A pluggable "Application State Gateway" that enforces the Event Sourcing Pattern for securely persisting & broadcasting application state changes
What is Event Sourcing?
Event sourcing persists the state of a business entity such an Order or a Customer as a sequence of state-changing events. Whenever the state of a business entity changes, a new event is appended to the list of events. Since saving an event is a single operation, it is inherently atomic. The application reconstructs an entity’s current state by replaying the events.
Applications persist events in an event store, which is a database of events. The store has an API for adding and retrieving an entity’s events. The event store also behaves like a message broker. It provides an API that enables services to subscribe to events. When a service saves an event in the event store, it is delivered to all interested subscribers.

6 simple API Methods for interacting with application state:
sets an application state value(k/v pairs) adds it to the event log, then broadcast the event to all interested consumers(Stream method)
gets an application state value(k/v pairs)
deletes an application state value(k/v pairs)
queries application state of a specific type/domain
creates an event stream/subscription to a given state type/domain
queries historical events
Capture all changes to an application's state as a sequence of events.
Stateless & horizontally scaleable
Native gRPC support
Embedded REST support /
Embedded grpcweb support (transcoding)
Metrics Server(prometheus/pprof)
Authentication - JWT/OAuth with remote JWKS verification
Authorization - Rego based Authorization engine
Autogenerated Client gRPC SDK's
Structured JSON Logs
Sample Kubernetes Manifest
Sample Docker Compose
Pluggable "Channel" Providers
- In-Memory(won't scale horizontally)
- Nats
- Nats Streaming(Stan)
- Redis
- Kafka
- RabbitMQ
Pluggable "Storage" Providers
- MongoDb
- PostgreSQL
- Cassandra
- Create a simple API interface for storing state and subscribing to state changes(events) using pluggable channel & storage providers
- Capture all changes to an application's state as a sequence of events.
- Safe to swap backend providers without changing client-side code
- Type-safe client's generated in many languages
- Safe to expose to the public internet due to fine-grained authentication/authorization model.
- Different combinations of Channel & Storage Providers are interoperable.
- Capture a persistant, immutable historical record of all state changes using a pluggable storage provider
- Store identity( & timestamp in event logs to capture who is changing what & when
- Easy deployment model - fully configureable via environmental variables
Storage Provider: A stategate storage provider is a pluggable, 3rd party database storage service.
- Storage providers provide persistance for all current state/events and should be scaled independently of stategate instances.
Channel Provider: A stategate channel provider is a pluggable, 3rd party message-queue/channel service.
- Channel providers provide a way for stategate to broadcast events to itself while scaling horizontally.
- Channel providers should be scaled independently of stategate instances.
State: state represents a single record(k/v pairs) with a unique key with a given type, belonging to a particular domain
- Services/Users should use state related methods to persist & interact with the current state of an application/domain.
Event: an event represents a state change- events are persisted and then emitted to consumers anytime state is created/updated.
- Events are immutable after creation and may be searched.
- Event Consumers may search events to query the previous state(s) of an state
Environmental Variables
# port to serve on (optional). defaults to 8080
# enable debug logs (optional)
# disable all authentication & authorization(jwks, request policies, response policies) (optional)
# tls cert file (optional)
# tls key file (optional)
# JSON Web Key Set remote URI used for fetching jwt signing keys for verification/validation (optional)
# base64 encoded OPA rego policy executed on inbound requests from clients (optional)
# base64 encoded OPA rego policy executed on responses sent to clients (optional)
# channel provider configuration(JSON) options: [inmem, redis, nats, stan, kafka] REQUIRED
STATEGATE_CHANNEL_PROVIDER={ "name": "redis", "addr": "localhost:6379" }
# STATEGATE_CHANNEL_PROVIDER={ "name": "nats", "addr": "localhost:4222" }
# STATEGATE_CHANNEL_PROVIDER={ "name": "stan", "addr": "localhost:4222" }
# STATEGATE_CHANNEL_PROVIDER={ "name": "inmem" }
# storage provider configuration(JSON) options: [mongo] REQUIRED
STATEGATE_STORAGE_PROVIDER={ "name": "mongo", "database": "testing", "addr": "mongodb://localhost:27017/testing" }