Path | Synopsis |
Package api is Beehive's RESTful api for introspection and configuration go-bindata ( stub so beehive works also without embedded assets.
Package api is Beehive's RESTful api for introspection and configuration go-bindata ( stub so beehive works also without embedded assets. |
Package app is Beehive's application container.
Package app is Beehive's application container. |
Package bees is Beehive's central module system.
Package bees is Beehive's central module system. |
Package alertoverbee is able to send notifications on AlertOver.
Package alertoverbee is able to send notifications on AlertOver. |
Package anelpowerctrlbee is a Bee for talking to Anel's PowerCtrl network power sockets.
Package anelpowerctrlbee is a Bee for talking to Anel's PowerCtrl network power sockets. |
Package cleverbotbee is a Bee that can interact with cleverbot
Package cleverbotbee is a Bee that can interact with cleverbot |
Package cronbee is a Bee that acts like a time-based job scheduler (cron).
Package cronbee is a Bee that acts like a time-based job scheduler (cron). |
Package cron allows you to schedule events.
Package cron allows you to schedule events. |
Package devrantbee is a Bee that can post blogs & quotes on Devrant.
Package devrantbee is a Bee that can post blogs & quotes on Devrant. |
Package efabee is a Bee that interfaces with the public EVA API.
Package efabee is a Bee that interfaces with the public EVA API. |
Package emailbee is a Bee that is able to send emails.
Package emailbee is a Bee that is able to send emails. |
Package execbee is a Bee that can launch external processes.
Package execbee is a Bee that can launch external processes. |
Package facebookbee is a Bee that can interface with Facebook.
Package facebookbee is a Bee that can interface with Facebook. |
Package githubbee is a Bee that can interface with GitHub Package githubbee is a Bee that can interface with GitHub Package githubbee is a Bee that can interface with GitHub
Package githubbee is a Bee that can interface with GitHub Package githubbee is a Bee that can interface with GitHub Package githubbee is a Bee that can interface with GitHub |
Package gitterbee is a Bee that can interface with Gitter Package gitterbee is a Bee that can interface with Gitter
Package gitterbee is a Bee that can interface with Gitter Package gitterbee is a Bee that can interface with Gitter |
Package hellobee is an example for a Bee skeleton, designed to help you get started with writing your own Bees.
Package hellobee is an example for a Bee skeleton, designed to help you get started with writing your own Bees. |
Package htmlextractbee is a Bee that can extract metadata from HTTP URLs.
Package htmlextractbee is a Bee that can extract metadata from HTTP URLs. |
Package httpbee is a Bee that lets you trigger HTTP requests.
Package httpbee is a Bee that lets you trigger HTTP requests. |
Package huebee is a Bee that can talk to Philips Hue bridges.
Package huebee is a Bee that can talk to Philips Hue bridges. |
Package ircbee is a Bee that can connect to an IRC server.
Package ircbee is a Bee that can connect to an IRC server. |
Package irctools is a collection of convenient IRC styling methods.
Package irctools is a collection of convenient IRC styling methods. |
Package jabberbee is a Bee that can connect to a Jabber/XMPP server.
Package jabberbee is a Bee that can connect to a Jabber/XMPP server. |
Package jenkinsbee is a Bee that can interface with a Jenkins server.
Package jenkinsbee is a Bee that can interface with a Jenkins server. |
Package mumblebee is a Bee that can connect to a Mumble/XMPP server.
Package mumblebee is a Bee that can connect to a Mumble/XMPP server. |
Package nagiosbee is a Bee that can interface with a Nagios instance.
Package nagiosbee is a Bee that can interface with a Nagios instance. |
Package notificationbee is a Bee that can trigger desktop notifications.
Package notificationbee is a Bee that can trigger desktop notifications. |
Package openweathermapbee is a Bee that can interact with cleverbot
Package openweathermapbee is a Bee that can interact with cleverbot |
Package pastebinbee is a Bee that can interface with Pastebin.
Package pastebinbee is a Bee that can interface with Pastebin. |
Package pushoverbee is a Bee that can send pushover notifications.
Package pushoverbee is a Bee that can send pushover notifications. |
Package rssbee is a Bee for handling RSS feeds.
Package rssbee is a Bee for handling RSS feeds. |
Package serialbee is a Bee that can send & receive data on a serial port.
Package serialbee is a Bee that can send & receive data on a serial port. |
Package simplepushbee is a Bee that is able to send push notifications to Android.
Package simplepushbee is a Bee that is able to send push notifications to Android. |
Package slackbee is a Bee that can connect to Slack.
Package slackbee is a Bee that can connect to Slack. |
Package spaceapibee is a Bee that can query a spaceapi server.
Package spaceapibee is a Bee that can query a spaceapi server. |
Package telegrambee is a Bee that can connect to Telegram.
Package telegrambee is a Bee that can connect to Telegram. |
Package timebee is a Bee that can fire events at a specific time.
Package timebee is a Bee that can fire events at a specific time. |
Package tinderbee is a Bee that can post blogs & quotes on Tinder.
Package tinderbee is a Bee that can post blogs & quotes on Tinder. |
Package transmissionbee is a Bee that can send torrents to Transmission.
Package transmissionbee is a Bee that can send torrents to Transmission. |
Package tumblrbee is a Bee that can post blogs & quotes on Tumblr.
Package tumblrbee is a Bee that can post blogs & quotes on Tumblr. |
Package twiliobee is a Bee that is able to send SMS messages.
Package twiliobee is a Bee that is able to send SMS messages. |
Package twitterbee is a Bee that can interface with Twitter.
Package twitterbee is a Bee that can interface with Twitter. |
Package webbee is a Bee that starts an HTTP server and fires events for incoming requests.
Package webbee is a Bee that starts an HTTP server and fires events for incoming requests. |
Package filters contains Beehive's filter system.
Package filters contains Beehive's filter system. |
Package templatefilter provides a template-based filter.
Package templatefilter provides a template-based filter. |
Package templatehelper provides a func-map of common template functions
Package templatehelper provides a func-map of common template functions |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.