Website for searching through setlists using a regex like syntax.
Make sure you have gcloud
installed and setup with setlist-searcher
as the
default project.
Launching/Updating the docker container.
Run the
Run on GKE
Create the cluster.
gcloud container clusters create searchphish-cluster --num-nodes=2 --zone=us-west1-a
Get the credentials so we can use kubectl
gcloud container clusters get-credentials searchphish-cluster
Get the admin password.
gcloud container clusters describe searchphish-cluster --zone us-west1-a | grep password
Setup traefik.
kubectl apply -f manifests/traefik.yaml --username=admin --password=<PASSWORD>
Setup the setlist search backend.
kubectl apply -f manifests/setlist-search.yaml
Setup the ingress rule.
kubectl apply -f manifests/ingress.yaml
Open ports 80 and 443 on your nodes, make your external IPs static, and add your
external IPs as A record entries in your DNS Nameserver.