Index ¶
- Variables
- type AcceptAllRevisionsOnlineRequest
- type AcceptAllRevisionsOnlineResponse
- type AcceptAllRevisionsRequest
- type ApiError
- type ApiErrorResult
- type AppendDocumentOnlineRequest
- type AppendDocumentOnlineResponse
- type AppendDocumentRequest
- type ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnlineRequest
- type ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnlineResponse
- type ApplyStyleToDocumentElementRequest
- type AvailableFontsResponse
- type BasicAuth
- type BatchPartRequest
- type BmpSaveOptionsData
- type BmpSaveOptionsDataResult
- type Bookmark
- type BookmarkData
- type BookmarkDataResult
- type BookmarkResponse
- type BookmarkResult
- type Bookmarks
- type BookmarksOutlineLevelData
- type BookmarksOutlineLevelDataResult
- type BookmarksResponse
- type BookmarksResult
- type Border
- type BorderResponse
- type BorderResult
- type BordersCollection
- type BordersCollectionResult
- type BordersResponse
- type BuildReportOnlineRequest
- type BuildReportRequest
- type ClassificationResponse
- type ClassificationResult
- type ClassificationResultResult
- type ClassifyDocumentOnlineRequest
- type ClassifyDocumentRequest
- type ClassifyRequest
- type ClientSecret
- type Comment
- type CommentBase
- type CommentBaseResult
- type CommentInsert
- type CommentInsertResult
- type CommentLink
- type CommentLinkResult
- type CommentResponse
- type CommentResult
- type CommentUpdate
- type CommentUpdateResult
- type CommentsCollection
- type CommentsCollectionResult
- type CommentsResponse
- type CompareData
- type CompareDataResult
- type CompareDocumentOnlineRequest
- type CompareDocumentOnlineResponse
- type CompareDocumentRequest
- type CompareOptions
- type CompareOptionsResult
- type Configuration
- type ConvertDocumentRequest
- type CopyFileRequest
- type CopyFolderRequest
- type CopyStyleOnlineRequest
- type CopyStyleOnlineResponse
- type CopyStyleRequest
- type CreateDocumentRequest
- type CreateFolderRequest
- type CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest
- type CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnlineResponse
- type CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyRequest
- type CsvDataLoadOptions
- type CsvDataLoadOptionsResult
- type CustomXmlPart
- type CustomXmlPartInsert
- type CustomXmlPartInsertResult
- type CustomXmlPartLink
- type CustomXmlPartLinkResult
- type CustomXmlPartResponse
- type CustomXmlPartResult
- type CustomXmlPartUpdate
- type CustomXmlPartUpdateResult
- type CustomXmlPartsCollection
- type CustomXmlPartsCollectionResult
- type CustomXmlPartsResponse
- type DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest
- type DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnlineResponse
- type DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsRequest
- type DeleteBorderOnlineRequest
- type DeleteBorderOnlineResponse
- type DeleteBorderRequest
- type DeleteBordersOnlineRequest
- type DeleteBordersOnlineResponse
- type DeleteBordersRequest
- type DeleteCommentOnlineRequest
- type DeleteCommentRequest
- type DeleteCommentsOnlineRequest
- type DeleteCommentsRequest
- type DeleteCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest
- type DeleteCustomXmlPartRequest
- type DeleteCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest
- type DeleteCustomXmlPartsRequest
- type DeleteDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest
- type DeleteDocumentPropertyRequest
- type DeleteDrawingObjectOnlineRequest
- type DeleteDrawingObjectRequest
- type DeleteFieldOnlineRequest
- type DeleteFieldRequest
- type DeleteFieldsOnlineRequest
- type DeleteFieldsRequest
- type DeleteFileRequest
- type DeleteFolderRequest
- type DeleteFootnoteOnlineRequest
- type DeleteFootnoteRequest
- type DeleteFormFieldOnlineRequest
- type DeleteFormFieldRequest
- type DeleteHeaderFooterOnlineRequest
- type DeleteHeaderFooterRequest
- type DeleteHeadersFootersOnlineRequest
- type DeleteHeadersFootersRequest
- type DeleteMacrosOnlineRequest
- type DeleteMacrosRequest
- type DeleteOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest
- type DeleteOfficeMathObjectRequest
- type DeleteParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest
- type DeleteParagraphListFormatOnlineResponse
- type DeleteParagraphListFormatRequest
- type DeleteParagraphOnlineRequest
- type DeleteParagraphRequest
- type DeleteParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest
- type DeleteParagraphTabStopOnlineResponse
- type DeleteParagraphTabStopRequest
- type DeleteRunOnlineRequest
- type DeleteRunRequest
- type DeleteSectionOnlineRequest
- type DeleteSectionRequest
- type DeleteTableCellOnlineRequest
- type DeleteTableCellRequest
- type DeleteTableOnlineRequest
- type DeleteTableRequest
- type DeleteTableRowOnlineRequest
- type DeleteTableRowRequest
- type DeleteWatermarkOnlineRequest
- type DeleteWatermarkOnlineResponse
- type DeleteWatermarkRequest
- type DocSaveOptionsData
- type DocSaveOptionsDataResult
- type Document
- type DocumentEntry
- type DocumentEntryList
- type DocumentEntryListResult
- type DocumentEntryResult
- type DocumentPosition
- type DocumentPositionResult
- type DocumentProperties
- type DocumentPropertiesResponse
- type DocumentPropertiesResult
- type DocumentProperty
- type DocumentPropertyBase
- type DocumentPropertyBaseResult
- type DocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdate
- type DocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdateResult
- type DocumentPropertyResponse
- type DocumentPropertyResult
- type DocumentResponse
- type DocumentResult
- type DocumentStatData
- type DocumentStatDataResult
- type DownloadFileRequest
- type DownsampleOptionsData
- type DownsampleOptionsDataResult
- type DrawingObject
- type DrawingObjectCollection
- type DrawingObjectCollectionResult
- type DrawingObjectInsert
- type DrawingObjectInsertResult
- type DrawingObjectLink
- type DrawingObjectLinkResult
- type DrawingObjectResponse
- type DrawingObjectResult
- type DrawingObjectUpdate
- type DrawingObjectUpdateResult
- type DrawingObjectsResponse
- type EmfSaveOptionsData
- type EmfSaveOptionsDataResult
- type EpubSaveOptionsData
- type EpubSaveOptionsDataResult
- type Error
- type ErrorDetails
- type ErrorDetailsResult
- type ErrorResult
- type ExecuteMailMergeOnlineRequest
- type ExecuteMailMergeRequest
- type Field
- type FieldBase
- type FieldBaseResult
- type FieldCollection
- type FieldCollectionResult
- type FieldInsert
- type FieldInsertResult
- type FieldLink
- type FieldLinkResult
- type FieldNames
- type FieldNamesResponse
- type FieldNamesResult
- type FieldResponse
- type FieldResult
- type FieldUpdate
- type FieldUpdateResult
- type FieldsResponse
- type FileLink
- type FileLinkResult
- type FilesList
- type FilesListResult
- type FilesUploadResult
- type FilesUploadResultResult
- type FixedPageSaveOptionsData
- type FixedPageSaveOptionsDataResult
- type Font
- type FontDto
- type FontDtoResult
- type FontInfo
- type FontInfoResult
- type FontResponse
- type FontResult
- type Footnote
- type FootnoteBase
- type FootnoteBaseResult
- type FootnoteCollection
- type FootnoteCollectionResult
- type FootnoteInsert
- type FootnoteInsertResult
- type FootnoteLink
- type FootnoteLinkResult
- type FootnoteResponse
- type FootnoteResult
- type FootnoteUpdate
- type FootnoteUpdateResult
- type FootnotesResponse
- type FootnotesStatData
- type FootnotesStatDataResult
- type FormField
- type FormFieldCheckbox
- type FormFieldCheckboxResult
- type FormFieldCollection
- type FormFieldCollectionResult
- type FormFieldDropDown
- type FormFieldDropDownResult
- type FormFieldResponse
- type FormFieldResult
- type FormFieldTextInput
- type FormFieldTextInputResult
- type FormFieldsResponse
- type FormParamContainer
- type GetAvailableFontsRequest
- type GetBookmarkByNameOnlineRequest
- type GetBookmarkByNameRequest
- type GetBookmarksOnlineRequest
- type GetBookmarksRequest
- type GetBorderOnlineRequest
- type GetBorderRequest
- type GetBordersOnlineRequest
- type GetBordersRequest
- type GetCommentOnlineRequest
- type GetCommentRequest
- type GetCommentsOnlineRequest
- type GetCommentsRequest
- type GetCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest
- type GetCustomXmlPartRequest
- type GetCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest
- type GetCustomXmlPartsRequest
- type GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexOnlineRequest
- type GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexRequest
- type GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataOnlineRequest
- type GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataRequest
- type GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataOnlineRequest
- type GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataRequest
- type GetDocumentDrawingObjectsOnlineRequest
- type GetDocumentDrawingObjectsRequest
- type GetDocumentFieldNamesOnlineRequest
- type GetDocumentFieldNamesRequest
- type GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexOnlineRequest
- type GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexRequest
- type GetDocumentHyperlinksOnlineRequest
- type GetDocumentHyperlinksRequest
- type GetDocumentPropertiesOnlineRequest
- type GetDocumentPropertiesRequest
- type GetDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest
- type GetDocumentPropertyRequest
- type GetDocumentProtectionOnlineRequest
- type GetDocumentProtectionRequest
- type GetDocumentRequest
- type GetDocumentStatisticsOnlineRequest
- type GetDocumentStatisticsRequest
- type GetDocumentWithFormatRequest
- type GetFieldOnlineRequest
- type GetFieldRequest
- type GetFieldsOnlineRequest
- type GetFieldsRequest
- type GetFilesListRequest
- type GetFootnoteOnlineRequest
- type GetFootnoteRequest
- type GetFootnotesOnlineRequest
- type GetFootnotesRequest
- type GetFormFieldOnlineRequest
- type GetFormFieldRequest
- type GetFormFieldsOnlineRequest
- type GetFormFieldsRequest
- type GetHeaderFooterOfSectionOnlineRequest
- type GetHeaderFooterOfSectionRequest
- type GetHeaderFooterOnlineRequest
- type GetHeaderFooterRequest
- type GetHeaderFootersOnlineRequest
- type GetHeaderFootersRequest
- type GetListOnlineRequest
- type GetListRequest
- type GetListsOnlineRequest
- type GetListsRequest
- type GetOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest
- type GetOfficeMathObjectRequest
- type GetOfficeMathObjectsOnlineRequest
- type GetOfficeMathObjectsRequest
- type GetParagraphFormatOnlineRequest
- type GetParagraphFormatRequest
- type GetParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest
- type GetParagraphListFormatRequest
- type GetParagraphOnlineRequest
- type GetParagraphRequest
- type GetParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest
- type GetParagraphTabStopsRequest
- type GetParagraphsOnlineRequest
- type GetParagraphsRequest
- type GetPublicKeyRequest
- type GetRangeTextOnlineRequest
- type GetRangeTextRequest
- type GetRunFontOnlineRequest
- type GetRunFontRequest
- type GetRunOnlineRequest
- type GetRunRequest
- type GetRunsOnlineRequest
- type GetRunsRequest
- type GetSectionOnlineRequest
- type GetSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest
- type GetSectionPageSetupRequest
- type GetSectionRequest
- type GetSectionsOnlineRequest
- type GetSectionsRequest
- type GetStyleFromDocumentElementOnlineRequest
- type GetStyleFromDocumentElementRequest
- type GetStyleOnlineRequest
- type GetStyleRequest
- type GetStylesOnlineRequest
- type GetStylesRequest
- type GetTableCellFormatOnlineRequest
- type GetTableCellFormatRequest
- type GetTableCellOnlineRequest
- type GetTableCellRequest
- type GetTableOnlineRequest
- type GetTablePropertiesOnlineRequest
- type GetTablePropertiesRequest
- type GetTableRequest
- type GetTableRowFormatOnlineRequest
- type GetTableRowFormatRequest
- type GetTableRowOnlineRequest
- type GetTableRowRequest
- type GetTablesOnlineRequest
- type GetTablesRequest
- type GifSaveOptionsData
- type GifSaveOptionsDataResult
- type HeaderFooter
- type HeaderFooterLink
- type HeaderFooterLinkCollection
- type HeaderFooterLinkCollectionResult
- type HeaderFooterLinkResult
- type HeaderFooterResponse
- type HeaderFooterResult
- type HeaderFootersResponse
- type HtmlFixedSaveOptionsData
- type HtmlFixedSaveOptionsDataResult
- type HtmlSaveOptionsData
- type HtmlSaveOptionsDataResult
- type Hyperlink
- type HyperlinkResponse
- type HyperlinkResult
- type Hyperlinks
- type HyperlinksResponse
- type HyperlinksResult
- type IApiError
- type IBmpSaveOptionsData
- type IBookmark
- type IBookmarkData
- type IBookmarks
- type IBookmarksOutlineLevelData
- type IBorder
- type IBordersCollection
- type IClassificationResult
- type IComment
- type ICommentBase
- type ICommentInsert
- type ICommentLink
- type ICommentUpdate
- type ICommentsCollection
- type ICompareData
- type ICompareOptions
- type ICsvDataLoadOptions
- type ICustomXmlPart
- type ICustomXmlPartInsert
- type ICustomXmlPartLink
- type ICustomXmlPartUpdate
- type ICustomXmlPartsCollection
- type IDocSaveOptionsData
- type IDocument
- type IDocumentEntry
- type IDocumentEntryList
- type IDocumentPosition
- type IDocumentProperties
- type IDocumentProperty
- type IDocumentPropertyBase
- type IDocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdate
- type IDocumentStatData
- type IDownsampleOptionsData
- type IDrawingObject
- type IDrawingObjectCollection
- type IDrawingObjectInsert
- type IDrawingObjectLink
- type IDrawingObjectUpdate
- type IEmfSaveOptionsData
- type IEpubSaveOptionsData
- type IError
- type IErrorDetails
- type IField
- type IFieldBase
- type IFieldCollection
- type IFieldInsert
- type IFieldLink
- type IFieldNames
- type IFieldUpdate
- type IFileLink
- type IFilesList
- type IFilesUploadResult
- type IFixedPageSaveOptionsData
- type IFont
- type IFontDto
- type IFontInfo
- type IFootnote
- type IFootnoteBase
- type IFootnoteCollection
- type IFootnoteInsert
- type IFootnoteLink
- type IFootnoteUpdate
- type IFootnotesStatData
- type IFormField
- type IFormFieldCheckbox
- type IFormFieldCollection
- type IFormFieldDropDown
- type IFormFieldTextInput
- type IGifSaveOptionsData
- type IHeaderFooter
- type IHeaderFooterLink
- type IHeaderFooterLinkCollection
- type IHtmlFixedSaveOptionsData
- type IHtmlSaveOptionsData
- type IHyperlink
- type IHyperlinks
- type IImageSaveOptionsData
- type IJpegSaveOptionsData
- type IJsonDataLoadOptions
- type ILink
- type ILinkElement
- type IListFormat
- type IListFormatUpdate
- type IListInfo
- type IListInsert
- type IListLevel
- type IListLevelUpdate
- type IListLevels
- type IListUpdate
- type ILists
- type ILoadWebDocumentData
- type IMarkdownSaveOptionsData
- type IMetafileRenderingOptionsData
- type IMhtmlSaveOptionsData
- type IModificationOperationResult
- type INodeLink
- type IOdtSaveOptionsData
- type IOfficeMathLink
- type IOfficeMathObject
- type IOfficeMathObjectsCollection
- type IOoxmlSaveOptionsData
- type IOptimizationOptions
- type IOutlineOptionsData
- type IPageNumber
- type IPageSetup
- type IPageStatData
- type IParagraph
- type IParagraphFormat
- type IParagraphFormatBase
- type IParagraphFormatUpdate
- type IParagraphInsert
- type IParagraphLink
- type IParagraphLinkCollection
- type IPclSaveOptionsData
- type IPdfDigitalSignatureDetailsData
- type IPdfEncryptionDetailsData
- type IPdfSaveOptionsData
- type IPngSaveOptionsData
- type IPreferredWidth
- type IProtectionData
- type IProtectionRequest
- type IPsSaveOptionsData
- type IRangeDocument
- type IRangeDocumentDto
- type IReplaceRange
- type IReplaceRangeDto
- type IReplaceTextParameters
- type IReportEngineSettings
- type IRtfSaveOptionsData
- type IRun
- type IRunBase
- type IRunInsert
- type IRunLink
- type IRunUpdate
- type IRuns
- type ISaveOptionsData
- type ISaveResult
- type ISearchResult
- type ISearchResultsCollection
- type ISection
- type ISectionLink
- type ISectionLinkCollection
- type IShading
- type ISplitDocumentResult
- type IStorageFile
- type IStoryChildNodes
- type IStyle
- type IStyleApply
- type IStyleCopy
- type IStyleInsert
- type IStyleUpdate
- type ISvgSaveOptionsData
- type ITabStop
- type ITabStopBase
- type ITabStopInsert
- type ITable
- type ITableCell
- type ITableCellFormat
- type ITableCellFormatDto
- type ITableCellInsert
- type ITableCellInsertDto
- type ITableInsert
- type ITableInsertDto
- type ITableLink
- type ITableLinkCollection
- type ITableProperties
- type ITablePropertiesDto
- type ITableRow
- type ITableRowFormat
- type ITableRowFormatDto
- type ITableRowInsert
- type ITableRowInsertDto
- type ITextSaveOptionsData
- type ITiffSaveOptionsData
- type ITimeZoneInfoData
- type ITxtSaveOptionsBaseData
- type IWatermarkText
- type IWordMLSaveOptionsData
- type IWordsApiLink
- type IXamlFixedSaveOptionsData
- type IXamlFlowSaveOptionsData
- type IXmlColor
- type IXmlDataLoadOptions
- type IXpsSaveOptionsData
- type ImageSaveOptionsData
- type ImageSaveOptionsDataResult
- type InsertCommentOnlineRequest
- type InsertCommentOnlineResponse
- type InsertCommentRequest
- type InsertCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest
- type InsertCustomXmlPartOnlineResponse
- type InsertCustomXmlPartRequest
- type InsertDrawingObjectOnlineRequest
- type InsertDrawingObjectOnlineResponse
- type InsertDrawingObjectRequest
- type InsertFieldOnlineRequest
- type InsertFieldOnlineResponse
- type InsertFieldRequest
- type InsertFootnoteOnlineRequest
- type InsertFootnoteOnlineResponse
- type InsertFootnoteRequest
- type InsertFormFieldOnlineRequest
- type InsertFormFieldOnlineResponse
- type InsertFormFieldRequest
- type InsertHeaderFooterOnlineRequest
- type InsertHeaderFooterOnlineResponse
- type InsertHeaderFooterRequest
- type InsertListOnlineRequest
- type InsertListOnlineResponse
- type InsertListRequest
- type InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest
- type InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnlineResponse
- type InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopRequest
- type InsertPageNumbersOnlineRequest
- type InsertPageNumbersOnlineResponse
- type InsertPageNumbersRequest
- type InsertParagraphOnlineRequest
- type InsertParagraphOnlineResponse
- type InsertParagraphRequest
- type InsertRunOnlineRequest
- type InsertRunOnlineResponse
- type InsertRunRequest
- type InsertStyleOnlineRequest
- type InsertStyleOnlineResponse
- type InsertStyleRequest
- type InsertTableCellOnlineRequest
- type InsertTableCellOnlineResponse
- type InsertTableCellRequest
- type InsertTableOnlineRequest
- type InsertTableOnlineResponse
- type InsertTableRequest
- type InsertTableRowOnlineRequest
- type InsertTableRowOnlineResponse
- type InsertTableRowRequest
- type InsertWatermarkImageOnlineRequest
- type InsertWatermarkImageOnlineResponse
- type InsertWatermarkImageRequest
- type InsertWatermarkTextOnlineRequest
- type InsertWatermarkTextOnlineResponse
- type InsertWatermarkTextRequest
- type JpegSaveOptionsData
- type JpegSaveOptionsDataResult
- type JsonDataLoadOptions
- type JsonDataLoadOptionsResult
- type Link
- type LinkElement
- type LinkElementResult
- type LinkResult
- type ListFormat
- type ListFormatResult
- type ListFormatUpdate
- type ListFormatUpdateResult
- type ListInfo
- type ListInfoResult
- type ListInsert
- type ListInsertResult
- type ListLevel
- type ListLevelResult
- type ListLevelUpdate
- type ListLevelUpdateResult
- type ListLevels
- type ListLevelsResult
- type ListResponse
- type ListUpdate
- type ListUpdateResult
- type Lists
- type ListsResponse
- type ListsResult
- type LoadWebDocumentData
- type LoadWebDocumentDataResult
- type LoadWebDocumentRequest
- type MarkdownSaveOptionsData
- type MarkdownSaveOptionsDataResult
- type MetafileRenderingOptionsData
- type MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult
- type MhtmlSaveOptionsData
- type MhtmlSaveOptionsDataResult
- type ModificationOperationResult
- type ModificationOperationResultResult
- type MoveFileRequest
- type MoveFolderRequest
- type NodeLink
- type NodeLinkResult
- type OdtSaveOptionsData
- type OdtSaveOptionsDataResult
- type OfficeMathLink
- type OfficeMathLinkResult
- type OfficeMathObject
- type OfficeMathObjectResponse
- type OfficeMathObjectResult
- type OfficeMathObjectsCollection
- type OfficeMathObjectsCollectionResult
- type OfficeMathObjectsResponse
- type OoxmlSaveOptionsData
- type OoxmlSaveOptionsDataResult
- type OptimizationOptions
- type OptimizationOptionsResult
- type OptimizeDocumentOnlineRequest
- type OptimizeDocumentRequest
- type OutlineOptionsData
- type OutlineOptionsDataResult
- type PageNumber
- type PageNumberResult
- type PageSetup
- type PageSetupResult
- type PageStatData
- type PageStatDataResult
- type Paragraph
- type ParagraphFormat
- type ParagraphFormatBase
- type ParagraphFormatBaseResult
- type ParagraphFormatResponse
- type ParagraphFormatResult
- type ParagraphFormatUpdate
- type ParagraphFormatUpdateResult
- type ParagraphInsert
- type ParagraphInsertResult
- type ParagraphLink
- type ParagraphLinkCollection
- type ParagraphLinkCollectionResponse
- type ParagraphLinkCollectionResult
- type ParagraphLinkResult
- type ParagraphListFormatResponse
- type ParagraphResponse
- type ParagraphResult
- type PclSaveOptionsData
- type PclSaveOptionsDataResult
- type PdfDigitalSignatureDetailsData
- type PdfDigitalSignatureDetailsDataResult
- type PdfEncryptionDetailsData
- type PdfEncryptionDetailsDataResult
- type PdfSaveOptionsData
- type PdfSaveOptionsDataResult
- type PngSaveOptionsData
- type PngSaveOptionsDataResult
- type PreferredWidth
- type PreferredWidthResult
- type ProtectDocumentOnlineRequest
- type ProtectDocumentOnlineResponse
- type ProtectDocumentRequest
- type ProtectionData
- type ProtectionDataResponse
- type ProtectionDataResult
- type ProtectionRequest
- type ProtectionRequestResult
- type PsSaveOptionsData
- type PsSaveOptionsDataResult
- type PublicKeyResponse
- type RangeDocument
- type RangeDocumentDto
- type RangeDocumentDtoResult
- type RangeDocumentResult
- type RangeTextResponse
- type RejectAllRevisionsOnlineRequest
- type RejectAllRevisionsOnlineResponse
- type RejectAllRevisionsRequest
- type RemoveRangeOnlineRequest
- type RemoveRangeOnlineResponse
- type RemoveRangeRequest
- type RenderDrawingObjectOnlineRequest
- type RenderDrawingObjectRequest
- type RenderMathObjectOnlineRequest
- type RenderMathObjectRequest
- type RenderPageOnlineRequest
- type RenderPageRequest
- type RenderParagraphOnlineRequest
- type RenderParagraphRequest
- type RenderTableOnlineRequest
- type RenderTableRequest
- type ReplaceRange
- type ReplaceRangeDto
- type ReplaceRangeDtoResult
- type ReplaceRangeResult
- type ReplaceTextOnlineRequest
- type ReplaceTextOnlineResponse
- type ReplaceTextParameters
- type ReplaceTextParametersResult
- type ReplaceTextRequest
- type ReplaceTextResponse
- type ReplaceWithTextOnlineRequest
- type ReplaceWithTextOnlineResponse
- type ReplaceWithTextRequest
- type ReportBuildOptions
- type ReportEngineSettings
- type ReportEngineSettingsResult
- type RequestData
- type RequestInterface
- type ResetCacheRequest
- type RevisionsModificationResponse
- type RtfSaveOptionsData
- type RtfSaveOptionsDataResult
- type Run
- type RunBase
- type RunBaseResult
- type RunInsert
- type RunInsertResult
- type RunLink
- type RunLinkResult
- type RunResponse
- type RunResult
- type RunUpdate
- type RunUpdateResult
- type Runs
- type RunsResponse
- type RunsResult
- type SaveAsOnlineRequest
- type SaveAsOnlineResponse
- type SaveAsRangeOnlineRequest
- type SaveAsRangeOnlineResponse
- type SaveAsRangeRequest
- type SaveAsRequest
- type SaveAsTiffOnlineRequest
- type SaveAsTiffOnlineResponse
- type SaveAsTiffRequest
- type SaveOptionsData
- type SaveOptionsDataResult
- type SaveResponse
- type SaveResult
- type SaveResultResult
- type SearchOnlineRequest
- type SearchRequest
- type SearchResponse
- type SearchResult
- type SearchResultResult
- type SearchResultsCollection
- type SearchResultsCollectionResult
- type Section
- type SectionLink
- type SectionLinkCollection
- type SectionLinkCollectionResponse
- type SectionLinkCollectionResult
- type SectionLinkResult
- type SectionPageSetupResponse
- type SectionResponse
- type SectionResult
- type Shading
- type ShadingResult
- type SplitDocumentOnlineRequest
- type SplitDocumentOnlineResponse
- type SplitDocumentRequest
- type SplitDocumentResponse
- type SplitDocumentResult
- type SplitDocumentResultResult
- type StatDataResponse
- type StorageFile
- type StorageFileResult
- type StoryChildNodes
- type StoryChildNodesResult
- type Style
- type StyleApply
- type StyleApplyResult
- type StyleCopy
- type StyleCopyResult
- type StyleInsert
- type StyleInsertResult
- type StyleResponse
- type StyleResult
- type StyleUpdate
- type StyleUpdateResult
- type StylesResponse
- type SvgSaveOptionsData
- type SvgSaveOptionsDataResult
- type TabStop
- type TabStopBase
- type TabStopBaseResult
- type TabStopInsert
- type TabStopInsertResult
- type TabStopResult
- type TabStopsResponse
- type Table
- type TableCell
- type TableCellFormat
- type TableCellFormatDto
- type TableCellFormatDtoResult
- type TableCellFormatResponse
- type TableCellFormatResult
- type TableCellInsert
- type TableCellInsertDto
- type TableCellInsertDtoResult
- type TableCellInsertResult
- type TableCellResponse
- type TableCellResult
- type TableInsert
- type TableInsertDto
- type TableInsertDtoResult
- type TableInsertResult
- type TableLink
- type TableLinkCollection
- type TableLinkCollectionResponse
- type TableLinkCollectionResult
- type TableLinkResult
- type TableProperties
- type TablePropertiesDto
- type TablePropertiesDtoResult
- type TablePropertiesResponse
- type TablePropertiesResult
- type TableResponse
- type TableResult
- type TableRow
- type TableRowFormat
- type TableRowFormatDto
- type TableRowFormatDtoResult
- type TableRowFormatResponse
- type TableRowFormatResult
- type TableRowInsert
- type TableRowInsertDto
- type TableRowInsertDtoResult
- type TableRowInsertResult
- type TableRowResponse
- type TableRowResult
- type TextSaveOptionsData
- type TextSaveOptionsDataResult
- type TiffSaveOptionsData
- type TiffSaveOptionsDataResult
- type Time
- type TimeZoneInfoData
- type TimeZoneInfoDataResult
- type TxtSaveOptionsBaseData
- type TxtSaveOptionsBaseDataResult
- type UnprotectDocumentOnlineRequest
- type UnprotectDocumentOnlineResponse
- type UnprotectDocumentRequest
- type UpdateBookmarkOnlineRequest
- type UpdateBookmarkOnlineResponse
- type UpdateBookmarkRequest
- type UpdateBorderOnlineRequest
- type UpdateBorderOnlineResponse
- type UpdateBorderRequest
- type UpdateCommentOnlineRequest
- type UpdateCommentOnlineResponse
- type UpdateCommentRequest
- type UpdateCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest
- type UpdateCustomXmlPartOnlineResponse
- type UpdateCustomXmlPartRequest
- type UpdateDrawingObjectOnlineRequest
- type UpdateDrawingObjectOnlineResponse
- type UpdateDrawingObjectRequest
- type UpdateFieldOnlineRequest
- type UpdateFieldOnlineResponse
- type UpdateFieldRequest
- type UpdateFieldsOnlineRequest
- type UpdateFieldsOnlineResponse
- type UpdateFieldsRequest
- type UpdateFootnoteOnlineRequest
- type UpdateFootnoteOnlineResponse
- type UpdateFootnoteRequest
- type UpdateFormFieldOnlineRequest
- type UpdateFormFieldOnlineResponse
- type UpdateFormFieldRequest
- type UpdateListLevelOnlineRequest
- type UpdateListLevelOnlineResponse
- type UpdateListLevelRequest
- type UpdateListOnlineRequest
- type UpdateListOnlineResponse
- type UpdateListRequest
- type UpdateParagraphFormatOnlineRequest
- type UpdateParagraphFormatOnlineResponse
- type UpdateParagraphFormatRequest
- type UpdateParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest
- type UpdateParagraphListFormatOnlineResponse
- type UpdateParagraphListFormatRequest
- type UpdateRunFontOnlineRequest
- type UpdateRunFontOnlineResponse
- type UpdateRunFontRequest
- type UpdateRunOnlineRequest
- type UpdateRunOnlineResponse
- type UpdateRunRequest
- type UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest
- type UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineResponse
- type UpdateSectionPageSetupRequest
- type UpdateStyleOnlineRequest
- type UpdateStyleOnlineResponse
- type UpdateStyleRequest
- type UpdateTableCellFormatOnlineRequest
- type UpdateTableCellFormatOnlineResponse
- type UpdateTableCellFormatRequest
- type UpdateTablePropertiesOnlineRequest
- type UpdateTablePropertiesOnlineResponse
- type UpdateTablePropertiesRequest
- type UpdateTableRowFormatOnlineRequest
- type UpdateTableRowFormatOnlineResponse
- type UpdateTableRowFormatRequest
- type UploadFileRequest
- type WatermarkText
- type WatermarkTextResult
- type WordMLSaveOptionsData
- type WordMLSaveOptionsDataResult
- type WordsApiErrorResponse
- type WordsApiLink
- type WordsApiLinkResult
- type WordsResponse
- type XamlFixedSaveOptionsData
- type XamlFixedSaveOptionsDataResult
- type XamlFlowSaveOptionsData
- type XamlFlowSaveOptionsDataResult
- type XmlColor
- type XmlColorResult
- type XmlDataLoadOptions
- type XmlDataLoadOptionsResult
- type XpsSaveOptionsData
- type XpsSaveOptionsDataResult
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( // ContextOAuth2 takes a oauth2.TokenSource as authentication for the request. ContextOAuth2 = contextKey("token") // ContextBasicAuth takes BasicAuth as authentication for the request. ContextBasicAuth = contextKey("basic") // ContextAccessToken takes a string oauth2 access token as authentication for the request. ContextAccessToken = contextKey("accesstoken") // ContextclientSecret takes an ClientSecret as authentication for the request ContextClientSecret = contextKey("clientsecret") // ContextPasswordEncryptionKey takes a RSA key to encrypt passwords ContextPasswordEncryptionKey = "rsakey" )
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AcceptAllRevisionsOnlineRequest ¶
type AcceptAllRevisionsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
AcceptAllRevisionsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.AcceptAllRevisionsOnline method.
func (*AcceptAllRevisionsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *AcceptAllRevisionsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*AcceptAllRevisionsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *AcceptAllRevisionsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type AcceptAllRevisionsOnlineResponse ¶
type AcceptAllRevisionsOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model RevisionsModificationResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
AcceptAllRevisionsOnlineResponse struct Accepts all revisions in the document.
type AcceptAllRevisionsRequest ¶
type AcceptAllRevisionsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
AcceptAllRevisionsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.AcceptAllRevisions method.
func (*AcceptAllRevisionsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *AcceptAllRevisionsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*AcceptAllRevisionsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *AcceptAllRevisionsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type ApiError ¶
type ApiError struct { // Api error. Code *string `json:"Code,omitempty"` // Api error. DateTime *Time `json:"DateTime,omitempty"` // Api error. Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Api error. InnerError *IApiError `json:"InnerError,omitempty"` // Api error. Message *string `json:"Message,omitempty"` }
func (ApiError) IsApiError ¶
type ApiErrorResult ¶
type ApiErrorResult struct { // Api error. Code string `json:"Code,omitempty"` // Api error. DateTime Time `json:"DateTime,omitempty"` // Api error. Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Api error. InnerError *ApiErrorResult `json:"InnerError,omitempty"` // Api error. Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` }
Api error.
type AppendDocumentOnlineRequest ¶
type AppendDocumentOnlineRequest struct { // Original document. Document io.ReadCloser // <see cref="DocumentEntryList"/> with a list of documents to append. DocumentList IDocumentEntryList /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
AppendDocumentOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.AppendDocumentOnline method.
func (*AppendDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *AppendDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*AppendDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *AppendDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type AppendDocumentOnlineResponse ¶
type AppendDocumentOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model DocumentResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
AppendDocumentOnlineResponse struct Appends documents to the original document.
type AppendDocumentRequest ¶
type AppendDocumentRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // <see cref="DocumentEntryList"/> with a list of documents to append. DocumentList IDocumentEntryList /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
AppendDocumentRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.AppendDocument method.
func (*AppendDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *AppendDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*AppendDocumentRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *AppendDocumentRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnlineRequest ¶
type ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the node in the document tree, that supports styles: ParagraphFormat, List, ListLevel, Table. StyledNodePath *string // Style to apply. StyleApply IStyleApply /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnline method.
func (*ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnlineResponse ¶
type ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model WordsResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnlineResponse struct Applies a style to the document node.
type ApplyStyleToDocumentElementRequest ¶
type ApplyStyleToDocumentElementRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the node in the document tree, that supports styles: ParagraphFormat, List, ListLevel, Table. StyledNodePath *string // Style to apply. StyleApply IStyleApply /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
ApplyStyleToDocumentElementRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.ApplyStyleToDocumentElement method.
func (*ApplyStyleToDocumentElementRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *ApplyStyleToDocumentElementRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*ApplyStyleToDocumentElementRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *ApplyStyleToDocumentElementRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type AvailableFontsResponse ¶
type AvailableFontsResponse struct { // The REST response with data on system, additional and custom fonts, available for document processing. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with data on system, additional and custom fonts, available for document processing. AdditionalFonts []FontInfoResult `json:"AdditionalFonts,omitempty"` // The REST response with data on system, additional and custom fonts, available for document processing. CustomFonts []FontInfoResult `json:"CustomFonts,omitempty"` // The REST response with data on system, additional and custom fonts, available for document processing. SystemFonts []FontInfoResult `json:"SystemFonts,omitempty"` }
The REST response with data on system, additional and custom fonts, available for document processing.
type BasicAuth ¶
type BasicAuth struct { UserName string `json:"userName,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` }
BasicAuth provides basic http authentication to a request passed via context using ContextBasicAuth
type BatchPartRequest ¶
type BatchPartRequest struct { // Request Id. RequestId *string // Parent Request Id. ParentRequestId *string // inner request Request RequestInterface }
The REST response with data on system, additional and custom fonts, available for document processing.
func NewBatchPartRequest ¶
func NewBatchPartRequest(request RequestInterface) *BatchPartRequest
Create new instance of struct.
func (*BatchPartRequest) AsSource ¶
func (c *BatchPartRequest) AsSource() io.ReadCloser
use request's response as a source
func (*BatchPartRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (c *BatchPartRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
create request options
func (*BatchPartRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (c *BatchPartRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
parse response
func (*BatchPartRequest) DependsOn ¶
func (c *BatchPartRequest) DependsOn(parentRequest BatchPartRequest)
set parent request. @param parentRequest parent request.
type BmpSaveOptionsData ¶
type BmpSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for bmp save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. ColorMode *string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. JpegQuality *int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. MetafileRenderingOptions IMetafileRenderingOptionsData `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. NumeralFormat *string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. OptimizeOutput *bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. PageIndex *int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. HorizontalResolution *float64 `json:"HorizontalResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. ImageBrightness *float64 `json:"ImageBrightness,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. ImageColorMode *string `json:"ImageColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. ImageContrast *float64 `json:"ImageContrast,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. PaperColor *string `json:"PaperColor,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. PixelFormat *string `json:"PixelFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. Resolution *float64 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. Scale *float64 `json:"Scale,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UseAntiAliasing *bool `json:"UseAntiAliasing,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UseGdiEmfRenderer *bool `json:"UseGdiEmfRenderer,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UseHighQualityRendering *bool `json:"UseHighQualityRendering,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. VerticalResolution *float64 `json:"VerticalResolution,omitempty"` }
func (BmpSaveOptionsData) IsBmpSaveOptionsData ¶
func (BmpSaveOptionsData) IsBmpSaveOptionsData() bool
func (BmpSaveOptionsData) IsImageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (BmpSaveOptionsData) IsImageSaveOptionsData() bool
type BmpSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type BmpSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for bmp save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. ColorMode string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. MetafileRenderingOptions MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. NumeralFormat string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. OptimizeOutput bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. PageIndex int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. HorizontalResolution float64 `json:"HorizontalResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. ImageBrightness float64 `json:"ImageBrightness,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. ImageColorMode string `json:"ImageColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. ImageContrast float64 `json:"ImageContrast,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. PaperColor string `json:"PaperColor,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. PixelFormat string `json:"PixelFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. Resolution float64 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. Scale float64 `json:"Scale,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UseAntiAliasing bool `json:"UseAntiAliasing,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UseGdiEmfRenderer bool `json:"UseGdiEmfRenderer,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. UseHighQualityRendering bool `json:"UseHighQualityRendering,omitempty"` // Container class for bmp save options. VerticalResolution float64 `json:"VerticalResolution,omitempty"` }
Container class for bmp save options.
type Bookmark ¶
type Bookmark struct { // Represents a single bookmark. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Represents a single bookmark. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Represents a single bookmark. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (Bookmark) IsBookmark ¶
func (Bookmark) IsLinkElement ¶
type BookmarkData ¶
type BookmarkData struct { // DTO for bookmark updating. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // DTO for bookmark updating. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (BookmarkData) IsBookmarkData ¶
func (BookmarkData) IsBookmarkData() bool
type BookmarkDataResult ¶
type BookmarkDataResult struct { // DTO for bookmark updating. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // DTO for bookmark updating. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
DTO for bookmark updating.
type BookmarkResponse ¶
type BookmarkResponse struct { // The REST response with a bookmark. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a bookmark. Bookmark BookmarkResult `json:"Bookmark,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a bookmark.
type BookmarkResult ¶
type BookmarkResult struct { // Represents a single bookmark. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Represents a single bookmark. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Represents a single bookmark. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
Represents a single bookmark.
type Bookmarks ¶
type Bookmarks struct { // Represents an array of bookmarks. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Represents an array of bookmarks. BookmarkList []Bookmark `json:"BookmarkList,omitempty"` }
func (Bookmarks) IsBookmarks ¶
func (Bookmarks) IsLinkElement ¶
type BookmarksOutlineLevelData ¶
type BookmarksOutlineLevelData struct { // Container class for individual bookmarks outline level. BookmarksOutlineLevel *int32 `json:"BookmarksOutlineLevel,omitempty"` // Container class for individual bookmarks outline level. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
func (BookmarksOutlineLevelData) IsBookmarksOutlineLevelData ¶
func (BookmarksOutlineLevelData) IsBookmarksOutlineLevelData() bool
type BookmarksOutlineLevelDataResult ¶
type BookmarksOutlineLevelDataResult struct { // Container class for individual bookmarks outline level. BookmarksOutlineLevel int32 `json:"BookmarksOutlineLevel,omitempty"` // Container class for individual bookmarks outline level. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
Container class for individual bookmarks outline level.
type BookmarksResponse ¶
type BookmarksResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of bookmarks. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of bookmarks. Bookmarks BookmarksResult `json:"Bookmarks,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of bookmarks.
type BookmarksResult ¶
type BookmarksResult struct { // Represents an array of bookmarks. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Represents an array of bookmarks. BookmarkList []BookmarkResult `json:"BookmarkList,omitempty"` }
Represents an array of bookmarks.
type Border ¶
type Border struct { // Represents a border of an object. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Represents a border of an object. BorderType *string `json:"BorderType,omitempty"` // Represents a border of an object. Color IXmlColor `json:"Color,omitempty"` // Represents a border of an object. DistanceFromText *float64 `json:"DistanceFromText,omitempty"` // Represents a border of an object. LineStyle *string `json:"LineStyle,omitempty"` // Represents a border of an object. LineWidth *float64 `json:"LineWidth,omitempty"` // Represents a border of an object. Shadow *bool `json:"Shadow,omitempty"` }
func (Border) IsLinkElement ¶
type BorderResponse ¶
type BorderResponse struct { // The REST response with a border. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a border. Border BorderResult `json:"Border,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a border.
type BorderResult ¶
type BorderResult struct { // Represents a border of an object. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Represents a border of an object. BorderType string `json:"BorderType,omitempty"` // Represents a border of an object. Color XmlColorResult `json:"Color,omitempty"` // Represents a border of an object. DistanceFromText float64 `json:"DistanceFromText,omitempty"` // Represents a border of an object. LineStyle string `json:"LineStyle,omitempty"` // Represents a border of an object. LineWidth float64 `json:"LineWidth,omitempty"` // Represents a border of an object. Shadow bool `json:"Shadow,omitempty"` }
Represents a border of an object.
type BordersCollection ¶
type BordersCollection struct { // The collection of borders. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of borders. List []Border `json:"List,omitempty"` }
func (BordersCollection) IsBordersCollection ¶
func (BordersCollection) IsBordersCollection() bool
func (BordersCollection) IsLinkElement ¶
func (BordersCollection) IsLinkElement() bool
type BordersCollectionResult ¶
type BordersCollectionResult struct { // The collection of borders. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of borders. List []BorderResult `json:"List,omitempty"` }
The collection of borders.
type BordersResponse ¶
type BordersResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of borders. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of borders. Borders BordersCollectionResult `json:"Borders,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of borders.
type BuildReportOnlineRequest ¶
type BuildReportOnlineRequest struct { // File with template. Template io.ReadCloser // A string providing a data to populate the specified template. The string must be of one of the following types: xml, json, csv. Data *string // An object providing a settings of report engine. ReportEngineSettings IReportEngineSettings /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "documentFileName" value: (*string) The filename of the output document, that will be used when the resulting document has a dynamic field {filename}. If it is not set, the "template" will be used instead. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
BuildReportOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.BuildReportOnline method.
func (*BuildReportOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *BuildReportOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*BuildReportOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *BuildReportOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type BuildReportRequest ¶
type BuildReportRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // A string providing a data to populate the specified template. The string must be of one of the following types: xml, json, csv. Data *string // An object providing a settings of report engine. ReportEngineSettings IReportEngineSettings /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) The filename of the output document. If this parameter is omitted, the result will be saved with autogenerated name. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
BuildReportRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.BuildReport method.
func (*BuildReportRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *BuildReportRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*BuildReportRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *BuildReportRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type ClassificationResponse ¶
type ClassificationResponse struct { // The REST response with data on multi-class text classification. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with data on multi-class text classification. BestClassName string `json:"BestClassName,omitempty"` // The REST response with data on multi-class text classification. BestClassProbability float64 `json:"BestClassProbability,omitempty"` // The REST response with data on multi-class text classification. BestResults []ClassificationResultResult `json:"BestResults,omitempty"` }
The REST response with data on multi-class text classification.
type ClassificationResult ¶
type ClassificationResult struct { // Represents a single classification result. ClassName *string `json:"ClassName,omitempty"` // Represents a single classification result. ClassProbability *float64 `json:"ClassProbability,omitempty"` }
func (ClassificationResult) IsClassificationResult ¶
func (ClassificationResult) IsClassificationResult() bool
type ClassificationResultResult ¶
type ClassificationResultResult struct { // Represents a single classification result. ClassName string `json:"ClassName,omitempty"` // Represents a single classification result. ClassProbability float64 `json:"ClassProbability,omitempty"` }
Represents a single classification result.
type ClassifyDocumentOnlineRequest ¶
type ClassifyDocumentOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "bestClassesCount" value: (*string) The number of the best classes to return. key: "taxonomy" value: (*string) The taxonomy to use. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
ClassifyDocumentOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.ClassifyDocumentOnline method.
func (*ClassifyDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *ClassifyDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*ClassifyDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *ClassifyDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type ClassifyDocumentRequest ¶
type ClassifyDocumentRequest struct { // The document name. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "bestClassesCount" value: (*string) The number of the best classes to return. key: "taxonomy" value: (*string) The taxonomy to use. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
ClassifyDocumentRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.ClassifyDocument method.
func (*ClassifyDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *ClassifyDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*ClassifyDocumentRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *ClassifyDocumentRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type ClassifyRequest ¶
type ClassifyRequest struct { // The text to classify. Text *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "bestClassesCount" value: (*string) The number of the best classes to return. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
ClassifyRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.Classify method.
func (*ClassifyRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *ClassifyRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*ClassifyRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *ClassifyRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type ClientSecret ¶
ClientSecret provides API key based authentication to a request passed via context using ContextclientSecret
type Comment ¶
type Comment struct { // DTO container with a comment. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a comment. Author *string `json:"Author,omitempty"` // DTO container with a comment. Content IStoryChildNodes `json:"Content,omitempty"` // DTO container with a comment. DateTime *Time `json:"DateTime,omitempty"` // DTO container with a comment. Initial *string `json:"Initial,omitempty"` // DTO container with a comment. RangeEnd IDocumentPosition `json:"RangeEnd,omitempty"` // DTO container with a comment. RangeStart IDocumentPosition `json:"RangeStart,omitempty"` // DTO container with a comment. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (Comment) IsCommentLink ¶
type CommentBase ¶
type CommentBase struct { // Comment. Author *string `json:"Author,omitempty"` // Comment. DateTime *Time `json:"DateTime,omitempty"` // Comment. Initial *string `json:"Initial,omitempty"` // Comment. RangeEnd IDocumentPosition `json:"RangeEnd,omitempty"` // Comment. RangeStart IDocumentPosition `json:"RangeStart,omitempty"` // Comment. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (CommentBase) IsCommentBase ¶
func (CommentBase) IsCommentBase() bool
type CommentBaseResult ¶
type CommentBaseResult struct { // Comment. Author string `json:"Author,omitempty"` // Comment. DateTime Time `json:"DateTime,omitempty"` // Comment. Initial string `json:"Initial,omitempty"` // Comment. RangeEnd DocumentPositionResult `json:"RangeEnd,omitempty"` // Comment. RangeStart DocumentPositionResult `json:"RangeStart,omitempty"` // Comment. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
type CommentInsert ¶
type CommentInsert struct { // Comment insert. Author *string `json:"Author,omitempty"` // Comment insert. DateTime *Time `json:"DateTime,omitempty"` // Comment insert. Initial *string `json:"Initial,omitempty"` // Comment insert. RangeEnd IDocumentPosition `json:"RangeEnd,omitempty"` // Comment insert. RangeStart IDocumentPosition `json:"RangeStart,omitempty"` // Comment insert. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (CommentInsert) IsCommentBase ¶
func (CommentInsert) IsCommentBase() bool
func (CommentInsert) IsCommentInsert ¶
func (CommentInsert) IsCommentInsert() bool
type CommentInsertResult ¶
type CommentInsertResult struct { // Comment insert. Author string `json:"Author,omitempty"` // Comment insert. DateTime Time `json:"DateTime,omitempty"` // Comment insert. Initial string `json:"Initial,omitempty"` // Comment insert. RangeEnd DocumentPositionResult `json:"RangeEnd,omitempty"` // Comment insert. RangeStart DocumentPositionResult `json:"RangeStart,omitempty"` // Comment insert. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
Comment insert.
type CommentLink ¶
type CommentLink struct { // Comment link. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` }
func (CommentLink) IsCommentLink ¶
func (CommentLink) IsCommentLink() bool
func (CommentLink) IsLinkElement ¶
func (CommentLink) IsLinkElement() bool
type CommentLinkResult ¶
type CommentLinkResult struct { // Comment link. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` }
Comment link.
type CommentResponse ¶
type CommentResponse struct { // The REST response with a comment. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a comment. Comment CommentResult `json:"Comment,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a comment.
type CommentResult ¶
type CommentResult struct { // DTO container with a comment. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a comment. Author string `json:"Author,omitempty"` // DTO container with a comment. Content StoryChildNodesResult `json:"Content,omitempty"` // DTO container with a comment. DateTime Time `json:"DateTime,omitempty"` // DTO container with a comment. Initial string `json:"Initial,omitempty"` // DTO container with a comment. RangeEnd DocumentPositionResult `json:"RangeEnd,omitempty"` // DTO container with a comment. RangeStart DocumentPositionResult `json:"RangeStart,omitempty"` // DTO container with a comment. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a comment.
type CommentUpdate ¶
type CommentUpdate struct { // Comment update. Author *string `json:"Author,omitempty"` // Comment update. DateTime *Time `json:"DateTime,omitempty"` // Comment update. Initial *string `json:"Initial,omitempty"` // Comment update. RangeEnd IDocumentPosition `json:"RangeEnd,omitempty"` // Comment update. RangeStart IDocumentPosition `json:"RangeStart,omitempty"` // Comment update. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (CommentUpdate) IsCommentBase ¶
func (CommentUpdate) IsCommentBase() bool
func (CommentUpdate) IsCommentUpdate ¶
func (CommentUpdate) IsCommentUpdate() bool
type CommentUpdateResult ¶
type CommentUpdateResult struct { // Comment update. Author string `json:"Author,omitempty"` // Comment update. DateTime Time `json:"DateTime,omitempty"` // Comment update. Initial string `json:"Initial,omitempty"` // Comment update. RangeEnd DocumentPositionResult `json:"RangeEnd,omitempty"` // Comment update. RangeStart DocumentPositionResult `json:"RangeStart,omitempty"` // Comment update. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
Comment update.
type CommentsCollection ¶
type CommentsCollection struct { // The collection of comments. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of comments. CommentList []Comment `json:"CommentList,omitempty"` }
func (CommentsCollection) IsCommentsCollection ¶
func (CommentsCollection) IsCommentsCollection() bool
func (CommentsCollection) IsLinkElement ¶
func (CommentsCollection) IsLinkElement() bool
type CommentsCollectionResult ¶
type CommentsCollectionResult struct { // The collection of comments. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of comments. CommentList []CommentResult `json:"CommentList,omitempty"` }
The collection of comments.
type CommentsResponse ¶
type CommentsResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of comments. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of comments. Comments CommentsCollectionResult `json:"Comments,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of comments.
type CompareData ¶
type CompareData struct { // Container class for compare documents. Author *string `json:"Author,omitempty"` // Container class for compare documents. CompareOptions ICompareOptions `json:"CompareOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for compare documents. ComparingWithDocument *string `json:"ComparingWithDocument,omitempty"` // Container class for compare documents. DateTime *Time `json:"DateTime,omitempty"` // Container class for compare documents. ResultDocumentFormat *string `json:"ResultDocumentFormat,omitempty"` }
func (CompareData) IsCompareData ¶
func (CompareData) IsCompareData() bool
type CompareDataResult ¶
type CompareDataResult struct { // Container class for compare documents. Author string `json:"Author,omitempty"` // Container class for compare documents. CompareOptions CompareOptionsResult `json:"CompareOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for compare documents. ComparingWithDocument string `json:"ComparingWithDocument,omitempty"` // Container class for compare documents. DateTime Time `json:"DateTime,omitempty"` // Container class for compare documents. ResultDocumentFormat string `json:"ResultDocumentFormat,omitempty"` }
Container class for compare documents.
type CompareDocumentOnlineRequest ¶
type CompareDocumentOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Compare data. CompareData ICompareData /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "comparingDocument" value: (io.ReadCloser) The comparing document. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
CompareDocumentOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.CompareDocumentOnline method.
func (*CompareDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *CompareDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*CompareDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *CompareDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type CompareDocumentOnlineResponse ¶
type CompareDocumentOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model DocumentResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
CompareDocumentOnlineResponse struct Compares two documents.
type CompareDocumentRequest ¶
type CompareDocumentRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Compare data. CompareData ICompareData /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
CompareDocumentRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.CompareDocument method.
func (*CompareDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *CompareDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*CompareDocumentRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *CompareDocumentRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type CompareOptions ¶
type CompareOptions struct { // DTO container with compare documents options. AcceptAllRevisionsBeforeComparison *bool `json:"AcceptAllRevisionsBeforeComparison,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. IgnoreCaseChanges *bool `json:"IgnoreCaseChanges,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. IgnoreComments *bool `json:"IgnoreComments,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. IgnoreFields *bool `json:"IgnoreFields,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. IgnoreFootnotes *bool `json:"IgnoreFootnotes,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. IgnoreFormatting *bool `json:"IgnoreFormatting,omitempty"` IgnoreHeadersAndFooters *bool `json:"IgnoreHeadersAndFooters,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. IgnoreTables *bool `json:"IgnoreTables,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. IgnoreTextboxes *bool `json:"IgnoreTextboxes,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. Target *string `json:"Target,omitempty"` }
func (CompareOptions) IsCompareOptions ¶
func (CompareOptions) IsCompareOptions() bool
type CompareOptionsResult ¶
type CompareOptionsResult struct { // DTO container with compare documents options. AcceptAllRevisionsBeforeComparison bool `json:"AcceptAllRevisionsBeforeComparison,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. IgnoreCaseChanges bool `json:"IgnoreCaseChanges,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. IgnoreComments bool `json:"IgnoreComments,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. IgnoreFields bool `json:"IgnoreFields,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. IgnoreFootnotes bool `json:"IgnoreFootnotes,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. IgnoreFormatting bool `json:"IgnoreFormatting,omitempty"` IgnoreHeadersAndFooters bool `json:"IgnoreHeadersAndFooters,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. IgnoreTables bool `json:"IgnoreTables,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. IgnoreTextboxes bool `json:"IgnoreTextboxes,omitempty"` // DTO container with compare documents options. Target string `json:"Target,omitempty"` }
DTO container with compare documents options.
type Configuration ¶
type Configuration struct { ClientId string `json:"ClientId"` ClientSecret string `json:"ClientSecret"` BaseUrl string `json:"BaseUrl,omitempty"` DebugMode bool `json:"DebugMode,omitempty"` DefaultHeader map[string]string `json:"DefaultHeader,omitempty"` HttpClient *http.Client }
func NewConfiguration ¶
func NewConfiguration(configFilePath string) (pConfig *Configuration, err error)
type ConvertDocumentRequest ¶
type ConvertDocumentRequest struct { // Converting document. Document io.ReadCloser // The format to convert. Format *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "outPath" value: (*string) The path to the output document on a local storage. key: "fileNameFieldValue" value: (*string) The filename of the output document, that will be used when the resulting document has a dynamic field {filename}. If it is not set, the "sourceFilename" will be used instead. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
ConvertDocumentRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.ConvertDocument method.
func (*ConvertDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *ConvertDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*ConvertDocumentRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *ConvertDocumentRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type CopyFileRequest ¶
type CopyFileRequest struct { // Destination file path. DestPath *string // Source file's path e.g. '/Folder 1/file.ext' or '/Bucket/Folder 1/file.ext'. SrcPath *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "srcStorageName" value: (*string) Source storage name. key: "destStorageName" value: (*string) Destination storage name. key: "versionId" value: (*string) File version ID to copy. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
CopyFileRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.CopyFile method.
func (*CopyFileRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *CopyFileRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*CopyFileRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *CopyFileRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type CopyFolderRequest ¶
type CopyFolderRequest struct { // Destination folder path e.g. '/dst'. DestPath *string // Source folder path e.g. /Folder1. SrcPath *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "srcStorageName" value: (*string) Source storage name. key: "destStorageName" value: (*string) Destination storage name. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
CopyFolderRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.CopyFolder method.
func (*CopyFolderRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *CopyFolderRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*CopyFolderRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *CopyFolderRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type CopyStyleOnlineRequest ¶
type CopyStyleOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Style to copy. StyleCopy IStyleCopy /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
CopyStyleOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.CopyStyleOnline method.
func (*CopyStyleOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *CopyStyleOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*CopyStyleOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *CopyStyleOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type CopyStyleOnlineResponse ¶
type CopyStyleOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model StyleResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
CopyStyleOnlineResponse struct Makes a copy of the style in the document.
type CopyStyleRequest ¶
type CopyStyleRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Style to copy. StyleCopy IStyleCopy /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
CopyStyleRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.CopyStyle method.
func (*CopyStyleRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *CopyStyleRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*CopyStyleRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *CopyStyleRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type CreateDocumentRequest ¶
type CreateDocumentRequest struct { /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "fileName" value: (*string) The filename of the document. key: "folder" value: (*string) The path to the document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
CreateDocumentRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.CreateDocument method.
func (*CreateDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *CreateDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*CreateDocumentRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *CreateDocumentRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type CreateFolderRequest ¶
type CreateFolderRequest struct { // Target folder's path e.g. Folder1/Folder2/. The folders will be created recursively. Path *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "storageName" value: (*string) Storage name. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
CreateFolderRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.CreateFolder method.
func (*CreateFolderRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *CreateFolderRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*CreateFolderRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *CreateFolderRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest ¶
type CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The name of the property. PropertyName *string // The property with new value. Property IDocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnline method.
func (*CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnlineResponse ¶
type CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model DocumentPropertyResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnlineResponse struct Adds a new or updates an existing document property.
type CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyRequest ¶
type CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The name of the property. PropertyName *string // The property with new value. Property IDocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.CreateOrUpdateDocumentProperty method.
func (*CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type CsvDataLoadOptions ¶
type CsvDataLoadOptions struct { // Represents options for parsing CSV data. CommentChar *string `json:"CommentChar,omitempty"` // Represents options for parsing CSV data. Delimiter *string `json:"Delimiter,omitempty"` // Represents options for parsing CSV data. HasHeaders *bool `json:"HasHeaders,omitempty"` // Represents options for parsing CSV data. QuoteChar *string `json:"QuoteChar,omitempty"` }
func (CsvDataLoadOptions) IsCsvDataLoadOptions ¶
func (CsvDataLoadOptions) IsCsvDataLoadOptions() bool
type CsvDataLoadOptionsResult ¶
type CsvDataLoadOptionsResult struct { // Represents options for parsing CSV data. CommentChar string `json:"CommentChar,omitempty"` // Represents options for parsing CSV data. Delimiter string `json:"Delimiter,omitempty"` // Represents options for parsing CSV data. HasHeaders bool `json:"HasHeaders,omitempty"` // Represents options for parsing CSV data. QuoteChar string `json:"QuoteChar,omitempty"` }
Represents options for parsing CSV data.
type CustomXmlPart ¶
type CustomXmlPart struct { // DTO container with a CustomXmlPart. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a CustomXmlPart. Data *string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // DTO container with a CustomXmlPart. Id *string `json:"Id,omitempty"` }
func (CustomXmlPart) IsCustomXmlPart ¶
func (CustomXmlPart) IsCustomXmlPart() bool
func (CustomXmlPart) IsCustomXmlPartLink ¶
func (CustomXmlPart) IsCustomXmlPartLink() bool
type CustomXmlPartInsert ¶
type CustomXmlPartInsert struct { // Custom xml part insert. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Custom xml part insert. Data *string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Custom xml part insert. Id *string `json:"Id,omitempty"` }
func (CustomXmlPartInsert) IsCustomXmlPart ¶
func (CustomXmlPartInsert) IsCustomXmlPart() bool
func (CustomXmlPartInsert) IsCustomXmlPartInsert ¶
func (CustomXmlPartInsert) IsCustomXmlPartInsert() bool
type CustomXmlPartInsertResult ¶
type CustomXmlPartInsertResult struct { // Custom xml part insert. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Custom xml part insert. Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Custom xml part insert. Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` }
Custom xml part insert.
type CustomXmlPartLink ¶
type CustomXmlPartLink struct { // CustomXmlPart link. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` }
func (CustomXmlPartLink) IsCustomXmlPartLink ¶
func (CustomXmlPartLink) IsCustomXmlPartLink() bool
func (CustomXmlPartLink) IsLinkElement ¶
func (CustomXmlPartLink) IsLinkElement() bool
type CustomXmlPartLinkResult ¶
type CustomXmlPartLinkResult struct { // CustomXmlPart link. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` }
CustomXmlPart link.
type CustomXmlPartResponse ¶
type CustomXmlPartResponse struct { // The REST response with a custom xml part. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a custom xml part. CustomXmlPart CustomXmlPartResult `json:"CustomXmlPart,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a custom xml part.
type CustomXmlPartResult ¶
type CustomXmlPartResult struct { // DTO container with a CustomXmlPart. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a CustomXmlPart. Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // DTO container with a CustomXmlPart. Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a CustomXmlPart.
type CustomXmlPartUpdate ¶
type CustomXmlPartUpdate struct { // Custom xml part update. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Custom xml part update. Data *string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Custom xml part update. Id *string `json:"Id,omitempty"` }
func (CustomXmlPartUpdate) IsCustomXmlPart ¶
func (CustomXmlPartUpdate) IsCustomXmlPart() bool
func (CustomXmlPartUpdate) IsCustomXmlPartUpdate ¶
func (CustomXmlPartUpdate) IsCustomXmlPartUpdate() bool
type CustomXmlPartUpdateResult ¶
type CustomXmlPartUpdateResult struct { // Custom xml part update. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Custom xml part update. Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Custom xml part update. Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` }
Custom xml part update.
type CustomXmlPartsCollection ¶
type CustomXmlPartsCollection struct { // The collection of CustomXmlPart. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of CustomXmlPart. CustomXmlPartsList []CustomXmlPart `json:"CustomXmlPartsList,omitempty"` }
func (CustomXmlPartsCollection) IsCustomXmlPartsCollection ¶
func (CustomXmlPartsCollection) IsCustomXmlPartsCollection() bool
func (CustomXmlPartsCollection) IsLinkElement ¶
func (CustomXmlPartsCollection) IsLinkElement() bool
type CustomXmlPartsCollectionResult ¶
type CustomXmlPartsCollectionResult struct { // The collection of CustomXmlPart. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of CustomXmlPart. CustomXmlPartsList []CustomXmlPartResult `json:"CustomXmlPartsList,omitempty"` }
The collection of CustomXmlPart.
type CustomXmlPartsResponse ¶
type CustomXmlPartsResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of custom xml parts. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of custom xml parts. CustomXmlParts CustomXmlPartsCollectionResult `json:"CustomXmlParts,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of custom xml parts.
type DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnline method.
func (*DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnlineResponse ¶
type DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model TabStopsResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnlineResponse struct Removes paragraph tab stops from the document node.
type DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsRequest ¶
type DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteAllParagraphTabStops method.
func (*DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteBorderOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteBorderOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Border type. BorderType *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteBorderOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteBorderOnline method.
func (*DeleteBorderOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteBorderOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteBorderOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteBorderOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteBorderOnlineResponse ¶
type DeleteBorderOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model BorderResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
DeleteBorderOnlineResponse struct Removes a border from the document node.
type DeleteBorderRequest ¶
type DeleteBorderRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Border type. BorderType *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteBorderRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteBorder method.
func (*DeleteBorderRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteBorderRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteBorderRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteBorderRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteBordersOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteBordersOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteBordersOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteBordersOnline method.
func (*DeleteBordersOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteBordersOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteBordersOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteBordersOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteBordersOnlineResponse ¶
type DeleteBordersOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model BordersResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
DeleteBordersOnlineResponse struct Removes borders from the document node.
type DeleteBordersRequest ¶
type DeleteBordersRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteBordersRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteBorders method.
func (*DeleteBordersRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteBordersRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteBordersRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteBordersRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteCommentOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteCommentOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The index of the comment. CommentIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteCommentOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteCommentOnline method.
func (*DeleteCommentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteCommentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteCommentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteCommentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteCommentRequest ¶
type DeleteCommentRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The index of the comment. CommentIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteCommentRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteComment method.
func (*DeleteCommentRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteCommentRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteCommentRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteCommentRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteCommentsOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteCommentsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteCommentsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteCommentsOnline method.
func (*DeleteCommentsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteCommentsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteCommentsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteCommentsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteCommentsRequest ¶
type DeleteCommentsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteCommentsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteComments method.
func (*DeleteCommentsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteCommentsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteCommentsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteCommentsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The index of the custom xml part. This index is the number of the entry in the collection of custom xml parts, not the ID of the part. CustomXmlPartIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteCustomXmlPartOnline method.
func (*DeleteCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteCustomXmlPartRequest ¶
type DeleteCustomXmlPartRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The index of the custom xml part. This index is the number of the entry in the collection of custom xml parts, not the ID of the part. CustomXmlPartIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteCustomXmlPartRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteCustomXmlPart method.
func (*DeleteCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteCustomXmlPartsOnline method.
func (*DeleteCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteCustomXmlPartsRequest ¶
type DeleteCustomXmlPartsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteCustomXmlPartsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteCustomXmlParts method.
func (*DeleteCustomXmlPartsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteCustomXmlPartsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteCustomXmlPartsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteCustomXmlPartsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The name of the property. PropertyName *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteDocumentPropertyOnline method.
func (*DeleteDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteDocumentPropertyRequest ¶
type DeleteDocumentPropertyRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The name of the property. PropertyName *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteDocumentPropertyRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteDocumentProperty method.
func (*DeleteDocumentPropertyRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteDocumentPropertyRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteDocumentPropertyRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteDocumentPropertyRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteDrawingObjectOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteDrawingObjectOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteDrawingObjectOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteDrawingObjectOnline method.
func (*DeleteDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteDrawingObjectRequest ¶
type DeleteDrawingObjectRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteDrawingObjectRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteDrawingObject method.
func (*DeleteDrawingObjectRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteDrawingObjectRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteDrawingObjectRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteDrawingObjectRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteFieldOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteFieldOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteFieldOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteFieldOnline method.
func (*DeleteFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteFieldRequest ¶
type DeleteFieldRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteFieldRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteField method.
func (*DeleteFieldRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteFieldRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteFieldRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteFieldRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteFieldsOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteFieldsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteFieldsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteFieldsOnline method.
func (*DeleteFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteFieldsRequest ¶
type DeleteFieldsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteFieldsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteFields method.
func (*DeleteFieldsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteFieldsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteFieldsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteFieldsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteFileRequest ¶
type DeleteFileRequest struct { // Path of the file including the file name and extension e.g. /folder1/file.ext. Path *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "storageName" value: (*string) Storage name. key: "versionId" value: (*string) File version ID to delete. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteFileRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteFile method.
func (*DeleteFileRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteFileRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteFileRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteFileRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteFolderRequest ¶
type DeleteFolderRequest struct { // Folder path e.g. '/folder'. Path *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "storageName" value: (*string) Storage name. key: "recursive" value: (*bool) Enable to delete folders, subfolders and files. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteFolderRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteFolder method.
func (*DeleteFolderRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteFolderRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteFolderRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteFolderRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteFootnoteOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteFootnoteOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteFootnoteOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteFootnoteOnline method.
func (*DeleteFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteFootnoteRequest ¶
type DeleteFootnoteRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteFootnoteRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteFootnote method.
func (*DeleteFootnoteRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteFootnoteRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteFootnoteRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteFootnoteRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteFormFieldOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteFormFieldOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteFormFieldOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteFormFieldOnline method.
func (*DeleteFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteFormFieldRequest ¶
type DeleteFormFieldRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteFormFieldRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteFormField method.
func (*DeleteFormFieldRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteFormFieldRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteFormFieldRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteFormFieldRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteHeaderFooterOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteHeaderFooterOnlineRequest struct { io.ReadCloser SectionPath *string Index *int32 Optionals map[string]interface{} }Document
DeleteHeaderFooterOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteHeaderFooterOnline method.
func (*DeleteHeaderFooterOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteHeaderFooterOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteHeaderFooterOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteHeaderFooterOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteHeaderFooterRequest ¶
type DeleteHeaderFooterRequest struct { string SectionPath *string Index *int32 Optionals map[string]interface{} }Name *
DeleteHeaderFooterRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteHeaderFooter method.
func (*DeleteHeaderFooterRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteHeaderFooterRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteHeaderFooterRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteHeaderFooterRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteHeadersFootersOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteHeadersFootersOnlineRequest struct { io.ReadCloser SectionPath *string Optionals map[string]interface{} }Document
DeleteHeadersFootersOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteHeadersFootersOnline method.
func (*DeleteHeadersFootersOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteHeadersFootersOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteHeadersFootersOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteHeadersFootersOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteHeadersFootersRequest ¶
type DeleteHeadersFootersRequest struct { string SectionPath *string Optionals map[string]interface{} }Name *
DeleteHeadersFootersRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteHeadersFooters method.
func (*DeleteHeadersFootersRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteHeadersFootersRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteHeadersFootersRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteHeadersFootersRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteMacrosOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteMacrosOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteMacrosOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteMacrosOnline method.
func (*DeleteMacrosOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteMacrosOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteMacrosOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteMacrosOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteMacrosRequest ¶
type DeleteMacrosRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteMacrosRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteMacros method.
func (*DeleteMacrosRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteMacrosRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteMacrosRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteMacrosRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteOfficeMathObjectOnline method.
func (*DeleteOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteOfficeMathObjectRequest ¶
type DeleteOfficeMathObjectRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteOfficeMathObjectRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteOfficeMathObject method.
func (*DeleteOfficeMathObjectRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteOfficeMathObjectRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteOfficeMathObjectRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteOfficeMathObjectRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteParagraphListFormatOnline method.
func (*DeleteParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteParagraphListFormatOnlineResponse ¶
type DeleteParagraphListFormatOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model ParagraphListFormatResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
DeleteParagraphListFormatOnlineResponse struct Removes the formatting properties of a paragraph list from the document node.
type DeleteParagraphListFormatRequest ¶
type DeleteParagraphListFormatRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteParagraphListFormatRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteParagraphListFormat method.
func (*DeleteParagraphListFormatRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteParagraphListFormatRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteParagraphListFormatRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteParagraphListFormatRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteParagraphOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteParagraphOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteParagraphOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteParagraphOnline method.
func (*DeleteParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteParagraphRequest ¶
type DeleteParagraphRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteParagraphRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteParagraph method.
func (*DeleteParagraphRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteParagraphRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteParagraphRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteParagraphRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The position of a tab stop to remove. Position *float64 // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteParagraphTabStopOnline method.
func (*DeleteParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteParagraphTabStopOnlineResponse ¶
type DeleteParagraphTabStopOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model TabStopsResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
DeleteParagraphTabStopOnlineResponse struct Removes a paragraph tab stop from the document node.
type DeleteParagraphTabStopRequest ¶
type DeleteParagraphTabStopRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The position of a tab stop to remove. Position *float64 // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteParagraphTabStopRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteParagraphTabStop method.
func (*DeleteParagraphTabStopRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteParagraphTabStopRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteParagraphTabStopRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteParagraphTabStopRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteRunOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteRunOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the paragraph in the document tree. ParagraphPath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteRunOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteRunOnline method.
func (*DeleteRunOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteRunOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteRunOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteRunOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteRunRequest ¶
type DeleteRunRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the paragraph in the document tree. ParagraphPath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteRunRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteRun method.
func (*DeleteRunRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteRunRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteRunRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteRunRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteSectionOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteSectionOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The index of the section. SectionIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteSectionOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteSectionOnline method.
func (*DeleteSectionOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteSectionOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteSectionOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteSectionOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteSectionRequest ¶
type DeleteSectionRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The index of the section. SectionIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteSectionRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteSection method.
func (*DeleteSectionRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteSectionRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteSectionRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteSectionRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteTableCellOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteTableCellOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the table row in the document tree. TableRowPath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteTableCellOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteTableCellOnline method.
func (*DeleteTableCellOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteTableCellOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteTableCellOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteTableCellOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteTableCellRequest ¶
type DeleteTableCellRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the table row in the document tree. TableRowPath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteTableCellRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteTableCell method.
func (*DeleteTableCellRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteTableCellRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteTableCellRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteTableCellRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteTableOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteTableOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteTableOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteTableOnline method.
func (*DeleteTableOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteTableOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteTableOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteTableOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteTableRequest ¶
type DeleteTableRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteTableRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteTable method.
func (*DeleteTableRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteTableRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteTableRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteTableRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteTableRowOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteTableRowOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the table in the document tree. TablePath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteTableRowOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteTableRowOnline method.
func (*DeleteTableRowOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteTableRowOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteTableRowOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteTableRowOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteTableRowRequest ¶
type DeleteTableRowRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the table in the document tree. TablePath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteTableRowRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteTableRow method.
func (*DeleteTableRowRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteTableRowRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteTableRowRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteTableRowRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteWatermarkOnlineRequest ¶
type DeleteWatermarkOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteWatermarkOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteWatermarkOnline method.
func (*DeleteWatermarkOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteWatermarkOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteWatermarkOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteWatermarkOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DeleteWatermarkOnlineResponse ¶
type DeleteWatermarkOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model DocumentResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
DeleteWatermarkOnlineResponse struct Removes a watermark from the document.
type DeleteWatermarkRequest ¶
type DeleteWatermarkRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DeleteWatermarkRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DeleteWatermark method.
func (*DeleteWatermarkRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DeleteWatermarkRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DeleteWatermarkRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DeleteWatermarkRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DocSaveOptionsData ¶
type DocSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for doc/dot save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. AlwaysCompressMetafiles *bool `json:"AlwaysCompressMetafiles,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. Password *string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. SavePictureBullet *bool `json:"SavePictureBullet,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. SaveRoutingSlip *bool `json:"SaveRoutingSlip,omitempty"` }
func (DocSaveOptionsData) IsDocSaveOptionsData ¶
func (DocSaveOptionsData) IsDocSaveOptionsData() bool
func (DocSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData ¶
func (DocSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData() bool
type DocSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type DocSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for doc/dot save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. AlwaysCompressMetafiles bool `json:"AlwaysCompressMetafiles,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. SavePictureBullet bool `json:"SavePictureBullet,omitempty"` // Container class for doc/dot save options. SaveRoutingSlip bool `json:"SaveRoutingSlip,omitempty"` }
Container class for doc/dot save options.
type Document ¶
type Document struct { // Represents Words document DTO. DocumentProperties IDocumentProperties `json:"DocumentProperties,omitempty"` // Represents Words document DTO. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Represents Words document DTO. IsEncrypted *bool `json:"IsEncrypted,omitempty"` // Represents Words document DTO. IsSigned *bool `json:"IsSigned,omitempty"` // Represents Words document DTO. Links []Link `json:"Links,omitempty"` // Represents Words document DTO. SourceFormat *string `json:"SourceFormat,omitempty"` }
func (Document) IsDocument ¶
type DocumentEntry ¶
type DocumentEntry struct { // Represents a document which will be appended to the original resource document. Href *string `json:"Href,omitempty"` // Represents a document which will be appended to the original resource document. ImportFormatMode *string `json:"ImportFormatMode,omitempty"` }
func (DocumentEntry) IsDocumentEntry ¶
func (DocumentEntry) IsDocumentEntry() bool
type DocumentEntryList ¶
type DocumentEntryList struct { bool `json:"ApplyBaseDocumentHeadersAndFootersToAppendingDocuments,omitempty"` // Represents a list of documents which will be appended to the original resource document. DocumentEntries []DocumentEntry `json:"DocumentEntries,omitempty"` }ApplyBaseDocumentHeadersAndFootersToAppendingDocuments *
func (DocumentEntryList) IsDocumentEntryList ¶
func (DocumentEntryList) IsDocumentEntryList() bool
type DocumentEntryListResult ¶
type DocumentEntryListResult struct { bool `json:"ApplyBaseDocumentHeadersAndFootersToAppendingDocuments,omitempty"` // Represents a list of documents which will be appended to the original resource document. DocumentEntries []DocumentEntryResult `json:"DocumentEntries,omitempty"` }ApplyBaseDocumentHeadersAndFootersToAppendingDocuments
Represents a list of documents which will be appended to the original resource document.
type DocumentEntryResult ¶
type DocumentEntryResult struct { // Represents a document which will be appended to the original resource document. Href string `json:"Href,omitempty"` // Represents a document which will be appended to the original resource document. ImportFormatMode string `json:"ImportFormatMode,omitempty"` }
Represents a document which will be appended to the original resource document.
type DocumentPosition ¶
type DocumentPosition struct { // DTO container with a position in the document tree. Node INodeLink `json:"Node,omitempty"` // DTO container with a position in the document tree. Offset *int32 `json:"Offset,omitempty"` }
func (DocumentPosition) IsDocumentPosition ¶
func (DocumentPosition) IsDocumentPosition() bool
type DocumentPositionResult ¶
type DocumentPositionResult struct { // DTO container with a position in the document tree. Node NodeLinkResult `json:"Node,omitempty"` // DTO container with a position in the document tree. Offset int32 `json:"Offset,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a position in the document tree.
type DocumentProperties ¶
type DocumentProperties struct { // The collection of document properties. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of document properties. List []DocumentProperty `json:"List,omitempty"` }
func (DocumentProperties) IsDocumentProperties ¶
func (DocumentProperties) IsDocumentProperties() bool
func (DocumentProperties) IsLinkElement ¶
func (DocumentProperties) IsLinkElement() bool
type DocumentPropertiesResponse ¶
type DocumentPropertiesResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of document properties. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of document properties. DocumentProperties DocumentPropertiesResult `json:"DocumentProperties,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of document properties.
type DocumentPropertiesResult ¶
type DocumentPropertiesResult struct { // The collection of document properties. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of document properties. List []DocumentPropertyResult `json:"List,omitempty"` }
The collection of document properties.
type DocumentProperty ¶
type DocumentProperty struct { // Words document property DTO. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Words document property DTO. BuiltIn *bool `json:"BuiltIn,omitempty"` // Words document property DTO. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Words document property DTO. Value *string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
func (DocumentProperty) IsDocumentProperty ¶
func (DocumentProperty) IsDocumentProperty() bool
func (DocumentProperty) IsLinkElement ¶
func (DocumentProperty) IsLinkElement() bool
type DocumentPropertyBase ¶
type DocumentPropertyBase struct { // Words document property DTO base class. Value *string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
func (DocumentPropertyBase) IsDocumentPropertyBase ¶
func (DocumentPropertyBase) IsDocumentPropertyBase() bool
type DocumentPropertyBaseResult ¶
type DocumentPropertyBaseResult struct { // Words document property DTO base class. Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
Words document property DTO base class.
type DocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdate ¶
type DocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdate struct { // Words document property DTO for create or update. Value *string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
func (DocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdate) IsDocumentPropertyBase ¶
func (DocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdate) IsDocumentPropertyBase() bool
func (DocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdate) IsDocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdate ¶
func (DocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdate) IsDocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdate() bool
type DocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdateResult ¶
type DocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdateResult struct { // Words document property DTO for create or update. Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
Words document property DTO for create or update.
type DocumentPropertyResponse ¶
type DocumentPropertyResponse struct { // The REST response with a document property. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a document property. DocumentProperty DocumentPropertyResult `json:"DocumentProperty,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a document property.
type DocumentPropertyResult ¶
type DocumentPropertyResult struct { // Words document property DTO. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Words document property DTO. BuiltIn bool `json:"BuiltIn,omitempty"` // Words document property DTO. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Words document property DTO. Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
Words document property DTO.
type DocumentResponse ¶
type DocumentResponse struct { // The REST response with a document description. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a document description. Document DocumentResult `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a document description.
type DocumentResult ¶
type DocumentResult struct { // Represents Words document DTO. DocumentProperties DocumentPropertiesResult `json:"DocumentProperties,omitempty"` // Represents Words document DTO. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Represents Words document DTO. IsEncrypted bool `json:"IsEncrypted,omitempty"` // Represents Words document DTO. IsSigned bool `json:"IsSigned,omitempty"` // Represents Words document DTO. Links []LinkResult `json:"Links,omitempty"` // Represents Words document DTO. SourceFormat string `json:"SourceFormat,omitempty"` }
Represents Words document DTO.
type DocumentStatData ¶
type DocumentStatData struct { // Container for the document's statistical data. FootnotesStatData IFootnotesStatData `json:"FootnotesStatData,omitempty"` // Container for the document's statistical data. PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container for the document's statistical data. PageStatData []PageStatData `json:"PageStatData,omitempty"` // Container for the document's statistical data. ParagraphCount *int32 `json:"ParagraphCount,omitempty"` // Container for the document's statistical data. WordCount *int32 `json:"WordCount,omitempty"` }
func (DocumentStatData) IsDocumentStatData ¶
func (DocumentStatData) IsDocumentStatData() bool
type DocumentStatDataResult ¶
type DocumentStatDataResult struct { // Container for the document's statistical data. FootnotesStatData FootnotesStatDataResult `json:"FootnotesStatData,omitempty"` // Container for the document's statistical data. PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container for the document's statistical data. PageStatData []PageStatDataResult `json:"PageStatData,omitempty"` // Container for the document's statistical data. ParagraphCount int32 `json:"ParagraphCount,omitempty"` // Container for the document's statistical data. WordCount int32 `json:"WordCount,omitempty"` }
Container for the document's statistical data.
type DownloadFileRequest ¶
type DownloadFileRequest struct { // Path of the file including the file name and extension e.g. /folder1/file.ext. Path *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "storageName" value: (*string) Storage name. key: "versionId" value: (*string) File version ID to download. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
DownloadFileRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.DownloadFile method.
func (*DownloadFileRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *DownloadFileRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*DownloadFileRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *DownloadFileRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type DownsampleOptionsData ¶
type DownsampleOptionsData struct { // Container class for Downsample options. DownsampleImages *bool `json:"DownsampleImages,omitempty"` // Container class for Downsample options. Resolution *int32 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container class for Downsample options. ResolutionThreshold *int32 `json:"ResolutionThreshold,omitempty"` }
func (DownsampleOptionsData) IsDownsampleOptionsData ¶
func (DownsampleOptionsData) IsDownsampleOptionsData() bool
type DownsampleOptionsDataResult ¶
type DownsampleOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for Downsample options. DownsampleImages bool `json:"DownsampleImages,omitempty"` // Container class for Downsample options. Resolution int32 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container class for Downsample options. ResolutionThreshold int32 `json:"ResolutionThreshold,omitempty"` }
Container class for Downsample options.
type DrawingObject ¶
type DrawingObject struct { // DTO container with a DrawingObject. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. Height *float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. ImageDataLink IWordsApiLink `json:"ImageDataLink,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. Left *float64 `json:"Left,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. OleDataLink IWordsApiLink `json:"OleDataLink,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. RelativeHorizontalPosition *string `json:"RelativeHorizontalPosition,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. RelativeVerticalPosition *string `json:"RelativeVerticalPosition,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. RenderLinks []WordsApiLink `json:"RenderLinks,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. Top *float64 `json:"Top,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. Width *float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. WrapType *string `json:"WrapType,omitempty"` }
func (DrawingObject) IsDrawingObject ¶
func (DrawingObject) IsDrawingObject() bool
func (DrawingObject) IsDrawingObjectLink ¶
func (DrawingObject) IsDrawingObjectLink() bool
type DrawingObjectCollection ¶
type DrawingObjectCollection struct { // DTO container with a collection of DrawingObjects links. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a collection of DrawingObjects links. List []LinkElement `json:"List,omitempty"` }
func (DrawingObjectCollection) IsDrawingObjectCollection ¶
func (DrawingObjectCollection) IsDrawingObjectCollection() bool
func (DrawingObjectCollection) IsLinkElement ¶
func (DrawingObjectCollection) IsLinkElement() bool
type DrawingObjectCollectionResult ¶
type DrawingObjectCollectionResult struct { // DTO container with a collection of DrawingObjects links. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a collection of DrawingObjects links. List []LinkElementResult `json:"List,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a collection of DrawingObjects links.
type DrawingObjectInsert ¶
type DrawingObjectInsert struct { // Drawing object element for insert. Height *float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for insert. Left *float64 `json:"Left,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for insert. Position IDocumentPosition `json:"Position,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for insert. RelativeHorizontalPosition *string `json:"RelativeHorizontalPosition,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for insert. RelativeVerticalPosition *string `json:"RelativeVerticalPosition,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for insert. Top *float64 `json:"Top,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for insert. Width *float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for insert. WrapType *string `json:"WrapType,omitempty"` }
func (DrawingObjectInsert) IsDrawingObjectInsert ¶
func (DrawingObjectInsert) IsDrawingObjectInsert() bool
type DrawingObjectInsertResult ¶
type DrawingObjectInsertResult struct { // Drawing object element for insert. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for insert. Left float64 `json:"Left,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for insert. Position DocumentPositionResult `json:"Position,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for insert. RelativeHorizontalPosition string `json:"RelativeHorizontalPosition,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for insert. RelativeVerticalPosition string `json:"RelativeVerticalPosition,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for insert. Top float64 `json:"Top,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for insert. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for insert. WrapType string `json:"WrapType,omitempty"` }
Drawing object element for insert.
type DrawingObjectLink ¶
type DrawingObjectLink struct { // Represents link for Drawing Object DTO. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Represents link for Drawing Object DTO. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` }
func (DrawingObjectLink) IsDrawingObjectLink ¶
func (DrawingObjectLink) IsDrawingObjectLink() bool
func (DrawingObjectLink) IsNodeLink ¶
func (DrawingObjectLink) IsNodeLink() bool
type DrawingObjectLinkResult ¶
type DrawingObjectLinkResult struct { // Represents link for Drawing Object DTO. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Represents link for Drawing Object DTO. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` }
Represents link for Drawing Object DTO.
type DrawingObjectResponse ¶
type DrawingObjectResponse struct { // The REST response with a DrawingObject. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a DrawingObject. DrawingObject DrawingObjectResult `json:"DrawingObject,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a DrawingObject.
type DrawingObjectResult ¶
type DrawingObjectResult struct { // DTO container with a DrawingObject. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. ImageDataLink WordsApiLinkResult `json:"ImageDataLink,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. Left float64 `json:"Left,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. OleDataLink WordsApiLinkResult `json:"OleDataLink,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. RelativeHorizontalPosition string `json:"RelativeHorizontalPosition,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. RelativeVerticalPosition string `json:"RelativeVerticalPosition,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. RenderLinks []WordsApiLinkResult `json:"RenderLinks,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. Top float64 `json:"Top,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // DTO container with a DrawingObject. WrapType string `json:"WrapType,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a DrawingObject.
type DrawingObjectUpdate ¶
type DrawingObjectUpdate struct { // Drawing object element for update. Height *float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for update. Left *float64 `json:"Left,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for update. RelativeHorizontalPosition *string `json:"RelativeHorizontalPosition,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for update. RelativeVerticalPosition *string `json:"RelativeVerticalPosition,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for update. Top *float64 `json:"Top,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for update. Width *float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for update. WrapType *string `json:"WrapType,omitempty"` }
func (DrawingObjectUpdate) IsDrawingObjectUpdate ¶
func (DrawingObjectUpdate) IsDrawingObjectUpdate() bool
type DrawingObjectUpdateResult ¶
type DrawingObjectUpdateResult struct { // Drawing object element for update. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for update. Left float64 `json:"Left,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for update. RelativeHorizontalPosition string `json:"RelativeHorizontalPosition,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for update. RelativeVerticalPosition string `json:"RelativeVerticalPosition,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for update. Top float64 `json:"Top,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for update. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Drawing object element for update. WrapType string `json:"WrapType,omitempty"` }
Drawing object element for update.
type DrawingObjectsResponse ¶
type DrawingObjectsResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of DrawingObjects. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of DrawingObjects. DrawingObjects DrawingObjectCollectionResult `json:"DrawingObjects,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of DrawingObjects.
type EmfSaveOptionsData ¶
type EmfSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for emf save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. ColorMode *string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. JpegQuality *int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. MetafileRenderingOptions IMetafileRenderingOptionsData `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. NumeralFormat *string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. OptimizeOutput *bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. PageIndex *int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. HorizontalResolution *float64 `json:"HorizontalResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. ImageBrightness *float64 `json:"ImageBrightness,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. ImageColorMode *string `json:"ImageColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. ImageContrast *float64 `json:"ImageContrast,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. PaperColor *string `json:"PaperColor,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. PixelFormat *string `json:"PixelFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. Resolution *float64 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. Scale *float64 `json:"Scale,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UseAntiAliasing *bool `json:"UseAntiAliasing,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UseGdiEmfRenderer *bool `json:"UseGdiEmfRenderer,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UseHighQualityRendering *bool `json:"UseHighQualityRendering,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. VerticalResolution *float64 `json:"VerticalResolution,omitempty"` }
func (EmfSaveOptionsData) IsEmfSaveOptionsData ¶
func (EmfSaveOptionsData) IsEmfSaveOptionsData() bool
func (EmfSaveOptionsData) IsImageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (EmfSaveOptionsData) IsImageSaveOptionsData() bool
type EmfSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type EmfSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for emf save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. ColorMode string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. MetafileRenderingOptions MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. NumeralFormat string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. OptimizeOutput bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. PageIndex int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. HorizontalResolution float64 `json:"HorizontalResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. ImageBrightness float64 `json:"ImageBrightness,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. ImageColorMode string `json:"ImageColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. ImageContrast float64 `json:"ImageContrast,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. PaperColor string `json:"PaperColor,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. PixelFormat string `json:"PixelFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. Resolution float64 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. Scale float64 `json:"Scale,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UseAntiAliasing bool `json:"UseAntiAliasing,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UseGdiEmfRenderer bool `json:"UseGdiEmfRenderer,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. UseHighQualityRendering bool `json:"UseHighQualityRendering,omitempty"` // Container class for emf save options. VerticalResolution float64 `json:"VerticalResolution,omitempty"` }
Container class for emf save options.
type EpubSaveOptionsData ¶
type EpubSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for epub save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. AllowNegativeIndent *bool `json:"AllowNegativeIndent,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. CssClassNamePrefix *string `json:"CssClassNamePrefix,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. CssStyleSheetFileName *string `json:"CssStyleSheetFileName,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. CssStyleSheetType *string `json:"CssStyleSheetType,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. DocumentSplitCriteria *string `json:"DocumentSplitCriteria,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. DocumentSplitHeadingLevel *int32 `json:"DocumentSplitHeadingLevel,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. Encoding *string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportDocumentProperties *bool `json:"ExportDocumentProperties,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportDropDownFormFieldAsText *bool `json:"ExportDropDownFormFieldAsText,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportFontResources *bool `json:"ExportFontResources,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportFontsAsBase64 *bool `json:"ExportFontsAsBase64,omitempty"` ExportHeadersFootersMode *string `json:"ExportHeadersFootersMode,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportImagesAsBase64 *bool `json:"ExportImagesAsBase64,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportLanguageInformation *bool `json:"ExportLanguageInformation,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportListLabels *string `json:"ExportListLabels,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages *bool `json:"ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportPageMargins *bool `json:"ExportPageMargins,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportPageSetup *bool `json:"ExportPageSetup,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportRelativeFontSize *bool `json:"ExportRelativeFontSize,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportRoundtripInformation *bool `json:"ExportRoundtripInformation,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportTextBoxAsSvg *bool `json:"ExportTextBoxAsSvg,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText *bool `json:"ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportTocPageNumbers *bool `json:"ExportTocPageNumbers,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportXhtmlTransitional *bool `json:"ExportXhtmlTransitional,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold *int32 `json:"FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. FontsFolder *string `json:"FontsFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. FontsFolderAlias *string `json:"FontsFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. HtmlVersion *string `json:"HtmlVersion,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ImageResolution *int32 `json:"ImageResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ImagesFolder *string `json:"ImagesFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ImagesFolderAlias *string `json:"ImagesFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. MetafileFormat *string `json:"MetafileFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. OfficeMathOutputMode *string `json:"OfficeMathOutputMode,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. PrettyFormat *bool `json:"PrettyFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ResolveFontNames *bool `json:"ResolveFontNames,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ResourceFolder *string `json:"ResourceFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ResourceFolderAlias *string `json:"ResourceFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ScaleImageToShapeSize *bool `json:"ScaleImageToShapeSize,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. TableWidthOutputMode *string `json:"TableWidthOutputMode,omitempty"` EpubNavigationMapLevel *int32 `json:"EpubNavigationMapLevel,omitempty"` }
func (EpubSaveOptionsData) IsEpubSaveOptionsData ¶
func (EpubSaveOptionsData) IsEpubSaveOptionsData() bool
func (EpubSaveOptionsData) IsHtmlSaveOptionsData ¶
func (EpubSaveOptionsData) IsHtmlSaveOptionsData() bool
type EpubSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type EpubSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for epub save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. AllowNegativeIndent bool `json:"AllowNegativeIndent,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. CssClassNamePrefix string `json:"CssClassNamePrefix,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. CssStyleSheetFileName string `json:"CssStyleSheetFileName,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. CssStyleSheetType string `json:"CssStyleSheetType,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. DocumentSplitCriteria string `json:"DocumentSplitCriteria,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. DocumentSplitHeadingLevel int32 `json:"DocumentSplitHeadingLevel,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. Encoding string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportDocumentProperties bool `json:"ExportDocumentProperties,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportDropDownFormFieldAsText bool `json:"ExportDropDownFormFieldAsText,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportFontResources bool `json:"ExportFontResources,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportFontsAsBase64 bool `json:"ExportFontsAsBase64,omitempty"` ExportHeadersFootersMode string `json:"ExportHeadersFootersMode,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportImagesAsBase64 bool `json:"ExportImagesAsBase64,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportLanguageInformation bool `json:"ExportLanguageInformation,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportListLabels string `json:"ExportListLabels,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages bool `json:"ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportPageMargins bool `json:"ExportPageMargins,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportPageSetup bool `json:"ExportPageSetup,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportRelativeFontSize bool `json:"ExportRelativeFontSize,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportRoundtripInformation bool `json:"ExportRoundtripInformation,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportTextBoxAsSvg bool `json:"ExportTextBoxAsSvg,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText bool `json:"ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportTocPageNumbers bool `json:"ExportTocPageNumbers,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ExportXhtmlTransitional bool `json:"ExportXhtmlTransitional,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold int32 `json:"FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. FontsFolder string `json:"FontsFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. FontsFolderAlias string `json:"FontsFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. HtmlVersion string `json:"HtmlVersion,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ImageResolution int32 `json:"ImageResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ImagesFolder string `json:"ImagesFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ImagesFolderAlias string `json:"ImagesFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. MetafileFormat string `json:"MetafileFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. OfficeMathOutputMode string `json:"OfficeMathOutputMode,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. PrettyFormat bool `json:"PrettyFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ResolveFontNames bool `json:"ResolveFontNames,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ResourceFolder string `json:"ResourceFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ResourceFolderAlias string `json:"ResourceFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. ScaleImageToShapeSize bool `json:"ScaleImageToShapeSize,omitempty"` // Container class for epub save options. TableWidthOutputMode string `json:"TableWidthOutputMode,omitempty"` EpubNavigationMapLevel int32 `json:"EpubNavigationMapLevel,omitempty"` }
Container class for epub save options.
type Error ¶
type Error struct { // Error. Code *string `json:"Code,omitempty"` // Error. Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Error. InnerError *IErrorDetails `json:"InnerError,omitempty"` // Error. Message *string `json:"Message,omitempty"` }
type ErrorDetails ¶
type ErrorDetails struct { // The error details. ErrorDateTime *Time `json:"ErrorDateTime,omitempty"` // The error details. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` }
func (ErrorDetails) IsErrorDetails ¶
func (ErrorDetails) IsErrorDetails() bool
type ErrorDetailsResult ¶
type ErrorDetailsResult struct { // The error details. ErrorDateTime Time `json:"ErrorDateTime,omitempty"` // The error details. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` }
The error details.
type ErrorResult ¶
type ErrorResult struct { // Error. Code string `json:"Code,omitempty"` // Error. Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Error. InnerError *ErrorDetailsResult `json:"InnerError,omitempty"` // Error. Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` }
type ExecuteMailMergeOnlineRequest ¶
type ExecuteMailMergeOnlineRequest struct { // File with template. Template io.ReadCloser // File with mailmerge data. Data io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "withRegions" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to execute Mail Merge operation with regions. key: "cleanup" value: (*string) The cleanup options. key: "documentFileName" value: (*string) The filename of the output document, that will be used when the resulting document has a dynamic field {filename}. If it is not set, the "template" will be used instead. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
ExecuteMailMergeOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.ExecuteMailMergeOnline method.
func (*ExecuteMailMergeOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *ExecuteMailMergeOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*ExecuteMailMergeOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *ExecuteMailMergeOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type ExecuteMailMergeRequest ¶
type ExecuteMailMergeRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "data" value: (*string) Mail merge data. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "withRegions" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to execute Mail Merge operation with regions. key: "mailMergeDataFile" value: (*string) The data file. key: "cleanup" value: (*string) The cleanup options. key: "useWholeParagraphAsRegion" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether paragraph with TableStart or TableEnd field should be fully included into mail merge region or particular range between TableStart and TableEnd fields. The default value is true. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) The filename of the output document. If this parameter is omitted, the result will be saved with autogenerated name. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
ExecuteMailMergeRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.ExecuteMailMerge method.
func (*ExecuteMailMergeRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *ExecuteMailMergeRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*ExecuteMailMergeRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *ExecuteMailMergeRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type Field ¶
type Field struct { // DTO container with a field. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a field. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a field. FieldCode *string `json:"FieldCode,omitempty"` // DTO container with a field. LocaleId *string `json:"LocaleId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a field. Result *string `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
func (Field) IsFieldLink ¶
type FieldBase ¶
type FieldBase struct { // Field. FieldCode *string `json:"FieldCode,omitempty"` // Field. LocaleId *string `json:"LocaleId,omitempty"` }
func (FieldBase) IsFieldBase ¶
type FieldBaseResult ¶
type FieldBaseResult struct { // Field. FieldCode string `json:"FieldCode,omitempty"` // Field. LocaleId string `json:"LocaleId,omitempty"` }
type FieldCollection ¶
type FieldCollection struct { // DTO container with a collection of fields. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a collection of fields. List []Field `json:"List,omitempty"` }
func (FieldCollection) IsFieldCollection ¶
func (FieldCollection) IsFieldCollection() bool
func (FieldCollection) IsLinkElement ¶
func (FieldCollection) IsLinkElement() bool
type FieldCollectionResult ¶
type FieldCollectionResult struct { // DTO container with a collection of fields. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a collection of fields. List []FieldResult `json:"List,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a collection of fields.
type FieldInsert ¶
type FieldInsert struct { // Field for insert. FieldCode *string `json:"FieldCode,omitempty"` // Field for insert. LocaleId *string `json:"LocaleId,omitempty"` }
func (FieldInsert) IsFieldBase ¶
func (FieldInsert) IsFieldBase() bool
func (FieldInsert) IsFieldInsert ¶
func (FieldInsert) IsFieldInsert() bool
type FieldInsertResult ¶
type FieldInsertResult struct { // Field for insert. FieldCode string `json:"FieldCode,omitempty"` // Field for insert. LocaleId string `json:"LocaleId,omitempty"` }
Field for insert.
type FieldLink ¶
type FieldLink struct { // Field link. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Field link. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // Field link. FieldCode *string `json:"FieldCode,omitempty"` }
func (FieldLink) IsFieldLink ¶
func (FieldLink) IsNodeLink ¶
type FieldLinkResult ¶
type FieldLinkResult struct { // Field link. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Field link. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // Field link. FieldCode string `json:"FieldCode,omitempty"` }
Field link.
type FieldNames ¶
type FieldNames struct { // Represents a collection of merge fields within a document. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Represents a collection of merge fields within a document. Names []string `json:"Names,omitempty"` }
func (FieldNames) IsFieldNames ¶
func (FieldNames) IsFieldNames() bool
func (FieldNames) IsLinkElement ¶
func (FieldNames) IsLinkElement() bool
type FieldNamesResponse ¶
type FieldNamesResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of mail merge fields. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of mail merge fields. FieldNames FieldNamesResult `json:"FieldNames,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of mail merge fields.
type FieldNamesResult ¶
type FieldNamesResult struct { // Represents a collection of merge fields within a document. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Represents a collection of merge fields within a document. Names []string `json:"Names,omitempty"` }
Represents a collection of merge fields within a document.
type FieldResponse ¶
type FieldResponse struct { // The REST response with a field. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a field. Field FieldResult `json:"Field,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a field.
type FieldResult ¶
type FieldResult struct { // DTO container with a field. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a field. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a field. FieldCode string `json:"FieldCode,omitempty"` // DTO container with a field. LocaleId string `json:"LocaleId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a field. Result string `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a field.
type FieldUpdate ¶
type FieldUpdate struct { // Field for update. FieldCode *string `json:"FieldCode,omitempty"` // Field for update. LocaleId *string `json:"LocaleId,omitempty"` }
func (FieldUpdate) IsFieldBase ¶
func (FieldUpdate) IsFieldBase() bool
func (FieldUpdate) IsFieldUpdate ¶
func (FieldUpdate) IsFieldUpdate() bool
type FieldUpdateResult ¶
type FieldUpdateResult struct { // Field for update. FieldCode string `json:"FieldCode,omitempty"` // Field for update. LocaleId string `json:"LocaleId,omitempty"` }
Field for update.
type FieldsResponse ¶
type FieldsResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of fields. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of fields. Fields FieldCollectionResult `json:"Fields,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of fields.
type FileLink ¶
type FileLink struct { // Provides information for the file link. Href *string `json:"Href,omitempty"` // Provides information for the file link. Rel *string `json:"Rel,omitempty"` // Provides information for the file link. Title *string `json:"Title,omitempty"` // Provides information for the file link. Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
func (FileLink) IsFileLink ¶
type FileLinkResult ¶
type FileLinkResult struct { // Provides information for the file link. Href string `json:"Href,omitempty"` // Provides information for the file link. Rel string `json:"Rel,omitempty"` // Provides information for the file link. Title string `json:"Title,omitempty"` // Provides information for the file link. Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
Provides information for the file link.
type FilesList ¶
type FilesList struct { // Files list. Value []StorageFile `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
func (FilesList) IsFilesList ¶
type FilesListResult ¶
type FilesListResult struct { // Files list. Value []StorageFileResult `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
Files list.
type FilesUploadResult ¶
type FilesUploadResult struct { // File upload result. Errors []Error `json:"Errors,omitempty"` // File upload result. Uploaded []string `json:"Uploaded,omitempty"` }
func (FilesUploadResult) IsFilesUploadResult ¶
func (FilesUploadResult) IsFilesUploadResult() bool
type FilesUploadResultResult ¶
type FilesUploadResultResult struct { // File upload result. Errors []ErrorResult `json:"Errors,omitempty"` // File upload result. Uploaded []string `json:"Uploaded,omitempty"` }
File upload result.
type FixedPageSaveOptionsData ¶
type FixedPageSaveOptionsData struct { // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). ColorMode *string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). JpegQuality *int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). MetafileRenderingOptions IMetafileRenderingOptionsData `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). NumeralFormat *string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). OptimizeOutput *bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). PageIndex *int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` }
func (FixedPageSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (FixedPageSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData() bool
func (FixedPageSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData ¶
func (FixedPageSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData() bool
type FixedPageSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type FixedPageSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). ColorMode string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). MetafileRenderingOptions MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). NumeralFormat string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). OptimizeOutput bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc). PageIndex int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` }
Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS, images etc).
type Font ¶
type Font struct { // DTO container with a font element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. AllCaps *bool `json:"AllCaps,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Bidi *bool `json:"Bidi,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Bold *bool `json:"Bold,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. BoldBi *bool `json:"BoldBi,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Border IBorder `json:"Border,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Color IXmlColor `json:"Color,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. ComplexScript *bool `json:"ComplexScript,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. DoubleStrikeThrough *bool `json:"DoubleStrikeThrough,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Emboss *bool `json:"Emboss,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Engrave *bool `json:"Engrave,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Hidden *bool `json:"Hidden,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. HighlightColor IXmlColor `json:"HighlightColor,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Italic *bool `json:"Italic,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. ItalicBi *bool `json:"ItalicBi,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Kerning *float64 `json:"Kerning,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. LocaleId *int32 `json:"LocaleId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. LocaleIdBi *int32 `json:"LocaleIdBi,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. LocaleIdFarEast *int32 `json:"LocaleIdFarEast,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. NameAscii *string `json:"NameAscii,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. NameBi *string `json:"NameBi,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. NameFarEast *string `json:"NameFarEast,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. NameOther *string `json:"NameOther,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. NoProofing *bool `json:"NoProofing,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Outline *bool `json:"Outline,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Position *float64 `json:"Position,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Scaling *int32 `json:"Scaling,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Shadow *bool `json:"Shadow,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Size *float64 `json:"Size,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. SizeBi *float64 `json:"SizeBi,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. SmallCaps *bool `json:"SmallCaps,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Spacing *float64 `json:"Spacing,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. StrikeThrough *bool `json:"StrikeThrough,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. StyleIdentifier *string `json:"StyleIdentifier,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. StyleName *string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Subscript *bool `json:"Subscript,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Superscript *bool `json:"Superscript,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. TextEffect *string `json:"TextEffect,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Underline *string `json:"Underline,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. UnderlineColor IXmlColor `json:"UnderlineColor,omitempty"` }
func (Font) IsLinkElement ¶
type FontDtoResult ¶
type FontDtoResult struct { }
type FontInfo ¶
type FontInfo struct { // DTO container with font info. FilePath *string `json:"FilePath,omitempty"` // DTO container with font info. FontFamilyName *string `json:"FontFamilyName,omitempty"` // DTO container with font info. FullFontName *string `json:"FullFontName,omitempty"` // DTO container with font info. Version *string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
func (FontInfo) IsFontInfo ¶
type FontInfoResult ¶
type FontInfoResult struct { // DTO container with font info. FilePath string `json:"FilePath,omitempty"` // DTO container with font info. FontFamilyName string `json:"FontFamilyName,omitempty"` // DTO container with font info. FullFontName string `json:"FullFontName,omitempty"` // DTO container with font info. Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
DTO container with font info.
type FontResponse ¶
type FontResponse struct { // The REST response with a font. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a font. Font FontResult `json:"Font,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a font.
type FontResult ¶
type FontResult struct { // DTO container with a font element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. AllCaps bool `json:"AllCaps,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Bidi bool `json:"Bidi,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Bold bool `json:"Bold,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. BoldBi bool `json:"BoldBi,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Border BorderResult `json:"Border,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Color XmlColorResult `json:"Color,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. ComplexScript bool `json:"ComplexScript,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. DoubleStrikeThrough bool `json:"DoubleStrikeThrough,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Emboss bool `json:"Emboss,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Engrave bool `json:"Engrave,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Hidden bool `json:"Hidden,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. HighlightColor XmlColorResult `json:"HighlightColor,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Italic bool `json:"Italic,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. ItalicBi bool `json:"ItalicBi,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Kerning float64 `json:"Kerning,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. LocaleId int32 `json:"LocaleId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. LocaleIdBi int32 `json:"LocaleIdBi,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. LocaleIdFarEast int32 `json:"LocaleIdFarEast,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. NameAscii string `json:"NameAscii,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. NameBi string `json:"NameBi,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. NameFarEast string `json:"NameFarEast,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. NameOther string `json:"NameOther,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. NoProofing bool `json:"NoProofing,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Outline bool `json:"Outline,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Position float64 `json:"Position,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Scaling int32 `json:"Scaling,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Shadow bool `json:"Shadow,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Size float64 `json:"Size,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. SizeBi float64 `json:"SizeBi,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. SmallCaps bool `json:"SmallCaps,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Spacing float64 `json:"Spacing,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. StrikeThrough bool `json:"StrikeThrough,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. StyleIdentifier string `json:"StyleIdentifier,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. StyleName string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Subscript bool `json:"Subscript,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Superscript bool `json:"Superscript,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. TextEffect string `json:"TextEffect,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. Underline string `json:"Underline,omitempty"` // DTO container with a font element. UnderlineColor XmlColorResult `json:"UnderlineColor,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a font element.
type Footnote ¶
type Footnote struct { // DTO container with a footnote. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a footnote. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a footnote. Content IStoryChildNodes `json:"Content,omitempty"` // DTO container with a footnote. FootnoteType *string `json:"FootnoteType,omitempty"` // DTO container with a footnote. Position IDocumentPosition `json:"Position,omitempty"` // DTO container with a footnote. ReferenceMark *string `json:"ReferenceMark,omitempty"` // DTO container with a footnote. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (Footnote) IsFootnote ¶
func (Footnote) IsFootnoteLink ¶
type FootnoteBase ¶
type FootnoteBase struct { // Footnote base class. FootnoteType *string `json:"FootnoteType,omitempty"` // Footnote base class. Position IDocumentPosition `json:"Position,omitempty"` // Footnote base class. ReferenceMark *string `json:"ReferenceMark,omitempty"` // Footnote base class. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (FootnoteBase) IsFootnoteBase ¶
func (FootnoteBase) IsFootnoteBase() bool
type FootnoteBaseResult ¶
type FootnoteBaseResult struct { // Footnote base class. FootnoteType string `json:"FootnoteType,omitempty"` // Footnote base class. Position DocumentPositionResult `json:"Position,omitempty"` // Footnote base class. ReferenceMark string `json:"ReferenceMark,omitempty"` // Footnote base class. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
Footnote base class.
type FootnoteCollection ¶
type FootnoteCollection struct { // DTO container with a collection of footnotes. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a collection of footnotes. List []Footnote `json:"List,omitempty"` }
func (FootnoteCollection) IsFootnoteCollection ¶
func (FootnoteCollection) IsFootnoteCollection() bool
func (FootnoteCollection) IsLinkElement ¶
func (FootnoteCollection) IsLinkElement() bool
type FootnoteCollectionResult ¶
type FootnoteCollectionResult struct { // DTO container with a collection of footnotes. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a collection of footnotes. List []FootnoteResult `json:"List,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a collection of footnotes.
type FootnoteInsert ¶
type FootnoteInsert struct { // Footnote for insert. FootnoteType *string `json:"FootnoteType,omitempty"` // Footnote for insert. Position IDocumentPosition `json:"Position,omitempty"` // Footnote for insert. ReferenceMark *string `json:"ReferenceMark,omitempty"` // Footnote for insert. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (FootnoteInsert) IsFootnoteBase ¶
func (FootnoteInsert) IsFootnoteBase() bool
func (FootnoteInsert) IsFootnoteInsert ¶
func (FootnoteInsert) IsFootnoteInsert() bool
type FootnoteInsertResult ¶
type FootnoteInsertResult struct { // Footnote for insert. FootnoteType string `json:"FootnoteType,omitempty"` // Footnote for insert. Position DocumentPositionResult `json:"Position,omitempty"` // Footnote for insert. ReferenceMark string `json:"ReferenceMark,omitempty"` // Footnote for insert. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
Footnote for insert.
type FootnoteLink ¶
type FootnoteLink struct { // Footnote link. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Footnote link. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` }
func (FootnoteLink) IsFootnoteLink ¶
func (FootnoteLink) IsFootnoteLink() bool
func (FootnoteLink) IsNodeLink ¶
func (FootnoteLink) IsNodeLink() bool
type FootnoteLinkResult ¶
type FootnoteLinkResult struct { // Footnote link. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Footnote link. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` }
Footnote link.
type FootnoteResponse ¶
type FootnoteResponse struct { // The REST response with a footnote. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a footnote. Footnote FootnoteResult `json:"Footnote,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a footnote.
type FootnoteResult ¶
type FootnoteResult struct { // DTO container with a footnote. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a footnote. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a footnote. Content StoryChildNodesResult `json:"Content,omitempty"` // DTO container with a footnote. FootnoteType string `json:"FootnoteType,omitempty"` // DTO container with a footnote. Position DocumentPositionResult `json:"Position,omitempty"` // DTO container with a footnote. ReferenceMark string `json:"ReferenceMark,omitempty"` // DTO container with a footnote. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a footnote.
type FootnoteUpdate ¶
type FootnoteUpdate struct { // Footnote for update. FootnoteType *string `json:"FootnoteType,omitempty"` // Footnote for update. Position IDocumentPosition `json:"Position,omitempty"` // Footnote for update. ReferenceMark *string `json:"ReferenceMark,omitempty"` // Footnote for update. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (FootnoteUpdate) IsFootnoteBase ¶
func (FootnoteUpdate) IsFootnoteBase() bool
func (FootnoteUpdate) IsFootnoteUpdate ¶
func (FootnoteUpdate) IsFootnoteUpdate() bool
type FootnoteUpdateResult ¶
type FootnoteUpdateResult struct { // Footnote for update. FootnoteType string `json:"FootnoteType,omitempty"` // Footnote for update. Position DocumentPositionResult `json:"Position,omitempty"` // Footnote for update. ReferenceMark string `json:"ReferenceMark,omitempty"` // Footnote for update. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
Footnote for update.
type FootnotesResponse ¶
type FootnotesResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of footnotes. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of footnotes. Footnotes FootnoteCollectionResult `json:"Footnotes,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of footnotes.
type FootnotesStatData ¶
type FootnotesStatData struct { // Container for the footnotes statistical data. ParagraphCount *int32 `json:"ParagraphCount,omitempty"` // Container for the footnotes statistical data. WordCount *int32 `json:"WordCount,omitempty"` }
func (FootnotesStatData) IsFootnotesStatData ¶
func (FootnotesStatData) IsFootnotesStatData() bool
type FootnotesStatDataResult ¶
type FootnotesStatDataResult struct { // Container for the footnotes statistical data. ParagraphCount int32 `json:"ParagraphCount,omitempty"` // Container for the footnotes statistical data. WordCount int32 `json:"WordCount,omitempty"` }
Container for the footnotes statistical data.
type FormField ¶
type FormField struct { // FromField. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // FromField. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // FromField. CalculateOnExit *bool `json:"CalculateOnExit,omitempty"` // FromField. Enabled *bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // FromField. EntryMacro *string `json:"EntryMacro,omitempty"` // FromField. ExitMacro *string `json:"ExitMacro,omitempty"` // FromField. HelpText *string `json:"HelpText,omitempty"` // FromField. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // FromField. OwnHelp *bool `json:"OwnHelp,omitempty"` // FromField. OwnStatus *bool `json:"OwnStatus,omitempty"` // FromField. StatusText *string `json:"StatusText,omitempty"` }
func (FormField) IsFormField ¶
func (FormField) IsNodeLink ¶
type FormFieldCheckbox ¶
type FormFieldCheckbox struct { // FormField checkbox element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. CalculateOnExit *bool `json:"CalculateOnExit,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. Enabled *bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. EntryMacro *string `json:"EntryMacro,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. ExitMacro *string `json:"ExitMacro,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. HelpText *string `json:"HelpText,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. OwnHelp *bool `json:"OwnHelp,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. OwnStatus *bool `json:"OwnStatus,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. StatusText *string `json:"StatusText,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. CheckBoxSize *float64 `json:"CheckBoxSize,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. Checked *bool `json:"Checked,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. IsCheckBoxExactSize *bool `json:"IsCheckBoxExactSize,omitempty"` }
func (FormFieldCheckbox) IsFormField ¶
func (FormFieldCheckbox) IsFormField() bool
func (FormFieldCheckbox) IsFormFieldCheckbox ¶
func (FormFieldCheckbox) IsFormFieldCheckbox() bool
type FormFieldCheckboxResult ¶
type FormFieldCheckboxResult struct { // FormField checkbox element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. CalculateOnExit bool `json:"CalculateOnExit,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. EntryMacro string `json:"EntryMacro,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. ExitMacro string `json:"ExitMacro,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. HelpText string `json:"HelpText,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. OwnHelp bool `json:"OwnHelp,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. OwnStatus bool `json:"OwnStatus,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. StatusText string `json:"StatusText,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. CheckBoxSize float64 `json:"CheckBoxSize,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. Checked bool `json:"Checked,omitempty"` // FormField checkbox element. IsCheckBoxExactSize bool `json:"IsCheckBoxExactSize,omitempty"` }
FormField checkbox element.
type FormFieldCollection ¶
type FormFieldCollection struct { // DTO container with a collection of form fields. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a collection of form fields. List []FormField `json:"List,omitempty"` }
func (FormFieldCollection) IsFormFieldCollection ¶
func (FormFieldCollection) IsFormFieldCollection() bool
func (FormFieldCollection) IsLinkElement ¶
func (FormFieldCollection) IsLinkElement() bool
type FormFieldCollectionResult ¶
type FormFieldCollectionResult struct { // DTO container with a collection of form fields. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a collection of form fields. List []FormFieldResult `json:"List,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a collection of form fields.
type FormFieldDropDown ¶
type FormFieldDropDown struct { // FormField dropdownlist element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. CalculateOnExit *bool `json:"CalculateOnExit,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. Enabled *bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. EntryMacro *string `json:"EntryMacro,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. ExitMacro *string `json:"ExitMacro,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. HelpText *string `json:"HelpText,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. OwnHelp *bool `json:"OwnHelp,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. OwnStatus *bool `json:"OwnStatus,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. StatusText *string `json:"StatusText,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. DropDownItems []string `json:"DropDownItems,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. DropDownSelectedIndex *int32 `json:"DropDownSelectedIndex,omitempty"` }
func (FormFieldDropDown) IsFormField ¶
func (FormFieldDropDown) IsFormField() bool
func (FormFieldDropDown) IsFormFieldDropDown ¶
func (FormFieldDropDown) IsFormFieldDropDown() bool
type FormFieldDropDownResult ¶
type FormFieldDropDownResult struct { // FormField dropdownlist element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. CalculateOnExit bool `json:"CalculateOnExit,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. EntryMacro string `json:"EntryMacro,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. ExitMacro string `json:"ExitMacro,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. HelpText string `json:"HelpText,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. OwnHelp bool `json:"OwnHelp,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. OwnStatus bool `json:"OwnStatus,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. StatusText string `json:"StatusText,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. DropDownItems []string `json:"DropDownItems,omitempty"` // FormField dropdownlist element. DropDownSelectedIndex int32 `json:"DropDownSelectedIndex,omitempty"` }
FormField dropdownlist element.
type FormFieldResponse ¶
type FormFieldResponse struct { // The REST response with a form field. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a form field. FormField FormFieldResult `json:"FormField,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a form field.
type FormFieldResult ¶
type FormFieldResult struct { // FromField. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // FromField. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // FromField. CalculateOnExit bool `json:"CalculateOnExit,omitempty"` // FromField. Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // FromField. EntryMacro string `json:"EntryMacro,omitempty"` // FromField. ExitMacro string `json:"ExitMacro,omitempty"` // FromField. HelpText string `json:"HelpText,omitempty"` // FromField. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // FromField. OwnHelp bool `json:"OwnHelp,omitempty"` // FromField. OwnStatus bool `json:"OwnStatus,omitempty"` // FromField. StatusText string `json:"StatusText,omitempty"` }
type FormFieldTextInput ¶
type FormFieldTextInput struct { // FormField text input element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. CalculateOnExit *bool `json:"CalculateOnExit,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. Enabled *bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. EntryMacro *string `json:"EntryMacro,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. ExitMacro *string `json:"ExitMacro,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. HelpText *string `json:"HelpText,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. OwnHelp *bool `json:"OwnHelp,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. OwnStatus *bool `json:"OwnStatus,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. StatusText *string `json:"StatusText,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. MaxLength *int32 `json:"MaxLength,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. TextInputDefault *string `json:"TextInputDefault,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. TextInputFormat *string `json:"TextInputFormat,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. TextInputType *string `json:"TextInputType,omitempty"` }
func (FormFieldTextInput) IsFormField ¶
func (FormFieldTextInput) IsFormField() bool
func (FormFieldTextInput) IsFormFieldTextInput ¶
func (FormFieldTextInput) IsFormFieldTextInput() bool
type FormFieldTextInputResult ¶
type FormFieldTextInputResult struct { // FormField text input element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. CalculateOnExit bool `json:"CalculateOnExit,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. EntryMacro string `json:"EntryMacro,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. ExitMacro string `json:"ExitMacro,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. HelpText string `json:"HelpText,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. OwnHelp bool `json:"OwnHelp,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. OwnStatus bool `json:"OwnStatus,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. StatusText string `json:"StatusText,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. MaxLength int32 `json:"MaxLength,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. TextInputDefault string `json:"TextInputDefault,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. TextInputFormat string `json:"TextInputFormat,omitempty"` // FormField text input element. TextInputType string `json:"TextInputType,omitempty"` }
FormField text input element.
type FormFieldsResponse ¶
type FormFieldsResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of form fields. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of form fields. FormFields FormFieldCollectionResult `json:"FormFields,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of form fields.
type FormParamContainer ¶
func NewFileFormParamContainer ¶
func NewFileFormParamContainer(name string, file []byte) (result FormParamContainer)
func NewTextFormParamContainer ¶
func NewTextFormParamContainer(name string, text string) (result FormParamContainer)
type GetAvailableFontsRequest ¶
type GetAvailableFontsRequest struct { /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) The folder in cloud storage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetAvailableFontsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetAvailableFonts method.
func (*GetAvailableFontsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetAvailableFontsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetAvailableFontsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetAvailableFontsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetBookmarkByNameOnlineRequest ¶
type GetBookmarkByNameOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The name of the bookmark. BookmarkName *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetBookmarkByNameOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetBookmarkByNameOnline method.
func (*GetBookmarkByNameOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetBookmarkByNameOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetBookmarkByNameOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetBookmarkByNameOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetBookmarkByNameRequest ¶
type GetBookmarkByNameRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The name of the bookmark. BookmarkName *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetBookmarkByNameRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetBookmarkByName method.
func (*GetBookmarkByNameRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetBookmarkByNameRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetBookmarkByNameRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetBookmarkByNameRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetBookmarksOnlineRequest ¶
type GetBookmarksOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetBookmarksOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetBookmarksOnline method.
func (*GetBookmarksOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetBookmarksOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetBookmarksOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetBookmarksOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetBookmarksRequest ¶
type GetBookmarksRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetBookmarksRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetBookmarks method.
func (*GetBookmarksRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetBookmarksRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetBookmarksRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetBookmarksRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetBorderOnlineRequest ¶
type GetBorderOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Border type. BorderType *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetBorderOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetBorderOnline method.
func (*GetBorderOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetBorderOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetBorderOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetBorderOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetBorderRequest ¶
type GetBorderRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Border type. BorderType *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetBorderRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetBorder method.
func (*GetBorderRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetBorderRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetBorderRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetBorderRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetBordersOnlineRequest ¶
type GetBordersOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetBordersOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetBordersOnline method.
func (*GetBordersOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetBordersOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetBordersOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetBordersOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetBordersRequest ¶
type GetBordersRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetBordersRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetBorders method.
func (*GetBordersRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetBordersRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetBordersRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetBordersRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetCommentOnlineRequest ¶
type GetCommentOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The index of the comment. CommentIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetCommentOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetCommentOnline method.
func (*GetCommentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetCommentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetCommentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetCommentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetCommentRequest ¶
type GetCommentRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The index of the comment. CommentIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetCommentRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetComment method.
func (*GetCommentRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetCommentRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetCommentRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetCommentRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetCommentsOnlineRequest ¶
type GetCommentsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetCommentsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetCommentsOnline method.
func (*GetCommentsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetCommentsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetCommentsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetCommentsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetCommentsRequest ¶
type GetCommentsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetCommentsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetComments method.
func (*GetCommentsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetCommentsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetCommentsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetCommentsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest ¶
type GetCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The index of the custom xml part. This index is the number of the entry in the collection of custom xml parts, not the ID of the part. CustomXmlPartIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetCustomXmlPartOnline method.
func (*GetCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetCustomXmlPartRequest ¶
type GetCustomXmlPartRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The index of the custom xml part. This index is the number of the entry in the collection of custom xml parts, not the ID of the part. CustomXmlPartIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetCustomXmlPartRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetCustomXmlPart method.
func (*GetCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest ¶
type GetCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetCustomXmlPartsOnline method.
func (*GetCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetCustomXmlPartsRequest ¶
type GetCustomXmlPartsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetCustomXmlPartsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetCustomXmlParts method.
func (*GetCustomXmlPartsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetCustomXmlPartsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetCustomXmlPartsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetCustomXmlPartsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexOnlineRequest ¶
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexOnline method.
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexRequest ¶
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndex method.
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataOnlineRequest ¶
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataOnline method.
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataRequest ¶
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageData method.
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataOnlineRequest ¶
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataOnline method.
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataRequest ¶
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleData method.
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectsOnlineRequest ¶
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentDrawingObjectsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentDrawingObjectsOnline method.
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectsRequest ¶
type GetDocumentDrawingObjectsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentDrawingObjectsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentDrawingObjects method.
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentDrawingObjectsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentDrawingObjectsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentFieldNamesOnlineRequest ¶
type GetDocumentFieldNamesOnlineRequest struct { // The template document. Template io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "useNonMergeFields" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to use non merge fields. If true, result includes "mustache" field names. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentFieldNamesOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentFieldNamesOnline method.
func (*GetDocumentFieldNamesOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentFieldNamesOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentFieldNamesOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentFieldNamesOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentFieldNamesRequest ¶
type GetDocumentFieldNamesRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "useNonMergeFields" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to use non merge fields. If true, result includes "mustache" field names. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentFieldNamesRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentFieldNames method.
func (*GetDocumentFieldNamesRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentFieldNamesRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentFieldNamesRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentFieldNamesRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexOnlineRequest ¶
type GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The index of the hyperlink. HyperlinkIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexOnline method.
func (*GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexRequest ¶
type GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The index of the hyperlink. HyperlinkIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndex method.
func (*GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentHyperlinksOnlineRequest ¶
type GetDocumentHyperlinksOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentHyperlinksOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentHyperlinksOnline method.
func (*GetDocumentHyperlinksOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentHyperlinksOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentHyperlinksOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentHyperlinksOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentHyperlinksRequest ¶
type GetDocumentHyperlinksRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentHyperlinksRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentHyperlinks method.
func (*GetDocumentHyperlinksRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentHyperlinksRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentHyperlinksRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentHyperlinksRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentPropertiesOnlineRequest ¶
type GetDocumentPropertiesOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentPropertiesOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentPropertiesOnline method.
func (*GetDocumentPropertiesOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentPropertiesOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentPropertiesOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentPropertiesOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentPropertiesRequest ¶
type GetDocumentPropertiesRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentPropertiesRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentProperties method.
func (*GetDocumentPropertiesRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentPropertiesRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentPropertiesRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentPropertiesRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest ¶
type GetDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The name of the property. PropertyName *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentPropertyOnline method.
func (*GetDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentPropertyRequest ¶
type GetDocumentPropertyRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The name of the property. PropertyName *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentPropertyRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentProperty method.
func (*GetDocumentPropertyRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentPropertyRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentPropertyRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentPropertyRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentProtectionOnlineRequest ¶
type GetDocumentProtectionOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentProtectionOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentProtectionOnline method.
func (*GetDocumentProtectionOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentProtectionOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentProtectionOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentProtectionOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentProtectionRequest ¶
type GetDocumentProtectionRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentProtectionRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentProtection method.
func (*GetDocumentProtectionRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentProtectionRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentProtectionRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentProtectionRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentRequest ¶
type GetDocumentRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. DocumentName *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocument method.
func (*GetDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentStatisticsOnlineRequest ¶
type GetDocumentStatisticsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "includeComments" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to include comments from the WordCount. The default value is "false". key: "includeFootnotes" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to include footnotes from the WordCount. The default value is "false". key: "includeTextInShapes" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to include shape's text from the WordCount. The default value is "false". */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentStatisticsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentStatisticsOnline method.
func (*GetDocumentStatisticsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentStatisticsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentStatisticsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentStatisticsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentStatisticsRequest ¶
type GetDocumentStatisticsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "includeComments" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to include comments from the WordCount. The default value is "false". key: "includeFootnotes" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to include footnotes from the WordCount. The default value is "false". key: "includeTextInShapes" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to include shape's text from the WordCount. The default value is "false". */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentStatisticsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentStatistics method.
func (*GetDocumentStatisticsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentStatisticsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentStatisticsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentStatisticsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetDocumentWithFormatRequest ¶
type GetDocumentWithFormatRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The destination format. Format *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "outPath" value: (*string) The path to the output document. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetDocumentWithFormatRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetDocumentWithFormat method.
func (*GetDocumentWithFormatRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetDocumentWithFormatRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetDocumentWithFormatRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetDocumentWithFormatRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetFieldOnlineRequest ¶
type GetFieldOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetFieldOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetFieldOnline method.
func (*GetFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetFieldRequest ¶
type GetFieldRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetFieldRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetField method.
func (*GetFieldRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetFieldRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetFieldRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetFieldRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetFieldsOnlineRequest ¶
type GetFieldsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetFieldsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetFieldsOnline method.
func (*GetFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetFieldsRequest ¶
type GetFieldsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetFieldsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetFields method.
func (*GetFieldsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetFieldsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetFieldsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetFieldsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetFilesListRequest ¶
type GetFilesListRequest struct { // Folder path e.g. '/folder'. Path *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "storageName" value: (*string) Storage name. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetFilesListRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetFilesList method.
func (*GetFilesListRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetFilesListRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetFilesListRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetFilesListRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetFootnoteOnlineRequest ¶
type GetFootnoteOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetFootnoteOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetFootnoteOnline method.
func (*GetFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetFootnoteRequest ¶
type GetFootnoteRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetFootnoteRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetFootnote method.
func (*GetFootnoteRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetFootnoteRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetFootnoteRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetFootnoteRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetFootnotesOnlineRequest ¶
type GetFootnotesOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetFootnotesOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetFootnotesOnline method.
func (*GetFootnotesOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetFootnotesOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetFootnotesOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetFootnotesOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetFootnotesRequest ¶
type GetFootnotesRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetFootnotesRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetFootnotes method.
func (*GetFootnotesRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetFootnotesRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetFootnotesRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetFootnotesRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetFormFieldOnlineRequest ¶
type GetFormFieldOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetFormFieldOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetFormFieldOnline method.
func (*GetFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetFormFieldRequest ¶
type GetFormFieldRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetFormFieldRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetFormField method.
func (*GetFormFieldRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetFormFieldRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetFormFieldRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetFormFieldRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetFormFieldsOnlineRequest ¶
type GetFormFieldsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetFormFieldsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetFormFieldsOnline method.
func (*GetFormFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetFormFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetFormFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetFormFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetFormFieldsRequest ¶
type GetFormFieldsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetFormFieldsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetFormFields method.
func (*GetFormFieldsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetFormFieldsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetFormFieldsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetFormFieldsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetHeaderFooterOfSectionOnlineRequest ¶
type GetHeaderFooterOfSectionOnlineRequest struct { io.ReadCloser HeaderFooterIndex *int32 SectionIndex *int32 Optionals map[string]interface{} }Document
GetHeaderFooterOfSectionOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetHeaderFooterOfSectionOnline method.
func (*GetHeaderFooterOfSectionOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetHeaderFooterOfSectionOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetHeaderFooterOfSectionOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetHeaderFooterOfSectionOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetHeaderFooterOfSectionRequest ¶
type GetHeaderFooterOfSectionRequest struct { string HeaderFooterIndex *int32 SectionIndex *int32 Optionals map[string]interface{} }Name *
GetHeaderFooterOfSectionRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetHeaderFooterOfSection method.
func (*GetHeaderFooterOfSectionRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetHeaderFooterOfSectionRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetHeaderFooterOfSectionRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetHeaderFooterOfSectionRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetHeaderFooterOnlineRequest ¶
type GetHeaderFooterOnlineRequest struct { io.ReadCloser HeaderFooterIndex *int32 Optionals map[string]interface{} }Document
GetHeaderFooterOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetHeaderFooterOnline method.
func (*GetHeaderFooterOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetHeaderFooterOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetHeaderFooterOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetHeaderFooterOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetHeaderFooterRequest ¶
type GetHeaderFooterRequest struct { string HeaderFooterIndex *int32 Optionals map[string]interface{} }Name *
GetHeaderFooterRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetHeaderFooter method.
func (*GetHeaderFooterRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetHeaderFooterRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetHeaderFooterRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetHeaderFooterRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetHeaderFootersOnlineRequest ¶
type GetHeaderFootersOnlineRequest struct { io.ReadCloser SectionPath *string Optionals map[string]interface{} }Document
GetHeaderFootersOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetHeaderFootersOnline method.
func (*GetHeaderFootersOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetHeaderFootersOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetHeaderFootersOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetHeaderFootersOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetHeaderFootersRequest ¶
type GetHeaderFootersRequest struct { string SectionPath *string Optionals map[string]interface{} }Name *
GetHeaderFootersRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetHeaderFooters method.
func (*GetHeaderFootersRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetHeaderFootersRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetHeaderFootersRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetHeaderFootersRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetListOnlineRequest ¶
type GetListOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The list Id. ListId *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetListOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetListOnline method.
func (*GetListOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetListOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetListOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetListOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetListRequest ¶
type GetListRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The list Id. ListId *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetListRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetList method.
func (*GetListRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetListRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetListRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetListRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetListsOnlineRequest ¶
type GetListsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetListsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetListsOnline method.
func (*GetListsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetListsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetListsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetListsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetListsRequest ¶
type GetListsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetListsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetLists method.
func (*GetListsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetListsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetListsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetListsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest ¶
type GetOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetOfficeMathObjectOnline method.
func (*GetOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetOfficeMathObjectRequest ¶
type GetOfficeMathObjectRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetOfficeMathObjectRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetOfficeMathObject method.
func (*GetOfficeMathObjectRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetOfficeMathObjectRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetOfficeMathObjectRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetOfficeMathObjectRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetOfficeMathObjectsOnlineRequest ¶
type GetOfficeMathObjectsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetOfficeMathObjectsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetOfficeMathObjectsOnline method.
func (*GetOfficeMathObjectsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetOfficeMathObjectsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetOfficeMathObjectsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetOfficeMathObjectsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetOfficeMathObjectsRequest ¶
type GetOfficeMathObjectsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetOfficeMathObjectsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetOfficeMathObjects method.
func (*GetOfficeMathObjectsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetOfficeMathObjectsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetOfficeMathObjectsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetOfficeMathObjectsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetParagraphFormatOnlineRequest ¶
type GetParagraphFormatOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetParagraphFormatOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetParagraphFormatOnline method.
func (*GetParagraphFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetParagraphFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetParagraphFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetParagraphFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetParagraphFormatRequest ¶
type GetParagraphFormatRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetParagraphFormatRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetParagraphFormat method.
func (*GetParagraphFormatRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetParagraphFormatRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetParagraphFormatRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetParagraphFormatRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest ¶
type GetParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetParagraphListFormatOnline method.
func (*GetParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetParagraphListFormatRequest ¶
type GetParagraphListFormatRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetParagraphListFormatRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetParagraphListFormat method.
func (*GetParagraphListFormatRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetParagraphListFormatRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetParagraphListFormatRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetParagraphListFormatRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetParagraphOnlineRequest ¶
type GetParagraphOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetParagraphOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetParagraphOnline method.
func (*GetParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetParagraphRequest ¶
type GetParagraphRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetParagraphRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetParagraph method.
func (*GetParagraphRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetParagraphRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetParagraphRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetParagraphRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest ¶
type GetParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetParagraphTabStopsOnline method.
func (*GetParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetParagraphTabStopsRequest ¶
type GetParagraphTabStopsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetParagraphTabStopsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetParagraphTabStops method.
func (*GetParagraphTabStopsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetParagraphTabStopsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetParagraphTabStopsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetParagraphTabStopsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetParagraphsOnlineRequest ¶
type GetParagraphsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetParagraphsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetParagraphsOnline method.
func (*GetParagraphsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetParagraphsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetParagraphsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetParagraphsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetParagraphsRequest ¶
type GetParagraphsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetParagraphsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetParagraphs method.
func (*GetParagraphsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetParagraphsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetParagraphsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetParagraphsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetPublicKeyRequest ¶
type GetPublicKeyRequest struct { }
GetPublicKeyRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetPublicKey method.
func (*GetPublicKeyRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetPublicKeyRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetPublicKeyRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetPublicKeyRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetRangeTextOnlineRequest ¶
type GetRangeTextOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The range start identifier. RangeStartIdentifier *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "rangeEndIdentifier" value: (*string) The range end identifier. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetRangeTextOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetRangeTextOnline method.
func (*GetRangeTextOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetRangeTextOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetRangeTextOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetRangeTextOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetRangeTextRequest ¶
type GetRangeTextRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The range start identifier. RangeStartIdentifier *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "rangeEndIdentifier" value: (*string) The range end identifier. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetRangeTextRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetRangeText method.
func (*GetRangeTextRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetRangeTextRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetRangeTextRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetRangeTextRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetRunFontOnlineRequest ¶
type GetRunFontOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the paragraph in the document tree. ParagraphPath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetRunFontOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetRunFontOnline method.
func (*GetRunFontOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetRunFontOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetRunFontOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetRunFontOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetRunFontRequest ¶
type GetRunFontRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the paragraph in the document tree. ParagraphPath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetRunFontRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetRunFont method.
func (*GetRunFontRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetRunFontRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetRunFontRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetRunFontRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetRunOnlineRequest ¶
type GetRunOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the paragraph in the document tree. ParagraphPath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetRunOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetRunOnline method.
func (*GetRunOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetRunOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetRunOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetRunOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetRunRequest ¶
type GetRunRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the paragraph in the document tree. ParagraphPath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetRunRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetRun method.
func (*GetRunRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetRunRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetRunRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetRunRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetRunsOnlineRequest ¶
type GetRunsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the paragraph in the document tree. ParagraphPath *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetRunsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetRunsOnline method.
func (*GetRunsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetRunsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetRunsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetRunsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetRunsRequest ¶
type GetRunsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the paragraph in the document tree. ParagraphPath *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetRunsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetRuns method.
func (*GetRunsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetRunsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetRunsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetRunsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetSectionOnlineRequest ¶
type GetSectionOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The index of the section. SectionIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetSectionOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetSectionOnline method.
func (*GetSectionOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetSectionOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetSectionOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetSectionOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest ¶
type GetSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The index of the section. SectionIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetSectionPageSetupOnline method.
func (*GetSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetSectionPageSetupRequest ¶
type GetSectionPageSetupRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The index of the section. SectionIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetSectionPageSetupRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetSectionPageSetup method.
func (*GetSectionPageSetupRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetSectionPageSetupRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetSectionPageSetupRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetSectionPageSetupRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetSectionRequest ¶
type GetSectionRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The index of the section. SectionIndex *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetSectionRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetSection method.
func (*GetSectionRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetSectionRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetSectionRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetSectionRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetSectionsOnlineRequest ¶
type GetSectionsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetSectionsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetSectionsOnline method.
func (*GetSectionsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetSectionsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetSectionsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetSectionsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetSectionsRequest ¶
type GetSectionsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetSectionsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetSections method.
func (*GetSectionsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetSectionsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetSectionsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetSectionsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetStyleFromDocumentElementOnlineRequest ¶
type GetStyleFromDocumentElementOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the node in the document tree, that supports styles: ParagraphFormat, List, ListLevel, Table. StyledNodePath *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetStyleFromDocumentElementOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetStyleFromDocumentElementOnline method.
func (*GetStyleFromDocumentElementOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetStyleFromDocumentElementOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetStyleFromDocumentElementOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetStyleFromDocumentElementOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetStyleFromDocumentElementRequest ¶
type GetStyleFromDocumentElementRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the node in the document tree, that supports styles: ParagraphFormat, List, ListLevel, Table. StyledNodePath *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetStyleFromDocumentElementRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetStyleFromDocumentElement method.
func (*GetStyleFromDocumentElementRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetStyleFromDocumentElementRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetStyleFromDocumentElementRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetStyleFromDocumentElementRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetStyleOnlineRequest ¶
type GetStyleOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The name of the style. StyleName *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetStyleOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetStyleOnline method.
func (*GetStyleOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetStyleOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetStyleOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetStyleOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetStyleRequest ¶
type GetStyleRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The name of the style. StyleName *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetStyleRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetStyle method.
func (*GetStyleRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetStyleRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetStyleRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetStyleRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetStylesOnlineRequest ¶
type GetStylesOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetStylesOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetStylesOnline method.
func (*GetStylesOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetStylesOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetStylesOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetStylesOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetStylesRequest ¶
type GetStylesRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetStylesRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetStyles method.
func (*GetStylesRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetStylesRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetStylesRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetStylesRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetTableCellFormatOnlineRequest ¶
type GetTableCellFormatOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the table row in the document tree. TableRowPath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetTableCellFormatOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetTableCellFormatOnline method.
func (*GetTableCellFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetTableCellFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetTableCellFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetTableCellFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetTableCellFormatRequest ¶
type GetTableCellFormatRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the table row in the document tree. TableRowPath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetTableCellFormatRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetTableCellFormat method.
func (*GetTableCellFormatRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetTableCellFormatRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetTableCellFormatRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetTableCellFormatRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetTableCellOnlineRequest ¶
type GetTableCellOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the table row in the document tree. TableRowPath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetTableCellOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetTableCellOnline method.
func (*GetTableCellOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetTableCellOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetTableCellOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetTableCellOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetTableCellRequest ¶
type GetTableCellRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the table row in the document tree. TableRowPath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetTableCellRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetTableCell method.
func (*GetTableCellRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetTableCellRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetTableCellRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetTableCellRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetTableOnlineRequest ¶
type GetTableOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetTableOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetTableOnline method.
func (*GetTableOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetTableOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetTableOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetTableOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetTablePropertiesOnlineRequest ¶
type GetTablePropertiesOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetTablePropertiesOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetTablePropertiesOnline method.
func (*GetTablePropertiesOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetTablePropertiesOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetTablePropertiesOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetTablePropertiesOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetTablePropertiesRequest ¶
type GetTablePropertiesRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetTablePropertiesRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetTableProperties method.
func (*GetTablePropertiesRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetTablePropertiesRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetTablePropertiesRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetTablePropertiesRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetTableRequest ¶
type GetTableRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetTableRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetTable method.
func (*GetTableRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetTableRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetTableRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetTableRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetTableRowFormatOnlineRequest ¶
type GetTableRowFormatOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the table in the document tree. TablePath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetTableRowFormatOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetTableRowFormatOnline method.
func (*GetTableRowFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetTableRowFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetTableRowFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetTableRowFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetTableRowFormatRequest ¶
type GetTableRowFormatRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the table in the document tree. TablePath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetTableRowFormatRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetTableRowFormat method.
func (*GetTableRowFormatRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetTableRowFormatRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetTableRowFormatRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetTableRowFormatRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetTableRowOnlineRequest ¶
type GetTableRowOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the table in the document tree. TablePath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetTableRowOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetTableRowOnline method.
func (*GetTableRowOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetTableRowOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetTableRowOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetTableRowOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetTableRowRequest ¶
type GetTableRowRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the table in the document tree. TablePath *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetTableRowRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetTableRow method.
func (*GetTableRowRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetTableRowRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetTableRowRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetTableRowRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetTablesOnlineRequest ¶
type GetTablesOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetTablesOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetTablesOnline method.
func (*GetTablesOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetTablesOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetTablesOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetTablesOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GetTablesRequest ¶
type GetTablesRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
GetTablesRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.GetTables method.
func (*GetTablesRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *GetTablesRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*GetTablesRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *GetTablesRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type GifSaveOptionsData ¶
type GifSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for gif save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. ColorMode *string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. JpegQuality *int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. MetafileRenderingOptions IMetafileRenderingOptionsData `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. NumeralFormat *string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. OptimizeOutput *bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. PageIndex *int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. HorizontalResolution *float64 `json:"HorizontalResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. ImageBrightness *float64 `json:"ImageBrightness,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. ImageColorMode *string `json:"ImageColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. ImageContrast *float64 `json:"ImageContrast,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. PaperColor *string `json:"PaperColor,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. PixelFormat *string `json:"PixelFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. Resolution *float64 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. Scale *float64 `json:"Scale,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UseAntiAliasing *bool `json:"UseAntiAliasing,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UseGdiEmfRenderer *bool `json:"UseGdiEmfRenderer,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UseHighQualityRendering *bool `json:"UseHighQualityRendering,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. VerticalResolution *float64 `json:"VerticalResolution,omitempty"` }
func (GifSaveOptionsData) IsGifSaveOptionsData ¶
func (GifSaveOptionsData) IsGifSaveOptionsData() bool
func (GifSaveOptionsData) IsImageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (GifSaveOptionsData) IsImageSaveOptionsData() bool
type GifSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type GifSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for gif save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. ColorMode string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. MetafileRenderingOptions MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. NumeralFormat string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. OptimizeOutput bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. PageIndex int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. HorizontalResolution float64 `json:"HorizontalResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. ImageBrightness float64 `json:"ImageBrightness,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. ImageColorMode string `json:"ImageColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. ImageContrast float64 `json:"ImageContrast,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. PaperColor string `json:"PaperColor,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. PixelFormat string `json:"PixelFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. Resolution float64 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. Scale float64 `json:"Scale,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UseAntiAliasing bool `json:"UseAntiAliasing,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UseGdiEmfRenderer bool `json:"UseGdiEmfRenderer,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. UseHighQualityRendering bool `json:"UseHighQualityRendering,omitempty"` // Container class for gif save options. VerticalResolution float64 `json:"VerticalResolution,omitempty"` }
Container class for gif save options.
type HeaderFooter ¶
type HeaderFooter struct { IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty"` ChildNodes []NodeLink `json:"ChildNodes,omitempty"` DrawingObjects ILinkElement `json:"DrawingObjects,omitempty"` Paragraphs ILinkElement `json:"Paragraphs,omitempty"` }Link
func (HeaderFooter) IsHeaderFooter ¶
func (HeaderFooter) IsHeaderFooter() bool
func (HeaderFooter) IsHeaderFooterLink ¶
func (HeaderFooter) IsHeaderFooterLink() bool
type HeaderFooterLink ¶
type HeaderFooterLink struct { IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }Link
func (HeaderFooterLink) IsHeaderFooterLink ¶
func (HeaderFooterLink) IsHeaderFooterLink() bool
func (HeaderFooterLink) IsLinkElement ¶
func (HeaderFooterLink) IsLinkElement() bool
type HeaderFooterLinkCollection ¶
type HeaderFooterLinkCollection struct { IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` List []HeaderFooterLink `json:"List,omitempty"` }Link
func (HeaderFooterLinkCollection) IsHeaderFooterLinkCollection ¶
func (HeaderFooterLinkCollection) IsHeaderFooterLinkCollection() bool
func (HeaderFooterLinkCollection) IsLinkElement ¶
func (HeaderFooterLinkCollection) IsLinkElement() bool
type HeaderFooterLinkCollectionResult ¶
type HeaderFooterLinkCollectionResult struct { WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` List []HeaderFooterLinkResult `json:"List,omitempty"` }Link
The collection of HeaderFooter's links.
type HeaderFooterLinkResult ¶
type HeaderFooterLinkResult struct { WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }Link
HeaderFooter link element.
type HeaderFooterResponse ¶
type HeaderFooterResponse struct { string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` HeaderFooter HeaderFooterResult `json:"HeaderFooter,omitempty"` }RequestId
The REST response with a HeaderFooter.
type HeaderFooterResult ¶
type HeaderFooterResult struct { WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` ChildNodes []NodeLinkResult `json:"ChildNodes,omitempty"` DrawingObjects LinkElementResult `json:"DrawingObjects,omitempty"` Paragraphs LinkElementResult `json:"Paragraphs,omitempty"` }Link
DTO container with a section element.
type HeaderFootersResponse ¶
type HeaderFootersResponse struct { string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` HeaderFooters HeaderFooterLinkCollectionResult `json:"HeaderFooters,omitempty"` }RequestId
The REST response with a collection of HeaderFooter elements.
type HtmlFixedSaveOptionsData ¶
type HtmlFixedSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for fixed html save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ColorMode *string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. JpegQuality *int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. MetafileRenderingOptions IMetafileRenderingOptionsData `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. NumeralFormat *string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. OptimizeOutput *bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. PageIndex *int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. CssClassNamesPrefix *string `json:"CssClassNamesPrefix,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. Encoding *string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ExportEmbeddedCss *bool `json:"ExportEmbeddedCss,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ExportEmbeddedFonts *bool `json:"ExportEmbeddedFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ExportEmbeddedImages *bool `json:"ExportEmbeddedImages,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ExportFormFields *bool `json:"ExportFormFields,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. FontFormat *string `json:"FontFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. PageHorizontalAlignment *string `json:"PageHorizontalAlignment,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. PageMargins *float64 `json:"PageMargins,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ResourcesFolder *string `json:"ResourcesFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ResourcesFolderAlias *string `json:"ResourcesFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. SaveFontFaceCssSeparately *bool `json:"SaveFontFaceCssSeparately,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ShowPageBorder *bool `json:"ShowPageBorder,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. UseTargetMachineFonts *bool `json:"UseTargetMachineFonts,omitempty"` }
func (HtmlFixedSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (HtmlFixedSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData() bool
func (HtmlFixedSaveOptionsData) IsHtmlFixedSaveOptionsData ¶
func (HtmlFixedSaveOptionsData) IsHtmlFixedSaveOptionsData() bool
type HtmlFixedSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type HtmlFixedSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for fixed html save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ColorMode string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. MetafileRenderingOptions MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. NumeralFormat string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. OptimizeOutput bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. PageIndex int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. CssClassNamesPrefix string `json:"CssClassNamesPrefix,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. Encoding string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ExportEmbeddedCss bool `json:"ExportEmbeddedCss,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ExportEmbeddedFonts bool `json:"ExportEmbeddedFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ExportEmbeddedImages bool `json:"ExportEmbeddedImages,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ExportFormFields bool `json:"ExportFormFields,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. FontFormat string `json:"FontFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. PageHorizontalAlignment string `json:"PageHorizontalAlignment,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. PageMargins float64 `json:"PageMargins,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ResourcesFolder string `json:"ResourcesFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ResourcesFolderAlias string `json:"ResourcesFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. SaveFontFaceCssSeparately bool `json:"SaveFontFaceCssSeparately,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. ShowPageBorder bool `json:"ShowPageBorder,omitempty"` // Container class for fixed html save options. UseTargetMachineFonts bool `json:"UseTargetMachineFonts,omitempty"` }
Container class for fixed html save options.
type HtmlSaveOptionsData ¶
type HtmlSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for html save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. AllowNegativeIndent *bool `json:"AllowNegativeIndent,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. CssClassNamePrefix *string `json:"CssClassNamePrefix,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. CssStyleSheetFileName *string `json:"CssStyleSheetFileName,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. CssStyleSheetType *string `json:"CssStyleSheetType,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. DocumentSplitCriteria *string `json:"DocumentSplitCriteria,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. DocumentSplitHeadingLevel *int32 `json:"DocumentSplitHeadingLevel,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. Encoding *string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportDocumentProperties *bool `json:"ExportDocumentProperties,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportDropDownFormFieldAsText *bool `json:"ExportDropDownFormFieldAsText,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportFontResources *bool `json:"ExportFontResources,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportFontsAsBase64 *bool `json:"ExportFontsAsBase64,omitempty"` ExportHeadersFootersMode *string `json:"ExportHeadersFootersMode,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportImagesAsBase64 *bool `json:"ExportImagesAsBase64,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportLanguageInformation *bool `json:"ExportLanguageInformation,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportListLabels *string `json:"ExportListLabels,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages *bool `json:"ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportPageMargins *bool `json:"ExportPageMargins,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportPageSetup *bool `json:"ExportPageSetup,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportRelativeFontSize *bool `json:"ExportRelativeFontSize,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportRoundtripInformation *bool `json:"ExportRoundtripInformation,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportTextBoxAsSvg *bool `json:"ExportTextBoxAsSvg,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText *bool `json:"ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportTocPageNumbers *bool `json:"ExportTocPageNumbers,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportXhtmlTransitional *bool `json:"ExportXhtmlTransitional,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold *int32 `json:"FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. FontsFolder *string `json:"FontsFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. FontsFolderAlias *string `json:"FontsFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. HtmlVersion *string `json:"HtmlVersion,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ImageResolution *int32 `json:"ImageResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ImagesFolder *string `json:"ImagesFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ImagesFolderAlias *string `json:"ImagesFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. MetafileFormat *string `json:"MetafileFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. OfficeMathOutputMode *string `json:"OfficeMathOutputMode,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. PrettyFormat *bool `json:"PrettyFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ResolveFontNames *bool `json:"ResolveFontNames,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ResourceFolder *string `json:"ResourceFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ResourceFolderAlias *string `json:"ResourceFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ScaleImageToShapeSize *bool `json:"ScaleImageToShapeSize,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. TableWidthOutputMode *string `json:"TableWidthOutputMode,omitempty"` }
func (HtmlSaveOptionsData) IsHtmlSaveOptionsData ¶
func (HtmlSaveOptionsData) IsHtmlSaveOptionsData() bool
func (HtmlSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData ¶
func (HtmlSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData() bool
type HtmlSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type HtmlSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for html save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. AllowNegativeIndent bool `json:"AllowNegativeIndent,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. CssClassNamePrefix string `json:"CssClassNamePrefix,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. CssStyleSheetFileName string `json:"CssStyleSheetFileName,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. CssStyleSheetType string `json:"CssStyleSheetType,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. DocumentSplitCriteria string `json:"DocumentSplitCriteria,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. DocumentSplitHeadingLevel int32 `json:"DocumentSplitHeadingLevel,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. Encoding string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportDocumentProperties bool `json:"ExportDocumentProperties,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportDropDownFormFieldAsText bool `json:"ExportDropDownFormFieldAsText,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportFontResources bool `json:"ExportFontResources,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportFontsAsBase64 bool `json:"ExportFontsAsBase64,omitempty"` ExportHeadersFootersMode string `json:"ExportHeadersFootersMode,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportImagesAsBase64 bool `json:"ExportImagesAsBase64,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportLanguageInformation bool `json:"ExportLanguageInformation,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportListLabels string `json:"ExportListLabels,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages bool `json:"ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportPageMargins bool `json:"ExportPageMargins,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportPageSetup bool `json:"ExportPageSetup,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportRelativeFontSize bool `json:"ExportRelativeFontSize,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportRoundtripInformation bool `json:"ExportRoundtripInformation,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportTextBoxAsSvg bool `json:"ExportTextBoxAsSvg,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText bool `json:"ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportTocPageNumbers bool `json:"ExportTocPageNumbers,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ExportXhtmlTransitional bool `json:"ExportXhtmlTransitional,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold int32 `json:"FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. FontsFolder string `json:"FontsFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. FontsFolderAlias string `json:"FontsFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. HtmlVersion string `json:"HtmlVersion,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ImageResolution int32 `json:"ImageResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ImagesFolder string `json:"ImagesFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ImagesFolderAlias string `json:"ImagesFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. MetafileFormat string `json:"MetafileFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. OfficeMathOutputMode string `json:"OfficeMathOutputMode,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. PrettyFormat bool `json:"PrettyFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ResolveFontNames bool `json:"ResolveFontNames,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ResourceFolder string `json:"ResourceFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ResourceFolderAlias string `json:"ResourceFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. ScaleImageToShapeSize bool `json:"ScaleImageToShapeSize,omitempty"` // Container class for html save options. TableWidthOutputMode string `json:"TableWidthOutputMode,omitempty"` }
Container class for html save options.
type Hyperlink ¶
type Hyperlink struct { // Hyperlink element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Hyperlink element. DisplayText *string `json:"DisplayText,omitempty"` // Hyperlink element. Value *string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
func (Hyperlink) IsHyperlink ¶
func (Hyperlink) IsLinkElement ¶
type HyperlinkResponse ¶
type HyperlinkResponse struct { // The REST response with a hyperlink. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a hyperlink. Hyperlink HyperlinkResult `json:"Hyperlink,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a hyperlink.
type HyperlinkResult ¶
type HyperlinkResult struct { // Hyperlink element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Hyperlink element. DisplayText string `json:"DisplayText,omitempty"` // Hyperlink element. Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
Hyperlink element.
type Hyperlinks ¶
type Hyperlinks struct { // Collection of Hyperlink. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Collection of Hyperlink. HyperlinkList []Hyperlink `json:"HyperlinkList,omitempty"` }
func (Hyperlinks) IsHyperlinks ¶
func (Hyperlinks) IsHyperlinks() bool
func (Hyperlinks) IsLinkElement ¶
func (Hyperlinks) IsLinkElement() bool
type HyperlinksResponse ¶
type HyperlinksResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of hyperlinks. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of hyperlinks. Hyperlinks HyperlinksResult `json:"Hyperlinks,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of hyperlinks.
type HyperlinksResult ¶
type HyperlinksResult struct { // Collection of Hyperlink. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Collection of Hyperlink. HyperlinkList []HyperlinkResult `json:"HyperlinkList,omitempty"` }
Collection of Hyperlink.
type IBmpSaveOptionsData ¶
type IBmpSaveOptionsData interface {
IsBmpSaveOptionsData() bool
type IBookmarkData ¶
type IBookmarkData interface {
IsBookmarkData() bool
type IBookmarks ¶
type IBookmarks interface {
IsBookmarks() bool
type IBookmarksOutlineLevelData ¶
type IBookmarksOutlineLevelData interface {
IsBookmarksOutlineLevelData() bool
type IBordersCollection ¶
type IBordersCollection interface {
IsBordersCollection() bool
type IClassificationResult ¶
type IClassificationResult interface {
IsClassificationResult() bool
type ICommentBase ¶
type ICommentBase interface {
IsCommentBase() bool
type ICommentInsert ¶
type ICommentInsert interface {
IsCommentInsert() bool
type ICommentLink ¶
type ICommentLink interface {
IsCommentLink() bool
type ICommentUpdate ¶
type ICommentUpdate interface {
IsCommentUpdate() bool
type ICommentsCollection ¶
type ICommentsCollection interface {
IsCommentsCollection() bool
type ICompareData ¶
type ICompareData interface {
IsCompareData() bool
type ICompareOptions ¶
type ICompareOptions interface {
IsCompareOptions() bool
type ICsvDataLoadOptions ¶
type ICsvDataLoadOptions interface {
IsCsvDataLoadOptions() bool
type ICustomXmlPart ¶
type ICustomXmlPart interface {
IsCustomXmlPart() bool
type ICustomXmlPartInsert ¶
type ICustomXmlPartInsert interface {
IsCustomXmlPartInsert() bool
type ICustomXmlPartLink ¶
type ICustomXmlPartLink interface {
IsCustomXmlPartLink() bool
type ICustomXmlPartUpdate ¶
type ICustomXmlPartUpdate interface {
IsCustomXmlPartUpdate() bool
type ICustomXmlPartsCollection ¶
type ICustomXmlPartsCollection interface {
IsCustomXmlPartsCollection() bool
type IDocSaveOptionsData ¶
type IDocSaveOptionsData interface {
IsDocSaveOptionsData() bool
type IDocumentEntry ¶
type IDocumentEntry interface {
IsDocumentEntry() bool
type IDocumentEntryList ¶
type IDocumentEntryList interface {
IsDocumentEntryList() bool
type IDocumentPosition ¶
type IDocumentPosition interface {
IsDocumentPosition() bool
type IDocumentProperties ¶
type IDocumentProperties interface {
IsDocumentProperties() bool
type IDocumentProperty ¶
type IDocumentProperty interface {
IsDocumentProperty() bool
type IDocumentPropertyBase ¶
type IDocumentPropertyBase interface {
IsDocumentPropertyBase() bool
type IDocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdate ¶
type IDocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdate interface {
IsDocumentPropertyCreateOrUpdate() bool
type IDocumentStatData ¶
type IDocumentStatData interface {
IsDocumentStatData() bool
type IDownsampleOptionsData ¶
type IDownsampleOptionsData interface {
IsDownsampleOptionsData() bool
type IDrawingObject ¶
type IDrawingObject interface {
IsDrawingObject() bool
type IDrawingObjectCollection ¶
type IDrawingObjectCollection interface {
IsDrawingObjectCollection() bool
type IDrawingObjectInsert ¶
type IDrawingObjectInsert interface {
IsDrawingObjectInsert() bool
type IDrawingObjectLink ¶
type IDrawingObjectLink interface {
IsDrawingObjectLink() bool
type IDrawingObjectUpdate ¶
type IDrawingObjectUpdate interface {
IsDrawingObjectUpdate() bool
type IEmfSaveOptionsData ¶
type IEmfSaveOptionsData interface {
IsEmfSaveOptionsData() bool
type IEpubSaveOptionsData ¶
type IEpubSaveOptionsData interface {
IsEpubSaveOptionsData() bool
type IErrorDetails ¶
type IErrorDetails interface {
IsErrorDetails() bool
type IFieldBase ¶
type IFieldBase interface {
IsFieldBase() bool
type IFieldCollection ¶
type IFieldCollection interface {
IsFieldCollection() bool
type IFieldInsert ¶
type IFieldInsert interface {
IsFieldInsert() bool
type IFieldLink ¶
type IFieldLink interface {
IsFieldLink() bool
type IFieldNames ¶
type IFieldNames interface {
IsFieldNames() bool
type IFieldUpdate ¶
type IFieldUpdate interface {
IsFieldUpdate() bool
type IFilesList ¶
type IFilesList interface {
IsFilesList() bool
type IFilesUploadResult ¶
type IFilesUploadResult interface {
IsFilesUploadResult() bool
type IFixedPageSaveOptionsData ¶
type IFixedPageSaveOptionsData interface {
IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData() bool
type IFootnoteBase ¶
type IFootnoteBase interface {
IsFootnoteBase() bool
type IFootnoteCollection ¶
type IFootnoteCollection interface {
IsFootnoteCollection() bool
type IFootnoteInsert ¶
type IFootnoteInsert interface {
IsFootnoteInsert() bool
type IFootnoteLink ¶
type IFootnoteLink interface {
IsFootnoteLink() bool
type IFootnoteUpdate ¶
type IFootnoteUpdate interface {
IsFootnoteUpdate() bool
type IFootnotesStatData ¶
type IFootnotesStatData interface {
IsFootnotesStatData() bool
type IFormField ¶
type IFormField interface {
IsFormField() bool
type IFormFieldCheckbox ¶
type IFormFieldCheckbox interface {
IsFormFieldCheckbox() bool
type IFormFieldCollection ¶
type IFormFieldCollection interface {
IsFormFieldCollection() bool
type IFormFieldDropDown ¶
type IFormFieldDropDown interface {
IsFormFieldDropDown() bool
type IFormFieldTextInput ¶
type IFormFieldTextInput interface {
IsFormFieldTextInput() bool
type IGifSaveOptionsData ¶
type IGifSaveOptionsData interface {
IsGifSaveOptionsData() bool
type IHeaderFooter ¶
type IHeaderFooter interface {
}type IHeaderFooterLink ¶
type IHeaderFooterLink interface {
}type IHeaderFooterLinkCollection ¶
type IHeaderFooterLinkCollection interface {
}type IHtmlFixedSaveOptionsData ¶
type IHtmlFixedSaveOptionsData interface {
IsHtmlFixedSaveOptionsData() bool
type IHtmlSaveOptionsData ¶
type IHtmlSaveOptionsData interface {
IsHtmlSaveOptionsData() bool
type IHyperlink ¶
type IHyperlink interface {
IsHyperlink() bool
type IHyperlinks ¶
type IHyperlinks interface {
IsHyperlinks() bool
type IImageSaveOptionsData ¶
type IImageSaveOptionsData interface {
IsImageSaveOptionsData() bool
type IJpegSaveOptionsData ¶
type IJpegSaveOptionsData interface {
IsJpegSaveOptionsData() bool
type IJsonDataLoadOptions ¶
type IJsonDataLoadOptions interface {
IsJsonDataLoadOptions() bool
type ILinkElement ¶
type ILinkElement interface {
IsLinkElement() bool
type IListFormat ¶
type IListFormat interface {
IsListFormat() bool
type IListFormatUpdate ¶
type IListFormatUpdate interface {
IsListFormatUpdate() bool
type IListInsert ¶
type IListInsert interface {
IsListInsert() bool
type IListLevel ¶
type IListLevel interface {
IsListLevel() bool
type IListLevelUpdate ¶
type IListLevelUpdate interface {
IsListLevelUpdate() bool
type IListLevels ¶
type IListLevels interface {
IsListLevels() bool
type IListUpdate ¶
type IListUpdate interface {
IsListUpdate() bool
type ILoadWebDocumentData ¶
type ILoadWebDocumentData interface {
IsLoadWebDocumentData() bool
type IMarkdownSaveOptionsData ¶
type IMarkdownSaveOptionsData interface {
IsMarkdownSaveOptionsData() bool
type IMetafileRenderingOptionsData ¶
type IMetafileRenderingOptionsData interface {
IsMetafileRenderingOptionsData() bool
type IMhtmlSaveOptionsData ¶
type IMhtmlSaveOptionsData interface {
IsMhtmlSaveOptionsData() bool
type IModificationOperationResult ¶
type IModificationOperationResult interface {
IsModificationOperationResult() bool
type IOdtSaveOptionsData ¶
type IOdtSaveOptionsData interface {
IsOdtSaveOptionsData() bool
type IOfficeMathLink ¶
type IOfficeMathLink interface {
IsOfficeMathLink() bool
type IOfficeMathObject ¶
type IOfficeMathObject interface {
IsOfficeMathObject() bool
type IOfficeMathObjectsCollection ¶
type IOfficeMathObjectsCollection interface {
IsOfficeMathObjectsCollection() bool
type IOoxmlSaveOptionsData ¶
type IOoxmlSaveOptionsData interface {
IsOoxmlSaveOptionsData() bool
type IOptimizationOptions ¶
type IOptimizationOptions interface {
IsOptimizationOptions() bool
type IOutlineOptionsData ¶
type IOutlineOptionsData interface {
IsOutlineOptionsData() bool
type IPageNumber ¶
type IPageNumber interface {
IsPageNumber() bool
type IPageSetup ¶
type IPageSetup interface {
IsPageSetup() bool
type IPageStatData ¶
type IPageStatData interface {
IsPageStatData() bool
type IParagraph ¶
type IParagraph interface {
IsParagraph() bool
type IParagraphFormat ¶
type IParagraphFormat interface {
IsParagraphFormat() bool
type IParagraphFormatBase ¶
type IParagraphFormatBase interface {
IsParagraphFormatBase() bool
type IParagraphFormatUpdate ¶
type IParagraphFormatUpdate interface {
IsParagraphFormatUpdate() bool
type IParagraphInsert ¶
type IParagraphInsert interface {
IsParagraphInsert() bool
type IParagraphLink ¶
type IParagraphLink interface {
IsParagraphLink() bool
type IParagraphLinkCollection ¶
type IParagraphLinkCollection interface {
IsParagraphLinkCollection() bool
type IPclSaveOptionsData ¶
type IPclSaveOptionsData interface {
IsPclSaveOptionsData() bool
type IPdfDigitalSignatureDetailsData ¶
type IPdfDigitalSignatureDetailsData interface {
IsPdfDigitalSignatureDetailsData() bool
type IPdfEncryptionDetailsData ¶
type IPdfEncryptionDetailsData interface {
IsPdfEncryptionDetailsData() bool
type IPdfSaveOptionsData ¶
type IPdfSaveOptionsData interface {
IsPdfSaveOptionsData() bool
type IPngSaveOptionsData ¶
type IPngSaveOptionsData interface {
IsPngSaveOptionsData() bool
type IPreferredWidth ¶
type IPreferredWidth interface {
IsPreferredWidth() bool
type IProtectionData ¶
type IProtectionData interface {
IsProtectionData() bool
type IProtectionRequest ¶
type IProtectionRequest interface {
IsProtectionRequest() bool
type IPsSaveOptionsData ¶
type IPsSaveOptionsData interface {
IsPsSaveOptionsData() bool
type IRangeDocument ¶
type IRangeDocument interface {
IsRangeDocument() bool
type IRangeDocumentDto ¶
type IRangeDocumentDto interface {
IsRangeDocumentDto() bool
type IReplaceRange ¶
type IReplaceRange interface {
IsReplaceRange() bool
type IReplaceRangeDto ¶
type IReplaceRangeDto interface {
IsReplaceRangeDto() bool
type IReplaceTextParameters ¶
type IReplaceTextParameters interface {
IsReplaceTextParameters() bool
type IReportEngineSettings ¶
type IReportEngineSettings interface {
IsReportEngineSettings() bool
type IRtfSaveOptionsData ¶
type IRtfSaveOptionsData interface {
IsRtfSaveOptionsData() bool
type IRunInsert ¶
type IRunInsert interface {
IsRunInsert() bool
type IRunUpdate ¶
type IRunUpdate interface {
IsRunUpdate() bool
type ISaveOptionsData ¶
type ISaveOptionsData interface {
IsSaveOptionsData() bool
type ISaveResult ¶
type ISaveResult interface {
IsSaveResult() bool
type ISearchResult ¶
type ISearchResult interface {
IsSearchResult() bool
type ISearchResultsCollection ¶
type ISearchResultsCollection interface {
IsSearchResultsCollection() bool
type ISectionLink ¶
type ISectionLink interface {
IsSectionLink() bool
type ISectionLinkCollection ¶
type ISectionLinkCollection interface {
IsSectionLinkCollection() bool
type ISplitDocumentResult ¶
type ISplitDocumentResult interface {
IsSplitDocumentResult() bool
type IStorageFile ¶
type IStorageFile interface {
IsStorageFile() bool
type IStoryChildNodes ¶
type IStoryChildNodes interface {
IsStoryChildNodes() bool
type IStyleApply ¶
type IStyleApply interface {
IsStyleApply() bool
type IStyleCopy ¶
type IStyleCopy interface {
IsStyleCopy() bool
type IStyleInsert ¶
type IStyleInsert interface {
IsStyleInsert() bool
type IStyleUpdate ¶
type IStyleUpdate interface {
IsStyleUpdate() bool
type ISvgSaveOptionsData ¶
type ISvgSaveOptionsData interface {
IsSvgSaveOptionsData() bool
type ITabStopBase ¶
type ITabStopBase interface {
IsTabStopBase() bool
type ITabStopInsert ¶
type ITabStopInsert interface {
IsTabStopInsert() bool
type ITableCell ¶
type ITableCell interface {
IsTableCell() bool
type ITableCellFormat ¶
type ITableCellFormat interface {
IsTableCellFormat() bool
type ITableCellFormatDto ¶
type ITableCellFormatDto interface {
IsTableCellFormatDto() bool
type ITableCellInsert ¶
type ITableCellInsert interface {
IsTableCellInsert() bool
type ITableCellInsertDto ¶
type ITableCellInsertDto interface {
IsTableCellInsertDto() bool
type ITableInsert ¶
type ITableInsert interface {
IsTableInsert() bool
type ITableInsertDto ¶
type ITableInsertDto interface {
IsTableInsertDto() bool
type ITableLink ¶
type ITableLink interface {
IsTableLink() bool
type ITableLinkCollection ¶
type ITableLinkCollection interface {
IsTableLinkCollection() bool
type ITableProperties ¶
type ITableProperties interface {
IsTableProperties() bool
type ITablePropertiesDto ¶
type ITablePropertiesDto interface {
IsTablePropertiesDto() bool
type ITableRowFormat ¶
type ITableRowFormat interface {
IsTableRowFormat() bool
type ITableRowFormatDto ¶
type ITableRowFormatDto interface {
IsTableRowFormatDto() bool
type ITableRowInsert ¶
type ITableRowInsert interface {
IsTableRowInsert() bool
type ITableRowInsertDto ¶
type ITableRowInsertDto interface {
IsTableRowInsertDto() bool
type ITextSaveOptionsData ¶
type ITextSaveOptionsData interface {
IsTextSaveOptionsData() bool
type ITiffSaveOptionsData ¶
type ITiffSaveOptionsData interface {
IsTiffSaveOptionsData() bool
type ITimeZoneInfoData ¶
type ITimeZoneInfoData interface {
IsTimeZoneInfoData() bool
type ITxtSaveOptionsBaseData ¶
type ITxtSaveOptionsBaseData interface {
IsTxtSaveOptionsBaseData() bool
type IWatermarkText ¶
type IWatermarkText interface {
IsWatermarkText() bool
type IWordMLSaveOptionsData ¶
type IWordMLSaveOptionsData interface {
IsWordMLSaveOptionsData() bool
type IWordsApiLink ¶
type IWordsApiLink interface {
IsWordsApiLink() bool
type IXamlFixedSaveOptionsData ¶
type IXamlFixedSaveOptionsData interface {
IsXamlFixedSaveOptionsData() bool
type IXamlFlowSaveOptionsData ¶
type IXamlFlowSaveOptionsData interface {
IsXamlFlowSaveOptionsData() bool
type IXmlDataLoadOptions ¶
type IXmlDataLoadOptions interface {
IsXmlDataLoadOptions() bool
type IXpsSaveOptionsData ¶
type IXpsSaveOptionsData interface {
IsXpsSaveOptionsData() bool
type ImageSaveOptionsData ¶
type ImageSaveOptionsData struct { // Container abstract class for image save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. ColorMode *string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. JpegQuality *int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. MetafileRenderingOptions IMetafileRenderingOptionsData `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. NumeralFormat *string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. OptimizeOutput *bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. PageIndex *int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. HorizontalResolution *float64 `json:"HorizontalResolution,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. ImageBrightness *float64 `json:"ImageBrightness,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. ImageColorMode *string `json:"ImageColorMode,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. ImageContrast *float64 `json:"ImageContrast,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. PaperColor *string `json:"PaperColor,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. PixelFormat *string `json:"PixelFormat,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. Resolution *float64 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. Scale *float64 `json:"Scale,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UseAntiAliasing *bool `json:"UseAntiAliasing,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UseGdiEmfRenderer *bool `json:"UseGdiEmfRenderer,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UseHighQualityRendering *bool `json:"UseHighQualityRendering,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. VerticalResolution *float64 `json:"VerticalResolution,omitempty"` }
func (ImageSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (ImageSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData() bool
func (ImageSaveOptionsData) IsImageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (ImageSaveOptionsData) IsImageSaveOptionsData() bool
type ImageSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type ImageSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container abstract class for image save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. ColorMode string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. MetafileRenderingOptions MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. NumeralFormat string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. OptimizeOutput bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. PageIndex int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. HorizontalResolution float64 `json:"HorizontalResolution,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. ImageBrightness float64 `json:"ImageBrightness,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. ImageColorMode string `json:"ImageColorMode,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. ImageContrast float64 `json:"ImageContrast,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. PaperColor string `json:"PaperColor,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. PixelFormat string `json:"PixelFormat,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. Resolution float64 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. Scale float64 `json:"Scale,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UseAntiAliasing bool `json:"UseAntiAliasing,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UseGdiEmfRenderer bool `json:"UseGdiEmfRenderer,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. UseHighQualityRendering bool `json:"UseHighQualityRendering,omitempty"` // Container abstract class for image save options. VerticalResolution float64 `json:"VerticalResolution,omitempty"` }
Container abstract class for image save options.
type InsertCommentOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertCommentOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Comment data. Comment ICommentInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertCommentOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertCommentOnline method.
func (*InsertCommentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertCommentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertCommentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertCommentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertCommentOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertCommentOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model CommentResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertCommentOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new comment to the document.
type InsertCommentRequest ¶
type InsertCommentRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Comment data. Comment ICommentInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertCommentRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertComment method.
func (*InsertCommentRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertCommentRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertCommentRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertCommentRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Custom xml part. CustomXmlPart ICustomXmlPartInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertCustomXmlPartOnline method.
func (*InsertCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertCustomXmlPartOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertCustomXmlPartOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model CustomXmlPartResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertCustomXmlPartOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new custom xml part to the document.
type InsertCustomXmlPartRequest ¶
type InsertCustomXmlPartRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Custom xml part. CustomXmlPart ICustomXmlPartInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertCustomXmlPartRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertCustomXmlPart method.
func (*InsertCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertDrawingObjectOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertDrawingObjectOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Drawing object parameters. DrawingObject IDrawingObjectInsert // File with image. ImageFile io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertDrawingObjectOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertDrawingObjectOnline method.
func (*InsertDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertDrawingObjectOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertDrawingObjectOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model DrawingObjectResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertDrawingObjectOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new DrawingObject to the document node.
type InsertDrawingObjectRequest ¶
type InsertDrawingObjectRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Drawing object parameters. DrawingObject IDrawingObjectInsert // File with image. ImageFile io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertDrawingObjectRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertDrawingObject method.
func (*InsertDrawingObjectRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertDrawingObjectRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertDrawingObjectRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertDrawingObjectRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertFieldOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertFieldOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Field data. Field IFieldInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. key: "insertBeforeNode" value: (*string) The index of the node. A new field will be inserted before the node with the specified node Id. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertFieldOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertFieldOnline method.
func (*InsertFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertFieldOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertFieldOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model FieldResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertFieldOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new field to the document node.
type InsertFieldRequest ¶
type InsertFieldRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Field data. Field IFieldInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. key: "insertBeforeNode" value: (*string) The index of the node. A new field will be inserted before the node with the specified node Id. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertFieldRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertField method.
func (*InsertFieldRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertFieldRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertFieldRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertFieldRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertFootnoteOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertFootnoteOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Footnote data. FootnoteDto IFootnoteInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertFootnoteOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertFootnoteOnline method.
func (*InsertFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertFootnoteOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertFootnoteOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model FootnoteResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertFootnoteOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new footnote to the document node.
type InsertFootnoteRequest ¶
type InsertFootnoteRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Footnote data. FootnoteDto IFootnoteInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertFootnoteRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertFootnote method.
func (*InsertFootnoteRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertFootnoteRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertFootnoteRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertFootnoteRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertFormFieldOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertFormFieldOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // From field data. FormField IFormField /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. key: "insertBeforeNode" value: (*string) The index of the node. A new form field will be inserted before the node with the specified node Id. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertFormFieldOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertFormFieldOnline method.
func (*InsertFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertFormFieldOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertFormFieldOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model FormFieldResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertFormFieldOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new form field to the document node.
type InsertFormFieldRequest ¶
type InsertFormFieldRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // From field data. FormField IFormField /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. key: "insertBeforeNode" value: (*string) The index of the node. A new form field will be inserted before the node with the specified node Id. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertFormFieldRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertFormField method.
func (*InsertFormFieldRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertFormFieldRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertFormFieldRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertFormFieldRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertHeaderFooterOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertHeaderFooterOnlineRequest struct { io.ReadCloser SectionPath *string HeaderFooterType *string Optionals map[string]interface{} }Document
InsertHeaderFooterOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertHeaderFooterOnline method.
func (*InsertHeaderFooterOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertHeaderFooterOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertHeaderFooterOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertHeaderFooterOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertHeaderFooterOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertHeaderFooterOnlineResponse struct { HeaderFooterResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }Model
InsertHeaderFooterOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new HeaderFooter object to the document section.
type InsertHeaderFooterRequest ¶
type InsertHeaderFooterRequest struct { string SectionPath *string HeaderFooterType *string Optionals map[string]interface{} }Name *
InsertHeaderFooterRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertHeaderFooter method.
func (*InsertHeaderFooterRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertHeaderFooterRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertHeaderFooterRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertHeaderFooterRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertListOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertListOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // List object. ListInsert IListInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertListOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertListOnline method.
func (*InsertListOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertListOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertListOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertListOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertListOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertListOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model ListResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertListOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new list to the document.
type InsertListRequest ¶
type InsertListRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // List object. ListInsert IListInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertListRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertList method.
func (*InsertListRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertListRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertListRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertListRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // TabStopInsert dto. TabStopInsertDto ITabStopInsert // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnline method.
func (*InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model TabStopsResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new or updates an existing paragraph tab stop in the document node.
type InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopRequest ¶
type InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 // TabStopInsert dto. TabStopInsertDto ITabStopInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStop method.
func (*InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertPageNumbersOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertPageNumbersOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Page number dto. PageNumber IPageNumber /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertPageNumbersOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertPageNumbersOnline method.
func (*InsertPageNumbersOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertPageNumbersOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertPageNumbersOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertPageNumbersOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertPageNumbersOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertPageNumbersOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model DocumentResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertPageNumbersOnlineResponse struct Inserts page numbers to the document.
type InsertPageNumbersRequest ¶
type InsertPageNumbersRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Page number dto. PageNumber IPageNumber /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertPageNumbersRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertPageNumbers method.
func (*InsertPageNumbersRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertPageNumbersRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertPageNumbersRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertPageNumbersRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertParagraphOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertParagraphOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Paragraph data. Paragraph IParagraphInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. key: "insertBeforeNode" value: (*string) The index of the node. A new paragraph will be inserted before the node with the specified index. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertParagraphOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertParagraphOnline method.
func (*InsertParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertParagraphOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertParagraphOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model ParagraphResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertParagraphOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new paragraph to the document node.
type InsertParagraphRequest ¶
type InsertParagraphRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Paragraph data. Paragraph IParagraphInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. key: "insertBeforeNode" value: (*string) The index of the node. A new paragraph will be inserted before the node with the specified index. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertParagraphRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertParagraph method.
func (*InsertParagraphRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertParagraphRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertParagraphRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertParagraphRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertRunOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertRunOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the paragraph in the document tree. ParagraphPath *string // Run data. Run IRunInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. key: "insertBeforeNode" value: (*string) The index of the node. A new Run object will be inserted before the node with the specified node Id. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertRunOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertRunOnline method.
func (*InsertRunOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertRunOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertRunOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertRunOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertRunOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertRunOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model RunResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertRunOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new Run object to the paragraph.
type InsertRunRequest ¶
type InsertRunRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the paragraph in the document tree. ParagraphPath *string // Run data. Run IRunInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. key: "insertBeforeNode" value: (*string) The index of the node. A new Run object will be inserted before the node with the specified node Id. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertRunRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertRun method.
func (*InsertRunRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertRunRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertRunRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertRunRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertStyleOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertStyleOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Style to insert. StyleInsert IStyleInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertStyleOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertStyleOnline method.
func (*InsertStyleOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertStyleOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertStyleOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertStyleOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertStyleOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertStyleOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model StyleResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertStyleOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new style to the document.
type InsertStyleRequest ¶
type InsertStyleRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Style to insert. StyleInsert IStyleInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertStyleRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertStyle method.
func (*InsertStyleRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertStyleRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertStyleRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertStyleRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertTableCellOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertTableCellOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the table row in the document tree. TableRowPath *string // Table cell parameters. Cell ITableCellInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertTableCellOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertTableCellOnline method.
func (*InsertTableCellOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertTableCellOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertTableCellOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertTableCellOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertTableCellOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertTableCellOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model TableCellResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertTableCellOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new cell to the table row.
type InsertTableCellRequest ¶
type InsertTableCellRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the table row in the document tree. TableRowPath *string // Table cell parameters. Cell ITableCellInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertTableCellRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertTableCell method.
func (*InsertTableCellRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertTableCellRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertTableCellRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertTableCellRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertTableOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertTableOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Table parameters. Table ITableInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertTableOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertTableOnline method.
func (*InsertTableOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertTableOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertTableOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertTableOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertTableOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertTableOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model TableResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertTableOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new table to the document node.
type InsertTableRequest ¶
type InsertTableRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Table parameters. Table ITableInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertTableRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertTable method.
func (*InsertTableRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertTableRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertTableRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertTableRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertTableRowOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertTableRowOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the table in the document tree. TablePath *string // Table row parameters. Row ITableRowInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertTableRowOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertTableRowOnline method.
func (*InsertTableRowOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertTableRowOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertTableRowOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertTableRowOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertTableRowOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertTableRowOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model TableRowResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertTableRowOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new row to the table.
type InsertTableRowRequest ¶
type InsertTableRowRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the table in the document tree. TablePath *string // Table row parameters. Row ITableRowInsert /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertTableRowRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertTableRow method.
func (*InsertTableRowRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertTableRowRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertTableRowRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertTableRowRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertWatermarkImageOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertWatermarkImageOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // File with image. ImageFile io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. key: "rotationAngle" value: (*float64) The rotation angle of the watermark. key: "image" value: (*string) The filename of the image. If the parameter value is missing — the image data is expected in the request content. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertWatermarkImageOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertWatermarkImageOnline method.
func (*InsertWatermarkImageOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertWatermarkImageOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertWatermarkImageOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertWatermarkImageOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertWatermarkImageOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertWatermarkImageOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model DocumentResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertWatermarkImageOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new watermark image to the document.
type InsertWatermarkImageRequest ¶
type InsertWatermarkImageRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "imageFile" value: (io.ReadCloser) File with image. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. key: "rotationAngle" value: (*float64) The rotation angle of the watermark. key: "image" value: (*string) The filename of the image. If the parameter value is missing — the image data is expected in the request content. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertWatermarkImageRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertWatermarkImage method.
func (*InsertWatermarkImageRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertWatermarkImageRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertWatermarkImageRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertWatermarkImageRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertWatermarkTextOnlineRequest ¶
type InsertWatermarkTextOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The watermark data. WatermarkText IWatermarkText /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertWatermarkTextOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertWatermarkTextOnline method.
func (*InsertWatermarkTextOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertWatermarkTextOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertWatermarkTextOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertWatermarkTextOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type InsertWatermarkTextOnlineResponse ¶
type InsertWatermarkTextOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model DocumentResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
InsertWatermarkTextOnlineResponse struct Inserts a new watermark text to the document.
type InsertWatermarkTextRequest ¶
type InsertWatermarkTextRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The watermark data. WatermarkText IWatermarkText /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
InsertWatermarkTextRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.InsertWatermarkText method.
func (*InsertWatermarkTextRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *InsertWatermarkTextRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*InsertWatermarkTextRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *InsertWatermarkTextRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type JpegSaveOptionsData ¶
type JpegSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for jpeg save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. ColorMode *string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. JpegQuality *int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. MetafileRenderingOptions IMetafileRenderingOptionsData `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. NumeralFormat *string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. OptimizeOutput *bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. PageIndex *int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. HorizontalResolution *float64 `json:"HorizontalResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. ImageBrightness *float64 `json:"ImageBrightness,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. ImageColorMode *string `json:"ImageColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. ImageContrast *float64 `json:"ImageContrast,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. PaperColor *string `json:"PaperColor,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. PixelFormat *string `json:"PixelFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. Resolution *float64 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. Scale *float64 `json:"Scale,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UseAntiAliasing *bool `json:"UseAntiAliasing,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UseGdiEmfRenderer *bool `json:"UseGdiEmfRenderer,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UseHighQualityRendering *bool `json:"UseHighQualityRendering,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. VerticalResolution *float64 `json:"VerticalResolution,omitempty"` }
func (JpegSaveOptionsData) IsImageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (JpegSaveOptionsData) IsImageSaveOptionsData() bool
func (JpegSaveOptionsData) IsJpegSaveOptionsData ¶
func (JpegSaveOptionsData) IsJpegSaveOptionsData() bool
type JpegSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type JpegSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for jpeg save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. ColorMode string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. MetafileRenderingOptions MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. NumeralFormat string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. OptimizeOutput bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. PageIndex int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. HorizontalResolution float64 `json:"HorizontalResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. ImageBrightness float64 `json:"ImageBrightness,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. ImageColorMode string `json:"ImageColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. ImageContrast float64 `json:"ImageContrast,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. PaperColor string `json:"PaperColor,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. PixelFormat string `json:"PixelFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. Resolution float64 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. Scale float64 `json:"Scale,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UseAntiAliasing bool `json:"UseAntiAliasing,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UseGdiEmfRenderer bool `json:"UseGdiEmfRenderer,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. UseHighQualityRendering bool `json:"UseHighQualityRendering,omitempty"` // Container class for jpeg save options. VerticalResolution float64 `json:"VerticalResolution,omitempty"` }
Container class for jpeg save options.
type JsonDataLoadOptions ¶
type JsonDataLoadOptions struct { // Represents options for parsing JSON data. AlwaysGenerateRootObject *bool `json:"AlwaysGenerateRootObject,omitempty"` // Represents options for parsing JSON data. ExactDateTimeParseFormats []string `json:"ExactDateTimeParseFormats,omitempty"` // Represents options for parsing JSON data. SimpleValueParseMode *string `json:"SimpleValueParseMode,omitempty"` }
func (JsonDataLoadOptions) IsJsonDataLoadOptions ¶
func (JsonDataLoadOptions) IsJsonDataLoadOptions() bool
type JsonDataLoadOptionsResult ¶
type JsonDataLoadOptionsResult struct { // Represents options for parsing JSON data. AlwaysGenerateRootObject bool `json:"AlwaysGenerateRootObject,omitempty"` // Represents options for parsing JSON data. ExactDateTimeParseFormats []string `json:"ExactDateTimeParseFormats,omitempty"` // Represents options for parsing JSON data. SimpleValueParseMode string `json:"SimpleValueParseMode,omitempty"` }
Represents options for parsing JSON data.
type Link ¶
type Link struct { // Provides information for the object link. // This is supposed to be an atom:link, therefore it should have all attributes specified here Href *string `json:"Href,omitempty"` // Provides information for the object link. // This is supposed to be an atom:link, therefore it should have all attributes specified here Rel *string `json:"Rel,omitempty"` // Provides information for the object link. // This is supposed to be an atom:link, therefore it should have all attributes specified here Title *string `json:"Title,omitempty"` // Provides information for the object link. // This is supposed to be an atom:link, therefore it should have all attributes specified here Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
type LinkElement ¶
type LinkElement struct { // Reference to a document. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` }
func (LinkElement) IsLinkElement ¶
func (LinkElement) IsLinkElement() bool
type LinkElementResult ¶
type LinkElementResult struct { // Reference to a document. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` }
Reference to a document.
type LinkResult ¶
type LinkResult struct { // Provides information for the object link. // This is supposed to be an atom:link, therefore it should have all attributes specified here Href string `json:"Href,omitempty"` // Provides information for the object link. // This is supposed to be an atom:link, therefore it should have all attributes specified here Rel string `json:"Rel,omitempty"` // Provides information for the object link. // This is supposed to be an atom:link, therefore it should have all attributes specified here Title string `json:"Title,omitempty"` // Provides information for the object link. // This is supposed to be an atom:link, therefore it should have all attributes specified here Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
Provides information for the object link. This is supposed to be an atom:link, therefore it should have all attributes specified here
type ListFormat ¶
type ListFormat struct { // DTO container with a paragraph list format element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a paragraph list format element. IsListItem *bool `json:"IsListItem,omitempty"` // DTO container with a paragraph list format element. ListId *int32 `json:"ListId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a paragraph list format element. ListLevelNumber *int32 `json:"ListLevelNumber,omitempty"` }
func (ListFormat) IsLinkElement ¶
func (ListFormat) IsLinkElement() bool
func (ListFormat) IsListFormat ¶
func (ListFormat) IsListFormat() bool
type ListFormatResult ¶
type ListFormatResult struct { // DTO container with a paragraph list format element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a paragraph list format element. IsListItem bool `json:"IsListItem,omitempty"` // DTO container with a paragraph list format element. ListId int32 `json:"ListId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a paragraph list format element. ListLevelNumber int32 `json:"ListLevelNumber,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a paragraph list format element.
type ListFormatUpdate ¶
type ListFormatUpdate struct { // Paragraph list format element for update. ListId *int32 `json:"ListId,omitempty"` // Paragraph list format element for update. ListLevelNumber *int32 `json:"ListLevelNumber,omitempty"` }
func (ListFormatUpdate) IsListFormatUpdate ¶
func (ListFormatUpdate) IsListFormatUpdate() bool
type ListFormatUpdateResult ¶
type ListFormatUpdateResult struct { // Paragraph list format element for update. ListId int32 `json:"ListId,omitempty"` // Paragraph list format element for update. ListLevelNumber int32 `json:"ListLevelNumber,omitempty"` }
Paragraph list format element for update.
type ListInfo ¶
type ListInfo struct { // DTO container with a single document list. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. IsListStyleDefinition *bool `json:"IsListStyleDefinition,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. IsListStyleReference *bool `json:"IsListStyleReference,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. IsMultiLevel *bool `json:"IsMultiLevel,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. IsRestartAtEachSection *bool `json:"IsRestartAtEachSection,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. ListId *int32 `json:"ListId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. ListLevels IListLevels `json:"ListLevels,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. Style IStyle `json:"Style,omitempty"` }
func (ListInfo) IsLinkElement ¶
func (ListInfo) IsListInfo ¶
type ListInfoResult ¶
type ListInfoResult struct { // DTO container with a single document list. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. IsListStyleDefinition bool `json:"IsListStyleDefinition,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. IsListStyleReference bool `json:"IsListStyleReference,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. IsMultiLevel bool `json:"IsMultiLevel,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. IsRestartAtEachSection bool `json:"IsRestartAtEachSection,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. ListId int32 `json:"ListId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. ListLevels ListLevelsResult `json:"ListLevels,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. Style StyleResult `json:"Style,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a single document list.
type ListInsert ¶
type ListInsert struct { // Insert document to document list. Template *string `json:"Template,omitempty"` }
func (ListInsert) IsListInsert ¶
func (ListInsert) IsListInsert() bool
type ListInsertResult ¶
type ListInsertResult struct { // Insert document to document list. Template string `json:"Template,omitempty"` }
Insert document to document list.
type ListLevel ¶
type ListLevel struct { // DTO container with a document list level. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. Alignment *string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. Font IFont `json:"Font,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. IsLegal *bool `json:"IsLegal,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. LinkedStyle IStyle `json:"LinkedStyle,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. NumberFormat *string `json:"NumberFormat,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. NumberPosition *float64 `json:"NumberPosition,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. NumberStyle *string `json:"NumberStyle,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. RestartAfterLevel *int32 `json:"RestartAfterLevel,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. StartAt *int32 `json:"StartAt,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. TabPosition *float64 `json:"TabPosition,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. TextPosition *float64 `json:"TextPosition,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. TrailingCharacter *string `json:"TrailingCharacter,omitempty"` }
func (ListLevel) IsLinkElement ¶
func (ListLevel) IsListLevel ¶
type ListLevelResult ¶
type ListLevelResult struct { // DTO container with a document list level. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. Alignment string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. Font FontResult `json:"Font,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. IsLegal bool `json:"IsLegal,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. LinkedStyle StyleResult `json:"LinkedStyle,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. NumberFormat string `json:"NumberFormat,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. NumberPosition float64 `json:"NumberPosition,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. NumberStyle string `json:"NumberStyle,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. RestartAfterLevel int32 `json:"RestartAfterLevel,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. StartAt int32 `json:"StartAt,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. TabPosition float64 `json:"TabPosition,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. TextPosition float64 `json:"TextPosition,omitempty"` // DTO container with a document list level. TrailingCharacter string `json:"TrailingCharacter,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a document list level.
type ListLevelUpdate ¶
type ListLevelUpdate struct { // Represents a document list levels. Alignment *string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. IsLegal *bool `json:"IsLegal,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. NumberFormat *string `json:"NumberFormat,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. NumberPosition *float64 `json:"NumberPosition,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. NumberStyle *string `json:"NumberStyle,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. RestartAfterLevel *int32 `json:"RestartAfterLevel,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. StartAt *int32 `json:"StartAt,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. TabPosition *float64 `json:"TabPosition,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. TextPosition *float64 `json:"TextPosition,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. TrailingCharacter *string `json:"TrailingCharacter,omitempty"` }
func (ListLevelUpdate) IsListLevelUpdate ¶
func (ListLevelUpdate) IsListLevelUpdate() bool
type ListLevelUpdateResult ¶
type ListLevelUpdateResult struct { // Represents a document list levels. Alignment string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. IsLegal bool `json:"IsLegal,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. NumberFormat string `json:"NumberFormat,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. NumberPosition float64 `json:"NumberPosition,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. NumberStyle string `json:"NumberStyle,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. RestartAfterLevel int32 `json:"RestartAfterLevel,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. StartAt int32 `json:"StartAt,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. TabPosition float64 `json:"TabPosition,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. TextPosition float64 `json:"TextPosition,omitempty"` // Represents a document list levels. TrailingCharacter string `json:"TrailingCharacter,omitempty"` }
Represents a document list levels.
type ListLevels ¶
type ListLevels struct { // DTO container with a single document list. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. ListLevel []ListLevel `json:"ListLevel,omitempty"` }
func (ListLevels) IsLinkElement ¶
func (ListLevels) IsLinkElement() bool
func (ListLevels) IsListLevels ¶
func (ListLevels) IsListLevels() bool
type ListLevelsResult ¶
type ListLevelsResult struct { // DTO container with a single document list. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document list. ListLevel []ListLevelResult `json:"ListLevel,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a single document list.
type ListResponse ¶
type ListResponse struct { // The REST response with a list information. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a list information. List ListInfoResult `json:"List,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a list information.
type ListUpdate ¶
type ListUpdate struct { // Update document properties if document list. IsRestartAtEachSection *bool `json:"IsRestartAtEachSection,omitempty"` }
func (ListUpdate) IsListUpdate ¶
func (ListUpdate) IsListUpdate() bool
type ListUpdateResult ¶
type ListUpdateResult struct { // Update document properties if document list. IsRestartAtEachSection bool `json:"IsRestartAtEachSection,omitempty"` }
Update document properties if document list.
type Lists ¶
type Lists struct { // DTO container with an array of document lists. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with an array of document lists. ListInfo []ListInfo `json:"ListInfo,omitempty"` }
func (Lists) IsLinkElement ¶
type ListsResponse ¶
type ListsResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of lists, contained in the document. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of lists, contained in the document. Lists ListsResult `json:"Lists,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of lists, contained in the document.
type ListsResult ¶
type ListsResult struct { // DTO container with an array of document lists. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with an array of document lists. ListInfo []ListInfoResult `json:"ListInfo,omitempty"` }
DTO container with an array of document lists.
type LoadWebDocumentData ¶
type LoadWebDocumentData struct { // Contains data for load web document. LoadingDocumentUrl *string `json:"LoadingDocumentUrl,omitempty"` // Contains data for load web document. SaveOptions ISaveOptionsData `json:"SaveOptions,omitempty"` }
func (LoadWebDocumentData) IsLoadWebDocumentData ¶
func (LoadWebDocumentData) IsLoadWebDocumentData() bool
type LoadWebDocumentDataResult ¶
type LoadWebDocumentDataResult struct { // Contains data for load web document. LoadingDocumentUrl string `json:"LoadingDocumentUrl,omitempty"` // Contains data for load web document. SaveOptions SaveOptionsDataResult `json:"SaveOptions,omitempty"` }
Contains data for load web document.
type LoadWebDocumentRequest ¶
type LoadWebDocumentRequest struct { // The properties of data downloading. Data ILoadWebDocumentData /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
LoadWebDocumentRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.LoadWebDocument method.
func (*LoadWebDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *LoadWebDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*LoadWebDocumentRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *LoadWebDocumentRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type MarkdownSaveOptionsData ¶
type MarkdownSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for markdown save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. Encoding *string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` ExportHeadersFootersMode *string `json:"ExportHeadersFootersMode,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. ForcePageBreaks *bool `json:"ForcePageBreaks,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. ParagraphBreak *string `json:"ParagraphBreak,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. TableContentAlignment *string `json:"TableContentAlignment,omitempty"` }
func (MarkdownSaveOptionsData) IsMarkdownSaveOptionsData ¶
func (MarkdownSaveOptionsData) IsMarkdownSaveOptionsData() bool
func (MarkdownSaveOptionsData) IsTxtSaveOptionsBaseData ¶
func (MarkdownSaveOptionsData) IsTxtSaveOptionsBaseData() bool
type MarkdownSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type MarkdownSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for markdown save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. Encoding string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` ExportHeadersFootersMode string `json:"ExportHeadersFootersMode,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. ForcePageBreaks bool `json:"ForcePageBreaks,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. ParagraphBreak string `json:"ParagraphBreak,omitempty"` // Container class for markdown save options. TableContentAlignment string `json:"TableContentAlignment,omitempty"` }
Container class for markdown save options.
type MetafileRenderingOptionsData ¶
type MetafileRenderingOptionsData struct { // Container class for options of metafile rendering. EmfPlusDualRenderingMode *string `json:"EmfPlusDualRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for options of metafile rendering. EmulateRasterOperations *bool `json:"EmulateRasterOperations,omitempty"` // Container class for options of metafile rendering. RenderingMode *string `json:"RenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for options of metafile rendering. ScaleWmfFontsToMetafileSize *bool `json:"ScaleWmfFontsToMetafileSize,omitempty"` // Container class for options of metafile rendering. UseEmfEmbeddedToWmf *bool `json:"UseEmfEmbeddedToWmf,omitempty"` }
func (MetafileRenderingOptionsData) IsMetafileRenderingOptionsData ¶
func (MetafileRenderingOptionsData) IsMetafileRenderingOptionsData() bool
type MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult ¶
type MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for options of metafile rendering. EmfPlusDualRenderingMode string `json:"EmfPlusDualRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for options of metafile rendering. EmulateRasterOperations bool `json:"EmulateRasterOperations,omitempty"` // Container class for options of metafile rendering. RenderingMode string `json:"RenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for options of metafile rendering. ScaleWmfFontsToMetafileSize bool `json:"ScaleWmfFontsToMetafileSize,omitempty"` // Container class for options of metafile rendering. UseEmfEmbeddedToWmf bool `json:"UseEmfEmbeddedToWmf,omitempty"` }
Container class for options of metafile rendering.
type MhtmlSaveOptionsData ¶
type MhtmlSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for mhtml save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. AllowNegativeIndent *bool `json:"AllowNegativeIndent,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. CssClassNamePrefix *string `json:"CssClassNamePrefix,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. CssStyleSheetFileName *string `json:"CssStyleSheetFileName,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. CssStyleSheetType *string `json:"CssStyleSheetType,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. DocumentSplitCriteria *string `json:"DocumentSplitCriteria,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. DocumentSplitHeadingLevel *int32 `json:"DocumentSplitHeadingLevel,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. Encoding *string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportDocumentProperties *bool `json:"ExportDocumentProperties,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportDropDownFormFieldAsText *bool `json:"ExportDropDownFormFieldAsText,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportFontResources *bool `json:"ExportFontResources,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportFontsAsBase64 *bool `json:"ExportFontsAsBase64,omitempty"` ExportHeadersFootersMode *string `json:"ExportHeadersFootersMode,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportImagesAsBase64 *bool `json:"ExportImagesAsBase64,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportLanguageInformation *bool `json:"ExportLanguageInformation,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportListLabels *string `json:"ExportListLabels,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages *bool `json:"ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportPageMargins *bool `json:"ExportPageMargins,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportPageSetup *bool `json:"ExportPageSetup,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportRelativeFontSize *bool `json:"ExportRelativeFontSize,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportRoundtripInformation *bool `json:"ExportRoundtripInformation,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportTextBoxAsSvg *bool `json:"ExportTextBoxAsSvg,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText *bool `json:"ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportTocPageNumbers *bool `json:"ExportTocPageNumbers,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportXhtmlTransitional *bool `json:"ExportXhtmlTransitional,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold *int32 `json:"FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. FontsFolder *string `json:"FontsFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. FontsFolderAlias *string `json:"FontsFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. HtmlVersion *string `json:"HtmlVersion,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ImageResolution *int32 `json:"ImageResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ImagesFolder *string `json:"ImagesFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ImagesFolderAlias *string `json:"ImagesFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. MetafileFormat *string `json:"MetafileFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. OfficeMathOutputMode *string `json:"OfficeMathOutputMode,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. PrettyFormat *bool `json:"PrettyFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ResolveFontNames *bool `json:"ResolveFontNames,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ResourceFolder *string `json:"ResourceFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ResourceFolderAlias *string `json:"ResourceFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ScaleImageToShapeSize *bool `json:"ScaleImageToShapeSize,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. TableWidthOutputMode *string `json:"TableWidthOutputMode,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportCidUrlsForMhtmlResources *bool `json:"ExportCidUrlsForMhtmlResources,omitempty"` }
func (MhtmlSaveOptionsData) IsHtmlSaveOptionsData ¶
func (MhtmlSaveOptionsData) IsHtmlSaveOptionsData() bool
func (MhtmlSaveOptionsData) IsMhtmlSaveOptionsData ¶
func (MhtmlSaveOptionsData) IsMhtmlSaveOptionsData() bool
type MhtmlSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type MhtmlSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for mhtml save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. AllowNegativeIndent bool `json:"AllowNegativeIndent,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. CssClassNamePrefix string `json:"CssClassNamePrefix,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. CssStyleSheetFileName string `json:"CssStyleSheetFileName,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. CssStyleSheetType string `json:"CssStyleSheetType,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. DocumentSplitCriteria string `json:"DocumentSplitCriteria,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. DocumentSplitHeadingLevel int32 `json:"DocumentSplitHeadingLevel,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. Encoding string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportDocumentProperties bool `json:"ExportDocumentProperties,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportDropDownFormFieldAsText bool `json:"ExportDropDownFormFieldAsText,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportFontResources bool `json:"ExportFontResources,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportFontsAsBase64 bool `json:"ExportFontsAsBase64,omitempty"` ExportHeadersFootersMode string `json:"ExportHeadersFootersMode,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportImagesAsBase64 bool `json:"ExportImagesAsBase64,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportLanguageInformation bool `json:"ExportLanguageInformation,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportListLabels string `json:"ExportListLabels,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages bool `json:"ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportPageMargins bool `json:"ExportPageMargins,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportPageSetup bool `json:"ExportPageSetup,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportRelativeFontSize bool `json:"ExportRelativeFontSize,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportRoundtripInformation bool `json:"ExportRoundtripInformation,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportTextBoxAsSvg bool `json:"ExportTextBoxAsSvg,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText bool `json:"ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportTocPageNumbers bool `json:"ExportTocPageNumbers,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportXhtmlTransitional bool `json:"ExportXhtmlTransitional,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold int32 `json:"FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. FontsFolder string `json:"FontsFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. FontsFolderAlias string `json:"FontsFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. HtmlVersion string `json:"HtmlVersion,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ImageResolution int32 `json:"ImageResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ImagesFolder string `json:"ImagesFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ImagesFolderAlias string `json:"ImagesFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. MetafileFormat string `json:"MetafileFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. OfficeMathOutputMode string `json:"OfficeMathOutputMode,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. PrettyFormat bool `json:"PrettyFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ResolveFontNames bool `json:"ResolveFontNames,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ResourceFolder string `json:"ResourceFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ResourceFolderAlias string `json:"ResourceFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ScaleImageToShapeSize bool `json:"ScaleImageToShapeSize,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. TableWidthOutputMode string `json:"TableWidthOutputMode,omitempty"` // Container class for mhtml save options. ExportCidUrlsForMhtmlResources bool `json:"ExportCidUrlsForMhtmlResources,omitempty"` }
Container class for mhtml save options.
type ModificationOperationResult ¶
type ModificationOperationResult struct { // result of the operation which modifies the original document and saves the result. Dest IFileLink `json:"Dest,omitempty"` // result of the operation which modifies the original document and saves the result. Source IFileLink `json:"Source,omitempty"` }
func (ModificationOperationResult) IsModificationOperationResult ¶
func (ModificationOperationResult) IsModificationOperationResult() bool
type ModificationOperationResultResult ¶
type ModificationOperationResultResult struct { // result of the operation which modifies the original document and saves the result. Dest FileLinkResult `json:"Dest,omitempty"` // result of the operation which modifies the original document and saves the result. Source FileLinkResult `json:"Source,omitempty"` }
result of the operation which modifies the original document and saves the result.
type MoveFileRequest ¶
type MoveFileRequest struct { // Destination file path e.g. '/dest.ext'. DestPath *string // Source file's path e.g. '/Folder 1/file.ext' or '/Bucket/Folder 1/file.ext'. SrcPath *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "srcStorageName" value: (*string) Source storage name. key: "destStorageName" value: (*string) Destination storage name. key: "versionId" value: (*string) File version ID to move. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
MoveFileRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.MoveFile method.
func (*MoveFileRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *MoveFileRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*MoveFileRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *MoveFileRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type MoveFolderRequest ¶
type MoveFolderRequest struct { // Destination folder path to move to e.g '/dst'. DestPath *string // Source folder path e.g. /Folder1. SrcPath *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "srcStorageName" value: (*string) Source storage name. key: "destStorageName" value: (*string) Destination storage name. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
MoveFolderRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.MoveFolder method.
func (*MoveFolderRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *MoveFolderRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*MoveFolderRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *MoveFolderRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type NodeLink ¶
type NodeLink struct { // Reference to node. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Reference to node. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` }
func (NodeLink) IsLinkElement ¶
func (NodeLink) IsNodeLink ¶
type NodeLinkResult ¶
type NodeLinkResult struct { // Reference to node. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Reference to node. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` }
Reference to node.
type OdtSaveOptionsData ¶
type OdtSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for odt/ott save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. IsStrictSchema11 *bool `json:"IsStrictSchema11,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. MeasureUnit *string `json:"MeasureUnit,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. Password *string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. PrettyFormat *bool `json:"PrettyFormat,omitempty"` }
func (OdtSaveOptionsData) IsOdtSaveOptionsData ¶
func (OdtSaveOptionsData) IsOdtSaveOptionsData() bool
func (OdtSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData ¶
func (OdtSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData() bool
type OdtSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type OdtSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for odt/ott save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. IsStrictSchema11 bool `json:"IsStrictSchema11,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. MeasureUnit string `json:"MeasureUnit,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Container class for odt/ott save options. PrettyFormat bool `json:"PrettyFormat,omitempty"` }
Container class for odt/ott save options.
type OfficeMathLink ¶
type OfficeMathLink struct { // OfficeMath object link element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // OfficeMath object link element. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` }
func (OfficeMathLink) IsNodeLink ¶
func (OfficeMathLink) IsNodeLink() bool
func (OfficeMathLink) IsOfficeMathLink ¶
func (OfficeMathLink) IsOfficeMathLink() bool
type OfficeMathLinkResult ¶
type OfficeMathLinkResult struct { // OfficeMath object link element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // OfficeMath object link element. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` }
OfficeMath object link element.
type OfficeMathObject ¶
type OfficeMathObject struct { // DTO container with an OfficeMath object. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with an OfficeMath object. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with an OfficeMath object. Content IStoryChildNodes `json:"Content,omitempty"` // DTO container with an OfficeMath object. DisplayType *string `json:"DisplayType,omitempty"` // DTO container with an OfficeMath object. Justification *string `json:"Justification,omitempty"` // DTO container with an OfficeMath object. MathObjectType *string `json:"MathObjectType,omitempty"` }
func (OfficeMathObject) IsOfficeMathLink ¶
func (OfficeMathObject) IsOfficeMathLink() bool
func (OfficeMathObject) IsOfficeMathObject ¶
func (OfficeMathObject) IsOfficeMathObject() bool
type OfficeMathObjectResponse ¶
type OfficeMathObjectResponse struct { // The REST response with a OfficeMath object. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a OfficeMath object. OfficeMathObject OfficeMathObjectResult `json:"OfficeMathObject,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a OfficeMath object.
type OfficeMathObjectResult ¶
type OfficeMathObjectResult struct { // DTO container with an OfficeMath object. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with an OfficeMath object. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with an OfficeMath object. Content StoryChildNodesResult `json:"Content,omitempty"` // DTO container with an OfficeMath object. DisplayType string `json:"DisplayType,omitempty"` // DTO container with an OfficeMath object. Justification string `json:"Justification,omitempty"` // DTO container with an OfficeMath object. MathObjectType string `json:"MathObjectType,omitempty"` }
DTO container with an OfficeMath object.
type OfficeMathObjectsCollection ¶
type OfficeMathObjectsCollection struct { // DTO container with a collection of OfficeMath objects. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a collection of OfficeMath objects. List []OfficeMathObject `json:"List,omitempty"` }
func (OfficeMathObjectsCollection) IsLinkElement ¶
func (OfficeMathObjectsCollection) IsLinkElement() bool
func (OfficeMathObjectsCollection) IsOfficeMathObjectsCollection ¶
func (OfficeMathObjectsCollection) IsOfficeMathObjectsCollection() bool
type OfficeMathObjectsCollectionResult ¶
type OfficeMathObjectsCollectionResult struct { // DTO container with a collection of OfficeMath objects. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a collection of OfficeMath objects. List []OfficeMathObjectResult `json:"List,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a collection of OfficeMath objects.
type OfficeMathObjectsResponse ¶
type OfficeMathObjectsResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of OfficeMath objects. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of OfficeMath objects. OfficeMathObjects OfficeMathObjectsCollectionResult `json:"OfficeMathObjects,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of OfficeMath objects.
type OoxmlSaveOptionsData ¶
type OoxmlSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. Compliance *string `json:"Compliance,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. CompressionLevel *string `json:"CompressionLevel,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. Password *string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. PrettyFormat *bool `json:"PrettyFormat,omitempty"` }
func (OoxmlSaveOptionsData) IsOoxmlSaveOptionsData ¶
func (OoxmlSaveOptionsData) IsOoxmlSaveOptionsData() bool
func (OoxmlSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData ¶
func (OoxmlSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData() bool
type OoxmlSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type OoxmlSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. Compliance string `json:"Compliance,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. CompressionLevel string `json:"CompressionLevel,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options. PrettyFormat bool `json:"PrettyFormat,omitempty"` }
Container class for docx/docm/dotx/dotm/flatopc save options.
type OptimizationOptions ¶
type OptimizationOptions struct { // Container class for the document optimization options. MsWordVersion *string `json:"MsWordVersion,omitempty"` }
func (OptimizationOptions) IsOptimizationOptions ¶
func (OptimizationOptions) IsOptimizationOptions() bool
type OptimizationOptionsResult ¶
type OptimizationOptionsResult struct { // Container class for the document optimization options. MsWordVersion string `json:"MsWordVersion,omitempty"` }
Container class for the document optimization options.
type OptimizeDocumentOnlineRequest ¶
type OptimizeDocumentOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The document optimization options. Options IOptimizationOptions /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
OptimizeDocumentOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.OptimizeDocumentOnline method.
func (*OptimizeDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *OptimizeDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*OptimizeDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *OptimizeDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type OptimizeDocumentRequest ¶
type OptimizeDocumentRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The document optimization options. Options IOptimizationOptions /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
OptimizeDocumentRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.OptimizeDocument method.
func (*OptimizeDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *OptimizeDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*OptimizeDocumentRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *OptimizeDocumentRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type OutlineOptionsData ¶
type OutlineOptionsData struct { // Container class for outline options. BookmarksOutlineLevels []BookmarksOutlineLevelData `json:"BookmarksOutlineLevels,omitempty"` // Container class for outline options. CreateMissingOutlineLevels *bool `json:"CreateMissingOutlineLevels,omitempty"` // Container class for outline options. CreateOutlinesForHeadingsInTables *bool `json:"CreateOutlinesForHeadingsInTables,omitempty"` // Container class for outline options. DefaultBookmarksOutlineLevel *int32 `json:"DefaultBookmarksOutlineLevel,omitempty"` // Container class for outline options. ExpandedOutlineLevels *int32 `json:"ExpandedOutlineLevels,omitempty"` // Container class for outline options. HeadingsOutlineLevels *int32 `json:"HeadingsOutlineLevels,omitempty"` }
func (OutlineOptionsData) IsOutlineOptionsData ¶
func (OutlineOptionsData) IsOutlineOptionsData() bool
type OutlineOptionsDataResult ¶
type OutlineOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for outline options. BookmarksOutlineLevels []BookmarksOutlineLevelDataResult `json:"BookmarksOutlineLevels,omitempty"` // Container class for outline options. CreateMissingOutlineLevels bool `json:"CreateMissingOutlineLevels,omitempty"` // Container class for outline options. CreateOutlinesForHeadingsInTables bool `json:"CreateOutlinesForHeadingsInTables,omitempty"` // Container class for outline options. DefaultBookmarksOutlineLevel int32 `json:"DefaultBookmarksOutlineLevel,omitempty"` // Container class for outline options. ExpandedOutlineLevels int32 `json:"ExpandedOutlineLevels,omitempty"` // Container class for outline options. HeadingsOutlineLevels int32 `json:"HeadingsOutlineLevels,omitempty"` }
Container class for outline options.
type PageNumber ¶
type PageNumber struct { // Class is used for insert page number request building. Alignment *string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // Class is used for insert page number request building. Format *string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Class is used for insert page number request building. IsTop *bool `json:"IsTop,omitempty"` // Class is used for insert page number request building. SetPageNumberOnFirstPage *bool `json:"SetPageNumberOnFirstPage,omitempty"` }
func (PageNumber) IsPageNumber ¶
func (PageNumber) IsPageNumber() bool
type PageNumberResult ¶
type PageNumberResult struct { // Class is used for insert page number request building. Alignment string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // Class is used for insert page number request building. Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Class is used for insert page number request building. IsTop bool `json:"IsTop,omitempty"` // Class is used for insert page number request building. SetPageNumberOnFirstPage bool `json:"SetPageNumberOnFirstPage,omitempty"` }
Class is used for insert page number request building.
type PageSetup ¶
type PageSetup struct { // Represents the page setup properties of a section. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. Bidi *bool `json:"Bidi,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. BorderAlwaysInFront *bool `json:"BorderAlwaysInFront,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. BorderAppliesTo *string `json:"BorderAppliesTo,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. BorderDistanceFrom *string `json:"BorderDistanceFrom,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. BottomMargin *float64 `json:"BottomMargin,omitempty"` DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter *bool `json:"DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. FirstPageTray *int32 `json:"FirstPageTray,omitempty"` FooterDistance *float64 `json:"FooterDistance,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. Gutter *float64 `json:"Gutter,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. HeaderDistance *float64 `json:"HeaderDistance,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. LeftMargin *float64 `json:"LeftMargin,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. LineNumberCountBy *int32 `json:"LineNumberCountBy,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. LineNumberDistanceFromText *float64 `json:"LineNumberDistanceFromText,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. LineNumberRestartMode *string `json:"LineNumberRestartMode,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. LineStartingNumber *int32 `json:"LineStartingNumber,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. Orientation *string `json:"Orientation,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. OtherPagesTray *int32 `json:"OtherPagesTray,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. PageHeight *float64 `json:"PageHeight,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. PageNumberStyle *string `json:"PageNumberStyle,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. PageStartingNumber *int32 `json:"PageStartingNumber,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. PageWidth *float64 `json:"PageWidth,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. PaperSize *string `json:"PaperSize,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. RestartPageNumbering *bool `json:"RestartPageNumbering,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. RightMargin *float64 `json:"RightMargin,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. RtlGutter *bool `json:"RtlGutter,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. SectionStart *string `json:"SectionStart,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. SuppressEndnotes *bool `json:"SuppressEndnotes,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. TopMargin *float64 `json:"TopMargin,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. VerticalAlignment *string `json:"VerticalAlignment,omitempty"` }
func (PageSetup) IsLinkElement ¶
func (PageSetup) IsPageSetup ¶
type PageSetupResult ¶
type PageSetupResult struct { // Represents the page setup properties of a section. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. Bidi bool `json:"Bidi,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. BorderAlwaysInFront bool `json:"BorderAlwaysInFront,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. BorderAppliesTo string `json:"BorderAppliesTo,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. BorderDistanceFrom string `json:"BorderDistanceFrom,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. BottomMargin float64 `json:"BottomMargin,omitempty"` DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter bool `json:"DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. FirstPageTray int32 `json:"FirstPageTray,omitempty"` FooterDistance float64 `json:"FooterDistance,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. Gutter float64 `json:"Gutter,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. HeaderDistance float64 `json:"HeaderDistance,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. LeftMargin float64 `json:"LeftMargin,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. LineNumberCountBy int32 `json:"LineNumberCountBy,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. LineNumberDistanceFromText float64 `json:"LineNumberDistanceFromText,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. LineNumberRestartMode string `json:"LineNumberRestartMode,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. LineStartingNumber int32 `json:"LineStartingNumber,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. Orientation string `json:"Orientation,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. OtherPagesTray int32 `json:"OtherPagesTray,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. PageHeight float64 `json:"PageHeight,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. PageNumberStyle string `json:"PageNumberStyle,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. PageStartingNumber int32 `json:"PageStartingNumber,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. PageWidth float64 `json:"PageWidth,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. PaperSize string `json:"PaperSize,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. RestartPageNumbering bool `json:"RestartPageNumbering,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. RightMargin float64 `json:"RightMargin,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. RtlGutter bool `json:"RtlGutter,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. SectionStart string `json:"SectionStart,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. SuppressEndnotes bool `json:"SuppressEndnotes,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. TopMargin float64 `json:"TopMargin,omitempty"` // Represents the page setup properties of a section. VerticalAlignment string `json:"VerticalAlignment,omitempty"` }
Represents the page setup properties of a section.
type PageStatData ¶
type PageStatData struct { // Container for the page's statistical data. FootnotesStatData IFootnotesStatData `json:"FootnotesStatData,omitempty"` // Container for the page's statistical data. PageNumber *int32 `json:"PageNumber,omitempty"` // Container for the page's statistical data. ParagraphCount *int32 `json:"ParagraphCount,omitempty"` // Container for the page's statistical data. WordCount *int32 `json:"WordCount,omitempty"` }
func (PageStatData) IsPageStatData ¶
func (PageStatData) IsPageStatData() bool
type PageStatDataResult ¶
type PageStatDataResult struct { // Container for the page's statistical data. FootnotesStatData FootnotesStatDataResult `json:"FootnotesStatData,omitempty"` // Container for the page's statistical data. PageNumber int32 `json:"PageNumber,omitempty"` // Container for the page's statistical data. ParagraphCount int32 `json:"ParagraphCount,omitempty"` // Container for the page's statistical data. WordCount int32 `json:"WordCount,omitempty"` }
Container for the page's statistical data.
type Paragraph ¶
type Paragraph struct { // DTO container with a paragraph element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a paragraph element. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a paragraph element. ChildNodes []NodeLink `json:"ChildNodes,omitempty"` }
func (Paragraph) IsNodeLink ¶
func (Paragraph) IsParagraph ¶
type ParagraphFormat ¶
type ParagraphFormat struct { // Paragraph format element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha *bool `json:"AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit *bool `json:"AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. Alignment *string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. Bidi *bool `json:"Bidi,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. DropCapPosition *string `json:"DropCapPosition,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. FirstLineIndent *float64 `json:"FirstLineIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. KeepTogether *bool `json:"KeepTogether,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. KeepWithNext *bool `json:"KeepWithNext,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. LeftIndent *float64 `json:"LeftIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. LineSpacing *float64 `json:"LineSpacing,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. LineSpacingRule *string `json:"LineSpacingRule,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. LinesToDrop *int32 `json:"LinesToDrop,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle *bool `json:"NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. OutlineLevel *string `json:"OutlineLevel,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. PageBreakBefore *bool `json:"PageBreakBefore,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. RightIndent *float64 `json:"RightIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. Shading IShading `json:"Shading,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. SpaceAfter *float64 `json:"SpaceAfter,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. SpaceAfterAuto *bool `json:"SpaceAfterAuto,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. SpaceBefore *float64 `json:"SpaceBefore,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. SpaceBeforeAuto *bool `json:"SpaceBeforeAuto,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. StyleIdentifier *string `json:"StyleIdentifier,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. StyleName *string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. SuppressAutoHyphens *bool `json:"SuppressAutoHyphens,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. SuppressLineNumbers *bool `json:"SuppressLineNumbers,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. WidowControl *bool `json:"WidowControl,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. IsHeading *bool `json:"IsHeading,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. IsListItem *bool `json:"IsListItem,omitempty"` }
func (ParagraphFormat) IsParagraphFormat ¶
func (ParagraphFormat) IsParagraphFormat() bool
func (ParagraphFormat) IsParagraphFormatBase ¶
func (ParagraphFormat) IsParagraphFormatBase() bool
type ParagraphFormatBase ¶
type ParagraphFormatBase struct { // Paragraph format element base class. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha *bool `json:"AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit *bool `json:"AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. Alignment *string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. Bidi *bool `json:"Bidi,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. DropCapPosition *string `json:"DropCapPosition,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. FirstLineIndent *float64 `json:"FirstLineIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. KeepTogether *bool `json:"KeepTogether,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. KeepWithNext *bool `json:"KeepWithNext,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. LeftIndent *float64 `json:"LeftIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. LineSpacing *float64 `json:"LineSpacing,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. LineSpacingRule *string `json:"LineSpacingRule,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. LinesToDrop *int32 `json:"LinesToDrop,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle *bool `json:"NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. OutlineLevel *string `json:"OutlineLevel,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. PageBreakBefore *bool `json:"PageBreakBefore,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. RightIndent *float64 `json:"RightIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. Shading IShading `json:"Shading,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. SpaceAfter *float64 `json:"SpaceAfter,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. SpaceAfterAuto *bool `json:"SpaceAfterAuto,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. SpaceBefore *float64 `json:"SpaceBefore,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. SpaceBeforeAuto *bool `json:"SpaceBeforeAuto,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. StyleIdentifier *string `json:"StyleIdentifier,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. StyleName *string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. SuppressAutoHyphens *bool `json:"SuppressAutoHyphens,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. SuppressLineNumbers *bool `json:"SuppressLineNumbers,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. WidowControl *bool `json:"WidowControl,omitempty"` }
func (ParagraphFormatBase) IsLinkElement ¶
func (ParagraphFormatBase) IsLinkElement() bool
func (ParagraphFormatBase) IsParagraphFormatBase ¶
func (ParagraphFormatBase) IsParagraphFormatBase() bool
type ParagraphFormatBaseResult ¶
type ParagraphFormatBaseResult struct { // Paragraph format element base class. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha bool `json:"AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit bool `json:"AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. Alignment string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. Bidi bool `json:"Bidi,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. DropCapPosition string `json:"DropCapPosition,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. FirstLineIndent float64 `json:"FirstLineIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. KeepTogether bool `json:"KeepTogether,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. KeepWithNext bool `json:"KeepWithNext,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. LeftIndent float64 `json:"LeftIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. LineSpacing float64 `json:"LineSpacing,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. LineSpacingRule string `json:"LineSpacingRule,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. LinesToDrop int32 `json:"LinesToDrop,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle bool `json:"NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. OutlineLevel string `json:"OutlineLevel,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. PageBreakBefore bool `json:"PageBreakBefore,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. RightIndent float64 `json:"RightIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. Shading ShadingResult `json:"Shading,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. SpaceAfter float64 `json:"SpaceAfter,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. SpaceAfterAuto bool `json:"SpaceAfterAuto,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. SpaceBefore float64 `json:"SpaceBefore,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. SpaceBeforeAuto bool `json:"SpaceBeforeAuto,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. StyleIdentifier string `json:"StyleIdentifier,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. StyleName string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. SuppressAutoHyphens bool `json:"SuppressAutoHyphens,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. SuppressLineNumbers bool `json:"SuppressLineNumbers,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element base class. WidowControl bool `json:"WidowControl,omitempty"` }
Paragraph format element base class.
type ParagraphFormatResponse ¶
type ParagraphFormatResponse struct { // The REST response with the formatting properties of a paragraph. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with the formatting properties of a paragraph. ParagraphFormat ParagraphFormatResult `json:"ParagraphFormat,omitempty"` }
The REST response with the formatting properties of a paragraph.
type ParagraphFormatResult ¶
type ParagraphFormatResult struct { // Paragraph format element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha bool `json:"AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit bool `json:"AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. Alignment string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. Bidi bool `json:"Bidi,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. DropCapPosition string `json:"DropCapPosition,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. FirstLineIndent float64 `json:"FirstLineIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. KeepTogether bool `json:"KeepTogether,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. KeepWithNext bool `json:"KeepWithNext,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. LeftIndent float64 `json:"LeftIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. LineSpacing float64 `json:"LineSpacing,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. LineSpacingRule string `json:"LineSpacingRule,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. LinesToDrop int32 `json:"LinesToDrop,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle bool `json:"NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. OutlineLevel string `json:"OutlineLevel,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. PageBreakBefore bool `json:"PageBreakBefore,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. RightIndent float64 `json:"RightIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. Shading ShadingResult `json:"Shading,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. SpaceAfter float64 `json:"SpaceAfter,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. SpaceAfterAuto bool `json:"SpaceAfterAuto,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. SpaceBefore float64 `json:"SpaceBefore,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. SpaceBeforeAuto bool `json:"SpaceBeforeAuto,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. StyleIdentifier string `json:"StyleIdentifier,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. StyleName string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. SuppressAutoHyphens bool `json:"SuppressAutoHyphens,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. SuppressLineNumbers bool `json:"SuppressLineNumbers,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. WidowControl bool `json:"WidowControl,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. IsHeading bool `json:"IsHeading,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element. IsListItem bool `json:"IsListItem,omitempty"` }
Paragraph format element.
type ParagraphFormatUpdate ¶
type ParagraphFormatUpdate struct { // Paragraph format element update DTO. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha *bool `json:"AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit *bool `json:"AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. Alignment *string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. Bidi *bool `json:"Bidi,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. DropCapPosition *string `json:"DropCapPosition,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. FirstLineIndent *float64 `json:"FirstLineIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. KeepTogether *bool `json:"KeepTogether,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. KeepWithNext *bool `json:"KeepWithNext,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. LeftIndent *float64 `json:"LeftIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. LineSpacing *float64 `json:"LineSpacing,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. LineSpacingRule *string `json:"LineSpacingRule,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. LinesToDrop *int32 `json:"LinesToDrop,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle *bool `json:"NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. OutlineLevel *string `json:"OutlineLevel,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. PageBreakBefore *bool `json:"PageBreakBefore,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. RightIndent *float64 `json:"RightIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. Shading IShading `json:"Shading,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. SpaceAfter *float64 `json:"SpaceAfter,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. SpaceAfterAuto *bool `json:"SpaceAfterAuto,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. SpaceBefore *float64 `json:"SpaceBefore,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. SpaceBeforeAuto *bool `json:"SpaceBeforeAuto,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. StyleIdentifier *string `json:"StyleIdentifier,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. StyleName *string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. SuppressAutoHyphens *bool `json:"SuppressAutoHyphens,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. SuppressLineNumbers *bool `json:"SuppressLineNumbers,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. WidowControl *bool `json:"WidowControl,omitempty"` }
func (ParagraphFormatUpdate) IsParagraphFormatBase ¶
func (ParagraphFormatUpdate) IsParagraphFormatBase() bool
func (ParagraphFormatUpdate) IsParagraphFormatUpdate ¶
func (ParagraphFormatUpdate) IsParagraphFormatUpdate() bool
type ParagraphFormatUpdateResult ¶
type ParagraphFormatUpdateResult struct { // Paragraph format element update DTO. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha bool `json:"AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit bool `json:"AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. Alignment string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. Bidi bool `json:"Bidi,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. DropCapPosition string `json:"DropCapPosition,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. FirstLineIndent float64 `json:"FirstLineIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. KeepTogether bool `json:"KeepTogether,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. KeepWithNext bool `json:"KeepWithNext,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. LeftIndent float64 `json:"LeftIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. LineSpacing float64 `json:"LineSpacing,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. LineSpacingRule string `json:"LineSpacingRule,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. LinesToDrop int32 `json:"LinesToDrop,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle bool `json:"NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. OutlineLevel string `json:"OutlineLevel,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. PageBreakBefore bool `json:"PageBreakBefore,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. RightIndent float64 `json:"RightIndent,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. Shading ShadingResult `json:"Shading,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. SpaceAfter float64 `json:"SpaceAfter,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. SpaceAfterAuto bool `json:"SpaceAfterAuto,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. SpaceBefore float64 `json:"SpaceBefore,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. SpaceBeforeAuto bool `json:"SpaceBeforeAuto,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. StyleIdentifier string `json:"StyleIdentifier,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. StyleName string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. SuppressAutoHyphens bool `json:"SuppressAutoHyphens,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. SuppressLineNumbers bool `json:"SuppressLineNumbers,omitempty"` // Paragraph format element update DTO. WidowControl bool `json:"WidowControl,omitempty"` }
Paragraph format element update DTO.
type ParagraphInsert ¶
type ParagraphInsert struct { // DTO container with a paragraph's text. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (ParagraphInsert) IsParagraphInsert ¶
func (ParagraphInsert) IsParagraphInsert() bool
type ParagraphInsertResult ¶
type ParagraphInsertResult struct { // DTO container with a paragraph's text. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a paragraph's text.
type ParagraphLink ¶
type ParagraphLink struct { // Paragraph link element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Paragraph link element. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // Paragraph link element. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (ParagraphLink) IsNodeLink ¶
func (ParagraphLink) IsNodeLink() bool
func (ParagraphLink) IsParagraphLink ¶
func (ParagraphLink) IsParagraphLink() bool
type ParagraphLinkCollection ¶
type ParagraphLinkCollection struct { // The collection of paragraph's links. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of paragraph's links. ParagraphLinkList []ParagraphLink `json:"ParagraphLinkList,omitempty"` }
func (ParagraphLinkCollection) IsLinkElement ¶
func (ParagraphLinkCollection) IsLinkElement() bool
func (ParagraphLinkCollection) IsParagraphLinkCollection ¶
func (ParagraphLinkCollection) IsParagraphLinkCollection() bool
type ParagraphLinkCollectionResponse ¶
type ParagraphLinkCollectionResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of paragraphs. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of paragraphs. Paragraphs ParagraphLinkCollectionResult `json:"Paragraphs,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of paragraphs.
type ParagraphLinkCollectionResult ¶
type ParagraphLinkCollectionResult struct { // The collection of paragraph's links. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of paragraph's links. ParagraphLinkList []ParagraphLinkResult `json:"ParagraphLinkList,omitempty"` }
The collection of paragraph's links.
type ParagraphLinkResult ¶
type ParagraphLinkResult struct { // Paragraph link element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Paragraph link element. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // Paragraph link element. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
Paragraph link element.
type ParagraphListFormatResponse ¶
type ParagraphListFormatResponse struct { // The REST response with a list format for a paragraph. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a list format for a paragraph. ListFormat ListFormatResult `json:"ListFormat,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a list format for a paragraph.
type ParagraphResponse ¶
type ParagraphResponse struct { // The REST response with a paragraph. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a paragraph. Paragraph ParagraphResult `json:"Paragraph,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a paragraph.
type ParagraphResult ¶
type ParagraphResult struct { // DTO container with a paragraph element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a paragraph element. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a paragraph element. ChildNodes []NodeLinkResult `json:"ChildNodes,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a paragraph element.
type PclSaveOptionsData ¶
type PclSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for pcl save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. ColorMode *string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. JpegQuality *int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. MetafileRenderingOptions IMetafileRenderingOptionsData `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. NumeralFormat *string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. OptimizeOutput *bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. PageIndex *int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. FalllbackFontName *string `json:"FalllbackFontName,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. RasterizeTransformedElements *bool `json:"RasterizeTransformedElements,omitempty"` }
func (PclSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (PclSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData() bool
func (PclSaveOptionsData) IsPclSaveOptionsData ¶
func (PclSaveOptionsData) IsPclSaveOptionsData() bool
type PclSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type PclSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for pcl save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. ColorMode string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. MetafileRenderingOptions MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. NumeralFormat string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. OptimizeOutput bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. PageIndex int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. FalllbackFontName string `json:"FalllbackFontName,omitempty"` // Container class for pcl save options. RasterizeTransformedElements bool `json:"RasterizeTransformedElements,omitempty"` }
Container class for pcl save options.
type PdfDigitalSignatureDetailsData ¶
type PdfDigitalSignatureDetailsData struct { // Container class for details of digital signature. CertificateFilename *string `json:"CertificateFilename,omitempty"` // Container class for details of digital signature. HashAlgorithm *string `json:"HashAlgorithm,omitempty"` // Container class for details of digital signature. Location *string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // Container class for details of digital signature. Reason *string `json:"Reason,omitempty"` // Container class for details of digital signature. SignatureDate *Time `json:"SignatureDate,omitempty"` }
func (PdfDigitalSignatureDetailsData) IsPdfDigitalSignatureDetailsData ¶
func (PdfDigitalSignatureDetailsData) IsPdfDigitalSignatureDetailsData() bool
type PdfDigitalSignatureDetailsDataResult ¶
type PdfDigitalSignatureDetailsDataResult struct { // Container class for details of digital signature. CertificateFilename string `json:"CertificateFilename,omitempty"` // Container class for details of digital signature. HashAlgorithm string `json:"HashAlgorithm,omitempty"` // Container class for details of digital signature. Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // Container class for details of digital signature. Reason string `json:"Reason,omitempty"` // Container class for details of digital signature. SignatureDate Time `json:"SignatureDate,omitempty"` }
Container class for details of digital signature.
type PdfEncryptionDetailsData ¶
type PdfEncryptionDetailsData struct { // Container class for details of encryption. EncryptionAlgorithm *string `json:"EncryptionAlgorithm,omitempty"` // Container class for details of encryption. OwnerPassword *string `json:"OwnerPassword,omitempty"` // Container class for details of encryption. Permissions *string `json:"Permissions,omitempty"` // Container class for details of encryption. UserPassword *string `json:"UserPassword,omitempty"` }
func (PdfEncryptionDetailsData) IsPdfEncryptionDetailsData ¶
func (PdfEncryptionDetailsData) IsPdfEncryptionDetailsData() bool
type PdfEncryptionDetailsDataResult ¶
type PdfEncryptionDetailsDataResult struct { // Container class for details of encryption. EncryptionAlgorithm string `json:"EncryptionAlgorithm,omitempty"` // Container class for details of encryption. OwnerPassword string `json:"OwnerPassword,omitempty"` // Container class for details of encryption. Permissions string `json:"Permissions,omitempty"` // Container class for details of encryption. UserPassword string `json:"UserPassword,omitempty"` }
Container class for details of encryption.
type PdfSaveOptionsData ¶
type PdfSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for pdf save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ColorMode *string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. JpegQuality *int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. MetafileRenderingOptions IMetafileRenderingOptionsData `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. NumeralFormat *string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. OptimizeOutput *bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. PageIndex *int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. Compliance *string `json:"Compliance,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. CreateNoteHyperlinks *bool `json:"CreateNoteHyperlinks,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. CustomPropertiesExport *string `json:"CustomPropertiesExport,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. DigitalSignatureDetails IPdfDigitalSignatureDetailsData `json:"DigitalSignatureDetails,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. DisplayDocTitle *bool `json:"DisplayDocTitle,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. DownsampleOptions IDownsampleOptionsData `json:"DownsampleOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. EmbedFullFonts *bool `json:"EmbedFullFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. EncryptionDetails IPdfEncryptionDetailsData `json:"EncryptionDetails,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ExportDocumentStructure *bool `json:"ExportDocumentStructure,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ExportLanguageToSpanTag *bool `json:"ExportLanguageToSpanTag,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. FontEmbeddingMode *string `json:"FontEmbeddingMode,omitempty"` HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode *string `json:"HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ImageColorSpaceExportMode *string `json:"ImageColorSpaceExportMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ImageCompression *string `json:"ImageCompression,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. InterpolateImages *bool `json:"InterpolateImages,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. OpenHyperlinksInNewWindow *bool `json:"OpenHyperlinksInNewWindow,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. OutlineOptions IOutlineOptionsData `json:"OutlineOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. PageMode *string `json:"PageMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. PreblendImages *bool `json:"PreblendImages,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. PreserveFormFields *bool `json:"PreserveFormFields,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. TextCompression *string `json:"TextCompression,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. UseBookFoldPrintingSettings *bool `json:"UseBookFoldPrintingSettings,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. UseCoreFonts *bool `json:"UseCoreFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ZoomBehavior *string `json:"ZoomBehavior,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ZoomFactor *int32 `json:"ZoomFactor,omitempty"` }
func (PdfSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (PdfSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData() bool
func (PdfSaveOptionsData) IsPdfSaveOptionsData ¶
func (PdfSaveOptionsData) IsPdfSaveOptionsData() bool
type PdfSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type PdfSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for pdf save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ColorMode string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. MetafileRenderingOptions MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. NumeralFormat string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. OptimizeOutput bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. PageIndex int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. Compliance string `json:"Compliance,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. CreateNoteHyperlinks bool `json:"CreateNoteHyperlinks,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. CustomPropertiesExport string `json:"CustomPropertiesExport,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. DigitalSignatureDetails PdfDigitalSignatureDetailsDataResult `json:"DigitalSignatureDetails,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. DisplayDocTitle bool `json:"DisplayDocTitle,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. DownsampleOptions DownsampleOptionsDataResult `json:"DownsampleOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. EmbedFullFonts bool `json:"EmbedFullFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. EncryptionDetails PdfEncryptionDetailsDataResult `json:"EncryptionDetails,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ExportDocumentStructure bool `json:"ExportDocumentStructure,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ExportLanguageToSpanTag bool `json:"ExportLanguageToSpanTag,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. FontEmbeddingMode string `json:"FontEmbeddingMode,omitempty"` HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode string `json:"HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ImageColorSpaceExportMode string `json:"ImageColorSpaceExportMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ImageCompression string `json:"ImageCompression,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. InterpolateImages bool `json:"InterpolateImages,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. OpenHyperlinksInNewWindow bool `json:"OpenHyperlinksInNewWindow,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. OutlineOptions OutlineOptionsDataResult `json:"OutlineOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. PageMode string `json:"PageMode,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. PreblendImages bool `json:"PreblendImages,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. PreserveFormFields bool `json:"PreserveFormFields,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. TextCompression string `json:"TextCompression,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. UseBookFoldPrintingSettings bool `json:"UseBookFoldPrintingSettings,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. UseCoreFonts bool `json:"UseCoreFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ZoomBehavior string `json:"ZoomBehavior,omitempty"` // Container class for pdf save options. ZoomFactor int32 `json:"ZoomFactor,omitempty"` }
Container class for pdf save options.
type PngSaveOptionsData ¶
type PngSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for png save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. ColorMode *string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. JpegQuality *int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. MetafileRenderingOptions IMetafileRenderingOptionsData `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. NumeralFormat *string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. OptimizeOutput *bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. PageIndex *int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. HorizontalResolution *float64 `json:"HorizontalResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. ImageBrightness *float64 `json:"ImageBrightness,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. ImageColorMode *string `json:"ImageColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. ImageContrast *float64 `json:"ImageContrast,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. PaperColor *string `json:"PaperColor,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. PixelFormat *string `json:"PixelFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. Resolution *float64 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. Scale *float64 `json:"Scale,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UseAntiAliasing *bool `json:"UseAntiAliasing,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UseGdiEmfRenderer *bool `json:"UseGdiEmfRenderer,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UseHighQualityRendering *bool `json:"UseHighQualityRendering,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. VerticalResolution *float64 `json:"VerticalResolution,omitempty"` }
func (PngSaveOptionsData) IsImageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (PngSaveOptionsData) IsImageSaveOptionsData() bool
func (PngSaveOptionsData) IsPngSaveOptionsData ¶
func (PngSaveOptionsData) IsPngSaveOptionsData() bool
type PngSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type PngSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for png save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. ColorMode string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. MetafileRenderingOptions MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. NumeralFormat string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. OptimizeOutput bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. PageIndex int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. HorizontalResolution float64 `json:"HorizontalResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. ImageBrightness float64 `json:"ImageBrightness,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. ImageColorMode string `json:"ImageColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. ImageContrast float64 `json:"ImageContrast,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. PaperColor string `json:"PaperColor,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. PixelFormat string `json:"PixelFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. Resolution float64 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. Scale float64 `json:"Scale,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UseAntiAliasing bool `json:"UseAntiAliasing,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UseGdiEmfRenderer bool `json:"UseGdiEmfRenderer,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. UseHighQualityRendering bool `json:"UseHighQualityRendering,omitempty"` // Container class for png save options. VerticalResolution float64 `json:"VerticalResolution,omitempty"` }
Container class for png save options.
type PreferredWidth ¶
type PreferredWidth struct { // DTO container with a preferred width value. Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // DTO container with a preferred width value. Value *float64 `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
func (PreferredWidth) IsPreferredWidth ¶
func (PreferredWidth) IsPreferredWidth() bool
type PreferredWidthResult ¶
type PreferredWidthResult struct { // DTO container with a preferred width value. Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // DTO container with a preferred width value. Value float64 `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a preferred width value.
type ProtectDocumentOnlineRequest ¶
type ProtectDocumentOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Protection request. ProtectionRequest IProtectionRequest /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
ProtectDocumentOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.ProtectDocumentOnline method.
func (*ProtectDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *ProtectDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*ProtectDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *ProtectDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type ProtectDocumentOnlineResponse ¶
type ProtectDocumentOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model ProtectionDataResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
ProtectDocumentOnlineResponse struct Adds protection to the document.
type ProtectDocumentRequest ¶
type ProtectDocumentRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Protection request. ProtectionRequest IProtectionRequest /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
ProtectDocumentRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.ProtectDocument method.
func (*ProtectDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *ProtectDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*ProtectDocumentRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *ProtectDocumentRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type ProtectionData ¶
type ProtectionData struct { // Container for the data about protection of the document. ProtectionType *string `json:"ProtectionType,omitempty"` }
func (ProtectionData) IsProtectionData ¶
func (ProtectionData) IsProtectionData() bool
type ProtectionDataResponse ¶
type ProtectionDataResponse struct { // The REST response with data on document's protection. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with data on document's protection. DocumentLink FileLinkResult `json:"DocumentLink,omitempty"` // The REST response with data on document's protection. ProtectionData ProtectionDataResult `json:"ProtectionData,omitempty"` }
The REST response with data on document's protection.
type ProtectionDataResult ¶
type ProtectionDataResult struct { // Container for the data about protection of the document. ProtectionType string `json:"ProtectionType,omitempty"` }
Container for the data about protection of the document.
type ProtectionRequest ¶
type ProtectionRequest struct { // Request on changing of protection. NewPassword *string `json:"NewPassword,omitempty"` // Request on changing of protection. Password *string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Request on changing of protection. ProtectionType *string `json:"ProtectionType,omitempty"` }
func (ProtectionRequest) IsProtectionRequest ¶
func (ProtectionRequest) IsProtectionRequest() bool
type ProtectionRequestResult ¶
type ProtectionRequestResult struct { // Request on changing of protection. NewPassword string `json:"NewPassword,omitempty"` // Request on changing of protection. Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Request on changing of protection. ProtectionType string `json:"ProtectionType,omitempty"` }
Request on changing of protection.
type PsSaveOptionsData ¶
type PsSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for ps save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. ColorMode *string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. JpegQuality *int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. MetafileRenderingOptions IMetafileRenderingOptionsData `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. NumeralFormat *string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. OptimizeOutput *bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. PageIndex *int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. UseBookFoldPrintingSettings *bool `json:"UseBookFoldPrintingSettings,omitempty"` }
func (PsSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (PsSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData() bool
func (PsSaveOptionsData) IsPsSaveOptionsData ¶
func (PsSaveOptionsData) IsPsSaveOptionsData() bool
type PsSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type PsSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for ps save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. ColorMode string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. MetafileRenderingOptions MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. NumeralFormat string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. OptimizeOutput bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. PageIndex int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for ps save options. UseBookFoldPrintingSettings bool `json:"UseBookFoldPrintingSettings,omitempty"` }
Container class for ps save options.
type PublicKeyResponse ¶
type PublicKeyResponse struct { // REST response for RSA public key info. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // REST response for RSA public key info. Exponent string `json:"Exponent,omitempty"` // REST response for RSA public key info. Modulus string `json:"Modulus,omitempty"` }
REST response for RSA public key info.
type RangeDocument ¶
type RangeDocument struct { // DTO container with a Range element. DocumentName *string `json:"DocumentName,omitempty"` }
func (RangeDocument) IsRangeDocument ¶
func (RangeDocument) IsRangeDocument() bool
type RangeDocumentDto ¶
type RangeDocumentDto struct { // DTO container with a Range element. DocumentName *string `json:"DocumentName,omitempty"` }
func (RangeDocumentDto) IsRangeDocumentDto ¶
func (RangeDocumentDto) IsRangeDocumentDto() bool
type RangeDocumentDtoResult ¶
type RangeDocumentDtoResult struct { // DTO container with a Range element. DocumentName string `json:"DocumentName,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a Range element.
type RangeDocumentResult ¶
type RangeDocumentResult struct { // DTO container with a Range element. DocumentName string `json:"DocumentName,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a Range element.
type RangeTextResponse ¶
type RangeTextResponse struct { // The REST response with a range's text. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a range's text. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a range's text.
type RejectAllRevisionsOnlineRequest ¶
type RejectAllRevisionsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
RejectAllRevisionsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.RejectAllRevisionsOnline method.
func (*RejectAllRevisionsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *RejectAllRevisionsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*RejectAllRevisionsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *RejectAllRevisionsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type RejectAllRevisionsOnlineResponse ¶
type RejectAllRevisionsOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model RevisionsModificationResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
RejectAllRevisionsOnlineResponse struct Rejects all revisions in the document.
type RejectAllRevisionsRequest ¶
type RejectAllRevisionsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
RejectAllRevisionsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.RejectAllRevisions method.
func (*RejectAllRevisionsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *RejectAllRevisionsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*RejectAllRevisionsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *RejectAllRevisionsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type RemoveRangeOnlineRequest ¶
type RemoveRangeOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The range start identifier. RangeStartIdentifier *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "rangeEndIdentifier" value: (*string) The range end identifier. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
RemoveRangeOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.RemoveRangeOnline method.
func (*RemoveRangeOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *RemoveRangeOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*RemoveRangeOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *RemoveRangeOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type RemoveRangeOnlineResponse ¶
type RemoveRangeOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model DocumentResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
RemoveRangeOnlineResponse struct Removes a range from the document.
type RemoveRangeRequest ¶
type RemoveRangeRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The range start identifier. RangeStartIdentifier *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "rangeEndIdentifier" value: (*string) The range end identifier. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
RemoveRangeRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.RemoveRange method.
func (*RemoveRangeRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *RemoveRangeRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*RemoveRangeRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *RemoveRangeRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type RenderDrawingObjectOnlineRequest ¶
type RenderDrawingObjectOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The destination format. Format *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
RenderDrawingObjectOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.RenderDrawingObjectOnline method.
func (*RenderDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *RenderDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*RenderDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *RenderDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type RenderDrawingObjectRequest ¶
type RenderDrawingObjectRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The destination format. Format *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
RenderDrawingObjectRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.RenderDrawingObject method.
func (*RenderDrawingObjectRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *RenderDrawingObjectRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*RenderDrawingObjectRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *RenderDrawingObjectRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type RenderMathObjectOnlineRequest ¶
type RenderMathObjectOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The destination format. Format *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
RenderMathObjectOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.RenderMathObjectOnline method.
func (*RenderMathObjectOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *RenderMathObjectOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*RenderMathObjectOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *RenderMathObjectOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type RenderMathObjectRequest ¶
type RenderMathObjectRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The destination format. Format *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
RenderMathObjectRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.RenderMathObject method.
func (*RenderMathObjectRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *RenderMathObjectRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*RenderMathObjectRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *RenderMathObjectRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type RenderPageOnlineRequest ¶
type RenderPageOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The index of the page. PageIndex *int32 // The destination format. Format *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
RenderPageOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.RenderPageOnline method.
func (*RenderPageOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *RenderPageOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*RenderPageOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *RenderPageOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type RenderPageRequest ¶
type RenderPageRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The index of the page. PageIndex *int32 // The destination format. Format *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
RenderPageRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.RenderPage method.
func (*RenderPageRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *RenderPageRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*RenderPageRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *RenderPageRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type RenderParagraphOnlineRequest ¶
type RenderParagraphOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The destination format. Format *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
RenderParagraphOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.RenderParagraphOnline method.
func (*RenderParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *RenderParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*RenderParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *RenderParagraphOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type RenderParagraphRequest ¶
type RenderParagraphRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The destination format. Format *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
RenderParagraphRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.RenderParagraph method.
func (*RenderParagraphRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *RenderParagraphRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*RenderParagraphRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *RenderParagraphRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type RenderTableOnlineRequest ¶
type RenderTableOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The destination format. Format *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
RenderTableOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.RenderTableOnline method.
func (*RenderTableOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *RenderTableOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*RenderTableOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *RenderTableOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type RenderTableRequest ¶
type RenderTableRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The destination format. Format *string // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
RenderTableRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.RenderTable method.
func (*RenderTableRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *RenderTableRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*RenderTableRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *RenderTableRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type ReplaceRange ¶
type ReplaceRange struct { // DTO container with a range element. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` // DTO container with a range element. TextType *string `json:"TextType,omitempty"` }
func (ReplaceRange) IsReplaceRange ¶
func (ReplaceRange) IsReplaceRange() bool
type ReplaceRangeDto ¶
type ReplaceRangeDto struct { // DTO container with a range element. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` // DTO container with a range element. TextType *string `json:"TextType,omitempty"` }
func (ReplaceRangeDto) IsReplaceRangeDto ¶
func (ReplaceRangeDto) IsReplaceRangeDto() bool
type ReplaceRangeDtoResult ¶
type ReplaceRangeDtoResult struct { // DTO container with a range element. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` // DTO container with a range element. TextType string `json:"TextType,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a range element.
type ReplaceRangeResult ¶
type ReplaceRangeResult struct { // DTO container with a range element. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` // DTO container with a range element. TextType string `json:"TextType,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a range element.
type ReplaceTextOnlineRequest ¶
type ReplaceTextOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The replace operation settings. ReplaceText IReplaceTextParameters /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
ReplaceTextOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.ReplaceTextOnline method.
func (*ReplaceTextOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *ReplaceTextOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*ReplaceTextOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *ReplaceTextOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type ReplaceTextOnlineResponse ¶
type ReplaceTextOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model ReplaceTextResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
ReplaceTextOnlineResponse struct Replaces text in the document.
type ReplaceTextParameters ¶
type ReplaceTextParameters struct { // Class for document replace text request building. IsMatchCase *bool `json:"IsMatchCase,omitempty"` // Class for document replace text request building. IsMatchWholeWord *bool `json:"IsMatchWholeWord,omitempty"` // Class for document replace text request building. IsOldValueRegex *bool `json:"IsOldValueRegex,omitempty"` // Class for document replace text request building. NewValue *string `json:"NewValue,omitempty"` // Class for document replace text request building. OldValue *string `json:"OldValue,omitempty"` }
func (ReplaceTextParameters) IsReplaceTextParameters ¶
func (ReplaceTextParameters) IsReplaceTextParameters() bool
type ReplaceTextParametersResult ¶
type ReplaceTextParametersResult struct { // Class for document replace text request building. IsMatchCase bool `json:"IsMatchCase,omitempty"` // Class for document replace text request building. IsMatchWholeWord bool `json:"IsMatchWholeWord,omitempty"` // Class for document replace text request building. IsOldValueRegex bool `json:"IsOldValueRegex,omitempty"` // Class for document replace text request building. NewValue string `json:"NewValue,omitempty"` // Class for document replace text request building. OldValue string `json:"OldValue,omitempty"` }
Class for document replace text request building.
type ReplaceTextRequest ¶
type ReplaceTextRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The replace operation settings. ReplaceText IReplaceTextParameters /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
ReplaceTextRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.ReplaceText method.
func (*ReplaceTextRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *ReplaceTextRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*ReplaceTextRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *ReplaceTextRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type ReplaceTextResponse ¶
type ReplaceTextResponse struct { // The REST response with a number of occurrences of the captured text in the document. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a number of occurrences of the captured text in the document. DocumentLink FileLinkResult `json:"DocumentLink,omitempty"` // The REST response with a number of occurrences of the captured text in the document. Matches int32 `json:"Matches,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a number of occurrences of the captured text in the document.
type ReplaceWithTextOnlineRequest ¶
type ReplaceWithTextOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The range start identifier. RangeStartIdentifier *string // Model with text for replacement. RangeText IReplaceRange /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "rangeEndIdentifier" value: (*string) The range end identifier. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
ReplaceWithTextOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.ReplaceWithTextOnline method.
func (*ReplaceWithTextOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *ReplaceWithTextOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*ReplaceWithTextOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *ReplaceWithTextOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type ReplaceWithTextOnlineResponse ¶
type ReplaceWithTextOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model DocumentResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
ReplaceWithTextOnlineResponse struct Replaces a range with text in the document.
type ReplaceWithTextRequest ¶
type ReplaceWithTextRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The range start identifier. RangeStartIdentifier *string // Model with text for replacement. RangeText IReplaceRange /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "rangeEndIdentifier" value: (*string) The range end identifier. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
ReplaceWithTextRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.ReplaceWithText method.
func (*ReplaceWithTextRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *ReplaceWithTextRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*ReplaceWithTextRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *ReplaceWithTextRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type ReportBuildOptions ¶
type ReportBuildOptions string
Specifies options controlling behavior of ReportingEngine while building a report.
const ( NONE ReportBuildOptions = "None" ALLOWMISSINGMEMBERS ReportBuildOptions = "AllowMissingMembers" REMOVEEMPTYPARAGRAPHS ReportBuildOptions = "RemoveEmptyParagraphs" INLINEERRORMESSAGES ReportBuildOptions = "InlineErrorMessages" )
List of ReportBuildOptions
type ReportEngineSettings ¶
type ReportEngineSettings struct { // Report engine settings. CsvDataLoadOptions ICsvDataLoadOptions `json:"CsvDataLoadOptions,omitempty"` // Report engine settings. DataSourceName *string `json:"DataSourceName,omitempty"` // Report engine settings. DataSourceType *string `json:"DataSourceType,omitempty"` // Report engine settings. JsonDataLoadOptions IJsonDataLoadOptions `json:"JsonDataLoadOptions,omitempty"` // Report engine settings. ReportBuildOptions []string `json:"ReportBuildOptions,omitempty"` // Report engine settings. XmlDataLoadOptions IXmlDataLoadOptions `json:"XmlDataLoadOptions,omitempty"` }
func (ReportEngineSettings) IsReportEngineSettings ¶
func (ReportEngineSettings) IsReportEngineSettings() bool
type ReportEngineSettingsResult ¶
type ReportEngineSettingsResult struct { // Report engine settings. CsvDataLoadOptions CsvDataLoadOptionsResult `json:"CsvDataLoadOptions,omitempty"` // Report engine settings. DataSourceName string `json:"DataSourceName,omitempty"` // Report engine settings. DataSourceType string `json:"DataSourceType,omitempty"` // Report engine settings. JsonDataLoadOptions JsonDataLoadOptionsResult `json:"JsonDataLoadOptions,omitempty"` // Report engine settings. ReportBuildOptions []string `json:"ReportBuildOptions,omitempty"` // Report engine settings. XmlDataLoadOptions XmlDataLoadOptionsResult `json:"XmlDataLoadOptions,omitempty"` }
Report engine settings.
type RequestData ¶
type RequestData struct { Path string Method string PostBody interface{} HeaderParams map[string]string QueryParams url.Values FormParams []FormParamContainer }
RequestData contains requst data
type RequestInterface ¶
type RequestInterface interface { CreateRequestData() (request RequestData, err error) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error) }
RequestInterface ia implemented all Words API requests
type ResetCacheRequest ¶
type ResetCacheRequest struct { }
ResetCacheRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.ResetCache method.
func (*ResetCacheRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *ResetCacheRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*ResetCacheRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *ResetCacheRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type RevisionsModificationResponse ¶
type RevisionsModificationResponse struct { // The REST response with a result of the modification operations for the revisions collection (now these are acceptAll and rejectAll). RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a result of the modification operations for the revisions collection (now these are acceptAll and rejectAll). Result ModificationOperationResultResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a result of the modification operations for the revisions collection (now these are acceptAll and rejectAll).
type RtfSaveOptionsData ¶
type RtfSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for rtf save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. ExportCompactSize *bool `json:"ExportCompactSize,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. ExportImagesForOldReaders *bool `json:"ExportImagesForOldReaders,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. PrettyFormat *bool `json:"PrettyFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. SaveImagesAsWmf *bool `json:"SaveImagesAsWmf,omitempty"` }
func (RtfSaveOptionsData) IsRtfSaveOptionsData ¶
func (RtfSaveOptionsData) IsRtfSaveOptionsData() bool
func (RtfSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData ¶
func (RtfSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData() bool
type RtfSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type RtfSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for rtf save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. ExportCompactSize bool `json:"ExportCompactSize,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. ExportImagesForOldReaders bool `json:"ExportImagesForOldReaders,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. PrettyFormat bool `json:"PrettyFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for rtf save options. SaveImagesAsWmf bool `json:"SaveImagesAsWmf,omitempty"` }
Container class for rtf save options.
type Run ¶
type Run struct { // Run element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Run element. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // Run element. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
type RunBaseResult ¶
type RunBaseResult struct { // Run element. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
Run element.
type RunInsert ¶
type RunInsert struct { // Run element for insert. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (RunInsert) IsRunInsert ¶
type RunInsertResult ¶
type RunInsertResult struct { // Run element for insert. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
Run element for insert.
type RunLink ¶
type RunLink struct { // Run link element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Run link element. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // Run link element. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (RunLink) IsNodeLink ¶
type RunLinkResult ¶
type RunLinkResult struct { // Run link element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Run link element. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // Run link element. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
Run link element.
type RunResponse ¶
type RunResponse struct { // The REST response with a Run element. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a Run element. Run RunResult `json:"Run,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a Run element.
type RunResult ¶
type RunResult struct { // Run element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Run element. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // Run element. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
Run element.
type RunUpdate ¶
type RunUpdate struct { // Run element for insert. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (RunUpdate) IsRunUpdate ¶
type RunUpdateResult ¶
type RunUpdateResult struct { // Run element for insert. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
Run element for insert.
type Runs ¶
type Runs struct { // DTO container with a collection of runs. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a collection of runs. List []Run `json:"List,omitempty"` }
func (Runs) IsLinkElement ¶
type RunsResponse ¶
type RunsResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of Run elements. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of Run elements. Runs RunsResult `json:"Runs,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of Run elements.
type RunsResult ¶
type RunsResult struct { // DTO container with a collection of runs. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a collection of runs. List []RunResult `json:"List,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a collection of runs.
type SaveAsOnlineRequest ¶
type SaveAsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Save options. SaveOptionsData ISaveOptionsData /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
SaveAsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.SaveAsOnline method.
func (*SaveAsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *SaveAsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*SaveAsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *SaveAsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type SaveAsOnlineResponse ¶
type SaveAsOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model SaveResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
SaveAsOnlineResponse struct Converts a document to the specified format.
type SaveAsRangeOnlineRequest ¶
type SaveAsRangeOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The range start identifier. RangeStartIdentifier *string // Parameters of a new document. DocumentParameters IRangeDocument /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "rangeEndIdentifier" value: (*string) The range end identifier. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
SaveAsRangeOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.SaveAsRangeOnline method.
func (*SaveAsRangeOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *SaveAsRangeOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*SaveAsRangeOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *SaveAsRangeOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type SaveAsRangeOnlineResponse ¶
type SaveAsRangeOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model DocumentResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
SaveAsRangeOnlineResponse struct Saves a range as a new document.
type SaveAsRangeRequest ¶
type SaveAsRangeRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The range start identifier. RangeStartIdentifier *string // Parameters of a new document. DocumentParameters IRangeDocument /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "rangeEndIdentifier" value: (*string) The range end identifier. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
SaveAsRangeRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.SaveAsRange method.
func (*SaveAsRangeRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *SaveAsRangeRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*SaveAsRangeRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *SaveAsRangeRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type SaveAsRequest ¶
type SaveAsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Save options. SaveOptionsData ISaveOptionsData /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
SaveAsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.SaveAs method.
func (*SaveAsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *SaveAsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*SaveAsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *SaveAsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type SaveAsTiffOnlineRequest ¶
type SaveAsTiffOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Tiff save options. SaveOptions ITiffSaveOptionsData /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "useAntiAliasing" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to use antialiasing. key: "useHighQualityRendering" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to use high quality. key: "imageBrightness" value: (*float64) The level of brightness for the generated images. key: "imageColorMode" value: (*string) The color mode for the generated images. key: "imageContrast" value: (*float64) The contrast for the generated images. key: "numeralFormat" value: (*string) The images numeral format. key: "pageCount" value: (*int32) The number of pages to render. key: "pageIndex" value: (*int32) The index of the page to start rendering. key: "paperColor" value: (*string) The background image color. key: "pixelFormat" value: (*string) The pixel format of the generated images. key: "resolution" value: (*float64) The resolution of the generated images. key: "scale" value: (*float64) The zoom factor for the generated images. key: "tiffCompression" value: (*string) The compression tipe. key: "dmlRenderingMode" value: (*string) The optional dml rendering mode. The default value is Fallback. key: "dmlEffectsRenderingMode" value: (*string) The optional dml effects rendering mode. The default value is Simplified. key: "tiffBinarizationMethod" value: (*string) The optional TIFF binarization method. Possible values are: FloydSteinbergDithering, Threshold. key: "zipOutput" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to ZIP the output. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
SaveAsTiffOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.SaveAsTiffOnline method.
func (*SaveAsTiffOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *SaveAsTiffOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*SaveAsTiffOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *SaveAsTiffOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type SaveAsTiffOnlineResponse ¶
type SaveAsTiffOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model SaveResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
SaveAsTiffOnlineResponse struct Converts a document to TIFF format using detailed conversion settings.
type SaveAsTiffRequest ¶
type SaveAsTiffRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Tiff save options. SaveOptions ITiffSaveOptionsData /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "useAntiAliasing" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to use antialiasing. key: "useHighQualityRendering" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to use high quality. key: "imageBrightness" value: (*float64) The level of brightness for the generated images. key: "imageColorMode" value: (*string) The color mode for the generated images. key: "imageContrast" value: (*float64) The contrast for the generated images. key: "numeralFormat" value: (*string) The images numeral format. key: "pageCount" value: (*int32) The number of pages to render. key: "pageIndex" value: (*int32) The index of the page to start rendering. key: "paperColor" value: (*string) The background image color. key: "pixelFormat" value: (*string) The pixel format of the generated images. key: "resolution" value: (*float64) The resolution of the generated images. key: "scale" value: (*float64) The zoom factor for the generated images. key: "tiffCompression" value: (*string) The compression tipe. key: "dmlRenderingMode" value: (*string) The optional dml rendering mode. The default value is Fallback. key: "dmlEffectsRenderingMode" value: (*string) The optional dml effects rendering mode. The default value is Simplified. key: "tiffBinarizationMethod" value: (*string) The optional TIFF binarization method. Possible values are: FloydSteinbergDithering, Threshold. key: "zipOutput" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to ZIP the output. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
SaveAsTiffRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.SaveAsTiff method.
func (*SaveAsTiffRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *SaveAsTiffRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*SaveAsTiffRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *SaveAsTiffRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type SaveOptionsData ¶
type SaveOptionsData struct { // base container class for save options data. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` }
func (SaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData ¶
func (SaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData() bool
type SaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type SaveOptionsDataResult struct { // base container class for save options data. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // base container class for save options data. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` }
base container class for save options data.
type SaveResponse ¶
type SaveResponse struct { // The REST response with a save result. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a save result. SaveResult SaveResultResult `json:"SaveResult,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a save result.
type SaveResult ¶
type SaveResult struct { // Result of saving. AdditionalItems []FileLink `json:"AdditionalItems,omitempty"` // Result of saving. DestDocument IFileLink `json:"DestDocument,omitempty"` // Result of saving. SourceDocument IFileLink `json:"SourceDocument,omitempty"` }
func (SaveResult) IsSaveResult ¶
func (SaveResult) IsSaveResult() bool
type SaveResultResult ¶
type SaveResultResult struct { // Result of saving. AdditionalItems []FileLinkResult `json:"AdditionalItems,omitempty"` // Result of saving. DestDocument FileLinkResult `json:"DestDocument,omitempty"` // Result of saving. SourceDocument FileLinkResult `json:"SourceDocument,omitempty"` }
Result of saving.
type SearchOnlineRequest ¶
type SearchOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The regular expression used to find matches. Pattern *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
SearchOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.SearchOnline method.
func (*SearchOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *SearchOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*SearchOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *SearchOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type SearchRequest ¶
type SearchRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The regular expression used to find matches. Pattern *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
SearchRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.Search method.
func (*SearchRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *SearchRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*SearchRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *SearchRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type SearchResponse ¶
type SearchResponse struct { // The REST response with a regular expression pattern and a collection of search results. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a regular expression pattern and a collection of search results. SearchingPattern string `json:"SearchingPattern,omitempty"` // The REST response with a regular expression pattern and a collection of search results. SearchResults SearchResultsCollectionResult `json:"SearchResults,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a regular expression pattern and a collection of search results.
type SearchResult ¶
type SearchResult struct { // Result of search operation. RangeEnd IDocumentPosition `json:"RangeEnd,omitempty"` // Result of search operation. RangeStart IDocumentPosition `json:"RangeStart,omitempty"` }
func (SearchResult) IsSearchResult ¶
func (SearchResult) IsSearchResult() bool
type SearchResultResult ¶
type SearchResultResult struct { // Result of search operation. RangeEnd DocumentPositionResult `json:"RangeEnd,omitempty"` // Result of search operation. RangeStart DocumentPositionResult `json:"RangeStart,omitempty"` }
Result of search operation.
type SearchResultsCollection ¶
type SearchResultsCollection struct { // The collection of search results. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of search results. ResultsList []SearchResult `json:"ResultsList,omitempty"` }
func (SearchResultsCollection) IsLinkElement ¶
func (SearchResultsCollection) IsLinkElement() bool
func (SearchResultsCollection) IsSearchResultsCollection ¶
func (SearchResultsCollection) IsSearchResultsCollection() bool
type SearchResultsCollectionResult ¶
type SearchResultsCollectionResult struct { // The collection of search results. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of search results. ResultsList []SearchResultResult `json:"ResultsList,omitempty"` }
The collection of search results.
type Section ¶
type Section struct { // DTO container with a section element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a section element. ChildNodes []NodeLink `json:"ChildNodes,omitempty"` HeaderFooters ILinkElement `json:"HeaderFooters,omitempty"` // DTO container with a section element. PageSetup ILinkElement `json:"PageSetup,omitempty"` // DTO container with a section element. Paragraphs ILinkElement `json:"Paragraphs,omitempty"` // DTO container with a section element. Tables ILinkElement `json:"Tables,omitempty"` }
func (Section) IsLinkElement ¶
type SectionLink ¶
type SectionLink struct { // Section link element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Section link element. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` }
func (SectionLink) IsNodeLink ¶
func (SectionLink) IsNodeLink() bool
func (SectionLink) IsSectionLink ¶
func (SectionLink) IsSectionLink() bool
type SectionLinkCollection ¶
type SectionLinkCollection struct { // The collection of section's links. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of section's links. SectionLinkList []SectionLink `json:"SectionLinkList,omitempty"` }
func (SectionLinkCollection) IsLinkElement ¶
func (SectionLinkCollection) IsLinkElement() bool
func (SectionLinkCollection) IsSectionLinkCollection ¶
func (SectionLinkCollection) IsSectionLinkCollection() bool
type SectionLinkCollectionResponse ¶
type SectionLinkCollectionResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of sections. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of sections. Sections SectionLinkCollectionResult `json:"Sections,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of sections.
type SectionLinkCollectionResult ¶
type SectionLinkCollectionResult struct { // The collection of section's links. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of section's links. SectionLinkList []SectionLinkResult `json:"SectionLinkList,omitempty"` }
The collection of section's links.
type SectionLinkResult ¶
type SectionLinkResult struct { // Section link element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Section link element. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` }
Section link element.
type SectionPageSetupResponse ¶
type SectionPageSetupResponse struct { // The REST response with a page setup of a section. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a page setup of a section. PageSetup PageSetupResult `json:"PageSetup,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a page setup of a section.
type SectionResponse ¶
type SectionResponse struct { // The REST response with a section. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a section. Section SectionResult `json:"Section,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a section.
type SectionResult ¶
type SectionResult struct { // DTO container with a section element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a section element. ChildNodes []NodeLinkResult `json:"ChildNodes,omitempty"` HeaderFooters LinkElementResult `json:"HeaderFooters,omitempty"` // DTO container with a section element. PageSetup LinkElementResult `json:"PageSetup,omitempty"` // DTO container with a section element. Paragraphs LinkElementResult `json:"Paragraphs,omitempty"` // DTO container with a section element. Tables LinkElementResult `json:"Tables,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a section element.
type Shading ¶
type Shading struct { // DTO container with a paragraph format shading element. BackgroundPatternColor IXmlColor `json:"BackgroundPatternColor,omitempty"` // DTO container with a paragraph format shading element. ForegroundPatternColor IXmlColor `json:"ForegroundPatternColor,omitempty"` // DTO container with a paragraph format shading element. Texture *string `json:"Texture,omitempty"` }
type ShadingResult ¶
type ShadingResult struct { // DTO container with a paragraph format shading element. BackgroundPatternColor XmlColorResult `json:"BackgroundPatternColor,omitempty"` // DTO container with a paragraph format shading element. ForegroundPatternColor XmlColorResult `json:"ForegroundPatternColor,omitempty"` // DTO container with a paragraph format shading element. Texture string `json:"Texture,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a paragraph format shading element.
type SplitDocumentOnlineRequest ¶
type SplitDocumentOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The format to split. Format *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "from" value: (*int32) The start page. key: "to" value: (*int32) The end page. key: "zipOutput" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to ZIP the output. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
SplitDocumentOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.SplitDocumentOnline method.
func (*SplitDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *SplitDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*SplitDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *SplitDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type SplitDocumentOnlineResponse ¶
type SplitDocumentOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model SplitDocumentResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
SplitDocumentOnlineResponse struct Splits a document into parts and saves them in the specified format.
type SplitDocumentRequest ¶
type SplitDocumentRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The format to split. Format *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "from" value: (*int32) The start page. key: "to" value: (*int32) The end page. key: "zipOutput" value: (*bool) The flag indicating whether to ZIP the output. key: "fontsLocation" value: (*string) Folder in filestorage with custom fonts. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
SplitDocumentRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.SplitDocument method.
func (*SplitDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *SplitDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*SplitDocumentRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *SplitDocumentRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type SplitDocumentResponse ¶
type SplitDocumentResponse struct { // The REST response with a result of document splitting. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a result of document splitting. SplitResult SplitDocumentResultResult `json:"SplitResult,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a result of document splitting.
type SplitDocumentResult ¶
type SplitDocumentResult struct { // Result of splitting document. Pages []FileLink `json:"Pages,omitempty"` // Result of splitting document. SourceDocument IFileLink `json:"SourceDocument,omitempty"` // Result of splitting document. ZippedPages IFileLink `json:"ZippedPages,omitempty"` }
func (SplitDocumentResult) IsSplitDocumentResult ¶
func (SplitDocumentResult) IsSplitDocumentResult() bool
type SplitDocumentResultResult ¶
type SplitDocumentResultResult struct { // Result of splitting document. Pages []FileLinkResult `json:"Pages,omitempty"` // Result of splitting document. SourceDocument FileLinkResult `json:"SourceDocument,omitempty"` // Result of splitting document. ZippedPages FileLinkResult `json:"ZippedPages,omitempty"` }
Result of splitting document.
type StatDataResponse ¶
type StatDataResponse struct { // The REST response with document's statistical data. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with document's statistical data. DocumentLink FileLinkResult `json:"DocumentLink,omitempty"` // The REST response with document's statistical data. StatData DocumentStatDataResult `json:"StatData,omitempty"` }
The REST response with document's statistical data.
type StorageFile ¶
type StorageFile struct { // File or folder information. IsFolder *bool `json:"IsFolder,omitempty"` // File or folder information. ModifiedDate *Time `json:"ModifiedDate,omitempty"` // File or folder information. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // File or folder information. Path *string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // File or folder information. Size *int32 `json:"Size,omitempty"` }
func (StorageFile) IsStorageFile ¶
func (StorageFile) IsStorageFile() bool
type StorageFileResult ¶
type StorageFileResult struct { // File or folder information. IsFolder bool `json:"IsFolder,omitempty"` // File or folder information. ModifiedDate Time `json:"ModifiedDate,omitempty"` // File or folder information. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // File or folder information. Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // File or folder information. Size int32 `json:"Size,omitempty"` }
File or folder information.
type StoryChildNodes ¶
type StoryChildNodes struct { // Child nodes of Story or InlineStory. ChildNodes []NodeLink `json:"ChildNodes,omitempty"` }
func (StoryChildNodes) IsStoryChildNodes ¶
func (StoryChildNodes) IsStoryChildNodes() bool
type StoryChildNodesResult ¶
type StoryChildNodesResult struct { // Child nodes of Story or InlineStory. ChildNodes []NodeLinkResult `json:"ChildNodes,omitempty"` }
Child nodes of Story or InlineStory.
type Style ¶
type Style struct { // DTO container with a single document style. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. Aliases []string `json:"Aliases,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. BaseStyleName *string `json:"BaseStyleName,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. BuiltIn *bool `json:"BuiltIn,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. Font IFont `json:"Font,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. IsHeading *bool `json:"IsHeading,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. IsQuickStyle *bool `json:"IsQuickStyle,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. LinkedStyleName *string `json:"LinkedStyleName,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. NextParagraphStyleName *string `json:"NextParagraphStyleName,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. StyleIdentifier *string `json:"StyleIdentifier,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
func (Style) IsLinkElement ¶
type StyleApply ¶
type StyleApply struct { // Represents a single document style to insert. StyleName *string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` }
func (StyleApply) IsStyleApply ¶
func (StyleApply) IsStyleApply() bool
type StyleApplyResult ¶
type StyleApplyResult struct { // Represents a single document style to insert. StyleName string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` }
Represents a single document style to insert.
type StyleCopy ¶
type StyleCopy struct { // Represents a single document style to insert. StyleName *string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` }
func (StyleCopy) IsStyleCopy ¶
type StyleCopyResult ¶
type StyleCopyResult struct { // Represents a single document style to insert. StyleName string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` }
Represents a single document style to insert.
type StyleInsert ¶
type StyleInsert struct { // Represents a single document style to insert. StyleName *string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` // Represents a single document style to insert. StyleType *string `json:"StyleType,omitempty"` }
func (StyleInsert) IsStyleInsert ¶
func (StyleInsert) IsStyleInsert() bool
type StyleInsertResult ¶
type StyleInsertResult struct { // Represents a single document style to insert. StyleName string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` // Represents a single document style to insert. StyleType string `json:"StyleType,omitempty"` }
Represents a single document style to insert.
type StyleResponse ¶
type StyleResponse struct { // The REST response with a style. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a style. Style StyleResult `json:"Style,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a style.
type StyleResult ¶
type StyleResult struct { // DTO container with a single document style. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. Aliases []string `json:"Aliases,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. BaseStyleName string `json:"BaseStyleName,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. BuiltIn bool `json:"BuiltIn,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. Font FontResult `json:"Font,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. IsHeading bool `json:"IsHeading,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. IsQuickStyle bool `json:"IsQuickStyle,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. LinkedStyleName string `json:"LinkedStyleName,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. NextParagraphStyleName string `json:"NextParagraphStyleName,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. StyleIdentifier string `json:"StyleIdentifier,omitempty"` // DTO container with a single document style. Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a single document style.
type StyleUpdate ¶
type StyleUpdate struct { // Represents a single document style properties to update. BaseStyleName *string `json:"BaseStyleName,omitempty"` // Represents a single document style properties to update. IsQuickStyle *bool `json:"IsQuickStyle,omitempty"` // Represents a single document style properties to update. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Represents a single document style properties to update. NextParagraphStyleName *string `json:"NextParagraphStyleName,omitempty"` }
func (StyleUpdate) IsStyleUpdate ¶
func (StyleUpdate) IsStyleUpdate() bool
type StyleUpdateResult ¶
type StyleUpdateResult struct { // Represents a single document style properties to update. BaseStyleName string `json:"BaseStyleName,omitempty"` // Represents a single document style properties to update. IsQuickStyle bool `json:"IsQuickStyle,omitempty"` // Represents a single document style properties to update. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Represents a single document style properties to update. NextParagraphStyleName string `json:"NextParagraphStyleName,omitempty"` }
Represents a single document style properties to update.
type StylesResponse ¶
type StylesResponse struct { // The REST response with an array of styles. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with an array of styles. Styles []StyleResult `json:"Styles,omitempty"` }
The REST response with an array of styles.
type SvgSaveOptionsData ¶
type SvgSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for svg save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. ColorMode *string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. JpegQuality *int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. MetafileRenderingOptions IMetafileRenderingOptionsData `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. NumeralFormat *string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. OptimizeOutput *bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. PageIndex *int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. ExportEmbeddedImages *bool `json:"ExportEmbeddedImages,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. FitToViewPort *bool `json:"FitToViewPort,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. ResourcesFolder *string `json:"ResourcesFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. ResourcesFolderAlias *string `json:"ResourcesFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. ShowPageBorder *bool `json:"ShowPageBorder,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. TextOutputMode *string `json:"TextOutputMode,omitempty"` }
func (SvgSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (SvgSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData() bool
func (SvgSaveOptionsData) IsSvgSaveOptionsData ¶
func (SvgSaveOptionsData) IsSvgSaveOptionsData() bool
type SvgSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type SvgSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for svg save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. ColorMode string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. MetafileRenderingOptions MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. NumeralFormat string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. OptimizeOutput bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. PageIndex int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. ExportEmbeddedImages bool `json:"ExportEmbeddedImages,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. FitToViewPort bool `json:"FitToViewPort,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. ResourcesFolder string `json:"ResourcesFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. ResourcesFolderAlias string `json:"ResourcesFolderAlias,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. ShowPageBorder bool `json:"ShowPageBorder,omitempty"` // Container class for svg save options. TextOutputMode string `json:"TextOutputMode,omitempty"` }
Container class for svg save options.
type TabStop ¶
type TabStop struct { // DTO container with paragraph format tab stop. Alignment *string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // DTO container with paragraph format tab stop. Leader *string `json:"Leader,omitempty"` // DTO container with paragraph format tab stop. Position *float64 `json:"Position,omitempty"` // DTO container with paragraph format tab stop. IsClear *bool `json:"IsClear,omitempty"` }
func (TabStop) IsTabStopBase ¶
type TabStopBase ¶
type TabStopBase struct { // Base class for paragraph format tab stop DTO. Alignment *string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // Base class for paragraph format tab stop DTO. Leader *string `json:"Leader,omitempty"` // Base class for paragraph format tab stop DTO. Position *float64 `json:"Position,omitempty"` }
func (TabStopBase) IsTabStopBase ¶
func (TabStopBase) IsTabStopBase() bool
type TabStopBaseResult ¶
type TabStopBaseResult struct { // Base class for paragraph format tab stop DTO. Alignment string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // Base class for paragraph format tab stop DTO. Leader string `json:"Leader,omitempty"` // Base class for paragraph format tab stop DTO. Position float64 `json:"Position,omitempty"` }
Base class for paragraph format tab stop DTO.
type TabStopInsert ¶
type TabStopInsert struct { // A DTO to Insert / replace a tab stop. Alignment *string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // A DTO to Insert / replace a tab stop. Leader *string `json:"Leader,omitempty"` // A DTO to Insert / replace a tab stop. Position *float64 `json:"Position,omitempty"` }
func (TabStopInsert) IsTabStopBase ¶
func (TabStopInsert) IsTabStopBase() bool
func (TabStopInsert) IsTabStopInsert ¶
func (TabStopInsert) IsTabStopInsert() bool
type TabStopInsertResult ¶
type TabStopInsertResult struct { // A DTO to Insert / replace a tab stop. Alignment string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // A DTO to Insert / replace a tab stop. Leader string `json:"Leader,omitempty"` // A DTO to Insert / replace a tab stop. Position float64 `json:"Position,omitempty"` }
A DTO to Insert / replace a tab stop.
type TabStopResult ¶
type TabStopResult struct { // DTO container with paragraph format tab stop. Alignment string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // DTO container with paragraph format tab stop. Leader string `json:"Leader,omitempty"` // DTO container with paragraph format tab stop. Position float64 `json:"Position,omitempty"` // DTO container with paragraph format tab stop. IsClear bool `json:"IsClear,omitempty"` }
DTO container with paragraph format tab stop.
type TabStopsResponse ¶
type TabStopsResponse struct { // The REST response with an array of tab stops. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with an array of tab stops. TabStops []TabStopResult `json:"TabStops,omitempty"` }
The REST response with an array of tab stops.
type Table ¶
type Table struct { // DTO container with a table element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table element. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table element. TableProperties ITableProperties `json:"TableProperties,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table element. TableRowList []TableRow `json:"TableRowList,omitempty"` }
func (Table) IsNodeLink ¶
type TableCell ¶
type TableCell struct { // DTO container with a table cell element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table cell element. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table cell element. ChildNodes []NodeLink `json:"ChildNodes,omitempty"` }
func (TableCell) IsNodeLink ¶
func (TableCell) IsTableCell ¶
type TableCellFormat ¶
type TableCellFormat struct { // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. BottomPadding *float64 `json:"BottomPadding,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. FitText *bool `json:"FitText,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. HorizontalMerge *string `json:"HorizontalMerge,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. LeftPadding *float64 `json:"LeftPadding,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. Orientation *string `json:"Orientation,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. PreferredWidth IPreferredWidth `json:"PreferredWidth,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. RightPadding *float64 `json:"RightPadding,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. TopPadding *float64 `json:"TopPadding,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. VerticalAlignment *string `json:"VerticalAlignment,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. VerticalMerge *string `json:"VerticalMerge,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. Width *float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. WrapText *bool `json:"WrapText,omitempty"` }
func (TableCellFormat) IsLinkElement ¶
func (TableCellFormat) IsLinkElement() bool
func (TableCellFormat) IsTableCellFormat ¶
func (TableCellFormat) IsTableCellFormat() bool
type TableCellFormatDto ¶
type TableCellFormatDto struct { }
func (TableCellFormatDto) IsTableCellFormatDto ¶
func (TableCellFormatDto) IsTableCellFormatDto() bool
type TableCellFormatDtoResult ¶
type TableCellFormatDtoResult struct { }
type TableCellFormatResponse ¶
type TableCellFormatResponse struct { // The REST response with the formatting properties of a table cell. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with the formatting properties of a table cell. CellFormat TableCellFormatResult `json:"CellFormat,omitempty"` }
The REST response with the formatting properties of a table cell.
type TableCellFormatResult ¶
type TableCellFormatResult struct { // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. BottomPadding float64 `json:"BottomPadding,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. FitText bool `json:"FitText,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. HorizontalMerge string `json:"HorizontalMerge,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. LeftPadding float64 `json:"LeftPadding,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. Orientation string `json:"Orientation,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. PreferredWidth PreferredWidthResult `json:"PreferredWidth,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. RightPadding float64 `json:"RightPadding,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. TopPadding float64 `json:"TopPadding,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. VerticalAlignment string `json:"VerticalAlignment,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. VerticalMerge string `json:"VerticalMerge,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // DTO container with all formatting for a table row. WrapText bool `json:"WrapText,omitempty"` }
DTO container with all formatting for a table row.
type TableCellInsert ¶
type TableCellInsert struct { // DTO container with a table cell. InsertAfter *int32 `json:"InsertAfter,omitempty"` }
func (TableCellInsert) IsTableCellInsert ¶
func (TableCellInsert) IsTableCellInsert() bool
type TableCellInsertDto ¶
type TableCellInsertDto struct { // DTO container with a table cell. InsertAfter *int32 `json:"InsertAfter,omitempty"` }
func (TableCellInsertDto) IsTableCellInsertDto ¶
func (TableCellInsertDto) IsTableCellInsertDto() bool
type TableCellInsertDtoResult ¶
type TableCellInsertDtoResult struct { // DTO container with a table cell. InsertAfter int32 `json:"InsertAfter,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a table cell.
type TableCellInsertResult ¶
type TableCellInsertResult struct { // DTO container with a table cell. InsertAfter int32 `json:"InsertAfter,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a table cell.
type TableCellResponse ¶
type TableCellResponse struct { // The REST response with a table cell. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a table cell. Cell TableCellResult `json:"Cell,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a table cell.
type TableCellResult ¶
type TableCellResult struct { // DTO container with a table cell element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table cell element. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table cell element. ChildNodes []NodeLinkResult `json:"ChildNodes,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a table cell element.
type TableInsert ¶
type TableInsert struct { // DTO container with a table element. ColumnsCount *int32 `json:"ColumnsCount,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table element. Position IDocumentPosition `json:"Position,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table element. RowsCount *int32 `json:"RowsCount,omitempty"` }
func (TableInsert) IsTableInsert ¶
func (TableInsert) IsTableInsert() bool
type TableInsertDto ¶
type TableInsertDto struct { // DTO container with a table element. ColumnsCount *int32 `json:"ColumnsCount,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table element. Position IDocumentPosition `json:"Position,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table element. RowsCount *int32 `json:"RowsCount,omitempty"` }
func (TableInsertDto) IsTableInsertDto ¶
func (TableInsertDto) IsTableInsertDto() bool
type TableInsertDtoResult ¶
type TableInsertDtoResult struct { // DTO container with a table element. ColumnsCount int32 `json:"ColumnsCount,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table element. Position DocumentPositionResult `json:"Position,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table element. RowsCount int32 `json:"RowsCount,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a table element.
type TableInsertResult ¶
type TableInsertResult struct { // DTO container with a table element. ColumnsCount int32 `json:"ColumnsCount,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table element. Position DocumentPositionResult `json:"Position,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table element. RowsCount int32 `json:"RowsCount,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a table element.
type TableLink ¶
type TableLink struct { // Table link element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Table link element. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` }
func (TableLink) IsNodeLink ¶
func (TableLink) IsTableLink ¶
type TableLinkCollection ¶
type TableLinkCollection struct { // The collection of table's links. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of table's links. TableLinkList []TableLink `json:"TableLinkList,omitempty"` }
func (TableLinkCollection) IsLinkElement ¶
func (TableLinkCollection) IsLinkElement() bool
func (TableLinkCollection) IsTableLinkCollection ¶
func (TableLinkCollection) IsTableLinkCollection() bool
type TableLinkCollectionResponse ¶
type TableLinkCollectionResponse struct { // The REST response with a collection of tables. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a collection of tables. Tables TableLinkCollectionResult `json:"Tables,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a collection of tables.
type TableLinkCollectionResult ¶
type TableLinkCollectionResult struct { // The collection of table's links. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // The collection of table's links. TableLinkList []TableLinkResult `json:"TableLinkList,omitempty"` }
The collection of table's links.
type TableLinkResult ¶
type TableLinkResult struct { // Table link element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // Table link element. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` }
Table link element.
type TableProperties ¶
type TableProperties struct { // DTO container with table properties. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. Alignment *string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. AllowAutoFit *bool `json:"AllowAutoFit,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. Bidi *bool `json:"Bidi,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. BottomPadding *float64 `json:"BottomPadding,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. CellSpacing *float64 `json:"CellSpacing,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. LeftIndent *float64 `json:"LeftIndent,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. LeftPadding *float64 `json:"LeftPadding,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. PreferredWidth IPreferredWidth `json:"PreferredWidth,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. RightPadding *float64 `json:"RightPadding,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. StyleIdentifier *string `json:"StyleIdentifier,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. StyleName *string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. StyleOptions *string `json:"StyleOptions,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. TextWrapping *string `json:"TextWrapping,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. TopPadding *float64 `json:"TopPadding,omitempty"` }
func (TableProperties) IsLinkElement ¶
func (TableProperties) IsLinkElement() bool
func (TableProperties) IsTableProperties ¶
func (TableProperties) IsTableProperties() bool
type TablePropertiesDto ¶
type TablePropertiesDto struct { }
func (TablePropertiesDto) IsTablePropertiesDto ¶
func (TablePropertiesDto) IsTablePropertiesDto() bool
type TablePropertiesDtoResult ¶
type TablePropertiesDtoResult struct { }
type TablePropertiesResponse ¶
type TablePropertiesResponse struct { // The REST response with a table. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a table. Properties TablePropertiesResult `json:"Properties,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a table.
type TablePropertiesResult ¶
type TablePropertiesResult struct { // DTO container with table properties. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. Alignment string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. AllowAutoFit bool `json:"AllowAutoFit,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. Bidi bool `json:"Bidi,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. BottomPadding float64 `json:"BottomPadding,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. CellSpacing float64 `json:"CellSpacing,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. LeftIndent float64 `json:"LeftIndent,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. LeftPadding float64 `json:"LeftPadding,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. PreferredWidth PreferredWidthResult `json:"PreferredWidth,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. RightPadding float64 `json:"RightPadding,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. StyleIdentifier string `json:"StyleIdentifier,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. StyleName string `json:"StyleName,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. StyleOptions string `json:"StyleOptions,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. TextWrapping string `json:"TextWrapping,omitempty"` // DTO container with table properties. TopPadding float64 `json:"TopPadding,omitempty"` }
DTO container with table properties.
type TableResponse ¶
type TableResponse struct { // The REST response with a table. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a table. Table TableResult `json:"Table,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a table.
type TableResult ¶
type TableResult struct { // DTO container with a table element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table element. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table element. TableProperties TablePropertiesResult `json:"TableProperties,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table element. TableRowList []TableRowResult `json:"TableRowList,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a table element.
type TableRow ¶
type TableRow struct { // DTO container with a table row element. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table row element. NodeId *string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table row element. RowFormat ITableRowFormat `json:"RowFormat,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table row element. TableCellList []TableCell `json:"TableCellList,omitempty"` }
func (TableRow) IsNodeLink ¶
func (TableRow) IsTableRow ¶
type TableRowFormat ¶
type TableRowFormat struct { // DTO container with formatting for a table row. Link IWordsApiLink `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with formatting for a table row. AllowBreakAcrossPages *bool `json:"AllowBreakAcrossPages,omitempty"` // DTO container with formatting for a table row. HeadingFormat *bool `json:"HeadingFormat,omitempty"` // DTO container with formatting for a table row. Height *float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // DTO container with formatting for a table row. HeightRule *string `json:"HeightRule,omitempty"` }
func (TableRowFormat) IsLinkElement ¶
func (TableRowFormat) IsLinkElement() bool
func (TableRowFormat) IsTableRowFormat ¶
func (TableRowFormat) IsTableRowFormat() bool
type TableRowFormatDto ¶
type TableRowFormatDto struct { }
func (TableRowFormatDto) IsTableRowFormatDto ¶
func (TableRowFormatDto) IsTableRowFormatDto() bool
type TableRowFormatDtoResult ¶
type TableRowFormatDtoResult struct { }
type TableRowFormatResponse ¶
type TableRowFormatResponse struct { // The REST response with the formatting properties of a table row. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with the formatting properties of a table row. RowFormat TableRowFormatResult `json:"RowFormat,omitempty"` }
The REST response with the formatting properties of a table row.
type TableRowFormatResult ¶
type TableRowFormatResult struct { // DTO container with formatting for a table row. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with formatting for a table row. AllowBreakAcrossPages bool `json:"AllowBreakAcrossPages,omitempty"` // DTO container with formatting for a table row. HeadingFormat bool `json:"HeadingFormat,omitempty"` // DTO container with formatting for a table row. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // DTO container with formatting for a table row. HeightRule string `json:"HeightRule,omitempty"` }
DTO container with formatting for a table row.
type TableRowInsert ¶
type TableRowInsert struct { // DTO container with a table row element. ColumnsCount *int32 `json:"ColumnsCount,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table row element. InsertAfter *int32 `json:"InsertAfter,omitempty"` }
func (TableRowInsert) IsTableRowInsert ¶
func (TableRowInsert) IsTableRowInsert() bool
type TableRowInsertDto ¶
type TableRowInsertDto struct { // DTO container with a table row element. ColumnsCount *int32 `json:"ColumnsCount,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table row element. InsertAfter *int32 `json:"InsertAfter,omitempty"` }
func (TableRowInsertDto) IsTableRowInsertDto ¶
func (TableRowInsertDto) IsTableRowInsertDto() bool
type TableRowInsertDtoResult ¶
type TableRowInsertDtoResult struct { // DTO container with a table row element. ColumnsCount int32 `json:"ColumnsCount,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table row element. InsertAfter int32 `json:"InsertAfter,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a table row element.
type TableRowInsertResult ¶
type TableRowInsertResult struct { // DTO container with a table row element. ColumnsCount int32 `json:"ColumnsCount,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table row element. InsertAfter int32 `json:"InsertAfter,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a table row element.
type TableRowResponse ¶
type TableRowResponse struct { // The REST response with a table row. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with a table row. Row TableRowResult `json:"Row,omitempty"` }
The REST response with a table row.
type TableRowResult ¶
type TableRowResult struct { // DTO container with a table row element. Link WordsApiLinkResult `json:"Link,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table row element. NodeId string `json:"NodeId,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table row element. RowFormat TableRowFormatResult `json:"RowFormat,omitempty"` // DTO container with a table row element. TableCellList []TableCellResult `json:"TableCellList,omitempty"` }
DTO container with a table row element.
type TextSaveOptionsData ¶
type TextSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for text save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. Encoding *string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` ExportHeadersFootersMode *string `json:"ExportHeadersFootersMode,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. ForcePageBreaks *bool `json:"ForcePageBreaks,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. ParagraphBreak *string `json:"ParagraphBreak,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. AddBidiMarks *bool `json:"AddBidiMarks,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. MaxCharactersPerLine *int32 `json:"MaxCharactersPerLine,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. PreserveTableLayout *bool `json:"PreserveTableLayout,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. SimplifyListLabels *bool `json:"SimplifyListLabels,omitempty"` }
func (TextSaveOptionsData) IsTextSaveOptionsData ¶
func (TextSaveOptionsData) IsTextSaveOptionsData() bool
func (TextSaveOptionsData) IsTxtSaveOptionsBaseData ¶
func (TextSaveOptionsData) IsTxtSaveOptionsBaseData() bool
type TextSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type TextSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for text save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. Encoding string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` ExportHeadersFootersMode string `json:"ExportHeadersFootersMode,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. ForcePageBreaks bool `json:"ForcePageBreaks,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. ParagraphBreak string `json:"ParagraphBreak,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. AddBidiMarks bool `json:"AddBidiMarks,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. MaxCharactersPerLine int32 `json:"MaxCharactersPerLine,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. PreserveTableLayout bool `json:"PreserveTableLayout,omitempty"` // Container class for text save options. SimplifyListLabels bool `json:"SimplifyListLabels,omitempty"` }
Container class for text save options.
type TiffSaveOptionsData ¶
type TiffSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for tiff save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. ColorMode *string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. JpegQuality *int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. MetafileRenderingOptions IMetafileRenderingOptionsData `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. NumeralFormat *string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. OptimizeOutput *bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. PageIndex *int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. HorizontalResolution *float64 `json:"HorizontalResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. ImageBrightness *float64 `json:"ImageBrightness,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. ImageColorMode *string `json:"ImageColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. ImageContrast *float64 `json:"ImageContrast,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. PaperColor *string `json:"PaperColor,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. PixelFormat *string `json:"PixelFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. Resolution *float64 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. Scale *float64 `json:"Scale,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UseAntiAliasing *bool `json:"UseAntiAliasing,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UseGdiEmfRenderer *bool `json:"UseGdiEmfRenderer,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UseHighQualityRendering *bool `json:"UseHighQualityRendering,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. VerticalResolution *float64 `json:"VerticalResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. ThresholdForFloydSteinbergDithering *int32 `json:"ThresholdForFloydSteinbergDithering,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. TiffBinarizationMethod *string `json:"TiffBinarizationMethod,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. TiffCompression *string `json:"TiffCompression,omitempty"` }
func (TiffSaveOptionsData) IsImageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (TiffSaveOptionsData) IsImageSaveOptionsData() bool
func (TiffSaveOptionsData) IsTiffSaveOptionsData ¶
func (TiffSaveOptionsData) IsTiffSaveOptionsData() bool
type TiffSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type TiffSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for tiff save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. ColorMode string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. MetafileRenderingOptions MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. NumeralFormat string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. OptimizeOutput bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. PageIndex int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. HorizontalResolution float64 `json:"HorizontalResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. ImageBrightness float64 `json:"ImageBrightness,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. ImageColorMode string `json:"ImageColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. ImageContrast float64 `json:"ImageContrast,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. PaperColor string `json:"PaperColor,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. PixelFormat string `json:"PixelFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. Resolution float64 `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. Scale float64 `json:"Scale,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UseAntiAliasing bool `json:"UseAntiAliasing,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UseGdiEmfRenderer bool `json:"UseGdiEmfRenderer,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. UseHighQualityRendering bool `json:"UseHighQualityRendering,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. VerticalResolution float64 `json:"VerticalResolution,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. ThresholdForFloydSteinbergDithering int32 `json:"ThresholdForFloydSteinbergDithering,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. TiffBinarizationMethod string `json:"TiffBinarizationMethod,omitempty"` // Container class for tiff save options. TiffCompression string `json:"TiffCompression,omitempty"` }
Container class for tiff save options.
type TimeZoneInfoData ¶
type TimeZoneInfoData struct { // Class to specify TimeZoneInfo parameters. BaseUtcOffset *string `json:"BaseUtcOffset,omitempty"` // Class to specify TimeZoneInfo parameters. DisplayName *string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // Class to specify TimeZoneInfo parameters. Id *string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Class to specify TimeZoneInfo parameters. StandardDisplayName *string `json:"StandardDisplayName,omitempty"` }
func (TimeZoneInfoData) IsTimeZoneInfoData ¶
func (TimeZoneInfoData) IsTimeZoneInfoData() bool
type TimeZoneInfoDataResult ¶
type TimeZoneInfoDataResult struct { // Class to specify TimeZoneInfo parameters. BaseUtcOffset string `json:"BaseUtcOffset,omitempty"` // Class to specify TimeZoneInfo parameters. DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // Class to specify TimeZoneInfo parameters. Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Class to specify TimeZoneInfo parameters. StandardDisplayName string `json:"StandardDisplayName,omitempty"` }
Class to specify TimeZoneInfo parameters.
type TxtSaveOptionsBaseData ¶
type TxtSaveOptionsBaseData struct { // Base class for save options of text formats. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. Encoding *string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` ExportHeadersFootersMode *string `json:"ExportHeadersFootersMode,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. ForcePageBreaks *bool `json:"ForcePageBreaks,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. ParagraphBreak *string `json:"ParagraphBreak,omitempty"` }
func (TxtSaveOptionsBaseData) IsSaveOptionsData ¶
func (TxtSaveOptionsBaseData) IsSaveOptionsData() bool
func (TxtSaveOptionsBaseData) IsTxtSaveOptionsBaseData ¶
func (TxtSaveOptionsBaseData) IsTxtSaveOptionsBaseData() bool
type TxtSaveOptionsBaseDataResult ¶
type TxtSaveOptionsBaseDataResult struct { // Base class for save options of text formats. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. Encoding string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` ExportHeadersFootersMode string `json:"ExportHeadersFootersMode,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. ForcePageBreaks bool `json:"ForcePageBreaks,omitempty"` // Base class for save options of text formats. ParagraphBreak string `json:"ParagraphBreak,omitempty"` }
Base class for save options of text formats.
type UnprotectDocumentOnlineRequest ¶
type UnprotectDocumentOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Protection request. ProtectionRequest IProtectionRequest /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UnprotectDocumentOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UnprotectDocumentOnline method.
func (*UnprotectDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UnprotectDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UnprotectDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UnprotectDocumentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UnprotectDocumentOnlineResponse ¶
type UnprotectDocumentOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model ProtectionDataResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UnprotectDocumentOnlineResponse struct Removes protection from the document.
type UnprotectDocumentRequest ¶
type UnprotectDocumentRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Protection request. ProtectionRequest IProtectionRequest /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UnprotectDocumentRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UnprotectDocument method.
func (*UnprotectDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UnprotectDocumentRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UnprotectDocumentRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UnprotectDocumentRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateBookmarkOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateBookmarkOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The name of the bookmark. BookmarkName *string // Bookmark data. BookmarkData IBookmarkData /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateBookmarkOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateBookmarkOnline method.
func (*UpdateBookmarkOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateBookmarkOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateBookmarkOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateBookmarkOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateBookmarkOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateBookmarkOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model BookmarkResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateBookmarkOnlineResponse struct Updates a bookmark in the document.
type UpdateBookmarkRequest ¶
type UpdateBookmarkRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The name of the bookmark. BookmarkName *string // Bookmark data. BookmarkData IBookmarkData /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateBookmarkRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateBookmark method.
func (*UpdateBookmarkRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateBookmarkRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateBookmarkRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateBookmarkRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateBorderOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateBorderOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Border properties. BorderProperties IBorder // Border type. BorderType *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateBorderOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateBorderOnline method.
func (*UpdateBorderOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateBorderOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateBorderOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateBorderOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateBorderOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateBorderOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model BorderResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateBorderOnlineResponse struct Updates a border in the document node.
type UpdateBorderRequest ¶
type UpdateBorderRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Border type. BorderType *string // Border properties. BorderProperties IBorder /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateBorderRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateBorder method.
func (*UpdateBorderRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateBorderRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateBorderRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateBorderRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateCommentOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateCommentOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The index of the comment. CommentIndex *int32 // Comment data. Comment ICommentUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateCommentOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateCommentOnline method.
func (*UpdateCommentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateCommentOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateCommentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateCommentOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateCommentOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateCommentOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model CommentResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateCommentOnlineResponse struct Updates a comment in the document.
type UpdateCommentRequest ¶
type UpdateCommentRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The index of the comment. CommentIndex *int32 // Comment data. Comment ICommentUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateCommentRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateComment method.
func (*UpdateCommentRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateCommentRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateCommentRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateCommentRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The index of the custom xml part. This index is the number of the entry in the collection of custom xml parts, not the ID of the part. CustomXmlPartIndex *int32 // Custom xml part. CustomXmlPart ICustomXmlPartUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateCustomXmlPartOnline method.
func (*UpdateCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateCustomXmlPartOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateCustomXmlPartOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model CustomXmlPartResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateCustomXmlPartOnlineResponse struct Updates the custom xml part in the document.
type UpdateCustomXmlPartRequest ¶
type UpdateCustomXmlPartRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The index of the custom xml part. This index is the number of the entry in the collection of custom xml parts, not the ID of the part. CustomXmlPartIndex *int32 // Custom xml part. CustomXmlPart ICustomXmlPartUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateCustomXmlPartRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateCustomXmlPart method.
func (*UpdateCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateCustomXmlPartRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateDrawingObjectOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateDrawingObjectOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Drawing object parameters. DrawingObject IDrawingObjectUpdate // File with image. ImageFile io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateDrawingObjectOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateDrawingObjectOnline method.
func (*UpdateDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateDrawingObjectOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateDrawingObjectOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateDrawingObjectOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model DrawingObjectResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateDrawingObjectOnlineResponse struct Updates a DrawingObject in the document node.
type UpdateDrawingObjectRequest ¶
type UpdateDrawingObjectRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Drawing object parameters. DrawingObject IDrawingObjectUpdate // File with image. ImageFile io.ReadCloser // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateDrawingObjectRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateDrawingObject method.
func (*UpdateDrawingObjectRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateDrawingObjectRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateDrawingObjectRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateDrawingObjectRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateFieldOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateFieldOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Field data. Field IFieldUpdate // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateFieldOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateFieldOnline method.
func (*UpdateFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateFieldOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateFieldOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model FieldResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateFieldOnlineResponse struct Updates a field in the document node.
type UpdateFieldRequest ¶
type UpdateFieldRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 // Field data. Field IFieldUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateFieldRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateField method.
func (*UpdateFieldRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateFieldRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateFieldRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateFieldRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateFieldsOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateFieldsOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateFieldsOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateFieldsOnline method.
func (*UpdateFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateFieldsOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateFieldsOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateFieldsOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model DocumentResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateFieldsOnlineResponse struct Reevaluates field values in the document.
type UpdateFieldsRequest ¶
type UpdateFieldsRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateFieldsRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateFields method.
func (*UpdateFieldsRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateFieldsRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateFieldsRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateFieldsRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateFootnoteOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateFootnoteOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Footnote data. FootnoteDto IFootnoteUpdate // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateFootnoteOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateFootnoteOnline method.
func (*UpdateFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateFootnoteOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateFootnoteOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateFootnoteOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model FootnoteResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateFootnoteOnlineResponse struct Updates a footnote in the document node.
type UpdateFootnoteRequest ¶
type UpdateFootnoteRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 // Footnote data. FootnoteDto IFootnoteUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateFootnoteRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateFootnote method.
func (*UpdateFootnoteRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateFootnoteRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateFootnoteRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateFootnoteRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateFormFieldOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateFormFieldOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // From field data. FormField IFormField // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateFormFieldOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateFormFieldOnline method.
func (*UpdateFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateFormFieldOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateFormFieldOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateFormFieldOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model FormFieldResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateFormFieldOnlineResponse struct Updates a form field in the document node.
type UpdateFormFieldRequest ¶
type UpdateFormFieldRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 // From field data. FormField IFormField /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateFormFieldRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateFormField method.
func (*UpdateFormFieldRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateFormFieldRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateFormFieldRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateFormFieldRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateListLevelOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateListLevelOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The list Id. ListId *int32 // List object. ListUpdate IListLevelUpdate // The list level. ListLevel *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateListLevelOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateListLevelOnline method.
func (*UpdateListLevelOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateListLevelOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateListLevelOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateListLevelOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateListLevelOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateListLevelOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model ListResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateListLevelOnlineResponse struct Updates the level of a List element in the document.
type UpdateListLevelRequest ¶
type UpdateListLevelRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The list Id. ListId *int32 // The list level. ListLevel *int32 // List object. ListUpdate IListLevelUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateListLevelRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateListLevel method.
func (*UpdateListLevelRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateListLevelRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateListLevelRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateListLevelRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateListOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateListOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The list Id. ListId *int32 // List object. ListUpdate IListUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateListOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateListOnline method.
func (*UpdateListOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateListOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateListOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateListOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateListOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateListOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model ListResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateListOnlineResponse struct Updates a list in the document.
type UpdateListRequest ¶
type UpdateListRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The list Id. ListId *int32 // List object. ListUpdate IListUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateListRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateList method.
func (*UpdateListRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateListRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateListRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateListRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateParagraphFormatOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateParagraphFormatOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // Dto for paragraph format update. ParagraphFormatDto IParagraphFormatUpdate // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateParagraphFormatOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateParagraphFormatOnline method.
func (*UpdateParagraphFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateParagraphFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateParagraphFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateParagraphFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateParagraphFormatOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateParagraphFormatOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model ParagraphFormatResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateParagraphFormatOnlineResponse struct Updates the formatting properties of a paragraph in the document node.
type UpdateParagraphFormatRequest ¶
type UpdateParagraphFormatRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 // Dto for paragraph format update. ParagraphFormatDto IParagraphFormatUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateParagraphFormatRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateParagraphFormat method.
func (*UpdateParagraphFormatRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateParagraphFormatRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateParagraphFormatRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateParagraphFormatRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // ListFormatUpdate dto. ListFormatDto IListFormatUpdate // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateParagraphListFormatOnline method.
func (*UpdateParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateParagraphListFormatOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateParagraphListFormatOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model ParagraphListFormatResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateParagraphListFormatOnlineResponse struct Updates the formatting properties of a paragraph list in the document node.
type UpdateParagraphListFormatRequest ¶
type UpdateParagraphListFormatRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 // ListFormatUpdate dto. ListFormatDto IListFormatUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateParagraphListFormatRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateParagraphListFormat method.
func (*UpdateParagraphListFormatRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateParagraphListFormatRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateParagraphListFormatRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateParagraphListFormatRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateRunFontOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateRunFontOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the paragraph in the document tree. ParagraphPath *string // Font dto object. FontDto IFont // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateRunFontOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateRunFontOnline method.
func (*UpdateRunFontOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateRunFontOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateRunFontOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateRunFontOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateRunFontOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateRunFontOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model FontResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateRunFontOnlineResponse struct Updates the font properties of a Run object in the paragraph.
type UpdateRunFontRequest ¶
type UpdateRunFontRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the paragraph in the document tree. ParagraphPath *string // Object index. Index *int32 // Font dto object. FontDto IFont /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateRunFontRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateRunFont method.
func (*UpdateRunFontRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateRunFontRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateRunFontRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateRunFontRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateRunOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateRunOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the paragraph in the document tree. ParagraphPath *string // Run data. Run IRunUpdate // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateRunOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateRunOnline method.
func (*UpdateRunOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateRunOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateRunOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateRunOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateRunOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateRunOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model RunResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateRunOnlineResponse struct Updates a Run object in the paragraph.
type UpdateRunRequest ¶
type UpdateRunRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the paragraph in the document tree. ParagraphPath *string // Object index. Index *int32 // Run data. Run IRunUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateRunRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateRun method.
func (*UpdateRunRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateRunRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateRunRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateRunRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The index of the section. SectionIndex *int32 // Page setup properties dto. PageSetup IPageSetup /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateSectionPageSetupOnline method.
func (*UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model SectionPageSetupResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineResponse struct Updates the page setup of a section in the document.
type UpdateSectionPageSetupRequest ¶
type UpdateSectionPageSetupRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The index of the section. SectionIndex *int32 // Page setup properties dto. PageSetup IPageSetup /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateSectionPageSetupRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateSectionPageSetup method.
func (*UpdateSectionPageSetupRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateSectionPageSetupRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateSectionPageSetupRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateSectionPageSetupRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateStyleOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateStyleOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The name of the style. StyleName *string // Style properties to update. StyleUpdate IStyleUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateStyleOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateStyleOnline method.
func (*UpdateStyleOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateStyleOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateStyleOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateStyleOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateStyleOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateStyleOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model StyleResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateStyleOnlineResponse struct Updates a style in the document.
type UpdateStyleRequest ¶
type UpdateStyleRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The name of the style. StyleName *string // Style properties to update. StyleUpdate IStyleUpdate /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateStyleRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateStyle method.
func (*UpdateStyleRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateStyleRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateStyleRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateStyleRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateTableCellFormatOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateTableCellFormatOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the table row in the document tree. TableRowPath *string // The properties. Format ITableCellFormat // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateTableCellFormatOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateTableCellFormatOnline method.
func (*UpdateTableCellFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateTableCellFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateTableCellFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateTableCellFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateTableCellFormatOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateTableCellFormatOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model TableCellFormatResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateTableCellFormatOnlineResponse struct Updates the formatting properties of a cell in the table row.
type UpdateTableCellFormatRequest ¶
type UpdateTableCellFormatRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the table row in the document tree. TableRowPath *string // Object index. Index *int32 // The properties. Format ITableCellFormat /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateTableCellFormatRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateTableCellFormat method.
func (*UpdateTableCellFormatRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateTableCellFormatRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateTableCellFormatRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateTableCellFormatRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateTablePropertiesOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateTablePropertiesOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The properties. Properties ITableProperties // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateTablePropertiesOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateTablePropertiesOnline method.
func (*UpdateTablePropertiesOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateTablePropertiesOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateTablePropertiesOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateTablePropertiesOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateTablePropertiesOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateTablePropertiesOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model TablePropertiesResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateTablePropertiesOnlineResponse struct Updates properties of a table in the document node.
type UpdateTablePropertiesRequest ¶
type UpdateTablePropertiesRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // Object index. Index *int32 // The properties. Properties ITableProperties /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "nodePath" value: (*string) The path to the node in the document tree. key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateTablePropertiesRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateTableProperties method.
func (*UpdateTablePropertiesRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateTablePropertiesRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateTablePropertiesRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateTablePropertiesRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateTableRowFormatOnlineRequest ¶
type UpdateTableRowFormatOnlineRequest struct { // The document. Document io.ReadCloser // The path to the table in the document tree. TablePath *string // Table row format. Format ITableRowFormat // Object index. Index *int32 /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateTableRowFormatOnlineRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateTableRowFormatOnline method.
func (*UpdateTableRowFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateTableRowFormatOnlineRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateTableRowFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateTableRowFormatOnlineRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UpdateTableRowFormatOnlineResponse ¶
type UpdateTableRowFormatOnlineResponse struct { // The response model. Model TableRowFormatResponse `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The document after modification. Document io.ReadCloser `json:"Document,omitempty"` }
UpdateTableRowFormatOnlineResponse struct Updates the formatting properties of a table row.
type UpdateTableRowFormatRequest ¶
type UpdateTableRowFormatRequest struct { // The filename of the input document. Name *string // The path to the table in the document tree. TablePath *string // Object index. Index *int32 // Table row format. Format ITableRowFormat /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "folder" value: (*string) Original document folder. key: "storage" value: (*string) Original document storage. key: "loadEncoding" value: (*string) Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. key: "password" value: (*string) Password for opening an encrypted document. key: "destFileName" value: (*string) Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. key: "revisionAuthor" value: (*string) Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. key: "revisionDateTime" value: (*string) The date and time to use for revisions. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UpdateTableRowFormatRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UpdateTableRowFormat method.
func (*UpdateTableRowFormatRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UpdateTableRowFormatRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UpdateTableRowFormatRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UpdateTableRowFormatRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type UploadFileRequest ¶
type UploadFileRequest struct { // File to upload. FileContent io.ReadCloser // Path where to upload including filename and extension e.g. /file.ext or /Folder 1/file.ext If the content is multipart and path does not contains the file name it tries to get them from filename parameter from Content-Disposition header. Path *string /* optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of key / value pairs: key: "storageName" value: (*string) Storage name. */ Optionals map[string]interface{} }
UploadFileRequest contains request data for WordsApiService.UploadFile method.
func (*UploadFileRequest) CreateRequestData ¶
func (data *UploadFileRequest) CreateRequestData() (RequestData, error)
func (*UploadFileRequest) CreateResponse ¶
func (data *UploadFileRequest) CreateResponse(reader io.Reader, boundary string) (response interface{}, err error)
type WatermarkText ¶
type WatermarkText struct { // Class for insert watermark text request building. RotationAngle *float64 `json:"RotationAngle,omitempty"` // Class for insert watermark text request building. Text *string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func (WatermarkText) IsWatermarkText ¶
func (WatermarkText) IsWatermarkText() bool
type WatermarkTextResult ¶
type WatermarkTextResult struct { // Class for insert watermark text request building. RotationAngle float64 `json:"RotationAngle,omitempty"` // Class for insert watermark text request building. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
Class for insert watermark text request building.
type WordMLSaveOptionsData ¶
type WordMLSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for wml save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. PrettyFormat *bool `json:"PrettyFormat,omitempty"` }
func (WordMLSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData ¶
func (WordMLSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData() bool
func (WordMLSaveOptionsData) IsWordMLSaveOptionsData ¶
func (WordMLSaveOptionsData) IsWordMLSaveOptionsData() bool
type WordMLSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type WordMLSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for wml save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for wml save options. PrettyFormat bool `json:"PrettyFormat,omitempty"` }
Container class for wml save options.
type WordsApiErrorResponse ¶
type WordsApiErrorResponse struct { // The REST response with an API error. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // The REST response with an API error. Error_ ApiErrorResult `json:"Error,omitempty"` }
The REST response with an API error.
func (*WordsApiErrorResponse) Error ¶
func (w *WordsApiErrorResponse) Error() string
type WordsApiLink ¶
type WordsApiLink struct { // Provides information for the words API resource link. Href *string `json:"Href,omitempty"` // Provides information for the words API resource link. Rel *string `json:"Rel,omitempty"` // Provides information for the words API resource link. Title *string `json:"Title,omitempty"` // Provides information for the words API resource link. Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
func (WordsApiLink) IsLink ¶
func (WordsApiLink) IsLink() bool
func (WordsApiLink) IsWordsApiLink ¶
func (WordsApiLink) IsWordsApiLink() bool
type WordsApiLinkResult ¶
type WordsApiLinkResult struct { // Provides information for the words API resource link. Href string `json:"Href,omitempty"` // Provides information for the words API resource link. Rel string `json:"Rel,omitempty"` // Provides information for the words API resource link. Title string `json:"Title,omitempty"` // Provides information for the words API resource link. Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
Provides information for the words API resource link.
type WordsResponse ¶
type WordsResponse struct { // The base class for all responses. RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` }
The base class for all responses.
type XamlFixedSaveOptionsData ¶
type XamlFixedSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for xaml fixed save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. ColorMode *string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. JpegQuality *int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. MetafileRenderingOptions IMetafileRenderingOptionsData `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. NumeralFormat *string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. OptimizeOutput *bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. PageIndex *int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. ResourcesFolder *string `json:"ResourcesFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. ResourcesFolderAlias *string `json:"ResourcesFolderAlias,omitempty"` }
func (XamlFixedSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (XamlFixedSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData() bool
func (XamlFixedSaveOptionsData) IsXamlFixedSaveOptionsData ¶
func (XamlFixedSaveOptionsData) IsXamlFixedSaveOptionsData() bool
type XamlFixedSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type XamlFixedSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for xaml fixed save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. ColorMode string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. MetafileRenderingOptions MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. NumeralFormat string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. OptimizeOutput bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. PageIndex int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. ResourcesFolder string `json:"ResourcesFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml fixed save options. ResourcesFolderAlias string `json:"ResourcesFolderAlias,omitempty"` }
Container class for xaml fixed save options.
type XamlFlowSaveOptionsData ¶
type XamlFlowSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for xaml flow save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. ImagesFolder *string `json:"ImagesFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. ImagesFolderAlias *string `json:"ImagesFolderAlias,omitempty"` }
func (XamlFlowSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData ¶
func (XamlFlowSaveOptionsData) IsSaveOptionsData() bool
func (XamlFlowSaveOptionsData) IsXamlFlowSaveOptionsData ¶
func (XamlFlowSaveOptionsData) IsXamlFlowSaveOptionsData() bool
type XamlFlowSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type XamlFlowSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for xaml flow save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. ImagesFolder string `json:"ImagesFolder,omitempty"` // Container class for xaml flow save options. ImagesFolderAlias string `json:"ImagesFolderAlias,omitempty"` }
Container class for xaml flow save options.
type XmlColor ¶
type XmlColor struct { // Utility class for Color serialization. Alpha *int32 `json:"Alpha,omitempty"` // Utility class for Color serialization. Web *string `json:"Web,omitempty"` }
func (XmlColor) IsXmlColor ¶
type XmlColorResult ¶
type XmlColorResult struct { // Utility class for Color serialization. Alpha int32 `json:"Alpha,omitempty"` // Utility class for Color serialization. Web string `json:"Web,omitempty"` }
Utility class for Color serialization.
type XmlDataLoadOptions ¶
type XmlDataLoadOptions struct { // Represents options for XML data loading. AlwaysGenerateRootObject *bool `json:"AlwaysGenerateRootObject,omitempty"` }
func (XmlDataLoadOptions) IsXmlDataLoadOptions ¶
func (XmlDataLoadOptions) IsXmlDataLoadOptions() bool
type XmlDataLoadOptionsResult ¶
type XmlDataLoadOptionsResult struct { // Represents options for XML data loading. AlwaysGenerateRootObject bool `json:"AlwaysGenerateRootObject,omitempty"` }
Represents options for XML data loading.
type XpsSaveOptionsData ¶
type XpsSaveOptionsData struct { // Container class for xps save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts *bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData ITimeZoneInfoData `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. DmlRenderingMode *string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly *bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. ImlRenderingMode *string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. SaveFormat *string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. UpdateFields *bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty *bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. UpdateSdtContent *bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. ZipOutput *bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. ColorMode *string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. JpegQuality *int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. MetafileRenderingOptions IMetafileRenderingOptionsData `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. NumeralFormat *string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. OptimizeOutput *bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. PageCount *int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. PageIndex *int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. BookmarksOutlineLevel *int32 `json:"BookmarksOutlineLevel,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. HeadingsOutlineLevels *int32 `json:"HeadingsOutlineLevels,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. OutlineOptions IOutlineOptionsData `json:"OutlineOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. UseBookFoldPrintingSettings *bool `json:"UseBookFoldPrintingSettings,omitempty"` }
func (XpsSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData ¶
func (XpsSaveOptionsData) IsFixedPageSaveOptionsData() bool
func (XpsSaveOptionsData) IsXpsSaveOptionsData ¶
func (XpsSaveOptionsData) IsXpsSaveOptionsData() bool
type XpsSaveOptionsDataResult ¶
type XpsSaveOptionsDataResult struct { // Container class for xps save options. AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts bool `json:"AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. CustomTimeZoneInfoData TimeZoneInfoDataResult `json:"CustomTimeZoneInfoData,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. DmlEffectsRenderingMode string `json:"DmlEffectsRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. DmlRenderingMode string `json:"DmlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. FileName string `json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly bool `json:"FlatOpcXmlMappingOnly,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. ImlRenderingMode string `json:"ImlRenderingMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. SaveFormat string `json:"SaveFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. UpdateCreatedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateCreatedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. UpdateFields bool `json:"UpdateFields,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. UpdateLastPrintedProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastPrintedProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty bool `json:"UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. UpdateSdtContent bool `json:"UpdateSdtContent,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. ZipOutput bool `json:"ZipOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. ColorMode string `json:"ColorMode,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. MetafileRenderingOptions MetafileRenderingOptionsDataResult `json:"MetafileRenderingOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. NumeralFormat string `json:"NumeralFormat,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. OptimizeOutput bool `json:"OptimizeOutput,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. PageCount int32 `json:"PageCount,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. PageIndex int32 `json:"PageIndex,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. BookmarksOutlineLevel int32 `json:"BookmarksOutlineLevel,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. HeadingsOutlineLevels int32 `json:"HeadingsOutlineLevels,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. OutlineOptions OutlineOptionsDataResult `json:"OutlineOptions,omitempty"` // Container class for xps save options. UseBookFoldPrintingSettings bool `json:"UseBookFoldPrintingSettings,omitempty"` }
Container class for xps save options.
Source Files
- accept_all_revisions_online_request.go
- accept_all_revisions_online_response.go
- accept_all_revisions_request.go
- api_error.go
- append_document_online_request.go
- append_document_online_response.go
- append_document_request.go
- apply_style_to_document_element_online_request.go
- apply_style_to_document_element_online_response.go
- apply_style_to_document_element_request.go
- available_fonts_response.go
- batch_part_request.go
- bmp_save_options_data.go
- bookmark.go
- bookmark_data.go
- bookmark_response.go
- bookmarks.go
- bookmarks_outline_level_data.go
- bookmarks_response.go
- border.go
- border_response.go
- borders_collection.go
- borders_response.go
- build_report_online_request.go
- build_report_request.go
- classification_response.go
- classification_result.go
- classify_document_online_request.go
- classify_document_request.go
- classify_request.go
- comment.go
- comment_base.go
- comment_insert.go
- comment_link.go
- comment_response.go
- comment_update.go
- comments_collection.go
- comments_response.go
- compare_data.go
- compare_document_online_request.go
- compare_document_online_response.go
- compare_document_request.go
- compare_options.go
- configuration.go
- convert_document_request.go
- copy_file_request.go
- copy_folder_request.go
- copy_style_online_request.go
- copy_style_online_response.go
- copy_style_request.go
- create_document_request.go
- create_folder_request.go
- create_or_update_document_property_online_request.go
- create_or_update_document_property_online_response.go
- create_or_update_document_property_request.go
- csv_data_load_options.go
- custom_xml_part.go
- custom_xml_part_insert.go
- custom_xml_part_link.go
- custom_xml_part_response.go
- custom_xml_part_update.go
- custom_xml_parts_collection.go
- custom_xml_parts_response.go
- delete_all_paragraph_tab_stops_online_request.go
- delete_all_paragraph_tab_stops_online_response.go
- delete_all_paragraph_tab_stops_request.go
- delete_border_online_request.go
- delete_border_online_response.go
- delete_border_request.go
- delete_borders_online_request.go
- delete_borders_online_response.go
- delete_borders_request.go
- delete_comment_online_request.go
- delete_comment_request.go
- delete_comments_online_request.go
- delete_comments_request.go
- delete_custom_xml_part_online_request.go
- delete_custom_xml_part_request.go
- delete_custom_xml_parts_online_request.go
- delete_custom_xml_parts_request.go
- delete_document_property_online_request.go
- delete_document_property_request.go
- delete_drawing_object_online_request.go
- delete_drawing_object_request.go
- delete_field_online_request.go
- delete_field_request.go
- delete_fields_online_request.go
- delete_fields_request.go
- delete_file_request.go
- delete_folder_request.go
- delete_footnote_online_request.go
- delete_footnote_request.go
- delete_form_field_online_request.go
- delete_form_field_request.go
- delete_header_footer_online_request.go
- delete_header_footer_request.go
- delete_headers_footers_online_request.go
- delete_headers_footers_request.go
- delete_macros_online_request.go
- delete_macros_request.go
- delete_office_math_object_online_request.go
- delete_office_math_object_request.go
- delete_paragraph_list_format_online_request.go
- delete_paragraph_list_format_online_response.go
- delete_paragraph_list_format_request.go
- delete_paragraph_online_request.go
- delete_paragraph_request.go
- delete_paragraph_tab_stop_online_request.go
- delete_paragraph_tab_stop_online_response.go
- delete_paragraph_tab_stop_request.go
- delete_run_online_request.go
- delete_run_request.go
- delete_section_online_request.go
- delete_section_request.go
- delete_table_cell_online_request.go
- delete_table_cell_request.go
- delete_table_online_request.go
- delete_table_request.go
- delete_table_row_online_request.go
- delete_table_row_request.go
- delete_watermark_online_request.go
- delete_watermark_online_response.go
- delete_watermark_request.go
- doc_save_options_data.go
- document.go
- document_entry.go
- document_entry_list.go
- document_position.go
- document_properties.go
- document_properties_response.go
- document_property.go
- document_property_base.go
- document_property_create_or_update.go
- document_property_response.go
- document_response.go
- document_stat_data.go
- download_file_request.go
- downsample_options_data.go
- drawing_object.go
- drawing_object_collection.go
- drawing_object_insert.go
- drawing_object_link.go
- drawing_object_response.go
- drawing_object_update.go
- drawing_objects_response.go
- emf_save_options_data.go
- epub_save_options_data.go
- error.go
- error_details.go
- execute_mail_merge_online_request.go
- execute_mail_merge_request.go
- field.go
- field_base.go
- field_collection.go
- field_insert.go
- field_link.go
- field_names.go
- field_names_response.go
- field_response.go
- field_update.go
- fields_response.go
- file_link.go
- files_list.go
- files_upload_result.go
- fixed_page_save_options_data.go
- font.go
- font_dto.go
- font_info.go
- font_response.go
- footnote.go
- footnote_base.go
- footnote_collection.go
- footnote_insert.go
- footnote_link.go
- footnote_response.go
- footnote_update.go
- footnotes_response.go
- footnotes_stat_data.go
- form_field.go
- form_field_checkbox.go
- form_field_collection.go
- form_field_drop_down.go
- form_field_response.go
- form_field_text_input.go
- form_fields_response.go
- get_available_fonts_request.go
- get_bookmark_by_name_online_request.go
- get_bookmark_by_name_request.go
- get_bookmarks_online_request.go
- get_bookmarks_request.go
- get_border_online_request.go
- get_border_request.go
- get_borders_online_request.go
- get_borders_request.go
- get_comment_online_request.go
- get_comment_request.go
- get_comments_online_request.go
- get_comments_request.go
- get_custom_xml_part_online_request.go
- get_custom_xml_part_request.go
- get_custom_xml_parts_online_request.go
- get_custom_xml_parts_request.go
- get_document_drawing_object_by_index_online_request.go
- get_document_drawing_object_by_index_request.go
- get_document_drawing_object_image_data_online_request.go
- get_document_drawing_object_image_data_request.go
- get_document_drawing_object_ole_data_online_request.go
- get_document_drawing_object_ole_data_request.go
- get_document_drawing_objects_online_request.go
- get_document_drawing_objects_request.go
- get_document_field_names_online_request.go
- get_document_field_names_request.go
- get_document_hyperlink_by_index_online_request.go
- get_document_hyperlink_by_index_request.go
- get_document_hyperlinks_online_request.go
- get_document_hyperlinks_request.go
- get_document_properties_online_request.go
- get_document_properties_request.go
- get_document_property_online_request.go
- get_document_property_request.go
- get_document_protection_online_request.go
- get_document_protection_request.go
- get_document_request.go
- get_document_statistics_online_request.go
- get_document_statistics_request.go
- get_document_with_format_request.go
- get_field_online_request.go
- get_field_request.go
- get_fields_online_request.go
- get_fields_request.go
- get_files_list_request.go
- get_footnote_online_request.go
- get_footnote_request.go
- get_footnotes_online_request.go
- get_footnotes_request.go
- get_form_field_online_request.go
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- get_form_fields_online_request.go
- get_form_fields_request.go
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- get_header_footer_of_section_request.go
- get_header_footer_online_request.go
- get_header_footer_request.go
- get_header_footers_online_request.go
- get_header_footers_request.go
- get_list_online_request.go
- get_list_request.go
- get_lists_online_request.go
- get_lists_request.go
- get_office_math_object_online_request.go
- get_office_math_object_request.go
- get_office_math_objects_online_request.go
- get_office_math_objects_request.go
- get_paragraph_format_online_request.go
- get_paragraph_format_request.go
- get_paragraph_list_format_online_request.go
- get_paragraph_list_format_request.go
- get_paragraph_online_request.go
- get_paragraph_request.go
- get_paragraph_tab_stops_online_request.go
- get_paragraph_tab_stops_request.go
- get_paragraphs_online_request.go
- get_paragraphs_request.go
- get_public_key_request.go
- get_range_text_online_request.go
- get_range_text_request.go
- get_run_font_online_request.go
- get_run_font_request.go
- get_run_online_request.go
- get_run_request.go
- get_runs_online_request.go
- get_runs_request.go
- get_section_online_request.go
- get_section_page_setup_online_request.go
- get_section_page_setup_request.go
- get_section_request.go
- get_sections_online_request.go
- get_sections_request.go
- get_style_from_document_element_online_request.go
- get_style_from_document_element_request.go
- get_style_online_request.go
- get_style_request.go
- get_styles_online_request.go
- get_styles_request.go
- get_table_cell_format_online_request.go
- get_table_cell_format_request.go
- get_table_cell_online_request.go
- get_table_cell_request.go
- get_table_online_request.go
- get_table_properties_online_request.go
- get_table_properties_request.go
- get_table_request.go
- get_table_row_format_online_request.go
- get_table_row_format_request.go
- get_table_row_online_request.go
- get_table_row_request.go
- get_tables_online_request.go
- get_tables_request.go
- gif_save_options_data.go
- header_footer.go
- header_footer_link.go
- header_footer_link_collection.go
- header_footer_response.go
- header_footers_response.go
- html_fixed_save_options_data.go
- html_save_options_data.go
- hyperlink.go
- hyperlink_response.go
- hyperlinks.go
- hyperlinks_response.go
- image_save_options_data.go
- insert_comment_online_request.go
- insert_comment_online_response.go
- insert_comment_request.go
- insert_custom_xml_part_online_request.go
- insert_custom_xml_part_online_response.go
- insert_custom_xml_part_request.go
- insert_drawing_object_online_request.go
- insert_drawing_object_online_response.go
- insert_drawing_object_request.go
- insert_field_online_request.go
- insert_field_online_response.go
- insert_field_request.go
- insert_footnote_online_request.go
- insert_footnote_online_response.go
- insert_footnote_request.go
- insert_form_field_online_request.go
- insert_form_field_online_response.go
- insert_form_field_request.go
- insert_header_footer_online_request.go
- insert_header_footer_online_response.go
- insert_header_footer_request.go
- insert_list_online_request.go
- insert_list_online_response.go
- insert_list_request.go
- insert_or_update_paragraph_tab_stop_online_request.go
- insert_or_update_paragraph_tab_stop_online_response.go
- insert_or_update_paragraph_tab_stop_request.go
- insert_page_numbers_online_request.go
- insert_page_numbers_online_response.go
- insert_page_numbers_request.go
- insert_paragraph_online_request.go
- insert_paragraph_online_response.go
- insert_paragraph_request.go
- insert_run_online_request.go
- insert_run_online_response.go
- insert_run_request.go
- insert_style_online_request.go
- insert_style_online_response.go
- insert_style_request.go
- insert_table_cell_online_request.go
- insert_table_cell_online_response.go
- insert_table_cell_request.go
- insert_table_online_request.go
- insert_table_online_response.go
- insert_table_request.go
- insert_table_row_online_request.go
- insert_table_row_online_response.go
- insert_table_row_request.go
- insert_watermark_image_online_request.go
- insert_watermark_image_online_response.go
- insert_watermark_image_request.go
- insert_watermark_text_online_request.go
- insert_watermark_text_online_response.go
- insert_watermark_text_request.go
- jpeg_save_options_data.go
- json_data_load_options.go
- link.go
- link_element.go
- list_format.go
- list_format_update.go
- list_info.go
- list_insert.go
- list_level.go
- list_level_update.go
- list_levels.go
- list_response.go
- list_update.go
- lists.go
- lists_response.go
- load_web_document_data.go
- load_web_document_request.go
- markdown_save_options_data.go
- metafile_rendering_options_data.go
- mhtml_save_options_data.go
- modification_operation_result.go
- move_file_request.go
- move_folder_request.go
- node_link.go
- odt_save_options_data.go
- office_math_link.go
- office_math_object.go
- office_math_object_response.go
- office_math_objects_collection.go
- office_math_objects_response.go
- ooxml_save_options_data.go
- optimization_options.go
- optimize_document_online_request.go
- optimize_document_request.go
- outline_options_data.go
- page_number.go
- page_setup.go
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- paragraph.go
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- paragraph_link_collection_response.go
- paragraph_list_format_response.go
- paragraph_response.go
- pcl_save_options_data.go
- pdf_digital_signature_details_data.go
- pdf_encryption_details_data.go
- pdf_save_options_data.go
- png_save_options_data.go
- preferred_width.go
- protect_document_online_request.go
- protect_document_online_response.go
- protect_document_request.go
- protection_data.go
- protection_data_response.go
- protection_request.go
- ps_save_options_data.go
- public_key_response.go
- range_document.go
- range_document_dto.go
- range_text_response.go
- reject_all_revisions_online_request.go
- reject_all_revisions_online_response.go
- reject_all_revisions_request.go
- remove_range_online_request.go
- remove_range_online_response.go
- remove_range_request.go
- render_drawing_object_online_request.go
- render_drawing_object_request.go
- render_math_object_online_request.go
- render_math_object_request.go
- render_page_online_request.go
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- replace_range.go
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- replace_text_online_request.go
- replace_text_online_response.go
- replace_text_parameters.go
- replace_text_request.go
- replace_text_response.go
- replace_with_text_online_request.go
- replace_with_text_online_response.go
- replace_with_text_request.go
- report_build_options.go
- report_engine_settings.go
- request_data.go
- reset_cache_request.go
- revisions_modification_response.go
- rtf_save_options_data.go
- run.go
- run_base.go
- run_insert.go
- run_link.go
- run_response.go
- run_update.go
- runs.go
- runs_response.go
- save_as_online_request.go
- save_as_online_response.go
- save_as_range_online_request.go
- save_as_range_online_response.go
- save_as_range_request.go
- save_as_request.go
- save_as_tiff_online_request.go
- save_as_tiff_online_response.go
- save_as_tiff_request.go
- save_options_data.go
- save_response.go
- save_result.go
- search_online_request.go
- search_request.go
- search_response.go
- search_result.go
- search_results_collection.go
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- shading.go
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- split_document_online_response.go
- split_document_request.go
- split_document_response.go
- split_document_result.go
- stat_data_response.go
- storage_file.go
- story_child_nodes.go
- style.go
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- style_copy.go
- style_insert.go
- style_response.go
- style_update.go
- styles_response.go
- svg_save_options_data.go
- tab_stop.go
- tab_stop_base.go
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- tab_stops_response.go
- table.go
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- table_cell_format_dto.go
- table_cell_format_response.go
- table_cell_insert.go
- table_cell_insert_dto.go
- table_cell_response.go
- table_insert.go
- table_insert_dto.go
- table_link.go
- table_link_collection.go
- table_link_collection_response.go
- table_properties.go
- table_properties_dto.go
- table_properties_response.go
- table_response.go
- table_row.go
- table_row_format.go
- table_row_format_dto.go
- table_row_format_response.go
- table_row_insert.go
- table_row_insert_dto.go
- table_row_response.go
- text_save_options_data.go
- tiff_save_options_data.go
- time.go
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- txt_save_options_base_data.go
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- unprotect_document_online_response.go
- unprotect_document_request.go
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- update_border_request.go
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- update_custom_xml_part_online_response.go
- update_custom_xml_part_request.go
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- update_drawing_object_online_response.go
- update_drawing_object_request.go
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- update_field_request.go
- update_fields_online_request.go
- update_fields_online_response.go
- update_fields_request.go
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- update_footnote_online_response.go
- update_footnote_request.go
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- update_form_field_online_response.go
- update_form_field_request.go
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- update_list_request.go
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- update_paragraph_list_format_online_response.go
- update_paragraph_list_format_request.go
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- update_run_online_request.go
- update_run_online_response.go
- update_run_request.go
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- update_section_page_setup_request.go
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- update_table_row_format_online_request.go
- update_table_row_format_online_response.go
- update_table_row_format_request.go
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- watermark_text.go
- word_ml_save_options_data.go
- words_api_error_response.go
- words_api_link.go
- words_response.go
- xaml_fixed_save_options_data.go
- xaml_flow_save_options_data.go
- xml_color.go
- xml_data_load_options.go
- xps_save_options_data.go