This example demonstrates more advanced features of sandwich, including:
Providing interface types to the middleware chain.
TaskDb is the interface provided to the handlers, the actual value injected
in main() is a taskDbImpl.
Using 3rd party middleware (go.auth, go.rice)
Using a 3rd party router (gorilla/mux)
Using multiple error handlers, and custom error handlers.
Most web servers will want to server a custom HTML error page for user-facing
error pages. An example of that is included here. For AJAX calls, however,
we don't want to serve HTML. Instead, we always respond with JSON using the sandwich.. With
sandwich, we the errors returned from handlers are agnostic. Instead, the
error handler decides what format to respond in.
Early exit of the middleware chain via the sandwich.Done error
See CheckForFakeLogin() for usage.
Google Login (Oauth2 Authentication)
In order to use the Google login, you need an Oauth2 client ID & client secret.
See this animation for an example of getting these values:
2-advanced is a demo webserver for the sandwich middleware package
demonstrating advanced usage.
This provides a sample, multi-user TODO list application that allows users
to sign in via a Google account or sign in using fake credentials.
This example demonstrates more advanced features of sandwich, including:
Providing interface types to the middleware chain.
TaskDb is the interface provided to the handlers, the actual value injected
in main() is a taskDbImpl.
Using 3rd party middleware (go.auth, go.rice)
Using a 3rd party router (gorilla/mux)
Using multiple error handlers, and custom error handlers.
Most web servers will want to server a custom HTML error page for user-facing
error pages. An example of that is included here. For AJAX calls, however,
Early exit of the middleware chain via the sandwich.Done error