Serverus is a experimental gRPC server that should help small teams
to up and running a very basic stream server. The idea behind this is
be able to play aroung gRPC easly and have a server up and running fast.
No recommended to use in production environment since is an experiment.
go get
import ""
Serverus provides methods that helps the developer to start easly a gRCP application.
But it is important to understand few constraints before to start running the service.
The developer should know about the following topics:
- Go lang basic.
- gRPC basics you can found more information here.
Preparing Protobuf
Before to integrate Serverus is very important to have defined your protobuf files since those will be used for
your gRPC server. You can find a really good guide in the here.
We are going to use the same quickstart protobuf as example for this documentation.
In the example from gRPC documentation you will have a protobuf with the following content:
// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
After you copiled the proto file you should have two files:
Those files should be imported into the main.go
from your project (we suggest to keep those files inside a directory like hello/
Preparing integration
In your main application; after to import the package and protobuf, you can create a server from serverus. The following
guide should help you to have an idea about how should works.
Import your protobuf files:
import proto ""
Define server struct
with the UnimplementedGretterServer
this configure gRPC to what to do when an endpoint
does not exist.
type server struct {
Create RegisterHandlerServer
this function will be used to inject into the server function
so Serverus will recognize the proto.
func RegisterHandlerServer(s grpc.ServiceRegistrar) {
log.Println("Calling RegisterHandlerServer")
opa.RegisterGretterServer(s, &server{})
Create catcher method for SayHello
func (*server) SayHello(ctx context.Context, req *proto.HelloRequest) (*proto.HelloReply, error) {
return &proto.HelloReply{Message: "World"}, nil
In your main function start a Serverus service.
func main() {
server := serverus.NewServerus(":3000")
MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Pastorinni Ochoa
PR(s) are Open and Welcomed.