Using AWS lambda and Golang implement the endpoints for Spotify Athorization Code Flow for mobile apps. The main idea is to make it easier to fork this code and deploy it for your integration with spotify authorization code workflow, normally used for mobile apps.
Spotify Documentation on Swap and Refresh
Using Go Gin with AWS Lambda
Swap Token: {{API_URL}}/spotify/swap
Refresh Token:{{API_URL}}/spotify/refreshtoken
- cd into /src/main
go get -u
dep init
dep ensure
- We use godep for package management see dep
go build main.go
- Make sure you do step 6 before zipping the project, otherwise the zip file won't have the latest build
zipping the exec file aws lambdas
- make sure to set GOHOSTARCH="amd64" and GOOS="linux" env vars
- cd to
and type chmod +x main
and zip main
- if you are in using windows cd into
and type bash
AWS Set up
Create Lambda
1) create Spotify lambda
2 Upload the zip file of your lambda to aws
3 Set env vars for lambda
4 Create an API with AWS API Gateway
5 Create Spotify Resource for your API
5.1 Create the other endpoints/resources with its methods
5.2 create the methods of the resources using lambda proxy integration
5.3 all endpoints and methods listed
6 deploy the your API
This is an important step if you do not deploy the api the endpoints won't be available outside API Gateway console