An access-watcher serves Watch RPCs that stream changes from a relation tuple changelog in near real-time to clients interested in changes to one or more namespaces.
An instance of an access-watcher
is similar to the watchserver
implementation called out in the Google Zanzibar paper (see Section 3).
Getting Started
If you want to setup an instance of the Authorizer platform as a whole, browse the API References, or just brush up on the concepts and design of the platform, take a look at the official platform documentation. If you're only interested in running the access-watcher then continue on.
Setup and Installation
An access-watcher is not a standalone application. It is intended to be deployed alongside an existing access-controller deployment. Setting up an access-watcher will fail if an existing access-controller has not been deployed.
Pre-compiled Binaries
Download the latest release an extract it.
$ ./bin/access-watcher -config <config-path> -grpc-port 50052
Next Steps...
Take a look at the official Documentation, API Reference and Examples.
The access-watcher is an open-source project and we value and welcome new contributors and members
of the community. Here are ways to get in touch with the community: