Cyphernetes turns this: π£
# Select Deployments in all Namespaces which are scaled to zero,
# find all Ingresses routing into these deployments -
# finally for each Ingress change it's ingress class to 'inactive':
kubectl get deployments -A -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.spec.replicas == 0) | \
[.metadata.namespace,, (.spec.selector | to_entries | map("\(.key)=\(.value)") | \
join(","))] | @tsv' | while read -r ns dep selector; do kubectl get services -n "$ns" -o json | \
jq -r --arg selector "$selector" '.items[] | select((.spec.selector | to_entries | \
map("\(.key)=\(.value)") | join(",")) == $selector) |' | \
while read -r svc; do kubectl get ingresses -n "$ns" -o json | jq -r --arg svc "$svc" '.items[] | \
select(.spec.rules[].http.paths[] == $svc) |' | \
xargs -I {} kubectl patch ingress {} -n "$ns" --type=json -p \
'[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/ingressClassName", "value": "inactive"}]'; done; done
Into this: π€©
# Do the same thing!
MATCH (d:Deployment)->(s:Service)->(i:Ingress)
WHERE d.spec.replicas=0
SET i.spec.ingressClassName="inactive";
Cyphernetes is Cypher repurposed for working with the Kubernetes API.
It is a mixture of ascii-art, SQL and JSON and it lets us express Kubernetes operations in an efficeint way that is also fun and creative.
MATCH (d:Deployment)
RETURN d.spec.replicas AS desiredReplicas,
d.status.availableReplicas AS runningReplicas;
"d": [
"desiredReplicas": 2,
"name": "coredns",
"runningReplicas": 2
Query executed in 9.081292ms
Cyphernetes' superpower is understanding the relationships between Kubernetes resource kinds.
This feature is expressed using the arrows (->
) you see in the example queries.
Relationships let us express connected operations in a natural way, and without having to worry about the underlying Kubernetes API:
# This is similar to `kubectl expose`
> MATCH (d:Deployment {name: "nginx"})
CREATE (d)->(s:Service);
Created services/nginx
Query executed in 30.692208ms
It has macros and graphs too
Macros are minimalistic, user-extensible & batteries included stored procedures.
They turn the Cyphernetes shell into a handy kubectl alternative.
Many useful macros are included - and it's easy to define your own.
# This macro creates a service and public ingress for a deployment.
# Cyphernetes can optionally draw a graph of affected nodes as ASCII art.
> :expose_public nginx
Created services/nginx
Created ingresses/nginx
β *Ingress* nginx β
β *Service* nginx β
"ingresses": [
"Host": "",
"Path": "/",
"Service": "nginx",
"name": "nginx"
"services": [
"ClusterIP": "",
"Type": "ClusterIP",
"name": "nginx"
Macro executed in 50.305083ms
For more usage examples, please see the Usage Guide.
Get Cyphernetes
Using go:
go install
Alternatively, grab a binary from the Releases page.
Cyphernetes is written in Go and utilizes a parser generated by goyacc to interpret the custom query language.
- Go (1.16 or later)
- goyacc (for generating the parser)
- Make (for running make commands)
Getting Started
To get started with development:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd cyphernetes
Building the Project
Use the Makefile commands to build the project:
make build
make test
- To generate the grammar parser:
make gen-parser
make clean
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests, open issues, and provide feedback.
Cyphernetes is open-sourced under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
- Thanks to the Neo4j community for the inspiration behind the query language.