Kubescape is the first open-source tool for testing if Kubernetes is deployed securely according to multiple frameworks:
regulatory, customized company policies and DevSecOps best practices, such as the NSA-CISA and the MITRE ATT&CK® .
Kubescape scans K8s clusters, YAML files, and HELM charts, and detect misconfigurations and software vulnerabilities at early stages of the CI/CD pipeline and provides a risk score instantly and risk trends over time.
Kubescape integrates natively with other DevOps tools, including Jenkins, CircleCI and Github workflows.
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/armosec/kubescape/master/install.sh | /bin/bash
Install on windows
Install on macOS
kubescape scan --submit
Kubescape is an open source project, we welcome your feedback and ideas for improvement. We’re also aiming to collaborate with the Kubernetes community to help make the tests themselves more robust and complete as Kubernetes develops.
Click 👍 if you want us to continue to develop and improve Kubescape 😀
Being part of the team
We invite you to our team! We are excited about this project and want to return the love we get.
Want to contribute? Want to discuss something? Have an issue?
- Open a issue, we are trying to respond within 48 hours
- Join us in a discussion on our discord server!

Options and examples
Install on Windows
Requires powershell v5.0+
iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/armosec/kubescape/master/install.ps1 | iex
Note: if you get an error you might need to change the execution policy (i.e. enable Powershell) with
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
Install on macOS
brew tap armosec/kubescape
brew install kubescape
flag |
default |
description |
options |
-e /--exclude-namespaces |
Scan all namespaces |
Namespaces to exclude from scanning. Recommended to exclude kube-system and kube-public namespaces |
--include-namespaces |
Scan all namespaces |
Scan specific namespaces |
-s /--silent |
Display progress messages |
Silent progress messages |
-t /--fail-threshold |
0 (do not fail) |
fail command (return exit code 1) if result is below threshold |
0 -> 100 |
-f /--format |
pretty-printer |
Output format |
pretty-printer /json /junit /prometheus |
-o /--output |
print to stdout |
Save scan result in file |
--use-from |
Load local framework object from specified path. If not used will download latest |
--use-default |
false |
Load local framework object from default path. If not used will download latest |
true /false |
--exceptions |
Path to an exceptions obj. If not set will download exceptions from Armo management portal |
--submit |
false |
If set, Kubescape will send the scan results to Armo management portal where you can see the results in a user-friendly UI, choose your preferred compliance framework, check risk results history and trends, manage exceptions, get remediation recommendations and much more. By default the results are not sent |
true /false |
--keep-local |
false |
Kubescape will not send scan results to Armo management portal. Use this flag if you ran with the --submit flag in the past and you do not want to submit your current scan results |
true /false |
--account |
Armo portal account ID. Default will load account ID from configMap or config file |
--verbose |
false |
Display all of the input resources and not only failed resources |
true /false |
Usage & Examples
Scan a running Kubernetes cluster with nsa
framework and submit results to the Kubescape SaaS version
kubescape scan framework nsa --submit
Scan a running Kubernetes cluster with MITRE ATT&CK®
framework and submit results to the Kubescape SaaS version
kubescape scan framework mitre --submit
Scan a running Kubernetes cluster with a specific control using the control name or control ID. List of controls
kubescape scan control "Privileged container"
Scan specific namespaces
kubescape scan framework nsa --include-namespaces development,staging,production
Scan cluster and exclude some namespaces
kubescape scan framework nsa --exclude-namespaces kube-system,kube-public
kubescape scan framework nsa *.yaml
Scan kubernetes manifest files from a public github repository
kubescape scan framework nsa https://github.com/armosec/kubescape
Display all scanned resources (including the resources who passed)
kubescape scan framework nsa --verbose
kubescape scan framework nsa --format json --output results.json
kubescape scan framework nsa --format junit --output results.xml
kubescape scan framework nsa --format prometheus
Scan with exceptions, objects with exceptions will be presented as exclude
and not fail
Full documentation
kubescape scan framework nsa --exceptions examples/exceptions/exclude-kube-namespaces.json
Scan Helm charts - Render the helm chart using helm template
and pass to stdout
helm template [NAME] [CHART] [flags] --dry-run | kubescape scan framework nsa -
helm template bitnami/mysql --generate-name --dry-run | kubescape scan framework nsa -
Offline Support
Video tutorial
It is possible to run Kubescape offline!
First download the framework and then scan with --use-from
- Download and save in file, if file name not specified, will store save to
~/.kubescape/<framework name>.json
kubescape download framework nsa --output nsa.json
- Scan using the downloaded framework
kubescape scan framework nsa --use-from nsa.json
Scan Periodically using Helm - Contributed by @yonahd
You can scan your cluster periodically by adding a CronJob
that will repeatedly trigger kubescape
helm install kubescape examples/helm_chart/
Scan using docker image
Official Docker image quay.io/armosec/kubescape
docker run -v "$(pwd)/example.yaml:/app/example.yaml quay.io/armosec/kubescape scan framework nsa /app/example.yaml
Submit data manually
Use the submit
command if you wish to submit data manually
Submit scan results manually
First, scan your cluster using the json
format flag: kubescape scan framework <name> --format json --output path/to/results.json
Now you can submit the results to the Kubaescape SaaS version -
kubescape submit results path/to/results.json
How to build
Build using python (3.7^) script
Kubescape can be built using:
python build.py
Note: In order to built using the above script, one must set the environment
variables in this script:
- ArmoBEServer
- ArmoERServer
- ArmoWebsite
Build using go
Note: development (and the release process) is done with Go 1.17
- Clone Project
git clone https://github.com/armosec/kubescape.git kubescape && cd "$_"
- Build
go build -o kubescape .
- Run
./kubescape scan framework nsa
- Enjoy 🤪
Docker Build
Build your own Docker image
- Clone Project
git clone https://github.com/armosec/kubescape.git kubescape && cd "$_"
- Build
docker build -t kubescape -f build/Dockerfile .
Under the hood
Kubescape is running the following tests according to what is defined by Kubernetes Hardening Guidance by NSA and CISA
- Non-root containers
- Immutable container filesystem
- Privileged containers
- hostPID, hostIPC privileges
- hostNetwork access
- allowedHostPaths field
- Protecting pod service account tokens
- Resource policies
- Control plane hardening
- Exposed dashboard
- Allow privilege escalation
- Applications credentials in configuration files
- Cluster-admin binding
- Exec into container
- Dangerous capabilities
- Insecure capabilities
- Linux hardening
- Ingress and Egress blocked
- Container hostPort
- Network policies
- Symlink Exchange Can Allow Host Filesystem Access (CVE-2021-25741)
Kubescape based on OPA engine: https://github.com/open-policy-agent/opa and ARMO's posture controls.
The tools retrieves Kubernetes objects from the API server and runs a set of regos snippets developed by ARMO.
The results by default printed in a pretty "console friendly" manner, but they can be retrieved in JSON format for further processing.
Kubescape is an open source project, we welcome your feedback and ideas for improvement. We’re also aiming to collaborate with the Kubernetes community to help make the tests themselves more robust and complete as Kubernetes develops.