A simple cross-platform reverse socks proxy.
Getting Started
As a module
import github.com/audibleblink/HoleySocks/pkg/holeysocks
func main() {
//error handling removed for brevity
config := holeysocks.MainConfig{}
configBytes, _ := ioutil.OpenFile("ssh.json")
json.Unmarshal(configBytes, &config)
sshKey, _ := ioutil.OpenFile("id_ed25519")
// #DarnSocks runs two goroutines then returns so we have to keep main from returning
select {}
See here for full usage
As a standalone binary
It's possible to embed all the required parameters to start and forward
the socks server with SSH so that cli flags are not needed.
Do this by creating config/ssh.json
and using the -X main.static=1
# needed for embedding configs in the binary
go get -u github.com/gobuffalo/packr/...
go get github.com/audibleblink/HoleySocks/...
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/audibleblink/HoleySocks
... edit configs/ssh.json ...
make depends
To compile a generic binary without embedded configs, remote the -X
ldflag from the Makefile
just go build
as necessary. You should get a binary that's configurable with these flags:
Usage of binaries/linux/HoleySocks64:
-sshuser string
[REQ] SSH user ong the host
-sshhost string
[REQ] SSH host with which to connect
-pkey string
[REQ] File path for private key
-rport int
SSH host port on which to bind the local SOCKS server (default 1080)
-socksport int
Bind port of the SOCKS server (default 1080)
-sshport int
SSH host destination port (default 22)
Read the Makefile for more options
The generated private keys are embedded into the binary to allow for the reverse
port forwarding without interaction. Follow the instructions below.
Before running the generated binaries, you'll need a user on your attacking machine
for receiving the reverse ssh connection that forwards the socks proxy from the victim.
Once that user has been created, (with a homedir and /bin/false shell), append the generated
pubkey in your authorized_keys file on the attacking machine.
Do so with the following prefixes:
# if you're forwarding port 1080
FROM=<victim_ip_or_host> NO-X11-FORWARDING,PERMITOPEN="" ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3......
The Makefile should generate the needed commands and entry for you when you run make depends