About TPC-H
TPC-H is a read-only workload of "analytics" queries on large datasets.
TPC-H datasets are scaled by a "scale factor", which is a multiplier of the
number of rows in each table.
Tables, and rows per table:
nation 25
region 5
part 200000*SF
supplier 10000*SF
partsupp 800000*SF
customer 150000*SF
orders 1500000*SF
lineitems 6001215*SF
At scale factor = 1, the data in raw text is about 1gb, and 5gb of data on disk
per node (in a 3 node cluster). For perspective, scale factor 300 is a common
test, and scale factor 100000 (100 terabytes) is the largest official TPC-H test.
Loading TPC-H data
In order to run the TPC-H loader, you will need to obtain a set of .tbl files
for the raw data in the 8 tables, and put them in the folder tpch/data. tbl
files can be run by compiling and running the "dbgen" program distributed by
the TPC. If you do not want to run dbgen, a tarball of a set of tbl files (at
scale factor 1) is available on Google Drive at
Then, running
./tpch -load
will load the data into Cockroach. This currently takes a lot of time (~5 hours
on a gceworker). In order to circumvent that, it is advisable to use the
enterprise backup/restore feature, as a backup dump is available
This takes considerably less time, on the order of minutes. In order to restore
it, start a cockroach cluster with the following flags:
Then run:
./tpch -restore=/path/to/backup
Once this finishes (minutes), you can shut down the cockroach cluster and
restart it without those flags for actually running queries.
Running TPC-H queries
Currently, not all queries can be run, due to the use of features such as
correlated subqueries. Those queries that do run are set to run by default.