Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- type APIParameter
- type Account
- type ActivateProjectParameter
- type AddAccountToProjectParameter
- type AddBaremetalHostParameter
- type AddClusterParameter
- type AddHostParameter
- type AddImageStoreParameter
- type AddNicToVirtualMachineParameter
- type AddSecondaryStorageParameter
- type AffinityGroup
- type AffinityGroupType
- type AssignToLoadBalancerRuleParameter
- type AssignVirtualMachineParameter
- type AssociateIpAddressParameter
- type AsyncApiResponse
- type AsyncJobResult
- type AttachVolumeParameter
- type AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressParameter
- type AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressParameter
- type CancelHostMaintenanceParameter
- type CancelStorageMaintenanceParameter
- type Capacity
- type ChangeServiceForVirtualMachineParameter
- type CleanVMReservationsParameter
- type Client
- func (c *Client) ActivateProject(p *ActivateProjectParameter) (*Project, error)
- func (c *Client) AddAccountToProject(p *AddAccountToProjectParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) AddBaremetalHost(p *AddBaremetalHostParameter) (*Host, error)
- func (c *Client) AddCluster(p *AddClusterParameter) (*Cluster, error)
- func (c *Client) AddHost(p *AddHostParameter) (*Host, error)
- func (c *Client) AddImageStore(p *AddImageStoreParameter) (*ImageStore, error)
- func (c *Client) AddNicToVirtualMachine(p *AddNicToVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) AddSecondaryStorage(p *AddSecondaryStorageParameter) (*ImageStore, error)
- func (c *Client) AssignToLoadBalancerRule(p *AssignToLoadBalancerRuleParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) AssignVirtualMachine(p *AssignVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) AssociateIpAddress(p *AssociateIpAddressParameter) (*PublicIpAddress, error)
- func (c *Client) AsyncRequest(command string, params map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) AsyncRequestJson(command string, params map[string]interface{}) (resp []byte, err error)
- func (c *Client) AttachVolume(p *AttachVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress(p *AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressParameter) (*SecurityGroupEgress, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress(p *AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressParameter) (*SecurityGroupIngress, error)
- func (c *Client) CancelHostMaintenance(p *CancelHostMaintenanceParameter) (*Host, error)
- func (c *Client) CancelStorageMaintenance(p *CancelStorageMaintenanceParameter) (*StoragePool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChangeServiceForVirtualMachine(p *ChangeServiceForVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) CleanVMReservations(p *CleanVMReservationsParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) CopyTemplate(p *CopyTemplateParameter) (*Template, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateAccount(p *CreateAccountParameter) (*Account, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateAffinityGroup(p *CreateAffinityGroupParameter) (*AffinityGroup, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateDiskOffering(p *CreateDiskOfferingParameter) (*DiskOffering, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateDomain(p *CreateDomainParameter) (*Domain, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateEgressFirewallRule(p *CreateEgressFirewallRuleParameter) (*FirewallRule, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateFirewallRule(p *CreateFirewallRuleParameter) (*FirewallRule, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateIpForwardingRule(p *CreateIpForwardingRuleParameter) (*IpForwardingRule, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateLoadBalancerRule(p *CreateLoadBalancerRuleParameter) (*LoadBalancerRule, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateNetwork(p *CreateNetworkParameter) (*Network, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateNetworkOffering(p *CreateNetworkOfferingParameter) (*NetworkOffering, error)
- func (c *Client) CreatePod(p *CreatePodParameter) (*Pod, error)
- func (c *Client) CreatePortForwardingRule(p *CreatePortForwardingRuleParameter) (*PortForwardingRule, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateProject(p *CreateProjectParameter) (*Project, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateSecondaryStagingStore(p *CreateSecondaryStagingStoreParameter) (*ImageStore, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateSecurityGroup(p *CreateSecurityGroupParameter) (*SecurityGroup, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateServiceOffering(p *CreateServiceOfferingParameter) (*ServiceOffering, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateStoragePool(p *CreateStoragePoolParameter) (*StoragePool, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateTags(p *CreateTagsParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateTemplate(p *CreateTemplateParameter) (*Template, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateUser(p *CreateUserParameter) (*User, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateVolume(p *CreateVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateZone(p *CreateZoneParameter) (*Zone, error)
- func (c *Client) DedicateCluster(p *DedicateClusterParameter) (*DedicatedCluster, error)
- func (c *Client) DedicateHost(p *DedicateHostParameter) (*DedicatedHost, error)
- func (c *Client) DedicatePod(p *DedicatePodParameter) (*DedicatedPod, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteAccount(p *DeleteAccountParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteAccountFromProject(p *DeleteAccountFromProjectParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteAffinityGroup(p *DeleteAffinityGroupParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteCluster(p *DeleteClusterParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteDiskOffering(p *DeleteDiskOfferingParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteDomain(p *DeleteDomainParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteEgressFirewallRule(p *DeleteEgressFirewallRuleParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteFirewallRule(p *DeleteFirewallRuleParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteHost(p *DeleteHostParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteImageStore(p *DeleteImageStoreParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteIpForwardingRule(p *DeleteIpForwardingRuleParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteLoadBalancerRule(p *DeleteLoadBalancerRuleParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteNetwork(p *DeleteNetworkParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteNetworkOffering(p *DeleteNetworkOfferingParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeletePod(p *DeletePodParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeletePortForwardingRule(p *DeletePortForwardingRuleParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteProject(p *DeleteProjectParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteProjectInvitation(p *DeleteProjectInvitationParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteSecondaryStagingStore(p *DeleteSecondaryStagingStoreParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteSecurityGroup(p *DeleteSecurityGroupParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteServiceOffering(p *DeleteServiceOfferingParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteStoragePool(p *DeleteStoragePoolParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteTags(p *DeleteTagsParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteTemplate(p *DeleteTemplateParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteUser(p *DeleteUserParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteVolume(p *DeleteVolumeParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteZone(p *DeleteZoneParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DeployVirtualMachine(p *DeployVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) DestroyVirtualMachine(p *DestroyVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) DetachVolume(p *DetachVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
- func (c *Client) DisableAccount(p *DisableAccountParameter) (*Account, error)
- func (c *Client) DisableStaticNat(p *DisableStaticNatParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) DisableUser(p *DisableUserParameter) (*User, error)
- func (c *Client) DisassociateIpAddress(p *DisassociateIpAddressParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) EnableAccount(p *EnableAccountParameter) (*Account, error)
- func (c *Client) EnableStaticNat(p *EnableStaticNatParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) EnableStorageMaintenance(p *EnableStorageMaintenanceParameter) (*StoragePool, error)
- func (c *Client) EnableUser(p *EnableUserParameter) (*User, error)
- func (c *Client) ExpungeVirtualMachine(p *ExpungeVirtualMachineParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) ExtractTemplate(p *ExtractTemplateParameter) (*Template, error)
- func (c *Client) ExtractVolume(p *ExtractVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
- func (c *Client) FindHostsForMigration(p *FindHostsForMigrationParameter) (*Host, error)
- func (c *Client) FindStoragePoolsForMigration(p *FindStoragePoolsForMigrationParameter) (*StoragePool, error)
- func (c *Client) GenerateQueryURL(command string, params map[string]interface{}) string
- func (c *Client) GetUser(p *GetUserParameter) (*User, error)
- func (c *Client) GetVMPassword(p *GetVMPasswordParameter) (*VMPassword, error)
- func (c *Client) GetVirtualMachine(id string) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) GetVirtualMachineUserData(p *GetVirtualMachineUserDataParameter) (*VirtualMachineUserData, error)
- func (c *Client) ImportLdapUsers(p *ImportLdapUsersParameter) (*LdapUser, error)
- func (c *Client) ListAccounts(p *ListAccountsParameter) ([]*Account, error)
- func (c *Client) ListAffinityGroupTypes(p *ListAffinityGroupTypesParameter) ([]*AffinityGroupType, error)
- func (c *Client) ListAffinityGroups(p *ListAffinityGroupsParameter) ([]*AffinityGroup, error)
- func (c *Client) ListClusters(p *ListClustersParameter) ([]*Cluster, error)
- func (c *Client) ListDedicatedClusters(p *ListDedicatedClustersParameter) ([]*DedicatedCluster, error)
- func (c *Client) ListDedicatedHosts(p *ListDedicatedHostsParameter) ([]*DedicatedHost, error)
- func (c *Client) ListDedicatedPods(p *ListDedicatedPodsParameter) ([]*DedicatedPod, error)
- func (c *Client) ListDiskOfferings(p *ListDiskOfferingsParameter) ([]*DiskOffering, error)
- func (c *Client) ListDomainChildren(p *ListDomainChildrenParameter) ([]*Domain, error)
- func (c *Client) ListDomains(p *ListDomainsParameter) ([]*Domain, error)
- func (c *Client) ListEgressFirewallRules(p *ListEgressFirewallRulesParameter) ([]*FirewallRule, error)
- func (c *Client) ListFirewallRules(p *ListFirewallRulesParameter) ([]*FirewallRule, error)
- func (c *Client) ListHostTags(p *ListHostTagsParameter) ([]*HostTag, error)
- func (c *Client) ListHosts(p *ListHostsParameter) ([]*Host, error)
- func (c *Client) ListImageStores(p *ListImageStoresParameter) ([]*ImageStore, error)
- func (c *Client) ListIpForwardingRules(p *ListIpForwardingRulesParameter) ([]*IpForwardingRule, error)
- func (c *Client) ListLdapUsers(p *ListLdapUsersParameter) ([]*LdapUser, error)
- func (c *Client) ListLoadBalancerRuleInstances(p *ListLoadBalancerRuleInstancesParameter) ([]*LoadBalancerRuleInstance, error)
- func (c *Client) ListLoadBalancerRules(p *ListLoadBalancerRulesParameter) ([]*LoadBalancerRule, error)
- func (c *Client) ListNetworkOfferings(p *ListNetworkOfferingsParameter) ([]*NetworkOffering, error)
- func (c *Client) ListNetworks(p *ListNetworksParameter) ([]*Network, error)
- func (c *Client) ListPods(p *ListPodsParameter) ([]*Pod, error)
- func (c *Client) ListPortForwardingRules(p *ListPortForwardingRulesParameter) ([]*PortForwardingRule, error)
- func (c *Client) ListProjectAccounts(p *ListProjectAccountsParameter) ([]*ProjectAccount, error)
- func (c *Client) ListProjectInvitations(p *ListProjectInvitationsParameter) ([]*ProjectInvitation, error)
- func (c *Client) ListProjects(p *ListProjectsParameter) ([]*Project, error)
- func (c *Client) ListPublicIpAddresses(p *ListPublicIpAddressesParameter) ([]*PublicIpAddress, error)
- func (c *Client) ListSecondaryStagingStores(p *ListSecondaryStagingStoresParameter) ([]*ImageStore, error)
- func (c *Client) ListSecurityGroups(p *ListSecurityGroupsParameter) ([]*SecurityGroup, error)
- func (c *Client) ListServiceOfferings(p *ListServiceOfferingsParameter) ([]*ServiceOffering, error)
- func (c *Client) ListStoragePools(p *ListStoragePoolsParameter) ([]*StoragePool, error)
- func (c *Client) ListStorageProviders(p *ListStorageProvidersParameter) ([]*StorageProvider, error)
- func (c *Client) ListStorageTags(p *ListStorageTagsParameter) ([]*StorageTag, error)
- func (c *Client) ListTags(p *ListTagsParameter) ([]*Tag, error)
- func (c *Client) ListTemplatePermissions(p *ListTemplatePermissionsParameter) (*TemplatePermission, error)
- func (c *Client) ListTemplates(p *ListTemplatesParameter) ([]*Template, error)
- func (c *Client) ListUsers(p *ListUsersParameter) ([]*User, error)
- func (c *Client) ListVirtualMachines(p *ListVirtualMachinesParameter) ([]*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) ListVolumes(p *ListVolumesParameter) ([]*Volume, error)
- func (c *Client) ListZones(p *ListZonesParameter) ([]*Zone, error)
- func (c *Client) LockAccount(p *LockAccountParameter) (*Account, error)
- func (c *Client) LockUser(p *LockUserParameter) (*User, error)
- func (c *Client) LogIn() (err error)
- func (c *Client) LogOut() error
- func (c *Client) MarkDefaultZoneForAccount(p *MarkDefaultZoneForAccountParameter) (*Account, error)
- func (c *Client) MigrateVirtualMachine(p *MigrateVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) MigrateVirtualMachineWithVolume(p *MigrateVirtualMachineWithVolumeParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) MigrateVolume(p *MigrateVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
- func (c *Client) PrepareHostForMaintenance(p *PrepareHostForMaintenanceParameter) (*Host, error)
- func (c *Client) PrepareTemplate(p *PrepareTemplateParameter) (*Template, error)
- func (c *Client) QueryAsyncJobResult(jobid string) (job *AsyncJobResult, err error)
- func (c *Client) RebootVirtualMachine(p *RebootVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) ReconnectHost(p *ReconnectHostParameter) (*Host, error)
- func (c *Client) RecoverVirtualMachine(p *RecoverVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) RegisterTemplate(p *RegisterTemplateParameter) (*Template, error)
- func (c *Client) RegisterUserKeys(p *RegisterUserKeysParameter) (*UserKeys, error)
- func (c *Client) ReleaseDedicatedCluster(p *ReleaseDedicatedClusterParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) ReleaseDedicatedHost(p *ReleaseDedicatedHostParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) ReleaseDedicatedPod(p *ReleaseDedicatedPodParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) ReleaseHostReservation(p *ReleaseHostReservationParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveFromLoadBalancerRule(p *RemoveFromLoadBalancerRuleParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveNicFromVirtualMachine(p *RemoveNicFromVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) Request(command string, params map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) RequestJson(command string, params map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *Client) ResetPasswordForVirtualMachine(p *ResetPasswordForVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) ResizeVolume(p *ResizeVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
- func (c *Client) RestartNetwork(p *RestartNetworkParameter) (*Network, error)
- func (c *Client) RestoreVirtualMachine(p *RestoreVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) RevokeSecurityGroupEgress(p *RevokeSecurityGroupEgressParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) RevokeSecurityGroupIngress(p *RevokeSecurityGroupIngressParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) ScaleVirtualMachine(p *ScaleVirtualMachineParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) StartVirtualMachine(p *StartVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) StopVirtualMachine(p *StopVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) SuspendProject(p *SuspendProjectParameter) (*Project, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateAccount(p *UpdateAccountParameter) (*Account, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateCloudToUseObjectStore(p *UpdateCloudToUseObjectStoreParameter) (*ImageStore, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateCluster(p *UpdateClusterParameter) (*Cluster, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateDefaultNicForVirtualMachine(p *UpdateDefaultNicForVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateDiskOffering(p *UpdateDiskOfferingParameter) (*DiskOffering, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateDomain(p *UpdateDomainParameter) (*Domain, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateEgressFirewallRule(p *UpdateEgressFirewallRuleParameter) (*FirewallRule, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateFirewallRule(p *UpdateFirewallRuleParameter) (*FirewallRule, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateHost(p *UpdateHostParameter) (*Host, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateHostPassword(p *UpdateHostPasswordParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateIpAddress(p *UpdateIpAddressParameter) (*PublicIpAddress, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateLoadBalancerRule(p *UpdateLoadBalancerRuleParameter) (*LoadBalancerRule, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateNetwork(p *UpdateNetworkParameter) (*Network, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateNetworkOffering(p *UpdateNetworkOfferingParameter) (*NetworkOffering, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdatePod(p *UpdatePodParameter) (*Pod, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdatePortForwardingRule(p *UpdatePortForwardingRuleParameter) (*PortForwardingRule, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateProject(p *UpdateProjectParameter) (*Project, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateProjectInvitation(p *UpdateProjectInvitationParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateServiceOffering(p *UpdateServiceOfferingParameter) (*ServiceOffering, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateStoragePool(p *UpdateStoragePoolParameter) (*StoragePool, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateTemplate(p *UpdateTemplateParameter) (*Template, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateTemplatePermissions(p *UpdateTemplatePermissionsParameter) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateUser(p *UpdateUserParameter) (*User, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateVMAffinityGroup(p *UpdateVMAffinityGroupParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateVirtualMachine(p *UpdateVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateVolume(p *UpdateVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateZone(p *UpdateZoneParameter) (*Zone, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadVolume(p *UploadVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
- func (c *Client) Wait(jobid string) (job *AsyncJobResult, err error)
- type Cluster
- type Command
- type CopyTemplateParameter
- type CreateAccountParameter
- type CreateAffinityGroupParameter
- type CreateDiskOfferingParameter
- type CreateDomainParameter
- type CreateEgressFirewallRuleParameter
- type CreateFirewallRuleParameter
- type CreateIpForwardingRuleParameter
- type CreateLoadBalancerRuleParameter
- type CreateNetworkOfferingParameter
- type CreateNetworkParameter
- type CreatePodParameter
- type CreatePortForwardingRuleParameter
- type CreateProjectParameter
- type CreateSecondaryStagingStoreParameter
- type CreateSecurityGroupParameter
- type CreateServiceOfferingParameter
- type CreateStoragePoolParameter
- type CreateTagsParameter
- type CreateTemplateParameter
- type CreateUserParameter
- type CreateVolumeParameter
- type CreateZoneParameter
- type DedicateClusterParameter
- type DedicateHostParameter
- type DedicatePodParameter
- type DedicatedCluster
- type DedicatedHost
- type DedicatedPod
- type DeleteAccountFromProjectParameter
- type DeleteAccountParameter
- type DeleteAffinityGroupParameter
- type DeleteClusterParameter
- type DeleteDiskOfferingParameter
- type DeleteDomainParameter
- type DeleteEgressFirewallRuleParameter
- type DeleteFirewallRuleParameter
- type DeleteHostParameter
- type DeleteImageStoreParameter
- type DeleteIpForwardingRuleParameter
- type DeleteLoadBalancerRuleParameter
- type DeleteNetworkOfferingParameter
- type DeleteNetworkParameter
- type DeletePodParameter
- type DeletePortForwardingRuleParameter
- type DeleteProjectInvitationParameter
- type DeleteProjectParameter
- type DeleteSecondaryStagingStoreParameter
- type DeleteSecurityGroupParameter
- type DeleteServiceOfferingParameter
- type DeleteStoragePoolParameter
- type DeleteTagsParameter
- type DeleteTemplateParameter
- type DeleteUserParameter
- type DeleteVolumeParameter
- type DeleteZoneParameter
- type DeployVirtualMachineParameter
- type DestroyVirtualMachineParameter
- type DetachVolumeParameter
- type DisableAccountParameter
- type DisableStaticNatParameter
- type DisableUserParameter
- type DisassociateIpAddressParameter
- type DiskOffering
- type Domain
- type EnableAccountParameter
- type EnableStaticNatParameter
- type EnableStorageMaintenanceParameter
- type EnableUserParameter
- type ExpungeVirtualMachineParameter
- type ExtractTemplateParameter
- type ExtractVolumeParameter
- type FindHostsForMigrationParameter
- type FindStoragePoolsForMigrationParameter
- type FirewallRule
- type GetUserParameter
- type GetVMPasswordParameter
- type GetVirtualMachineUserDataParameter
- type GpuGroup
- type Host
- type HostTag
- type ID
- type ImageStore
- type ImportLdapUsersParameter
- type IpForwardingRule
- type Keypair
- type LdapUser
- type ListAccountsParameter
- type ListAffinityGroupTypesParameter
- type ListAffinityGroupsParameter
- type ListClustersParameter
- type ListDedicatedClustersParameter
- type ListDedicatedHostsParameter
- type ListDedicatedPodsParameter
- type ListDiskOfferingsParameter
- type ListDomainChildrenParameter
- type ListDomainsParameter
- type ListEgressFirewallRulesParameter
- type ListFirewallRulesParameter
- type ListHostTagsParameter
- type ListHostsParameter
- type ListImageStoresParameter
- type ListIpForwardingRulesParameter
- type ListLdapUsersParameter
- type ListLoadBalancerRuleInstancesParameter
- type ListLoadBalancerRulesParameter
- type ListNetworkOfferingsParameter
- type ListNetworksParameter
- type ListPodsParameter
- type ListPortForwardingRulesParameter
- type ListProjectAccountsParameter
- type ListProjectInvitationsParameter
- type ListProjectsParameter
- type ListPublicIpAddressesParameter
- type ListSecondaryStagingStoresParameter
- type ListSecurityGroupsParameter
- type ListServiceOfferingsParameter
- type ListStoragePoolsParameter
- type ListStorageProvidersParameter
- type ListStorageTagsParameter
- type ListTagsParameter
- type ListTemplatePermissionsParameter
- type ListTemplatesParameter
- type ListUsersParameter
- type ListVirtualMachinesParameter
- type ListVolumesParameter
- type ListZonesParameter
- type LoadBalancerRule
- type LoadBalancerRuleInstance
- type LockAccountParameter
- type LockUserParameter
- type LogInResponse
- type LogOutResponse
- type MarkDefaultZoneForAccountParameter
- type MigrateVirtualMachineParameter
- type MigrateVirtualMachineWithVolumeParameter
- type MigrateVolumeParameter
- type Network
- type NetworkOffering
- type NetworkService
- type NetworkServiceCapability
- type NetworkServiceProvider
- type Nic
- type NullBase
- type NullBool
- type NullNumber
- type NullString
- type Nullable
- type Pod
- type PortForwardingRule
- type PrepareHostForMaintenanceParameter
- type PrepareTemplateParameter
- type Project
- type ProjectAccount
- type ProjectInvitation
- type PublicIpAddress
- type RebootVirtualMachineParameter
- type ReconnectHostParameter
- type RecoverVirtualMachineParameter
- type RegisterTemplateParameter
- type RegisterUserKeysParameter
- type ReleaseDedicatedClusterParameter
- type ReleaseDedicatedHostParameter
- type ReleaseDedicatedPodParameter
- type ReleaseHostReservationParameter
- type RemoveFromLoadBalancerRuleParameter
- type RemoveNicFromVirtualMachineParameter
- type ResetPasswordForVirtualMachineParameter
- type ResizeVolumeParameter
- type Resource
- type ResourceBase
- type RestartNetworkParameter
- type RestoreVirtualMachineParameter
- type Result
- type RevokeSecurityGroupEgressParameter
- type RevokeSecurityGroupIngressParameter
- type ScaleVirtualMachineParameter
- type SecurityGroup
- type SecurityGroupEgress
- type SecurityGroupIngress
- type ServiceOffering
- type Setter
- type StartVirtualMachineParameter
- type StopVirtualMachineParameter
- type StoragePool
- type StorageProvider
- type StorageTag
- type SuspendProjectParameter
- type Tag
- type Template
- type TemplatePermission
- type UpdateAccountParameter
- type UpdateCloudToUseObjectStoreParameter
- type UpdateClusterParameter
- type UpdateDefaultNicForVirtualMachineParameter
- type UpdateDiskOfferingParameter
- type UpdateDomainParameter
- type UpdateEgressFirewallRuleParameter
- type UpdateFirewallRuleParameter
- type UpdateHostParameter
- type UpdateHostPasswordParameter
- type UpdateIpAddressParameter
- type UpdateLoadBalancerRuleParameter
- type UpdateNetworkOfferingParameter
- type UpdateNetworkParameter
- type UpdatePodParameter
- type UpdatePortForwardingRuleParameter
- type UpdateProjectInvitationParameter
- type UpdateProjectParameter
- type UpdateServiceOfferingParameter
- type UpdateStoragePoolParameter
- type UpdateTemplateParameter
- type UpdateTemplatePermissionsParameter
- type UpdateUserParameter
- type UpdateVMAffinityGroupParameter
- type UpdateVirtualMachineParameter
- type UpdateVolumeParameter
- type UpdateZoneParameter
- type UploadVolumeParameter
- type User
- type UserKeys
- type VMPassword
- type VirtualMachine
- type VirtualMachineUserData
- type Volume
- type Zone
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type APIParameter ¶
type APIParameter interface{}
type Account ¶
type Account struct { ResourceBase // details for the account AccountDetails map[string]string `json:"accountdetails"` // account type (admin, domain-admin, user) AccountType NullNumber `json:"accounttype"` // the total number of cpu cores available to be created for this account CpuAvailable NullString `json:"cpuavailable"` // the total number of cpu cores the account can own CpuLimit NullString `json:"cpulimit"` // the total number of cpu cores owned by account CpuTotal NullNumber `json:"cputotal"` // the default zone of the account DefaultZoneId ID `json:"defaultzoneid"` // name of the Domain the account belongs too Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // id of the Domain the account belongs too DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // the list of acl groups that account belongs to Groups []NullString `json:"groups"` // the id of the account Id ID `json:"id"` // the total number of public ip addresses available for this account to acquire IpAvailable NullString `json:"ipavailable"` // the total number of public ip addresses this account can acquire IpLimit NullString `json:"iplimit"` // the total number of public ip addresses allocated for this account IpTotal NullNumber `json:"iptotal"` // true if the account requires cleanup IsCleanupRequired NullBool `json:"iscleanuprequired"` // true if account is default, false otherwise IsDefault NullBool `json:"isdefault"` // the total memory (in MB) available to be created for this account MemoryAvailable NullString `json:"memoryavailable"` // the total memory (in MB) the account can own MemoryLimit NullString `json:"memorylimit"` // the total memory (in MB) owned by account MemoryTotal NullNumber `json:"memorytotal"` // the name of the account Name NullString `json:"name"` // the total number of networks available to be created for this account NetworkAvailable NullString `json:"networkavailable"` // the network domain NetworkDomain NullString `json:"networkdomain"` // the total number of networks the account can own NetworkLimit NullString `json:"networklimit"` // the total number of networks owned by account NetworkTotal NullNumber `json:"networktotal"` // the total primary storage space (in GiB) available to be used for this // account PrimaryStorageAvailable NullString `json:"primarystorageavailable"` // the total primary storage space (in GiB) the account can own PrimaryStorageLimit NullString `json:"primarystoragelimit"` // the total primary storage space (in GiB) owned by account PrimaryStorageTotal NullNumber `json:"primarystoragetotal"` // the total number of projects available for administration by this account ProjectAvailable NullString `json:"projectavailable"` // the total number of projects the account can own ProjectLimit NullString `json:"projectlimit"` // the total number of projects being administrated by this account ProjectTotal NullNumber `json:"projecttotal"` // the total number of network traffic bytes received ReceivedBytes NullNumber `json:"receivedbytes"` // the total secondary storage space (in GiB) available to be used for this // account SecondaryStorageAvailable NullString `json:"secondarystorageavailable"` // the total secondary storage space (in GiB) the account can own SecondaryStorageLimit NullString `json:"secondarystoragelimit"` // the total secondary storage space (in GiB) owned by account SecondaryStorageTotal NullNumber `json:"secondarystoragetotal"` // the total number of network traffic bytes sent SentBytes NullNumber `json:"sentbytes"` // the total number of snapshots available for this account SnapshotAvailable NullString `json:"snapshotavailable"` // the total number of snapshots which can be stored by this account SnapshotLimit NullString `json:"snapshotlimit"` // the total number of snapshots stored by this account SnapshotTotal NullNumber `json:"snapshottotal"` // the state of the account State NullString `json:"state"` // the total number of templates available to be created by this account TemplateAvailable NullString `json:"templateavailable"` // the total number of templates which can be created by this account TemplateLimit NullString `json:"templatelimit"` // the total number of templates which have been created by this account TemplateTotal NullNumber `json:"templatetotal"` // the list of users associated with account User []User `json:"user"` // the total number of virtual machines available for this account to acquire VmAvailable NullString `json:"vmavailable"` // the total number of virtual machines that can be deployed by this account VmLimit NullString `json:"vmlimit"` // the total number of virtual machines running for this account VmRunning NullNumber `json:"vmrunning"` // the total number of virtual machines stopped for this account VmStopped NullNumber `json:"vmstopped"` // the total number of virtual machines deployed by this account VmTotal NullNumber `json:"vmtotal"` // the total volume available for this account VolumeAvailable NullString `json:"volumeavailable"` // the total volume which can be used by this account VolumeLimit NullString `json:"volumelimit"` // the total volume being used by this account VolumeTotal NullNumber `json:"volumetotal"` // the total number of vpcs available to be created for this account VpcAvailable NullString `json:"vpcavailable"` // the total number of vpcs the account can own VpcLimit NullString `json:"vpclimit"` // the total number of vpcs owned by account VpcTotal NullNumber `json:"vpctotal"` }
type ActivateProjectParameter ¶
type ActivateProjectParameter struct { // id of the project to be modified Id ID }
ActivateProject represents the paramter of ActivateProject
func NewActivateProjectParameter ¶
func NewActivateProjectParameter(id string) (p *ActivateProjectParameter)
type AddAccountToProjectParameter ¶
type AddAccountToProjectParameter struct { // name of the account to be added to the project Account NullString // email to which invitation to the project is going to be sent Email NullString // id of the project to add the account to ProjectId ID }
AddAccountToProject represents the paramter of AddAccountToProject
func NewAddAccountToProjectParameter ¶
func NewAddAccountToProjectParameter(projectid string) (p *AddAccountToProjectParameter)
type AddBaremetalHostParameter ¶
type AddBaremetalHostParameter struct { // Allocation state of this Host for allocation of new resources AllocationState NullString // the cluster ID for the host ClusterId ID // the cluster name for the host ClusterName NullString // list of tags to be added to the host HostTags []string // hypervisor type of the host Hypervisor NullString // ip address intentionally allocated to this host after provisioning IpAddress NullString // the password for the host Password NullString // the Pod ID for the host PodId ID // the host URL Url NullString // the username for the host UserName NullString // the Zone ID for the host ZoneId ID }
AddBaremetalHost represents the paramter of AddBaremetalHost
type AddClusterParameter ¶
type AddClusterParameter struct { // Allocation state of this cluster for allocation of new resources AllocationState NullString // the cluster name ClusterName NullString // type of the cluster: CloudManaged, ExternalManaged ClusterType NullString // Name of virtual switch used for guest traffic in the cluster. This would // override zone wide traffic label setting. GuestVswitchName NullString // Type of virtual switch used for guest traffic in the cluster. Allowed values // are, vmwaresvs (for VMware standard vSwitch) and vmwaredvs (for VMware // distributed vSwitch) GuestVswitchType NullString // hypervisor type of the cluster: // XenServer,KVM,VMware,Hyperv,BareMetal,Simulator Hypervisor NullString // the password for the host Password NullString // the Pod ID for the host PodId ID // Name of virtual switch used for public traffic in the cluster. This would // override zone wide traffic label setting. PublicVswitchName NullString // Type of virtual switch used for public traffic in the cluster. Allowed values // are, vmwaresvs (for VMware standard vSwitch) and vmwaredvs (for VMware // distributed vSwitch) PublicVswitchType NullString // the URL Url NullString // the username for the cluster UserName NullString // the ipaddress of the VSM associated with this cluster VsmIpAddress NullString // the password for the VSM associated with this cluster VsmPassword NullString // the username for the VSM associated with this cluster VsmUserName NullString // the Zone ID for the cluster ZoneId ID }
AddCluster represents the paramter of AddCluster
func NewAddClusterParameter ¶
type AddHostParameter ¶
type AddHostParameter struct { // Allocation state of this Host for allocation of new resources AllocationState NullString // the cluster ID for the host ClusterId ID // the cluster name for the host ClusterName NullString // list of tags to be added to the host HostTags []string // hypervisor type of the host Hypervisor NullString // the password for the host Password NullString // the Pod ID for the host PodId ID // the host URL Url NullString // the username for the host UserName NullString // the Zone ID for the host ZoneId ID }
AddHost represents the paramter of AddHost
func NewAddHostParameter ¶
type AddImageStoreParameter ¶
type AddImageStoreParameter struct { // the details for the image store. Example: // details[0].key=accesskey&details[0].value=s389ddssaa&details[1].key=secretkey&details[1].value=8dshfsss Details map[string]string // the name for the image store Name NullString // the image store provider name Provider NullString // the URL for the image store Url NullString // the Zone ID for the image store ZoneId ID }
AddImageStore represents the paramter of AddImageStore
func NewAddImageStoreParameter ¶
func NewAddImageStoreParameter(provider string) (p *AddImageStoreParameter)
type AddNicToVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type AddNicToVirtualMachineParameter struct { // IP Address for the new network IpAddress NullString // Network ID NetworkId ID // Virtual Machine ID VirtualMachineId ID }
AddNicToVirtualMachine represents the paramter of AddNicToVirtualMachine
func NewAddNicToVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewAddNicToVirtualMachineParameter(networkid string, virtualmachineid string) (p *AddNicToVirtualMachineParameter)
type AddSecondaryStorageParameter ¶
type AddSecondaryStorageParameter struct { // the URL for the secondary storage Url NullString // the Zone ID for the secondary storage ZoneId ID }
AddSecondaryStorage represents the paramter of AddSecondaryStorage
func NewAddSecondaryStorageParameter ¶
func NewAddSecondaryStorageParameter(url string) (p *AddSecondaryStorageParameter)
type AffinityGroup ¶
type AffinityGroup struct { ResourceBase // the account owning the affinity group Account NullString `json:"account"` // the description of the affinity group Description NullString `json:"description"` // the domain name of the affinity group Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the domain ID of the affinity group DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // the ID of the affinity group Id ID `json:"id"` // the name of the affinity group Name NullString `json:"name"` // the type of the affinity group Type NullString `json:"type"` // virtual machine Ids associated with this affinity group VirtualMachineIds []ID `json:"virtualmachineids"` }
type AffinityGroupType ¶
type AffinityGroupType struct { ResourceBase // the type of the affinity group Type NullString `json:"type"` }
type AssignToLoadBalancerRuleParameter ¶
type AssignToLoadBalancerRuleParameter struct { // the ID of the load balancer rule Id ID // the list of IDs of the virtual machine that are being assigned to the load // balancer rule(i.e. virtualMachineIds=1,2,3) VirtualMachineIds []string // VM ID and IP map, vmidipmap[0].vmid=1 vmidipmap[0].ip= VmIdIpmap map[string]string }
AssignToLoadBalancerRule represents the paramter of AssignToLoadBalancerRule
func NewAssignToLoadBalancerRuleParameter ¶
func NewAssignToLoadBalancerRuleParameter(id string) (p *AssignToLoadBalancerRuleParameter)
type AssignVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type AssignVirtualMachineParameter struct { // account name of the new VM owner. Account NullString // domain id of the new VM owner. DomainId ID // list of new network ids in which the moved VM will participate. In case no // network ids are provided the VM will be part of the default network for that // zone. In case there is no network yet created for the new account the default // network will be created. NetworkIds []string // list of security group ids to be applied on the virtual machine. In case no // security groups are provided the VM is part of the default security group. SecurityGroupIds []string // id of the VM to be moved VirtualMachineId ID }
AssignVirtualMachine represents the paramter of AssignVirtualMachine
func NewAssignVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewAssignVirtualMachineParameter(account string, domainid string, virtualmachineid string) (p *AssignVirtualMachineParameter)
type AssociateIpAddressParameter ¶
type AssociateIpAddressParameter struct { // the account to associate with this IP address Account NullString // the ID of the domain to associate with this IP address DomainId ID // an optional field, whether to the display the ip to the end user or not ForDisplay NullBool // should be set to true if public IP is required to be transferable across // zones, if not specified defaults to false IsPortable NullBool // The network this ip address should be associated to. NetworkId ID // Deploy vm for the project ProjectId ID // region ID from where portable ip is to be associated. RegionId ID // the VPC you want the ip address to be associated with VpcId ID // the ID of the availability zone you want to acquire an public IP address from ZoneId ID }
AssociateIpAddress represents the paramter of AssociateIpAddress
func NewAssociateIpAddressParameter ¶
func NewAssociateIpAddressParameter() (p *AssociateIpAddressParameter)
type AsyncApiResponse ¶
type AsyncJobResult ¶
type AsyncJobResult struct { AccountId NullString `json:"accountid"` Cmd NullString `json:"cmd"` Created NullString `json:"created"` JobId ID `json:"jobid"` JobInstanceId ID `json:"jobinstanceid"` JobInstanceType NullString `json:"jobinstancetype"` JobProcsSatus NullNumber `json:"jobprocstatus"` JobResult json.RawMessage `json:"jobresult"` JobResultCode NullNumber `json:"jobresultcode"` JobResultType NullString `json:"jobresulttype"` JobStatus NullNumber `json:"jobstatus"` UserId ID `json:"userid"` }
type AttachVolumeParameter ¶
type AttachVolumeParameter struct { // the ID of the device to map the volume to within the guest OS. If no deviceId // is passed in, the next available deviceId will be chosen. Possible values for // a Linux OS are:* 0 - /dev/xvda* 1 - /dev/xvdb* 2 - /dev/xvdc* 4 - /dev/xvde* // 5 - /dev/xvdf* 6 - /dev/xvdg* 7 - /dev/xvdh* 8 - /dev/xvdi* 9 - /dev/xvdj DeviceId ID // the ID of the disk volume Id ID // the ID of the virtual machine VirtualMachineId ID }
AttachVolume represents the paramter of AttachVolume
func NewAttachVolumeParameter ¶
func NewAttachVolumeParameter(id string, virtualmachineid string) (p *AttachVolumeParameter)
type AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressParameter ¶
type AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressParameter struct { // an optional account for the security group. Must be used with domainId. Account NullString // the cidr list associated CidrList []string // an optional domainId for the security group. If the account parameter is // used, domainId must also be used. DomainId ID // end port for this egress rule EndPort NullNumber // error code for this icmp message IcmpCode NullNumber // type of the icmp message being sent IcmpType NullNumber // an optional project of the security group ProjectId ID // TCP is default. UDP is the other supported protocol Protocol NullString // The ID of the security group. Mutually exclusive with securityGroupName // parameter SecurityGroupId ID // The name of the security group. Mutually exclusive with securityGroupName // parameter SecurityGroupName NullString // start port for this egress rule StartPort NullNumber // user to security group mapping UserSecurityGroupList map[string]string }
AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress represents the paramter of AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress
func NewAuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressParameter ¶
func NewAuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressParameter() (p *AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressParameter)
type AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressParameter ¶
type AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressParameter struct { // an optional account for the security group. Must be used with domainId. Account NullString // the cidr list associated CidrList []string // an optional domainId for the security group. If the account parameter is // used, domainId must also be used. DomainId ID // end port for this ingress rule EndPort NullNumber // error code for this icmp message IcmpCode NullNumber // type of the icmp message being sent IcmpType NullNumber // an optional project of the security group ProjectId ID // TCP is default. UDP is the other supported protocol Protocol NullString // The ID of the security group. Mutually exclusive with securityGroupName // parameter SecurityGroupId ID // The name of the security group. Mutually exclusive with securityGroupName // parameter SecurityGroupName NullString // start port for this ingress rule StartPort NullNumber // user to security group mapping UserSecurityGroupList map[string]string }
AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress represents the paramter of AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress
func NewAuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressParameter ¶
func NewAuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressParameter() (p *AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressParameter)
type CancelHostMaintenanceParameter ¶
type CancelHostMaintenanceParameter struct { // the host ID Id ID }
CancelHostMaintenance represents the paramter of CancelHostMaintenance
func NewCancelHostMaintenanceParameter ¶
func NewCancelHostMaintenanceParameter(id string) (p *CancelHostMaintenanceParameter)
type CancelStorageMaintenanceParameter ¶
type CancelStorageMaintenanceParameter struct { // the primary storage ID Id ID }
CancelStorageMaintenance represents the paramter of CancelStorageMaintenance
func NewCancelStorageMaintenanceParameter ¶
func NewCancelStorageMaintenanceParameter(id string) (p *CancelStorageMaintenanceParameter)
type Capacity ¶
type Capacity struct { ResourceBase // the total capacity available CapacityTotal NullNumber `json:"capacitytotal"` // the capacity currently in use CapacityUsed NullNumber `json:"capacityused"` // the Cluster ID ClusterId ID `json:"clusterid"` // the Cluster name ClusterName NullString `json:"clustername"` // the percentage of capacity currently in use PercentUsed NullString `json:"percentused"` // the Pod ID PodId ID `json:"podid"` // the Pod name PodName NullString `json:"podname"` // the capacity type Type NullNumber `json:"type"` // the Zone ID ZoneId ID `json:"zoneid"` // the Zone name ZoneName NullString `json:"zonename"` }
type ChangeServiceForVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type ChangeServiceForVirtualMachineParameter struct { // name value pairs of custom parameters for cpu, memory and cpunumber. example // details[i].name=value Details map[string]string // The ID of the virtual machine Id ID // the service offering ID to apply to the virtual machine ServiceOfferingId ID }
ChangeServiceForVirtualMachine represents the paramter of ChangeServiceForVirtualMachine
func NewChangeServiceForVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewChangeServiceForVirtualMachineParameter(id string, serviceofferingid string) (p *ChangeServiceForVirtualMachineParameter)
type CleanVMReservationsParameter ¶
type CleanVMReservationsParameter struct { }
CleanVMReservations represents the paramter of CleanVMReservations
func NewCleanVMReservationsParameter ¶
func NewCleanVMReservationsParameter() (p *CleanVMReservationsParameter)
type Client ¶
type Client struct { EndPoint *url.URL APIKey string SecretKey string Username string Password string SessionKey string PollingInterval time.Duration HTTPClient *http.Client }
func (*Client) ActivateProject ¶
func (c *Client) ActivateProject(p *ActivateProjectParameter) (*Project, error)
Activates a project
func (*Client) AddAccountToProject ¶
func (c *Client) AddAccountToProject(p *AddAccountToProjectParameter) (*Result, error)
Adds acoount to a project
func (*Client) AddBaremetalHost ¶
func (c *Client) AddBaremetalHost(p *AddBaremetalHostParameter) (*Host, error)
add a baremetal host
func (*Client) AddCluster ¶
func (c *Client) AddCluster(p *AddClusterParameter) (*Cluster, error)
Adds a new cluster
func (*Client) AddHost ¶
func (c *Client) AddHost(p *AddHostParameter) (*Host, error)
Adds a new host.
func (*Client) AddImageStore ¶
func (c *Client) AddImageStore(p *AddImageStoreParameter) (*ImageStore, error)
Adds backup image store.
func (*Client) AddNicToVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) AddNicToVirtualMachine(p *AddNicToVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Adds VM to specified network by creating a NIC
func (*Client) AddSecondaryStorage ¶
func (c *Client) AddSecondaryStorage(p *AddSecondaryStorageParameter) (*ImageStore, error)
Adds secondary storage.
func (*Client) AssignToLoadBalancerRule ¶
func (c *Client) AssignToLoadBalancerRule(p *AssignToLoadBalancerRuleParameter) (*Result, error)
Assigns virtual machine or a list of virtual machines to a load balancer rule.
func (*Client) AssignVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) AssignVirtualMachine(p *AssignVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Change ownership of a VM from one account to another. This API is available for Basic zones with security groups and Advanced zones with guest networks. A root administrator can reassign a VM from any account to any other account in any domain. A domain administrator can reassign a VM to any account in the same domain.
func (*Client) AssociateIpAddress ¶
func (c *Client) AssociateIpAddress(p *AssociateIpAddressParameter) (*PublicIpAddress, error)
Acquires and associates a public IP to an account.
func (*Client) AsyncRequest ¶
func (*Client) AsyncRequestJson ¶
func (*Client) AttachVolume ¶
func (c *Client) AttachVolume(p *AttachVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
Attaches a disk volume to a virtual machine.
func (*Client) AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress ¶
func (c *Client) AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress(p *AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressParameter) (*SecurityGroupEgress, error)
Authorizes a particular egress rule for this security group
func (*Client) AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress ¶
func (c *Client) AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress(p *AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressParameter) (*SecurityGroupIngress, error)
Authorizes a particular ingress rule for this security group
func (*Client) CancelHostMaintenance ¶
func (c *Client) CancelHostMaintenance(p *CancelHostMaintenanceParameter) (*Host, error)
Cancels host maintenance.
func (*Client) CancelStorageMaintenance ¶
func (c *Client) CancelStorageMaintenance(p *CancelStorageMaintenanceParameter) (*StoragePool, error)
Cancels maintenance for primary storage
func (*Client) ChangeServiceForVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) ChangeServiceForVirtualMachine(p *ChangeServiceForVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Changes the service offering for a virtual machine. The virtual machine must be in a "Stopped" state for this command to take effect.
func (*Client) CleanVMReservations ¶
func (c *Client) CleanVMReservations(p *CleanVMReservationsParameter) (*Result, error)
Cleanups VM reservations in the database.
func (*Client) CopyTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) CopyTemplate(p *CopyTemplateParameter) (*Template, error)
Copies a template from one zone to another.
func (*Client) CreateAccount ¶
func (c *Client) CreateAccount(p *CreateAccountParameter) (*Account, error)
Creates an account
func (*Client) CreateAffinityGroup ¶
func (c *Client) CreateAffinityGroup(p *CreateAffinityGroupParameter) (*AffinityGroup, error)
Creates an affinity/anti-affinity group
func (*Client) CreateDiskOffering ¶
func (c *Client) CreateDiskOffering(p *CreateDiskOfferingParameter) (*DiskOffering, error)
Creates a disk offering.
func (*Client) CreateDomain ¶
func (c *Client) CreateDomain(p *CreateDomainParameter) (*Domain, error)
Creates a domain
func (*Client) CreateEgressFirewallRule ¶
func (c *Client) CreateEgressFirewallRule(p *CreateEgressFirewallRuleParameter) (*FirewallRule, error)
Creates a egress firewall rule for a given network
func (*Client) CreateFirewallRule ¶
func (c *Client) CreateFirewallRule(p *CreateFirewallRuleParameter) (*FirewallRule, error)
Creates a firewall rule for a given ip address
func (*Client) CreateIpForwardingRule ¶
func (c *Client) CreateIpForwardingRule(p *CreateIpForwardingRuleParameter) (*IpForwardingRule, error)
Creates an ip forwarding rule
func (*Client) CreateLoadBalancerRule ¶
func (c *Client) CreateLoadBalancerRule(p *CreateLoadBalancerRuleParameter) (*LoadBalancerRule, error)
Creates a load balancer rule
func (*Client) CreateNetwork ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNetwork(p *CreateNetworkParameter) (*Network, error)
Creates a network
func (*Client) CreateNetworkOffering ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNetworkOffering(p *CreateNetworkOfferingParameter) (*NetworkOffering, error)
Creates a network offering.
func (*Client) CreatePod ¶
func (c *Client) CreatePod(p *CreatePodParameter) (*Pod, error)
Creates a new Pod.
func (*Client) CreatePortForwardingRule ¶
func (c *Client) CreatePortForwardingRule(p *CreatePortForwardingRuleParameter) (*PortForwardingRule, error)
Creates a port forwarding rule
func (*Client) CreateProject ¶
func (c *Client) CreateProject(p *CreateProjectParameter) (*Project, error)
Creates a project
func (*Client) CreateSecondaryStagingStore ¶
func (c *Client) CreateSecondaryStagingStore(p *CreateSecondaryStagingStoreParameter) (*ImageStore, error)
create secondary staging store.
func (*Client) CreateSecurityGroup ¶
func (c *Client) CreateSecurityGroup(p *CreateSecurityGroupParameter) (*SecurityGroup, error)
Creates a security group
func (*Client) CreateServiceOffering ¶
func (c *Client) CreateServiceOffering(p *CreateServiceOfferingParameter) (*ServiceOffering, error)
Creates a service offering.
func (*Client) CreateStoragePool ¶
func (c *Client) CreateStoragePool(p *CreateStoragePoolParameter) (*StoragePool, error)
Creates a storage pool.
func (*Client) CreateTags ¶
func (c *Client) CreateTags(p *CreateTagsParameter) (*Result, error)
Creates resource tag(s)
func (*Client) CreateTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) CreateTemplate(p *CreateTemplateParameter) (*Template, error)
Creates a template of a virtual machine. The virtual machine must be in a STOPPED state. A template created from this command is automatically designated as a private template visible to the account that created it.
func (*Client) CreateUser ¶
func (c *Client) CreateUser(p *CreateUserParameter) (*User, error)
Creates a user for an account that already exists
func (*Client) CreateVolume ¶
func (c *Client) CreateVolume(p *CreateVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
Creates a disk volume from a disk offering. This disk volume must still be attached to a virtual machine to make use of it.
func (*Client) CreateZone ¶
func (c *Client) CreateZone(p *CreateZoneParameter) (*Zone, error)
Creates a Zone.
func (*Client) DedicateCluster ¶
func (c *Client) DedicateCluster(p *DedicateClusterParameter) (*DedicatedCluster, error)
Dedicate an existing cluster
func (*Client) DedicateHost ¶
func (c *Client) DedicateHost(p *DedicateHostParameter) (*DedicatedHost, error)
Dedicates a host.
func (*Client) DedicatePod ¶
func (c *Client) DedicatePod(p *DedicatePodParameter) (*DedicatedPod, error)
Dedicates a Pod.
func (*Client) DeleteAccount ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteAccount(p *DeleteAccountParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a account, and all users associated with this account
func (*Client) DeleteAccountFromProject ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteAccountFromProject(p *DeleteAccountFromProjectParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes account from the project
func (*Client) DeleteAffinityGroup ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteAffinityGroup(p *DeleteAffinityGroupParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes affinity group
func (*Client) DeleteCluster ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteCluster(p *DeleteClusterParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a cluster.
func (*Client) DeleteDiskOffering ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteDiskOffering(p *DeleteDiskOfferingParameter) (*Result, error)
Updates a disk offering.
func (*Client) DeleteDomain ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteDomain(p *DeleteDomainParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a specified domain
func (*Client) DeleteEgressFirewallRule ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteEgressFirewallRule(p *DeleteEgressFirewallRuleParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes an ggress firewall rule
func (*Client) DeleteFirewallRule ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteFirewallRule(p *DeleteFirewallRuleParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a firewall rule
func (*Client) DeleteHost ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteHost(p *DeleteHostParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a host.
func (*Client) DeleteImageStore ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteImageStore(p *DeleteImageStoreParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes an image store .
func (*Client) DeleteIpForwardingRule ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteIpForwardingRule(p *DeleteIpForwardingRuleParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes an ip forwarding rule
func (*Client) DeleteLoadBalancerRule ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteLoadBalancerRule(p *DeleteLoadBalancerRuleParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a load balancer rule.
func (*Client) DeleteNetwork ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteNetwork(p *DeleteNetworkParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a network
func (*Client) DeleteNetworkOffering ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteNetworkOffering(p *DeleteNetworkOfferingParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a network offering.
func (*Client) DeletePod ¶
func (c *Client) DeletePod(p *DeletePodParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a Pod.
func (*Client) DeletePortForwardingRule ¶
func (c *Client) DeletePortForwardingRule(p *DeletePortForwardingRuleParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a port forwarding rule
func (*Client) DeleteProject ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteProject(p *DeleteProjectParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a project
func (*Client) DeleteProjectInvitation ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteProjectInvitation(p *DeleteProjectInvitationParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes project invitation
func (*Client) DeleteSecondaryStagingStore ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteSecondaryStagingStore(p *DeleteSecondaryStagingStoreParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a secondary staging store .
func (*Client) DeleteSecurityGroup ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteSecurityGroup(p *DeleteSecurityGroupParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes security group
func (*Client) DeleteServiceOffering ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteServiceOffering(p *DeleteServiceOfferingParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a service offering.
func (*Client) DeleteStoragePool ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteStoragePool(p *DeleteStoragePoolParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a storage pool.
func (*Client) DeleteTags ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteTags(p *DeleteTagsParameter) (*Result, error)
Deleting resource tag(s)
func (*Client) DeleteTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteTemplate(p *DeleteTemplateParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a template from the system. All virtual machines using the deleted template will not be affected.
func (*Client) DeleteUser ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteUser(p *DeleteUserParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a user for an account
func (*Client) DeleteVolume ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteVolume(p *DeleteVolumeParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a detached disk volume.
func (*Client) DeleteZone ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteZone(p *DeleteZoneParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a Zone.
func (*Client) DeployVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) DeployVirtualMachine(p *DeployVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Creates and automatically starts a virtual machine based on a service offering, disk offering, and template.
func (*Client) DestroyVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) DestroyVirtualMachine(p *DestroyVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Destroys a virtual machine. Once destroyed, only the administrator can recover it.
func (*Client) DetachVolume ¶
func (c *Client) DetachVolume(p *DetachVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
Detaches a disk volume from a virtual machine.
func (*Client) DisableAccount ¶
func (c *Client) DisableAccount(p *DisableAccountParameter) (*Account, error)
Disables an account
func (*Client) DisableStaticNat ¶
func (c *Client) DisableStaticNat(p *DisableStaticNatParameter) (*Result, error)
Disables static rule for given ip address
func (*Client) DisableUser ¶
func (c *Client) DisableUser(p *DisableUserParameter) (*User, error)
Disables a user account
func (*Client) DisassociateIpAddress ¶
func (c *Client) DisassociateIpAddress(p *DisassociateIpAddressParameter) (*Result, error)
Disassociates an ip address from the account.
func (*Client) EnableAccount ¶
func (c *Client) EnableAccount(p *EnableAccountParameter) (*Account, error)
Enables an account
func (*Client) EnableStaticNat ¶
func (c *Client) EnableStaticNat(p *EnableStaticNatParameter) (*Result, error)
Enables static nat for given ip address
func (*Client) EnableStorageMaintenance ¶
func (c *Client) EnableStorageMaintenance(p *EnableStorageMaintenanceParameter) (*StoragePool, error)
Puts storage pool into maintenance state
func (*Client) EnableUser ¶
func (c *Client) EnableUser(p *EnableUserParameter) (*User, error)
Enables a user account
func (*Client) ExpungeVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) ExpungeVirtualMachine(p *ExpungeVirtualMachineParameter) (*Result, error)
Expunge a virtual machine. Once expunged, it cannot be recoverd.
func (*Client) ExtractTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) ExtractTemplate(p *ExtractTemplateParameter) (*Template, error)
Extracts a template
func (*Client) ExtractVolume ¶
func (c *Client) ExtractVolume(p *ExtractVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
Extracts volume
func (*Client) FindHostsForMigration ¶
func (c *Client) FindHostsForMigration(p *FindHostsForMigrationParameter) (*Host, error)
Find hosts suitable for migrating a virtual machine.
func (*Client) FindStoragePoolsForMigration ¶
func (c *Client) FindStoragePoolsForMigration(p *FindStoragePoolsForMigrationParameter) (*StoragePool, error)
Lists storage pools available for migration of a volume.
func (*Client) GenerateQueryURL ¶
Generate Query URL from command and paramters
func (*Client) GetUser ¶
func (c *Client) GetUser(p *GetUserParameter) (*User, error)
Find user account by API key
func (*Client) GetVMPassword ¶
func (c *Client) GetVMPassword(p *GetVMPasswordParameter) (*VMPassword, error)
Returns an encrypted password for the VM
func (*Client) GetVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) GetVirtualMachine(id string) (*VirtualMachine, error)
func (*Client) GetVirtualMachineUserData ¶
func (c *Client) GetVirtualMachineUserData(p *GetVirtualMachineUserDataParameter) (*VirtualMachineUserData, error)
Returns user data associated with the VM
func (*Client) ImportLdapUsers ¶
func (c *Client) ImportLdapUsers(p *ImportLdapUsersParameter) (*LdapUser, error)
Import LDAP users
func (*Client) ListAccounts ¶
func (c *Client) ListAccounts(p *ListAccountsParameter) ([]*Account, error)
Lists accounts and provides detailed account information for listed accounts
func (*Client) ListAffinityGroupTypes ¶
func (c *Client) ListAffinityGroupTypes(p *ListAffinityGroupTypesParameter) ([]*AffinityGroupType, error)
Lists affinity group types available
func (*Client) ListAffinityGroups ¶
func (c *Client) ListAffinityGroups(p *ListAffinityGroupsParameter) ([]*AffinityGroup, error)
Lists affinity groups
func (*Client) ListClusters ¶
func (c *Client) ListClusters(p *ListClustersParameter) ([]*Cluster, error)
Lists clusters.
func (*Client) ListDedicatedClusters ¶
func (c *Client) ListDedicatedClusters(p *ListDedicatedClustersParameter) ([]*DedicatedCluster, error)
Lists dedicated clusters.
func (*Client) ListDedicatedHosts ¶
func (c *Client) ListDedicatedHosts(p *ListDedicatedHostsParameter) ([]*DedicatedHost, error)
Lists dedicated hosts.
func (*Client) ListDedicatedPods ¶
func (c *Client) ListDedicatedPods(p *ListDedicatedPodsParameter) ([]*DedicatedPod, error)
Lists dedicated pods.
func (*Client) ListDiskOfferings ¶
func (c *Client) ListDiskOfferings(p *ListDiskOfferingsParameter) ([]*DiskOffering, error)
Lists all available disk offerings.
func (*Client) ListDomainChildren ¶
func (c *Client) ListDomainChildren(p *ListDomainChildrenParameter) ([]*Domain, error)
Lists all children domains belonging to a specified domain
func (*Client) ListDomains ¶
func (c *Client) ListDomains(p *ListDomainsParameter) ([]*Domain, error)
Lists domains and provides detailed information for listed domains
func (*Client) ListEgressFirewallRules ¶
func (c *Client) ListEgressFirewallRules(p *ListEgressFirewallRulesParameter) ([]*FirewallRule, error)
Lists all egress firewall rules for network id.
func (*Client) ListFirewallRules ¶
func (c *Client) ListFirewallRules(p *ListFirewallRulesParameter) ([]*FirewallRule, error)
Lists all firewall rules for an IP address.
func (*Client) ListHostTags ¶
func (c *Client) ListHostTags(p *ListHostTagsParameter) ([]*HostTag, error)
Lists host tags
func (*Client) ListHosts ¶
func (c *Client) ListHosts(p *ListHostsParameter) ([]*Host, error)
Lists hosts.
func (*Client) ListImageStores ¶
func (c *Client) ListImageStores(p *ListImageStoresParameter) ([]*ImageStore, error)
Lists image stores.
func (*Client) ListIpForwardingRules ¶
func (c *Client) ListIpForwardingRules(p *ListIpForwardingRulesParameter) ([]*IpForwardingRule, error)
List the ip forwarding rules
func (*Client) ListLdapUsers ¶
func (c *Client) ListLdapUsers(p *ListLdapUsersParameter) ([]*LdapUser, error)
Lists all LDAP Users
func (*Client) ListLoadBalancerRuleInstances ¶
func (c *Client) ListLoadBalancerRuleInstances(p *ListLoadBalancerRuleInstancesParameter) ([]*LoadBalancerRuleInstance, error)
List all virtual machine instances that are assigned to a load balancer rule.
func (*Client) ListLoadBalancerRules ¶
func (c *Client) ListLoadBalancerRules(p *ListLoadBalancerRulesParameter) ([]*LoadBalancerRule, error)
Lists load balancer rules.
func (*Client) ListNetworkOfferings ¶
func (c *Client) ListNetworkOfferings(p *ListNetworkOfferingsParameter) ([]*NetworkOffering, error)
Lists all available network offerings.
func (*Client) ListNetworks ¶
func (c *Client) ListNetworks(p *ListNetworksParameter) ([]*Network, error)
Lists all available networks.
func (*Client) ListPods ¶
func (c *Client) ListPods(p *ListPodsParameter) ([]*Pod, error)
Lists all Pods.
func (*Client) ListPortForwardingRules ¶
func (c *Client) ListPortForwardingRules(p *ListPortForwardingRulesParameter) ([]*PortForwardingRule, error)
Lists all port forwarding rules for an IP address.
func (*Client) ListProjectAccounts ¶
func (c *Client) ListProjectAccounts(p *ListProjectAccountsParameter) ([]*ProjectAccount, error)
Lists project's accounts
func (*Client) ListProjectInvitations ¶
func (c *Client) ListProjectInvitations(p *ListProjectInvitationsParameter) ([]*ProjectInvitation, error)
Lists project invitations and provides detailed information for listed invitations
func (*Client) ListProjects ¶
func (c *Client) ListProjects(p *ListProjectsParameter) ([]*Project, error)
Lists projects and provides detailed information for listed projects
func (*Client) ListPublicIpAddresses ¶
func (c *Client) ListPublicIpAddresses(p *ListPublicIpAddressesParameter) ([]*PublicIpAddress, error)
Lists all public ip addresses
func (*Client) ListSecondaryStagingStores ¶
func (c *Client) ListSecondaryStagingStores(p *ListSecondaryStagingStoresParameter) ([]*ImageStore, error)
Lists secondary staging stores.
func (*Client) ListSecurityGroups ¶
func (c *Client) ListSecurityGroups(p *ListSecurityGroupsParameter) ([]*SecurityGroup, error)
Lists security groups
func (*Client) ListServiceOfferings ¶
func (c *Client) ListServiceOfferings(p *ListServiceOfferingsParameter) ([]*ServiceOffering, error)
Lists all available service offerings.
func (*Client) ListStoragePools ¶
func (c *Client) ListStoragePools(p *ListStoragePoolsParameter) ([]*StoragePool, error)
Lists storage pools.
func (*Client) ListStorageProviders ¶
func (c *Client) ListStorageProviders(p *ListStorageProvidersParameter) ([]*StorageProvider, error)
Lists storage providers.
func (*Client) ListStorageTags ¶
func (c *Client) ListStorageTags(p *ListStorageTagsParameter) ([]*StorageTag, error)
Lists storage tags
func (*Client) ListTags ¶
func (c *Client) ListTags(p *ListTagsParameter) ([]*Tag, error)
List resource tag(s)
func (*Client) ListTemplatePermissions ¶
func (c *Client) ListTemplatePermissions(p *ListTemplatePermissionsParameter) (*TemplatePermission, error)
List template visibility and all accounts that have permissions to view this template.
func (*Client) ListTemplates ¶
func (c *Client) ListTemplates(p *ListTemplatesParameter) ([]*Template, error)
List all public, private, and privileged templates.
func (*Client) ListUsers ¶
func (c *Client) ListUsers(p *ListUsersParameter) ([]*User, error)
Lists user accounts
func (*Client) ListVirtualMachines ¶
func (c *Client) ListVirtualMachines(p *ListVirtualMachinesParameter) ([]*VirtualMachine, error)
List the virtual machines owned by the account.
func (*Client) ListVolumes ¶
func (c *Client) ListVolumes(p *ListVolumesParameter) ([]*Volume, error)
Lists all volumes.
func (*Client) ListZones ¶
func (c *Client) ListZones(p *ListZonesParameter) ([]*Zone, error)
Lists zones
func (*Client) LockAccount ¶
func (c *Client) LockAccount(p *LockAccountParameter) (*Account, error)
Locks an account
func (*Client) LockUser ¶
func (c *Client) LockUser(p *LockUserParameter) (*User, error)
Locks a user account
func (*Client) MarkDefaultZoneForAccount ¶
func (c *Client) MarkDefaultZoneForAccount(p *MarkDefaultZoneForAccountParameter) (*Account, error)
Marks a default zone for this account
func (*Client) MigrateVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) MigrateVirtualMachine(p *MigrateVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Attempts Migration of a VM to a different host or Root volume of the vm to a different storage pool
func (*Client) MigrateVirtualMachineWithVolume ¶
func (c *Client) MigrateVirtualMachineWithVolume(p *MigrateVirtualMachineWithVolumeParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Attempts Migration of a VM with its volumes to a different host
func (*Client) MigrateVolume ¶
func (c *Client) MigrateVolume(p *MigrateVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
Migrate volume
func (*Client) PrepareHostForMaintenance ¶
func (c *Client) PrepareHostForMaintenance(p *PrepareHostForMaintenanceParameter) (*Host, error)
Prepares a host for maintenance.
func (*Client) PrepareTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) PrepareTemplate(p *PrepareTemplateParameter) (*Template, error)
load template into primary storage
func (*Client) QueryAsyncJobResult ¶
func (c *Client) QueryAsyncJobResult(jobid string) (job *AsyncJobResult, err error)
func (*Client) RebootVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) RebootVirtualMachine(p *RebootVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Reboots a virtual machine.
func (*Client) ReconnectHost ¶
func (c *Client) ReconnectHost(p *ReconnectHostParameter) (*Host, error)
Reconnects a host.
func (*Client) RecoverVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) RecoverVirtualMachine(p *RecoverVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Recovers a virtual machine.
func (*Client) RegisterTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) RegisterTemplate(p *RegisterTemplateParameter) (*Template, error)
Registers an existing template into the CloudStack cloud.
func (*Client) RegisterUserKeys ¶
func (c *Client) RegisterUserKeys(p *RegisterUserKeysParameter) (*UserKeys, error)
This command allows a user to register for the developer API, returning a secret key and an API key. This request is made through the integration API port, so it is a privileged command and must be made on behalf of a user. It is up to the implementer just how the username and password are entered, and then how that translates to an integration API request. Both secret key and API key should be returned to the user
func (*Client) ReleaseDedicatedCluster ¶
func (c *Client) ReleaseDedicatedCluster(p *ReleaseDedicatedClusterParameter) (*Result, error)
Release the dedication for cluster
func (*Client) ReleaseDedicatedHost ¶
func (c *Client) ReleaseDedicatedHost(p *ReleaseDedicatedHostParameter) (*Result, error)
Release the dedication for host
func (*Client) ReleaseDedicatedPod ¶
func (c *Client) ReleaseDedicatedPod(p *ReleaseDedicatedPodParameter) (*Result, error)
Release the dedication for the pod
func (*Client) ReleaseHostReservation ¶
func (c *Client) ReleaseHostReservation(p *ReleaseHostReservationParameter) (*Result, error)
Releases host reservation.
func (*Client) RemoveFromLoadBalancerRule ¶
func (c *Client) RemoveFromLoadBalancerRule(p *RemoveFromLoadBalancerRuleParameter) (*Result, error)
Removes a virtual machine or a list of virtual machines from a load balancer rule.
func (*Client) RemoveNicFromVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) RemoveNicFromVirtualMachine(p *RemoveNicFromVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Removes VM from specified network by deleting a NIC
func (*Client) RequestJson ¶
func (*Client) ResetPasswordForVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) ResetPasswordForVirtualMachine(p *ResetPasswordForVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Resets the password for virtual machine. The virtual machine must be in a "Stopped" state and the template must already support this feature for this command to take effect. [async]
func (*Client) ResizeVolume ¶
func (c *Client) ResizeVolume(p *ResizeVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
Resizes a volume
func (*Client) RestartNetwork ¶
func (c *Client) RestartNetwork(p *RestartNetworkParameter) (*Network, error)
Restarts the network; includes 1) restarting network elements - virtual routers, dhcp servers 2) reapplying all public ips 3) reapplying loadBalancing/portForwarding rules
func (*Client) RestoreVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) RestoreVirtualMachine(p *RestoreVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Restore a VM to original template/ISO or new template/ISO
func (*Client) RevokeSecurityGroupEgress ¶
func (c *Client) RevokeSecurityGroupEgress(p *RevokeSecurityGroupEgressParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a particular egress rule from this security group
func (*Client) RevokeSecurityGroupIngress ¶
func (c *Client) RevokeSecurityGroupIngress(p *RevokeSecurityGroupIngressParameter) (*Result, error)
Deletes a particular ingress rule from this security group
func (*Client) ScaleVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) ScaleVirtualMachine(p *ScaleVirtualMachineParameter) (*Result, error)
Scales the virtual machine to a new service offering.
func (*Client) StartVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) StartVirtualMachine(p *StartVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Starts a virtual machine.
func (*Client) StopVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) StopVirtualMachine(p *StopVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Stops a virtual machine.
func (*Client) SuspendProject ¶
func (c *Client) SuspendProject(p *SuspendProjectParameter) (*Project, error)
Suspends a project
func (*Client) UpdateAccount ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateAccount(p *UpdateAccountParameter) (*Account, error)
Updates account information for the authenticated user
func (*Client) UpdateCloudToUseObjectStore ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateCloudToUseObjectStore(p *UpdateCloudToUseObjectStoreParameter) (*ImageStore, error)
Migrate current NFS secondary storages to use object store.
func (*Client) UpdateCluster ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateCluster(p *UpdateClusterParameter) (*Cluster, error)
Updates an existing cluster
func (*Client) UpdateDefaultNicForVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateDefaultNicForVirtualMachine(p *UpdateDefaultNicForVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Changes the default NIC on a VM
func (*Client) UpdateDiskOffering ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateDiskOffering(p *UpdateDiskOfferingParameter) (*DiskOffering, error)
Updates a disk offering.
func (*Client) UpdateDomain ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateDomain(p *UpdateDomainParameter) (*Domain, error)
Updates a domain with a new name
func (*Client) UpdateEgressFirewallRule ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateEgressFirewallRule(p *UpdateEgressFirewallRuleParameter) (*FirewallRule, error)
Updates egress firewall rule
func (*Client) UpdateFirewallRule ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateFirewallRule(p *UpdateFirewallRuleParameter) (*FirewallRule, error)
Updates firewall rule
func (*Client) UpdateHost ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateHost(p *UpdateHostParameter) (*Host, error)
Updates a host.
func (*Client) UpdateHostPassword ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateHostPassword(p *UpdateHostPasswordParameter) (*Result, error)
Update password of a host/pool on management server.
func (*Client) UpdateIpAddress ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateIpAddress(p *UpdateIpAddressParameter) (*PublicIpAddress, error)
Updates an ip address
func (*Client) UpdateLoadBalancerRule ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateLoadBalancerRule(p *UpdateLoadBalancerRuleParameter) (*LoadBalancerRule, error)
Updates load balancer
func (*Client) UpdateNetwork ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateNetwork(p *UpdateNetworkParameter) (*Network, error)
Updates a network
func (*Client) UpdateNetworkOffering ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateNetworkOffering(p *UpdateNetworkOfferingParameter) (*NetworkOffering, error)
Updates a network offering.
func (*Client) UpdatePod ¶
func (c *Client) UpdatePod(p *UpdatePodParameter) (*Pod, error)
Updates a Pod.
func (*Client) UpdatePortForwardingRule ¶
func (c *Client) UpdatePortForwardingRule(p *UpdatePortForwardingRuleParameter) (*PortForwardingRule, error)
Updates a port forwarding rule. Only the private port and the virtual machine can be updated.
func (*Client) UpdateProject ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateProject(p *UpdateProjectParameter) (*Project, error)
Updates a project
func (*Client) UpdateProjectInvitation ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateProjectInvitation(p *UpdateProjectInvitationParameter) (*Result, error)
Accepts or declines project invitation
func (*Client) UpdateServiceOffering ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateServiceOffering(p *UpdateServiceOfferingParameter) (*ServiceOffering, error)
Updates a service offering.
func (*Client) UpdateStoragePool ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateStoragePool(p *UpdateStoragePoolParameter) (*StoragePool, error)
Updates a storage pool.
func (*Client) UpdateTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateTemplate(p *UpdateTemplateParameter) (*Template, error)
Updates attributes of a template.
func (*Client) UpdateTemplatePermissions ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateTemplatePermissions(p *UpdateTemplatePermissionsParameter) (*Result, error)
Updates a template visibility permissions. A public template is visible to all accounts within the same domain. A private template is visible only to the owner of the template. A priviledged template is a private template with account permissions added. Only accounts specified under the template permissions are visible to them.
func (*Client) UpdateUser ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateUser(p *UpdateUserParameter) (*User, error)
Updates a user account
func (*Client) UpdateVMAffinityGroup ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateVMAffinityGroup(p *UpdateVMAffinityGroupParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Updates the affinity/anti-affinity group associations of a virtual machine. The VM has to be stopped and restarted for the new properties to take effect.
func (*Client) UpdateVirtualMachine ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateVirtualMachine(p *UpdateVirtualMachineParameter) (*VirtualMachine, error)
Updates properties of a virtual machine. The VM has to be stopped and restarted for the new properties to take effect. UpdateVirtualMachine does not first check whether the VM is stopped. Therefore, stop the VM manually before issuing this call.
func (*Client) UpdateVolume ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateVolume(p *UpdateVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
Updates the volume.
func (*Client) UpdateZone ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateZone(p *UpdateZoneParameter) (*Zone, error)
Updates a Zone.
func (*Client) UploadVolume ¶
func (c *Client) UploadVolume(p *UploadVolumeParameter) (*Volume, error)
Uploads a data disk.
type Cluster ¶
type Cluster struct { ResourceBase // the allocation state of the cluster AllocationState NullString `json:"allocationstate"` // the capacity of the Cluster Capacity []Capacity `json:"capacity"` // the type of the cluster ClusterType NullString `json:"clustertype"` // The cpu overcommit ratio of the cluster CpuOverCommitRatio NullString `json:"cpuovercommitratio"` // the hypervisor type of the cluster HypervisorType NullString `json:"hypervisortype"` // the cluster ID Id ID `json:"id"` // whether this cluster is managed by cloudstack ManagedState NullString `json:"managedstate"` // The memory overcommit ratio of the cluster MemoryOverCommitRatio NullString `json:"memoryovercommitratio"` // the cluster name Name NullString `json:"name"` // the Pod ID of the cluster PodId ID `json:"podid"` // the Pod name of the cluster PodName NullString `json:"podname"` // the Zone ID of the cluster ZoneId ID `json:"zoneid"` // the Zone name of the cluster ZoneName NullString `json:"zonename"` }
type Command ¶
func (Command) ReflectType ¶
type CopyTemplateParameter ¶
type CopyTemplateParameter struct { // ID of the zone the template is being copied to. DestZoneId ID // Template ID. Id ID // ID of the zone the template is currently hosted on. If not specified and // template is cross-zone, then we will sync this template to region wide image // store. SourceZoneId ID }
CopyTemplate represents the paramter of CopyTemplate
func NewCopyTemplateParameter ¶
func NewCopyTemplateParameter(destzoneid string, id string) (p *CopyTemplateParameter)
type CreateAccountParameter ¶
type CreateAccountParameter struct { // Creates the user under the specified account. If no account is specified, the // username will be used as the account name. Account NullString // details for account used to store specific parameters AccountDetails map[string]string // Account UUID, required for adding account from external provisioning system AccountId ID // Type of the account. Specify 0 for user, 1 for root admin, and 2 for domain // admin AccountType NullNumber // Creates the user under the specified domain. DomainId ID // email Email NullString // firstname FirstName NullString // lastname LastName NullString // Network domain for the account's networks NetworkDomain NullString // Clear text password (Default hashed to SHA256SALT). If you wish to use any // other hashing algorithm, you would need to write a custom authentication // adapter See Docs section. Password NullString // Specifies a timezone for this command. For more information on the timezone // parameter, see Time Zone Format. TimeZone NullString // User UUID, required for adding account from external provisioning system UserId ID // Unique username. UserName NullString }
CreateAccount represents the paramter of CreateAccount
type CreateAffinityGroupParameter ¶
type CreateAffinityGroupParameter struct { // an account for the affinity group. Must be used with domainId. Account NullString // optional description of the affinity group Description NullString // domainId of the account owning the affinity group DomainId ID // name of the affinity group Name NullString // Type of the affinity group from the available affinity/anti-affinity group // types Type NullString }
CreateAffinityGroup represents the paramter of CreateAffinityGroup
func NewCreateAffinityGroupParameter ¶
func NewCreateAffinityGroupParameter(name string, typ string) (p *CreateAffinityGroupParameter)
type CreateDiskOfferingParameter ¶
type CreateDiskOfferingParameter struct { // bytes read rate of the disk offering BytesReadRate NullNumber // bytes write rate of the disk offering BytesWriteRate NullNumber // whether disk offering size is custom or not Customized NullBool // whether disk offering iops is custom or not CustomizedIops NullBool // size of the disk offering in GB DiskSize NullNumber // an optional field, whether to display the offering to the end user or not. DisplayOffering NullBool // alternate display text of the disk offering DisplayText NullString // the ID of the containing domain, null for public offerings DomainId ID // Hypervisor snapshot reserve space as a percent of a volume (for managed // storage using Xen or VMware) HypervisorSnapshotReserve NullNumber // io requests read rate of the disk offering IopsReadRate NullNumber // io requests write rate of the disk offering IopsWriteRate NullNumber // max iops of the disk offering MaxIops NullNumber // min iops of the disk offering MinIops NullNumber // name of the disk offering Name NullString // provisioning type used to create volumes. Valid values are thin, sparse, fat. ProvisioningType NullString // the storage type of the disk offering. Values are local and shared. StorageType NullString // tags for the disk offering Tags NullString }
CreateDiskOffering represents the paramter of CreateDiskOffering
func NewCreateDiskOfferingParameter ¶
func NewCreateDiskOfferingParameter(displaytext string, name string) (p *CreateDiskOfferingParameter)
type CreateDomainParameter ¶
type CreateDomainParameter struct { // Domain UUID, required for adding domain from another Region DomainId ID // creates domain with this name Name NullString // Network domain for networks in the domain NetworkDomain NullString // assigns new domain a parent domain by domain ID of the parent. If no parent // domain is specied, the ROOT domain is assumed. ParentDomainId ID }
CreateDomain represents the paramter of CreateDomain
func NewCreateDomainParameter ¶
func NewCreateDomainParameter(name string) (p *CreateDomainParameter)
type CreateEgressFirewallRuleParameter ¶
type CreateEgressFirewallRuleParameter struct { // the cidr list to forward traffic from CidrList []string // the ending port of firewall rule EndPort NullNumber // an optional field, whether to the display the rule to the end user or not ForDisplay NullBool // error code for this icmp message IcmpCode NullNumber // type of the icmp message being sent IcmpType NullNumber // the network id of the port forwarding rule NetworkId ID // the protocol for the firewall rule. Valid values are TCP/UDP/ICMP. Protocol NullString // the starting port of firewall rule StartPort NullNumber // type of firewallrule: system/user Type NullString }
CreateEgressFirewallRule represents the paramter of CreateEgressFirewallRule
func NewCreateEgressFirewallRuleParameter ¶
func NewCreateEgressFirewallRuleParameter(networkid string, protocol string) (p *CreateEgressFirewallRuleParameter)
type CreateFirewallRuleParameter ¶
type CreateFirewallRuleParameter struct { // the cidr list to forward traffic from CidrList []string // the ending port of firewall rule EndPort NullNumber // an optional field, whether to the display the rule to the end user or not ForDisplay NullBool // error code for this icmp message IcmpCode NullNumber // type of the icmp message being sent IcmpType NullNumber // the IP address id of the port forwarding rule IpAddressId ID // the protocol for the firewall rule. Valid values are TCP/UDP/ICMP. Protocol NullString // the starting port of firewall rule StartPort NullNumber // type of firewallrule: system/user Type NullString }
CreateFirewallRule represents the paramter of CreateFirewallRule
func NewCreateFirewallRuleParameter ¶
func NewCreateFirewallRuleParameter(ipaddressid string, protocol string) (p *CreateFirewallRuleParameter)
type CreateIpForwardingRuleParameter ¶
type CreateIpForwardingRuleParameter struct { // the cidr list to forward traffic from CidrList []string // the end port for the rule EndPort NullNumber // the public IP address id of the forwarding rule, already associated via // associateIp IpAddressId ID // if true, firewall rule for source/end pubic port is automatically created; if // false - firewall rule has to be created explicitely. Has value true by // default OpenFirewall NullBool // the protocol for the rule. Valid values are TCP or UDP. Protocol NullString // the start port for the rule StartPort NullNumber }
CreateIpForwardingRule represents the paramter of CreateIpForwardingRule
func NewCreateIpForwardingRuleParameter ¶
func NewCreateIpForwardingRuleParameter(ipaddressid string, protocol string, startport int) (p *CreateIpForwardingRuleParameter)
type CreateLoadBalancerRuleParameter ¶
type CreateLoadBalancerRuleParameter struct { // the account associated with the load balancer. Must be used with the domainId // parameter. Account NullString // load balancer algorithm (source, roundrobin, leastconn) Algorithm NullString // the cidr list to forward traffic from CidrList []string // the description of the load balancer rule Description NullString // the domain ID associated with the load balancer DomainId ID // an optional field, whether to the display the rule to the end user or not ForDisplay NullBool // name of the load balancer rule Name NullString // The guest network this rule will be created for. Required when public Ip // address is not associated with any Guest network yet (VPC case) NetworkId ID // if true, firewall rule for source/end pubic port is automatically created; if // false - firewall rule has to be created explicitely. If not specified 1) // defaulted to false when LB rule is being created for VPC guest network 2) in // all other cases defaulted to true OpenFirewall NullBool // the private port of the private ip address/virtual machine where the network // traffic will be load balanced to PrivatePort NullNumber // The protocol for the LB Protocol NullString // public ip address id from where the network traffic will be load balanced // from PublicIpId ID // the public port from where the network traffic will be load balanced from PublicPort NullNumber // zone where the load balancer is going to be created. This parameter is // required when LB service provider is ElasticLoadBalancerVm ZoneId ID }
CreateLoadBalancerRule represents the paramter of CreateLoadBalancerRule
func NewCreateLoadBalancerRuleParameter ¶
func NewCreateLoadBalancerRuleParameter(algorithm string, name string, privateport int, publicport int) (p *CreateLoadBalancerRuleParameter)
type CreateNetworkOfferingParameter ¶
type CreateNetworkOfferingParameter struct { // the availability of network offering. Default value is Optional Availability NullString // true if the network offering is IP conserve mode enabled ConserveMode NullBool // Network offering details in key/value pairs. Supported keys are // internallbprovider/publiclbprovider with service provider as a value Details map[string]string // the display text of the network offering DisplayText NullString // true if guest network default egress policy is allow; false if default egress // policy is deny EgressDefaultPolicy NullBool // guest type of the network offering: Shared or Isolated GuestIpType NullString // true if network offering supports persistent networks; defaulted to false if // not specified IsPersistent NullBool // if true keepalive will be turned on in the loadbalancer. At the time of // writing this has only an effect on haproxy; the mode http and httpclose // options are unset in the haproxy conf file. KeepaliveEnabled NullBool // maximum number of concurrent connections supported by the network offering MaxConnections NullNumber // the name of the network offering Name NullString // data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed NetworkRate NullNumber // desired service capabilities as part of network offering ServiceCapabilityList map[string]string // the service offering ID used by virtual router provider ServiceOfferingId ID // provider to service mapping. If not specified, the provider for the service // will be mapped to the default provider on the physical network ServiceProviderList map[string]string // true if network offering supports specifying ip ranges; defaulted to false if // not specified SpecifyIpRanges NullBool // true if network offering supports vlans SpecifyVlan NullBool // services supported by the network offering SupportedServices []string // the tags for the network offering. Tags NullString // the traffic type for the network offering. Supported type in current release // is GUEST only TrafficType NullString }
CreateNetworkOffering represents the paramter of CreateNetworkOffering
type CreateNetworkParameter ¶
type CreateNetworkParameter struct { // account who will own the network Account NullString // Network ACL Id associated for the network AclId ID // Access control type; supported values are account and domain. In 3.0 all // shared networks should have aclType=Domain, and all Isolated networks - // Account. Account means that only the account owner can use the network, // domain - all accouns in the domain can use the network AclType NullString // an optional field, whether to the display the network to the end user or not. DisplayNetwork NullBool // the display text of the network DisplayText NullString // domain ID of the account owning a network DomainId ID // the ending IP address in the network IP range. If not specified, will be // defaulted to startIP EndIp NullString // the ending IPv6 address in the IPv6 network range EndIpv6 NullString // the gateway of the network. Required for Shared networks and Isolated // networks when it belongs to VPC Gateway NullString // the CIDR of IPv6 network, must be at least /64 Ip6Cidr NullString // the gateway of the IPv6 network. Required for Shared networks Ip6Gateway NullString // the isolated private vlan for this network IsolatedPvlan NullString // the name of the network Name NullString // the netmask of the network. Required for Shared networks and Isolated // networks when it belongs to VPC Netmask NullString // network domain NetworkDomain NullString // the network offering id NetworkOfferingId ID // the Physical Network ID the network belongs to PhysicalNetworkId ID // an optional project for the ssh key ProjectId ID // the beginning IP address in the network IP range StartIp NullString // the beginning IPv6 address in the IPv6 network range StartIpv6 NullString // Defines whether to allow subdomains to use networks dedicated to their parent // domain(s). Should be used with aclType=Domain, defaulted to // global config if not specified SubDomainAccess NullBool // the ID or VID of the network Vlan NullString // the VPC network belongs to VpcId ID // the Zone ID for the network ZoneId ID }
CreateNetwork represents the paramter of CreateNetwork
func NewCreateNetworkParameter ¶
func NewCreateNetworkParameter(displaytext string, name string, networkofferingid string, zoneid string) (p *CreateNetworkParameter)
type CreatePodParameter ¶
type CreatePodParameter struct { // Allocation state of this Pod for allocation of new resources AllocationState NullString // the ending IP address for the Pod EndIp NullString // the gateway for the Pod Gateway NullString // the name of the Pod Name NullString // the netmask for the Pod Netmask NullString // the starting IP address for the Pod StartIp NullString // the Zone ID in which the Pod will be created ZoneId ID }
CreatePod represents the paramter of CreatePod
func NewCreatePodParameter ¶
type CreatePortForwardingRuleParameter ¶
type CreatePortForwardingRuleParameter struct { // the cidr list to forward traffic from CidrList []string // an optional field, whether to the display the rule to the end user or not ForDisplay NullBool // the IP address id of the port forwarding rule IpAddressId ID // the network of the virtual machine the port forwarding rule will be created // for. Required when public IP address is not associated with any guest network // yet (VPC case). NetworkId ID // if true, firewall rule for source/end public port is automatically created; // if false - firewall rule has to be created explicitly. If not specified 1) // defaulted to false when PF rule is being created for VPC guest network 2) in // all other cases defaulted to true OpenFirewall NullBool // the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range PrivateEndPort NullNumber // the starting port of port forwarding rule's private port range PrivatePort NullNumber // the protocol for the port fowarding rule. Valid values are TCP or UDP. Protocol NullString // the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range PublicEndPort NullNumber // the starting port of port forwarding rule's public port range PublicPort NullNumber // the ID of the virtual machine for the port forwarding rule VirtualMachineId ID // VM guest nic secondary IP address for the port forwarding rule VmGuestIp NullString }
CreatePortForwardingRule represents the paramter of CreatePortForwardingRule
type CreateProjectParameter ¶
type CreateProjectParameter struct { // account who will be Admin for the project Account NullString // display text of the project DisplayText NullString // domain ID of the account owning a project DomainId ID // name of the project Name NullString }
CreateProject represents the paramter of CreateProject
func NewCreateProjectParameter ¶
func NewCreateProjectParameter(displaytext string, name string) (p *CreateProjectParameter)
type CreateSecondaryStagingStoreParameter ¶
type CreateSecondaryStagingStoreParameter struct { // the details for the staging store Details map[string]string // the staging store provider name Provider NullString // the scope of the staging store: zone only for now Scope NullString // the URL for the staging store Url NullString // the Zone ID for the staging store ZoneId ID }
CreateSecondaryStagingStore represents the paramter of CreateSecondaryStagingStore
func NewCreateSecondaryStagingStoreParameter ¶
func NewCreateSecondaryStagingStoreParameter(url string) (p *CreateSecondaryStagingStoreParameter)
type CreateSecurityGroupParameter ¶
type CreateSecurityGroupParameter struct { // an optional account for the security group. Must be used with domainId. Account NullString // the description of the security group Description NullString // an optional domainId for the security group. If the account parameter is // used, domainId must also be used. DomainId ID // name of the security group Name NullString // Create security group for project ProjectId ID }
CreateSecurityGroup represents the paramter of CreateSecurityGroup
func NewCreateSecurityGroupParameter ¶
func NewCreateSecurityGroupParameter(name string) (p *CreateSecurityGroupParameter)
type CreateServiceOfferingParameter ¶
type CreateServiceOfferingParameter struct { // bytes read rate of the disk offering BytesReadRate NullNumber // bytes write rate of the disk offering BytesWriteRate NullNumber // the CPU number of the service offering CpuNumber NullNumber // the CPU speed of the service offering in MHz. CpuSpeed NullNumber // whether compute offering iops is custom or not CustomizedIops NullBool // The deployment planner heuristics used to deploy a VM of this offering. If // null, value of global config vm.deployment.planner is used DeploymentPlanner NullString // the display text of the service offering DisplayText NullString // the ID of the containing domain, null for public offerings DomainId ID // the host tag for this service offering. HostTags NullString // Hypervisor snapshot reserve space as a percent of a volume (for managed // storage using Xen or VMware) HypervisorSnapshotReserve NullNumber // io requests read rate of the disk offering IopsReadRate NullNumber // io requests write rate of the disk offering IopsWriteRate NullNumber // is this a system vm offering IsSystem NullBool // true if the virtual machine needs to be volatile so that on every reboot of // VM, original root disk is dettached then destroyed and a fresh root disk is // created and attached to VM IsVolatile NullBool // restrict the CPU usage to committed service offering LimitCpuUse NullBool // max iops of the compute offering MaxIops NullNumber // the total memory of the service offering in MB Memory NullNumber // min iops of the compute offering MinIops NullNumber // the name of the service offering Name NullString // data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed. Supported only for // non-System offering and system offerings having "domainrouter" systemvmtype NetworkRate NullNumber // the HA for the service offering OfferHa NullBool // details for planner, used to store specific parameters ServiceOfferingDetails map[string]string // the storage type of the service offering. Values are local and shared. StorageType NullString // the system VM type. Possible types are "domainrouter", "consoleproxy" and // "secondarystoragevm". SystemVmType NullString // the tags for this service offering. Tags NullString }
CreateServiceOffering represents the paramter of CreateServiceOffering
func NewCreateServiceOfferingParameter ¶
func NewCreateServiceOfferingParameter(displaytext string, name string) (p *CreateServiceOfferingParameter)
type CreateStoragePoolParameter ¶
type CreateStoragePoolParameter struct { // bytes CloudStack can provision from this storage pool CapacityBytes NullNumber // IOPS CloudStack can provision from this storage pool CapacityIops NullNumber // the cluster ID for the storage pool ClusterId ID // the details for the storage pool Details map[string]string // hypervisor type of the hosts in zone that will be attached to this storage // pool. KVM, VMware supported as of now. Hypervisor NullString // whether the storage should be managed by CloudStack Managed NullBool // the name for the storage pool Name NullString // the Pod ID for the storage pool PodId ID // the storage provider name Provider NullString // the scope of the storage: cluster or zone Scope NullString // the tags for the storage pool Tags NullString // the URL of the storage pool Url NullString // the Zone ID for the storage pool ZoneId ID }
CreateStoragePool represents the paramter of CreateStoragePool
func NewCreateStoragePoolParameter ¶
func NewCreateStoragePoolParameter(name string, url string, zoneid string) (p *CreateStoragePoolParameter)
type CreateTagsParameter ¶
type CreateTagsParameter struct { // identifies client specific tag. When the value is not null, the tag can't be // used by cloudStack code internally Customer NullString // list of resources to create the tags for ResourceIds []string // type of the resource ResourceType NullString // Map of tags (key/value pairs) Tags map[string]string }
CreateTags represents the paramter of CreateTags
func NewCreateTagsParameter ¶
func NewCreateTagsParameter(resourceids []string, resourcetype string, tags map[string]string) (p *CreateTagsParameter)
type CreateTemplateParameter ¶
type CreateTemplateParameter struct { // 32 or 64 bit Bits NullNumber // Template details in key/value pairs. Details map[string]string // the display text of the template. This is usually used for display purposes. DisplayText NullString // true if template contains XS/VMWare tools inorder to support dynamic scaling // of VM cpu/memory IsDynamicallyScalable NullBool // true if this template is a featured template, false otherwise IsFeatured NullBool // true if this template is a public template, false otherwise IsPublic NullBool // the name of the template Name NullString // the ID of the OS Type that best represents the OS of this template. OsTypeId ID // true if the template supports the password reset feature; default is false PasswordEnabled NullBool // true if the template requres HVM, false otherwise RequiresHvm NullBool // the ID of the snapshot the template is being created from. Either this // parameter, or volumeId has to be passed in SnapshotId ID // the tag for this template. Templatetag NullString // Optional, only for baremetal hypervisor. The directory name where template // stored on CIFS server Url NullString // Optional, VM ID. If this presents, it is going to create a baremetal template // for VM this ID refers to. This is only for VM whose hypervisor type is // BareMetal VirtualMachineId ID // the ID of the disk volume the template is being created from. Either this // parameter, or snapshotId has to be passed in VolumeId ID }
CreateTemplate represents the paramter of CreateTemplate
func NewCreateTemplateParameter ¶
func NewCreateTemplateParameter(displaytext string, name string, ostypeid string) (p *CreateTemplateParameter)
type CreateUserParameter ¶
type CreateUserParameter struct { // Creates the user under the specified account. If no account is specified, the // username will be used as the account name. Account NullString // Creates the user under the specified domain. Has to be accompanied with the // account parameter DomainId ID // email Email NullString // firstname FirstName NullString // lastname LastName NullString // Clear text password (Default hashed to SHA256SALT). If you wish to use any // other hashing algorithm, you would need to write a custom authentication // adapter See Docs section. Password NullString // Specifies a timezone for this command. For more information on the timezone // parameter, see Time Zone Format. TimeZone NullString // User UUID, required for adding account from external provisioning system UserId ID // Unique username. UserName NullString }
CreateUser represents the paramter of CreateUser
func NewCreateUserParameter ¶
type CreateVolumeParameter ¶
type CreateVolumeParameter struct { // the account associated with the disk volume. Must be used with the domainId // parameter. Account NullString // an optional field, in case you want to set a custom id to the resource. // Allowed to Root Admins only CustomId ID // the ID of the disk offering. Either diskOfferingId or snapshotId must be // passed in. DiskOfferingId ID // an optional field, whether to display the volume to the end user or not. DisplayVolume NullBool // the domain ID associated with the disk offering. If used with the account // parameter returns the disk volume associated with the account for the // specified domain. DomainId ID // max iops MaxIops NullNumber // min iops MinIops NullNumber // the name of the disk volume Name NullString // the project associated with the volume. Mutually exclusive with account // parameter ProjectId ID // Arbitrary volume size Size NullNumber // the snapshot ID for the disk volume. Either diskOfferingId or snapshotId must // be passed in. SnapshotId ID // the ID of the virtual machine; to be used with snapshot Id, VM to which the // volume gets attached after creation VirtualMachineId ID // the ID of the availability zone ZoneId ID }
CreateVolume represents the paramter of CreateVolume
func NewCreateVolumeParameter ¶
func NewCreateVolumeParameter(name string) (p *CreateVolumeParameter)
type CreateZoneParameter ¶
type CreateZoneParameter struct { // Allocation state of this Zone for allocation of new resources AllocationState NullString // the first DNS for the Zone Dns1 NullString // the second DNS for the Zone Dns2 NullString // Network domain name for the networks in the zone Domain NullString // the ID of the containing domain, null for public zones DomainId ID // the guest CIDR address for the Zone GuestCidrAddress NullString // the first internal DNS for the Zone InternalDns1 NullString // the second internal DNS for the Zone InternalDns2 NullString // the first DNS for IPv6 network in the Zone Ip6Dns1 NullString // the second DNS for IPv6 network in the Zone Ip6Dns2 NullString // true if local storage offering enabled, false otherwise LocalStorageEnabled NullBool // the name of the Zone Name NullString // network type of the zone, can be Basic or Advanced NetworkType NullString // true if network is security group enabled, false otherwise SecurityGroupEnabled NullBool }
CreateZone represents the paramter of CreateZone
func NewCreateZoneParameter ¶
func NewCreateZoneParameter(dns1 string, internaldns1 string, name string, networktype string) (p *CreateZoneParameter)
type DedicateClusterParameter ¶
type DedicateClusterParameter struct { // the name of the account which needs dedication. Must be used with domainId. Account NullString // the ID of the Cluster ClusterId ID // the ID of the containing domain DomainId ID }
DedicateCluster represents the paramter of DedicateCluster
func NewDedicateClusterParameter ¶
func NewDedicateClusterParameter(clusterid string, domainid string) (p *DedicateClusterParameter)
type DedicateHostParameter ¶
type DedicateHostParameter struct { // the name of the account which needs dedication. Must be used with domainId. Account NullString // the ID of the containing domain DomainId ID // the ID of the host to update HostId ID }
DedicateHost represents the paramter of DedicateHost
func NewDedicateHostParameter ¶
func NewDedicateHostParameter(domainid string, hostid string) (p *DedicateHostParameter)
type DedicatePodParameter ¶
type DedicatePodParameter struct { // the name of the account which needs dedication. Must be used with domainId. Account NullString // the ID of the containing domain DomainId ID // the ID of the Pod PodId ID }
DedicatePod represents the paramter of DedicatePod
func NewDedicatePodParameter ¶
func NewDedicatePodParameter(domainid string, podid string) (p *DedicatePodParameter)
type DedicatedCluster ¶
type DedicatedCluster struct { ResourceBase // the Account ID of the cluster AccountId ID `json:"accountid"` // the Dedication Affinity Group ID of the cluster AffinityGroupId ID `json:"affinitygroupid"` // the ID of the cluster ClusterId ID `json:"clusterid"` // the name of the cluster ClusterName NullString `json:"clustername"` // the domain ID of the cluster DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // the ID of the dedicated resource Id ID `json:"id"` }
type DedicatedHost ¶
type DedicatedHost struct { ResourceBase // the Account ID of the host AccountId ID `json:"accountid"` // the Dedication Affinity Group ID of the host AffinityGroupId ID `json:"affinitygroupid"` // the domain ID of the host DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // the ID of the host HostId ID `json:"hostid"` // the name of the host HostName NullString `json:"hostname"` // the ID of the dedicated resource Id ID `json:"id"` }
type DedicatedPod ¶
type DedicatedPod struct { ResourceBase // the Account Id to which the Pod is dedicated AccountId ID `json:"accountid"` // the Dedication Affinity Group ID of the pod AffinityGroupId ID `json:"affinitygroupid"` // the domain ID to which the Pod is dedicated DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // the ID of the dedicated resource Id ID `json:"id"` // the ID of the Pod PodId ID `json:"podid"` // the Name of the Pod PodName NullString `json:"podname"` }
type DeleteAccountFromProjectParameter ¶
type DeleteAccountFromProjectParameter struct { // name of the account to be removed from the project Account NullString // id of the project to remove the account from ProjectId ID }
DeleteAccountFromProject represents the paramter of DeleteAccountFromProject
func NewDeleteAccountFromProjectParameter ¶
func NewDeleteAccountFromProjectParameter(account string, projectid string) (p *DeleteAccountFromProjectParameter)
type DeleteAccountParameter ¶
type DeleteAccountParameter struct { // Account id Id ID }
DeleteAccount represents the paramter of DeleteAccount
func NewDeleteAccountParameter ¶
func NewDeleteAccountParameter(id string) (p *DeleteAccountParameter)
type DeleteAffinityGroupParameter ¶
type DeleteAffinityGroupParameter struct { // the account of the affinity group. Must be specified with domain ID Account NullString // the domain ID of account owning the affinity group DomainId ID // The ID of the affinity group. Mutually exclusive with name parameter Id ID // The name of the affinity group. Mutually exclusive with id parameter Name NullString }
DeleteAffinityGroup represents the paramter of DeleteAffinityGroup
func NewDeleteAffinityGroupParameter ¶
func NewDeleteAffinityGroupParameter() (p *DeleteAffinityGroupParameter)
type DeleteClusterParameter ¶
type DeleteClusterParameter struct { // the cluster ID Id ID }
DeleteCluster represents the paramter of DeleteCluster
func NewDeleteClusterParameter ¶
func NewDeleteClusterParameter(id string) (p *DeleteClusterParameter)
type DeleteDiskOfferingParameter ¶
type DeleteDiskOfferingParameter struct { // ID of the disk offering Id ID }
DeleteDiskOffering represents the paramter of DeleteDiskOffering
func NewDeleteDiskOfferingParameter ¶
func NewDeleteDiskOfferingParameter(id string) (p *DeleteDiskOfferingParameter)
type DeleteDomainParameter ¶
type DeleteDomainParameter struct { // true if all domain resources (child domains, accounts) have to be cleaned up, // false otherwise Cleanup NullBool // ID of domain to delete Id ID }
DeleteDomain represents the paramter of DeleteDomain
func NewDeleteDomainParameter ¶
func NewDeleteDomainParameter(id string) (p *DeleteDomainParameter)
type DeleteEgressFirewallRuleParameter ¶
type DeleteEgressFirewallRuleParameter struct { // the ID of the firewall rule Id ID }
DeleteEgressFirewallRule represents the paramter of DeleteEgressFirewallRule
func NewDeleteEgressFirewallRuleParameter ¶
func NewDeleteEgressFirewallRuleParameter(id string) (p *DeleteEgressFirewallRuleParameter)
type DeleteFirewallRuleParameter ¶
type DeleteFirewallRuleParameter struct { // the ID of the firewall rule Id ID }
DeleteFirewallRule represents the paramter of DeleteFirewallRule
func NewDeleteFirewallRuleParameter ¶
func NewDeleteFirewallRuleParameter(id string) (p *DeleteFirewallRuleParameter)
type DeleteHostParameter ¶
type DeleteHostParameter struct { // Force delete the host. All HA enabled vms running on the host will be put to // HA; HA disabled ones will be stopped Forced NullBool // Force destroy local storage on this host. All VMs created on this local // storage will be destroyed ForceDestroyLocalStorage NullBool // the host ID Id ID }
DeleteHost represents the paramter of DeleteHost
func NewDeleteHostParameter ¶
func NewDeleteHostParameter(id string) (p *DeleteHostParameter)
type DeleteImageStoreParameter ¶
type DeleteImageStoreParameter struct { // the image store ID Id ID }
DeleteImageStore represents the paramter of DeleteImageStore
func NewDeleteImageStoreParameter ¶
func NewDeleteImageStoreParameter(id string) (p *DeleteImageStoreParameter)
type DeleteIpForwardingRuleParameter ¶
type DeleteIpForwardingRuleParameter struct { // the id of the forwarding rule Id ID }
DeleteIpForwardingRule represents the paramter of DeleteIpForwardingRule
func NewDeleteIpForwardingRuleParameter ¶
func NewDeleteIpForwardingRuleParameter(id string) (p *DeleteIpForwardingRuleParameter)
type DeleteLoadBalancerRuleParameter ¶
type DeleteLoadBalancerRuleParameter struct { // the ID of the load balancer rule Id ID }
DeleteLoadBalancerRule represents the paramter of DeleteLoadBalancerRule
func NewDeleteLoadBalancerRuleParameter ¶
func NewDeleteLoadBalancerRuleParameter(id string) (p *DeleteLoadBalancerRuleParameter)
type DeleteNetworkOfferingParameter ¶
type DeleteNetworkOfferingParameter struct { // the ID of the network offering Id ID }
DeleteNetworkOffering represents the paramter of DeleteNetworkOffering
func NewDeleteNetworkOfferingParameter ¶
func NewDeleteNetworkOfferingParameter(id string) (p *DeleteNetworkOfferingParameter)
type DeleteNetworkParameter ¶
type DeleteNetworkParameter struct { // Force delete a network. Network will be marked as 'Destroy' even when // commands to shutdown and cleanup to the backend fails. Forced NullBool // the ID of the network Id ID }
DeleteNetwork represents the paramter of DeleteNetwork
func NewDeleteNetworkParameter ¶
func NewDeleteNetworkParameter(id string) (p *DeleteNetworkParameter)
type DeletePodParameter ¶
type DeletePodParameter struct { // the ID of the Pod Id ID }
DeletePod represents the paramter of DeletePod
func NewDeletePodParameter ¶
func NewDeletePodParameter(id string) (p *DeletePodParameter)
type DeletePortForwardingRuleParameter ¶
type DeletePortForwardingRuleParameter struct { // the ID of the port forwarding rule Id ID }
DeletePortForwardingRule represents the paramter of DeletePortForwardingRule
func NewDeletePortForwardingRuleParameter ¶
func NewDeletePortForwardingRuleParameter(id string) (p *DeletePortForwardingRuleParameter)
type DeleteProjectInvitationParameter ¶
type DeleteProjectInvitationParameter struct { // id of the invitation Id ID }
DeleteProjectInvitation represents the paramter of DeleteProjectInvitation
func NewDeleteProjectInvitationParameter ¶
func NewDeleteProjectInvitationParameter(id string) (p *DeleteProjectInvitationParameter)
type DeleteProjectParameter ¶
type DeleteProjectParameter struct { // id of the project to be deleted Id ID }
DeleteProject represents the paramter of DeleteProject
func NewDeleteProjectParameter ¶
func NewDeleteProjectParameter(id string) (p *DeleteProjectParameter)
type DeleteSecondaryStagingStoreParameter ¶
type DeleteSecondaryStagingStoreParameter struct { // the staging store ID Id ID }
DeleteSecondaryStagingStore represents the paramter of DeleteSecondaryStagingStore
func NewDeleteSecondaryStagingStoreParameter ¶
func NewDeleteSecondaryStagingStoreParameter(id string) (p *DeleteSecondaryStagingStoreParameter)
type DeleteSecurityGroupParameter ¶
type DeleteSecurityGroupParameter struct { // the account of the security group. Must be specified with domain ID Account NullString // the domain ID of account owning the security group DomainId ID // The ID of the security group. Mutually exclusive with name parameter Id ID // The ID of the security group. Mutually exclusive with id parameter Name NullString // the project of the security group ProjectId ID }
DeleteSecurityGroup represents the paramter of DeleteSecurityGroup
func NewDeleteSecurityGroupParameter ¶
func NewDeleteSecurityGroupParameter() (p *DeleteSecurityGroupParameter)
type DeleteServiceOfferingParameter ¶
type DeleteServiceOfferingParameter struct { // the ID of the service offering Id ID }
DeleteServiceOffering represents the paramter of DeleteServiceOffering
func NewDeleteServiceOfferingParameter ¶
func NewDeleteServiceOfferingParameter(id string) (p *DeleteServiceOfferingParameter)
type DeleteStoragePoolParameter ¶
type DeleteStoragePoolParameter struct { // Force destroy storage pool (force expunge volumes in Destroyed state as a // part of pool removal) Forced NullBool // Storage pool id Id ID }
DeleteStoragePool represents the paramter of DeleteStoragePool
func NewDeleteStoragePoolParameter ¶
func NewDeleteStoragePoolParameter(id string) (p *DeleteStoragePoolParameter)
type DeleteTagsParameter ¶
type DeleteTagsParameter struct { // Delete tags for resource id(s) ResourceIds []string // Delete tag by resource type ResourceType NullString // Delete tags matching key/value pairs Tags map[string]string }
DeleteTags represents the paramter of DeleteTags
func NewDeleteTagsParameter ¶
func NewDeleteTagsParameter(resourceids []string, resourcetype string) (p *DeleteTagsParameter)
type DeleteTemplateParameter ¶
type DeleteTemplateParameter struct { // the ID of the template Id ID // the ID of zone of the template ZoneId ID }
DeleteTemplate represents the paramter of DeleteTemplate
func NewDeleteTemplateParameter ¶
func NewDeleteTemplateParameter(id string) (p *DeleteTemplateParameter)
type DeleteUserParameter ¶
type DeleteUserParameter struct { // id of the user to be deleted Id ID }
DeleteUser represents the paramter of DeleteUser
func NewDeleteUserParameter ¶
func NewDeleteUserParameter(id string) (p *DeleteUserParameter)
type DeleteVolumeParameter ¶
type DeleteVolumeParameter struct { // The ID of the disk volume Id ID }
DeleteVolume represents the paramter of DeleteVolume
func NewDeleteVolumeParameter ¶
func NewDeleteVolumeParameter(id string) (p *DeleteVolumeParameter)
type DeleteZoneParameter ¶
type DeleteZoneParameter struct { // the ID of the Zone Id ID }
DeleteZone represents the paramter of DeleteZone
func NewDeleteZoneParameter ¶
func NewDeleteZoneParameter(id string) (p *DeleteZoneParameter)
type DeployVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type DeployVirtualMachineParameter struct { // an optional account for the virtual machine. Must be used with domainId. Account NullString // comma separated list of affinity groups id that are going to be applied to // the virtual machine. Mutually exclusive with affinitygroupnames parameter AffinityGroupIds []string // comma separated list of affinity groups names that are going to be applied to // the virtual machine.Mutually exclusive with affinitygroupids parameter AffinityGroupNames []string // an optional field, in case you want to set a custom id to the resource. // Allowed to Root Admins only CustomId ID // Deployment planner to use for vm allocation. Available to ROOT admin only DeploymentPlanner NullString // used to specify the custom parameters. Details map[string]string // the ID of the disk offering for the virtual machine. If the template is of // ISO format, the diskOfferingId is for the root disk volume. Otherwise this // parameter is used to indicate the offering for the data disk volume. If the // templateId parameter passed is from a Template object, the diskOfferingId // refers to a DATA Disk Volume created. If the templateId parameter passed is // from an ISO object, the diskOfferingId refers to a ROOT Disk Volume created. DiskOfferingId ID // an optional user generated name for the virtual machine DisplayName NullString // an optional field, whether to the display the vm to the end user or not. DisplayVm NullBool // an optional domainId for the virtual machine. If the account parameter is // used, domainId must also be used. DomainId ID // an optional group for the virtual machine Group NullString // destination Host ID to deploy the VM to - parameter available for root admin // only HostId ID // the hypervisor on which to deploy the virtual machine Hypervisor NullString // the ipv6 address for default vm's network Ip6Address NullString // the ip address for default vm's network IpAddress NullString // ip to network mapping. Can't be specified with networkIds parameter. Example: // iptonetworklist[0].ip=[0].ipv6=fc00:1234:5678::abcd&iptonetworklist[0].networkid=uuid // - requests to use ip in network id=uuid IpToNetworkList map[string]string // an optional keyboard device type for the virtual machine. valid value can be // one of de,de-ch,es,fi,fr,fr-be,fr-ch,is,it,jp,nl-be,no,pt,uk,us Keyboard NullString // name of the ssh key pair used to login to the virtual machine KeyPair NullString // host name for the virtual machine Name NullString // list of network ids used by virtual machine. Can't be specified with // ipToNetworkList parameter NetworkIds []string // Deploy vm for the project ProjectId ID // Optional field to resize root disk on deploy. Only applies to template-based // deployments. Analogous to details[0].rootdisksize, which takes precedence // over this parameter if both are provided RootDiskSize NullNumber // comma separated list of security groups id that going to be applied to the // virtual machine. Should be passed only when vm is created from a zone with // Basic Network support. Mutually exclusive with securitygroupnames parameter SecurityGroupIds []string // comma separated list of security groups names that going to be applied to the // virtual machine. Should be passed only when vm is created from a zone with // Basic Network support. Mutually exclusive with securitygroupids parameter SecurityGroupNames []string // the ID of the service offering for the virtual machine ServiceOfferingId ID // the arbitrary size for the DATADISK volume. Mutually exclusive with // diskOfferingId Size NullNumber // true if network offering supports specifying ip ranges; defaulted to true if // not specified StartVm NullBool // the ID of the template for the virtual machine TemplateId ID // an optional binary data that can be sent to the virtual machine upon a // successful deployment. This binary data must be base64 encoded before adding // it to the request. Using HTTP GET (via querystring), you can send up to 2KB // of data after base64 encoding. Using HTTP POST(via POST body), you can send // up to 32K of data after base64 encoding. UserData NullString // availability zone for the virtual machine ZoneId ID }
DeployVirtualMachine represents the paramter of DeployVirtualMachine
func NewDeployVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewDeployVirtualMachineParameter(serviceofferingid string, templateid string, zoneid string) (p *DeployVirtualMachineParameter)
type DestroyVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type DestroyVirtualMachineParameter struct { // If true is passed, the vm is expunged immediately. False by default. // Parameter can be passed to the call by ROOT/Domain admin only Expunge NullBool // The ID of the virtual machine Id ID }
DestroyVirtualMachine represents the paramter of DestroyVirtualMachine
func NewDestroyVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewDestroyVirtualMachineParameter(id string) (p *DestroyVirtualMachineParameter)
type DetachVolumeParameter ¶
type DetachVolumeParameter struct { // the device ID on the virtual machine where volume is detached from DeviceId ID // the ID of the disk volume Id ID // the ID of the virtual machine where the volume is detached from VirtualMachineId ID }
DetachVolume represents the paramter of DetachVolume
func NewDetachVolumeParameter ¶
func NewDetachVolumeParameter() (p *DetachVolumeParameter)
type DisableAccountParameter ¶
type DisableAccountParameter struct { // Disables specified account. Account NullString // Disables specified account in this domain. DomainId ID // Account id Id ID // If true, only lock the account; else disable the account Lock NullBool }
DisableAccount represents the paramter of DisableAccount
func NewDisableAccountParameter ¶
func NewDisableAccountParameter(lock bool) (p *DisableAccountParameter)
type DisableStaticNatParameter ¶
type DisableStaticNatParameter struct { // the public IP address id for which static nat feature is being disableed IpAddressId ID }
DisableStaticNat represents the paramter of DisableStaticNat
func NewDisableStaticNatParameter ¶
func NewDisableStaticNatParameter(ipaddressid string) (p *DisableStaticNatParameter)
type DisableUserParameter ¶
type DisableUserParameter struct { // Disables user by user ID. Id ID }
DisableUser represents the paramter of DisableUser
func NewDisableUserParameter ¶
func NewDisableUserParameter(id string) (p *DisableUserParameter)
type DisassociateIpAddressParameter ¶
type DisassociateIpAddressParameter struct { // the id of the public ip address to disassociate Id ID }
DisassociateIpAddress represents the paramter of DisassociateIpAddress
func NewDisassociateIpAddressParameter ¶
func NewDisassociateIpAddressParameter(id string) (p *DisassociateIpAddressParameter)
type DiskOffering ¶
type DiskOffering struct { ResourceBase // the cache mode to use for this disk offering. none, writeback or writethrough CacheMode NullString `json:"cachemode"` // the date this disk offering was created Created NullString `json:"created"` // bytes read rate of the disk offering DiskBytesReadRate NullNumber `json:"diskbytesreadrate"` // bytes write rate of the disk offering DiskBytesWriteRate NullNumber `json:"diskbyteswriterate"` // io requests read rate of the disk offering DiskIopsReadRate NullNumber `json:"diskiopsreadrate"` // io requests write rate of the disk offering DiskIopsWriteRate NullNumber `json:"diskiopswriterate"` // the size of the disk offering in GB DiskSize NullNumber `json:"disksize"` // whether to display the offering to the end user or not. DisplayOffering NullBool `json:"displayoffering"` // an alternate display text of the disk offering. DisplayText NullString `json:"displaytext"` // the domain name this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it // is not currently applicable. Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the domain ID this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is // not currently applicable. DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // Hypervisor snapshot reserve space as a percent of a volume (for managed // storage using Xen or VMware) HypervisorSnapshotReserve NullNumber `json:"hypervisorsnapshotreserve"` // unique ID of the disk offering Id ID `json:"id"` // true if disk offering uses custom size, false otherwise IsCustomized NullBool `json:"iscustomized"` // true if disk offering uses custom iops, false otherwise IsCustomizedIops NullBool `json:"iscustomizediops"` // the max iops of the disk offering MaxIops NullNumber `json:"maxiops"` // the min iops of the disk offering MinIops NullNumber `json:"miniops"` // the name of the disk offering Name NullString `json:"name"` // provisioning type used to create volumes. Valid values are thin, sparse, fat. ProvisioningType NullString `json:"provisioningtype"` // the storage type for this disk offering StorageType NullString `json:"storagetype"` // the tags for the disk offering Tags NullString `json:"tags"` }
type Domain ¶
type Domain struct { ResourceBase // whether the domain has one or more sub-domains HasChild NullBool `json:"haschild"` // the ID of the domain Id ID `json:"id"` // the level of the domain Level NullNumber `json:"level"` // the name of the domain Name NullString `json:"name"` // the network domain NetworkDomain NullString `json:"networkdomain"` // the domain ID of the parent domain ParentDomainId ID `json:"parentdomainid"` // the domain name of the parent domain ParentDomainName NullString `json:"parentdomainname"` // the path of the domain Path NullString `json:"path"` }
type EnableAccountParameter ¶
type EnableAccountParameter struct { // Enables specified account. Account NullString // Enables specified account in this domain. DomainId ID // Account id Id ID }
EnableAccount represents the paramter of EnableAccount
func NewEnableAccountParameter ¶
func NewEnableAccountParameter() (p *EnableAccountParameter)
type EnableStaticNatParameter ¶
type EnableStaticNatParameter struct { // the public IP address id for which static nat feature is being enabled IpAddressId ID // The network of the vm the static nat will be enabled for. Required when // public Ip address is not associated with any Guest network yet (VPC case) NetworkId ID // the ID of the virtual machine for enabling static nat feature VirtualMachineId ID // VM guest nic Secondary ip address for the port forwarding rule VmGuestIp NullString }
EnableStaticNat represents the paramter of EnableStaticNat
func NewEnableStaticNatParameter ¶
func NewEnableStaticNatParameter(ipaddressid string, virtualmachineid string) (p *EnableStaticNatParameter)
type EnableStorageMaintenanceParameter ¶
type EnableStorageMaintenanceParameter struct { // Primary storage ID Id ID }
EnableStorageMaintenance represents the paramter of EnableStorageMaintenance
func NewEnableStorageMaintenanceParameter ¶
func NewEnableStorageMaintenanceParameter(id string) (p *EnableStorageMaintenanceParameter)
type EnableUserParameter ¶
type EnableUserParameter struct { // Enables user by user ID. Id ID }
EnableUser represents the paramter of EnableUser
func NewEnableUserParameter ¶
func NewEnableUserParameter(id string) (p *EnableUserParameter)
type ExpungeVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type ExpungeVirtualMachineParameter struct { // The ID of the virtual machine Id ID }
ExpungeVirtualMachine represents the paramter of ExpungeVirtualMachine
func NewExpungeVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewExpungeVirtualMachineParameter(id string) (p *ExpungeVirtualMachineParameter)
type ExtractTemplateParameter ¶
type ExtractTemplateParameter struct { // the ID of the template Id ID // the mode of extraction - HTTP_DOWNLOAD or FTP_UPLOAD Mode NullString // the url to which the ISO would be extracted Url NullString // the ID of the zone where the ISO is originally located ZoneId ID }
ExtractTemplate represents the paramter of ExtractTemplate
func NewExtractTemplateParameter ¶
func NewExtractTemplateParameter(id string, mode string) (p *ExtractTemplateParameter)
type ExtractVolumeParameter ¶
type ExtractVolumeParameter struct { // the ID of the volume Id ID // the mode of extraction - HTTP_DOWNLOAD or FTP_UPLOAD Mode NullString // the url to which the volume would be extracted Url NullString // the ID of the zone where the volume is located ZoneId ID }
ExtractVolume represents the paramter of ExtractVolume
func NewExtractVolumeParameter ¶
func NewExtractVolumeParameter(id string, mode string, zoneid string) (p *ExtractVolumeParameter)
type FindHostsForMigrationParameter ¶
type FindHostsForMigrationParameter struct { // List by keyword Keyword NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // find hosts to which this VM can be migrated and flag the hosts with enough // CPU/RAM to host the VM VirtualMachineId ID }
FindHostsForMigration represents the paramter of FindHostsForMigration
func NewFindHostsForMigrationParameter ¶
func NewFindHostsForMigrationParameter(virtualmachineid string) (p *FindHostsForMigrationParameter)
type FindStoragePoolsForMigrationParameter ¶
type FindStoragePoolsForMigrationParameter struct { // the ID of the volume Id ID // List by keyword Keyword NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber }
FindStoragePoolsForMigration represents the paramter of FindStoragePoolsForMigration
func NewFindStoragePoolsForMigrationParameter ¶
func NewFindStoragePoolsForMigrationParameter(id string) (p *FindStoragePoolsForMigrationParameter)
type FirewallRule ¶
type FirewallRule struct { ResourceBase // the cidr list to forward traffic from CidrList NullString `json:"cidrlist"` // the ending port of firewall rule's port range EndPort NullString `json:"endport"` // is rule for display to the regular user ForDisplay NullBool `json:"fordisplay"` // error code for this icmp message IcmpCode NullNumber `json:"icmpcode"` // type of the icmp message being sent IcmpType NullNumber `json:"icmptype"` // the ID of the firewall rule Id ID `json:"id"` // the public ip address for the firewall rule IpAddress NullString `json:"ipaddress"` // the public ip address id for the firewall rule IpAddressId ID `json:"ipaddressid"` // the network id of the firewall rule NetworkId ID `json:"networkid"` // the protocol of the firewall rule Protocol NullString `json:"protocol"` // the starting port of firewall rule's port range StartPort NullString `json:"startport"` // the state of the rule State NullString `json:"state"` // the list of resource tags associated with the rule Tags []Tag `json:"tags"` }
type GetUserParameter ¶
type GetUserParameter struct { // API key of the user UserApiKey NullString }
GetUser represents the paramter of GetUser
func NewGetUserParameter ¶
func NewGetUserParameter(userapikey string) (p *GetUserParameter)
type GetVMPasswordParameter ¶
type GetVMPasswordParameter struct { // The ID of the virtual machine Id ID }
GetVMPassword represents the paramter of GetVMPassword
func NewGetVMPasswordParameter ¶
func NewGetVMPasswordParameter(id string) (p *GetVMPasswordParameter)
type GetVirtualMachineUserDataParameter ¶
type GetVirtualMachineUserDataParameter struct { // The ID of the virtual machine VirtualMachineId ID }
GetVirtualMachineUserData represents the paramter of GetVirtualMachineUserData
func NewGetVirtualMachineUserDataParameter ¶
func NewGetVirtualMachineUserDataParameter(virtualmachineid string) (p *GetVirtualMachineUserDataParameter)
type GpuGroup ¶
type GpuGroup struct { ResourceBase // Remaining capacity in terms of no. of more VMs that can be deployped with // this vGPU type RemainingCapacity NullNumber `json:"remainingcapacity` // Maximum displays per user MaxHeads NullNumber `json:"maxheads"` // Maximum X resolution per display MaxResolutionX NullNumber `json:"maxresolutionx"` // Model Name of vGPU VgpuType NullString `json:"vgputype"` // Maximum no. of vgpu per gpu card (pgpu) MaxVgpuPerPgpu NullNumber `json:"maxvgpuperpgpu"` // Maximum vgpu can be created with this vgpu type on the given gpu group MaxCapacity NullNumber `json:"maxcapacity"` // Maximum Y resolution per display MaxResolutionY NullNumber `json:"maxresolutiony"` // Video RAM for this vGPU type VideoRam NullNumber `json:"videoram"` }
type Host ¶
type Host struct { ResourceBase // the cpu average load on the host AverageLoad NullNumber `json:"averageload"` // capabilities of the host Capabilities NullString `json:"capabilities"` // the cluster ID of the host ClusterId ID `json:"clusterid"` // the cluster name of the host ClusterName NullString `json:"clustername"` // the cluster type of the cluster that host belongs to ClusterType NullString `json:"clustertype"` // the amount of the host's CPU currently allocated CpuAllocated NullString `json:"cpuallocated"` // the CPU number of the host CpuNumber NullNumber `json:"cpunumber"` // the number of CPU sockets on the host CpuSockets NullNumber `json:"cpusockets"` // the CPU speed of the host CpuSpeed NullNumber `json:"cpuspeed"` // the amount of the host's CPU currently used CpuUsed NullString `json:"cpuused"` // the amount of the host's CPU after applying the cpu.overprovisioning.factor CpuWithOverProvisioning NullString `json:"cpuwithoverprovisioning"` // the date and time the host was created Created NullString `json:"created"` // Host details in key/value pairs. Details map[string]string `json:"details"` // true if the host is disconnected. False otherwise. Disconnected NullString `json:"disconnected"` // the host's currently allocated disk size DiskSizeAllocated NullNumber `json:"disksizeallocated"` // the total disk size of the host DiskSizeTotal NullNumber `json:"disksizetotal"` // events available for the host Events NullString `json:"events"` // GPU cards present in the host GpuGroup []GpuGroup `json:"gpugroup"` // true if the host is Ha host (dedicated to vms started by HA process; false // otherwise HaHost NullBool `json:"hahost"` // true if this host has enough CPU and RAM capacity to migrate a VM to it, // false otherwise HasEnoughCapacity NullBool `json:"hasenoughcapacity"` // comma-separated list of tags for the host HostTags NullString `json:"hosttags"` // the host hypervisor Hypervisor NullString `json:"hypervisor"` // the hypervisor version HypervisorVersion NullString `json:"hypervisorversion"` // the ID of the host Id ID `json:"id"` // the IP address of the host IpAddress NullString `json:"ipaddress"` // true if local storage is active, false otherwise IsLocalStorageActive NullBool `json:"islocalstorageactive"` // the date and time the host was last pinged LastPinged NullString `json:"lastpinged"` // the management server ID of the host ManagementServerId ID `json:"managementserverid"` // the amount of the host's memory currently allocated MemoryAllocated NullNumber `json:"memoryallocated"` // the memory total of the host MemoryTotal NullNumber `json:"memorytotal"` // the amount of the host's memory currently used MemoryUsed NullNumber `json:"memoryused"` // the name of the host Name NullString `json:"name"` // the incoming network traffic on the host NetworkKbsRead NullNumber `json:"networkkbsread"` // the outgoing network traffic on the host NetworkKbsWrite NullNumber `json:"networkkbswrite"` // the OS category ID of the host OsCategoryId ID `json:"oscategoryid"` // the OS category name of the host OsCategoryName NullString `json:"oscategoryname"` // the Pod ID of the host PodId ID `json:"podid"` // the Pod name of the host PodName NullString `json:"podname"` // the date and time the host was removed Removed NullString `json:"removed"` // true if migrating a vm to this host requires storage motion, false otherwise RequiresStorageMotion NullBool `json:"requiresstoragemotion"` // the resource state of the host ResourceState NullString `json:"resourcestate"` // the state of the host State NullString `json:"state"` // true if this host is suitable(has enough capacity and satisfies all // conditions like hosttags, max guests vm limit etc) to migrate a VM to it , // false otherwise SuitableForMigration NullBool `json:"suitableformigration"` // the host type Type NullString `json:"type"` // the host version Version NullString `json:"version"` // the Zone ID of the host ZoneId ID `json:"zoneid"` // the Zone name of the host ZoneName NullString `json:"zonename"` }
type HostTag ¶
type HostTag struct { ResourceBase // the host ID of the host tag HostId ID `json:"hostid"` // the ID of the host tag Id ID `json:"id"` // the name of the host tag Name NullString `json:"name"` }
type ImageStore ¶
type ImageStore struct { ResourceBase // the details of the image store Details []NullString `json:"details"` // the ID of the image store Id ID `json:"id"` // the name of the image store Name NullString `json:"name"` // the protocol of the image store Protocol NullString `json:"protocol"` // the provider name of the image store ProviderName NullString `json:"providername"` // the scope of the image store Scope NullString `json:"scope"` // the url of the image store Url NullString `json:"url"` // the Zone ID of the image store ZoneId ID `json:"zoneid"` // the Zone name of the image store ZoneName NullString `json:"zonename"` }
type ImportLdapUsersParameter ¶
type ImportLdapUsersParameter struct { // Creates the user under the specified account. If no account is specified, the // username will be used as the account name. Account NullString // details for account used to store specific parameters AccountDetails map[string]string // Type of the account. Specify 0 for user, 1 for root admin, and 2 for domain // admin AccountType NullNumber // Specifies the domain to which the ldap users are to be imported. If no domain // is specified, a domain will created using group parameter. If the group is // also not specified, a domain name based on the OU information will be // created. If no OU hierarchy exists, will be defaulted to ROOT domain DomainId ID // Specifies the group name from which the ldap users are to be imported. If no // group is specified, all the users will be imported. Group NullString // List by keyword Keyword NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // Specifies a timezone for this command. For more information on the timezone // parameter, see Time Zone Format. TimeZone NullString }
ImportLdapUsers represents the paramter of ImportLdapUsers
func NewImportLdapUsersParameter ¶
func NewImportLdapUsersParameter(accounttype int) (p *ImportLdapUsersParameter)
type IpForwardingRule ¶
type IpForwardingRule struct { ResourceBase // the cidr list to forward traffic from CidrList NullString `json:"cidrlist"` // is firewall for display to the regular user ForDisplay NullBool `json:"fordisplay"` // the ID of the port forwarding rule Id ID `json:"id"` // the public ip address for the port forwarding rule IpAddress NullString `json:"ipaddress"` // the public ip address id for the port forwarding rule IpAddressId ID `json:"ipaddressid"` // the id of the guest network the port forwarding rule belongs to NetworkId ID `json:"networkid"` // the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range PrivateEndPort NullString `json:"privateendport"` // the starting port of port forwarding rule's private port range PrivatePort NullString `json:"privateport"` // the protocol of the port forwarding rule Protocol NullString `json:"protocol"` // the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range PublicEndPort NullString `json:"publicendport"` // the starting port of port forwarding rule's public port range PublicPort NullString `json:"publicport"` // the state of the rule State NullString `json:"state"` // the list of resource tags associated with the rule Tags []Tag `json:"tags"` // the VM display name for the port forwarding rule VirtualMachineDisplayName NullString `json:"virtualmachinedisplayname"` // the VM ID for the port forwarding rule VirtualMachineId ID `json:"virtualmachineid"` // the VM name for the port forwarding rule VirtualMachineName NullString `json:"virtualmachinename"` // the vm ip address for the port forwarding rule VmGuestIp NullString `json:"vmguestip"` }
type Keypair ¶
type Keypair struct {
Privatekey NullString `json:"privatekey"`
type LdapUser ¶
type LdapUser struct { ResourceBase // The user's domain Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // The user's email Email NullString `json:"email"` // The user's firstname FirstName NullString `json:"firstname"` // The user's lastname LastName NullString `json:"lastname"` // The user's principle Principal NullString `json:"principal"` // The user's username UserName NullString `json:"username"` }
type ListAccountsParameter ¶
type ListAccountsParameter struct { // list accounts by account type. Valid account types are 1 (admin), 2 // (domain-admin), and 0 (user). AccountType NullNumber // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // list account by account ID Id ID // list accounts by cleanuprequred attribute (values are true or false) IsCleanupRequired NullBool // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool // list account by account name Name NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // list accounts by state. Valid states are enabled, disabled, and locked. State NullString }
ListAccounts represents the paramter of ListAccounts
func NewListAccountsParameter ¶
func NewListAccountsParameter() (p *ListAccountsParameter)
type ListAffinityGroupTypesParameter ¶
type ListAffinityGroupTypesParameter struct { // List by keyword Keyword NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber }
ListAffinityGroupTypes represents the paramter of ListAffinityGroupTypes
func NewListAffinityGroupTypesParameter ¶
func NewListAffinityGroupTypesParameter() (p *ListAffinityGroupTypesParameter)
type ListAffinityGroupsParameter ¶
type ListAffinityGroupsParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // list the affinity group by the id provided Id ID // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool // lists affinity groups by name Name NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // lists affinity groups by type Type NullString // lists affinity groups by virtual machine id VirtualMachineId ID }
ListAffinityGroups represents the paramter of ListAffinityGroups
func NewListAffinityGroupsParameter ¶
func NewListAffinityGroupsParameter() (p *ListAffinityGroupsParameter)
type ListClustersParameter ¶
type ListClustersParameter struct { // lists clusters by allocation state AllocationState NullString // lists clusters by cluster type ClusterType NullString // lists clusters by hypervisor type Hypervisor NullString // lists clusters by the cluster ID Id ID // List by keyword Keyword NullString // whether this cluster is managed by cloudstack ManagedState NullString // lists clusters by the cluster name Name NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // lists clusters by Pod ID PodId ID // flag to display the capacity of the clusters ShowCapacities NullBool // lists clusters by Zone ID ZoneId ID }
ListClusters represents the paramter of ListClusters
func NewListClustersParameter ¶
func NewListClustersParameter() (p *ListClustersParameter)
type ListDedicatedClustersParameter ¶
type ListDedicatedClustersParameter struct { // the name of the account associated with the cluster. Must be used with // domainId. Account NullString // list dedicated clusters by affinity group AffinityGroupId ID // the ID of the cluster ClusterId ID // the ID of the domain associated with the cluster DomainId ID // List by keyword Keyword NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber }
ListDedicatedClusters represents the paramter of ListDedicatedClusters
func NewListDedicatedClustersParameter ¶
func NewListDedicatedClustersParameter() (p *ListDedicatedClustersParameter)
type ListDedicatedHostsParameter ¶
type ListDedicatedHostsParameter struct { // the name of the account associated with the host. Must be used with domainId. Account NullString // list dedicated hosts by affinity group AffinityGroupId ID // the ID of the domain associated with the host DomainId ID // the ID of the host HostId ID // List by keyword Keyword NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber }
ListDedicatedHosts represents the paramter of ListDedicatedHosts
func NewListDedicatedHostsParameter ¶
func NewListDedicatedHostsParameter() (p *ListDedicatedHostsParameter)
type ListDedicatedPodsParameter ¶
type ListDedicatedPodsParameter struct { // the name of the account associated with the pod. Must be used with domainId. Account NullString // list dedicated pods by affinity group AffinityGroupId ID // the ID of the domain associated with the pod DomainId ID // List by keyword Keyword NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // the ID of the pod PodId ID }
ListDedicatedPods represents the paramter of ListDedicatedPods
func NewListDedicatedPodsParameter ¶
func NewListDedicatedPodsParameter() (p *ListDedicatedPodsParameter)
type ListDiskOfferingsParameter ¶
type ListDiskOfferingsParameter struct { // the ID of the domain of the disk offering. DomainId ID // ID of the disk offering Id ID // List by keyword Keyword NullString // name of the disk offering Name NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber }
ListDiskOfferings represents the paramter of ListDiskOfferings
func NewListDiskOfferingsParameter ¶
func NewListDiskOfferingsParameter() (p *ListDiskOfferingsParameter)
type ListDomainChildrenParameter ¶
type ListDomainChildrenParameter struct { // list children domain by parent domain ID. Id ID // to return the entire tree, use the value "true". To return the first level // children, use the value "false". IsRecursive NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool // list children domains by name Name NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber }
ListDomainChildren represents the paramter of ListDomainChildren
func NewListDomainChildrenParameter ¶
func NewListDomainChildrenParameter() (p *ListDomainChildrenParameter)
type ListDomainsParameter ¶
type ListDomainsParameter struct { // List domain by domain ID. Id ID // List by keyword Keyword NullString // List domains by domain level. Level NullNumber // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool // List domain by domain name. Name NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber }
ListDomains represents the paramter of ListDomains
func NewListDomainsParameter ¶
func NewListDomainsParameter() (p *ListDomainsParameter)
type ListEgressFirewallRulesParameter ¶
type ListEgressFirewallRulesParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // list resources by display flag; only ROOT admin is eligible to pass this // parameter ForDisplay NullBool // Lists rule with the specified ID. Id ID // the id of IP address of the firwall services IpAddressId ID // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool // list firewall rules for ceratin network NetworkId ID Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // list objects by project ProjectId ID // List resources by tags (key/value pairs) Tags map[string]string }
ListEgressFirewallRules represents the paramter of ListEgressFirewallRules
func NewListEgressFirewallRulesParameter ¶
func NewListEgressFirewallRulesParameter() (p *ListEgressFirewallRulesParameter)
type ListFirewallRulesParameter ¶
type ListFirewallRulesParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // list resources by display flag; only ROOT admin is eligible to pass this // parameter ForDisplay NullBool // Lists rule with the specified ID. Id ID // the id of IP address of the firwall services IpAddressId ID // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool // list firewall rules for ceratin network NetworkId ID Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // list objects by project ProjectId ID // List resources by tags (key/value pairs) Tags map[string]string }
ListFirewallRules represents the paramter of ListFirewallRules
func NewListFirewallRulesParameter ¶
func NewListFirewallRulesParameter() (p *ListFirewallRulesParameter)
type ListHostTagsParameter ¶
type ListHostTagsParameter struct { // List by keyword Keyword NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber }
ListHostTags represents the paramter of ListHostTags
func NewListHostTagsParameter ¶
func NewListHostTagsParameter() (p *ListHostTagsParameter)
type ListHostsParameter ¶
type ListHostsParameter struct { // lists hosts existing in particular cluster ClusterId ID // comma separated list of host details requested, value can be a list of [ min, // all, capacity, events, stats] Details []string // if true, list only hosts dedicated to HA HaHost NullBool // hypervisor type of host: XenServer,KVM,VMware,Hyperv,BareMetal,Simulator Hypervisor NullString // the id of the host Id ID // List by keyword Keyword NullString // the name of the host Name NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // the Pod ID for the host PodId ID // list hosts by resource state. Resource state represents current state // determined by admin of host, valule can be one of [Enabled, Disabled, // Unmanaged, PrepareForMaintenance, ErrorInMaintenance, Maintenance, Error] ResourceState NullString // the state of the host State NullString // the host type Type NullString // lists hosts in the same cluster as this VM and flag hosts with enough CPU/RAm // to host this VM VirtualMachineId ID // the Zone ID for the host ZoneId ID }
ListHosts represents the paramter of ListHosts
func NewListHostsParameter ¶
func NewListHostsParameter() (p *ListHostsParameter)
type ListImageStoresParameter ¶
type ListImageStoresParameter struct { // the ID of the storage pool Id ID // List by keyword Keyword NullString // the name of the image store Name NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // the image store protocol Protocol NullString // the image store provider Provider NullString // the Zone ID for the image store ZoneId ID }
ListImageStores represents the paramter of ListImageStores
func NewListImageStoresParameter ¶
func NewListImageStoresParameter() (p *ListImageStoresParameter)
type ListIpForwardingRulesParameter ¶
type ListIpForwardingRulesParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // Lists rule with the specified ID. Id ID // list the rule belonging to this public ip address IpAddressId ID // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // list objects by project ProjectId ID // Lists all rules applied to the specified Vm. VirtualMachineId ID }
ListIpForwardingRules represents the paramter of ListIpForwardingRules
func NewListIpForwardingRulesParameter ¶
func NewListIpForwardingRulesParameter() (p *ListIpForwardingRulesParameter)
type ListLdapUsersParameter ¶
type ListLdapUsersParameter struct { // List by keyword Keyword NullString // Determines whether all ldap users are returned or just non-cloudstack users ListType NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber }
ListLdapUsers represents the paramter of ListLdapUsers
func NewListLdapUsersParameter ¶
func NewListLdapUsersParameter() (p *ListLdapUsersParameter)
type ListLoadBalancerRuleInstancesParameter ¶
type ListLoadBalancerRuleInstancesParameter struct { // true if listing all virtual machines currently applied to the load balancer // rule; default is true Applied NullBool // the ID of the load balancer rule Id ID // List by keyword Keyword NullString // true if lb rule vm ip information to be included; default is false LbVmIps NullBool Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber }
ListLoadBalancerRuleInstances represents the paramter of ListLoadBalancerRuleInstances
func NewListLoadBalancerRuleInstancesParameter ¶
func NewListLoadBalancerRuleInstancesParameter(id string) (p *ListLoadBalancerRuleInstancesParameter)
type ListLoadBalancerRulesParameter ¶
type ListLoadBalancerRulesParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // list resources by display flag; only ROOT admin is eligible to pass this // parameter ForDisplay NullBool // the ID of the load balancer rule Id ID // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool // the name of the load balancer rule Name NullString // list by network id the rule belongs to NetworkId ID Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // list objects by project ProjectId ID // the public IP address id of the load balancer rule PublicIpId ID // List resources by tags (key/value pairs) Tags map[string]string // the ID of the virtual machine of the load balancer rule VirtualMachineId ID // the availability zone ID ZoneId ID }
ListLoadBalancerRules represents the paramter of ListLoadBalancerRules
func NewListLoadBalancerRulesParameter ¶
func NewListLoadBalancerRulesParameter() (p *ListLoadBalancerRulesParameter)
type ListNetworkOfferingsParameter ¶
type ListNetworkOfferingsParameter struct { // the availability of network offering. Default value is Required Availability NullString // list network offerings by display text DisplayText NullString // the network offering can be used only for network creation inside the VPC ForVpc NullBool // list network offerings by guest type: Shared or Isolated GuestIpType NullString // list network offerings by id Id ID // true if need to list only default network offerings. Default value is false IsDefault NullBool // true if offering has tags specified IsTagged NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // list network offerings by name Name NullString // the ID of the network. Pass this in if you want to see the available network // offering that a network can be changed to. NetworkId ID Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // true if need to list only netwok offerings where source nat is supported, // false otherwise Sourcenatsupported NullBool // true if need to list only network offerings which support specifying ip // ranges SpecifyIpRanges NullBool // the tags for the network offering. SpecifyVlan NullBool // list network offerings by state State NullString // list network offerings supporting certain services SupportedServices []string // list network offerings by tags Tags NullString // list by traffic type TrafficType NullString // list netowrk offerings available for network creation in specific zone ZoneId ID }
ListNetworkOfferings represents the paramter of ListNetworkOfferings
func NewListNetworkOfferingsParameter ¶
func NewListNetworkOfferingsParameter() (p *ListNetworkOfferingsParameter)
type ListNetworksParameter ¶
type ListNetworksParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // list networks by ACL (access control list) type. Supported values are Account // and Domain AclType NullString // list networks available for vm deployment CanUseForDeploy NullBool // list resources by display flag; only ROOT admin is eligible to pass this // parameter DisplayNetwork NullBool // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // the network belongs to vpc ForVpc NullBool // list networks by id Id ID // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // true if network is system, false otherwise IsSystem NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // list networks by physical network id PhysicalNetworkId ID // list objects by project ProjectId ID // list networks by restartRequired ReStartRequired NullBool // true if need to list only networks which support specifying ip ranges SpecifyIpRanges NullBool // list networks supporting certain services SupportedServices []string // List resources by tags (key/value pairs) Tags map[string]string // type of the traffic TrafficType NullString // the type of the network. Supported values are: Isolated and Shared Type NullString // List networks by VPC VpcId ID // the Zone ID of the network ZoneId ID }
ListNetworks represents the paramter of ListNetworks
func NewListNetworksParameter ¶
func NewListNetworksParameter() (p *ListNetworksParameter)
type ListPodsParameter ¶
type ListPodsParameter struct { // list pods by allocation state AllocationState NullString // list Pods by ID Id ID // List by keyword Keyword NullString // list Pods by name Name NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // flag to display the capacity of the pods ShowCapacities NullBool // list Pods by Zone ID ZoneId ID }
ListPods represents the paramter of ListPods
func NewListPodsParameter ¶
func NewListPodsParameter() (p *ListPodsParameter)
type ListPortForwardingRulesParameter ¶
type ListPortForwardingRulesParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // list resources by display flag; only ROOT admin is eligible to pass this // parameter ForDisplay NullBool // Lists rule with the specified ID. Id ID // the id of IP address of the port forwarding services IpAddressId ID // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool // list port forwarding rules for certain network NetworkId ID Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // list objects by project ProjectId ID // List resources by tags (key/value pairs) Tags map[string]string }
ListPortForwardingRules represents the paramter of ListPortForwardingRules
func NewListPortForwardingRulesParameter ¶
func NewListPortForwardingRulesParameter() (p *ListPortForwardingRulesParameter)
type ListProjectAccountsParameter ¶
type ListProjectAccountsParameter struct { // list accounts of the project by account name Account NullString // List by keyword Keyword NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // id of the project ProjectId ID // list accounts of the project by role Role NullString }
ListProjectAccounts represents the paramter of ListProjectAccounts
func NewListProjectAccountsParameter ¶
func NewListProjectAccountsParameter(projectid string) (p *ListProjectAccountsParameter)
type ListProjectInvitationsParameter ¶
type ListProjectInvitationsParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // if true, list only active invitations - having Pending state and ones that // are not timed out yet ActiveOnly NullBool // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // list invitations by id Id ID // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // list by project id ProjectId ID // list invitations by state State NullString }
ListProjectInvitations represents the paramter of ListProjectInvitations
func NewListProjectInvitationsParameter ¶
func NewListProjectInvitationsParameter() (p *ListProjectInvitationsParameter)
type ListProjectsParameter ¶
type ListProjectsParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // list projects by display text DisplayText NullString // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // list projects by project ID Id ID // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool // list projects by name Name NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // list projects by state State NullString // List projects by tags (key/value pairs) Tags map[string]string }
ListProjects represents the paramter of ListProjects
func NewListProjectsParameter ¶
func NewListProjectsParameter() (p *ListProjectsParameter)
type ListPublicIpAddressesParameter ¶
type ListPublicIpAddressesParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // limits search results to allocated public IP addresses AllocatedOnly NullBool // lists all public IP addresses associated to the network specified AssociatedNetworkId ID // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // list resources by display flag; only ROOT admin is eligible to pass this // parameter ForDisplay NullBool // list only ips used for load balancing ForLoadBalancing NullBool // the virtual network for the IP address ForVirtualNetwork NullBool // lists ip address by id Id ID // lists the specified IP address IpAddress NullString // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // list only source nat ip addresses IsSourceNat NullBool // list only static nat ip addresses IsStaticNat NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // lists all public IP addresses by physical network id PhysicalNetworkId ID // list objects by project ProjectId ID // lists all public IP addresses by state State NullString // List resources by tags (key/value pairs) Tags map[string]string // lists all public IP addresses by VLAN ID VlanId ID // List ips belonging to the VPC VpcId ID // lists all public IP addresses by Zone ID ZoneId ID }
ListPublicIpAddresses represents the paramter of ListPublicIpAddresses
func NewListPublicIpAddressesParameter ¶
func NewListPublicIpAddressesParameter() (p *ListPublicIpAddressesParameter)
type ListSecondaryStagingStoresParameter ¶
type ListSecondaryStagingStoresParameter struct { // the ID of the staging store Id ID // List by keyword Keyword NullString // the name of the staging store Name NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // the staging store protocol Protocol NullString // the staging store provider Provider NullString // the Zone ID for the staging store ZoneId ID }
ListSecondaryStagingStores represents the paramter of ListSecondaryStagingStores
func NewListSecondaryStagingStoresParameter ¶
func NewListSecondaryStagingStoresParameter() (p *ListSecondaryStagingStoresParameter)
type ListSecurityGroupsParameter ¶
type ListSecurityGroupsParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // list the security group by the id provided Id ID // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // list objects by project ProjectId ID // lists security groups by name SecurityGroupName NullString // List resources by tags (key/value pairs) Tags map[string]string // lists security groups by virtual machine id VirtualMachineId ID }
ListSecurityGroups represents the paramter of ListSecurityGroups
func NewListSecurityGroupsParameter ¶
func NewListSecurityGroupsParameter() (p *ListSecurityGroupsParameter)
type ListServiceOfferingsParameter ¶
type ListServiceOfferingsParameter struct { // the ID of the domain associated with the service offering DomainId ID // ID of the service offering Id ID // is this a system vm offering IsSystem NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // name of the service offering Name NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // the system VM type. Possible types are "consoleproxy", "secondarystoragevm" // or "domainrouter". SystemVmType NullString // the ID of the virtual machine. Pass this in if you want to see the available // service offering that a virtual machine can be changed to. VirtualMachineId ID }
ListServiceOfferings represents the paramter of ListServiceOfferings
func NewListServiceOfferingsParameter ¶
func NewListServiceOfferingsParameter() (p *ListServiceOfferingsParameter)
type ListStoragePoolsParameter ¶
type ListStoragePoolsParameter struct { // list storage pools belongig to the specific cluster ClusterId ID // the ID of the storage pool Id ID // the IP address for the storage pool IpAddress NullString // List by keyword Keyword NullString // the name of the storage pool Name NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // the storage pool path Path NullString // the Pod ID for the storage pool PodId ID // the ID of the storage pool Scope NullString // the Zone ID for the storage pool ZoneId ID }
ListStoragePools represents the paramter of ListStoragePools
func NewListStoragePoolsParameter ¶
func NewListStoragePoolsParameter() (p *ListStoragePoolsParameter)
type ListStorageProvidersParameter ¶
type ListStorageProvidersParameter struct { // List by keyword Keyword NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // the type of storage provider: either primary or image Type NullString }
ListStorageProviders represents the paramter of ListStorageProviders
func NewListStorageProvidersParameter ¶
func NewListStorageProvidersParameter(typ string) (p *ListStorageProvidersParameter)
type ListStorageTagsParameter ¶
type ListStorageTagsParameter struct { // List by keyword Keyword NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber }
ListStorageTags represents the paramter of ListStorageTags
func NewListStorageTagsParameter ¶
func NewListStorageTagsParameter() (p *ListStorageTagsParameter)
type ListTagsParameter ¶
type ListTagsParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // list by customer name Customer NullString // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // list by key Key NullString // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // list objects by project ProjectId ID // list by resource id ResourceId ID // list by resource type ResourceType NullString // list by value Value NullString }
ListTags represents the paramter of ListTags
func NewListTagsParameter ¶
func NewListTagsParameter() (p *ListTagsParameter)
type ListTemplatePermissionsParameter ¶
type ListTemplatePermissionsParameter struct { // the template ID Id ID }
ListTemplatePermissions represents the paramter of ListTemplatePermissions
func NewListTemplatePermissionsParameter ¶
func NewListTemplatePermissionsParameter(id string) (p *ListTemplatePermissionsParameter)
type ListTemplatesParameter ¶
type ListTemplatesParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // the hypervisor for which to restrict the search Hypervisor NullString // the template ID Id ID // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool // the template name Name NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // list objects by project ProjectId ID // show removed templates as well ShowRemoved NullBool // List resources by tags (key/value pairs) Tags map[string]string // possible values are "featured", "self", // "selfexecutable","sharedexecutable","executable", and "community". * featured // : templates that have been marked as featured and public. * self : templates // that have been registered or created by the calling user. * selfexecutable : // same as self, but only returns templates that can be used to deploy a new VM. // * sharedexecutable : templates ready to be deployed that have been granted to // the calling user by another user. * executable : templates that are owned by // the calling user, or public templates, that can be used to deploy a VM. * // community : templates that have been marked as public but not featured. * all // : all templates (only usable by admins). Templatefilter NullString // list templates by zoneId ZoneId ID }
ListTemplates represents the paramter of ListTemplates
func NewListTemplatesParameter ¶
func NewListTemplatesParameter(templatefilter string) (p *ListTemplatesParameter)
type ListUsersParameter ¶
type ListUsersParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // List users by account type. Valid types include admin, domain-admin, // read-only-admin, or user. AccountType NullNumber // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // List user by ID. Id ID // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // List users by state of the user account. State NullString // List user by the username UserName NullString }
ListUsers represents the paramter of ListUsers
func NewListUsersParameter ¶
func NewListUsersParameter() (p *ListUsersParameter)
type ListVirtualMachinesParameter ¶
type ListVirtualMachinesParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // list vms by affinity group AffinityGroupId ID // comma separated list of host details requested, value can be a list of [all, // group, nics, stats, secgrp, tmpl, servoff, diskoff, iso, volume, min, // affgrp]. If no parameter is passed in, the details will be defaulted to all Details []string // list resources by display flag; only ROOT admin is eligible to pass this // parameter DisplayVm NullBool // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // list by network type; true if need to list vms using Virtual Network, false // otherwise ForVirtualNetwork NullBool // the group ID GroupId ID // the host ID HostId ID // the target hypervisor for the template Hypervisor NullString // the ID of the virtual machine Id ID // the IDs of the virtual machines, mutually exclusive with id Ids []string // list vms by iso IsoId ID // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool // name of the virtual machine Name NullString // list by network id NetworkId ID Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // the pod ID PodId ID // list objects by project ProjectId ID // list by the service offering ServiceOfferingId ID // state of the virtual machine State NullString // the storage ID where vm's volumes belong to StorageId ID // List resources by tags (key/value pairs) Tags map[string]string // list vms by template TemplateId ID // list vms by vpc VpcId ID // the availability zone ID ZoneId ID }
ListVirtualMachines represents the paramter of ListVirtualMachines
func NewListVirtualMachinesParameter ¶
func NewListVirtualMachinesParameter() (p *ListVirtualMachinesParameter)
type ListVolumesParameter ¶
type ListVolumesParameter struct { // list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. Account NullString // list volumes by disk offering DiskOfferingId ID // list resources by display flag; only ROOT admin is eligible to pass this // parameter DisplayVolume NullBool // list only resources belonging to the domain specified DomainId ID // list volumes on specified host HostId ID // the ID of the disk volume Id ID // defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified // by the domainId till leaves. IsRecursive NullBool // List by keyword Keyword NullString // If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if // set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default // value is false ListAll NullBool // the name of the disk volume Name NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // the pod id the disk volume belongs to PodId ID // list objects by project ProjectId ID // the ID of the storage pool, available to ROOT admin only StorageId ID // List resources by tags (key/value pairs) Tags map[string]string // the type of disk volume Type NullString // the ID of the virtual machine VirtualMachineId ID // the ID of the availability zone ZoneId ID }
ListVolumes represents the paramter of ListVolumes
func NewListVolumesParameter ¶
func NewListVolumesParameter() (p *ListVolumesParameter)
type ListZonesParameter ¶
type ListZonesParameter struct { // true if you want to retrieve all available Zones. False if you only want to // return the Zones from which you have at least one VM. Default is false. Available NullBool // the ID of the domain associated with the zone DomainId ID // the ID of the zone Id ID // List by keyword Keyword NullString // the name of the zone Name NullString // the network type of the zone that the virtual machine belongs to NetworkType NullString Page NullNumber PageSize NullNumber // flag to display the capacity of the zones ShowCapacities NullBool // List zones by resource tags (key/value pairs) Tags map[string]string }
ListZones represents the paramter of ListZones
func NewListZonesParameter ¶
func NewListZonesParameter() (p *ListZonesParameter)
type LoadBalancerRule ¶
type LoadBalancerRule struct { ResourceBase // the account of the load balancer rule Account NullString `json:"account"` // the load balancer algorithm (source, roundrobin, leastconn) Algorithm NullString `json:"algorithm"` // the cidr list to forward traffic from CidrList NullString `json:"cidrlist"` // the description of the load balancer Description NullString `json:"description"` // the domain of the load balancer rule Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the domain ID of the load balancer rule DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // is rule for display to the regular user ForDisplay NullBool `json:"fordisplay"` // the load balancer rule ID Id ID `json:"id"` // the name of the load balancer Name NullString `json:"name"` // the id of the guest network the lb rule belongs to NetworkId ID `json:"networkid"` // the private port PrivatePort NullString `json:"privateport"` // the project name of the load balancer Project NullString `json:"project"` // the project id of the load balancer ProjectId ID `json:"projectid"` // the protocol of the loadbalanacer rule Protocol NullString `json:"protocol"` // the public ip address PublicIp NullString `json:"publicip"` // the public ip address id PublicIpId ID `json:"publicipid"` // the public port PublicPort NullString `json:"publicport"` // the state of the rule State NullString `json:"state"` // the list of resource tags associated with load balancer Tags []Tag `json:"tags"` // the id of the zone the rule belongs to ZoneId ID `json:"zoneid"` }
type LoadBalancerRuleInstance ¶
type LoadBalancerRuleInstance struct { ResourceBase // IP addresses of the vm set of lb rule LbVmIpAddresses []NullString `json:"lbvmipaddresses"` // the user vm set for lb rule LoadBalancerRuleInstance NullString `json:"loadbalancerruleinstance"` }
type LockAccountParameter ¶
type LockAccountParameter struct { // Locks the specified account. Account NullString // Locks the specified account on this domain. DomainId ID }
LockAccount represents the paramter of LockAccount
func NewLockAccountParameter ¶
func NewLockAccountParameter(account string, domainid string) (p *LockAccountParameter)
type LockUserParameter ¶
type LockUserParameter struct { // Locks user by user ID. Id ID }
LockUser represents the paramter of LockUser
func NewLockUserParameter ¶
func NewLockUserParameter(id string) (p *LockUserParameter)
type LogInResponse ¶
type LogInResponse struct { Username NullString `json:"username"` UserId ID `json:"userid"` Password NullString `json:"password"` DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` Timeout NullString `json:"timeout"` Account NullString `json:"account"` FirstName NullString `json:"firstname"` LastName NullString `json:"lastname"` Type NullString `json:"type"` TimeZone NullString `json:"timezone"` TimeZoneOffset NullString `json:"timezoneoffset"` SessionKey NullString `json:"sessionkey"` }
type LogOutResponse ¶
type LogOutResponse struct {
Description NullString `json:"description"`
type MarkDefaultZoneForAccountParameter ¶
type MarkDefaultZoneForAccountParameter struct { // Name of the account that is to be marked. Account NullString // Marks the account that belongs to the specified domain. DomainId ID // The Zone ID with which the account is to be marked. ZoneId ID }
MarkDefaultZoneForAccount represents the paramter of MarkDefaultZoneForAccount
func NewMarkDefaultZoneForAccountParameter ¶
func NewMarkDefaultZoneForAccountParameter(account string, domainid string, zoneid string) (p *MarkDefaultZoneForAccountParameter)
type MigrateVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type MigrateVirtualMachineParameter struct { // Destination Host ID to migrate VM to. Required for live migrating a VM from // host to host HostId ID // Destination storage pool ID to migrate VM volumes to. Required for migrating // the root disk volume StorageId ID // the ID of the virtual machine VirtualMachineId ID }
MigrateVirtualMachine represents the paramter of MigrateVirtualMachine
func NewMigrateVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewMigrateVirtualMachineParameter(virtualmachineid string) (p *MigrateVirtualMachineParameter)
type MigrateVirtualMachineWithVolumeParameter ¶
type MigrateVirtualMachineWithVolumeParameter struct { // Destination Host ID to migrate VM to. HostId ID // Map of pool to which each volume should be migrated (volume/pool pair) MigrateTo map[string]string // the ID of the virtual machine VirtualMachineId ID }
MigrateVirtualMachineWithVolume represents the paramter of MigrateVirtualMachineWithVolume
func NewMigrateVirtualMachineWithVolumeParameter ¶
func NewMigrateVirtualMachineWithVolumeParameter(hostid string, virtualmachineid string) (p *MigrateVirtualMachineWithVolumeParameter)
type MigrateVolumeParameter ¶
type MigrateVolumeParameter struct { // if the volume should be live migrated when it is attached to a running vm LiveMigrate NullBool // destination storage pool ID to migrate the volume to StorageId ID // the ID of the volume VolumeId ID }
MigrateVolume represents the paramter of MigrateVolume
func NewMigrateVolumeParameter ¶
func NewMigrateVolumeParameter(storageid string, volumeid string) (p *MigrateVolumeParameter)
type Network ¶
type Network struct { ResourceBase // the owner of the network Account NullString `json:"account"` // ACL Id associated with the VPC network AclId ID `json:"aclid"` // acl type - access type to the network AclType NullString `json:"acltype"` // Broadcast domain type of the network BroadcastDomainType NullString `json:"broadcastdomaintype"` // broadcast uri of the network. This parameter is visible to ROOT admins only BroadcastUri NullString `json:"broadcasturi"` // list networks available for vm deployment CanUseForDeploy NullBool `json:"canusefordeploy"` // Cloudstack managed address space, all CloudStack managed VMs get IP address // from CIDR Cidr NullString `json:"cidr"` // an optional field, whether to the display the network to the end user or not. DisplayNetwork NullBool `json:"displaynetwork"` // the displaytext of the network DisplayText NullString `json:"displaytext"` // the first DNS for the network Dns1 NullString `json:"dns1"` // the second DNS for the network Dns2 NullString `json:"dns2"` // the domain name of the network owner Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the domain id of the network owner DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // the network's gateway Gateway NullString `json:"gateway"` // the id of the network Id ID `json:"id"` // the cidr of IPv6 network Ip6Cidr NullString `json:"ip6cidr"` // the gateway of IPv6 network Ip6Gateway NullString `json:"ip6gateway"` // true if network is default, false otherwise IsDefault NullBool `json:"isdefault"` // list networks that are persistent IsPersistent NullBool `json:"ispersistent"` // true if network is system, false otherwise IsSystem NullBool `json:"issystem"` // the name of the network Name NullString `json:"name"` // the network's netmask Netmask NullString `json:"netmask"` // the network CIDR of the guest network configured with IP reservation. It is // the summation of CIDR and RESERVED_IP_RANGE NetworkCidr NullString `json:"networkcidr"` // the network domain NetworkDomain NullString `json:"networkdomain"` // availability of the network offering the network is created from NetworkOfferingAvailability NullString `json:"networkofferingavailability"` // true if network offering is ip conserve mode enabled NetworkOfferingconserveMode NullBool `json:"networkofferingconservemode"` // display text of the network offering the network is created from NetworkOfferingDisplayText NullString `json:"networkofferingdisplaytext"` // network offering id the network is created from NetworkOfferingId ID `json:"networkofferingid"` // name of the network offering the network is created from NetworkOfferingName NullString `json:"networkofferingname"` // the physical network id PhysicalNetworkId ID `json:"physicalnetworkid"` // the project name of the address Project NullString `json:"project"` // the project id of the ipaddress ProjectId ID `json:"projectid"` // related to what other network configuration Related NullString `json:"related"` // the network's IP range not to be used by CloudStack guest VMs and can be used // for non CloudStack purposes ReservedIpRange NullString `json:"reservediprange"` // true network requires restart ReStartRequired NullBool `json:"restartrequired"` // the list of services Service []NetworkService `json:"service"` // true if network supports specifying ip ranges, false otherwise SpecifyIpRanges NullBool `json:"specifyipranges"` // state of the network State NullString `json:"state"` // true if network can span multiple zones StrechedL2Subnet NullBool `json:"strechedl2subnet"` // true if users from subdomains can access the domain level network SubDomainAccess NullBool `json:"subdomainaccess"` // the list of resource tags associated with network Tags []Tag `json:"tags"` // the traffic type of the network TrafficType NullString `json:"traffictype"` // the type of the network Type NullString `json:"type"` // The vlan of the network. This parameter is visible to ROOT admins only Vlan NullString `json:"vlan"` // VPC the network belongs to VpcId ID `json:"vpcid"` // zone id of the network ZoneId ID `json:"zoneid"` // the name of the zone the network belongs to ZoneName NullString `json:"zonename"` // If a network is enabled for 'streched l2 subnet' then represents zones on // which network currently spans ZonesNetworkspans []NullString `json:"zonesnetworkspans"` }
type NetworkOffering ¶
type NetworkOffering struct { ResourceBase // availability of the network offering Availability NullString `json:"availability"` // true if network offering is ip conserve mode enabled ConserveMode NullBool `json:"conservemode"` // the date this network offering was created Created NullString `json:"created"` // additional key/value details tied with network offering Details NullString `json:"details"` // an alternate display text of the network offering. DisplayText NullString `json:"displaytext"` // true if guest network default egress policy is allow; false if default egress // policy is deny EgressDefaultPolicy NullBool `json:"egressdefaultpolicy"` // true if network offering can be used by VPC networks only ForVpc NullBool `json:"forvpc"` // guest type of the network offering, can be Shared or Isolated GuestIpType NullString `json:"guestiptype"` // the id of the network offering Id ID `json:"id"` // true if network offering is default, false otherwise IsDefault NullBool `json:"isdefault"` // true if network offering supports persistent networks, false otherwise IsPersistent NullBool `json:"ispersistent"` // maximum number of concurrents connections to be handled by lb MaxConnections NullNumber `json:"maxconnections"` // the name of the network offering Name NullString `json:"name"` // data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed. NetworkRate NullNumber `json:"networkrate"` // the list of supported services Service []NetworkService `json:"service"` // the ID of the service offering used by virtual router provider ServiceOfferingId ID `json:"serviceofferingid"` // true if network offering supports specifying ip ranges, false otherwise SpecifyIpRanges NullBool `json:"specifyipranges"` // true if network offering supports vlans, false otherwise SpecifyVlan NullBool `json:"specifyvlan"` // state of the network offering. Can be Disabled/Enabled/Inactive State NullString `json:"state"` // true if network offering supports network that span multiple zones SupportsStrechedL2Subnet NullBool `json:"supportsstrechedl2subnet"` // the tags for the network offering Tags NullString `json:"tags"` // the traffic type for the network offering, supported types are Public, // Management, Control, Guest, Vlan or Storage. TrafficType NullString `json:"traffictype"` }
type NetworkService ¶
type NetworkService struct { ResourceBase // the list of capabilities Capability []NetworkServiceCapability `json:"capability"` // the service name Name NullString `json:"name"` // the service provider name Provider []NetworkServiceProvider `json:"provider"` }
type NetworkServiceCapability ¶
type NetworkServiceCapability struct { // the capability name Name NullString `json:"name"` // the capability value Value NullString `json:"value"` // can this service capability value can be choosable while creatine network offerings CanChooseServiceCapability NullBool `json:"canchooseservicecapability"` }
type NetworkServiceProvider ¶
type NetworkServiceProvider struct { ResourceBase // true if individual services can be enabled/disabled CanEnableIndividualService NullBool `json:"canenableindividualservice"` // the destination physical network DestinationPhysicalNetworkId ID `json:"destinationphysicalnetworkid"` // uuid of the network provider Id ID `json:"id"` // the provider name Name NullString `json:"name"` // the physical network this belongs to PhysicalNetworkId ID `json:"physicalnetworkid"` // services for this provider ServiceList []NullString `json:"servicelist"` // state of the network provider State NullString `json:"state"` }
type Nic ¶
type Nic struct { ResourceBase // the broadcast uri of the nic BroadcastUri NullString `json:"broadcasturi"` // device id for the network when plugged into the virtual machine DeviceId ID `json:"deviceid"` // the gateway of the nic Gateway NullString `json:"gateway"` // the ID of the nic Id ID `json:"id"` // the IPv6 address of network Ip6Address NullString `json:"ip6address"` // the cidr of IPv6 network Ip6Cidr NullString `json:"ip6cidr"` // the gateway of IPv6 network Ip6Gateway NullString `json:"ip6gateway"` // the ip address of the nic IpAddress NullString `json:"ipaddress"` // true if nic is default, false otherwise IsDefault NullBool `json:"isdefault"` // the isolation uri of the nic IsolationUri NullString `json:"isolationuri"` // true if nic is default, false otherwise MacAddress NullString `json:"macaddress"` // the netmask of the nic Netmask NullString `json:"netmask"` // the ID of the corresponding network NetworkId ID `json:"networkid"` // the name of the corresponding network NetworkName NullString `json:"networkname"` // the Secondary ipv4 addr of nic SecondaryIp []NullString `json:"secondaryip"` // the traffic type of the nic TrafficType NullString `json:"traffictype"` // the type of the nic Type NullString `json:"type"` // Id of the vm to which the nic belongs VirtualMachineId ID `json:"virtualmachineid"` }
type NullBase ¶
type NullBase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Base struct of Nullable
func (NullBase) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*NullBase) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type NullBool ¶
type NullBool struct {
Nullable Bool
func (*NullBool) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type NullNumber ¶
type NullNumber struct {
Nullable Number Value is stored as string.
func (NullNumber) MarshalJSON ¶
func (nn NullNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullNumber) Set ¶
func (nn *NullNumber) Set(value interface{}) error
Set Value. Value is converted to string by fmt.Sprint
func (*NullNumber) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (nn *NullNumber) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type NullString ¶
type NullString struct {
Nullable String
func (*NullString) Set ¶
func (ns *NullString) Set(value interface{}) error
Set Value. Value is converted by fmt.Sprint
func (*NullString) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (ns *NullString) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Pod ¶
type Pod struct { ResourceBase // the allocation state of the Pod AllocationState NullString `json:"allocationstate"` // the capacity of the Pod Capacity []Capacity `json:"capacity"` // the ending IP for the Pod EndIp NullString `json:"endip"` // the gateway of the Pod Gateway NullString `json:"gateway"` // the ID of the Pod Id ID `json:"id"` // the name of the Pod Name NullString `json:"name"` // the netmask of the Pod Netmask NullString `json:"netmask"` // the starting IP for the Pod StartIp NullString `json:"startip"` // the Zone ID of the Pod ZoneId ID `json:"zoneid"` // the Zone name of the Pod ZoneName NullString `json:"zonename"` }
type PortForwardingRule ¶
type PortForwardingRule struct { ResourceBase // the cidr list to forward traffic from CidrList NullString `json:"cidrlist"` // is firewall for display to the regular user ForDisplay NullBool `json:"fordisplay"` // the ID of the port forwarding rule Id ID `json:"id"` // the public ip address for the port forwarding rule IpAddress NullString `json:"ipaddress"` // the public ip address id for the port forwarding rule IpAddressId ID `json:"ipaddressid"` // the id of the guest network the port forwarding rule belongs to NetworkId ID `json:"networkid"` // the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range PrivateEndPort NullString `json:"privateendport"` // the starting port of port forwarding rule's private port range PrivatePort NullString `json:"privateport"` // the protocol of the port forwarding rule Protocol NullString `json:"protocol"` // the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range PublicEndPort NullString `json:"publicendport"` // the starting port of port forwarding rule's public port range PublicPort NullString `json:"publicport"` // the state of the rule State NullString `json:"state"` // the list of resource tags associated with the rule Tags []Tag `json:"tags"` // the VM display name for the port forwarding rule VirtualMachineDisplayName NullString `json:"virtualmachinedisplayname"` // the VM ID for the port forwarding rule VirtualMachineId ID `json:"virtualmachineid"` // the VM name for the port forwarding rule VirtualMachineName NullString `json:"virtualmachinename"` // the vm ip address for the port forwarding rule VmGuestIp NullString `json:"vmguestip"` }
type PrepareHostForMaintenanceParameter ¶
type PrepareHostForMaintenanceParameter struct { // the host ID Id ID }
PrepareHostForMaintenance represents the paramter of PrepareHostForMaintenance
func NewPrepareHostForMaintenanceParameter ¶
func NewPrepareHostForMaintenanceParameter(id string) (p *PrepareHostForMaintenanceParameter)
type PrepareTemplateParameter ¶
type PrepareTemplateParameter struct { // template ID of the template to be prepared in primary storage(s). TemplateId ID // zone ID of the template to be prepared in primary storage(s). ZoneId ID }
PrepareTemplate represents the paramter of PrepareTemplate
func NewPrepareTemplateParameter ¶
func NewPrepareTemplateParameter(templateid string, zoneid string) (p *PrepareTemplateParameter)
type Project ¶
type Project struct { ResourceBase // the account name of the project's owner Account NullString `json:"account"` // the total number of cpu cores available to be created for this project CpuAvailable NullString `json:"cpuavailable"` // the total number of cpu cores the project can own CpuLimit NullString `json:"cpulimit"` // the total number of cpu cores owned by project CpuTotal NullNumber `json:"cputotal"` // the displaytext of the project DisplayText NullString `json:"displaytext"` // the domain name where the project belongs to Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the domain id the project belongs to DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // the id of the project Id ID `json:"id"` // the total number of public ip addresses available for this project to acquire IpAvailable NullString `json:"ipavailable"` // the total number of public ip addresses this project can acquire IpLimit NullString `json:"iplimit"` // the total number of public ip addresses allocated for this project IpTotal NullNumber `json:"iptotal"` // the total memory (in MB) available to be created for this project MemoryAvailable NullString `json:"memoryavailable"` // the total memory (in MB) the project can own MemoryLimit NullString `json:"memorylimit"` // the total memory (in MB) owned by project MemoryTotal NullNumber `json:"memorytotal"` // the name of the project Name NullString `json:"name"` // the total number of networks available to be created for this project NetworkAvailable NullString `json:"networkavailable"` // the total number of networks the project can own NetworkLimit NullString `json:"networklimit"` // the total number of networks owned by project NetworkTotal NullNumber `json:"networktotal"` // the total primary storage space (in GiB) available to be used for this // project PrimaryStorageAvailable NullString `json:"primarystorageavailable"` // the total primary storage space (in GiB) the project can own PrimaryStorageLimit NullString `json:"primarystoragelimit"` // the total primary storage space (in GiB) owned by project PrimaryStorageTotal NullNumber `json:"primarystoragetotal"` // the total secondary storage space (in GiB) available to be used for this // project SecondaryStorageAvailable NullString `json:"secondarystorageavailable"` // the total secondary storage space (in GiB) the project can own SecondaryStorageLimit NullString `json:"secondarystoragelimit"` // the total secondary storage space (in GiB) owned by project SecondaryStorageTotal NullNumber `json:"secondarystoragetotal"` // the total number of snapshots available for this project SnapshotAvailable NullString `json:"snapshotavailable"` // the total number of snapshots which can be stored by this project SnapshotLimit NullString `json:"snapshotlimit"` // the total number of snapshots stored by this project SnapshotTotal NullNumber `json:"snapshottotal"` // the state of the project State NullString `json:"state"` // the list of resource tags associated with vm Tags []Tag `json:"tags"` // the total number of templates available to be created by this project TemplateAvailable NullString `json:"templateavailable"` // the total number of templates which can be created by this project TemplateLimit NullString `json:"templatelimit"` // the total number of templates which have been created by this project TemplateTotal NullNumber `json:"templatetotal"` // the total number of virtual machines available for this project to acquire VmAvailable NullString `json:"vmavailable"` // the total number of virtual machines that can be deployed by this project VmLimit NullString `json:"vmlimit"` // the total number of virtual machines running for this project VmRunning NullNumber `json:"vmrunning"` // the total number of virtual machines stopped for this project VmStopped NullNumber `json:"vmstopped"` // the total number of virtual machines deployed by this project VmTotal NullNumber `json:"vmtotal"` // the total volume available for this project VolumeAvailable NullString `json:"volumeavailable"` // the total volume which can be used by this project VolumeLimit NullString `json:"volumelimit"` // the total volume being used by this project VolumeTotal NullNumber `json:"volumetotal"` // the total number of vpcs available to be created for this project VpcAvailable NullString `json:"vpcavailable"` // the total number of vpcs the project can own VpcLimit NullString `json:"vpclimit"` // the total number of vpcs owned by project VpcTotal NullNumber `json:"vpctotal"` }
type ProjectAccount ¶
type ProjectAccount struct { ResourceBase // project id ProjectId ID `json:"projectid"` // project name Project NullString `json:"project"` // the id of the account AccountId ID `json:"accountid"` // the name of the account Account NullString `json:"account"` // account type (admin, domain-admin, user) AccountType NullNumber `json:"accounttype"` // account role in the project (regular,owner) Role NullString `json:"role"` // id of the Domain the account belongs too DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // name of the Domain the account belongs too Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the list of users associated with account User []User `json:"user"` }
type ProjectInvitation ¶
type ProjectInvitation struct { ResourceBase // the account name of the project's owner Account NullString `json:"account"` // the domain name where the project belongs to Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the domain id the project belongs to DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // the email the invitation was sent to Email NullString `json:"email"` // the id of the invitation Id ID `json:"id"` // the name of the project Project NullString `json:"project"` // the id of the project ProjectId ID `json:"projectid"` // the invitation state State NullString `json:"state"` }
type PublicIpAddress ¶
type PublicIpAddress struct { ResourceBase // the account the public IP address is associated with Account NullString `json:"account"` // date the public IP address was acquired Allocated NullString `json:"allocated"` // the ID of the Network associated with the IP address AssociatedNetworkId ID `json:"associatednetworkid"` // the name of the Network associated with the IP address AssociatedNetworkName NullString `json:"associatednetworkname"` // the domain the public IP address is associated with Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the domain ID the public IP address is associated with DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // is public ip for display to the regular user ForDisplay NullBool `json:"fordisplay"` // the virtual network for the IP address ForVirtualNetwork NullBool `json:"forvirtualnetwork"` // public IP address id Id ID `json:"id"` // public IP address IpAddress NullString `json:"ipaddress"` // is public IP portable across the zones IsPortable NullBool `json:"isportable"` // true if the IP address is a source nat address, false otherwise IsSourceNat NullBool `json:"issourcenat"` // true if this ip is for static nat, false otherwise IsStaticNat NullBool `json:"isstaticnat"` // true if this ip is system ip (was allocated as a part of deployVm or // createLbRule) IsSystem NullBool `json:"issystem"` // the ID of the Network where ip belongs to NetworkId ID `json:"networkid"` // the physical network this belongs to PhysicalNetworkId ID `json:"physicalnetworkid"` // the project name of the address Project NullString `json:"project"` // the project id of the ipaddress ProjectId ID `json:"projectid"` // purpose of the IP address. In Acton this value is not null for Ips with // isSystem=true, and can have either StaticNat or LB value Purpose NullString `json:"purpose"` // State of the ip address. Can be: Allocatin, Allocated and Releasing State NullString `json:"state"` // the list of resource tags associated with ip address Tags []Tag `json:"tags"` // virutal machine display name the ip address is assigned to (not null only for // static nat Ip) VirtualMachineDisplayName NullString `json:"virtualmachinedisplayname"` // virutal machine id the ip address is assigned to (not null only for static // nat Ip) VirtualMachineId ID `json:"virtualmachineid"` // virutal machine name the ip address is assigned to (not null only for static // nat Ip) VirtualMachineName NullString `json:"virtualmachinename"` // the ID of the VLAN associated with the IP address. This parameter is visible // to ROOT admins only VlanId ID `json:"vlanid"` // the VLAN associated with the IP address VlanName NullString `json:"vlanname"` // virutal machine (dnat) ip address (not null only for static nat Ip) VmIpAddress NullString `json:"vmipaddress"` // VPC the ip belongs to VpcId ID `json:"vpcid"` // the ID of the zone the public IP address belongs to ZoneId ID `json:"zoneid"` // the name of the zone the public IP address belongs to ZoneName NullString `json:"zonename"` }
type RebootVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type RebootVirtualMachineParameter struct { // The ID of the virtual machine Id ID }
RebootVirtualMachine represents the paramter of RebootVirtualMachine
func NewRebootVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewRebootVirtualMachineParameter(id string) (p *RebootVirtualMachineParameter)
type ReconnectHostParameter ¶
type ReconnectHostParameter struct { // the host ID Id ID }
ReconnectHost represents the paramter of ReconnectHost
func NewReconnectHostParameter ¶
func NewReconnectHostParameter(id string) (p *ReconnectHostParameter)
type RecoverVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type RecoverVirtualMachineParameter struct { // The ID of the virtual machine Id ID }
RecoverVirtualMachine represents the paramter of RecoverVirtualMachine
func NewRecoverVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewRecoverVirtualMachineParameter(id string) (p *RecoverVirtualMachineParameter)
type RegisterTemplateParameter ¶
type RegisterTemplateParameter struct { // an optional accountName. Must be used with domainId. Account NullString // 32 or 64 bits support. 64 by default Bits NullNumber // the MD5 checksum value of this template Checksum NullString // Template details in key/value pairs. Details map[string]string // the display text of the template. This is usually used for display purposes. DisplayText NullString // an optional domainId. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be // used. DomainId ID // the format for the template. Possible values include QCOW2, RAW, VHD and OVA. Format NullString // the target hypervisor for the template Hypervisor NullString // true if template contains XS/VMWare tools inorder to support dynamic scaling // of VM cpu/memory IsDynamicallyScalable NullBool // true if the template or its derivatives are extractable; default is false IsExtractable NullBool // true if this template is a featured template, false otherwise IsFeatured NullBool // true if the template is available to all accounts; default is true IsPublic NullBool // true if the template type is routing i.e., if template is used to deploy // router IsRouting NullBool // the name of the template Name NullString // the ID of the OS Type that best represents the OS of this template. OsTypeId ID // true if the template supports the password reset feature; default is false PasswordEnabled NullBool // Register template for the project ProjectId ID // true if this template requires HVM RequiresHvm NullBool // true if the template supports the sshkey upload feature; default is false SshKeyEnabled NullBool // the tag for this template. Templatetag NullString // the URL of where the template is hosted. Possible URL include http:// and // https:// Url NullString // the ID of the zone the template is to be hosted on ZoneId ID }
RegisterTemplate represents the paramter of RegisterTemplate
type RegisterUserKeysParameter ¶
type RegisterUserKeysParameter struct { // User id Id ID }
RegisterUserKeys represents the paramter of RegisterUserKeys
func NewRegisterUserKeysParameter ¶
func NewRegisterUserKeysParameter(id string) (p *RegisterUserKeysParameter)
type ReleaseDedicatedClusterParameter ¶
type ReleaseDedicatedClusterParameter struct { // the ID of the Cluster ClusterId ID }
ReleaseDedicatedCluster represents the paramter of ReleaseDedicatedCluster
func NewReleaseDedicatedClusterParameter ¶
func NewReleaseDedicatedClusterParameter(clusterid string) (p *ReleaseDedicatedClusterParameter)
type ReleaseDedicatedHostParameter ¶
type ReleaseDedicatedHostParameter struct { // the ID of the host HostId ID }
ReleaseDedicatedHost represents the paramter of ReleaseDedicatedHost
func NewReleaseDedicatedHostParameter ¶
func NewReleaseDedicatedHostParameter(hostid string) (p *ReleaseDedicatedHostParameter)
type ReleaseDedicatedPodParameter ¶
type ReleaseDedicatedPodParameter struct { // the ID of the Pod PodId ID }
ReleaseDedicatedPod represents the paramter of ReleaseDedicatedPod
func NewReleaseDedicatedPodParameter ¶
func NewReleaseDedicatedPodParameter(podid string) (p *ReleaseDedicatedPodParameter)
type ReleaseHostReservationParameter ¶
type ReleaseHostReservationParameter struct { // the host ID Id ID }
ReleaseHostReservation represents the paramter of ReleaseHostReservation
func NewReleaseHostReservationParameter ¶
func NewReleaseHostReservationParameter(id string) (p *ReleaseHostReservationParameter)
type RemoveFromLoadBalancerRuleParameter ¶
type RemoveFromLoadBalancerRuleParameter struct { // The ID of the load balancer rule Id ID // the list of IDs of the virtual machines that are being removed from the load // balancer rule (i.e. virtualMachineIds=1,2,3) VirtualMachineIds []string // VM ID and IP map, vmidipmap[0].vmid=1 vmidipmap[0].ip= VmIdIpmap map[string]string }
RemoveFromLoadBalancerRule represents the paramter of RemoveFromLoadBalancerRule
func NewRemoveFromLoadBalancerRuleParameter ¶
func NewRemoveFromLoadBalancerRuleParameter(id string) (p *RemoveFromLoadBalancerRuleParameter)
type RemoveNicFromVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type RemoveNicFromVirtualMachineParameter struct { // NIC ID NicId ID // Virtual Machine ID VirtualMachineId ID }
RemoveNicFromVirtualMachine represents the paramter of RemoveNicFromVirtualMachine
func NewRemoveNicFromVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewRemoveNicFromVirtualMachineParameter(nicid string, virtualmachineid string) (p *RemoveNicFromVirtualMachineParameter)
type ResetPasswordForVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type ResetPasswordForVirtualMachineParameter struct { // The ID of the virtual machine Id ID }
ResetPasswordForVirtualMachine represents the paramter of ResetPasswordForVirtualMachine
func NewResetPasswordForVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewResetPasswordForVirtualMachineParameter(id string) (p *ResetPasswordForVirtualMachineParameter)
type ResizeVolumeParameter ¶
type ResizeVolumeParameter struct { // new disk offering id DiskOfferingId ID // the ID of the disk volume Id ID // New maximum number of IOPS MaxIops NullNumber // New minimum number of IOPS MinIops NullNumber // Verify OK to Shrink ShrinkOk NullBool // New volume size in GB Size NullNumber }
ResizeVolume represents the paramter of ResizeVolume
func NewResizeVolumeParameter ¶
func NewResizeVolumeParameter(id string) (p *ResizeVolumeParameter)
type ResourceBase ¶
type ResourceBase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ResourceBase) Delete ¶
func (*ResourceBase) Delete() error
func (*ResourceBase) Refresh ¶
func (*ResourceBase) Refresh() error
func (*ResourceBase) Update ¶
func (*ResourceBase) Update(map[string]interface{}) error
type RestartNetworkParameter ¶
type RestartNetworkParameter struct { // If cleanup old network elements Cleanup NullBool // The id of the network to restart. Id ID }
RestartNetwork represents the paramter of RestartNetwork
func NewRestartNetworkParameter ¶
func NewRestartNetworkParameter(id string) (p *RestartNetworkParameter)
type RestoreVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type RestoreVirtualMachineParameter struct { // an optional template Id to restore vm from the new template. This can be an // ISO id in case of restore vm deployed using ISO TemplateId ID // Virtual Machine ID VirtualMachineId ID }
RestoreVirtualMachine represents the paramter of RestoreVirtualMachine
func NewRestoreVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewRestoreVirtualMachineParameter(virtualmachineid string) (p *RestoreVirtualMachineParameter)
type Result ¶
type Result struct { ResourceBase // any text associated with the success or failure DisplayText NullString `json:"displaytext"` // true if operation is executed successfully Success NullBool `json:"success"` }
type RevokeSecurityGroupEgressParameter ¶
type RevokeSecurityGroupEgressParameter struct { // The ID of the egress rule Id ID }
RevokeSecurityGroupEgress represents the paramter of RevokeSecurityGroupEgress
func NewRevokeSecurityGroupEgressParameter ¶
func NewRevokeSecurityGroupEgressParameter(id string) (p *RevokeSecurityGroupEgressParameter)
type RevokeSecurityGroupIngressParameter ¶
type RevokeSecurityGroupIngressParameter struct { // The ID of the ingress rule Id ID }
RevokeSecurityGroupIngress represents the paramter of RevokeSecurityGroupIngress
func NewRevokeSecurityGroupIngressParameter ¶
func NewRevokeSecurityGroupIngressParameter(id string) (p *RevokeSecurityGroupIngressParameter)
type ScaleVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type ScaleVirtualMachineParameter struct { // name value pairs of custom parameters for cpu,memory and cpunumber. example // details[i].name=value Details map[string]string // The ID of the virtual machine Id ID // the ID of the service offering for the virtual machine ServiceOfferingId ID }
ScaleVirtualMachine represents the paramter of ScaleVirtualMachine
func NewScaleVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewScaleVirtualMachineParameter(id string, serviceofferingid string) (p *ScaleVirtualMachineParameter)
type SecurityGroup ¶
type SecurityGroup struct { ResourceBase // the account owning the security group Account NullString `json:"account"` // the description of the security group Description NullString `json:"description"` // the domain name of the security group Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the domain ID of the security group DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // the list of egress rules associated with the security group EgressRule []SecurityGroupEgress `json:"egressrule"` // the ID of the security group Id ID `json:"id"` // the list of ingress rules associated with the security group IngressRule []SecurityGroupIngress `json:"ingressrule"` // the name of the security group Name NullString `json:"name"` // the project name of the group Project NullString `json:"project"` // the project id of the group ProjectId ID `json:"projectid"` // the list of resource tags associated with the rule Tags []Tag `json:"tags"` }
type SecurityGroupEgress ¶
type SecurityGroupEgress struct { ResourceBase // account owning the security group rule Account NullString `json:"account"` // the CIDR notation for the base IP address of the security group rule Cidr NullString `json:"cidr"` // the ending IP of the security group rule EndPort NullNumber `json:"endport"` // the code for the ICMP message response IcmpCode NullNumber `json:"icmpcode"` // the type of the ICMP message response IcmpType NullNumber `json:"icmptype"` // the protocol of the security group rule Protocol NullString `json:"protocol"` // the id of the security group rule RuleId ID `json:"ruleid"` // security group name SecurityGroupName NullString `json:"securitygroupname"` // the starting IP of the security group rule StartPort NullNumber `json:"startport"` // the list of resource tags associated with the rule Tags []Tag `json:"tags"` }
type SecurityGroupIngress ¶
type SecurityGroupIngress struct { ResourceBase // account owning the security group rule Account NullString `json:"account"` // the CIDR notation for the base IP address of the security group rule Cidr NullString `json:"cidr"` // the ending IP of the security group rule EndPort NullNumber `json:"endport"` // the code for the ICMP message response IcmpCode NullNumber `json:"icmpcode"` // the type of the ICMP message response IcmpType NullNumber `json:"icmptype"` // the protocol of the security group rule Protocol NullString `json:"protocol"` // the id of the security group rule RuleId ID `json:"ruleid"` // security group name SecurityGroupName NullString `json:"securitygroupname"` // the starting IP of the security group rule StartPort NullNumber `json:"startport"` // the list of resource tags associated with the rule Tags []Tag `json:"tags"` }
type ServiceOffering ¶
type ServiceOffering struct { ResourceBase // the number of CPU CpuNumber NullNumber `json:"cpunumber"` // the clock rate CPU speed in Mhz CpuSpeed NullNumber `json:"cpuspeed"` // the date this service offering was created Created NullString `json:"created"` // is this a default system vm offering DefaultUse NullBool `json:"defaultuse"` // deployment strategy used to deploy VM. DeploymentPlanner NullString `json:"deploymentplanner"` // bytes read rate of the service offering DiskBytesReadRate NullNumber `json:"diskbytesreadrate"` // bytes write rate of the service offering DiskBytesWriteRate NullNumber `json:"diskbyteswriterate"` // io requests read rate of the service offering DiskIopsReadRate NullNumber `json:"diskiopsreadrate"` // io requests write rate of the service offering DiskIopsWriteRate NullNumber `json:"diskiopswriterate"` // an alternate display text of the service offering. DisplayText NullString `json:"displaytext"` // Domain name for the offering Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the domain id of the service offering DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // the host tag for the service offering HostTags NullString `json:"hosttags"` // Hypervisor snapshot reserve space as a percent of a volume (for managed // storage using Xen or VMware) HypervisorSnapshotReserve NullNumber `json:"hypervisorsnapshotreserve"` // the id of the service offering Id ID `json:"id"` // is true if the offering is customized IsCustomized NullBool `json:"iscustomized"` // true if disk offering uses custom iops, false otherwise IsCustomizedIops NullBool `json:"iscustomizediops"` // is this a system vm offering IsSystem NullBool `json:"issystem"` // true if the vm needs to be volatile, i.e., on every reboot of vm from API // root disk is discarded and creates a new root disk IsVolatile NullBool `json:"isvolatile"` // restrict the CPU usage to committed service offering LimitCpuUse NullBool `json:"limitcpuuse"` // the max iops of the disk offering MaxIops NullNumber `json:"maxiops"` // the memory in MB Memory NullNumber `json:"memory"` // the min iops of the disk offering MinIops NullNumber `json:"miniops"` // the name of the service offering Name NullString `json:"name"` // data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed. NetworkRate NullNumber `json:"networkrate"` // the ha support in the service offering OfferHa NullBool `json:"offerha"` // provisioning type used to create volumes. Valid values are thin, sparse, fat. ProvisioningType NullString `json:"provisioningtype"` // additional key/value details tied with this service offering ServiceOfferingDetails map[string]string `json:"serviceofferingdetails"` // the storage type for this service offering StorageType NullString `json:"storagetype"` // is this a the systemvm type for system vm offering SystemVmType NullString `json:"systemvmtype"` // the tags for the service offering Tags NullString `json:"tags"` }
type StartVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type StartVirtualMachineParameter struct { // Deployment planner to use for vm allocation. Available to ROOT admin only DeploymentPlanner NullString // destination Host ID to deploy the VM to - parameter available for root admin // only HostId ID // The ID of the virtual machine Id ID }
StartVirtualMachine represents the paramter of StartVirtualMachine
func NewStartVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewStartVirtualMachineParameter(id string) (p *StartVirtualMachineParameter)
type StopVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type StopVirtualMachineParameter struct { // Force stop the VM (vm is marked as Stopped even when command fails to be send // to the backend). The caller knows the VM is stopped. Forced NullBool // The ID of the virtual machine Id ID }
StopVirtualMachine represents the paramter of StopVirtualMachine
func NewStopVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewStopVirtualMachineParameter(id string) (p *StopVirtualMachineParameter)
type StoragePool ¶
type StoragePool struct { ResourceBase // IOPS CloudStack can provision from this storage pool CapacityIops NullNumber `json:"capacityiops"` // the ID of the cluster for the storage pool ClusterId ID `json:"clusterid"` // the name of the cluster for the storage pool ClusterName NullString `json:"clustername"` // the date and time the storage pool was created Created NullString `json:"created"` // the host's currently allocated disk size DiskSizeAllocated NullNumber `json:"disksizeallocated"` // the total disk size of the storage pool DiskSizeTotal NullNumber `json:"disksizetotal"` // the host's currently used disk size DiskSizeUsed NullNumber `json:"disksizeused"` // the hypervisor type of the storage pool Hypervisor NullString `json:"hypervisor"` // the ID of the storage pool Id ID `json:"id"` // the IP address of the storage pool IpAddress NullString `json:"ipaddress"` // the name of the storage pool Name NullString `json:"name"` // the overprovisionfactor for the storage pool OverProvisionFactor NullString `json:"overprovisionfactor"` // the storage pool path Path NullString `json:"path"` // the Pod ID of the storage pool PodId ID `json:"podid"` // the Pod name of the storage pool PodName NullString `json:"podname"` // the scope of the storage pool Scope NullString `json:"scope"` // the state of the storage pool State NullString `json:"state"` // the storage pool capabilities StorageCapabilities map[string]string `json:"storagecapabilities"` // true if this pool is suitable to migrate a volume, false otherwise SuitableForMigration NullBool `json:"suitableformigration"` // the tags for the storage pool Tags NullString `json:"tags"` // the storage pool type Type NullString `json:"type"` // the Zone ID of the storage pool ZoneId ID `json:"zoneid"` // the Zone name of the storage pool ZoneName NullString `json:"zonename"` }
type StorageProvider ¶
type StorageProvider struct { ResourceBase // the name of the storage provider Name NullString `json:"name"` // the type of the storage provider: primary or image provider Type NullString `json:"type"` }
type StorageTag ¶
type StorageTag struct { ResourceBase // the ID of the storage tag Id ID `json:"id"` // the name of the storage tag Name NullString `json:"name"` // the pool ID of the storage tag PoolId ID `json:"poolid"` }
type SuspendProjectParameter ¶
type SuspendProjectParameter struct { // id of the project to be suspended Id ID }
SuspendProject represents the paramter of SuspendProject
func NewSuspendProjectParameter ¶
func NewSuspendProjectParameter(id string) (p *SuspendProjectParameter)
type Tag ¶
type Tag struct { ResourceBase // the account associated with the tag Account NullString `json:"account"` // customer associated with the tag Customer NullString `json:"customer"` // the domain associated with the tag Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the ID of the domain associated with the tag DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // tag key name Key NullString `json:"key"` // the project name where tag belongs to Project NullString `json:"project"` // the project id the tag belongs to ProjectId ID `json:"projectid"` // id of the resource ResourceId ID `json:"resourceid"` // resource type ResourceType NullString `json:"resourcetype"` // tag value Value NullString `json:"value"` }
type Template ¶
type Template struct { ResourceBase // the account name to which the template belongs Account NullString `json:"account"` // the account id to which the template belongs AccountId ID `json:"accountid"` // true if the ISO is bootable, false otherwise Bootable NullBool `json:"bootable"` // checksum of the template Checksum NullString `json:"checksum"` // the date this template was created Created NullString `json:"created"` // true if the template is managed across all Zones, false otherwise CrossZones NullBool `json:"crosszones"` // additional key/value details tied with template Details map[string]string `json:"details"` // the template display text DisplayText NullString `json:"displaytext"` // the name of the domain to which the template belongs Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the ID of the domain to which the template belongs DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // the format of the template. Format NullString `json:"format"` // the ID of the secondary storage host for the template HostId ID `json:"hostid"` // the name of the secondary storage host for the template HostName NullString `json:"hostname"` // the hypervisor on which the template runs Hypervisor NullString `json:"hypervisor"` // the template ID Id ID `json:"id"` // true if template contains XS/VMWare tools inorder to support dynamic scaling // of VM cpu/memory IsDynamicallyScalable NullBool `json:"isdynamicallyscalable"` // true if the template is extractable, false otherwise IsExtractable NullBool `json:"isextractable"` // true if this template is a featured template, false otherwise IsFeatured NullBool `json:"isfeatured"` // true if this template is a public template, false otherwise IsPublic NullBool `json:"ispublic"` // true if the template is ready to be deployed from, false otherwise. IsReady NullBool `json:"isready"` // the template name Name NullString `json:"name"` // the ID of the OS type for this template. OsTypeId ID `json:"ostypeid"` // the name of the OS type for this template. OsTypeName NullString `json:"ostypename"` // true if the reset password feature is enabled, false otherwise PasswordEnabled NullBool `json:"passwordenabled"` // the project name of the template Project NullString `json:"project"` // the project id of the template ProjectId ID `json:"projectid"` // the date this template was removed Removed NullString `json:"removed"` // the size of the template Size NullNumber `json:"size"` // the template ID of the parent template if present SourceTemplateId ID `json:"sourcetemplateid"` // true if template is sshkey enabled, false otherwise SshKeyEnabled NullBool `json:"sshkeyenabled"` // the status of the template Status NullString `json:"status"` // the list of resource tags associated with tempate Tags []Tag `json:"tags"` // the tag of this template Templatetag NullString `json:"templatetag"` // the type of the template TemplateType NullString `json:"templatetype"` // the ID of the zone for this template ZoneId ID `json:"zoneid"` // the name of the zone for this template ZoneName NullString `json:"zonename"` }
type TemplatePermission ¶
type TemplatePermission struct { ResourceBase // the list of accounts the template is available for Account []NullString `json:"account"` // the ID of the domain to which the template belongs DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // the template ID Id ID `json:"id"` // true if this template is a public template, false otherwise IsPublic NullBool `json:"ispublic"` // the list of projects the template is available for ProjectIds []ID `json:"projectids"` }
type UpdateAccountParameter ¶
type UpdateAccountParameter struct { // the current account name Account NullString // details for account used to store specific parameters AccountDetails map[string]string // the ID of the domain where the account exists DomainId ID // Account id Id ID // Network domain for the account's networks; empty string will update // domainName with NULL value NetworkDomain NullString // new name for the account NewName NullString }
UpdateAccount represents the paramter of UpdateAccount
func NewUpdateAccountParameter ¶
func NewUpdateAccountParameter(newname string) (p *UpdateAccountParameter)
type UpdateCloudToUseObjectStoreParameter ¶
type UpdateCloudToUseObjectStoreParameter struct { // the details for the image store. Example: // details[0].key=accesskey&details[0].value=s389ddssaa&details[1].key=secretkey&details[1].value=8dshfsss Details map[string]string // the name for the image store Name NullString // the image store provider name Provider NullString // the URL for the image store Url NullString }
UpdateCloudToUseObjectStore represents the paramter of UpdateCloudToUseObjectStore
func NewUpdateCloudToUseObjectStoreParameter ¶
func NewUpdateCloudToUseObjectStoreParameter(provider string) (p *UpdateCloudToUseObjectStoreParameter)
type UpdateClusterParameter ¶
type UpdateClusterParameter struct { // Allocation state of this cluster for allocation of new resources AllocationState NullString // the cluster name ClusterName NullString // hypervisor type of the cluster ClusterType NullString // hypervisor type of the cluster Hypervisor NullString // the ID of the Cluster Id ID // whether this cluster is managed by cloudstack ManagedState NullString }
UpdateCluster represents the paramter of UpdateCluster
func NewUpdateClusterParameter ¶
func NewUpdateClusterParameter(id string) (p *UpdateClusterParameter)
type UpdateDefaultNicForVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type UpdateDefaultNicForVirtualMachineParameter struct { // NIC ID NicId ID // Virtual Machine ID VirtualMachineId ID }
UpdateDefaultNicForVirtualMachine represents the paramter of UpdateDefaultNicForVirtualMachine
func NewUpdateDefaultNicForVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewUpdateDefaultNicForVirtualMachineParameter(nicid string, virtualmachineid string) (p *UpdateDefaultNicForVirtualMachineParameter)
type UpdateDiskOfferingParameter ¶
type UpdateDiskOfferingParameter struct { // an optional field, whether to display the offering to the end user or not. DisplayOffering NullBool // updates alternate display text of the disk offering with this value DisplayText NullString // ID of the disk offering Id ID // updates name of the disk offering with this value Name NullString // sort key of the disk offering, integer SortKey NullNumber }
UpdateDiskOffering represents the paramter of UpdateDiskOffering
func NewUpdateDiskOfferingParameter ¶
func NewUpdateDiskOfferingParameter(id string) (p *UpdateDiskOfferingParameter)
type UpdateDomainParameter ¶
type UpdateDomainParameter struct { // ID of domain to update Id ID // updates domain with this name Name NullString // Network domain for the domain's networks; empty string will update domainName // with NULL value NetworkDomain NullString }
UpdateDomain represents the paramter of UpdateDomain
func NewUpdateDomainParameter ¶
func NewUpdateDomainParameter(id string) (p *UpdateDomainParameter)
type UpdateEgressFirewallRuleParameter ¶
type UpdateEgressFirewallRuleParameter struct { // an optional field, in case you want to set a custom id to the resource. // Allowed to Root Admins only CustomId ID // an optional field, whether to the display the rule to the end user or not ForDisplay NullBool // the ID of the egress firewall rule Id ID }
UpdateEgressFirewallRule represents the paramter of UpdateEgressFirewallRule
func NewUpdateEgressFirewallRuleParameter ¶
func NewUpdateEgressFirewallRuleParameter(id string) (p *UpdateEgressFirewallRuleParameter)
type UpdateFirewallRuleParameter ¶
type UpdateFirewallRuleParameter struct { // an optional field, in case you want to set a custom id to the resource. // Allowed to Root Admins only CustomId ID // an optional field, whether to the display the rule to the end user or not ForDisplay NullBool // the ID of the firewall rule Id ID }
UpdateFirewallRule represents the paramter of UpdateFirewallRule
func NewUpdateFirewallRuleParameter ¶
func NewUpdateFirewallRuleParameter(id string) (p *UpdateFirewallRuleParameter)
type UpdateHostParameter ¶
type UpdateHostParameter struct { // Change resource state of host, valid values are [Enable, Disable]. Operation // may failed if host in states not allowing Enable/Disable AllocationState NullString // list of tags to be added to the host HostTags []string // the ID of the host to update Id ID // the id of Os category to update the host with OsCategoryId ID // the new uri for the secondary storage: nfs://host/path Url NullString }
UpdateHost represents the paramter of UpdateHost
func NewUpdateHostParameter ¶
func NewUpdateHostParameter(id string) (p *UpdateHostParameter)
type UpdateHostPasswordParameter ¶
type UpdateHostPasswordParameter struct { // the cluster ID ClusterId ID // the host ID HostId ID // the new password for the host/cluster Password NullString // the username for the host/cluster UserName NullString }
UpdateHostPassword represents the paramter of UpdateHostPassword
func NewUpdateHostPasswordParameter ¶
func NewUpdateHostPasswordParameter(password string, username string) (p *UpdateHostPasswordParameter)
type UpdateIpAddressParameter ¶
type UpdateIpAddressParameter struct { // an optional field, in case you want to set a custom id to the resource. // Allowed to Root Admins only CustomId ID // an optional field, whether to the display the ip to the end user or not ForDisplay NullBool // the id of the public ip address to update Id ID }
UpdateIpAddress represents the paramter of UpdateIpAddress
func NewUpdateIpAddressParameter ¶
func NewUpdateIpAddressParameter(id string) (p *UpdateIpAddressParameter)
type UpdateLoadBalancerRuleParameter ¶
type UpdateLoadBalancerRuleParameter struct { // load balancer algorithm (source, roundrobin, leastconn) Algorithm NullString // an optional field, in case you want to set a custom id to the resource. // Allowed to Root Admins only CustomId ID // the description of the load balancer rule Description NullString // an optional field, whether to the display the rule to the end user or not ForDisplay NullBool // the id of the load balancer rule to update Id ID // the name of the load balancer rule Name NullString }
UpdateLoadBalancerRule represents the paramter of UpdateLoadBalancerRule
func NewUpdateLoadBalancerRuleParameter ¶
func NewUpdateLoadBalancerRuleParameter(id string) (p *UpdateLoadBalancerRuleParameter)
type UpdateNetworkOfferingParameter ¶
type UpdateNetworkOfferingParameter struct { // the availability of network offering. Default value is Required for Guest // Virtual network offering; Optional for Guest Direct network offering Availability NullString // the display text of the network offering DisplayText NullString // the id of the network offering Id ID // if true keepalive will be turned on in the loadbalancer. At the time of // writing this has only an effect on haproxy; the mode http and httpclose // options are unset in the haproxy conf file. KeepaliveEnabled NullBool // maximum number of concurrent connections supported by the network offering MaxConnections NullNumber // the name of the network offering Name NullString // sort key of the network offering, integer SortKey NullNumber // update state for the network offering State NullString }
UpdateNetworkOffering represents the paramter of UpdateNetworkOffering
func NewUpdateNetworkOfferingParameter ¶
func NewUpdateNetworkOfferingParameter() (p *UpdateNetworkOfferingParameter)
type UpdateNetworkParameter ¶
type UpdateNetworkParameter struct { // an optional field, in case you want to set a custom id to the resource. // Allowed to Root Admins only CustomId ID // an optional field, whether to the display the network to the end user or not. DisplayNetwork NullBool // the new display text for the network DisplayText NullString // CIDR for Guest VMs,Cloudstack allocates IPs to Guest VMs only from this CIDR GuestVmCidr NullString // the ID of the network Id ID // the new name for the network Name NullString // network domain NetworkDomain NullString // network offering ID NetworkOfferingId ID // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateNetwork represents the paramter of UpdateNetwork
func NewUpdateNetworkParameter ¶
func NewUpdateNetworkParameter(id string) (p *UpdateNetworkParameter)
type UpdatePodParameter ¶
type UpdatePodParameter struct { // Allocation state of this cluster for allocation of new resources AllocationState NullString // the ending IP address for the Pod EndIp NullString // the gateway for the Pod Gateway NullString // the ID of the Pod Id ID // the name of the Pod Name NullString // the netmask of the Pod Netmask NullString // the starting IP address for the Pod StartIp NullString }
UpdatePod represents the paramter of UpdatePod
func NewUpdatePodParameter ¶
func NewUpdatePodParameter(id string) (p *UpdatePodParameter)
type UpdatePortForwardingRuleParameter ¶
type UpdatePortForwardingRuleParameter struct { // an optional field, in case you want to set a custom id to the resource. // Allowed to Root Admins only CustomId ID // an optional field, whether to the display the rule to the end user or not ForDisplay NullBool // the ID of the port forwarding rule Id ID // the IP address id of the port forwarding rule IpAddressId ID // the private IP address of the port forwarding rule PrivateIp NullString // the private port of the port forwarding rule PrivatePort NullString // the protocol for the port fowarding rule. Valid values are TCP or UDP. Protocol NullString // the public port of the port forwarding rule PublicPort NullString // the ID of the virtual machine for the port forwarding rule VirtualMachineId ID }
UpdatePortForwardingRule represents the paramter of UpdatePortForwardingRule
func NewUpdatePortForwardingRuleParameter ¶
func NewUpdatePortForwardingRuleParameter(id string) (p *UpdatePortForwardingRuleParameter)
type UpdateProjectInvitationParameter ¶
type UpdateProjectInvitationParameter struct { // if true, accept the invitation, decline if false. True by default Accept NullBool // account that is joining the project Account NullString // id of the project to join ProjectId ID // list invitations for specified account; this parameter has to be specified // with domainId Token NullString }
UpdateProjectInvitation represents the paramter of UpdateProjectInvitation
func NewUpdateProjectInvitationParameter ¶
func NewUpdateProjectInvitationParameter(projectid string) (p *UpdateProjectInvitationParameter)
type UpdateProjectParameter ¶
type UpdateProjectParameter struct { // new Admin account for the project Account NullString // display text of the project DisplayText NullString // id of the project to be modified Id ID }
UpdateProject represents the paramter of UpdateProject
func NewUpdateProjectParameter ¶
func NewUpdateProjectParameter(id string) (p *UpdateProjectParameter)
type UpdateServiceOfferingParameter ¶
type UpdateServiceOfferingParameter struct { // the display text of the service offering to be updated DisplayText NullString // the ID of the service offering to be updated Id ID // the name of the service offering to be updated Name NullString // sort key of the service offering, integer SortKey NullNumber }
UpdateServiceOffering represents the paramter of UpdateServiceOffering
func NewUpdateServiceOfferingParameter ¶
func NewUpdateServiceOfferingParameter(id string) (p *UpdateServiceOfferingParameter)
type UpdateStoragePoolParameter ¶
type UpdateStoragePoolParameter struct { // bytes CloudStack can provision from this storage pool CapacityBytes NullNumber // IOPS CloudStack can provision from this storage pool CapacityIops NullNumber // the Id of the storage pool Id ID // comma-separated list of tags for the storage pool Tags []string }
UpdateStoragePool represents the paramter of UpdateStoragePool
func NewUpdateStoragePoolParameter ¶
func NewUpdateStoragePoolParameter(id string) (p *UpdateStoragePoolParameter)
type UpdateTemplateParameter ¶
type UpdateTemplateParameter struct { // true if image is bootable, false otherwise; available only for updateIso API Bootable NullBool // Details in key/value pairs. Details map[string]string // the display text of the image DisplayText NullString // the format for the image Format NullString // the ID of the image file Id ID // true if template/ISO contains XS/VMWare tools inorder to support dynamic // scaling of VM cpu/memory IsDynamicallyScalable NullBool // true if the template type is routing i.e., if template is used to deploy // router IsRouting NullBool // the name of the image file Name NullString // the ID of the OS type that best represents the OS of this image. OsTypeId ID // true if the image supports the password reset feature; default is false PasswordEnabled NullBool // true if the template requres HVM, false otherwise; available only for // updateTemplate API RequiresHvm NullBool // sort key of the template, integer SortKey NullNumber }
UpdateTemplate represents the paramter of UpdateTemplate
func NewUpdateTemplateParameter ¶
func NewUpdateTemplateParameter(id string) (p *UpdateTemplateParameter)
type UpdateTemplatePermissionsParameter ¶
type UpdateTemplatePermissionsParameter struct { // a comma delimited list of accounts. If specified, "op" parameter has to be // passed in. Accounts []string // the template ID Id ID // true if the template/iso is extractable, false other wise. Can be set only by // root admin IsExtractable NullBool // true for featured template/iso, false otherwise IsFeatured NullBool // true for public template/iso, false for private templates/isos IsPublic NullBool // permission operator (add, remove, reset) Op NullString // a comma delimited list of projects. If specified, "op" parameter has to be // passed in. ProjectIds []string }
UpdateTemplatePermissions represents the paramter of UpdateTemplatePermissions
func NewUpdateTemplatePermissionsParameter ¶
func NewUpdateTemplatePermissionsParameter(id string) (p *UpdateTemplatePermissionsParameter)
type UpdateUserParameter ¶
type UpdateUserParameter struct { // email Email NullString // first name FirstName NullString // User uuid Id ID // last name LastName NullString // Clear text password (default hashed to SHA256SALT). If you wish to use any // other hasing algorithm, you would need to write a custom authentication // adapter Password NullString // Specifies a timezone for this command. For more information on the timezone // parameter, see Time Zone Format. TimeZone NullString // The API key for the user. Must be specified with userSecretKey UserApiKey NullString // Unique username UserName NullString // The secret key for the user. Must be specified with userSecretKey UserSecretKey NullString }
UpdateUser represents the paramter of UpdateUser
func NewUpdateUserParameter ¶
func NewUpdateUserParameter(id string) (p *UpdateUserParameter)
type UpdateVMAffinityGroupParameter ¶
type UpdateVMAffinityGroupParameter struct { // comma separated list of affinity groups id that are going to be applied to // the virtual machine. Should be passed only when vm is created from a zone // with Basic Network support. Mutually exclusive with securitygroupnames // parameter AffinityGroupIds []string // comma separated list of affinity groups names that are going to be applied to // the virtual machine. Should be passed only when vm is created from a zone // with Basic Network support. Mutually exclusive with securitygroupids // parameter AffinityGroupNames []string // The ID of the virtual machine Id ID }
UpdateVMAffinityGroup represents the paramter of UpdateVMAffinityGroup
func NewUpdateVMAffinityGroupParameter ¶
func NewUpdateVMAffinityGroupParameter(id string) (p *UpdateVMAffinityGroupParameter)
type UpdateVirtualMachineParameter ¶
type UpdateVirtualMachineParameter struct { // an optional field, in case you want to set a custom id to the resource. // Allowed to Root Admins only CustomId ID // user generated name DisplayName NullString // an optional field, whether to the display the vm to the end user or not. DisplayVm NullBool // group of the virtual machine Group NullString // true if high-availability is enabled for the virtual machine, false otherwise HaEnable NullBool // The ID of the virtual machine Id ID // true if VM contains XS/VMWare tools inorder to support dynamic scaling of VM // cpu/memory IsDynamicallyScalable NullBool // new host name of the vm. The VM has to be stopped/started for this update to // take affect Name NullString // the ID of the OS type that best represents this VM. OsTypeId ID // an optional binary data that can be sent to the virtual machine upon a // successful deployment. This binary data must be base64 encoded before adding // it to the request. Using HTTP GET (via querystring), you can send up to 2KB // of data after base64 encoding. Using HTTP POST(via POST body), you can send // up to 32K of data after base64 encoding. UserData NullString }
UpdateVirtualMachine represents the paramter of UpdateVirtualMachine
func NewUpdateVirtualMachineParameter ¶
func NewUpdateVirtualMachineParameter(id string) (p *UpdateVirtualMachineParameter)
type UpdateVolumeParameter ¶
type UpdateVolumeParameter struct { // The chain info of the volume ChainInfo NullString // an optional field, in case you want to set a custom id to the resource. // Allowed to Root Admins only CustomId ID // an optional field, whether to the display the volume to the end user or not. DisplayVolume NullBool // the ID of the disk volume Id ID // The path of the volume Path NullString // The state of the volume State NullString // Destination storage pool UUID for the volume StorageId ID }
UpdateVolume represents the paramter of UpdateVolume
func NewUpdateVolumeParameter ¶
func NewUpdateVolumeParameter() (p *UpdateVolumeParameter)
type UpdateZoneParameter ¶
type UpdateZoneParameter struct { // Allocation state of this cluster for allocation of new resources AllocationState NullString // the details for the Zone Details map[string]string // the dhcp Provider for the Zone DhcpProvider NullString // the first DNS for the Zone Dns1 NullString // the second DNS for the Zone Dns2 NullString // the dns search order list Dnssearchorder []string // Network domain name for the networks in the zone; empty string will update // domain with NULL value Domain NullString // the guest CIDR address for the Zone GuestCidrAddress NullString // the ID of the Zone Id ID // the first internal DNS for the Zone InternalDns1 NullString // the second internal DNS for the Zone InternalDns2 NullString // the first DNS for IPv6 network in the Zone Ip6Dns1 NullString // the second DNS for IPv6 network in the Zone Ip6Dns2 NullString // updates a private zone to public if set, but not vice-versa IsPublic NullBool // true if local storage offering enabled, false otherwise LocalStorageEnabled NullBool // the name of the Zone Name NullString }
UpdateZone represents the paramter of UpdateZone
func NewUpdateZoneParameter ¶
func NewUpdateZoneParameter(id string) (p *UpdateZoneParameter)
type UploadVolumeParameter ¶
type UploadVolumeParameter struct { // an optional accountName. Must be used with domainId. Account NullString // the MD5 checksum value of this volume Checksum NullString // the ID of the disk offering. This must be a custom sized offering since // during uploadVolume volume size is unknown. DiskOfferingId ID // an optional domainId. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be // used. DomainId ID // the format for the volume. Possible values include QCOW2, OVA, and VHD. Format NullString // Image store uuid ImageStoreUuid ID // the name of the volume Name NullString // Upload volume for the project ProjectId ID // the URL of where the volume is hosted. Possible URL include http:// and // https:// Url NullString // the ID of the zone the volume is to be hosted on ZoneId ID }
UploadVolume represents the paramter of UploadVolume
func NewUploadVolumeParameter ¶
func NewUploadVolumeParameter(format string, name string, url string, zoneid string) (p *UploadVolumeParameter)
type User ¶
type User struct { ResourceBase // the account name of the user Account NullString `json:"account"` // the account ID of the user AccountId ID `json:"accountid"` // the account type of the user AccountType NullNumber `json:"accounttype"` // the api key of the user ApiKey NullString `json:"apikey"` // the date and time the user account was created Created NullString `json:"created"` // the domain name of the user Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the domain ID of the user DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // the user email address Email NullString `json:"email"` // the user firstname FirstName NullString `json:"firstname"` // the user ID Id ID `json:"id"` // the boolean value representing if the updating target is in caller's child // domain IsCallerChildDomain NullBool `json:"iscallerchilddomain"` // true if user is default, false otherwise IsDefault NullBool `json:"isdefault"` // the user lastname LastName NullString `json:"lastname"` // the secret key of the user SecretKey NullString `json:"secretkey"` // the user state State NullString `json:"state"` // the timezone user was created in TimeZone NullString `json:"timezone"` // the user name UserName NullString `json:"username"` }
type UserKeys ¶
type UserKeys struct { ResourceBase // the api key of the registered user ApiKey NullString `json:"apikey"` // the secret key of the registered user SecretKey NullString `json:"secretkey"` }
type VMPassword ¶
type VMPassword struct { ResourceBase // The base64 encoded encrypted password of the VM EncryptedPassword NullString `json:"encryptedpassword"` }
type VirtualMachine ¶
type VirtualMachine struct { ResourceBase // the account associated with the virtual machine Account NullString `json:"account"` // list of affinity groups associated with the virtual machine AffinityGroup []AffinityGroup `json:"affinitygroup"` // the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with CpuNumber NullNumber `json:"cpunumber"` // the speed of each cpu CpuSpeed NullNumber `json:"cpuspeed"` // the amount of the vm's CPU currently used CpuUsed NullString `json:"cpuused"` // the date when this virtual machine was created Created NullString `json:"created"` // Vm details in key/value pairs. Details map[string]string `json:"details"` // the read (io) of disk on the vm DiskIoRead NullNumber `json:"diskioread"` // the write (io) of disk on the vm DiskIoWrite NullNumber `json:"diskiowrite"` // the read (bytes) of disk on the vm DiskKbsRead NullNumber `json:"diskkbsread"` // the write (bytes) of disk on the vm DiskKbsWrite NullNumber `json:"diskkbswrite"` // the ID of the disk offering of the virtual machine DiskOfferingId ID `json:"diskofferingid"` // the name of the disk offering of the virtual machine DiskOfferingName NullString `json:"diskofferingname"` // user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no // displayname exists. DisplayName NullString `json:"displayname"` // an optional field whether to the display the vm to the end user or not. DisplayVm NullBool `json:"displayvm"` // the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // the virtual network for the service offering ForVirtualNetwork NullBool `json:"forvirtualnetwork"` // the group name of the virtual machine Group NullString `json:"group"` // the group ID of the virtual machine GroupId ID `json:"groupid"` // Os type ID of the virtual machine GuestOsId ID `json:"guestosid"` // true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise HaEnable NullBool `json:"haenable"` // the ID of the host for the virtual machine HostId ID `json:"hostid"` // the name of the host for the virtual machine HostName NullString `json:"hostname"` // the hypervisor on which the template runs Hypervisor NullString `json:"hypervisor"` // the ID of the virtual machine Id ID `json:"id"` // instance name of the user vm; this parameter is returned to the ROOT admin // only InstanceName NullString `json:"instancename"` // true if vm contains XS/VMWare tools inorder to support dynamic scaling of VM // cpu/memory. IsDynamicallyScalable NullBool `json:"isdynamicallyscalable"` // an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine IsoDisplayText NullString `json:"isodisplaytext"` // the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine IsoId ID `json:"isoid"` // the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine IsoName NullString `json:"isoname"` // ssh key-pair KeyPair NullString `json:"keypair"` // the memory allocated for the virtual machine Memory NullNumber `json:"memory"` // the name of the virtual machine Name NullString `json:"name"` // the incoming network traffic on the vm NetworkKbsRead NullNumber `json:"networkkbsread"` // the outgoing network traffic on the host NetworkKbsWrite NullNumber `json:"networkkbswrite"` // the list of nics associated with vm Nic []Nic `json:"nic"` // OS type id of the vm OsTypeId ID `json:"ostypeid"` // the password (if exists) of the virtual machine Password NullString `json:"password"` // true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise PasswordEnabled NullBool `json:"passwordenabled"` // the project name of the vm Project NullString `json:"project"` // the project id of the vm ProjectId ID `json:"projectid"` // public IP address id associated with vm via Static nat rule PublicIp NullString `json:"publicip"` // public IP address id associated with vm via Static nat rule PublicIpId ID `json:"publicipid"` // device ID of the root volume RootDeviceId ID `json:"rootdeviceid"` // device type of the root volume RootDeviceType NullString `json:"rootdevicetype"` // list of security groups associated with the virtual machine SecurityGroup []SecurityGroup `json:"securitygroup"` // the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine ServiceOfferingId ID `json:"serviceofferingid"` // the name of the service offering of the virtual machine ServiceOfferingName NullString `json:"serviceofferingname"` // State of the Service from LB rule ServiceState NullString `json:"servicestate"` // the state of the virtual machine State NullString `json:"state"` // the list of resource tags associated with vm Tags []Tag `json:"tags"` // an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine TemplateDisplayText NullString `json:"templatedisplaytext"` // the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the // virtual machine was created from an ISO file. TemplateId ID `json:"templateid"` // the name of the template for the virtual machine TemplateName NullString `json:"templatename"` // the vgpu type used by the virtual machine Vgpu NullString `json:"vgpu"` // the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine ZoneId ID `json:"zoneid"` // the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine ZoneName NullString `json:"zonename"` }
func (*VirtualMachine) Delete ¶
func (r *VirtualMachine) Delete() (err error)
func (*VirtualMachine) Refresh ¶
func (r *VirtualMachine) Refresh() (err error)
func (*VirtualMachine) Update ¶
func (r *VirtualMachine) Update(args map[string]interface{}) (err error)
type VirtualMachineUserData ¶
type VirtualMachineUserData struct { ResourceBase // Base 64 encoded VM user data UserData NullString `json:"userdata"` // the ID of the virtual machine VirtualMachineId ID `json:"virtualmachineid"` }
type Volume ¶
type Volume struct { ResourceBase // the account associated with the disk volume Account NullString `json:"account"` // the date the volume was attached to a VM instance Attached NullString `json:"attached"` // the chain info of the volume ChainInfo NullString `json:"chaininfo"` // the date the disk volume was created Created NullString `json:"created"` // the boolean state of whether the volume is destroyed or not Destroyed NullBool `json:"destroyed"` // the ID of the device on user vm the volume is attahed to. This tag is not // returned when the volume is detached. DeviceId ID `json:"deviceid"` // bytes read rate of the disk volume DiskBytesReadRate NullNumber `json:"diskbytesreadrate"` // bytes write rate of the disk volume DiskBytesWriteRate NullNumber `json:"diskbyteswriterate"` // io requests read rate of the disk volume DiskIopsReadRate NullNumber `json:"diskiopsreadrate"` // io requests write rate of the disk volume DiskIopsWriteRate NullNumber `json:"diskiopswriterate"` // the display text of the disk offering DiskOfferingDisplayText NullString `json:"diskofferingdisplaytext"` // ID of the disk offering DiskOfferingId ID `json:"diskofferingid"` // name of the disk offering DiskOfferingName NullString `json:"diskofferingname"` // an optional field whether to the display the volume to the end user or not. DisplayVolume NullBool `json:"displayvolume"` // the domain associated with the disk volume Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the ID of the domain associated with the disk volume DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // Hypervisor the volume belongs to Hypervisor NullString `json:"hypervisor"` // ID of the disk volume Id ID `json:"id"` // true if the volume is extractable, false otherwise IsExtractable NullBool `json:"isextractable"` // an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine IsoDisplayText NullString `json:"isodisplaytext"` // the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine IsoId ID `json:"isoid"` // the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine IsoName NullString `json:"isoname"` // max iops of the disk volume MaxIops NullNumber `json:"maxiops"` // min iops of the disk volume MinIops NullNumber `json:"miniops"` // name of the disk volume Name NullString `json:"name"` // the path of the volume Path NullString `json:"path"` // the project name of the vpn Project NullString `json:"project"` // the project id of the vpn ProjectId ID `json:"projectid"` // provisioning type used to create volumes. ProvisioningType NullString `json:"provisioningtype"` // need quiesce vm or not when taking snapshot QuiesceVm NullBool `json:"quiescevm"` // the display text of the service offering for root disk ServiceOfferingDisplayText NullString `json:"serviceofferingdisplaytext"` // ID of the service offering for root disk ServiceOfferingId ID `json:"serviceofferingid"` // name of the service offering for root disk ServiceOfferingName NullString `json:"serviceofferingname"` // size of the disk volume Size NullNumber `json:"size"` // ID of the snapshot from which this volume was created SnapshotId ID `json:"snapshotid"` // the state of the disk volume State NullString `json:"state"` // the status of the volume Status NullString `json:"status"` // name of the primary storage hosting the disk volume Storage NullString `json:"storage"` // id of the primary storage hosting the disk volume; returned to admin user // only StorageId ID `json:"storageid"` // shared or local storage StorageType NullString `json:"storagetype"` // the list of resource tags associated with volume Tags []Tag `json:"tags"` // an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine TemplateDisplayText NullString `json:"templatedisplaytext"` // the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the // virtual machine was created from an ISO file. TemplateId ID `json:"templateid"` // the name of the template for the virtual machine TemplateName NullString `json:"templatename"` // type of the disk volume (ROOT or DATADISK) Type NullString `json:"type"` // id of the virtual machine VirtualMachineId ID `json:"virtualmachineid"` // display name of the virtual machine VmDisplayName NullString `json:"vmdisplayname"` // name of the virtual machine VmName NullString `json:"vmname"` // state of the virtual machine VmState NullString `json:"vmstate"` // ID of the availability zone ZoneId ID `json:"zoneid"` // name of the availability zone ZoneName NullString `json:"zonename"` }
type Zone ¶
type Zone struct { ResourceBase // the allocation state of the cluster AllocationState NullString `json:"allocationstate"` // the capacity of the Zone Capacity []Capacity `json:"capacity"` // Zone description Description NullString `json:"description"` // the dhcp Provider for the Zone DhcpProvider NullString `json:"dhcpprovider"` // the display text of the zone DisplayText NullString `json:"displaytext"` // the first DNS for the Zone Dns1 NullString `json:"dns1"` // the second DNS for the Zone Dns2 NullString `json:"dns2"` // Network domain name for the networks in the zone Domain NullString `json:"domain"` // the UUID of the containing domain, null for public zones DomainId ID `json:"domainid"` // the name of the containing domain, null for public zones DomainName NullString `json:"domainname"` // the guest CIDR address for the Zone GuestCidrAddress NullString `json:"guestcidraddress"` // Zone id Id ID `json:"id"` // the first internal DNS for the Zone InternalDns1 NullString `json:"internaldns1"` // the second internal DNS for the Zone InternalDns2 NullString `json:"internaldns2"` // the first IPv6 DNS for the Zone Ip6Dns1 NullString `json:"ip6dns1"` // the second IPv6 DNS for the Zone Ip6Dns2 NullString `json:"ip6dns2"` // true if local storage offering enabled, false otherwise LocalStorageEnabled NullBool `json:"localstorageenabled"` // Zone name Name NullString `json:"name"` // the network type of the zone; can be Basic or Advanced NetworkType NullString `json:"networktype"` // Meta data associated with the zone (key/value pairs) ResourceDetails map[string]string `json:"resourcedetails"` // true if security groups support is enabled, false otherwise SecurityGroupsEnabled NullBool `json:"securitygroupsenabled"` // the list of resource tags associated with zone. Tags []Tag `json:"tags"` // the vlan range of the zone Vlan NullString `json:"vlan"` // Zone Token Zonetoken NullString `json:"zonetoken"` }
Source Files ¶
- AccountApi.go
- AccountStruct.go
- AddressApi.go
- AffinityGroupApi.go
- AffinityGroupStruct.go
- AffinityGroupTypeStruct.go
- CapacityStruct.go
- ClusterApi.go
- ClusterStruct.go
- DiskOfferingApi.go
- DiskOfferingStruct.go
- DomainApi.go
- DomainStruct.go
- FirewallApi.go
- FirewallRuleStruct.go
- HostApi.go
- HostStruct.go
- ImageStoreApi.go
- ImageStoreStruct.go
- IpForwardingRuleStruct.go
- LoadBalancerApi.go
- LoadBalancerRuleInstanceStruct.go
- LoadBalancerRuleStruct.go
- NATApi.go
- NetworkApi.go
- NetworkOfferingApi.go
- NetworkOfferingStruct.go
- NetworkServiceCapabilityStruct.go
- NetworkServiceProviderStruct.go
- NetworkServiceStruct.go
- NetworkStruct.go
- NicStruct.go
- PodApi.go
- PodStruct.go
- PortForwardingRuleStruct.go
- ProjectApi.go
- ProjectStruct.go
- PublicIpAddressStruct.go
- ResourcetagsApi.go
- ResultStruct.go
- SecurityGroupApi.go
- SecurityGroupStruct.go
- ServiceOfferingApi.go
- ServiceOfferingStruct.go
- StoragePoolApi.go
- StoragePoolStruct.go
- StorageProviderApi.go
- StorageProviderStruct.go
- TagStruct.go
- TemplateApi.go
- TemplateStruct.go
- UserApi.go
- UserStruct.go
- VirtualMachineApi.go
- VirtualMachineMethods.go
- VirtualMachineStruct.go
- VolumeApi.go
- VolumeStruct.go
- ZoneApi.go
- ZoneStruct.go
- cloudstack.go
- config.go
- keypair.go
- types.go
- vars.go