A filter-feeding bird. Captures credentials sprayed across the network by various IT and security products.
Currently supports SSH, HTTP, LDAP, DNS, and SNMP credential collection.
Pull requests are encouraged for additional protocols and output destinations.
- Obtain the flamingo binary from the releases page or build from source.
$ GOOS=win32 GOARCH=amd64 go build -o flamingo.exe
$ go get -u -v github.com/atredispartners/flamingo && \
go install -v github.com/atredispartners/flamingo && \
- Run the binary and collect credentials
C:\> flamingo.exe
{"_etime":"2020-01-10T17:56:51Z","_host":"","_proto":"ssh","method":"pubkey","pubkey":"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPVSxqrWfNle0nnJrKS3NA12uhu9PHxnP4OlD843tRz/","pubkey-sha256":"SHA256:/7UkXjk0XtBe9N6RrAGGgJTGuKKi1Hgk3E+4TPo54Cw","username":"devuser","version":"SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_for_Windows_7.7"}
The default is to log credentials to standard output and append to flamingo.log
in the working directory.
Use --protocols
to configure a list of enabled protocol listeners
Use additional options to specify ports and protocol options for listeners.
All additional command-line arguments are output destinations.
Supported outputs:
or no arguments results in output being written to standard output
- http://[url] or https://[url] will deliver results via webhook (slack, mattermost, etc)
- anything else is treated as an output file name