Index ¶
- Constants
- type RenderingContext
- func (c *RenderingContext) ActiveTexture(textureUnit uint32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) AttachShader(program *types.Program, shader *types.Shader)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BindAttribLocation(program *types.Program, index int, name string)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BindBuffer(target types.GLEnum, buffer *types.Buffer)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BindFrameBuffer(target types.GLEnum, buffer *types.FrameBuffer)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BindRenderBuffer(target types.GLEnum, buffer *types.RenderBuffer)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BindTexture(target types.GLEnum, texture *types.Texture)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BlendColor(r, g, b, a float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BlendEquation(mode types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BlendEquationSeparate(modeRGB types.GLEnum, modeAlpha types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BlendFunc(sFactor types.GLEnum, dFactor types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BlendFuncSeparate(srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BufferData(target types.GLEnum, srcData []float32, usage types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BufferDataBySize(target types.GLEnum, size int, usage types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BufferDataI(target types.GLEnum, srcData []int, usage types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BufferDataIWithOffset(target types.GLEnum, srcData []int, usage types.GLEnum, srcOffset, length uint)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BufferDataUI(target types.GLEnum, srcData []uint32, usage types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BufferDataUI16(target types.GLEnum, srcData []uint16, usage types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BufferDataUIWithOffset(target types.GLEnum, srcData []uint, usage types.GLEnum, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BufferDataWithOffset(target types.GLEnum, srcData []float32, usage types.GLEnum, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BufferSubData(target types.GLEnum, offset int, srcData []float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BufferSubDataI(target types.GLEnum, offset int, srcData []int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BufferSubDataIWithOffset(target types.GLEnum, dstByteOffset int, srcData []int, srcOffset, length uint)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BufferSubDataUI(target types.GLEnum, offset int, srcData []uint)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BufferSubDataUIWithOffset(target types.GLEnum, dstByteOffset int, srcData []uint, srcOffset, length uint)
- func (c *RenderingContext) BufferSubDataWithOffset(target types.GLEnum, dstByteOffset int, srcData []float32, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) CheckFrameBufferStatus(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) Clear(mask uint32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) ClearColor(r, g, b, a float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) ClearDepth(depth float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) ClearStencil(s int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) ColorMask(r, g, b, a float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Commit()
- func (c *RenderingContext) CompileShader(shader *types.Shader)
- func (c *RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage2D(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage2DFromOffset(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage2DIn(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage2DOffset(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage3DFromOffset(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage3DOffset(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) CompressedTexSubImage2D(target types.GLEnum, level int, xOffset, yOffset int, width, height int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) CompressedTexSubImage2DFrom(target types.GLEnum, level int, xOffset, yOffset int, width, height int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) CompressedTexSubImage2DFromOffset(target types.GLEnum, level int, xOffset, yOffset int, width, height int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) CompressedTexSubImage2DIn(target types.GLEnum, level int, xOffset, yOffset int, width, height int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) CopyTexImage2D(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, x, y int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) CopyTexSubImage2D(target types.GLEnum, level int, xOffset, yOffset int, x, y int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) CreateBuffer() *types.Buffer
- func (c *RenderingContext) CreateFragmentShader() *types.Shader
- func (c *RenderingContext) CreateFrameBuffer() *types.FrameBuffer
- func (c *RenderingContext) CreateProgram() *types.Program
- func (c *RenderingContext) CreateRenderBuffer() *types.RenderBuffer
- func (c *RenderingContext) CreateShader(shaderType types.GLEnum) *types.Shader
- func (c *RenderingContext) CreateTexture() *types.Texture
- func (c *RenderingContext) CreateVertexShader() *types.Shader
- func (c *RenderingContext) CullFace(mode types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) DeleteBuffer(buffer *types.Buffer)
- func (c *RenderingContext) DeleteFrameBuffer(framebuffer *types.FrameBuffer)
- func (c *RenderingContext) DeleteProgram(program *types.Program)
- func (c *RenderingContext) DeleteRenderBuffer(renderbuffer *types.RenderBuffer)
- func (c *RenderingContext) DeleteShader(shader *types.Shader)
- func (c *RenderingContext) DeleteTexture(texture *types.Texture)
- func (c *RenderingContext) DepthFunc(depth types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) DepthMask(flag bool)
- func (c *RenderingContext) DepthRange(zNear, zFar float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) DetachShader(program *types.Program, shader *types.Shader)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Disable(cap types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) DisableVertexAttribArray(index int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) DrawArrays(mode types.GLEnum, first int, count int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) DrawElements(mode types.GLEnum, count int, valueType types.GLEnum, offset int64)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Enable(cap types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) EnableVertexAttribArray(index int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Finnish()
- func (c *RenderingContext) Flush()
- func (c *RenderingContext) FrameBufferRenderbuffer(target types.GLEnum, attachment types.GLEnum, renderBufferTarget types.GLEnum, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) FrameBufferTexture2D(target types.GLEnum, attachment types.GLEnum, texTarget types.GLEnum, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) FrontFace(mode types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) GenerateMipmap(target types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetActiveAttrib(program *types.Program, index uint) *types.ActiveInfo
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetActiveUniform(program *types.Program, index uint) *types.ActiveInfo
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetAttachedShaders(program *types.Program) []*types.Shader
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetAttribLocation(program *types.Program, name string) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetBufferParameter(target types.GLEnum, pName types.GLEnum) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetCanvas() js.Value
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetContextAttributes() *types.Attributes
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetDrawingBufferHeight() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetDrawingBufferWidth() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetError() error
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetExtension(name string) *extensions.Extension
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetExtensionLoseContext() *extensions.LoseContext
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetFrameBufferAttachmentParameterEnum(target types.GLEnum, attachment types.GLEnum, pName types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetFrameBufferAttachmentParameterInt(target types.GLEnum, attachment types.GLEnum, pName types.GLEnum) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetFrameBufferAttachmentParameterRenderBuffer(target types.GLEnum, attachment types.GLEnum, pName types.GLEnum) *types.RenderBuffer
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetFrameBufferAttachmentParameterTexture(target types.GLEnum, attachment types.GLEnum, pName types.GLEnum) *types.Texture
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetJs() js.Value
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameter(pName types.GLEnum) js.Value
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterActiveTexture() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterAliasedLineWidthRange() [2]float32
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterAliasedPointSizeRange() [2]float32
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterAlphaBits() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterArrayBufferBinding() *types.Buffer
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlend() bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendColor() [4]float32
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendDstAlpha() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendDstRgb() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendEquation() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendEquationAlpha() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendEquationRgb() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendSrcAlpha() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendSrcRgb() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlueBits() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterColorClearValue() [4]float32
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterColorWritemask() [4]bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterCombinedTextureImageUnits() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterCompressedTextureFormats() []types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterCullFace() bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterCullFaceMode() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterCurrentProgram() *types.Program
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterDepthBits() float32
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterDepthFunc() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterElementArrayBufferBinding() *types.Buffer
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterFrameBufferBinding() *types.FrameBuffer
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterFrontFace() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterGenerateMipmapHint() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterGreenBits() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterImplementationColorReadFormat() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterImplementationColorReadType() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterLineWidth() float32
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxCubeMapTextureSize() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxFragmentUniformVectors() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxRenderBufferSize() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxTextureImageUnits() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxTextureSize() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxVaryingVectors() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxVertexAttribs() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxVertexTextureImageUnits() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxVertexUniformVectors() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxViewportDims() [2]float32
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterPackAlignment() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterPolygonOffsetFactor() float32
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterPolygonOffsetFill() bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterPolygonOffsetUnits() float32
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterRedBits() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterRenderBufferBinding() *types.RenderBuffer
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterRenderer() string
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterSampleBuffers() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterSampleCoverageInvert() bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterSampleCoverageValue() float32
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterSamples() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterScissorBox() [4]bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterScissorTest() bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterShadingLanguageVersion() string
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackFail() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackFunc() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackPassDepthFail() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackPassDepthPass() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackRef() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackValueMask() uint
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackWritemask() uint
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBits() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilClearValue() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilFail() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilFunc() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilPassDepthFail() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilPassDepthPass() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilRef() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilTest() bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilValueMask() uint
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilWritemask() uint
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterSubpixelBits() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterTextureBinding2D() *types.Texture
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterTextureBindingCubeMap() *types.Texture
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterUnpackAlignment() int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterUnpackColorspaceConversionWebGL() types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterUnpackFlipYWebGL() bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterUnpackPremultiplyAlphaWebGL() bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterVendor() string
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterVersion() string
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterViewport() [4]bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramInfoLog(program *types.Program) string
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameter(program *types.Program, pName types.GLEnum) js.Value
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterActiveAttributes(program *types.Program) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterActiveUniformBlocks(program *types.Program) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterActiveUniforms(program *types.Program) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterAttachedShaders(program *types.Program) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterDeleteStatus(program *types.Program) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterLinkStatus(program *types.Program) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterTransformFeedbackBufferMode(program *types.Program) types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterTransformFeedbackVaryings(program *types.Program) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterValidateStatus(program *types.Program) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameter(target types.GLEnum, pName types.GLEnum) js.Value
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferAlphaSize(target types.GLEnum) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferBlueSize(target types.GLEnum) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferDepthSize(target types.GLEnum) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferGreenSize(target types.GLEnum) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferHeight(target types.GLEnum) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferInternalFormat(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferRedSize(target types.GLEnum) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferSamples(target types.GLEnum) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferStencilSize(target types.GLEnum) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferWidth(target types.GLEnum) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetShaderInfoLog(shader *types.Shader) string
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetShaderParameter(shader *types.Shader, pName types.GLEnum) js.Value
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetShaderParameterCompileStatus(shader *types.Shader) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetShaderParameterDeleteStatus(shader *types.Shader) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetShaderParameterShaderType(shader *types.Shader) types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetShaderPrecisionFormat(shaderType types.GLEnum, precisionType types.GLEnum) *types.ShaderPrecisionFormat
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetShaderSource(shader *types.Shader) string
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetSupportedExtensions() []extensions.Name
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameter(target types.GLEnum, pName types.GLEnum) js.Value
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterBaseLevel(target types.GLEnum) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterCompareFunc(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterCompareMode(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterImmutableFormat(target types.GLEnum) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterImmutableLevels(target types.GLEnum) uint
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMagFilter(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMaxAnisotropyExt(target types.GLEnum) float32
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMaxLOD(target types.GLEnum) float32
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMaxLever(target types.GLEnum) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMinFilter(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMinLOD(target types.GLEnum) float32
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterWrapR(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterWrapS(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterWrapT(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetUniform(program *types.Program, location *types.UniformLocation) js.Value
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetUniformLocation(program *types.Program, name string) *types.UniformLocation
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttrib(index int, pName types.GLEnum) js.Value
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayBufferBinding(index int) *types.Buffer
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayBufferEnabled(index int) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayDivisor(index int) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayDivisorAngle(index int) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayInteger(index int) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayNormalized(index int) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArraySize(index int) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayStride(index int) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayType(index int) types.GLEnum
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribCurrentVertexAttrib(index int) [4]float32
- func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribOffset(index int, pName types.GLEnum) int
- func (c *RenderingContext) Hint(target types.GLEnum, mode types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) IsBuffer(buffer js.Value) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) IsContextLost() bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) IsEnabled(cap types.GLEnum) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) IsFrameBuffer(framebuffer js.Value) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) IsProgram(program js.Value) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) IsRenderbuffer(renderbuffer js.Value) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) IsShader(shader js.Value) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) IsTexture(texture js.Value) bool
- func (c *RenderingContext) LineWidth(width float32)deprecated
- func (c *RenderingContext) LinkProgram(program *types.Program)
- func (c *RenderingContext) PixelStorei(pName types.GLEnum, param int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) PolygonOffset(factor float32, units float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) ReadPixels(x, y int, width, height int, format types.GLEnum, pixels js.Value)
- func (c *RenderingContext) ReadPixelsOffset(x, y int, width, height int, format types.GLEnum, pixels js.Value, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) ReadPixelsOffsetPointer(x, y int, width, height int, format types.GLEnum, offset int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) RenderbufferStorage(target types.GLEnum, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width, height int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) SampleCoverage(value float32, invert bool)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Scissor(x int, y int, width int, height int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) ShaderSource(shader *types.Shader, source string)
- func (c *RenderingContext) StencilFunc(function types.GLEnum, ref int, mask uint32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) StencilFuncSeparate(face types.GLEnum, function types.GLEnum, ref int, mask uint32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) StencilMask(mask uint32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) StencilMaskSeparate(face types.GLEnum, mask uint32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) StencilOp(fail types.GLEnum, zFail types.GLEnum, zPass types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) StencilOpSeparate(face types.GLEnum, fail types.GLEnum, zFail types.GLEnum, zPass types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexImage2D2(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width, height int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexImage2DHtmlElement(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexImage2DHtmlElement2(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width, height int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexImage2DOffset(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width, height int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexImage2Db(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width, height int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexImage2Df(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width, height int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexImage2Dui16(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width, height int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexImage2Dui32(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width, height int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterBaseLevel(target types.GLEnum, param int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterCompareFunc(target types.GLEnum, param types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterCompareMode(target types.GLEnum, param types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterMagFilter(target types.GLEnum, param types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterMaxAnisotropyExt(target types.GLEnum, param float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterMaxLOD(target types.GLEnum, param int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterMaxLevel(target types.GLEnum, param int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterMinFilter(target types.GLEnum, param types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterMinLOD(target types.GLEnum, param int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterWrapR(target types.GLEnum, param types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterWrapS(target types.GLEnum, param types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterWrapT(target types.GLEnum, param types.GLEnum)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterf(target types.GLEnum, pName types.GLEnum, param float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameteri(target types.GLEnum, pName types.GLEnum, param int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexSubImage2D(target types.GLEnum, level int, xOffset, yOffset int, width, height int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexSubImage2DHtmlElement(target types.GLEnum, level int, xOffset, yOffset int, format types.GLEnum, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexSubImage2DHtmlElement2(target types.GLEnum, level int, xOffset, yOffset int, width, height int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexSubImage2DOffset(target types.GLEnum, level int, xOffset, yOffset int, format types.GLEnum, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) TexSubImage2DOffset2(target types.GLEnum, level int, xOffset, yOffset int, width, height int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform1f(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform1fv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform1i(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform1iv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform2f(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 float32, v1 float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform2fv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform2i(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 int, v1 int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform2iv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform3f(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 float32, v1 float32, v2 float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform3fv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform3i(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 int, v1 int, v2 int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform3iv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform4f(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 float32, v1 float32, v2 float32, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform4fv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform4i(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 int, v1 int, v2 int, v3 int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform4iv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []int)
- func (c *RenderingContext) UniformMatrix2fv(location *types.UniformLocation, transpose bool, value []float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) UniformMatrix3fv(location *types.UniformLocation, transpose bool, value []float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) UniformMatrix4fv(location *types.UniformLocation, transpose bool, value []float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) UseProgram(program *types.Program)
- func (c *RenderingContext) ValidateProgram(program *types.Program)
- func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib1f(index int, v0 float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib1fv(index int, value []float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib2f(index int, v0, v1 float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib2fv(index int, value []float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib3f(index int, v0, v1, v2 float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib3fv(index int, value []float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib4f(index int, v0, v1, v2, v3 float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib4fv(index int, value []float32)
- func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttribPointer(index int, size int, aType types.GLEnum, normalized bool, stride int, ...)
- func (c *RenderingContext) Viewport(x int, y int, width int, height int)
Constants ¶
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const ( POINTS types.GLEnum = 0x0000 LINES types.GLEnum = 0x0001 LINE_LOOP types.GLEnum = 0x0002 LINE_STRIP types.GLEnum = 0x0003 TRIANGLES types.GLEnum = 0x0004 TRIANGLE_STRIP types.GLEnum = 0x0005 TRIANGLE_FAN types.GLEnum = 0x0006 SRC_COLOR types.GLEnum = 0x0300 ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR types.GLEnum = 0x0301 SRC_ALPHA types.GLEnum = 0x0302 ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA types.GLEnum = 0x0303 DST_ALPHA types.GLEnum = 0x0304 ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA types.GLEnum = 0x0305 DST_COLOR types.GLEnum = 0x0306 ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR types.GLEnum = 0x0307 SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE types.GLEnum = 0x0308 FUNC_ADD types.GLEnum = 0x8006 BLEND_EQUATION types.GLEnum = 0x8009 BLEND_EQUATION_RGB types.GLEnum = 0x8009 BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA types.GLEnum = 0x883D FUNC_SUBTRACT types.GLEnum = 0x800A FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT types.GLEnum = 0x800B BLEND_DST_RGB types.GLEnum = 0x80C8 BLEND_SRC_RGB types.GLEnum = 0x80C9 BLEND_DST_ALPHA types.GLEnum = 0x80CA BLEND_SRC_ALPHA types.GLEnum = 0x80CB CONSTANT_COLOR types.GLEnum = 0x8001 ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR types.GLEnum = 0x8002 CONSTANT_ALPHA types.GLEnum = 0x8003 ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA types.GLEnum = 0x8004 BLEND_COLOR types.GLEnum = 0x8005 ARRAY_BUFFER types.GLEnum = 0x8892 ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER types.GLEnum = 0x8893 ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x8894 ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x8895 STREAM_DRAW types.GLEnum = 0x88E0 STATIC_DRAW types.GLEnum = 0x88E4 DYNAMIC_DRAW types.GLEnum = 0x88E8 BUFFER_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8764 BUFFER_USAGE types.GLEnum = 0x8765 CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB types.GLEnum = 0x8626 FRONT types.GLEnum = 0x0404 BACK types.GLEnum = 0x0405 FRONT_AND_BACK types.GLEnum = 0x0408 TEXTURE_2D types.GLEnum = 0x0DE1 CULL_FACE types.GLEnum = 0x0B44 BLEND types.GLEnum = 0x0BE2 DITHER types.GLEnum = 0x0BD0 STENCIL_TEST types.GLEnum = 0x0B90 DEPTH_TEST types.GLEnum = 0x0B71 SCISSOR_TEST types.GLEnum = 0x0C11 POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL types.GLEnum = 0x8037 SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE types.GLEnum = 0x809E SAMPLE_COVERAGE types.GLEnum = 0x80A0 INVALID_ENUM types.GLEnum = 0x0500 INVALID_VALUE types.GLEnum = 0x0501 INVALID_OPERATION types.GLEnum = 0x0502 OUT_OF_MEMORY types.GLEnum = 0x0505 CW types.GLEnum = 0x0900 CCW types.GLEnum = 0x0901 LINE_WIDTH types.GLEnum = 0x0B21 ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE types.GLEnum = 0x846D ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE types.GLEnum = 0x846E CULL_FACE_MODE types.GLEnum = 0x0B45 FRONT_FACE types.GLEnum = 0x0B46 DEPTH_RANGE types.GLEnum = 0x0B70 DEPTH_WRITEMASK types.GLEnum = 0x0B72 DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE types.GLEnum = 0x0B73 DEPTH_FUNC types.GLEnum = 0x0B74 STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE types.GLEnum = 0x0B91 STENCIL_FUNC types.GLEnum = 0x0B92 STENCIL_FAIL types.GLEnum = 0x0B94 STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL types.GLEnum = 0x0B95 STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS types.GLEnum = 0x0B96 STENCIL_REF types.GLEnum = 0x0B97 STENCIL_VALUE_MASK types.GLEnum = 0x0B93 STENCIL_WRITEMASK types.GLEnum = 0x0B98 STENCIL_BACK_FUNC types.GLEnum = 0x8800 STENCIL_BACK_FAIL types.GLEnum = 0x8801 STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL types.GLEnum = 0x8802 STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS types.GLEnum = 0x8803 STENCIL_BACK_REF types.GLEnum = 0x8CA3 STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK types.GLEnum = 0x8CA4 STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK types.GLEnum = 0x8CA5 VIEWPORT types.GLEnum = 0x0BA2 SCISSOR_BOX types.GLEnum = 0x0C10 COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE types.GLEnum = 0x0C22 COLOR_WRITEMASK types.GLEnum = 0x0C23 UNPACK_ALIGNMENT types.GLEnum = 0x0CF5 PACK_ALIGNMENT types.GLEnum = 0x0D05 MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x0D33 MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS types.GLEnum = 0x0D3A SUBPIXEL_BITS types.GLEnum = 0x0D50 RED_BITS types.GLEnum = 0x0D52 GREEN_BITS types.GLEnum = 0x0D53 BLUE_BITS types.GLEnum = 0x0D54 ALPHA_BITS types.GLEnum = 0x0D55 DEPTH_BITS types.GLEnum = 0x0D56 STENCIL_BITS types.GLEnum = 0x0D57 POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS types.GLEnum = 0x2A00 POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR types.GLEnum = 0x8038 TEXTURE_BINDING_2D types.GLEnum = 0x8069 SAMPLE_BUFFERS types.GLEnum = 0x80A8 SAMPLES types.GLEnum = 0x80A9 SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE types.GLEnum = 0x80AA SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT types.GLEnum = 0x80AB NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS types.GLEnum = 0x86A2 COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS types.GLEnum = 0x86A3 DONT_CARE types.GLEnum = 0x1100 FASTEST types.GLEnum = 0x1101 NICEST types.GLEnum = 0x1102 GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT types.GLEnum = 0x8192 BYTE types.GLEnum = 0x1400 UNSIGNED_BYTE types.GLEnum = 0x1401 SHORT types.GLEnum = 0x1402 UNSIGNED_SHORT types.GLEnum = 0x1403 INT types.GLEnum = 0x1404 UNSIGNED_INT types.GLEnum = 0x1405 FLOAT types.GLEnum = 0x1406 FIXED types.GLEnum = 0x140C DEPTH_COMPONENT types.GLEnum = 0x1902 ALPHA types.GLEnum = 0x1906 RGB types.GLEnum = 0x1907 RGBA types.GLEnum = 0x1908 LUMINANCE types.GLEnum = 0x1909 LUMINANCE_ALPHA types.GLEnum = 0x190A UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 types.GLEnum = 0x8033 UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 types.GLEnum = 0x8034 UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 types.GLEnum = 0x8363 MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS types.GLEnum = 0x8869 MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS types.GLEnum = 0x8DFB MAX_VARYING_VECTORS types.GLEnum = 0x8DFC MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS types.GLEnum = 0x8B4D MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS types.GLEnum = 0x8B4C MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS types.GLEnum = 0x8872 MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS types.GLEnum = 0x8DFD SHADER_TYPE types.GLEnum = 0x8B4F DELETE_STATUS types.GLEnum = 0x8B80 LINK_STATUS types.GLEnum = 0x8B82 VALIDATE_STATUS types.GLEnum = 0x8B83 ATTACHED_SHADERS types.GLEnum = 0x8B85 ACTIVE_UNIFORMS types.GLEnum = 0x8B86 ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH types.GLEnum = 0x8B87 ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES types.GLEnum = 0x8B89 ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH types.GLEnum = 0x8B8A SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION types.GLEnum = 0x8B8C CURRENT_PROGRAM types.GLEnum = 0x8B8D NEVER types.GLEnum = 0x0200 LESS types.GLEnum = 0x0201 EQUAL types.GLEnum = 0x0202 LEQUAL types.GLEnum = 0x0203 GREATER types.GLEnum = 0x0204 NOTEQUAL types.GLEnum = 0x0205 GEQUAL types.GLEnum = 0x0206 ALWAYS types.GLEnum = 0x0207 KEEP types.GLEnum = 0x1E00 REPLACE types.GLEnum = 0x1E01 INCR types.GLEnum = 0x1E02 DECR types.GLEnum = 0x1E03 INVERT types.GLEnum = 0x150A INCR_WRAP types.GLEnum = 0x8507 DECR_WRAP types.GLEnum = 0x8508 VENDOR types.GLEnum = 0x1F00 RENDERER types.GLEnum = 0x1F01 VERSION types.GLEnum = 0x1F02 EXTENSIONS types.GLEnum = 0x1F03 NEAREST types.GLEnum = 0x2600 LINEAR types.GLEnum = 0x2601 NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST types.GLEnum = 0x2700 LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST types.GLEnum = 0x2701 NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR types.GLEnum = 0x2702 LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR types.GLEnum = 0x2703 TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER types.GLEnum = 0x2800 TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER types.GLEnum = 0x2801 TEXTURE_WRAP_S types.GLEnum = 0x2802 TEXTURE_WRAP_T types.GLEnum = 0x2803 TEXTURE types.GLEnum = 0x1702 TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP types.GLEnum = 0x8513 TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP types.GLEnum = 0x8514 TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X types.GLEnum = 0x8515 TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X types.GLEnum = 0x8516 TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y types.GLEnum = 0x8517 TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y types.GLEnum = 0x8518 TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z types.GLEnum = 0x8519 TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z types.GLEnum = 0x851A MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x851C TEXTURE0 types.GLEnum = 0x84C0 TEXTURE1 types.GLEnum = 0x84C1 TEXTURE2 types.GLEnum = 0x84C2 TEXTURE3 types.GLEnum = 0x84C3 TEXTURE4 types.GLEnum = 0x84C4 TEXTURE5 types.GLEnum = 0x84C5 TEXTURE6 types.GLEnum = 0x84C6 TEXTURE7 types.GLEnum = 0x84C7 TEXTURE8 types.GLEnum = 0x84C8 TEXTURE9 types.GLEnum = 0x84C9 TEXTURE10 types.GLEnum = 0x84CA TEXTURE11 types.GLEnum = 0x84CB TEXTURE12 types.GLEnum = 0x84CC TEXTURE13 types.GLEnum = 0x84CD TEXTURE14 types.GLEnum = 0x84CE TEXTURE15 types.GLEnum = 0x84CF TEXTURE16 types.GLEnum = 0x84D0 TEXTURE17 types.GLEnum = 0x84D1 TEXTURE18 types.GLEnum = 0x84D2 TEXTURE19 types.GLEnum = 0x84D3 TEXTURE20 types.GLEnum = 0x84D4 TEXTURE21 types.GLEnum = 0x84D5 TEXTURE22 types.GLEnum = 0x84D6 TEXTURE23 types.GLEnum = 0x84D7 TEXTURE24 types.GLEnum = 0x84D8 TEXTURE25 types.GLEnum = 0x84D9 TEXTURE26 types.GLEnum = 0x84DA TEXTURE27 types.GLEnum = 0x84DB TEXTURE28 types.GLEnum = 0x84DC TEXTURE29 types.GLEnum = 0x84DD TEXTURE30 types.GLEnum = 0x84DE TEXTURE31 types.GLEnum = 0x84DF ACTIVE_TEXTURE types.GLEnum = 0x84E0 REPEAT types.GLEnum = 0x2901 CLAMP_TO_EDGE types.GLEnum = 0x812F MIRRORED_REPEAT types.GLEnum = 0x8370 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED types.GLEnum = 0x8622 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8623 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE types.GLEnum = 0x8624 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE types.GLEnum = 0x8625 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED types.GLEnum = 0x886A VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER types.GLEnum = 0x8645 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x889F IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE types.GLEnum = 0x8B9A IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT types.GLEnum = 0x8B9B COMPILE_STATUS types.GLEnum = 0x8B81 INFO_LOG_LENGTH types.GLEnum = 0x8B84 SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH types.GLEnum = 0x8B88 SHADER_COMPILER types.GLEnum = 0x8DFA SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS types.GLEnum = 0x8DF8 NUM_SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS types.GLEnum = 0x8DF9 LOW_FLOAT types.GLEnum = 0x8DF0 MEDIUM_FLOAT types.GLEnum = 0x8DF1 HIGH_FLOAT types.GLEnum = 0x8DF2 LOW_INT types.GLEnum = 0x8DF3 MEDIUM_INT types.GLEnum = 0x8DF4 HIGH_INT types.GLEnum = 0x8DF5 FRAMEBUFFER types.GLEnum = 0x8D40 RENDERBUFFER types.GLEnum = 0x8D41 RGBA4 types.GLEnum = 0x8056 RGB5_A1 types.GLEnum = 0x8057 RGB565 types.GLEnum = 0x8D62 DEPTH_COMPONENT16 types.GLEnum = 0x81A5 STENCIL_INDEX8 types.GLEnum = 0x8D48 RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH types.GLEnum = 0x8D42 RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT types.GLEnum = 0x8D43 RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT types.GLEnum = 0x8D44 RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8D50 RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8D51 RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8D52 RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8D53 RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8D54 RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8D55 FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE types.GLEnum = 0x8CD0 FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME types.GLEnum = 0x8CD1 FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL types.GLEnum = 0x8CD2 FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE types.GLEnum = 0x8CD3 COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 types.GLEnum = 0x8CE0 DEPTH_ATTACHMENT types.GLEnum = 0x8D00 STENCIL_ATTACHMENT types.GLEnum = 0x8D20 FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE types.GLEnum = 0x8CD5 FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT types.GLEnum = 0x8CD6 FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT types.GLEnum = 0x8CD7 FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS types.GLEnum = 0x8CD9 FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED types.GLEnum = 0x8CDD FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x8CA6 RENDERBUFFER_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x8CA7 MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x84E8 INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION types.GLEnum = 0x0506 )
View Source
const ( DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT types.GLEnum = 0x00000100 STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT types.GLEnum = 0x00000400 COLOR_BUFFER_BIT types.GLEnum = 0x00004000 )
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const ( FLOAT_VEC2 types.GLEnum = 0x8B50 FLOAT_VEC3 types.GLEnum = 0x8B51 FLOAT_VEC4 types.GLEnum = 0x8B52 INT_VEC2 types.GLEnum = 0x8B53 INT_VEC3 types.GLEnum = 0x8B54 INT_VEC4 types.GLEnum = 0x8B55 BOOL types.GLEnum = 0x8B56 BOOL_VEC2 types.GLEnum = 0x8B57 BOOL_VEC3 types.GLEnum = 0x8B58 BOOL_VEC4 types.GLEnum = 0x8B59 FLOAT_MAT2 types.GLEnum = 0x8B5A FLOAT_MAT3 types.GLEnum = 0x8B5B FLOAT_MAT4 types.GLEnum = 0x8B5C SAMPLER_2D types.GLEnum = 0x8B5E SAMPLER_CUBE types.GLEnum = 0x8B60 )
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const ( FRAGMENT_SHADER types.GLEnum = 0x8B30 VERTEX_SHADER types.GLEnum = 0x8B31 )
View Source
const ( FALSE = 0 TRUE = 1 ZERO = 0 ONE = 1 NO_ERROR = 0 NONE = 0 )
View Source
const ( ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCK_MAX_NAME_LENGTH types.GLEnum = 0x8A35 ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS types.GLEnum = 0x8A36 ALREADY_SIGNALED types.GLEnum = 0x911A ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED types.GLEnum = 0x8C2F ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE types.GLEnum = 0x8D6A BLUE types.GLEnum = 0x1905 BUFFER_ACCESS_FLAGS types.GLEnum = 0x911F BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH types.GLEnum = 0x9120 BUFFER_MAP_OFFSET types.GLEnum = 0x9121 BUFFER_MAPPED types.GLEnum = 0x88BC BUFFER_MAP_POINTER types.GLEnum = 0x88BD COLOR types.GLEnum = 0x1800 COLOR_ATTACHMENT10 types.GLEnum = 0x8CEA COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 types.GLEnum = 0x8CE1 COLOR_ATTACHMENT11 types.GLEnum = 0x8CEB COLOR_ATTACHMENT12 types.GLEnum = 0x8CEC COLOR_ATTACHMENT13 types.GLEnum = 0x8CED COLOR_ATTACHMENT14 types.GLEnum = 0x8CEE COLOR_ATTACHMENT15 types.GLEnum = 0x8CEF COLOR_ATTACHMENT2 types.GLEnum = 0x8CE2 COLOR_ATTACHMENT3 types.GLEnum = 0x8CE3 COLOR_ATTACHMENT4 types.GLEnum = 0x8CE4 COLOR_ATTACHMENT5 types.GLEnum = 0x8CE5 COLOR_ATTACHMENT6 types.GLEnum = 0x8CE6 COLOR_ATTACHMENT7 types.GLEnum = 0x8CE7 COLOR_ATTACHMENT8 types.GLEnum = 0x8CE8 COLOR_ATTACHMENT9 types.GLEnum = 0x8CE9 COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE types.GLEnum = 0x884E COMPRESSED_R11_EAC types.GLEnum = 0x9270 COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC types.GLEnum = 0x9272 COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2 types.GLEnum = 0x9274 COMPRESSED_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2 types.GLEnum = 0x9276 COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC types.GLEnum = 0x9278 COMPRESSED_SIGNED_R11_EAC types.GLEnum = 0x9271 COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC types.GLEnum = 0x9273 COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC types.GLEnum = 0x9279 COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2 types.GLEnum = 0x9275 COMPRESSED_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2 types.GLEnum = 0x9277 CONDITION_SATISFIED types.GLEnum = 0x911C COPY_READ_BUFFER types.GLEnum = 0x8F36 COPY_READ_BUFFER_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x8F36 COPY_WRITE_BUFFER types.GLEnum = 0x8F37 COPY_WRITE_BUFFER_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x8F37 CURRENT_QUERY types.GLEnum = 0x8865 DEPTH types.GLEnum = 0x1801 DEPTH24_STENCIL8 types.GLEnum = 0x88F0 DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 types.GLEnum = 0x8CAD DEPTH_COMPONENT24 types.GLEnum = 0x81A6 DEPTH_COMPONENT32F types.GLEnum = 0x8CAC DEPTH_STENCIL types.GLEnum = 0x84F9 DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT types.GLEnum = 0x821A DRAW_BUFFER0 types.GLEnum = 0x8825 DRAW_BUFFER10 types.GLEnum = 0x882F DRAW_BUFFER1 types.GLEnum = 0x8826 DRAW_BUFFER11 types.GLEnum = 0x8830 DRAW_BUFFER12 types.GLEnum = 0x8831 DRAW_BUFFER13 types.GLEnum = 0x8832 DRAW_BUFFER14 types.GLEnum = 0x8833 DRAW_BUFFER15 types.GLEnum = 0x8834 DRAW_BUFFER2 types.GLEnum = 0x8827 DRAW_BUFFER3 types.GLEnum = 0x8828 DRAW_BUFFER4 types.GLEnum = 0x8829 DRAW_BUFFER5 types.GLEnum = 0x882A DRAW_BUFFER6 types.GLEnum = 0x882B DRAW_BUFFER7 types.GLEnum = 0x882C DRAW_BUFFER8 types.GLEnum = 0x882D DRAW_BUFFER9 types.GLEnum = 0x882E DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER types.GLEnum = 0x8CA9 DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x8CA6 DYNAMIC_COPY types.GLEnum = 0x88EA DYNAMIC_READ types.GLEnum = 0x88E9 FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV types.GLEnum = 0x8DAD FLOAT_MAT2x3 types.GLEnum = 0x8B65 FLOAT_MAT2x4 types.GLEnum = 0x8B66 FLOAT_MAT3x2 types.GLEnum = 0x8B67 FLOAT_MAT3x4 types.GLEnum = 0x8B68 FLOAT_MAT4x2 types.GLEnum = 0x8B69 FLOAT_MAT4x3 types.GLEnum = 0x8B6A FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT types.GLEnum = 0x8B8B FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_ALPHA_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8215 FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_BLUE_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8214 FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_ENCODING types.GLEnum = 0x8210 FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COMPONENT_TYPE types.GLEnum = 0x8211 FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_DEPTH_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8216 FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_GREEN_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8213 FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_RED_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8212 FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8217 FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LAYER types.GLEnum = 0x8CD4 FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT types.GLEnum = 0x8218 FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE types.GLEnum = 0x8D56 FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED types.GLEnum = 0x8219 GREEN types.GLEnum = 0x1904 HALF_FLOAT types.GLEnum = 0x140B INT_2_10_10_10_REV types.GLEnum = 0x8D9F INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS types.GLEnum = 0x8C8C INT_SAMPLER_2D types.GLEnum = 0x8DCA INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY types.GLEnum = 0x8DCF INT_SAMPLER_3D types.GLEnum = 0x8DCB INT_SAMPLER_CUBE types.GLEnum = 0x8DCC INVALID_INDEX types.GLEnum = 0xFFFFFFFF MAJOR_VERSION types.GLEnum = 0x821B MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT types.GLEnum = 0x0010 MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT types.GLEnum = 0x0008 MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT types.GLEnum = 0x0004 MAP_READ_BIT types.GLEnum = 0x0001 MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT types.GLEnum = 0x0020 MAP_WRITE_BIT types.GLEnum = 0x0002 MAX types.GLEnum = 0x8008 MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8073 MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS types.GLEnum = 0x88FF MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS types.GLEnum = 0x8CDF MAX_COMBINED_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS types.GLEnum = 0x8A33 MAX_COMBINED_UNIFORM_BLOCKS types.GLEnum = 0x8A2E MAX_COMBINED_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS types.GLEnum = 0x8A31 MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS types.GLEnum = 0x8824 MAX_ELEMENT_INDEX types.GLEnum = 0x8D6B MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES types.GLEnum = 0x80E9 MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES types.GLEnum = 0x80E8 MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUT_COMPONENTS types.GLEnum = 0x9125 MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_BLOCKS types.GLEnum = 0x8A2D MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS types.GLEnum = 0x8B49 MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET types.GLEnum = 0x8905 MAX_SAMPLES types.GLEnum = 0x8D57 MAX_SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT types.GLEnum = 0x9111 MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS types.GLEnum = 0x84FD MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS types.GLEnum = 0x8C8A MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS types.GLEnum = 0x8C8B MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_COMPONENTS types.GLEnum = 0x8C80 MAX_UNIFORM_BLOCK_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8A30 MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS types.GLEnum = 0x8A2F MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS types.GLEnum = 0x8B4B MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS types.GLEnum = 0x9122 MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_BLOCKS types.GLEnum = 0x8A2B MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS types.GLEnum = 0x8B4A MIN types.GLEnum = 0x8007 MINOR_VERSION types.GLEnum = 0x821C MIN_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET types.GLEnum = 0x8904 NUM_EXTENSIONS types.GLEnum = 0x821D NUM_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS types.GLEnum = 0x87FE NUM_SAMPLE_COUNTS types.GLEnum = 0x9380 OBJECT_TYPE types.GLEnum = 0x9112 PACK_ROW_LENGTH types.GLEnum = 0x0D02 PACK_SKIP_PIXELS types.GLEnum = 0x0D04 PACK_SKIP_ROWS types.GLEnum = 0x0D03 PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER types.GLEnum = 0x88EB PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x88ED PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER types.GLEnum = 0x88EC PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x88EF PRIMITIVE_RESTART_FIXED_INDEX types.GLEnum = 0x8D69 PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS types.GLEnum = 0x87FF PROGRAM_BINARY_LENGTH types.GLEnum = 0x8741 PROGRAM_BINARY_RETRIEVABLE_HINT types.GLEnum = 0x8257 QUERY_RESULT types.GLEnum = 0x8866 QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE types.GLEnum = 0x8867 R11F_G11F_B10F types.GLEnum = 0x8C3A R16F types.GLEnum = 0x822D R16I types.GLEnum = 0x8233 R16UI types.GLEnum = 0x8234 R32F types.GLEnum = 0x822E R32I types.GLEnum = 0x8235 R32UI types.GLEnum = 0x8236 R8 types.GLEnum = 0x8229 R8I types.GLEnum = 0x8231 R8_SNORM types.GLEnum = 0x8F94 R8UI types.GLEnum = 0x8232 RASTERIZER_DISCARD types.GLEnum = 0x8C89 READ_BUFFER types.GLEnum = 0x0C02 READ_FRAMEBUFFER types.GLEnum = 0x8CA8 READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x8CAA RED types.GLEnum = 0x1903 RED_INTEGER types.GLEnum = 0x8D94 RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES types.GLEnum = 0x8CAB RG types.GLEnum = 0x8227 RG16F types.GLEnum = 0x822F RG16I types.GLEnum = 0x8239 RG16UI types.GLEnum = 0x823A RG32F types.GLEnum = 0x8230 RG32I types.GLEnum = 0x823B RG32UI types.GLEnum = 0x823C RG8 types.GLEnum = 0x822B RG8I types.GLEnum = 0x8237 RG8_SNORM types.GLEnum = 0x8F95 RG8UI types.GLEnum = 0x8238 RGB10_A2 types.GLEnum = 0x8059 RGB10_A2UI types.GLEnum = 0x906F RGB16F types.GLEnum = 0x881B RGB16I types.GLEnum = 0x8D89 RGB16UI types.GLEnum = 0x8D77 RGB32F types.GLEnum = 0x8815 RGB32I types.GLEnum = 0x8D83 RGB32UI types.GLEnum = 0x8D71 RGB8 types.GLEnum = 0x8051 RGB8I types.GLEnum = 0x8D8F RGB8_SNORM types.GLEnum = 0x8F96 RGB8UI types.GLEnum = 0x8D7D RGB9_E5 types.GLEnum = 0x8C3D RGBA16F types.GLEnum = 0x881A RGBA16I types.GLEnum = 0x8D88 RGBA16UI types.GLEnum = 0x8D76 RGBA32F types.GLEnum = 0x8814 RGBA32I types.GLEnum = 0x8D82 RGBA32UI types.GLEnum = 0x8D70 RGBA8 types.GLEnum = 0x8058 RGBA8I types.GLEnum = 0x8D8E RGBA8_SNORM types.GLEnum = 0x8F97 RGBA8UI types.GLEnum = 0x8D7C RGBA_INTEGER types.GLEnum = 0x8D99 RGB_INTEGER types.GLEnum = 0x8D98 RG_INTEGER types.GLEnum = 0x8228 SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY types.GLEnum = 0x8DC1 SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW types.GLEnum = 0x8DC4 SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW types.GLEnum = 0x8B62 SAMPLER_3D types.GLEnum = 0x8B5F SAMPLER_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x8919 SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW types.GLEnum = 0x8DC5 SEPARATE_ATTRIBS types.GLEnum = 0x8C8D SIGNALED types.GLEnum = 0x9119 SIGNED_NORMALIZED types.GLEnum = 0x8F9C SRGB types.GLEnum = 0x8C40 SRGB8 types.GLEnum = 0x8C41 SRGB8_ALPHA8 types.GLEnum = 0x8C43 STATIC_COPY types.GLEnum = 0x88E6 STATIC_READ types.GLEnum = 0x88E5 STENCIL types.GLEnum = 0x1802 STREAM_COPY types.GLEnum = 0x88E2 STREAM_READ types.GLEnum = 0x88E1 SYNC_CONDITION types.GLEnum = 0x9113 SYNC_FENCE types.GLEnum = 0x9116 SYNC_FLAGS types.GLEnum = 0x9115 SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT types.GLEnum = 0x00000001 SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE types.GLEnum = 0x9117 SYNC_STATUS types.GLEnum = 0x9114 TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY types.GLEnum = 0x8C1A TEXTURE_3D types.GLEnum = 0x806F TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL types.GLEnum = 0x813C TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY types.GLEnum = 0x8C1D TEXTURE_BINDING_3D types.GLEnum = 0x806A TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC types.GLEnum = 0x884D TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE types.GLEnum = 0x884C TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT types.GLEnum = 0x912F TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_LEVELS types.GLEnum = 0x82DF TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL types.GLEnum = 0x813D TEXTURE_MAX_LOD types.GLEnum = 0x813B TEXTURE_MIN_LOD types.GLEnum = 0x813A TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A types.GLEnum = 0x8E45 TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B types.GLEnum = 0x8E44 TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G types.GLEnum = 0x8E43 TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R types.GLEnum = 0x8E42 TEXTURE_WRAP_R types.GLEnum = 0x8072 TIMEOUT_EXPIRED types.GLEnum = 0x911B TIMEOUT_IGNORED types.GLEnum = 0xFFFFFFFF TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK types.GLEnum = 0x8E22 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_ACTIVE types.GLEnum = 0x8E24 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x8E25 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER types.GLEnum = 0x8C8E TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x8C8F TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_MODE types.GLEnum = 0x8C7F TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8C85 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START types.GLEnum = 0x8C84 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PAUSED types.GLEnum = 0x8E23 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN types.GLEnum = 0x8C88 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING_MAX_LENGTH types.GLEnum = 0x8C76 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYINGS types.GLEnum = 0x8C83 UNIFORM_ARRAY_STRIDE types.GLEnum = 0x8A3C UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES types.GLEnum = 0x8A43 UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS types.GLEnum = 0x8A42 UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x8A3F UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8A40 UNIFORM_BLOCK_INDEX types.GLEnum = 0x8A3A UNIFORM_BLOCK_NAME_LENGTH types.GLEnum = 0x8A41 UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_FRAGMENT_SHADER types.GLEnum = 0x8A46 UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER types.GLEnum = 0x8A44 UNIFORM_BUFFER types.GLEnum = 0x8A11 UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x8A28 UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT types.GLEnum = 0x8A34 UNIFORM_BUFFER_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8A2A UNIFORM_BUFFER_START types.GLEnum = 0x8A29 UNIFORM_IS_ROW_MAJOR types.GLEnum = 0x8A3E UNIFORM_MATRIX_STRIDE types.GLEnum = 0x8A3D UNIFORM_NAME_LENGTH types.GLEnum = 0x8A39 UNIFORM_OFFSET types.GLEnum = 0x8A3B UNIFORM_SIZE types.GLEnum = 0x8A38 UNIFORM_TYPE types.GLEnum = 0x8A37 UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT types.GLEnum = 0x806E UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH types.GLEnum = 0x0CF2 UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES types.GLEnum = 0x806D UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS types.GLEnum = 0x0CF4 UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS types.GLEnum = 0x0CF3 UNSIGNALED types.GLEnum = 0x9118 UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV types.GLEnum = 0x8C3B UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV types.GLEnum = 0x8368 UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 types.GLEnum = 0x84FA UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV types.GLEnum = 0x8C3E UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D types.GLEnum = 0x8DD2 UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY types.GLEnum = 0x8DD7 UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D types.GLEnum = 0x8DD3 UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE types.GLEnum = 0x8DD4 UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2 types.GLEnum = 0x8DC6 UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3 types.GLEnum = 0x8DC7 UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4 types.GLEnum = 0x8DC8 UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED types.GLEnum = 0x8C17 VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING types.GLEnum = 0x85B5 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR types.GLEnum = 0x88FE VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER types.GLEnum = 0x88FD WAIT_FAILED types.GLEnum = 0x911D )
View Source
View Source
const ( DefaultPower types.PowerPreference = "default" HighPerformancePower types.PowerPreference = "high-performance" LowPower types.PowerPreference = "low-power" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type RenderingContext ¶
type RenderingContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WebGL context wrapper
func FromCanvas ¶
func FromCanvas(canvasEl js.Value) (*RenderingContext, error)
func WrapContext ¶
func WrapContext(jsContext js.Value) *RenderingContext
func (*RenderingContext) ActiveTexture ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) ActiveTexture(textureUnit uint32)
Specifies which texture unit to make active
func (*RenderingContext) AttachShader ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) AttachShader(program *types.Program, shader *types.Shader)
func (*RenderingContext) BindAttribLocation ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BindAttribLocation(program *types.Program, index int, name string)
func (*RenderingContext) BindBuffer ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BindBuffer(target types.GLEnum, buffer *types.Buffer)
func (*RenderingContext) BindFrameBuffer ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BindFrameBuffer(target types.GLEnum, buffer *types.FrameBuffer)
func (*RenderingContext) BindRenderBuffer ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BindRenderBuffer(target types.GLEnum, buffer *types.RenderBuffer)
func (*RenderingContext) BindTexture ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BindTexture(target types.GLEnum, texture *types.Texture)
func (*RenderingContext) BlendColor ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BlendColor(r, g, b, a float32)
func (*RenderingContext) BlendEquation ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BlendEquation(mode types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) BlendEquationSeparate ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BlendEquationSeparate(modeRGB types.GLEnum, modeAlpha types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) BlendFunc ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BlendFunc(sFactor types.GLEnum, dFactor types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) BlendFuncSeparate ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BlendFuncSeparate(srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) BufferData ¶
func (*RenderingContext) BufferDataBySize ¶
func (*RenderingContext) BufferDataI ¶
func (*RenderingContext) BufferDataIWithOffset ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BufferDataIWithOffset(target types.GLEnum, srcData []int, usage types.GLEnum, srcOffset, length uint)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) BufferDataUI ¶
func (*RenderingContext) BufferDataUI16 ¶
func (*RenderingContext) BufferDataUIWithOffset ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BufferDataUIWithOffset(target types.GLEnum, srcData []uint, usage types.GLEnum, srcOffset, length uint)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) BufferDataWithOffset ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BufferDataWithOffset(target types.GLEnum, srcData []float32, usage types.GLEnum, srcOffset, length uint)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) BufferSubData ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BufferSubData(target types.GLEnum, offset int, srcData []float32)
func (*RenderingContext) BufferSubDataI ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BufferSubDataI(target types.GLEnum, offset int, srcData []int)
func (*RenderingContext) BufferSubDataIWithOffset ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BufferSubDataIWithOffset(target types.GLEnum, dstByteOffset int, srcData []int, srcOffset, length uint)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) BufferSubDataUI ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BufferSubDataUI(target types.GLEnum, offset int, srcData []uint)
func (*RenderingContext) BufferSubDataUIWithOffset ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BufferSubDataUIWithOffset(target types.GLEnum, dstByteOffset int, srcData []uint, srcOffset, length uint)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) BufferSubDataWithOffset ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) BufferSubDataWithOffset(target types.GLEnum, dstByteOffset int, srcData []float32, srcOffset, length uint)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) CheckFrameBufferStatus ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) CheckFrameBufferStatus(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) Clear ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Clear(mask uint32)
func (*RenderingContext) ClearColor ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) ClearColor(r, g, b, a float32)
func (*RenderingContext) ClearDepth ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) ClearDepth(depth float32)
func (*RenderingContext) ClearStencil ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) ClearStencil(s int)
func (*RenderingContext) ColorMask ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) ColorMask(r, g, b, a float32)
func (*RenderingContext) Commit ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Commit()
func (*RenderingContext) CompileShader ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) CompileShader(shader *types.Shader)
func (*RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage2D ¶
func (*RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage2DFromOffset ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage2DFromOffset(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width int, height int, border int, srcData []float32, srcOffset int, srcLengthOverride int)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage2DIn ¶
func (*RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage2DOffset ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage2DOffset(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width int, height int, border int, imageSize int, offset int)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage3DFromOffset ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage3DFromOffset(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width int, height int, depth int, border int, srcData []float32, srcOffset int, srcLengthOverride int)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage3DOffset ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) CompressedTexImage3DOffset(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width int, height int, depth int, border int, imageSize int, offset int)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) CompressedTexSubImage2D ¶
func (*RenderingContext) CompressedTexSubImage2DFrom ¶
func (*RenderingContext) CompressedTexSubImage2DFromOffset ¶
func (*RenderingContext) CompressedTexSubImage2DIn ¶
func (*RenderingContext) CopyTexImage2D ¶
func (*RenderingContext) CopyTexSubImage2D ¶
func (*RenderingContext) CreateBuffer ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) CreateBuffer() *types.Buffer
func (*RenderingContext) CreateFragmentShader ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) CreateFragmentShader() *types.Shader
func (*RenderingContext) CreateFrameBuffer ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) CreateFrameBuffer() *types.FrameBuffer
func (*RenderingContext) CreateProgram ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) CreateProgram() *types.Program
func (*RenderingContext) CreateRenderBuffer ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) CreateRenderBuffer() *types.RenderBuffer
func (*RenderingContext) CreateShader ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) CreateShader(shaderType types.GLEnum) *types.Shader
func (*RenderingContext) CreateTexture ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) CreateTexture() *types.Texture
func (*RenderingContext) CreateVertexShader ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) CreateVertexShader() *types.Shader
func (*RenderingContext) CullFace ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) CullFace(mode types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) DeleteBuffer ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) DeleteBuffer(buffer *types.Buffer)
func (*RenderingContext) DeleteFrameBuffer ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) DeleteFrameBuffer(framebuffer *types.FrameBuffer)
func (*RenderingContext) DeleteProgram ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) DeleteProgram(program *types.Program)
func (*RenderingContext) DeleteRenderBuffer ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) DeleteRenderBuffer(renderbuffer *types.RenderBuffer)
func (*RenderingContext) DeleteShader ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) DeleteShader(shader *types.Shader)
func (*RenderingContext) DeleteTexture ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) DeleteTexture(texture *types.Texture)
func (*RenderingContext) DepthFunc ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) DepthFunc(depth types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) DepthMask ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) DepthMask(flag bool)
func (*RenderingContext) DepthRange ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) DepthRange(zNear, zFar float32)
func (*RenderingContext) DetachShader ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) DetachShader(program *types.Program, shader *types.Shader)
func (*RenderingContext) Disable ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Disable(cap types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) DisableVertexAttribArray ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) DisableVertexAttribArray(index int)
func (*RenderingContext) DrawArrays ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) DrawArrays(mode types.GLEnum, first int, count int)
func (*RenderingContext) DrawElements ¶
func (*RenderingContext) Enable ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Enable(cap types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) EnableVertexAttribArray ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) EnableVertexAttribArray(index int)
func (*RenderingContext) Finnish ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Finnish()
func (*RenderingContext) Flush ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Flush()
func (*RenderingContext) FrameBufferRenderbuffer ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) FrameBufferRenderbuffer(target types.GLEnum, attachment types.GLEnum, renderBufferTarget types.GLEnum, renderBuffer *types.RenderBuffer)
func (*RenderingContext) FrameBufferTexture2D ¶
func (*RenderingContext) FrontFace ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) FrontFace(mode types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) GenerateMipmap ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GenerateMipmap(target types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) GetActiveAttrib ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetActiveAttrib(program *types.Program, index uint) *types.ActiveInfo
func (*RenderingContext) GetActiveUniform ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetActiveUniform(program *types.Program, index uint) *types.ActiveInfo
func (*RenderingContext) GetAttachedShaders ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetAttachedShaders(program *types.Program) []*types.Shader
func (*RenderingContext) GetAttribLocation ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetAttribLocation(program *types.Program, name string) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetBufferParameter ¶
func (*RenderingContext) GetCanvas ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetCanvas() js.Value
func (*RenderingContext) GetContextAttributes ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetContextAttributes() *types.Attributes
func (*RenderingContext) GetDrawingBufferHeight ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetDrawingBufferHeight() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetDrawingBufferWidth ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetDrawingBufferWidth() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetError ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetError() error
func (*RenderingContext) GetExtension ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetExtension(name string) *extensions.Extension
func (*RenderingContext) GetExtensionLoseContext ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetExtensionLoseContext() *extensions.LoseContext
func (*RenderingContext) GetFrameBufferAttachmentParameterEnum ¶
func (*RenderingContext) GetFrameBufferAttachmentParameterInt ¶
func (*RenderingContext) GetFrameBufferAttachmentParameterRenderBuffer ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetFrameBufferAttachmentParameterRenderBuffer(target types.GLEnum, attachment types.GLEnum, pName types.GLEnum) *types.RenderBuffer
func (*RenderingContext) GetFrameBufferAttachmentParameterTexture ¶
func (*RenderingContext) GetJs ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetJs() js.Value
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameter ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameter(pName types.GLEnum) js.Value
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterActiveTexture ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterActiveTexture() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterAliasedLineWidthRange ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterAliasedLineWidthRange() [2]float32
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterAliasedPointSizeRange ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterAliasedPointSizeRange() [2]float32
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterAlphaBits ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterAlphaBits() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterArrayBufferBinding ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterArrayBufferBinding() *types.Buffer
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterBlend ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlend() bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendColor ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendColor() [4]float32
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendDstAlpha ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendDstAlpha() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendDstRgb ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendDstRgb() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendEquation ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendEquation() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendEquationAlpha ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendEquationAlpha() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendEquationRgb ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendEquationRgb() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendSrcAlpha ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendSrcAlpha() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendSrcRgb ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlendSrcRgb() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterBlueBits ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterBlueBits() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterColorClearValue ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterColorClearValue() [4]float32
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterColorWritemask ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterColorWritemask() [4]bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterCombinedTextureImageUnits ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterCombinedTextureImageUnits() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterCompressedTextureFormats ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterCompressedTextureFormats() []types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterCullFace ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterCullFace() bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterCullFaceMode ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterCullFaceMode() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterCurrentProgram ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterCurrentProgram() *types.Program
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterDepthBits ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterDepthBits() float32
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterDepthFunc ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterDepthFunc() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterElementArrayBufferBinding ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterElementArrayBufferBinding() *types.Buffer
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterFrameBufferBinding ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterFrameBufferBinding() *types.FrameBuffer
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterFrontFace ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterFrontFace() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterGenerateMipmapHint ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterGenerateMipmapHint() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterGreenBits ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterGreenBits() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterImplementationColorReadFormat ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterImplementationColorReadFormat() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterImplementationColorReadType ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterImplementationColorReadType() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterLineWidth ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterLineWidth() float32
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxCubeMapTextureSize ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxCubeMapTextureSize() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxFragmentUniformVectors ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxFragmentUniformVectors() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxRenderBufferSize ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxRenderBufferSize() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxTextureImageUnits ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxTextureImageUnits() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxTextureSize ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxTextureSize() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxVaryingVectors ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxVaryingVectors() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxVertexAttribs ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxVertexAttribs() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxVertexTextureImageUnits ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxVertexTextureImageUnits() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxVertexUniformVectors ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxVertexUniformVectors() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxViewportDims ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterMaxViewportDims() [2]float32
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterPackAlignment ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterPackAlignment() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterPolygonOffsetFactor ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterPolygonOffsetFactor() float32
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterPolygonOffsetFill ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterPolygonOffsetFill() bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterPolygonOffsetUnits ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterPolygonOffsetUnits() float32
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterRedBits ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterRedBits() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterRenderBufferBinding ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterRenderBufferBinding() *types.RenderBuffer
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterRenderer ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterRenderer() string
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterSampleBuffers ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterSampleBuffers() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterSampleCoverageInvert ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterSampleCoverageInvert() bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterSampleCoverageValue ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterSampleCoverageValue() float32
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterSamples ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterSamples() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterScissorBox ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterScissorBox() [4]bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterScissorTest ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterScissorTest() bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterShadingLanguageVersion ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterShadingLanguageVersion() string
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackFail ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackFail() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackFunc ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackFunc() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackPassDepthFail ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackPassDepthFail() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackPassDepthPass ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackPassDepthPass() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackRef ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackRef() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackValueMask ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackValueMask() uint
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackWritemask ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBackWritemask() uint
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBits ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilBits() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilClearValue ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilClearValue() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilFail ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilFail() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilFunc ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilFunc() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilPassDepthFail ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilPassDepthFail() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilPassDepthPass ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilPassDepthPass() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilRef ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilRef() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilTest ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilTest() bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilValueMask ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilValueMask() uint
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilWritemask ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterStencilWritemask() uint
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterSubpixelBits ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterSubpixelBits() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterTextureBinding2D ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterTextureBinding2D() *types.Texture
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterTextureBindingCubeMap ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterTextureBindingCubeMap() *types.Texture
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterUnpackAlignment ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterUnpackAlignment() int
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterUnpackColorspaceConversionWebGL ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterUnpackColorspaceConversionWebGL() types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterUnpackFlipYWebGL ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterUnpackFlipYWebGL() bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterUnpackPremultiplyAlphaWebGL ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterUnpackPremultiplyAlphaWebGL() bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterVendor ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterVendor() string
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterVersion ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterVersion() string
func (*RenderingContext) GetParameterViewport ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetParameterViewport() [4]bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetProgramInfoLog ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramInfoLog(program *types.Program) string
func (*RenderingContext) GetProgramParameter ¶
func (*RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterActiveAttributes ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterActiveAttributes(program *types.Program) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterActiveUniformBlocks ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterActiveUniformBlocks(program *types.Program) int
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterActiveUniforms ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterActiveUniforms(program *types.Program) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterAttachedShaders ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterAttachedShaders(program *types.Program) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterDeleteStatus ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterDeleteStatus(program *types.Program) bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterLinkStatus ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterLinkStatus(program *types.Program) bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterTransformFeedbackBufferMode ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterTransformFeedbackBufferMode(program *types.Program) types.GLEnum
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterTransformFeedbackVaryings ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterTransformFeedbackVaryings(program *types.Program) int
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterValidateStatus ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetProgramParameterValidateStatus(program *types.Program) bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameter ¶
func (*RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferAlphaSize ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferAlphaSize(target types.GLEnum) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferBlueSize ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferBlueSize(target types.GLEnum) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferDepthSize ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferDepthSize(target types.GLEnum) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferGreenSize ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferGreenSize(target types.GLEnum) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferHeight ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferHeight(target types.GLEnum) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferInternalFormat ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferInternalFormat(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferRedSize ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferRedSize(target types.GLEnum) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferSamples ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferSamples(target types.GLEnum) int
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferStencilSize ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferStencilSize(target types.GLEnum) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferWidth ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetRenderbufferParameterRenderBufferWidth(target types.GLEnum) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetShaderInfoLog ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetShaderInfoLog(shader *types.Shader) string
func (*RenderingContext) GetShaderParameter ¶
func (*RenderingContext) GetShaderParameterCompileStatus ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetShaderParameterCompileStatus(shader *types.Shader) bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetShaderParameterDeleteStatus ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetShaderParameterDeleteStatus(shader *types.Shader) bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetShaderParameterShaderType ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetShaderParameterShaderType(shader *types.Shader) types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetShaderPrecisionFormat ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetShaderPrecisionFormat(shaderType types.GLEnum, precisionType types.GLEnum) *types.ShaderPrecisionFormat
func (*RenderingContext) GetShaderSource ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetShaderSource(shader *types.Shader) string
func (*RenderingContext) GetSupportedExtensions ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetSupportedExtensions() []extensions.Name
func (*RenderingContext) GetTexParameter ¶
func (*RenderingContext) GetTexParameterBaseLevel ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterBaseLevel(target types.GLEnum) int
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) GetTexParameterCompareFunc ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterCompareFunc(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) GetTexParameterCompareMode ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterCompareMode(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) GetTexParameterImmutableFormat ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterImmutableFormat(target types.GLEnum) bool
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) GetTexParameterImmutableLevels ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterImmutableLevels(target types.GLEnum) uint
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMagFilter ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMagFilter(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMaxAnisotropyExt ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMaxAnisotropyExt(target types.GLEnum) float32
func (*RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMaxLOD ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMaxLOD(target types.GLEnum) float32
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMaxLever ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMaxLever(target types.GLEnum) int
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMinFilter ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMinFilter(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMinLOD ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterMinLOD(target types.GLEnum) float32
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) GetTexParameterWrapR ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterWrapR(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) GetTexParameterWrapS ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterWrapS(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetTexParameterWrapT ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetTexParameterWrapT(target types.GLEnum) types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetUniform ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetUniform(program *types.Program, location *types.UniformLocation) js.Value
func (*RenderingContext) GetUniformLocation ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetUniformLocation(program *types.Program, name string) *types.UniformLocation
func (*RenderingContext) GetVertexAttrib ¶
func (*RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayBufferBinding ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayBufferBinding(index int) *types.Buffer
func (*RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayBufferEnabled ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayBufferEnabled(index int) bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayDivisor ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayDivisor(index int) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayDivisorAngle ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayDivisorAngle(index int) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayInteger ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayInteger(index int) bool
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayNormalized ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayNormalized(index int) bool
func (*RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArraySize ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArraySize(index int) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayStride ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayStride(index int) int
func (*RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayType ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribArrayType(index int) types.GLEnum
func (*RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribCurrentVertexAttrib ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribCurrentVertexAttrib(index int) [4]float32
func (*RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribOffset ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) GetVertexAttribOffset(index int, pName types.GLEnum) int
func (*RenderingContext) Hint ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Hint(target types.GLEnum, mode types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) IsContextLost ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) IsContextLost() bool
func (*RenderingContext) IsFrameBuffer ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) IsFrameBuffer(framebuffer js.Value) bool
func (*RenderingContext) IsRenderbuffer ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) IsRenderbuffer(renderbuffer js.Value) bool
func (*RenderingContext) LineWidth
func (c *RenderingContext) LineWidth(width float32)
Deprecated: Most browsers only support 1.0 value
func (*RenderingContext) LinkProgram ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) LinkProgram(program *types.Program)
func (*RenderingContext) PixelStorei ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) PixelStorei(pName types.GLEnum, param int)
func (*RenderingContext) PolygonOffset ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) PolygonOffset(factor float32, units float32)
func (*RenderingContext) ReadPixels ¶
func (*RenderingContext) ReadPixelsOffset ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) ReadPixelsOffset(x, y int, width, height int, format types.GLEnum, pixels js.Value, dstOffset uint)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) ReadPixelsOffsetPointer ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) ReadPixelsOffsetPointer(x, y int, width, height int, format types.GLEnum, offset int)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) RenderbufferStorage ¶
func (*RenderingContext) SampleCoverage ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) SampleCoverage(value float32, invert bool)
func (*RenderingContext) Scissor ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Scissor(x int, y int, width int, height int)
func (*RenderingContext) ShaderSource ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) ShaderSource(shader *types.Shader, source string)
func (*RenderingContext) StencilFunc ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) StencilFunc(function types.GLEnum, ref int, mask uint32)
func (*RenderingContext) StencilFuncSeparate ¶
func (*RenderingContext) StencilMask ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) StencilMask(mask uint32)
func (*RenderingContext) StencilMaskSeparate ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) StencilMaskSeparate(face types.GLEnum, mask uint32)
func (*RenderingContext) StencilOpSeparate ¶
func (*RenderingContext) TexImage2D2 ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexImage2D2(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width, height int, border int, format types.GLEnum, dataType types.GLEnum, srcData []float32, srcOffset int)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) TexImage2DHtmlElement ¶
func (*RenderingContext) TexImage2DHtmlElement2 ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexImage2DHtmlElement2(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width, height int, border int, format types.GLEnum, dataType types.GLEnum, source js.Value)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) TexImage2DOffset ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexImage2DOffset(target types.GLEnum, level int, internalFormat types.GLEnum, width, height int, border int, format types.GLEnum, dataType types.GLEnum, offset int)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) TexImage2Db ¶
func (*RenderingContext) TexImage2Df ¶
func (*RenderingContext) TexImage2Dui16 ¶
func (*RenderingContext) TexImage2Dui32 ¶
func (*RenderingContext) TexParameterBaseLevel ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterBaseLevel(target types.GLEnum, param int)
func (*RenderingContext) TexParameterCompareFunc ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterCompareFunc(target types.GLEnum, param types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) TexParameterCompareMode ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterCompareMode(target types.GLEnum, param types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) TexParameterMagFilter ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterMagFilter(target types.GLEnum, param types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) TexParameterMaxAnisotropyExt ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterMaxAnisotropyExt(target types.GLEnum, param float32)
func (*RenderingContext) TexParameterMaxLOD ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterMaxLOD(target types.GLEnum, param int)
func (*RenderingContext) TexParameterMaxLevel ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterMaxLevel(target types.GLEnum, param int)
func (*RenderingContext) TexParameterMinFilter ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterMinFilter(target types.GLEnum, param types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) TexParameterMinLOD ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterMinLOD(target types.GLEnum, param int)
func (*RenderingContext) TexParameterWrapR ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterWrapR(target types.GLEnum, param types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) TexParameterWrapS ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterWrapS(target types.GLEnum, param types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) TexParameterWrapT ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexParameterWrapT(target types.GLEnum, param types.GLEnum)
func (*RenderingContext) TexParameterf ¶
func (*RenderingContext) TexParameteri ¶
func (*RenderingContext) TexSubImage2D ¶
func (*RenderingContext) TexSubImage2DHtmlElement ¶
func (*RenderingContext) TexSubImage2DHtmlElement2 ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexSubImage2DHtmlElement2(target types.GLEnum, level int, xOffset, yOffset int, width, height int, format types.GLEnum, dataType types.GLEnum, source js.Value)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) TexSubImage2DOffset ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexSubImage2DOffset(target types.GLEnum, level int, xOffset, yOffset int, format types.GLEnum, dataType types.GLEnum, offset int)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) TexSubImage2DOffset2 ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) TexSubImage2DOffset2(target types.GLEnum, level int, xOffset, yOffset int, width, height int, format types.GLEnum, dataType types.GLEnum, offset int)
WebGL 2.0
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform1f ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform1f(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 float32)
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform1fv ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform1fv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []float32)
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform1i ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform1i(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 int)
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform1iv ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform1iv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []int)
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform2f ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform2f(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 float32, v1 float32)
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform2fv ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform2fv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []float32)
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform2i ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform2i(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 int, v1 int)
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform2iv ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform2iv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []int)
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform3f ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform3f(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 float32, v1 float32, v2 float32)
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform3fv ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform3fv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []float32)
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform3i ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform3i(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 int, v1 int, v2 int)
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform3iv ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform3iv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []int)
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform4f ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform4f(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 float32, v1 float32, v2 float32, v3 float32)
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform4fv ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform4fv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []float32)
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform4i ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform4i(location *types.UniformLocation, v0 int, v1 int, v2 int, v3 int)
func (*RenderingContext) Uniform4iv ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) Uniform4iv(location *types.UniformLocation, value []int)
func (*RenderingContext) UniformMatrix2fv ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) UniformMatrix2fv(location *types.UniformLocation, transpose bool, value []float32)
func (*RenderingContext) UniformMatrix3fv ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) UniformMatrix3fv(location *types.UniformLocation, transpose bool, value []float32)
func (*RenderingContext) UniformMatrix4fv ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) UniformMatrix4fv(location *types.UniformLocation, transpose bool, value []float32)
func (*RenderingContext) UseProgram ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) UseProgram(program *types.Program)
func (*RenderingContext) ValidateProgram ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) ValidateProgram(program *types.Program)
func (*RenderingContext) VertexAttrib1f ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib1f(index int, v0 float32)
func (*RenderingContext) VertexAttrib1fv ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib1fv(index int, value []float32)
func (*RenderingContext) VertexAttrib2f ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib2f(index int, v0, v1 float32)
func (*RenderingContext) VertexAttrib2fv ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib2fv(index int, value []float32)
func (*RenderingContext) VertexAttrib3f ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib3f(index int, v0, v1, v2 float32)
func (*RenderingContext) VertexAttrib3fv ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib3fv(index int, value []float32)
func (*RenderingContext) VertexAttrib4f ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib4f(index int, v0, v1, v2, v3 float32)
func (*RenderingContext) VertexAttrib4fv ¶
func (c *RenderingContext) VertexAttrib4fv(index int, value []float32)
func (*RenderingContext) VertexAttribPointer ¶
Path | Synopsis |
Package jsutil offers utility functions for Wasm.
Package jsutil offers utility functions for Wasm. |
Based on the example:
Based on the example: |
Based on the example: Buffers and shaders, shamelessly copied from:
Based on the example: Buffers and shaders, shamelessly copied from: |
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