DiscordGo AppMaker Example
This example demonstrates how to utilize DiscordGo to create, view, and delete
Bot Applications on your account.
These tasks are normally accomplished from the
Discord Developers site.
Join Discord Gophers
Discord chat channel for support.
This assumes you already have a working Go environment setup and that
DiscordGo is correctly installed on your system.
From within the appmaker example folder, run the below command to compile the
go build
This example only uses authentication tokens for authentication. While
user email/password is supported by DiscordGo, it is not recommended.
./appmaker --help
Usage of ./appmaker:
-d string
Application ID to delete
-l List Applications Only
-n string
Name to give App/Bot
-t string
Owner Account Token
Account Token is required. The account will be the "owner" of any bot
applications created.
If you provide the -l flag than appmaker will only display a list of
applications on the provided account.
If you provide a -d flag with a valid application ID then that application
will be deleted.
Below example will create a new Bot Application under the given account.
The Bot will be named DiscordGoRocks
./appmaker -t YOUR_USER_TOKEN -n DiscordGoRocks