Static web sites that just makes sense.
This is still in early development, PREPARE YOUR SOUL!
- Zero configuration
- Default and custom templates
- Markdown support
- Structure your files just like you want the web site to be structured.
- HTML and markdown files are regarded as web pages.
- Web page paths:
- projects.md --> projects/index.html (pretty URL!)
- boring.html.md --> boring.html (boring URL)
- about.html --> about.html (html is boring by default)
- Web site is rendered with a simple menu, ready to use.
- Optional:
- Add meta data to your pages.
- Use custom CSS and templates.
Example page with meta data
title: My title
tags: [ blog/ramblings, blog/example, whatever ]
So this is my page, you like!?
Using custom CSS and templates
If you don't like the default look, you can add your own CSS and/or templates.
All you need is to edit rigid.css
(created on first build) in the root folder.
More info coming later
<p>This page is tagged: {{range .Page.Meta.Tags}}<span>{{.}}</span> {{end}}</p>
<h2>All blog posts:</h2>
{{range .TaggedPages "blog/*"}}
<li><a href="{{.PublicPath}}">{{.Meta.Title}}</a></li>