Index ¶
- Constants
- func CacheExpires(r *http.Response) time.Time
- func ExportFormat_Validate(value string) bool
- func ImageExportFormat_Validate(value string) bool
- func NotesSlideExportFormat_Validate(value string) bool
- func ShapeExportFormat_Validate(value string) bool
- func ShapeThumbnailBounds_Validate(value string) bool
- func ShapesAlignmentType_Validate(value string) bool
- func SlideExportFormat_Validate(value string) bool
- func SpecialSlideType_Validate(value string) bool
- type APIClient
- type APIKey
- type APIResponse
- type AddLayoutSlide
- type AddMasterSlide
- type AddShape
- type AddSlide
- type ApiInfo
- type ArrowHeadProperties
- type AudioFrame
- type Axes
- type Axis
- type Base64InputFile
- type BasicAuth
- type BlurEffect
- type BoxAndWhiskerSeries
- type BubbleChartDataPoint
- type BubbleSeries
- type Camera
- type Chart
- type ChartCategory
- type ChartTitle
- type ChartWall
- type ColorScheme
- type CommonSlideViewProperties
- type Configuration
- type Connector
- type CustomDashPattern
- type DataPoint
- type DiscUsage
- type Document
- type DocumentProperties
- type DocumentProperty
- type DocumentReplaceResult
- type Effect
- type EffectFormat
- type EntityExists
- type ErrorDetails
- type ErrorMessage
- type ExportFormat
- type ExportOptions
- type FileRule
- type FileVersion
- type FileVersions
- type FilesList
- type FilesUploadResult
- type FillFormat
- type FillOverlayEffect
- type FontScheme
- type FontSet
- type FormatScheme
- type GeometryShape
- type GlowEffect
- type GradientFill
- type GradientFillStop
- type GraphicalObject
- type GroupShape
- type HeaderFooter
- type Html5ExportOptions
- type HtmlExportOptions
- type IAddLayoutSlide
- type IAddMasterSlide
- type IAddShape
- type IAddSlide
- type IApiInfo
- type IArrowHeadProperties
- type IAudioFrame
- type IAxes
- type IAxis
- type IBase64InputFile
- type IBlurEffect
- type IBoxAndWhiskerSeries
- type IBubbleChartDataPoint
- type IBubbleSeries
- type ICamera
- type IChart
- type IChartCategory
- type IChartTitle
- type IChartWall
- type IColorScheme
- type ICommonSlideViewProperties
- type IConnector
- type ICustomDashPattern
- type IDataPoint
- type IDiscUsage
- type IDocument
- type IDocumentProperties
- type IDocumentProperty
- type IDocumentReplaceResult
- type IEffect
- type IEffectFormat
- type IEntityExists
- type IErrorDetails
- type IExportOptions
- type IFileVersion
- type IFileVersions
- type IFilesList
- type IFilesUploadResult
- type IFillFormat
- type IFillOverlayEffect
- type IFontScheme
- type IFontSet
- type IFormatScheme
- type IGeometryShape
- type IGlowEffect
- type IGradientFill
- type IGradientFillStop
- type IGraphicalObject
- type IGroupShape
- type IHeaderFooter
- type IHtml5ExportOptions
- type IHtmlExportOptions
- type IIShapeExportOptions
- type IImage
- type IImageExportOptions
- type IImages
- type IInnerShadowEffect
- type IInput
- type IInputFile
- type IInteractiveSequence
- type ILayoutSlide
- type ILayoutSlides
- type ILegend
- type ILightRig
- type ILineFormat
- type IMasterSlide
- type IMasterSlides
- type IMerge
- type IMergingSource
- type IModelError
- type INoFill
- type INormalViewRestoredProperties
- type INotesSlide
- type INotesSlideHeaderFooter
- type IObjectExist
- type IOleObjectFrame
- type IOneValueChartDataPoint
- type IOneValueSeries
- type IOrderedMergeRequest
- type IOuterShadowEffect
- type IOutputFile
- type IParagraph
- type IParagraphs
- type IPathInputFile
- type IPathOutputFile
- type IPatternFill
- type IPdfExportOptions
- type IPictureFill
- type IPictureFrame
- type IPipeline
- type IPlaceholder
- type IPlaceholders
- type IPlotArea
- type IPortion
- type IPortions
- type IPptxExportOptions
- type IPresentationToMerge
- type IPresentationsMergeRequest
- type IPresetShadowEffect
- type IProtectionProperties
- type IReflectionEffect
- type IRemoveShape
- type IRemoveSlide
- type IReorderSlide
- type IReplaceText
- type IRequestInputFile
- type IResetSlide
- type IResourceBase
- type IResourceUri
- type IResponseOutputFile
- type ISave
- type ISaveShape
- type ISaveSlide
- type IScatterChartDataPoint
- type IScatterSeries
- type ISection
- type ISections
- type ISeries
- type ISeriesMarker
- type IShape
- type IShapeBase
- type IShapeBevel
- type IShapeExportOptions
- type IShapeImageExportOptions
- type IShapes
- type ISlide
- type ISlideAnimation
- type ISlideBackground
- type ISlideComment
- type ISlideComments
- type ISlideProperties
- type ISlideReplaceResult
- type ISlides
- type ISmartArt
- type ISmartArtNode
- type ISmartArtShape
- type ISoftEdgeEffect
- type ISolidFill
- type ISplitDocumentResult
- type IStorageExist
- type IStorageFile
- type ISvgExportOptions
- type ISwfExportOptions
- type ITable
- type ITableCell
- type ITableColumn
- type ITableRow
- type ITask
- type ITestRule
- type ITextItem
- type ITextItems
- type ITheme
- type IThreeDFormat
- type ITiffExportOptions
- type IUpdateBackground
- type IUpdateShape
- type IVideoFrame
- type IViewProperties
- type IWaterfallChartDataPoint
- type IWaterfallSeries
- type IXpsExportOptions
- type Image
- type ImageExportFormat
- type ImageExportOptions
- type Images
- type InnerShadowEffect
- type Input
- type InputFile
- type InteractiveSequence
- type LayoutSlide
- type LayoutSlides
- type Legend
- type LightRig
- type LineFormat
- type MasterSlide
- type MasterSlides
- type Merge
- type MergingSource
- type ModelError
- type NoFill
- type NormalViewRestoredProperties
- type NotesSlide
- type NotesSlideExportFormat
- type NotesSlideHeaderFooter
- type OAuthResponse
- type ObjectExist
- type OkToNotFailRule
- type OleObjectFrame
- type OneValueChartDataPoint
- type OneValueSeries
- type OrderedMergeRequest
- type OuterShadowEffect
- type OutputFile
- type Paragraph
- type Paragraphs
- type PathInputFile
- type PathOutputFile
- type PatternFill
- type PdfExportOptions
- type PictureFill
- type PictureFrame
- type Pipeline
- type Placeholder
- type Placeholders
- type PlotArea
- type Portion
- type Portions
- type PptxExportOptions
- type PresentationToMerge
- type PresentationsMergeRequest
- type PresetShadowEffect
- type ProtectionProperties
- type ReflectionEffect
- type RemoveShape
- type RemoveSlide
- type ReorderSlide
- type ReplaceText
- type RequestInputFile
- type ResetSlide
- type ResourceBase
- type ResourceUri
- type ResponseOutputFile
- type ResultRule
- type Save
- type SaveShape
- type SaveSlide
- type ScatterChartDataPoint
- type ScatterSeries
- type Section
- type Sections
- type Series
- type SeriesMarker
- type Shape
- type ShapeBase
- type ShapeBevel
- type ShapeExportFormat
- type ShapeImageExportOptions
- type ShapeThumbnailBounds
- type Shapes
- type ShapesAlignmentType
- type Slide
- type SlideAnimation
- type SlideBackground
- type SlideComment
- type SlideComments
- type SlideExportFormat
- type SlideProperties
- type SlideReplaceResult
- type Slides
- type SlidesApiService
- func (a *SlidesApiService) AlignShapes(name string, slideIndex int32, alignmentType string, alignToSlide *bool, ...) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) AlignSpecialSlideShapes(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, alignmentType string, ...) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) Convert(document []byte, format string, password string, storage string, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) ConvertAndSave(document []byte, format string, outPath string, password string, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CopyFile(srcPath string, destPath string, srcStorageName string, destStorageName string, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CopyFolder(srcPath string, destPath string, srcStorageName string, destStorageName string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CopyLayoutSlide(name string, cloneFrom string, cloneFromPosition int32, ...) (ILayoutSlide, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CopyMasterSlide(name string, cloneFrom string, cloneFromPosition int32, ...) (IMasterSlide, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CopySlide(name string, slideToCopy int32, position *int32, source string, ...) (ISlides, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateAnimationEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, effect IEffect, password string, folder string, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateAnimationInteractiveSequence(name string, slideIndex int32, sequence IInteractiveSequence, password string, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, sequenceIndex int32, effect IEffect, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateChartCategory(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, category IChartCategory, ...) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateChartDataPoint(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, seriesIndex int32, ...) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateChartSeries(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, series ISeries, ...) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateComment(name string, slideIndex int32, dto ISlideComment, password string, ...) (ISlideComments, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateCommentOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, dto ISlideComment, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateFolder(path string, storageName string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateImageWatermark(name string, image []byte, pictureFrame IPictureFrame, password string, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateImageWatermarkOnline(document []byte, image []byte, pictureFrame IPictureFrame, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateNotesSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, dto INotesSlide, password string, folder string, ...) (INotesSlide, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, dto IParagraph, ...) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreatePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, ...) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreatePresentation(name string, data []byte, inputPassword string, password string, folder string, ...) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreatePresentationFromSource(name string, sourcePath string, sourcePassword string, sourceStorage string, ...) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreatePresentationFromTemplate(name string, templatePath string, data string, templatePassword string, ...) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSection(name string, sectionName string, slideIndex int32, password string, ...) (ISections, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateShape(name string, slideIndex int32, dto IShapeBase, shapeToClone *int32, ...) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSlide(name string, layoutAlias string, position *int32, password string, ...) (ISlides, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideAnimationEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, effect IEffect, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequence(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, sequence IInteractiveSequence, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, sequenceIndex int32, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlidePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideShape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, dto IShapeBase, ...) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, dto IShapeBase, ...) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, dto IShapeBase, ...) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, dto IParagraph, ...) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateWatermark(name string, shape IShape, fontHeight *float64, text string, fontName string, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateWatermarkOnline(document []byte, shape IShape, fontHeight *float64, text string, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimation(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimationEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, effectIndex int32, password string, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimationInteractiveSequence(name string, slideIndex int32, sequenceIndex int32, password string, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, sequenceIndex int32, effectIndex int32, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimationInteractiveSequences(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimationMainSequence(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteBackground(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideBackground, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteChartCategory(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, categoryIndex int32, ...) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteChartDataPoint(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, seriesIndex int32, ...) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteChartSeries(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, seriesIndex int32, ...) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteComments(name string, author string, password string, folder string, storage string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteCommentsOnline(document []byte, author string, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteDocumentProperties(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocumentProperties, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteDocumentProperty(name string, propertyName string, password string, folder string, ...) (IDocumentProperties, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteFile(path string, storageName string, versionId string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteFolder(path string, storageName string, recursive *bool) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteNotesSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlide, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, ...) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphs []int32, ...) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeletePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, ...) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeletePortions(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, ...) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteProtection(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IProtectionProperties, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteProtectionOnline(document []byte, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSection(name string, sectionIndex int32, withSlides *bool, password string, ...) (ISections, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSections(name string, sections []int32, withSlides *bool, password string, ...) (ISections, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteShape(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, password string, ...) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteShapes(name string, slideIndex int32, shapes []int32, password string, folder string, ...) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlides, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSlideComments(name string, slideIndex int32, author string, password string, folder string, ...) (ISlideComments, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSlideCommentsOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, author string, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSlides(name string, slides []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlides, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimation(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, password string, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, effectIndex int32, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequence(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, sequenceIndex int32, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, sequenceIndex int32, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequences(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, password string, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationMainSequence(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, password string, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlidePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlidePortions(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideShape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideShapes(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapes []int32, ...) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapePortions(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapes(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapes []int32, ...) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, password string, ...) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshapeParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshapePortions(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshapes(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapes []int32, password string, ...) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteWatermark(name string, shapeName string, password string, folder string, storage string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteWatermarkOnline(document []byte, shapeName string, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadFile(path string, storageName string, versionId string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImage(name string, index int32, format string, password string, folder string, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImageDefaultFormat(name string, index int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImageDefaultFormatOnline(document []byte, index int32, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImageOnline(document []byte, index int32, format string, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImages(name string, format string, password string, folder string, storage string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImagesDefaultFormat(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImagesDefaultFormatOnline(document []byte, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImagesOnline(document []byte, format string, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadNotesSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, format string, width *int32, height *int32, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadNotesSlideOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, format string, width *int32, height *int32, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadPresentation(name string, format string, options IExportOptions, password string, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadShape(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, format string, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadShapeOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, format string, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, format string, options IExportOptions, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadSlideOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, format string, width *int32, height *int32, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadSpecialSlideShape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadSpecialSlideSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, format string, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetAnimation(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex *int32, paragraphIndex *int32, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetApiInfo() (IApiInfo, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetBackground(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideBackground, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetColorScheme(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IColorScheme, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetDiscUsage(storageName string) (IDiscUsage, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetDocumentProperties(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocumentProperties, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetDocumentProperty(name string, propertyName string, password string, folder string, ...) (IDocumentProperty, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetFileVersions(path string, storageName string) (IFileVersions, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetFilesList(path string, storageName string) (IFilesList, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetFontScheme(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IFontScheme, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetFormatScheme(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IFormatScheme, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetLayoutSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ILayoutSlide, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetLayoutSlides(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ILayoutSlides, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetMasterSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IMasterSlide, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetMasterSlides(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IMasterSlides, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetNotesSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (INotesSlide, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetNotesSlideHeaderFooter(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (INotesSlideHeaderFooter, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetNotesSlideOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, password string) (INotesSlide, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, ...) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, password string, ...) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetPlaceholder(name string, slideIndex int32, placeholderIndex int32, password string, ...) (IPlaceholder, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetPlaceholders(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPlaceholders, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetPortion(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, ...) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetPortions(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, ...) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetPresentation(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetPresentationImages(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IImages, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetPresentationTextItems(name string, withEmpty *bool, password string, folder string, storage string) (ITextItems, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetProtectionProperties(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IProtectionProperties, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSections(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISections, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetShape(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, password string, ...) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetShapes(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlide, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSlideComments(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideComments, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSlideHeaderFooter(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IHeaderFooter, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSlideImages(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IImages, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSlideProperties(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideProperties, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSlideTextItems(name string, slideIndex int32, withEmpty *bool, password string, folder string, ...) (ITextItems, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSlides(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlides, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideAnimation(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex *int32, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlidePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlidePortions(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideShape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideShapes(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, password string, ...) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshapePortions(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshapes(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, password string, ...) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, password string, ...) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSubshapeParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, password string, ...) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSubshapePortions(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSubshapes(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, password string, folder string, ...) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetTheme(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ITheme, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) GetViewProperties(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IViewProperties, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) ImportFromHtml(name string, html string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) ImportFromPdf(name string, pdf []byte, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) Merge(name string, request IPresentationsMergeRequest, password string, ...) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) MergeAndSaveOnline(outPath string, files [][]byte, request IOrderedMergeRequest, storage string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) MergeOnline(files [][]byte, request IOrderedMergeRequest, storage string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) MoveFile(srcPath string, destPath string, srcStorageName string, destStorageName string, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) MoveFolder(srcPath string, destPath string, srcStorageName string, destStorageName string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) MoveSection(name string, sectionIndex int32, newPosition int32, password string, ...) (ISections, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) MoveSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, newPosition int32, password string, ...) (ISlides, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) NotesSlideExists(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IEntityExists, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) NotesSlideExistsOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, password string) (IEntityExists, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) ObjectExists(path string, storageName string, versionId string) (IObjectExist, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) OrderedMerge(name string, request IOrderedMergeRequest, password string, folder string, ...) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) Pipeline(pipeline IPipeline, files [][]byte) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) ReorderSlides(name string, oldPositions []int32, newPositions []int32, password string, ...) (ISlides, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) ReplacePresentationText(name string, oldValue string, newValue string, ignoreCase *bool, ...) (IDocumentReplaceResult, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) ReplacePresentationTextOnline(document []byte, oldValue string, newValue string, ignoreCase *bool, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) ReplaceSlideText(name string, slideIndex int32, oldValue string, newValue string, ...) (ISlideReplaceResult, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) ReplaceSlideTextOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, oldValue string, newValue string, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SavePresentation(name string, format string, outPath string, options IExportOptions, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SaveShape(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, format string, outPath string, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SaveShapeOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, format string, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SaveSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, format string, outPath string, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SaveSlideOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, format string, outPath string, width *int32, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SaveSpecialSlideShape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SaveSpecialSlideSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SaveSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, format string, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SetAnimation(name string, slideIndex int32, animation ISlideAnimation, password string, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SetBackground(name string, slideIndex int32, background ISlideBackground, password string, ...) (ISlideBackground, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SetBackgroundColor(name string, slideIndex int32, color string, password string, folder string, ...) (ISlideBackground, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SetDocumentProperties(name string, properties IDocumentProperties, password string, folder string, ...) (IDocumentProperties, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SetDocumentProperty(name string, propertyName string, property IDocumentProperty, password string, ...) (IDocumentProperty, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SetNotesSlideHeaderFooter(name string, slideIndex int32, dto INotesSlideHeaderFooter, password string, ...) (INotesSlideHeaderFooter, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SetPresentationHeaderFooter(name string, dto IHeaderFooter, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SetProtection(name string, dto IProtectionProperties, password string, folder string, ...) (IProtectionProperties, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SetProtectionOnline(document []byte, dto IProtectionProperties, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SetSections(name string, sections ISections, password string, folder string, ...) (ISections, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SetSlideHeaderFooter(name string, slideIndex int32, dto IHeaderFooter, password string, ...) (IHeaderFooter, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SetSlideProperties(name string, dto ISlideProperties, password string, folder string, ...) (ISlideProperties, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SetSpecialSlideAnimation(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, animation ISlideAnimation, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SetViewProperties(name string, dto IViewProperties, password string, folder string, ...) (IViewProperties, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) Split(name string, options IExportOptions, format string, width *int32, ...) (ISplitDocumentResult, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SplitAndSaveOnline(document []byte, format string, destFolder string, width *int32, height *int32, ...) (ISplitDocumentResult, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) SplitOnline(document []byte, format string, width *int32, height *int32, from *int32, ...) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) StorageExists(storageName string) (IStorageExist, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateAnimationEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, effectIndex int32, effect IEffect, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, sequenceIndex int32, effectIndex int32, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateChartCategory(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, categoryIndex int32, ...) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateChartDataPoint(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, seriesIndex int32, ...) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateChartSeries(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, seriesIndex int32, ...) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateLayoutSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, slideDto ILayoutSlide, password string, ...) (ILayoutSlide, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateNotesSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, dto INotesSlide, password string, folder string, ...) (INotesSlide, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, ...) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdatePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, ...) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSection(name string, sectionIndex int32, sectionName string, password string, ...) (ISections, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateShape(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, dto IShapeBase, ...) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, slideDto ISlide, password string, folder string, ...) (ISlide, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideAnimationEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, effectIndex int32, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, sequenceIndex int32, ...) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlidePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideShape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, dto IShapeBase, ...) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, ...) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *SlidesApiService) UploadFile(path string, file []byte, storageName string) (IFilesUploadResult, *http.Response, error)
- type SmartArt
- type SmartArtNode
- type SmartArtShape
- type SoftEdgeEffect
- type SolidFill
- type SpecialSlideType
- type SplitDocumentResult
- type StorageExist
- type StorageFile
- type SvgExportOptions
- type SwfExportOptions
- type Table
- type TableCell
- type TableColumn
- type TableRow
- type Task
- type TestRules
- type TextItem
- type TextItems
- type Theme
- type ThreeDFormat
- type TiffExportOptions
- type UpdateBackground
- type UpdateShape
- type ValueRule
- type VideoFrame
- type ViewProperties
- type WaterfallChartDataPoint
- type WaterfallSeries
- type XpsExportOptions
Constants ¶
const ContextAPIKey int = 4
const ContextAccessToken int = 3
const ContextBasicAuth int = 2
const ContextOAuth2 int = 1
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CacheExpires ¶
CacheExpires helper function to determine remaining time before repeating a request.
func ExportFormat_Validate ¶ added in v21.12.0
func ImageExportFormat_Validate ¶ added in v21.12.0
func NotesSlideExportFormat_Validate ¶ added in v21.12.0
func ShapeExportFormat_Validate ¶ added in v21.12.0
func ShapeThumbnailBounds_Validate ¶ added in v21.12.0
func ShapesAlignmentType_Validate ¶ added in v21.12.0
func SlideExportFormat_Validate ¶ added in v21.12.0
func SpecialSlideType_Validate ¶ added in v21.12.0
Types ¶
type APIClient ¶
type APIClient struct { // API Services SlidesApi *SlidesApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
APIClient manages communication with the Aspose.Slides for Cloud API Reference API v1.1 In most cases there should be only one, shared, APIClient.
func NewAPIClient ¶
func NewAPIClient(cfg *Configuration) *APIClient
NewAPIClient creates a new API client. Requires a userAgent string describing your application. optionally a custom http.Client to allow for advanced features such as caching.
func (*APIClient) ChangeBasePath ¶
Change base path to allow switching to mocks
type APIResponse ¶
type APIResponse struct { *http.Response `json:"-"` Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Operation is the name of the swagger operation. Operation string `json:"operation,omitempty"` // RequestURL is the request URL. This value is always available, even if the // embedded *http.Response is nil. RequestURL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Method is the HTTP method used for the request. This value is always // available, even if the embedded *http.Response is nil. Method string `json:"method,omitempty"` // Payload holds the contents of the response body (which may be nil or empty). // This is provided here as the raw response.Body() reader will have already // been drained. Payload []byte `json:"-"` }
func NewAPIResponse ¶
func NewAPIResponse(r *http.Response) *APIResponse
func NewAPIResponseWithError ¶
func NewAPIResponseWithError(errorMessage string) *APIResponse
type AddLayoutSlide ¶
type AddLayoutSlide struct { // Task type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Source file. CloneFromFile IInputFile `json:"CloneFromFile,omitempty"` // Source layout slide position. CloneFromPosition int32 `json:"CloneFromPosition"` }
func NewAddLayoutSlide ¶
func NewAddLayoutSlide() *AddLayoutSlide
func (*AddLayoutSlide) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *AddLayoutSlide) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type AddMasterSlide ¶
type AddMasterSlide struct { // Task type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Source presentation clone from. CloneFromFile IInputFile `json:"CloneFromFile,omitempty"` // Index of slide to clone. CloneFromPosition int32 `json:"CloneFromPosition"` // True if cloned master slide is applied to all slides. ApplyToAll bool `json:"ApplyToAll"` }
func NewAddMasterSlide ¶
func NewAddMasterSlide() *AddMasterSlide
func (*AddMasterSlide) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *AddMasterSlide) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type AddShape ¶
type AddShape struct { // Task type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Shape DTO. Shape IShapeBase `json:"Shape,omitempty"` // Shape path for a grouped shape or smart art shape. ShapePath string `json:"ShapePath,omitempty"` }
func NewAddShape ¶
func NewAddShape() *AddShape
func (*AddShape) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type AddSlide ¶
type AddSlide struct { // Task type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // File to clone a slide from. CloneFromFile IInputFile `json:"CloneFromFile,omitempty"` // Position of the slide to clone. CloneFromPosition int32 `json:"CloneFromPosition"` // Position at which to insert the slide. Position int32 `json:"Position"` // Alias of layout (href, index or type). If value is null a blank slide is added. LayoutAlias string `json:"LayoutAlias,omitempty"` }
func NewAddSlide ¶
func NewAddSlide() *AddSlide
func (*AddSlide) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ApiInfo ¶
type ApiInfo struct { // Product name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // API version. Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
func NewApiInfo ¶
func NewApiInfo() *ApiInfo
func (*ApiInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ArrowHeadProperties ¶
type ArrowHeadProperties struct { // Length. Length string `json:"Length,omitempty"` // Style. Style string `json:"Style,omitempty"` // Width. Width string `json:"Width,omitempty"` }
func NewArrowHeadProperties ¶
func NewArrowHeadProperties() *ArrowHeadProperties
func (*ArrowHeadProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ArrowHeadProperties) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type AudioFrame ¶
type AudioFrame struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the alternative text. AlternativeText string `json:"AlternativeText,omitempty"` // The title of alternative text associated with the shape. AlternativeTextTitle string `json:"AlternativeTextTitle,omitempty"` // Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ShapeBase is hidden. Hidden bool `json:"Hidden"` // Gets or sets the X X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the Y. Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Gets z-order position of shape ZOrderPosition int32 `json:"ZOrderPosition"` // Gets or sets the link to shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the 3D format ThreeDFormat IThreeDFormat `json:"ThreeDFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Shape type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Combined shape type. ShapeType string `json:"ShapeType"` // Returns or sets a last track index. AudioCdEndTrack int32 `json:"AudioCdEndTrack,omitempty"` // Returns or sets a last track time. AudioCdEndTrackTime int32 `json:"AudioCdEndTrackTime,omitempty"` // Returns or sets a start track index. AudioCdStartTrack int32 `json:"AudioCdStartTrack,omitempty"` // Returns or sets a start track time. AudioCdStartTrackTime int32 `json:"AudioCdStartTrackTime,omitempty"` // Determines whether a sound is embedded to a presentation. Embedded bool `json:"Embedded"` // Determines whether an AudioFrame is hidden. HideAtShowing bool `json:"HideAtShowing"` // Determines whether an audio is looped. PlayLoopMode bool `json:"PlayLoopMode"` // Returns or sets the audio play mode. PlayMode string `json:"PlayMode,omitempty"` // Returns or sets the audio volume. Volume string `json:"Volume,omitempty"` // Audio data encoded in base64. Base64Data string `json:"Base64Data,omitempty"` }
func NewAudioFrame ¶
func NewAudioFrame() *AudioFrame
func (*AudioFrame) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *AudioFrame) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Axes ¶
type Axes struct { // Gets or sets the horizontal axis. HorizontalAxis IAxis `json:"HorizontalAxis,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the vertical axis. VerticalAxis IAxis `json:"VerticalAxis,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the secondary horizontal axis. SecondaryHorizontalAxis IAxis `json:"SecondaryHorizontalAxis,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the secondary vertical axis. SecondaryVerticalAxis IAxis `json:"SecondaryVerticalAxis,omitempty"` }
func (*Axes) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Axis ¶
type Axis struct { // True if the axis is visible IsVisible bool `json:"IsVisible"` // True if the axis has a visible title HasTitle bool `json:"HasTitle"` // Axis position Position string `json:"Position,omitempty"` // The scaling value of the display units for the value axis DisplayUnit string `json:"DisplayUnit,omitempty"` // The smallest time unit that is represented on the date axis BaseUnitScale string `json:"BaseUnitScale,omitempty"` // True the major unit of the axis is automatically assigned IsAutomaticMajorUnit bool `json:"IsAutomaticMajorUnit"` // The major units for the date or value axis MajorUnit float64 `json:"MajorUnit,omitempty"` // The major unit scale for the date axis MajorUnitScale string `json:"MajorUnitScale,omitempty"` // The type of major tick mark for the specified axis MajorTickMark string `json:"MajorTickMark,omitempty"` // True the minor unit of the axis is automatically assigned IsAutomaticMinorUnit bool `json:"IsAutomaticMinorUnit"` // The minor units for the date or value axis MinorUnit float64 `json:"MinorUnit,omitempty"` // The minor unit scale for the date axis MinorUnitScale string `json:"MinorUnitScale,omitempty"` // The type of minor tick mark for the specified axis MinorTickMark string `json:"MinorTickMark,omitempty"` // True if the max value is automatically assigned IsAutomaticMaxValue bool `json:"IsAutomaticMaxValue"` // The maximum value on the value axis MaxValue float64 `json:"MaxValue,omitempty"` // True if the min value is automatically assigned IsAutomaticMinValue bool `json:"IsAutomaticMinValue"` // The minimum value on the value axis MinValue float64 `json:"MinValue,omitempty"` // True if the value axis scale type is logarithmic IsLogarithmic bool `json:"IsLogarithmic"` // The logarithmic base. Default value is 10 LogBase float64 `json:"LogBase,omitempty"` // The type of the category axis CategoryAxisType string `json:"CategoryAxisType,omitempty"` // True if the value axis crosses the category axis between categories. This property applies only to category axes, and it doesn't apply to 3-D charts AxisBetweenCategories bool `json:"AxisBetweenCategories"` // The distance of labels from the axis. Applied to category or date axis. Value must be between 0% and 1000%. LabelOffset int32 `json:"LabelOffset,omitempty"` // True if MS PowerPoint plots data points from last to first IsPlotOrderReversed bool `json:"IsPlotOrderReversed"` // True if the format is linked to source data IsNumberFormatLinkedToSource bool `json:"IsNumberFormatLinkedToSource"` // the format string for the Axis Labels NumberFormat string `json:"NumberFormat,omitempty"` // The CrossType on the specified axis where the other axis crosses CrossType string `json:"CrossType,omitempty"` // The point on the axis where the perpendicular axis crosses it CrossAt float64 `json:"CrossAt,omitempty"` // True for automatic tick marks spacing value IsAutomaticTickMarksSpacing bool `json:"IsAutomaticTickMarksSpacing"` // Specifies how many tick marks shall be skipped before the next one shall be drawn. Applied to category or series axis. TickMarksSpacing int32 `json:"TickMarksSpacing,omitempty"` // True for automatic tick label spacing value IsAutomaticTickLabelSpacing bool `json:"IsAutomaticTickLabelSpacing"` // Specifies how many tick labels to skip between label that is drawn. TickLabelSpacing int32 `json:"TickLabelSpacing,omitempty"` // The position of tick-mark labels on the specified axis. TickLabelPosition string `json:"TickLabelPosition,omitempty"` // Represents the rotation angle of tick labels. TickLabelRotationAngle float64 `json:"TickLabelRotationAngle,omitempty"` // Get or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Get or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Get or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` }
func (*Axis) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Base64InputFile ¶
type Base64InputFile struct { // Get or sets password to open document. Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // File type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Get or sets base64 data. Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` }
func NewBase64InputFile ¶
func NewBase64InputFile() *Base64InputFile
func (*Base64InputFile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *Base64InputFile) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type BlurEffect ¶
type BlurEffect struct { // radius Radius float64 `json:"Radius"` // true if the bounds are grown Grow bool `json:"Grow"` }
func NewBlurEffect ¶
func NewBlurEffect() *BlurEffect
func (*BlurEffect) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *BlurEffect) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type BoxAndWhiskerSeries ¶
type BoxAndWhiskerSeries struct { // Series type. Type_ string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Series name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // True if each data marker in the series has a different color. IsColorVaried bool `json:"IsColorVaried"` // Invert solid color for the series. InvertedSolidFillColor string `json:"InvertedSolidFillColor,omitempty"` // True if curve smoothing is turned on. Applies only to line and scatter connected by lines charts. Smooth bool `json:"Smooth"` // True if the series is plotted on second value axis. PlotOnSecondAxis bool `json:"PlotOnSecondAxis"` // Series order. Order int32 `json:"Order,omitempty"` // The number format for the series y values. NumberFormatOfYValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfYValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series x values. NumberFormatOfXValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfXValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series values. NumberFormatOfValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series bubble sizes. NumberFormatOfBubbleSizes string `json:"NumberFormatOfBubbleSizes,omitempty"` // True if the series shall invert its colors if the value is negative. Applies to bar, column and bubble series. InvertIfNegative bool `json:"InvertIfNegative"` // The distance of an open pie slice from the center of the pie chart is expressed as a percentage of the pie diameter. Explosion int32 `json:"Explosion,omitempty"` // Series marker. Marker ISeriesMarker `json:"Marker,omitempty"` // Fill properties set for the series. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Effect properties set for the series. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Line properties set for the series. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Data point type. DataPointType string `json:"DataPointType"` // Gets or sets the values. DataPoints []IOneValueChartDataPoint `json:"DataPoints,omitempty"` // Quartile method. QuartileMethod string `json:"QuartileMethod,omitempty"` // True if inner points are shown. ShowInnerPoints bool `json:"ShowInnerPoints"` // True if mean line is shown. ShowMeanLine bool `json:"ShowMeanLine"` // True if mean markers are shown. ShowMeanMarkers bool `json:"ShowMeanMarkers"` // True if outlier points are shown. ShowOutlierPoints bool `json:"ShowOutlierPoints"` }
func NewBoxAndWhiskerSeries ¶
func NewBoxAndWhiskerSeries() *BoxAndWhiskerSeries
func (*BoxAndWhiskerSeries) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *BoxAndWhiskerSeries) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type BubbleChartDataPoint ¶
type BubbleChartDataPoint struct { // X-value XValue float64 `json:"XValue"` // Y-value YValue float64 `json:"YValue"` // Bubble size. BubbleSize float64 `json:"BubbleSize"` }
func NewBubbleChartDataPoint ¶
func NewBubbleChartDataPoint() *BubbleChartDataPoint
func (*BubbleChartDataPoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *BubbleChartDataPoint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type BubbleSeries ¶
type BubbleSeries struct { // Series type. Type_ string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Series name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // True if each data marker in the series has a different color. IsColorVaried bool `json:"IsColorVaried"` // Invert solid color for the series. InvertedSolidFillColor string `json:"InvertedSolidFillColor,omitempty"` // True if curve smoothing is turned on. Applies only to line and scatter connected by lines charts. Smooth bool `json:"Smooth"` // True if the series is plotted on second value axis. PlotOnSecondAxis bool `json:"PlotOnSecondAxis"` // Series order. Order int32 `json:"Order,omitempty"` // The number format for the series y values. NumberFormatOfYValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfYValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series x values. NumberFormatOfXValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfXValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series values. NumberFormatOfValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series bubble sizes. NumberFormatOfBubbleSizes string `json:"NumberFormatOfBubbleSizes,omitempty"` // True if the series shall invert its colors if the value is negative. Applies to bar, column and bubble series. InvertIfNegative bool `json:"InvertIfNegative"` // The distance of an open pie slice from the center of the pie chart is expressed as a percentage of the pie diameter. Explosion int32 `json:"Explosion,omitempty"` // Series marker. Marker ISeriesMarker `json:"Marker,omitempty"` // Fill properties set for the series. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Effect properties set for the series. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Line properties set for the series. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Data point type. DataPointType string `json:"DataPointType"` // Gets or sets the values. DataPoints []IBubbleChartDataPoint `json:"DataPoints,omitempty"` }
func NewBubbleSeries ¶
func NewBubbleSeries() *BubbleSeries
func (*BubbleSeries) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *BubbleSeries) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Camera ¶ added in v21.12.0
type Camera struct { // Camera type CameraType string `json:"CameraType,omitempty"` // Camera FOV FieldOfViewAngle float64 `json:"FieldOfViewAngle,omitempty"` // Camera zoom Zoom float64 `json:"Zoom,omitempty"` // XRotation XRotation float64 `json:"XRotation,omitempty"` // YRotation YRotation float64 `json:"YRotation,omitempty"` // ZRotation ZRotation float64 `json:"ZRotation,omitempty"` }
func (*Camera) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v21.12.0
type Chart ¶
type Chart struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the alternative text. AlternativeText string `json:"AlternativeText,omitempty"` // The title of alternative text associated with the shape. AlternativeTextTitle string `json:"AlternativeTextTitle,omitempty"` // Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ShapeBase is hidden. Hidden bool `json:"Hidden"` // Gets or sets the X X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the Y. Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Gets z-order position of shape ZOrderPosition int32 `json:"ZOrderPosition"` // Gets or sets the link to shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the 3D format ThreeDFormat IThreeDFormat `json:"ThreeDFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Shape type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Gets or sets the type of the chart. ChartType string `json:"ChartType"` // True if data labels over the maximum of the chart shall be shown. ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum bool `json:"ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum"` // Gets or sets the series of chart data values. Series []ISeries `json:"Series,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the categories for chart data Categories []IChartCategory `json:"Categories,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the title. Title IChartTitle `json:"Title,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the back wall. BackWall IChartWall `json:"BackWall,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the side wall. SideWall IChartWall `json:"SideWall,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the floor. Floor IChartWall `json:"Floor,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the legend. Legend ILegend `json:"Legend,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the axes. Axes IAxes `json:"Axes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the plot area. PlotArea IPlotArea `json:"PlotArea,omitempty"` }
func (*Chart) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ChartCategory ¶
type ChartCategory struct { // Gets or sets the parent categories. Used with Sunburst & treemap categories; ignored for other chart types. ParentCategories []string `json:"ParentCategories,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the grouping level for the category. Used with Sunburst & treemap categories; ignored for other chart types. Level int32 `json:"Level,omitempty"` // Category value Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` // Get or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Get or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Get or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the data points for chart data DataPoints []IOneValueChartDataPoint `json:"DataPoints,omitempty"` }
func NewChartCategory ¶
func NewChartCategory() *ChartCategory
func (*ChartCategory) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ChartCategory) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ChartTitle ¶
type ChartTitle struct { // Get or sets the text. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` // Get or sets value determines visibility of title HasTitle bool `json:"HasTitle"` }
func NewChartTitle ¶
func NewChartTitle() *ChartTitle
func (*ChartTitle) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ChartTitle) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ChartWall ¶
type ChartWall struct { // Get or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Get or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Get or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Get or sets wall thickness as a percentage of the largest dimension of the plot volume. Thickness int32 `json:"Thickness,omitempty"` // Get or sets mode of bar picture filling. PictureType string `json:"PictureType,omitempty"` }
func NewChartWall ¶
func NewChartWall() *ChartWall
func (*ChartWall) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ColorScheme ¶
type ColorScheme struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // First accent color. Accent1 string `json:"Accent1,omitempty"` // Second accent color. Accent2 string `json:"Accent2,omitempty"` // Third accent color. Accent3 string `json:"Accent3,omitempty"` // Fourth accent color. Accent4 string `json:"Accent4,omitempty"` // Fifth accent color. Accent5 string `json:"Accent5,omitempty"` // Sixth accent color. Accent6 string `json:"Accent6,omitempty"` // First dark color. Dark1 string `json:"Dark1,omitempty"` // Second dark color. Dark2 string `json:"Dark2,omitempty"` // Visited hyperlink color. FollowedHyperlink string `json:"FollowedHyperlink,omitempty"` // Hyperlink color/ Hyperlink string `json:"Hyperlink,omitempty"` // First light color. Light1 string `json:"Light1,omitempty"` // Second light color. Light2 string `json:"Light2,omitempty"` }
func NewColorScheme ¶
func NewColorScheme() *ColorScheme
func (*ColorScheme) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ColorScheme) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type CommonSlideViewProperties ¶
type CommonSlideViewProperties struct { // The view scaling ratio (percentage). Scale int32 `json:"Scale,omitempty"` // True if the view content should automatically scale to best fit the current window size. VariableScale bool `json:"VariableScale"` }
func NewCommonSlideViewProperties ¶
func NewCommonSlideViewProperties() *CommonSlideViewProperties
func (*CommonSlideViewProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *CommonSlideViewProperties) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Configuration ¶
type Configuration struct { BasePath string `json:"BaseUrl,omitempty"` AuthBasePath string `json:"AuthBaseUrl,omitempty"` Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` Host string `json:"host,omitempty"` AppSid string `json:"AppSid,omitempty"` AppKey string `json:"AppKey,omitempty"` OAuthToken string `json:"OAuthToken,omitempty"` Scheme string `json:"scheme,omitempty"` ApiVersion string `json:"ApiVersion,omitempty"` Debug bool `json:"Debug,omitempty"` Timeout int `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` CustomHeaders map[string]string `json:"CustomHeaders,omitempty"` HTTPClient *http.Client }
func NewConfiguration ¶
func NewConfiguration() *Configuration
func (*Configuration) GetApiUrl ¶
func (c *Configuration) GetApiUrl() string
type Connector ¶
type Connector struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the alternative text. AlternativeText string `json:"AlternativeText,omitempty"` // The title of alternative text associated with the shape. AlternativeTextTitle string `json:"AlternativeTextTitle,omitempty"` // Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ShapeBase is hidden. Hidden bool `json:"Hidden"` // Gets or sets the X X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the Y. Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Gets z-order position of shape ZOrderPosition int32 `json:"ZOrderPosition"` // Gets or sets the link to shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the 3D format ThreeDFormat IThreeDFormat `json:"ThreeDFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Shape type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Combined shape type. ShapeType string `json:"ShapeType"` // Start shape link. StartShapeConnectedTo IResourceUri `json:"StartShapeConnectedTo,omitempty"` // Start shape index. StartShapeConnectedToIndex int32 `json:"StartShapeConnectedToIndex,omitempty"` // End shape link. EndShapeConnectedTo IResourceUri `json:"EndShapeConnectedTo,omitempty"` // End shape index. EndShapeConnectedToIndex int32 `json:"EndShapeConnectedToIndex,omitempty"` }
func NewConnector ¶
func NewConnector() *Connector
func (*Connector) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type CustomDashPattern ¶
type CustomDashPattern struct { // Pattern items. Items []float64 `json:"Items,omitempty"` }
func NewCustomDashPattern ¶
func NewCustomDashPattern() *CustomDashPattern
func (*CustomDashPattern) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *CustomDashPattern) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type DataPoint ¶
type DataPoint struct { }
func NewDataPoint ¶
func NewDataPoint() *DataPoint
func (*DataPoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type DiscUsage ¶
type DiscUsage struct { // Application used disc space. UsedSize int64 `json:"UsedSize"` // Total disc space. TotalSize int64 `json:"TotalSize"` }
func NewDiscUsage ¶
func NewDiscUsage() *DiscUsage
func (*DiscUsage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Document ¶
type Document struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Link to Document properties. DocumentProperties IResourceUri `json:"DocumentProperties,omitempty"` // Link to Document properties. ViewProperties IResourceUri `json:"ViewProperties,omitempty"` // Link to slides collection. Slides IResourceUri `json:"Slides,omitempty"` // Link to images collection. Images IResourceUri `json:"Images,omitempty"` // Link to layout slides collection. LayoutSlides IResourceUri `json:"LayoutSlides,omitempty"` // Link to master slides collection. MasterSlides IResourceUri `json:"MasterSlides,omitempty"` }
func NewDocument ¶
func NewDocument() *Document
func (*Document) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type DocumentProperties ¶
type DocumentProperties struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Document property list. List []IDocumentProperty `json:"List"` }
func NewDocumentProperties ¶
func NewDocumentProperties() *DocumentProperties
func (*DocumentProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *DocumentProperties) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type DocumentProperty ¶
type DocumentProperty struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value. Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` // True for builtin property. BuiltIn bool `json:"BuiltIn"` }
func NewDocumentProperty ¶
func NewDocumentProperty() *DocumentProperty
func (*DocumentProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *DocumentProperty) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type DocumentReplaceResult ¶
type DocumentReplaceResult struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Link to Document properties. DocumentProperties IResourceUri `json:"DocumentProperties,omitempty"` // Link to Document properties. ViewProperties IResourceUri `json:"ViewProperties,omitempty"` // Link to slides collection. Slides IResourceUri `json:"Slides,omitempty"` // Link to images collection. Images IResourceUri `json:"Images,omitempty"` // Link to layout slides collection. LayoutSlides IResourceUri `json:"LayoutSlides,omitempty"` // Link to master slides collection. MasterSlides IResourceUri `json:"MasterSlides,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the number of matches Matches int32 `json:"Matches"` }
func NewDocumentReplaceResult ¶
func NewDocumentReplaceResult() *DocumentReplaceResult
func (*DocumentReplaceResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *DocumentReplaceResult) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Effect ¶
type Effect struct { // Effect type. Type_ string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Effect subtype. Subtype string `json:"Subtype,omitempty"` // Preset class type. PresetClassType string `json:"PresetClassType,omitempty"` // Shape index. ShapeIndex int32 `json:"ShapeIndex"` // Paragraph index. ParagraphIndex int32 `json:"ParagraphIndex,omitempty"` // Effect trigger type. TriggerType string `json:"TriggerType,omitempty"` // The percentage of duration accelerate behavior effect. Accelerate float64 `json:"Accelerate,omitempty"` // True to automatically play the animation in reverse after playing it in the forward direction. AutoReverse bool `json:"AutoReverse"` // The percentage of duration decelerate behavior effect. Decelerate float64 `json:"Decelerate,omitempty"` // The duration of animation effect. Duration float64 `json:"Duration,omitempty"` // The number of times the effect should repeat. RepeatCount float64 `json:"RepeatCount,omitempty"` // The number of times the effect should repeat. RepeatDuration float64 `json:"RepeatDuration,omitempty"` // The way for a effect to restart after complete. Restart string `json:"Restart,omitempty"` // The percentage by which to speed up (or slow down) the timing. Speed float64 `json:"Speed,omitempty"` // Delay time after trigger. TriggerDelayTime float64 `json:"TriggerDelayTime,omitempty"` }
func (*Effect) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type EffectFormat ¶
type EffectFormat struct { // blur effect Blur IBlurEffect `json:"Blur,omitempty"` // glow effect Glow IGlowEffect `json:"Glow,omitempty"` // inner shadow effect InnerShadow IInnerShadowEffect `json:"InnerShadow,omitempty"` // outer shadow effect OuterShadow IOuterShadowEffect `json:"OuterShadow,omitempty"` // preset shadow effect PresetShadow IPresetShadowEffect `json:"PresetShadow,omitempty"` // soft edge effect SoftEdge ISoftEdgeEffect `json:"SoftEdge,omitempty"` // reflection effect Reflection IReflectionEffect `json:"Reflection,omitempty"` // fill overlay effect FillOverlay IFillOverlayEffect `json:"FillOverlay,omitempty"` }
func NewEffectFormat ¶
func NewEffectFormat() *EffectFormat
func (*EffectFormat) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *EffectFormat) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type EntityExists ¶
type EntityExists struct { // True if the object exists. Exists bool `json:"Exists"` }
func NewEntityExists ¶
func NewEntityExists() *EntityExists
func (*EntityExists) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *EntityExists) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ErrorDetails ¶
type ErrorDetails struct { // The request id RequestId string `json:"RequestId,omitempty"` // Date Date time.Time `json:"Date"` }
func NewErrorDetails ¶
func NewErrorDetails() *ErrorDetails
func (*ErrorDetails) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ErrorDetails) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ErrorMessage ¶
type ErrorMessage struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` Error *ErrorMessage `json:"Error,omitempty"` }
type ExportFormat ¶
type ExportFormat string
ExportFormat : Available export formats
const ( ExportFormat_Pdf ExportFormat = "Pdf" ExportFormat_Xps ExportFormat = "Xps" ExportFormat_Tiff ExportFormat = "Tiff" ExportFormat_Pptx ExportFormat = "Pptx" ExportFormat_Odp ExportFormat = "Odp" ExportFormat_Otp ExportFormat = "Otp" ExportFormat_Ppt ExportFormat = "Ppt" ExportFormat_Pps ExportFormat = "Pps" ExportFormat_Ppsx ExportFormat = "Ppsx" ExportFormat_Pptm ExportFormat = "Pptm" ExportFormat_Ppsm ExportFormat = "Ppsm" ExportFormat_Pot ExportFormat = "Pot" ExportFormat_Potx ExportFormat = "Potx" ExportFormat_Potm ExportFormat = "Potm" ExportFormat_Html ExportFormat = "Html" ExportFormat_Html5 ExportFormat = "Html5" ExportFormat_Swf ExportFormat = "Swf" ExportFormat_Svg ExportFormat = "Svg" ExportFormat_Jpeg ExportFormat = "Jpeg" ExportFormat_Png ExportFormat = "Png" ExportFormat_Gif ExportFormat = "Gif" ExportFormat_Bmp ExportFormat = "Bmp" ExportFormat_Fodp ExportFormat = "Fodp" )
List of ExportFormat ExportFormat
type ExportOptions ¶
type ExportOptions struct { // Default regular font for rendering the presentation. DefaultRegularFont string `json:"DefaultRegularFont,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Height int32 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Width int32 `json:"Width,omitempty"` Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` }
func NewExportOptions ¶
func NewExportOptions() *ExportOptions
func (*ExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type FileRule ¶
type FileRule struct { Invalid *bool `json:"Invalid,omitempty"` Parameter string `json:"Parameter,omitempty"` Method string `json:"Method,omitempty"` Language string `json:"Language,omitempty"` Action string `json:"Action,omitempty"` File string `json:"File,omitempty"` Folder string `json:"Folder,omitempty"` Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` ActualName string }
type FileVersion ¶
type FileVersion struct { // File or folder name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // True if it is a folder. IsFolder bool `json:"IsFolder"` // File or folder last modified DateTime. ModifiedDate time.Time `json:"ModifiedDate,omitempty"` // File or folder size. Size int64 `json:"Size"` // File or folder path. Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // File Version ID. VersionId string `json:"VersionId,omitempty"` // Specifies whether the file is (true) or is not (false) the latest version of an file. IsLatest bool `json:"IsLatest"` }
func NewFileVersion ¶
func NewFileVersion() *FileVersion
func (*FileVersion) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *FileVersion) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type FileVersions ¶
type FileVersions struct { // File versions FileVersion. Value []IFileVersion `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
func NewFileVersions ¶
func NewFileVersions() *FileVersions
func (*FileVersions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *FileVersions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type FilesList ¶
type FilesList struct { // Files and folders contained by folder StorageFile. Value []IStorageFile `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
func NewFilesList ¶
func NewFilesList() *FilesList
func (*FilesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type FilesUploadResult ¶
type FilesUploadResult struct { // List of uploaded file names Uploaded []string `json:"Uploaded,omitempty"` // List of errors. Errors []ModelError `json:"Errors,omitempty"` }
func NewFilesUploadResult ¶
func NewFilesUploadResult() *FilesUploadResult
func (*FilesUploadResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *FilesUploadResult) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type FillFormat ¶
type FillFormat struct {
Type_ string `json:"Type,omitempty"`
func NewFillFormat ¶
func NewFillFormat() *FillFormat
func (*FillFormat) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *FillFormat) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type FillOverlayEffect ¶
type FillOverlayEffect struct { // blend mode Blend string `json:"Blend"` }
func NewFillOverlayEffect ¶
func NewFillOverlayEffect() *FillOverlayEffect
func (*FillOverlayEffect) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *FillOverlayEffect) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type FontScheme ¶
type FontScheme struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets fonts collection for a \"heading\" part of the slide. Major IFontSet `json:"Major,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fonts collection for a \"body\" part of the slide. Minor IFontSet `json:"Minor,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
func NewFontScheme ¶
func NewFontScheme() *FontScheme
func (*FontScheme) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *FontScheme) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type FontSet ¶
type FontSet struct { // Complex script font. ComplexScript string `json:"ComplexScript,omitempty"` // East Asian font. EastAsian string `json:"EastAsian,omitempty"` // Latin font. Latin string `json:"Latin,omitempty"` }
func NewFontSet ¶
func NewFontSet() *FontSet
func (*FontSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type FormatScheme ¶
type FormatScheme struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Background style links. BackgroundStyles []IResourceUri `json:"BackgroundStyles,omitempty"` // Effect style links. EffectStyles []IResourceUri `json:"EffectStyles,omitempty"` // Fill style links. FillStyles []IResourceUri `json:"FillStyles,omitempty"` // Line style links. LineStyles []IResourceUri `json:"LineStyles,omitempty"` }
func NewFormatScheme ¶
func NewFormatScheme() *FormatScheme
func (*FormatScheme) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *FormatScheme) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type GeometryShape ¶
type GeometryShape struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the alternative text. AlternativeText string `json:"AlternativeText,omitempty"` // The title of alternative text associated with the shape. AlternativeTextTitle string `json:"AlternativeTextTitle,omitempty"` // Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ShapeBase is hidden. Hidden bool `json:"Hidden"` // Gets or sets the X X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the Y. Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Gets z-order position of shape ZOrderPosition int32 `json:"ZOrderPosition"` // Gets or sets the link to shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the 3D format ThreeDFormat IThreeDFormat `json:"ThreeDFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` Type_ string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Combined shape type. ShapeType string `json:"ShapeType"` }
func NewGeometryShape ¶
func NewGeometryShape() *GeometryShape
func (*GeometryShape) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *GeometryShape) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type GlowEffect ¶
type GlowEffect struct { // radius Radius float64 `json:"Radius"` // color Color string `json:"Color,omitempty"` }
func NewGlowEffect ¶
func NewGlowEffect() *GlowEffect
func (*GlowEffect) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *GlowEffect) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type GradientFill ¶
type GradientFill struct { // Type of fill. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Gradient style. Direction string `json:"Direction"` // Gradient shape. Shape string `json:"Shape"` // Gradient stops. Stops []IGradientFillStop `json:"Stops,omitempty"` // Gradient angle. LinearAngle float64 `json:"LinearAngle"` // True if the gradient is scaled. IsScaled bool `json:"IsScaled"` // Gradient flipping mode. TileFlip string `json:"TileFlip"` }
func NewGradientFill ¶
func NewGradientFill() *GradientFill
func (*GradientFill) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *GradientFill) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type GradientFillStop ¶
type GradientFillStop struct { // Color. Color string `json:"Color,omitempty"` // Stop position (0..1). Position float64 `json:"Position"` }
func NewGradientFillStop ¶
func NewGradientFillStop() *GradientFillStop
func (*GradientFillStop) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *GradientFillStop) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type GraphicalObject ¶
type GraphicalObject struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the alternative text. AlternativeText string `json:"AlternativeText,omitempty"` // The title of alternative text associated with the shape. AlternativeTextTitle string `json:"AlternativeTextTitle,omitempty"` // Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ShapeBase is hidden. Hidden bool `json:"Hidden"` // Gets or sets the X X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the Y. Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Gets z-order position of shape ZOrderPosition int32 `json:"ZOrderPosition"` // Gets or sets the link to shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the 3D format ThreeDFormat IThreeDFormat `json:"ThreeDFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Shape type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` }
func NewGraphicalObject ¶
func NewGraphicalObject() *GraphicalObject
func (*GraphicalObject) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *GraphicalObject) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type GroupShape ¶
type GroupShape struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the alternative text. AlternativeText string `json:"AlternativeText,omitempty"` // The title of alternative text associated with the shape. AlternativeTextTitle string `json:"AlternativeTextTitle,omitempty"` // Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ShapeBase is hidden. Hidden bool `json:"Hidden"` // Gets or sets the X X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the Y. Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Gets z-order position of shape ZOrderPosition int32 `json:"ZOrderPosition"` // Gets or sets the link to shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the 3D format ThreeDFormat IThreeDFormat `json:"ThreeDFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Shape type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` }
func NewGroupShape ¶
func NewGroupShape() *GroupShape
func (*GroupShape) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *GroupShape) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type HeaderFooter ¶
type HeaderFooter struct { IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` IsDateTimeVisible bool `json:"IsDateTimeVisible"` DateTimeText string `json:"DateTimeText,omitempty"` IsFooterVisible bool `json:"IsFooterVisible"` FooterText string `json:"FooterText,omitempty"` IsSlideNumberVisible bool `json:"IsSlideNumberVisible"` }SelfUri
func NewHeaderFooter ¶
func NewHeaderFooter() *HeaderFooter
func (*HeaderFooter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *HeaderFooter) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Html5ExportOptions ¶ added in v21.12.0
type Html5ExportOptions struct { // Default regular font for rendering the presentation. DefaultRegularFont string `json:"DefaultRegularFont,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Height int32 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Width int32 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Export format. Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Gets or sets transitions animation option. AnimateTransitions bool `json:"AnimateTransitions"` // Gets or sets shapes animation option. AnimateShapes bool `json:"AnimateShapes"` }
func NewHtml5ExportOptions ¶ added in v21.12.0
func NewHtml5ExportOptions() *Html5ExportOptions
func (*Html5ExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v21.12.0
func (this *Html5ExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type HtmlExportOptions ¶
type HtmlExportOptions struct { // Default regular font for rendering the presentation. DefaultRegularFont string `json:"DefaultRegularFont,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Height int32 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Width int32 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Export format. Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Get or sets flag for save presentation as zip file SaveAsZip bool `json:"SaveAsZip"` // Get or set name of subdirectory in zip-file for store external files SubDirectoryName string `json:"SubDirectoryName,omitempty"` // Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not. Default is false. ShowHiddenSlides bool `json:"ShowHiddenSlides"` // True to make layout responsive by excluding width and height attributes from svg container. SvgResponsiveLayout bool `json:"SvgResponsiveLayout"` // Returns or sets a value determining the quality of the JPEG images inside PDF document. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Represents the pictures compression level PicturesCompression string `json:"PicturesCompression,omitempty"` // A boolean flag indicates if the cropped parts remain as part of the document. If true the cropped parts will removed, if false they will be serialized in the document (which can possible lead to a larger file) DeletePicturesCroppedAreas bool `json:"DeletePicturesCroppedAreas"` // Gets or sets the position of the notes on the page. NotesPosition string `json:"NotesPosition,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the position of the comments on the page. CommentsPosition string `json:"CommentsPosition,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width of the comment output area in pixels (Applies only if comments are displayed on the right). CommentsAreaWidth int32 `json:"CommentsAreaWidth,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the color of comments area (Applies only if comments are displayed on the right). CommentsAreaColor string `json:"CommentsAreaColor,omitempty"` // True if comments that have no author are displayed. (Applies only if comments are displayed). ShowCommentsByNoAuthor bool `json:"ShowCommentsByNoAuthor"` }
func NewHtmlExportOptions ¶
func NewHtmlExportOptions() *HtmlExportOptions
func (*HtmlExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *HtmlExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type IAddLayoutSlide ¶
type IAddLayoutSlide interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Add layout slide task.
type IAddMasterSlide ¶
type IAddMasterSlide interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Add master slide task.
type IAddShape ¶
type IAddShape interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Add shape task.
type IAddSlide ¶
type IAddSlide interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Add slide task.
type IApiInfo ¶
type IApiInfo interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents response for ApiInfo DTO
type IArrowHeadProperties ¶
type IArrowHeadProperties interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Arrow head properties.
type IAudioFrame ¶
type IAudioFrame interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents AudioFrame resource.
type IAxes ¶
type IAxes interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents chart axes
type IAxis ¶
type IAxis interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents a chart axis
type IBase64InputFile ¶
type IBase64InputFile interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents base64 inline encoded file.
type IBlurEffect ¶
type IBlurEffect interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents blur effect
type IBoxAndWhiskerSeries ¶
type IBoxAndWhiskerSeries interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
One value series.
type IBubbleChartDataPoint ¶
type IBubbleChartDataPoint interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Bubble chart data point.
type IBubbleSeries ¶
type IBubbleSeries interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
A bubble series.
type ICamera ¶ added in v21.12.0
type ICamera interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
type IChart ¶
type IChart interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents chart resource
type IChartCategory ¶
type IChartCategory interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents chart category resource
type IChartTitle ¶
type IChartTitle interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents chart title
type IChartWall ¶
type IChartWall interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents a chart wall
type IColorScheme ¶
type IColorScheme interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Slide's color scheme DTO
type ICommonSlideViewProperties ¶
type ICommonSlideViewProperties interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Slide view properties.
type IConnector ¶
type IConnector interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents Connector resource.
type ICustomDashPattern ¶
type ICustomDashPattern interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Custom dash pattern.
type IDiscUsage ¶
type IDiscUsage interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Class for disc space information.
type IDocument ¶
type IDocument interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents document DTO.
type IDocumentProperties ¶
type IDocumentProperties interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Slides document properties.
type IDocumentProperty ¶
type IDocumentProperty interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Document property.
type IDocumentReplaceResult ¶
type IDocumentReplaceResult interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents document replace result DTO.
type IEffect ¶
type IEffect interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents comment of slide
type IEffectFormat ¶
type IEffectFormat interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Effect format
type IEntityExists ¶
type IEntityExists interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Information about object existence.
type IErrorDetails ¶
type IErrorDetails interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
The error details
type IExportOptions ¶
type IExportOptions interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents export options for whole presentation.
type IFileVersion ¶
type IFileVersion interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
File Version
type IFileVersions ¶
type IFileVersions interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
File versions FileVersion.
type IFilesList ¶
type IFilesList interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Files list
type IFilesUploadResult ¶
type IFilesUploadResult interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
File upload result
type IFillFormat ¶
type IFillFormat interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Base class for fill formats
type IFillOverlayEffect ¶
type IFillOverlayEffect interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents fill overlay effect
type IFontScheme ¶
type IFontScheme interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents font scheme
type IFormatScheme ¶
type IFormatScheme interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents Format Scheme for slide's theme
type IGeometryShape ¶
type IGeometryShape interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents GeometryShape resource.
type IGlowEffect ¶
type IGlowEffect interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents glow effect
type IGradientFill ¶
type IGradientFill interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents gradient fill format
type IGradientFillStop ¶
type IGradientFillStop interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Gradient stop.
type IGraphicalObject ¶
type IGraphicalObject interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents AudioFrame resource.
type IGroupShape ¶
type IGroupShape interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents GroupShape resource.
type IHeaderFooter ¶
type IHeaderFooter interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents header/footer info of slide
type IHtml5ExportOptions ¶ added in v21.12.0
type IHtml5ExportOptions interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in Html5 format.
type IHtmlExportOptions ¶
type IHtmlExportOptions interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in Html format.
type IIShapeExportOptions ¶
type IIShapeExportOptions interface { }
Represents export options for whole presentation.
type IImage ¶
type IImage interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents image DTO.
type IImageExportOptions ¶
type IImageExportOptions interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in an image format.
type IImages ¶
type IImages interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
List of images.
type IInnerShadowEffect ¶
type IInnerShadowEffect interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents inner shadow effect
type IInput ¶
type IInput interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents input document for pipeline.
type IInputFile ¶
type IInputFile interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents abstract input file source for pipeline.
type IInteractiveSequence ¶
type IInteractiveSequence interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents comments collection of slide
type ILayoutSlide ¶
type ILayoutSlide interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Layout slide.
type ILayoutSlides ¶
type ILayoutSlides interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Layout slide list.
type ILegend ¶
type ILegend interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents a chart legend
type ILightRig ¶ added in v21.12.0
type ILightRig interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Light rig
type ILineFormat ¶
type ILineFormat interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Line format.
type IMasterSlide ¶
type IMasterSlide interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Master slide.
type IMasterSlides ¶
type IMasterSlides interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Master slide list.
type IMerge ¶
type IMerge interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Merge presentations task.
type IMergingSource ¶
type IMergingSource interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Merging source.
type INoFill ¶
type INoFill interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents empty fill
type INormalViewRestoredProperties ¶
type INormalViewRestoredProperties interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
The sizing of the slide region.
type INotesSlide ¶
type INotesSlide interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents notes slide DTO.
type INotesSlideHeaderFooter ¶
type INotesSlideHeaderFooter interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents header/footer info of notes slide
type IObjectExist ¶
type IObjectExist interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Object exists
type IOleObjectFrame ¶
type IOleObjectFrame interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents OleObjectFrame resource.
type IOneValueChartDataPoint ¶
type IOneValueChartDataPoint interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
One value chart data point.
type IOneValueSeries ¶
type IOneValueSeries interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
One value series.
type IOrderedMergeRequest ¶
type IOrderedMergeRequest interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Request for presentations merge with optional order of slides
type IOuterShadowEffect ¶
type IOuterShadowEffect interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents outer shadow effect
type IOutputFile ¶
type IOutputFile interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents output file destination in pipeline.
type IParagraph ¶
type IParagraph interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents paragraph resource
type IParagraphs ¶
type IParagraphs interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents list of Links to Paragraphs resources
type IPathInputFile ¶
type IPathInputFile interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents input file from filesystem.
type IPathOutputFile ¶
type IPathOutputFile interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents fileSystem file with path.
type IPatternFill ¶
type IPatternFill interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents Pattern Fill
type IPdfExportOptions ¶
type IPdfExportOptions interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in Pdf format.
type IPictureFill ¶
type IPictureFill interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Picture fill.
type IPictureFrame ¶
type IPictureFrame interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents PictureFrame resource.
type IPipeline ¶
type IPipeline interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents pipeline for one input document.
type IPlaceholder ¶
type IPlaceholder interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents placeholder
type IPlaceholders ¶
type IPlaceholders interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Placeholder list.
type IPlotArea ¶
type IPlotArea interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents the plot area
type IPortion ¶
type IPortion interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents portion resource
type IPortions ¶
type IPortions interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents list of Links to Paragraphs resources
type IPptxExportOptions ¶
type IPptxExportOptions interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in PPTX format.
type IPresentationToMerge ¶
type IPresentationToMerge interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents presentation to merge
type IPresentationsMergeRequest ¶
type IPresentationsMergeRequest interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Request for presentations merge
type IPresetShadowEffect ¶
type IPresetShadowEffect interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents preset shadow effect
type IProtectionProperties ¶
type IProtectionProperties interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Protection properties.
type IReflectionEffect ¶
type IReflectionEffect interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents reflection effect
type IRemoveShape ¶
type IRemoveShape interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Remove shape task.
type IRemoveSlide ¶
type IRemoveSlide interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Remove slide task.
type IReorderSlide ¶
type IReorderSlide interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Reorder slide task.
type IReplaceText ¶
type IReplaceText interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Replace text task.
type IRequestInputFile ¶
type IRequestInputFile interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents input file from multipart request.
type IResetSlide ¶
type IResetSlide interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Reset slide task.
type IResourceBase ¶
type IResourceBase interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Base class for all Slide's DTO objects
type IResourceUri ¶
type IResourceUri interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents Resource URI
type IResponseOutputFile ¶
type IResponseOutputFile interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents output file that will be sent to response.
type ISaveShape ¶
type ISaveShape interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Save shape task.
type ISaveSlide ¶
type ISaveSlide interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Save slide task.
type IScatterChartDataPoint ¶
type IScatterChartDataPoint interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Scatter chart (two-dimensional) data point
type IScatterSeries ¶
type IScatterSeries interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
A scatter series
type ISection ¶
type ISection interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Presentation section.
type ISections ¶
type ISections interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Section list.
type ISeries ¶
type ISeries interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
A chart series.
type ISeriesMarker ¶
type ISeriesMarker interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents a series marker
type IShape ¶
type IShape interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents AutoShape resource.
type IShapeBase ¶
type IShapeBase interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Slide shape.
type IShapeBevel ¶ added in v21.12.0
type IShapeBevel interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
type IShapeExportOptions ¶
type IShapeExportOptions struct { }
func NewIShapeExportOptions ¶
func NewIShapeExportOptions() *IShapeExportOptions
func (*IShapeExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *IShapeExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type IShapeImageExportOptions ¶
type IShapeImageExportOptions interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Provides options that control how a shape is saved in thumbnail.
type IShapes ¶
type IShapes interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents list of Links to Shapes resources
type ISlide ¶
type ISlide interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Presentation slide.
type ISlideAnimation ¶
type ISlideAnimation interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents comments collection of slide
type ISlideBackground ¶
type ISlideBackground interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents background of slide
type ISlideComment ¶
type ISlideComment interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents comment of slide
type ISlideComments ¶
type ISlideComments interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents comments collection of slide
type ISlideProperties ¶
type ISlideProperties interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Slide properties.
type ISlideReplaceResult ¶
type ISlideReplaceResult interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents slide replace result DTO.
type ISmartArt ¶
type ISmartArt interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents SmartArt shape resource.
type ISmartArtNode ¶
type ISmartArtNode interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Smart art node.
type ISmartArtShape ¶
type ISmartArtShape interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents SmartArt resource.
type ISoftEdgeEffect ¶
type ISoftEdgeEffect interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents soft edge effect
type ISolidFill ¶
type ISolidFill interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents solid fill format
type ISplitDocumentResult ¶
type ISplitDocumentResult interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Split document result.
type IStorageExist ¶
type IStorageExist interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Storage exists
type IStorageFile ¶
type IStorageFile interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
File or folder information
type ISvgExportOptions ¶
type ISvgExportOptions interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in SVG format.
type ISwfExportOptions ¶
type ISwfExportOptions interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in SWF format.
type ITable ¶
type ITable interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents Table shape resource.
type ITableCell ¶
type ITableCell interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents one cell of table.
type ITableColumn ¶
type ITableColumn interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Table column.
type ITask ¶
type ITask interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents task for pipeline.
type ITextItem ¶
type ITextItem interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents text item, referenced by TextItems
type ITextItems ¶
type ITextItems interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents text of resource
type ITheme ¶
type ITheme interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents Slide's theme
type IThreeDFormat ¶ added in v21.12.0
type IThreeDFormat interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
type ITiffExportOptions ¶
type ITiffExportOptions interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in TIFF format.
type IUpdateBackground ¶
type IUpdateBackground interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Update background task.
type IUpdateShape ¶
type IUpdateShape interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Update shape task.
type IVideoFrame ¶
type IVideoFrame interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Represents VideoFrame resource.
type IViewProperties ¶
type IViewProperties interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Slides document properties.
type IWaterfallChartDataPoint ¶
type IWaterfallChartDataPoint interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
One value chart data point.
type IWaterfallSeries ¶
type IWaterfallSeries interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
One value series.
type IXpsExportOptions ¶
type IXpsExportOptions interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in XPS format.
type Image ¶
type Image struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Get or sets the width of an image. Width int32 `json:"Width"` // Get or sets the height of an image. Height int32 `json:"Height"` // Get or sets the content type of an image. ContentType string `json:"ContentType,omitempty"` }
func (*Image) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ImageExportFormat ¶
type ImageExportFormat string
ImageExportFormat : Represents a format for image export.
const ( ImageExportFormat_Jpeg ImageExportFormat = "Jpeg" ImageExportFormat_Png ImageExportFormat = "Png" ImageExportFormat_Gif ImageExportFormat = "Gif" ImageExportFormat_Bmp ImageExportFormat = "Bmp" ImageExportFormat_Tiff ImageExportFormat = "Tiff" )
List of ImageExportFormat ImageExportFormat
type ImageExportOptions ¶
type ImageExportOptions struct { // Default regular font for rendering the presentation. DefaultRegularFont string `json:"DefaultRegularFont,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Height int32 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Width int32 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Export format. Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the position of the notes on the page. NotesPosition string `json:"NotesPosition,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the position of the comments on the page. CommentsPosition string `json:"CommentsPosition,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width of the comment output area in pixels (Applies only if comments are displayed on the right). CommentsAreaWidth int32 `json:"CommentsAreaWidth,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the color of comments area (Applies only if comments are displayed on the right). CommentsAreaColor string `json:"CommentsAreaColor,omitempty"` }
func NewImageExportOptions ¶
func NewImageExportOptions() *ImageExportOptions
func (*ImageExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ImageExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Images ¶
type Images struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Image list. List []IImage `json:"List,omitempty"` }
func (*Images) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type InnerShadowEffect ¶
type InnerShadowEffect struct { // direction Direction float64 `json:"Direction"` // distance Distance float64 `json:"Distance"` // blur radius BlurRadius float64 `json:"BlurRadius"` // shadow color ShadowColor string `json:"ShadowColor,omitempty"` }
func NewInnerShadowEffect ¶
func NewInnerShadowEffect() *InnerShadowEffect
func (*InnerShadowEffect) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *InnerShadowEffect) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Input ¶
type Input struct { // Get or sets template document. If property is null new empty presentation will be created. Template IInputFile `json:"Template,omitempty"` // Get or sets html data for generate new presentation. HtmlData IInputFile `json:"HtmlData,omitempty"` // Get or sets data for template engine. TemplateData IInputFile `json:"TemplateData,omitempty"` }
func (*Input) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type InputFile ¶
type InputFile struct { // Get or sets password to open document. Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` Type_ string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
func NewInputFile ¶
func NewInputFile() *InputFile
func (*InputFile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type InteractiveSequence ¶
type InteractiveSequence struct { // Effect list. Effects []IEffect `json:"Effects,omitempty"` // Index of the shape that triggers the sequence. TriggerShapeIndex int32 `json:"TriggerShapeIndex"` }
func NewInteractiveSequence ¶
func NewInteractiveSequence() *InteractiveSequence
func (*InteractiveSequence) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *InteractiveSequence) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type LayoutSlide ¶
type LayoutSlide struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Layout slide type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Master slide link. MasterSlide IResourceUri `json:"MasterSlide,omitempty"` // List of depending slides. DependingSlides []IResourceUri `json:"DependingSlides,omitempty"` }
func NewLayoutSlide ¶
func NewLayoutSlide() *LayoutSlide
func (*LayoutSlide) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *LayoutSlide) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type LayoutSlides ¶
type LayoutSlides struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // List of layout slide links. SlideList []IResourceUri `json:"SlideList,omitempty"` }
func NewLayoutSlides ¶
func NewLayoutSlides() *LayoutSlides
func (*LayoutSlides) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *LayoutSlides) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Legend ¶
type Legend struct { // position Position string `json:"Position,omitempty"` // the X location X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // the Y location Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Width Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Height Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // true if other elements are allowed to overlay the legend Overlay bool `json:"Overlay"` // Get or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Get or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Get or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` }
func (*Legend) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type LightRig ¶ added in v21.12.0
type LightRig struct { // Light direction Direction string `json:"Direction,omitempty"` // Light type LightType string `json:"LightType,omitempty"` // XRotation XRotation float64 `json:"XRotation,omitempty"` // YRotation YRotation float64 `json:"YRotation,omitempty"` // ZRotation ZRotation float64 `json:"ZRotation,omitempty"` }
func NewLightRig ¶ added in v21.12.0
func NewLightRig() *LightRig
func (*LightRig) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v21.12.0
type LineFormat ¶
type LineFormat struct { // Alignment. Alignment string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // Cap style. CapStyle string `json:"CapStyle,omitempty"` // Dash style. DashStyle string `json:"DashStyle,omitempty"` // Join style. JoinStyle string `json:"JoinStyle,omitempty"` // Style. Style string `json:"Style,omitempty"` // Sketch type. SketchType string `json:"SketchType,omitempty"` // Begin arrowhead. BeginArrowHead IArrowHeadProperties `json:"BeginArrowHead,omitempty"` // End arrowhead. EndArrowHead IArrowHeadProperties `json:"EndArrowHead,omitempty"` // Custom dash pattern. CustomDashPattern ICustomDashPattern `json:"CustomDashPattern,omitempty"` // Fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Miter limit. MiterLimit float64 `json:"MiterLimit,omitempty"` // Width. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` }
func NewLineFormat ¶
func NewLineFormat() *LineFormat
func (*LineFormat) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *LineFormat) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type MasterSlide ¶
type MasterSlide struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // List of layout slide links. LayoutSlides []IResourceUri `json:"LayoutSlides,omitempty"` // List of depending slide links. DependingSlides []IResourceUri `json:"DependingSlides,omitempty"` }
func NewMasterSlide ¶
func NewMasterSlide() *MasterSlide
func (*MasterSlide) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *MasterSlide) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type MasterSlides ¶
type MasterSlides struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // List of slide links. SlideList []IResourceUri `json:"SlideList,omitempty"` }
func NewMasterSlides ¶
func NewMasterSlides() *MasterSlides
func (*MasterSlides) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *MasterSlides) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Merge ¶
type Merge struct { // Task type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Information about documents and slides being merging sources. Presentations []IMergingSource `json:"Presentations,omitempty"` }
func (*Merge) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type MergingSource ¶
type MergingSource struct { // Source file. Input IInputFile `json:"Input,omitempty"` // Indices of slides to be merged. Slides []int32 `json:"Slides,omitempty"` }
func NewMergingSource ¶
func NewMergingSource() *MergingSource
func (*MergingSource) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *MergingSource) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ModelError ¶
type ModelError struct { // Code Code string `json:"Code,omitempty"` // Message Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` // Description Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Inner Error InnerError IErrorDetails `json:"InnerError,omitempty"` }
func NewModelError ¶
func NewModelError() *ModelError
func (*ModelError) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ModelError) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type NoFill ¶
type NoFill struct { // Fill type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` }
func (*NoFill) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type NormalViewRestoredProperties ¶
type NormalViewRestoredProperties struct { // True if the size of the side content region should compensate for the new size when resizing the window containing the view within the application. AutoAdjust bool `json:"AutoAdjust"` // The size of the slide region. DimensionSize float64 `json:"DimensionSize,omitempty"` }
func NewNormalViewRestoredProperties ¶
func NewNormalViewRestoredProperties() *NormalViewRestoredProperties
func (*NormalViewRestoredProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *NormalViewRestoredProperties) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type NotesSlide ¶
type NotesSlide struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Get or sets text of notes slide. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` // Get or sets the link to list notes slide shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` }
func NewNotesSlide ¶
func NewNotesSlide() *NotesSlide
func (*NotesSlide) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *NotesSlide) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type NotesSlideExportFormat ¶
type NotesSlideExportFormat string
NotesSlideExportFormat : Represents a format for notes slide export.
const ( NotesSlideExportFormat_Jpeg NotesSlideExportFormat = "Jpeg" NotesSlideExportFormat_Png NotesSlideExportFormat = "Png" NotesSlideExportFormat_Gif NotesSlideExportFormat = "Gif" NotesSlideExportFormat_Bmp NotesSlideExportFormat = "Bmp" NotesSlideExportFormat_Tiff NotesSlideExportFormat = "Tiff" )
List of NotesSlideExportFormat NotesSlideExportFormat
type NotesSlideHeaderFooter ¶
type NotesSlideHeaderFooter struct { IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` IsDateTimeVisible bool `json:"IsDateTimeVisible"` DateTimeText string `json:"DateTimeText,omitempty"` IsFooterVisible bool `json:"IsFooterVisible"` FooterText string `json:"FooterText,omitempty"` IsHeaderVisible bool `json:"IsHeaderVisible"` HeaderText string `json:"HeaderText,omitempty"` IsSlideNumberVisible bool `json:"IsSlideNumberVisible"` }SelfUri
func NewNotesSlideHeaderFooter ¶
func NewNotesSlideHeaderFooter() *NotesSlideHeaderFooter
func (*NotesSlideHeaderFooter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *NotesSlideHeaderFooter) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type OAuthResponse ¶
type OAuthResponse struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. AccessToken string `json:"access_token,omitempty"` }
type ObjectExist ¶
type ObjectExist struct { // Indicates that the file or folder exists. Exists bool `json:"Exists"` // True if it is a folder, false if it is a file. IsFolder bool `json:"IsFolder"` }
func NewObjectExist ¶
func NewObjectExist() *ObjectExist
func (*ObjectExist) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ObjectExist) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type OkToNotFailRule ¶
type OleObjectFrame ¶
type OleObjectFrame struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the alternative text. AlternativeText string `json:"AlternativeText,omitempty"` // The title of alternative text associated with the shape. AlternativeTextTitle string `json:"AlternativeTextTitle,omitempty"` // Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ShapeBase is hidden. Hidden bool `json:"Hidden"` // Gets or sets the X X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the Y. Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Gets z-order position of shape ZOrderPosition int32 `json:"ZOrderPosition"` // Gets or sets the link to shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the 3D format ThreeDFormat IThreeDFormat `json:"ThreeDFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Shape type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // True if an object is visible as icon. IsObjectIcon bool `json:"IsObjectIcon"` // The title for OleObject icon. SubstitutePictureTitle string `json:"SubstitutePictureTitle,omitempty"` }
func NewOleObjectFrame ¶
func NewOleObjectFrame() *OleObjectFrame
func (*OleObjectFrame) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *OleObjectFrame) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type OneValueChartDataPoint ¶
type OneValueChartDataPoint struct { // Value. Value float64 `json:"Value"` }
func NewOneValueChartDataPoint ¶
func NewOneValueChartDataPoint() *OneValueChartDataPoint
func (*OneValueChartDataPoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *OneValueChartDataPoint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type OneValueSeries ¶
type OneValueSeries struct { // Series type. Type_ string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Series name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // True if each data marker in the series has a different color. IsColorVaried bool `json:"IsColorVaried"` // Invert solid color for the series. InvertedSolidFillColor string `json:"InvertedSolidFillColor,omitempty"` // True if curve smoothing is turned on. Applies only to line and scatter connected by lines charts. Smooth bool `json:"Smooth"` // True if the series is plotted on second value axis. PlotOnSecondAxis bool `json:"PlotOnSecondAxis"` // Series order. Order int32 `json:"Order,omitempty"` // The number format for the series y values. NumberFormatOfYValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfYValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series x values. NumberFormatOfXValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfXValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series values. NumberFormatOfValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series bubble sizes. NumberFormatOfBubbleSizes string `json:"NumberFormatOfBubbleSizes,omitempty"` // True if the series shall invert its colors if the value is negative. Applies to bar, column and bubble series. InvertIfNegative bool `json:"InvertIfNegative"` // The distance of an open pie slice from the center of the pie chart is expressed as a percentage of the pie diameter. Explosion int32 `json:"Explosion,omitempty"` // Series marker. Marker ISeriesMarker `json:"Marker,omitempty"` // Fill properties set for the series. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Effect properties set for the series. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Line properties set for the series. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Data point type. DataPointType string `json:"DataPointType"` // Gets or sets the values. DataPoints []IOneValueChartDataPoint `json:"DataPoints,omitempty"` }
func NewOneValueSeries ¶
func NewOneValueSeries() *OneValueSeries
func (*OneValueSeries) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *OneValueSeries) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type OrderedMergeRequest ¶
type OrderedMergeRequest struct { // Gets or sets the presentation paths. Presentations []IPresentationToMerge `json:"Presentations,omitempty"` }
func NewOrderedMergeRequest ¶
func NewOrderedMergeRequest() *OrderedMergeRequest
func (*OrderedMergeRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *OrderedMergeRequest) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type OuterShadowEffect ¶
type OuterShadowEffect struct { // direction Direction float64 `json:"Direction"` // distance Distance float64 `json:"Distance"` // blur radius BlurRadius float64 `json:"BlurRadius"` // shadow color ShadowColor string `json:"ShadowColor,omitempty"` }
func NewOuterShadowEffect ¶
func NewOuterShadowEffect() *OuterShadowEffect
func (*OuterShadowEffect) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *OuterShadowEffect) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type OutputFile ¶
type OutputFile struct {
Type_ string `json:"Type,omitempty"`
func NewOutputFile ¶
func NewOutputFile() *OutputFile
func (*OutputFile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *OutputFile) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Paragraph ¶
type Paragraph struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Left margin. MarginLeft float64 `json:"MarginLeft,omitempty"` // Right margin. MarginRight float64 `json:"MarginRight,omitempty"` // Left spacing. SpaceBefore float64 `json:"SpaceBefore,omitempty"` // Right spacing. SpaceAfter float64 `json:"SpaceAfter,omitempty"` // Spacing between lines. SpaceWithin float64 `json:"SpaceWithin,omitempty"` // First line indent. Indent float64 `json:"Indent,omitempty"` // Text alignment. Alignment string `json:"Alignment,omitempty"` // Font alignment. FontAlignment string `json:"FontAlignment,omitempty"` // Default tabulation size. DefaultTabSize float64 `json:"DefaultTabSize,omitempty"` // Depth. Depth int32 `json:"Depth,omitempty"` // Bullet char. BulletChar string `json:"BulletChar,omitempty"` // Bullet height. BulletHeight float64 `json:"BulletHeight,omitempty"` // Bullet type. BulletType string `json:"BulletType,omitempty"` // Starting number for a numbered bullet. NumberedBulletStartWith int32 `json:"NumberedBulletStartWith,omitempty"` // Numbered bullet style. NumberedBulletStyle string `json:"NumberedBulletStyle,omitempty"` // True if hanging punctuation is used with the paragraph. HangingPunctuation string `json:"HangingPunctuation,omitempty"` // True if East Asian line break is used with the paragraph. EastAsianLineBreak string `json:"EastAsianLineBreak,omitempty"` // True if Latin line break is used with the paragraph. LatinLineBreak string `json:"LatinLineBreak,omitempty"` // True if right to left direction is used with the paragraph. RightToLeft string `json:"RightToLeft,omitempty"` // List of portion links. PortionList []IPortion `json:"PortionList,omitempty"` }
func NewParagraph ¶
func NewParagraph() *Paragraph
func (*Paragraph) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Paragraphs ¶
type Paragraphs struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // List of paragraph links. ParagraphLinks []IResourceUri `json:"ParagraphLinks,omitempty"` }
func NewParagraphs ¶
func NewParagraphs() *Paragraphs
func (*Paragraphs) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *Paragraphs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PathInputFile ¶
type PathInputFile struct { // Get or sets password to open document. Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // File type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Get or sets path to file. Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // Get or sets name of storage. Storage string `json:"Storage,omitempty"` }
func NewPathInputFile ¶
func NewPathInputFile() *PathInputFile
func (*PathInputFile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *PathInputFile) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PathOutputFile ¶
type PathOutputFile struct { // File type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Get or sets path to file. Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // Get or sets name of storage. Storage string `json:"Storage,omitempty"` }
func NewPathOutputFile ¶
func NewPathOutputFile() *PathOutputFile
func (*PathOutputFile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *PathOutputFile) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PatternFill ¶
type PatternFill struct { // Type of fill. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Gets or sets the back color of the pattern fill. BackColor string `json:"BackColor,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fore color of the pattern fill. ForeColor string `json:"ForeColor,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the style of pattern fill. Style string `json:"Style"` }
func NewPatternFill ¶
func NewPatternFill() *PatternFill
func (*PatternFill) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *PatternFill) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PdfExportOptions ¶
type PdfExportOptions struct { // Default regular font for rendering the presentation. DefaultRegularFont string `json:"DefaultRegularFont,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Height int32 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Width int32 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Export format. Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Specifies compression type to be used for all textual content in the document. TextCompression string `json:"TextCompression,omitempty"` // Determines if all characters of font should be embedded or only used subset. EmbedFullFonts bool `json:"EmbedFullFonts"` // Desired conformance level for generated PDF document. Compliance string `json:"Compliance,omitempty"` // Returns or sets a value determining resolution of images inside PDF document. Property affects on file size, time of export and image quality. The default value is 96. SufficientResolution float64 `json:"SufficientResolution,omitempty"` // Returns or sets a value determining the quality of the JPEG images inside PDF document. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // True to draw black frame around each slide. DrawSlidesFrame bool `json:"DrawSlidesFrame"` // Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not. Default is false. ShowHiddenSlides bool `json:"ShowHiddenSlides"` // True to convert all metafiles used in a presentation to the PNG images. SaveMetafilesAsPng bool `json:"SaveMetafilesAsPng"` // Setting user password to protect the PDF document. Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Determines if Aspose.Slides will embed common fonts for ASCII (33..127 code range) text. Fonts for character codes greater than 127 are always embedded. Common fonts list includes PDF's base 14 fonts and additional user specified fonts. EmbedTrueTypeFontsForASCII bool `json:"EmbedTrueTypeFontsForASCII"` // Returns or sets an array of user-defined names of font families which Aspose.Slides should consider common. AdditionalCommonFontFamilies []string `json:"AdditionalCommonFontFamilies,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the position of the notes on the page. NotesPosition string `json:"NotesPosition,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the position of the comments on the page. CommentsPosition string `json:"CommentsPosition,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width of the comment output area in pixels (Applies only if comments are displayed on the right). CommentsAreaWidth int32 `json:"CommentsAreaWidth,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the color of comments area (Applies only if comments are displayed on the right). CommentsAreaColor string `json:"CommentsAreaColor,omitempty"` // True if comments that have no author are displayed. (Applies only if comments are displayed). ShowCommentsByNoAuthor bool `json:"ShowCommentsByNoAuthor"` // Image transparent color. ImageTransparentColor string `json:"ImageTransparentColor,omitempty"` // True to apply specified ImageTransparentColor to an image. ApplyImageTransparent bool `json:"ApplyImageTransparent"` // Access permissions that should be granted when the document is opened with user access. Default is AccessPermissions.None. AccessPermissions string `json:"AccessPermissions,omitempty"` }
func NewPdfExportOptions ¶
func NewPdfExportOptions() *PdfExportOptions
func (*PdfExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *PdfExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PictureFill ¶
type PictureFill struct { // Fill type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Percentage of image height that is cropped from the bottom. CropBottom float64 `json:"CropBottom"` // Percentage of image height that is cropped from the left. CropLeft float64 `json:"CropLeft"` // Percentage of image height that is cropped from the right. CropRight float64 `json:"CropRight"` // Percentage of image height that is cropped from the top. CropTop float64 `json:"CropTop"` // Picture resolution. Dpi int32 `json:"Dpi"` // Internal image link. Image IResourceUri `json:"Image,omitempty"` // Base 64 image data. Base64Data string `json:"Base64Data,omitempty"` // SVG image data. SvgData string `json:"SvgData,omitempty"` // Fill mode. PictureFillMode string `json:"PictureFillMode"` }
func NewPictureFill ¶
func NewPictureFill() *PictureFill
func (*PictureFill) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *PictureFill) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PictureFrame ¶
type PictureFrame struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the alternative text. AlternativeText string `json:"AlternativeText,omitempty"` // The title of alternative text associated with the shape. AlternativeTextTitle string `json:"AlternativeTextTitle,omitempty"` // Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ShapeBase is hidden. Hidden bool `json:"Hidden"` // Gets or sets the X X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the Y. Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Gets z-order position of shape ZOrderPosition int32 `json:"ZOrderPosition"` // Gets or sets the link to shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the 3D format ThreeDFormat IThreeDFormat `json:"ThreeDFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Shape type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Combined shape type. ShapeType string `json:"ShapeType"` // Fill format. PictureFillFormat IPictureFill `json:"PictureFillFormat,omitempty"` }
func NewPictureFrame ¶
func NewPictureFrame() *PictureFrame
func (*PictureFrame) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *PictureFrame) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Pipeline ¶
type Pipeline struct { // Get or sets input document. Input IInput `json:"Input,omitempty"` // Get or sets list of tasks representing pipeline. Tasks []ITask `json:"Tasks,omitempty"` }
func NewPipeline ¶
func NewPipeline() *Pipeline
func (*Pipeline) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Placeholder ¶
type Placeholder struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Index. Index int32 `json:"Index"` // Orientation. Orientation string `json:"Orientation"` // Size. Size string `json:"Size"` // Placeholder type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Shape link. Shape IResourceUri `json:"Shape,omitempty"` }
func NewPlaceholder ¶
func NewPlaceholder() *Placeholder
func (*Placeholder) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *Placeholder) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Placeholders ¶
type Placeholders struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // List for placeholder links. PlaceholderLinks []IResourceUri `json:"PlaceholderLinks,omitempty"` }
func NewPlaceholders ¶
func NewPlaceholders() *Placeholders
func (*Placeholders) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *Placeholders) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PlotArea ¶
type PlotArea struct { // the X location X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // the Y location Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Width Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Height Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // If layout of the plot area is defined manually specifies whether to layout the plot area by its inside (not including axis and axis labels) or outside. LayoutTargetType string `json:"LayoutTargetType,omitempty"` // Get or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Get or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Get or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` }
func NewPlotArea ¶
func NewPlotArea() *PlotArea
func (*PlotArea) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Portion ¶
type Portion struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Text. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` // True for bold font. FontBold string `json:"FontBold,omitempty"` // True for italic font. FontItalic string `json:"FontItalic,omitempty"` // Text underline type. FontUnderline string `json:"FontUnderline,omitempty"` // Text strikethrough type. StrikethroughType string `json:"StrikethroughType,omitempty"` // Text capitalization type. TextCapType string `json:"TextCapType,omitempty"` // Superscript or subscript of the text. Escapement float64 `json:"Escapement,omitempty"` // Intercharacter spacing increment. Spacing float64 `json:"Spacing,omitempty"` // Font color. FontColor string `json:"FontColor,omitempty"` // Highlight color. HighlightColor string `json:"HighlightColor,omitempty"` // Font height. FontHeight float64 `json:"FontHeight,omitempty"` // True to normalize the text. NormaliseHeight string `json:"NormaliseHeight,omitempty"` // True if the text proof should be disabled. ProofDisabled string `json:"ProofDisabled,omitempty"` // True if smart tag should be cleaned. SmartTagClean bool `json:"SmartTagClean"` // Minimal font size for kerning. KerningMinimalSize float64 `json:"KerningMinimalSize,omitempty"` // True if numbers should ignore East-Asian specific vertical text layout. Kumimoji string `json:"Kumimoji,omitempty"` // Proving language ID. LanguageId string `json:"LanguageId,omitempty"` // Alternative proving language ID. AlternativeLanguageId string `json:"AlternativeLanguageId,omitempty"` // True if underline style has own FillFormat properties. IsHardUnderlineFill string `json:"IsHardUnderlineFill,omitempty"` // True if underline style has own LineFormat properties. IsHardUnderlineLine string `json:"IsHardUnderlineLine,omitempty"` // Fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Underline fill format. UnderlineFillFormat IFillFormat `json:"UnderlineFillFormat,omitempty"` // Underline line format. UnderlineLineFormat ILineFormat `json:"UnderlineLineFormat,omitempty"` }
func NewPortion ¶
func NewPortion() *Portion
func (*Portion) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Portions ¶
type Portions struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // List of portion links. Items []IPortion `json:"Items,omitempty"` }
func NewPortions ¶
func NewPortions() *Portions
func (*Portions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type PptxExportOptions ¶
type PptxExportOptions struct { // Default regular font for rendering the presentation. DefaultRegularFont string `json:"DefaultRegularFont,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Height int32 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Width int32 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Export format. Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // The conformance class to which the PresentationML document conforms. Read/write Conformance. Conformance string `json:"Conformance,omitempty"` }
func NewPptxExportOptions ¶
func NewPptxExportOptions() *PptxExportOptions
func (*PptxExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *PptxExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PresentationToMerge ¶
type PresentationToMerge struct { // Get or sets the presentation path Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // Get or sets the presentation password Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Get or sets the indexes of slides to merge Slides []int32 `json:"Slides,omitempty"` // Merge (request or storage). Source string `json:"Source,omitempty"` }
func NewPresentationToMerge ¶
func NewPresentationToMerge() *PresentationToMerge
func (*PresentationToMerge) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *PresentationToMerge) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PresentationsMergeRequest ¶
type PresentationsMergeRequest struct { // Gets or sets the presentation paths. PresentationPaths []string `json:"PresentationPaths,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the presentation passwords. PresentationPasswords []string `json:"PresentationPasswords,omitempty"` }
func NewPresentationsMergeRequest ¶
func NewPresentationsMergeRequest() *PresentationsMergeRequest
func (*PresentationsMergeRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *PresentationsMergeRequest) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PresetShadowEffect ¶
type PresetShadowEffect struct { // direction Direction float64 `json:"Direction"` // distance Distance float64 `json:"Distance"` // preset Preset string `json:"Preset"` // shadow color ShadowColor string `json:"ShadowColor,omitempty"` }
func NewPresetShadowEffect ¶
func NewPresetShadowEffect() *PresetShadowEffect
func (*PresetShadowEffect) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *PresetShadowEffect) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ProtectionProperties ¶
type ProtectionProperties struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // True if document properties are encrypted. Has effect only for password protected presentations. EncryptDocumentProperties bool `json:"EncryptDocumentProperties"` // True if the document should be opened as read-only. ReadOnlyRecommended bool `json:"ReadOnlyRecommended"` // Password for read protection. ReadPassword string `json:"ReadPassword,omitempty"` // Password for write protection. WritePassword string `json:"WritePassword,omitempty"` // Returns true if the presentation protected for editing. IsWriteProtected bool `json:"IsWriteProtected"` // Returns true if the presentation protected for reading. IsEncrypted bool `json:"IsEncrypted"` }
func NewProtectionProperties ¶
func NewProtectionProperties() *ProtectionProperties
func (*ProtectionProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ProtectionProperties) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ReflectionEffect ¶
type ReflectionEffect struct { // direction Direction float64 `json:"Direction"` // fade direction FadeDirection float64 `json:"FadeDirection"` // distance Distance float64 `json:"Distance"` // blur radius BlurRadius float64 `json:"BlurRadius"` // scale horizontal ScaleHorizontal float64 `json:"ScaleHorizontal"` // scale vertical ScaleVertical float64 `json:"ScaleVertical"` // skew horizontal SkewHorizontal float64 `json:"SkewHorizontal"` // skew vertical SkewVertical float64 `json:"SkewVertical"` // start pos alpha StartPosAlpha float64 `json:"StartPosAlpha"` // end pos alpha EndPosAlpha float64 `json:"EndPosAlpha"` // start reflection opacity StartReflectionOpacity float64 `json:"StartReflectionOpacity"` // end reflection opacity EndReflectionOpacity float64 `json:"EndReflectionOpacity"` // rectangle alignment RectangleAlign string `json:"RectangleAlign"` // true if the reflection should rotate with the shape when the shape is rotated RotateShadowWithShape bool `json:"RotateShadowWithShape"` }
func NewReflectionEffect ¶
func NewReflectionEffect() *ReflectionEffect
func (*ReflectionEffect) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ReflectionEffect) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type RemoveShape ¶
type RemoveShape struct { // Task type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Shape path for a grouped or smart art shape. ShapePath string `json:"ShapePath,omitempty"` }
func NewRemoveShape ¶
func NewRemoveShape() *RemoveShape
func (*RemoveShape) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *RemoveShape) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type RemoveSlide ¶
type RemoveSlide struct { // Task type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Position of slide to be removed. Position int32 `json:"Position"` }
func NewRemoveSlide ¶
func NewRemoveSlide() *RemoveSlide
func (*RemoveSlide) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *RemoveSlide) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ReorderSlide ¶
type ReorderSlide struct { // Task type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Old position. OldPosition int32 `json:"OldPosition"` // New position. NewPosition int32 `json:"NewPosition"` }
func NewReorderSlide ¶
func NewReorderSlide() *ReorderSlide
func (*ReorderSlide) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ReorderSlide) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ReplaceText ¶
type ReplaceText struct { // Task type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Text to be replaced. OldText string `json:"OldText,omitempty"` // Text to replace with. NewText string `json:"NewText,omitempty"` // True to ignore case in replace pattern search. IgnoreCase bool `json:"IgnoreCase"` // One-based position of the slide to perform the replace in. 0 to make the replace throughout the presentation. SlidePosition int32 `json:"SlidePosition"` }
func NewReplaceText ¶
func NewReplaceText() *ReplaceText
func (*ReplaceText) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ReplaceText) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type RequestInputFile ¶
type RequestInputFile struct { // Get or sets password to open document. Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // File type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Get or sets index of file from request. Index int32 `json:"Index"` }
func NewRequestInputFile ¶
func NewRequestInputFile() *RequestInputFile
func (*RequestInputFile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *RequestInputFile) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ResetSlide ¶
type ResetSlide struct { // Task type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Slide position. Position int32 `json:"Position"` }
func NewResetSlide ¶
func NewResetSlide() *ResetSlide
func (*ResetSlide) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ResetSlide) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ResourceBase ¶
type ResourceBase struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` }
func NewResourceBase ¶
func NewResourceBase() *ResourceBase
func (*ResourceBase) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ResourceBase) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ResourceUri ¶
type ResourceUri struct { // Gets or sets the href. Href string `json:"Href,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the relation. Relation string `json:"Relation,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the type of link. LinkType string `json:"LinkType,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the title of link. Title string `json:"Title,omitempty"` }
func NewResourceUri ¶
func NewResourceUri() *ResourceUri
func (*ResourceUri) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ResourceUri) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ResponseOutputFile ¶
type ResponseOutputFile struct { // File type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` }
func NewResponseOutputFile ¶
func NewResponseOutputFile() *ResponseOutputFile
func (*ResponseOutputFile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ResponseOutputFile) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ResultRule ¶
type Save ¶
type Save struct { // Task type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Format. Format string `json:"Format"` // Output file. Output IOutputFile `json:"Output,omitempty"` // Save options. Options IExportOptions `json:"Options,omitempty"` }
func (*Save) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SaveShape ¶
type SaveShape struct { // Task type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Format. Format string `json:"Format"` // Shape path. ShapePath string `json:"ShapePath,omitempty"` // Output file. Output IOutputFile `json:"Output,omitempty"` // Save options. Options IIShapeExportOptions `json:"Options,omitempty"` }
func NewSaveShape ¶
func NewSaveShape() *SaveShape
func (*SaveShape) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SaveSlide ¶
type SaveSlide struct { // Task type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Output to save the slide to. Output IOutputFile `json:"Output,omitempty"` // Save format. Format string `json:"Format"` // Save options. Options IExportOptions `json:"Options,omitempty"` // Result width for saving to an image format. Width int32 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Result height for saving to an image format. Height int32 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Slide index. Position int32 `json:"Position"` }
func NewSaveSlide ¶
func NewSaveSlide() *SaveSlide
func (*SaveSlide) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ScatterChartDataPoint ¶
type ScatterChartDataPoint struct { // X-value XValue float64 `json:"XValue"` // Y-value YValue float64 `json:"YValue"` }
func NewScatterChartDataPoint ¶
func NewScatterChartDataPoint() *ScatterChartDataPoint
func (*ScatterChartDataPoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ScatterChartDataPoint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ScatterSeries ¶
type ScatterSeries struct { // Series type. Type_ string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Series name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // True if each data marker in the series has a different color. IsColorVaried bool `json:"IsColorVaried"` // Invert solid color for the series. InvertedSolidFillColor string `json:"InvertedSolidFillColor,omitempty"` // True if curve smoothing is turned on. Applies only to line and scatter connected by lines charts. Smooth bool `json:"Smooth"` // True if the series is plotted on second value axis. PlotOnSecondAxis bool `json:"PlotOnSecondAxis"` // Series order. Order int32 `json:"Order,omitempty"` // The number format for the series y values. NumberFormatOfYValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfYValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series x values. NumberFormatOfXValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfXValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series values. NumberFormatOfValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series bubble sizes. NumberFormatOfBubbleSizes string `json:"NumberFormatOfBubbleSizes,omitempty"` // True if the series shall invert its colors if the value is negative. Applies to bar, column and bubble series. InvertIfNegative bool `json:"InvertIfNegative"` // The distance of an open pie slice from the center of the pie chart is expressed as a percentage of the pie diameter. Explosion int32 `json:"Explosion,omitempty"` // Series marker. Marker ISeriesMarker `json:"Marker,omitempty"` // Fill properties set for the series. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Effect properties set for the series. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Line properties set for the series. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Data point type. DataPointType string `json:"DataPointType"` // Gets or sets the values. DataPoints []IScatterChartDataPoint `json:"DataPoints,omitempty"` }
func NewScatterSeries ¶
func NewScatterSeries() *ScatterSeries
func (*ScatterSeries) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ScatterSeries) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Section ¶
type Section struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // One-based index of slide with which the section starts. FirstSlideIndex int32 `json:"FirstSlideIndex"` // Links to the shapes contained in the section. SlideList []IResourceUri `json:"SlideList,omitempty"` }
func NewSection ¶
func NewSection() *Section
func (*Section) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Sections ¶
type Sections struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // List of slide links. SectionList []ISection `json:"SectionList,omitempty"` }
func NewSections ¶
func NewSections() *Sections
func (*Sections) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Series ¶
type Series struct { // Series type. Type_ string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Series name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // True if each data marker in the series has a different color. IsColorVaried bool `json:"IsColorVaried"` // Invert solid color for the series. InvertedSolidFillColor string `json:"InvertedSolidFillColor,omitempty"` // True if curve smoothing is turned on. Applies only to line and scatter connected by lines charts. Smooth bool `json:"Smooth"` // True if the series is plotted on second value axis. PlotOnSecondAxis bool `json:"PlotOnSecondAxis"` // Series order. Order int32 `json:"Order,omitempty"` // The number format for the series y values. NumberFormatOfYValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfYValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series x values. NumberFormatOfXValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfXValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series values. NumberFormatOfValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series bubble sizes. NumberFormatOfBubbleSizes string `json:"NumberFormatOfBubbleSizes,omitempty"` // True if the series shall invert its colors if the value is negative. Applies to bar, column and bubble series. InvertIfNegative bool `json:"InvertIfNegative"` // The distance of an open pie slice from the center of the pie chart is expressed as a percentage of the pie diameter. Explosion int32 `json:"Explosion,omitempty"` // Series marker. Marker ISeriesMarker `json:"Marker,omitempty"` // Fill properties set for the series. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Effect properties set for the series. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Line properties set for the series. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` DataPointType string `json:"DataPointType,omitempty"` }
func (*Series) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SeriesMarker ¶
type SeriesMarker struct { // size Size int32 `json:"Size,omitempty"` // symbol Symbol string `json:"Symbol,omitempty"` // Get or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Get or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Get or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` }
func NewSeriesMarker ¶
func NewSeriesMarker() *SeriesMarker
func (*SeriesMarker) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *SeriesMarker) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Shape ¶
type Shape struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the alternative text. AlternativeText string `json:"AlternativeText,omitempty"` // The title of alternative text associated with the shape. AlternativeTextTitle string `json:"AlternativeTextTitle,omitempty"` // Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ShapeBase is hidden. Hidden bool `json:"Hidden"` // Gets or sets the X X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the Y. Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Gets z-order position of shape ZOrderPosition int32 `json:"ZOrderPosition"` // Gets or sets the link to shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the 3D format ThreeDFormat IThreeDFormat `json:"ThreeDFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Shape type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Combined shape type. ShapeType string `json:"ShapeType"` // Gets or sets the text. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` // Get or sets list to paragraphs list Paragraphs IResourceUri `json:"Paragraphs,omitempty"` }
func (*Shape) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ShapeBase ¶
type ShapeBase struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the alternative text. AlternativeText string `json:"AlternativeText,omitempty"` // The title of alternative text associated with the shape. AlternativeTextTitle string `json:"AlternativeTextTitle,omitempty"` // Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ShapeBase is hidden. Hidden bool `json:"Hidden"` // Gets or sets the X X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the Y. Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Gets z-order position of shape ZOrderPosition int32 `json:"ZOrderPosition"` // Gets or sets the link to shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the 3D format ThreeDFormat IThreeDFormat `json:"ThreeDFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` Type_ string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
func NewShapeBase ¶
func NewShapeBase() *ShapeBase
func (*ShapeBase) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ShapeBevel ¶ added in v21.12.0
type ShapeBevel struct { // Bevel type BevelType string `json:"BevelType,omitempty"` // Bevel width Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Bevel height Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` }
func NewShapeBevel ¶ added in v21.12.0
func NewShapeBevel() *ShapeBevel
func (*ShapeBevel) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v21.12.0
func (this *ShapeBevel) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ShapeExportFormat ¶
type ShapeExportFormat string
ShapeExportFormat : Represents a format for individual shape export.
const ( ShapeExportFormat_Jpeg ShapeExportFormat = "Jpeg" ShapeExportFormat_Png ShapeExportFormat = "Png" ShapeExportFormat_Gif ShapeExportFormat = "Gif" ShapeExportFormat_Bmp ShapeExportFormat = "Bmp" ShapeExportFormat_Tiff ShapeExportFormat = "Tiff" ShapeExportFormat_Svg ShapeExportFormat = "Svg" )
List of ShapeExportFormat ShapeExportFormat
type ShapeImageExportOptions ¶
type ShapeImageExportOptions struct { // Get or sets scaling ratio by X axis. ScaleX float64 `json:"ScaleX,omitempty"` // Get or sets scaling ratio by Y axis. ScaleY float64 `json:"ScaleY,omitempty"` // Get or sets thumbnail bounds ThumbnailBounds string `json:"ThumbnailBounds,omitempty"` // Gets export format. Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` }
func NewShapeImageExportOptions ¶
func NewShapeImageExportOptions() *ShapeImageExportOptions
func (*ShapeImageExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ShapeImageExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ShapeThumbnailBounds ¶
type ShapeThumbnailBounds string
ShapeThumbnailBounds : Represents thumnail bounds settings.
const ( ShapeThumbnailBounds_Slide ShapeThumbnailBounds = "Slide" ShapeThumbnailBounds_Shape ShapeThumbnailBounds = "Shape" ShapeThumbnailBounds_Appearance ShapeThumbnailBounds = "Appearance" )
List of ShapeThumbnailBounds ShapeThumbnailBounds
type Shapes ¶
type Shapes struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // List of shape links. ShapesLinks []IResourceUri `json:"ShapesLinks,omitempty"` }
func (*Shapes) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ShapesAlignmentType ¶ added in v21.3.0
type ShapesAlignmentType string
ShapesAlignmentType :
const ( ShapesAlignmentType_AlignLeft ShapesAlignmentType = "AlignLeft" ShapesAlignmentType_AlignRight ShapesAlignmentType = "AlignRight" ShapesAlignmentType_AlignCenter ShapesAlignmentType = "AlignCenter" ShapesAlignmentType_AlignTop ShapesAlignmentType = "AlignTop" ShapesAlignmentType_AlignMiddle ShapesAlignmentType = "AlignMiddle" ShapesAlignmentType_AlignBottom ShapesAlignmentType = "AlignBottom" ShapesAlignmentType_DistributeHorizontally ShapesAlignmentType = "DistributeHorizontally" ShapesAlignmentType_DistributeVertically ShapesAlignmentType = "DistributeVertically" )
List of ShapesAlignmentType ShapesAlignmentType
type Slide ¶
type Slide struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height"` // Specifies if shapes of the master slide should be shown on the slide. True by default. ShowMasterShapes bool `json:"ShowMasterShapes"` // Gets or sets the link to the layout slide. LayoutSlide IResourceUri `json:"LayoutSlide,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the link to list of top-level shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the link to theme. Theme IResourceUri `json:"Theme,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the link to placeholders. Placeholders IResourceUri `json:"Placeholders,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the link to images. Images IResourceUri `json:"Images,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the link to comments. Comments IResourceUri `json:"Comments,omitempty"` // Get or sets the link to slide's background Background IResourceUri `json:"Background,omitempty"` // Get or sets the link to notes slide. NotesSlide IResourceUri `json:"NotesSlide,omitempty"` }
func (*Slide) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SlideAnimation ¶
type SlideAnimation struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Main sequence. MainSequence []IEffect `json:"MainSequence,omitempty"` // Interactive sequence list. InteractiveSequences []IInteractiveSequence `json:"InteractiveSequences,omitempty"` }
func NewSlideAnimation ¶
func NewSlideAnimation() *SlideAnimation
func (*SlideAnimation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *SlideAnimation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type SlideBackground ¶
type SlideBackground struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Fill type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` }
func NewSlideBackground ¶
func NewSlideBackground() *SlideBackground
func (*SlideBackground) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *SlideBackground) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type SlideComment ¶
type SlideComment struct { // Author. Author string `json:"Author,omitempty"` // Text. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` // Creation time. CreatedTime string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty"` // Child comments. ChildComments []ISlideComment `json:"ChildComments,omitempty"` }
func NewSlideComment ¶
func NewSlideComment() *SlideComment
func (*SlideComment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *SlideComment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type SlideComments ¶
type SlideComments struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Slide comment list. List []ISlideComment `json:"List,omitempty"` }
func NewSlideComments ¶
func NewSlideComments() *SlideComments
func (*SlideComments) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *SlideComments) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type SlideExportFormat ¶
type SlideExportFormat string
SlideExportFormat : Slide Export Format
const ( SlideExportFormat_Jpeg SlideExportFormat = "Jpeg" SlideExportFormat_Png SlideExportFormat = "Png" SlideExportFormat_Gif SlideExportFormat = "Gif" SlideExportFormat_Bmp SlideExportFormat = "Bmp" SlideExportFormat_Tiff SlideExportFormat = "Tiff" SlideExportFormat_Html SlideExportFormat = "Html" SlideExportFormat_Pdf SlideExportFormat = "Pdf" SlideExportFormat_Xps SlideExportFormat = "Xps" SlideExportFormat_Pptx SlideExportFormat = "Pptx" SlideExportFormat_Odp SlideExportFormat = "Odp" SlideExportFormat_Otp SlideExportFormat = "Otp" SlideExportFormat_Ppt SlideExportFormat = "Ppt" SlideExportFormat_Pps SlideExportFormat = "Pps" SlideExportFormat_Ppsx SlideExportFormat = "Ppsx" SlideExportFormat_Pptm SlideExportFormat = "Pptm" SlideExportFormat_Ppsm SlideExportFormat = "Ppsm" SlideExportFormat_Potx SlideExportFormat = "Potx" SlideExportFormat_Pot SlideExportFormat = "Pot" SlideExportFormat_Potm SlideExportFormat = "Potm" SlideExportFormat_Svg SlideExportFormat = "Svg" SlideExportFormat_Fodp SlideExportFormat = "Fodp" )
List of SlideExportFormat SlideExportFormat
type SlideProperties ¶
type SlideProperties struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // First slide number. FirstSlideNumber int32 `json:"FirstSlideNumber,omitempty"` // Slide orientation. Orientation string `json:"Orientation,omitempty"` // Scale type. ScaleType string `json:"ScaleType,omitempty"` // Size type. SizeType string `json:"SizeType,omitempty"` // Width. Width int32 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Height. Height int32 `json:"Height,omitempty"` }
func NewSlideProperties ¶
func NewSlideProperties() *SlideProperties
func (*SlideProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *SlideProperties) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type SlideReplaceResult ¶
type SlideReplaceResult struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height"` // Specifies if shapes of the master slide should be shown on the slide. True by default. ShowMasterShapes bool `json:"ShowMasterShapes"` // Gets or sets the link to the layout slide. LayoutSlide IResourceUri `json:"LayoutSlide,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the link to list of top-level shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the link to theme. Theme IResourceUri `json:"Theme,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the link to placeholders. Placeholders IResourceUri `json:"Placeholders,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the link to images. Images IResourceUri `json:"Images,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the link to comments. Comments IResourceUri `json:"Comments,omitempty"` // Get or sets the link to slide's background Background IResourceUri `json:"Background,omitempty"` // Get or sets the link to notes slide. NotesSlide IResourceUri `json:"NotesSlide,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the number of matches Matches int32 `json:"Matches"` }
func NewSlideReplaceResult ¶
func NewSlideReplaceResult() *SlideReplaceResult
func (*SlideReplaceResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *SlideReplaceResult) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Slides ¶
type Slides struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // List of slide links. SlideList []IResourceUri `json:"SlideList,omitempty"` }
func (*Slides) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SlidesApiService ¶
type SlidesApiService service
func (*SlidesApiService) AlignShapes ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) AlignShapes(name string, slideIndex int32, alignmentType string, alignToSlide *bool, shapes []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Changes the placement of selected shapes on the slide. Aligns shapes to the margins or the edge of the slide or aligns them relative to each other. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param alignmentType Alignment type that will be applied to the shapes. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "alignToSlide" (bool) If true, shapes will be aligned relative to the slide edges. @param "shapes" ([]int32) Shapes indexes. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Shapes
func (*SlidesApiService) AlignSpecialSlideShapes ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) AlignSpecialSlideShapes(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, alignmentType string, alignToSlide *bool, shapes []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Changes the placement of selected shapes on the master slide. Aligns shapes to the margins or the edge of the slide or aligns them relative to each other. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param alignmentType Alignment type that will be applied to the shapes. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "alignToSlide" (bool) If true, shapes will be aligned relative to the slide edges. @param "shapes" ([]int32) Shapes indexes. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Shapes
func (*SlidesApiService) Convert ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) Convert(document []byte, format string, password string, storage string, fontsFolder string, slides []int32, options IExportOptions) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Convert presentation from request content to format specified. @param document Document data. @param format Export format. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "storage" (string) Document storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Custom fonts folder. @param "slides" ([]int32) The indices of the slides to be converted. If not specified, all slides are converted by default. @param "options" (ExportOptions) Export options.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) ConvertAndSave ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) ConvertAndSave(document []byte, format string, outPath string, password string, storage string, fontsFolder string, slides []int32, options IExportOptions) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Convert presentation from request content to format specified. @param document Document data. @param format Export format. @param outPath Path to save result. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "storage" (string) Document storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Custom fonts folder. @param "slides" ([]int32) The indices of the slides to be converted. If not specified, all slides are converted by default. @param "options" (ExportOptions) Export options.
func (*SlidesApiService) CopyFile ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) CopyFile(srcPath string, destPath string, srcStorageName string, destStorageName string, versionId string) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Copy file @param srcPath Source file path e.g. '/folder/file.ext' @param destPath Destination file path @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "srcStorageName" (string) Source storage name @param "destStorageName" (string) Destination storage name @param "versionId" (string) File version ID to copy
func (*SlidesApiService) CopyFolder ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) CopyFolder(srcPath string, destPath string, srcStorageName string, destStorageName string) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Copy folder @param srcPath Source folder path e.g. '/src' @param destPath Destination folder path e.g. '/dst' @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "srcStorageName" (string) Source storage name @param "destStorageName" (string) Destination storage name
func (*SlidesApiService) CopyLayoutSlide ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CopyLayoutSlide(name string, cloneFrom string, cloneFromPosition int32, cloneFromPassword string, cloneFromStorage string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ILayoutSlide, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Copy layoutSlide from source presentation. @param name Document name. @param cloneFrom Name of the document to clone layoutSlide from. @param cloneFromPosition Position of cloned layout slide. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "cloneFromPassword" (string) Password for the document to clone layoutSlide from. @param "cloneFromStorage" (string) Storage of the document to clone layoutSlide from. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return LayoutSlide
func (*SlidesApiService) CopyMasterSlide ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CopyMasterSlide(name string, cloneFrom string, cloneFromPosition int32, cloneFromPassword string, cloneFromStorage string, applyToAll *bool, password string, folder string, storage string) (IMasterSlide, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Copy masterSlide from source presentation. @param name Document name. @param cloneFrom Name of the document to clone masterSlide from. @param cloneFromPosition Position of cloned master slide. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "cloneFromPassword" (string) Password for the document to clone masterSlide from. @param "cloneFromStorage" (string) Storage of the document to clone masterSlide from. @param "applyToAll" (bool) True to apply cloned master slide to every existing slide. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return MasterSlide
func (*SlidesApiService) CopySlide ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CopySlide(name string, slideToCopy int32, position *int32, source string, sourcePassword string, sourceStorage string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlides, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Copy a slide from the current or another presentation. @param name Document name. @param slideToCopy The index of the slide to be copied from the source presentation. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "position" (int32) The target position at which to copy the slide. Copy to the end by default. @param "source" (string) Name of the document to copy a slide from. @param "sourcePassword" (string) Password for the document to copy a slide from. @param "sourceStorage" (string) Template storage name. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Slides
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateAnimationEffect ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateAnimationEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, effect IEffect, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Add an effect to slide animation. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param effect Animation effect DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateAnimationInteractiveSequence ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateAnimationInteractiveSequence(name string, slideIndex int32, sequence IInteractiveSequence, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Set slide animation. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param sequence Animation sequence DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, sequenceIndex int32, effect IEffect, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Add an animation effect to a slide interactive sequence. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param sequenceIndex The position of the interactive sequence. @param effect Animation effect DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateChartCategory ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateChartCategory(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, category IChartCategory, password string, folder string, storage string) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Add a new category to a chart. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param category Category DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Chart
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateChartDataPoint ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateChartDataPoint(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, seriesIndex int32, dataPoint IDataPoint, password string, folder string, storage string) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Add a new data point to a chart series. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param seriesIndex Series index. @param dataPoint Data point DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Chart
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateChartSeries ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateChartSeries(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, series ISeries, password string, folder string, storage string) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Add a new series to a chart. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index (must be a chart). @param series Series DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Chart
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateComment ¶ added in v21.6.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateComment(name string, slideIndex int32, dto ISlideComment, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideComments, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Adds the comment on the slide. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param dto Comment DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideComments
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateCommentOnline ¶ added in v21.6.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateCommentOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, dto ISlideComment, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Adds the comment on the slide. @param document Document data. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param dto Comment DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateFolder ¶
SlidesApiService Create the folder @param path Folder path to create e.g. 'folder_1/folder_2/' @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "storageName" (string) Storage name
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateImageWatermark ¶ added in v21.4.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateImageWatermark(name string, image []byte, pictureFrame IPictureFrame, password string, folder string, storage string) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Adds an image watermark to each slide of the presentation. Image can be provided as a part of the form or withing PictureFrame DTO for detailed customization. Both options are applicable simultaneously. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "image" ([]byte) Image data. @param "pictureFrame" (PictureFrame) PictureFrame DTO @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateImageWatermarkOnline ¶ added in v21.4.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateImageWatermarkOnline(document []byte, image []byte, pictureFrame IPictureFrame, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Adds an image watermark to each slide of the presentation. Image can be provided as a part of the form or withing PictureFrame DTO for detailed customization. Both options are applicable simultaneously. @param document Document data. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "image" ([]byte) Image data. @param "pictureFrame" (PictureFrame) PictureFrame DTO. @param "password" (string) Document password.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateNotesSlide ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateNotesSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, dto INotesSlide, password string, folder string, storage string) (INotesSlide, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Add new notes slide. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param dto A NotesSlide object with notes slide data. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return NotesSlide
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateParagraph ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, dto IParagraph, position *int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Creates new paragraph. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param dto Paragraph DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "position" (int32) Position of the new paragraph in the list. Default is at the end of the list. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraph
func (*SlidesApiService) CreatePortion ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreatePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, dto IPortion, position *int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Creates new portion. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param dto Portion DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "position" (int32) Position of the new portion in the list. Default is at the end of the list. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portion
func (*SlidesApiService) CreatePresentation ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreatePresentation(name string, data []byte, inputPassword string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Create a presentation. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "data" ([]byte) Source presentation binary data. @param "inputPassword" (string) The password for source presentation. @param "password" (string) The document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Document
func (*SlidesApiService) CreatePresentationFromSource ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreatePresentationFromSource(name string, sourcePath string, sourcePassword string, sourceStorage string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Create a presentation from an existing source. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "sourcePath" (string) Source file path. @param "sourcePassword" (string) Source file password. @param "sourceStorage" (string) Source storage name. @param "password" (string) The document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Document
func (*SlidesApiService) CreatePresentationFromTemplate ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreatePresentationFromTemplate(name string, templatePath string, data string, templatePassword string, templateStorage string, isImageDataEmbedded *bool, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Create a presentation. @param name Document name. @param templatePath Template file path. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "data" (string) Document input data. @param "templatePassword" (string) Template file password. @param "templateStorage" (string) Template storage name. @param "isImageDataEmbedded" (bool) True if image data is embedded. @param "password" (string) The document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Document
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateSection ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSection(name string, sectionName string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISections, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Create a section starting at a specified slide index. @param name Document name. @param sectionName Section name. @param slideIndex Slide index (one-based). @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Sections
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateShape ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateShape(name string, slideIndex int32, dto IShapeBase, shapeToClone *int32, position *int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Create new shape. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "dto" (ShapeBase) Shape DTO. @param "shapeToClone" (int32) Optional index for clone shape instead of adding a new one. @param "position" (int32) Position of the new shape in the list. Default is at the end of the list. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ShapeBase
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateSlide ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSlide(name string, layoutAlias string, position *int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlides, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Create a slide. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "layoutAlias" (string) Alias of layout slide for new slide. Alias may be the type of layout, name of layout slide or index @param "position" (int32) The target position at which to create the slide. Add to the end by default. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Slides
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideAnimationEffect ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideAnimationEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, effect IEffect, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Add an effect to special slide (master, layout, notes) animation. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param effect Animation effect DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequence ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequence(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, sequence IInteractiveSequence, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Set special slide (master, layout, notes) animation. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param sequence Animation sequence DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, sequenceIndex int32, effect IEffect, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Add an animation effect to a special slide (master, layout, notes) interactive sequence. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param sequenceIndex The position of the interactive sequence. @param effect Animation effect DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideParagraph ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, dto IParagraph, position *int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Creates new paragraph. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param dto Paragraph DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "position" (int32) Position of the new paragraph in the list. Default is at the end of the list. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraph
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlidePortion ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlidePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, dto IPortion, position *int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Creates new portion. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param dto Portion DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "position" (int32) Position of the new portion in the list. Default is at the end of the list. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portion
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideShape ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideShape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, dto IShapeBase, shapeToClone *int32, position *int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Create new shape. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "dto" (ShapeBase) Shape DTO. @param "shapeToClone" (int32) Optional index for clone shape instead of adding a new one. @param "position" (int32) Position of the new shape in the list. Default is at the end of the list. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ShapeBase
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideSubshape ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, dto IShapeBase, shapeToClone *int32, position *int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Create new shape (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "dto" (ShapeBase) Shape DTO. @param "shapeToClone" (int32) Optional index for clone shape instead of adding a new one. @param "position" (int32) Position of the new shape in the list. Default is at the end of the list. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ShapeBase
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraph ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, dto IParagraph, position *int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Creates new paragraph (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param dto Paragraph DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "position" (int32) Position of the new paragraph in the list. Default is at the end of the list. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraph
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideSubshapePortion ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSpecialSlideSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, dto IPortion, position *int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Creates new portion (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param dto Portion DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "position" (int32) Position of the new portion in the list. Default is at the end of the list. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portion
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateSubshape ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, dto IShapeBase, shapeToClone *int32, position *int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Create new shape (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "dto" (ShapeBase) Shape DTO. @param "shapeToClone" (int32) Optional index for clone shape instead of adding a new one. @param "position" (int32) Position of the new shape in the list. Default is at the end of the list. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ShapeBase
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateSubshapeParagraph ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, dto IParagraph, position *int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Creates new paragraph (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param dto Paragraph DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "position" (int32) Position of the new paragraph in the list. Default is at the end of the list. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraph
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateSubshapePortion ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, dto IPortion, position *int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Creates new portion (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param dto Portion DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "position" (int32) Position of the new portion in the list. Default is at the end of the list. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portion
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateWatermark ¶ added in v21.4.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateWatermark(name string, shape IShape, fontHeight *float64, text string, fontName string, fontColor string, password string, folder string, storage string) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Adds a text watermark to each slide of the presentation. Text watermark can be setup via method arguments or withing Shape DTO for detailed customization. Both options are applicable simultaneously. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "shape" (Shape) Shape DTO @param "fontHeight" (float64) Watermark font height. @param "text" (string) Watermark text. @param "fontName" (string) Watermark font name. @param "fontColor" (string) Watermark font color. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
func (*SlidesApiService) CreateWatermarkOnline ¶ added in v21.4.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) CreateWatermarkOnline(document []byte, shape IShape, fontHeight *float64, text string, fontName string, fontColor string, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Adds a text watermark to each slide of the presentation. Text watermark can be setup via method arguments or withing Shape DTO for detailed customization. Both options are applicable simultaneously. @param document Document data. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "shape" (Shape) Shape DTO @param "fontHeight" (float64) Watermark font height. @param "text" (string) Watermark text. @param "fontName" (string) Watermark font name. @param "fontColor" (string) Watermark font color. @param "password" (string) Document password.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimation ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimation(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove animation from a slide. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimationEffect ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimationEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, effectIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove an effect from slide animation. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param effectIndex Index of the effect to be removed. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimationInteractiveSequence ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimationInteractiveSequence(name string, slideIndex int32, sequenceIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove an interactive sequence from slide animation. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param sequenceIndex The index of an interactive sequence to be deleted. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, sequenceIndex int32, effectIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove an effect from slide animation interactive sequence. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param sequenceIndex Interactive sequence index. @param effectIndex Index of the effect to be removed. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimationInteractiveSequences ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimationInteractiveSequences(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Clear all interactive sequences from slide animation. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimationMainSequence ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteAnimationMainSequence(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Clear main sequence in slide animation. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteBackground ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteBackground(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideBackground, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove background from a slide. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideBackground
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteChartCategory ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteChartCategory(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, categoryIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Delete a category from a chart. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param categoryIndex Category index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Chart
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteChartDataPoint ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteChartDataPoint(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, seriesIndex int32, pointIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Delete a data point from a chart series. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param seriesIndex Series index. @param pointIndex Data point index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Chart
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteChartSeries ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteChartSeries(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, seriesIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Delete a series from a chart. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index (must be a chart). @param seriesIndex Series index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Chart
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteComments ¶ added in v21.6.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteComments(name string, author string, password string, folder string, storage string) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Removes comments of the specified author from the presentation. If author value is not provided all comments will be removed. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "author" (string) Author of comments. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteCommentsOnline ¶ added in v21.6.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteCommentsOnline(document []byte, author string, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Removes comments of the specified author from the presentation. If author value is not provided all comments will be removed. @param document Document data. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "author" (string) Author of comments. @param "password" (string) Document password.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteDocumentProperties ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteDocumentProperties(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocumentProperties, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Clean document properties. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return DocumentProperties
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteDocumentProperty ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteDocumentProperty(name string, propertyName string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocumentProperties, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Delete document property. @param name Document name. @param propertyName The property name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return DocumentProperties
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteFile ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteFile(path string, storageName string, versionId string) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Delete file @param path File path e.g. '/folder/file.ext' @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "storageName" (string) Storage name @param "versionId" (string) File version ID to delete
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteFolder ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteFolder(path string, storageName string, recursive *bool) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Delete folder @param path Folder path e.g. '/folder' @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "storageName" (string) Storage name @param "recursive" (bool) Enable to delete folders, subfolders and files
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteNotesSlide ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteNotesSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlide, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove notes slide. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Slide
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteParagraph ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a paragraph. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraphs
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteParagraphs ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphs []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a range of paragraphs. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "paragraphs" ([]int32) The indices of the shapes to be deleted; delete all by default. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraphs
func (*SlidesApiService) DeletePortion ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeletePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portionIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a portion. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param portionIndex Portion index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portions
func (*SlidesApiService) DeletePortions ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeletePortions(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portions []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a range of portions. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "portions" ([]int32) The indices of the shapes to be deleted; delete all by default. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portions
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteProtection ¶ added in v21.4.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteProtection(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IProtectionProperties, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Resets all presentation protection settings. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Presentation password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ProtectionProperties
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteProtectionOnline ¶ added in v21.4.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteProtectionOnline(document []byte, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Resets all presentation protection settings. @param document Document data. @param password Presentation password. @return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSection ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSection(name string, sectionIndex int32, withSlides *bool, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISections, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Delete a presentation section. @param name Document name. @param sectionIndex Section index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "withSlides" (bool) True to delete the slides related to the deleted section; move them to the remaining sections otherwise. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Sections
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSections ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSections(name string, sections []int32, withSlides *bool, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISections, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Delete presentation sections. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "sections" ([]int32) The indices of the sections to be deleted; delete all by default. @param "withSlides" (bool) True to delete the slides related to the deleted sections; move them to the remaining sections otherwise. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Sections
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteShape ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteShape(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a shape. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Shapes
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteShapes ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteShapes(name string, slideIndex int32, shapes []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a range of shapes. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "shapes" ([]int32) The indices of the shapes to be deleted; delete all by default. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Shapes
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSlide ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlides, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Delete a presentation slide by index. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Slides
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSlideComments ¶ added in v21.6.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSlideComments(name string, slideIndex int32, author string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideComments, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Removes comments of the specified author from the slide. If author value is not provided all comments will be removed. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "author" (string) Author of comments. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideComments
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSlideCommentsOnline ¶ added in v21.6.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSlideCommentsOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, author string, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Removes comments of the specified author from the slide. If author value is not provided all comments will be removed. @param document Document data. @param slideIndex @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "author" (string) Author of comments. @param "password" (string) Document password.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSlides ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSlides(name string, slides []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlides, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Delete presentation slides. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "slides" ([]int32) The indices of the slides to be deleted; delete all by default. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Slides
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimation ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimation(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove animation from a special slide (master, layout, notes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationEffect ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, effectIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove an effect from special slide (master, layout, notes) animation. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param effectIndex Index of the effect to be removed. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequence ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequence(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, sequenceIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove an interactive sequence from special slide (master, layout, notes) animation. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param sequenceIndex The index of an interactive sequence to be deleted. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, sequenceIndex int32, effectIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove an effect from special slide (master, layout, notes) animation interactive sequence. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param sequenceIndex Interactive sequence index. @param effectIndex Index of the effect to be removed. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequences ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequences(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Clear all interactive sequences from special slide (master, layout, notes) animation. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationMainSequence ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationMainSequence(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Clear main sequence in special slide (master, layout, notes) animation. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideParagraph ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a paragraph. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraphs
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideParagraphs ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphs []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a range of paragraphs. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "paragraphs" ([]int32) The indices of the shapes to be deleted; delete all by default. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraphs
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlidePortion ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlidePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portionIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a portion. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param portionIndex Portion index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portions
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlidePortions ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlidePortions(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portions []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a range of portions. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "portions" ([]int32) The indices of the shapes to be deleted; delete all by default. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portions
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideShape ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideShape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a shape. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Shapes
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideShapes ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideShapes(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapes []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a range of shapes. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "shapes" ([]int32) The indices of the shapes to be deleted; delete all by default. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Shapes
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshape ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a shape (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Shapes
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraph ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a paragraph (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraphs
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraphs ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphs []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a range of paragraphs (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "paragraphs" ([]int32) The indices of the shapes to be deleted; delete all by default. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraphs
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapePortion ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portionIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a portion (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param portionIndex Portion index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portions
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapePortions ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapePortions(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portions []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a range of portions (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "portions" ([]int32) The indices of the shapes to be deleted; delete all by default. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portions
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapes ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapes(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapes []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a range of shapes (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "shapes" ([]int32) The indices of the shapes to be deleted; delete all by default. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Shapes
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshape ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a shape (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Shapes
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshapeParagraph ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a paragraph (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraphs
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshapeParagraphs ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshapeParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphs []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a range of paragraphs (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "paragraphs" ([]int32) The indices of the shapes to be deleted; delete all by default. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraphs
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshapePortion ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portionIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a portion (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param portionIndex Portion index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portions
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshapePortions ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshapePortions(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portions []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a range of portions (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "portions" ([]int32) The indices of the shapes to be deleted; delete all by default. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portions
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshapes ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteSubshapes(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapes []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Remove a range of shapes (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "shapes" ([]int32) The indices of the shapes to be deleted; delete all by default. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Shapes
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteWatermark ¶ added in v21.4.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteWatermark(name string, shapeName string, password string, folder string, storage string) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Removes shapes with name \"watermark\" from the presentation. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "shapeName" (string) Name of the watermark shape. If null, default value \"watermark\"is used. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
func (*SlidesApiService) DeleteWatermarkOnline ¶ added in v21.4.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DeleteWatermarkOnline(document []byte, shapeName string, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Removes shapes with name \"watermark\" from the presentation. @param document Document data. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "shapeName" (string) Name of the watermark shape. If null, default value \"watermark\"is used. @param "password" (string) Document password.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadFile ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadFile(path string, storageName string, versionId string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Download file @param path File path e.g. '/folder/file.ext' @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "storageName" (string) Storage name @param "versionId" (string) File version ID to download
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadImage ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImage(name string, index int32, format string, password string, folder string, storage string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get image in specified format. @param name Document name. @param index Image index. @param format Export format (png, jpg, gif). @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadImageDefaultFormat ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImageDefaultFormat(name string, index int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get image binary data. @param name Document name. @param index Image index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadImageDefaultFormatOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImageDefaultFormatOnline(document []byte, index int32, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get image binary data. @param document Document data. @param index Image index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadImageOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImageOnline(document []byte, index int32, format string, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get image in specified format. @param document Document data. @param index Image index. @param format Export format (png, jpg, gif). @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadImages ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImages(name string, format string, password string, folder string, storage string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get all presentation images in specified format. @param name @param format Export format (png, jpg, gif). @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadImagesDefaultFormat ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImagesDefaultFormat(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get all presentation images. @param name @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadImagesDefaultFormatOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImagesDefaultFormatOnline(document []byte, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get all presentation images. @param document Document data. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadImagesOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadImagesOnline(document []byte, format string, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get all presentation images in specified format. @param document Document data. @param format Export format (png, jpg, gif). @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadNotesSlide ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadNotesSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, format string, width *int32, height *int32, password string, folder string, storage string, fontsFolder string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Convert notes slide to the specified image format. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param format Output file format. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "width" (int32) Output file width. @param "height" (int32) Output file height. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Storage folder containing custom fonts to be used with the document.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadNotesSlideOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadNotesSlideOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, format string, width *int32, height *int32, password string, fontsFolder string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Convert notes slide to the specified image format. @param document Document data. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param format Output file format. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "width" (int32) Output file width. @param "height" (int32) Output file height. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Storage folder containing custom fonts to be used with the document.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadPresentation ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadPresentation(name string, format string, options IExportOptions, password string, folder string, storage string, fontsFolder string, slides []int32) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Save a presentation to a specified format. @param name Document name. @param format Export format. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "options" (ExportOptions) Export options. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Custom fonts folder. @param "slides" ([]int32) The indices of the slides to be saved. If not specified, all slides are saved by default.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadShape ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadShape(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, format string, options IIShapeExportOptions, scaleX *float64, scaleY *float64, bounds string, password string, folder string, storage string, fontsFolder string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Render shape to specified picture format. @param name Presentation name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Index of shape starting from 1 @param format Export picture format. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "options" (IShapeExportOptions) export options @param "scaleX" (float64) X scale ratio. @param "scaleY" (float64) Y scale ratio. @param "bounds" (string) Shape thumbnail bounds type. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Presentation folder. @param "storage" (string) Presentation storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Fonts folder.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadShapeOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadShapeOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, format string, scaleX *float64, scaleY *float64, bounds string, password string, storage string, fontsFolder string, options IIShapeExportOptions) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Render shape to specified picture format. @param document Document data. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Index of shape starting from 1 @param format Export picture format. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "scaleX" (float64) X scale ratio. @param "scaleY" (float64) Y scale ratio. @param "bounds" (string) Shape thumbnail bounds type. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "storage" (string) Document storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Fonts folder. @param "options" (IShapeExportOptions) Export options.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadSlide ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, format string, options IExportOptions, width *int32, height *int32, password string, folder string, storage string, fontsFolder string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Save a slide to a specified format. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param format Output file format. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "options" (ExportOptions) Export options. @param "width" (int32) Output file width; 0 to not adjust the size. Default is 0. @param "height" (int32) Output file height; 0 to not adjust the size. Default is 0. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Storage folder containing custom fonts to be used with the document.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadSlideOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadSlideOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, format string, width *int32, height *int32, password string, storage string, fontsFolder string, options IExportOptions) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Save a slide to a specified format. @param document Document data. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param format Output file format. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "width" (int32) Output file width; 0 to not adjust the size. Default is 0. @param "height" (int32) Output file height; 0 to not adjust the size. Default is 0. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "storage" (string) Document storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Storage folder containing custom fonts to be used with the document. @param "options" (ExportOptions) Export options.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadSpecialSlideShape ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadSpecialSlideShape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, format string, options IIShapeExportOptions, scaleX *float64, scaleY *float64, bounds string, password string, folder string, storage string, fontsFolder string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Render shape to specified picture format. @param name Presentation name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Index of shape starting from 1 @param format Export picture format. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "options" (IShapeExportOptions) Export options @param "scaleX" (float64) X scale ratio. @param "scaleY" (float64) Y scale ratio. @param "bounds" (string) Shape thumbnail bounds type. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Presentation folder. @param "storage" (string) Presentation storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Fonts folder.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadSpecialSlideSubshape ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadSpecialSlideSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, format string, options IIShapeExportOptions, scaleX *float64, scaleY *float64, bounds string, password string, folder string, storage string, fontsFolder string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Render shape to specified picture format (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Presentation name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Index of shape starting from 1 @param format Export picture format. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "options" (IShapeExportOptions) export options @param "scaleX" (float64) X scale ratio. @param "scaleY" (float64) Y scale ratio. @param "bounds" (string) Shape thumbnail bounds type. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Presentation folder. @param "storage" (string) Presentation storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Fonts folder.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) DownloadSubshape ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) DownloadSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, format string, options IIShapeExportOptions, scaleX *float64, scaleY *float64, bounds string, password string, folder string, storage string, fontsFolder string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Render shape to specified picture format (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Presentation name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Index of shape starting from 1 @param format Export picture format. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "options" (IShapeExportOptions) export options @param "scaleX" (float64) X scale ratio. @param "scaleY" (float64) Y scale ratio. @param "bounds" (string) Shape thumbnail bounds type. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Presentation folder. @param "storage" (string) Presentation storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Fonts folder.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) GetAnimation ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetAnimation(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex *int32, paragraphIndex *int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read slide animation effects. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "shapeIndex" (int32) Shape index. If specified, only effects related to that shape are returned. @param "paragraphIndex" (int32) Paragraph index. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) GetApiInfo ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetApiInfo() (IApiInfo, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get API info. @return ApiInfo
func (*SlidesApiService) GetBackground ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetBackground(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideBackground, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read slide background info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideBackground
func (*SlidesApiService) GetColorScheme ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetColorScheme(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IColorScheme, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read slide theme color scheme info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ColorScheme
func (*SlidesApiService) GetDiscUsage ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetDiscUsage(storageName string) (IDiscUsage, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get disc usage @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "storageName" (string) Storage name
@return DiscUsage
func (*SlidesApiService) GetDocumentProperties ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetDocumentProperties(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocumentProperties, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read presentation document properties. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return DocumentProperties
func (*SlidesApiService) GetDocumentProperty ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetDocumentProperty(name string, propertyName string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocumentProperty, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read presentation document property. @param name Document name. @param propertyName The property name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return DocumentProperty
func (*SlidesApiService) GetFileVersions ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetFileVersions(path string, storageName string) (IFileVersions, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get file versions @param path File path e.g. '/file.ext' @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "storageName" (string) Storage name
@return FileVersions
func (*SlidesApiService) GetFilesList ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetFilesList(path string, storageName string) (IFilesList, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get all files and folders within a folder @param path Folder path e.g. '/folder' @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "storageName" (string) Storage name
@return FilesList
func (*SlidesApiService) GetFontScheme ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetFontScheme(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IFontScheme, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read slide theme font scheme info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return FontScheme
func (*SlidesApiService) GetFormatScheme ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetFormatScheme(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IFormatScheme, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read slide theme format scheme info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return FormatScheme
func (*SlidesApiService) GetLayoutSlide ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetLayoutSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ILayoutSlide, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read presentation layoutSlide info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return LayoutSlide
func (*SlidesApiService) GetLayoutSlides ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetLayoutSlides(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ILayoutSlides, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read presentation layoutSlides info. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return LayoutSlides
func (*SlidesApiService) GetMasterSlide ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetMasterSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IMasterSlide, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read presentation masterSlide info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return MasterSlide
func (*SlidesApiService) GetMasterSlides ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetMasterSlides(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IMasterSlides, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read presentation masterSlides info. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return MasterSlides
func (*SlidesApiService) GetNotesSlide ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetNotesSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (INotesSlide, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read notes slide info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return NotesSlide
func (*SlidesApiService) GetNotesSlideHeaderFooter ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetNotesSlideHeaderFooter(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (INotesSlideHeaderFooter, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get header/footer info for the notes slide. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return NotesSlideHeaderFooter
func (*SlidesApiService) GetNotesSlideOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetNotesSlideOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, password string) (INotesSlide, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read notes slide info. @param document Document data. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password.
@return NotesSlide
func (*SlidesApiService) GetParagraph ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read shape paragraph info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraph
func (*SlidesApiService) GetParagraphs ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read shape paragraphs info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraphs
func (*SlidesApiService) GetPlaceholder ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetPlaceholder(name string, slideIndex int32, placeholderIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPlaceholder, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read slide placeholder info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param placeholderIndex Placeholder index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Placeholder
func (*SlidesApiService) GetPlaceholders ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetPlaceholders(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPlaceholders, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read slide placeholders info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Placeholders
func (*SlidesApiService) GetPortion ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetPortion(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portionIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read paragraph portion info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param portionIndex Portion index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portion
func (*SlidesApiService) GetPortions ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetPortions(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read paragraph portions info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portions
func (*SlidesApiService) GetPresentation ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetPresentation(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read presentation info. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Document
func (*SlidesApiService) GetPresentationImages ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetPresentationImages(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IImages, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read presentation images info. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Images
func (*SlidesApiService) GetPresentationTextItems ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetPresentationTextItems(name string, withEmpty *bool, password string, folder string, storage string) (ITextItems, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Extract presentation text items. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "withEmpty" (bool) True to incude empty items. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return TextItems
func (*SlidesApiService) GetProtectionProperties ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetProtectionProperties(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IProtectionProperties, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read presentation protection properties. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ProtectionProperties
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSections ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSections(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISections, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read presentation sections info. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Sections
func (*SlidesApiService) GetShape ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetShape(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read slide shape info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ShapeBase
func (*SlidesApiService) GetShapes ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetShapes(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read slide shapes info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Shapes
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSlide ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlide, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read presentation slide info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Slide
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSlideComments ¶ added in v21.6.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSlideComments(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideComments, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read presentation slide comments. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideComments
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSlideHeaderFooter ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSlideHeaderFooter(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IHeaderFooter, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get footer info for the slide. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex The position of the slide to be reordered. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return HeaderFooter
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSlideImages ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSlideImages(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IImages, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read slide images info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Images
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSlideProperties ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSlideProperties(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideProperties, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read presentation slide properties. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideProperties
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSlideTextItems ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSlideTextItems(name string, slideIndex int32, withEmpty *bool, password string, folder string, storage string) (ITextItems, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Extract slide text items. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "withEmpty" (bool) True to include empty items. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return TextItems
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSlides ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSlides(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlides, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read presentation slides info. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Slides
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideAnimation ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideAnimation(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex *int32, paragraphIndex *int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read special slide (master, layout, notes) animation effects. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "shapeIndex" (int32) Shape index. If specified, only effects related to that shape are returned. @param "paragraphIndex" (int32) Paragraph index. If specified, only effects related to that paragraph are returned. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideParagraph ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read shape paragraph info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraph
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideParagraphs ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read special shape paragraphs info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraphs
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlidePortion ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlidePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portionIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read paragraph portion info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param portionIndex Portion index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portion
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlidePortions ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlidePortions(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read paragraph portions info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portions
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideShape ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideShape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read special slide shape info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ShapeBase
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideShapes ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideShapes(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read special slide shapes info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Shapes
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshape ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read special slide shape info (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ShapeBase
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraph ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read shape paragraph info (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraph
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraphs ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read shape paragraphs info (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraphs
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshapePortion ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portionIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read paragraph portion info (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param portionIndex Portion index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portion
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshapePortions ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshapePortions(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read paragraph portions info (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portions
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshapes ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSpecialSlideSubshapes(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read special slide shapes info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path (for smart art and group shapes). @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Shapes
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSubshape ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read slide shape info (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ShapeBase
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSubshapeParagraph ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read shape paragraph info (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraph
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSubshapeParagraphs ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSubshapeParagraphs(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraphs, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read shape paragraphs info (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraphs
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSubshapePortion ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portionIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read paragraph portion info (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param portionIndex Portion index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portion
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSubshapePortions ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSubshapePortions(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortions, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read paragraph portions info (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portions
func (*SlidesApiService) GetSubshapes ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetSubshapes(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapes, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read slide shapes info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path (for smart art and group shapes). @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Shapes
func (*SlidesApiService) GetTheme ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetTheme(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ITheme, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read slide theme info. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Theme
func (*SlidesApiService) GetViewProperties ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) GetViewProperties(name string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IViewProperties, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Read presentation document properties. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ViewProperties
func (*SlidesApiService) ImportFromHtml ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) ImportFromHtml(name string, html string, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Create presentation document from html. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "html" (string) HTML data. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Document
func (*SlidesApiService) ImportFromPdf ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) ImportFromPdf(name string, pdf []byte, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Create presentation document from pdf or append pdf to an existing presentation. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "pdf" ([]byte) PDF data. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Document
func (*SlidesApiService) Merge ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) Merge(name string, request IPresentationsMergeRequest, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Merge the presentation with other presentations specified in the request parameter. @param name Document name. @param request PresentationsMergeRequest with a list of presentations to merge. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Document
func (*SlidesApiService) MergeAndSaveOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) MergeAndSaveOnline(outPath string, files [][]byte, request IOrderedMergeRequest, storage string) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Merges presentations or some of their slides specified in the request parameter. Result will be save in the storage. @param outPath Path to save result. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "files" ([][]byte) Files to merge @param "request" (OrderedMergeRequest) Merge request. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
func (*SlidesApiService) MergeOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) MergeOnline(files [][]byte, request IOrderedMergeRequest, storage string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Merges presentations or some of their slides specified in the request parameter. Returns result file in the response. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "files" ([][]byte) Files to merge @param "request" (OrderedMergeRequest) Merge request. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) MoveFile ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) MoveFile(srcPath string, destPath string, srcStorageName string, destStorageName string, versionId string) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Move file @param srcPath Source file path e.g. '/src.ext' @param destPath Destination file path e.g. '/dest.ext' @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "srcStorageName" (string) Source storage name @param "destStorageName" (string) Destination storage name @param "versionId" (string) File version ID to move
func (*SlidesApiService) MoveFolder ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) MoveFolder(srcPath string, destPath string, srcStorageName string, destStorageName string) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Move folder @param srcPath Folder path to move e.g. '/folder' @param destPath Destination folder path to move to e.g '/dst' @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "srcStorageName" (string) Source storage name @param "destStorageName" (string) Destination storage name
func (*SlidesApiService) MoveSection ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) MoveSection(name string, sectionIndex int32, newPosition int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISections, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Move presentation section to a specified position. @param name Document name. @param sectionIndex The position of the section to be reordered. @param newPosition The new position of the reordered section. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Sections
func (*SlidesApiService) MoveSlide ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) MoveSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, newPosition int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlides, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Reorder presentation slide position. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex The position of the slide to be reordered. @param newPosition The new position of the reordered slide. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Slides
func (*SlidesApiService) NotesSlideExists ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) NotesSlideExists(name string, slideIndex int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (IEntityExists, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get info whether a notes slide exists. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return EntityExists
func (*SlidesApiService) NotesSlideExistsOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) NotesSlideExistsOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, password string) (IEntityExists, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Get info whether a notes slide exists. @param document Document data. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password.
@return EntityExists
func (*SlidesApiService) ObjectExists ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) ObjectExists(path string, storageName string, versionId string) (IObjectExist, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Check if file or folder exists @param path File or folder path e.g. '/file.ext' or '/folder' @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "storageName" (string) Storage name @param "versionId" (string) File version ID
@return ObjectExist
func (*SlidesApiService) OrderedMerge ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) OrderedMerge(name string, request IOrderedMergeRequest, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Merge the presentation with other presentations or some of their slides specified in the request parameter. @param name Document name. @param request OrderedMergeRequest with a list of presentations and slide indices to merge. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Document
func (*SlidesApiService) Pipeline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) Pipeline(pipeline IPipeline, files [][]byte) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Performs slides pipeline. @param pipeline A Pipeline object. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "files" ([][]byte) Files to upload with the pipeline
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) ReorderSlides ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) ReorderSlides(name string, oldPositions []int32, newPositions []int32, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlides, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Reorder presentation slides positions. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "oldPositions" ([]int32) A comma separated array of positions of slides to be reordered. @param "newPositions" ([]int32) A comma separated array of new slide positions. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Slides
func (*SlidesApiService) ReplacePresentationText ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) ReplacePresentationText(name string, oldValue string, newValue string, ignoreCase *bool, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocumentReplaceResult, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Replace text with a new value. @param name Document name. @param oldValue Text value to be replaced. @param newValue Text value to replace with. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "ignoreCase" (bool) True if character case must be ignored. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return DocumentReplaceResult
func (*SlidesApiService) ReplacePresentationTextOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) ReplacePresentationTextOnline(document []byte, oldValue string, newValue string, ignoreCase *bool, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Replace text with a new value. @param document Document data. @param oldValue Text value to be replaced. @param newValue Text value to replace with. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "ignoreCase" (bool) True if character case must be ignored. @param "password" (string) Document password.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) ReplaceSlideText ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) ReplaceSlideText(name string, slideIndex int32, oldValue string, newValue string, ignoreCase *bool, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideReplaceResult, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Replace text with a new value. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param oldValue Text value to be replaced. @param newValue Text value to replace with. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "ignoreCase" (bool) True if character case must be ignored. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideReplaceResult
func (*SlidesApiService) ReplaceSlideTextOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) ReplaceSlideTextOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, oldValue string, newValue string, ignoreCase *bool, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Replace slide text with a new value. @param document Document data. @param slideIndex Index of target slide. @param oldValue Text value to be replaced. @param newValue Text value to replace with. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "ignoreCase" (bool) True if character case must be ignored. @param "password" (string) Document password.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) SavePresentation ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SavePresentation(name string, format string, outPath string, options IExportOptions, password string, folder string, storage string, fontsFolder string, slides []int32) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Save a presentation to a specified format. @param name Document name. @param format Export format. @param outPath Output path. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "options" (ExportOptions) Export options. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Custom fonts folder. @param "slides" ([]int32) The indices of the slides to be saved. If not specified, all slides are saved by default.
func (*SlidesApiService) SaveShape ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SaveShape(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, format string, outPath string, options IIShapeExportOptions, scaleX *float64, scaleY *float64, bounds string, password string, folder string, storage string, fontsFolder string) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Render shape to specified picture format. @param name Presentation name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Index of shape starting from 1 @param format Export picture format. @param outPath Output path. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "options" (IShapeExportOptions) export options @param "scaleX" (float64) X scale ratio. @param "scaleY" (float64) Y scale ratio. @param "bounds" (string) Shape thumbnail bounds type. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Presentation folder. @param "storage" (string) Presentation storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Fonts folder.
func (*SlidesApiService) SaveShapeOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SaveShapeOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, format string, outPath string, scaleX *float64, scaleY *float64, bounds string, password string, storage string, fontsFolder string, options IIShapeExportOptions) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Render shape to specified picture format. @param document Document data. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Index of shape starting from 1 @param format Export picture format. @param outPath Path to save result. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "scaleX" (float64) X scale ratio. @param "scaleY" (float64) Y scale ratio. @param "bounds" (string) Shape thumbnail bounds type. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "storage" (string) Document storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Fonts folder. @param "options" (IShapeExportOptions) Export options.
func (*SlidesApiService) SaveSlide ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SaveSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, format string, outPath string, options IExportOptions, width *int32, height *int32, password string, folder string, storage string, fontsFolder string) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Save a slide to a specified format. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param format Output file format. @param outPath Path to upload the output file to. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "options" (ExportOptions) Export options. @param "width" (int32) Output file width; 0 to not adjust the size. Default is 0. @param "height" (int32) Output file height; 0 to not adjust the size. Default is 0. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Storage folder containing custom fonts to be used with the document.
func (*SlidesApiService) SaveSlideOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SaveSlideOnline(document []byte, slideIndex int32, format string, outPath string, width *int32, height *int32, password string, storage string, fontsFolder string, options IExportOptions) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Save a slide to a specified format. @param document Document data. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param format Output file format. @param outPath Path to save result. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "width" (int32) Output file width; 0 to not adjust the size. Default is 0. @param "height" (int32) Output file height; 0 to not adjust the size. Default is 0. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "storage" (string) Document storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Storage folder containing custom fonts to be used with the document. @param "options" (ExportOptions) Export options.
func (*SlidesApiService) SaveSpecialSlideShape ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SaveSpecialSlideShape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, format string, outPath string, options IIShapeExportOptions, scaleX *float64, scaleY *float64, bounds string, password string, folder string, storage string, fontsFolder string) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Render shape to specified picture format. @param name Presentation name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Index of shape starting from 1 @param format Export picture format. @param outPath Output path. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "options" (IShapeExportOptions) export options @param "scaleX" (float64) X scale ratio. @param "scaleY" (float64) Y scale ratio. @param "bounds" (string) Shape thumbnail bounds type. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Presentation folder. @param "storage" (string) Presentation storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Fonts folder.
func (*SlidesApiService) SaveSpecialSlideSubshape ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SaveSpecialSlideSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, format string, outPath string, options IIShapeExportOptions, scaleX *float64, scaleY *float64, bounds string, password string, folder string, storage string, fontsFolder string) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Render shape to specified picture format. @param name Presentation name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path (for smart art and group shapes). @param shapeIndex Index of shape starting from 1 @param format Export picture format. @param outPath Output path. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "options" (IShapeExportOptions) export options @param "scaleX" (float64) X scale ratio. @param "scaleY" (float64) Y scale ratio. @param "bounds" (string) Shape thumbnail bounds type. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Presentation folder. @param "storage" (string) Presentation storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Fonts folder.
func (*SlidesApiService) SaveSubshape ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SaveSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, format string, outPath string, options IIShapeExportOptions, scaleX *float64, scaleY *float64, bounds string, password string, folder string, storage string, fontsFolder string) (*http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Render shape to specified picture format. @param name Presentation name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path (for smart art and group shapes). @param shapeIndex Index of shape starting from 1 @param format Export picture format. @param outPath Output path. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "options" (IShapeExportOptions) export options @param "scaleX" (float64) X scale ratio. @param "scaleY" (float64) Y scale ratio. @param "bounds" (string) Shape thumbnail bounds type. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Presentation folder. @param "storage" (string) Presentation storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Fonts folder.
func (*SlidesApiService) SetAnimation ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SetAnimation(name string, slideIndex int32, animation ISlideAnimation, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Set slide animation. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param animation Animation DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) SetBackground ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SetBackground(name string, slideIndex int32, background ISlideBackground, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideBackground, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Set background for a slide. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param background Slide background update data. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideBackground
func (*SlidesApiService) SetBackgroundColor ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SetBackgroundColor(name string, slideIndex int32, color string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideBackground, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Set background color for a slide. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param color Slide background target color in RRGGBB format. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideBackground
func (*SlidesApiService) SetDocumentProperties ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SetDocumentProperties(name string, properties IDocumentProperties, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocumentProperties, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Set document properties. @param name Document name. @param properties New properties. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return DocumentProperties
func (*SlidesApiService) SetDocumentProperty ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SetDocumentProperty(name string, propertyName string, property IDocumentProperty, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocumentProperty, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Set document property. @param name Document name. @param propertyName The property name. @param property Property with the value. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return DocumentProperty
func (*SlidesApiService) SetNotesSlideHeaderFooter ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SetNotesSlideHeaderFooter(name string, slideIndex int32, dto INotesSlideHeaderFooter, password string, folder string, storage string) (INotesSlideHeaderFooter, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Set header/footer the notes slide. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param dto Header/footer to set. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return NotesSlideHeaderFooter
func (*SlidesApiService) SetPresentationHeaderFooter ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SetPresentationHeaderFooter(name string, dto IHeaderFooter, password string, folder string, storage string) (IDocument, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Set footers for all slides in a presentation. @param name Document name. @param dto HeaderFooter instance. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Document
func (*SlidesApiService) SetProtection ¶ added in v21.4.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SetProtection(name string, dto IProtectionProperties, password string, folder string, storage string) (IProtectionProperties, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Updates presentation protection properties. @param name Document name. @param dto Protection properties. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ProtectionProperties
func (*SlidesApiService) SetProtectionOnline ¶ added in v21.4.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SetProtectionOnline(document []byte, dto IProtectionProperties, password string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Sets presentation protection options. @param document Document data. @param dto Protection properties. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) SetSections ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SetSections(name string, sections ISections, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISections, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Replace existing presentation sections with the ones provided in the sections DTO. @param name Document name. @param sections Sections DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Sections
func (*SlidesApiService) SetSlideHeaderFooter ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SetSlideHeaderFooter(name string, slideIndex int32, dto IHeaderFooter, password string, folder string, storage string) (IHeaderFooter, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Set footer the slide. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex The position of the slide to be reordered. @param dto Footer to set. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return HeaderFooter
func (*SlidesApiService) SetSlideProperties ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SetSlideProperties(name string, dto ISlideProperties, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideProperties, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update presentation slide properties. @param name Document name. @param dto The view properties data. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideProperties
func (*SlidesApiService) SetSpecialSlideAnimation ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SetSpecialSlideAnimation(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, animation ISlideAnimation, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Set special slide (master, layout, notes) animation. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param animation Animation DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) SetViewProperties ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SetViewProperties(name string, dto IViewProperties, password string, folder string, storage string) (IViewProperties, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update presentation document properties. @param name Document name. @param dto The view properties data. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ViewProperties
func (*SlidesApiService) Split ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) Split(name string, options IExportOptions, format string, width *int32, height *int32, from *int32, to *int32, destFolder string, password string, folder string, storage string, fontsFolder string) (ISplitDocumentResult, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Splitting presentations. Create one image per slide. @param name Document name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "options" (ExportOptions) Export options. @param "format" (string) Export format. Default value is jpeg. @param "width" (int32) The width of created images. @param "height" (int32) The height of created images. @param "from" (int32) The start slide number for splitting, if is not specified splitting starts from the first slide of the presentation. @param "to" (int32) The last slide number for splitting, if is not specified splitting ends at the last slide of the document. @param "destFolder" (string) Folder on storage where images are going to be uploaded. If not specified then images are uploaded to same folder as presentation. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Custom fonts folder.
@return SplitDocumentResult
func (*SlidesApiService) SplitAndSaveOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SplitAndSaveOnline(document []byte, format string, destFolder string, width *int32, height *int32, from *int32, to *int32, password string, storage string, fontsFolder string) (ISplitDocumentResult, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Splits PowerPoint presentation slides from the specified range into separate files and exports them in the specified file format. If the range is not provided all slides will be processed. @param document Document data. @param format ExportFormat @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "destFolder" (string) Folder on storage where images are going to be uploaded. If not specified then images are uploaded to the root folder. @param "width" (int32) Slide width. @param "height" (int32) Slide height. @param "from" (int32) The start slide number for splitting, if is not specified splitting starts from the first slide of the presentation. @param "to" (int32) The last slide number for splitting, if is not specified splitting ends at the last slide of the document. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "storage" (string) Document storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Custom fonts folder.
@return SplitDocumentResult
func (*SlidesApiService) SplitOnline ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) SplitOnline(document []byte, format string, width *int32, height *int32, from *int32, to *int32, password string, storage string, fontsFolder string) (*os.File, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Splits PowerPoint presentation slides from the specified range into separate files and exports them in the specified file format. If the range is not provided all slides will be processed. @param document Document data. @param format ExportFormat @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "width" (int32) Slide width. @param "height" (int32) Slide height. @param "from" (int32) The start slide number for splitting, if is not specified splitting starts from the first slide of the presentation. @param "to" (int32) The last slide number for splitting, if is not specified splitting ends at the last slide of the document. @param "password" (string) Document password. @param "storage" (string) Document storage. @param "fontsFolder" (string) Custom fonts folder.
@return *os.File
func (*SlidesApiService) StorageExists ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) StorageExists(storageName string) (IStorageExist, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Check if storage exists @param storageName Storage name @return StorageExist
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateAnimationEffect ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateAnimationEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, effectIndex int32, effect IEffect, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Modify an animation effect for a slide. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param effectIndex The position of the effect to be modified. @param effect Animation effect DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, sequenceIndex int32, effectIndex int32, effect IEffect, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Modify an animation effect for a slide interactive sequence. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param sequenceIndex The position of the interactive sequence. @param effectIndex The position of the effect to be modified. @param effect Animation effect DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateChartCategory ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateChartCategory(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, categoryIndex int32, category IChartCategory, password string, folder string, storage string) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update a chart category. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param categoryIndex Category index. @param category Category DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Chart
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateChartDataPoint ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateChartDataPoint(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, seriesIndex int32, pointIndex int32, dataPoint IDataPoint, password string, folder string, storage string) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update a data point in a chart series. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param seriesIndex Series index. @param pointIndex Data point index. @param dataPoint Data point DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Chart
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateChartSeries ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateChartSeries(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, seriesIndex int32, series ISeries, password string, folder string, storage string) (IChart, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update a series in a chart. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index (must be a chart). @param seriesIndex Series index. @param series Series DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Chart
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateLayoutSlide ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateLayoutSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, slideDto ILayoutSlide, password string, folder string, storage string) (ILayoutSlide, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update a layoutSlide. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param slideDto Slide update data. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return LayoutSlide
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateNotesSlide ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateNotesSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, dto INotesSlide, password string, folder string, storage string) (INotesSlide, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update notes slide properties. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param dto A NotesSlide object with notes slide data. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return NotesSlide
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateParagraph ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, dto IParagraph, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update paragraph properties. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param dto Paragraph DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraph
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdatePortion ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdatePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portionIndex int32, dto IPortion, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update portion properties. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param portionIndex Portion index. @param dto Portion DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portion
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateSection ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSection(name string, sectionIndex int32, sectionName string, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISections, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update section name. @param name Document name. @param sectionIndex The position of the section to be updated. @param sectionName Section name. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Sections
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateShape ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateShape(name string, slideIndex int32, shapeIndex int32, dto IShapeBase, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update shape properties. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param dto Shape DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ShapeBase
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateSlide ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSlide(name string, slideIndex int32, slideDto ISlide, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlide, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update a slide. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param slideDto Slide update data. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Slide
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideAnimationEffect ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideAnimationEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, effectIndex int32, effect IEffect, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Modify an animation effect for a special slide (master, layout, notes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param effectIndex The position of the effect to be modified. @param effect Animation effect DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, sequenceIndex int32, effectIndex int32, effect IEffect, password string, folder string, storage string) (ISlideAnimation, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Modify an animation effect for a special slide (master, layout, notes) interactive sequence. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param sequenceIndex The position of the interactive sequence. @param effectIndex The position of the effect to be modified. @param effect Animation effect DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return SlideAnimation
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideParagraph ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, dto IParagraph, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update paragraph properties. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param dto Paragraph DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraph
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlidePortion ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlidePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portionIndex int32, dto IPortion, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update portion properties. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param portionIndex Portion index. @param dto Portion DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portion
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideShape ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideShape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, shapeIndex int32, dto IShapeBase, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update shape properties. @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param dto Shape DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ShapeBase
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideSubshape ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, dto IShapeBase, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update shape properties (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param dto Shape DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ShapeBase
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraph ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, dto IParagraph, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update paragraph properties (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param dto Paragraph DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraph
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideSubshapePortion ¶ added in v21.9.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSpecialSlideSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, slideType string, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portionIndex int32, dto IPortion, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update portion properties (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Parent slide index. @param slideType Slide type (master, layout or notes). @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param portionIndex Portion index. @param dto Portion DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portion
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateSubshape ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSubshape(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, dto IShapeBase, password string, folder string, storage string) (IShapeBase, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update shape properties (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param dto Shape DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return ShapeBase
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateSubshapeParagraph ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSubshapeParagraph(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, dto IParagraph, password string, folder string, storage string) (IParagraph, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update paragraph properties (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param dto Paragraph DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Paragraph
func (*SlidesApiService) UpdateSubshapePortion ¶ added in v21.3.0
func (a *SlidesApiService) UpdateSubshapePortion(name string, slideIndex int32, path string, shapeIndex int32, paragraphIndex int32, portionIndex int32, dto IPortion, password string, folder string, storage string) (IPortion, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Update portion properties (for smart art and group shapes). @param name Document name. @param slideIndex Slide index. @param path Shape path. @param shapeIndex Shape index. @param paragraphIndex Paragraph index. @param portionIndex Portion index. @param dto Portion DTO. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "password" (string) Document password. @param "folder" (string) Document folder. @param "storage" (string) Document storage.
@return Portion
func (*SlidesApiService) UploadFile ¶
func (a *SlidesApiService) UploadFile(path string, file []byte, storageName string) (IFilesUploadResult, *http.Response, error)
SlidesApiService Upload file @param path Path where to upload including filename and extension e.g. /file.ext or /Folder 1/file.ext If the content is multipart and path does not contains the file name it tries to get them from filename parameter from Content-Disposition header. @param file File to upload @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:
@param "storageName" (string) Storage name
@return FilesUploadResult
type SmartArt ¶
type SmartArt struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the alternative text. AlternativeText string `json:"AlternativeText,omitempty"` // The title of alternative text associated with the shape. AlternativeTextTitle string `json:"AlternativeTextTitle,omitempty"` // Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ShapeBase is hidden. Hidden bool `json:"Hidden"` // Gets or sets the X X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the Y. Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Gets z-order position of shape ZOrderPosition int32 `json:"ZOrderPosition"` // Gets or sets the link to shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the 3D format ThreeDFormat IThreeDFormat `json:"ThreeDFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Shape type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Layout type. Layout string `json:"Layout"` // Quick style. QuickStyle string `json:"QuickStyle"` // Color style. ColorStyle string `json:"ColorStyle"` // Collection of nodes in SmartArt object. Nodes []ISmartArtNode `json:"Nodes,omitempty"` // The state of the SmartArt diagram with regard to (left-to-right) LTR or (right-to-left) RTL, if the diagram supports reversal. IsReversed bool `json:"IsReversed"` }
func NewSmartArt ¶
func NewSmartArt() *SmartArt
func (*SmartArt) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SmartArtNode ¶
type SmartArtNode struct { // Node list. Nodes []ISmartArtNode `json:"Nodes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the link to shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // True for and assistant node. IsAssistant bool `json:"IsAssistant"` // Node text. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` // Organization chart layout type associated with current node. OrgChartLayout string `json:"OrgChartLayout"` }
func NewSmartArtNode ¶
func NewSmartArtNode() *SmartArtNode
func (*SmartArtNode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *SmartArtNode) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type SmartArtShape ¶
type SmartArtShape struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the alternative text. AlternativeText string `json:"AlternativeText,omitempty"` // The title of alternative text associated with the shape. AlternativeTextTitle string `json:"AlternativeTextTitle,omitempty"` // Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ShapeBase is hidden. Hidden bool `json:"Hidden"` // Gets or sets the X X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the Y. Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Gets z-order position of shape ZOrderPosition int32 `json:"ZOrderPosition"` // Gets or sets the link to shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the 3D format ThreeDFormat IThreeDFormat `json:"ThreeDFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Shape type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Combined shape type. ShapeType string `json:"ShapeType"` }
func NewSmartArtShape ¶
func NewSmartArtShape() *SmartArtShape
func (*SmartArtShape) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *SmartArtShape) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type SoftEdgeEffect ¶
type SoftEdgeEffect struct { // radius Radius float64 `json:"Radius"` }
func NewSoftEdgeEffect ¶
func NewSoftEdgeEffect() *SoftEdgeEffect
func (*SoftEdgeEffect) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *SoftEdgeEffect) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type SolidFill ¶
type SolidFill struct { // Fill type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Color. Color string `json:"Color,omitempty"` }
func NewSolidFill ¶
func NewSolidFill() *SolidFill
func (*SolidFill) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SpecialSlideType ¶ added in v21.9.0
type SpecialSlideType string
SpecialSlideType :
const ( SpecialSlideType_MasterSlide SpecialSlideType = "MasterSlide" SpecialSlideType_LayoutSlide SpecialSlideType = "LayoutSlide" SpecialSlideType_NotesSlide SpecialSlideType = "NotesSlide" )
List of SpecialSlideType SpecialSlideType
type SplitDocumentResult ¶
type SplitDocumentResult struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // List of slide links. Slides []IResourceUri `json:"Slides,omitempty"` }
func NewSplitDocumentResult ¶
func NewSplitDocumentResult() *SplitDocumentResult
func (*SplitDocumentResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *SplitDocumentResult) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type StorageExist ¶
type StorageExist struct { // Shows that the storage exists. Exists bool `json:"Exists"` }
func NewStorageExist ¶
func NewStorageExist() *StorageExist
func (*StorageExist) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *StorageExist) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type StorageFile ¶
type StorageFile struct { // File or folder name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // True if it is a folder. IsFolder bool `json:"IsFolder"` // File or folder last modified DateTime. ModifiedDate time.Time `json:"ModifiedDate,omitempty"` // File or folder size. Size int64 `json:"Size"` // File or folder path. Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` }
func NewStorageFile ¶
func NewStorageFile() *StorageFile
func (*StorageFile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *StorageFile) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type SvgExportOptions ¶
type SvgExportOptions struct { // Default regular font for rendering the presentation. DefaultRegularFont string `json:"DefaultRegularFont,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Height int32 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Width int32 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Export format. Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Determines whether the text on a slide will be saved as graphics. VectorizeText bool `json:"VectorizeText"` // Returns or sets the lower resolution limit for metafile rasterization. MetafileRasterizationDpi int32 `json:"MetafileRasterizationDpi,omitempty"` // Determines whether the 3D text is disabled in SVG. Disable3DText bool `json:"Disable3DText"` // Disables splitting FromCornerX and FromCenter gradients. DisableGradientSplit bool `json:"DisableGradientSplit"` // SVG 1.1 lacks ability to define insets for markers. Aspose.Slides SVG writing engine has workaround for that problem: it crops end of line with arrow, so, line doesn't overlap markers. This option switches off such behavior. DisableLineEndCropping bool `json:"DisableLineEndCropping"` // Determines JPEG encoding quality. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Represents the pictures compression level PicturesCompression string `json:"PicturesCompression,omitempty"` // A boolean flag indicates if the cropped parts remain as part of the document. If true the cropped parts will removed, if false they will be serialized in the document (which can possible lead to a larger file) DeletePicturesCroppedAreas bool `json:"DeletePicturesCroppedAreas"` // Determines a way of handling externally loaded fonts. ExternalFontsHandling string `json:"ExternalFontsHandling,omitempty"` }
func NewSvgExportOptions ¶
func NewSvgExportOptions() *SvgExportOptions
func (*SvgExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *SvgExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type SwfExportOptions ¶
type SwfExportOptions struct { // Default regular font for rendering the presentation. DefaultRegularFont string `json:"DefaultRegularFont,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Height int32 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Width int32 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Export format. Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not. Default is false. ShowHiddenSlides bool `json:"ShowHiddenSlides"` // Specifies whether the generated SWF document should be compressed or not. Default is true. Compressed bool `json:"Compressed"` // Specifies whether the generated SWF document should include the integrated document viewer or not. Default is true. ViewerIncluded bool `json:"ViewerIncluded"` // Specifies whether border around pages should be shown. Default is true. ShowPageBorder bool `json:"ShowPageBorder"` // Show/hide fullscreen button. Can be overridden in flashvars. Default is true. ShowFullScreen bool `json:"ShowFullScreen"` // Show/hide page stepper. Can be overridden in flashvars. Default is true. ShowPageStepper bool `json:"ShowPageStepper"` // Show/hide search section. Can be overridden in flashvars. Default is true. ShowSearch bool `json:"ShowSearch"` // Show/hide whole top pane. Can be overridden in flashvars. Default is true. ShowTopPane bool `json:"ShowTopPane"` // Show/hide bottom pane. Can be overridden in flashvars. Default is true. ShowBottomPane bool `json:"ShowBottomPane"` // Show/hide left pane. Can be overridden in flashvars. Default is true. ShowLeftPane bool `json:"ShowLeftPane"` // Start with opened left pane. Can be overridden in flashvars. Default is false. StartOpenLeftPane bool `json:"StartOpenLeftPane"` // Enable/disable context menu. Default is true. EnableContextMenu bool `json:"EnableContextMenu"` // Image that will be displayed as logo in the top right corner of the viewer. The image data is a base 64 string. Image should be 32x64 pixels PNG image, otherwise logo can be displayed improperly. LogoImage string `json:"LogoImage,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the full hyperlink address for a logo. Has an effect only if a LogoImage is specified. LogoLink string `json:"LogoLink,omitempty"` // Specifies the quality of JPEG images. Default is 95. JpegQuality int32 `json:"JpegQuality,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the position of the notes on the page. NotesPosition string `json:"NotesPosition,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the position of the comments on the page. CommentsPosition string `json:"CommentsPosition,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width of the comment output area in pixels (Applies only if comments are displayed on the right). CommentsAreaWidth int32 `json:"CommentsAreaWidth,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the color of comments area (Applies only if comments are displayed on the right). CommentsAreaColor string `json:"CommentsAreaColor,omitempty"` // True if comments that have no author are displayed. (Applies only if comments are displayed). ShowCommentsByNoAuthor bool `json:"ShowCommentsByNoAuthor"` }
func NewSwfExportOptions ¶
func NewSwfExportOptions() *SwfExportOptions
func (*SwfExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *SwfExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Table ¶
type Table struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the alternative text. AlternativeText string `json:"AlternativeText,omitempty"` // The title of alternative text associated with the shape. AlternativeTextTitle string `json:"AlternativeTextTitle,omitempty"` // Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ShapeBase is hidden. Hidden bool `json:"Hidden"` // Gets or sets the X X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the Y. Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Gets z-order position of shape ZOrderPosition int32 `json:"ZOrderPosition"` // Gets or sets the link to shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the 3D format ThreeDFormat IThreeDFormat `json:"ThreeDFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Shape type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Builtin table style. Style string `json:"Style,omitempty"` // Rows. Rows []ITableRow `json:"Rows,omitempty"` // Columns. Columns []ITableColumn `json:"Columns,omitempty"` // Determines whether the first column of a table has to be drawn with a special formatting. FirstCol bool `json:"FirstCol"` // Determines whether the first row of a table has to be drawn with a special formatting. FirstRow bool `json:"FirstRow"` // Determines whether the even rows has to be drawn with a different formatting. HorizontalBanding bool `json:"HorizontalBanding"` // Determines whether the last column of a table has to be drawn with a special formatting. LastCol bool `json:"LastCol"` // Determines whether the last row of a table has to be drawn with a special formatting. LastRow bool `json:"LastRow"` // Determines whether the table has right to left reading order. RightToLeft bool `json:"RightToLeft"` // Determines whether the even columns has to be drawn with a different formatting. VerticalBanding bool `json:"VerticalBanding"` }
func (*Table) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TableCell ¶
type TableCell struct { // Cell text. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` // The number of rows spanned by a merged cell. RowSpan int32 `json:"RowSpan,omitempty"` // The number of columns spanned by a merged cell. ColSpan int32 `json:"ColSpan,omitempty"` // The top margin of the cell. MarginTop float64 `json:"MarginTop,omitempty"` // The right margin of the cell. MarginRight float64 `json:"MarginRight,omitempty"` // The left margin of the cell. MarginLeft float64 `json:"MarginLeft,omitempty"` // The bottom margin of the cell. MarginBottom float64 `json:"MarginBottom,omitempty"` // Text anchor type. TextAnchorType string `json:"TextAnchorType,omitempty"` // The type of vertical text. TextVerticalType string `json:"TextVerticalType,omitempty"` // Fill properties set of the cell. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Line properties set for the top border of the cell. BorderTop ILineFormat `json:"BorderTop,omitempty"` // Line properties set for the right border of the cell. BorderRight ILineFormat `json:"BorderRight,omitempty"` // Line properties set for the left border of the cell. BorderLeft ILineFormat `json:"BorderLeft,omitempty"` // Line properties set for the bottom border of the cell. BorderBottom ILineFormat `json:"BorderBottom,omitempty"` // Line properties set for the diagonal up border of the cell. BorderDiagonalUp ILineFormat `json:"BorderDiagonalUp,omitempty"` // Line properties set for the diagonal down border of the cell. BorderDiagonalDown ILineFormat `json:"BorderDiagonalDown,omitempty"` }
func NewTableCell ¶
func NewTableCell() *TableCell
func (*TableCell) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TableColumn ¶
type TableColumn struct { // Width. Width float64 `json:"Width"` }
func NewTableColumn ¶
func NewTableColumn() *TableColumn
func (*TableColumn) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *TableColumn) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type TableRow ¶
type TableRow struct { // Cells for the row. Cells []ITableCell `json:"Cells,omitempty"` // Minimal height of the row. MinimalHeight float64 `json:"MinimalHeight"` // Height of the row. Height float64 `json:"Height"` }
func NewTableRow ¶
func NewTableRow() *TableRow
func (*TableRow) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TestRules ¶
type TestRules struct { Files []FileRule `json:"Files,omitempty"` Values []ValueRule `json:"Values,omitempty"` OkToNotFail []OkToNotFailRule `json:"OKToNotFail,omitempty"` Results []ResultRule `json:"Results,omitempty"` }
type TextItem ¶
type TextItem struct { // Gets or sets the URI to resource that contains text Uri IResourceUri `json:"Uri,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the text. Text string `json:"Text,omitempty"` }
func NewTextItem ¶
func NewTextItem() *TextItem
func (*TextItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TextItems ¶
type TextItems struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the text items. Items []ITextItem `json:"Items,omitempty"` }
func NewTextItems ¶
func NewTextItems() *TextItems
func (*TextItems) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Theme ¶
type Theme struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Color scheme. ColorScheme IResourceUri `json:"ColorScheme,omitempty"` // Font scheme. FontScheme IResourceUri `json:"FontScheme,omitempty"` // Format scheme. FormatScheme IResourceUri `json:"FormatScheme,omitempty"` }
func (*Theme) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ThreeDFormat ¶ added in v21.12.0
type ThreeDFormat struct { // Type of a bottom 3D bevel. BevelBottom IShapeBevel `json:"BevelBottom,omitempty"` // Type of a top 3D bevel. BevelTop IShapeBevel `json:"BevelTop,omitempty"` // Camera Camera ICamera `json:"Camera,omitempty"` // Contour color ContourColor string `json:"ContourColor,omitempty"` // Contour width ContourWidth float64 `json:"ContourWidth,omitempty"` // Depth Depth float64 `json:"Depth,omitempty"` // Extrusion color ExtrusionColor string `json:"ExtrusionColor,omitempty"` // Extrusion height ExtrusionHeight float64 `json:"ExtrusionHeight,omitempty"` // Light rig LightRig ILightRig `json:"LightRig,omitempty"` // Material Material string `json:"Material,omitempty"` }
func NewThreeDFormat ¶ added in v21.12.0
func NewThreeDFormat() *ThreeDFormat
func (*ThreeDFormat) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v21.12.0
func (this *ThreeDFormat) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type TiffExportOptions ¶
type TiffExportOptions struct { // Default regular font for rendering the presentation. DefaultRegularFont string `json:"DefaultRegularFont,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Height int32 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Width int32 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Export format. Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Compression type. Compression string `json:"Compression,omitempty"` // Horizontal resolution, in dots per inch. DpiX int32 `json:"DpiX,omitempty"` // Vertical resolution, in dots per inch. DpiY int32 `json:"DpiY,omitempty"` // Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not. Default is false. ShowHiddenSlides bool `json:"ShowHiddenSlides"` // Specifies the pixel format for the generated images. Read/write ImagePixelFormat. PixelFormat string `json:"PixelFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the position of the notes on the page. NotesPosition string `json:"NotesPosition,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the position of the comments on the page. CommentsPosition string `json:"CommentsPosition,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width of the comment output area in pixels (Applies only if comments are displayed on the right). CommentsAreaWidth int32 `json:"CommentsAreaWidth,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the color of comments area (Applies only if comments are displayed on the right). CommentsAreaColor string `json:"CommentsAreaColor,omitempty"` // True if comments that have no author are displayed. (Applies only if comments are displayed). ShowCommentsByNoAuthor bool `json:"ShowCommentsByNoAuthor"` }
func NewTiffExportOptions ¶
func NewTiffExportOptions() *TiffExportOptions
func (*TiffExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *TiffExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type UpdateBackground ¶
type UpdateBackground struct { // Task type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // List of slide indices. Slides []int32 `json:"Slides,omitempty"` // Background DTO. Background ISlideBackground `json:"Background,omitempty"` }
func NewUpdateBackground ¶
func NewUpdateBackground() *UpdateBackground
func (*UpdateBackground) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *UpdateBackground) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type UpdateShape ¶
type UpdateShape struct { // Task type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Shape DTO. Shape IShapeBase `json:"Shape,omitempty"` // Shape path for a grouped or SmartArt shape. ShapePath string `json:"ShapePath,omitempty"` }
func NewUpdateShape ¶
func NewUpdateShape() *UpdateShape
func (*UpdateShape) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *UpdateShape) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ValueRule ¶
type ValueRule struct { Invalid *bool `json:"Invalid,omitempty"` Parameter string `json:"Parameter,omitempty"` Method string `json:"Method,omitempty"` Language string `json:"Language,omitempty"` Value interface{} `json:"Value,omitempty"` ValueSet bool InvalidValue interface{} `json:"InvalidValue,omitempty"` InvalidValueSet bool Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
func (*ValueRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type VideoFrame ¶
type VideoFrame struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the width. Width float64 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height. Height float64 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the alternative text. AlternativeText string `json:"AlternativeText,omitempty"` // The title of alternative text associated with the shape. AlternativeTextTitle string `json:"AlternativeTextTitle,omitempty"` // Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ShapeBase is hidden. Hidden bool `json:"Hidden"` // Gets or sets the X X float64 `json:"X,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the Y. Y float64 `json:"Y,omitempty"` // Gets z-order position of shape ZOrderPosition int32 `json:"ZOrderPosition"` // Gets or sets the link to shapes. Shapes IResourceUri `json:"Shapes,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the fill format. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the effect format. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the 3D format ThreeDFormat IThreeDFormat `json:"ThreeDFormat,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the line format. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Shape type. Type_ string `json:"Type"` // Combined shape type. ShapeType string `json:"ShapeType"` // Determines whether a video is shown in full screen mode. FullScreenMode bool `json:"FullScreenMode"` // Determines whether a VideoFrame is hidden. HideAtShowing bool `json:"HideAtShowing"` // Determines whether a video is looped. PlayLoopMode bool `json:"PlayLoopMode"` // Returns or sets the video play mode. PlayMode string `json:"PlayMode,omitempty"` // Determines whether a video is automatically rewinded to start as soon as the movie has finished playing RewindVideo bool `json:"RewindVideo"` // Returns or sets the audio volume. Volume string `json:"Volume,omitempty"` // Video data encoded in base64. Base64Data string `json:"Base64Data,omitempty"` }
func NewVideoFrame ¶
func NewVideoFrame() *VideoFrame
func (*VideoFrame) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *VideoFrame) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ViewProperties ¶
type ViewProperties struct { // Gets or sets the link to this resource. SelfUri IResourceUri `json:"SelfUri,omitempty"` // List of alternate links. AlternateLinks []IResourceUri `json:"AlternateLinks,omitempty"` // Last used view mode. LastView string `json:"LastView,omitempty"` // Horizontal bar state. HorizontalBarState string `json:"HorizontalBarState,omitempty"` // Vertical bar state. VerticalBarState string `json:"VerticalBarState,omitempty"` // True to prefer single view. PreferSingleView bool `json:"PreferSingleView"` // The sizing of the side content region of the normal view, when the region is of a variable restored size. RestoredLeft INormalViewRestoredProperties `json:"RestoredLeft,omitempty"` // The sizing of the top slide region of the normal view, when the region is of a variable restored size. RestoredTop INormalViewRestoredProperties `json:"RestoredTop,omitempty"` // Slide view mode properties. SlideViewProperties ICommonSlideViewProperties `json:"SlideViewProperties,omitempty"` // Notes view mode properties. NotesViewProperties ICommonSlideViewProperties `json:"NotesViewProperties,omitempty"` // True if the comments should be shown. ShowComments string `json:"ShowComments,omitempty"` }
func NewViewProperties ¶
func NewViewProperties() *ViewProperties
func (*ViewProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *ViewProperties) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type WaterfallChartDataPoint ¶
type WaterfallChartDataPoint struct { // Value. Value float64 `json:"Value"` // Value. SetAsTotal bool `json:"SetAsTotal"` }
func NewWaterfallChartDataPoint ¶
func NewWaterfallChartDataPoint() *WaterfallChartDataPoint
func (*WaterfallChartDataPoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *WaterfallChartDataPoint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type WaterfallSeries ¶
type WaterfallSeries struct { // Series type. Type_ string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Series name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // True if each data marker in the series has a different color. IsColorVaried bool `json:"IsColorVaried"` // Invert solid color for the series. InvertedSolidFillColor string `json:"InvertedSolidFillColor,omitempty"` // True if curve smoothing is turned on. Applies only to line and scatter connected by lines charts. Smooth bool `json:"Smooth"` // True if the series is plotted on second value axis. PlotOnSecondAxis bool `json:"PlotOnSecondAxis"` // Series order. Order int32 `json:"Order,omitempty"` // The number format for the series y values. NumberFormatOfYValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfYValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series x values. NumberFormatOfXValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfXValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series values. NumberFormatOfValues string `json:"NumberFormatOfValues,omitempty"` // The number format for the series bubble sizes. NumberFormatOfBubbleSizes string `json:"NumberFormatOfBubbleSizes,omitempty"` // True if the series shall invert its colors if the value is negative. Applies to bar, column and bubble series. InvertIfNegative bool `json:"InvertIfNegative"` // The distance of an open pie slice from the center of the pie chart is expressed as a percentage of the pie diameter. Explosion int32 `json:"Explosion,omitempty"` // Series marker. Marker ISeriesMarker `json:"Marker,omitempty"` // Fill properties set for the series. FillFormat IFillFormat `json:"FillFormat,omitempty"` // Effect properties set for the series. EffectFormat IEffectFormat `json:"EffectFormat,omitempty"` // Line properties set for the series. LineFormat ILineFormat `json:"LineFormat,omitempty"` // Data point type. DataPointType string `json:"DataPointType"` // Gets or sets the values. DataPoints []IOneValueChartDataPoint `json:"DataPoints,omitempty"` // True if inner points are shown. ShowConnectorLines bool `json:"ShowConnectorLines"` }
func NewWaterfallSeries ¶
func NewWaterfallSeries() *WaterfallSeries
func (*WaterfallSeries) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *WaterfallSeries) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type XpsExportOptions ¶
type XpsExportOptions struct { // Default regular font for rendering the presentation. DefaultRegularFont string `json:"DefaultRegularFont,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Height int32 `json:"Height,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the height of slides in the output format, e.g. image size, pdf page size etc. Width int32 `json:"Width,omitempty"` // Export format. Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not. Default is false. ShowHiddenSlides bool `json:"ShowHiddenSlides"` // True to convert all metafiles used in a presentation to the PNG images. SaveMetafilesAsPng bool `json:"SaveMetafilesAsPng"` // True to draw black frame around each slide. DrawSlidesFrame bool `json:"DrawSlidesFrame"` }
func NewXpsExportOptions ¶
func NewXpsExportOptions() *XpsExportOptions
func (*XpsExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (this *XpsExportOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
Source Files
- add_layout_slide.go
- add_master_slide.go
- add_shape.go
- add_slide.go
- api_client.go
- api_info.go
- api_response.go
- arrow_head_properties.go
- audio_frame.go
- axes.go
- axis.go
- base64_input_file.go
- blur_effect.go
- box_and_whisker_series.go
- bubble_chart_data_point.go
- bubble_series.go
- camera.go
- chart.go
- chart_category.go
- chart_title.go
- chart_wall.go
- color_scheme.go
- common_slide_view_properties.go
- configuration.go
- connector.go
- custom_dash_pattern.go
- data_point.go
- disc_usage.go
- document.go
- document_properties.go
- document_property.go
- document_replace_result.go
- effect.go
- effect_format.go
- entity_exists.go
- error_details.go
- error_message.go
- export_format.go
- export_options.go
- file_version.go
- file_versions.go
- files_list.go
- files_upload_result.go
- fill_format.go
- fill_overlay_effect.go
- font_scheme.go
- font_set.go
- format_scheme.go
- geometry_shape.go
- glow_effect.go
- gradient_fill.go
- gradient_fill_stop.go
- graphical_object.go
- group_shape.go
- header_footer.go
- html5_export_options.go
- html_export_options.go
- i_shape_export_options.go
- image.go
- image_export_format.go
- image_export_options.go
- images.go
- inner_shadow_effect.go
- input.go
- input_file.go
- interactive_sequence.go
- layout_slide.go
- layout_slides.go
- legend.go
- light_rig.go
- line_format.go
- master_slide.go
- master_slides.go
- merge.go
- merging_source.go
- model_error.go
- no_fill.go
- normal_view_restored_properties.go
- notes_slide.go
- notes_slide_export_format.go
- notes_slide_header_footer.go
- oauth_response.go
- object_exist.go
- ole_object_frame.go
- one_value_chart_data_point.go
- one_value_series.go
- ordered_merge_request.go
- outer_shadow_effect.go
- output_file.go
- paragraph.go
- paragraphs.go
- path_input_file.go
- path_output_file.go
- pattern_fill.go
- pdf_export_options.go
- picture_fill.go
- picture_frame.go
- pipeline.go
- placeholder.go
- placeholders.go
- plot_area.go
- portion.go
- portions.go
- pptx_export_options.go
- presentation_to_merge.go
- presentations_merge_request.go
- preset_shadow_effect.go
- protection_properties.go
- reflection_effect.go
- remove_shape.go
- remove_slide.go
- reorder_slide.go
- replace_text.go
- request_input_file.go
- reset_slide.go
- resource_base.go
- resource_uri.go
- response_output_file.go
- save.go
- save_shape.go
- save_slide.go
- scatter_chart_data_point.go
- scatter_series.go
- section.go
- sections.go
- series.go
- series_marker.go
- shape.go
- shape_base.go
- shape_bevel.go
- shape_export_format.go
- shape_image_export_options.go
- shape_thumbnail_bounds.go
- shapes.go
- shapes_alignment_type.go
- slide.go
- slide_animation.go
- slide_background.go
- slide_comment.go
- slide_comments.go
- slide_export_format.go
- slide_properties.go
- slide_replace_result.go
- slides.go
- slides_api.go
- smart_art.go
- smart_art_node.go
- smart_art_shape.go
- soft_edge_effect.go
- solid_fill.go
- special_slide_type.go
- split_document_result.go
- storage_exist.go
- storage_file.go
- svg_export_options.go
- swf_export_options.go
- table.go
- table_cell.go
- table_column.go
- table_row.go
- task.go
- test_rules.go
- test_utils.go
- text_item.go
- text_items.go
- theme.go
- three_d_format.go
- tiff_export_options.go
- type_registry.go
- update_background.go
- update_shape.go
- video_frame.go
- view_properties.go
- waterfall_chart_data_point.go
- waterfall_series.go
- xps_export_options.go