WebAssembly Development Package
This package provides SpiceDB's development functionality via a WebAssembly interface, for use with browser-based tooling.
The WebAssembly development interface is, at this time, not stable and subject to change between versions of SpiceDB.
Generating WebAssembly
GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o main.wasm
Generating the types for use in TypeScript
To generate TypeScript for the internal development messages used as part of the interface, add to a buf.dev.gen.yaml
in the root of the SpiceDB package and then run ./buf.dev.gen.yaml
#!/usr/bin/env -S buf generate proto/internal/developer/v1/developer.proto --template
version: "v1"
- remote: buf.build/timostamm/plugins/protobuf-ts:v2.2.2-1
out: "src/"
- long_type_string
- generate_dependencies
Integrating with the browser
To see an example of invoking the WebAssembly based interface:
- Build
and copy into the example directory.
- Copy https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/misc/wasm/wasm_exec.js into the example directory
- Run an HTTP server over the example directory and visit wasm.html:
python3 -m http.server