Command publish-go-lambda is a shortcut program that builds Go source in the
current directory and publishes it as an existing AWS Lambda (either Go 1.x or
custom Amazon Linux 2 runtime). It automatically discovers "handler name" from
AWS Lambda configuration.
AWS Lambda must either be configured with Go 1.x runtime (amd64 architecture
only), or the custom runtime on Amazon Linux 2 (“provided.al2”) for either
amd64 or arm64 architecture.
It is an equivalent of:
# build program
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o main
# create zip file with the proper handler name
zip main
# upload resulting zip to AWS Lambda
This program applies some safety checks by default: it checks that the main
package imports
dependency, and that
package documentation mentions (short) lambda name.
Call it with the full resource ARN:
publish-go-lambda arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:my-function
partial ARN:
publish-go-lambda 123456789012:function:my-function
or with just the short function name:
publish-go-lambda my-function
This program requires permissions to GetFunctionConfiguration and
UpdateFunctionCode AWS APIs.