Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- func BuildConfirmPayload(package_ConfirmBody string, package_ConfirmID string, ...) (*package_.ConfirmPayload, error)
- func BuildListPayload(package_ListName string, package_ListAipID string, ...) (*package_.ListPayload, error)
- func BuildMonitorPayload(package_MonitorTicket string) (*package_.MonitorPayload, error)
- func BuildMonitorRequestPayload(package_MonitorRequestToken string) (*package_.MonitorRequestPayload, error)
- func BuildMovePayload(package_MoveBody string, package_MoveID string, package_MoveToken string) (*package_.MovePayload, error)
- func BuildMoveStatusPayload(package_MoveStatusID string, package_MoveStatusToken string) (*package_.MoveStatusPayload, error)
- func BuildPreservationActionsPayload(package_PreservationActionsID string, package_PreservationActionsToken string) (*package_.PreservationActionsPayload, error)
- func BuildRejectPayload(package_RejectID string, package_RejectToken string) (*package_.RejectPayload, error)
- func BuildShowPayload(package_ShowID string, package_ShowToken string) (*package_.ShowPayload, error)
- func BuildUploadPayload(package_UploadContentType string, package_UploadToken string) (*package_.UploadPayload, error)
- func BuildUploadStreamPayload(payload any, fpath string) (*package_.UploadRequestData, error)
- func ConfirmPackagePath(id uint) string
- func DecodeConfirmResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
- func DecodeListResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
- func DecodeMonitorRequestResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
- func DecodeMonitorResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
- func DecodeMoveResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
- func DecodeMoveStatusResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
- func DecodePreservationActionsResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
- func DecodeRejectResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
- func DecodeShowResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
- func DecodeUploadResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
- func EncodeConfirmRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
- func EncodeListRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
- func EncodeMonitorRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
- func EncodeMonitorRequestRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
- func EncodeMoveRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
- func EncodeMoveStatusRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
- func EncodePreservationActionsRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
- func EncodeRejectRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
- func EncodeShowRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
- func EncodeUploadRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
- func ListPackagePath() string
- func MonitorPackagePath() string
- func MonitorRequestPackagePath() string
- func MovePackagePath(id uint) string
- func MoveStatusPackagePath(id uint) string
- func NewConfirmForbidden(body string) package_.Forbidden
- func NewConfirmNotAvailable(body *ConfirmNotAvailableResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
- func NewConfirmNotFound(body *ConfirmNotFoundResponseBody) *package_.PackageNotFound
- func NewConfirmNotValid(body *ConfirmNotValidResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
- func NewConfirmUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
- func NewListEnduroPackagesOK(body *ListResponseBody) *package_views.EnduroPackagesView
- func NewListForbidden(body string) package_.Forbidden
- func NewListUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
- func NewMonitorEventOK(body *MonitorResponseBody) *package_.MonitorEvent
- func NewMonitorForbidden(body string) package_.Forbidden
- func NewMonitorNotAvailable(body *MonitorNotAvailableResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
- func NewMonitorRequestForbidden(body string) package_.Forbidden
- func NewMonitorRequestNotAvailable(body *MonitorRequestNotAvailableResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
- func NewMonitorRequestResultOK(ticket *string) *package_.MonitorRequestResult
- func NewMonitorRequestUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
- func NewMonitorUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
- func NewMoveForbidden(body string) package_.Forbidden
- func NewMoveNotAvailable(body *MoveNotAvailableResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
- func NewMoveNotFound(body *MoveNotFoundResponseBody) *package_.PackageNotFound
- func NewMoveNotValid(body *MoveNotValidResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
- func NewMoveStatusFailedDependency(body *MoveStatusFailedDependencyResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
- func NewMoveStatusForbidden(body string) package_.Forbidden
- func NewMoveStatusNotFound(body *MoveStatusNotFoundResponseBody) *package_.PackageNotFound
- func NewMoveStatusResultOK(body *MoveStatusResponseBody) *package_.MoveStatusResult
- func NewMoveStatusUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
- func NewMoveUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
- func NewPreservationActionsEnduroPackagePreservationActionsOK(body *PreservationActionsResponseBody) *package_views.EnduroPackagePreservationActionsView
- func NewPreservationActionsForbidden(body string) package_.Forbidden
- func NewPreservationActionsNotFound(body *PreservationActionsNotFoundResponseBody) *package_.PackageNotFound
- func NewPreservationActionsUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
- func NewRejectForbidden(body string) package_.Forbidden
- func NewRejectNotAvailable(body *RejectNotAvailableResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
- func NewRejectNotFound(body *RejectNotFoundResponseBody) *package_.PackageNotFound
- func NewRejectNotValid(body *RejectNotValidResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
- func NewRejectUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
- func NewShowEnduroStoredPackageOK(body *ShowResponseBody) *package_views.EnduroStoredPackageView
- func NewShowForbidden(body string) package_.Forbidden
- func NewShowNotAvailable(body *ShowNotAvailableResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
- func NewShowNotFound(body *ShowNotFoundResponseBody) *package_.PackageNotFound
- func NewShowUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
- func NewUploadForbidden(body string) package_.Forbidden
- func NewUploadInternalError(body *UploadInternalErrorResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
- func NewUploadInvalidMediaType(body *UploadInvalidMediaTypeResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
- func NewUploadInvalidMultipartRequest(body *UploadInvalidMultipartRequestResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
- func NewUploadUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
- func PreservationActionsPackagePath(id uint) string
- func RejectPackagePath(id uint) string
- func ShowPackagePath(id uint) string
- func UploadPackagePath() string
- func ValidateConfirmNotAvailableResponseBody(body *ConfirmNotAvailableResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateConfirmNotFoundResponseBody(body *ConfirmNotFoundResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateConfirmNotValidResponseBody(body *ConfirmNotValidResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationActionCollectionResponseBody(body EnduroPackagePreservationActionCollectionResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationActionResponseBody(body *EnduroPackagePreservationActionResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationTaskCollectionResponseBody(body EnduroPackagePreservationTaskCollectionResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationTaskResponseBody(body *EnduroPackagePreservationTaskResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateEnduroPageResponseBody(body *EnduroPageResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateEnduroStoredPackageCollectionResponseBody(body EnduroStoredPackageCollectionResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateEnduroStoredPackageResponseBody(body *EnduroStoredPackageResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateMonitorNotAvailableResponseBody(body *MonitorNotAvailableResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateMonitorRequestNotAvailableResponseBody(body *MonitorRequestNotAvailableResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateMonitorResponseBody(body *MonitorResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateMoveNotAvailableResponseBody(body *MoveNotAvailableResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateMoveNotFoundResponseBody(body *MoveNotFoundResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateMoveNotValidResponseBody(body *MoveNotValidResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateMoveStatusFailedDependencyResponseBody(body *MoveStatusFailedDependencyResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateMoveStatusNotFoundResponseBody(body *MoveStatusNotFoundResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateMoveStatusResponseBody(body *MoveStatusResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidatePreservationActionsNotFoundResponseBody(body *PreservationActionsNotFoundResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateRejectNotAvailableResponseBody(body *RejectNotAvailableResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateRejectNotFoundResponseBody(body *RejectNotFoundResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateRejectNotValidResponseBody(body *RejectNotValidResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateShowNotAvailableResponseBody(body *ShowNotAvailableResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateShowNotFoundResponseBody(body *ShowNotFoundResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateUploadInternalErrorResponseBody(body *UploadInternalErrorResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateUploadInvalidMediaTypeResponseBody(body *UploadInvalidMediaTypeResponseBody) (err error)
- func ValidateUploadInvalidMultipartRequestResponseBody(body *UploadInvalidMultipartRequestResponseBody) (err error)
- type Client
- func (c *Client) BuildConfirmRequest(ctx context.Context, v any) (*http.Request, error)
- func (c *Client) BuildListRequest(ctx context.Context, v any) (*http.Request, error)
- func (c *Client) BuildMonitorRequest(ctx context.Context, v any) (*http.Request, error)
- func (c *Client) BuildMonitorRequestRequest(ctx context.Context, v any) (*http.Request, error)
- func (c *Client) BuildMoveRequest(ctx context.Context, v any) (*http.Request, error)
- func (c *Client) BuildMoveStatusRequest(ctx context.Context, v any) (*http.Request, error)
- func (c *Client) BuildPreservationActionsRequest(ctx context.Context, v any) (*http.Request, error)
- func (c *Client) BuildRejectRequest(ctx context.Context, v any) (*http.Request, error)
- func (c *Client) BuildShowRequest(ctx context.Context, v any) (*http.Request, error)
- func (c *Client) BuildUploadRequest(ctx context.Context, v any) (*http.Request, error)
- func (c *Client) Confirm() goa.Endpoint
- func (c *Client) List() goa.Endpoint
- func (c *Client) Monitor() goa.Endpoint
- func (c *Client) MonitorRequest() goa.Endpoint
- func (c *Client) Move() goa.Endpoint
- func (c *Client) MoveStatus() goa.Endpoint
- func (c *Client) PreservationActions() goa.Endpoint
- func (c *Client) Reject() goa.Endpoint
- func (c *Client) Show() goa.Endpoint
- func (c *Client) Upload() goa.Endpoint
- type ConfirmNotAvailableResponseBody
- type ConfirmNotFoundResponseBody
- type ConfirmNotValidResponseBody
- type ConfirmRequestBody
- type ConnConfigurer
- type EnduroPackagePreservationActionCollectionResponseBody
- type EnduroPackagePreservationActionResponseBody
- type EnduroPackagePreservationTaskCollectionResponseBody
- type EnduroPackagePreservationTaskResponseBody
- type EnduroPageResponseBody
- type EnduroStoredPackageCollectionResponseBody
- type EnduroStoredPackageResponseBody
- type ListResponseBody
- type MonitorClientStream
- type MonitorNotAvailableResponseBody
- type MonitorRequestNotAvailableResponseBody
- type MonitorResponseBody
- type MoveNotAvailableResponseBody
- type MoveNotFoundResponseBody
- type MoveNotValidResponseBody
- type MoveRequestBody
- type MoveStatusFailedDependencyResponseBody
- type MoveStatusNotFoundResponseBody
- type MoveStatusResponseBody
- type PreservationActionsNotFoundResponseBody
- type PreservationActionsResponseBody
- type RejectNotAvailableResponseBody
- type RejectNotFoundResponseBody
- type RejectNotValidResponseBody
- type ShowNotAvailableResponseBody
- type ShowNotFoundResponseBody
- type ShowResponseBody
- type UploadInternalErrorResponseBody
- type UploadInvalidMediaTypeResponseBody
- type UploadInvalidMultipartRequestResponseBody
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func BuildConfirmPayload ¶
func BuildConfirmPayload(package_ConfirmBody string, package_ConfirmID string, package_ConfirmToken string) (*package_.ConfirmPayload, error)
BuildConfirmPayload builds the payload for the package confirm endpoint from CLI flags.
func BuildListPayload ¶
func BuildListPayload(package_ListName string, package_ListAipID string, package_ListEarliestCreatedTime string, package_ListLatestCreatedTime string, package_ListLocationID string, package_ListStatus string, package_ListLimit string, package_ListOffset string, package_ListToken string) (*package_.ListPayload, error)
BuildListPayload builds the payload for the package list endpoint from CLI flags.
func BuildMonitorPayload ¶
func BuildMonitorPayload(package_MonitorTicket string) (*package_.MonitorPayload, error)
BuildMonitorPayload builds the payload for the package monitor endpoint from CLI flags.
func BuildMonitorRequestPayload ¶
func BuildMonitorRequestPayload(package_MonitorRequestToken string) (*package_.MonitorRequestPayload, error)
BuildMonitorRequestPayload builds the payload for the package monitor_request endpoint from CLI flags.
func BuildMovePayload ¶
func BuildMovePayload(package_MoveBody string, package_MoveID string, package_MoveToken string) (*package_.MovePayload, error)
BuildMovePayload builds the payload for the package move endpoint from CLI flags.
func BuildMoveStatusPayload ¶
func BuildMoveStatusPayload(package_MoveStatusID string, package_MoveStatusToken string) (*package_.MoveStatusPayload, error)
BuildMoveStatusPayload builds the payload for the package move_status endpoint from CLI flags.
func BuildPreservationActionsPayload ¶
func BuildPreservationActionsPayload(package_PreservationActionsID string, package_PreservationActionsToken string) (*package_.PreservationActionsPayload, error)
BuildPreservationActionsPayload builds the payload for the package preservation_actions endpoint from CLI flags.
func BuildRejectPayload ¶
func BuildRejectPayload(package_RejectID string, package_RejectToken string) (*package_.RejectPayload, error)
BuildRejectPayload builds the payload for the package reject endpoint from CLI flags.
func BuildShowPayload ¶
func BuildShowPayload(package_ShowID string, package_ShowToken string) (*package_.ShowPayload, error)
BuildShowPayload builds the payload for the package show endpoint from CLI flags.
func BuildUploadPayload ¶
func BuildUploadPayload(package_UploadContentType string, package_UploadToken string) (*package_.UploadPayload, error)
BuildUploadPayload builds the payload for the package upload endpoint from CLI flags.
func BuildUploadStreamPayload ¶
func BuildUploadStreamPayload(payload any, fpath string) (*package_.UploadRequestData, error)
// BuildUploadStreamPayload creates a streaming endpoint request payload from the method payload and the path to the file to be streamed
func ConfirmPackagePath ¶
ConfirmPackagePath returns the URL path to the package service confirm HTTP endpoint.
func DecodeConfirmResponse ¶
func DecodeConfirmResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
DecodeConfirmResponse returns a decoder for responses returned by the package confirm endpoint. restoreBody controls whether the response body should be restored after having been read. DecodeConfirmResponse may return the following errors:
- "not_available" (type *goa.ServiceError): http.StatusConflict
- "not_valid" (type *goa.ServiceError): http.StatusBadRequest
- "not_found" (type *package_.PackageNotFound): http.StatusNotFound
- "forbidden" (type package_.Forbidden): http.StatusForbidden
- "unauthorized" (type package_.Unauthorized): http.StatusUnauthorized
- error: internal error
func DecodeListResponse ¶
func DecodeListResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
DecodeListResponse returns a decoder for responses returned by the package list endpoint. restoreBody controls whether the response body should be restored after having been read. DecodeListResponse may return the following errors:
- "forbidden" (type package_.Forbidden): http.StatusForbidden
- "unauthorized" (type package_.Unauthorized): http.StatusUnauthorized
- error: internal error
func DecodeMonitorRequestResponse ¶
func DecodeMonitorRequestResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
DecodeMonitorRequestResponse returns a decoder for responses returned by the package monitor_request endpoint. restoreBody controls whether the response body should be restored after having been read. DecodeMonitorRequestResponse may return the following errors:
- "not_available" (type *goa.ServiceError): http.StatusInternalServerError
- "forbidden" (type package_.Forbidden): http.StatusForbidden
- "unauthorized" (type package_.Unauthorized): http.StatusUnauthorized
- error: internal error
func DecodeMonitorResponse ¶
func DecodeMonitorResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
DecodeMonitorResponse returns a decoder for responses returned by the package monitor endpoint. restoreBody controls whether the response body should be restored after having been read. DecodeMonitorResponse may return the following errors:
- "not_available" (type *goa.ServiceError): http.StatusInternalServerError
- "forbidden" (type package_.Forbidden): http.StatusForbidden
- "unauthorized" (type package_.Unauthorized): http.StatusUnauthorized
- error: internal error
func DecodeMoveResponse ¶
func DecodeMoveResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
DecodeMoveResponse returns a decoder for responses returned by the package move endpoint. restoreBody controls whether the response body should be restored after having been read. DecodeMoveResponse may return the following errors:
- "not_available" (type *goa.ServiceError): http.StatusConflict
- "not_valid" (type *goa.ServiceError): http.StatusBadRequest
- "not_found" (type *package_.PackageNotFound): http.StatusNotFound
- "forbidden" (type package_.Forbidden): http.StatusForbidden
- "unauthorized" (type package_.Unauthorized): http.StatusUnauthorized
- error: internal error
func DecodeMoveStatusResponse ¶
func DecodeMoveStatusResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
DecodeMoveStatusResponse returns a decoder for responses returned by the package move_status endpoint. restoreBody controls whether the response body should be restored after having been read. DecodeMoveStatusResponse may return the following errors:
- "failed_dependency" (type *goa.ServiceError): http.StatusFailedDependency
- "not_found" (type *package_.PackageNotFound): http.StatusNotFound
- "forbidden" (type package_.Forbidden): http.StatusForbidden
- "unauthorized" (type package_.Unauthorized): http.StatusUnauthorized
- error: internal error
func DecodePreservationActionsResponse ¶
func DecodePreservationActionsResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
DecodePreservationActionsResponse returns a decoder for responses returned by the package preservation_actions endpoint. restoreBody controls whether the response body should be restored after having been read. DecodePreservationActionsResponse may return the following errors:
- "not_found" (type *package_.PackageNotFound): http.StatusNotFound
- "forbidden" (type package_.Forbidden): http.StatusForbidden
- "unauthorized" (type package_.Unauthorized): http.StatusUnauthorized
- error: internal error
func DecodeRejectResponse ¶
func DecodeRejectResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
DecodeRejectResponse returns a decoder for responses returned by the package reject endpoint. restoreBody controls whether the response body should be restored after having been read. DecodeRejectResponse may return the following errors:
- "not_available" (type *goa.ServiceError): http.StatusConflict
- "not_valid" (type *goa.ServiceError): http.StatusBadRequest
- "not_found" (type *package_.PackageNotFound): http.StatusNotFound
- "forbidden" (type package_.Forbidden): http.StatusForbidden
- "unauthorized" (type package_.Unauthorized): http.StatusUnauthorized
- error: internal error
func DecodeShowResponse ¶
func DecodeShowResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
DecodeShowResponse returns a decoder for responses returned by the package show endpoint. restoreBody controls whether the response body should be restored after having been read. DecodeShowResponse may return the following errors:
- "not_available" (type *goa.ServiceError): http.StatusConflict
- "not_found" (type *package_.PackageNotFound): http.StatusNotFound
- "forbidden" (type package_.Forbidden): http.StatusForbidden
- "unauthorized" (type package_.Unauthorized): http.StatusUnauthorized
- error: internal error
func DecodeUploadResponse ¶
func DecodeUploadResponse(decoder func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool) func(*http.Response) (any, error)
DecodeUploadResponse returns a decoder for responses returned by the package upload endpoint. restoreBody controls whether the response body should be restored after having been read. DecodeUploadResponse may return the following errors:
- "invalid_media_type" (type *goa.ServiceError): http.StatusBadRequest
- "invalid_multipart_request" (type *goa.ServiceError): http.StatusBadRequest
- "internal_error" (type *goa.ServiceError): http.StatusInternalServerError
- "forbidden" (type package_.Forbidden): http.StatusForbidden
- "unauthorized" (type package_.Unauthorized): http.StatusUnauthorized
- error: internal error
func EncodeConfirmRequest ¶
func EncodeConfirmRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
EncodeConfirmRequest returns an encoder for requests sent to the package confirm server.
func EncodeListRequest ¶
EncodeListRequest returns an encoder for requests sent to the package list server.
func EncodeMonitorRequest ¶
func EncodeMonitorRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
EncodeMonitorRequest returns an encoder for requests sent to the package monitor server.
func EncodeMonitorRequestRequest ¶
func EncodeMonitorRequestRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
EncodeMonitorRequestRequest returns an encoder for requests sent to the package monitor_request server.
func EncodeMoveRequest ¶
EncodeMoveRequest returns an encoder for requests sent to the package move server.
func EncodeMoveStatusRequest ¶
func EncodeMoveStatusRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
EncodeMoveStatusRequest returns an encoder for requests sent to the package move_status server.
func EncodePreservationActionsRequest ¶
func EncodePreservationActionsRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
EncodePreservationActionsRequest returns an encoder for requests sent to the package preservation_actions server.
func EncodeRejectRequest ¶
func EncodeRejectRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
EncodeRejectRequest returns an encoder for requests sent to the package reject server.
func EncodeShowRequest ¶
EncodeShowRequest returns an encoder for requests sent to the package show server.
func EncodeUploadRequest ¶
func EncodeUploadRequest(encoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder) func(*http.Request, any) error
EncodeUploadRequest returns an encoder for requests sent to the package upload server.
func ListPackagePath ¶
func ListPackagePath() string
ListPackagePath returns the URL path to the package service list HTTP endpoint.
func MonitorPackagePath ¶
func MonitorPackagePath() string
MonitorPackagePath returns the URL path to the package service monitor HTTP endpoint.
func MonitorRequestPackagePath ¶
func MonitorRequestPackagePath() string
MonitorRequestPackagePath returns the URL path to the package service monitor_request HTTP endpoint.
func MovePackagePath ¶
MovePackagePath returns the URL path to the package service move HTTP endpoint.
func MoveStatusPackagePath ¶
MoveStatusPackagePath returns the URL path to the package service move_status HTTP endpoint.
func NewConfirmForbidden ¶
NewConfirmForbidden builds a package service confirm endpoint forbidden error.
func NewConfirmNotAvailable ¶
func NewConfirmNotAvailable(body *ConfirmNotAvailableResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
NewConfirmNotAvailable builds a package service confirm endpoint not_available error.
func NewConfirmNotFound ¶
func NewConfirmNotFound(body *ConfirmNotFoundResponseBody) *package_.PackageNotFound
NewConfirmNotFound builds a package service confirm endpoint not_found error.
func NewConfirmNotValid ¶
func NewConfirmNotValid(body *ConfirmNotValidResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
NewConfirmNotValid builds a package service confirm endpoint not_valid error.
func NewConfirmUnauthorized ¶
func NewConfirmUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
NewConfirmUnauthorized builds a package service confirm endpoint unauthorized error.
func NewListEnduroPackagesOK ¶
func NewListEnduroPackagesOK(body *ListResponseBody) *package_views.EnduroPackagesView
NewListEnduroPackagesOK builds a "package" service "list" endpoint result from a HTTP "OK" response.
func NewListForbidden ¶
NewListForbidden builds a package service list endpoint forbidden error.
func NewListUnauthorized ¶
func NewListUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
NewListUnauthorized builds a package service list endpoint unauthorized error.
func NewMonitorEventOK ¶
func NewMonitorEventOK(body *MonitorResponseBody) *package_.MonitorEvent
NewMonitorEventOK builds a "package" service "monitor" endpoint result from a HTTP "OK" response.
func NewMonitorForbidden ¶
NewMonitorForbidden builds a package service monitor endpoint forbidden error.
func NewMonitorNotAvailable ¶
func NewMonitorNotAvailable(body *MonitorNotAvailableResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
NewMonitorNotAvailable builds a package service monitor endpoint not_available error.
func NewMonitorRequestForbidden ¶
NewMonitorRequestForbidden builds a package service monitor_request endpoint forbidden error.
func NewMonitorRequestNotAvailable ¶
func NewMonitorRequestNotAvailable(body *MonitorRequestNotAvailableResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
NewMonitorRequestNotAvailable builds a package service monitor_request endpoint not_available error.
func NewMonitorRequestResultOK ¶
func NewMonitorRequestResultOK(ticket *string) *package_.MonitorRequestResult
NewMonitorRequestResultOK builds a "package" service "monitor_request" endpoint result from a HTTP "OK" response.
func NewMonitorRequestUnauthorized ¶
func NewMonitorRequestUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
NewMonitorRequestUnauthorized builds a package service monitor_request endpoint unauthorized error.
func NewMonitorUnauthorized ¶
func NewMonitorUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
NewMonitorUnauthorized builds a package service monitor endpoint unauthorized error.
func NewMoveForbidden ¶
NewMoveForbidden builds a package service move endpoint forbidden error.
func NewMoveNotAvailable ¶
func NewMoveNotAvailable(body *MoveNotAvailableResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
NewMoveNotAvailable builds a package service move endpoint not_available error.
func NewMoveNotFound ¶
func NewMoveNotFound(body *MoveNotFoundResponseBody) *package_.PackageNotFound
NewMoveNotFound builds a package service move endpoint not_found error.
func NewMoveNotValid ¶
func NewMoveNotValid(body *MoveNotValidResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
NewMoveNotValid builds a package service move endpoint not_valid error.
func NewMoveStatusFailedDependency ¶
func NewMoveStatusFailedDependency(body *MoveStatusFailedDependencyResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
NewMoveStatusFailedDependency builds a package service move_status endpoint failed_dependency error.
func NewMoveStatusForbidden ¶
NewMoveStatusForbidden builds a package service move_status endpoint forbidden error.
func NewMoveStatusNotFound ¶
func NewMoveStatusNotFound(body *MoveStatusNotFoundResponseBody) *package_.PackageNotFound
NewMoveStatusNotFound builds a package service move_status endpoint not_found error.
func NewMoveStatusResultOK ¶
func NewMoveStatusResultOK(body *MoveStatusResponseBody) *package_.MoveStatusResult
NewMoveStatusResultOK builds a "package" service "move_status" endpoint result from a HTTP "OK" response.
func NewMoveStatusUnauthorized ¶
func NewMoveStatusUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
NewMoveStatusUnauthorized builds a package service move_status endpoint unauthorized error.
func NewMoveUnauthorized ¶
func NewMoveUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
NewMoveUnauthorized builds a package service move endpoint unauthorized error.
func NewPreservationActionsEnduroPackagePreservationActionsOK ¶
func NewPreservationActionsEnduroPackagePreservationActionsOK(body *PreservationActionsResponseBody) *package_views.EnduroPackagePreservationActionsView
NewPreservationActionsEnduroPackagePreservationActionsOK builds a "package" service "preservation_actions" endpoint result from a HTTP "OK" response.
func NewPreservationActionsForbidden ¶
NewPreservationActionsForbidden builds a package service preservation_actions endpoint forbidden error.
func NewPreservationActionsNotFound ¶
func NewPreservationActionsNotFound(body *PreservationActionsNotFoundResponseBody) *package_.PackageNotFound
NewPreservationActionsNotFound builds a package service preservation_actions endpoint not_found error.
func NewPreservationActionsUnauthorized ¶
func NewPreservationActionsUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
NewPreservationActionsUnauthorized builds a package service preservation_actions endpoint unauthorized error.
func NewRejectForbidden ¶
NewRejectForbidden builds a package service reject endpoint forbidden error.
func NewRejectNotAvailable ¶
func NewRejectNotAvailable(body *RejectNotAvailableResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
NewRejectNotAvailable builds a package service reject endpoint not_available error.
func NewRejectNotFound ¶
func NewRejectNotFound(body *RejectNotFoundResponseBody) *package_.PackageNotFound
NewRejectNotFound builds a package service reject endpoint not_found error.
func NewRejectNotValid ¶
func NewRejectNotValid(body *RejectNotValidResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
NewRejectNotValid builds a package service reject endpoint not_valid error.
func NewRejectUnauthorized ¶
func NewRejectUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
NewRejectUnauthorized builds a package service reject endpoint unauthorized error.
func NewShowEnduroStoredPackageOK ¶
func NewShowEnduroStoredPackageOK(body *ShowResponseBody) *package_views.EnduroStoredPackageView
NewShowEnduroStoredPackageOK builds a "package" service "show" endpoint result from a HTTP "OK" response.
func NewShowForbidden ¶
NewShowForbidden builds a package service show endpoint forbidden error.
func NewShowNotAvailable ¶
func NewShowNotAvailable(body *ShowNotAvailableResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
NewShowNotAvailable builds a package service show endpoint not_available error.
func NewShowNotFound ¶
func NewShowNotFound(body *ShowNotFoundResponseBody) *package_.PackageNotFound
NewShowNotFound builds a package service show endpoint not_found error.
func NewShowUnauthorized ¶
func NewShowUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
NewShowUnauthorized builds a package service show endpoint unauthorized error.
func NewUploadForbidden ¶
NewUploadForbidden builds a package service upload endpoint forbidden error.
func NewUploadInternalError ¶
func NewUploadInternalError(body *UploadInternalErrorResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
NewUploadInternalError builds a package service upload endpoint internal_error error.
func NewUploadInvalidMediaType ¶
func NewUploadInvalidMediaType(body *UploadInvalidMediaTypeResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
NewUploadInvalidMediaType builds a package service upload endpoint invalid_media_type error.
func NewUploadInvalidMultipartRequest ¶
func NewUploadInvalidMultipartRequest(body *UploadInvalidMultipartRequestResponseBody) *goa.ServiceError
NewUploadInvalidMultipartRequest builds a package service upload endpoint invalid_multipart_request error.
func NewUploadUnauthorized ¶
func NewUploadUnauthorized(body string) package_.Unauthorized
NewUploadUnauthorized builds a package service upload endpoint unauthorized error.
func PreservationActionsPackagePath ¶
PreservationActionsPackagePath returns the URL path to the package service preservation_actions HTTP endpoint.
func RejectPackagePath ¶
RejectPackagePath returns the URL path to the package service reject HTTP endpoint.
func ShowPackagePath ¶
ShowPackagePath returns the URL path to the package service show HTTP endpoint.
func UploadPackagePath ¶
func UploadPackagePath() string
UploadPackagePath returns the URL path to the package service upload HTTP endpoint.
func ValidateConfirmNotAvailableResponseBody ¶
func ValidateConfirmNotAvailableResponseBody(body *ConfirmNotAvailableResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateConfirmNotAvailableResponseBody runs the validations defined on confirm_not_available_response_body
func ValidateConfirmNotFoundResponseBody ¶
func ValidateConfirmNotFoundResponseBody(body *ConfirmNotFoundResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateConfirmNotFoundResponseBody runs the validations defined on confirm_not_found_response_body
func ValidateConfirmNotValidResponseBody ¶
func ValidateConfirmNotValidResponseBody(body *ConfirmNotValidResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateConfirmNotValidResponseBody runs the validations defined on confirm_not_valid_response_body
func ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationActionCollectionResponseBody ¶
func ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationActionCollectionResponseBody(body EnduroPackagePreservationActionCollectionResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationActionCollectionResponseBody runs the validations defined on EnduroPackage-Preservation-ActionCollectionResponseBody
func ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationActionResponseBody ¶
func ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationActionResponseBody(body *EnduroPackagePreservationActionResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationActionResponseBody runs the validations defined on EnduroPackage-Preservation-ActionResponseBody
func ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationTaskCollectionResponseBody ¶
func ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationTaskCollectionResponseBody(body EnduroPackagePreservationTaskCollectionResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationTaskCollectionResponseBody runs the validations defined on EnduroPackage-Preservation-TaskCollectionResponseBody
func ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationTaskResponseBody ¶
func ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationTaskResponseBody(body *EnduroPackagePreservationTaskResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateEnduroPackagePreservationTaskResponseBody runs the validations defined on EnduroPackage-Preservation-TaskResponseBody
func ValidateEnduroPageResponseBody ¶
func ValidateEnduroPageResponseBody(body *EnduroPageResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateEnduroPageResponseBody runs the validations defined on EnduroPageResponseBody
func ValidateEnduroStoredPackageCollectionResponseBody ¶
func ValidateEnduroStoredPackageCollectionResponseBody(body EnduroStoredPackageCollectionResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateEnduroStoredPackageCollectionResponseBody runs the validations defined on EnduroStored-PackageCollectionResponseBody
func ValidateEnduroStoredPackageResponseBody ¶
func ValidateEnduroStoredPackageResponseBody(body *EnduroStoredPackageResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateEnduroStoredPackageResponseBody runs the validations defined on EnduroStored-PackageResponseBody
func ValidateMonitorNotAvailableResponseBody ¶
func ValidateMonitorNotAvailableResponseBody(body *MonitorNotAvailableResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateMonitorNotAvailableResponseBody runs the validations defined on monitor_not_available_response_body
func ValidateMonitorRequestNotAvailableResponseBody ¶
func ValidateMonitorRequestNotAvailableResponseBody(body *MonitorRequestNotAvailableResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateMonitorRequestNotAvailableResponseBody runs the validations defined on monitor_request_not_available_response_body
func ValidateMonitorResponseBody ¶
func ValidateMonitorResponseBody(body *MonitorResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateMonitorResponseBody runs the validations defined on MonitorResponseBody
func ValidateMoveNotAvailableResponseBody ¶
func ValidateMoveNotAvailableResponseBody(body *MoveNotAvailableResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateMoveNotAvailableResponseBody runs the validations defined on move_not_available_response_body
func ValidateMoveNotFoundResponseBody ¶
func ValidateMoveNotFoundResponseBody(body *MoveNotFoundResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateMoveNotFoundResponseBody runs the validations defined on move_not_found_response_body
func ValidateMoveNotValidResponseBody ¶
func ValidateMoveNotValidResponseBody(body *MoveNotValidResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateMoveNotValidResponseBody runs the validations defined on move_not_valid_response_body
func ValidateMoveStatusFailedDependencyResponseBody ¶
func ValidateMoveStatusFailedDependencyResponseBody(body *MoveStatusFailedDependencyResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateMoveStatusFailedDependencyResponseBody runs the validations defined on move_status_failed_dependency_response_body
func ValidateMoveStatusNotFoundResponseBody ¶
func ValidateMoveStatusNotFoundResponseBody(body *MoveStatusNotFoundResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateMoveStatusNotFoundResponseBody runs the validations defined on move_status_not_found_response_body
func ValidateMoveStatusResponseBody ¶
func ValidateMoveStatusResponseBody(body *MoveStatusResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateMoveStatusResponseBody runs the validations defined on move_status_response_body
func ValidatePreservationActionsNotFoundResponseBody ¶
func ValidatePreservationActionsNotFoundResponseBody(body *PreservationActionsNotFoundResponseBody) (err error)
ValidatePreservationActionsNotFoundResponseBody runs the validations defined on preservation_actions_not_found_response_body
func ValidateRejectNotAvailableResponseBody ¶
func ValidateRejectNotAvailableResponseBody(body *RejectNotAvailableResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateRejectNotAvailableResponseBody runs the validations defined on reject_not_available_response_body
func ValidateRejectNotFoundResponseBody ¶
func ValidateRejectNotFoundResponseBody(body *RejectNotFoundResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateRejectNotFoundResponseBody runs the validations defined on reject_not_found_response_body
func ValidateRejectNotValidResponseBody ¶
func ValidateRejectNotValidResponseBody(body *RejectNotValidResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateRejectNotValidResponseBody runs the validations defined on reject_not_valid_response_body
func ValidateShowNotAvailableResponseBody ¶
func ValidateShowNotAvailableResponseBody(body *ShowNotAvailableResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateShowNotAvailableResponseBody runs the validations defined on show_not_available_response_body
func ValidateShowNotFoundResponseBody ¶
func ValidateShowNotFoundResponseBody(body *ShowNotFoundResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateShowNotFoundResponseBody runs the validations defined on show_not_found_response_body
func ValidateUploadInternalErrorResponseBody ¶
func ValidateUploadInternalErrorResponseBody(body *UploadInternalErrorResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateUploadInternalErrorResponseBody runs the validations defined on upload_internal_error_response_body
func ValidateUploadInvalidMediaTypeResponseBody ¶
func ValidateUploadInvalidMediaTypeResponseBody(body *UploadInvalidMediaTypeResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateUploadInvalidMediaTypeResponseBody runs the validations defined on upload_invalid_media_type_response_body
func ValidateUploadInvalidMultipartRequestResponseBody ¶
func ValidateUploadInvalidMultipartRequestResponseBody(body *UploadInvalidMultipartRequestResponseBody) (err error)
ValidateUploadInvalidMultipartRequestResponseBody runs the validations defined on upload_invalid_multipart_request_response_body
Types ¶
type Client ¶
type Client struct { // MonitorRequest Doer is the HTTP client used to make requests to the // monitor_request endpoint. MonitorRequestDoer goahttp.Doer // Monitor Doer is the HTTP client used to make requests to the monitor // endpoint. MonitorDoer goahttp.Doer // List Doer is the HTTP client used to make requests to the list endpoint. ListDoer goahttp.Doer // Show Doer is the HTTP client used to make requests to the show endpoint. ShowDoer goahttp.Doer // PreservationActions Doer is the HTTP client used to make requests to the // preservation_actions endpoint. PreservationActionsDoer goahttp.Doer // Confirm Doer is the HTTP client used to make requests to the confirm // endpoint. ConfirmDoer goahttp.Doer // Reject Doer is the HTTP client used to make requests to the reject endpoint. RejectDoer goahttp.Doer // Move Doer is the HTTP client used to make requests to the move endpoint. MoveDoer goahttp.Doer // MoveStatus Doer is the HTTP client used to make requests to the move_status // endpoint. MoveStatusDoer goahttp.Doer // Upload Doer is the HTTP client used to make requests to the upload endpoint. UploadDoer goahttp.Doer // CORS Doer is the HTTP client used to make requests to the endpoint. CORSDoer goahttp.Doer // RestoreResponseBody controls whether the response bodies are reset after // decoding so they can be read again. RestoreResponseBody bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Client lists the package service endpoint HTTP clients.
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient( scheme string, host string, doer goahttp.Doer, enc func(*http.Request) goahttp.Encoder, dec func(*http.Response) goahttp.Decoder, restoreBody bool, dialer goahttp.Dialer, cfn *ConnConfigurer, ) *Client
NewClient instantiates HTTP clients for all the package service servers.
func (*Client) BuildConfirmRequest ¶
BuildConfirmRequest instantiates a HTTP request object with method and path set to call the "package" service "confirm" endpoint
func (*Client) BuildListRequest ¶
BuildListRequest instantiates a HTTP request object with method and path set to call the "package" service "list" endpoint
func (*Client) BuildMonitorRequest ¶
BuildMonitorRequest instantiates a HTTP request object with method and path set to call the "package" service "monitor" endpoint
func (*Client) BuildMonitorRequestRequest ¶
BuildMonitorRequestRequest instantiates a HTTP request object with method and path set to call the "package" service "monitor_request" endpoint
func (*Client) BuildMoveRequest ¶
BuildMoveRequest instantiates a HTTP request object with method and path set to call the "package" service "move" endpoint
func (*Client) BuildMoveStatusRequest ¶
BuildMoveStatusRequest instantiates a HTTP request object with method and path set to call the "package" service "move_status" endpoint
func (*Client) BuildPreservationActionsRequest ¶
BuildPreservationActionsRequest instantiates a HTTP request object with method and path set to call the "package" service "preservation_actions" endpoint
func (*Client) BuildRejectRequest ¶
BuildRejectRequest instantiates a HTTP request object with method and path set to call the "package" service "reject" endpoint
func (*Client) BuildShowRequest ¶
BuildShowRequest instantiates a HTTP request object with method and path set to call the "package" service "show" endpoint
func (*Client) BuildUploadRequest ¶
BuildUploadRequest instantiates a HTTP request object with method and path set to call the "package" service "upload" endpoint
func (*Client) Confirm ¶
Confirm returns an endpoint that makes HTTP requests to the package service confirm server.
func (*Client) List ¶
List returns an endpoint that makes HTTP requests to the package service list server.
func (*Client) Monitor ¶
Monitor returns an endpoint that makes HTTP requests to the package service monitor server.
func (*Client) MonitorRequest ¶
MonitorRequest returns an endpoint that makes HTTP requests to the package service monitor_request server.
func (*Client) Move ¶
Move returns an endpoint that makes HTTP requests to the package service move server.
func (*Client) MoveStatus ¶
MoveStatus returns an endpoint that makes HTTP requests to the package service move_status server.
func (*Client) PreservationActions ¶
PreservationActions returns an endpoint that makes HTTP requests to the package service preservation_actions server.
func (*Client) Reject ¶
Reject returns an endpoint that makes HTTP requests to the package service reject server.
type ConfirmNotAvailableResponseBody ¶
type ConfirmNotAvailableResponseBody struct { // Name is the name of this class of errors. Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // ID is a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. ID *string `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` // Message is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the // problem. Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Is the error temporary? Temporary *bool `form:"temporary,omitempty" json:"temporary,omitempty" xml:"temporary,omitempty"` // Is the error a timeout? Timeout *bool `form:"timeout,omitempty" json:"timeout,omitempty" xml:"timeout,omitempty"` // Is the error a server-side fault? Fault *bool `form:"fault,omitempty" json:"fault,omitempty" xml:"fault,omitempty"` }
ConfirmNotAvailableResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "confirm" endpoint HTTP response body for the "not_available" error.
type ConfirmNotFoundResponseBody ¶
type ConfirmNotFoundResponseBody struct { // Message of error Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Identifier of missing package ID *uint `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` }
ConfirmNotFoundResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "confirm" endpoint HTTP response body for the "not_found" error.
type ConfirmNotValidResponseBody ¶
type ConfirmNotValidResponseBody struct { // Name is the name of this class of errors. Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // ID is a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. ID *string `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` // Message is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the // problem. Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Is the error temporary? Temporary *bool `form:"temporary,omitempty" json:"temporary,omitempty" xml:"temporary,omitempty"` // Is the error a timeout? Timeout *bool `form:"timeout,omitempty" json:"timeout,omitempty" xml:"timeout,omitempty"` // Is the error a server-side fault? Fault *bool `form:"fault,omitempty" json:"fault,omitempty" xml:"fault,omitempty"` }
ConfirmNotValidResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "confirm" endpoint HTTP response body for the "not_valid" error.
type ConfirmRequestBody ¶
type ConfirmRequestBody struct { // Identifier of storage location LocationID uuid.UUID `form:"location_id" json:"location_id" xml:"location_id"` }
ConfirmRequestBody is the type of the "package" service "confirm" endpoint HTTP request body.
func NewConfirmRequestBody ¶
func NewConfirmRequestBody(p *package_.ConfirmPayload) *ConfirmRequestBody
NewConfirmRequestBody builds the HTTP request body from the payload of the "confirm" endpoint of the "package" service.
type ConnConfigurer ¶
type ConnConfigurer struct {
MonitorFn goahttp.ConnConfigureFunc
ConnConfigurer holds the websocket connection configurer functions for the streaming endpoints in "package" service.
func NewConnConfigurer ¶
func NewConnConfigurer(fn goahttp.ConnConfigureFunc) *ConnConfigurer
NewConnConfigurer initializes the websocket connection configurer function with fn for all the streaming endpoints in "package" service.
type EnduroPackagePreservationActionCollectionResponseBody ¶
type EnduroPackagePreservationActionCollectionResponseBody []*EnduroPackagePreservationActionResponseBody
EnduroPackagePreservationActionCollectionResponseBody is used to define fields on response body types.
type EnduroPackagePreservationActionResponseBody ¶
type EnduroPackagePreservationActionResponseBody struct { ID *uint `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` WorkflowID *string `form:"workflow_id,omitempty" json:"workflow_id,omitempty" xml:"workflow_id,omitempty"` Type *string `form:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty" xml:"type,omitempty"` Status *string `form:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty" xml:"status,omitempty"` StartedAt *string `form:"started_at,omitempty" json:"started_at,omitempty" xml:"started_at,omitempty"` CompletedAt *string `form:"completed_at,omitempty" json:"completed_at,omitempty" xml:"completed_at,omitempty"` Tasks EnduroPackagePreservationTaskCollectionResponseBody `form:"tasks,omitempty" json:"tasks,omitempty" xml:"tasks,omitempty"` PackageID *uint `form:"package_id,omitempty" json:"package_id,omitempty" xml:"package_id,omitempty"` }
EnduroPackagePreservationActionResponseBody is used to define fields on response body types.
type EnduroPackagePreservationTaskCollectionResponseBody ¶
type EnduroPackagePreservationTaskCollectionResponseBody []*EnduroPackagePreservationTaskResponseBody
EnduroPackagePreservationTaskCollectionResponseBody is used to define fields on response body types.
type EnduroPackagePreservationTaskResponseBody ¶
type EnduroPackagePreservationTaskResponseBody struct { ID *uint `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` TaskID *string `form:"task_id,omitempty" json:"task_id,omitempty" xml:"task_id,omitempty"` Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` Status *string `form:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty" xml:"status,omitempty"` StartedAt *string `form:"started_at,omitempty" json:"started_at,omitempty" xml:"started_at,omitempty"` CompletedAt *string `form:"completed_at,omitempty" json:"completed_at,omitempty" xml:"completed_at,omitempty"` Note *string `form:"note,omitempty" json:"note,omitempty" xml:"note,omitempty"` PreservationActionID *uint `form:"preservation_action_id,omitempty" json:"preservation_action_id,omitempty" xml:"preservation_action_id,omitempty"` }
EnduroPackagePreservationTaskResponseBody is used to define fields on response body types.
type EnduroPageResponseBody ¶
type EnduroPageResponseBody struct { // Maximum items per page Limit *int `form:"limit,omitempty" json:"limit,omitempty" xml:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset from first result to start of page Offset *int `form:"offset,omitempty" json:"offset,omitempty" xml:"offset,omitempty"` // Total result count before paging Total *int `form:"total,omitempty" json:"total,omitempty" xml:"total,omitempty"` }
EnduroPageResponseBody is used to define fields on response body types.
type EnduroStoredPackageCollectionResponseBody ¶
type EnduroStoredPackageCollectionResponseBody []*EnduroStoredPackageResponseBody
EnduroStoredPackageCollectionResponseBody is used to define fields on response body types.
type EnduroStoredPackageResponseBody ¶
type EnduroStoredPackageResponseBody struct { // Identifier of package ID *uint `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the package Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // Identifier of storage location LocationID *uuid.UUID `form:"location_id,omitempty" json:"location_id,omitempty" xml:"location_id,omitempty"` // Status of the package Status *string `form:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty" xml:"status,omitempty"` // Identifier of processing workflow WorkflowID *string `form:"workflow_id,omitempty" json:"workflow_id,omitempty" xml:"workflow_id,omitempty"` // Identifier of latest processing workflow run RunID *string `form:"run_id,omitempty" json:"run_id,omitempty" xml:"run_id,omitempty"` // Identifier of AIP AipID *string `form:"aip_id,omitempty" json:"aip_id,omitempty" xml:"aip_id,omitempty"` // Creation datetime CreatedAt *string `form:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty" xml:"created_at,omitempty"` // Start datetime StartedAt *string `form:"started_at,omitempty" json:"started_at,omitempty" xml:"started_at,omitempty"` // Completion datetime CompletedAt *string `form:"completed_at,omitempty" json:"completed_at,omitempty" xml:"completed_at,omitempty"` }
EnduroStoredPackageResponseBody is used to define fields on response body types.
type ListResponseBody ¶
type ListResponseBody struct { Items EnduroStoredPackageCollectionResponseBody `form:"items,omitempty" json:"items,omitempty" xml:"items,omitempty"` Page *EnduroPageResponseBody `form:"page,omitempty" json:"page,omitempty" xml:"page,omitempty"` }
ListResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "list" endpoint HTTP response body.
type MonitorClientStream ¶
type MonitorClientStream struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MonitorClientStream implements the package_.MonitorClientStream interface.
func (*MonitorClientStream) Recv ¶
func (s *MonitorClientStream) Recv() (*package_.MonitorEvent, error)
Recv reads instances of "package_.MonitorEvent" from the "monitor" endpoint websocket connection.
type MonitorNotAvailableResponseBody ¶
type MonitorNotAvailableResponseBody struct { // Name is the name of this class of errors. Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // ID is a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. ID *string `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` // Message is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the // problem. Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Is the error temporary? Temporary *bool `form:"temporary,omitempty" json:"temporary,omitempty" xml:"temporary,omitempty"` // Is the error a timeout? Timeout *bool `form:"timeout,omitempty" json:"timeout,omitempty" xml:"timeout,omitempty"` // Is the error a server-side fault? Fault *bool `form:"fault,omitempty" json:"fault,omitempty" xml:"fault,omitempty"` }
MonitorNotAvailableResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "monitor" endpoint HTTP response body for the "not_available" error.
type MonitorRequestNotAvailableResponseBody ¶
type MonitorRequestNotAvailableResponseBody struct { // Name is the name of this class of errors. Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // ID is a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. ID *string `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` // Message is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the // problem. Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Is the error temporary? Temporary *bool `form:"temporary,omitempty" json:"temporary,omitempty" xml:"temporary,omitempty"` // Is the error a timeout? Timeout *bool `form:"timeout,omitempty" json:"timeout,omitempty" xml:"timeout,omitempty"` // Is the error a server-side fault? Fault *bool `form:"fault,omitempty" json:"fault,omitempty" xml:"fault,omitempty"` }
MonitorRequestNotAvailableResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "monitor_request" endpoint HTTP response body for the "not_available" error.
type MonitorResponseBody ¶
type MonitorResponseBody struct { Event *struct { // Union type name, one of: // - "monitor_ping_event" // - "package_created_event" // - "package_updated_event" // - "package_status_updated_event" // - "package_location_updated_event" // - "preservation_action_created_event" // - "preservation_action_updated_event" // - "preservation_task_created_event" // - "preservation_task_updated_event" Type *string `form:"Type" json:"Type" xml:"Type"` // JSON encoded union value Value *string `form:"Value" json:"Value" xml:"Value"` } `form:"event,omitempty" json:"event,omitempty" xml:"event,omitempty"` }
MonitorResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "monitor" endpoint HTTP response body.
type MoveNotAvailableResponseBody ¶
type MoveNotAvailableResponseBody struct { // Name is the name of this class of errors. Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // ID is a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. ID *string `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` // Message is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the // problem. Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Is the error temporary? Temporary *bool `form:"temporary,omitempty" json:"temporary,omitempty" xml:"temporary,omitempty"` // Is the error a timeout? Timeout *bool `form:"timeout,omitempty" json:"timeout,omitempty" xml:"timeout,omitempty"` // Is the error a server-side fault? Fault *bool `form:"fault,omitempty" json:"fault,omitempty" xml:"fault,omitempty"` }
MoveNotAvailableResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "move" endpoint HTTP response body for the "not_available" error.
type MoveNotFoundResponseBody ¶
type MoveNotFoundResponseBody struct { // Message of error Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Identifier of missing package ID *uint `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` }
MoveNotFoundResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "move" endpoint HTTP response body for the "not_found" error.
type MoveNotValidResponseBody ¶
type MoveNotValidResponseBody struct { // Name is the name of this class of errors. Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // ID is a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. ID *string `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` // Message is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the // problem. Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Is the error temporary? Temporary *bool `form:"temporary,omitempty" json:"temporary,omitempty" xml:"temporary,omitempty"` // Is the error a timeout? Timeout *bool `form:"timeout,omitempty" json:"timeout,omitempty" xml:"timeout,omitempty"` // Is the error a server-side fault? Fault *bool `form:"fault,omitempty" json:"fault,omitempty" xml:"fault,omitempty"` }
MoveNotValidResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "move" endpoint HTTP response body for the "not_valid" error.
type MoveRequestBody ¶
type MoveRequestBody struct { // Identifier of storage location LocationID uuid.UUID `form:"location_id" json:"location_id" xml:"location_id"` }
MoveRequestBody is the type of the "package" service "move" endpoint HTTP request body.
func NewMoveRequestBody ¶
func NewMoveRequestBody(p *package_.MovePayload) *MoveRequestBody
NewMoveRequestBody builds the HTTP request body from the payload of the "move" endpoint of the "package" service.
type MoveStatusFailedDependencyResponseBody ¶
type MoveStatusFailedDependencyResponseBody struct { // Name is the name of this class of errors. Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // ID is a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. ID *string `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` // Message is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the // problem. Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Is the error temporary? Temporary *bool `form:"temporary,omitempty" json:"temporary,omitempty" xml:"temporary,omitempty"` // Is the error a timeout? Timeout *bool `form:"timeout,omitempty" json:"timeout,omitempty" xml:"timeout,omitempty"` // Is the error a server-side fault? Fault *bool `form:"fault,omitempty" json:"fault,omitempty" xml:"fault,omitempty"` }
MoveStatusFailedDependencyResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "move_status" endpoint HTTP response body for the "failed_dependency" error.
type MoveStatusNotFoundResponseBody ¶
type MoveStatusNotFoundResponseBody struct { // Message of error Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Identifier of missing package ID *uint `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` }
MoveStatusNotFoundResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "move_status" endpoint HTTP response body for the "not_found" error.
type MoveStatusResponseBody ¶
type MoveStatusResponseBody struct {
Done *bool `form:"done,omitempty" json:"done,omitempty" xml:"done,omitempty"`
MoveStatusResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "move_status" endpoint HTTP response body.
type PreservationActionsNotFoundResponseBody ¶
type PreservationActionsNotFoundResponseBody struct { // Message of error Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Identifier of missing package ID *uint `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` }
PreservationActionsNotFoundResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "preservation_actions" endpoint HTTP response body for the "not_found" error.
type PreservationActionsResponseBody ¶
type PreservationActionsResponseBody struct {
Actions EnduroPackagePreservationActionCollectionResponseBody `form:"actions,omitempty" json:"actions,omitempty" xml:"actions,omitempty"`
PreservationActionsResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "preservation_actions" endpoint HTTP response body.
type RejectNotAvailableResponseBody ¶
type RejectNotAvailableResponseBody struct { // Name is the name of this class of errors. Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // ID is a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. ID *string `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` // Message is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the // problem. Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Is the error temporary? Temporary *bool `form:"temporary,omitempty" json:"temporary,omitempty" xml:"temporary,omitempty"` // Is the error a timeout? Timeout *bool `form:"timeout,omitempty" json:"timeout,omitempty" xml:"timeout,omitempty"` // Is the error a server-side fault? Fault *bool `form:"fault,omitempty" json:"fault,omitempty" xml:"fault,omitempty"` }
RejectNotAvailableResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "reject" endpoint HTTP response body for the "not_available" error.
type RejectNotFoundResponseBody ¶
type RejectNotFoundResponseBody struct { // Message of error Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Identifier of missing package ID *uint `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` }
RejectNotFoundResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "reject" endpoint HTTP response body for the "not_found" error.
type RejectNotValidResponseBody ¶
type RejectNotValidResponseBody struct { // Name is the name of this class of errors. Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // ID is a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. ID *string `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` // Message is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the // problem. Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Is the error temporary? Temporary *bool `form:"temporary,omitempty" json:"temporary,omitempty" xml:"temporary,omitempty"` // Is the error a timeout? Timeout *bool `form:"timeout,omitempty" json:"timeout,omitempty" xml:"timeout,omitempty"` // Is the error a server-side fault? Fault *bool `form:"fault,omitempty" json:"fault,omitempty" xml:"fault,omitempty"` }
RejectNotValidResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "reject" endpoint HTTP response body for the "not_valid" error.
type ShowNotAvailableResponseBody ¶
type ShowNotAvailableResponseBody struct { // Name is the name of this class of errors. Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // ID is a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. ID *string `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` // Message is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the // problem. Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Is the error temporary? Temporary *bool `form:"temporary,omitempty" json:"temporary,omitempty" xml:"temporary,omitempty"` // Is the error a timeout? Timeout *bool `form:"timeout,omitempty" json:"timeout,omitempty" xml:"timeout,omitempty"` // Is the error a server-side fault? Fault *bool `form:"fault,omitempty" json:"fault,omitempty" xml:"fault,omitempty"` }
ShowNotAvailableResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "show" endpoint HTTP response body for the "not_available" error.
type ShowNotFoundResponseBody ¶
type ShowNotFoundResponseBody struct { // Message of error Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Identifier of missing package ID *uint `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` }
ShowNotFoundResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "show" endpoint HTTP response body for the "not_found" error.
type ShowResponseBody ¶
type ShowResponseBody struct { // Identifier of package ID *uint `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the package Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // Identifier of storage location LocationID *uuid.UUID `form:"location_id,omitempty" json:"location_id,omitempty" xml:"location_id,omitempty"` // Status of the package Status *string `form:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty" xml:"status,omitempty"` // Identifier of processing workflow WorkflowID *string `form:"workflow_id,omitempty" json:"workflow_id,omitempty" xml:"workflow_id,omitempty"` // Identifier of latest processing workflow run RunID *string `form:"run_id,omitempty" json:"run_id,omitempty" xml:"run_id,omitempty"` // Identifier of AIP AipID *string `form:"aip_id,omitempty" json:"aip_id,omitempty" xml:"aip_id,omitempty"` // Creation datetime CreatedAt *string `form:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty" xml:"created_at,omitempty"` // Start datetime StartedAt *string `form:"started_at,omitempty" json:"started_at,omitempty" xml:"started_at,omitempty"` // Completion datetime CompletedAt *string `form:"completed_at,omitempty" json:"completed_at,omitempty" xml:"completed_at,omitempty"` }
ShowResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "show" endpoint HTTP response body.
type UploadInternalErrorResponseBody ¶
type UploadInternalErrorResponseBody struct { // Name is the name of this class of errors. Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // ID is a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. ID *string `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` // Message is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the // problem. Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Is the error temporary? Temporary *bool `form:"temporary,omitempty" json:"temporary,omitempty" xml:"temporary,omitempty"` // Is the error a timeout? Timeout *bool `form:"timeout,omitempty" json:"timeout,omitempty" xml:"timeout,omitempty"` // Is the error a server-side fault? Fault *bool `form:"fault,omitempty" json:"fault,omitempty" xml:"fault,omitempty"` }
UploadInternalErrorResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "upload" endpoint HTTP response body for the "internal_error" error.
type UploadInvalidMediaTypeResponseBody ¶
type UploadInvalidMediaTypeResponseBody struct { // Name is the name of this class of errors. Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // ID is a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. ID *string `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` // Message is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the // problem. Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Is the error temporary? Temporary *bool `form:"temporary,omitempty" json:"temporary,omitempty" xml:"temporary,omitempty"` // Is the error a timeout? Timeout *bool `form:"timeout,omitempty" json:"timeout,omitempty" xml:"timeout,omitempty"` // Is the error a server-side fault? Fault *bool `form:"fault,omitempty" json:"fault,omitempty" xml:"fault,omitempty"` }
UploadInvalidMediaTypeResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "upload" endpoint HTTP response body for the "invalid_media_type" error.
type UploadInvalidMultipartRequestResponseBody ¶
type UploadInvalidMultipartRequestResponseBody struct { // Name is the name of this class of errors. Name *string `form:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // ID is a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. ID *string `form:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"` // Message is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the // problem. Message *string `form:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` // Is the error temporary? Temporary *bool `form:"temporary,omitempty" json:"temporary,omitempty" xml:"temporary,omitempty"` // Is the error a timeout? Timeout *bool `form:"timeout,omitempty" json:"timeout,omitempty" xml:"timeout,omitempty"` // Is the error a server-side fault? Fault *bool `form:"fault,omitempty" json:"fault,omitempty" xml:"fault,omitempty"` }
UploadInvalidMultipartRequestResponseBody is the type of the "package" service "upload" endpoint HTTP response body for the "invalid_multipart_request" error.