A pluggable "Application State Gateway" that enforces the Event Sourcing Pattern for securely persisting & broadcasting application state changes
What is Event Sourcing?
Event sourcing persists the state of a business entity such an Order or a Customer as a sequence of state-changing events. Whenever the state of a business entity changes, a new event is appended to the list of events. Since saving an event is a single operation, it is inherently atomic. The application reconstructs an entity’s current state by replaying the events.
Applications persist events in an event store, which is a database of events. The store has an API for adding and retrieving an entity’s events. The event store also behaves like a message broker. It provides an API that enables services to subscribe to events. When a service saves an event in the event store, it is delivered to all interested subscribers.
9 Simple API Methods for interacting with application entites & events:
sets the current state value of an entity, adds it to the event log, then broadcast the event to all interested consumers(EventService.Stream)
overwrites the k/v pairs present in the entity request without replacing the entire entity. It then adds the state change to the event log, then broadcast the event to all interested consumers(EventService.Stream)
revert reverts an Entity to a previous version of itself by querying the event store- reverting an entity dispatches an event since it is a state change
gets an entity's current state
hard deletes an entity from current state store, adds it's state prior to deletion to the event log, then broadcast the event to all interested consumers(EventService.Stream)
queries the current state of entities
creates an event stream/subscription to changes to entities. Glob matching is supported.
queries historical events
get a single historical event
Capture all changes to an application's state(entities) as a sequence of events.
Stateless & horizontally scaleable
Native gRPC support
Embedded REST support /
Embedded grpcweb support (transcoding)
Metrics Server(prometheus/pprof)
Authentication - JWT/OAuth with remote JWKS verification
Authorization - Rego based Authorization engine
Autogenerated Client gRPC SDK's
Structured JSON Logs
Sample Kubernetes Manifest
Sample Docker Compose
Pluggable "Channel" Providers
- In-Memory(won't scale horizontally)
- Nats
- Nats Streaming(Stan)
- Redis
- Kafka
- RabbitMQ
Pluggable "Storage" Providers
- MongoDb
- PostgreSQL
- Cassandra
- Create a simple API interface for storing state(entities) and subscribing to state changes(events) using pluggable channel & storage providers
- Capture all changes to an application's state/entities as a sequence of events.
- Safe to swap backend providers without changing client-side code
- Type-safe client's generated in many languages
- Safe to expose to the public internet due to fine-grained authentication/authorization model.
- Capture a persistant, immutable historical record of all state changes to entities using a pluggable storage provider
- Revert/Rollback an entity to any previous version of itself at any point in time
- Store identity( & timestamp in event logs to capture who is changing what & when
- Easy deployment model - fully configureable via environmental variables
Storage Provider: A stategate storage provider is a pluggable, 3rd party database storage service.
- Storage providers provide persistance for all current entities/events and should be scaled independently of stategate instances.
Channel Provider: A stategate channel provider is a pluggable, 3rd party message-queue/channel service.
- Channel providers provide a way for stategate to broadcast events to itself while scaling horizontally.
- Channel providers should be scaled independently of stategate instances.
Entity: An entity represents a single record(k/v pairs) with a unique key with a given type, belonging to a particular domain
// Entity represents a single record(k/v pairs) with a unique key with a given [type](, belonging to a particular [domain](
// EventService clients should use the EntityService to persist & interact with the current state of an entity.
message Entity {
// the entity's business domain(ex: accounting)
// must not be empty or contain spaces
string domain =1[(validator.field) = {regex : "^\\S+$"}];
// the entity's type (ex: user)
// must not be empty or contain spaces
string type =2[(validator.field) = {regex : "^\\S+$"}];
// the entity's key (unique within type).
// must not be empty or contain spaces
string key =3[(validator.field) = {regex : "^\\S+$"}];
// the entity's values (k/v pairs)
google.protobuf.Struct values = 4[(validator.field) = {msg_exists : true}];
// Event is primitive that represents a single state change to an entity
// Events are persisted to history & broadcasted to interested consumers(Stream) any time an entity is created/modified/deleted
// Events are immutable after creation and may be searched.
// EventService client's may search events to query previous state of an entity(s)
message Event {
// identifies the event(uuid v4).
string id = 1[(validator.field) = {uuid_ver : 4}];
// state of an Entity after it has been mutated
Entity entity = 2[(validator.field) = {msg_exists : true}];
// the invoked method that triggered the event
string method =5[(validator.field) = {string_not_empty : true}];
// the authentication claims of the event producer.
google.protobuf.Struct claims =3[(validator.field) = {msg_exists : true}];
// timestamp(ns) of when the event was received.
int64 time =4[(validator.field) = {int_gt : 0}];
Environmental Variables
# port to serve on (optional). defaults to 8080
# enable debug logs (optional)
# disable all authentication & authorization(jwks, request policies, response policies) (optional)
# tls cert file (optional)
# tls key file (optional)
# JSON Web Key Set remote URI used for fetching jwt signing keys for verification/validation (optional)
# base64 encoded OPA rego policy executed on inbound requests from clients (optional)
# base64 encoded OPA rego policy executed on responses sent to clients (optional)
# channel provider configuration(JSON) options: [inmem, redis, nats, stan, kafka] REQUIRED
STATEGATE_CHANNEL_PROVIDER={ "name": "redis", "addr": "localhost:6379" }
# STATEGATE_CHANNEL_PROVIDER={ "name": "nats", "addr": "localhost:4222" }
# STATEGATE_CHANNEL_PROVIDER={ "name": "stan", "addr": "localhost:4222" }
# STATEGATE_CHANNEL_PROVIDER={ "name": "inmem" }
# storage provider configuration(JSON) options: [mongo] REQUIRED
STATEGATE_STORAGE_PROVIDER={ "name": "mongo", "database": "testing", "addr": "mongodb://localhost:27017/testing" }