
an opinionated, OAuth-protected graphQL API for easily deploying kubernetes applications
graphQL Documentation
- graphQL API
- served on
- SSO/Oauth protected graphQL playground(autocomplete/schema-documentation/query-console)
- playground served on
- oauth callback handler served on
- Run in cluster
- Run out of cluster
- OpenID Connect based Authentication
- Create Application
- Update Application
- Get Application
- Destroy Application
- List Applications
- Stream Application Logs
- Expression based Application "authorizers"(execute against open-id profile)
- Create Task
- Update Task
- Get Task
- Destroy Task
- List Tasks
Command Line
Usage of kdeploy:
--allow-headers strings cors allow headers (env: KDEPLOY_ALLOW_HEADERS) (default [*])
--allow-methods strings cors allow methods (env: KDEPLOY_ALLOW_METHODS) (default [HEAD,GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE])
--allow-origins strings cors allow origins (env: KDEPLOY_ALLOW_ORIGINS) (default [*])
--debug enable debug logs (env: KDEPLOY_DEBUG) (default true)
--listen-port int serve gRPC & graphQL on this port (env: KDEPLOY_LISTEN_PORT) (default 8820)
--oauth-client-id string playground oauth client id (env: KDEPLOY_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID) (required for graphQL playground) (default "723941275880-6i69h7d27ngmcnq02p6t8lbbgenm26um.apps.googleusercontent.com")
--oauth-client-secret string playground oauth client secret (env: KDEPLOY_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET) (required for graphQL playground) (default "E2ru-iJAxijisJ9RzMbloe4c")
--oauth-redirect string playground oauth redirect (env: KDEPLOY_OAUTH_REDIRECT) (required for graphQL playground) (default "http://localhost:8820/oauth2/callback")
--open-id string open id connect discovery uri ex: https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration (env: KDEPLOY_OPEN_ID) (required)
--out-of-cluster enable out of cluster k8s config discovery (env: KDEPLOY_OUT_OF_CLUSTER)
--request-authorizers strings request authorizer expressions (env: KDEPLOY_REQUEST_AUTHORIZERS)
--root-users strings root users that bypass request authorizers (env: KDEPLOY_ROOT_USERS)
Given a running Kubernetes cluster, run:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/autom8ter/kdeploy/master/k8s.yaml >> k8s.yaml
inspect the manifest and add/adjust environmental variables in the deployment spec(see flags for supported environmental variables)
then run:
kubectl apply -f k8s.yaml
to view pods as they spin up, run:
kubectl get pods -n kdeploy -w
Kdeploy is intended to be deployed behind an SSL ingress/proxy and doesn't handle TLS termination.