Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ToValueMap(data interface{}) map[string]Value
- func ToValueMapE(data interface{}) (map[string]Value, error)
- type BytesValue
- type Client
- func (c Client) Attributes(pk string, sk string, skN string) Client
- func (c Client) CreatePayPerRequestTable() error
- func (c Client) CreateProvisionedTable(readCapacity int64, writeCapacity int64) error
- func (c Client) CreateTable(readCapacity int64, writeCapacity int64) error
- func (c Client) DECR(key string) (after int64, err error)
- func (c Client) DECRBY(key string, delta int64) (after int64, err error)
- func (c Client) DEL(key string) (deletedFields []string, err error)
- func (c Client) EXISTS(key string) (exists bool, err error)
- func (c Client) EventuallyConsistent() Client
- func (c Client) ExistsTable() (bool, error)
- func (c Client) GEOADD(key string, members map[string]GLocation) (newlyAddedMembers map[string]GLocation, err error)
- func (c Client) GEODIST(key string, member1, member2 string, unit GUnit) (distance float64, ok bool, err error)
- func (c Client) GEOHASH(key string, members ...string) (geohashes map[string]string, err error)
- func (c Client) GEOPOS(key string, members ...string) (locations map[string]GLocation, err error)
- func (c Client) GEORADIUS(key string, center GLocation, radius float64, radiusUnit GUnit, count int32) (positions map[string]GLocation, err error)
- func (c Client) GEORADIUSBYMEMBER(key string, member string, radius float64, radiusUnit GUnit, count int32) (positions map[string]GLocation, err error)
- func (c Client) GET(key string) (val ReturnValue, err error)
- func (c Client) GETSET(key string, value Value) (oldValue ReturnValue, err error)
- func (c Client) HDEL(key string, fields ...string) (deletedFields []string, err error)
- func (c Client) HEXISTS(key string, field string) (exists bool, err error)
- func (c Client) HGET(key string, field string) (val ReturnValue, err error)
- func (c Client) HGETALL(key string) (fieldValues map[string]ReturnValue, err error)
- func (c Client) HINCRBY(key string, field string, delta int64) (after int64, err error)
- func (c Client) HINCRBYFLOAT(key string, field string, delta float64) (after float64, err error)
- func (c Client) HKEYS(key string, pattern string) (keys []string, err error)
- func (c Client) HLEN(key string) (count int32, err error)
- func (c Client) HMGET(key string, fields ...string) (values map[string]ReturnValue, err error)
- func (c Client) HMSET(key string, vFieldMap interface{}) (err error)
- func (c Client) HSET(key string, values ...interface{}) (newlySavedFields map[string]Value, err error)
- func (c Client) HSETNX(key string, field string, value Value) (ok bool, err error)
- func (c Client) HVALS(key string) (values []ReturnValue, err error)
- func (c Client) INCR(key string) (after int64, err error)
- func (c Client) INCRBY(key string, delta int64) (after int64, err error)
- func (c Client) INCRBYFLOAT(key string, delta float64) (after float64, err error)
- func (c Client) Index(indexName string) Client
- func (c Client) LINDEX(key string, index int64) (element ReturnValue, err error)
- func (c Client) LLEN(key string) (length int64, err error)
- func (c Client) LPOP(key string) (element ReturnValue, err error)
- func (c Client) LPUSH(key string, elements ...interface{}) (newLength int64, err error)
- func (c Client) LPUSHX(key string, elements ...interface{}) (newLength int64, err error)
- func (c Client) LRANGE(key string, start, stop int64) (elements []ReturnValue, err error)
- func (c Client) LREM(key string, count int64, element interface{}) (newLength int64, success bool, err error)
- func (c Client) LSET(key string, index int64, element string) (ok bool, err error)
- func (c Client) LTRIM(key string, start int64, stop int64) (newLength int64, err error)
- func (c Client) MGET(keys ...string) (values map[string]ReturnValue, err error)
- func (c Client) MSET(vFieldMap interface{}) (err error)
- func (c Client) MSETNX(vFieldMap interface{}) (ok bool, err error)
- func (c Client) RPOP(key string) (element ReturnValue, err error)
- func (c Client) RPOPLPUSH(sourceKey string, destinationKey string) (element ReturnValue, err error)
- func (c Client) RPUSH(key string, elements ...interface{}) (newLength int64, err error)
- func (c Client) RPUSHX(key string, elements ...interface{}) (newLength int64, err error)
- func (c Client) SADD(key string, members ...string) (addedMembers []string, err error)
- func (c Client) SCARD(key string) (count int32, err error)
- func (c Client) SDIFF(key string, subtractKeys ...string) (members []string, err error)
- func (c Client) SDIFFSTORE(destinationKey string, sourceKey string, subtractKeys ...string) (count int32, err error)
- func (c Client) SET(key string, vValue interface{}, flags ...Flag) (ok bool, err error)
- func (c Client) SETNX(key string, value Value) (ok bool, err error)
- func (c Client) SINTER(key string, otherKeys ...string) (members []string, err error)
- func (c Client) SINTERSTORE(destinationKey string, sourceKey string, otherKeys ...string) (count int32, err error)
- func (c Client) SISMEMBER(key string, member string) (ok bool, err error)
- func (c Client) SMEMBERS(key string) (members []string, err error)
- func (c Client) SMOVE(sourceKey string, destinationKey string, member string) (ok bool, err error)
- func (c Client) SPOP(key string, count int32) (members []string, err error)
- func (c Client) SRANDMEMBER(key string, count int32) (members []string, err error)
- func (c Client) SREM(key string, members ...string) (removedMembers []string, err error)
- func (c Client) SUNION(keys ...string) (members []string, err error)
- func (c Client) SUNIONSTORE(destinationKey string, sourceKeys ...string) (count int32, err error)
- func (c Client) StronglyConsistent() Client
- func (c Client) Table(tableName string) Client
- func (c Client) TransactionActions(actions int) Client
- func (c Client) XACK(key string, group string, ids ...XID) (acknowledgedIds []XID, err error)
- func (c Client) XADD(key string, id XID, fields map[string]Value) (returnedID XID, err error)
- func (c Client) XCLAIM(key string, group string, consumer string, lastDeliveredBefore time.Time, ...) (items []StreamItem, err error)
- func (c Client) XDEL(key string, ids ...XID) (deletedItems []XID, err error)
- func (c Client) XGROUP(key string, group string, start XID) (err error)
- func (c Client) XLEN(key string, start, stop XID) (count int32, err error)
- func (c Client) XPENDING(key string, group string, count int32) (pendingItems []PendingItem, err error)
- func (c Client) XRANGE(key string, start, stop XID, count int32) (streamItems []StreamItem, err error)
- func (c Client) XREAD(key string, from XID, count int32) (items []StreamItem, err error)
- func (c Client) XREADGROUP(key string, group string, consumer string, option XReadOption, maxCount int32) (items []StreamItem, err error)
- func (c Client) XREVRANGE(key string, end, start XID, count int32) (streamItems []StreamItem, err error)
- func (c Client) XTRIM(key string, newCount int32) (deletedCount int32, err error)
- func (c Client) ZADD(key string, membersWithScores map[string]float64, flags Flags) (addedMembers []string, err error)
- func (c Client) ZCARD(key string) (count int32, err error)
- func (c Client) ZCOUNT(key string, minScore, maxScore float64) (count int32, err error)
- func (c Client) ZINCRBY(key string, member string, delta float64) (newScore float64, err error)
- func (c Client) ZINTER(sourceKeys []string, aggregation ZAggregation, weights map[string]float64) (membersWithScores map[string]float64, err error)
- func (c Client) ZINTERSTORE(destinationKey string, sourceKeys []string, aggregation ZAggregation, ...) (membersWithScores map[string]float64, err error)
- func (c Client) ZLEXCOUNT(key string, min string, max string) (count int32, err error)
- func (c Client) ZPOPMAX(key string, count int32) (membersWithScores map[string]float64, err error)
- func (c Client) ZPOPMIN(key string, count int32) (membersWithScores map[string]float64, err error)
- func (c Client) ZRANGE(key string, start, stop int32) (membersWithScores map[string]float64, err error)
- func (c Client) ZRANGEBYLEX(key string, min, max string, offset, count int32) (membersWithScores map[string]float64, err error)
- func (c Client) ZRANGEBYSCORE(key string, min, max float64, offset, count int32) (membersWithScores map[string]float64, err error)
- func (c Client) ZRANK(key string, member string) (rank int32, found bool, err error)
- func (c Client) ZREM(key string, members ...string) (removedMembers []string, err error)
- func (c Client) ZREMRANGEBYLEX(key string, min, max string) (removedMembers []string, err error)
- func (c Client) ZREMRANGEBYRANK(key string, start, stop int32) (removedMembers []string, err error)
- func (c Client) ZREMRANGEBYSCORE(key string, min, max float64) (removedMembers []string, err error)
- func (c Client) ZREVRANGE(key string, start, stop int32) (membersWithScores map[string]float64, err error)
- func (c Client) ZREVRANGEBYLEX(key string, max, min string, offset, count int32) (membersWithScores map[string]float64, err error)
- func (c Client) ZREVRANGEBYSCORE(key string, max, min float64, offset, count int32) (membersWithScores map[string]float64, err error)
- func (c Client) ZREVRANK(key string, member string) (rank int32, found bool, err error)
- func (c Client) ZSCORE(key string, member string) (score float64, found bool, err error)
- func (c Client) ZUNION(sourceKeys []string, aggregation ZAggregation, weights map[string]float64) (membersWithScores map[string]float64, err error)
- func (c Client) ZUNIONSTORE(destinationKey string, sourceKeys []string, aggregation ZAggregation, ...) (membersWithScores map[string]float64, err error)
- type Flag
- type Flags
- type FloatValue
- type GLocation
- type GUnit
- type IntValue
- type LSide
- type PendingItem
- type ReturnValue
- func (rv ReturnValue) Bytes() []byte
- func (rv ReturnValue) Empty() bool
- func (rv ReturnValue) Equals(ov ReturnValue) bool
- func (rv ReturnValue) Float() float64
- func (rv ReturnValue) Int() int64
- func (rv ReturnValue) Interface() interface{}
- func (rv ReturnValue) Present() bool
- func (rv ReturnValue) String() string
- func (rv ReturnValue) ToAV() types.AttributeValue
- type StreamItem
- type StringValue
- type Value
- type XID
- type XReadOption
- type ZAggregation
Constants ¶
const ( ListSKIndexLeft = "index_left" ListSKIndexRight = "index_right" ListSKIndexCount = "index_count" )
Variables ¶
var ( ErrArgsAmountNotCorrect = errors.New("args amount not correct") ErrKeyMustBeString = errors.New("key must be a string") )
var ErrXGroupNotInitialized = errors.New("consumer group not initialized with XGROUP")
Functions ¶
func ToValueMap ¶ added in v1.2.1
func ToValueMapE ¶ added in v1.2.4
Types ¶
type BytesValue ¶
type BytesValue struct {
B []byte
BytesValue is a convenience wrapper for a byte slice, usable as
func (BytesValue) ToAV ¶
func (bv BytesValue) ToAV() types.AttributeValue
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (Client) CreatePayPerRequestTable ¶ added in v1.3.4
func (Client) CreateProvisionedTable ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (Client) CreateTable ¶ added in v1.2.5
func (Client) DECR ¶
DECR decrements the number stored at the key by 1 (n = n - 1) and returns the new value. If the key does not exist, it will be initialized with zero before applying the operation.
If there is an existing value at the key with a non-numeric type (string, bytes, etc.) the operation will throw an error. If the existing value is numeric, the operation can continue irrespective of how it was initially set.
Cost is O(1) or 1 WCU.
Works similar to
func (Client) DECRBY ¶
DECRBY decrements the number stored at the key with the given delta (n = n - delta) and returns the new value. If the key does not exist, it will be initialized with zero before applying the operation.
If there is an existing value at the key with a non-numeric type (string, bytes, etc.) the operation will throw an error. If the existing value is numeric, the operation can continue irrespective of how it was initially set.
Cost is O(1) or 1 WCU.
Works similar to
func (Client) EventuallyConsistent ¶
func (Client) ExistsTable ¶ added in v1.2.6
func (Client) GEOADD ¶
func (c Client) GEOADD(key string, members map[string]GLocation) (newlyAddedMembers map[string]GLocation, err error)
GEOADD adds the given members into the key. Members are represented by a map of name to GLocation, which is just a wrapper for latitude and longitude. If a member already exists, its location will be updated. The method only returns the members that were added as part of the operation and did not already exist.
Cost is O(1) / 1 WCU for each member being added or updated.
Works similar to
func (Client) GEODIST ¶
func (c Client) GEODIST(key string, member1, member2 string, unit GUnit) (distance float64, ok bool, err error)
GEODIST returns the scalar distance between the two members, converted to the given unit. If either of the members or the key is missing, ok will be false. Each GUnit also has convenience methods to convert distances into other units.
Cost is O(1) / 1 RCU for each of the two members.
Works similar to
func (Client) GEOHASH ¶
GEOHASH returns the Geohash strings (see of the given members. If any members were not found, they will not be present in the returned map.
Cost is O(1) / 1 RCU for each member.
Works similar to
func (Client) GEOPOS ¶
GEOPOS returns the stored locations for each of the given members, as a map of member to location. If a member cannot be found, it will not be present in the returned map.
Cost is O(1) / 1 RCU for each member.
Works similar to
func (Client) GEORADIUS ¶
func (c Client) GEORADIUS(key string, center GLocation, radius float64, radiusUnit GUnit, count int32) (positions map[string]GLocation, err error)
GEORADIUS returns the members (limited to the given count) that are located within the given radius of the given center. Note that the positions are returned in no particular order – if there are more members inside the given radius than the given count, the method *does not* guarantee that the returned locations are the closest.
The GLocation type has convenience methods to calculate the distance between points, this can be used to sort the locations as required.
Cost is O(N) where N is the number of locations inside the square / bounding box that contains the circle we're searching inside.
Works similar to
func (c Client) GEORADIUSBYMEMBER(key string, member string, radius float64, radiusUnit GUnit, count int32) (positions map[string]GLocation, err error)
GEORADIUSBYMEMBER returns the members (limited to the given count) that are located within the given radius of the given member. Note that the positions are returned in no particular order – if there are more members inside the given radius than the given count, the method *does not* guarantee that the returned locations are the closest.
The GLocation type has convenience methods to calculate the distance between points, this can be used to sort the locations as required.
Cost is O(N) where N is the number of locations inside the square / bounding box that contains the circle we're searching inside.
Works similar to
func (Client) GET ¶
func (c Client) GET(key string) (val ReturnValue, err error)
GET fetches the value at the given key. If the key does not exist, the ReturnValue will be Empty().
Works similar to
func (Client) GETSET ¶
func (c Client) GETSET(key string, value Value) (oldValue ReturnValue, err error)
GETSET gets the value at the key and atomically sets it to a new value.
Works similar to
func (Client) HGETALL ¶
func (c Client) HGETALL(key string) (fieldValues map[string]ReturnValue, err error)
func (Client) HINCRBYFLOAT ¶
func (Client) INCR ¶
INCR increments the number stored at the key by 1 (n = n + 1) and returns the new value. If the key does not exist, it will be initialized with zero before applying the operation.
If there is an existing value at the key with a non-numeric type (string, bytes, etc.) the operation will throw an error. If the existing value is numeric, the operation can continue irrespective of how it was initially set.
Cost is O(1) or 1 WCU.
Works similar to
func (Client) INCRBY ¶
INCRBY increments the number stored at the key with the given delta (n = n + delta) and returns the new value. If the key does not exist, it will be initialized with zero before applying the operation.
If there is an existing value at the key with a non-numeric type (string, bytes, etc.) the operation will throw an error. If the existing value is numeric, the operation can continue irrespective of how it was initially set.
Cost is O(1) or 1 WCU.
Works similar to
func (Client) INCRBYFLOAT ¶
INCRBYFLOAT increments the number stored at the key with the given float64 delta (n = n + delta) and returns the new value. If the key does not exist, it will be initialized with zero before applying the operation.
The delta can be positive or negative, and a zero delta is effectively a no-op.
If there is an existing value at the key with a non-numeric type (string, bytes, etc.) the operation will throw an error. If the existing value is numeric, the operation can continue irrespective of how it was initially set.
Cost is O(1) or 1 WCU.
Works similar to
func (Client) LINDEX ¶
func (c Client) LINDEX(key string, index int64) (element ReturnValue, err error)
func (Client) LRANGE ¶
func (c Client) LRANGE(key string, start, stop int64) (elements []ReturnValue, err error)
func (Client) LREM ¶
func (c Client) LREM(key string, count int64, element interface{}) (newLength int64, success bool, err error)
LREM removes [count] items from the list [key] that match [vElement]
func (Client) MGET ¶
func (c Client) MGET(keys ...string) (values map[string]ReturnValue, err error)
MGET fetches the given keys atomically in a transaction. The call is limited to 25 keys and 4MB. See
Works similar to
func (Client) MSET ¶
MSET sets the given keys and values atomically in a transaction. The call is limited to 25 keys and 4MB. See
Works similar to
func (Client) MSETNX ¶
MSETNX sets the given keys and values atomically in a transaction, but only if none of the given keys exist. If one or more of the keys already exist, nothing will be changed and MSETNX will return false.
Works similar to
func (Client) RPOPLPUSH ¶
func (c Client) RPOPLPUSH(sourceKey string, destinationKey string) (element ReturnValue, err error)
func (Client) SADD ¶
SADD adds the given string members to the set at the given key.
Returns that members that were actually added and did not already exist in the set.
Cost is O(1) / 1 WCU for each member, whether it already exists or not.
Works similar to
func (Client) SCARD ¶
SCARD returns the cardinality (the number of elements) in the set at key.
Cost is O(size) / 1 WCU per 4KB of data counted.
Works similar to
func (Client) SDIFFSTORE ¶
func (Client) SET ¶
SET stores the given Value at the given key. If called as SET("key", "value", None), SET is unconditional and is not expected to fail.
The condition flags IfNotExists and IfAlreadyExists can be specified, and if they are the SET becomes conditional and will return false if the condition fails.
Works similar to
func (Client) SETNX ¶
SETNX is equivalent to SET(key, value, Flags{IfNotExists})
Works similar to
func (Client) SINTERSTORE ¶
func (Client) SRANDMEMBER ¶
func (Client) SUNIONSTORE ¶
func (Client) StronglyConsistent ¶
func (Client) TransactionActions ¶ added in v1.2.11
func (Client) XADD ¶
XADD adds the given fields as a item on the stream at key. If the stream does not exist, it will be initialized.
If the XID passed in is XAutoID, an ID will be automatically generated on the current time and a sequence generator.
Note that if you pass in your own ID, the stream will never allow you to insert an item with an ID less than the greatest ID present in the stream – the stream can only move forwards. This guarantees that if you've read entries up to a given XID using XREAD, you can always continue reading from that last XID without fear of missing anything, because the IDs are always increasing.
Works similar to
func (Client) XDEL ¶
XDEL removes the given IDs and returns the IDs that were actually deleted as part of this operation.
Note that this operation is not atomic across given IDs – it's possible that an error is returned based on a problem deleting one of the IDs when the others have been deleted. Even when an error is returned, the items that were deleted will still be populated.
Works similar to
func (Client) XGROUP ¶
XGROUP creates a new group for the stream at the given key. Specifying the start XID as XStart will cause consumers of the group to read from the beginning of the stream, and any existing or generated XID can be used to denote a custom starting point.
This is a required initialization step before the group can be used. Trying to use XREADGROUP without using XGROUP to initialize the group will return an error.
Cost is O(1) / 1 WCU.
Works similar to
func (Client) XLEN ¶
XLEN counts the number of items in the stream with XIDs between the given XIDs. To count the entire stream, pass XStart and XEnd as the start and end XIDs.
Cost is O(N) or ~N RCUs where N is the number / size of items counted.
Works similar to
func (Client) XRANGE ¶
func (c Client) XRANGE(key string, start, stop XID, count int32) (streamItems []StreamItem, err error)
XRANGE fetches the stream records between two XIDs, inclusive of both the start and end IDs, limited to the count.
If you receive the entire count you've asked for, it's reasonable to suppose there might be more items in the given range that were not returned because they would exceed the count – in this case you can call the XID.Next() method on the last received stream ID for an XID to use as the start of the next call.
Common uses include fetching a single item based on XID, which would be
XRANGE(key, id, id, 1)
or fetching records in the month of February, like
XRANGE(key, NewTimeXID(beginningOfFebruary).First(), NewTimeXID(endOfFebruary).Last(), 1000) XRANGE(key, NewTimeXID(beginningOfFebruary).First(), NewTimeXID(beginningOfMarch).First(), 1000)
Note that the two calls are equivalent, because this operation uses the DynamoDB BETWEEN operator, which translates to
start <= id <= end
There is are no offset or pagination parameters required, because when the full count is hit the next page of items can be fetched as follows:
XRANGE(key, lastFetchedItemID.Next(), NewTimeXID(endOfFebruary).Last(), 1000)
See the XID docs for more information on how to generate start and stop XIDs based on time.
Works similar to
func (Client) XREAD ¶
XREAD reads items sequentially from a stream. The structure of a stream guarantees that the XIDs are always increasing. This implies that calling XREAD in a loop and passing in the XID of the last item read will allow iteration over all items reliably.
To start reading a stream from the beginning, use the special XStart XID.
Works similar to
func (Client) XREADGROUP ¶
func (c Client) XREADGROUP(key string, group string, consumer string, option XReadOption, maxCount int32) (items []StreamItem, err error)
func (Client) XREVRANGE ¶
func (c Client) XREVRANGE(key string, end, start XID, count int32) (streamItems []StreamItem, err error)
XREVRANGE is similar to XRANGE, but in reverse order. The stream items in descending chronological order. Using the same example as XRANGE, when fetching items in reverse order there are some differences when paginating. The first set of records can be fetched using:
XRANGE(key, NewTimeXID(endOfFebruary).Last(), NewTimeXID(beginningOfFebruary).First(), 1000)
he next page can be fetched using
XRANGE(key, lastFetchedItemID.Prev(), NewTimeXID(beginningOfFebruary).First(), 1000)
Works similar to
func (Client) ZINTERSTORE ¶
func (Client) ZRANGEBYLEX ¶
func (Client) ZRANGEBYSCORE ¶
func (Client) ZREMRANGEBYLEX ¶
func (Client) ZREVRANGEBYLEX ¶
type FloatValue ¶
type FloatValue struct {
F float64
FloatValue is a convenience value wrapper for a float64, usable as
func (FloatValue) ToAV ¶
func (fv FloatValue) ToAV() types.AttributeValue
type GLocation ¶
func (GLocation) DistanceTo ¶
type IntValue ¶
type IntValue struct {
I int64
IntValue is a convenience value wrapper for an int64, usable as
func (IntValue) ToAV ¶
func (iv IntValue) ToAV() types.AttributeValue
type PendingItem ¶
type ReturnValue ¶
type ReturnValue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ReturnValue holds a value returned by DynamoDB. There are convenience methods used to coerce the held value into common types, but you can also retrieve the raw types.AttributeValue by calling ToAV if you would like to do custom decoding.
func (ReturnValue) Bytes ¶
func (rv ReturnValue) Bytes() []byte
Bytes returns the value as a byte slice. Will be nil if the value is not actually a byte slice.
func (ReturnValue) Empty ¶
func (rv ReturnValue) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the value is empty or uninitialized. This indicates that the underlying DynamoDB operation did not return a value.
func (ReturnValue) Equals ¶
func (rv ReturnValue) Equals(ov ReturnValue) bool
Equals checks equality by comparing the underlying dynamodb.AttributeValues. If they both hold the same value, as indicated by the rules of reflect.DeepEqual, Equals will return true.
func (ReturnValue) Float ¶
func (rv ReturnValue) Float() float64
Float returns the value as float64. Will be zero-valued if the value is not numeric. If the value was originally stored as an int, it will be converted to float64 based on parsing the string representation, so there is some scope for overflows being corrected silently.
func (ReturnValue) Int ¶
func (rv ReturnValue) Int() int64
Int returns the value as int64. Will be zero-valued if the value is not actually numeric. The value was originally a float, it will be truncated.
func (ReturnValue) Interface ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (rv ReturnValue) Interface() interface{}
Interface returns the value as an interface{}. This is useful if you are not sure what type
func (ReturnValue) Present ¶
func (rv ReturnValue) Present() bool
Present returns true if a value is present. It indicates that the underlying DynamoDB AttributeValue has a data in any one of its fields. If you already know the type of your value, you can call the convenience method (like String() or Int()) or you can retrieve the underlying types.AttributeValue struct with ToAV and perform your down decoding.
func (ReturnValue) String ¶
func (rv ReturnValue) String() string
String returns the value as a string. If the value was not stored as a string, a zero-value / empty string will the returned. This method will not coerce numeric of byte values.
func (ReturnValue) ToAV ¶
func (rv ReturnValue) ToAV() types.AttributeValue
ToAV returns the underlying types.AttributeValue, allow custom deserialization.
type StreamItem ¶
type StreamItem struct { ID XID Fields map[string]ReturnValue }
type StringValue ¶
type StringValue struct {
S string
StringValue is a convenience value wrapper for a string, usable as
func (StringValue) ToAV ¶
func (sv StringValue) ToAV() types.AttributeValue
type Value ¶
type Value interface {
ToAV() types.AttributeValue
Value allows you to store values of any type supported by DynamoDB, as long as they implement this interface and encode themselves into a types.AttributeValue returned by ToAV.
Every Redimo operation that stores data will accept the data as a Value. Some common value wrappers are provided, like StringValue, FloatValue, IntValue and BytesValue, allowing you to easily wrap the data you store.
The output of most operations is a ReturnValue which has convenience methods to decode the data into these common types. ReturnValue also implements Value so you can call ToAV to access the raw types.AttributeValue, allowing you to do custom de-serialization.
If you have a data that does not fit cleanly into one of the provide convenience wrapper types, you can implement the ToAV() method on any type to implement custom encoding. When you receive the data wrapped in a ReturnValue, the ToAV method can be used to access the raw dynamo.AttributeValue struct, allowing you to do custom decoding.
type XID ¶
type XID string
XID holds a stream item ID, and consists of a timestamp (one second resolution) and a sequence number.
Most code will not need to generate XIDs – using XAutoID with XADD is the most common usage. But if you do need to generate XIDs for insertion with XADD, the NewXID methods creates a complete XID.
To generate time based XIDs for time range queries with XRANGE or XREVRANGE, use NewTimeXID(startTime).First() and NewTimeXID(endTime).Last(). Calling Last() is especially important because without it none of the items in the last second of the range will match – you need the last possible sequence number in the last second of the range, which is what the Last() method provides.
const XAutoID XID = "*"
const XEnd XID = "99999999999999999999-99999999999999999999"
const XStart XID = "00000000000000000000-00000000000000000000"
func NewTimeXID ¶
NewTimeXID creates an XID with the given timestamp. To get the first or the last XID in this timestamp, use the First() or the Last() methods. This is especially important when using constructed XIDs inside a range call like XRANGE or XREVRANGE.
func (XID) First ¶
First returns the first valid XID at this timestamp. Useful for the start parameter of XRANGE or XREVRANGE.
func (XID) Last ¶
Last returns the last valid XID at this timestamp. Useful for the end parameter of XRANGE or XREVRANGE. Note that if the XID used as an end in the range simply based on the timestamp, the sequence number will be zero, so the query will exclude all the items in end second. This will effectively transform the query to '< endTime' instead of '<= endTime'. Using Last() prevents this mistake, if that is your intention.
func (XID) Next ¶
Next returns the next valid XID at the same time – it simply returns a new XID with the next sequence number.
func (XID) Prev ¶
Prev returns the previous valid XID at the same time – it simply returns a new XID with the previous sequence number.
type XReadOption ¶
type XReadOption string
const ( XReadPending XReadOption = "PENDING" XReadNew XReadOption = "READ_NEW" XReadNewAutoACK XReadOption = "READ_NEW_NO_ACK" )
type ZAggregation ¶
type ZAggregation string
const ( ZAggregationSum ZAggregation = "SUM" ZAggregationMin ZAggregation = "MIN" ZAggregationMax ZAggregation = "MAX" )