
Cyclops is a Kubernetes Operator that is able to terminate and create replacement nodes for a set of nodes in a cloud provider node group, e.g. AWS's Auto Scaling Group.
It is built using the operator-sdk and uses custom resources called CycleNodeRequest
and CycleNodeStatus
to manage state.
It also has a custom resource called NodeGroup
- which is used to define groups of nodes that can be cycled.
It also contains optional controller Cyclops Observer for full automation of rotating outdated nodes, and a CLI for easy on demand scaling. This combination is great for large scale production clusters and immutable infrastructure.
Key Features
- Cycles entire node groups safely with configurable concurrency
- Has a CLI to trigger cycling of specific node groups.
- A change observer to automatically cycle nodes when NodeGroups and DaemonSets become out of date
- Uses a Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition and Operator to enable reproducible and verifiable cycling that be be deployed safely from deployment platforms
- Halt whenever any issues are faced, preventing further damage to the cluster
- Support for full automation with an Observer controller
- Detection of out of date CloudProvider configurations
- Detection of out of date OnDelete lifecycle Kubernetes daemosnets
- CLI tool to abstract away CRD managment
- Pushing progress notifications to a messaging provider
Planned Features & Development Roadmap
- Support for different CloudProviders. Currently only AWS is implemented.
Documentation and Design
See Docs
- Kubernetes version 1.13+. Cyclops has been tested and deployed on 1.13+ and newer. Older versions of Kubernetes may have bugs or issues that will prevent it from functioning properly.
- Go version 1.13+. Newer versions of Go are highly recommended.
- Dependencies and their locked versions can be found in
and go.sum
# build Cyclops - go mod will automatically download dependencies
make build
Deployment in Cluster
All the bits you need to deploy cyclops in cluster are in docs/deployment. However you will need to set the AWS_REGION
variable to your region.
See Deployment for full Deployment documentation.
# Create the CRDs
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/
# Create the RBAC
kubectl apply -f docs/deployment/cyclops-rbac.yaml
# Create the operator deployment
kubectl apply -f docs/deployment/cyclops-operator.yaml
See Cycling for more documentation and examples.
Also see Examples for more exmaple CRDs.
There are 3 different methods of trigger Cycling nodegroups with Cyclops. From most fundemental to most automated
- Manually apply CycleNodeRequest CRDs to start cycling a particular node group
- Most customisable, most manual effort
- Every other method builds off this for automation
- Deploy NodeGroup CRD templates - Use CLI
- CLI abstraction of 1. through templating
- Useful when many complicated nodegroups, labels, and settings
- Deploy NodeGroup CRD templates and Observer controller
- Fully automate triggering Cycling detecting outdated components
- Creates CNR CRDs under the hood
See below headers for each section
Creating a CycleNodeRequest
This is the simplest way of getting cycling after deploying the Cyclops manager without using the automation components.
A CycleNodeRequest or cnr is a CRD which is the method of providing the Cyclops operator with requests to cycle node groups based on the configuration on of the request.
# Create a request to cycle a node group with a premade CycleNodeRequestObject.
kubectl create -f cnr.yaml
# Get the CycleNodeRequest created in the cluster, along with it's current status.
kubectl get cnr
my-cnr map[matchLabels:map[role:node]] Drain 1 ScalingUp 4m
# Once completed, the Status will now show "Successful"
kubectl get cnr
my-cnr map[matchLabels:map[role:node]] Drain 1 Successful 20m
For more details, describe the CNR to see into the operation.
# You can describe the CNR to get more information
$ kubectl describe cnr my-cnr
Name: my-cnr
Namespace: kube-system
API Version:
Kind: CycleNodeRequest
Creation Timestamp: 2019-08-29T01:54:31Z
Generation: 9
Resource Version: 7019110
Self Link: /apis/
UID: f13c7d57-c9ff-11e9-9ea4-06545c742470
Cycle Settings:
Concurrency: 1
Method: Drain
Node Group Name:
Match Labels:
Role: node
Current Nodes:
Provider Id: aws:///us-west-2b/i-0119f6aa6b63ce0ce
Nodes To Terminate:
Provider Id: aws:///us-west-2c/i-0f4c087f7a7e9a20c
Provider Id: aws:///us-west-2b/i-0119f6aa6b63ce0ce
Provider Id: aws:///us-west-2a/i-0e50c5b04787f3c2d
Phase: ScalingUp
Scale Up Started: 2019-08-29T01:58:06Z
Using CLI
The CLI is a kubectl plugin.
kubectl cycle -l type=default
kubectl cycle --all
kubectl cycle system --name ticket-number
See Docs for details and installation
Using Observer
After deploying and configuring the Observer, nodes will cycle on their own when they become out of date.
See Docs for details
Pushing notifications
Cyclops can optionally push progress notifications to a messaging provider.
See Docs for details
Pull requests, issues and comments welcome. For pull requests:
- Add tests for new features and bug fixes
- Follow the existing style (we are using goreturns to format and lint cyclops)
- Separate unrelated changes into multiple pull requests
See the existing issues for things to start contributing.
For bigger changes, make sure you start a discussion first by creating
an issue and explaining the intended change.
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Prior to accepting your contributions we ask that you please follow the appropriate
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