A toolset for orchestrating Docker container builds for Go microservices. It should allow faster builds and can be used in watcher mode, that triggers the corresponding container reload upon source change.
Docker images
Image described by /docker/Dockerfile.build_alpine is used for the building pipeline, given a list of packages, they will be built using an instance of this image, the state and build cache will be persisted for the whole process. If you want a clean state for each package, just run GodyBuilder multiple times. The image targets Alpine Linux. Another one is targeting the standard Ubuntu distributions.
Image described by /docker/Dockerfile.run is used to run scratch containers, it uses Alpine Linux and should have all the required dependencies pre-installed, like CA certificates for SSL, or any Go dependency like Glide.
$ GodyBuilder -h
Usage: GodyBuilder COMMAND [arg...]
Auto-compile daemon and parallel builder for Go executables targeting Docker environments.
build Build all listed Go packages using shared state in a Docker container.
watch Start watching for changes in source code of packages and their deps.
cleanup Removes the builder container completely.
Run 'GodyBuilder COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
$ GodyBuilder build -h
Usage: GodyBuilder build [OPTIONS]
Build all listed Go packages using shared state in a Docker container.
-v, --verbose Verbosive logging.
-p, --pkg Adds packages into list to build.
-i, --image The builder container image to use (gody_build_alpine or gody_build_ubuntu). (default "astranet/gody_build_alpine")
-n, --name Override the builder container name. (default "gody_builder_1")
-o, --out Output directory for executable artifacts. (default "bin/")
-j, --jobs Number of parallel build jobs. (default 2)
-f, --fancy Enables dynamic reporting. (default true)
--progress Enables progress bar.
To build an executable package using Ubuntu image:
$ GodyBuilder -i gody_build_ubuntu -p github.com/astranet/galaxy/cmd/galaxy
$ GodyBuilder cleanup # wipe caches and docker images
Error response from daemon: client version 1.40 is too new. Maximum supported API version is 1.32
To fix the error use the following: