Service endpoints monitoring service. Providers an API for registering
and monitoring endpoints of HTTP services and analyse their network properties.
Service Definition
A sample service definition is shown below, of which name, endpoint, upCodes, metadata
are the input fields while registering a service. Post registration, each service is monitored every 15 minutes
by default (can be changed using env variable) and metrics are collected. A maximum of 30 records of metrics
history is maintained.
"id": 1,
"name": "Google",
"endpoint": "",
"upCodes": "200,302,301",
"metadata": "google-web",
"status": "UP",
"metrics": {
"timeStamp": "2020-07-23 12:22:11.3111039 +0530 IST m=+60.010645701",
"dnsTime": 0.0489812,
"connectTime": 0,
"tlsTime": 0,
"totalTime": 0.0489812
"timeSeriesMetrics": [
"timeStamp": "2020-07-23 10:04:45.9729621 +0530 IST m=+21.006139401",
"dnsTime": 0.1149825,
"connectTime": 0.0090198,
"tlsTime": 0.0579789,
"totalTime": 0.1149825
"timeStamp": "2020-07-23 10:05:24.9844617 +0530 IST m=+60.017639001",
"dnsTime": 0.0474716,
"connectTime": 0,
"tlsTime": 0,
"totalTime": 0.0479937
Environment Variables
The following are the environment variables that can be used to tune the service
- PORT - Service port (default=80)
- POLL_INTERVAL - Polling interval (in minutes) for monitoring service (default=15)
- DB_PATH - File path to SQLite DB file (default=sermon.db)