Simple rabbitmq pub/sub client based on https://github.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq.
flowchart TB
Assumptions@{ shape: brace-r, label: "
-- Connection and channel management is not included in this diagram
-- On disconnect/channel close event, a re-connect process must be executed
-- On re-connect consumers must be re-run
-- Prefetch count should be configurable through env or app config
-- DLQ creation, publishing to DLQ must be done using the same flow" }
RMQServer["RabbitMQ Server"] <--Pub/Sub--> App
App ---> StartRetryRoutine["Start thread/routine
to retry failed to
publish messages"]
subgraph RetryBlock [Retry Failed Messages]
StartRetryRoutine ---> IntervalCheck{"Has interval
IntervalCheck --Yes--> LockQ1ToRetry["Lock Q1"]
LockQ1ToRetry ---> Retry["Retry messages
from failed to
publish queue"]
Retry ---> PushReFailed["Push failed to
publish messages
in new queue (Q2)"]
PushReFailed ---> ReplaceFailedQueue["Replace Q1 with Q2"]
ReplaceFailedQueue ---> UnlockQ1AfterRetry["Unlock Q1"]
UnlockQ1AfterRetry ---> DoneRetry([Done])
IntervalCheck --"No"--> NoOp["No action"]
NoOp ---> DoneNoOp([Done])
App ---> Publish
subgraph Pub [Publish]
Publish ---> TryPublish["Try to publish
TryPublish ---> PubFailedCheck{"Failed to
PubFailedCheck --Yes--> LockQ1ToPush["Lock Q1"]
LockQ1ToPush ---> AddToQueue["Add failed message
to queue (Q1)"]
AddToQueue ---> UnlockQ1AfterPush["Unlock Q1"]
UnlockQ1AfterPush ---> DoneTryPub([Done])
PubFailedCheck --"No"--> DonePub([Done])
App ---> AddConsumer[Add consumer]
subgraph Consume [Consume]
AddConsumer ---> DlqCheck{"Create DLQ?"}
DlqCheck --Yes--> CreateDlq["Create DLQ
with name in this format
CreateDlq ---> BindDlq["Bind DLQ to a
DLQ route with name in
this format
DlqCheck --"No"--> SetupPrefetchCnt["Setup a non-zero
prefetch count per consumer"]
BindDlq ---> SetupPrefetchCnt
SetupPrefetchCnt ---> SetupConsumerQueue["Create persistent
consumer queue with
name in this format
SetupConsumerQueue ---> StartConsumer["Start consumer"]
StartConsumer ---> NewMsg["New message"]
NewMsg ---> ProcessMsg["Process message"]
ProcessMsg ---> ProcessFailedCheck{"Processing failed?"}
ProcessFailedCheck --Yes--> HasDlqCheck{"Has associated
ProcessFailedCheck --"No"--> Ack["Acknowledge
Ack ---> DoneConsuming([Done])
HasDlqCheck --Yes--> PublishToDlq["Publish message to
associated DLQ route"]
PublishToDlq ---> Ack
HasDlqCheck --"No"--> Ack
DoneConsuming ---> NewMsg
This is made for a specific project need. As we are using rabbitmq server of
version lower than 4 and also we don't have much option to customize it,
we had to implement something that could provide the pub/sub interface
our application needs. So it is not intended for any generic usecase.