Update Changelog
Be sure your git is clean
We'll be relying on git to guard us against problems.
Staring from a clean checkout follow these steps.
The CHANGELOG_MASTER consists of
version (Name.Version.Release)
User user@email
Datetime(RFC1123 format)
List of changes separated by newline
Shubham Goyal <shugy@amazon.com>
Mon, 28 Oct 2019 09:00:00 PST
Cache Agent version 1.32.1
Add the ability to set Agent container's labels
You'll need to add a new entry to the CHANGELOG_MASTER before running the
chagelog.go script
Build and run changelog.go
From the scripts/changelog dir, build the changelog binary with go build changelog.go
run the built changelog binary from this same directory. It uses relative
paths to replace the relevant changelog files: ./changelog
use git status to check that the following files are updated
modified: ../../packaging/amazon-linux-ami/ecs-init.spec
modified: ../../packaging/ubuntu-trusty/debian/changelog
modified: ../../packaging/suse/amazon-ecs-init.changes
modified: ../../CHANGELOG.md
use git diff
to be sure that the change is what you expect. Pay special
attention to the date.
add and commit the updated changelog files and then delete the built changelog