
v1.0.20 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 19, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 13 Imported by: 5



Package ds queue copy from https://github.com/eapache/queue/blob/master/queue.go

Package ds BuiltinSet copy from https://github.com/chen3feng/stl4go/blob/master/builtin_set.go

Package ds stack copy from https://github.com/chen3feng/stl4go/blob/master/stack.go



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var ErrorNotFound = errors.New("not found")


func FpEachMap added in v1.0.8

func FpEachMap[K comparable, V any](a map[K]V, iterate func(a map[K]V, k K, v V) V) map[K]V

FpEachMap Iterates over map, yielding each key, value in turn to an iterate function, Returns the map for chaining.

func FpEachSlice added in v1.0.8

func FpEachSlice[T any](a []T, iterate func(a []T, i int) T) []T

FpEachSlice Iterates over a slice of elements, yielding each in turn to an iterate function, Returns the slice for chaining.

func FpEveryList added in v1.0.8

func FpEveryList[T any](a DList[T], iterate func(a DList[T], node T) bool) bool

FpEveryList Returns true if all of the values pass the predicate truth test

func FpEveryMap added in v1.0.8

func FpEveryMap[K comparable, V any](a map[K]V, iterate func(a map[K]V, k K, v V) bool) bool

FpEveryMap Returns true if all of the values pass the predicate truth test

func FpEverySet added in v1.0.8

func FpEverySet[T comparable](a BuiltinSet[T], iterate func(a BuiltinSet[T], node T) bool) bool

FpEverySet Returns true if all of the values pass the predicate truth test

func FpEverySlice added in v1.0.8

func FpEverySlice[T any](a []T, iterate func(a []T, i int) bool) bool

FpEverySlice Returns true if all of the values pass the predicate truth test

func FpFilterMap added in v1.0.8

func FpFilterMap[K comparable, V any](a map[K]V, iterate func(a map[K]V, k K, v V) bool) map[K]V

FpFilterMap Looks through each value in the map, returning a map of all the values that pass a truth test (predicate).

func FpFilterSlice added in v1.0.8

func FpFilterSlice[T any](a []T, iterate func(a []T, i int) bool) []T

FpFilterSlice Looks through each value in the slice, returning a slice of all the values that pass a truth test (predicate).

func FpIterList added in v1.0.8

func FpIterList[T any](a DList[T], iterate func(a DList[T], node T))

FpIterList Iterate list by iterate func, do not modify list

func FpIterMap added in v1.0.8

func FpIterMap[K comparable, V any](a map[K]V, iterate func(a map[K]V, k K, v V))

FpIterMap Iterate map by iterate func, do not modify map

func FpIterSet added in v1.0.8

func FpIterSet[T comparable](a BuiltinSet[T], iterate func(a BuiltinSet[T], node T))

FpIterSet Iterate set by iterate func, do not modify set

func FpIterSlice added in v1.0.8

func FpIterSlice[T any](a []T, iterate func(a []T, i int))

FpIterSlice Iterate slice by iterate func, do not modify slice

func FpMapMap added in v1.0.8

func FpMapMap[K comparable, V any](a map[K]V, iterate func(a map[K]V, k K, v V) (K, V)) map[K]V

FpMapMap Produces a new map by mapping each key, value in map through a transformation function (iterate).

func FpMapSlice added in v1.0.8

func FpMapSlice[T any](a []T, iterate func(a []T, i int) T) []T

FpMapSlice Produces a new slice by mapping each value in list through a transformation function (iterate).

func FpPartial added in v1.0.8

func FpPartial[T1, T2, R any](f func(a T1, b T2) R, arg1 T1) func(T2) R

FpPartial returns new function that, when called, has its first argument set to the provided value.

func FpPartial1 added in v1.0.8

func FpPartial1[T1, T2, R any](f func(T1, T2) R, arg1 T1) func(T2) R

FpPartial1 returns new function that, when called, has its first argument set to the provided value.

func FpPartial2 added in v1.0.8

func FpPartial2[T1, T2, T3, R any](f func(T1, T2, T3) R, arg1 T1) func(T2, T3) R

FpPartial2 returns new function that, when called, has its first argument set to the provided value.

func FpPartial3 added in v1.0.8

func FpPartial3[T1, T2, T3, T4, R any](f func(T1, T2, T3, T4) R, arg1 T1) func(T2, T3, T4) R

FpPartial3 returns new function that, when called, has its first argument set to the provided value.

func FpPartial4 added in v1.0.8

func FpPartial4[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R any](f func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) R, arg1 T1) func(T2, T3, T4, T5) R

FpPartial4 returns new function that, when called, has its first argument set to the provided value.

func FpPartial5 added in v1.0.8

func FpPartial5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R any](f func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) R, arg1 T1) func(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) R

FpPartial5 returns new function that, when called, has its first argument set to the provided value

func FpPartitionList added in v1.0.8

func FpPartitionList[T any](a DList[T], iterate func(a DList[T], node T) bool) (DList[T], DList[T])

FpPartitionList Split list into two lists: one whose elements all satisfy predicate and one whose elements all do not satisfy predicate

func FpPartitionMap added in v1.0.8

func FpPartitionMap[K comparable, V any](a map[K]V, iterate func(a map[K]V, k K, v V) bool) (map[K]V, map[K]V)

FpPartitionMap Split map into two maps: one whose elements all satisfy predicate and one whose elements all do not satisfy predicate

func FpPartitionSet added in v1.0.8

func FpPartitionSet[T comparable](a BuiltinSet[T], iterate func(a BuiltinSet[T], node T) bool) (BuiltinSet[T], BuiltinSet[T])

FpPartitionSet Split set into two sets: one whose elements all satisfy predicate and one whose elements all do not satisfy predicate

func FpPartitionSlice added in v1.0.8

func FpPartitionSlice[T any](a []T, iterate func(a []T, i int) bool) ([]T, []T)

FpPartitionSlice Split slice into two slices: one whose elements all satisfy predicate and one whose elements all do not satisfy predicate

func MapEqualCounter added in v1.0.7

func MapEqualCounter[V comparable](c map[V]int, other map[V]int) bool

func MapKeyToSlice added in v1.0.1

func MapKeyToSlice[T comparable, V any](a map[T]V) []T

MapKeyToSlice 提取map的key

func MapMerge added in v1.0.12

func MapMerge[K comparable, V any](m1 map[K]V, m2 map[K]V) map[K]V

MapMerge 合并两个map,如果key重复则以第二个元素中的key为主

func MapRemoveEmptyString added in v1.0.13

func MapRemoveEmptyString[K comparable](m map[K]interface{}) map[K]interface{}

MapRemoveEmptyString 删除空字符串的

func MapValueToSlice added in v1.0.1

func MapValueToSlice[T comparable, V any](a map[T]V) []V

MapValueToSlice 提取map的值

func MapZipSliceToMap added in v1.0.1

func MapZipSliceToMap[T comparable, V any](a []T, b []V) (map[T]V, error)

MapZipSliceToMap 两个slice,一个key,一个value转换为map

func SetToSlice

func SetToSlice[K comparable](u BuiltinSet[K]) []K

SetToSlice convert from set to slice

func SliceAbsoluteEqual

func SliceAbsoluteEqual[T comparable](a []T, b []T) bool

SliceAbsoluteEqual 判断两个slice是否一样,严格按照顺序比较

func SliceBinarySearch added in v1.0.7

func SliceBinarySearch[T ttypes.Ordered](data []T, value T) int

SliceBinarySearch 二分搜索

func SliceConvertToInt added in v1.0.1

func SliceConvertToInt(data interface{}) ([]int, error)

SliceConvertToInt 切片集合统一转换为[]int

func SliceConvertToInt64 added in v1.0.1

func SliceConvertToInt64(data interface{}) ([]int64, error)

SliceConvertToInt64 切片集合统一转换为[]int64

func SliceConvertToString added in v1.0.1

func SliceConvertToString(data interface{}) ([]string, error)

SliceConvertToString 切片集合统一转换为[]string

func SliceCopy

func SliceCopy[T any](data []T, ns ...int) []T

SliceCopy 复制切片

func SliceExclude

func SliceExclude[T comparable](a []T, b T) bool

SliceExclude 判断元素是否不在slice中

func SliceFilter

func SliceFilter[T any](a []T, filter func(i int) bool) []T

SliceFilter 过滤slice

func SliceGroupByCounter added in v1.0.7

func SliceGroupByCounter[V comparable](data []V) map[V]int

SliceGroupByCounter 对元素按照Value进行进行计数

func SliceGroupByHandler added in v1.0.7

func SliceGroupByHandler[K comparable, V any](data []V, getKeyHandler func(int) K) map[K][]V

SliceGroupByHandler 对切片进行分类

func SliceGroupByValue added in v1.0.7

func SliceGroupByValue[V comparable](data []V) map[V][]V

SliceGroupByValue 对切片按照元素进行分类

func SliceGroupIntoSlice added in v1.0.7

func SliceGroupIntoSlice[V ttypes.Ordered](data []V) [][]V

SliceGroupIntoSlice 切片按照元素内容分成不同Slice

func SliceInclude

func SliceInclude[T comparable](a []T, b T) bool

SliceInclude 判断元素是否在slice中

func SliceIndex added in v1.0.1

func SliceIndex[T comparable](a []T, b T) int

SliceIndex 获取元素在切片中的下标,如果不存在返回-1

func SliceIndexOrder added in v1.0.3

func SliceIndexOrder[T ttypes.Ordered](a []T, b T) int

SliceIndexOrder 有序slice的元素搜索

func SliceInsert added in v1.0.3

func SliceInsert[T any](data *[]T, i int, x ...T)

SliceInsert 把元素插入到data的指定位置

func SliceLogicalEqual

func SliceLogicalEqual[T comparable](a []T, b []T) bool

SliceLogicalEqual 判断两个Slice是否逻辑一样,和顺序无关

func SliceMax

func SliceMax[T ttypes.Ordered](data []T) T

SliceMax 求数组的最大值

func SliceMaxN added in v1.0.7

func SliceMaxN[T ttypes.Ordered](data []T, n int) []T

SliceMaxN 返回切片中最大N个元素

func SliceMaxNWithOrder added in v1.0.7

func SliceMaxNWithOrder[T ttypes.Ordered](data []T, n int) []T

SliceMaxNWithOrder 按序返回切片中最大的N个元素

func SliceMin

func SliceMin[T ttypes.Ordered](data []T) T

SliceMin 求数组的最小值

func SliceMinN added in v1.0.7

func SliceMinN[T ttypes.Ordered](data []T, n int) []T

SliceMinN 获取切片中最小的N个元素

func SliceMinNWithOrder added in v1.0.7

func SliceMinNWithOrder[T ttypes.Ordered](data []T, n int) []T

SliceMinNWithOrder 有序返回切片中最小的N个元素

func SlicePopBack added in v1.0.3

func SlicePopBack[T any](data *[]T) (T, bool)

SlicePopBack 弹出切片最后一个元素

func SliceRemove added in v1.0.1

func SliceRemove[T comparable](data *[]T, b T)

SliceRemove 原地删除元素

func SliceRemoveIndex added in v1.0.3

func SliceRemoveIndex[T any](data *[]T, i int)

SliceRemoveIndex 删除某个索引位置的切片

func SliceRemoveRange added in v1.0.3

func SliceRemoveRange[T any](data *[]T, i int, j int)

SliceRemoveRange 删除某个范围内的切片

func SliceReplace added in v1.0.1

func SliceReplace[T comparable](data []T, a T, b T)

SliceReplace 原地替换元素

func SliceReverse

func SliceReverse[T any](data []T)

SliceReverse 转置切片

func SliceReverseCopy added in v1.0.1

func SliceReverseCopy[T any](data []T) []T

SliceReverseCopy 转置切片并复制

func SliceShuffle added in v1.0.1

func SliceShuffle[T any](data []T)

SliceShuffle shuffle 切片

func SliceTail added in v1.0.3

func SliceTail[T any](data []T, d ...T) T

SliceTail 获取切片最后一个元素,如果没有则用默认值

func SliceTwoDiff added in v1.0.6

func SliceTwoDiff[T comparable](a []T, b []T) ([]T, []T)

SliceTwoDiff 显示两个切片的区别

func SliceUnique

func SliceUnique[T comparable](data []T) []T

SliceUnique 去重切片

func SliceUnpackInclude added in v1.0.7

func SliceUnpackInclude[T comparable](a T, others ...T) bool

SliceUnpackInclude 判断第一个元素是否在后续元素集合中

func SliceUnpackMax added in v1.0.7

func SliceUnpackMax[T ttypes.Ordered](data ...T) T

SliceUnpackMax 求最大值

func SliceUnpackMin added in v1.0.7

func SliceUnpackMin[T ttypes.Ordered](data ...T) T

SliceUnpackMin 求最小值

func StrHasPrefixInsensitive added in v1.0.7

func StrHasPrefixInsensitive(str string, subStr string) bool

StrHasPrefixInsensitive 判断str是以subStr开始, subStr不关注大小写

func StrHasSuffixInsensitive added in v1.0.7

func StrHasSuffixInsensitive(str string, subStr string) bool

StrHasSuffixInsensitive 判断str是以subStr结尾, subStr不关注大小写

func StrRemoveHead added in v1.0.7

func StrRemoveHead(s string, n int) string

StrRemoveHead 删除str起始n个元素

func StrRemoveTail added in v1.0.7

func StrRemoveTail(s string, n int) string

StrRemoveTail 删除str末尾n个元素

func StrSplitNth added in v1.0.7

func StrSplitNth(str string, sep string, total int, nth int) string

StrSplitNth 字符串分割按照sep分割,约定total个,返回第nth个元素 total == -1表示不关注total元素个数 nth == -1表示返回最后一个元素


type Bitmap added in v1.0.17

type Bitmap struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Bitmap is a mapping from some domain (for example, a range of integers) to bits. It is also called a bit array or bitmap index

func New added in v1.0.17

func New(size uint64) *Bitmap

New creates a new bitmap

func NewFromData added in v1.0.17

func NewFromData(data []byte) *Bitmap

NewFromData creates a bitmap from the exported data

func (*Bitmap) Clear added in v1.0.17

func (b *Bitmap) Clear()

Clear clear the bitmap's data

func (*Bitmap) Data added in v1.0.17

func (b *Bitmap) Data() []byte

Data returns the bitmap's internal data slice

func (*Bitmap) IsSet added in v1.0.17

func (b *Bitmap) IsSet(pos uint64) bool

IsSet returns true if the position pos is 1

func (*Bitmap) Resize added in v1.0.17

func (b *Bitmap) Resize(size uint64)

Resize resizes the bitmap with the passed size

func (*Bitmap) Set added in v1.0.17

func (b *Bitmap) Set(pos uint64) bool

Set sets 1 at position pos

func (*Bitmap) Size added in v1.0.17

func (b *Bitmap) Size() uint64

Size returns the bitmap's size in bit

func (*Bitmap) Unset added in v1.0.17

func (b *Bitmap) Unset(pos uint64) bool

Unset sets 0 at position pos

type BuiltinSet

type BuiltinSet[K comparable] map[K]struct{}

BuiltinSet is an associative container that contains an unordered set of unique objects of type K.

func FpEachSet added in v1.0.8

func FpEachSet[T comparable](a BuiltinSet[T], iterate func(a BuiltinSet[T], node T) T) BuiltinSet[T]

FpEachSet Iterates over set, yielding each value in turn to an iterate function, Returns the set for chaining.

func FpFilterSet added in v1.0.8

func FpFilterSet[T comparable](a BuiltinSet[T], iterate func(a BuiltinSet[T], node T) bool) BuiltinSet[T]

FpFilterSet Looks through each value in the set, returning a set of all the values that pass a truth test (predicate).

func FpMapSet added in v1.0.8

func FpMapSet[T comparable](a BuiltinSet[T], iterate func(a BuiltinSet[T], node T) T) BuiltinSet[T]

FpMapSet Produces a new list by mapping each value in list through a transformation function (iterate).

func NewSet

func NewSet[K comparable](n ...int) BuiltinSet[K]

func SetFromSlice

func SetFromSlice[K comparable](ks []K) BuiltinSet[K]

SetFromSlice create a new BuiltinSet object with the initial content from slice.

func SetOf

func SetOf[K comparable](ks ...K) BuiltinSet[K]

SetOf creates a new BuiltinSet object with the initial content from ks.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) Clear

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) Clear()

Clear implements the Container interface.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) Delete

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) Delete(k K)

Delete deletes an element from the set. It returns nothing, so it's faster than Remove.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) Difference

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) Difference(other BuiltinSet[K]) BuiltinSet[K]

Difference returns a new set with elements in the set that are not in other.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) ForEach

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) ForEach(cb func(k K))

ForEach implements the Set interface.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) ForEachIf

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) ForEachIf(cb func(k K) bool)

ForEachIf implements the Container interface.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) Has

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) Has(k K) bool

Has implements the Set interface.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) Insert

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) Insert(k K) bool

Insert implements the Set interface.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) InsertN

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) InsertN(ks ...K) int

InsertN implements the Set interface.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) Intersection

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) Intersection(other BuiltinSet[K]) BuiltinSet[K]

Intersection returns a new set with elements common to the set and other.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) IsDisjointOf

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) IsDisjointOf(other BuiltinSet[K]) bool

IsDisjointOf return True if the set has no elements in common with other. Sets are disjoint if and only if their intersection is the empty set.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) IsEmpty

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty implements the Container interface.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) IsSubsetOf

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) IsSubsetOf(other BuiltinSet[K]) bool

IsSubsetOf tests whether every element in the set is in other.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) IsSupersetOf

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) IsSupersetOf(other BuiltinSet[K]) bool

IsSupersetOf tests whether every element in other is in the set.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) Keys

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) Keys() []K

Keys return a copy of all keys as a slice.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) Len

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) Len() int

Len implements the Container interface.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) Remove

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) Remove(k K) bool

Remove implements the Set interface.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) RemoveN

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) RemoveN(ks ...K) int

RemoveN implements the Set interface.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) String

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) Union

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) Union(other BuiltinSet[K]) BuiltinSet[K]

Union returns a new set with elements from the set and other.

func (BuiltinSet[K]) Update

func (s BuiltinSet[K]) Update(other BuiltinSet[K])

Update adds all elements from other to set. set |= other.

type DList added in v1.0.17

type DList[T any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DList is a doubly linked list.

func FpEachList added in v1.0.8

func FpEachList[T any](a DList[T], iterate func(a DList[T], node T) T) DList[T]

FpEachList Iterates over list, yielding each value in turn to an iterate function, Returns the list for chaining.

func FpFilterList added in v1.0.8

func FpFilterList[T any](a DList[T], iterate func(a DList[T], node T) bool) DList[T]

FpFilterList Looks through each value in the list, returning a list of all the values that pass a truth test (predicate).

func FpMapList added in v1.0.8

func FpMapList[T any](a DList[T], iterate func(a DList[T], node T) T) DList[T]

FpMapList Produces a new list by mapping each value in list through a transformation function (iterate).

func ListOf added in v1.0.1

func ListOf[T any](vs ...T) DList[T]

ListOf make a new DList from a serial of values.

func (*DList[T]) Back added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) Back() T

Back returns the last element in the container.

func (*DList[T]) Clear added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) Clear()

Clear cleanup the list.

func (*DList[T]) ForEach added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) ForEach(cb func(val T))

ForEach iterate the list, apply each element to the cb callback function.

func (*DList[T]) ForEachIf added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) ForEachIf(cb func(val T) bool)

ForEachIf iterate the list, apply each element to the cb callback function, stop if cb returns false.

func (*DList[T]) ForEachMutable added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) ForEachMutable(cb func(val *T))

ForEachMutable iterate the list, apply pointer of each element to the cb callback function.

func (*DList[T]) ForEachMutableIf added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) ForEachMutableIf(cb func(val *T) bool)

ForEachMutableIf iterate the list, apply pointer of each element to the cb callback function, stop if cb returns false.

func (*DList[T]) Front added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) Front() T

Front returns the first element in the container.

func (*DList[T]) IsEmpty added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty return whether the list is empty.

func (*DList[T]) Iterate added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) Iterate() MutableIterator[T]

func (*DList[T]) Len added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) Len() int

Len return the length of the list.

func (*DList[T]) PopBack added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) PopBack() T

PopBack popups an element from the back of the list.

func (*DList[T]) PopFront added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) PopFront() T

PopFront popups an element from the front of the list.

func (*DList[T]) PushBack added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) PushBack(val T)

PushBack pushes an element at the back of the list.

func (*DList[T]) PushFront added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) PushFront(val T)

PushFront pushes an element at the front of the list.

func (*DList[T]) TryPopBack added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) TryPopBack() (T, bool)

TryPopBack tries to pop up an element from the back of the list.

func (*DList[T]) TryPopFront added in v1.0.17

func (l *DList[T]) TryPopFront() (T, bool)

TryPopFront tries to pop up an element from the front of the list.

type Element added in v1.0.17

type Element[K, V any] struct {
	Node[K, V]
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Element is a kind of node with key-value data

type Iterator added in v1.0.1

type Iterator[T any] interface {
	IsNotEnd() bool // Whether it is point to the end of the range.
	MoveToNext()    // Let it point to the next element.
	Value() T       // Return the value of current element.

Iterator is the interface for container's iterator.

type MapCompareResult added in v1.0.1

type MapCompareResult int
const (
	LeftKeyMiss MapCompareResult = iota + 1

func MapComplexCompareWithKey added in v1.0.1

func MapComplexCompareWithKey[T comparable, V any](a map[T]V, b map[T]V, key T) MapCompareResult

MapComplexCompareWithKey 复杂值的key比较

func MapComplexFullCompare added in v1.0.1

func MapComplexFullCompare[T comparable, V any](a map[T]V, b map[T]V) MapCompareResult

MapComplexFullCompare 复杂值的全部比较

func MapNativeCompareWithKey added in v1.0.1

func MapNativeCompareWithKey[T comparable, V ttypes.Ordered](a map[T]V, b map[T]V, key T) MapCompareResult

MapNativeCompareWithKey 简单值的key比较

func MapNativeFullCompare added in v1.0.1

func MapNativeFullCompare[T comparable, V ttypes.Ordered](a map[T]V, b map[T]V) MapCompareResult

MapNativeFullCompare 简单值的全部比较

type MapLocker

type MapLocker[K comparable, V any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MapLocker 带锁的map,用于简单的并发读写场景

func MapNewMapLocker added in v1.0.7

func MapNewMapLocker[K comparable, V any]() *MapLocker[K, V]

func (*MapLocker[K, V]) Contain

func (m *MapLocker[K, V]) Contain(key K) bool

func (*MapLocker[K, V]) Foreach

func (m *MapLocker[K, V]) Foreach(handler func(key K, value V))

func (*MapLocker[K, V]) Get

func (m *MapLocker[K, V]) Get(key K) (V, bool)

func (*MapLocker[K, V]) Set

func (m *MapLocker[K, V]) Set(key K, value V)

type MapRWLocker

type MapRWLocker[K comparable, V any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MapRWLocker 简单的读写锁map

func MapNewMapRWLocker added in v1.0.7

func MapNewMapRWLocker[K comparable, V any]() *MapRWLocker[K, V]

func (*MapRWLocker[K, V]) Contain

func (m *MapRWLocker[K, V]) Contain(key K) bool

func (*MapRWLocker[K, V]) Foreach

func (m *MapRWLocker[K, V]) Foreach(handler func(key K, value V))

func (*MapRWLocker[K, V]) Get

func (m *MapRWLocker[K, V]) Get(key K) (V, bool)

func (*MapRWLocker[K, V]) Set

func (m *MapRWLocker[K, V]) Set(key K, value V)

type MutableIterator added in v1.0.1

type MutableIterator[T any] interface {
	Pointer() *T // Return the pointer to the value of current element.

MutableIterator is the interface for container's mutable iterator.

type Node added in v1.0.17

type Node[K, V any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Node is a list node

type Option added in v1.0.17

type Option func(option *Options)

Option is a function used to set Options

func WithMaxLevel added in v1.0.17

func WithMaxLevel(maxLevel int) Option

WithMaxLevel sets max level of Skiplist

type Options added in v1.0.17

type Options struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Options holds Skiplist's options

type Queue added in v1.0.1

type Queue[T any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Queue represents a single instance of the queue data structure.

func NewRing added in v1.0.1

func NewRing[T any]() *Queue[T]

NewRing constructs and returns a new Queue.

func (*Queue[T]) Add added in v1.0.1

func (q *Queue[T]) Add(elem T)

Add puts an element on the end of the queue.

func (*Queue[T]) Get added in v1.0.1

func (q *Queue[T]) Get(i int) T

Get returns the element at index i in the queue. If the index is invalid, the call will panic. This method accepts both positive and negative index values. Index 0 refers to the first element, and index -1 refers to the last.

func (*Queue[T]) Length added in v1.0.1

func (q *Queue[T]) Length() int

Length returns the number of elements currently stored in the queue.

func (*Queue[T]) Peek added in v1.0.1

func (q *Queue[T]) Peek() T

Peek returns the element at the head of the queue. This call panics if the queue is empty.

func (*Queue[T]) Remove added in v1.0.1

func (q *Queue[T]) Remove() T

Remove removes and returns the element from the front of the queue. If the queue is empty, the call will panic.

type SList added in v1.0.17

type SList[T any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SList is a singly linked list.

func SListOf added in v1.0.17

func SListOf[T any](values ...T) SList[T]

SListOf return a SList that contains values.

func (*SList[T]) Back added in v1.0.17

func (l *SList[T]) Back() T

Back returns the last element in the list.

func (*SList[T]) Clear added in v1.0.17

func (l *SList[T]) Clear()

Clear erases all elements from the container. After this call, Len() returns zero.

func (*SList[T]) ForEach added in v1.0.17

func (l *SList[T]) ForEach(cb func(T))

ForEach iterate the list, apply each element to the cb callback function.

func (*SList[T]) ForEachIf added in v1.0.17

func (l *SList[T]) ForEachIf(cb func(T) bool)

ForEachIf iterate the container, apply each element to the cb callback function, stop if cb returns false.

func (*SList[T]) ForEachMutable added in v1.0.17

func (l *SList[T]) ForEachMutable(cb func(*T))

ForEachMutable iterate the container, apply pointer of each element to the cb callback function.

func (*SList[T]) ForEachMutableIf added in v1.0.17

func (l *SList[T]) ForEachMutableIf(cb func(*T) bool)

ForEachMutableIf iterate the container, apply pointer of each element to the cb callback function, stop if cb returns false.

func (*SList[T]) Front added in v1.0.17

func (l *SList[T]) Front() T

Front returns the first element in the list.

func (*SList[T]) IsEmpty added in v1.0.17

func (l *SList[T]) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty checks if the container has no elements.

func (*SList[T]) Iterate added in v1.0.17

func (l *SList[T]) Iterate() MutableIterator[T]

Iterate returns an iterator to the whole container.

func (*SList[T]) Len added in v1.0.17

func (l *SList[T]) Len() int

Len returns the number of elements in the container.

func (*SList[T]) PopFront added in v1.0.17

func (l *SList[T]) PopFront() T

PopFront popups an element from the front of the list. The list must be non-empty!

func (*SList[T]) PushBack added in v1.0.17

func (l *SList[T]) PushBack(v T)

PushBack pushed an element to the tail of the list.

func (*SList[T]) PushFront added in v1.0.17

func (l *SList[T]) PushFront(v T)

PushFront pushed an element to the front of the list.

func (*SList[T]) Reverse added in v1.0.17

func (l *SList[T]) Reverse()

Reverse reverses the order of all elements in the container.

func (*SList[T]) Values added in v1.0.17

func (l *SList[T]) Values() []T

Values copies all elements in the container to a slice and return it.

type Skiplist added in v1.0.17

type Skiplist[K, V any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Skiplist is a kind of data structure which can search quickly by exchanging space for time

func NewSkipList added in v1.0.17

func NewSkipList[K, V any](cmp ttypes.CompareFn[K], opts ...Option) *Skiplist[K, V]

NewSkipList news a Skiplist

func (*Skiplist[K, V]) Get added in v1.0.17

func (sl *Skiplist[K, V]) Get(key K) (V, error)

Get returns the value associated with the passed key if the key is in the skiplist, otherwise returns error

func (*Skiplist[K, V]) Insert added in v1.0.17

func (sl *Skiplist[K, V]) Insert(key K, value V)

Insert inserts a key-value pair into the skiplist

func (*Skiplist[K, V]) Keys added in v1.0.17

func (sl *Skiplist[K, V]) Keys() []K

Keys returns all keys in the skiplist

func (*Skiplist[K, V]) Len added in v1.0.17

func (sl *Skiplist[K, V]) Len() int

Len returns the amount of key-value pair in the skiplist

func (*Skiplist[K, V]) Remove added in v1.0.17

func (sl *Skiplist[K, V]) Remove(key K) bool

Remove removes the key-value pair associated with the passed key and returns true if the key is in the skiplist, otherwise returns false

func (*Skiplist[K, V]) Traversal added in v1.0.17

func (sl *Skiplist[K, V]) Traversal(visitor func(k K, v V) bool)

Traversal traversals elements in the skiplist, it will stop until to the end or the visitor returns false

type SortedMap

type SortedMap[K ttypes.Ordered, V any] struct {
	ReverseOpt bool
	Tuples     []ttypes.Tuple[K, V]
	RawMap     map[K]V

SortedMap 有序Map,底层维护了有序切片 如果需要对map进行修改需要执行Rebuild来维护有序行,否则会导致不一致

func MapNewSortedMap added in v1.0.7

func MapNewSortedMap[K ttypes.Ordered, V any](data map[K]V, reverseOpts ...bool) SortedMap[K, V]

func (*SortedMap[K, V]) Rebuild

func (s *SortedMap[K, V]) Rebuild()

Rebuild 重新构建有序Map,一般用于map修改后再次维护tuples的有序行

type Stack added in v1.0.1

type Stack[T any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Stack s is a container adaptor that provides the functionality of a stack, a LIFO (last-in, first-out) data structure.

func NewStack added in v1.0.1

func NewStack[T any]() *Stack[T]

NewStack creates a new Stack object.

func NewStackCap added in v1.0.1

func NewStackCap[T any](capacity int) *Stack[T]

NewStackCap creates a new Stack object with the specified capacity.

func (*Stack[T]) Cap added in v1.0.1

func (s *Stack[T]) Cap() int

Cap returns the capacity of the stack.

func (*Stack[T]) Clear added in v1.0.1

func (s *Stack[T]) Clear()

Clear implements the Container interface.

func (*Stack[T]) IsEmpty added in v1.0.1

func (s *Stack[T]) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty implements the Container interface.

func (*Stack[T]) Len added in v1.0.1

func (s *Stack[T]) Len() int

Len implements the Container interface.

func (*Stack[T]) Pop added in v1.0.1

func (s *Stack[T]) Pop() T

Pop popups an element from the top of the stack. It must be called when IsEmpty() returned false, otherwise it will panic.

func (*Stack[T]) Push added in v1.0.1

func (s *Stack[T]) Push(t T)

Push pushes the element to the top of the stack.

func (*Stack[T]) Reset added in v1.0.7

func (s *Stack[T]) Reset()

func (*Stack[T]) Top added in v1.0.1

func (s *Stack[T]) Top() T

Top returns the top element in the stack. It must be called when s.IsEmpty() returned false, otherwise it will panic.

func (*Stack[T]) TryPop added in v1.0.1

func (s *Stack[T]) TryPop() (val T, ok bool)

TryPop tries to popup an element from the top of the stack.

type Tuple10E added in v1.0.1

type Tuple10E[A any, B any, C any, D any, E any, F any, G any, H any, I any, J any] struct {
	Tuple9E[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I]
	E10 J

func NewTuple10E added in v1.0.1

func NewTuple10E[A any, B any, C any, D any, E any, F any, G any, H any, I any, J any](a A, b B, c C, d D, e E, f F, g G, h H, i I, j J) *Tuple10E[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J]

func (*Tuple10E[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J]) Unpack added in v1.0.1

func (t *Tuple10E[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J]) Unpack() (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)

type Tuple2E added in v1.0.1

type Tuple2E[A any, B any] struct {
	E1 A
	E2 B

Tuple2E 自定义两个元素的Tuple

func NewTuple2E added in v1.0.1

func NewTuple2E[A any, B any](a A, b B) *Tuple2E[A, B]

func (*Tuple2E[A, B]) Unpack added in v1.0.1

func (t *Tuple2E[A, B]) Unpack() (A, B)

type Tuple3E added in v1.0.1

type Tuple3E[A any, B any, C any] struct {
	Tuple2E[A, B]
	E3 C

func NewTuple3E added in v1.0.1

func NewTuple3E[A any, B any, C any](a A, b B, c C) *Tuple3E[A, B, C]

func (*Tuple3E[A, B, C]) Unpack added in v1.0.1

func (t *Tuple3E[A, B, C]) Unpack() (A, B, C)

type Tuple4E added in v1.0.1

type Tuple4E[A any, B any, C any, D any] struct {
	Tuple3E[A, B, C]
	E4 D

func NewTuple4E added in v1.0.1

func NewTuple4E[A any, B any, C any, D any](a A, b B, c C, d D) *Tuple4E[A, B, C, D]

func (*Tuple4E[A, B, C, D]) Unpack added in v1.0.1

func (t *Tuple4E[A, B, C, D]) Unpack() (A, B, C, D)

type Tuple5E added in v1.0.1

type Tuple5E[A any, B any, C any, D any, E any] struct {
	Tuple4E[A, B, C, D]
	E5 E

func NewTuple5E added in v1.0.1

func NewTuple5E[A any, B any, C any, D any, E any](a A, b B, c C, d D, e E) *Tuple5E[A, B, C, D, E]

func (*Tuple5E[A, B, C, D, E]) Unpack added in v1.0.1

func (t *Tuple5E[A, B, C, D, E]) Unpack() (A, B, C, D, E)

type Tuple6E added in v1.0.1

type Tuple6E[A any, B any, C any, D any, E any, F any] struct {
	Tuple5E[A, B, C, D, E]
	E6 F

func NewTuple6E added in v1.0.1

func NewTuple6E[A any, B any, C any, D any, E any, F any](a A, b B, c C, d D, e E, f F) *Tuple6E[A, B, C, D, E, F]

func (*Tuple6E[A, B, C, D, E, F]) Unpack added in v1.0.1

func (t *Tuple6E[A, B, C, D, E, F]) Unpack() (A, B, C, D, E, F)

type Tuple7E added in v1.0.1

type Tuple7E[A any, B any, C any, D any, E any, F any, G any] struct {
	Tuple6E[A, B, C, D, E, F]
	E7 G

func NewTuple7E added in v1.0.1

func NewTuple7E[A any, B any, C any, D any, E any, F any, G any](a A, b B, c C, d D, e E, f F, g G) *Tuple7E[A, B, C, D, E, F, G]

func (*Tuple7E[A, B, C, D, E, F, G]) Unpack added in v1.0.1

func (t *Tuple7E[A, B, C, D, E, F, G]) Unpack() (A, B, C, D, E, F, G)

type Tuple8E added in v1.0.1

type Tuple8E[A any, B any, C any, D any, E any, F any, G any, H any] struct {
	Tuple7E[A, B, C, D, E, F, G]
	E8 H

func NewTuple8E added in v1.0.1

func NewTuple8E[A any, B any, C any, D any, E any, F any, G any, H any](a A, b B, c C, d D, e E, f F, g G, h H) *Tuple8E[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]

func (*Tuple8E[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]) Unpack added in v1.0.1

func (t *Tuple8E[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]) Unpack() (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)

type Tuple9E added in v1.0.1

type Tuple9E[A any, B any, C any, D any, E any, F any, G any, H any, I any] struct {
	Tuple8E[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]
	E9 I

func NewTuple9E added in v1.0.1

func NewTuple9E[A any, B any, C any, D any, E any, F any, G any, H any, I any](a A, b B, c C, d D, e E, f F, g G, h H, i I) *Tuple9E[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I]

func (*Tuple9E[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I]) Unpack added in v1.0.1

func (t *Tuple9E[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I]) Unpack() (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I)

type WaitFor added in v1.0.4

type WaitFor[T comparable] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WaitFor holds the data to add and the time it should be added

type WaitForPriorityQueue added in v1.0.4

type WaitForPriorityQueue[T comparable] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WaitForPriorityQueue implements a priority queue for WaitFor items.

WaitForPriorityQueue implements heap.Interface. The item occurring next in time (i.e., the item with the smallest readyAt) is at the root (index 0). Peek returns this minimum item at index 0. Pop returns the minimum item after it has been removed from the queue and placed at index Len()-1 by container/heap. Push adds an item at index Len(), and container/heap percolates it into the correct location.

func NewWaitForPriorityQueue added in v1.0.4

func NewWaitForPriorityQueue[T comparable]() *WaitForPriorityQueue[T]

func (*WaitForPriorityQueue[T]) Len added in v1.0.4

func (pq *WaitForPriorityQueue[T]) Len() int

func (*WaitForPriorityQueue[T]) Peek added in v1.0.4

func (pq *WaitForPriorityQueue[T]) Peek() *WaitFor[T]

Peek returns the item at the beginning of the queue, without removing the item or otherwise mutating the queue. It is safe to call directly.

func (*WaitForPriorityQueue[T]) Pop added in v1.0.4

func (pq *WaitForPriorityQueue[T]) Pop() *WaitFor[T]

Pop 弹出优先级队列元素

func (*WaitForPriorityQueue[T]) Push added in v1.0.4

func (pq *WaitForPriorityQueue[T]) Push(entry *WaitFor[T], ignore bool)

Push adds the entry to the priority queue, or updates the readyAt if it already exists in the queue

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