
Gohotstuff is a Go library which implements the chained-hotStuff consensus protocol, more precisely, the LibraBFT algorithmic core. It has been used as a consensus component to help large-scale online blockchain system functioning normally (See the repo Xuperchain).
Our project is simple, pls use make only.
Dictionary /output contains bin and configurations.Use command start to run up a single hotstuff node.
gohotstuff start
Gohotstuff uses libp2p to build peer-to-peer systems where the network key should be generated as an communication key, an identity as well. Please generate nodes own network key and crypto key before start-up.
gohotstuff genkey --type network
gohotstuff genkey --type crypto
Network identity alse follows libp2p style, uses address type to preview the node's identity, the last slash part of which indicates the validator name.
// output like: /ip4/
// use '/ip4/' as the p2p address
// use 'Qmf2HeHe4sspGkfRCTq6257Vm3UHzvh2TeQJHHvHzzuFw6' as the validator name.
gohotstuff preview
See the dictionary /conf.
Build up a system
Use commands mentioned before can specify a new node with the new configuration. Also, we can start up different nodes with different network identities to build up a hotstuff peer-to-peer system.
Attention: The bootstrap node should be started at the very begining.
Users can definite pacemaker|election|saftyrules objects and register with a new state. See the initialization of a state machine in our code as an example:
func createConsensus(name string, cc crypto.CryptoClient, cfg *state.ConsensusConfig, logger libs.Logger) (*state.State, error) {
// ticker is a timer that schedules timeouts conditional on the height/round/step in the timeoutInfo.
ticker := state.NewDefaultTimeoutTicker(logger)
smr, err := state.NewState(state.PeerID(name), cc, ticker, logger, cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// pacemaker controls the current status of the state machine.
pacemaker := state.NewDefaultPacemaker(cfg.StartRound)
if err := smr.RegisterPaceMaker(pacemaker); err != nil {
return nil, err
// election chooses the specific leader and validators in different round.
election := state.NewDefaultElection(cfg.StartRound, cfg.StartValidators)
if err := smr.RegisterElection(election); err != nil {
return nil, err
// safetyrules take responsibility for the access control of the procedures.
safetyRules := state.NewDefaultSafetyRules(smr)
if err := smr.RegisterSaftyrules(safetyRules); err != nil {
return nil, err
return smr, nil