
			HanaSecretName: jsii.String("hanaSecretName"),
			Hanasid: jsii.String("hanasid"),

			// the properties below are optional
			PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
		JmxPrometheusExporter: &JMXPrometheusExporterProperty{
			HostPort: jsii.String("hostPort"),
			Jmxurl: jsii.String("jmxurl"),
			PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
		Logs: []interface{}{
				LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

				// the properties below are optional
				Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
				LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
				LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
				PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
		WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
				EventLevels: []*string{
				EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
				LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
	SubComponentTypeConfigurations: []interface{}{
			SubComponentConfigurationDetails: &SubComponentConfigurationDetailsProperty{
				AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
						AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
				Logs: []interface{}{
						LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

						// the properties below are optional
						Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
						LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
						LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
						PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
				WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
						EventLevels: []*string{
						EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
						LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

						// the properties below are optional
						PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
			SubComponentType: jsii.String("subComponentType"),


type CfnApplication_ComponentMonitoringSettingProperty

type CfnApplication_ComponentMonitoringSettingProperty struct {
	// Component monitoring can be configured in one of the following three modes:.
	// - `DEFAULT` : The component will be configured with the recommended default monitoring settings of the selected `Tier` .
	// - `CUSTOM` : The component will be configured with the customized monitoring settings that are specified in `CustomComponentConfiguration` . If used, `CustomComponentConfiguration` must be provided.
	// - `DEFAULT_WITH_OVERWRITE` : The component will be configured with the recommended default monitoring settings of the selected `Tier` , and merged with customized overwrite settings that are specified in `DefaultOverwriteComponentConfiguration` . If used, `DefaultOverwriteComponentConfiguration` must be provided.
	// See:
	ComponentConfigurationMode *string `field:"required" json:"componentConfigurationMode" yaml:"componentConfigurationMode"`
	// The tier of the application component.
	// See:
	Tier *string `field:"required" json:"tier" yaml:"tier"`
	// The ARN of the component.
	// See:
	ComponentArn *string `field:"optional" json:"componentArn" yaml:"componentArn"`
	// The name of the component.
	// See:
	ComponentName *string `field:"optional" json:"componentName" yaml:"componentName"`
	// Customized monitoring settings.
	// Required if CUSTOM mode is configured in `ComponentConfigurationMode` .
	// See:
	CustomComponentConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"customComponentConfiguration" yaml:"customComponentConfiguration"`
	// Customized overwrite monitoring settings.
	// Required if CUSTOM mode is configured in `ComponentConfigurationMode` .
	// See:
	DefaultOverwriteComponentConfiguration interface{} `field:"optional" json:"defaultOverwriteComponentConfiguration" yaml:"defaultOverwriteComponentConfiguration"`

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application ComponentMonitoringSetting` property type defines the monitoring setting of the component.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

componentMonitoringSettingProperty := &ComponentMonitoringSettingProperty{
	ComponentConfigurationMode: jsii.String("componentConfigurationMode"),
	Tier: jsii.String("tier"),

	// the properties below are optional
	ComponentArn: jsii.String("componentArn"),
	ComponentName: jsii.String("componentName"),
	CustomComponentConfiguration: &ComponentConfigurationProperty{
		ConfigurationDetails: &ConfigurationDetailsProperty{
			AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
					AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
			Alarms: []interface{}{
					AlarmName: jsii.String("alarmName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					Severity: jsii.String("severity"),
			HaClusterPrometheusExporter: &HAClusterPrometheusExporterProperty{
				PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
			HanaPrometheusExporter: &HANAPrometheusExporterProperty{
				AgreeToInstallHanadbClient: jsii.Boolean(false),
				HanaPort: jsii.String("hanaPort"),
				HanaSecretName: jsii.String("hanaSecretName"),
				Hanasid: jsii.String("hanasid"),

				// the properties below are optional
				PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
			JmxPrometheusExporter: &JMXPrometheusExporterProperty{
				HostPort: jsii.String("hostPort"),
				Jmxurl: jsii.String("jmxurl"),
				PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
			Logs: []interface{}{
					LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

					// the properties below are optional
					Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
					LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
					LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
					PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
			WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
					EventLevels: []*string{
					EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
					LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
		SubComponentTypeConfigurations: []interface{}{
				SubComponentConfigurationDetails: &SubComponentConfigurationDetailsProperty{
					AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
							AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
					Logs: []interface{}{
							LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

							// the properties below are optional
							Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
							LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
							LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
							PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
					WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
							EventLevels: []*string{
							EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
							LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

							// the properties below are optional
							PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
				SubComponentType: jsii.String("subComponentType"),
	DefaultOverwriteComponentConfiguration: &ComponentConfigurationProperty{
		ConfigurationDetails: &ConfigurationDetailsProperty{
			AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
					AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
			Alarms: []interface{}{
					AlarmName: jsii.String("alarmName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					Severity: jsii.String("severity"),
			HaClusterPrometheusExporter: &HAClusterPrometheusExporterProperty{
				PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
			HanaPrometheusExporter: &HANAPrometheusExporterProperty{
				AgreeToInstallHanadbClient: jsii.Boolean(false),
				HanaPort: jsii.String("hanaPort"),
				HanaSecretName: jsii.String("hanaSecretName"),
				Hanasid: jsii.String("hanasid"),

				// the properties below are optional
				PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
			JmxPrometheusExporter: &JMXPrometheusExporterProperty{
				HostPort: jsii.String("hostPort"),
				Jmxurl: jsii.String("jmxurl"),
				PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
			Logs: []interface{}{
					LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

					// the properties below are optional
					Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
					LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
					LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
					PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
			WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
					EventLevels: []*string{
					EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
					LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

					// the properties below are optional
					PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
		SubComponentTypeConfigurations: []interface{}{
				SubComponentConfigurationDetails: &SubComponentConfigurationDetailsProperty{
					AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
							AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
					Logs: []interface{}{
							LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

							// the properties below are optional
							Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
							LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
							LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
							PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
					WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
							EventLevels: []*string{
							EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
							LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

							// the properties below are optional
							PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
				SubComponentType: jsii.String("subComponentType"),


type CfnApplication_ConfigurationDetailsProperty

type CfnApplication_ConfigurationDetailsProperty struct {
	// A list of metrics to monitor for the component.
	// All component types can use `AlarmMetrics` .
	// See:
	AlarmMetrics interface{} `field:"optional" json:"alarmMetrics" yaml:"alarmMetrics"`
	// A list of alarms to monitor for the component.
	// All component types can use `Alarm` .
	// See:
	Alarms interface{} `field:"optional" json:"alarms" yaml:"alarms"`
	// The HA cluster Prometheus Exporter settings.
	// See:
	HaClusterPrometheusExporter interface{} `field:"optional" json:"haClusterPrometheusExporter" yaml:"haClusterPrometheusExporter"`
	// The HANA DB Prometheus Exporter settings.
	// See:
	HanaPrometheusExporter interface{} `field:"optional" json:"hanaPrometheusExporter" yaml:"hanaPrometheusExporter"`
	// A list of Java metrics to monitor for the component.
	// See:
	JmxPrometheusExporter interface{} `field:"optional" json:"jmxPrometheusExporter" yaml:"jmxPrometheusExporter"`
	// A list of logs to monitor for the component.
	// Only Amazon EC2 instances can use `Logs` .
	// See:
	Logs interface{} `field:"optional" json:"logs" yaml:"logs"`
	// A list of Windows Events to monitor for the component.
	// Only Amazon EC2 instances running on Windows can use `WindowsEvents` .
	// See:
	WindowsEvents interface{} `field:"optional" json:"windowsEvents" yaml:"windowsEvents"`

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application ConfigurationDetails` property type specifies the configuration settings.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

configurationDetailsProperty := &ConfigurationDetailsProperty{
	AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
			AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
	Alarms: []interface{}{
			AlarmName: jsii.String("alarmName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			Severity: jsii.String("severity"),
	HaClusterPrometheusExporter: &HAClusterPrometheusExporterProperty{
		PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
	HanaPrometheusExporter: &HANAPrometheusExporterProperty{
		AgreeToInstallHanadbClient: jsii.Boolean(false),
		HanaPort: jsii.String("hanaPort"),
		HanaSecretName: jsii.String("hanaSecretName"),
		Hanasid: jsii.String("hanasid"),

		// the properties below are optional
		PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
	JmxPrometheusExporter: &JMXPrometheusExporterProperty{
		HostPort: jsii.String("hostPort"),
		Jmxurl: jsii.String("jmxurl"),
		PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),
	Logs: []interface{}{
			LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

			// the properties below are optional
			Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
			LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
			LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
			PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
	WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
			EventLevels: []*string{
			EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
			LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),


type CfnApplication_CustomComponentProperty

type CfnApplication_CustomComponentProperty struct {
	// The name of the component.
	// See:
	ComponentName *string `field:"required" json:"componentName" yaml:"componentName"`
	// The list of resource ARNs that belong to the component.
	// See:
	ResourceList *[]*string `field:"required" json:"resourceList" yaml:"resourceList"`

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application CustomComponent` property type describes a custom component by grouping similar standalone instances to monitor.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

customComponentProperty := &CustomComponentProperty{
	ComponentName: jsii.String("componentName"),
	ResourceList: []*string{


type CfnApplication_HAClusterPrometheusExporterProperty added in v2.10.0

type CfnApplication_HAClusterPrometheusExporterProperty struct {
	// The target port to which Prometheus sends metrics.
	// If not specified, the default port 9668 is used.
	// See:
	PrometheusPort *string `field:"optional" json:"prometheusPort" yaml:"prometheusPort"`

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application HAClusterPrometheusExporter` property type defines the HA cluster Prometheus Exporter settings.

For more information, see the [component configuration]( in the CloudWatch Application Insights documentation.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

hAClusterPrometheusExporterProperty := &HAClusterPrometheusExporterProperty{
	PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),


type CfnApplication_HANAPrometheusExporterProperty added in v2.10.0

type CfnApplication_HANAPrometheusExporterProperty struct {
	// Designates whether you agree to install the HANA DB client.
	// See:
	AgreeToInstallHanadbClient interface{} `field:"required" json:"agreeToInstallHanadbClient" yaml:"agreeToInstallHanadbClient"`
	// The HANA database port by which the exporter will query HANA metrics.
	// See:
	HanaPort *string `field:"required" json:"hanaPort" yaml:"hanaPort"`
	// The AWS Secrets Manager secret that stores HANA monitoring user credentials.
	// The HANA Prometheus exporter uses these credentials to connect to the database and query HANA metrics.
	// See:
	HanaSecretName *string `field:"required" json:"hanaSecretName" yaml:"hanaSecretName"`
	// The three-character SAP system ID (SID) of the SAP HANA system.
	// See:
	Hanasid *string `field:"required" json:"hanasid" yaml:"hanasid"`
	// The target port to which Prometheus sends metrics.
	// If not specified, the default port 9668 is used.
	// See:
	PrometheusPort *string `field:"optional" json:"prometheusPort" yaml:"prometheusPort"`

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application HANAPrometheusExporter` property type defines the HANA DB Prometheus Exporter settings.

For more information, see the [component configuration]( in the CloudWatch Application Insights documentation.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

hANAPrometheusExporterProperty := &HANAPrometheusExporterProperty{
	AgreeToInstallHanadbClient: jsii.Boolean(false),
	HanaPort: jsii.String("hanaPort"),
	HanaSecretName: jsii.String("hanaSecretName"),
	Hanasid: jsii.String("hanasid"),

	// the properties below are optional
	PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),


type CfnApplication_JMXPrometheusExporterProperty

type CfnApplication_JMXPrometheusExporterProperty struct {
	// The host and port to connect to through remote JMX.
	// Only one of `jmxURL` and `hostPort` can be specified.
	// See:
	HostPort *string `field:"optional" json:"hostPort" yaml:"hostPort"`
	// The complete JMX URL to connect to.
	// See:
	Jmxurl *string `field:"optional" json:"jmxurl" yaml:"jmxurl"`
	// The target port to send Prometheus metrics to.
	// If not specified, the default port `9404` is used.
	// See:
	PrometheusPort *string `field:"optional" json:"prometheusPort" yaml:"prometheusPort"`

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application JMXPrometheusExporter` property type defines the JMXPrometheus Exporter configuration.

For more information, see the [component configuration]( in the CloudWatch Application Insights documentation.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

jMXPrometheusExporterProperty := &JMXPrometheusExporterProperty{
	HostPort: jsii.String("hostPort"),
	Jmxurl: jsii.String("jmxurl"),
	PrometheusPort: jsii.String("prometheusPort"),


type CfnApplication_LogPatternProperty

type CfnApplication_LogPatternProperty struct {
	// A regular expression that defines the log pattern.
	// A log pattern can contain up to 50 characters, and it cannot be empty.
	// See:
	Pattern *string `field:"required" json:"pattern" yaml:"pattern"`
	// The name of the log pattern.
	// A log pattern name can contain up to 50 characters, and it cannot be empty. The characters can be Unicode letters, digits, or one of the following symbols: period, dash, underscore.
	// See:
	PatternName *string `field:"required" json:"patternName" yaml:"patternName"`
	// The rank of the log pattern.
	// See:
	Rank *float64 `field:"required" json:"rank" yaml:"rank"`

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application LogPattern` property type specifies an object that defines the log patterns that belong to a `LogPatternSet` .


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

logPatternProperty := &LogPatternProperty{
	Pattern: jsii.String("pattern"),
	PatternName: jsii.String("patternName"),
	Rank: jsii.Number(123),


type CfnApplication_LogPatternSetProperty

type CfnApplication_LogPatternSetProperty struct {
	// A list of objects that define the log patterns that belong to `LogPatternSet` .
	// See:
	LogPatterns interface{} `field:"required" json:"logPatterns" yaml:"logPatterns"`
	// The name of the log pattern.
	// A log pattern name can contain up to 30 characters, and it cannot be empty. The characters can be Unicode letters, digits, or one of the following symbols: period, dash, underscore.
	// See:
	PatternSetName *string `field:"required" json:"patternSetName" yaml:"patternSetName"`

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application LogPatternSet` property type specifies the log pattern set.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

logPatternSetProperty := &LogPatternSetProperty{
	LogPatterns: []interface{}{
			Pattern: jsii.String("pattern"),
			PatternName: jsii.String("patternName"),
			Rank: jsii.Number(123),
	PatternSetName: jsii.String("patternSetName"),


type CfnApplication_LogProperty

type CfnApplication_LogProperty struct {
	// The log type decides the log patterns against which Application Insights analyzes the log.
	// See:
	LogType *string `field:"required" json:"logType" yaml:"logType"`
	// The type of encoding of the logs to be monitored.
	// The specified encoding should be included in the list of CloudWatch agent supported encodings. If not provided, CloudWatch Application Insights uses the default encoding type for the log type:
	// - `APPLICATION/DEFAULT` : utf-8 encoding
	// - `SQL_SERVER` : utf-16 encoding
	// - `IIS` : ascii encoding.
	// See:
	Encoding *string `field:"optional" json:"encoding" yaml:"encoding"`
	// The CloudWatch log group name to be associated with the monitored log.
	// See:
	LogGroupName *string `field:"optional" json:"logGroupName" yaml:"logGroupName"`
	// The path of the logs to be monitored.
	// The log path must be an absolute Windows or Linux system file path. For more information, see [CloudWatch Agent Configuration File: Logs Section]( .
	// See:
	LogPath *string `field:"optional" json:"logPath" yaml:"logPath"`
	// The log pattern set.
	// See:
	PatternSet *string `field:"optional" json:"patternSet" yaml:"patternSet"`

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application Log` property type specifies a log to monitor for the component.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

logProperty := &LogProperty{
	LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

	// the properties below are optional
	Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
	LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
	LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
	PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),


type CfnApplication_SubComponentConfigurationDetailsProperty

type CfnApplication_SubComponentConfigurationDetailsProperty struct {
	// A list of metrics to monitor for the component.
	// All component types can use `AlarmMetrics` .
	// See:
	AlarmMetrics interface{} `field:"optional" json:"alarmMetrics" yaml:"alarmMetrics"`
	// A list of logs to monitor for the component.
	// Only Amazon EC2 instances can use `Logs` .
	// See:
	Logs interface{} `field:"optional" json:"logs" yaml:"logs"`
	// A list of Windows Events to monitor for the component.
	// Only Amazon EC2 instances running on Windows can use `WindowsEvents` .
	// See:
	WindowsEvents interface{} `field:"optional" json:"windowsEvents" yaml:"windowsEvents"`

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application SubComponentConfigurationDetails` property type specifies the configuration settings of the sub-components.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

subComponentConfigurationDetailsProperty := &SubComponentConfigurationDetailsProperty{
	AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
			AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
	Logs: []interface{}{
			LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

			// the properties below are optional
			Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
			LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
			LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
			PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
	WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
			EventLevels: []*string{
			EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
			LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

			// the properties below are optional
			PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),


type CfnApplication_SubComponentTypeConfigurationProperty

type CfnApplication_SubComponentTypeConfigurationProperty struct {
	// The configuration settings of the sub-components.
	// See:
	SubComponentConfigurationDetails interface{} `field:"required" json:"subComponentConfigurationDetails" yaml:"subComponentConfigurationDetails"`
	// The sub-component type.
	// See:
	SubComponentType *string `field:"required" json:"subComponentType" yaml:"subComponentType"`

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application SubComponentTypeConfiguration` property type specifies the sub-component configurations for a component.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

subComponentTypeConfigurationProperty := &SubComponentTypeConfigurationProperty{
	SubComponentConfigurationDetails: &SubComponentConfigurationDetailsProperty{
		AlarmMetrics: []interface{}{
				AlarmMetricName: jsii.String("alarmMetricName"),
		Logs: []interface{}{
				LogType: jsii.String("logType"),

				// the properties below are optional
				Encoding: jsii.String("encoding"),
				LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),
				LogPath: jsii.String("logPath"),
				PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
		WindowsEvents: []interface{}{
				EventLevels: []*string{
				EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
				LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

				// the properties below are optional
				PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),
	SubComponentType: jsii.String("subComponentType"),


type CfnApplication_WindowsEventProperty

type CfnApplication_WindowsEventProperty struct {
	// The levels of event to log.
	// You must specify each level to log. Possible values include `INFORMATION` , `WARNING` , `ERROR` , `CRITICAL` , and `VERBOSE` . This field is required for each type of Windows Event to log.
	// See:
	EventLevels *[]*string `field:"required" json:"eventLevels" yaml:"eventLevels"`
	// The type of Windows Events to log, equivalent to the Windows Event log channel name.
	// For example, System, Security, CustomEventName, and so on. This field is required for each type of Windows event to log.
	// See:
	EventName *string `field:"required" json:"eventName" yaml:"eventName"`
	// The CloudWatch log group name to be associated with the monitored log.
	// See:
	LogGroupName *string `field:"required" json:"logGroupName" yaml:"logGroupName"`
	// The log pattern set.
	// See:
	PatternSet *string `field:"optional" json:"patternSet" yaml:"patternSet"`

The `AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application WindowsEvent` property type specifies a Windows Event to monitor for the component.


// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import ""

windowsEventProperty := &WindowsEventProperty{
	EventLevels: []*string{
	EventName: jsii.String("eventName"),
	LogGroupName: jsii.String("logGroupName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	PatternSet: jsii.String("patternSet"),



Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL