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Published: Dec 13, 2021 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 5 Imported by: 0


Huobi ECO Chain – Heco

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Introduction to the Huobi Open Platform

The Huobi Open Platform is a unified infrastructure platform based on the technical, traffic and ecological resources of the Huobi Group, and will be gradually open to the blockchain industry. It will make the construction of decentralized applications more efficient and cost-effective, and provide comprehensive empowerment in aspects of promotion, traffic, and resources. In December 2020, the first product of the Huobi Open Platform, the Huobi ECO Chain, also known as Heco, officially launched its "Tinder" phase. In addition, Huobi Open Platform will launch DEX and other blockchain infrastructures based on Layer 2. The Huobi Open Platform will provide global developers with series of diverse innovative facilities and services.

Introduction to Huobi ECO Chain

Huobi ECO Chain (Heco) is a decentralized, high-efficiency and energy-saving public chain, also the first product launched by the Huobi Open Platform. It is compatible with smart contracts and supports high-performance transactions. The endogenous token of Heco is HT and it adopts the HPoS consensus mechanism. Heco will continue to improve the efficiency of Ethereum by Layer2, which will supplement and empower the Ethereum ecosystem.


To help developers’ evolvement at every stage


Technological innovation is the driving force behind the advancement of the blockchain industry, but many innovative projects have been misunderstood and ignored at their early stages. We have witnessed the growth process of great projects. Recalling that Ethereum and Polkadot were questioned as altcoins in the early days, they all went through difficult times. Therefore, Heco's mission is not only a public chain, but also to focus on the discovery and support of high-potential developers and innovative projects. Relying on the world's largest trading ecosystem, Heco is committed to becoming the birthplace of innovative technologies and innovative businesses, and building a complete ecological loop of technology development, application promotion, and trading.

Heco’s Performance

  • TPS: 500+
  • Average block interval: 3s

Consensus Mechanism

HPoS consensus mechanism: it has the characteristics of low transaction cost, low transaction delay, and high transaction concurrency.

The maximum number of validators supported is 21.

Economic Model

The endogenous token on the chain is HT; the transactions consume HT as gas fee.

Miners pledge HT to become validator nodes. The reward of nodes is gas fee, which is distributed according to the mortgage proportion.


Assets such as BTC, ETH and stable coins can be mapped to Heco by an asset bridge. The realization method is to lock a certain amount of tokens on the original chain then generate a corresponding number of tokens on Heco.

Heco encourages developers to provide more decentralized cross-chain solution.

Meta Transaction Function

The meta-transaction function is supported, which allows users to reduce gas fees step-wise, and Heco will cover the payment of the reduced part. The meta-transaction function allows to minimize the migration cost of DApp developers, as well as to effectively reduce the cost of DApp users.

Heco Technical Characteristics

  • An open and decentralized network to maintain the security of the network and assets.
  • Support the programmability of EVM, the compatibility of smart contracts to reduce development or migration costs.
  • Meta-transaction function: gas fee reduction, effectively reducing the cost of developers and users on the chain.
  • Support cross-chain asset transfer to optimize users’ experience.

Four Stages of Heco

Heco Technical Route
Stage Features Time Sub Stage Technical Points
Tinder The initial version of Heco.

The system is stable and easy to use.

Developers can develop and promote Dapp at low cost.

Users can participate in Dapp on Heco with a low threshold.

2020 Q4-2021 Q1Public BetaHigher transaction performance
Lower transaction costs
Meta transaction subsidy
Node ElectionMore decentralized and safer
Complete mainstream assets
Basic tools in place
Ecosystem IncubationTechnical service systemization
Basic tool customization
Convenient asset transfer
Spark The protocol is further optimized.

Heco will take the mission of connecting CeFi and DeFi,

allowing more users to use DeFi applications at a low threshold.

2021 Q3 To be announced Complete developer tools
Complete developer forum, blog, and FAQ information
Chain ecological infrastructure booms
Innovative open ID
Personalized portal accurately matches users and Dapps

Enable Layer2 technology. Expand performance while retaining the decentralized advantages of distributed protocols.

2022 Q2To be announcedApplication of Layer2
Cross-chain interoperability protocol
Cross-chain interoperability integration

Landing of large-scale commercial applications. Support a variety of traditional businesses to run smoothly on the chain

2023 Q1 To be announcedMultiple virtual machine s supported
Multiple zero-knowledge proofs and privacy protection capabilities
Multiple signature schemes
Storage compression and expansion solution
Multi-dimensional sharding scheme

Current Stage of Heco

In December 2020, the Huobi ECO chain, Heco officially launched its "Tinder" phase, which will focus on improving the on-chain infrastructure, including but not limited to: Oracles, Voting tools, Anchor Coins, DEX, Lending, Fnancial Management, Insurance, Synthetic Assets, Cross-Chain Solutions, Data Analysis, Smart Contract Innovation, etc.

Support Plan of Heco

Financial Support
  • Heco will set up a special fund to invest, support and incentivize high-potential developers.
  • Heco will launch a variety of developer activities and competitions to discover and fund potential developers.
  • In order to reduce the cost of users on Heco Dapp, the Heco meta transaction function will reduce the gas fee of users holding HT in a step-wise manner.
Traffic Support

Huobi Global will strongly support the development of Heco ecosystem:

  • Provide traffic entrance for high-quality Dapp on Heco.
  • After running successfully on Heco, high-quality projects can submit token listing application to Huobi Global, and can be listed on Huobi Global if they meet the listing standards.
Resource Support
  • Projects or developers that have received investment and support from Heco have not only the opportunity to get official news report, but also can apply for marketing service packages and promote their projects globally.
  • High-quality projects can participate in Heco global roadshows for free.
  • Huobi Group will open up ecological resources to high-potential developers, matching the win-win cooperation between developers and our ecological partners.

Interact with Us on Social Media

  • Facebook:Huobi Eco Chain
  • Twitter:Huobi_EcoChain
  • Telegram: HuobiEcoChain
  • Weibo:火币生态链Heco
  • Wechat Offical Account:Huobi Eco Heco

Risk Warning

  • All users and developers can participate in the current test environment and subsequent stages of Heco for free, and there is no charging scenario.
  • All users must distinguish the test environment from the Mainnet. The assets generated in the test environment have no value. Be aware of counterfeit currency fraud.
  • Heco announces authorization, promotion and other collaborations only through the official social media platform. Developers and users should check carefully to avoid losses.
  • Do not misread the official website (, and be cautious with private key phishing.



Package ethereum defines interfaces for interacting with Ethereum.



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var NotFound = errors.New("not found")

NotFound is returned by API methods if the requested item does not exist.


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type CallMsg

type CallMsg struct {
	From     common.Address  // the sender of the 'transaction'
	To       *common.Address // the destination contract (nil for contract creation)
	Gas      uint64          // if 0, the call executes with near-infinite gas
	GasPrice *big.Int        // wei <-> gas exchange ratio
	Value    *big.Int        // amount of wei sent along with the call
	Data     []byte          // input data, usually an ABI-encoded contract method invocation

CallMsg contains parameters for contract calls.

type ChainReader

type ChainReader interface {
	BlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*types.Block, error)
	BlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, number *big.Int) (*types.Block, error)
	HeaderByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*types.Header, error)
	HeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, number *big.Int) (*types.Header, error)
	TransactionCount(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash) (uint, error)
	TransactionInBlock(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash, index uint) (*types.Transaction, error)

	// This method subscribes to notifications about changes of the head block of
	// the canonical chain.
	SubscribeNewHead(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- *types.Header) (Subscription, error)

ChainReader provides access to the blockchain. The methods in this interface access raw data from either the canonical chain (when requesting by block number) or any blockchain fork that was previously downloaded and processed by the node. The block number argument can be nil to select the latest canonical block. Reading block headers should be preferred over full blocks whenever possible.

The returned error is NotFound if the requested item does not exist.

type ChainStateReader

type ChainStateReader interface {
	BalanceAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)
	StorageAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, key common.Hash, blockNumber *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
	CodeAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
	NonceAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) (uint64, error)

ChainStateReader wraps access to the state trie of the canonical blockchain. Note that implementations of the interface may be unable to return state values for old blocks. In many cases, using CallContract can be preferable to reading raw contract storage.

type ChainSyncReader

type ChainSyncReader interface {
	SyncProgress(ctx context.Context) (*SyncProgress, error)

ChainSyncReader wraps access to the node's current sync status. If there's no sync currently running, it returns nil.

type ContractCaller

type ContractCaller interface {
	CallContract(ctx context.Context, call CallMsg, blockNumber *big.Int) ([]byte, error)

A ContractCaller provides contract calls, essentially transactions that are executed by the EVM but not mined into the blockchain. ContractCall is a low-level method to execute such calls. For applications which are structured around specific contracts, the abigen tool provides a nicer, properly typed way to perform calls.

type FilterQuery

type FilterQuery struct {
	BlockHash *common.Hash     // used by eth_getLogs, return logs only from block with this hash
	FromBlock *big.Int         // beginning of the queried range, nil means genesis block
	ToBlock   *big.Int         // end of the range, nil means latest block
	Addresses []common.Address // restricts matches to events created by specific contracts

	// The Topic list restricts matches to particular event topics. Each event has a list
	// of topics. Topics matches a prefix of that list. An empty element slice matches any
	// topic. Non-empty elements represent an alternative that matches any of the
	// contained topics.
	// Examples:
	// {} or nil          matches any topic list
	// {{A}}              matches topic A in first position
	// {{}, {B}}          matches any topic in first position AND B in second position
	// {{A}, {B}}         matches topic A in first position AND B in second position
	// {{A, B}, {C, D}}   matches topic (A OR B) in first position AND (C OR D) in second position
	Topics [][]common.Hash

FilterQuery contains options for contract log filtering.

type GasEstimator

type GasEstimator interface {
	EstimateGas(ctx context.Context, call CallMsg) (uint64, error)

GasEstimator wraps EstimateGas, which tries to estimate the gas needed to execute a specific transaction based on the pending state. There is no guarantee that this is the true gas limit requirement as other transactions may be added or removed by miners, but it should provide a basis for setting a reasonable default.

type GasPricer

type GasPricer interface {
	SuggestGasPrice(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error)

GasPricer wraps the gas price oracle, which monitors the blockchain to determine the optimal gas price given current fee market conditions.

type LogFilterer

type LogFilterer interface {
	FilterLogs(ctx context.Context, q FilterQuery) ([]types.Log, error)
	SubscribeFilterLogs(ctx context.Context, q FilterQuery, ch chan<- types.Log) (Subscription, error)

LogFilterer provides access to contract log events using a one-off query or continuous event subscription.

Logs received through a streaming query subscription may have Removed set to true, indicating that the log was reverted due to a chain reorganisation.

type PendingContractCaller

type PendingContractCaller interface {
	PendingCallContract(ctx context.Context, call CallMsg) ([]byte, error)

PendingContractCaller can be used to perform calls against the pending state.

type PendingStateEventer

type PendingStateEventer interface {
	SubscribePendingTransactions(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- *types.Transaction) (Subscription, error)

A PendingStateEventer provides access to real time notifications about changes to the pending state.

type PendingStateReader

type PendingStateReader interface {
	PendingBalanceAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address) (*big.Int, error)
	PendingStorageAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, key common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
	PendingCodeAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address) ([]byte, error)
	PendingNonceAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address) (uint64, error)
	PendingTransactionCount(ctx context.Context) (uint, error)

A PendingStateReader provides access to the pending state, which is the result of all known executable transactions which have not yet been included in the blockchain. It is commonly used to display the result of ’unconfirmed’ actions (e.g. wallet value transfers) initiated by the user. The PendingNonceAt operation is a good way to retrieve the next available transaction nonce for a specific account.

type Subscription

type Subscription interface {
	// Unsubscribe cancels the sending of events to the data channel
	// and closes the error channel.
	// Err returns the subscription error channel. The error channel receives
	// a value if there is an issue with the subscription (e.g. the network connection
	// delivering the events has been closed). Only one value will ever be sent.
	// The error channel is closed by Unsubscribe.
	Err() <-chan error

Subscription represents an event subscription where events are delivered on a data channel.

type SyncProgress

type SyncProgress struct {
	StartingBlock uint64 // Block number where sync began
	CurrentBlock  uint64 // Current block number where sync is at
	HighestBlock  uint64 // Highest alleged block number in the chain
	PulledStates  uint64 // Number of state trie entries already downloaded
	KnownStates   uint64 // Total number of state trie entries known about

SyncProgress gives progress indications when the node is synchronising with the Ethereum network.

type TransactionReader

type TransactionReader interface {
	// TransactionByHash checks the pool of pending transactions in addition to the
	// blockchain. The isPending return value indicates whether the transaction has been
	// mined yet. Note that the transaction may not be part of the canonical chain even if
	// it's not pending.
	TransactionByHash(ctx context.Context, txHash common.Hash) (tx *types.Transaction, isPending bool, err error)
	// TransactionReceipt returns the receipt of a mined transaction. Note that the
	// transaction may not be included in the current canonical chain even if a receipt
	// exists.
	TransactionReceipt(ctx context.Context, txHash common.Hash) (*types.Receipt, error)

TransactionReader provides access to past transactions and their receipts. Implementations may impose arbitrary restrictions on the transactions and receipts that can be retrieved. Historic transactions may not be available.

Avoid relying on this interface if possible. Contract logs (through the LogFilterer interface) are more reliable and usually safer in the presence of chain reorganisations.

The returned error is NotFound if the requested item does not exist.

type TransactionSender

type TransactionSender interface {
	SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, tx *types.Transaction) error

TransactionSender wraps transaction sending. The SendTransaction method injects a signed transaction into the pending transaction pool for execution. If the transaction was a contract creation, the TransactionReceipt method can be used to retrieve the contract address after the transaction has been mined.

The transaction must be signed and have a valid nonce to be included. Consumers of the API can use package accounts to maintain local private keys and need can retrieve the next available nonce using PendingNonceAt.


Path Synopsis
Package accounts implements high level Ethereum account management.
Package accounts implements high level Ethereum account management.
Package abi implements the Ethereum ABI (Application Binary Interface).
Package abi implements the Ethereum ABI (Application Binary Interface).
Package bind generates Ethereum contract Go bindings.
Package bind generates Ethereum contract Go bindings.
Package keystore implements encrypted storage of secp256k1 private keys.
Package keystore implements encrypted storage of secp256k1 private keys.
Package usbwallet implements support for USB hardware wallets.
Package usbwallet implements support for USB hardware wallets.
Package trezor contains the wire protocol.
Package trezor contains the wire protocol.
bootnode runs a bootstrap node for the Ethereum Discovery Protocol.
bootnode runs a bootstrap node for the Ethereum Discovery Protocol.
checkpoint-admin is a utility that can be used to query checkpoint information and register stable checkpoints into an oracle contract.
checkpoint-admin is a utility that can be used to query checkpoint information and register stable checkpoints into an oracle contract.
evm executes EVM code snippets.
evm executes EVM code snippets.
faucet is a Ether faucet backed by a light client.
faucet is a Ether faucet backed by a light client.
geth is the official command-line client for Ethereum.
geth is the official command-line client for Ethereum.
p2psim provides a command-line client for a simulation HTTP API.
p2psim provides a command-line client for a simulation HTTP API.
puppeth is a command to assemble and maintain private networks.
puppeth is a command to assemble and maintain private networks.
rlpdump is a pretty-printer for RLP data.
rlpdump is a pretty-printer for RLP data.
Package utils contains internal helper functions for go-ethereum commands.
Package utils contains internal helper functions for go-ethereum commands.
Package common contains various helper functions.
Package common contains various helper functions.
Package bitutil implements fast bitwise operations.
Package bitutil implements fast bitwise operations.
Package compiler wraps the Solidity and Vyper compiler executables (solc; vyper).
Package compiler wraps the Solidity and Vyper compiler executables (solc; vyper).
Package hexutil implements hex encoding with 0x prefix.
Package hexutil implements hex encoding with 0x prefix.
Package math provides integer math utilities.
Package math provides integer math utilities.
Package mclock is a wrapper for a monotonic clock source
Package mclock is a wrapper for a monotonic clock source
Package prque implements a priority queue data structure supporting arbitrary value types and int64 priorities.
Package prque implements a priority queue data structure supporting arbitrary value types and int64 priorities.
Package consensus implements different Ethereum consensus engines.
Package consensus implements different Ethereum consensus engines.
Package clique implements the proof-of-authority consensus engine.
Package clique implements the proof-of-authority consensus engine.
Package congress implements the proof-of-stake-authority consensus engine.
Package congress implements the proof-of-stake-authority consensus engine.
Package ethash implements the ethash proof-of-work consensus engine.
Package ethash implements the ethash proof-of-work consensus engine.
Package checkpointoracle is a an on-chain light client checkpoint oracle.
Package checkpointoracle is a an on-chain light client checkpoint oracle.
Package core implements the Ethereum consensus protocol.
Package core implements the Ethereum consensus protocol.
Provides support for dealing with EVM assembly instructions (e.g., disassembling them).
Provides support for dealing with EVM assembly instructions (e.g., disassembling them).
Package bloombits implements bloom filtering on batches of data.
Package bloombits implements bloom filtering on batches of data.
Package forkid implements EIP-2124 (
Package forkid implements EIP-2124 (
Package rawdb contains a collection of low level database accessors.
Package rawdb contains a collection of low level database accessors.
Package state provides a caching layer atop the Ethereum state trie.
Package state provides a caching layer atop the Ethereum state trie.
Package snapshot implements a journalled, dynamic state dump.
Package snapshot implements a journalled, dynamic state dump.
Package types contains data types related to Ethereum consensus.
Package types contains data types related to Ethereum consensus.
Package vm implements the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
Package vm implements the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
Package runtime provides a basic execution model for executing EVM code.
Package runtime provides a basic execution model for executing EVM code.
Package blake2b implements the BLAKE2b hash algorithm defined by RFC 7693 and the extendable output function (XOF) BLAKE2Xb.
Package blake2b implements the BLAKE2b hash algorithm defined by RFC 7693 and the extendable output function (XOF) BLAKE2Xb.
Package bn256 implements the Optimal Ate pairing over a 256-bit Barreto-Naehrig curve.
Package bn256 implements the Optimal Ate pairing over a 256-bit Barreto-Naehrig curve.
Package bn256 implements a particular bilinear group at the 128-bit security level.
Package bn256 implements a particular bilinear group at the 128-bit security level.
Package bn256 implements a particular bilinear group.
Package bn256 implements a particular bilinear group.
Package secp256k1 wraps the bitcoin secp256k1 C library.
Package secp256k1 wraps the bitcoin secp256k1 C library.
Package eth implements the Ethereum protocol.
Package eth implements the Ethereum protocol.
Package downloader contains the manual full chain synchronisation.
Package downloader contains the manual full chain synchronisation.
Package fetcher contains the announcement based header, blocks or transaction synchronisation.
Package fetcher contains the announcement based header, blocks or transaction synchronisation.
Package filters implements an ethereum filtering system for block, transactions and log events.
Package filters implements an ethereum filtering system for block, transactions and log events.
Package tracers is a collection of JavaScript transaction tracers.
Package tracers is a collection of JavaScript transaction tracers.
Code generated for package tracers by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated for package tracers by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT.
Package ethclient provides a client for the Ethereum RPC API.
Package ethclient provides a client for the Ethereum RPC API.
Package ethdb defines the interfaces for an Ethereum data store.
Package ethdb defines the interfaces for an Ethereum data store.
Package leveldb implements the key-value database layer based on LevelDB.
Package leveldb implements the key-value database layer based on LevelDB.
Package memorydb implements the key-value database layer based on memory maps.
Package memorydb implements the key-value database layer based on memory maps.
Package ethstats implements the network stats reporting service.
Package ethstats implements the network stats reporting service.
Package event deals with subscriptions to real-time events.
Package event deals with subscriptions to real-time events.
Package graphql provides a GraphQL interface to Ethereum node data.
Package graphql provides a GraphQL interface to Ethereum node data.
Package debug interfaces Go runtime debugging facilities.
Package debug interfaces Go runtime debugging facilities.
Package ethapi implements the general Ethereum API functions.
Package ethapi implements the general Ethereum API functions.
Package guide is a small test suite to ensure snippets in the dev guide work.
Package guide is a small test suite to ensure snippets in the dev guide work.
Package jsre provides execution environment for JavaScript.
Package jsre provides execution environment for JavaScript.
Package deps Code generated by go-bindata.
Package deps Code generated by go-bindata.
Package testlog provides a log handler for unit tests.
Package testlog provides a log handler for unit tests.
Package utesting provides a standalone replacement for package testing.
Package utesting provides a standalone replacement for package testing.
package web3ext contains geth specific web3.js extensions.
package web3ext contains geth specific web3.js extensions.
Package les implements the Light Ethereum Subprotocol.
Package les implements the Light Ethereum Subprotocol.
Package checkpointoracle is a wrapper of checkpoint oracle contract with additional rules defined.
Package checkpointoracle is a wrapper of checkpoint oracle contract with additional rules defined.
Package flowcontrol implements a client side flow control mechanism
Package flowcontrol implements a client side flow control mechanism
Package light implements on-demand retrieval capable state and chain objects for the Ethereum Light Client.
Package light implements on-demand retrieval capable state and chain objects for the Ethereum Light Client.
Package log15 provides an opinionated, simple toolkit for best-practice logging that is both human and machine readable.
Package log15 provides an opinionated, simple toolkit for best-practice logging that is both human and machine readable.
Go port of Coda Hale's Metrics library <> Coda Hale's original work: <>
Go port of Coda Hale's Metrics library <> Coda Hale's original work: <>
Hook go-metrics into expvar on any /debug/metrics request, load all vars from the registry into expvar, and execute regular expvar handler
Hook go-metrics into expvar on any /debug/metrics request, load all vars from the registry into expvar, and execute regular expvar handler
Package prometheus exposes go-metrics into a Prometheus format.
Package prometheus exposes go-metrics into a Prometheus format.
Package miner implements Ethereum block creation and mining.
Package miner implements Ethereum block creation and mining.
Package geth contains the simplified mobile APIs to go-ethereum.
Package geth contains the simplified mobile APIs to go-ethereum.
Package node sets up multi-protocol Ethereum nodes.
Package node sets up multi-protocol Ethereum nodes.
Package p2p implements the Ethereum p2p network protocols.
Package p2p implements the Ethereum p2p network protocols.
Package discover implements the Node Discovery Protocol.
Package discover implements the Node Discovery Protocol.
Package v4wire implements the Discovery v4 Wire Protocol.
Package v4wire implements the Discovery v4 Wire Protocol.
Package discv5 is a prototype implementation of Discvery v5.
Package discv5 is a prototype implementation of Discvery v5.
Package dnsdisc implements node discovery via DNS (EIP-1459).
Package dnsdisc implements node discovery via DNS (EIP-1459).
Package enr implements Ethereum Node Records as defined in EIP-778.
Package enr implements Ethereum Node Records as defined in EIP-778.
Package nat provides access to common network port mapping protocols.
Package nat provides access to common network port mapping protocols.
Package netutil contains extensions to the net package.
Package netutil contains extensions to the net package.
Package rlpx implements the RLPx transport protocol.
Package rlpx implements the RLPx transport protocol.
Package simulations simulates p2p networks.
Package simulations simulates p2p networks.
Package rlp implements the RLP serialization format.
Package rlp implements the RLP serialization format.
Package rpc implements bi-directional JSON-RPC 2.0 on multiple transports.
Package rpc implements bi-directional JSON-RPC 2.0 on multiple transports.
Package fourbyte contains the 4byte database.
Package fourbyte contains the 4byte database.
Package deps Code generated by go-bindata.
Package deps Code generated by go-bindata.
Package tests implements execution of Ethereum JSON tests.
Package tests implements execution of Ethereum JSON tests.
Package trie implements Merkle Patricia Tries.
Package trie implements Merkle Patricia Tries.

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