![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/arxdsilva/Stsuru)
- Simple link shortener;
- Written in Go;
Obs: This directory contains a example server using the Shortener package that is the main application. So if you want to test It locally just use the Instalation guide and run the server.
Implementation of a simple URL shortener in Golang. Intended to hash
& display
sortened URL's in a 'pure' Golang's server. It uses Gorilla's mux to handle server requests.
If you need the latest stable version I recomend you to get our latest Release.
Go Get
- If you enjoy, dont forget to Star the repository! :)
The easiest way is to install with go get (needed Golang 1.7 or later installed):
$ go get -u github.com/arxdsilva/Stsuru
Git Clone
As an alternative you can use also git clone
$ git clone git@github.com:ArxdSilva/Stsuru.git
$ git clone https://github.com/ArxdSilva/Stsuru.git
$ cd (PATH)/github.com/arxdsilva/Stsuru
$ go test -v ./...
Start server
$ go run main.go
Open your browser and type:
Building packages
$ go build
Check our MIT license file for more info.
Made by @arxdsilva with great help of Tsuru team & contributors!
Want to implement a free PaaS & that is Open source? Check Tsuru!