kubectl fzf plugin
This plugin is the similar to the next command (fish).
The key binding is similar to the window operations of Emacs.
> set -l resource pods
> set -l key_bindings ctrl-k:kill-line,ctrl-alt-t:toggle-preview,ctrl-alt-n:preview-down,ctrl-alt-p:preview-up,ctrl-alt-v:preview-page-down
> kubectl get $resource | fzf --inline-info --multi --layout=reverse --preview="kubectl describe $resource {1}" --preview-window=down:70% --bind $key_bindings --header-lines 1 | awk '{ print $1 }' | string trim
# Or next command if resource is "all" or has multiple resources like "pods,services"
> kubectl get all --no-headers=true | fzf --inline-info --multi --layout=reverse --preview="kubectl describe {1}" --preview-window=down:70% --bind $key_bindings | awk '{ print $1 }' | string trim
Example usages
> kubectl fzf pods | xargs kubectl describe pods
> kubectl fzf pods,svc | xargs kubectl describe # support multiple resources
> kubectl fzf all | xargs kubectl describe # support "all"
> kubectl fzf svc | xargs -I{} kubectl port-forward svc/{} 9000:9000
You can also register this command as shortcut keys and use them.
For example, as default setting, you can select your pods by next moment.
> kubectl describe pod [C-x C-k C-p]
Then you can select pods on the fzf finder and select one or multiple pods.
kubectl fzf CLI
You must install go >= v1.13
> go get -u github.com/at-ishikawa/kubectl-fzf/cmd/kubectl-fzf
Shortcut keys
For a Fish user, you can set up default shortcut keys by next command.
> fisher add at-ishikawa/kubectl-fzf
These are shortcut keys to run this command.
- The prefix key: Ctrl-x Ctrl-k
kubectl fzf pod
: Ctrl-p
kubectl fzf deployment
: Ctrl-d
kubectl fzf service
: Ctrl-s
kubectl fzf configmap
: Ctrl-c
kubectl fzf horizontalpodautoscaler
: Ctrl-h
kubectl fzf all
: Ctrl-a
Note that there is no support to remove these short cut keys on uninstallation currently.
> kubectl fzf --help
kubectl get [resource] command with fzf
kubectl-fzf [resource] [flags]
-h, --help help for kubectl-fzf
-n, --namespace string Kubernetes namespace
-p, --preview-format string The format of preview (default "describe")
-q, --query string Start the fzf with this query
- go (version 1.13)
- fzf
- kubectl
Environment variables
- The option for fzf.
- Default:
--inline-info --multi --layout reverse --preview '$KUBECTL_FZF_FZF_PREVIEW_OPTION' --preview-window down:70% --header-lines 1 --bind ctrl-k:kill-line,ctrl-alt-t:toggle-preview,ctrl-alt-n:preview-down,ctrl-alt-p:preview-up,ctrl-alt-v:preview-page-down
is replaced with the command, which depends on --preview-format