Do "go get -u"
Run dep ensure in root of repo directory
Fill the values of the .envtmpl to your db information. we used mlab, but you could host a local mongodb for local hosting
For Captcha to work on registration page, you have to register on Google's reCaptcha admin page, and update to your public data-sitekey in the signup.html (as this is not done through environment for now)
How to host locally:
After doing the initial setup do "go run ./cmd/forum/" in root folder
How to host on heroku:
Make sure you have the heroku CLI set up by following this guide
With a working CLI you can run "heroku create"
For each variable in your .env file you have to do "heroku config:set variablename=value". For more information follow this guide
Then do "git push heroku master"
If all your variable are defined correctly according to your mongodb then you can run "heroku open"