Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type AdminCatalog
- type AdminOrg
- type AdminVdc
- type AvailableNetworks
- type Capabilities
- type CapacityWithUsage
- type Catalog
- type CatalogItem
- type CatalogItems
- type CatalogStorageProfiles
- type CatalogsList
- type ComposeVAppParams
- type ComputeCapacity
- type CustomOrgLdapSettings
- type CustomizationSection
- type DefaultStorageProfileSection
- type DeleteItem
- type DeployVAppParams
- type DhcpPoolService
- type DhcpService
- type Disk
- type DiskAttachOrDetachParams
- type DiskCreateParams
- type EdgeGateway
- type EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration
- type Entity
- type Error
- type Extension
- type ExternalCatalogSubscription
- type ExternalNetworkReference
- type ExternalNetworkReferences
- type File
- type FilesList
- type FirewallRule
- type FirewallRuleProtocols
- type FirewallService
- type GatewayConfiguration
- type GatewayDhcpService
- type GatewayFeatures
- type GatewayInterface
- type GatewayInterfaces
- type GatewayIpsecVpnEndpoint
- type GatewayIpsecVpnService
- type GatewayIpsecVpnTunnel
- type GatewayNatRule
- type GuestCustomizationSection
- type IPAddresses
- type IPRange
- type IPRanges
- type IPScope
- type IPScopes
- type InstantiateVAppTemplateParams
- type InstantiationParams
- type IpsecVpnLocalPeer
- type IpsecVpnSubnet
- type IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeer
- type LBPersistence
- type LBPoolHealthCheck
- type LBPoolMember
- type LBPoolServicePort
- type LBVirtualServerServiceProfile
- type LeaseSettingsSection
- type Link
- type LinkList
- type LinkPredicate
- type LoadBalancerPool
- type LoadBalancerService
- type LoadBalancerVirtualServer
- type LocalityParams
- type Media
- type MediaInsertOrEjectParams
- type MediaRecordType
- type MetadataValue
- type NatOneToOneBasicRule
- type NatOneToOneVMRule
- type NatPortForwardingRule
- type NatRule
- type NatService
- type NatVMRule
- type NetworkAssignment
- type NetworkConfigSection
- type NetworkConfiguration
- type NetworkConnection
- type NetworkConnectionSection
- type NetworkFeatures
- type NetworksList
- type OVFItem
- type Org
- type OrgFederationSettings
- type OrgGeneralSettings
- type OrgLdapGroupAttributes
- type OrgLdapSettingsType
- type OrgLdapUserAttributes
- type OrgList
- type OrgSettings
- type OrgVDCNetwork
- type Owner
- type ProductSection
- type ProductSectionList
- type Property
- type PublishExternalCatalogParams
- type QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordType
- type QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordsType
- type QueryResultNetworkPoolRecordType
- type QueryResultOrgVdcStorageProfileRecordType
- type QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType
- type QueryResultRecordsType
- type QueryResultVAppRecordType
- type QueryResultVMRecordType
- type QueryResultVMWProviderVdcRecordType
- type ReComposeVAppParams
- type Reference
- type ResourceEntities
- type ResourceReference
- type SnapshotItem
- type SnapshotSection
- type SourcedCompositionItemParam
- type StaticRoute
- type StaticRoutingService
- type SubAllocation
- type SubAllocations
- type SubnetParticipation
- type SupportedHardwareVersions
- type Task
- type TasksInProgress
- type TypedValue
- type UndeployVAppParams
- type VApp
- type VAppChildren
- type VAppLeaseSettings
- type VAppNetworkConfiguration
- type VAppTemplate
- type VAppTemplateChildren
- type VAppTemplateLeaseSettings
- type VCloudExtension
- type VDCList
- type VM
- type VMCapabilities
- type VMGeneralParams
- type VMSelection
- type VMs
- type Value
- type Vdc
- type VdcConfiguration
- type VdcStorageProfile
- type VdcStorageProfiles
- type VendorTemplate
- type VirtualHardwareConnection
- type VirtualHardwareHostResource
- type VirtualHardwareItem
- type VirtualHardwareSection
- type Vms
Constants ¶
const ( // PublicCatalog Name PublicCatalog = "Public Catalog" // DefaultCatalog Name DefaultCatalog = "Default Catalog" // JSONMimeV57 the json mime for version 5.7 of the API JSONMimeV57 = "application/json;version=5.7" // AnyXMLMime511 the wildcard xml mime for version 5.11 of the API AnyXMLMime511 = "application/*+xml;version=5.11" // Version511 the 5.11 version Version511 = "5.11" // Version is the default version number Version = Version511 )
const ( // NsOvf the ovf xml namespace url NsOvf = "" // NsXMLSchema the xml schema namespace url NsXMLSchema = "" // NsVCloud vcloud xml namespace url NsVCloud = "" )
const ( // MimeOrgList mime for org list MimeOrgList = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgList+xml" // MimeOrg mime for org MimeOrg = "application/" // MimeCatalog mime for catalog MimeCatalog = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalog+xml" // MimeCatalogItem mime for catalog item MimeCatalogItem = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalogItem+xml" // MimeVDC mime for a VDC MimeVDC = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vdc+xml" // MimeVAppTemplate mime for a vapp template MimeVAppTemplate = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml" // MimeInstantiateVAppTemplate mime fore instantiate VApp template params MimeInstantiateVAppTemplate = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateVAppTemplateParams+xml" // MimeVApp mime for a vApp MimeVApp = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml" // MimeQueryRecords mime for the query records MimeQueryRecords = "application/vnd.vmware.vchs.query.records+xml" // MimeAPIExtensibility mime for api extensibility MimeAPIExtensibility = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.apiextensibility+xml" // MimeEntity mime for vcloud entity MimeEntity = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.entity+xml" // MimeQueryList mime for query list MimeQueryList = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.query.queryList+xml" // MimeSession mime for a session MimeSession = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.session+xml" // MimeTask mime for task MimeTask = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml" // MimeError mime for error MimeError = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.error+xml" // MimeNetwork mime for a network MimeNetwork = "application/" //MimeDiskCreateParams mime for create independent disk MimeDiskCreateParams = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.diskCreateParams+xml" // Mime for VMs MimeVMs = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vms+xml" // Mime for attach or detach independent disk MimeDiskAttachOrDetachParams = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.diskAttachOrDetachParams+xml" // Mime for Disk MimeDisk = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.disk+xml" // Mime for insert or eject media MimeMediaInsertOrEjectParams = "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.mediaInsertOrEjectParams+xml" )
const ( // HTTPGet the http GET method HTTPGet = "GET" // HTTPPost the http POST method HTTPPost = "POST" // HTTPPut the http PUT method HTTPPut = "PUT" // HTTPPatch the http PATCH method HTTPPatch = "PATCH" // HTTPDelete the http DELETE method HTTPDelete = "DELETE" )
const ( RelDown = "down" RelAdd = "add" RelUp = "up" RelEdit = "edit" RelRemove = "remove" RelCopy = "copy" RelMove = "move" RelAlternate = "alternate" RelTaskCancel = "task:cancel" RelDeploy = "deploy" RelUndeploy = "undeploy" RelDiscardState = "discardState" RelPowerOn = "power:powerOn" RelPowerOff = "power:powerOff" RelPowerReset = "power:reset" RelPowerReboot = "power:reboot" RelPowerSuspend = "power:suspend" RelPowerShutdown = "power:shutdown" RelScreenThumbnail = "screen:thumbnail" RelScreenAcquireTicket = "screen:acquireTicket" RelScreenAcquireMksTicket = "screen:acquireMksTicket" RelMediaInsertMedia = "media:insertMedia" RelMediaEjectMedia = "media:ejectMedia" RelDiskAttach = "disk:attach" RelDiskDetach = "disk:detach" RelUploadDefault = "upload:default" RelUploadAlternate = "upload:alternate" RelDownloadDefault = "download:default" RelDownloadAlternate = "download:alternate" RelDownloadIdentity = "download:identity" RelSnapshotCreate = "snapshot:create" RelSnapshotRevertToCurrent = "snapshot:revertToCurrent" RelSnapshotRemoveAll = "snapshot:removeAll" RelOVF = "ovf" RelOVA = "ova" RelControlAccess = "controlAccess" RelPublish = "publish" RelPublishExternal = "publishToExternalOrganizations" RelSubscribeExternal = "subscribeToExternalCatalog" RelExtension = "extension" RelEnable = "enable" RelDisable = "disable" RelMerge = "merge" RelCatalogItem = "catalogItem" RelRecompose = "recompose" RelRegister = "register" RelUnregister = "unregister" RelRepair = "repair" RelReconnect = "reconnect" RelDisconnect = "disconnect" RelUpgrade = "upgrade" RelAnswer = "answer" RelAddOrgs = "addOrgs" RelRemoveOrgs = "removeOrgs" RelSync = "sync" RelVSphereWebClientURL = "vSphereWebClientUrl" RelVimServerDvSwitches = "vimServerDvSwitches" RelCollaborationResume = "resume" RelCollaborationAbort = "abort" RelCollaborationFail = "fail" RelEnterMaintenanceMode = "enterMaintenanceMode" RelExitMaintenanceMode = "exitMaintenanceMode" RelTask = "task" RelTaskOwner = "task:owner" RelPreviousPage = "previousPage" RelNextPage = "nextPage" RelFirstPage = "firstPage" RelLastPage = "lastPage" RelInstallVMWareTools = "installVmwareTools" RelConsolidate = "consolidate" RelEntity = "entity" RelEntityResolver = "entityResolver" RelRelocate = "relocate" RelBlockingTasks = "blockingTasks" RelUpdateProgress = "updateProgress" RelSyncSyslogSettings = "syncSyslogSettings" RelTakeOwnership = "takeOwnership" RelUnlock = "unlock" RelShadowVMs = "shadowVms" RelTest = "test" RelUpdateResourcePools = "update:resourcePools" RelRemoveForce = "remove:force" RelStorageClass = "storageProfile" RelRefreshStorageClasses = "refreshStorageProfile" RelRefreshVirtualCenter = "refreshVirtualCenter" RelCheckCompliance = "checkCompliance" RelForceFullCustomization = "customizeAtNextPowerOn" RelReloadFromVC = "reloadFromVc" RelMetricsDayView = "interval:day" RelMetricsWeekView = "interval:week" RelMetricsMonthView = "interval:month" RelMetricsYearView = "interval:year" RelMetricsPreviousRange = "range:previous" RelMetricsNextRange = "range:next" RelMetricsLatestRange = "range:latest" RelRights = "rights" RelMigratVMs = "migrateVms" RelResourcePoolVMList = "resourcePoolVmList" RelCreateEvent = "event:create" RelCreateTask = "task:create" RelUploadBundle = "bundle:upload" RelCleanupBundles = "bundles:cleanup" RelAuthorizationCheck = "authorization:check" RelCleanupRights = "rights:cleanup" RelEdgeGatewayRedeploy = "edgeGateway:redeploy" RelEdgeGatewayReapplyServices = "edgeGateway:reapplyServices" RelEdgeGatewayConfigureServices = "edgeGateway:configureServices" RelEdgeGatewayConfigureSyslog = "edgeGateway:configureSyslogServerSettings" RelEdgeGatewaySyncSyslogSettings = "edgeGateway:syncSyslogSettings" RelEdgeGatewayUpgrade = "edgeGateway:upgrade" RelEdgeGatewayUpgradeNetworking = "edgeGateway:convertToAdvancedNetworking" RelVDCManageFirewall = "manageFirewall" RelCertificateUpdate = "certificate:update" RelCertificateReset = "certificate:reset" RelTruststoreUpdate = "truststore:update" RelTruststoreReset = "truststore:reset" RelKeyStoreUpdate = "keystore:update" RelKeystoreReset = "keystore:reset" RelKeytabUpdate = "keytab:update" RelKeytabReset = "keytab:reset" RelServiceLinks = "down:serviceLinks" RelAPIFilters = "down:apiFilters" RelResourceClasses = "down:resourceClasses" RelResourceClassActions = "down:resourceClassActions" RelServices = "down:services" RelACLRules = "down:aclRules" RelFileDescriptors = "down:fileDescriptors" RelAPIDefinitions = "down:apiDefinitions" RelServiceResources = "down:serviceResources" RelExtensibility = "down:extensibility" RelAPIServiceQuery = "down:service" RelAPIDefinitionsQuery = "down:apidefinitions" RelAPIFilesQuery = "down:files" RelServiceOfferings = "down:serviceOfferings" RelServiceOfferingInstances = "down:serviceOfferingInstances" RelHybrid = "down:hybrid" RelServiceRefresh = "service:refresh" RelServiceAssociate = "service:associate" RelServiceDisassociate = "service:disassociate" RelReconfigureVM = "reconfigureVM" RelOrgVDCGateways = "edgeGateways" RelOrgVDCNetworks = "orgVdcNetworks" RelHybridAcquireControlTicket = "hybrid:acquireControlTicket" RelHybridAcquireTicket = "hybrid:acquireTicket" RelHybridRefreshTunnel = "hybrid:refreshTunnel" RelMetrics = "metrics" RelFederationRegenerateCertificate = "federation:regenerateFederationCertificate" RelTemplateInstantiate = "instantiate" )
const (
VMsCDResourceSubType = "vmware.cdrom.iso"
Variables ¶
var VAppStatuses = map[int]string{
10: "MIXED",
Maps status Attribute Values for VAppTemplate, VApp, Vm, and Media Objects
var VDCStatuses = map[int]string{
1: "READY",
Maps status Attribute Values for VDC Objects
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AdminCatalog ¶
type AdminCatalog struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"AdminCatalog"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"` HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` CatalogItems []*CatalogItems `xml:"CatalogItems,omitempty"` DateCreated string `xml:"DateCreated,omitempty"` PublishExternalCatalogParams *PublishExternalCatalogParams `xml:"PublishExternalCatalogParams,omitempty"` CatalogStorageProfiles *CatalogStorageProfiles `xml:"CatalogStorageProfiles,omitempty"` ExternalCatalogSubscription *ExternalCatalogSubscription `xml:"ExternalCatalogSubscriptionParams,omitempty"` Description string `xml:"Description"` IsPublished bool `xml:"IsPublished,omitempty"` Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` Owner *Owner `xml:"Owner,omitempty"` Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` VersionNumber int64 `xml:"VersionNumber"` }
AdminCatalog represents the Admin view of a Catalog object. Type: AdminCatalogType Namespace: Description: Represents the Admin view of a Catalog object. Since: 0.9
type AdminOrg ¶
type AdminOrg struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"AdminOrg"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"` HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` FullName string `xml:"FullName"` IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled,omitempty"` Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` OrgSettings *OrgSettings `xml:"Settings,omitempty"` Vdcs *VDCList `xml:"Vdcs,omitempty"` Networks *NetworksList `xml:"Networks,omitempty"` Catalogs *CatalogsList `xml:"Catalogs,omitempty"` }
AdminOrg represents the admin view of a vCloud Director organization. Type: AdminOrgType Namespace: Description: Represents the admin view of a vCloud Director organization. Since: 0.9
type AdminVdc ¶
type AdminVdc struct { Vdc ResourceGuaranteedMemory float64 `xml:"ResourceGuaranteedMemory,omitempty"` ResourceGuaranteedCpu float64 `xml:"ResourceGuaranteedCpu,omitempty"` VCpuInMhz int64 `xml:"VCpuInMhz,omitempty"` IsThinProvision bool `xml:"IsThinProvision,omitempty"` NetworkPoolReference *Reference `xml:"NetworkPoolReference,omitempty"` ProviderVdcReference *Reference `xml:"ProviderVdcReference"` UsesFastProvisioning bool `xml:"UsesFastProvisioning,omitempty"` OverCommitAllowed bool `xml:"OverCommitAllowed,omitempty"` VmDiscoveryEnabled bool `xml:"VmDiscoveryEnabled,omitempty"` }
AdminVdc represents the admin view of an organization vDC. Type: AdminVdcType Namespace: Description: Represents the admin view of an organization vDC. Since: 0.9
type AvailableNetworks ¶
type AvailableNetworks struct {
Network []*Reference `xml:"Network,omitempty"`
AvailableNetworks is a container for references to available organization vDC networks. Type: AvailableNetworksType Namespace: Description: Container for references to available organization vDC networks. Since: 0.9
type Capabilities ¶
type Capabilities struct {
SupportedHardwareVersions *SupportedHardwareVersions `xml:"SupportedHardwareVersions,omitempty"` // Read-only list of virtual hardware versions supported by this vDC.
Capabilities collection of supported hardware capabilities. Type: CapabilitiesType Namespace: Description: Collection of supported hardware capabilities. Since: 1.5
type CapacityWithUsage ¶
type CapacityWithUsage struct { Units string `xml:"Units"` Allocated int64 `xml:"Allocated,omitempty"` Limit int64 `xml:"Limit,omitempty"` Reserved int64 `xml:"Reserved,omitempty"` Used int64 `xml:"Used,omitempty"` Overhead int64 `xml:"Overhead,omitempty"` }
CapacityWithUsage represents a capacity and usage of a given resource. Type: CapacityWithUsageType Namespace: Description: Represents a capacity and usage of a given resource. Since: 0.9
type Catalog ¶
type Catalog struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` CatalogItems []*CatalogItems `xml:"CatalogItems"` DateCreated string `xml:"DateCreated"` Description string `xml:"Description"` IsPublished bool `xml:"IsPublished"` Link LinkList `xml:"Link"` Owner *Owner `xml:"Owner,omitempty"` Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` VersionNumber int64 `xml:"VersionNumber"` }
Catalog represents the user view of a Catalog object. Type: CatalogType Namespace: Description: Represents the user view of a Catalog object. Since: 0.9
type CatalogItem ¶
type CatalogItem struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Size int64 `xml:"size,attr,omitempty"` DateCreated string `xml:"DateCreated,omitempty"` Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` Entity *Entity `xml:"Entity"` Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` VersionNumber int64 `xml:"VersionNumber,omitempty"` }
CatalogItem contains a reference to a VappTemplate or Media object and related metadata. Type: CatalogItemType Namespace: Description: Contains a reference to a VappTemplate or Media object and related metadata. Since: 0.9
type CatalogItems ¶
type CatalogItems struct {
CatalogItem []*Reference `xml:"CatalogItem"`
CatalogItems is a container for references to catalog items. Type: CatalogItemsType Namespace: Description: Container for references to catalog items. Since: 0.9
type CatalogStorageProfiles ¶
type CatalogStorageProfiles struct {
VdcStorageProfile []*Reference `xml:"VdcStorageProfile,omitempty"`
CatalogStorageProfiles represents a container for storage profiles used by this catalog Type: CatalogStorageProfiles Namespace: Description: Represents a container for storage profiles used by this catalog Since: 5.5
type CatalogsList ¶
type CatalogsList struct {
Catalog []*Reference `xml:"CatalogReference,omitempty"`
CatalogsList contains a list of references to Org Catalogs Type: CatalogsListType Namespace: Description: Represents a list of organization Catalogs. Since: 0.9
type ComposeVAppParams ¶
type ComposeVAppParams struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ComposeVAppParams"` Ovf string `xml:"xmlns:ovf,attr"` Xsi string `xml:"xmlns:xsi,attr"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"` // Attributes Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` // Typically used to name or identify the subject of the request. For example, the name of the object being created or modified. Deploy bool `xml:"deploy,attr"` // True if the vApp should be deployed at instantiation. Defaults to true. PowerOn bool `xml:"powerOn,attr"` // True if the vApp should be powered-on at instantiation. Defaults to true. LinkedClone bool `xml:"linkedClone,attr,omitempty"` // Reserved. Unimplemented. // Elements Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // Optional description. VAppParent *Reference `xml:"VAppParent,omitempty"` // Reserved. Unimplemented. InstantiationParams *InstantiationParams `xml:"InstantiationParams,omitempty"` // Instantiation parameters for the composed vApp. SourcedItem *SourcedCompositionItemParam `xml:"SourcedItem,omitempty"` // Composition item. One of: vApp vAppTemplate Vm. AllEULAsAccepted bool `xml:"AllEULAsAccepted,omitempty"` // True confirms acceptance of all EULAs in a vApp template. Instantiation fails if this element is missing, empty, or set to false and one or more EulaSection elements are present. }
ComposeVAppParams represents vApp composition parameters Type: ComposeVAppParamsType Namespace: Description: Represents vApp composition parameters. Since: 0.9
type ComputeCapacity ¶
type ComputeCapacity struct { CPU *CapacityWithUsage `xml:"Cpu"` Memory *CapacityWithUsage `xml:"Memory"` }
ComputeCapacity represents vDC compute capacity. Type: ComputeCapacityType Namespace: Description: Represents vDC compute capacity. Since: 0.9
type CustomOrgLdapSettings ¶
type CustomOrgLdapSettings struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity. Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object. AuthenticationMechanism string `xml:"AuthenticationMechanism"` ConnectorType string `xml:"ConnectorType"` // Defines LDAP service implementation type GroupAttributes *OrgLdapGroupAttributes `xml:"GroupAttributes"` // Defines how LDAP attributes are used when importing a group. GroupSearchBase string `xml:"GroupSearchBase,omitempty"` HostName string `xml:"HostName,omitempty"` IsGroupSearchBaseEnabled bool `xml:"IsGroupSearchBaseEnabled"` IsSsl bool `xml:"IsSsl,omitempty"` IsSslAcceptAll bool `xml:"IsSslAcceptAll,omitempty"` Password string `xml:"Password,omitempty"` Port int `xml:"Port"` Realm string `xml:"Realm,omitempty"` SearchBase string `xml:"SearchBase,omitempty"` UseExternalKerberos bool `xml:"UseExternalKerberos"` UserAttributes *OrgLdapUserAttributes `xml:"UserAttributes"` // Defines how LDAP attributes are used when importing a user. Username string `xml:"UserName,omitempty"` }
CustomOrgLdapSettings represents the custom ldap settings for a vCloud Director organization. Type: CustomOrgLdapSettingsType Namespace: Description: Represents the custom ldap settings of a vCloud Director organization. Since: 0.9
type CustomizationSection ¶
type CustomizationSection struct { // FIXME: OVF Section needs to be laid down correctly Info string `xml:"ovf:Info"` // GoldMaster bool `xml:"goldMaster,attr,omitempty"` HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` CustomizeOnInstantiate bool `xml:"CustomizeOnInstantiate"` Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` }
CustomizationSection represents a vApp template customization settings. Type: CustomizationSectionType Namespace: Description: Represents a vApp template customization settings. Since: 1.0
type DefaultStorageProfileSection ¶
type DefaultStorageProfileSection struct {
StorageProfile string `xml:"StorageProfile,omitempty"`
DefaultStorageProfileSection is the name of the storage profile that will be specified for this virtual machine. The named storage profile must exist in the organization vDC that contains the virtual machine. If not specified, the default storage profile for the vDC is used. Type: DefaultStorageProfileSection_Type Namespace: Description: Name of the storage profile that will be specified for this virtual machine. The named storage profile must exist in the organization vDC that contains the virtual machine. If not specified, the default storage profile for the vDC is used. Since: 5.1
type DeleteItem ¶
type DeleteItem struct {
HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"`
type DeployVAppParams ¶
type DeployVAppParams struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"DeployVAppParams"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"` // Attributes PowerOn bool `xml:"powerOn,attr"` // Used to specify whether to power on vapp on deployment, if not set default value is true. DeploymentLeaseSeconds int `xml:"deploymentLeaseSeconds,attr,omitempty"` // Lease in seconds for deployment. A value of 0 is replaced by the organization default deploymentLeaseSeconds value. ForceCustomization bool `xml:"forceCustomization,attr,omitempty"` // Used to specify whether to force customization on deployment, if not set default value is false }
DeployVAppParams are the parameters to a deploy vApp request Type: DeployVAppParamsType Namespace: Description: Parameters to a deploy vApp request. Since: 0.9
type DhcpPoolService ¶
type DhcpPoolService struct { IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled,omitempty"` // True if this DHCP Pool is enabled. Network *Reference `xml:"Network"` // Org vDC network to which the DHCP range is applicable. DefaultLeaseTime int `xml:"DefaultLeaseTime,omitempty"` // Default lease period for DHCP range. MaxLeaseTime int `xml:"MaxLeaseTime"` // Maximum lease period for DHCP range. LowIPAddress string `xml:"LowIpAddress"` // Low IP address in DHCP range. HighIPAddress string `xml:"HighIpAddress"` // High IP address in DHCP range. }
DhcpPoolService represents DHCP pool service. Type: DhcpPoolServiceType Namespace: Description: Represents DHCP pool service. Since: 5.1
type DhcpService ¶
type DhcpService struct { DefaultLeaseTime int `xml:"DefaultLeaseTime,omitempty"` // Default lease in seconds for DHCP addresses. DomainName string `xml:"DomainName,omitempty"` // The domain name. IPRange *IPRange `xml:"IpRange"` // IP range for DHCP addresses. IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled"` // Enable or disable the service using this flag MaxLeaseTime int `xml:"MaxLeaseTime"` // Max lease in seconds for DHCP addresses. PrimaryNameServer string `xml:"PrimaryNameServer,omitempty"` // The primary name server. RouterIP string `xml:"RouterIp,omitempty"` // Router IP. SecondaryNameServer string `xml:"SecondaryNameServer,omitempty"` // The secondary name server. SubMask string `xml:"SubMask,omitempty"` // The subnet mask. }
DhcpService represents a DHCP network service. Type: DhcpServiceType Namespace: Description: Represents a DHCP network service. Since:
type Disk ¶
type Disk struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Disk"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Status int `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` Size int `xml:"size,attr"` Iops *int `xml:"iops,attr,omitempty"` BusType string `xml:"busType,attr,omitempty"` BusSubType string `xml:"busSubType,attr,omitempty"` Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` Files *FilesList `xml:"Files,omitempty"` Link []*Link `xml:"Link,omitempty"` Owner *Owner `xml:"Owner,omitempty"` StorageProfile *Reference `xml:"StorageProfile,omitempty"` Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` VCloudExtension *VCloudExtension `xml:"VCloudExtension,omitempty"` }
Represents an independent disk Reference: vCloud API 30.0 - DiskType
type DiskAttachOrDetachParams ¶
type DiskAttachOrDetachParams struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"DiskAttachOrDetachParams"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` BusNumber *int `xml:"BusNumber,omitempty"` Disk *Reference `xml:"Disk"` UnitNumber *int `xml:"UnitNumber,omitempty"` VCloudExtension *VCloudExtension `xml:"VCloudExtension,omitempty"` }
Parameters for attaching or detaching an independent disk Reference: vCloud API 30.0 - DiskAttachOrDetachParamsType
type DiskCreateParams ¶
type DiskCreateParams struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"DiskCreateParams"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` Disk *Disk `xml:"Disk"` Locality *Reference `xml:"Locality,omitempty"` VCloudExtension *VCloudExtension `xml:"VCloudExtension,omitempty"` }
DiskCreateParams element for create independent disk Reference: vCloud API 30.0 - DiskCreateParamsType
type EdgeGateway ¶
type EdgeGateway struct { // Attributes HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity. ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` // The entity identifier, expressed in URN format. The value of this attribute uniquely identifies the entity, persists for the life of the entity, and is never reused OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` // Optional unique identifier to support idempotent semantics for create and delete operations. Name string `xml:"name,attr"` // The name of the entity. Status int `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` // Creation status of the gateway. One of: 0 (The gateway is still being created) 1 (The gateway is ready) -1 (There was an error while creating the gateway). // Elements Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A link to an operation on this section. Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // Optional description. Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` // A list of queued, running, or recently completed tasks associated with this entity. Configuration *GatewayConfiguration `xml:"Configuration"` // Gateway configuration. }
EdgeGateway represents a gateway. Element: EdgeGateway Type: GatewayType Namespace: Description: Represents a gateway. Since: 5.1
type EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration ¶
type EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` GatewayDhcpService *GatewayDhcpService `xml:"GatewayDhcpService,omitempty"` FirewallService *FirewallService `xml:"FirewallService,omitempty"` NatService *NatService `xml:"NatService,omitempty"` GatewayIpsecVpnService *GatewayIpsecVpnService `xml:"GatewayIpsecVpnService,omitempty"` // Substitute for NetworkService. Gateway Ipsec VPN service settings }
type Entity ¶
type Entity struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` }
Entity is a basic entity type in the vCloud object model. Includes a name, an optional description, and an optional list of links. Type: EntityType Namespace: Description: Basic entity type in the vCloud object model. Includes a name, an optional description, and an optional list of links. Since: 0.9
type Error ¶
type Error struct { Message string `xml:"message,attr"` MajorErrorCode int `xml:"majorErrorCode,attr"` MinorErrorCode string `xml:"minorErrorCode,attr"` VendorSpecificErrorCode string `xml:"vendorSpecificErrorCode,attr,omitempty"` StackTrace string `xml:"stackTrace,attr,omitempty"` }
Error is the standard error message type used in the vCloud REST API. Type: ErrorType Namespace: Description: The standard error message type used in the vCloud REST API. Since: 0.9
type Extension ¶
type Extension struct {
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object.
Namespace: Retrieve a list of extension objects and operations. Since: 1.0
type ExternalCatalogSubscription ¶
type ExternalCatalogSubscription struct { ExpectedSslThumbprint bool `xml:"ExpectedSslThumbprint,omitempty"` LocalCopy bool `xml:"LocalCopy,omitempty"` Password string `xml:"Password,omitempty"` SubscribeToExternalFeeds bool `xml:"SubscribeToExternalFeeds,omitempty"` Location string `xml:"Location,omitempty"` }
ExternalCatalogSubscription represents the configuration parameters for a catalog that has an external subscription Type: ExternalCatalogSubscriptionParamsType Namespace: Description: Represents the configuration parameters for a catalog that has an external subscription. Since: 5.5
type ExternalNetworkReferences ¶
type ExternalNetworkReferences struct {
ExternalNetworkReference []*ExternalNetworkReference `xml:"ExternalNetworkReference,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object.
type File ¶
type File struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Size int64 `xml:"size,attr,omitempty"` BytesTransferred int64 `xml:"bytesTransferred,attr,omitempty"` Checksum string `xml:"checksum,attr,omitempty"` Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` }
File represents a file to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). Type: FileType Namespace: Description: Represents a file to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). Since: 0.9
type FilesList ¶
type FilesList struct {
File []*File `xml:"File"`
FilesList represents a list of files to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). Type: FilesListType Namespace: Description: Represents a list of files to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). Since: 0.9
type FirewallRule ¶
type FirewallRule struct { ID string `xml:"Id,omitempty"` // Firewall rule identifier. IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled"` // Used to enable or disable the firewall rule. Default value is true. MatchOnTranslate bool `xml:"MatchOnTranslate"` // For DNATed traffic, match the firewall rules only after the destination IP is translated. Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // A description of the rule. Policy string `xml:"Policy,omitempty"` // One of: drop (drop packets that match the rule), allow (allow packets that match the rule to pass through the firewall) Protocols *FirewallRuleProtocols `xml:"Protocols,omitempty"` // Specify the protocols to which the rule should be applied. IcmpSubType string `xml:"IcmpSubType,omitempty"` // ICMP subtype. One of: address-mask-request, address-mask-reply, destination-unreachable, echo-request, echo-reply, parameter-problem, redirect, router-advertisement, router-solicitation, source-quench, time-exceeded, timestamp-request, timestamp-reply, any. Port int `xml:"Port,omitempty"` // The port to which this rule applies. A value of -1 matches any port. DestinationPortRange string `xml:"DestinationPortRange,omitempty"` // Destination port range to which this rule applies. DestinationIP string `xml:"DestinationIp,omitempty"` // Destination IP address to which the rule applies. A value of Any matches any IP address. DestinationVM *VMSelection `xml:"DestinationVm,omitempty"` // Details of the destination VM SourcePort int `xml:"SourcePort,omitempty"` // Destination port to which this rule applies. A value of -1 matches any port. SourcePortRange string `xml:"SourcePortRange,omitempty"` // Source port range to which this rule applies. SourceIP string `xml:"SourceIp,omitempty"` // Source IP address to which the rule applies. A value of Any matches any IP address. SourceVM *VMSelection `xml:"SourceVm,omitempty"` // Details of the source Vm Direction string `xml:"Direction,omitempty"` // Direction of traffic to which rule applies. One of: in (rule applies to incoming traffic. This is the default value), out (rule applies to outgoing traffic). EnableLogging bool `xml:"EnableLogging"` // Used to enable or disable firewall rule logging. Default value is false. }
FirewallRule represents a firewall rule Type: FirewallRuleType Namespace: Description: Represents a firewall rule. Since: 0.9
type FirewallRuleProtocols ¶
type FirewallRuleProtocols struct { ICMP bool `xml:"Icmp,omitempty"` // True if the rule applies to the ICMP protocol. Any bool `xml:"Any,omitempty"` // True if the rule applies to any protocol. TCP bool `xml:"Tcp,omitempty"` // True if the rule applies to the TCP protocol. UDP bool `xml:"Udp,omitempty"` // True if the rule applies to the UDP protocol. }
FirewallRuleProtocols flags for a network protocol in a firewall rule Type: FirewallRuleType/Protocols Namespace: Description: Since:
type FirewallService ¶
type FirewallService struct { IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled"` // Enable or disable the service using this flag DefaultAction string `xml:"DefaultAction,omitempty"` // Default action of the firewall. One of: drop (Default. Drop packets that match the rule.), allow (Allow packets that match the rule to pass through the firewall) LogDefaultAction bool `xml:"LogDefaultAction"` // Flag to enable logging for default action. Default value is false. FirewallRule []*FirewallRule `xml:"FirewallRule,omitempty"` // A firewall rule. }
FirewallService represent a network firewall service. Type: FirewallServiceType Namespace: Description: Represents a network firewall service. Since:
type GatewayConfiguration ¶
type GatewayConfiguration struct { Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` // Elements BackwardCompatibilityMode bool `xml:"BackwardCompatibilityMode,omitempty"` // Compatibility mode. Default is false. If set to true, will allow users to write firewall rules in the old 1.5 format. The new format does not require to use direction in firewall rules. Also, for firewall rules to allow NAT traffic the filter is applied on the original IP addresses. Once set to true cannot be reverted back to false. GatewayBackingConfig string `xml:"GatewayBackingConfig"` // Configuration of the vShield edge VM for this gateway. One of: compact, full. GatewayInterfaces *GatewayInterfaces `xml:"GatewayInterfaces"` // List of Gateway interfaces. EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration *GatewayFeatures `xml:"EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration,omitempty"` // Represents Gateway Features. HaEnabled bool `xml:"HaEnabled,omitempty"` // True if this gateway is highly available. (Requires two vShield edge VMs.) UseDefaultRouteForDNSRelay bool `xml:"UseDefaultRouteForDnsRelay,omitempty"` // True if the default gateway on the external network selected for default route should be used as the DNS relay. }
GatewayConfiguration is the gateway configuration Type: GatewayConfigurationType Namespace: Description: Gateway Configuration. Since: 5.1
type GatewayDhcpService ¶
type GatewayDhcpService struct { IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled,omitempty"` // Enable or disable the service using this flag Pool []*DhcpPoolService `xml:"Pool,omitempty"` // A DHCP pool. }
GatewayDhcpService represents Gateway DHCP service. Type: GatewayDhcpServiceType Namespace: Description: Represents Gateway DHCP service. Since: 5.1
type GatewayFeatures ¶
type GatewayFeatures struct { XMLName xml.Name Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` FirewallService *FirewallService `xml:"FirewallService,omitempty"` // Substitute for NetworkService. Firewall service settings NatService *NatService `xml:"NatService,omitempty"` // Substitute for NetworkService. NAT service settings GatewayDhcpService *GatewayDhcpService `xml:"GatewayDhcpService,omitempty"` // Substitute for NetworkService. Gateway DHCP service settings GatewayIpsecVpnService *GatewayIpsecVpnService `xml:"GatewayIpsecVpnService,omitempty"` // Substitute for NetworkService. Gateway Ipsec VPN service settings LoadBalancerService *LoadBalancerService `xml:"LoadBalancerService,omitempty"` // Substitute for NetworkService. Load Balancer service settings StaticRoutingService *StaticRoutingService `xml:"StaticRoutingService,omitempty"` // Substitute for NetworkService. Static Routing service settings }
GatewayFeatures represents edge gateway services. Element: EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration Type: GatewayFeaturesType Namespace: Description: Represents edge gateway services. Since: 5.1
type GatewayInterface ¶
type GatewayInterface struct { Name string `xml:"Name,omitempty"` // Internally generated name for the Gateway Interface. DisplayName string `xml:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // Gateway Interface display name. Network *Reference `xml:"Network"` // A reference to the network connected to the gateway interface. InterfaceType string `xml:"InterfaceType"` // The type of interface: One of: Uplink, Internal SubnetParticipation *SubnetParticipation `xml:"SubnetParticipation,omitempty"` // IP allocation per subnet. ApplyRateLimit bool `xml:"ApplyRateLimit,omitempty"` // True if rate limiting is applied on this interface. InRateLimit float64 `xml:"InRateLimit,omitempty"` // Incoming rate limit expressed as Gbps. OutRateLimit float64 `xml:"OutRateLimit,omitempty"` // Outgoing rate limit expressed as Gbps. UseForDefaultRoute bool `xml:"UseForDefaultRoute,omitempty"` // True if this network is default route for the gateway. }
GatewayInterface is a gateway interface configuration. Type: GatewayInterfaceType Namespace: Description: Gateway Interface configuration. Since: 5.1
type GatewayInterfaces ¶
type GatewayInterfaces struct {
GatewayInterface []*GatewayInterface `xml:"GatewayInterface"` // Gateway Interface.
GatewayInterfaces is a list of Gateway Interfaces. Type: GatewayInterfacesType Namespace: Description: A list of Gateway Interfaces. Since: 5.1
type GatewayIpsecVpnEndpoint ¶
type GatewayIpsecVpnEndpoint struct { Network *Reference `xml:"Network"` // External network reference. PublicIP string `xml:"PublicIp,omitempty"` // Public IP for IPSec endpoint. }
GatewayIpsecVpnEndpoint represents an IPSec VPN endpoint. Type: GatewayIpsecVpnEndpointType Namespace: Description: Represents an IPSec VPN endpoint. Since: 5.1
type GatewayIpsecVpnService ¶
type GatewayIpsecVpnService struct { IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled"` // Enable or disable the service using this flag Endpoint *GatewayIpsecVpnEndpoint `xml:"Endpoint,omitempty"` // List of IPSec VPN Service Endpoints. Tunnel []*GatewayIpsecVpnTunnel `xml:"Tunnel"` // List of IPSec VPN tunnels. }
GatewayIpsecVpnService represents gateway IPsec VPN service. Type: GatewayIpsecVpnServiceType Namespace: Description: Represents gateway IPsec VPN service. Since: 5.1
type GatewayIpsecVpnTunnel ¶
type GatewayIpsecVpnTunnel struct { Name string `xml:"Name"` // The name of the tunnel. Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // A description of the tunnel. // TODO: Fix this in a better way IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeer *IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeer `xml:"IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeer,omitempty"` // Details about the peer network. IpsecVpnLocalPeer *IpsecVpnLocalPeer `xml:"IpsecVpnLocalPeer"` // Details about the local peer network. PeerIPAddress string `xml:"PeerIpAddress"` // IP address of the peer endpoint. PeerID string `xml:"PeerId"` // Id for the peer end point LocalIPAddress string `xml:"LocalIpAddress"` // Address of the local network. LocalID string `xml:"LocalId"` // Id for local end point LocalSubnet []*IpsecVpnSubnet `xml:"LocalSubnet"` // List of local subnets in the tunnel. PeerSubnet []*IpsecVpnSubnet `xml:"PeerSubnet"` // List of peer subnets in the tunnel. EncryptionProtocol string `xml:"EncryptionProtocol"` // Encryption protocol to be used. One of: AES, AES256, TRIPLEDES Mtu int `xml:"Mtu"` // MTU for the tunnel. IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled,omitempty"` // True if the tunnel is enabled. IsOperational bool `xml:"IsOperational,omitempty"` // True if the tunnel is operational. ErrorDetails string `xml:"ErrorDetails,omitempty"` // Error details of the tunnel. }
GatewayIpsecVpnTunnel represents an IPSec VPN tunnel. Type: GatewayIpsecVpnTunnelType Namespace: Description: Represents an IPSec VPN tunnel. Since: 5.1
type GatewayNatRule ¶
type GatewayNatRule struct { Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` // Elements Interface *Reference `xml:"Interface,omitempty"` // Interface to which rule is applied. OriginalIP string `xml:"OriginalIp"` // Original IP for rule. OriginalPort string `xml:"OriginalPort,omitempty"` // Original port for rule. TranslatedIP string `xml:"TranslatedIp"` // Translated IP for rule. TranslatedPort string `xml:"TranslatedPort,omitempty"` // Translated port for rule. Protocol string `xml:"Protocol,omitempty"` // Protocol for rule. IcmpSubType string `xml:"IcmpSubType,omitempty"` // ICMP subtype. One of: address-mask-request, address-mask-reply, destination-unreachable, echo-request, echo-reply, parameter-problem, redirect, router-advertisement, router-solicitation, source-quench, time-exceeded, timestamp-request, timestamp-reply, any. }
GatewayNatRule represents the SNAT and DNAT rules. Type: GatewayNatRuleType represents the SNAT and DNAT rules. Namespace: Description: Represents the SNAT and DNAT rules. Since: 5.1
type GuestCustomizationSection ¶
type GuestCustomizationSection struct { // Extends OVF Section_Type // Attributes Ovf string `xml:"xmlns:ovf,attr,omitempty"` Xsi string `xml:"xmlns:xsi,attr,omitempty"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // A reference to the section in URL format. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the section. // FIXME: Fix the OVF section Info string `xml:"ovf:Info"` // Elements Enabled bool `xml:"Enabled,omitempty"` // True if guest customization is enabled. ChangeSid bool `xml:"ChangeSid,omitempty"` // True if customization can change the Windows SID of this virtual machine. VirtualMachineID string `xml:"VirtualMachineId,omitempty"` // Virtual machine ID to apply. JoinDomainEnabled bool `xml:"JoinDomainEnabled,omitempty"` // True if this virtual machine can join a Windows Domain. UseOrgSettings bool `xml:"UseOrgSettings,omitempty"` // True if customization should use organization settings (OrgGuestPersonalizationSettings) when joining a Windows Domain. DomainName string `xml:"DomainName,omitempty"` // The name of the Windows Domain to join. DomainUserName string `xml:"DomainUserName,omitempty"` // User name to specify when joining a Windows Domain. DomainUserPassword string `xml:"DomainUserPassword,omitempty"` // Password to use with DomainUserName. MachineObjectOU string `xml:"MachineObjectOU,omitempty"` // The name of the Windows Domain Organizational Unit (OU) in which the computer account for this virtual machine will be created. AdminPasswordEnabled bool `xml:"AdminPasswordEnabled,omitempty"` // True if guest customization can modify administrator password settings for this virtual machine. AdminPasswordAuto bool `xml:"AdminPasswordAuto,omitempty"` // True if the administrator password for this virtual machine should be automatically generated. AdminPassword string `xml:"AdminPassword,omitempty"` // True if the administrator password for this virtual machine should be set to this string. (AdminPasswordAuto must be false.) AdminAutoLogonEnabled bool `xml:"AdminAutoLogonEnabled,omitempty"` // True if guest administrator should automatically log into this virtual machine. AdminAutoLogonCount int `xml:"AdminAutoLogonCount,omitempty"` // Number of times administrator can automatically log into this virtual machine. In case AdminAutoLogon is set to True, this value should be between 1 and 100. Otherwise, it should be 0. ResetPasswordRequired bool `xml:"ResetPasswordRequired,omitempty"` // True if the administrator password for this virtual machine must be reset after first use. CustomizationScript string `xml:"CustomizationScript,omitempty"` // Script to run on guest customization. The entire script must appear in this element. Use the XML entity to represent a newline. Unicode characters can be represented in the form &#xxxx; where xxxx is the character number. ComputerName string `xml:"ComputerName,omitempty"` // Computer name to assign to this virtual machine. Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A link to an operation on this section. }
GuestCustomizationSection represents guest customization settings Type: GuestCustomizationSectionType Namespace: Description: Represents a guest customization settings. Since: 1.0
type IPAddresses ¶
type IPAddresses struct {
IPAddress string `xml:"IpAddress,omitempty"` // An IP address.
IPAddresses a list of IP addresses Type: IpAddressesType Namespace: Description: A list of IP addresses. Since: 0.9
type IPRange ¶
type IPRange struct { StartAddress string `xml:"StartAddress"` // Start address of the IP range. EndAddress string `xml:"EndAddress"` // End address of the IP range. }
IPRange represents a range of IP addresses, start and end inclusive. Type: IpRangeType Namespace: Description: Represents a range of IP addresses, start and end inclusive. Since: 0.9
type IPRanges ¶
type IPRanges struct {
IPRange []*IPRange `xml:"IpRange,omitempty"` // IP range.
IPRanges represents a list of IP ranges. Type: IpRangesType Namespace: Description: Represents a list of IP ranges. Since: 0.9
type IPScope ¶
type IPScope struct { IsInherited bool `xml:"IsInherited"` // True if the IP scope is inherit from parent network. Gateway string `xml:"Gateway,omitempty"` // Gateway of the network. Netmask string `xml:"Netmask,omitempty"` // Network mask. DNS1 string `xml:"Dns1,omitempty"` // Primary DNS server. DNS2 string `xml:"Dns2,omitempty"` // Secondary DNS server. DNSSuffix string `xml:"DnsSuffix,omitempty"` // DNS suffix. IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled"` // Indicates if subnet is enabled or not. Default value is True. IPRanges *IPRanges `xml:"IpRanges,omitempty"` // IP ranges used for static pool allocation in the network. AllocatedIPAddresses *IPAddresses `xml:"AllocatedIpAddresses,omitempty"` // Read-only list of allocated IP addresses in the network. SubAllocations *SubAllocations `xml:"SubAllocations,omitempty"` // Read-only list of IP addresses that are sub allocated to edge gateways. }
IPScope specifies network settings like gateway, network mask, DNS servers IP ranges etc Type: IpScopeType Namespace: Description: Specify network settings like gateway, network mask, DNS servers, IP ranges, etc. Since: 0.9
type IPScopes ¶
type IPScopes struct {
IPScope IPScope `xml:"IpScope"` // IP scope.
IPScopes represents a list of IP scopes. Type: IpScopesType Namespace: Description: Represents a list of IP scopes. Since: 5.1
type InstantiateVAppTemplateParams ¶
type InstantiateVAppTemplateParams struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"InstantiateVAppTemplateParams"` Ovf string `xml:"xmlns:ovf,attr"` Xsi string `xml:"xmlns:xsi,attr,omitempty"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"` // Attributes Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` // Typically used to name or identify the subject of the request. For example, the name of the object being created or modified. Deploy bool `xml:"deploy,attr"` // True if the vApp should be deployed at instantiation. Defaults to true. PowerOn bool `xml:"powerOn,attr"` // True if the vApp should be powered-on at instantiation. Defaults to true. LinkedClone bool `xml:"linkedClone,attr,omitempty"` // Reserved. Unimplemented. // Elements Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // Optional description. VAppParent *Reference `xml:"VAppParent,omitempty"` // Reserved. Unimplemented. InstantiationParams *InstantiationParams `xml:"InstantiationParams,omitempty"` // Instantiation parameters for the composed vApp. Source *Reference `xml:"Source"` // A reference to a source object such as a vApp or vApp template. IsSourceDelete bool `xml:"IsSourceDelete,omitempty"` // Set to true to delete the source object after the operation completes. SourcedItem *SourcedCompositionItemParam `xml:"SourcedItem,omitempty"` // Composition item. One of: vApp vAppTemplate Vm. AllEULAsAccepted bool `xml:"AllEULAsAccepted,omitempty"` // True confirms acceptance of all EULAs in a vApp template. Instantiation fails if this element is missing, empty, or set to false and one or more EulaSection elements are present. }
InstantiateVAppTemplateParams represents vApp template instantiation parameters. Type: InstantiateVAppTemplateParamsType Namespace: Description: Represents vApp template instantiation parameters. Since: 0.9
type InstantiationParams ¶
type InstantiationParams struct { CustomizationSection *CustomizationSection `xml:"CustomizationSection,omitempty"` DefaultStorageProfileSection *DefaultStorageProfileSection `xml:"DefaultStorageProfileSection,omitempty"` GuestCustomizationSection *GuestCustomizationSection `xml:"GuestCustomizationSection,omitempty"` LeaseSettingsSection *LeaseSettingsSection `xml:"LeaseSettingsSection,omitempty"` NetworkConfigSection *NetworkConfigSection `xml:"NetworkConfigSection,omitempty"` NetworkConnectionSection *NetworkConnectionSection `xml:"NetworkConnectionSection,omitempty"` ProductSection *ProductSection `xml:"ProductSection,omitempty"` }
InstantiationParams is a container for ovf:Section_Type elements that specify vApp configuration on instantiate, compose, or recompose. Type: InstantiationParamsType Namespace: Description: Container for ovf:Section_Type elements that specify vApp configuration on instantiate, compose, or recompose. Since: 0.9
type IpsecVpnLocalPeer ¶
type IpsecVpnLocalPeer struct { ID string `xml:"Id"` // Id for the peer end point Name string `xml:"Name"` // Name for the peer }
IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeer represents details about a peer network
type IpsecVpnSubnet ¶
type IpsecVpnSubnet struct { Name string `xml:"Name"` // Gateway Name. Gateway string `xml:"Gateway"` // Subnet Gateway. Netmask string `xml:"Netmask"` // Subnet Netmask. }
IpsecVpnSubnet represents subnet details. Type: IpsecVpnSubnetType Namespace: Description: Represents subnet details. Since: 5.1
type IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeer ¶
type IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeer struct {
PeerID string `xml:"PeerId,omitempty"` // Id for the peer end point
IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeer represents details about a peer network
type LBPersistence ¶
type LBPersistence struct { Method string `xml:"Method"` // Persistence method. One of: COOKIE, SSL_SESSION_ID. CookieName string `xml:"CookieName,omitempty"` // Cookie name when persistence method is COOKIE. CookieMode string `xml:"CookieMode,omitempty"` // Cookie Mode. One of: INSERT, PREFIX, APP. }
LBPersistence represents persistence type for a load balancer service profile. Type: LBPersistenceType Namespace: Description: Represents persistence type for a load balancer service profile. Since: 5.1
type LBPoolHealthCheck ¶
type LBPoolHealthCheck struct { Mode string `xml:"Mode"` // Load balancer service port health check mode. One of: TCP, HTTP, SSL. URI string `xml:"Uri,omitempty"` // Load balancer service port health check URI. HealthThreshold string `xml:"HealthThreshold,omitempty"` // Health threshold for this service port. UnhealthThreshold string `xml:"UnhealthThreshold,omitempty"` // Unhealth check port for this profile. Interval string `xml:"Interval,omitempty"` // Interval between health checks. Timeout string `xml:"Timeout,omitempty"` // Health check timeout. }
LBPoolHealthCheck represents a service port health check list. Type: LBPoolHealthCheckType Namespace: Description: Represents a service port health check list. Since: 5.1
type LBPoolMember ¶
type LBPoolMember struct { IPAddress string `xml:"IpAddress"` // Ip Address for load balancer member. Weight string `xml:"Weight"` // Weight of this member. ServicePort *LBPoolServicePort `xml:"ServicePort,omitempty"` // Load balancer member service port. }
LBPoolMember represents a member in a load balancer pool. Type: LBPoolMemberType Namespace: Description: Represents a member in a load balancer pool. Since: 5.1
type LBPoolServicePort ¶
type LBPoolServicePort struct { IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled,omitempty"` // True if this service port is enabled. Protocol string `xml:"Protocol"` // Load balancer protocol type. One of: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP. Algorithm string `xml:"Algorithm"` // Load Balancer algorithm type. One of: IP_HASH, ROUND_ROBIN, URI, LEAST_CONN. Port string `xml:"Port"` // Port for this service profile. HealthCheckPort string `xml:"HealthCheckPort,omitempty"` // Health check port for this profile. HealthCheck *LBPoolHealthCheck `xml:"HealthCheck,omitempty"` // Health check list. }
LBPoolServicePort represents a service port in a load balancer pool. Type: LBPoolServicePortType Namespace: Description: Represents a service port in a load balancer pool. Since: 5.1
type LBVirtualServerServiceProfile ¶
type LBVirtualServerServiceProfile struct { IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled,omitempty"` // True if this service profile is enabled. Protocol string `xml:"Protocol"` // Load balancer Protocol type. One of: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP. Port string `xml:"Port"` // Port for this service profile. Persistence *LBPersistence `xml:"Persistence,omitempty"` // Persistence type for service profile. }
LBVirtualServerServiceProfile represents service profile for a load balancing virtual server. Type: LBVirtualServerServiceProfileType Namespace: Description: Represents service profile for a load balancing virtual server. Since: 5.1
type LeaseSettingsSection ¶
type LeaseSettingsSection struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` DeploymentLeaseExpiration string `xml:"DeploymentLeaseExpiration,omitempty"` DeploymentLeaseInSeconds int `xml:"DeploymentLeaseInSeconds,omitempty"` Link *Link `xml:"Link,omitempty"` StorageLeaseExpiration string `xml:"StorageLeaseExpiration,omitempty"` StorageLeaseInSeconds int `xml:"StorageLeaseInSeconds,omitempty"` }
LeaseSettingsSection represents vApp lease settings. Type: LeaseSettingsSectionType Namespace: Description: Represents vApp lease settings. Since: 0.9
type Link ¶
type Link struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` Rel string `xml:"rel,attr"` }
Link extends reference type by adding relation attribute. Defines a hyper-link with a relationship, hyper-link reference, and an optional MIME type. Type: LinkType Namespace: Description: Extends reference type by adding relation attribute. Defines a hyper-link with a relationship, hyper-link reference, and an optional MIME type. Since: 0.9
type LinkList ¶
type LinkList []*Link
LinkList represents a list of links
func (LinkList) Find ¶
func (l LinkList) Find(predicate LinkPredicate) *Link
Find the first occurrence that matches the predicate
type LinkPredicate ¶
LinkPredicate is a predicate for finding links in a link list
type LoadBalancerPool ¶
type LoadBalancerPool struct { ID string `xml:"Id,omitempty"` // Load balancer pool id. Name string `xml:"Name"` // Load balancer pool name. Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // Load balancer pool description. ServicePort *LBPoolServicePort `xml:"ServicePort"` // Load balancer pool service port. Member *LBPoolMember `xml:"Member"` // Load balancer pool member. Operational bool `xml:"Operational,omitempty"` // True if the load balancer pool is operational. ErrorDetails string `xml:"ErrorDetails,omitempty"` // Error details for this pool. }
LoadBalancerPool represents a load balancer pool. Type: LoadBalancerPoolType Namespace: Description: Represents a load balancer pool. Since: 5.1
type LoadBalancerService ¶
type LoadBalancerService struct { IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled"` // Enable or disable the service using this flag Pool *LoadBalancerPool `xml:"Pool,omitempty"` // List of load balancer pools. VirtualServer *LoadBalancerVirtualServer `xml:"VirtualServer,omitempty"` // List of load balancer virtual servers. }
LoadBalancerService represents gateway load balancer service. Type: LoadBalancerServiceType Namespace: Description: Represents gateway load balancer service. Since: 5.1
type LoadBalancerVirtualServer ¶
type LoadBalancerVirtualServer struct { IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled,omitempty"` // True if this virtual server is enabled. Name string `xml:"Name"` // Load balancer virtual server name. Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // Load balancer virtual server description. Interface *Reference `xml:"Interface"` // Gateway Interface to which Load Balancer Virtual Server is bound. IPAddress string `xml:"IpAddress"` // Load balancer virtual server Ip Address. ServiceProfile *LBVirtualServerServiceProfile `xml:"ServiceProfile"` // Load balancer virtual server service profiles. Logging bool `xml:"Logging,omitempty"` // Enable logging for this virtual server. Pool string `xml:"Pool"` // Name of Load balancer pool associated with this virtual server. LoadBalancerTemplates *VendorTemplate `xml:"LoadBalancerTemplates,omitempty"` // Service template related attributes. }
LoadBalancerVirtualServer represents a load balancer virtual server. Type: LoadBalancerVirtualServerType Namespace: Description: Represents a load balancer virtual server. Since: 5.1
type LocalityParams ¶
type LocalityParams struct { // Elements ResourceEntity *Reference `xml:"ResourceEntity,omitempty"` // Reference to a Disk, or a VM. }
LocalityParams represents locality parameters. Locality parameters provide a hint that may help the placement engine optimize placement of a VM with respect to another VM or an independent disk. Type: LocalityParamsType Namespace: Description: Represents locality parameters. Locality parameters provide a hint that may help the placement engine optimize placement of a VM with respect to another VM or an independent disk. Since: 5.1
type Media ¶
type Media struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Status int64 `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` ImageType string `xml:"imageType,attr,omitempty"` Size int64 `xml:"size,attr,omitempty"` Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` Files *FilesList `xml:"Files,omitempty"` Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` Owner *Reference `xml:"Owner,omitempty"` Entity *Entity `xml:"Entity"` }
Type: MediaType Namespace: Description: Represents Media image Since: 0.9
type MediaInsertOrEjectParams ¶
type MediaInsertOrEjectParams struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"MediaInsertOrEjectParams"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` Media *Reference `xml:"Media"` VCloudExtension *VCloudExtension `xml:"VCloudExtension,omitempty"` }
Parameters for inserting and ejecting virtual media for VM as CD/DVD Reference: vCloud API 30.0 - MediaInsertOrEjectParamsType
type MediaRecordType ¶
type MediaRecordType struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` OwnerName string `xml:"ownerName,attr,omitempty"` CatalogName string `xml:"catalogName,attr,omitempty"` IsPublished bool `xml:"isPublished,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Vdc string `xml:"vdc,attr,omitempty"` VdcName string `xml:"vdcName,attr,omitempty"` Org string `xml:"org,attr,omitempty"` CreationDate string `xml:"creationDate,attr,omitempty"` IsBusy bool `xml:"isBusy,attr,omitempty"` StorageB int64 `xml:"storageB,attr,omitempty"` Owner string `xml:"owner,attr,omitempty"` Catalog string `xml:"catalog,attr,omitempty"` CatalogItem string `xml:"catalogItem,attr,omitempty"` Status string `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` StorageProfileName string `xml:"storageProfileName,attr,omitempty"` Version int64 `xml:"version,attr,omitempty"` LastSuccessfulSync string `xml:"lastSuccessfulSync,attr,omitempty"` TaskStatusName string `xml:"taskStatusName,attr,omitempty"` IsInCatalog bool `xml:"isInCatalog,attr,omitempty"` Task string `xml:"task,attr,omitempty"` IsIso bool `xml:"isIso,attr,omitempty"` IsVdcEnabled bool `xml:"isVdcEnabled,attr,omitempty"` TaskStatus string `xml:"taskStatus,attr,omitempty"` TaskDetails string `xml:"taskDetails,attr,omitempty"` }
Type: MediaRecord Namespace: Issue that description partly matches with what is returned Description: Represents Media record Since: 1.5
type MetadataValue ¶
type MetadataValue struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"MetadataValue"` Xsi string `xml:"xmlns:xsi,attr"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"` TypedValue *TypedValue `xml:"TypedValue"` }
type NatOneToOneBasicRule ¶
type NatOneToOneBasicRule struct { Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` // Elements MappingMode string `xml:"MappingMode"` // One of: automatic (map IP addresses automatically), manual (map IP addresses manually using ExternalIpAddress and InternalIpAddress) ExternalIPAddress string `xml:"ExternalIpAddress"` // External IP address to map. InternalIPAddress string `xml:"InternalIpAddress"` // Internal IP address to map. }
NatOneToOneBasicRule represents the NAT basic rule for one to one mapping of internal and external IP addresses from a network. Type: NatOneToOneBasicRuleType Namespace: Description: Represents the NAT basic rule for one to one mapping of internal and external IP addresses from a network. Since: 0.9
type NatOneToOneVMRule ¶
type NatOneToOneVMRule struct { Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` // Elements MappingMode string `xml:"MappingMode"` // Mapping mode. ExternalIPAddress string `xml:"ExternalIpAddress"` // External IP address to map. VAppScopedVMID string `xml:"VAppScopedVmId"` // VAppScopedVmId of VM to which this rule applies. VMNicID int `xml:"VmNicId"` // VM NIC ID to which this rule applies. }
NatOneToOneVMRule represents the NAT rule for one to one mapping of VM NIC and external IP addresses from a network. Type: NatOneToOneVmRuleType Namespace: Description: Represents the NAT rule for one to one mapping of VM NIC and external IP addresses from a network. Since: 0.9
type NatPortForwardingRule ¶
type NatPortForwardingRule struct { ExternalIPAddress string `xml:"ExternalIpAddress"` // External IP address to map. ExternalPort int `xml:"ExternalPort"` // External port to forward to. InternalIPAddress string `xml:"InternalIpAddress"` // Internal IP address to map. InternalPort int `xml:"InternalPort"` // Internal port to forward to. Protocol string `xml:"Protocol,omitempty"` // Protocol to forward. One of: TCP (forward TCP packets), UDP (forward UDP packets), TCP_UDP (forward TCP and UDP packets). }
NatPortForwardingRule represents the NAT rule for port forwarding between internal IP/port and external IP/port. Type: NatPortForwardingRuleType Namespace: Description: Represents the NAT rule for port forwarding between internal IP/port and external IP/port. Since: 0.9
type NatRule ¶
type NatRule struct { Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` // Elements Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // A description of the rule. RuleType string `xml:"RuleType,omitempty"` // Type of NAT rule. One of: SNAT (source NAT), DNAT (destination NAT) IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled"` // Used to enable or disable the firewall rule. Default value is true. ID string `xml:"Id,omitempty"` // Firewall rule identifier. GatewayNatRule *GatewayNatRule `xml:"GatewayNatRule,omitempty"` // Defines SNAT and DNAT types. OneToOneBasicRule *NatOneToOneBasicRule `xml:"OneToOneBasicRule,omitempty"` // Maps one internal IP address to one external IP address. OneToOneVMRule *NatOneToOneVMRule `xml:"OneToOneVmRule,omitempty"` // Maps one VM NIC to one external IP addresses. PortForwardingRule *NatPortForwardingRule `xml:"PortForwardingRule,omitempty"` // Port forwarding internal to external IP addresses. VMRule *NatVMRule `xml:"VmRule,omitempty"` // Port forwarding VM NIC to external IP addresses. }
NatRule represents a NAT rule. Type: NatRuleType Namespace: Description: Represents a NAT rule. Since: 0.9
type NatService ¶
type NatService struct { Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` // Elements IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled"` // Enable or disable the service using this flag NatType string `xml:"NatType,omitempty"` // One of: ipTranslation (use IP translation), portForwarding (use port forwarding) Policy string `xml:"Policy,omitempty"` // One of: allowTraffic (Allow all traffic), allowTrafficIn (Allow inbound traffic only) NatRule []*NatRule `xml:"NatRule,omitempty"` // A NAT rule. ExternalIP string `xml:"ExternalIp,omitempty"` // External IP address for rule. }
NatService represents a NAT network service. Type: NatServiceType Namespace: Description: Represents a NAT network service. Since:
type NatVMRule ¶
type NatVMRule struct { ExternalIPAddress string `xml:"ExternalIpAddress,omitempty"` // External IP address to map. ExternalPort int `xml:"ExternalPort"` // External port to forward to. VAppScopedVMID string `xml:"VAppScopedVmId"` // VAppScopedVmId of VM to which this rule applies. VMNicID int `xml:"VmNicId"` // VM NIC ID to which this rule applies. InternalPort int `xml:"InternalPort"` // Internal port to forward to. Protocol string `xml:"Protocol,omitempty"` // Protocol to forward. One of: TCP (forward TCP packets), UDP (forward UDP packets), TCP_UDP (forward TCP and UDP packets). }
NatVMRule represents the NAT rule for port forwarding between VM NIC/port and external IP/port. Type: NatVmRuleType Namespace: Description: Represents the NAT rule for port forwarding between VM NIC/port and external IP/port. Since: 0.9
type NetworkAssignment ¶
type NetworkAssignment struct { // Attributes InnerNetwork string `xml:"innerNetwork,attr"` // Name of the network as specified in the Vm. ContainerNetwork string `xml:"containerNetwork,attr"` // Name of the vApp network to map to. }
NetworkAssignment maps a network name specified in a Vm to the network name of a vApp network defined in the VApp that contains the Vm Type: NetworkAssignmentType Namespace: Description: Maps a network name specified in a Vm to the network name of a vApp network defined in the VApp that contains the Vm Since: 0.9
type NetworkConfigSection ¶
type NetworkConfigSection struct { // Extends OVF Section_Type // FIXME: Fix the OVF section XMLName xml.Name `xml:"NetworkConfigSection"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` Ovf string `xml:"xmlns:ovf,attr,omitempty"` Info string `xml:"ovf:Info"` // HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` Link *Link `xml:"Link,omitempty"` NetworkConfig []VAppNetworkConfiguration `xml:"NetworkConfig,omitempty"` }
NetworkConfigSection is container for vApp networks. Type: NetworkConfigSectionType Namespace: Description: Container for vApp networks. Since: 0.9
type NetworkConfiguration ¶
type NetworkConfiguration struct { BackwardCompatibilityMode bool `xml:"BackwardCompatibilityMode"` Features *NetworkFeatures `xml:"Features,omitempty"` ParentNetwork *Reference `xml:"ParentNetwork,omitempty"` IPScopes *IPScopes `xml:"IpScopes,omitempty"` FenceMode string `xml:"FenceMode"` RetainNetInfoAcrossDeployments bool `xml:"RetainNetInfoAcrossDeployments"` }
NetworkConfiguration is the configuration applied to a network. This is an abstract base type. The concrete types include those for vApp and Organization wide networks. Type: NetworkConfigurationType Namespace: Description: The configurations applied to a network. This is an abstract base type. The concrete types include those for vApp and Organization wide networks. Since: 0.9
type NetworkConnection ¶
type NetworkConnection struct { Network string `xml:"network,attr"` // Name of the network to which this NIC is connected. NetworkConnectionIndex int `xml:"NetworkConnectionIndex"` // Virtual slot number associated with this NIC. First slot number is 0. NeedsCustomization bool `xml:"needsCustomization,attr,omitempty"` // True if this NIC needs customization. ExternalIPAddress string `xml:"ExternalIpAddress,omitempty"` // If the network to which this NIC connects provides NAT services, the external address assigned to this NIC appears here. IPAddress string `xml:"IpAddress,omitempty"` // IP address assigned to this NIC. IsConnected bool `xml:"IsConnected"` // If the virtual machine is undeployed, this value specifies whether the NIC should be connected upon deployment. If the virtual machine is deployed, this value reports the current status of this NIC's connection, and can be updated to change that connection status. IPAddressAllocationMode string `xml:"IpAddressAllocationMode"` // IP address allocation mode for this connection. One of: POOL (A static IP address is allocated automatically from a pool of addresses.) DHCP (The IP address is obtained from a DHCP service.) MANUAL (The IP address is assigned manually in the IpAddress element.) NONE (No IP addressing mode specified.) MACAddress string `xml:"MACAddress,omitempty"` // MAC address associated with the NIC. }
NetworkConnection represents a network connection in the virtual machine. Type: NetworkConnectionType Namespace: Description: Represents a network connection in the virtual machine. Since: 0.9
type NetworkConnectionSection ¶
type NetworkConnectionSection struct { // Extends OVF Section_Type // FIXME: Fix the OVF section XMLName xml.Name `xml:"NetworkConnectionSection"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` Ovf string `xml:"xmlns:ovf,attr,omitempty"` Info string `xml:"ovf:Info"` // HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex int `xml:"PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex"` NetworkConnection []*NetworkConnection `xml:"NetworkConnection,omitempty"` Link *Link `xml:"Link,omitempty"` }
NetworkConnectionSection the container for the network connections of this virtual machine. Type: NetworkConnectionSectionType Namespace: Description: Container for the network connections of this virtual machine. Since: 0.9
type NetworkFeatures ¶
type NetworkFeatures struct { DhcpService *DhcpService `xml:"DhcpService,omitempty"` // Substitute for NetworkService. DHCP service settings FirewallService *FirewallService `xml:"FirewallService,omitempty"` // Substitute for NetworkService. Firewall service settings NatService *NatService `xml:"NatService,omitempty"` // Substitute for NetworkService. NAT service settings LoadBalancerService *LoadBalancerService `xml:"LoadBalancerService,omitempty"` // Substitute for NetworkService. Load Balancer service settings StaticRoutingService *StaticRoutingService `xml:"StaticRoutingService,omitempty"` // Substitute for NetworkService. Static Routing service settings }
NetworkFeatures represents features of a network. Type: NetworkFeaturesType Namespace: Description: Represents features of a network. Since:
type NetworksList ¶
type NetworksList struct {
Networks []*Reference `xml:"Network,omitempty"`
NetworksListType contains a list of references to Org Networks Type: NetworksListType Namespace: Description: Represents a list of organization Networks. Since: 0.9
type OVFItem ¶
type OVFItem struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"vcloud:Item"` XmlnsRasd string `xml:"xmlns:rasd,attr"` XmlnsVCloud string `xml:"xmlns:vcloud,attr"` XmlnsXsi string `xml:"xmlns:xsi,attr"` VCloudHREF string `xml:"vcloud:href,attr"` VCloudType string `xml:"vcloud:type,attr"` AllocationUnits string `xml:"rasd:AllocationUnits"` Description string `xml:"rasd:Description"` ElementName string `xml:"rasd:ElementName"` InstanceID int `xml:"rasd:InstanceID"` Reservation int `xml:"rasd:Reservation"` ResourceType int `xml:"rasd:ResourceType"` VirtualQuantity int `xml:"rasd:VirtualQuantity"` Weight int `xml:"rasd:Weight"` Link *Link `xml:"vcloud:Link"` }
OVFItem is a horrible kludge to process OVF, needs to be fixed with proper types.
type Org ¶
type Org struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` FullName string `xml:"FullName"` IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled,omitempty"` Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` }
Org represents the user view of a vCloud Director organization. Type: OrgType Namespace: Description: Represents the user view of a vCloud Director organization. Since: 0.9
type OrgFederationSettings ¶
type OrgFederationSettings struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity. Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object. Enabled bool `xml:"Enabled,allowempty"` }
type OrgGeneralSettings ¶
type OrgGeneralSettings struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity. Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object. CanPublishCatalogs bool `xml:"CanPublishCatalogs,omitempty"` DeployedVMQuota int `xml:"DeployedVMQuota,omitempty"` StoredVMQuota int `xml:"StoredVmQuota,omitempty"` UseServerBootSequence bool `xml:"UseServerBootSequence,omitempty"` DelayAfterPowerOnSeconds int `xml:"DelayAfterPowerOnSeconds,omitempty"` }
OrgGeneralSettingsType represents the general settings for a vCloud Director organization. Type: OrgGeneralSettingsType Namespace: Description: Represents the user view of a vCloud Director organization. Since: 0.9
type OrgLdapGroupAttributes ¶
type OrgLdapGroupAttributes struct { Membership string `xml:"Membership"` GroupName string `xml:"GroupName"` BackLinkIdentifier string `xml:"BackLinkIdentifier,omitempty"` MempershipIdentifier string `xml:"MempershipIdentifier"` ObjectClass string `xml:"ObjectClass"` ObjectIdentifier string `xml:"ObjectIdentifier"` }
OrgLdapGroupAttributesType represents the ldap group attribute settings for a vCloud Director organization. Type: OrgLdapGroupAttributesType Namespace: Description: Represents the ldap group attribute settings of a vCloud Director organization. Since: 0.9
type OrgLdapSettingsType ¶
type OrgLdapSettingsType struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity. Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object. CustomUsersOu string `xml:"CustomUsersOu,omitempty"` // If OrgLdapMode is SYSTEM, specifies an LDAP attribute=value pair to use for OU (organizational unit). OrgLdapMode string `xml:"OrgLdapMode,omitempty"` // LDAP mode you want CustomOrgLdapSettings *CustomOrgLdapSettings `xml:"CustomOrgLdapSettings,omitempty"` // Needs to be set if user chooses custom mode }
OrgLdapSettingsType represents the ldap settings for a vCloud Director organization. Type: OrgLdapSettingsType Namespace: Description: Represents the ldap settings of a vCloud Director organization. Since: 0.9
type OrgLdapUserAttributes ¶
type OrgLdapUserAttributes struct { Email string `xml:"Email"` FullName string `xml:"FullName"` GivenName string `xml:"GivenName"` GroupBackLinkIdentifier string `xml:"GroupBackLinkIdentifier,omitempty"` GroupMempershipIdentifier string `xml:"GroupMempershipIdentifier"` ObjectClass string `xml:"ObjectClass"` ObjectIdentifier string `xml:"ObjectIdentifier"` Surname string `xml:"Surname"` Telephone string `xml:"Telephone"` Username string `xml:"UserName,omitempty"` }
OrgLdapUserAttributesType represents the ldap user attribute settings for a vCloud Director organization. Type: OrgLdapUserAttributesType Namespace: Description: Represents the ldap user attribute settings of a vCloud Director organization. Since: 0.9
type OrgList ¶
OrgList represents a lists of Organizations Type: OrgType Namespace: Description: Represents a list of vCloud Director organizations. Since: 0.9
type OrgSettings ¶
type OrgSettings struct { //attributes HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity. //elements Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object. OrgGeneralSettings *OrgGeneralSettings `xml:"OrgGeneralSettings,omitempty"` // General Settings for the org, not-required OrgVAppLeaseSettings *VAppLeaseSettings `xml:"VAppLeaseSettings,omitempty"` OrgVAppTemplateSettings *VAppTemplateLeaseSettings `xml:"VAppTemplateLeaseSettings,omitempty"` // Vapp template lease settings, not required OrgLdapSettings *OrgLdapSettingsType `xml:"OrgLdapSettings,omitempty"` //LDAP settings, not-requried, defaults to none }
OrgSettingsType represents the settings for a vCloud Director organization. Type: OrgSettingsType Namespace: Description: Represents the settings of a vCloud Director organization. Since: 0.9
type OrgVDCNetwork ¶
type OrgVDCNetwork struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"OrgVdcNetwork"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,imitempty"` HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Status string `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` Configuration *NetworkConfiguration `xml:"Configuration,omitempty"` Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` EdgeGateway *Reference `xml:"EdgeGateway,omitempty"` Link []Link `xml:"Link,omitempty"` ServiceConfig *GatewayFeatures `xml:"ServiceConfig,omitempty"` // Specifies the service configuration for an isolated Org vDC networks Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` }
OrgVDCNetwork represents an Org vDC network in the vCloud model. Type: OrgVdcNetworkType Namespace: Description: Represents an Org vDC network in the vCloud model. Since: 5.1
type Owner ¶
type Owner struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` User *Reference `xml:"User"` }
Owner represents the owner of this entity. Type: OwnerType Namespace: Description: Represents the owner of this entity. Since: 1.5
type ProductSection ¶
type ProductSectionList ¶
type ProductSectionList struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ProductSectionList"` Ovf string `xml:"xmlns:ovf,attr,omitempty"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"` ProductSection *ProductSection `xml:" ProductSection,omitempty"` }
type Property ¶
type Property struct { Key string `xml:" key,attr,omitempty"` Label string `xml:" Label,omitempty"` Description string `xml:" Description,omitempty"` DefaultValue string `xml:" value,attr"` Value *Value `xml:" Value,omitempty"` Type string `xml:" type,attr,omitempty"` UserConfigurable bool `xml:" userConfigurable,attr"` }
type PublishExternalCatalogParams ¶
type PublishExternalCatalogParams struct { IsCachedEnabled bool `xml:"IsCacheEnabled,omitempty"` IsPublishedExternally bool `xml:"IsPublishedExternally,omitempty"` Password string `xml:"Password,omitempty"` PreserveIdentityInfoFlag bool `xml:"PreserveIdentityInfoFlag,omitempty"` CatalogPublishedUrl string `xml:"catalogPublishedUrl,omitempty"` }
PublishExternalCatalogParamsType represents the configuration parameters of a catalog published externally Type: PublishExternalCatalogParamsType Namespace: Description: Represents the configuration parameters of a catalog published externally. Since: 5.5
type QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordType ¶
type QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordType struct { // Attributes HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity. Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` // EdgeGateway name. Vdc string `xml:"vdc,attr,omitempty"` // VDC Reference or ID NumberOfExtNetworks int `xml:"numberOfExtNetworks,attr,omitempty"` // Number of external networks connected to the edgeGateway. Yes Yes NumberOfOrgNetworks int `xml:"numberOfOrgNetworks,attr,omitempty"` // Number of org VDC networks connected to the edgeGateway Yes Yes IsBusy bool `xml:"isBusy,attr"` // True if this Edge Gateway is busy. Yes Yes GatewayStatus string `xml:"gatewayStatus,attr,omitempty"` // HaStatus string `xml:"haStatus,attr,omitempty"` // High Availability Status of the edgeGateway Yes Yes }
QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordType represents an edge gateway record as query result.
type QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordsType ¶
type QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordsType struct { // Attributes HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity. Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` // The name of the entity. Page int `xml:"page,attr,omitempty"` // Page of the result set that this container holds. The first page is page number 1. PageSize int `xml:"pageSize,attr,omitempty"` // Page size, as a number of records or references. Total float64 `xml:"total,attr,omitempty"` // Total number of records or references in the container. // Elements Link []*Link `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object. EdgeGatewayRecord []*QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordType `xml:"EdgeGatewayRecord"` // A record representing a EdgeGateway result. }
QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordsType is a container for query results in records format. Type: QueryResultRecordsType Namespace: Description: Container for query results in records format. Since: 1.5
type QueryResultNetworkPoolRecordType ¶
type QueryResultNetworkPoolRecordType struct { // Attributes HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` // Network pool name. IsBusy bool `xml:"isBusy,attr,omitempty"` NetworkPoolType int `xml:"networkPoolType,attr,omitempty"` }
QueryResultNetworkPoolRecordType represents a network pool as query result.
type QueryResultOrgVdcStorageProfileRecordType ¶
type QueryResultOrgVdcStorageProfileRecordType struct { // Attributes HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` // Storage Profile name. VdcHREF string `xml:"vdc,attr,omitempty"` VdcName string `xml:"vdcName,attr,omitempty"` IsDefaultStorageProfile bool `xml:"isDefaultStorageProfile,attr,omitempty"` IsEnabled bool `xml:"isEnabled,attr,omitempty"` IsVdcBusy bool `xml:"isVdcBusy,attr,omitempty"` NumberOfConditions int `xml:"numberOfConditions,attr,omitempty"` StorageUsedMB int `xml:"storageUsedMB,attr,omitempty"` StorageLimitMB int `xml:"storageLimitMB,attr,omitempty"` }
QueryResultOrgVdcStorageProfileRecordType represents a storage profile as query result.
type QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType ¶
type QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType struct { // Attributes HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` // Provider VDC Storage Profile name. ProviderVdcHREF string `xml:"providerVdc,attr,omitempty"` VcHREF string `xml:"vc,attr,omitempty"` StorageProfileMoref string `xml:"storageProfileMoref,attr,omitempty"` IsEnabled bool `xml:"isEnabled,attr,omitempty"` StorageProvisionedMB int64 `xml:"storageProvisionedMB,attr,omitempty"` StorageRequestedMB int64 `xml:"storageRequestedMB,attr,omitempty"` StorageTotalMB int64 `xml:"storageTotalMB,attr,omitempty"` StorageUsedMB int64 `xml:"storageUsedMB,attr,omitempty"` NumberOfConditions int `xml:"numberOfConditions,attr,omitempty"` }
QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType represents a Provider VDC storage profile as query result.
type QueryResultRecordsType ¶
type QueryResultRecordsType struct { // Attributes HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity. Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` // The name of the entity. Page int `xml:"page,attr,omitempty"` // Page of the result set that this container holds. The first page is page number 1. PageSize int `xml:"pageSize,attr,omitempty"` // Page size, as a number of records or references. Total float64 `xml:"total,attr,omitempty"` // Total number of records or references in the container. // Elements Link []*Link `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object. EdgeGatewayRecord []*QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordType `xml:"EdgeGatewayRecord"` // A record representing a EdgeGateway result. VMRecord []*QueryResultVMRecordType `xml:"VMRecord"` // A record representing a VM result. AdminVMRecord []*QueryResultVMRecordType `xml:"AdminVMRecord"` // A record representing a Admin VM result. VAppRecord []*QueryResultVAppRecordType `xml:"VAppRecord"` // A record representing a VApp result. OrgVdcStorageProfileRecord []*QueryResultOrgVdcStorageProfileRecordType `xml:"OrgVdcStorageProfileRecord"` // A record representing storage profiles MediaRecord []*MediaRecordType `xml:"MediaRecord"` // A record representing media AdminMediaRecord []*MediaRecordType `xml:"AdminMediaRecord"` // A record representing Admin media VMWProviderVdcRecord []*QueryResultVMWProviderVdcRecordType `xml:"VMWProviderVdcRecord"` // A record representing a Provider VDC result. ProviderVdcStorageProfileRecord []*QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType `xml:"ProviderVdcStorageProfileRecord"` // A record representing a Provider VDC storage profile result NetworkPoolRecord []*QueryResultNetworkPoolRecordType `xml:"NetworkPoolRecord"` // A record representing a network pool }
type QueryResultVAppRecordType ¶
type QueryResultVAppRecordType struct { // Attributes HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Name string `xml:"name,attr"` // The name of the entity. CreationDate string `xml:"creationDate,attr,omitempty"` // Creation date/time of the vApp. Busy bool `xml:"isBusy,attr,omitempty"` Deployed bool `xml:"isDeployed,attr,omitempty"` // True if the vApp is deployed. Enabled bool `xml:"isEnabled,attr,omitempty"` Expired bool `xml:"isExpired,attr,omitempty"` MaintenanceMode bool `xml:"isInMaintenanceMode,attr,omitempty"` Public bool `xml:"isPublic,attr,omitempty"` OwnerName string `xml:"ownerName,attr,omitempty"` Status string `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` VdcHREF string `xml:"vdc,attr,omitempty"` VdcName string `xml:"vdcName,attr,omitempty"` NumberOfVMs int `xml:"numberOfVMs,attr,omitempty"` NumberOfCPUs int `xml:"numberOfCpus,attr,omitempty"` CpuAllocationMhz int `xml:"cpuAllocationMhz,attr,omitempty"` CpuAllocationInMhz int `xml:"cpuAllocationInMhz,attr,omitempty"` StorageKB int `xml:"storageKB,attr,omitempty"` MemoryAllocationMB int `xml:"memoryAllocationMB,attr,omitempty"` AutoDeleteNotified bool `xml:"isAutoDeleteNotified,attr,omitempty"` AutoUndeployNotified bool `xml:"isAutoUndeployNotified,attr,omitempty"` VdcEnabled bool `xml:"isVdcEnabled,attr,omitempty"` HonorBootOrder bool `xml:"honorBookOrder,attr,omitempty"` HighestSupportedVersion int `xml:"pvdcHighestSupportedHardwareVersion,attr,omitempty"` LowestHardwareVersion int `xml:"lowestHardwareVersionInVApp,attr,omitempty"` TaskHREF string `xml:"task,attr,omitempty"` TaskStatusName string `xml:"taskStatusName,attr,omitempty"` TaskStatus string `xml:"TaskStatus,attr,omitempty"` TaskDetails string `xml:"taskDetails,attr,omitempty"` }
QueryResultVAppRecordType represents a VM record as query result.
type QueryResultVMRecordType ¶
type QueryResultVMRecordType struct { // Attributes HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` // VM name. Deployed bool `xml:"isDeployed,attr,omitempty"` // True if the virtual machine is deployed. Status string `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` Busy bool `xml:"isBusy,attr,omitempty"` Deleted bool `xml:"isDeleted,attr,omitempty"` MaintenanceMode bool `xml:"isInMaintenanceMode,attr,omitempty"` Published bool `xml:"isPublished,attr,omitempty"` VAppTemplate bool `xml:"isVAppTemplate,attr,omitempty"` VdcEnabled bool `xml:"isVdcEnabled,attr,omitempty"` VdcHREF string `xml:"vdc,attr,omitempty"` VAppParentHREF string `xml:"container,attr,omitempty"` VAppParentName string `xml:"containerName,attr,omitempty"` HardwareVersion int `xml:"hardwareVersion,attr,omitempty"` HighestSupportedVersion int `xml:"pvdcHighestSupportedHardwareVersion,attr,omitempty"` VmToolsVersion string `xml:"vmToolsVersion,attr,omitempty"` GuestOS string `xml:"guestOs,attr,omitempty"` MemoryMB int `xml:"memoryMB,attr,omitempty"` Cpus int `xml:"numberOfCpus,attr,omitempty"` StorageProfileName string `xml:"storageProfileName,attr,omitempty"` NetworkName string `xml:"networkName,attr,omitempty"` TaskHREF string `xml:"task,attr,omitempty"` TaskStatusName string `xml:"taskStatusName,attr,omitempty"` TaskDetails string `xml:"taskDetails,attr,omitempty"` TaskStatus string `xml:"TaskStatus,attr,omitempty"` }
QueryResultVMRecordType represents a VM record as query result.
type QueryResultVMWProviderVdcRecordType ¶
type QueryResultVMWProviderVdcRecordType struct { // Attributes HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` // Provider VDC name. Status string `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` IsBusy bool `xml:"isBusy,attr,omitempty"` IsDeleted bool `xml:"isDeleted,attr,omitempty"` IsEnabled bool `xml:"isEnabled,attr,omitempty"` CpuAllocationMhz int `xml:"cpuAllocationMhz,attr,omitempty"` CpuLimitMhz int `xml:"cpuLimitMhz,attr,omitempty"` CpuUsedMhz int `xml:"cpuUsedMhz,attr,omitempty"` NumberOfDatastores int `xml:"numberOfDatastores,attr,omitempty"` NumberOfStorageProfiles int `xml:"numberOfStorageProfiles,attr,omitempty"` NumberOfVdcs int `xml:"numberOfVdcs,attr,omitempty"` MemoryAllocationMB int64 `xml:"memoryAllocationMB,attr,omitempty"` MemoryLimitMB int64 `xml:"memoryLimitMB,attr,omitempty"` MemoryUsedMB int64 `xml:"memoryUsedMB,attr,omitempty"` StorageAllocationMB int64 `xml:"storageAllocationMB,attr,omitempty"` StorageLimitMB int64 `xml:"storageLimitMB,attr,omitempty"` StorageUsedMB int64 `xml:"storageUsedMB,attr,omitempty"` CpuOverheadMhz int64 `xml:"cpuOverheadMhz,attr,omitempty"` StorageOverheadMB int64 `xml:"storageOverheadMB,attr,omitempty"` MemoryOverheadMB int64 `xml:"memoryOverheadMB,attr,omitempty"` }
QueryResultVMWProviderVdcRecordType represents a Provider VDC as query result.
type ReComposeVAppParams ¶
type ReComposeVAppParams struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"RecomposeVAppParams"` Ovf string `xml:"xmlns:ovf,attr"` Xsi string `xml:"xmlns:xsi,attr"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"` // Attributes Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` // Typically used to name or identify the subject of the request. For example, the name of the object being created or modified. Deploy bool `xml:"deploy,attr"` // True if the vApp should be deployed at instantiation. Defaults to true. PowerOn bool `xml:"powerOn,attr"` // True if the vApp should be powered-on at instantiation. Defaults to true. LinkedClone bool `xml:"linkedClone,attr,omitempty"` // Reserved. Unimplemented. // Elements Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // Optional description. VAppParent *Reference `xml:"VAppParent,omitempty"` // Reserved. Unimplemented. InstantiationParams *InstantiationParams `xml:"InstantiationParams,omitempty"` // Instantiation parameters for the composed vApp. SourcedItem *SourcedCompositionItemParam `xml:"SourcedItem,omitempty"` // Composition item. One of: vApp vAppTemplate Vm. AllEULAsAccepted bool `xml:"AllEULAsAccepted,omitempty"` DeleteItem *DeleteItem `xml:"DeleteItem,omitempty"` }
type Reference ¶
type Reference struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` }
Reference is a reference to a resource. Contains an href attribute and optional name and type attributes. Type: ReferenceType Namespace: Description: A reference to a resource. Contains an href attribute and optional name and type attributes. Since: 0.9
type ResourceEntities ¶
type ResourceEntities struct {
ResourceEntity []*ResourceReference `xml:"ResourceEntity,omitempty"`
ResourceEntities is a container for references to ResourceEntity objects in this vDC. Type: ResourceEntitiesType Namespace: Description: Container for references to ResourceEntity objects in this vDC. Since: 0.9
type ResourceReference ¶
type ResourceReference struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` Status string `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` }
ResourceReference represents a reference to a resource. Contains an href attribute, a resource status attribute, and optional name and type attributes. Type: ResourceReferenceType Namespace: Description: Represents a reference to a resource. Contains an href attribute, a resource status attribute, and optional name and type attributes. Since: 0.9
type SnapshotItem ¶
type SnapshotItem struct { Created string `xml:"created,attr,omitempty"` PoweredOn bool `xml:"poweredOn,attr,omitempty"` Size int `xml:"size,attr,omitempty"` }
Each snapshot listed in the SnapshotSection
type SnapshotSection ¶
type SnapshotSection struct { // Extends OVF Section_Type XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SnapshotSection"` Info string `xml:"Info"` HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` Snapshot []*SnapshotItem `xml:"Snapshot,omitempty"` }
SnapshotSection from VM struct
type SourcedCompositionItemParam ¶
type SourcedCompositionItemParam struct { // Attributes SourceDelete bool `xml:"sourceDelete,attr,omitempty"` // True if the source item should be deleted after composition is complete. // Elements Source *Reference `xml:"Source"` // Reference to a vApp, vApp template or virtual machine to include in the composition. Changing the name of the newly created VM by specifying name attribute is deprecated. Include VmGeneralParams element instead. VMGeneralParams *VMGeneralParams `xml:"VmGeneralParams,omitempty"` // Specify name, description, and other properties of a VM during instantiation. VAppScopedLocalID string `xml:"VAppScopedLocalId,omitempty"` // If Source references a Vm, this value provides a unique identifier for the Vm in the scope of the composed vApp. InstantiationParams *InstantiationParams `xml:"InstantiationParams,omitempty"` // If Source references a Vm this can include any of the following OVF sections: VirtualHardwareSection OperatingSystemSection NetworkConnectionSection GuestCustomizationSection. NetworkAssignment []*NetworkAssignment `xml:"NetworkAssignment,omitempty"` // If Source references a Vm, this element maps a network name specified in the Vm to the network name of a vApp network defined in the composed vApp. StorageProfile *Reference `xml:"StorageProfile,omitempty"` // If Source references a Vm, this element contains a reference to a storage profile to be used for the Vm. The specified storage profile must exist in the organization vDC that contains the composed vApp. If not specified, the default storage profile for the vDC is used. LocalityParams *LocalityParams `xml:"LocalityParams,omitempty"` // Represents locality parameters. Locality parameters provide a hint that may help the placement engine optimize placement of a VM and an independent a Disk so that the VM can make efficient use of the disk. }
SourcedCompositionItemParam represents a vApp, vApp template or Vm to include in a composed vApp. Type: SourcedCompositionItemParamType Namespace: Description: Represents a vApp, vApp template or Vm to include in a composed vApp. Since: 0.9
type StaticRoute ¶
type StaticRoute struct { Name string `xml:"Name"` // Name for the static route. Network string `xml:"Network"` // Network specification in CIDR. NextHopIP string `xml:"NextHopIp"` // IP Address of Next Hop router/gateway. Interface string `xml:"Interface,omitempty"` // Interface to use for static routing. Internal and External are the supported values. GatewayInterface *Reference `xml:"GatewayInterface,omitempty"` // Gateway interface to which static route is bound. }
StaticRoute represents a static route entry Type: StaticRouteType Namespace: Description: Since:
type StaticRoutingService ¶
type StaticRoutingService struct { IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled"` // Enable or disable the service using this flag StaticRoute *StaticRoute `xml:"StaticRoute,omitempty"` // Details of each Static Route. }
StaticRoutingService represents Static Routing network service. Type: StaticRoutingServiceType Namespace: Description: Represents Static Routing network service. Since: 1.5
type SubAllocation ¶
type SubAllocation struct { EdgeGateway *Reference `xml:"EdgeGateway,omitempty"` // Edge gateway that uses this sub allocation. IPRanges *IPRanges `xml:"IpRanges,omitempty"` // IP range sub allocated to the edge gateway. }
SubAllocation IP range sub allocated to an edge gateway. Type: SubAllocationType Namespace: Description: IP range sub allocated to an edge gateway. Since: 5.1
type SubAllocations ¶
type SubAllocations struct { // Attributes HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity. // Elements Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object. SubAllocation *SubAllocation `xml:"SubAllocation,omitempty"` // IP Range sub allocated to a edge gateway. }
SubAllocations a list of IP addresses that are sub allocated to edge gateways. Type: SubAllocationsType Namespace: Description: A list of IP addresses that are sub allocated to edge gateways. Since: 5.1
type SubnetParticipation ¶
type SubnetParticipation struct { Gateway string `xml:"Gateway"` // Gateway for subnet IPAddress string `xml:"IpAddress,omitempty"` // Ip Address to be assigned. Keep empty or omit element for auto assignment IPRanges *IPRanges `xml:"IpRanges,omitempty"` // Range of IP addresses available for external interfaces. Netmask string `xml:"Netmask"` // Netmask for the subnet }
SubnetParticipation allows to chose which subnets a gateway can be a part of Type: SubnetParticipationType Namespace: Description: Allows to chose which subnets a gateway can be part of Since: 5.1
type SupportedHardwareVersions ¶
type SupportedHardwareVersions struct {
SupportedHardwareVersion []string `xml:"SupportedHardwareVersion,omitempty"` // A virtual hardware version supported in this vDC.
SupportedHardwareVersions contains a list of VMware virtual hardware versions supported in this vDC. Type: SupportedHardwareVersionsType Namespace: Description: Contains a list of VMware virtual hardware versions supported in this vDC. Since: 1.5
type Task ¶
type Task struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Status string `xml:"status,attr"` Operation string `xml:"operation,attr,omitempty"` OperationName string `xml:"operationName,attr,omitempty"` ServiceNamespace string `xml:"serviceNamespace,attr,omitempty"` StartTime string `xml:"startTime,attr,omitempty"` EndTime string `xml:"endTime,attr,omitempty"` ExpiryTime string `xml:"expiryTime,attr,omitempty"` CancelRequested bool `xml:"cancelRequested,attr,omitempty"` Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` Details string `xml:"Details,omitempty"` Error *Error `xml:"Error,omitempty"` Link *Link `xml:"Link,omitempty"` Organization *Reference `xml:"Organization,omitempty"` Owner *Reference `xml:"Owner,omitempty"` Progress int `xml:"Progress,omitempty"` Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` User *Reference `xml:"User,omitempty"` }
Task represents an asynchronous operation in vCloud Director. Type: TaskType Namespace: Description: Represents an asynchronous operation in vCloud Director. Since: 0.9
type TasksInProgress ¶
type TasksInProgress struct { // Elements Task []*Task `xml:"Task"` // A task. }
TasksInProgress is a list of queued, running, or recently completed tasks. Type: TasksInProgressType Namespace: Description: A list of queued, running, or recently completed tasks. Since: 0.9
type TypedValue ¶
type UndeployVAppParams ¶
type UndeployVAppParams struct { Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"` UndeployPowerAction string `xml:"UndeployPowerAction,omitempty"` }
UndeployVAppParams parameters to an undeploy vApp request. Type: UndeployVAppParamsType Namespace: Description: Parameters to an undeploy vApp request. Since: 0.9
type VApp ¶
type VApp struct { // Attributes HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity. ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` // The entity identifier, expressed in URN format. The value of this attribute uniquely identifies the entity, persists for the life of the entity, and is never reused. OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` // Optional unique identifier to support idempotent semantics for create and delete operations. Name string `xml:"name,attr"` // The name of the entity. Status int `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` // Creation status of the resource entity. Deployed bool `xml:"deployed,attr,omitempty"` // True if the virtual machine is deployed. OvfDescriptorUploaded bool `xml:"ovfDescriptorUploaded,attr,omitempty"` // Read-only indicator that the OVF descriptor for this vApp has been uploaded. // Elements Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object. Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // Optional description. Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` // A list of queued, running, or recently completed tasks associated with this entity. Files *FilesList `xml:"Files,omitempty"` // Represents a list of files to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). Each File in the list is part of the ResourceEntity. VAppParent *Reference `xml:"VAppParent,omitempty"` // Reserved. Unimplemented. // TODO: OVF Sections to be implemented // Section OVF_Section `xml:"Section"` DateCreated string `xml:"DateCreated,omitempty"` // Creation date/time of the vApp. Owner *Owner `xml:"Owner,omitempty"` // vApp owner. InMaintenanceMode bool `xml:"InMaintenanceMode,omitempty"` // True if this vApp is in maintenance mode. Prevents users from changing vApp metadata. Children *VAppChildren `xml:"Children,omitempty"` // Container for virtual machines included in this vApp. ProductSection *ProductSection `xml:"ProductSection,omitempty"` }
VApp represents a vApp Type: VAppType Namespace: Description: Represents a vApp. Since: 0.9
type VAppChildren ¶
type VAppChildren struct {
VM []*VM `xml:"Vm,omitempty"` // Represents a virtual machine.
VAppChildren is a container for virtual machines included in this vApp. Type: VAppChildrenType Namespace: Description: Container for virtual machines included in this vApp. Since: 0.9
type VAppLeaseSettings ¶
type VAppLeaseSettings struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity. Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object. DeleteOnStorageLeaseExpiration bool `xml:"DeleteOnStorageLeaseExpiration,allowempty"` DeploymentLeaseSeconds int `xml:"DeploymentLeaseSeconds,allowempty"` StorageLeaseSeconds int `xml:"StorageLeaseSeconds,allowempty"` PowerOffOnRuntimeLeaseExpiration bool `xml:"PowerOffOnRuntimeLeaseExpiration,allowempty"` }
type VAppNetworkConfiguration ¶
type VAppNetworkConfiguration struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` NetworkName string `xml:"networkName,attr"` Configuration *NetworkConfiguration `xml:"Configuration"` Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` IsDeployed bool `xml:"IsDeployed"` Link *Link `xml:"Link,omitempty"` }
VAppNetworkConfiguration represents a vApp network configuration Type: VAppNetworkConfigurationType Namespace: Description: Represents a vApp network configuration. Since: 0.9
type VAppTemplate ¶
type VAppTemplate struct { // Attributes HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity. ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` // The entity identifier, expressed in URN format. The value of this attribute uniquely identifies the entity, persists for the life of the entity, and is never reused. OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` // Optional unique identifier to support idempotent semantics for create and delete operations. Name string `xml:"name,attr"` // The name of the entity. Status int `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` // Creation status of the resource entity. OvfDescriptorUploaded string `xml:"ovfDescriptorUploaded,attr,omitempty"` // True if the OVF descriptor for this template has been uploaded. GoldMaster bool `xml:"goldMaster,attr,omitempty"` // True if this template is a gold master. // Elements Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object. Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // Optional description. Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` // A list of queued, running, or recently completed tasks associated with this entity. Files *FilesList `xml:"Files,omitempty"` // Represents a list of files to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). Each File in the list is part of the ResourceEntity. Owner *Owner `xml:"Owner,omitempty"` // vAppTemplate owner. Children *VAppTemplateChildren `xml:"Children,omitempty"` // Container for virtual machines included in this vApp template. VAppScopedLocalID string `xml:"VAppScopedLocalId"` // A unique identifier for the Vm in the scope of the vApp template. DefaultStorageProfile string `xml:"DefaultStorageProfile,omitempty"` // The name of the storage profile to be used for this object. The named storage profile must exist in the organization vDC that contains the object. If not specified, the default storage profile for the vDC is used. DateCreated string `xml:"DateCreated,omitempty"` // Creation date/time of the template. // FIXME: Upstream bug? Missing NetworkConfigSection, LeaseSettingSection and // CustomizationSection at least, NetworkConnectionSection is required when // using ComposeVApp action in the context of a Children VM (still // referenced by VAppTemplateType). NetworkConfigSection *NetworkConfigSection `xml:"NetworkConfigSection,omitempty"` NetworkConnectionSection *NetworkConnectionSection `xml:"NetworkConnectionSection,omitempty"` LeaseSettingsSection *LeaseSettingsSection `xml:"LeaseSettingsSection,omitempty"` CustomizationSection *CustomizationSection `xml:"CustomizationSection,omitempty"` }
VAppTemplate represents a vApp template. Type: VAppTemplateType Namespace: Description: Represents a vApp template. Since: 0.9
type VAppTemplateChildren ¶
type VAppTemplateChildren struct { // Elements VM []*VAppTemplate `xml:"Vm"` // Represents a virtual machine in this vApp template. }
VAppTemplateChildren is a container for virtual machines included in this vApp template. Type: VAppTemplateChildrenType Namespace: Description: Container for virtual machines included in this vApp template. Since: 0.9
type VAppTemplateLeaseSettings ¶
type VAppTemplateLeaseSettings struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity. Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object. DeleteOnStorageLeaseExpiration bool `xml:"DeleteOnStorageLeaseExpiration,omitempty"` StorageLeaseSeconds int `xml:"StorageLeaseSeconds,omitempty"` }
VAppTemplateLeaseSettings represents the vapp template lease settings for a vCloud Director organization. Type: VAppTemplateLeaseSettingsType Namespace: Description: Represents the vapp template lease settings of a vCloud Director organization. Since: 0.9
type VCloudExtension ¶
type VCloudExtension struct {
Required bool `xml:"required,attr,omitempty"`
General purpose extension element Not related to extension services Reference: vCloud API 30.0 - DiskAttachOrDetachParamsType
type VDCList ¶
type VDCList struct {
Vdcs []*Reference `xml:"Vdc,omitempty"`
VDCList contains a list of references to Org VDCs Type: VdcListType Namespace: Description: Represents a list of organization vDCs. Since: 0.9
type VM ¶
type VM struct { // Attributes XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Vm"` Ovf string `xml:"xmlns:ovf,attr,omitempty"` Xsi string `xml:"xmlns:xsi,attr,omitempty"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity. Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity. ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` // The entity identifier, expressed in URN format. The value of this attribute uniquely identifies the entity, persists for the life of the entity, and is never reused OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` // Optional unique identifier to support idempotent semantics for create and delete operations. Name string `xml:"name,attr"` // The name of the entity. Status int `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` // Creation status of the resource entity. Deployed bool `xml:"deployed,attr,omitempty"` // True if the virtual machine is deployed. NeedsCustomization bool `xml:"needsCustomization,attr,omitempty"` // True if this virtual machine needs customization. NestedHypervisorEnabled bool `xml:"nestedHypervisorEnabled,attr,omitempty"` // True if hardware-assisted CPU virtualization capabilities in the host should be exposed to the guest operating system. // Elements Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object. Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // Optional description. Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` // A list of queued, running, or recently completed tasks associated with this entity. Files *FilesList `xml:"FilesList,omitempty"` // Represents a list of files to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). Each File in the list is part of the ResourceEntity. VAppParent *Reference `xml:"VAppParent,omitempty"` // Reserved. Unimplemented. // TODO: OVF Sections to be implemented // Section OVF_Section `xml:"Section,omitempty" DateCreated string `xml:"DateCreated,omitempty"` // Creation date/time of the vApp. // Section ovf:VirtualHardwareSection VirtualHardwareSection *VirtualHardwareSection `xml:"VirtualHardwareSection,omitempty"` // FIXME: Upstream bug? Missing NetworkConnectionSection NetworkConnectionSection *NetworkConnectionSection `xml:"NetworkConnectionSection,omitempty"` VAppScopedLocalID string `xml:"VAppScopedLocalId,omitempty"` // A unique identifier for the virtual machine in the scope of the vApp. Snapshots *SnapshotSection `xml:"SnapshotSection,omitempty"` VMCapabilities *VMCapabilities `xml:"VmCapabilities,omitempty"` // Allows you to specify certain capabilities of this virtual machine. StorageProfile *Reference `xml:"StorageProfile,omitempty"` // A reference to a storage profile to be used for this object. The specified storage profile must exist in the organization vDC that contains the object. If not specified, the default storage profile for the vDC is used. ProductSection *ProductSection `xml:"ProductSection,omitempty"` }
VM represents a virtual machine Type: VmType Namespace: Description: Represents a virtual machine. Since: 0.9
type VMCapabilities ¶
type VMCapabilities struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` CPUHotAddEnabled bool `xml:"CpuHotAddEnabled,omitempty"` Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` MemoryHotAddEnabled bool `xml:"MemoryHotAddEnabled,omitempty"` }
VMCapabilities allows you to specify certain capabilities of this virtual machine. Type: VmCapabilitiesType Namespace: Description: Allows you to specify certain capabilities of this virtual machine. Since: 5.1
type VMGeneralParams ¶
type VMGeneralParams struct { // Elements Name string `xml:"Name,omitempty"` // Name of VM Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // VM description NeedsCustomization bool `xml:"NeedsCustomization,omitempty"` // True if this VM needs guest customization }
VMGeneralParams a set of overrides to source VM properties to apply to target VM during copying. Type: VmGeneralParamsType Namespace: Description: A set of overrides to source VM properties to apply to target VM during copying. Since: 5.6
type VMSelection ¶
type VMSelection struct { VAppScopedVMID string `xml:"VAppScopedVmId"` // VAppScopedVmId of VM to which this rule applies. VMNicID int `xml:"VmNicId"` // VM NIC ID to which this rule applies. IPType string `xml:"IpType"` // The value can be one of:- assigned: assigned internal IP be automatically choosen. NAT: NATed external IP will be automatically choosen. }
VMSelection represents details of an vm+nic+iptype selection. Type: VmSelectionType Namespace: Description: Represents details of an vm+nic+iptype selection. Since: 5.1
type VMs ¶
type VMs struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` VMReference []*Reference `xml:"VmReference,omitempty"` }
VMs represents a list of virtual machines. Type: VmsType Namespace: Description: Represents a list of virtual machines. Since: 5.1
type Value ¶
type Value struct {
Value string `xml:" value,attr,omitempty"`
type Vdc ¶
type Vdc struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Status string `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` AllocationModel string `xml:"AllocationModel"` AvailableNetworks []*AvailableNetworks `xml:"AvailableNetworks,omitempty"` Capabilities []*Capabilities `xml:"Capabilities,omitempty"` ComputeCapacity []*ComputeCapacity `xml:"ComputeCapacity"` Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled"` Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` NetworkQuota int `xml:"NetworkQuota"` NicQuota int `xml:"NicQuota"` ResourceEntities []*ResourceEntities `xml:"ResourceEntities,omitempty"` Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` UsedNetworkCount int `xml:"UsedNetworkCount,omitempty"` VdcStorageProfiles []*VdcStorageProfiles `xml:"VdcStorageProfiles"` VMQuota int `xml:"VmQuota"` }
Vdc represents the user view of an organization vDC. Type: VdcType Namespace: Description: Represents the user view of an organization vDC. Since: 0.9
type VdcConfiguration ¶
type VdcConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CreateVdcParams"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` AllocationModel string `xml:"AllocationModel"` ComputeCapacity []*ComputeCapacity `xml:"ComputeCapacity"` NicQuota int `xml:"NicQuota,omitempty"` NetworkQuota int `xml:"NetworkQuota,omitempty"` VmQuota int `xml:"VmQuota,omitempty"` IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled,omitempty"` VdcStorageProfile *VdcStorageProfile `xml:"VdcStorageProfile"` ResourceGuaranteedMemory float64 `xml:"ResourceGuaranteedMemory,omitempty"` ResourceGuaranteedCpu float64 `xml:"ResourceGuaranteedCpu,omitempty"` VCpuInMhz int64 `xml:"VCpuInMhz,omitempty"` IsThinProvision bool `xml:"IsThinProvision,omitempty"` NetworkPoolReference *Reference `xml:"NetworkPoolReference,omitempty"` ProviderVdcReference *Reference `xml:"ProviderVdcReference"` UsesFastProvisioning bool `xml:"UsesFastProvisioning,omitempty"` OverCommitAllowed bool `xml:"OverCommitAllowed,omitempty"` VmDiscoveryEnabled bool `xml:"VmDiscoveryEnabled,omitempty"` }
VdcConfiguration models the payload for creating a VDC. Type: CreateVdcParamsType Namespace: Description: Parameters for creating an organization vDC Since: 5.1
type VdcStorageProfile ¶
type VdcStorageProfile struct { Enabled bool `xml:"Enabled,omitempty"` Units string `xml:"Units"` Limit int64 `xml:"Limit"` Default bool `xml:"Default"` ProviderVdcStorageProfile *Reference `xml:"ProviderVdcStorageProfile"` }
VdcStorageProfile represents the parameters to create a storage profile in an organization vDC. Type: VdcStorageProfileParamsType Namespace: Description: Represents the parameters to create a storage profile in an organization vDC. Since: 5.1
type VdcStorageProfiles ¶
type VdcStorageProfiles struct {
VdcStorageProfile []*Reference `xml:"VdcStorageProfile,omitempty"`
VdcStorageProfiles is a container for references to storage profiles associated with a vDC. Element: VdcStorageProfiles Type: VdcStorageProfilesType Namespace: Description: Container for references to storage profiles associated with a vDC. Since: 5.1
type VendorTemplate ¶
type VendorTemplate struct { Name string `xml:"Name"` // Name of the vendor template. This is required. ID string `xml:"Id"` // ID of the vendor template. This is required. }
VendorTemplate is information about a vendor service template. This is optional. Type: VendorTemplateType Namespace: Description: Information about a vendor service template. This is optional. Since: 5.1
type VirtualHardwareConnection ¶
type VirtualHardwareConnection struct { IPAddress string `xml:"ipAddress,attr,omitempty"` PrimaryConnection bool `xml:"primaryNetworkConnection,attr,omitempty"` IpAddressingMode string `xml:"ipAddressingMode,attr,omitempty"` NetworkName string `xml:",chardata"` }
Connection info from ResourceType=10 (Network Interface)
type VirtualHardwareHostResource ¶
type VirtualHardwareHostResource struct { BusType int `xml:"busType,attr,omitempty"` BusSubType string `xml:"busSubType,attr,omitempty"` Capacity int `xml:"capacity,attr,omitempty"` StorageProfile string `xml:"storageProfileHref,attr,omitempty"` OverrideVmDefault bool `xml:"storageProfileOverrideVmDefault,attr,omitempty"` Disk string `xml:"disk,attr,omitempty"` }
HostResource info from ResourceType=17 (Hard Disk) Reference: vCloud API Programming Guide for Service Providers vCloud API 30.0, Page 188 - 189 def8435d-a54a-4923-b26a-e2d1915b09c3/vcloud_sp_api_guide_30_0.pdf
type VirtualHardwareItem ¶
type VirtualHardwareItem struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Item"` ResourceType int `xml:"ResourceType,omitempty"` ResourceSubType string `xml:"ResourceSubType,omitempty"` ElementName string `xml:"ElementName,omitempty"` Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` InstanceID int `xml:"InstanceID,omitempty"` AutomaticAllocation bool `xml:"AutomaticAllocation,omitempty"` Address string `xml:"Address,omitempty"` AddressOnParent int `xml:"AddressOnParent,omitempty"` AllocationUnits string `xml:"AllocationUnits,omitempty"` Reservation int `xml:"Reservation,omitempty"` VirtualQuantity int `xml:"VirtualQuantity,omitempty"` Weight int `xml:"Weight,omitempty"` CoresPerSocket int `xml:"CoresPerSocket,omitempty"` Connection []*VirtualHardwareConnection `xml:"Connection,omitempty"` HostResource []*VirtualHardwareHostResource `xml:"HostResource,omitempty"` Link []*Link `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // Reference: Parent int `xml:"Parent,omitempty"` }
Each ovf:Item parsed from the ovf:VirtualHardwareSection
type VirtualHardwareSection ¶
type VirtualHardwareSection struct { // Extends OVF Section_Type XMLName xml.Name `xml:"VirtualHardwareSection"` Xmlns string `xml:"vcloud,attr,omitempty"` Info string `xml:"Info"` HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` Item []*VirtualHardwareItem `xml:"Item,omitempty"` }
ovf:VirtualHardwareSection from VM struct
type Vms ¶
type Vms struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Vms"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr"` HREF string `xml:"href,attr"` VmReference *Reference `xml:"VmReference,omitempty"` }
Represents a list of virtual machines Reference: vCloud API 30.0 - VmsType