The devbot project is a development environment manager, that helps you manage your development environment, in the
most inclusive interpretation of the term:
User runs devctl bootstrap github --owner=OWNER --repo=REPO --pat=PAT
Repository created or updated
Deploy key is created in the given repository (using the given PAT)
Public key is stored in the repository
Private key is stored as a secret in the devbot namespace
Devbot deployment manifests committed to /.devbot directory in the repository
Devbot deployment manifests applied to the current cluster
Wait loop until Devbot becomes healthy & active
Save deploy-key in a secret in the devbot namespace
Repository and Application manifests created, pointing to the
User runs devctl bootstrap
Alpha. Do not use.
Review all calls to Requeue - many of those are failures that cannot be recovered from; something like "lastAttemptedCommitSHA" is needed in their place
Recreate the unit tests
Use slugged branch names as Environment and Deployment object names
Support remote clusters
Slugging must be intelligent and avoid conflicts when two different branch names would result in the same slug
Refactor conditions
All objects
Finalizing: is True if the object is being finalized
FailedToInitialize: is True if object initialization failed
Invalid: is True if object spec is invalid; for things that CRD cannot validate on its own
Unauthenticated: is True if authentication to Git provider could not be established
Stale: is True if an environment is missing or redundant or is stale itself
Stale: is True if an Deployment is missing or redundant or is stale itself
Cloning: is True if repository is being cloned
Baking: is True if resources manifest is being prepared
Applying: is True if resources manifest is being applied to the target cluster
Stale: is True if last applied commit is not the latest commit in the linked repository
Setup CI
Detect and fail on dead code
Build & publish Docker images
Build & publish devctl
Create a Makefile target that creates the local ignored files, using 1Password as a way to populate their values