a Go package for reading/writing mavlink 1.0 and 2.0 messages.
- install mavgen tool:
go get github.com/asmyasnikov/go-mavlink/mavgen
- generate code from mavlink xml definitions:
go generate
or mavgen -f ardupilotmega.xml -1 -c
xml definitions can be updated from https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink
package go-mavlink/mavgen
is used only for generating classes from mavlink xml definitions, it is not generally intended to be used by anything other than the go generate
Usage: mavgen [-c "github.com/my/project/mavlink/path"] [-p] [-f ./ardupilotmega.xml] [-v "ardupilotmega-v1.2.3"]
-c string
common mavlink package path used for import from go code. For example "github.com/asmyasnikov/go-mavlink/generated/mavlink1"
-f string
mavlink xml-definition file input
-p generate common mavlink package
-v string
custom version of mavlink dialect (default "devel")
packages go-mavlink/generated/mavlink1
and is the main package used for encoding/decoding mavlink messages.
is the struct that gets sent over the wire, and mavlink.Message
is an interface implemented by all mavlink classes generated by mavgen
Several mavlink dialects define messages for overlapping msg ids, so it is required to specify which dialects you'd like to use with default imports.
import (
mavlink "github.com/asmyasnikov/go-mavlink/generated/mavlink1" // mavlink common package
_ "github.com/asmyasnikov/go-mavlink/generated/mavlink1/ardupilotmega" // init support ardupilotmega dialect
Existing dialects (pre-generated) are:
- ardupilotmega
- asluav
- common
- minimal
- matrixpilot
- ualberta
marshall and unmarshall packet
var packet Packet // make packet outside this code
bytes, err := mavlink.Marshal(&packet)
if err != nil {
// catch error on marshal
Unmarshalling for reliable transport protocol for transfer bytes:
var packet Packet
if err := mavlink.Unmarshal([]byte{0xfe, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xde, 0xf, 0x27, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf4, 0xe2}, &packet); err != nil {
// catch error on marshal
// enjoy packet
decode stream
a typical decode loop might look like:
reader := SomeIoReader() // any io.Reader: UDP, serial port, bytes.Buffer, etc
dec := mavlink.NewDecoder(reader)
var packet mavlink.Packet
for {
if err := dec.Decode(&packet); err != nil {
// catch error on decode
// handle packet types you're interested in...
// you can two ways to get message from packet
switch packet.MsgID {
case common.MSG_ID_PARAM_VALUE:
var pv mavlink.ParamValue
if err := pv.Unpack(&packet); err == nil {
// handle param value
case common.MSG_ID_HEARTBEAT:
heartbeat, ok := packet.Message().(*common.Heartbeat)
if ok {
// handle param value
encode stream
the most convenient way to encode is to use Encoder.Encode()
writer := SomeIoWriter() // any io.Writer: UDP, serial port, bytes.Buffer, etc
enc := mavlink.NewEncoder(writer)
packet := mavlink.Packet{
SysID: 1,
CompID: 2
if err := packet.Encode(&common.Ping{
Seq: 12345,
}); err != nil {
// catch error on encode message to packet
if err := enc.Encode(&packet); err != nil {
// catch error on encode packet to encoder (write to writer)